Savannah College of Art and Design - ITTPC
Savannah College of Art and Design - ITTPC
1. Training Program and Institution Details for Certification Savannah College of Art and Design Program name Learning Resource Hive Institution name Savannah College of Art and Design Program’s Webpage URL Address Link Learning Resource Hive Program’s Complete Mailing Address Savannah College of Art and Design 201 East Broughton Street Savannah, GA 31401 City, State, Zip Savannah, GA 31401 Primary contact person Mr. David Blake, director of Learning Assistance Programs Primary contact email Other contact person Ms. Emily Burke, administrative assistant, Learning Assistance Programs Other contact email Phone 912.525.5735 Fax 912.525.4731 2. Optional Questions Savannah College of Art and Design Primary contact is a CRLA Member No Type of Institution Other [4 year (Freshman – Senior) and Master’s level degrees] Funding Source Private 3. Certification Level Requested Certification Level Requested Using this Application Level 1 / Certified Tutor (1 year certification) 4. Non-refundable Fee Fee $150.00, Renewal (Level 1 is expiring after a 1 year certification) 5. Email Application Packet Email Subject USA, GA, Savannah College of Art and Design, Savannah Campus, Savannah, Learning Resource Hive – Level 1, RR, pt 1 6. Document Bibliography 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a brief statement of how your program accomplishes that criteria requirement; a brief description of how your program tracks/documents how the minimum requirement is ”Met”; enough examples/samples to enable CRLA Reviewers to verify the excellence of your program; a clear, descriptive title for each of your attached documents/files, with page number(s) specified; the complete listing of each document/file referenced in this application. Each academic quarter, tutors participate in a ten hour training program which builds upon their existing skill set with the goal of helping them work more effectively with students. All training sessions are required, however if a tutor misses training, they must complete an equivalent make-up assignment. Attendance for each training session is documented and tracked through sign-in sheets. The supervisor reviews training sign-in sheets to assure each tutor has met the required number of hours/topics for certification. Each training session incorporates seminar format with interactive components. Sessions can include guest speakers, role-playing, group discussions, and handouts. Training sessions are briefly explained (with referenced material) in the topic alignment, workshop description, and document bibliography sections of this document. In addition to training sessions, all tutors are required to be available to assist students a minimum of six hours per week throughout the quarter. With director approval, tutors can choose to work more hours. The Learning Resource Hive utilizes an online appointment system, Appointment Plus, to track all tutoring hours. Each tutor is required to “clock in” and “clock out” for each session. A report is generated each quarter which documents the total number of appointments/hours per tutor. A tutor can only be certified when they have completed all trainings and tutored for a minimum of 25 hours. Tutors must also receive a minimum of “4 out of 5” on their evaluation in order to receive certification. Evaluations are conducted quarterly, on a one-on-one basis, by the director of learning assistance programs. The following section further documents how the Learning Resource Hive meets the requirements for Level 1 certification. A. Amount/Duration of Tutor Training Extent of Compliance Documentation The requirement of Level 1 certification is met. The Learning Resource Hive offers the minimum of 10 hours of tutor training each quarter. Sample Attendance Sheet Sample Training Schedule Topic Alignment Workshop Descriptions B. Modes of Tutor Training Extent of Compliance Documentation The requirement of Level 1 certification is met. The Learning Resource Hive offers 10 hours of face-to-face, supervised, interactive training each quarter utilizing handouts and other supplemental activities. Topic Alignment Workshop Descriptions C. Areas/Topics to be Covered in Tutor Training Extent of Compliance Documentation The requirement of Level 1 certification is exceeded. Each quarter, the Learning Resource Hive covers the minimum of eight topic areas plus several additional areas of importance to the institution. Topic Alignment Workshop Descriptions D. Required Tutor Experience Extent of Compliance Documentation The requirement of Level 1 certification is met. The Learning Resource Hive requires 25 hours of actual tutoring experience. Sample Tutor Experience and Workshop Attendance Report Session Data - Winter 2011 Peer Tutor Drop-in Sheet E. Tutor Selection Criteria Extent of Compliance Documentation The requirement of Level 1 certification is met. The Learning Resource Hive requires applicants have: a grade of “A” or “B” in the subject content being tutored, written approval (recommendation) of a faculty member, department chair, or school dean, and an interview with the director of learning assistance programs. Peer Tutor Application Learning Resource Hive Recommendation Form F. Tutor Evaluation Criteria Extent of Compliance Documentation The requirement of Level 1 certification is met. The Learning Resource Hive has a formal evaluation process in place which occurs on a regular basis (annually). The results of the evaluation process are shared with the tutors. Report of Peer Tutor Performance Peer Tutor Evaluation Sample Tutor Experience and Workshop Attendance Report Session Data – Winter 2011 Academic Year 2010-11 Report Application Narrative Responses 7. Are there any projected changes in your tutor training program in the upcoming academic year? If so, please describe the planned changes, and clearly reference any pertinent documentation you are including to verify your continued adherence to the requirement guidelines for each level you are requesting continued certification. Be sure to list any added documents within Section “6. Document Bibliography” The Learning Resource Hive is committed to preparing effective tutors. Training sessions are continuously reviewed and revised to ensure currency of the workshop material, examples, and application of the skills gained in an art and design environment. In order to actively engage tutors who have completed the requirements for certification and are still employed with the Learning Resource Hive, new training sessions that are aligned with CRLA required topics will be developed. Finally, the Learning Resource Hive will also enhance its collaboration with other student support service groups to expand services in order to meet the needs of more students. 8. Please indicate any and all concerns/issues, pros and cons, that arose in the administration of certification requirements for the level(s) you are currently certified for. Since CRLA’s approval (Level 1) of the Learning Resource Hive in August 2010, the total number of completed appointments by tutors has increased from 1,213 during the 2009-10 academic year to 1,412 completed appointments as of the end of winter quarter 2011. With the support of a cadre of efficient administrative staff and dedicated tutors, the Learning Resource Hive did not encounter problems or concerns in terms of the administration of the certification requirements. In addition, the certification requirements provide the tutor program with an overarching framework for continuing the tutor training program and serves as a valuable tool in training future tutors. 9. How has the certification process benefited you, your tutors, your program, and/or, your institution? Also, let us know if you would be willing to allow us post your comments (named or anonymously) to use as a valuable resource toward documenting and improving the quality and components of CRLA’s ITPC. Thank you, The ITPC Team. The certification has provided the Learning Resource Hive with a valuable way of promoting the services to current students, demonstrating SCAD’s commitment to ensuring student success. At SCAD, peer tutors are an extremely valuable asset in providing educational support services. In 2010, over 98% of surveyed students reported that they would recommend the tutoring program to a fellow student and 93% agreed that their tutor had excellent knowledge of their subject matter. Through the certification process, tutors have received well-deserved, national recognition. (named) 10. Submit the names, levels, and certification dates of your tutors who have already earned certificates, or, that you anticipate will earn their certificate before the expiration of the current certificate you are renewing. Last Name First Name Level Certification Date Chakravarthy Vijay Level I November 12, 2010 Doshi Garland Ricky Brigitte Level I Level I March 11, 2011 March 11, 2011 Gutoski Hellinger Nate Laura Level I Level I March 11, 2011 November 12, 2010 Horal Jones Jeff Lauren Level I Level I March 11, 2011 November 12, 2010 Kim Lee Lima Malavasi Malloy Morris Moten Ortiz Rao Reynolds Segall Wanamaker Wang Willis Wilson Wu Yao Zhou Seo Chris Alvaro Maria Renee Kirk Will Eduardo Chaitrasri Cliff Lauren Andrew Yang Caitlin Kelsey Gloria Anderli Julie Level I Level I Level I Level I Level I Level I Level I Level I Level I Level I Level I Level I Level I Level I Level I Level I Level I Level I March 11, 2011 March 11, 2011 November 12, 2010 November 12, 2010 March 11, 2011 November 12, 2010 March 11, 2011 November 12, 2010 November 12, 2010 November 12, 2010 November 12, 2010 November 12, 2010 March 11, 2011 March 11, 2011 November 12, 2010 November 12, 2010 March 11, 2011 March 11, 2011 Bibliography “Academic year 2010-2011 Report.” Learning Resource Hive. Savannah College of Art and Design. Academic Skills Center, Dartmouth College. “Active Study.” Available online at under “Concentration and Memory.” “Authorization for Release of Information.” FERPA Guidelines. Savannah College of Art and Design. “Benjamin Bloom’s Taxonomy: Critical Thinking,” Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook I: The Cognitive Domain. New York: David McKay Co. Inc. “Goal Setting.” PowerPoint presentation created by Life Coach, Lynn Ashworth. Career Development Specialist. Savannah College of Art and Design. “Guessing Game,” Free team building ideas. Available online at: “Final Tips from a Recovering Procrastinator.” Savannah College of Art and Design. “How to Manage your Time: Research Papers.” Savannah College of Art and Design. “Learning Resource Hive: Peer Tutor Handbook” Savannah College of Art and Design. p5-6;9-12;17. Learning Resource Hive. “Recommendation form.” Savannah College of Art and Design. “Learning Styles: An Introduction.” LEARN North Carolina. Available online at “Managing Stress,” PowerPoint presentation created by Don Musick. Counseling and Student Support Services. Savannah College of Art and Design. “Memory Principles: Quick Reference Guide for Brain Compatible Learning Principles.” PowerPoint presentation presented by Analia Mendez, Director of the Learning Resource Hive. Savannah College of Art and Design. “Modeling Problem Solving,” PowerPoint presentation created by Analia Mendez, Director of the Learning Resource Hive. Savannah College of Art and Design “Peer Tutor Application.” Savannah College of Art and Design. “Report of Peer Tutor Performance.” Savannah College of Art and Design. “Responding to NNES (Non-Native English Speakers) Writing,” PowerPoint created by Jan Fluitt-Dupuy, Director of ESL, Savannah College of Art and Design. “Responding to NNES (Non-Native English Speakers) Writing,” handout created by Jan Fluitt-Dupuy, Director of ESL at Savannah College of Art and Design. “The Art of Critical Thinking,” PowerPoint presentation created by Analia Mendez, Director of the Learning Resource Hive, Savannah College of Art and Design. “The Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator,” adapted from the Meyers-Briggs Personality Types. “Tips for Good Writing.” The Writing Center. Savannah College of Art and Design. “Where to Study/How to Study.” Academic Skills Center at Dartmouth College. Available online at (click for information) Workshop Supporting Material (click for information) Tutor Role and Responsibilities 2 Accelerated Learning Strategies 1 x Learning Styles 1 x Critical Thinking Skills 1 Stress Management 1 Modeling Problem Solving 1 Study Skills 1 x Goal Setting and Planning 1 x Working with International Students 1 x x x x x x x x x x Stress Management Topics to be Covered in Tutor Training (minimum of 8) International Learners Modeling Problem Solving Compliance with the Ethics and Philosophy of the Tutor Program / Sexual Harassment / Plagiarism Critical Thinking Skills Study Skills Referral Skills Active Listening and Paraphrasing Communication Skills Setting Goals / Planning Role Modeling Assertiveness / Handling Difficult Students Workshop Information Adult Learners / Learning Theory / Learning Styles Techniques for Successfully Beginning and Ending a Tutor Session Basic Tutoring Guidelines / Tutoring do’s / Tutoring don’ts Definition of Tutoring and Tutor Responsibilities SCAD Workshops Workshop Description Workshop Hours Learning Resource Hive –Topic Alignment Additional Topics Covered x x x x Tutor Role and Responsibilities SCAD Workshop Description This workshop is the introductory session for Learning Resource Hive tutors. It also serves as an “update” session for continuing tutors. Instructors provide an overview of the Learning Resource Hive as well as an overview of the peer tutor handbook. Instructors outline the expectations of a tutor, the responsibilities of participants, appropriate conduct, confidentiality, and the importance of safety while tutoring. Possible resources for referral are also discussed. Workshop Delivery Face-to-face workshop including facilitator lecture and tutor interaction. Workshop Materials Used / Documentation Peer Tutor Handbook (pages 5-6; 9-12; 17). 2 hours offered quarterly. Return to Topic Alignment Learning Resource Hive Workshop Hours Accelerated Learning Strategies SCAD Workshop Description This workshop provides information about various strategies for learning. During this workshop, tutors are exposed to methods effective when learning different types of information. Tips on time management and communicating ideas through writing are also discussed. Workshop Delivery Face-to-face workshop including facilitator lecture and tutor interaction. Workshop Materials Used / Documentation “How to Manage your Time: Research Papers” “Final Tips from a Recovering Procrastinator” Workshop Hours 1 hour offered quarterly. Return to Topic Alignment Learning Resource Hive “Tips for Good Writing” Learning Styles SCAD Workshop Description During this workshop, tutors are exposed to methods effective when working with students of various learning styles. The workshop utilizes personality and learning style assessment to spark discussion and raise awareness of various learning styles. Tips for working with students during tutoring sessions are also discussed in this workshop. Workshop Delivery Face-to-face workshop including facilitator lecture and tutor interaction (discussion). Workshop Materials Used / Documentation “Learning Styles: An introduction: Learning Styles Assessment”. Nystrom, P. “Learning Styles: An introduction”. LEARN North Carolina, January 2010. Workshop Hours 1 hour offered quarterly. Return to Topic Alignment Learning Resource Hive “The Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator,” adapted from the Meyer-Briggs Personality Types. Critical Thinking Skills SCAD Workshop Description This workshop provides an overview of how students employ a disciplined process to conceptualize, apply, analyze, synthesize, and/or evaluate information as a means of solving complex problems or making decisions. Workshop Delivery Face-to-face workshop including facilitator lecture and tutor interaction (group discussion). Workshop Materials Used / Documentation “Benjamin Bloom’s Taxonomy: Critical Thinking,” Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook I: The Cognitive Domain. New York: David McKay Co. Inc. Workshop Hours 1 hour offered quarterly. Return to Topic Alignment Learning Resource Hive “The Art of Critical Thinking,” PowerPoint presentation created by Analia Mendez, Director of the Learning Resource Hive, Savannah College of Art and Design. Stress Management SCAD Workshop Description This workshop provides an overview of the sources of stress and also highlights ways of managing stress. During this workshop, facilitators lead discussions on the sources of stress for tutors and students. The workshop provides tutors with information on how to balance coping and support as well as how students perceive factors related to their stressors. Stress management information is also provided. Workshop Delivery Face-to-face workshop including facilitator lecture and tutor interaction (group discussion). Workshop Materials Used / Documentation Workshop Hours 1 hour offered quarterly. Return to Topic Alignment Learning Resource Hive “Managing Stress,” Power Point presentation created by Don Musick. SCAD Counseling and Student Support Services. Modeling Problem Solving SCAD Workshop Description This workshop introduces tutors to strategies for creative problem solving. Also included in this workshop is information about using active listening and paraphrasing during tutoring sessions. Workshop Delivery Face-to-face workshop including facilitator lecture and tutor interaction. Workshop Materials Used / Documentation “Guessing Game,” Free Team Building Ideas. Available online at: Workshop Hours 1 hour offered quarterly. Return to Topic Alignment Learning Resource Hive “Modeling Problem Solving,” PowerPoint presentation created by Analia Mendez, Director of the Learning Resource Hive, Savannah College of Art and Design. Study Skills SCAD Workshop Description This workshop concentrates on the challenges facing tutors in the areas of organization, study skills, and time management. This workshop includes training in: creating a study schedule, getting organized, avoiding procrastination, prioritizing, setting goals, and discovering better options. Workshop Delivery Face-to-face workshop including facilitator lecture and tutor interaction. Workshop Materials Used / Documentation “Active Study”, Academic Skills Center at Dartmouth College. “Concentration and Memory” section. “Where to Study/How to Study,” Academic Skills Center at Dartmouth College. Workshop Hours 1 hour offered quarterly. Return to Topic Alignment Learning Resource Hive “Memory Principles: Quick Reference Guide for Brain Compatible Learning Principles,” PowerPoint presentation presented by Analia Mendez, Director of the Learning Resource Hive at Savannah College of Art and Design. Goal Setting and Planning SCAD Workshop Description This workshop provides tutors with methods of reviewing their student’s goals. The workshop provides information on how to devise plans of action for achieving goals. Workshop Delivery Face-to-face workshop including facilitator lecture and tutor interaction. Workshop Materials Used / Documentation “Goal Setting,” Power Point presentation created by Life Coach, Lynn Ashworth, Career Development Specialist, Savannah College of Art and Design. Workshop Hours Return to Topic Alignment Learning Resource Hive 1 hour offered quarterly. Working with International Students SCAD Workshop Description This workshop concentrates on specific areas that are essential when tutoring non-native English speakers. Topics covered in this workshop include: tutoring do’s and don’ts, learning styles, communication styles, and referral skills. Workshop Delivery Face-to-face workshop including facilitator lecture and tutor interaction. Workshop Materials Used / Documentation “Responding to NNES (Non-Native English Speakers) Writing,” PowerPoint created by Jan Fluitt-Dupuy, Director of ESL, Savannah College of Art and Design. Workshop Hours 1 hour offered quarterly. Return to Topic Alignment Learning Resource Hive “Responding to NNES (Non-Native English Speakers) Writing,” handout created by Jan Fluitt-Dupuy, Director of ESL at Savannah College of Art and Design. Learning Resource Hive Peer Tutor Training Information for Tutor Role and Responsibilities Return to Topic Alignment Savannah College of Art and Design Learning Resource Hive Peer Tutor Handbook Spring 2011 Jen Library, room 218 Table of Contents 1. Learning Resource Hive Overview ……………………3-4 2. Peer Tutor Position Descriptions………………………5-6 3. Peer Tutoring………….………………………………..9-12 4. Peer Tutor Connection……………………….………13-16 5. Tutor Code of Conduct and Guidelines………………..17 6. Peer Tutor Acknowledgement Form……………………18 2 Learning Resource Hive provides opportunities for student learning by offering a variety of supplemental programs designed to provide students with individual attention focused on their specific academic needs. Learning assistance is designated by subject or course and is provided to students free of charge. The Learning Resource Hive is located in Jen Library, room 218. However, tutoring and workshops take place in various locations depending on request. Programs: Peer Tutor Connection is an online appointment system that enables students to book appointments online 24/7. Students can make individual appointments with peer tutors or simply drop-in during scheduled tutoring hours. Individual tutoring is available in most subjects and at various major building locations throughout SCAD Savannah. Online tutoring appointments for eLearning or nontraditional students are also available via SCAD Connect and can be requested through Peer Tutor Connection. Once an appointment is booked, a confirmation email will be sent to the student with detailed information on the date, time, location or link, and name of the tutor assigned. Also, please note that there is a 24 hour cancellation policy with all tutoring appointments. Who are SCAD Peer Tutors? Peer tutors are upper level, high achieving students who assist fellow students with courses. Peer tutors do not provide answers or solutions to homework assignments, but instead work with the student in an effort to model problem-solving strategies and explain course-specific concepts. EL Guides EL guides are trained in language teaching methods and the tutorial process. They possess native or near-native proficiency in English with a GPA of 3.5 or above. EL guides serve three types of students: 1) students in levels 5 and 6 of the SCAD ESL program, 2) former ESL students, or 3) non-native speakers of English who have been exempted from ESL courses. EL guides may help with assignments in academic classes, provide general assistance in reading, and refer students to academic resources and programs for assistance. They also serve as conversation partners to help students build English fluency, increase confidence, and learn more about the university culture. Peer Tutor Connection Access: Student Portal: 1. MySCAD Student Workspace Tab 2. Scroll down to Learning Resource Network Bee Skilled Workshops are designed to promote student success and enhance academic learning skills. Specialized workshops include a series of quarterly workshops open to all 3 class levels. Workshops are led by the Learning Resource Hive staff along with partner Learning Resource Network programs. Workshops Survive College by Managing Time Effectively: Students will learn how to organize, plan, prioritize and get projects and assignments done on time, as well as how to best utilize time. To join the online workshop: Study Techniques = Academic Success: A brief learning assessment will provide student participants with insight on best learning approach and techniques that are aligned with their unique learning style. To join the online workshop: Enter the following login information: Username: SCAD Password: SCADc21! Test Anxiety: Students will learn how to study, prepare for tests, and techniques that will help with test anxiety. Students will become aware of what works and what doesn't! To join the online meeting: Enter the following login information: Username: SCAD Password: SCADc21! Please visit MySCAD, Learning Resource Hive page for upcoming SCAD-Savannah workshops on-location and technical workshops. Peer Tutor Role: • Assists with specific course-related concepts and problems • Facilitates development of effective study skills and problem-solving • Identifies strengths to reach learning milestones • Motivates and works with learning styles 4 • The ultimate goal of peer tutoring is to assist students in becoming independent learners. SCAD Peer Tutor-Level I Position Description The Learning Resource Hive is currently seeking qualified peer tutors to tutor math, metals and jewelry, interior design and others. Peer tutors are expected to be reliable, empathetic, and able to work with diverse student populations. In addition, if the peer tutor is tutoring a major that in offered online, the tutor may be selected to be an online or eLearning tutor. Peer tutors provide one-on-one individual sessions in person or online by appointment or drop-in. This is a work study paid ($10.00 p/hr) position Tasks and Responsibilities: • • • • • • • • Maintain a consistent tutoring schedule throughout the quarter Attend six mandatory trainings per quarter Coordinate and present specialized student workshops Market Peer Tutor Connection and provide outreach support at special student events Maintain communication with the coordinators and managers of Peer Tutor Connection Manage online peer tutor schedule as needed (i.e. check online for appointments, confirm and communicate with student seeking assistance) Make student referrals to other departments when appropriate Provide online tutoring Peer Tutor Requirements: • • • • • • • Work-study eligibility (contact Work-study office at 912-525-8776 for details) Minimum overall GPA of 3.5 cumulative or above (transcripts are checked on a quarterly basis) Junior, senior, or graduate standing Faculty, chair or dean recommendation in the tutoring subject area Interview with the Director of Learning Resource Programs Good organizational, time management and communication skills is a must Enjoy working with and helping others Benefits of Being a Peer Tutor: • • • Develop interpersonal communication skills Demonstrate student leadership on campus Meet diverse groups of students across a variety of academic disciplines 5 • • • Reinforce and build knowledge of course content Flexible work hours around classes Earn a paid campus position SCAD EL Guide Position Description English Language (EL) Guides act as resources for international students who may need ongoing support in English while pursuing a degree at SCAD. EL guides serve three types of international students: 1) students in levels 5 and 6 of the SCAD ESL program, 2) former ESL students, or 3) students who have been exempted from ESL courses. EL guides may help with assignments in academic classes and can provide general assistance in reading and refer students to academic resources and programs for assistance. They also serve as conversation partners to help students build English fluency, increase confidence, and learn more about the university culture. EL guides receive training in language teaching and learning and the tutorial process. EL Guides must: • • • • • Have native or near-native proficiency in English Have a grade point average of 3.5 Have excellent skills in reading and writing Have a working knowledge of English grammar Be eligible for work-study Pay is $10/hour; hours will be between 4-6 hours per week during the quarter. Contact Emily Burke or Jan Fluitt-Dupuy for more information. 6 Work Study Work study eligibility Students must be verified for work study eligibility by the Student Employment Coordinator in the Turner Express Office prior to starting the tutoring position. Potential tutors who assist students without completing the proper employment paperwork will not be paid for those hours. In addition, all students must be enrolled in two courses or more in order to maintain eligibility, unless the student is completing their last graduation quarter. Once hired, students must complete the Federal Form I-9 via Guardian, the online I-9 system. Students will receive an email notification including a user name and password (provided in a separate email). You must log into the system to complete Section I of the electronic I-9 and provide supporting documentation (samples included in the online form packet). You MUST schedule a time to present your items to a representative of the Student Employment Office to finish the process. Students ARE NOT CLEARED to work until notification is provided to the supervisor stating all necessary documentation has been submitted and recorded. Hours of Operation: Savannah Monday - Friday 8:30am-4:00pm Walk-ins 8:30am-12:30pm Appointments Only 12:30pm-3:45pm (I-9 verification by appointment only) Time sheets Time sheets are the official record by which the peer tutors are paid. Students must submit work-study time sheets to Stephanie Braddy. Completed time sheets are due to Emily Burke in person or scanned, signed and then emailed (email: by 5:00 on the Thursday prior to the listed deadline. Department Code: 21103-764 Payroll calendar 2010 and 2011 VERY IMPORTANT: Because of the direct deposit transfer, if you do not turn in a timesheet by the deadline date & time, you will not get paid until the next pay date. Please go to MySCAD Student Employment page to view current schedule and information on pay. 7 Students are responsible for: • • • • Ensuring that time sheets are submitted in a timely manner Ensuring that time sheets are legible and complete Ensuring that they do not work during scheduled class time or more than 40 hours per pay period. Time sheets must be completed in blue or black ink. Paydays are every other Friday. Review a payroll calendar for exact dates. Checks either will be deposited directly into student's checking or savings accounts or mailed to student’s current mailing address. There is a $30 reprocessing fee for all lost or misplaced checks (this amount must be paid in full before the check is reproduced). All students may view their check stubs on Ms under the My Info tab. For more information, contact the Student Employment Office at The Student Employment Office is located at SCAND-Savannah in the Turner Express Office, 302 NW. Boundary St. and at SCAND-Atlanta in the Student Resource Center, RN 129, 1600 Peach St. SCAD-Savannah Michele Eversol Student Employment Coordinator 912.525.8776 8 Peer Tutoring Scheduled tutoring hours Peer tutors will be scheduled certain work hours in a designated building and room. These are the hours that tutors are expected to work each week. These hours are designed to provide students with a reliable place and time for tutoring opportunities, so prompt arrival, adherence to scheduled hours, and physical presence in the designated tutoring location is expected. We will review schedules at the beginning of the quarter and at midterm to evaluate need. In the event that adjustments need to be made to better accommodate student traffic; tutors will be asked for a new working schedule for the quarter. Location and rooms The Learning Resource Hive is located in Jen Library in room 218. However, please keep in mind that tutoring takes place in various locations on campus depending on the subject matter and tools that are need during the tutoring session. When possible, peer tutors will be assigned one designated building and room location. If the designated location does not work for any reason, it is the peer tutors responsibility to contact LRH staff immediately. eLearning tutoring via SCAD Connect will also take place in the assigned location. Checking in/out Peer tutors will check in/out via the new online Peer Tutor Connection system that can be accessed online at Peer tutors will be expected to periodically login the system to monitor their peer tutoring appointments and schedules. Drop-in sessions will not be tracked on Peer Tutor Connection at this time. However, drop-ins will be accounted for by having the student fill out the drop-in slip at the beginning of the tutoring session. Drop-in sheets will then be turned in at the same time timesheets are turned in to LRH staff. Upon completion of the scheduled work hours, peer tutors will check out using the time clock tab. Students will be paid based on Peer Tutor Connection time clock reports and work-study time sheets. To clock in/out: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Select Time Clock from the menu tabs at top of the page of Select the link for Clock In/Out on left side of next page. Select tutor name from drop down menu. Click the Clock In button. After work shift is completed, click the Clock Out button. Tutors who do not clock in or out and/or don’t fill out their work-study timesheets may not be paid for those scheduled hours. 9 Unscheduled tutoring Tutors will only be paid for the number of hours that are scheduled and approved by the LRH staff. If a student approaches a tutor for assistance outside of that tutor’s scheduled hours, the tutor should check the schedule to see when other tutors are available to assist with that subject during alternate times. Only if the student cannot meet during any of the tutors’ scheduled hours or if they have a verifiable schedule conflict with scheduled tutoring times will additional hours be added to the tutor’s schedule. Again, this must be coordinated and approved through LRH. Drop-in appointments Peer tutors should be prepared for a number of students who drop by the designated tutoring location without appointments. Tutors should make every effort to assist as many students as possible. Time management is essential to maximize assistance to students. If a student drops in while the tutor is with another student, the tutor should advise the second student to either wait or schedule an appointment through the Peer Tutor Connection system. Appointments should always be given preference over drop- ins. Mandatory peer tutor training Peer tutors will be required to attend a minimum of ten 60 minute training meetings with other peer tutors as well as the coordinators of the program. During these meetings, tutors will discuss tutoring topics, scenarios and practice tutoring techniques. Coordinators and other college staff will conduct workshops on a variety of topics related to tutoring. These meetings will be valuable spaces in which to discuss happenings with tutoring as well as continue development as a tutor. Students will be paid for attending meetings. If you miss a training session, it is your responsibility to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Get the information you missed Make up the training Let David Blake know the session you will attend in order to make up your session. If mandatory training hours are not completed by the end of each quarter, your certification and employment will be in jeopardy for the following quarter. CRLA Certification: Peer Tutor-Level I In order to get certified through the College Reading and Learning Association you must: 1. 2. 3. 4. Complete 25 hours or more of student contact tutoring per quarter Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above Complete 10 hours of peer tutor training per quarter All peer tutors must be certified by the end of the quarter in order to maintain employment. Absences and tardiness 10 In order to garner student confidence in the tutoring program, it is essential that tutors be reliable in attending all scheduled tutoring sessions. If a tutor is unable to report to work for any reason, s/he should notify David Blake, Director of Learning Assistance Programs via email at with a detailed explanation of the absence. In addition, Ms. Emily Burke at should be copied and your direct supervisor. If there is advanced knowledge that there will be an absence, it is the peer tutor’s responsibility to rearrange coverage and reschedule tutoring appointments via Peer Tutor Connection. However, if the absence is unforeseen and due to an emergency or an illness, then an LRH representative will attempt to coordinate coverage with another peer tutor on staff. If coverage is not possible, an LRH representative will notify the student that their appointment will be rescheduled. In the event of an absence, the peer tutor will arrange for a sign to be placed at the designated tutoring location indicating the hour change for the day. Unreported, frequent absences and tardiness will be grounds for termination. Please refer to the work study Grounds for Immediate Termination section. Peer tutor attendance will be taken at every meeting. Marketing to students/faculty Self promotion In order for the tutoring program to be a success, it is important that peer tutors establish themselves as content experts. One of the best ways to start this identification process is to reach out to faculty who teach in the tutor’s subject area(s). This can be informal, as in mentioning tutoring hours to professors either in class or in the hallways, or it can be more directed, such as emailing all faculty in the subject area or sending word to the department chair for distribution. Similarly, promoting services to students themselves is critical to establishing the tutoring relationship. Classroom announcements, student involvement activities, and physical marketing are just a few ways to get the word out to students. Identification and visibility Each tutor will be provided with a name tag and a tutoring sign. Name tags should be worn to each session as an identifier. Additionally, tutors will receive a Peer Tutor Connection sign. These signs should be placed at the designated tutoring site when the tutor is on duty. Tutors are responsible for keeping up with the signs and name tags, so keep a close eye on them! SCAD- Learning Resource Hive property The peer tutor may be issued LRH property or equipment and are to be used solely for the purpose intended. Property should be kept in good condition and returned in the condition in which it was checked out. When checking out at the end of employment the 11 peer tutor will present the borrowed property in the condition that it was returned. Otherwise, a student hold may be placed on your record and/or a replacement of the same brand and quality must be purchased. Peer tutor evaluation The Director of Learning Assistance programs will provide you with an end of the quarter evaluation. Evaluation will determine future employment. The evaluation will be based on the following guidelines: 1. Quality of work 2. Student feedback and evaluations 3. Professional Judgment 4. Contribution to the Learning Resource Hive: Peer Tutor Connection Program 12 Peer Tutor Connection Appointment-Plus is online software that is used to allow students to securely book their own peer tutor appointments. It also allows internal staff to book appointments through the administrative site Peer tutors and staff will have access to the site as location users, which will allow staff to see other peer tutor appointments. Student appointment process • MySCAD Student Workspace tab > Learning Resource Hive > Peer Tutor Connection A confirmation email will be sent to the student that will provide detailed information on the date, time, location and name of the tutor assigned. Once the appointment has been confirmed, it is recommended that the student identify the challenge area(s) and is prepared with material necessary for the tutoring session. I need assistance with section There is a section on the student appointment site that will ask for specific information on the type of assistance that is needed. This is to be completed by the student prior to each tutoring session. This section will also appear on the peer tutor student confirmation email when the tutor session is booked. It is the peer tutor’s responsibility to view and prepare ahead of time for the peer tutoring session. Peer tutor appointment process To access the administrative appointment system, peer tutors will go to and enter their assigned log-in and password. Once the peer tutor is logged in, s/he may change their password and update their information. The peer tutor will then click on their name to the left of the screen and click on their schedule session date. A box with the following information will appear to the right of the screen. Alan Koda W1 W2 W3 M 5:00pm | 6:00pm | 7:00pm | 8:00pm | 9:00pm | 13 Reserve time When QR is clicked, a new screen will appear that will show the following information: Reserve time is not used to book appointments. It is used to block out unavailable time. To book appointments, click on the white area to the right of the Q and R boxes. Reason Time 6:00pm 7:00pm Add Reserved Time Reservation time can be used to block out time when a peer tutor is not available. This feature can be used when a peer tutor is out sick or has a meeting with a supervisor during their work schedule. Scheduling a student appointment When the blank space next to QR is clicked, a new screen will appear that will allow the peer tutor to book student appointments. The bolded text is required information that must be completed to finalize the appointment. Make Appointment Finalize Appointment Braddy, Stephanie or enter student information below First Name Last Name Daytime Phone With Alan Koda Room Session Duration Date Thursday, September 17, 2009 Cell Phone SCAD E-mail Student ID# Time 6:00pm Status Special Instructions for Student Major 14 view Referred By Please list specific areas that you need help w ith. Appointment Notes (internal only) Type one-time appointment Send appointment e-mail to student Send appointment e-mail to tutor Created Analia Mendez By Student Notes (internal only) Finalize Appointment Cancellation policy There is a 24 hour cancellation policy with all tutoring appointments. Once again there are two methods that a tutoring appointment can be canceled. The first is via the student site, Peer Tutor Connection and the second is via the administrative site, Appointment status change Appointment status will change as the student books, completes or cancels the appointment session. It will also change when a peer tutor or LRH staff member changes the status of the appointment. It is imperative that when an appointment is completed, the tutor change the status from scheduled or confirmed to complete. Color codes: White = Open session Gray = Reserved 15 Dark Gray = Unavailable Yellow = Scheduled Blue = Confirmed Gold = Complete Pink = No show Red = Reschedule Open Reserved Unavailable Scheduled Confirmed Complete Reschedule No Show show on side When the session is completed the tutor will change the status from confirmed to complete. If there is a no show, the tutor will change the status from confirmed to no show. 3:00pm Poetter Hall | Student Name GRDS 243 Digital Page and... | 555-5 | | 000846065 [add] A status change can be made by clicking on color desired and then the add link. Evaluations Completed peer tutor appointments and session evaluation An online evaluation is to be completed by the student after the session has ended and the peer tutor has changed the appointment status from reserved to complete. Once the status is changed, an email will be sent to the student requesting them to fill out an evaluation. Peer tutors will encourage students to fill out the evaluation as it will provide the LRH valuable information on the peer tutor performance as well as help improve student services. Evaluation reminder cards should be handed to the student after the session is over. To access the evaluation form click on: Please note that there is a new link that is created every quarter and it must be obtained for drop-in evaluations. 16 Tutor Code of Conduct and Guidelines As employees and representatives of the college, peer tutors are expected to provide professional learning assistance services to students. It is important to have a clear understanding of the expectations and guidelines that will assist in providing high quality student services. 1. Confidentiality of tutor /tutee working relationship. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) guidelines are essential and should be followed. Please refer to FERPA handout. 2. All tutoring will occur on SCAD property. For reasons of liability and security, off campus tutoring is not permitted. 3. If, at any time, a tutor feels uncomfortable with a student or vice versa, the student should alert David Blake, Director of Learning Assistance Programs at (912) 5254741 and other arrangements will be made. If there is an immediate threat call 911 or call SCAD security at (912) 525-4500. 4. Tutors are departmental representatives, and therefore should not engage in conversations that are derogatory toward faculty or the college. 5. Tutors should dress in a manner that is appropriate and respectable. Peer tutors working around equipment should not wear loose-fitting or dangling clothes or accessories that might get caught in equipment. Refer to building and lab emergency red manuals. 6. Sexual Harassment/Harassment: SCAD is committed to providing a work environment that is free of discrimination and harassment. Actions, words, jokes or comments based on an individual's sex, race, ethnicity, age, religion is prohibited. 7. No alcohol or drugs will be promoted or consumed while or during working hours. 8. Deliberate destruction of SCAD property will result in termination. 9. Peer tutors will read the SCAD Student Employment Guide for work study. In addition review Grounds for Immediate Termination section. 10. Failure to comply with any of the above can lead to employment termination. 17 Peer Tutor Acknowledgement Form I ____________________________by signing this document, I certify that I was provided a copy of the Learning Resource Hive student handbook for Spring ‘11. Should I have any questions, I will bring them to my supervisor’s attention immediately. I also acknowledge that it is my responsibility to read the complete student handbook Peer tutor signature:_____________________________________ Date:____________ 18 Learning Resource Hive Peer Tutor Training Information for Accelerated Learning Strategies Return to Topic Alignment How to Manage Your Time: Research Papers Completed? Task Understand your assignment Select topic Plan Your Steps Head to library for researching purposes Get overview of your topic Description Ask professor for all details and requirements and suggestions. How many pages? How many sources? Types of sources? Are websites ok? Use textbook to get ideas, then ask professor/librarian what they think. Be open to adjusting topic slightly later on, if necessary. Give yourself a week to get sources, a week to write, maybe a couple of extra days, too, just in case. Look for room in your schedule for long study periods. Can you spend a Sunday afternoon at the library? Force deadlines upon yourself. When will you have to finish researching? Your rough draft? Etc. Plan on spending at least 2 long stretches of time at library, gathering sources. Bring everything you need with you: a copy of your assignment, paper and pen, SCAD ID card, flash drive, money for copier, your textbook. Start with a reference book or your textbook. Get an overview of your topic, so you know what to look for as you research. Why is your topic important? What do you know about it? Take some notes. Amount of Time 15 minutes – 2 days (if waiting on email) 1 hour – 2 days (if you’re waiting on an email) 15-30 minutes to plan when you will complete each step of this process. Write it in a calendar, and stick to it! Good rule of thumb: 2 hours of research for every 3 pages you have to write. 20-30 minutes Make a list of search terms Find books Find articles (Get help from a librarian) Stay organized and keep track of sources Prepare to write Make a list of all the possible search terms you may want to use. Answer the following questions about your topic: who, what, when, why, where and how. These terms will make searching easier in your next step. Using the search terms list you just made, go to library catalog and search for books on your topic. Books are best to start with, as they will be more general and have more information than articles. Books are organized by subject, so look around. Check out the table of contents and index to see how much info it has on your topic. A good rule of thumb? One book per page you have to write. Now that you have a better understanding of your topic, you can look for articles. They are more specific, so use them to fill in any gaps you have in your research. Use the library databases and your search terms to find these articles. Look in at least 2 databases. When you find an article you like, make sure you keep a copy of the citation so you can write your bibliography later. Know when your books are due and how to renew them. Staple the article citation to the article so you can refer to it later. Now that you have gathered everything, you may want to think about how you want to put it all together, what you want to include and what you want to leave out. Think about a possible thesis statement. 20-30 minutes 1-2 hours 1 hour for every page of your paper Ongoing, but shouldn’t take more than a minute 30 minutes Dos and Don’ts 1. DO bring everything you will need when you go to the library: student ID, money for the photocopier, flash drive/laptop, a copy of your assignment, your textbook, paper and pen. DON’T leave your stuff unattended when you get here. 2. DO make sure you are well (enough) rested, and that you aren’t hungry – you need to focus! DON’T eat in the library. Spill-proof drinks are ok, though. 3. DO feel free to start with a librarian right away. We can save you tons of time! DON’T think you can get everything you want at the library the day before your paper is due. 4. DO be open to altering your topic a little, if you aren’t finding enough stuff, or if you change your mind. DON’T pick a topic too broad, too specific or too weird. It makes research difficult. 5. DO make a list of search terms or keywords about your topic. It makes searching faster and better. DON’T just do one search and stop. There may be more out there. 6. DO feel free to request books from the Atlanta campus. It only takes about 3 days. DON’T worry if there’s a book or article you want and we don’t have it. Use interlibrary loan. 7. DO spend time looking for great sources, rather than settling for ok sources. DON’T grab whatever works just so you can have the minimum number of sources – you may end up having to make another trip to the library just to get enough info to write the paper. 8. DO spend at least an hour gathering sources (2 hours would be better!) DON’T spin your wheels – if you haven’t found anything after 15 minutes, it’s time to get help. 9. DO scan or photocopy pages from books you don’t check out. DON’T take notes out of books – that takes forever! 10. DO ask a librarian to show you how to search in databases efficiently. DON’T look at a list of more than 30 articles – it takes too long! 11. DO email/print/save articles if you don’t have time to read them right away. DON’T feel you need to read everything as soon as you see it. (You can stop by the library for 30 minutes, email a bunch of articles to yourself, and read them later!) Final Tips from a Recovering Procrastinator 1. Are you an owl or a rooster? Trying to research and write when you’re sleepy is not a good use of your time. 2. Treat school like a job. If you aren’t prioritizing your work, it’s easy to procrastinate. 3. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. It usually saves you a lot of time. 4. How much TV are you watching a day? Surfing the web? Could you be studying instead? You may want to take an inventory of how you spend your day. 5. If you dread long study sessions, reward yourself. Take an ice cream break, or have something fun planned for later on. Knowing that your whole day isn’t going to be a drag will make working that much easier. 6. Get into a routine with dedicated study times and dedicated fun times. Example: Never study on a Saturday night, but ALWAYS study on a Sunday night. You will keep good grades, but still have fun. 7. Some people also swear by having a designated study location. Pick a favorite spot in the library or in your room. Doing all your studying there will become a habit, and when you sit down, you will *magically* feel like studying! 8. Just do a little bit. Even completing one tiny task towards the assignment helps. Breaking down your work into bite-sized pieces alleviates anxiety and stress, too. 9. Take breaks. Every 2-3 hours, let yourself have a 15-minute breather. You will be surprised what a short walk or a chat on the phone can do for refreshment. Again, I recommend ice cream. 10. Check your environment. Do you need total silence? Can you work with lots of background noise? Do you need music? Be honest with yourself about this. Plan accordingly, and you will get more work done in the same amount of time. 11. Do you get more done when you work alone, or would it help you to have a study buddy who will encourage you to keep going? Learn what works best for you. 12. Never underestimate the importance of staying organized. Keep a calendar and a to-do list. Refer to them often. 13. Multi-tasking rarely works. Learn how to prioritize your assignments, and do one thing at a time. 14. Do the most labor-intensive, most boring, most dreadful assignment first. Get it over with, and the rest of your tasks will be progressively easier. 15. This is all a learning process. It’s important to learn how to manage your time, but it’s also challenging. Don’t beat yourself up if you have to cram for something. Just learn where you went wrong and try to do better next time. 13 Signs You Need a Librarian 1. You have never been to the library, let alone written a research paper! 2. You have to write a research paper, and you think Google is all you need. 3. You tried to start looking for books and articles…and didn’t get anywhere. 4. You found books and articles! Yay! But you found WAY WAY too many. 5. You know how to find stuff, but it takes FOREVER! You want to be a research rock star! 6. You think buying an article online for $6.95 is ok. 7. You need inspiration or brainstorming. 8. Your professor said you can pick your own topic, and you have no idea what would be good to do! 9. You think the library is too difficult to use. 10. Your 10 page paper… only 3 pages long. Your professor said 48 font is not acceptable. 11. You are really tired of camping out at the library all day, every day, looking for stuff. 12. Pulling all-nighters is really not fun anymore. 13. You read the instructions for your assignment….and don’t really understand what you’re supposed to do. Tips for Good Writing 1. 2. Be consistent. When you write, be consistent with tenses (don’t jump from past to present to future in every other sentence), tone, voice, and all other aspects of your paper, including your argument. Stay on task. Make sure you don’t stray from your topic when you write. Stick with the assignment and satisfy those requirements. 3. Avoid clichés. Clichés are those time‐worn phrases (they are as thick as thieves) that are overused and boring and, well, clichéd. Basically, it’s uncreative. 4. Avoid the “writer voice.” Many students often write in some strange, foreign voice in an attempt to sound more academic and professional when in fact they end up confusing themselves and their readers with their ill‐constructed sentences and bad phrasing. 5. Back it up. Back up what you’re saying in your paper with evidence. Imagine your reader is the judge or jury and you’re the lawyer presenting the case. Without proof, your argument means nothing. This is where you use research and examples to support your argument. 6. Be aware of your audience. Make sure you know who your audience is when you write and be consciously aware of that audience throughout your paper. The most damaging thing you can do to yourself and to your paper is to isolate or, even worse, irritate your audience. 7. Avoid repetition. We understood you the first time, so saying it three different ways throughout one paragraph is a little excessive and makes for a weak argument. 8. Avoid fluff. Don’t write nonsense to fill the word or length requirement. 9. Embrace the writing process. Writing involves an entire process: prewriting, outlining, drafting, revising, proofreading, documenting, etc. Follow the process and you will be surprised at the results. 10. Do research. Using other people’s authority to support your claim only makes your paper better. 1 The Writers Studio at SCAD TWS Learning Resource Hive Peer Tutor Training Information for Learning Styles Return to Topic Alignment Learning Styles: An introduction _______________________________‘s Learning Styles Assessment Your first and last name Everyone has a preferred learning style. Knowing and understanding our learning style helps us to learn more effectively. Through identifying your learning style, you will be able to capitalize on your strengths and become a more self-confident empowered learner. Here is one way to help you get started: Directions: Place a check in all the blanks that describe you. The list with the greatest number of checks is your dominant learning style. Visual Learning Style __1. Asks for verbal instructions to be repeated __2. Watches speakers' facial expressions and body language __3. Likes to take notes to review later __4. Remembers best by writing things down several times or drawing pictures and diagrams __5. Good speller __6. Turns the radio or T.V. up really loud __7. Remembers things best when written out or diagrammed. __8. Prefers information to be presented visually, (e.g. flip charts or chalk board) __9. Skillful at making graphs, charts, and other visual displays __10. Can understand and follow directions on maps __11. Feels the best way to remember something is to picture it in their head __12. Follows written instructions better than oral ones __13. Good at solving jigsaw puzzles __14. Gets the words to songs wrong __15. Good at visual arts Auditory Learning Style __1. Follows spoken directions better than written ones __2. Would rather listen to a lecture than read the material in a textbook __3. Understands better when reads aloud __4. Likes words (puns, plays on words, rhymes) __5. Prefers to listen to the radio than to read a newspaper __6. Frequently sings, hums or whistles to themselves. __7. Dislikes reading from a computer screen __8. When presented with two similar sounds, can tell if sounds are the same or different __9. Requires extra explanations of diagrams, graphs, or maps __10. Enjoys talking to others __11. Talks to self __12. Can repeat whole conversations, sometimes even with inflections __13. Would rather listen to music than view a piece of art work __14. Uses finger as a pointer when reading __15. Likes to tell jokes, stories and makes verbal analogies Pat Nystrom. “Learning Styles: An introduction.” LEARN North Carolina, January 2010., Available on the web at Learning Styles: An introduction Tactile/Kinesthetic Learning Style __1. Reaches out to touch things __2. Collects things __3. Talks using hands to communicate what they want to say __4. Frequently fidgeting (e.g. tapping pen, playing with keys in pocket) __5. Coordinated, good at sports, dance, etc. __6. Takes things apart, puts things together __7. Prefers to stand while working __8. Likes to have music in the background while working __9. Enjoys working with hands and making things __10. Likes to chew gum or eat in class __11. Learns through movement and exploring the environment around them __12. May be considered hyperactive __13. Good at finding their way around __14. Can relate all the plot details and action of a story but not much about how things looked or sounded __15. Prefers to do things rather than watch a demonstration or read about it in a book Score: Count the number of checks you have in each category. The category with the highest number of checks is your preferred learning style. Remember that learning styles aren't mutually inclusive. You may learn best through one style or a combination of two styles. Or you may be a multi-sensory learner who uses all three modalities. This assessment -Visual_____Auditory____ Kinesthetic____ Your classmates’ opinions -Visual_____Auditory____ Kinesthetic____ ON-LINE ASSESSMENT RESULTS (NEXT WEEK) Learning Styles Self-assessment -- Visual_____Auditory____ Kinesthetic____ Learning Styles Test I -- Visual_____Auditory____ Kinesthetic____ Learning Styles Test II -- Visual_____Auditory____ Kinesthetic____ What is your “best” learning style? _______________Your second best? _____________ Now that you know your learning styles, how might you improve your study habits? 1. ___________________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________________________ Pat Nystrom. “Learning Styles: An introduction.” LEARN North Carolina, January 2010., Available on the web at Learning Styles: An introduction The Visual Learner learns through seeing... These learners can either process information randomly or absorb what unfolds in sequence before their eyes. They need to see the teacher's body language and facial expression to fully understand the content of a lesson. They tend to prefer sitting at the front of the classroom to avoid visual obstructions (e.g. people's heads). DO YOU… • Have a strong sense of color • Follow written directions well • Process what you hear slowly • "Translate" word messages into pictures or images • Closely watch a speaker's body language and facial expression. • Get very distracted by noise or people talking in the background • Use mental pictures to remember things • Use visual representations to understand ideas, e.g. graphs, organizers, pictures, slides, videos, diagrams, demonstrations, overheads, flip charts, handouts etc. • Know something by seeing it. • Conjure up the image of a form by seeing it in your "mind's eye" • Have a vivid imagination • Often stare, need something to watch • Not talk at length • Become impatient or lose focus when extensive listening is required • Prefer the visual arts and media • Often prefer to take notes or draw pictures to absorb information. • Like to write on the blackboard • Remember quickly and easily what is read • Learn better after seeing or writing something • Get called a "bookworm" • Grasp important concepts on first reading of material • Love to read books, journals, magazines • Perform hands-on tasks well. • Read well from picture clues Pat Nystrom. “Learning Styles: An introduction.” LEARN North Carolina, January 2010., Available on the web at Learning Styles: An introduction The Auditory Learner learns through listening... The auditory learner needs to be able to focus on what is being said, and may find taking in information through the other senses at the same time distracting. The Auditory learner processes new information in the order in which it is presented, but also benefits from verbal discussion following the presentation. They learn best through verbal lectures, discussions, talking things through and listening to what others have to say. Auditory learners interpret the underlying meanings of speech through listening to tone of voice, pitch, speed and other nuances. Written information may have little meaning until it is heard. DO YOU… • Tend to remember and repeat ideas that are spoken • Learn well through lectures • Get described as an excellent listener • Find it easy to reproduce symbols, letters or words by hearing them • Like to talk • Enjoy play, dialogues, and dramas • Learn concepts by listening to tapes • Enjoy music • Find it easy to repeat or fulfill verbal instructions • Think out loud • Often hum or talk to yourself or to others • Rarely stay quiet for great lengths of time • Often talk at length • Like to use other people as a sounding board • Enjoy question/answer sessions • Like small group discussions • Prefer to discuss things with others • Like to participate in class discussions or debates • Like to make speeches and presentations • Do well at telling the difference between sounds, musical notes and tones • Memorize by listening to something over and over • Have difficulty copying from the blackboard Pat Nystrom. “Learning Styles: An introduction.” LEARN North Carolina, January 2010., Available on the web at Learning styles: An introduction Students will read about and discuss learning styles. They will take a pencil and paper assessment to investigate their own learning styles, and practice determining the learning style of others with a story telling activity. A lesson plan for grades 6–8 Guidance By Pat Nystrom Learn more • Learning Styles This chart helps distinguish between learning styles by giving examples of how one would learn in various situations. Related pages • • • The Shark Net: A discipline database: The Shark Net is a database, set up by the teacher, where students keep records of all discipline interactions, of leaving the room, and of outstanding work. It includes fields for first name, last name, date, block, problem code, comments by students, time out, and time in. At two-week intervals students filter their records to calculate class participation grades. The class participation grade counts 10 percent of the total class grade. Students with the highest-class participation grades are rewarded with special activities such as ice cream parties, cookouts, field trips, etc. Students are required to filter and print the report for progress reports, report cards, and any time a parent/teacher or student/teacher conference is planned. This activity helps the teacher keep an accurate discipline record and to maintain discipline with minimal effort. It also helps the students understand how to use a database. Who's unique?: Encourages students to examine their ideas about how they are different and similar to each other by participating in an activity and then discussing their thoughts. Why I am me timeline: Student develops a timeline that correlates personal life events with world events. Research and bibliographic skills are incorporated. Related topics • Learn more about guidance, learning styles, and self-awareness. Help Please read our disclaimer for lesson plans. Learning outcomes Students will: • • • describe visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles. use a pencil and paper assessment to determine their learning styles. practice assessing the learning styles of others through use of a story-telling activity. Teacher planning Time required for lesson 45 minutes Materials/resources • • • one laminated class set of each of the following documents: o The Visual Learner o The Kinesthetic Learner o The Auditory Learner one copy of the Learning Styles Assessment for each student Writing materials for students Activities 1. Explain that some students have probably noticed that when they try to learn something new that they prefer to learn by listening. However, other students prefer to read about a concept to learn it; still others need to see demonstrations or use manipulatives. Learning Style Theory proposes that different people learn in different ways and that it is good to know your own preferred learning style. 2. “Does anyone want to guess how knowing your learning style might be to your advantage?” Have students brainstorm about the value of knowing one’s learning style. 3. Each student receives three handouts on learning style. Read over each list of learning style characteristics with the class. Ask “Now that you know about the behaviors that go with each learning style, did you find a learning style that seems to describe you?” 4. Have students guess whether their learning style is visual, auditory, or kinesthetic. They can guess out loud, one at a time, or raise hands when you ask “Who thinks they may be a visual learner? An auditory learner? A kinesthetic learner?” 5. Hand out Learning Styles Assessments, ask students to put names on them and ask students to complete and score them. The class can read aloud if it speeds things up. All students should write results of the assessment at the bottom of the second page. Explain that this assessment was only one opinion and that the class will do other assessments online the next week to get more information. 6. Ask the class whether they understand the learning styles concept well enough to be able to figure out the learning styles of others. If they think so, students can volunteer to relate a story and classmates will observe while they talk, looking for clues to learning style. o Does the student use noises or voice inflections to help tell the story? Do they imitate noises? Repeat who said what? Mention how things sounded? (Auditory?) o Does the student tell about colors, sizes, appearances? Do they use their hands to draw pictures in the air as they talk? Try to give you mental pictures? (Visual?) o Does the student relate the action in the story without much visual or auditory detail? Tell about feelings? Move around to act out things? (Kinesthetic?) 7. Each volunteer will tell a story while classmates observe and guess learning styles after the story. Pay close attention yourself to be of help during the guessing. 8. If most classmates think the story-teller is a _____ learner, have the student add that opinion to the information on the scoring sheet. 9. After making sure student names are on pencil and paper assessments, collect the papers to take them yourself to the computer lab the following week. 10. Compliment students on cooperative behavior or good thinking you observed during the class. Suggest that they practice assessing the learning styles of other people during the week. i i University of North Carolina, School of Education. “Learning Styles, An Introduction”. Learning Resource Hive Peer Tutor Training Information for Critical Thinking Skills Return to Topic Alignment Learning Objectives By the end of the training you will… Be able to define critical thinking Understand why critical thinking is important Have an understanding of one critical thinking model Identify two critical thinking techniques that you can apply when tutoring Critical Thinking Definition Critical Thinking is… Critical Thinking defined by Edward Glaser is divided into three key elements: An attitude of being open to thoughtful consideration of ones encountered experiences, ideas and problems An understanding of methods an logic of problem solving Skill in applying the methods. Creative Definitions? Thinking outside the box Convergent thinking vs. divergent thinking Thinking about thinking Creative thinking Verbal and non-verbal thinking Critical Thinking… What does that look like for you? Critical Thinking Process “The intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, syntehsizing, and evaluating information.” - The National Council for Excellence in Critical Thinking 1987 The Triangle How many triangles are there? What was your initial count? What did you question? Why did you question it? How did you come up with the total? Bloom’s Taxonomy Knowledge Dates, events, places, vocabulary, key ideas, parts of a diagram, 5 W’s Comprehension Find meaning, transfer, interpret facts, infer cause and consequence Application Use information in new situations, solve problems Analysis Recognize and explain patterns and meaning, see parts a wholes Synthesis Discuss “what if?” situations, create new ideas, predict and draw conclusions Evaluation Make recommendations, assess value and make choices, critique ideas Teacher Tap: When do we use critical thinking? Critical Thinking Techniques Instead of… Giving answers ask for answers Providing information ask the student for the information on their knowledge f the subject Accepting single answers ask probing and open ended questions such as the following: “Tell me more about that?” “How did you come to that conclusion?” Other Techniques Encourage out loud thinking Motivate students to generate own questions Have the student analyze their own problem solving methods Be conscientious of where the student is in the critical thinking process Ask the student “what if?” questions Let the student sit with the process of critical thinking Critical Thinking Application Now that you have had the chance to think about your thinking… Share two techniques you will use while tutoring. Learning Resource Hive Peer Tutor Training Information for Stress Management Return to Topic Alignment Savannah College of Art and Design Counseling and Student Support Services (CS3) Stress defined: A non-specific response of the body to any perceived demand Occurs when the demands of our life exceed our ability to cope The ability to cope with stress depends on: Your physical and mental health at that moment Experience and skills you have in dealing with stress Stress Theory Balancing Factors: Disequilibrium •Coping mechanisms •Support network •Perception Demands of Life: •Stressors •Unexpected events Reference: Aquilera & Messick (1976) Biofeedback Training Perception of stressors is important, but our “emotional response” to the perception is even more significant. (Reference: Biofeedback training is offered in the CS3 office Helps achieve coherence and alignment (your “emotional response”) through simple-to-learn exercises and feedback HeartMath emWave Stress System What are some sources of stress for you ? Common Sources of Stress for Students Interpersonal relationships Family, Friends Peers, Professors Dating Separation from family Academic demands Environmental concerns Common Sources of Stress for Students (cont’d.) Peer pressure Competition Financial concerns Increased freedom and responsibility Work-related concerns Over-involvement Lack of balance How do you know when you are stressed? EFT for Managing Stress EFT is a form of psychological acupressure that uses a gentle tapping technique instead of needles to stimulate traditional Chinese acupuncture points. (Reference: Dr. Carol Look, Sometimes called “acupuncture without the needles” EFT for Managing Stress (cont’d.) Balances the energy system and appears to relieve psychological stress and physical pain Easy to apply; is non-invasive Currently being considered by the U.S. government for treating war veterans. Try it on everything! EFT training @ CS3 office Let’s Try Tapping… Maybe that’s what she was smiling about… Stress Management Tools Relaxation Take a bath, Progressive muscle relaxation listen to music, get a massage, EFT; etc. Biofeedback Deep breathing Exercise Meditation Yoga Stress Management Tools (cont’.) Take a mental health day Minimize exposure to negative people Good sleep habits Organization and time management skills Talk to someone Come to CS3 for: Workshops or events EFT or Biofeedback Group Activity: “Meet Josh” Has ADHD Alaska is home Roommate issue Boyfriend at college across the country ARCH major Beloved dog is ill Starting to isolate Questions? Thank you for your attention and participation! Learning Resource Hive Peer Tutor Training Information for Modeling Problem Solving Return to Topic Alignment Guessing game This is a simple and adaptable exercise which can be used to explore various themes. You could run a version on a table-top, or use it to get people moving around quite a lot. As facilitator you need just a tape measure and a pad of small sticky notes. You can change the scale targets (in scale or metric/imperial) according to your situation. You can treat the activities as a competition by awarding scores, and/or run the activity for teams, which adds an interesting extra perspective. Here is the basis of the exercise. Adapt it and use different exercises to suit your own situations. Instruction to group: This is an experiment to explore the brain's capability to estimate scale. Your guesses will be measured and results given. The exercises involve simple guessing, but provide a basis for understanding more about how reliably (or unreliably) our brains can estimate scale, etc., without measuring tools or precise references. This relates to risks of making assumptions, and the merits/risks/surprises associated with guessing, short-cuts, working from habit/instinct, etc. Sometimes guessing and instinctive assumptions are effective; often they are not. (Additionally/separately the activity prompts appreciation and exploration of multiple intelligences theory - specifically how some people are naturally better at some of these tasks than others.) Using sticky notes (to be personalised for identification) mark the following: • • • a distance of ten feet on the floor a height of three feet on a wall a distance of one metre on a table Note: As facilitator it will take you a while to measure and note scores for lots of guesses, so think how best to do this. If using the exercise as a quick icebreaker, or if time is tight, especially if group is large, think carefully about how many measuring exercises to include. Just one is fine for an icebreaker. With big groups and treams issue people with tape measures and have them score each other. Or see the examples for simplifying the activities below. Review the activities as appropriate for your purposes, points for example: • • • • • • What surprises did we find? What clues are there to people's different abilities? What differences are there in guessing different types of scale? What creative methods were used in 'measuring'. How does the brain guess something? In work/life how do we decide when to guess and when to measure, and are these the best criteria? • • • How can we make our guessing more reliable? (If exercises are performed in teams) are team guesses more reliable than individual guesses? What merit is there in the 'Wisdom of Crowds' in guessing and making intuitive judgments? Depending on time and how you want to use the activities, other materials and measuring devices can be used for different exercises, for example: • • • an angle of 30 degrees (ask people to draw two straight lines on a sheet of paper, like two sides of a triangle - facilitator needs a protractor for measuring) a square sheet of paper equal to one square metre (newspaper and sticky tape - a square metre is for some people a surprisingly large area - each side must measure one metre) or, for more adventure, which might appeal to children, explore volume and weight with water and sand, etc, for which basically you only need the water, sand, some plastic foodbags or balloons, and a measuring jug (and some cleaning-up cloths...) i i “Free Team Building Activity Ideas,” Modeling Problem Solving LEARNING RESOURCE HIVE F E B R U A R Y 1 1 TH, 2 0 1 1 What is Problem Solving? Problem Solving is a mental process and is part of the larger problem process that includes problem finding and problem shaping. Considered the most complexof all intellectual functions, problem solving has been defined as higher-order cognitive process that requires the modulation and control of more routine or fundamental skills. ng Basics of Scientific Method Basics of Scientific Method is the search for cause and effect. Ask a question: How, What, When, Who, Which, Why, or Where? Research: Find the information before starting from scratch. Construct a Hypothesis: A hypothesis is an educated guess about how things work: “If __(I do this)__, then __(this)__will happen.” Basics of Scientific Method Cont. Test your Hypothesis by putting into practice: Analyze your Data and Draw a Conclusion: Did I get the results I wanted? What worked? What didn’t work? What can I do differently? Will I accept or reject information? Communicate your results: Complete assignment of by writing on what was found. Other methodologies: Activity: Solve your own problem Break up into groups of three Participant #1 will think of a problem (five minutes) Participant #2 will be the problem solver (ten minutes) Participant #3 will record and observe if the scientific method process is being used. (five minutes to give feedback to group) Process Participant #1 and #3 will share their experience by answering the following: What was observed What is a question you wish participant #2 would have asked? Was participant #2 helpful? Where the solutions reasonable? Was a conclusion/solution reached? Summary Please write a one page summary of what you learned. Have your name and date at the top of the page. References The problem site Science Buddies Learning Resource Hive Peer Tutor Training Information for Study Skills Return to Topic Alignment ACTIVE STUDY Adapted from: Ann Algier, Everything You Need To Know About Learning A. Introduction Learning takes time. Very few people have photographic memories. Learning requires repetition- meaningful repetition. This is why active study techniques are so vitally important. The "recording disk" of the brain accepts new material much faster if it "hears," "sees," "feels," "tastes," and detects motion (kinetic energy) during input or recording time. Then too, the more times around the learning circuit, the longer lasting the impression. If you are able to place abstract ideas into diagrammatic form, you will remember the concept. B. Mnemonics Material that is difficult to master can be organized by finding the key words in each point, noting the first letter, and arranging the letters into a sense or nonsense word (the sillier, the better). Examples: 1. What are the qualities of a scientist? (mnemonic answer: PIPOC) P erserverance I ntelligence P atience O riginality C uriosity 2. Why did the U.S. enter World War I? (mnemonic answer: SPRENCZ) S ubmarines, Germans lifted restrictions on use of P ropaganda, British control of R ussians overthrew the tsar E conomic ties of U.S. with Britain and France N eutrality, German violations of U.S. C ultural ties with Britain Z immerman telegram Note: in example 2, the student has devised a mnemonic based on key words. If you have a basic understanding of each point, you ought to be able to write a complete essay from the mnemonic SPRENCZ. Example 1, however, represents the type of mnemonic a student could use to learn a short list of items for an objective test. If you need to memorize a long list of items such as the states in the union, alphabetize and learn in small "chunks." You can always depend on the alphabet. Break down a list, rearrange, put on a study card and master. In the example of learning the states in the union, it is easier to remember that there are four states whose names begin with "A," no "Bs," one "D," etc., then to try to memorize the list. C. Study Cards In printing study cards, the student is using kinetic energy (energy in motion), thus making the impression stronger on the brain, and the student will be able to use the cards for overlearning. Another reason for having students make study cards is that they are convenient to carry and flip through for mastery. Reading the cards silently, however, is too passive. Go over the cards orally. A student will not master the cards by passively reading them. Learning requires the expenditure of energy. The student must be actively engaged in producing the sounds, using muscles and burning energy to make the sound. D. Memory 1. General points to consider a. The student must focus his or her attention on whatever needs to be remembered. If you intend to remember something, you probably will. b. The student must be "sold" on the course. Why is this subject worth knowing? Correlative reading may enhance the student's interest. For example, historical novels are a marvelous way to learn history. The greater the knowledge, the greater the interest. c. Help the students classify and associate. Many authorities feel that you will master information faster if you learn in groups of seven or fewer at a time. d. Have the students overlearn through repetition. 2. Association is a key to memory: a. You remember approximately 10 percent of what you read. b. You remember approximately 20 percent of what you hear. c. You remember approximately 30 percent of what you see. d. You remember approximately 50 percent of what you hear and see together. e. You remember approximately 70 percent of what you say (if you think as you are saying it). f. You remember approximately 90 percent of what you do. A WEEKLY FLOW CHART FOR STUDYING PRE-READ TEXT GO TO CLASS TAKE NOTES ASK QUESTIONS OF INSTRUCTOR REVIEW & EDIT NOTES SAME DAY AS LECTURE ASK YOURSELF QUESTIONS OUTLINE MAJOR TOPICS READ TEXT SELECTIVELY DO HOMEWORK ASK QUESTIONS OF T.A. OR INSTRUCTOR REVIEW & INTEGRATE ©Academic Skills Center, Dartmouth College 2001 Where To Study / How To Study The documents on this page are provided for downloading in Microsoft Word and/or Microsoft Excel format. You will need to have Microsoft Office 97/98, or later, to read and print them. Where to Study Although studying in a dorm room is convenient, it is often a poor place to learn. The dorm has a plethora of distractions including Blitzmail, Snood, the telephone, video games, friends down the hall. Lying down on the bed to read turns into an hour long nap and a bright yellow highlighter spot on your sheets! If you want to improve your concentration and efficiency as a student, develop a place to study that is just that - a place where you go to work on academics. The campus is full of good spots to study. Experiment with what works best for you. The handout below provides a list of common study spots on campus and includes rankings of noise level, cleanliness, and availability. • Places to Study at Dartmouth (32K Word) How to Study Many students are surprised at the differences in studying for college courses versus how they studied in high school. Regular worksheets are replaced by vast midterms and exams which require knowledge about concepts rather than simple memorization of facts. Students frequently discover they need to adapt their study habits to the college setting. Here are some tips for getting started: • • • • Study in chunks: 20-50 minute time periods followed by a brief break (5-10 minutes) is the most effective way to study Use daylight hours: an hour of studying during the day is worth two at night! Do the work that requires the most concentration (typically reading) earliest in the day. Rank your three classes and be sure to spend time on your most challenging class everyday and early in the day. Study actively: ask yourself questions, review your notes regularly, discuss key concepts with peers and course professor The following documents provide additional strategies for general academic success and for specific subject areas including the sciences and writing. • • • Ten Steps for Academic Success (33K Word) Studying for the Sciences (21K Word) Writing Research Papers (34K Word) Concentration and Memory In order to combat forgetting, students need to review course materials regularly and purposefully. The following worksheets provide specific strategies for staying motivated, improving your memory and active review. • • • • • • Basic Principles About Review (22K Word) Concentration Tips (22K Word) How to Retain Information (34K Word) How to Study Actively (27K Word) Motivation (21K Word) Ways to Increase Memory (23K Word) i i “Where to Study/How to Study.” Dartmouth College: Academic Skills Center. MEMORY PRINCIPLES QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE FOR BRAIN COMPATIBLE LEARNING PRINCIPLES Click for students’ notes and what brain research has discovered. MAKING AN EFFORT TO REMEMBER Interest: The brain prioritizes by meaning, value and relevance. To have meaning, you must understand what you are learning. In order to remember something thoroughly, you must be interested in it and think that it has value and relevance in your life. MAKING AN EFFORT TO REMEMBER Intent to Remember: Your attitude has much to do with whether you remember something or not. A key factor to remembering is having a positive attitude that you get it right the first time. Attention is not the same as leaning, but little learning takes place without attention. MAKING AN EFFORT TO REMEMBER Basic Background: Your understanding of new materials depends on what you already know that you can connect it to. The more you increase your basic knowledge, the easier it is to build new knowledge on this background. CONTROLLING THE AMOUNT AND FORM Meaningful Organization: You can learn and remember better if you can group ideas into some sort of meaningful categories or groups. STRENGTHENING NEURAL CONNECTIONS Visualization: The brain’s quickest and probably the longest-lasting response is to images. By making a mental picture, you use an entirely different part of the brain than you did by reading or listening. STRENGTHENING NEURAL CONNECTIONS Recitation: Saying ideas aloud in your own words strengthens synaptic connections and gives you immediate feedback. The more feedback you get, the faster and more accurante your learning. ALLOWING TIME TO SOLIDIFY PATHWAYS Consolidation: Your brain must have time for new information to establish and solidify a neuronal pathway. When you make a list of review your notes right after class, you are using the principle of consolidation. STRENGTHENING NEURAL CONNECTIONS Association: Memory is increased when facts to be learned are consciously associated with something familiar to you. Memory is essentially formed by making neural connections. Begin by asking “What is this like that I already know and understand?” ALLOWING TIME TO SOLIDIFY PATHWAYS Distributed Practice: A series of shorter study sessions distributed over several days is preferable to fewer but longer study sessions Learning Resource Hive Peer Tutor Training Information for Goal Setting and Planning Return to Topic Alignment Life Coach A Life Coach helps deal with stress management as well as time management, goal setting and other key areas of change to help their clients lead more balanced lives that better reflect clients’ personal values and priorities. Compassion and Patience What did you think was most helpful? Thanks for listening and having me here today! Learning Resource Hive Peer Tutor Training Information for Working with International Students Return to Topic Alignment Responding to NNES (Non-Native English Speakers) Writing Jan Fluitt-Dupuy Director of ESL 912-525-7036 The Writers’ Studio • Trained professional consultants • Skilled in explaining rhetorical and grammatical concepts • The absolute best resource for students who need ongoing support with writing issues. You Can’t Learn without Goofing! • Be sensitive to self-esteem • Encourage mistakes as a natural step in growing as a language learner • Highlight the error in a supportive manner • Do not correct for the student (Hint: avoid having a pencil in your hand) • Guide the student to independent learning Address Global Concerns First • Content, Critical Thought, Organizational Patterns are most important elements of writing. • Find and analyze the thesis statement (TS). • Look for strong topic sentences (ts) in body paragraphs. • Analyze the sentence supporting the ts. • Balance positive/negative comments. Sentence-Level Concerns • Once larger issues are settled, address errors in a hierarchical way. • More serious errors impede communication. • Errors in verbs and sentence structure are firstorder concerns. 1st order errors Symbol Explanation vt incorrect verb tense / aspect vf verb incorrectly formed ss incorrect sentence structure wo incorrect or awkward word order ? unclear 2nd order concerns • while distracting, these errors do not impede understanding. Symbol Explanation agr incorrect subject-verb agreement art incorrect of missing article (a, an, the) sing/pl problem with the singular or plural of a noun or a verb wc wrong word choice, including prepositions wf wrong word form Last order concerns • Only if there’s time! Symbol Explanation p minor punctuation error CS, RO, major punctuation error Frag dm dangling or misplaced modifier ref pronoun reference unclear sp spelling error Google “purdue owl” Learning Resource Hive Peer Tutor Connection Evaluation Report of Peer Tutor Performance Peer Tutor Evaluation Sample Tutor Experience and Workshop Attendance Report Session Data – Winter 2011 Academic Year 2010-11 Report Learning Resource Hive Peer Tutor Connection Evaluation Report of Peer Tutor Performance Return to Evaluation Main Page Learning Resource Hive Peer Tutor Connection Evaluation Peer Tutor Evaluation Return to Evaluation Main Page Learning Resource Hive Peer Tutor Connection Evaluation Sample Tutor Experience and Workshop Attendance Report Return to Evaluation Main Page Sample Tutor Experience and Workshop Attendance Report Winter 2011 Seo Gyoung Kim Winter 2011 Evaluation Date Duration Time Appointment Status 1/13/2011 1/13/2011 1/14/2011 1/14/2011 1/20/2011 1/20/2011 1/20/2011 1/21/2011 1/27/2011 1/27/2011 1/27/2011 1/28/2011 1/28/2011 1/28/2011 2/3/2011 2/3/2011 2/4/2011 2/4/2011 2/10/2011 2/10/2011 2/11/2011 2/11/2011 2/11/2011 2/17/2011 2/17/2011 2/18/2011 2/18/2011 2/24/2011 2/25/2011 2/25/2011 2/25/2011 1 hour(s) 1 hour(s) 1 hour(s) 1 hour(s) 1 hour(s) 1 hour(s) 1 hour(s) 1 hour(s) 1 hour(s) 1 hour(s) 1 hour(s) 1 hour(s) 1 hour(s) 1 hour(s) 1 hour(s) 1 hour(s) 1 hour(s) 1 hour(s) 1 hour(s) 1 hour(s) 1 hour(s) 1 hour(s) 1 hour(s) 1 hour(s) 1 hour(s) 1 hour(s) 1 hour(s) 1 hour(s) 1 hour(s) 1 hour(s) 1 hour(s) 3:00pm 4:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 3:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm Seo Gyoung Kim Total Number = 38 Total Duration = 38 hour(s) Drop-in Appointments: 5 appointments, 5 hours Seo Gyoung Kim Seo Gyoung Kim Seo Gyoung Kim Seo Gyoung Kim Seo Gyoung Kim Seo Gyoung Kim Seo Gyoung Kim Seo Gyoung Kim Seo Gyoung Kim Seo Gyoung Kim Seo Gyoung Kim Seo Gyoung Kim Seo Gyoung Kim Seo Gyoung Kim Seo Gyoung Kim Seo Gyoung Kim Seo Gyoung Kim Seo Gyoung Kim Seo Gyoung Kim Seo Gyoung Kim Seo Gyoung Kim Seo Gyoung Kim Seo Gyoung Kim Seo Gyoung Kim Seo Gyoung Kim Seo Gyoung Kim Seo Gyoung Kim Seo Gyoung Kim Seo Gyoung Kim Seo Gyoung Kim Total: 42 appointments, 42 hours Seo Gyoung Kim Training Attendance Report Training Date Attended? January 7th yes January 14th yes January 28th yes February 11th yes February 25th yes March 11th yes Learning Resource Hive Peer Tutor Connection Evaluation Academic Year 2010-11 Report Return to Evaluation Main Page LEARNING RESOURCE HIVE AY 2 0 1 0 -2 0 1 1 R E P O RT March 14, 2011 2 0 1 E . B RO U G H T O N S T. S AVA N N A H , G A 3 1 4 0 2 AC A D E M I C Y E A R R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 - 1 1 TO DATE: MARCH 14, 2011 Peer Tutors: A total of 42 peer tutors were hired to date for AY 2010-11. Most peer tutors continued working through the academic year until completion of their degree, thus resulting in quality services for students served and tutor retention. Bee Skilled Workshops: A total of 132 students were served via workshops, commencing with winter 2010 quarter and ending in spring 2010. Workshops included: Survive College by Managing Time Effectively; Study Techniques = Academic Success; Test Anxiety; Materials, Tools, Techniques; Photoshop Slam Vol. I Challenges: Getting students excited about attending workshops that are not required for graduation. Strategic marketing and having a catered event always seems to attract students to workshops. Supplemental Instruction (SI): SI leaders are assigned a targeted (high attrition) course to attend and then gather course content and instruction methods in order to assist students outside of the classroom environment. SI leaders also coordinate and hold weekly group study sessions on course content. SI leaders work closely with course faculty in order to maintain a clear understanding of course learning objectives. SI leaders began assisting students with math, physics and graphic design courses in a group setting outside of the classroom environment mid winter 2011 quarter. A total of 22 students were served. Challenges: The physics SI sessions were the most successful due to the direct connection with architecture curriculum requirement. The math SI sessions were poorly attended although, there is a great need for SI support for this particular area. The graphic design SI sessions commenced late in the quarter, therefore a conclusion on its success is difficult to determine. A recommendation for next quarter would be to start advertising the sessions early in the quarter in order to capture students that are struggling before they fail or withdraw from the course. There are new marketing material (created by communications) that will be distributed early in the quarter advertising SI sessions. Peer Tutor Connection: A total of 1,325 students registered on the Peer Tutor Connection online appointment system. This number does not reflect students who completed drop-in appointments. During the AY 2010 - 11 a total of 1,850 appointments were scheduled and of the scheduled appointments, 1,412 were completed appointments. Below are several grids of the appointment breakdown by tutor, quarter, and total students served. 2 LRH All Dates 6/14/2010 to 3/14/2011 Session All Tutor All Status All Total Appointments Made Total Students Served Average Number of Visits Per Student LRH Tutor SCADSavannah/eLearning Alvaro Lima-SAV (Location User) 44 24 1.83 SCADSavannah/eLearning Alysha Caine-SAV (Location User) 44 11 4 SCADSavannah/eLearning Anderli Yao (Location User) 48 8 6 SCADSavannah/eLearning Andrew Wanamaker (Location User) 113 58 1.95 SCADSavannah/eLearning Brigitte Garland (Location User) 34 12 2.83 SCADSavannah/eLearning Brigittie TijerinaSAV (Location User) 9 6 1.5 SCADSavannah/eLearning Caitlin Willis (Location User) 35 18 1.94 SCADSavannah/eLearning Chaitrasri Rao (Location User) 115 31 3.71 SCADSavannah/eLearning Chris Barfield-SAV (Location User) 11 7 1.57 SCADSavannah/eLearning Chris Lee (Location User) 47 11 4.27 SCADSavannah/eLearning Christopher Hench ESL-SAV-A (Location User) 6 4 1.5 SCADSavannah/eLearning Christopher Hench ESL-SAV-B (Location User) 3 2 1.5 SCADSavannah/eLearning Clifford Reynolds (Location User) 78 40 1.95 SCADSavannah/eLearning Colleen Heine ESL-SAV-A (Location User) 13 7 1.86 3 SCADSavannah/eLearning Colleen Heine ESL-SAV-B (Location User) 11 6 1.83 SCADSavannah/eLearning Eduardo Ortiz (Location User) 60 21 2.86 SCADSavannah/eLearning Emily Dye (Location User) 7 6 1.17 SCADSavannah/eLearning Gloria Wu-SAV (Location User) 100 38 2.63 SCADSavannah/eLearning Ian Bellomy-SAV (Location User) 5 3 1.67 SCADSavannah/eLearning Jeff Horal (Location User) 89 36 2.47 SCADSavannah/eLearning Jill Dykxhoorn (Location User) 13 12 1.08 SCADSavannah/eLearning Joseph Burnette (Location User) 15 6 2.5 SCADSavannah/eLearning Julie Zhou (Location User) 53 11 4.82 SCADSavannah/eLearning Kelsey Wilson (Location User) 59 37 1.59 SCADSavannah/eLearning Kirk Morris-SAV (Location User) 35 26 1.35 SCADSavannah/eLearning Krista Williams (Location User) 1 1 1 SCADSavannah/eLearning Laura Hellinger (Location User) 107 42 2.55 SCADSavannah/eLearning Lauren Jones (Location User) 34 24 1.42 SCADSavannah/eLearning Lauren Mayhew (Location User) 11 5 2.2 SCADSavannah/eLearning Lauren Segall (Location User) 47 11 4.27 SCADSavannah/eLearning Maria P. MalavasiSAV (Location User) 61 33 1.85 SCADSavannah/eLearning Megan Sease ESLSAV-A (Location User) 14 6 2.33 SCADSavannah/eLearning Megan Sease ESLSAV-B (Location User) 17 7 2.43 4 SCADSavannah/eLearning Mitali Banerjee-SAV (Location User) 31 12 2.58 SCADSavannah/eLearning Montana Keig (Location User) 15 8 1.88 SCADSavannah/eLearning Nate Gutoski (Location User) 11 5 2.2 SCADSavannah/eLearning Renée Malloy (Location Admin) 59 22 2.68 SCADSavannah/eLearning Ricky Doshi (Location User) 41 17 2.41 SCADSavannah/eLearning Sean Simon-SAV (Location User) 75 41 1.83 SCADSavannah/eLearning Seo Gyoung Kim (Location User) 86 16 5.38 SCADSavannah/eLearning Thomas Fullmer (Location User) 10 4 2.5 SCADSavannah/eLearning Vijay Chakravarthy (Location User) 96 46 2.09 SCADSavannah/eLearning Will Moten (Location User) 34 18 1.89 SCADSavannah/eLearning Yang Wang (Location User) 43 14 3.07 1840 773 2.38 10 7 1.43 10 7 1.43 1850 780 2.37 SCADSavannah/eLearning Totals SCAD-Hong Kong Timothy Budnick (Location User) SCAD-Hong Kong Totals Grand Totals Does not include drop-in appointments 5 Summary of the AY 2008 - 09 for Comparison: (Pre Learning Resource Hive) Fall 2008 Total unknown 102 22 # of Students Served # of Sessions Tutor Totals Spring 2009 # of Students Served # of Sessions Tutor Totals Total 93 225 11 Summary of the AY 2009 - 10 for Comparison: (Post Learning Resource Hive) AY 2009 - 2010 # of Students Served # of Sessions Tutor Totals Total 493 1,213 66 Summary of the (to date) AY 2010 - 2011 for Comparison: Summer 2010, Fall 2010, Winter 2011 # of Students Served # of Sessions Tutor Totals Total 780 1412 42 Success and Milestones: Learning Resource Network: The Learning Resource Hive in collaboration with Counseling and Student Support Services (CS3), Drawing & Design Center, The Writers Studio, ESL Program, Graduate Mentor Program, and Jen Library established a referral network for students in need of a variety of learning resources. Prior to the Learning Resource Hive, academic and student services were working independently to serve students. The idea of creating a network where student referrals can easily be made and initiatives can be created to streamline services for students became a reality when the network was formalized summer 2010. Below are several initiatives that are currently making a difference at SCAD: -Learning Resource Network -Creation of MySCAD LRN channel to help facilitate student access to services -Facilitates student referrals -Development of single piece marketing collateral for student services -Establishing program standards for future domestic and international SCAD locations 6 The Sting: The Learning Resource Network sponsored its Second Annual "The Sting" event, fall 2010 designed to introduce academic learning assistance programs to students at SCAD. A total of 403 students attended the event last fall and learned of new programming and services. This event has now become part of the SCAD’s culture and tradition for new and incoming students. Peer Tutor Connection: The Learning Resource Hive: Peer Tutor Connection program was certified through the College Reading and Learning Association, August 2010. The national certification helps boost confidence in the program among colleagues, faculty and student by following national training and tutor standards. The certification illustrates that the program is a vital component in student learning. Peer tutors (25) earning a Level I Certificate at SCAD will be recognized at other certifying colleges and universities. Certified Fall 2010-Level I Alvaro Lima Andrew Wanamaker Chaitra Rao Cliff Reynolds Gloria Wu Eduardo Ortiz Kelsey Wilson Kirk Morris Laura Hellinger Lauren Jones Lauren Segall Maria Malavasi Renee Malloy Vijay Chakravarthy Certified Winter 2011-Level I Anderli Yao Brigitte Garland Caitlin Willis Chris Lee Jeff Horal Julie Zhou Nate Gutoski Ricky Doshi Seo Kim Will Moten Yang Wang 7 Evaluation of Learning Resource Hive: Executive Summary for AY 2009 - 10 Created by SCAD Office of Institutional Research Executive Summary The peer tutor program survey intended to assess how the program is working for students who received tutoring services. The survey was administered online; students who participated in tutoring services were invited to respond throughout each quarter. Respondent Overview • 173 separate responses on 20 tutors Survey Highlights • Nearly all respondents understand how to use Peer Tutor Connection (95%) and received an appointment confirmation e-mail (97%) • More than 90% of respondents “agreed” that their tutor: • Had excellent knowledge of the subject matter (93%) • Incorporated their personal learning style (93%) • Encouraged them to find their own answers (92%) • Encouraged them to participate in the session (91%) • One hundred seventy (98%) respondents would recommend the peer tutoring program • Nearly all respondents reported: • Learning skills to apply to the tutored subject matter (98%) • Making progress in learning and problem-solving the relevant tutored subject matter (97%) • Understanding steps to take following the session (96%) • Independently completing assignments because of tutoring (92%) 8 Learning Resource Hive Peer Tutor Connection Evaluation Session Data - Winter 2011 Return to Evaluation Main Page Page 1 of 19 Learning Resource Hive Totals by Session Scheduled Appointment Listing Winter 2011 Duration Time 2/17/2011 Date 1 hour(s) 11:00am GRDS 348 Graphic Design Studio 1 Session Gloria Wu-SAV Tutor (screen name) Appointment Status Complete 1/16/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ANAT 100 General Anatomy Nate Gutoski Complete 2/6/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ANAT 100 General Anatomy Nate Gutoski Complete 2/20/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ANAT 100 General Anatomy Nate Gutoski Complete 2/27/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ANAT 100 General Anatomy Nate Gutoski Complete 3/4/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ANAT 100 General Anatomy Nate Gutoski Complete 3/5/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ANAT 100 General Anatomy Nate Gutoski Complete 3/13/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ANAT 100 General Anatomy Nate Gutoski Confirmed 3/13/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ANAT 100 General Anatomy Nate Gutoski Confirmed 2/11/2011 1 hour(s) 8:00pm ANIM 202 Animation I Caitlin Willis Complete 2/12/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm ANIM 202 Animation I Caitlin Willis Complete 2/18/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm ANIM 202 Animation I Caitlin Willis Complete 2/19/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm ANIM 202 Animation I Caitlin Willis Complete 2/25/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm ANIM 202 Animation I Caitlin Willis Complete 2/26/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am ANIM 202 Animation I Jeff Horal Complete 2/26/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm ANIM 202 Animation I Caitlin Willis Complete 3/3/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ANIM 202 Animation I Jill Dykxhoorn Complete 3/5/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm ANIM 202 Animation I Caitlin Willis Complete 3/11/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm ANIM 202 Animation I Sean Simon-SAV Confirmed 1/14/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Jeff Horal Complete 1/14/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Sean Simon-SAV Complete 1/15/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Jeff Horal Scheduled 1/16/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Sean Simon-SAV Complete 1/21/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Jeff Horal Complete 1/23/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Jeff Horal Complete 1/23/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Sean Simon-SAV Complete 1/28/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Jeff Horal Complete 1/28/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Sean Simon-SAV Complete 1/28/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Sean Simon-SAV Complete 1/29/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Jeff Horal Complete 1/30/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Jeff Horal Complete 1/30/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Sean Simon-SAV Complete 2/4/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Sean Simon-SAV Complete 2/5/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Caitlin Willis Complete 2/5/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Caitlin Willis Complete 2/6/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Sean Simon-SAV Complete 2/11/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Sean Simon-SAV Complete 2/12/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Caitlin Willis Complete Page 2 of 19 Duration Time 2/13/2011 Date 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Session Sean Simon-SAV Tutor (screen name) Appointment Status Complete 2/18/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Sean Simon-SAV Complete 2/18/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Sean Simon-SAV Complete 2/19/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Jeff Horal Complete 2/19/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Jeff Horal Complete 2/19/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Caitlin Willis Complete 2/25/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Sean Simon-SAV Complete 2/26/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Will Moten Complete 2/26/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Caitlin Willis Complete 2/26/2011 1 hour(s) 9:00pm ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Caitlin Willis Complete 2/27/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Sean Simon-SAV Complete 2/27/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Sean Simon-SAV Complete 3/4/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Sean Simon-SAV Complete 3/4/2011 1 hour(s) 8:00pm ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Caitlin Willis Complete 3/5/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Caitlin Willis Complete 3/11/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ANIM 250 Digital Form, Space and Lighting Sean Simon-SAV Complete 2/4/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ANIM 252 Animation II Sean Simon-SAV Complete 2/18/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm ANIM 252 Animation II Caitlin Willis Complete 2/19/2011 1 hour(s) 8:00pm ANIM 252 Animation II Caitlin Willis Complete 3/4/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm ANIM 252 Animation II Caitlin Willis Complete 3/4/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm ANIM 252 Animation II Caitlin Willis Complete 3/5/2011 1 hour(s) 8:00pm ANIM 252 Animation II Caitlin Willis Complete 1/28/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ANIM 280 3-D Character Setup and Animation Sean Simon-SAV Complete 2/11/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ANIM 280 3-D Character Setup and Animation Sean Simon-SAV Complete 2/13/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ANIM 280 3-D Character Setup and Animation Sean Simon-SAV Complete 2/25/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ANIM 280 3-D Character Setup and Animation Sean Simon-SAV Complete 3/13/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ANIM 280 3-D Character Setup and Animation Sean Simon-SAV Confirmed 1/28/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm ANIM 313 3-D Animation Production Jeff Horal Complete 2/27/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ANIM 313 3-D Animation Production Sean Simon-SAV Complete 1/8/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am ANIM 333 3-D Character Animation I Jeff Horal Complete 3/5/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am ANIM 333 3-D Character Animation I Jeff Horal Complete 3/13/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm ANIM 333 3-D Character Animation I Jeff Horal Scheduled 2/6/2011 2 hour(s) 11:00am ANIM 408 Senior Animation Project I Jeff Horal Complete 2/11/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ANIM 448 Senior Animation Project II Jeff Horal Complete 2/13/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm ANIM 448 Senior Animation Project II Jeff Horal Complete 2/18/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ANIM 448 Senior Animation Project II Jeff Horal Complete 2/20/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am ANIM 448 Senior Animation Project II Jeff Horal Complete 2/25/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm ANIM 448 Senior Animation Project II Jeff Horal Scheduled 2/25/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ANIM 448 Senior Animation Project II Jeff Horal Scheduled 3/5/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm ANIM 448 Senior Animation Project II Jeff Horal Complete 3/6/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am ANIM 448 Senior Animation Project II Jeff Horal Complete Page 3 of 19 Duration Time 1/16/2011 Date 1 hour(s) 9:00pm ARCH 252 Structures I Session Andrew Wanamaker Tutor (screen name) Appointment Status Complete 1/30/2011 1 hour(s) 8:00pm ARCH 252 Structures I Andrew Wanamaker Complete 1/31/2011 1 hour(s) 9:00pm ARCH 252 Structures I Andrew Wanamaker Complete 2/20/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm ARCH 252 Structures I Andrew Wanamaker Complete 2/21/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm ARCH 252 Structures I Andrew Wanamaker Complete 1/16/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm ARCH 352 Structures II Andrew Wanamaker Complete 1/24/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm ARCH 352 Structures II Andrew Wanamaker Complete 1/18/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art I Maria P. Malavasi-SAV Complete 1/19/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art I Alvaro Lima-SAV Complete 1/25/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art I Maria P. Malavasi-SAV Complete 2/7/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art I Brigitte Garland Complete 2/13/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art I Montana Keig Scheduled 2/13/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art I Montana Keig Scheduled 2/14/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art I Brigitte Garland Complete 2/14/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art I Alvaro Lima-SAV Complete 2/15/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art I Maria P. Malavasi-SAV Complete 2/15/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art I Maria P. Malavasi-SAV Complete 2/15/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art I Maria P. Malavasi-SAV Complete 2/15/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art I Montana Keig Scheduled 2/16/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art I Alvaro Lima-SAV Complete 2/20/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art I Montana Keig Scheduled 2/21/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art I Alvaro Lima-SAV Complete 2/23/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art I Brigitte Garland Complete 2/23/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art I Alvaro Lima-SAV Complete 2/24/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art I Maria P. Malavasi-SAV Complete 2/24/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art I Montana Keig Scheduled 2/27/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art I Montana Keig Complete 2/28/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art I Brigitte Garland Complete 2/28/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art I Alvaro Lima-SAV Complete 2/28/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art I Alvaro Lima-SAV Complete 3/1/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art I Maria P. Malavasi-SAV Complete 3/2/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art I Brigitte Garland Complete 3/7/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art I Brigitte Garland Complete 3/7/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art I Brigitte Garland Complete 3/7/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art I Brigitte Garland Complete 3/8/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art I Maria P. Malavasi-SAV Complete 3/8/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art I Montana Keig Scheduled 3/10/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art I Maria P. Malavasi-SAV Complete 3/10/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art I Montana Keig Scheduled 1/19/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ARTH 110 Survey of Western Art II Alvaro Lima-SAV Complete 2/21/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm ARTH 110 Survey of Western Art II Alvaro Lima-SAV Complete Page 4 of 19 Duration Time Tutor (screen name) Appointment Status 2/22/2011 Date 1 hour(s) 2:00pm ARTH 110 Survey of Western Art II Session Maria P. Malavasi-SAV Complete 2/23/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ARTH 110 Survey of Western Art II Alvaro Lima-SAV Complete 2/28/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ARTH 110 Survey of Western Art II Alvaro Lima-SAV Complete 2/28/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ARTH 110 Survey of Western Art II Brigitte Garland Complete 3/9/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ARTH 110 Survey of Western Art II Brigitte Garland Complete 3/10/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm ARTH 110 Survey of Western Art II Montana Keig Scheduled 3/13/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm ARTH 110 Survey of Western Art II Montana Keig Scheduled 1/13/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm ARTH 207: 20th-century art Maria P. Malavasi-SAV Complete 2/14/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ARTH 207: 20th-century art Alvaro Lima-SAV Complete 2/21/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ARTH 207: 20th-century art Alvaro Lima-SAV Complete 2/12/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm CHIN 101: Introduction to Chinese Yang Wang Complete 2/17/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm CHIN 101: Introduction to Chinese Yang Wang Complete 2/25/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm CHIN 101: Introduction to Chinese Yang Wang Complete 2/26/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm CHIN 101: Introduction to Chinese Yang Wang Complete 3/4/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm CHIN 101: Introduction to Chinese Yang Wang Complete 3/5/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm CHIN 101: Introduction to Chinese Yang Wang Complete 3/11/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm CHIN 101: Introduction to Chinese Yang Wang Complete 3/12/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm CHIN 101: Introduction to Chinese Yang Wang Complete 1/8/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm CMPA 100: Survey of Computer Art Applications Jeff Horal Complete 1/12/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm CMPA 100: Survey of Computer Art Applications Laura Hellinger Complete 1/12/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm CMPA 100: Survey of Computer Art Applications Laura Hellinger Complete 1/23/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm CMPA 100: Survey of Computer Art Applications Jeff Horal Complete 1/30/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm CMPA 100: Survey of Computer Art Applications Jeff Horal Complete 1/31/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm CMPA 100: Survey of Computer Art Applications Laura Hellinger Complete 1/31/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm CMPA 100: Survey of Computer Art Applications Laura Hellinger Complete 2/2/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm CMPA 100: Survey of Computer Art Applications Laura Hellinger Complete 2/7/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm CMPA 100: Survey of Computer Art Applications Laura Hellinger Complete 2/9/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm CMPA 100: Survey of Computer Art Applications Laura Hellinger Complete 2/9/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm CMPA 100: Survey of Computer Art Applications Laura Hellinger Complete 2/14/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm CMPA 100: Survey of Computer Art Applications Laura Hellinger Complete 2/16/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm CMPA 100: Survey of Computer Art Applications Laura Hellinger Complete 2/16/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm CMPA 100: Survey of Computer Art Applications Laura Hellinger Complete 2/21/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm CMPA 100: Survey of Computer Art Applications Laura Hellinger Complete 2/23/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm CMPA 100: Survey of Computer Art Applications Laura Hellinger Complete 2/23/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm CMPA 100: Survey of Computer Art Applications Laura Hellinger Complete 2/23/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm CMPA 100: Survey of Computer Art Applications Laura Hellinger Complete 3/2/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm CMPA 100: Survey of Computer Art Applications Clifford Reynolds Complete 3/2/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm CMPA 100: Survey of Computer Art Applications Clifford Reynolds Complete 3/5/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am CMPA 100: Survey of Computer Art Applications Clifford Reynolds Complete 3/9/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm CMPA 100: Survey of Computer Art Applications Laura Hellinger Complete 3/13/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am CMPA 100: Survey of Computer Art Applications Jeff Horal Complete Page 5 of 19 Duration Time Session 1/9/2011 Date 1 hour(s) 3:00pm CMPA 110 Advanced Survey of Computer Art Applications Sean Simon-SAV Tutor (screen name) Appointment Status Complete 1/12/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm CMPA 110 Advanced Survey of Computer Art Applications Laura Hellinger Complete 1/14/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm CMPA 110 Advanced Survey of Computer Art Applications Sean Simon-SAV Complete 1/15/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am CMPA 110 Advanced Survey of Computer Art Applications Clifford Reynolds Complete 1/16/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm CMPA 110 Advanced Survey of Computer Art Applications Sean Simon-SAV Complete 1/16/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm CMPA 110 Advanced Survey of Computer Art Applications Sean Simon-SAV Complete 1/21/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm CMPA 110 Advanced Survey of Computer Art Applications Sean Simon-SAV Complete 1/30/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm CMPA 110 Advanced Survey of Computer Art Applications Sean Simon-SAV Complete 2/6/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm CMPA 110 Advanced Survey of Computer Art Applications Sean Simon-SAV Complete 2/13/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm CMPA 110 Advanced Survey of Computer Art Applications Sean Simon-SAV Complete 2/14/2011 1 hour(s) 9:00am CMPA 110 Advanced Survey of Computer Art Applications Clifford Reynolds Complete 2/18/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm CMPA 110 Advanced Survey of Computer Art Applications Sean Simon-SAV Complete 2/20/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm CMPA 110 Advanced Survey of Computer Art Applications Sean Simon-SAV Complete 2/27/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm CMPA 110 Advanced Survey of Computer Art Applications Jeff Horal Scheduled 2/28/2011 1 hour(s) 10:00am CMPA 110 Advanced Survey of Computer Art Applications Clifford Reynolds Complete 3/4/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm CMPA 110 Advanced Survey of Computer Art Applications Jeff Horal Complete 3/6/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm CMPA 110 Advanced Survey of Computer Art Applications Jeff Horal Complete 3/11/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm CMPA 110 Advanced Survey of Computer Art Applications Sean Simon-SAV Complete 3/11/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm CMPA 110 Advanced Survey of Computer Art Applications Will Moten Complete 3/12/2011 1 hour(s) 8:00pm CMPA 110 Advanced Survey of Computer Art Applications Will Moten Complete 1/27/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm COMM 105 Speech and Public Speaking Yang Wang Complete 2/3/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm COMM 105 Speech and Public Speaking Yang Wang Complete 2/19/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm COMM 105 Speech and Public Speaking Yang Wang Complete 2/24/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm COMM 105 Speech and Public Speaking Yang Wang Complete 1/11/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm DRAW 100 Drawing I Kirk Morris-SAV Complete 1/22/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm DRAW 100 Drawing I Lauren Jones Complete 1/25/2011 1 hour(s) 8:00pm DRAW 100 Drawing I Kirk Morris-SAV Complete 2/2/2011 2 hour(s) 8:00pm DRAW 100 Drawing I Kelsey Wilson Complete 2/6/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm DRAW 100 Drawing I Kelsey Wilson Complete 2/8/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm DRAW 100 Drawing I Kirk Morris-SAV Complete 2/9/2011 2 hour(s) 8:00pm DRAW 100 Drawing I Kelsey Wilson Confirmed 2/13/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm DRAW 100 Drawing I Kelsey Wilson Complete 2/15/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm DRAW 100 Drawing I Kirk Morris-SAV Complete 2/18/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm DRAW 100 Drawing I Eduardo Ortiz Complete 2/27/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm DRAW 100 Drawing I Eduardo Ortiz Complete 3/4/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm DRAW 100 Drawing I Eduardo Ortiz Complete 3/6/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm DRAW 100 Drawing I Kelsey Wilson Confirmed 1/14/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm DRAW 101 Drawing II Eduardo Ortiz Complete 1/15/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm DRAW 101 Drawing II Lauren Jones Complete 1/16/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm DRAW 101 Drawing II Kelsey Wilson Complete 1/20/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm DRAW 101 Drawing II Lauren Jones Scheduled Page 6 of 19 Duration Time 1/21/2011 Date 1 hour(s) 5:00pm DRAW 101 Drawing II Session Eduardo Ortiz Tutor (screen name) Appointment Status Complete 1/22/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm DRAW 101 Drawing II Lauren Jones Complete 1/23/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm DRAW 101 Drawing II Eduardo Ortiz Scheduled 1/23/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm DRAW 101 Drawing II Eduardo Ortiz Scheduled 1/28/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm DRAW 101 Drawing II Eduardo Ortiz Complete 1/29/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm DRAW 101 Drawing II Lauren Jones Complete 1/30/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm DRAW 101 Drawing II Eduardo Ortiz Complete 2/4/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm DRAW 101 Drawing II Eduardo Ortiz Complete 2/13/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm DRAW 101 Drawing II Eduardo Ortiz Complete 2/20/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm DRAW 101 Drawing II Kelsey Wilson Complete 2/20/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm DRAW 101 Drawing II Eduardo Ortiz Complete 2/20/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm DRAW 101 Drawing II Eduardo Ortiz Complete 2/20/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm DRAW 101 Drawing II Eduardo Ortiz Complete 2/23/2011 1 hour(s) 8:00pm DRAW 101 Drawing II Kelsey Wilson Complete 2/25/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm DRAW 101 Drawing II Eduardo Ortiz Complete 2/27/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm DRAW 101 Drawing II Eduardo Ortiz Complete 3/5/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm DRAW 101 Drawing II Lauren Jones Complete 3/6/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm DRAW 101 Drawing II Eduardo Ortiz Complete 3/6/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm DRAW 101 Drawing II Eduardo Ortiz Complete 3/6/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm DRAW 101 Drawing II Eduardo Ortiz Complete 3/11/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm DRAW 101 Drawing II Eduardo Ortiz Complete 3/11/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm DRAW 101 Drawing II Eduardo Ortiz Complete 3/11/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm DRAW 101 Drawing II Eduardo Ortiz Complete 3/13/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm DRAW 101 Drawing II Eduardo Ortiz Complete 3/13/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm DRAW 101 Drawing II Eduardo Ortiz Complete 3/13/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm DRAW 101 Drawing II Eduardo Ortiz Complete 2/3/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm DSGN 100 2-D Design Lauren Jones Complete 2/6/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm DSGN 100 2-D Design Kelsey Wilson Complete 2/27/2011 2 hour(s) 2:00pm DSGN 100 2-D Design Kelsey Wilson Complete 3/2/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm DSGN 100 2-D Design Kirk Morris-SAV Complete 1/19/2011 1 hour(s) 8:00pm DSGN 101 Color Theory Kelsey Wilson Complete 1/29/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm DSGN 101 Color Theory Lauren Jones Complete 2/3/2011 1 hour(s) 8:00pm DSGN 101 Color Theory Lauren Jones Complete 2/5/2011 2 hour(s) 2:00pm DSGN 101 Color Theory Lauren Jones Complete 2/12/2011 2 hour(s) 2:00pm DSGN 101 Color Theory Lauren Jones Complete 2/13/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm DSGN 101 Color Theory Kelsey Wilson Complete 2/13/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm DSGN 101 Color Theory Kelsey Wilson Complete 2/19/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm DSGN 101 Color Theory Lauren Jones Complete 2/18/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm ELDS 205 Computer Aided Product Design Julie Zhou Complete 2/24/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ELDS 205 Computer Aided Product Design Anderli Yao Complete 3/4/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm ELDS 205 Computer Aided Product Design Julie Zhou Complete Page 7 of 19 Duration Time 3/9/2011 Date 1 hour(s) 2:00pm ELDS 205 Computer Aided Product Design Session Julie Zhou Tutor (screen name) Appointment Status Complete 3/11/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ELDS 205 Computer Aided Product Design Julie Zhou Complete 1/15/2011 1 hour(s) 1:00pm ELDS 225 Electronic Design I Ricky Doshi Complete 1/22/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am ELDS 225 Electronic Design I Ricky Doshi Complete 2/5/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am ELDS 225 Electronic Design I Ricky Doshi Complete 2/5/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm ELDS 225 Electronic Design I Ricky Doshi Complete 2/5/2011 1 hour(s) 1:00pm ELDS 225 Electronic Design I Ricky Doshi Complete 2/6/2011 2 hour(s) 11:00am ELDS 225 Electronic Design I Ricky Doshi Complete 2/13/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am ELDS 225 Electronic Design I Ricky Doshi Complete 2/13/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm ELDS 225 Electronic Design I Ricky Doshi Complete 2/13/2011 1 hour(s) 1:00pm ELDS 225 Electronic Design I Ricky Doshi Complete 2/26/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm ELDS 225 Electronic Design I Ricky Doshi Complete 2/26/2011 1 hour(s) 1:00pm ELDS 225 Electronic Design I Ricky Doshi Complete 3/5/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm ELDS 225 Electronic Design I Ricky Doshi Complete 3/6/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm ELDS 225 Electronic Design I Ricky Doshi Complete 3/12/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am ELDS 225 Electronic Design I Ricky Doshi Complete 3/12/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm ELDS 225 Electronic Design I Ricky Doshi Complete 3/12/2011 1 hour(s) 1:00pm ELDS 225 Electronic Design I Ricky Doshi Complete 2/6/2011 1 hour(s) 1:00pm ELDS 425 Design Practice and Project Management Ricky Doshi Complete 2/19/2011 2 hour(s) 11:00am ELDS 425 Design Practice and Project Management Ricky Doshi Complete 2/19/2011 1 hour(s) 1:00pm ELDS 425 Design Practice and Project Management Ricky Doshi Complete 2/20/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm ELDS 425 Design Practice and Project Management Ricky Doshi Complete 2/20/2011 1 hour(s) 1:00pm ELDS 425 Design Practice and Project Management Ricky Doshi Complete 2/26/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am ELDS 425 Design Practice and Project Management Ricky Doshi Complete 2/27/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am ELDS 425 Design Practice and Project Management Ricky Doshi Complete 2/27/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm ELDS 425 Design Practice and Project Management Ricky Doshi Complete 2/27/2011 1 hour(s) 1:00pm ELDS 425 Design Practice and Project Management Ricky Doshi Complete 3/5/2011 1 hour(s) 1:00pm ELDS 425 Design Practice and Project Management Ricky Doshi Complete 3/6/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am ELDS 425 Design Practice and Project Management Ricky Doshi Complete 3/6/2011 1 hour(s) 1:00pm ELDS 425 Design Practice and Project Management Ricky Doshi Complete 3/13/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm ELDS 425 Design Practice and Project Management Ricky Doshi Complete 3/13/2011 1 hour(s) 1:00pm ELDS 425 Design Practice and Project Management Ricky Doshi Complete 1/9/2011 1 hour(s) 10:00am English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Complete 1/10/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Complete 1/12/2011 1 hour(s) 10:00am English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Complete 1/13/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 1/13/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 1/14/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 1/14/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 1/19/2011 1 hour(s) 10:00am English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Complete 1/20/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete Page 8 of 19 Duration Time 1/20/2011 Date 1 hour(s) 3:00pm English Language guide Session Seo Gyoung Kim Tutor (screen name) Appointment Status Complete 1/20/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 1/21/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 1/23/2011 1 hour(s) 10:00am English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Complete 1/24/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Complete 1/25/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Complete 1/25/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Complete 1/27/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 1/27/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 1/27/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 1/28/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 1/28/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 1/28/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 1/31/2011 1 hour(s) 10:00am English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Complete 1/31/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Complete 2/1/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Complete 2/2/2011 1 hour(s) 9:00am English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Complete 2/2/2011 1 hour(s) 10:00am English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Complete 2/3/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 2/3/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 2/4/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 2/4/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 2/6/2011 1 hour(s) 10:00am English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Complete 2/6/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Complete 2/7/2011 1 hour(s) 10:00am English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Complete 2/7/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Complete 2/8/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Complete 2/10/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 2/10/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 2/11/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 2/11/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 2/11/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 2/13/2011 1 hour(s) 10:00am English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Complete 2/14/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Complete 2/16/2011 1 hour(s) 9:00am English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Complete 2/16/2011 1 hour(s) 10:00am English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Confirmed 2/17/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 2/17/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 2/18/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 2/18/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 2/21/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Complete Page 9 of 19 Duration Time 2/22/2011 Date 1 hour(s) 3:00pm English Language guide Session Chaitrasri Rao Tutor (screen name) Appointment Status Complete 2/22/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Complete 2/23/2011 1 hour(s) 9:00am English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Confirmed 2/24/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 2/25/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 2/25/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 2/25/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 2/28/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Complete 3/1/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Confirmed 3/1/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Confirmed 3/2/2011 1 hour(s) 9:00am English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Complete 3/3/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 3/4/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 3/6/2011 1 hour(s) 10:00am English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Complete 3/7/2011 1 hour(s) 10:00am English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Complete 3/7/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Complete 3/10/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 3/10/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 3/11/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm English Language guide Seo Gyoung Kim Complete 3/14/2011 1 hour(s) 10:00am English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Confirmed 3/14/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am English Language guide Chaitrasri Rao Confirmed 1/20/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm FASH 100 Fashion Technology Alysha Caine-SAV Complete 1/29/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm FASH 100 Fashion Technology Alysha Caine-SAV Complete 2/5/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm FASH 100 Fashion Technology Alysha Caine-SAV Complete 2/6/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm FASH 100 Fashion Technology Alysha Caine-SAV Confirmed 2/19/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm FASH 100 Fashion Technology Alysha Caine-SAV Complete 2/20/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm FASH 100 Fashion Technology Alysha Caine-SAV Complete 2/24/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm FASH 100 Fashion Technology Alysha Caine-SAV Complete 2/26/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm FASH 100 Fashion Technology Alysha Caine-SAV Complete 2/27/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm FASH 100 Fashion Technology Alysha Caine-SAV Complete 3/5/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm FASH 100 Fashion Technology Alysha Caine-SAV Complete 3/6/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm FASH 100 Fashion Technology Alysha Caine-SAV Complete 3/12/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm FASH 100 Fashion Technology Alysha Caine-SAV Complete 3/13/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm FASH 100 Fashion Technology Alysha Caine-SAV Complete 1/31/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm FASH 110 Introduction to Fashion Design Lauren Mayhew Confirmed 2/2/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm FASH 110 Introduction to Fashion Design Lauren Mayhew Confirmed 2/7/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm FASH 110 Introduction to Fashion Design Lauren Mayhew Confirmed 1/26/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm FASH 219 Introduction to Fashion Sketching Lauren Mayhew Confirmed 2/9/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm FASH 219 Introduction to Fashion Sketching Lauren Mayhew Confirmed 2/16/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm FASH 219 Introduction to Fashion Sketching Lauren Mayhew Confirmed 2/23/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm FASH 219 Introduction to Fashion Sketching Lauren Mayhew Confirmed Page 10 of 19 Duration Time 1/19/2011 Date 1 hour(s) 5:00pm FASH 220 Advanced Fashion Sketching Session Lauren Mayhew Tutor (screen name) Appointment Status Confirmed 3/2/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm FASH 220 Advanced Fashion Sketching Lauren Mayhew Confirmed 1/18/2011 1 hour(s) 1:00pm FASM 220 Fashion Merchandising, Planning and Control Mitali Banerjee-SAV Complete 1/25/2011 1 hour(s) 1:00pm FASM 220 Fashion Merchandising, Planning and Control Mitali Banerjee-SAV Complete 1/24/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm FREN 101 1 Brigitte Garland Complete 1/31/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm FREN 101 1 Brigitte Garland Complete 2/16/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm FREN 101 1 Brigitte Garland Complete 3/1/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm FREN 101 1 Maria P. Malavasi-SAV Complete 3/3/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm FREN 101 1 Maria P. Malavasi-SAV Complete 1/12/2011 1 hour(s) 1:00pm GRDS 201 Introduction to Graphic Design Rene Malloy Confirmed 1/13/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am GRDS 201 Introduction to Graphic Design Gloria Wu-SAV Complete 1/24/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm GRDS 201 Introduction to Graphic Design Rene Malloy Complete 1/24/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm GRDS 201 Introduction to Graphic Design Rene Malloy Complete 1/28/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm GRDS 201 Introduction to Graphic Design Rene Malloy Complete 1/31/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm GRDS 201 Introduction to Graphic Design Rene Malloy Confirmed 1/31/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm GRDS 201 Introduction to Graphic Design Rene Malloy Confirmed 2/1/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am GRDS 201 Introduction to Graphic Design Gloria Wu-SAV Complete 2/7/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm GRDS 201 Introduction to Graphic Design Rene Malloy Confirmed 2/8/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am GRDS 201 Introduction to Graphic Design Gloria Wu-SAV Complete 2/12/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am GRDS 201 Introduction to Graphic Design Gloria Wu-SAV Complete 2/19/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am GRDS 201 Introduction to Graphic Design Gloria Wu-SAV Complete 2/19/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm GRDS 201 Introduction to Graphic Design Gloria Wu-SAV Complete 2/22/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am GRDS 201 Introduction to Graphic Design Gloria Wu-SAV Complete 2/24/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am GRDS 201 Introduction to Graphic Design Gloria Wu-SAV Complete 3/1/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm GRDS 201 Introduction to Graphic Design Gloria Wu-SAV Complete 3/3/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am GRDS 201 Introduction to Graphic Design Gloria Wu-SAV Complete 3/8/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm GRDS 201 Introduction to Graphic Design Gloria Wu-SAV Complete 3/12/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am GRDS 201 Introduction to Graphic Design Gloria Wu-SAV Complete 1/28/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm GRDS 205 Typography I Rene Malloy Complete 2/3/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am GRDS 205 Typography I Gloria Wu-SAV Complete 1/21/2011 2 hour(s) 2:00pm GRDS 233 Vector and Raster Graphics Rene Malloy Complete 1/27/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am GRDS 233 Vector and Raster Graphics Gloria Wu-SAV Complete 2/4/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm GRDS 233 Vector and Raster Graphics Rene Malloy Complete 2/7/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm GRDS 233 Vector and Raster Graphics Rene Malloy Confirmed 2/24/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm GRDS 233 Vector and Raster Graphics Gloria Wu-SAV Complete 1/10/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am GRDS 243 Digital Page and Web Graphics Rene Malloy Complete 1/24/2011 1 hour(s) 1:00pm GRDS 243 Digital Page and Web Graphics Rene Malloy Complete 3/5/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm GRDS 243 Digital Page and Web Graphics Gloria Wu-SAV Complete 1/22/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am GRDS 348 Graphic Design Studio I Gloria Wu-SAV Complete 1/25/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am GRDS 348 Graphic Design Studio I Gloria Wu-SAV Complete 1/31/2011 1 hour(s) 1:00pm GRDS 348 Graphic Design Studio I Rene Malloy Confirmed Page 11 of 19 Duration Time 1/28/2011 Date 1 hour(s) 2:00pm GRDS 358 Production Design Session Rene Malloy Tutor (screen name) Appointment Status Complete 1/22/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm IDUS 100 Introduction to Industrial Design Anderli Yao Complete 1/22/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm IDUS 100 Introduction to Industrial Design Anderli Yao Complete 1/24/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm IDUS 100 Introduction to Industrial Design Julie Zhou Complete 1/29/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm IDUS 100 Introduction to Industrial Design Anderli Yao Complete 1/29/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm IDUS 100 Introduction to Industrial Design Anderli Yao Complete 2/5/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm IDUS 100 Introduction to Industrial Design Anderli Yao Complete 2/5/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm IDUS 100 Introduction to Industrial Design Anderli Yao Complete 2/12/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm IDUS 100 Introduction to Industrial Design Anderli Yao Complete 2/12/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm IDUS 100 Introduction to Industrial Design Anderli Yao Complete 2/26/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm IDUS 100 Introduction to Industrial Design Anderli Yao Complete 2/26/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm IDUS 100 Introduction to Industrial Design Anderli Yao Complete 3/5/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm IDUS 100 Introduction to Industrial Design Anderli Yao Complete 3/5/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm IDUS 100 Introduction to Industrial Design Anderli Yao Complete 3/12/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm IDUS 100 Introduction to Industrial Design Anderli Yao Confirmed 3/12/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm IDUS 100 Introduction to Industrial Design Anderli Yao Confirmed 2/10/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm IDUS 212 Model and Prototype Development Anderli Yao Complete 1/19/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm IDUS 213: Industrial Design Idea Visualization Julie Zhou Complete 1/23/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm IDUS 213: Industrial Design Idea Visualization Anderli Yao Complete 1/24/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm IDUS 213: Industrial Design Idea Visualization Julie Zhou Complete 1/26/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm IDUS 213: Industrial Design Idea Visualization Julie Zhou Complete 1/26/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm IDUS 213: Industrial Design Idea Visualization Julie Zhou Complete 1/27/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm IDUS 213: Industrial Design Idea Visualization Anderli Yao Complete 1/27/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm IDUS 213: Industrial Design Idea Visualization Anderli Yao Complete 1/30/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm IDUS 213: Industrial Design Idea Visualization Anderli Yao Complete 1/30/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm IDUS 213: Industrial Design Idea Visualization Anderli Yao Complete 2/10/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm IDUS 213: Industrial Design Idea Visualization Anderli Yao Complete 2/11/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm IDUS 213: Industrial Design Idea Visualization Julie Zhou Complete 2/13/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm IDUS 213: Industrial Design Idea Visualization Anderli Yao Complete 2/14/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm IDUS 213: Industrial Design Idea Visualization Julie Zhou Complete 2/14/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm IDUS 213: Industrial Design Idea Visualization Julie Zhou Complete 2/17/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm IDUS 213: Industrial Design Idea Visualization Anderli Yao Complete 2/20/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm IDUS 213: Industrial Design Idea Visualization Anderli Yao Complete 3/2/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm IDUS 213: Industrial Design Idea Visualization Julie Zhou Complete 2/13/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm IDUS 313: Computer Modeling Anderli Yao Complete 2/16/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm IDUS 313: Computer Modeling Julie Zhou Complete 2/16/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm IDUS 313: Computer Modeling Julie Zhou Complete 2/21/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm IDUS 313: Computer Modeling Julie Zhou Complete 2/21/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm IDUS 313: Computer Modeling Julie Zhou Complete 2/28/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm IDUS 313: Computer Modeling Julie Zhou Complete 2/28/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm IDUS 313: Computer Modeling Julie Zhou Complete Page 12 of 19 Duration Time 3/7/2011 Date 1 hour(s) 2:00pm IDUS 313: Computer Modeling Session Julie Zhou Tutor (screen name) Appointment Status Complete 3/7/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm IDUS 313: Computer Modeling Julie Zhou Complete 3/14/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm IDUS 313: Computer Modeling Julie Zhou Complete 1/21/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm IDUS 316 Portfolio Development Julie Zhou Complete 1/31/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm IDUS 316 Portfolio Development Julie Zhou Complete 1/31/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm IDUS 316 Portfolio Development Julie Zhou Complete 2/3/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm IDUS 316 Portfolio Development Anderli Yao Complete 2/6/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm IDUS 316 Portfolio Development Anderli Yao Complete 2/6/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm IDUS 316 Portfolio Development Anderli Yao Complete 2/18/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm IDUS 316 Portfolio Development Julie Zhou Complete 2/25/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm IDUS 316 Portfolio Development Julie Zhou Complete 3/4/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm IDUS 316 Portfolio Development Julie Zhou Complete 2/2/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm IDUS 400: Transport Design Julie Zhou Complete 2/2/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm IDUS 400: Transport Design Julie Zhou Complete 2/3/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm IDUS 400: Transport Design Anderli Yao Complete 2/7/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm IDUS 400: Transport Design Julie Zhou Complete 2/7/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm IDUS 400: Transport Design Julie Zhou Complete 2/9/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm IDUS 400: Transport Design Julie Zhou Complete 2/9/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm IDUS 400: Transport Design Julie Zhou Complete 2/17/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm IDUS 400: Transport Design Anderli Yao Complete 2/24/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm IDUS 400: Transport Design Anderli Yao Complete 2/27/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm IDUS 400: Transport Design Anderli Yao Complete 3/3/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm IDUS 400: Transport Design Anderli Yao Complete 3/3/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm IDUS 400: Transport Design Anderli Yao Complete 3/6/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm IDUS 400: Transport Design Anderli Yao Complete 3/6/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm IDUS 400: Transport Design Anderli Yao Complete 3/10/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm IDUS 400: Transport Design Anderli Yao Complete 3/13/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm IDUS 400: Transport Design Anderli Yao Confirmed 3/13/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm IDUS 400: Transport Design Anderli Yao Confirmed 3/10/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm INDS 702: Interior Design Seminar Krista Williams Scheduled 1/16/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm ITGM 260 Interactive Design Chris Lee Complete 1/16/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ITGM 260 Interactive Design Chris Lee Complete 1/19/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ITGM 260 Interactive Design Laura Hellinger Complete 2/2/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ITGM 260 Interactive Design Laura Hellinger Complete 2/6/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm ITGM 260 Interactive Design Chris Lee Complete 2/6/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ITGM 260 Interactive Design Chris Lee Complete 2/8/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm ITGM 260 Interactive Design Chris Lee Complete 2/15/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm ITGM 260 Interactive Design Chris Lee Complete 2/20/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ITGM 260 Interactive Design Chris Lee Complete 2/20/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ITGM 260 Interactive Design Chris Lee Complete 2/21/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ITGM 260 Interactive Design Laura Hellinger Complete Page 13 of 19 Duration Time 2/22/2011 Date 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ITGM 260 Interactive Design Session Chris Lee Tutor (screen name) Appointment Status Complete 2/22/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ITGM 260 Interactive Design Chris Lee Complete 2/27/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ITGM 260 Interactive Design Chris Lee Complete 3/8/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ITGM 260 Interactive Design Chris Lee Complete 3/9/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ITGM 260 Interactive Design Laura Hellinger Complete 3/13/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ITGM 260 Interactive Design Chris Lee Complete 3/6/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm ITGM 303 Programming for Interactivity Chris Lee Complete 1/24/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ITGM 315 C++ Programming I Laura Hellinger Complete 2/16/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm ITGM 315 C++ Programming I Laura Hellinger Complete 3/7/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm ITGM 315 C++ Programming I Laura Hellinger Complete 3/7/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ITGM 315 C++ Programming I Laura Hellinger Complete 1/11/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm ITGM 719 Scripting for Interactivity Chris Lee Complete 1/16/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ITGM 719 Scripting for Interactivity Chris Lee Complete 1/18/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ITGM 719 Scripting for Interactivity Chris Lee Complete 1/23/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ITGM 719 Scripting for Interactivity Chris Lee Complete 1/30/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ITGM 719 Scripting for Interactivity Chris Lee Complete 1/30/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ITGM 719 Scripting for Interactivity Chris Lee Complete 2/1/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ITGM 719 Scripting for Interactivity Chris Lee Complete 2/27/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm ITGM 719 Scripting for Interactivity Chris Lee Complete 2/27/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ITGM 719 Scripting for Interactivity Chris Lee Complete 3/1/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ITGM 719 Scripting for Interactivity Chris Lee Complete 3/1/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ITGM 719 Scripting for Interactivity Chris Lee Complete 3/6/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ITGM 719 Scripting for Interactivity Chris Lee Complete 3/6/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm ITGM 719 Scripting for Interactivity Chris Lee Complete 3/8/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm ITGM 719 Scripting for Interactivity Chris Lee Complete 3/8/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm ITGM 719 Scripting for Interactivity Chris Lee Complete 3/13/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm ITGM 719 Scripting for Interactivity Chris Lee Complete 1/24/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Laura Hellinger Complete 1/24/2011 1 hour(s) 9:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Andrew Wanamaker Complete 1/26/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Emily Dye Scheduled 1/28/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Yang Wang Complete 1/29/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Yang Wang Complete 1/30/2011 1 hour(s) 9:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Andrew Wanamaker Complete 1/31/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Laura Hellinger Complete 2/1/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Jill Dykxhoorn Complete 2/5/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Yang Wang Complete 2/5/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Yang Wang Complete 2/6/2011 1 hour(s) 9:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Andrew Wanamaker Complete 2/7/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Laura Hellinger Complete 2/7/2011 1 hour(s) 9:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Andrew Wanamaker Complete 2/10/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Jill Dykxhoorn Complete Page 14 of 19 Duration Time Session 2/10/2011 Date 1 hour(s) 3:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Yang Wang Tutor (screen name) Appointment Status Complete 2/10/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Yang Wang Complete 2/10/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Jill Dykxhoorn Complete 2/11/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Yang Wang Complete 2/14/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Laura Hellinger Complete 2/14/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Andrew Wanamaker Complete 2/14/2011 1 hour(s) 8:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Andrew Wanamaker Complete 2/14/2011 1 hour(s) 9:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Andrew Wanamaker Complete 2/15/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Jill Dykxhoorn Complete 2/17/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Yang Wang Complete 2/17/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Emily Dye Scheduled 2/18/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Yang Wang Complete 2/21/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Laura Hellinger Complete 2/21/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Emily Dye Scheduled 2/21/2011 1 hour(s) 8:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Andrew Wanamaker Complete 2/21/2011 1 hour(s) 9:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Andrew Wanamaker Complete 2/22/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Jill Dykxhoorn Complete 2/22/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Mitali Banerjee-SAV Complete 2/23/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Mitali Banerjee-SAV Complete 2/24/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Jill Dykxhoorn Complete 2/25/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Yang Wang Complete 2/25/2011 1 hour(s) 9:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Caitlin Willis Complete 2/26/2011 1 hour(s) 8:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Caitlin Willis Complete 2/27/2011 1 hour(s) 9:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Andrew Wanamaker Complete 3/1/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Mitali Banerjee-SAV Complete 3/6/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Andrew Wanamaker Complete 3/7/2011 1 hour(s) 8:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Andrew Wanamaker Complete 3/7/2011 1 hour(s) 9:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Andrew Wanamaker Complete 3/8/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Mitali Banerjee-SAV Complete 3/13/2011 1 hour(s) 9:00pm MATH 100 College Mathematics Andrew Wanamaker Scheduled 1/11/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm MATH 101 Intermediate Mathematics Chaitrasri Rao Complete 1/18/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm MATH 101 Intermediate Mathematics Chaitrasri Rao Complete 1/22/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm MATH 101 Intermediate Mathematics Yang Wang Complete 1/23/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am MATH 101 Intermediate Mathematics Chaitrasri Rao Complete 1/29/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm MATH 101 Intermediate Mathematics Yang Wang Complete 2/1/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm MATH 101 Intermediate Mathematics Chaitrasri Rao Complete 2/7/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm MATH 101 Intermediate Mathematics Brigitte Garland Complete 2/11/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm MATH 101 Intermediate Mathematics Caitlin Willis Complete 2/11/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm MATH 101 Intermediate Mathematics Caitlin Willis Complete 2/14/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm MATH 101 Intermediate Mathematics Brigitte Garland Complete 2/16/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm MATH 101 Intermediate Mathematics Brigitte Garland Complete Page 15 of 19 Duration Time 2/17/2011 Date 1 hour(s) 3:00pm MATH 101 Intermediate Mathematics Session Emily Dye Tutor (screen name) Appointment Status Confirmed 2/17/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm MATH 101 Intermediate Mathematics Emily Dye Confirmed 2/18/2011 1 hour(s) 9:00pm MATH 101 Intermediate Mathematics Caitlin Willis Complete 2/20/2011 1 hour(s) 8:00pm MATH 101 Intermediate Mathematics Andrew Wanamaker Complete 2/20/2011 1 hour(s) 9:00pm MATH 101 Intermediate Mathematics Andrew Wanamaker Complete 2/21/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm MATH 101 Intermediate Mathematics Brigitte Garland Complete 2/22/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm MATH 101 Intermediate Mathematics Mitali Banerjee-SAV Complete 2/23/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm MATH 101 Intermediate Mathematics Mitali Banerjee-SAV Complete 2/23/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm MATH 101 Intermediate Mathematics Brigitte Garland Complete 2/23/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm MATH 101 Intermediate Mathematics Mitali Banerjee-SAV Complete 2/23/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm MATH 101 Intermediate Mathematics Mitali Banerjee-SAV Complete 2/24/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm MATH 101 Intermediate Mathematics Emily Dye Scheduled 2/27/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm MATH 101 Intermediate Mathematics Andrew Wanamaker Complete 2/27/2011 1 hour(s) 8:00pm MATH 101 Intermediate Mathematics Andrew Wanamaker Complete 3/2/2011 1 hour(s) 2:00pm MATH 101 Intermediate Mathematics Brigitte Garland Complete 3/2/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm MATH 101 Intermediate Mathematics Brigitte Garland Complete 3/5/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm MATH 101 Intermediate Mathematics Yang Wang Complete 3/6/2011 1 hour(s) 8:00pm MATH 101 Intermediate Mathematics Andrew Wanamaker Complete 3/11/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm MATH 101 Intermediate Mathematics Yang Wang Complete 2/20/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am MATH 201 Applies Mathematics Chaitrasri Rao Confirmed 3/8/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm MATH 201 Applies Mathematics Chaitrasri Rao Complete 3/8/2011 1 hour(s) 4:00pm MATH 201 Applies Mathematics Chaitrasri Rao Complete 3/9/2011 1 hour(s) 9:00am MATH 201 Applies Mathematics Chaitrasri Rao Complete 1/15/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm MOME 130: Motion Media Design Techniques I Gloria Wu-SAV Complete 1/20/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am MOME 130: Motion Media Design Techniques I Gloria Wu-SAV Complete 1/22/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm MOME 130: Motion Media Design Techniques I Gloria Wu-SAV Complete 1/25/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm MOME 130: Motion Media Design Techniques I Gloria Wu-SAV Complete 1/27/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm MOME 130: Motion Media Design Techniques I Gloria Wu-SAV Complete 1/29/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am MOME 130: Motion Media Design Techniques I Gloria Wu-SAV Complete 1/29/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm MOME 130: Motion Media Design Techniques I Gloria Wu-SAV Complete 2/1/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm MOME 130: Motion Media Design Techniques I Gloria Wu-SAV Complete 2/3/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm MOME 130: Motion Media Design Techniques I Gloria Wu-SAV Complete 2/5/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am MOME 130: Motion Media Design Techniques I Gloria Wu-SAV Complete 1/9/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm PHYS 201 Applied Physics Andrew Wanamaker Complete 1/10/2011 1 hour(s) 8:00pm PHYS 201 Applied Physics Andrew Wanamaker Complete 1/16/2011 1 hour(s) 8:00pm PHYS 201 Applied Physics Andrew Wanamaker Complete 1/23/2011 1 hour(s) 8:00pm PHYS 201 Applied Physics Andrew Wanamaker Complete 1/31/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm PHYS 201 Applied Physics Andrew Wanamaker Complete 2/7/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm PHYS 201 Applied Physics Andrew Wanamaker Complete 2/5/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm TECH 311 Digital Materials and Textures Jeff Horal Complete 3/11/2011 1 hour(s) 8:00pm TECH 311 Digital Materials and Textures Will Moten Complete Page 16 of 19 Duration Time 2/11/2011 Date 1 hour(s) 6:00pm TECH 312: Advanced Application Scripting Session Will Moten Tutor (screen name) Appointment Status Complete 3/4/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm TECH 312: Advanced Application Scripting Will Moten Complete 2/4/2011 1 hour(s) 3:00pm TECH 316 Digital Lighting and Rendering Jeff Horal Complete 2/11/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm TECH 316 Digital Lighting and Rendering Will Moten Confirmed 2/13/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am TECH 316 Digital Lighting and Rendering Jeff Horal Complete 2/18/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm TECH 316 Digital Lighting and Rendering Will Moten Complete 2/18/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm TECH 316 Digital Lighting and Rendering Will Moten Complete 2/20/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm TECH 316 Digital Lighting and Rendering Jeff Horal Scheduled 2/25/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm TECH 316 Digital Lighting and Rendering Will Moten Complete 2/27/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am TECH 316 Digital Lighting and Rendering Jeff Horal Scheduled 3/12/2011 1 hour(s) 12:00pm TECH 316 Digital Lighting and Rendering Jeff Horal Scheduled 2/19/2011 1 hour(s) 8:00pm VSFX 160: Intro/Visual Effects Program Will Moten Complete 2/25/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm VSFX 160: Intro/Visual Effects Program Will Moten Complete 2/25/2011 1 hour(s) 8:00pm VSFX 160: Intro/Visual Effects Program Will Moten Complete 2/26/2011 1 hour(s) 8:00pm VSFX 160: Intro/Visual Effects Program Will Moten Complete 3/4/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm VSFX 160: Intro/Visual Effects Program Will Moten Complete 1/19/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm VSFX 210 Digital 3-D Visual Effects Clifford Reynolds Complete 1/26/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm VSFX 210 Digital 3-D Visual Effects Clifford Reynolds Complete 1/26/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm VSFX 210 Digital 3-D Visual Effects Clifford Reynolds Complete 1/29/2011 1 hour(s) 10:00am VSFX 210 Digital 3-D Visual Effects Clifford Reynolds Complete 1/31/2011 1 hour(s) 10:00am VSFX 210 Digital 3-D Visual Effects Clifford Reynolds Complete 2/2/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm VSFX 210 Digital 3-D Visual Effects Clifford Reynolds Complete 2/5/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm VSFX 210 Digital 3-D Visual Effects Will Moten Complete 2/5/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm VSFX 210 Digital 3-D Visual Effects Will Moten Complete 2/12/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm VSFX 210 Digital 3-D Visual Effects Will Moten Complete 2/12/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm VSFX 210 Digital 3-D Visual Effects Will Moten Complete 2/19/2011 1 hour(s) 10:00am VSFX 210 Digital 3-D Visual Effects Clifford Reynolds Complete 2/19/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm VSFX 210 Digital 3-D Visual Effects Will Moten Complete 2/19/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm VSFX 210 Digital 3-D Visual Effects Will Moten Complete 2/23/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm VSFX 210 Digital 3-D Visual Effects Clifford Reynolds Scheduled 2/26/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm VSFX 210 Digital 3-D Visual Effects Will Moten Complete 2/26/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm VSFX 210 Digital 3-D Visual Effects Will Moten Complete 3/5/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm VSFX 210 Digital 3-D Visual Effects Will Moten Complete 3/5/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm VSFX 210 Digital 3-D Visual Effects Will Moten Complete 3/5/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm VSFX 210 Digital 3-D Visual Effects Will Moten Complete 3/11/2011 1 hour(s) 5:00pm VSFX 210 Digital 3-D Visual Effects Will Moten Complete 3/11/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm VSFX 210 Digital 3-D Visual Effects Will Moten Complete 3/12/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm VSFX 210 Digital 3-D Visual Effects Will Moten Complete 3/12/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm VSFX 210 Digital 3-D Visual Effects Will Moten Complete 3/14/2011 1 hour(s) 9:00am VSFX 210 Digital 3-D Visual Effects Clifford Reynolds Complete 3/14/2011 1 hour(s) 10:00am VSFX 210 Digital 3-D Visual Effects Clifford Reynolds Complete Page 17 of 19 Duration Time 2/12/2011 Date 1 hour(s) 8:00pm VSFX 319: Programming Models/Shaders I Will Moten Complete 2/18/2011 1 hour(s) 8:00pm VSFX 319: Programming Models/Shaders I Will Moten Complete 2/25/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm VSFX 319: Programming Models/Shaders I Will Moten Complete 1/15/2011 1 hour(s) 10:00am VSFX 350 Procedural Modeling and Animation Clifford Reynolds Complete 1/19/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm VSFX 350 Procedural Modeling and Animation Clifford Reynolds Complete 1/22/2011 1 hour(s) 10:00am VSFX 350 Procedural Modeling and Animation Clifford Reynolds Complete 1/24/2011 2 hour(s) 9:00am VSFX 350 Procedural Modeling and Animation Clifford Reynolds Complete 2/2/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm VSFX 350 Procedural Modeling and Animation Clifford Reynolds Complete 2/7/2011 1 hour(s) 10:00am VSFX 350 Procedural Modeling and Animation Clifford Reynolds Complete 2/9/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm VSFX 350 Procedural Modeling and Animation Clifford Reynolds Complete 2/9/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm VSFX 350 Procedural Modeling and Animation Clifford Reynolds Complete 2/14/2011 1 hour(s) 10:00am VSFX 350 Procedural Modeling and Animation Clifford Reynolds Complete 2/16/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm VSFX 350 Procedural Modeling and Animation Clifford Reynolds Complete 2/19/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am VSFX 350 Procedural Modeling and Animation Clifford Reynolds Complete 2/21/2011 1 hour(s) 10:00am VSFX 350 Procedural Modeling and Animation Clifford Reynolds Complete 2/23/2011 1 hour(s) 6:00pm VSFX 350 Procedural Modeling and Animation Clifford Reynolds Complete 3/12/2011 1 hour(s) 11:00am VSFX 350 Procedural Modeling and Animation Clifford Reynolds Scheduled 2/12/2011 1 hour(s) 10:00am VSFX 428 Particles and Procedural Effects Clifford Reynolds Complete 2/16/2011 1 hour(s) 7:00pm VSFX 428 Particles and Procedural Effects Clifford Reynolds Complete Total Number = 672 Total Duration = 683 hours(s) Session Tutor (screen name) Appointment Status Savannah College of Art and Design Learning Resource Hive Peer Tutor Handbook Spring 2011 Jen Library, room 218 Table of Contents 1. Learning Resource Hive Overview ……………………3-4 2. Peer Tutor Position Descriptions………………………5-6 3. Peer Tutoring………….………………………………..9-12 4. Peer Tutor Connection……………………….………13-16 5. Tutor Code of Conduct and Guidelines………………..17 6. Peer Tutor Acknowledgement Form……………………18 2 Learning Resource Hive provides opportunities for student learning by offering a variety of supplemental programs designed to provide students with individual attention focused on their specific academic needs. Learning assistance is designated by subject or course and is provided to students free of charge. The Learning Resource Hive is located in Jen Library, room 218. However, tutoring and workshops take place in various locations depending on request. Programs: Peer Tutor Connection is an online appointment system that enables students to book appointments online 24/7. Students can make individual appointments with peer tutors or simply drop-in during scheduled tutoring hours. Individual tutoring is available in most subjects and at various major building locations throughout SCAD Savannah. Online tutoring appointments for eLearning or nontraditional students are also available via SCAD Connect and can be requested through Peer Tutor Connection. Once an appointment is booked, a confirmation email will be sent to the student with detailed information on the date, time, location or link, and name of the tutor assigned. Also, please note that there is a 24 hour cancellation policy with all tutoring appointments. Who are SCAD Peer Tutors? Peer tutors are upper level, high achieving students who assist fellow students with courses. Peer tutors do not provide answers or solutions to homework assignments, but instead work with the student in an effort to model problem-solving strategies and explain course-specific concepts. EL Guides EL guides are trained in language teaching methods and the tutorial process. They possess native or near-native proficiency in English with a GPA of 3.5 or above. EL guides serve three types of students: 1) students in levels 5 and 6 of the SCAD ESL program, 2) former ESL students, or 3) non-native speakers of English who have been exempted from ESL courses. EL guides may help with assignments in academic classes, provide general assistance in reading, and refer students to academic resources and programs for assistance. They also serve as conversation partners to help students build English fluency, increase confidence, and learn more about the university culture. Peer Tutor Connection Access: Student Portal: 1. MySCAD Student Workspace Tab 2. Scroll down to Learning Resource Network Bee Skilled Workshops are designed to promote student success and enhance academic learning skills. Specialized workshops include a series of quarterly workshops open to all 3 class levels. Workshops are led by the Learning Resource Hive staff along with partner Learning Resource Network programs. Workshops Survive College by Managing Time Effectively: Students will learn how to organize, plan, prioritize and get projects and assignments done on time, as well as how to best utilize time. To join the online workshop: Study Techniques = Academic Success: A brief learning assessment will provide student participants with insight on best learning approach and techniques that are aligned with their unique learning style. To join the online workshop: Enter the following login information: Username: SCAD Password: SCADc21! Test Anxiety: Students will learn how to study, prepare for tests, and techniques that will help with test anxiety. Students will become aware of what works and what doesn't! To join the online meeting: Enter the following login information: Username: SCAD Password: SCADc21! Please visit MySCAD, Learning Resource Hive page for upcoming SCAD-Savannah workshops on-location and technical workshops. Peer Tutor Role: • Assists with specific course-related concepts and problems • Facilitates development of effective study skills and problem-solving • Identifies strengths to reach learning milestones • Motivates and works with learning styles 4 • The ultimate goal of peer tutoring is to assist students in becoming independent learners. SCAD Peer Tutor-Level I Position Description The Learning Resource Hive is currently seeking qualified peer tutors to tutor math, metals and jewelry, interior design and others. Peer tutors are expected to be reliable, empathetic, and able to work with diverse student populations. In addition, if the peer tutor is tutoring a major that in offered online, the tutor may be selected to be an online or eLearning tutor. Peer tutors provide one-on-one individual sessions in person or online by appointment or drop-in. This is a work study paid ($10.00 p/hr) position Tasks and Responsibilities: • • • • • • • • Maintain a consistent tutoring schedule throughout the quarter Attend six mandatory trainings per quarter Coordinate and present specialized student workshops Market Peer Tutor Connection and provide outreach support at special student events Maintain communication with the coordinators and managers of Peer Tutor Connection Manage online peer tutor schedule as needed (i.e. check online for appointments, confirm and communicate with student seeking assistance) Make student referrals to other departments when appropriate Provide online tutoring Peer Tutor Requirements: • • • • • • • Work-study eligibility (contact Work-study office at 912-525-8776 for details) Minimum overall GPA of 3.5 cumulative or above (transcripts are checked on a quarterly basis) Junior, senior, or graduate standing Faculty, chair or dean recommendation in the tutoring subject area Interview with the Director of Learning Resource Programs Good organizational, time management and communication skills is a must Enjoy working with and helping others Benefits of Being a Peer Tutor: • • • Develop interpersonal communication skills Demonstrate student leadership on campus Meet diverse groups of students across a variety of academic disciplines 5 • • • Reinforce and build knowledge of course content Flexible work hours around classes Earn a paid campus position SCAD EL Guide Position Description English Language (EL) Guides act as resources for international students who may need ongoing support in English while pursuing a degree at SCAD. EL guides serve three types of international students: 1) students in levels 5 and 6 of the SCAD ESL program, 2) former ESL students, or 3) students who have been exempted from ESL courses. EL guides may help with assignments in academic classes and can provide general assistance in reading and refer students to academic resources and programs for assistance. They also serve as conversation partners to help students build English fluency, increase confidence, and learn more about the university culture. EL guides receive training in language teaching and learning and the tutorial process. EL Guides must: • • • • • Have native or near-native proficiency in English Have a grade point average of 3.5 Have excellent skills in reading and writing Have a working knowledge of English grammar Be eligible for work-study Pay is $10/hour; hours will be between 4-6 hours per week during the quarter. Contact Emily Burke or Jan Fluitt-Dupuy for more information. 6 Work Study Work study eligibility Students must be verified for work study eligibility by the Student Employment Coordinator in the Turner Express Office prior to starting the tutoring position. Potential tutors who assist students without completing the proper employment paperwork will not be paid for those hours. In addition, all students must be enrolled in two courses or more in order to maintain eligibility, unless the student is completing their last graduation quarter. Once hired, students must complete the Federal Form I-9 via Guardian, the online I-9 system. Students will receive an email notification including a user name and password (provided in a separate email). You must log into the system to complete Section I of the electronic I-9 and provide supporting documentation (samples included in the online form packet). You MUST schedule a time to present your items to a representative of the Student Employment Office to finish the process. Students ARE NOT CLEARED to work until notification is provided to the supervisor stating all necessary documentation has been submitted and recorded. Hours of Operation: Savannah Monday - Friday 8:30am-4:00pm Walk-ins 8:30am-12:30pm Appointments Only 12:30pm-3:45pm (I-9 verification by appointment only) Time sheets Time sheets are the official record by which the peer tutors are paid. Students must submit work-study time sheets to Stephanie Braddy. Completed time sheets are due to Emily Burke in person or scanned, signed and then emailed (email: by 5:00 on the Thursday prior to the listed deadline. Department Code: 21103-764 Payroll calendar 2010 and 2011 VERY IMPORTANT: Because of the direct deposit transfer, if you do not turn in a timesheet by the deadline date & time, you will not get paid until the next pay date. Please go to MySCAD Student Employment page to view current schedule and information on pay. 7 Students are responsible for: • • • • Ensuring that time sheets are submitted in a timely manner Ensuring that time sheets are legible and complete Ensuring that they do not work during scheduled class time or more than 40 hours per pay period. Time sheets must be completed in blue or black ink. Paydays are every other Friday. Review a payroll calendar for exact dates. Checks either will be deposited directly into student's checking or savings accounts or mailed to student’s current mailing address. There is a $30 reprocessing fee for all lost or misplaced checks (this amount must be paid in full before the check is reproduced). All students may view their check stubs on Ms under the My Info tab. For more information, contact the Student Employment Office at The Student Employment Office is located at SCAND-Savannah in the Turner Express Office, 302 NW. Boundary St. and at SCAND-Atlanta in the Student Resource Center, RN 129, 1600 Peach St. SCAD-Savannah Michele Eversol Student Employment Coordinator 912.525.8776 8 Peer Tutoring Scheduled tutoring hours Peer tutors will be scheduled certain work hours in a designated building and room. These are the hours that tutors are expected to work each week. These hours are designed to provide students with a reliable place and time for tutoring opportunities, so prompt arrival, adherence to scheduled hours, and physical presence in the designated tutoring location is expected. We will review schedules at the beginning of the quarter and at midterm to evaluate need. In the event that adjustments need to be made to better accommodate student traffic; tutors will be asked for a new working schedule for the quarter. Location and rooms The Learning Resource Hive is located in Jen Library in room 218. However, please keep in mind that tutoring takes place in various locations on campus depending on the subject matter and tools that are need during the tutoring session. When possible, peer tutors will be assigned one designated building and room location. If the designated location does not work for any reason, it is the peer tutors responsibility to contact LRH staff immediately. eLearning tutoring via SCAD Connect will also take place in the assigned location. Checking in/out Peer tutors will check in/out via the new online Peer Tutor Connection system that can be accessed online at Peer tutors will be expected to periodically login the system to monitor their peer tutoring appointments and schedules. Drop-in sessions will not be tracked on Peer Tutor Connection at this time. However, drop-ins will be accounted for by having the student fill out the drop-in slip at the beginning of the tutoring session. Drop-in sheets will then be turned in at the same time timesheets are turned in to LRH staff. Upon completion of the scheduled work hours, peer tutors will check out using the time clock tab. Students will be paid based on Peer Tutor Connection time clock reports and work-study time sheets. To clock in/out: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Select Time Clock from the menu tabs at top of the page of Select the link for Clock In/Out on left side of next page. Select tutor name from drop down menu. Click the Clock In button. After work shift is completed, click the Clock Out button. Tutors who do not clock in or out and/or don’t fill out their work-study timesheets may not be paid for those scheduled hours. 9 Unscheduled tutoring Tutors will only be paid for the number of hours that are scheduled and approved by the LRH staff. If a student approaches a tutor for assistance outside of that tutor’s scheduled hours, the tutor should check the schedule to see when other tutors are available to assist with that subject during alternate times. Only if the student cannot meet during any of the tutors’ scheduled hours or if they have a verifiable schedule conflict with scheduled tutoring times will additional hours be added to the tutor’s schedule. Again, this must be coordinated and approved through LRH. Drop-in appointments Peer tutors should be prepared for a number of students who drop by the designated tutoring location without appointments. Tutors should make every effort to assist as many students as possible. Time management is essential to maximize assistance to students. If a student drops in while the tutor is with another student, the tutor should advise the second student to either wait or schedule an appointment through the Peer Tutor Connection system. Appointments should always be given preference over drop- ins. Mandatory peer tutor training Peer tutors will be required to attend a minimum of ten 60 minute training meetings with other peer tutors as well as the coordinators of the program. During these meetings, tutors will discuss tutoring topics, scenarios and practice tutoring techniques. Coordinators and other college staff will conduct workshops on a variety of topics related to tutoring. These meetings will be valuable spaces in which to discuss happenings with tutoring as well as continue development as a tutor. Students will be paid for attending meetings. If you miss a training session, it is your responsibility to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Get the information you missed Make up the training Let David Blake know the session you will attend in order to make up your session. If mandatory training hours are not completed by the end of each quarter, your certification and employment will be in jeopardy for the following quarter. CRLA Certification: Peer Tutor-Level I In order to get certified through the College Reading and Learning Association you must: 1. 2. 3. 4. Complete 25 hours or more of student contact tutoring per quarter Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above Complete 10 hours of peer tutor training per quarter All peer tutors must be certified by the end of the quarter in order to maintain employment. Absences and tardiness 10 In order to garner student confidence in the tutoring program, it is essential that tutors be reliable in attending all scheduled tutoring sessions. If a tutor is unable to report to work for any reason, s/he should notify David Blake, Director of Learning Assistance Programs via email at with a detailed explanation of the absence. In addition, Ms. Emily Burke at should be copied and your direct supervisor. If there is advanced knowledge that there will be an absence, it is the peer tutor’s responsibility to rearrange coverage and reschedule tutoring appointments via Peer Tutor Connection. However, if the absence is unforeseen and due to an emergency or an illness, then an LRH representative will attempt to coordinate coverage with another peer tutor on staff. If coverage is not possible, an LRH representative will notify the student that their appointment will be rescheduled. In the event of an absence, the peer tutor will arrange for a sign to be placed at the designated tutoring location indicating the hour change for the day. Unreported, frequent absences and tardiness will be grounds for termination. Please refer to the work study Grounds for Immediate Termination section. Peer tutor attendance will be taken at every meeting. Marketing to students/faculty Self promotion In order for the tutoring program to be a success, it is important that peer tutors establish themselves as content experts. One of the best ways to start this identification process is to reach out to faculty who teach in the tutor’s subject area(s). This can be informal, as in mentioning tutoring hours to professors either in class or in the hallways, or it can be more directed, such as emailing all faculty in the subject area or sending word to the department chair for distribution. Similarly, promoting services to students themselves is critical to establishing the tutoring relationship. Classroom announcements, student involvement activities, and physical marketing are just a few ways to get the word out to students. Identification and visibility Each tutor will be provided with a name tag and a tutoring sign. Name tags should be worn to each session as an identifier. Additionally, tutors will receive a Peer Tutor Connection sign. These signs should be placed at the designated tutoring site when the tutor is on duty. Tutors are responsible for keeping up with the signs and name tags, so keep a close eye on them! SCAD- Learning Resource Hive property The peer tutor may be issued LRH property or equipment and are to be used solely for the purpose intended. Property should be kept in good condition and returned in the condition in which it was checked out. When checking out at the end of employment the 11 peer tutor will present the borrowed property in the condition that it was returned. Otherwise, a student hold may be placed on your record and/or a replacement of the same brand and quality must be purchased. Peer tutor evaluation The Director of Learning Assistance programs will provide you with an end of the quarter evaluation. Evaluation will determine future employment. The evaluation will be based on the following guidelines: 1. Quality of work 2. Student feedback and evaluations 3. Professional Judgment 4. Contribution to the Learning Resource Hive: Peer Tutor Connection Program 12 Peer Tutor Connection Appointment-Plus is online software that is used to allow students to securely book their own peer tutor appointments. It also allows internal staff to book appointments through the administrative site Peer tutors and staff will have access to the site as location users, which will allow staff to see other peer tutor appointments. Student appointment process • MySCAD Student Workspace tab > Learning Resource Hive > Peer Tutor Connection A confirmation email will be sent to the student that will provide detailed information on the date, time, location and name of the tutor assigned. Once the appointment has been confirmed, it is recommended that the student identify the challenge area(s) and is prepared with material necessary for the tutoring session. I need assistance with section There is a section on the student appointment site that will ask for specific information on the type of assistance that is needed. This is to be completed by the student prior to each tutoring session. This section will also appear on the peer tutor student confirmation email when the tutor session is booked. It is the peer tutor’s responsibility to view and prepare ahead of time for the peer tutoring session. Peer tutor appointment process To access the administrative appointment system, peer tutors will go to and enter their assigned log-in and password. Once the peer tutor is logged in, s/he may change their password and update their information. The peer tutor will then click on their name to the left of the screen and click on their schedule session date. A box with the following information will appear to the right of the screen. Alan Koda W1 W2 W3 M 5:00pm | 6:00pm | 7:00pm | 8:00pm | 9:00pm | 13 Reserve time When QR is clicked, a new screen will appear that will show the following information: Reserve time is not used to book appointments. It is used to block out unavailable time. To book appointments, click on the white area to the right of the Q and R boxes. Reason Time 6:00pm 7:00pm Add Reserved Time Reservation time can be used to block out time when a peer tutor is not available. This feature can be used when a peer tutor is out sick or has a meeting with a supervisor during their work schedule. Scheduling a student appointment When the blank space next to QR is clicked, a new screen will appear that will allow the peer tutor to book student appointments. The bolded text is required information that must be completed to finalize the appointment. Make Appointment Finalize Appointment Braddy, Stephanie or enter student information below First Name Last Name Daytime Phone With Alan Koda Room Session Duration Date Thursday, September 17, 2009 Cell Phone SCAD E-mail Student ID# Time 6:00pm Status Special Instructions for Student Major 14 view Referred By Please list specific areas that you need help w ith. Appointment Notes (internal only) Type one-time appointment Send appointment e-mail to student Send appointment e-mail to tutor Created Analia Mendez By Student Notes (internal only) Finalize Appointment Cancellation policy There is a 24 hour cancellation policy with all tutoring appointments. Once again there are two methods that a tutoring appointment can be canceled. The first is via the student site, Peer Tutor Connection and the second is via the administrative site, Appointment status change Appointment status will change as the student books, completes or cancels the appointment session. It will also change when a peer tutor or LRH staff member changes the status of the appointment. It is imperative that when an appointment is completed, the tutor change the status from scheduled or confirmed to complete. Color codes: White = Open session Gray = Reserved 15 Dark Gray = Unavailable Yellow = Scheduled Blue = Confirmed Gold = Complete Pink = No show Red = Reschedule Open Reserved Unavailable Scheduled Confirmed Complete Reschedule No Show show on side When the session is completed the tutor will change the status from confirmed to complete. If there is a no show, the tutor will change the status from confirmed to no show. 3:00pm Poetter Hall | Student Name GRDS 243 Digital Page and... | 555-5 | | 000846065 [add] A status change can be made by clicking on color desired and then the add link. Evaluations Completed peer tutor appointments and session evaluation An online evaluation is to be completed by the student after the session has ended and the peer tutor has changed the appointment status from reserved to complete. Once the status is changed, an email will be sent to the student requesting them to fill out an evaluation. Peer tutors will encourage students to fill out the evaluation as it will provide the LRH valuable information on the peer tutor performance as well as help improve student services. Evaluation reminder cards should be handed to the student after the session is over. To access the evaluation form click on: Please note that there is a new link that is created every quarter and it must be obtained for drop-in evaluations. 16 Tutor Code of Conduct and Guidelines As employees and representatives of the college, peer tutors are expected to provide professional learning assistance services to students. It is important to have a clear understanding of the expectations and guidelines that will assist in providing high quality student services. 1. Confidentiality of tutor /tutee working relationship. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) guidelines are essential and should be followed. Please refer to FERPA handout. 2. All tutoring will occur on SCAD property. For reasons of liability and security, off campus tutoring is not permitted. 3. If, at any time, a tutor feels uncomfortable with a student or vice versa, the student should alert David Blake, Director of Learning Assistance Programs at (912) 5254741 and other arrangements will be made. If there is an immediate threat call 911 or call SCAD security at (912) 525-4500. 4. Tutors are departmental representatives, and therefore should not engage in conversations that are derogatory toward faculty or the college. 5. Tutors should dress in a manner that is appropriate and respectable. Peer tutors working around equipment should not wear loose-fitting or dangling clothes or accessories that might get caught in equipment. Refer to building and lab emergency red manuals. 6. Sexual Harassment/Harassment: SCAD is committed to providing a work environment that is free of discrimination and harassment. Actions, words, jokes or comments based on an individual's sex, race, ethnicity, age, religion is prohibited. 7. No alcohol or drugs will be promoted or consumed while or during working hours. 8. Deliberate destruction of SCAD property will result in termination. 9. Peer tutors will read the SCAD Student Employment Guide for work study. In addition review Grounds for Immediate Termination section. 10. Failure to comply with any of the above can lead to employment termination. 17 Peer Tutor Acknowledgement Form I ____________________________by signing this document, I certify that I was provided a copy of the Learning Resource Hive student handbook for Spring ‘11. Should I have any questions, I will bring them to my supervisor’s attention immediately. I also acknowledge that it is my responsibility to read the complete student handbook Peer tutor signature:_____________________________________ Date:____________ 18 Attendance List for Tutor Training 2/11/2011 Guest Speaker from Guidance and Counseling Services: Don Musick Name Alvaro Lima Alysha Caine Anderli Yao Andrew Wanamaker Brigitte Garland Caitlin Willis Chaitrasri Rao Chris Lee Clifford Reynolds Eduardo Ortiz Emily Dye Gloria Wu Jeff Horal Jill Dykxhoorn Julie Zhou Kelsey Wilson Kirk Morris Krista Williams Laura Hellinger Lauren Jones Lauren Mayhew Maria Malavasi Micco Caporale Mitali Banerjee Montana Keig Nate Gutoski Renee Malloy Ricky Doshi Sean Bender Sean Simon Seo Gyoung Kim Will Moten Yang Wang Signature Peer Tutoring Drop-In Tally Sheet: Spring 2011 Peer Tutor Name: ___________________________ Date: ______________________________________ Student Name: ___________________________________ ID# __________________________________ Course Name/Subject: __________________________________________________________________ Major: _________________________________________Start Time: ___________ End Time: _________ Classification: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate Peer Tutor Name: ___________________________ Date: ______________________________________ Student Name: ___________________________________ ID# __________________________________ Course Name/Subject: __________________________________________________________________ Major: _________________________________________Start Time: ___________ End Time: _________ Classification: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate Peer Tutor Name: ___________________________ Date: ______________________________________ Student Name: ___________________________________ ID# __________________________________ Course Name/Subject: __________________________________________________________________ Major: _________________________________________Start Time: ___________ End Time: _________ Classification: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate Peer Tutor Name: ___________________________ Date: ______________________________________ Student Name: ___________________________________ ID# __________________________________ Course Name/Subject: __________________________________________________________________ Major: _________________________________________Start Time: ___________ End Time: _________ Classification: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate Peer Tutor Name: ___________________________ Date: ______________________________________ Student Name: ___________________________________ ID# __________________________________ Course Name/Subject: __________________________________________________________________ Major: _________________________________________Start Time: ___________ End Time: _________ Classification: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate Page 18 of 19 Learning Resource Hive Totals by Session Drop-in Sessions Winter 2011 Tutor Name Date Course Name/Subject Student Major Start Time End Time Kelsey Wilson 2/20/2011 2D Design Architecture 3:00 4:00 Jill Dyxkhoorn 2/24/2011 3D Animation Animation 3:00 5:00 Jill Dykxhoorn 3/8/2011 Action Analysis Animation 4:00 5:35 Nate Gutoski 1/16/2011 Anatomy Fashion Marketing 3:00 4:30 Nate Gutoski 2/11/2011 Anatomy Industrial Design 3:00 5:00 Nate Gutoski 2/13/2011 Anatomy Industrial Design 3:00 4:00 Nate Gutoski 2/11/2011 Anatomy Industrial Design 3:00 5:00 Nate Gutoski 2/13/2011 Anatomy Industrial Design 3:00 4:00 Nate Gutoski 2/13/2011 Anatomy Fashion Marketing 4:00 5:30 Nate Gutoski 2/13/2011 Anatomy Graphic Design 5:30 6:30 Nate Gutoski 2/20/2011 Anatomy Fashion Marketing 3:00 5:00 Jill Dyxkhoorn 2/14/2011 Animation 101 Animation 4:00 5:00 Caitlin willis 2/12/2011 Animation 250 Animation 9:00 10:00 Caitlin willis 2/5/2011 Animation II Animation 8:00 9:00 Alysha Caine 1/16/2011 Apparel 111 Fashion 2:00 3:00 Alvaro Lima 2/19/2011 Art History Industrial Design 12:30 13:30 Brigitte Garland 2/6/2011 Art History Industrial Design 5:00 6:00 Laura Hellinger 1/26/2011 C++ Programming ITGM 2:45 4:00 Laura Hellinger 1/19/2011 CMPA 100 Painting 2:30 4:00 Caitlin Willis 2/11/2011 CMPA Maya Photography 9:00 10:15 Caitlin Willis 2/18/2011 CMPA Maya Photography 8:00 9:00 Kelsey Wilson 1/30/2011 Color Theory Film 2:00 3:00 Lauren Jones 1/13/2011 Color Theory Fashion Marketing 8:00 9:00 Lauren Jones Color Theory Production Design 7:15 9:00 Lauren Jones Color Theory Game Design 7:00 9:00 Seo Kim 1/20/2011 Conversation Motion Graphics 2:00 3:00 Seo Kim 1/21/2011 Conversation Fashion 3:00 4:00 Seo Kim 2/4/2011 Conversation Industrial Design 2:00 3:00 Kelsey Wilson 1/12/2011 Drawing 101 Animation 8:00 10:00 Lauren Jones 2/5/2011 Drawing 101 Interior Design 3:30 4:00 Kelsey Wilson 1/12/2011 Drawing II Animation 8:00 8:30 Lauren Jones 2/24/2011 Drawing II Game Design 7:30 9:00 Lauren Jones 2/5/2011 Drawing II Photography 3:30 4:00 Seo Kim 1/14/2011 EL Guide ESL/Architecture 4:00 5:00 Seo Kim 3/10/2011 English Language Guide Industrial Design 2:00 3:00 Mitalia Banerjee 1/25/2011 Fashion 220 Fashion 2:00 2:30 Alysha Caine 1/21/2011 Fashion Technology Writing 10:30 11:00 Alysha Caine 2/26/2011 Fashion Technology Writing 3:00 4:00 Page 19 of 19 Tutor Name Date Course Name/Subject Student Major Start Time End Time Alysha Caine 2/27/2011 Fashion Technology Writing 3:00 5:00 Brigitte Garland 1/19/2011 French I 3:00 4:00 Brigitte Garland 1/31/2011 French I Animation 3:30 5:00 Brigitte Garland 2/14/2011 French I Art History 4:00 5:00 Brigitte Garland 2/21/2011 French I Art History 3:00 5:00 Brigitte Garland 2/23/2011 French I Animation 2:00 3:00 Maria Malavasi 3/5/2011 French I Photography 2:00 3:00 Maria Malavasi 3/7/2011 French I Photography 2:00 3:00 Anderli Yao 2/29/2011 Industrial Design Industrial Design 3:00 5:00 Alysha Caine 1/22/2011 Intro to Fashion Fashion Management 3:00 4:00 Will Moten 2/18/2011 Intro to Programming Visual Effects 4:00 6:00 Kelsey Wilson 1/23/2011 Life Drawing Film 3:15 4:00 Mitalia Banerjee 3/1/2011 Math 100-College Math Animation 2:30 3:00 Mitalia Banerjee 3/8/2011 Math 100-College Math Animation 2:00 3:00 Caitlin willis 2/18/2011 Math 101 Architecture 10:00 10:30 Mitalia Banerjee 2/22/2011 Math 101-Intermediate Math Architecture 1:30 2:00 Kelsey Wilson 2/16/2011 Media Comp II Furniture 8:15 8:45 Kelsey Wilson 2/16/2011 Media Comp II Interior Design 8:40 10:00 Painting Color Theory 2:00 4:00 Lauren Jones Will Moten 2/11/2011 Tech 216 Visual Effects 8:00 9:00 Will Moten 2/18/2011 Visual Effects Animation 9:00 10:30 Will Moten 2/4/2011 VSFX 419 Visual Effects 8:00 9:00 Total Drop-In Appointments: 60 Appointments, 72 Hours 55 minutes Total Combined Appointments 732 Appointments, 755 Hours and 55 Minutes Peer Tutor Training Schedule Winter 2011 Date and Location Topic Time Presenters January 7, 2011 Jen Library, 118 Welcome Back – Tutor Role and Responsibilities and Basic Tutoring Guidelines 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Review of tutor responsibilities and basic tutoring guidelines January 14, 2011 Alexander Hall Auditorium Accelerated Learning Strategies 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Maggie McClellan, Head of Reference, Jen Library Learning Styles 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Jennifer Johnson, Writing Center Adapting to different learning styles January 28, 2011 Alexander Hall Auditorium Critical Thinking Skills 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Catherine Cardarelli, professor of photography Creativity February 11. 2011 Alexander Hall Auditorium Modeling Problem Solving 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Stress Management 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Don Musick, Guidance and Counseling Services Stress management and dealing with personal issues of students including: anxiety, depression, sleep problems, and substance use. February 25, 2011 Alexander Hall Auditorium Study Skills 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Study Skills Workshop March 11, 2011 Alexander Hall Auditorium Goal Setting and Planning 11:00 p.m. – 12:00 p.m. Lynn D. Ashworth, professor of foundation studies Life Coach Working with International Students 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Jan Fluitt-Dupuy, Director of ESL Working with International Students For peer tutoring information, please contact David Blake, Director of Learning Assistance Programs. Email:, phone: (912) 525-5735.