
The Official Publication of the Airforwarders Association
Summer 2013
ICAT Logistics at 20:
Agency-Based Model Thrives on
‘You Grow, We Grow’ Teamwork
AirCargo 2013 Wrap-Up
At the Bar: Hot Topics
M&A Transactions in the Logistics Sector
Viewpoint: The Real Cost of Doing Nothing
SAVE THE DATE: AirCargo 2014
National Press Building • 529 14th Street, NW, Suite 750 • Washington, DC 20045
Printed on 10%
post-consumer recycled paper
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Keith Davis
Sterling Transportation, Inc.
Los Angeles, CA
Michael Hess – President*
Associated Global Systems Inc.
Sharon Hill, PA
Anthony V. (Tony) Deltuva, Jr. –
Vice President*
Service By Air, Inc.
Woodbury, NY
Robert Mauro
Team Worldwide
Winnsboro, TX
Richard Fisher – President*
Falcon Global Edge Inc.
Boston, MA
Jennifer Frigger-Latham –
Freeport, NY
Steven Goldberg – Secretary*
SEKO Worldwide
Itasca, IL
Sasha Goodman
Rock-It Cargo
Los Angeles, CA
Sandy Gregory
AIT Worldwide Logistics, Inc.
Chicago, IL
Preston G. Murray
National Air Cargo Holdings, Inc.
Ypsilanti, MI
Fred Parshley – Treasurer*
UniGroup Worldwide
Fort Wayne, IN
Dan Stegemoller
Radiant Global Logistics
Bellevue, WA
Chris Connell
Commodity Forwarders
Los Angeles, CA
Michele Wilkinson
Tailwind International, Inc.
Addison, TX
Michelle Halkerston
Hassett Air Express, Inc.
Elmhurst, IL
* Executive Committee Members
Visit us at CargoApps.com or email us at info@cargoapps.com to learn more.
A f A
16 Member Profile:
ICAT Logistics at 20
The Official Publication of the Airforwarders
Richard Fisher: Chairperson
Michael Hess: President
Brandon Fried: Executive Director
Tara McLaughlin: Editor
is published four times a year by the
Airforwarders Association
Design: Kellen Creative
20 AirCargo 2013
24 M&A Transactions In The
Logistics Sector Forcast To
Increase In 2013: Are You
Ready For It?
28 The Real Cost of Doing
Nothing: Maintaining the status quo of your IT systems
may be more expensive
tham you think
Administrative Offices
750 National Press Building
529 14th Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20045
Tel (202) 591-2456
E-Mail: afa@kellencompany.com
Home Page: http://www.airforwarders.org
The simple, inexpensive alternative to EDI.
The Airforwarders Association is not liable for losses,
claims, damages or expenses arising out of or attributed to the contents of FORWARD, insofar as the contents are based on information, representations, reports
or data that have been publicly disseminated, furnished or
otherwise communicated to FORWARD.
Visit us at FindmyFreight.com or email us at info@findmyfreight.com to learn more.
In Every Issue
Executive Director’s Report
Chairperson’s Corner
Secretary’s Report
Government Affairs
At the Bar
Member News
Summer 2013 Q Forward Magazine
Executive Director’s Report
Brandon Fried
AfA Executive Director
recently read an article about people who
fly small propeller planes across oceans.
In fact, there is an actual industry focused
on ferrying such aircraft from one continent
to another so that owners can position their
planes in foreign destinations.
A constant theme throughout the article was
the amount of meticulous planning that needs
to take place before such a trip begins. For
example, it is entirely possible to fly a single
engine Cessna aircraft from United States all
the way across the Atlantic Ocean to Europe.
Such trips are also possible from the US to
Asia as well. Knowing how to deal with the
fuel requirements, potential mechanical issues
and personal challenges are keys to success. In
other words, accomplishing these seemingly
herculean flights is contingent upon an
effective strategy and a plan to succeed.
In June of this year, the Airforwarders
Association Board of Directors will be meeting
outside Washington for a strategic planning
session. This gathering will include all of your
elected Board members who will grapple with
our organization’s most important decisions.
At the conclusion of the exercise, we will have
a clear strategy on how AfA will focus on the
issues important to you and our membership.
Our membership was surveyed multiple times
so that those planners will have sufficient
feedback to know exactly what your feelings
and opinions are.
We pride ourselves on frequent
communication with our membership and
use many surveys as a guidance tool to make
sure your opinions are properly represented.
In fact, our recent polls indicate that it is our
communication that you value most.
ACAS Regulation on the Way
Unfortunately, it sometimes seems that we
send too many surveys for which we apologize.
We appreciate your understanding, as these
tools are essential in helping us grasp your
attitudes and concerns. We will endeavor to
only send surveys that are appropriate and
essential to the greater understanding well
being considerate of your time. Meanwhile, I
would like to express my gratitude for taking
the surveys and providing the valuable insight
needed to serve you better.
The Air Cargo Advanced Screening voluntary
pilot program continues to progress with
several AfA members either submitting
operational data or in discussions with
Customs and Border Protection. This is the
program that will target shipment data at the
House Air Waybill level before departure on
flights entering the United States.
AirCargo 2013 is a
Rousing Success
And speaking of surveys, post conference
polls indicate that this year’s AirCargo 2013
convention was one of our most successful
ever. The event included almost 1000
attendees and over 100 exhibitors who
descended upon Las Vegas for an extremely
informative program and valuable networking
opportunity. People really thought the
addition of Airports Council InternationalNA as our newest partner created great
synergy that will create even more success as
we head to Orlando for AirCargo 2014 March
Before the conference, the AfA Platinum
members met together after being greeted
at the airport and whisked to the Red Rock
Resort and a local restaurant for a sumptuous
dinner. The program continues its success with
now eleven participants enjoying its many
benefits including free advertising, dinners and
frequent Board interaction.
TSA Releases KSMS
Our ongoing engagement with the
Transportation Security Administration
continues in several important areas. First,
the agency recently introduced an update to
the Known Shipper Management System.
After surveying our membership, 70%
thought that the recent enhancements were
an improvement but no one thought that
the system is where it needed to be. We will
continue to work with TSA on this and
other important issues including Consent
to Screen requirements and the Indirect Air
Carrier Management System. If you would
like to provide any suggestions or comments,
please do not hesitate to contact me at AfA
I am pleased to be part of the CBP’s
Commercial Operations Advisory Committee
ACAS Working Group and would especially
like to thank my co chair Sandra Scott of AfA
member Seko Logistics for her advice and
participation. While this initiative pertains
to shipments coming into our country, other
nations will probably derive their programs
from our findings. This means that you will
need to file a similar data report exports for
other countries sometime in the future. In
the meanwhile here in the United States, we
should expect the initial Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking from CBP sometime this fall.
Focusing on Air Cargo at the
Department of Commerce
You may recall that AfA was recently named
to the US Department of Commerce
Advisory Committee on Supply Chain
Competitiveness. This work is important as
we are joining leaders from all industries in
determining obstacles that may be impeding
the President’s National Export Initiative.
Our Regulatory Compliance Committee
led by AfA member Glenn Hall has been
especially helpful in identifying areas in which
regulations and other issues are adversely
affecting air cargo. A transportation industry
white paper is being drafted and will form the
basis of a set of formal recommendations to
the Secretary of Commerce in the fall.
Introducing New TSA-Qualified Dual-View Systems for Pallets, Skids and ULDs*
Our upcoming strategic planning meeting is
an exercise designed to assure that we have the
appropriate resources and tactics for setting
the stage in the near future. As with the ferry
pilot flying a small plane across the vast ocean,
understanding the risks and allocating our
precious resources is an essential component
in meeting the vast challenges ahead.
L-3 Security & Detection Systems has introduced a new line of
TSA-qualified large tunnel screening systems with multi-view
capabilities, making your screening process faster, cheaper
and more efficient, all while meeting recent regulatory requirements
for dual-view screening. As a leading aviation security supplier
for more than 30 years, we’re committed to providing the most
affordable and reliable high-throughput and high-performance systems.
If you would like to provide your input as to
the strategic direction of our association, your
Board members and I are always available and
hope that you will drop us a line today.
For more information, visit us online at www.LargeTunnelScreening.com
or contact us at +1-781-939-3800 or inforequest.sds@L-3com.com.
Security & Detection Systems
*subject to applicable regulatory requirements
Forward Magazine Q Summer 2013
Airforwarders Association
Summer 2013 Q Forward Magazine
Chairperson’s Corner
ecently, at a major air cargo conference, airline executives claimed that forwarders
might lose business if they failed to quickly adapt to e-freight, the IATA sponsored
initiative that aims to build a paperless, end to end transportation process for air cargo.
Historically, the all important developmental dollars spent by airlines have been heavily
concentrated toward the passenger side of the business, leaving little on the table to be spent
for cargo development, whether technologically focused or not. But what did the forwarding
community do in response? Many compensated for this lack of investment by developing
customer technology solutions on their own.
Richard Fisher
AfA Chairman
It is instructive to consult Wikipedia for a definition of the term Supply Chain Management
(SCM), where the result reads in part, “Supply chain management is a cross-function approach
including managing the movement of raw materials into an organization, certain aspects of the
internal processing of materials into finished goods and the movement of finished goods out
of the organization and toward the end-consumer.” Despite small cargo technology investment
by carriers, forwarders have inserted themselves into their client’s supply chains at a multidisciplinary level, involving all different types of transportation and transactions, combining
high level technological savvy with real time information management. Many forwarders
have bridged Enterprise Resource Planning systems with their clients to provide real time
information about the different types of products described in the definition above, as they
move through the supply chain.
“Supply chain management is a crossfunction approach including managing
the movement of raw materials into
an organization, certain aspects of the
internal processing of materials into
finished goods and the movement of
finished goods out of the organization
and toward the end-consumer.”
Simply put, whether product is at a factory
awaiting collection, in the air or on the
ocean, at the forwarder’s 3PL site, en route
to the end-consumer or being readied for
repair or replacement, the chances are that
the forwarder is coordinating both the
product movement and the data movement
for all levels of client management using a
holistic end to end strategy that focuses on
shipper satisfaction, regardless of the selected
transportation mode.
And some airlines think that forwarders are slow to adapt to e-freight? Well, we have been
pretty busy developing the e-systems that form the worldwide engine for moving, transacting
and reporting the movement of goods in our client’s supply chains on a daily basis, every day,
So let this serve as a call to action: airlines, we are not your agents, we are your customers and
we incorporate your services into the larger fabric of our clients supply chains. We are the high
level managers and we need your transportation expertise, but don’t think for a minute that we
are laggards.
Shipping Reliability
During the past 80 years, Alaska Air Cargo has served the
Last Frontier and beyond with a record of reliability and
exceptional service. From Boston to Barrow or Kona
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service and unbeatable frequency to more destinations in
Alaska than any other major carrier.
As we expand our network, some things never change;
frequency, reliability and customer service remain the
hallmarks of Alaska Air Cargo.
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THe #1 oN-TiMe AirliNe iN NorTH AMeriCA*
Kennet has been providing top-notch customer service for Alaska Air Cargo since 1980.
Forward Magazine Q Summer 2013
Airforwarders Association
Summer 2013 Q Forward Magazine
Secretary’s Report
he only thing within the Airforwarders Association that is busier than Brandon Fried is
a tool called the “Survey Monkey”. It seems the “survey monkey” is released more often
than an opinion on a “nonpartisan” cable news channel…..
Okay already, one organization couldn’t value our opinions that much, could it? Well, to
be perfectly honest, the AfA does. Over the years, I have been associated with numerous
organizations and served on more than a few Boards. And none, I mean none, can truly
compare in how the AfA values its members opinions!
At the last AfA Board Meeting, communication, surveys, etc. were major topics of discussion.
It is understood that members want information flowing down to membership, but your
Board also wants information flowing upstream as well. From this discussion came an idea,
that many, including yours truly, feel will improve communication and provide for a better
informed Organization.
Steve Goldberg
AfA Secretary
Each member sitting on the AFA Board has been assigned an equal share of the organization
membership to Liaison with. It is our hope that by shrinking the communication group,
information will more readily flow in both directions. These liaison groups will provide AFA
members a streamlined opportunity to learn and share opinions. Also these smaller liaison
groups will provide each Board Member with a better understanding of the needs and wants of
the Organization.
lso these smaller liaison groups will
provide each Board Member with a
better understanding of the needs and
wants of the Organization.
When you are contacted, be part of your
team. If you are not contacted and feel you
should be, feel free to reach out to Brandon
or myself and we will make sure that you
are properly placed in a liaison group. Your
opinions do matter, but only count if you
share them!
During June, your Board Members will meet in Washington, DC for two full days to strategize
on future planning. It is now more important than ever that you share your thoughts for the
future. Don’t stand on the sidelines, be a part of the process and your Organization. We hope
we have now provided the conduit for this to take place.
Forward Magazine Q Summer 2013
Airforwarders Association
Summer 2013 Q Forward Magazine
Government Affairs
By Clint Fisher,
AfA Director of Government Affairs
View from Washington
While hurricane “sequestration” got off on
a somewhat slow start (relatively few gusty
winds), it did pick up considerable impact
with the beginning of air traffic controller
furloughs on April 21. As frequent users of
the friendly skies – Members of Congress did
not like the sounds of severe delays of flights
and flight cancellations (especially right
before Congressional recess). Thankfully – for
our interests, the House and Senate reached
an agreement on April 26 (right before
Congress took a vacation) to allow the FAA
to shift $253 million in airport improvement
funds to pay for controller salaries and
possibly – keep 149 air traffic control towers
Other big Washington DC news included
the President naming Charlotte, NC Mayor
Anthony Foxx to be the next Secretary
of Transportation. Foxx saw a number of
big transportation projects in his tenure,
including his push to expand the city's LYNX
streetcar to UNC-Charlotte, the Charlotte
Regional Intermodal Facility and a new
runway at Charlotte Douglas International
Airport. Senate Commerce is the responsible
committee for holding confirmation hearings
and Chairman Rockefeller has pledged to
move the nomination as soon as possible.
Foxx is not expected to have any nomination
Presidents budget
On April 10, the President released his FY14
budget. The President’s budget proposal
can be viewed as a set of principles that
could be used to develop a grand bargain on
government spending and a way to resolve
the sequestration issue and he does make
some concessions on entitlement reform. At
this time – reaching a grand bargain or even
addressing the sequestration issue seems a
long way off.
For our purposes - the budget is quite
aggressive in seeking higher taxes on the
aviation sector. In the FY14 budget – CBP
is asking for an additional 3,800 customs
officers, which would be welcomed in
the cargo processing world. Of the 3800
new officers, 1,600 would be funded from
appropriated funds, while the other 2,200
would be paid for through fee increases.
Forward Magazine Q Summer 2013
Airforwarders Association
While most of these increases are in the form
of immigration (passenger) fees and maritime
port fees, they are proposing a $100-perflight air traffic control user fee designed to
bring parity to funding the air traffic control
(ATC) system and a .36-cent increase in the
express industry reimbursable fee, from $1.00
to $1.36.
Additional proposed taxes include; a
tripling of the U.S. Transportation Security
Administration passenger security tax to
$7.50, an increase in the passenger facility
charge from $4.50 to $8 per flight segment,
an increase in the customs fee from $5.50 to
$7.50 and boosting the immigration fee from
$7 to $9.
CBP, which has run an air cargo advanced
screening (ACAS) pilot program since last
October, has decided to extend the pilot
program itself through October 26, 2013, and
has opened the door through May 23, 2013
to new applicants to participate in the pilot.
The House Transportation and Infrastructure
Committee Chairman Bill Shuster and
Ranking Member Nick Rahall announced
a special panel tasked with examining the
current state of freight transportation in the
United States and how improving freight
transportation can strengthen the U.S.
economy. FedEx’s Fred Smith testified at
the first hearing on April 24 and noted the
critical importance of Nextgen and called for
an increased gas tax to fund infrastructure
improvements. The panel is setting up an
event in Los Angeles at the end of May and
also will be going to Louisville, Memphis and
New York. Congressman John Duncan (RTN) is chairing the panel with Congressman
Nadler (D-NY) serving as the ranking
Reauthorization Bill
The Senate released its version of the customs
reauthorization bill on March 22 (House
released both a republican and democrat bill
at the end of 2012). The Senate bill allocates
funding for the Automated Commercial
Environment (ACE) and International Trade
Data System, and requires CBP to complete
the development of ACE in three years. The
bill streamlines CBP’s duty drawback process
by requiring electronic filing of claims and
establishing objective eligibility requirements.
The bill also authorizes the development of
Centers for Excellence and Expertise and
raises the de minimis level from $200 to
$800 (same as the House bills). The House
must now try to come to an agreement on
its bill before conferencing the bill with the
Summer 2013 Q Forward Magazine
At the Bar
Our Legal Experts: Jacob (Jake) Fisher | Richard Furman
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Responses to Member Inquiries
“Is the bill of lading the master
contract? Can our rate confirmation
supersede the BOL?”
If handled consistent with recommended
practices and procedures a rate confirmation
can supersede the bill of lading (“BOL”).
A “load confirmation” is, at a minimum,
an inherent part of the contract of carriage
because it typically establishes the negotiated
rate payable by the broker to the carrier.
The best practice to ensure a rate confirmation
can supersede the BOL is for a property
broker to have bilateral contracts with motor
carriers which, in addition to addressing
billing, payment, specialized services, etc.,
permit the broker to incorporate into the load
confirmation reference to other contract terms
and conditions that would trump those of the
Provided there is a agreement with the carrier
in place addressing the scope of the load
confirmation, it should refer to the carrier’s
contract of carriage and/or tariff, if any, and to
the broker’s service conditions by reference so
that it can be used as a standalone contract, to
fully identify the duties and obligations of the
carrier and the broker. This practice ensures
the broker’s rights and duties are reduced to
writing, are incorporated into the shipments
on a load by load basis and, importantly,
provide that the BOL contract functions as a
receipt for goods only and does not alter the
duties and obligations of the parties.
In addition to the foregoing, absent a bilateral
contract between the broker and carrier, the
broker could be exposed to state law causes of
action for loss or damage to a shipper’s goods,
notwithstanding the absence of any liability
under Carmack.
Take for example, a situation in which the
shipper demands the broker retain a carrier
Forward Magazine Q Summer 2013
Airforwarders Association
with unlimited Carmack liability. In the event
the carrier has not agreed to such liability
in its agreement with the broker, or there is
no agreement between the broker and the
carrier, and the carrier maintains its liability is
limited to its published release rate of $.50 per
pound the broker could face state law breach
of contract responsibility for not providing a
“full actual value” service provider.
Similarly, if you are arranging for
transportation as a surface freight forwarder,
you can use a load confirmation sheet to
incorporate reference to your contracts and/
or service terms and conditions, including
those found on your standard bill of lading.
Frequently, forwarders are unable to control
the actual shipping documents and receipts
executed at time of pickup. Therefore,
stipulating that the forwarder’s bill of lading
terms and conditions apply, notwithstanding
the issuance of nonconforming receipts, can
eliminate possible confusion and unexpected
liability issues.
In addition to being a domestic
and international forwarder and
indirect air and ocean carrier, we
also provide customhouse broker
services. Are we subject to the
MAP 21 requirement that we have
property broker authority when
on-forwarding a shipment to the
consignee in another state after
customs clearing the shipment?
MAP 21 (“Moving Ahead for Progress in
the 21st Century Act”) requires all persons
arranging for motor carriage to obtain a
property broker permit. This is a limited
exception as to customhouse brokers (CHB)
which exempts, “a customs broker licensed
in accordance with section 111.2 of title 19,
Code of Federal Regulations, only to the
extent that the customs broker is engaging
in a movement under a customs bond or in
a transaction involving customs business, as
defined by section 111.1 of title 19, Code of
Federal Regulations.”
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration (FMCSA) has yet to publish
final rules implementing MAP 21. Federal
agencies, such as the FMCSA, have broad
discretion to interpret the intent of congress
when drafting regulations intended to
enforce statutes. So, for the moment one can
only speculate as to what extent the MAP
21 regulations may interpret the foregoing
The definition of “customs business” in 19
C.F.R. § 111.1 focuses on import entry
practices and procedures and has no express
of reasonably implied reference to ancillary
services such as the domestic transport of
cleared imported goods. Moreover, in a
Headquarters Ruling, issued by customs
well before MAP 21 was enacted let
alone conceived, (HQ 224406, August 5,
1993), it was clearly held that “The inland
transportation arrangements the importer
wishes to make after the merchandise has
been entered are not within the purview
of the Customs Service.” This is suggestive
of the view customs would likely take as
to whether a CHB, arranging for surface
transport of entered imported goods, is
engaging in customs business when making
such arrangements.
Consequently, subject to what may be
forthcoming in the final rules implementing
MAP 21, it is anticipated that it is more likely
than not a CHB arranging for the delivery
of imported goods through interstate motor
carrier or rail transport will be required to
have FMCSA property broker authority.
In such event, it will behoove CHBs to
become well informed about the proper
means of conducting business as a property
broker. It is not as simple a matter as
obtaining property broker authority and then
proceeding to book freight with over the road
As a general rule a property broker is not
liable to loss or damage to goods for which
it arranges transport. However, there are
certain potential pitfalls which exist when
the operating as a property broker. A CHB
needs to be aware of and avoid such missteps
so as not to be charged with a greater level
Summer 2013 Q Forward Magazine
At the Bar
of potential liability for loss or damage to
the imported goods while in transit. This
is a whole other topic for discussion which
cannot be addressed within the confines of
this piece. So for purposes of this article the
advice is to seek professional guidance now,
before obtaining property broker authority,
as to how to properly and safely engage in
property broker services.
In sum, MAP creates a carve-out from
compliance with the new broker regulations,
provided long as the motor carrier
transportation you arrange is part of your
through service offering as CHB, as well as an
NVOCC or indirect air carrier.
Often, when requesting proof of
workers' compensation insurance
coverage from a carrier, they use
the excuse that all of their drivers
are owner-operators/independent
contractors. In such a case, what
is the freight forwarder's liability
if an injured driver makes a claim
against the carrier and the owner of
that carrier subrogates and seeks
compensation from the forwarder?
This is a very timely question that raises a
very unsettled issue, which means there is no
pat answer. Further, resolution of situations
involving workers compensation claims tend
to be very fact specific.
In the situation you describe, it seems
unlikely that the forwarder should be liable to
the carrier, or its subrogated underwriter, for
the driver’s injury claim.
The forwarder contracted with the carrier, not
the owner-operator/independent contractor
(OO/IC). Even though “independent”, the
driver was acting as an agent of the carrier
not the forwarder. Further, unless it can
be established that the forwarder caused or
contributed to the circumstances that led
to the driver’s injury, the forwarder cannot
be found directly or proximately liable for
the injury. Bottom line, as to civil liability at
least, the forwarder had no duty to the driver
that it breached, upon which the carrier or
the driver can predicate a claim against the
As an add on to the response to your
question, it is worth noting that it is not
uncommon for state workers compensation
boards and similar authorities to try and
obtain workers compensation payments from
forwarders for drivers employed by trucking
companies, as well as OO/ICs, where the
company or the OO/IC has failed to obtain
and pay for workers compensation insurance.
The simplistic, but by no means exclusive,
rationale for this is a self-serving presumption
the forwarder is the “employer” of the driver.
Consequently, forwarders need to operate
in relation to the carriers they tender
movements to in such a manner that it can
be clearly demonstrated that any OO/IC
the carrier utilizes is truly independent of
the carrier, and by extension the forwarder.
Therefore, the forward should endeavor to
deal with carriers that maintain practices
which demonstrate an absence or minimum
control over the OO/IC, to include, but are
not necessarily limited to :
1. The ability of the independent contractor
to accept or turn down loads as well
as choose the route for movements.
2. Avoid having the OO/IC or its drivers
using uniforms with the carriers name
or logo, or having its trucks emblazoned
with the carrier’s name or logo.
Forward Magazine Q Summer 2013
3. Independent contractors should maintain
separate cargo and general liability
insurance and copies of which should be
obtained and maintained on file by the
carrier as evidence of such insurance.
4. Independent contractors should
have the right to use subcontractors
to sub-haul loads.
Ideally, it is recommended you have a written
agreement with the carriers to which you
tender loads, which, in addition to other
important terms stipulates the foregoing.
Book it on NXT and we’ll get
your cargo on the next available
direct flight, or it’s free.
If that is not an option, then the pick up/
deliver order, or any communications with
the carrier, exchanged when arranging
for the carrier to handle the move should
have a legend to the effect that the move is
being tendered solely to it and it is wholly
responsible for the performance of the
mover, that in the event it utilizes a OO/
IC to handle the move the OO/IC is solely
the agent of the carrier, that the carrier is
responsible for the performance of the OO/
IC, and that the carrier will hold harmless,
defend and indemnify the forwarder for any
claims, of any nature or kind, arising out of
or relating to the carrier’s use of the OO/IC.
The enforceability of the foregoing, while
desirable, is not the prime consideration
for its use. Rather, it will add to the ability
to refute any claims made by third-parties
against the forwarder, such as workers
compensation premium claims, arising out of
the use of OO/IC by a carrier in connection
with moves booked by the forwarder with the
2 hour drop-off cutoff and 2 hour pickup window.
Keep Those Questions Coming!
Airforwarders Association
Summer 2013 Q Forward Magazine
AfA Member Profile
Like Ulery, ICAT believes in the power of
entrepreneurism, which is what has propelled
the Elkridge, MD.-based company that
celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. “We
think when there’s skin in the game, the
commitment rises,” says Rick Campbell,
ICAT’s president and CEO, who created
ICAT “from the ground up,” and is proud
that original employees and agency partners
continue to be affiliated with the company
two decades later.
The company has grown in most of its 20
years, and typically adds two or more new
offices annually. In recent years, ICAT
has been focusing on not only growing
domestically, but globally as well. So far
in 2013, ICAT has signed on two more
offices, San Juan and Miami, to be more
internationally focused and to expand its
reach into the European and Latin American
ICAT Logistics at 20:
Laser Focus: Being
#1 Agency-Based
Freight Forwarder
“About three years ago, we identified our
“sandbox”—ICAT would strive to be the
#1 agency-based freight forwarder in the
United States. That’s our goal – clear, concise
and simple. Making that decision meant we
were not going to take a piece of our agency
partners’ income to fund our own company
stores. We would fund our agency partners’
growth instead,” Campbell explains.
Agency-Based Model Thrives on
‘You Grow, We Grow’ Teamwork
Most franchisors follow a model that contains
a mix of “owner-operated and franchised”
offices, which can pit one form of ownership
against another. ICAT chose to abandon that
arrangement so its agency partners would not
have to question allegiances or efforts “in the
“The people at the home office put
themselves in our shoes every day.”
hat’s how Michelle Ulery, the ICAT Logistics agency partner who owns three separate
offices, explains her relationship with ICAT’s World headquarters—aka, “the home
office.” She appreciates the ICAT system, because she knows all too well the flip side
from her past experiences with a previous company.
Agency partners find that ICAT is willing to
work “outside of the box” on their behalf. As
Jim Vespa, vice president of finance explains
it: “We go above and beyond in working
for our agency partners, because our success
is tied to them.” How does that look, in
practice? “If a piece of business doesn’t fit
nicely inside the contractual box from a fee
standpoint, but the opportunity has merit,
often we’ll work with them, in those cases, to
come up with a mutually beneficial solution,”
he says.
“I heard about ICAT back in 2007. At that time, I had my own business and represented a
competitor. I was getting frustrated by the lack of support they were giving my company—
which was the largest agency in their system. We were being treated as though it was a burden
to work with us, so I began making arrangements to bolt,” she said.
Today, Ulery appreciates everything about her alignment with ICAT. An avowed entrepreneur,
she relies on the home office to help her with complicated RFPs, insurance questions,
personnel guidance or whatever additional assists she may need to grow her business. One of
the recent highlights was Ulery’s ability to open the Dallas office with a bang, going from $0 to
$600,000 in revenues within the first six months, thanks to the joint effort with—and referrals
from—the home office.
Forward Magazine Q Summer 2013
Another way ICAT assists agency partners
Airforwarders Association
is by providing a “big picture” view of their
business, which can be difficult to see for the
day-by-day operator. Such was the case with
an ICAT office that relied on home delivery
of consumer electronics purchased online.
“On the surface, the business looked good,
high shipment volume, attractive revenues
—but this business has the knack of being
a very claims-intensive business, and the
margins are thin. At the end of the day, after
factoring in all the costs, you really aren’t
making any money,” Vespa remarks. Using
the numbers, the ICAT home office team
convinced the partner to pursue other types
of business. “As a result, #1 they’re much
more profitable today, and #2, it saves us a
ton of time in the back office,” he explains.
“We think when
there’s skin in
the game, the
rises,” says Rick
Campbell, ICAT’s
president and
CEO, who created
ICAT “from the
ground up,”
Some freight forwarders might have simply
cut ties with an agency that was creating
more work for the home office. Not ICAT.
“In our case, we live and die with our
agencies; they make or break us, and once
on board and through our process, we do
everything we can to help them succeed,”
he says. “Yeah, we could’ve decided to move
in another direction, but we clearly wanted
to keep them in the fold, by getting them
refocused and redirected into more profitable
business.” The mark of a good partner is best
determined by interactions not just during
good times, but also in how the partner reacts
during adversity.
Accelerating Agency
Owners’ Growth
Because Campbell started ICAT in 1993,
he has seen his share of market expansions
and contractions—including the post 9/11
fallout and the most recent slog through the
Great Recession. Through it all, he has led
the company with energy, focus and integrity,
qualities that—with the company’s impressive
growth statistics—earned him the honor of
receiving the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of
the Year award in 2006.
In 2005 and 2006, ICAT Logistics appeared
on Inc. 500’s fastest growing private company
list—and in recent years has experienced
growth of 1.2% from 2009 to 2010, and
8.8% from 2010 to 2011—again, during a
period when many companies in the industry
failed to survive.
It was in 2010 that Campbell had a
discussion with his longest standing agency
partner, Dan Cser in Detroit, who has been
with ICAT 19 of the 20 years it has been in
business. “Dan and I have always interacted
and consulted one another from the very
beginning,” says Campbell. “Detroit was
probably one of the hardest hit markets
during the recession, and we decided to focus
on Danny’s office growth.” The end result? A
35% increase in revenues from the previous
The biggest obstacle for Cser was his
understandable reluctance to hire a
salesperson when the economy was so
lackluster. However, Cser was considering
buying a competitor’s business. Campbell
convinced Cser to suggest, instead, that the
seller reassess his business, and become an
independent salesperson on commission for
ICAT. “I’ll help you show him the monetary
benefits and the lifestyle benefits,” Campbell
recalls telling Cser.
Today, that salesperson reports that taking
Cser up on that offer was “the single best
decision he’s ever made professionally,” with
more time for selling—because he wasn't
running a business—and just as important,
more time for himself and his family,
Campbell explains. “Our job is relatively
simple,” says Campbell, “to help others grow
by truly looking at what is best for them, and
we will do just fine ourselves.”
Cser appreciates the relationship he has
with Campbell and the supportive crew at
ICAT home office. “The value they have is
that they’re the hardest-working executive
team in the industry, and they are a readily
available resource to the agency owner, to
help in whatever endeavor the owner is trying
to accomplish—whether it’s operations
or training or sales recruiting or sales
Summer 2013 Q Forward Magazine
AfA Member Profile
generation,” says Cser, who runs an office
with eight employees that does 80% of its
business in the automotive market. “They will
help you in any area that is not your strength,
but yet important in running a successful
All an agency owner has to do is say, “I need
help with ….,” and the ICAT home office
will research ways to assist. “They will do
coaching sessions at any interval you want, if
you need it,” Cser notes. “The whole time I’ve
been affiliated with ICAT, I’ve always been
treated as a partner—not just as an office out
in the field.”
Cser’s input has helped not only himself,
but other agency partners as well, since
his “lessons learned” become part of the
business model. That kind of sharing—“to
make it better for other business owners
who come on board”—is a large part of the
“partnership” concept that drives ICAT,
says Cser, whose office handles a good deal
of international shipping, whether it’s an
oversized piece of equipment that needs
specialty handling, or finding a freight vendor
to field all of a client’s shipping needs.
International Growth:
ICAT’s Global Presence
ICAT has done business internationally for
years, including the daunting task of moving
an entire water amusement park from the
U.S. to Saipan in 2003. “We’ve been involved
helping firms on the international side for
quite a while, and that has become the fastest
growing segment of our business over the last
several years,” said Campbell.
Today, many companies are running lean,
lacking the expertise or time to analyze how
to best manage an international supply chain.
That spells opportunity for ICAT. “We’re
a mentor, an educator, and in some cases
an adviser,” says Campbell. For instance, a
Baltimore company that makes smart phone
covers grew from infancy to $50 million in
five years. “They source overseas, and while
they have done an incredible job in many
key areas necessary for this type of growth,
international logistics per se is not part of
that expertise depth,” he explains. “They’re
bringing goods in from China via a wellknown carrier. They paid a very heavy bounty
due to the method and manner in which they
used that carrier—but that’s all they knew,
because they were so focused on reliably
fulfilling promises to their key national
Now, this company consults with ICAT
about various issues, including custom
regulations. “That’s a trend that will
continue in our industry. Companies that
can customize the added services, build
partnerships, will add value,” Campbell
Another example of how ICAT delivers on
that value proposition comes from Keith
Buford, vice president of global operations.
“We think it’s critical that we build an
end-to-end turnkey product so that our
agency partners can go out and pursue new
clients, competing against the multinational
forwarders for the supply chain business.
We want to be able to offer them a solution,
from an IT standpoint, from an overseas
agency standpoint and from a global
expertise standpoint with the support of the
international home office folks. We can bring
big picture ideas and solutions that they can
take to their clients and, collectively, everyone
wins: the customer, the agency and the home
office,” he explains.
Many of ICAT’s agents have close local
relationships with companies they have
served domestically for years. “They might
do distribution for a particular product. Our
international expertise allows the agency
partner to ask, ‘How do you get your product
here?’, which opens the opportunity to quote
the business from the factory in Vietnam to
the U.S.,” says Buford. Or, ICAT might look
at a huge distribution center in California,
and ask the client about where products are
shipped to find ways of moving products
closer to customers. Another option is to
help agencies’ clients manufacturing in the
U.S. discover ways to sell into the Chinese or
Japanese markets.
By strategizing with a multinational
electronics customer, for instance, Keith
and his team managed to save that client
hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.
They examined its international operations,
and then recommended the purchase of a
warehouse the company had been leasing
so it could be converted into a bonded
warehouse with U.S. Customs. “This allowed
them to pay duty only when they used a
product for manufacturing,” says Buford.
to not only focus on major markets, but
ancillary markets as well.”
Highlighting ‘The ICAT Way’
Jeanie Perkins, ICAT vice president of
administration, has been part of the company
for the past 20 years. New to the logistics
industry when she started, Perkins helped
Campbell build the business in ways that
made sense to them—whether it was the
traditional “freight forwarder” method, or
Her focus on agency partners is to treat them
with the “utmost respect,” and to do the same
for their customers, revising client practices
as needed, for instance. “We’ll be supportive
in helping to train them if they need HR
assistance, or if they want help with an
assessment before hiring someone,” she said.
“We want to be their resource.”
Perkins coordinates monthly one-onone “collaboration growth calls” between
Campbell and each agency partner so they
can explore goals and obstacles together.
“That’s been huge,” she said, in promoting
agency success.
At ICAT, it is everyone’s responsibility to
share ideas and to speak up if someone sees
a better way to accomplish goals. That’s how
they deliver on their commitment: “One
Call. Right Solution…DONE!”
“Our succinct messaging empowers every
member of our team. Our Values, Our
Mission, Our Vision and our Customer
Promise allow each of our folks to act
accordingly in their dealings with our internal
and external partners,” Campbell, the CEO,
says. His guiding principle is “growth,” for
everyone the company touches. “Keeping
my focus is the most important growth
decision I’ve made on behalf of ICAT. For
many years, we were opportunistic—not
necessarily strategic—as a company. Now, we
state it simply: Our “sandbox” is to be the #1
agency-based freight forwarder in the United
States, as defined by the number of stations
in the U.S.,” Campbell explains.
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Detroit’s agency owner Cser attests to the end
result: “At ICAT, it’s always about ‘win-win.’
If that’s what you’re looking for, join ICAT
and watch your business grow.”
“We have over 400 agents throughout the
world,” Buford points out. “That allows us
Forward Magazine Q Summer 2013
AmericanAirlines Cargo is a service mark of American Airlines Inc.
Source: IDC Worldwide Quarterly Smart Connected Device Tracker, December 10, 2012.
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Summer 2013 Q Forward Magazine
2013 AirCargo Convention
Did You Miss
AirCargo 2013?
Here’s what you missed…
Enhance Your Growth and
Profits: What You need to
• Women in Cargo
Networking Event
• Keynote Speaker David
I. Beatson, President
of Ascent Advisors
• How Can Airport facilities
and Infrastructure Better
meet Your Needs?
• The Panama Canal Expansion:
Discover the Opportunities
Its Growth Can Add
• Trucking Indsutry
Challenges Affecting
Airfreight Forwarders
• Employees: What You Don’t
Know Can Hurt You
• TSA/CBP Regulatory Briefing:
All the Latest Industry
Compliance Developments
Plus Networking Events,
Exhibit Hall, and more!
Download the presentations at
See you next year in Orlando!
Forward Magazine Q Summer 2013
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Summer 2013 Q Forward Magazine
2013 AirCargo Convention
Forward Magazine Q Summer 2013
Airforwarders Association
Summer 2013 Q Forward Magazine
AfA Special Features
PEGs often want to understand your M&A
capabilities, the pipeline of potential M&A
targets already identified, and management’s
view of the right profiles of M&A targets.
Return on Investment:
ased on the latest industry intelligence
gathered at Air Cargo 2013, there
is strong evidence that we will see
a significant increase in the sale of logistics
companies in 2013. This expected increase
is due to a number of factors, including (i)
growth of the economy overall, (ii) capital
waiting to be invested, (iii) customers seeking
a one-stop transportation vendor, and (iv)
the ever-increasing cost and complexity of
doing business in this industry (the latter
two are factors fostering consolidation).
Consequently, if you are the owner of a
logistics company who wants to keep all of
your options open, take action now to place
yourself in the best position to close a deal if
and when an opportunity presents itself.
M&A Transactions In The Logistics
Sector Forecast To Increase In 2013:
Are You Ready For It?
There are, of course, different types of
buyers. This article concentrates on two such
buyers, namely Private Equity Group buyers
(“PEGs”) and Strategic buyers (“Strategic”).
The decision whether to sell to a PEG or
Strategic buyer will affect not only how you
present your company but the proceeds you
receive from the sale. Every transaction is
different, and you should be working with a
team of experienced and qualified advisors,
including an accountant, a lawyer, a valuation
advisor, and an estate planning professional
before you enter into detailed sale discussions
with anyone.
By Norm Bluth, Partner, McBreen & Kopko
The variables between a PEG and Strategic
transaction are presented below in two
sections. The first addresses the investment
goals of each type of buyer and the second
explains how each type structures a
Forward Magazine Q Summer 2013
Airforwarders Association
Investment Goals:
PEGs and Strategics approach
investment opportunities very
differently as each has different
goals. The major differences are:
Strategics often value a business on both
financial and strategic metrics. PEGs,
by contrast, base their valuations on the
likelihood that a company will be larger,
more profitable and, therefore, more valuable
at the time when they would like to exit.
A PEG will have a target Internal Rate of
Return (IRR) of 25% to 35% over their
four-to-seven year investment horizon. Based
on this required return, they can determine
exactly how much revenue and earnings
growth is required to meet their targets.
Consequently, before talking with a PEG,
you should consider creating a financial
model that compares IRR results in several
growth scenarios to better understand how
investors will view your business.
Exit Strategy:
When positioning your business for sale,
remember that PEG and Strategic buyers
require different positioning strategies. The
thrust of your materials, conversations, and
presentations should be very different for
each. Strategics will be interested largely in
how your company will fit into theirs. Can
your products be sold to their customers?
Do you have technology or other intellectual
property that can build their business? Are
there synergies? Are you active in markets
that they’d like to enter? Generally speaking,
they place less importance on factors like the
strength of a company’s IT infrastructure
or the prospect of losing some current
management in the transaction - they already
have senior executives and infrastructure in
place. PEGs, by contrast, will be looking at
your company as a stand-alone investment
that must be able to grow and create value of
its own accord. The thrust of the conversation
with a PEG is around your management’s
vision of the future – how the company
fits into broader2 industry trends, how its
business model will evolve and grow, details
on your sales and marketing tactics, and
how the company will deal with a major
downturn in the industry or economy.
While Strategics plan to own an acquired
business indefinitely, PEGs generally have
an investment time horizon of four to seven
years. This means that PEGs are particularly
sensitive to cyclicality in a business while
Strategics are more comfortable with any
inherent cyclicality.
Investment Structures:
As a result of the very different
investment goals and approach
of PEGs and Strategics, the
deal structures utilized by each
are, likewise, very different. The
important differences to keep in
mind when comparing PEG and
Strategic deals are:
Control and Governance:
One key benefit to using a PEG as your exit
vehicle is that you can realize partial liquidity
while maintaining some level of control over
your company post acquisition. Control
and governance approaches vary widely,
even between PEGs, so it is important to
dig into these details. Another major benefit
is that PEGs typically allow the business to
continue running normally, with the same
Summer 2013 Q Forward Magazine
AfA Special Features
employees, the same facilities, and the same
culture whereas Strategics often immediately
implement cost-cutting and integration
programs with the new owner. Business
owners who are concerned about job security
for their employees, maintaining their name
on the business or otherwise preserving
their legacy often find that selling to a PEG
mitigates these concerns. If you choose the
private equity route, however, be prepared for
an expanded board. In a majority transaction,
the investor will usually install a sufficient
number of new directors to give the PEG a
controlling vote on the board. In a minority
transaction, the company’s management team
may get to keep a majority of board seats.
Board meetings often become more formal
and are held on a more regular basis than
they might be in a typical middle market
business. While you and your team remain
in charge of day-to-day operating decisions,
your board and PEG will have input (to
varying degrees) on broader strategic
questions, including product line and
geographic expansion, key management hires,
acquisitions and other financing events.
Valuation and Net Proceeds
One very important factor is economics.
Strategics can typically afford to pay more
because they will benefit from synergies
between their organization and the acquired
company. Additionally, Strategics will often
buy your entire company outright, in a single
transaction. PEGs, by contrast, normally buy
only a part of the company. As a result, your
immediate proceeds will usually be smaller in
a private equity deal than in a strategic one
but, long range, you may end up with more
Management’s Post
Acquisition Role:
Another factor to consider is your own
ongoing\ employment commitment.
Management teams may wish to exit their
businesses, either to retire or do something
else. A Strategic will generally provide that
option – usually with some type of transition
period in place (a typical range is from six
months to two years). Conversely, a PEG
will not only want management to stay, they
often want to see an equity investment by the
management team as part of the transaction.
Thanks its
Platinum Members!
Risk and Leverage:
In a standard sale to a Strategic, you tend
to leave yourself with little or no execution
or industry risk going forward (unless you
agree to an earn-out as part of your deal). In a
private equity deal, however, you continue to
hold execution and industry risk along with
the additional risks associated with shared
governance and control.
In most cases, companies that take on private
equity will reconfigure their capital structure,
adding leverage to their balance sheets. That
is one of the major differences between
selling to a PEG and a Strategic. From a
capital structure perspective, PEGs can enable
entrepreneurs to prudently use leverage to
minimize dilution and increase their longterm equity value. However, leverage - and
the regular payments of principal and interest
that debt entails - can be a double-edged
sword. If there is too much leverage, some
entrepreneurs may not be comfortable,
causing them to take actions like cutting
costs and running the business differently.
With a PEG, you can still run your business
independently but the leverage may constrain
what you can and can’t do.
Structure and Tax
Every transaction tends to have its own
unique structure and tax challenges,
regardless of the buyer. That being said,
Forward Magazine Q Summer 2013
private equity transactions tend to be more
complex, involving multiple tiers of stocks
(including preferred stocks with significant
dividends and potential liquidation
preferences) and complicated post-acquisition
governance issues. The additional layer of
debt often used to fund the private equity
transaction adds another layer of complexity
to the due diligence process, the drafting of
legal documents, and the approval process.
AIT Worldwide Logistics
Alaska Air Cargo
Delta Airlines Cargo
Now that you have a better understanding of
the investment goals of and structures offered
by PEGs and Strategics, what is the right
transaction for you? Are you ready to engage
in the sale process? The clock is ticking.
JetBlue Airways
National Air Cargo, Inc.
About the Author:
Radiant Global Logistics
Norm Bluth is a Partner with McBreen &
Kopko, a full service law firm with offices
nationwide. He co-chairs McBreen &
Kopko’s Transportation and Travel Group.
Norm has spent his entire career immersed
in the Transportation and Travel Law
business, practicing privately with recognized
transportation law firms and as in-house
counsel for both Trans World Airlines, Inc.
and a structured finance firm specializing
in the acquisition and restructuring of
transportation-related companies worldwide.
With both in-house and outside counsel
experience, Norm has developed a 360-degree
perspective, allowing him to facilitate both
business and legal solutions.
For additional information on McBreen &
Kopko and Norm Bluth, please visit,
Airforwarders Association
Rock-It Cargo USA LLC
Seko Worldwide
Southwest Airlines Cargo
Team Worldwide
Transgroup Worldwide Logistics Inc.
Summer 2013 Q Forward Magazine
AfA Viewpoint
The Real Cost of Doing Nothing
Maintaining the status quo of your IT systems may be
more expensive than you think
By Ralf Moller, General Manager
Marketing for CargoWise
e’ve all done it before. Whether
it’s the worn tires, leaky fridges,
threadbare jeans or that slipping
clutch, at some stage we’ve all put off new
expenditures in the hope that the older
version will hold on just a little longer. The
reason we do it is simple: new items costs
money, and we know exactly how much
new things cost because it’s written in black
and white on the price tag. What we don’t
often see is the parallel cost of not replacing
the tires or clutch, either in terms of extra
wear and tear on the car, or in terms of the
increased risk of an accident.
immediately and in the long run. Some of
the most sophisticated IT purchases require
hiring professional service firms to calculate
the total cost of ownership and return on
investment on new IT systems; and in many
cases the Chief Information Officer will have
to provide regular reports to indicate whether
the new system is in fact producing the
promised savings on operational expenditure.
But even in smaller organizations, it should
be possible to do a quick audit of operational
costs and determine whether or not savings
can be made by adopting new technology.
The same is true in business. Most of us
will attempt to get the most out of existing
systems rather than upgrading to a new
platform, often without realizing that the
delay is probably costing far more than fixing
the problem now. This is particularly true
when it comes to information technology.
Even in large organizations, which have
entire departments dedicated to IT, it can be
very difficult to calculate the total cost of an
IT system as it ages, because many of these
costs are hidden in inefficient practices. The
costs of the system appear in the IT budget;
however the real costs of not replacing the
old system are spread through the rest of the
company, hidden in excessive maintenance
and utility costs, overtime, staff burnout and
data loss.
If you’re
software to replace
manual systems,
consider the wages
you’re paying to
staff to fulfill simply
repetitive jobs like
data entry, as well
as the time it takes
to actually enter
and clean the data.
For example, a new server will cost around
$8,000 to buy, and about $4,000 to run in
the first 12 months with downtime under
one percent. Fast forward five years - the
server you bought for $8,000 in 2007 is
now costing you $17,000 a year to run and
outages are running anywhere between 10
and 15 percent of the time. And then there
are all the indirect costs associated with
having unreliable systems: frustrated staff and
customers, contracts which you don’t win
because your sales team couldn’t get the quote
out on time, sales opportunities that you
don’t see because the email server was down
… and the list goes on. Part of the challenge
is that neither the $17,000 nor the value
of that lost business ever appear on a single
budget line – you simply spend the $326 per
week on attempting to keep the server online,
and fail to bank the lost business.
It’s little wonder that many balk when
presented with a quote on a new system, even
though in many cases it will be cheaper, both
Forward Magazine Q Summer 2013
Airforwarders Association
If you’re running your own servers, and
comparing the cost to a cloud-based system,
make sure to include the hardware costs,
wages, electricity and connectivity costs on
a monthly basis, and compare this to the
ongoing maintenance and support costs
quoted to you. If you’re considering software
to replace manual systems, consider the
wages you’re paying to staff to fulfill simply
repetitive jobs like data entry, as well as the
time it takes to actually enter and clean the
It’s always tempting for smaller organizations
to try to piece together software to run
their business based on software or services
they already have. These same organizations
often end up wasting time and resources
transferring data between poorly matched
databases, financial packages and customer
contact systems. In the same way, it’s
tempting for larger companies to attempt
to build their own software – an approach
which always costs more and delivers less
than is required.
Both approaches suffer from systemic failure,
because it is difficult to find IT staff that can
keep the collection of systems running and
avoid strategic failure. Because your IT staff
spends so much time simply keeping the
system operating, they often fail to make the
small iterative changes needed to keep you
ahead of your competitors.
So next time you sit down to consider whether
to pay a professional software development
company to deliver and progressively upgrade
your enterprise software, or sticking to the
status quo, make sure you take a moment to
consider the real costs.
In most cases, what appears to be the
cheapest solution may in fact be the most
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Summer 2013 Q Forward Magazine
Member News
Jetsea Logistics Adopts
ediEnterprise in the Cloud
Vaughn Moore Delivers Annual Outlook at Industry Group Gathering
Productivity pressures lead to increased
implementations of ediEnterprise in Singapore
CargoWise®, a global leader in technology solutions for logistics service providers (LSPs),
announced its cloud-based ediEnterprise solution has been adopted by Singapore-based intraAsia freight specialist Jetsea Logistics.
Founded in 1994, Jetsea Logistics has a staff of 20 and provides a full complement of air
and sea freight services, as well as multi-modal transportation, warehousing and logistics
management. Tay Hsu Li, Jetsea Logistics Director, decided to make a change from a decadeold system to ediEnterprise in an effort to boost productivity and enhance customer service.
“We found ediEnterprise to be very comprehensive in terms of having all our departments
business processes enabled in a single integrated solution in one single portal,” says Tay. “This
was something we did not have with our previous system. We also found the overall cost of
implementing and using CargoWise solutions to be very reasonable in comparison to other
Mike Coney, Vice President of Business Development for CargoWise in Asia, says Jetsea
Logistics is one of a number of new customers in Singapore, where a high level of competition
has forced the freight and logistics industry to increase focus on productivity.
“Freight forwarders like Jetsea Logistics are increasingly looking for opportunities to boost
productivity in the short-haul airfreight market where margins are tight,” Coney says. “We
are seeing a steady escalation in the number of companies switching to CargoWise and its
ediEnterprise cloud solution to deliver the productivity and on-going improvements necessary
to achieve its business objectives.”
Email: lisa.tree@cargowise.com
AGS Offers a Freight Service
Tailored for the Retail Industry
New York based Associated Global Systems (AGS), a full service transportation and logistics
provider, offers a complete freight service program designed specifically for the retail industry.
With the high cost of floor space and the need to maximize sales from increased display space,
most stores have been setup with minimal back storage room area. This often creates challenges
in coordinating fixture deliveries to meet the installation schedule. To solve this problem AGS
will deliver to stores anywhere in the country in the evening after the store closes to coordinate
with the arrival of the installation crew.
With a network of over 400 storage sites, AGS can provide temporary storage of fixtures at
their facility for new store openings as well as existing stores to meet specific requirements that
would streamline the fixture installation process.
And with many retailers expanding to self‐service Kiosk machines at malls and other locations,
AGS can arrange for pickup and transportation from the Kiosk vendor and for time definite
delivery and placement at the final destination.
AGS understands the constraints which retailers face daily. Partnering with AGS for logistical
function will allow retailers to make their business more efficient and cost effective.
Associated Global Systems has been serving customers since 1958. With over 125+locations
and a staff of transportation experts across the U.S., AGS handles shipments of any size, to or
from every zip code in the U.S. and Canada. They serve 196 countries around the world. For
more information on AGS' full menu of services, visit us online at www.agsystems.com.
Forward Magazine Q Summer 2013
IAG Cargo
Announces Fourth
Quarter and
Full Year 2012
Financial Results
IAG Cargo has today announced its
fourth quarter results from October 1 to
December 31, 2012 and full year results
January 1 to December 31, 2012.
IAG Cargo has reported fourth quarter
commercial revenue (flown revenue
plus fuel surcharges) of €329 million
versus €310 million in the same period
last year. For the full year IAG Cargo
reported commercial revenue of €1,217
million, an increase of 2.3 per cent on
the same period in 2011.
Volumes of 1,561 million cargo tonne
kilometres (CTKs) for the quarter
represent a decrease of 2.2 per cent
versus the same period last year. For
the twelve months the figure is 6,080
million CTKs, a decrease of 1.2 per
cent on the same period in 2011. Cargo
capacity for the quarter was up 3.3 per
cent and up 3.5 per cent for the full year.
Overall yield (commercial revenue per
CTK) for the fourth quarter increased
by 8.5 per cent versus the same period
last year.
Steve Gunning, Managing Director
for IAG Cargo commented: “Given
the continued challenging economic
backdrop, we have remained focused
on the continuing integration and
alignment of the business. In 2013 we
will continue to deliver valuable network
reach for our customers, offering userfriendly multi-channel distribution
and providing an outstanding product
Airforwarders Association
Vaughn Moore, President and CEO of AIT Worldwide Logistics,
recently presented his 2013 transportation industry outlook to
members from two local chapters of The Associations for Operations
Management (APICS) for the third consecutive year.
suggested that it is an important movement for the country to regain
some of its manufacturing base. He spotlighted Chicago in particular
as a city experiencing some growth in manufacturing and enjoying a
strong downtown resurgence.
The event kicked off with an hour for networking followed by a
sit-down dinner in the Sky View room of the Holiday Inn in Elgin,
Illinois. After an introduction from Highlands chapter president
Jim DeModica, Moore spoke and fielded questions for the next 60
minutes, covering the major sectors of the industry and coupling
global trends with insights about how transportation and operations
managers may be affected.
Moore also spoke about the tremendous investment AIT has made
in training and technology over the past six months and tied it to a
broader trend exhibited by many companies in the logistics arena.
Numerous audience members nodded in agreement and confirmed
efforts made by their companies to make similar investments. Asking
“What are you doing differently to help your business grow?” and
“What new things are we trying in an effort to work around the
obstacles we face?” he challenged those in attendance to look for
creative avenues when taking on difficult situations in their roles.
An overall theme that emerged from the wide-ranging discussion was
an expectation of flat to possibly very modest growth in the economy.
Uncertainty and balance were also recurring notions throughout the
presentation with Moore expressing that many transportation sectors
are struggling to balance supply and demand in terms of capacity.
Specifically, sea freight overcapacity is predicted to lead to rate
volatility in 2013. Trucking was mentioned as another example where
hours of service regulations and driver shortages will squeeze capacity
further for a mode that just had its best year in decades.
The uptick in manufacturing jobs returning to North America from
overseas (also known as ‘nearsourcing’ or ‘reshoring’) was a topic
hot on the minds of the supply chain professionals in attendance.
Moore confirmed it is a trend he’s seen with many AIT customers and
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As the evening came to an end, Moore suggested to the group that
they remember to bring some fun and enjoyment into their daily
roles, thus fostering more positive work environments. “When we
come to work and enjoy each other’s company, that is truly what
opens up the communication and creativity so essential to professional
growth and the health of our respective businesses.”
Afterwards, APICS' Highlands chapter president Jim DeModica said,
"The board and our members wish to thank AIT President and CEO
Vaughn Moore for his insights on today's transportation environment
and we look forward to hearing from him again next year."
Page 1
Over the years, Benesch has provided legal consultation and pragmatic business
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Summer 2013 Q Forward Magazine
Member News
Cargo Airport Services USA introduces
digital signatures in the warehouse with
the ePic™ mobile warehouse system
Columbus Regional Airport Authority
Launches New Brand
Reflects Vision to Connect Central Ohio with the
World, Aligns with Community Branding Efforts
Cargo Airport Services USA, LLC (CAS) announces the release of its latest version of the ePic™
mobile warehouse platform that enables truckers to sign for their freight directly on iPads. CAS
is now positioned to introduce a truly paperless import process to the air cargo community.
Drivers signatures are visible to forwarders through the ePic customer service portal (http://
epic.casusa.com) and to airlines through the ePic Airline Portal (http://al.casusa.com).
“We are very pleased to offer our customers this added visibility into the status of their
freight,” said Michael Duffy, President and CEO at CAS. “Providing all parties access to this
level of detail makes it easier for us all to focus on what’s most important, which is moving
freight quickly and efficiently through our facilities. True quality service only happens when
unnecessary complications are taken out of the process.”
Prior to innovation, truckers and staff signed paperwork generated when the trucker was
checked in. The paperwork would then need to be filed and retrieved when requested by
airline representatives. Now all parts of the import delivery process are captured real-time and
electronically saving valuable time for all.
Now all parts of the import
delivery process are captured
real-time and electronically
saving valuable time for all.
“Our vision for ePic was to create a type of
ecosystem where all aspects of cargo handling,
including both import and export cargo, interact
through a cohesive, automated, and natural
process,” says Tom Choi, Chief Financial Officer
at CAS. “ePic promises to provide significant efficiency improvements for every stakeholder in
the cargo community.”
Cargo Airport Services USA is based at JFK International Airport and provides ramp,
international cargo handling and facilities management services to more than 80 carriers in 27
cargo facilities throughout the United States and Canada. CAS has cargo operations at JFK,
CAS expansion plans include other international gateways throughout North America.
For more information regarding CAS, contact Phil Jensen, Director of Sales and Marketing, at
(917) 842-3579 or pjensen@casusa.com or visit our website at www.casusa.com.
Now booking advertising
for the Fall issue
Forward Magazine
Deadline to reserve space
July 31, 2013
Want to get your message out to the forwarding industry? Then you
need to advertise in the next issue of Forward Magazine, the official
magazine of the Airforwarders Association.
If you have not already pre-booked an ad for the next issue and
would like to, please call 202-591-2456 for a media kit.
Forward Magazine Q Summer 2013
The Board of Directors approved a resolution endorsing a comprehensive brand strategy for
the Columbus Regional Airport Authority, Port Columbus International Airport, Bolton Field
Airport and the multiple components of Rickenbacker including an airport, inland port and
foreign-trade zone. The branding provides a new look and feel, a new voice and new logos for
the organization.
United Accepts
New Tracking and
Monitoring Devices
United Cargo, one of the world's largest
belly carriers, announced it will accept
two new tracking and monitoring
devices on its entire mainline jet fleet of
nearly 700 aircraft linking 381 airports
across six continents. The announced
additions increase the number of
cargo tracking and monitoring devices
accepted by the carrier to 10.
The new models accepted by United
Cargo are the Moog Crossbow ILC2000
and the FedEx SenseAware 2000.
Tracking and monitoring devices
previously approved for acceptance by
United Cargo include the following:
• 7PSolutions GL200-Tracker
• CartaSense U-Sensor/CCM
• Cubic Global Sentinel-5L
• Cubic Global Sentinel-5B
• Cubic Mesh Asset Tag RSU-3
• FedEx SenseAware 1000
• OnAsset SENTRY 400 FlightSafe®
• U.S. Postal Inspection Service PT-200
“The brand strategy reflects the drive of our skilled, dedicated team of professionals who
have a laser-sharp focus on delivering exceptional travel experiences for passengers, strategic
opportunities for businesses, and vital economic growth for the Central Ohio region,”
explained President & CEO Elaine Roberts, A.A.E. “This new brand also aligns us with the
community’s branding efforts while providing
“The brand strategy reflects the our organization the opportunity to present
clear, compelling messaging like never
drive of our skilled, dedicated
team of professionals who have
a laser-sharp focus on delivering
exceptional travel experiences
for passengers, strategic
opportunities for businesses,
and vital economic growth
for the Central Ohio region,”
explained President & CEO Elaine
Roberts, A.A.E.
The Airport Authority partnered with
Columbus-based Ologie, a national leader in
developing and executing brand strategies, to
conduct in-depth market research and define
brand aspirations in support of the Strategic
Business Plan. The result includes clearly
defined brand architecture, key messages
and brand attributes to create consistent and
compelling messaging for passengers, the
community and businesses.
Additionally, an evolved visual identity was adopted to allow the Columbus Regional Airport
Authority brand to connect its airports and other assets with the community. This connection
reinforces the organization’s alignment with the bold new vision of the Columbus brand while
establishing a distinctive new icon that allows the Columbus Regional Airport Authority to
support its vision to connect Central Ohio with the world. The comprehensive brand strategy
will be implemented in phases, with the full transition completed by mid-2014.
ALG Worldwide
Logistics, LLC
Opens Minneapolis
Area Office
ALG Worldwide Logistics, LLC
announces the opening of a new facility
in Bloomington, MN. The office
consists of industry veterans whom
specialize in international transportation
with an emphasis on inbound logistics
and customs brokerage.
The sales and operations departments
have an in-depth knowledge of
international cargo including experts
with 30 years of customs brokerage
experience, as well as extensive on-theground sales and service while living and
working with partners in Hong Kong.
This collective expertise will be beneficial
in serving all clients in the Minneapolis /
St. Paul area.
The team also has an intimate
understanding of the local market needs
given that several personnel have been
lifetime residents of the Minneapolis and
St Paul area.
This is just one of the many geographical
expansions planned in the near future
by ALG.
For more information about ALG
Worldwide Logistics, please visit our
website at www.algworldwide.com
"A growing number of cargo customers
are seeking the increased visibility and
enhanced monitoring options they gain
when one of these devices is attached
to or enclosed within their shipments,"
said Robbie Anderson, President,
United Cargo. "We are very pleased
that, by working with the FAA and
United's Engineering experts, we can
offer United's customers more options
for obtaining expanded tracking and
shipment condition information when
they transport cargo on our unparalleled
worldwide network."
Airforwarders Association
Summer 2013 Q Forward Magazine
Member News
Central Shipping Selects CargoWise in Ireland
Dublin-based air freight specialists set
to adopt ediEnterprise in the cloud
CargoWise®, a global leader in technology solutions for logistics service providers (LSPs),
announced the adoption of ediEnterprise by Dublin-based, boutique air freight specialists,
Central Shipping.
Founded in 1961, Central Shipping is well recognised for its capacity to transport and deliver
high value goods, offering services from air and sea freight, through to warehousing, courier
services, and 3PLs. Having decided to upgrade the company’s software in early 2012, Central
Shipping Managing Director Philip Clancy, says he considered a number of locally-produced
software packages, but ultimately selected ediEnterprise from CargoWise because of its capacity
to reduce the time and paper work associated with processing shipments.
for Cargo, including 22 new nonstop
destinations. Many other markets will receive
new service, as well.
Customers can track their shipments on
Southwest Airlines and AirTran Airways
though swacargo.com or by using Southwest’s
GPS tracking device, Cargo Companion. For
information on all services including Cargo
Companion, please visit swacargo.com or
contact your local Cargo Area Sales Manager.
Southwest Airlines Cargo will continue to
offer more destinations as the integration of
AirTran Airways continues, with completion
anticipated in 2015.
“It would be ideal if we can achieve what we do now in a more time efficient manner with
less paper, as it will allow us the opportunity to expand,” Clancy says. “We most certainly
want improved productivity and our ultimate goal is toward the adoption of more automated
Rather than host the software internally, Central Shipping has opted for a cloud-based version
of ediEnterprise, allowing significant savings in hardware and ongoing maintenance costs.
Simon Clark, CargoWise Vice President Business Development for Europe, says he is delighted
to have such a highly respected and astute freight forwarder as Central Shipping adopt
ediEnterprise, which will provide the company with the opportunity to improve productivity
without increasing costs.
Estes Adds Hub to
Enhance Midwest
Next-Day Service
“We look forward to working with Central Shipping to optimize its use of ediEnterprise to
increase capacity and expand the company’s operational load without having to bring on extra
staff,” says Clark. “The company will be able to replace a number of systems and stop gap measures
with a single database which will enable it to reduce processing times, and enable it to grow.”
As part of its continual improvement
process, Estes has converted its
Rockford, IL, terminal to a hub to
enhance its Midwest next-day service.
Southwest Airlines Cargo Expands
Service to Airtran Network
The Rockford hub will consolidate
freight coming in from 19 terminals to
build full loads for specific geographical
regions, while increasing the number of
next-day opportunities to Minnesota,
Iowa, Wisconsin and Illinois. The new
hub offers an additional 2,844,593
next-day point-to-point combinations
bringing the total to 7,205,026.
Southwest Airlines achieved a milestone on April 14 as the carrier began shipping cargo on
AirTran Airways under the Southwest Airlines Cargo brand. The airlines successfully completed
connectivity of the two networks earlier this year, opening up more destination options and
reaching more potential Customers.
In addition to broadening the overall cargo network across the two airlines, Southwest
introduced four new cargo destinations to their route map: Charlotte, N.C. (CLT); Rochester,
N.Y. (ROC); Richmond, Va. (RIC). Beginning May 1, Southwest Airlines Cargo will serve
San Juan, Puerto Rico (SJU). Connectivity of the carriers’ networks means hundreds of new
flights and 68 new nonstop markets for Cargo Customers to experience the reliable service and
hardworking Employees that Southwest Airlines Cargo has to offer.
“Connecting the Southwest and AirTran Networks opens up a number of opportunities for
our cargo service to grow, offering new flights and significant increased capacity for our Cargo
Customers,” said Matt Buckley, Southwest Airlines Vice President Cargo & Charters. “It’s a
testament to the success of the AirTran acquisition, and we’re excited to offer expanded service
to our existing Customers and introduce our product to new ones!”
Now, Southwest Airlines Cargo not only can connect through Southwest-to-AirTran flights,
but also through AirTran-only or AirTran-to-AirTran flights. Our Cargo Customers in
Atlanta (ATL) will see a significant amount of new service, with 90 additional flights available
Forward Magazine Q Summer 2013
“Estes is continually seeking ways to
improve our operations to better serve
the needs of our customers,” said Estes
Executive Vice President and COO Billy
Hupp. “The addition of the Rockford
hub greatly improves our efficiency and
ability to offer next-day service to even
more locations.”
With the addition of the Rockford hub,
Estes now operates 20 hubs throughout
its extensive North American
transportation network. Estes’ Rockford
location employs 73 people and opened
in 1999.
Airforwarders Association
Summer 2013 Q Forward Magazine
Member News
FreightOS™ announces new era of
automation for the world freight industry
Launches FreightOS product which automates the
pricing of air, ocean, and land cargo on the Web
The world freight market is the foundation of all international trade, but is still a traditional
industry where pricing and paperwork are mostly manual. In March, FreightOS™ launched
a unique sales automation solution for freight, at conferences in both Las Vegas (AirCargo
2013) and Bangkok (WCA & WPA). With FreightOS, freight forwarders can for the first time
automate the pricing and sales of freight services from their own websites.
The FreightOS product encompasses all the complexities of freight pricing, including carrier
contracts in multiple formats, fast-changing and seasonal fees, and complex price breaks and
surcharges. FreightOS can generate complete door-to-door quotes in five seconds, spanning air,
ocean and land.
Prior to today’s public launch, FreightOS has been running successfully for some months at
both smaller independent, and top-tier multi-national freight forwarders in the US, Asia and
Alessandra Fremura, CEO of Shipping Services Italia Inc., is one of the early customers of
FreightOS. “We are a dynamic freight forwarder looking for top quality IT providers to
continuously improve our service,” she commented. “We found in FreightOS a great partner
who enabled us to speed up quotes to promptly meet our customers and agents’ needs.”
FreightOS is managed by Dr. Zvi Schreiber. Zvi has a track record of creating a number of
innovative software/Internet startups, including one acquired by IBM. As CEO of Lightech
(acquired by GE Lighting) he experienced the frustrations of buying freight services, moving
Zvi to found FreightOS to bring the benefits of the Internet to logistics.
“It sometimes takes three days to get a price quote for a 3-day air freight consignment!” Zvi
said. “Now with FreightOS, freight forwarders can automate the sales process to increase their
sales and reduce costs. Provided as a cloud service, no capital investment is required, making
FreightOS suitable for forward-looking freight forwarders of all sizes.” FreightOS has launched
auto-quoting sites for freight forwarders in as little as three days.
About FreightOS
FreightOS™ is the leading sales automation platform for the logistics industry. The FreightOS
software-as-a-service (SaaS) technology allows freight forwarders and carriers to manage
contracts, and automate and manage the quotation and sales process, from their own website.
Emirates selects
IFS Applications to
manage new engine
overhaul facility
IFS, the global enterprise applications
company, announces that Emirates,
one of the world's fastest growing
international airlines with one of the
youngest fleets in the sky, has selected
IFS Applications™ 8 to manage its new
engine overhaul facility in Dubai, UAE.
The solution will support all business
processes including maintenance, repair
and overhaul (MRO), and corporate
performance management (CPM). The
contract includes licences and services
worth in excess of US$6 million.
In 2011, Emirates announced the
construction of Asia's most technically
sophisticated engine overhaul facility in
Dubai. The facility will cover 90,000
square meters and will serve as Emirates’
in-house engine overhaul facility.
IFS Applications will support all
operations at the overhaul facility, which,
when fully operational, will service up
to 300 engines per year. The solution
includes IFS's Complex Assembly
MRO feature, which has previously
been delivered to Finnair and Alitalia
Maintenance Systems. The solution also
offers advanced CPM capabilities and
integrated support for finance and HR.
The FreightOS team, led by Zvi Schreiber, has a strong track record of creating innovative
technologies, including technologies which have been acquired by IBM and GE. The team has
built the world’s most sophisticated pricing and routing platform for logistics, layered on top of
a next-generation business-to-business (B2B) transaction engine known as TradeOS.
"Emirates is one of the world’s most
dynamic airlines and its new engine
overhaul facility will undoubtedly set
new industry standards in MRO process
efficiency," said Ian Fleming, Managing
Director, IFS Middle East, Africa and
South Asia. "We are proud to be a part of
this project, which reaffirms our leading
position in the Aerospace industry."
FreightOS is the trading name of TradeOS Limited, a Hong Kong company. The company is
at www.freightos.com and also operates a spot market for freight at market.freightos.com.
The implementation will be completed
in the first half of 2014.
FreightOS automates the quoting process for some of the world’s largest freight companies, in
all continents, and across air, ocean and ground, delivering the benefits of increased revenue
and reduced cost.
Forward Magazine Q Summer 2013
Airforwarders Association
Hassett Express
com with H-Trac
FindMyFreight.com, a product of
Freight Innovations, LLC, announced
that Hassett Express has integrated
FindMyFreight.com into their
transportation management application
called H-Trac. Hassett Express is
a leading provider of time-definite
transportation solutions in the U.S.
“We are excited about our new
partnership with Hassett Express, states
Brad Hockersmith, President of Freight
Innovations LLC. “Shipment tracking
is a core function for all transportation
providers. FindMyFreight.com provides
a competitive advantage to Hassett by
streamlining the process.”
L-3 Security & Detection Systems’ eXaminer®
EDS Receives New TSA Certification
L-3 Security & Detection Systems (SDS) announced in March that its eXaminer® 3DX and
3DX-ES explosives detection systems (EDS) have been certified by the U.S. Transportation
Security Administration (TSA). These are the first systems to pass the TSA’s rigorous new
certification standard.
“This critical advance will continue to allow customers to screen for a wide range of new
emerging threats as part of an ongoing commitment to passenger safety,” said Thomas M.
Ripp, president of L-3 Security & Detection Systems. “We deeply value our long-standing
relationship with the TSA and have made a
“We deeply value our long- significant investment in working with TSA
officials to equip our systems with capabilities
standing relationship with the
that adapt to an ever-changing threat
TSA and have made a significant environment.”
investment in working with TSA
officials to equip our systems
with capabilities that adapt
to an ever-changing threat
L-3 SDS has a comprehensive portfolio
of internationally recognized explosives
detection systems approved by TSA, ECAC
and other global regulators. Its Standard
3 EDS solutions provide continuous flow
CT technology using advanced automatic
explosives detection technology and offer some of the lowest false alarm rates in the industry.
From light- and reduced-size to medium- and high-speed systems, the eXaminer family
accelerates the movement of passengers and bags.
Since 1998, L-3 SDS has used medical-grade imaging technology developed for aviation
security with an understanding of the complex demands faced by airport personnel and
regulatory agencies around the globe. Over 1,000 eXaminer systems have been deployed
at airports domestically and internationally and are supported by L-3’s world-class service
FindMyFreight.com is a web based
Application Programming Interface
(API), which speeds up on-demand
shipment tracking requests.
Freight professionals can use the
FindMyFreight.com carrier database
and API to request tracking data for
any shipment, on any carrier, and be
instantly connected to the carrier’s
website and shipment status details.
“Our team has embraced the
FindMyFreight technology” states
Donald S. Prentice, VP of Customer
Relations for Hassett Express. The
“Quick Track” feature provides detailed
shipment updates in a very timely
fashion. We have gained a variety of
new efficiencies, including quicker
customer updates and a reduction of
paper flow sheets.
Summer 2013 Q Forward Magazine
Member News
OAG Cargo to provide
comprehensive flight schedules
data to the Worldwide
Information Network (WIN)
forwarder electronic
communications platform
OAG Cargo, the market leader for air cargo data solutions, is to
provide flight schedules data for the Worldwide Information Network
(WIN) – a cloud-based e-communications platform for independent
freight forwarders, giving WIN members immediate online access to
more than 700,000 direct and connecting flights worldwide.
Under the agreement between OAG Cargo and WIN, the flight
schedules data will be available right from within the WIN platform.
OAG Cargo announced the new partnership on the first day of
the 5th WCA Family Conference Week, taking place in Bangkok,
Thailand from 7 to 10 March, where the company is participating.
Part of WCA Family Conference Week, the networking event has
attracted more than 2,400 independent freight forwarders.
Grams Joins Benesch as PartnerIn-Charge of Shanghai Office
Speaking from the show, Executive Vice President of OAG Cargo, Alv
Hill, said: “This deal is a significant development for WIN members
as it allows small and medium sized freight forwarders to effectively
compete with larger companies that have broad access to similar data.
Benesch is pleased to announce that Richard Grams has joined
Benesch as Partner-in-Charge of the firm’s Shanghai office. He will be
practicing in the firm’s Corporate & Securities Practice Group and will
serve as Co-Chair of the China Practice.
“Our product also saves valuable time through its simplicity and ease
in finding the best flight and route for any consignment,” Hill added.
As a longtime resident of Hong Kong and Mainland China with
many years of experience advising senior management, business
owners and private equity funds, Richard understands the needs and
challenges of foreign businesses operating in China today.
Richard routinely advises local and international clients on crossborder investments, mergers and acquisitions and reorganizations in
China and Hong Kong, across a range of industries including
OAG Cargo’s flight schedules data is due to go live on the WIN
platform later this year. John DeBenedette, Worldwide Information
Network’s Managing Director said: “Empowering independent
forwarders with broad reach in terms of connectivity and the latest
tools to enhance their airfreight operations is a priority for WIN in
2013. The addition of OAG flight schedules is an important strategic
step towards achieving our goals.”
private equity financings of investee companies; franchising and
IP licensing; and matters involving insolvency, employment,
anticorruption, and internal forensic/fraud investigations. Over the
ICAT Logistics, Inc.(ICAT), a leading agency-based freight
forwarder in the U.S., celebrates 20 years in business in 2013
and announces today that ICAT’s Vice President of Finance, Jim
Vespa, and Vice President of Global Operations, Keith Buford,
have been selected as winners in Baltimore SmartCEO
Magazine’s 2013 Executive Management Awards program. The
2013 Executive Management award recognizes chief executives’
creative management vision, leadership philosophy, innovative
strategy and undeniable work ethic. Vespa and Buford will be honored with the rest of this
year’s winners at an awards ceremony on March 7, 2013 at the Doubletree by Hilton,
Baltimore North-Pikesville.
Over the past 20 years, ICAT has continually diversified its business model to offer value-added
services and “lessons learned” to its agency owners through the Agency Partner Program. ICAT
relies on its executive team to go above and beyond expectations and provide their expertise in
order to accomplish the company’s goals: continuing to grow the Agency Partner Program and
deepens its international footprint. To do so,
ICAT recently opened an office in Miami
“Entrepreneurship and quality
to support its expansion into the Latin
service as a relentless goal will American market. ICAT Miami will be added
keep ICAT a leader that others to the other 16 Agency Partner offices across
admire. Vespa and Buford have the nation.
been instrumental in ICAT’s
growth as well as establishing
a vision for the company and
setting goals for the future.”
“All too often, senior leaders in an organization become unsung heroes. This is why SmartCEO
designed the Executive Management Awards. The 2013 EMA winners are not only taking their
companies and co-workers to new heights, but they are also leaders within the communities
where we work and live,” says Craig Burris, founder and president of SmartCEO Magazine,
“We are honored to award each of these individuals and tell the stories of their achievements
and contributions.”
years, Richard has been instrumental in establishing more than 200
corporate operations in China.
Richard is licensed to practice law in Hong Kong and England and is
fluent in Mandarin Chinese and English. Richard received his B.A.
in Canada (from the University of Saskatchewan) before relocating
to Hong Kong in 1987. He received his LL.B. (Honors, First Class)
in 1998 and a Certificate of Laws in 1999 all from the University
of Hong Kong. Additionally, Richard attended the Judge Business
School’s Partner Development Programme at Cambridge University.
Forward Magazine Q Summer 2013
The leading agency-based freight forwarder
reaches milestone and congratulates members
of executive team on recent award wins
“I recognize that to grow we need to lead
competition with innovation and a skilled
staff,” says ICAT President and CEO, Rick
Campbell. “Entrepreneurship and quality
service as a relentless goal will keep ICAT a
leader that others admire. Vespa and Buford have been instrumental in ICAT’s growth as well
as establishing a vision for the company and setting goals for the future.”
distribution and retail, aerospace, health care, specialty chemicals,
franchising and financial services. He is also recognized as having
significant experience with corporate finance, especially
ICAT Logistics Celebrates 20 Years in Business
and Excellence in Executive Management
The 2013 Executive Management award winners collectively generate $1.32 billion in annual
revenue and employ over 4,600 individuals in Greater Baltimore. ICAT and the other winners
will be featured in the March issue of Baltimore SmartCEO Magazine.
Airforwarders Association
Goes Mobile
TransGroup Worldwide Logistics has
recently launched its own Mobile App
for both Android and Apple devices.
The free App, developed in-house by
TransGroup, is a unique approach to
logistics management mobility. The
launch of the app features two tools:
TranStatus - an on-demand global
tracking platform, and TransTMS – an
integrated transportation management
system that allows users to instantly
retrieve quotes for LTL/Air shipments
anywhere in North America. The
App, available in both Google Play
and iTunes, also features office listings
and contact information to any of
TransGroup’s 90 locations around the
world. Already TransGroup plans to
offer free updates in the near future
with the additions of TransTracker – a
comprehensive P.O/shipment tracking
tool, and TranShipper – a global
shipment initiation platform. With
the TransGroup App, users will receive
quotes, book shipments and track their
freight, all from their mobile device –
anywhere in the world. Learn more by
visiting http://app.transgroup.com
Summer 2013 Q Forward Magazine
Member News
different freight management systems. Now
all a forwarder needs to do is to get connected
to WIN once to allow full connectivity to any
other forwarder whatever IT system they use,
or even through an easy to use web interface.
Aike Höfft, Head of Forwarder &
Global Distribution Services, CHAMP
Cargosystems adds: “CHAMP Cargosystems
has been at the cutting edge of information
exchange within the air cargo community for
over 20 years, actively driving and supporting
industry change. CHAMP’s community
integration platform Traxon cargoHUB
acts as an open, extendable and rules
based “industry service bus”. It simplifies
transmission, conversion and distribution
of messages, and expands the scope of
information sharing within the air logistics
Luxembourg, April 2013 - WIN is the world’s first and only solution that provides all freight
forwarders with not only full agent-to-agent e-connectivity, but also full agent-to-ocean carrier
and, from June 2013, agent-to-air carrier electronic transmission of all data.
The partnership between WIN and CHAMP’s Traxon cargoHUB connects the largest
community of independent forwarders worldwide with the broadest range of airlines, rapidly
and securely. It is a major step forward for small-and-medium-sized forwarders to become
e-freight-enabled, support the e-AWB initiative and further automate processes. It allows the
seamless transmission of standardised messages such as MAWBs, HAWBs, status information,
availability and booking requests.
The integration was jointly announced to the world’s largest gathering of independent freight
forwarding companies at the recent WCA Family Annual Conference Week in Bangkok. WCA
membership encompasses 4,807 freight forwarder offices in 189 countries and WIN has been
embraced by the network as the ideal solution to the SME sector’s urgent requirement for a
significant leap forward in e-connectivity.
The ground-breaking solution was also revealed to the global air cargo community at the World
Cargo Symposium in Doha, where John DeBenedette, Managing Director of WIN, said that
the uptake for WIN was exceeding all expectations and that, thanks to the integration with
Traxon cargoHUB, SME forwarders now had electronic connectivity across the supply chain.
He added that: “Although small- and medium-sized forwarders offer their customers many
advantages over the multinationals, they still lack the sort of IT connectivity their larger
competitors take for granted. This new connection between WIN and CHAMP’s Traxon
cargoHUB levels the playing field and, in fact, sets the stage for the independents to leap ahead.
Users will rapidly benefit from efficiency gains, cost savings and an increase in service quality”.
Thanks to global freight forwarding networks, SME forwarders work with partner agents
around the world so global reach is not a problem, however their partners often use completely
Forward Magazine Q Summer 2013
Global 3PL experiences annual growth in
overall revenue and branch offices
Dachser Transport of America Inc. (Dachser USA), the U.S. division of one of the world's
leading global logistics service providers, announced that parent company Dachser recorded
new record highs for overall revenue and employees in 2012.
In 2012, Dachser increased group revenue to EUR 4.41 billion, which is 3.7 percent higher
than 2011 (EUR 4.254 billion). The company handled 49.8 million shipments weighing a
total of 37.5 million tons. By the end of the fiscal year, the number of company-owned branch
offices worldwide rose to 347, including 21,650 staff members worldwide.
For 2013, Dachser anticipates continued growth with the acquisitions of the Spanish logistics
providers Azkar and Transunion. Including revenues from these acquisitions and expected
organic growth, Dachser aims to surpass the 5-billion-euro revenue threshold for the first time
in the current fiscal year.
Increased capital investment
With capital investment totaling EUR 148 million, Dachser continued to strengthen its
logistics network last year and thus laid the foundation for further growth.
Unique partnership raises forwarderairline connectivity to the next level
CHAMP Cargosystems and Worldwide Information Network (WIN) have announced the
integration of WIN 3.0 with CHAMP’s leading Traxon cargoHUB platform. This allows the
world’s entire community of independent freight forwarders to connect electronically and
directly to over 100 airlines and to access a wide range of mature e-cargo enabling services.
Dachser on Course for Exceeding
Revenue of Five Billion Euros
Forwarders Inc.
Honolulu officially
launched the
grand opening of
its new facility
CFI-HNL relocated to a new 25,000
square foot facility early in 2013. The
new facility consists of new coolers for
produce, seafood, a freezer, a refrigerated
handling area and added dock doors.
“Our new state of the art warehouse
should set us apart on the islands”,
commented Alfred Kuehlewind, founder
and CEO of CFI at the opening event.
Commodity Forwarders is a perishable
focused freight forwarding and
distribution service provider with four
offices in the State of Hawaii, locations
near airports in Alaska, Washington,
Florida, New York, Illinois and assorted
agent locations within the US as well as
Airforwarders Association
"Many of our customers experienced 2012 as an economically extremely unstable year. The
economic slowdown in Europe in the second half of the year was exacerbated by a weakening
on the air freight routes to and from Asia," summarizes Bernhard Simon, head of the Dachser
management board. "Against this background we succeeded in consolidating the organic
growth of the previous years and maintained our stable position on the market. As a family
enterprise that takes a long-term approach to planning, we adopted a counter-cyclical approach
in 2012 and increased our capital investment by around 10 percent."
Revenues of the Dachser business fields
Dachser's largest business field, European Logistics, contributed to the group's revenue in 2012
with EUR 2.661 billion (previous year EUR 2.625 billion) closing the fiscal year with a slight
growth of 1.4 percent. Dachser Food Logistics raised its revenues by 13.2 percent to EUR
573 million (from EUR 506 million in 2011) and once again proved to be a stabilizing factor
independent of the economic fluctuations. The Dachser Air & Sea Logistics business field
generated EUR 1.305 billion, realizing a growth in revenues of 7.4 percent. With Malaysia and
Vietnam, the Air & Sea Logistics business field added two new Asian locations to the Dachser
Outlook 2013
Dachser plans to continue to invest substantially in the expansion of its European and
intercontinental network in the 2013 financial year. "In particular our Iberian acquisitions
Azkar and Transunion are currently providing new momentum and growth stimuli," Bernhard
Simon explains. The air and sea freight forwarder Transunion extends the network with
additional locations in Turkey, Argentina and Peru. Boosted by the organic growth anticipated
in 2013, as well as the consolidated revenues of Azkar and Transunion, Dachser hopes to
exceed revenue of five billion euros for the first time in 2013.
"The integration of Azkar and Transunion is making rapid progress. The motivation of the
local teams to become a value-enhancing part of Dachser is extremely high," Bernhard Simon
is keen to point out. "Hence we have kicked off the new year with a healthy new sense of
dynamism and enthusiasm."
TransGroup Ships
Air via Air
With the advent of bottled water,
many speculated that one day plain old
air would also become a commodity.
While most would think that absurd,
TransGroup Worldwide Logistics has
been shipping bottled air, via air freight
to all corners of the world.
TransGroup’s Denver office is working
with the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
by shipping aluminum canisters of
air that are sampled from a forest
just off the Continental Divide near
Nederland, Colorado at an altitude
of over 10,000 ft. These atmospheric
samples are collected and pressurized
with precise measurements of carbon
dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide and
then tested and packaged at the NOAA
lab, which has been designated by the
United Nations World Meteorological
Organization as the Central Calibration
Laboratory for greenhouse-gas
measurements worldwide.
TransGroup picks up the canisters in
Boulder, Colorado and prepares the
hazmat documentation and bill of
lading. In 2013, TransGroup expects to
ship many more canisters to facilities all
over the world, where the air samples
are used to help calibrate machines that
measure pollution in the atmosphere.
Summer 2013 Q Forward Magazine
Member News
United Cargo
Prepares to
787 Service
United Airlines is preparing to
reintroduce Boeing 787 Dreamliner
flights, bringing back the world's most
advanced and efficient aircraft on
domestic and international routes.
L-3 Security & Detection Systems
– Air Cargo Security Screening
that Keeps Commerce Moving
There is no down time in today’s global economy. As a major detection vendor, L-3 Security
& Detection Systems (SDS) understands that air cargo screening requires reliability and
maximum up time. Providing quality products, a global service network spanning 60
countries, a 24/7 call center and more than 170 in-house technicians near major U.S.
airports, L-3 SDS keeps commerce moving. Its field service team can be at your site within
a few short hours of your call.
L-3 SDS has more than 30 years in the security detection industry and many of its
customers have had their X-ray system in use for over 10 years. With the largest service
organization in the industry, its technicians will be on-site with your team to provide
operational training and make sure everything is right from day one. L-3 stands behind its
products with a best-in-class warranty and offers competitive service contracts that allow for
predictable operating expenses.
Proper planning and the total solution is where L-3 SDS excels. When it comes to screening
air cargo L-3 SDS knows you have choices. With today’s low interest rates the company
understands that some customers need a competitive lease or finance option and is able to
customize a solution that fits your budget.
L-3 Security & Detection Systems products can be networked together for monitoring and
reporting needs. The company has TSA, DfT and Transport Canada-qualified dual-view air
cargo systems for skid, pallet and break-bulk screening. The large-tunnel screening systems
for skid and pallet offer high-powered, superior performance for organics and other dense
commodities. The medium-tunnel for break bulk screening offers flexible high-performance for
non-palletized freight. To learn more about L-3’s PX™15.17, the PX™18.18 and the PX™10.10
and all of its air cargo products, please visit the website at www.L-3com.com/sds.
Forward Magazine Q Summer 2013
"Our customers responded extremely
well when we introduced the 787, and
we know they'll welcome it back,"
said Pete McDonald, United's Chief
Operations Officer. "Boeing and the
FAA were diligent in their work to
fix the battery issue, and now the
Dreamliner is poised to fly the missions
we planned and provide our customers
the features and reliability they want on
their long-haul flights."
Boeing has already converted two of
United's six Dreamliners to the new
FAA standards and will soon convert the
remainder of United's fleet. United has
scheduled flights to begin May 20 on
routes from Houston to other domestic
hubs. United will begin international
787 flying on the Denver-Tokyo route
June 10.
"United Cargo customers are very
impressed by the unique size and range
opportunities of the 787," said Robbie
Anderson, President, United Cargo.
"The Denver-Tokyo flight is a perfect
example of the type of market made
feasible by the 787 - a market no one
else is serving with nonstop flights.
We're very excited about the new
widebody routes the 787 will make
available to our customers."
Another benefit of the 787 aircraft:
it accepts the same container types as
the popular Boeing 777 to facilitate
seamless load planning for United
Cargo's shippers. Operators of the 787
have garnered impressive cargo payloads
exceeding 15 tons per flight on longrange routes.
Airforwarders Association
CargoWise Cloud Delivery Keeps Business Lean and Agile
WiseCloud for ediEnterprise fuels ACS Logistics’ rapid and ambitious expansion plans
CargoWise®, a global leader in technology
solutions for logistics service providers
(LSPs), announced Austrian-headquartered
freight forwarder ACS Logistics is adopting
ediEnterprise, delivered through the
WiseCloud hosting platform to form a
strategic pillar of the company’s ambitious
expansion plans.
Founded in 2011, and managed by industry
veterans Gerald Kleeberger, Ulrich Hartwig
and Thomas Sticht, ACS Logistics is one
of few remaining independent LSPs with
a range of specializations, including global
air and ocean freight, as well as offering
integrated logistics solutions in Austria.
Having embarked on its first significant
expansion in January 2013, ACS Logistics
is now focussing on the development of
non-physical services to enrich their core
products and provide additional value to
customers. According to Sticht, ediEnterprise
has become a strategic and technological
parter to ACS Logistics, as the flexibility and
sophistication of the software will enable the
company to continue to expand rapidly while
controlling costs.
“We see ourselves as a ‘next generation’
LSP capable of applying the most advanced
technologies in order to run a truly lean
organization,” says Sticht. “ediEnterprise,
delivered through WiseCloud, offers
the highest possible levels of service and
flexibility which is why it was the perfect
technology for us to adopt. After completing
a comprehensive analysis of the different
technologies on the market, I’ve become
convinced ediEnterprise is the most advanced
and powerful logistics software available
because it is a deeply integrated solution, in
which different modules can be activated at
any time.”
Describing Sticht’s approach to business as
highly ambitious, structured and strategic,
Simon Clark, Vice President of Business
Development – Europe for CargoWise, says
he’s delighted to be able to provide ACS
Logistics with the technology the company
needs to expand rapidly while holding onto a
lean and flexible operation.
“As a young and fast growing company,
ACS Logistics needed software that worked
from the word go so it could quickly bring
on new divisions and expand,” says Clark.
“ediEnterprise through WiseCloud will
provide them exactly the kind of platform for
growth they need. It’s great to see a customer
who understands the power of doing business
in the cloud, and who is willing to make the
most of sophisticated technology.”
Kuehne + Nagel implements CHAMP’s Cargo-XML ACAS solution
The global logistics service provider Kuehne +
Nagel (K+N) is pro-actively filing all air cargo
shipments bound for the USA according to
ACAS dual filing requirements as part of
its quality airfreight services. On receipt of
a shipment order the airfreight department
transmits the House Air Waybill data to
the U.S. Customs and Border Protection
(CBP) to launch enhanced screening prior
loading. When K+N receives the ACAS
response (PSN) the company proceeds with
consolidation and delivery to the air carrier.
If there are problems with the shipment the
logistics services provider is able to solve these
pro-actively before tendering the shipment to
the carrier.
K+N has opted for a CHAMP application
to facilitate the message exchange with the
US CBP. The solution transmits IATA C/
XML messages (XFZB) directly from K+N’s
enterprise system to US CBP without
manual intervention thereby optimizing data
quality. It also transmits the CBP response
messages back to K+N. “Kuehne + Nagel
participates in the ACAS dual filing project
to detect high risk shipments and customs
clearance problems as early as possible in
the supply chain process. We feel it is our
duty to solve any problems that might
arise from a product, supplier or recipient
pro-actively for our customers as quickly as
possible after receiving their orders“, explains
Michael Weber, Vice President Interfaces
and Processes, Air Logistics, Kuehne + Nagel
Management AG.
“We are proud that we have been able to
expand our cooperation with K+N, one of
the leading global logistics players”, says
Rene E. Kircil, Senior Area Manager Sales
at CHAMP Cargosystems. „CHAMP
Cargosystems is well known for its premium
messaging services for airlines and for its
e-customs solutions. However, it is also
offering similar applications (meeting IATA
Cargo-IMP and XML standards) that are
tailored to the needs of freight forwarders.
K+N has opted for IATA Cargo-XML as
it better facilitates the implementation
and adoption of e-cargo initiatives such
as the electronic Air Waybill (e-AWB) or
e-freight. It also aids compliance to customs
and security requirements by giving more
flexibility in providing complete data
“Our Air AMS and ACAS messaging services
enable logistics services providers to give a
better service to their customers, to improve
supply chain visibility and control over their
data, to speed up transport processes and
avoid shipments being held up on arrival
in the USA”, adds James Fernandez, VP
Global Commercial Operations at CHAMP
Summer 2013 Q Forward Magazine
Member News
United Cargo Expands Leading TempControl Service Network
United Cargo, one of the world's largest
belly carriers, announced it has expanded its
service for temperature-sensitive shipments
by adding nine new cities to its worldwide
TempControl network. This increases the
number of locations offering United Cargo
TempControl service to 37. The following
new U.S. locations are now certified to
transport TempControl:
Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International
Airport (ATL), Boston Logan International
Airport (BOS) and New York John F.
Kennedy International Airport (JFK)**
Trucking is available for temperaturesensitive shipments to and from these cities
and Newark Liberty International Airport
(EWR) and Washington Dulles International
Airport (IAD), enabling connections to
UA's unparalleled global widebody network.
Transport of Envirotainer CLD containers is
available on narrowbody aircraft to and from
ATL, BOS and JFK for small shipments of
temperature-sensitive goods.
Cleveland Hopkins International
Airport (CLE)**
Trucking is available for temperature-sensitive
shipments to and from CLE and Chicago
O'Hare International Airport (ORD), EWR
and IAD, enabling connections to UA's
global widebody network.
Honolulu International
Airport (HNL)
TempControl service is available on daily
widebody service to and from Houston
Intercontinental Airport (IAH), Narita
International Airport (NRT), San Francisco
International Airport (SFO), EWR, ORD
and IAD. Access to additional cities is
provided via connections through these hubs.
Transport of Envirotainer CLD containers is
available on narrowbody aircraft to and from
ATL, BOS and JFK for small shipments of
temperature-sensitive goods.
on the ground. TempControl shipments
may be transported in Envirotainer or
CSafe containers or as passive pre-packaged
Seattle-Tacoma International
Airport (SEA)**
TempControl service is available on daily
widebody flights to and from NRT, with access
to additional cities via connection in NRT.
Trucking is available for temperature-sensitive
shipments to SFO, enabling connections to
UA's global widebody network.
Giant Crocodile
Transported to Toledo
Grand Aire has arranged air charters over
the years for business owners, Hollywood
celebrities, famous musicians, politicians
and exotic creatures but this is the first time
the company has ever handled a "croc star"!
The Toledo Zoo asked the charter experts at
Toledo-based Grand Aire to arrange the final
leg of the charter after a long flight on Qantas
Air from Australia. A large specially made
crate was used to transport the creature and
he was escorted for the entire thirty-four hour
journey by an animal expert from Australia.
The following new international locations are
now certified to transport TempControl:
Manchester Airport (MAN)
Manchester, England**
Trucking is available for temperature-sensitive
shipments to and from London Heathrow
International Airport (LHR) enabling
connections to UA's global widebody
network. Transport of Envirotainer CLD
containers is also available on narrowbody
aircraft to and from MAN for small
shipments of temperature-sensitive goods to
IAD and EWR.
Milano Malpensa Airport
(MXP) Milan, Italy
TempControl service is available on daily
widebody service to and from EWR, enabling
connections to UA's global widebody network.
Istanbul Atatürk Airport
(IST) Istanbul, Turkey+
TempControl service is available on daily
widebody service to and from EWR, enabling
connections to UA's global widebody network.
** Trucking transportation to or from these
cities may require temperature-controlled
trucking arrangements. Information
is available from United Cargo Sales
+ Istanbul is certified to handle TempControl
shipments in CSafe RKN containers only.
All TempControl shipments are processed
using customized Standard Operating
Procedures with minimized tarmac time
and dedicated handling by specially-trained
staff to safeguard shipments in the air and
Forward Magazine Q Summer 2013
After clearing U.S. Customs in Dallas, the
reptile arrived at the Grand Aire FBO at
Toledo Express Airport and was gently
offloaded from a temperature-controlled
Convair 5800 cargo plane. He is believed to
be the largest saltwater crocodile in North
America and quite possibly in the Western
Zachary Cheema, President of Grand Aire,
personally worked the large forklift to
offload the extra-large crate from the plane
to the awaiting environmentally-controlled
straight truck for the final few miles to the
Toledo Zoo. Baru is now getting used to
his new home and will make his first public
appearance on May 24th.
Despite his enormous size, Baru isn't the
largest living creature that Grand Aire has
flown. Several years ago, the company was
hired to transport a killer whale on a B-747.
About Grand Aire, Inc.
Grand Aire Inc, based in Swanton, Ohio,
is one of the top freight and passenger air
charter providers in North America and
also provides air freight and expedited
trucking services. Founded in 1985, the
company is privately owned and operated
by the Cheema family. Grand Aire manages
a network of thousands of charter aircraft
and ground transportation vehicles stationed
around the world. The company has earned
a reputation as one of the most professional
Airforwarders Association
and responsive logistics providers in the
on-demand charter business and serves
many of the top logistics professionals,
government agencies and manufacturing
companies around the country. Grand Aire
also serves the medical community with the
transportation of organs, tissues and surgical
teams. The company operates the only 24/7
full-service FBO at Toledo Express Airport
offering cargo handling, fueling, de-icing and
other services to all types of aircraft. Grand
Aire, Inc is certified as a minority and servicedisabled veteran-owned small business.
Dachser USA
Expanded Service
Offerings in Miami
Dachser Transport of America Inc.
(Dachser USA), the U.S. division of one
of the world's leading global logistics
service providers, announced new
enhanced service offerings designed to
keep clients more competitive in the
South Florida market and Latin America
Dachser Miami has opened a Bonded
Container Freight Station, I.B.E.C. and
Bonded Warehouse, the first of its kind
for Dachser USA. These new services are
situated at the company's Miami facility
8861 NW 18th Terrace and allow
Dachser to be more competitive in the
market by offering additional capabilities
to its network and customers.
An experienced on-site staff will utilize
Dachser comprehensive service offerings
to handle import deconsolidations,
combine domestic cargo with in-bond
cargo for the loading of export ocean
containers, and make bonded warehouse
entry for the handling of in-bond cargo.
With the rollout of the Export Gateway
in Miami, Dachser will now offer
in-transit deconsolidation and onforwarding services by combining the
in-transit cargo with existing export
consolidation cargo throughout the
world, specifically, Latin American
ICAT Logistics Appoints New Vice President
of International Operations to Maximize
International Presence, Grow Global Footprint
ICAT Logistics, Inc. (ICAT), a leading agency-based freight forwarder in the U.S. that is
celebrating its 20th year in business in 2013, announced that it has appointed Ann Bruno as
its new Vice President of International Operations. Ann brings more than twenty five years of
expertise in global commerce and international transportation management to the position,
with specialized knowledge in the areas of transportation and international government
regulatory compliance. These areas are critical components to the achievement of ICAT’s
current goals to expand its international footprint going forward.
In her new role, Ann will be responsible for a number of priorities in continuing to grow
ICAT’s presence in key international markets, including Europe; Asia; and South America, and
focused on:
• Expanding the company’s client base;
• Increasing the breadth of its expertise in compliance and regulatory issues;
• Maximizing its existing agency memberships and global relationships; and
• Coordinating international efforts amongst ICAT’s various stations
to enhance and streamline training and support activities.
“We are thrilled to welcome Ann Bruno to ICAT as our new Vice President of International
Operations,” says ICAT President and CEO, Rick Campbell. “Her success, expertise, and
entrepreneurial approach to leadership and growth make her an ideal fit for our team. She is
also a dynamic force to propel our global expansion and growth efforts forward in the future.”
Prior to joining ICAT, Ann held several positions at TBB, including most recently acting
as their Vice President of Global Trade. Prior to joining TBB, Ann founded Olimpex
International, a successful international ocean and air freight forwarder as well as a U.S.
Customs House Broker. After a successful twenty years in business, Ann sold Olimpex to TBB
in October, 2004. Following her graduation from Georgetown University, Ann spent several
years living overseas, and worked for a number of global trade enterprises, including American
Export Group and Horizon Trading. Ann is also a licensed Customs House Broker, and is
fluent in French as well as conversational in German and Dutch.
“I am excited to join the award-winning ICAT team,” Ann Bruno states. “I have long been
aware of ICAT’s services and success, and I look forward to bringing my long track-record of
international expertise, contacts, and knowledge of compliance issues to help the company
reach new heights in expanding its global footprint and enhancing its current service offerings.”
Airpack’s John Gerrish Receives Honors
John Gerrish was honored to receive the James A. Russell Award at
the NIPHLE Annual 2013 Conference in Williamsburg, Virginia.
The James A. Russell Award is a very prestigious packaging industry
recognition award provided by the National Institute of Packaging,
Handling and Logistic Engineers.
Each year the directors of NIPHLE recognize one individual that
has made a significant contribution to the packaging industry.
We are very proud of our founder and leader. Congratulations John!
Summer 2013 Q Forward Magazine
Member News
130306 AirCargo Forward Ad HP.pdf
1:38 PM
AGS Now Provides Importers
with Integrated Solutions
for Sourcing Products from
Overseas with Import Purchase
Order Management
ALG Worldwide
Logistics, LLC
Expands Reverse
ALG Worldwide Logistics LLC, a
leading full service transportation and
logistics provider, expands their reverse
logistics capabilities with the opening of
a new 30,000 square foot facility located
just outside Detroit, MI.
Eric Hezinger, President, views this
startup as a major opportunity to
gain market share within the Reverse
Logistics marketplace. He believes
the market is in need of an entity
to provide a “turn key” approach to
reverse logistics on a national platform
promoting competitive distribution and
IT asset management optimization and
consultation. Additionally, he projects
this will significantly increase the ability
to be more efficient in client response
time as well as offer clients additional
services to make educated decisions on
the next logical step in the lifecycle of
ALG’s resources and operational
expertise provides a complete supply
chain solution to their reverse logistics
Founded in 1982, ALG Worldwide
Logistics LLC is a proven industry leader
providing international and domestic
transportation and logistics solutions to
clients on a global basis.
For more information about ALG
Worldwide Logistics, please visit our
website at www.algworldwide.com
CargoWise Sees Rapid Growth in
Russia and Eastern Europe
Russian Partner RBC Takes on More Staff
in Response to Customer Wins
CargoWise®, a global leader in technology solutions for logistics service providers (LSPs),
announced a successful start to the distribution partnership with ERP specialists RBC Group
that began in January this year. With several new customers already signed in Russia and
Ukraine, RBC is planning to double the number of staff dedicated to the CargoWise account
within the quarter.
“The Eastern European logistics sector is becoming increasingly competitive, and companies
operating in this field are actively seeking international experience and sophisticated
technology,” says Maks Porfyrenko, Key Account Manager for RBC Group. “As a result, we are
winning business with the ediEnterprise system from CargoWise. This strong and functional
platform is already having a significantly positive impact on the way the logistics service
providers operate in this region.”
Customers are attracted to the
ediEnterprise platform because it
simplifies logistics operations and
bookkeeping as well as improving
communication with agents
around the world, which in turn,
allows our customers to boost
their own customer service in
existing markets and expand into
new geographical regions
In the past three months alone, RBC has
signed a number of new customers, including
Russian-based TGL, Ukrainian door-to-door
logistics specialists Olimpac, and warehousing
and transport specialists EuroExpress Mail.
“Customers are attracted to the ediEnterprise
platform because it simplifies logistics
operations and bookkeeping as well as
improving communication with agents
around the world, which in turn, allows
our customers to boost their own customer
service in existing markets and expand into
new geographical regions,” Porfyrenko says.
“As a result of the demand, we are planning to increase the number of sales and technical staff
we have dedicated to selling the ediEnterprise platform in Russia and neighbouring countries.”
CargoWise VP Partner Management, Volodya Bilanovsky, says RBC Group’s success
reflects the level of demand for the world-class logistics platform in local markets, pointing
out that regional companies stand to benefit from the productivity gains and improved
communications with their global partners, while existing transnationals can use ediEnterprise
to gain more insight into their Eastern European operations.
“By offering ediEnterprise in this part of the world, RBC Group is opening up huge
opportunities for local and international players,” Bilanovsky says. “This success in Eastern
Europe highlights the strength of the CargoWise platform as the only truly global ERP level
solution for the industry.”
Forward Magazine Q Summer 2013
Airforwarders Association
Sourcing products from overseas vendors involves many operational
processes performed by many different parties, including the shipper,
consignee, forwarders, customs brokers, air and ocean carriers and
others. The interaction and interrelation of the process makes the
entire supply chain complicated, especially when many of the parties
are on the other side of the globe.
AGS has years of experience in providing importers with integrated
solutions that resolve these issues and provide a high level of control
and visibility to the import supply chain. “Our programs are highly
personalized to specific customer requirements, developed by a joint
AGS and customer design effort, with the goal of improving the
customers overall business
performance”, says Bernard
Founded in 1958, AGS Quandt, Director of
provides a full range International Sales at AGS.
of transportation,
logistics and supply chain
management services
worldwide. It has 125+
offices in North America
and provides air, ocean and
ground services to, from
and within 196 countries.
Some of the new AGS
Import Purchasing Order
Management program
highlights include the
assignment of a development
team to work with the
customer, providing doorto-door transportation from
overseas vendors to the end
customer in the U.S., long
standing relationships with dozens of air and ocean carriers to provide
reliable and cost competitive service and domestic transportation
services from any U.S. gateway including air freight or small package,
expedited ground and truck load.
AGS also provides comprehensive brokerage service to clear your
import shipments through customs and the ability to provide
customers with complete visibility of all incoming shipments by
purchase order, sales number or other customer reference.
The program is an end-to-end solution with AGS managing the entire
supply chain process!
Founded in 1958, AGS provides a full range of transportation,
logistics and supply chain management services worldwide. It has
125+ offices in North America and provides air, ocean and ground
services to, from and within 196 countries.
For more information on AGS’ full menu of services, visit us online at
www.agsystems.com or email us for a quote at intl.rates@agsystems.com.
Summer 2013 Q Forward Magazine
Member News
First Time
Members Can
Join now for
AfA is a non-profit industry
association of, by, and for
the air forwarder industry.
Our mission is to promote
and advance the common
interests of those engaged
in the air forwarder industry
throughout the United States
and abroad. Through industry
meetings and educational
seminars AfA provides an
excellent opportunity to
network with others in the
business and stay on top of
industry trends.
* Good through December 31, 2013. Regular
dues schedule applies thereafter.
To join AfA, please visit our website,
AfA, 529 14th Street, NW, Suite 750
Washington, D.C. 20045
Tel (202) 591-2456
Descartes Acquires ScandinaviaBased KSD Software
ediEnterprise in WiseCloud Boosts Efficiency Across Scandinavia
Adds Robust Scandinavian Logistics Community and
Leading EU Electronic Customs Filing Solutions
CargoWise®, a global leader in technology
solutions for logistics service providers (LSPs),
has announced the successful adoption
of ediEnterprise delivered through the
WiseCloud application by Swedish logistics
specialists Buyers Logistics Scandinavia AB.
Security and reliability key drivers for adoption of WiseCloud
Descartes Systems Group (TSX:DSG) (Nasdaq:DSGX), the global leader in uniting logisticsintensive businesses in commerce, acquired KSD Software Norway AS (“KSD”), a leading
Scandinavia-based provider of electronic customs filing solutions for the European Union
The EU customs compliance market is characterized by a complex framework of member
states; each with different regulations, languages, and systems. Transportation carriers, logistics
intermediaries and shippers have looked to technology partners, like Descartes and KSD, to
help them manage this complexity.
“EU customs compliance is complex,” said Svenn Widerberg, CEO of KSD. “Our focus is to
make the process easier for customers so that they can instead focus on their core businesses.
Like us, Descartes is focused on delivering
results to customers, and this made a
“With approximately USD $10
combination with Descartes a logical choice
million of annual recurring for our customers. We’re thrilled that our
revenues that are core to our customers will now have access to even more
combined businesses, KSD adds solutions and global logistics participants to
scale for Descartes to serve the help them become more efficient.”
wider logistics community,” said
Edward Ryan, Chief Commercial
Officer at Descartes.
KSD brings more than 1,300 customers to
Descartes’ Global Logistic Network, with
the majority of these companies based in
Scandinavia. KSD provides its customers
with customs declaration, security filing, transportation management and freight forwarding
technology solutions. By combining KSD’s leading EU customs solutions and Descartes’ global
community of logistics participants and shipment management solutions, customers now have
a single trusted partner to help them manage their shipments across the globe.
According to IT Manager Martin Selfors, the
decision to transfer the company’s key data
into WiseCloud was challenging, however,
the extensive cost and time savings associated
with running ediEnterprise in the cloud
outweighed any concerns.
“The decision to choose hosted software was
not easy; time is crucial in our industry, and
if our system was to go down we might lose a
potential business opportunity,” said Selfors.
“Relying entirely on service and uptime from
a third-party provider was considered a big
risk; but after our evaluation, we found out
that the benefits of WiseCloud far exceeded
the drawbacks.”
WiseCloud also facilitated Buyers Logistics’
capability to operate offices across Sweden,
Denmark, Finland and Norway, all of which
are now able to work together off a single
database delivered through WiseCloud for
said Selfors. “We can now offer the same
capabilities as one of the bigger companies,
but without letting go of the personal contact
that many of our clients appreciate.”
“The final decision was made when I went
to Milton Keynes to have a look at the
CargoWise data center. I was very impressed
by the high level of security together with
a confirmed uptime,” said Selfors. “By
choosing WiseCloud, we could focus entirely
on the system itself, rather than server
installation and configuration. After all, we
are in the forwarding business and not the IT
business – let people do what they do best.”
According to Steve Corbet, CargoWise Vice
President of Business Development – Europe,
Middle East and Africa, the implementation
of CargoWise technology has aided the group
to increase efficiency and streamline processes
throughout geographically dispersed
Describing the benefits of ediEnterprise
as “vast”, Selfors points to the capacity to
operate from a single, hosted database, and
the productivity enhancement associated with
enabling staff in two different offices to access
the data associated with a single shipment in
a single file.
“ediEnterprise has helped us in achieving a
much higher level of service for our clients,”
“Buyers Logistics quickly saw the benefits
of using a single, hosted system and hit the
ground running,” said Corbet. “They were
very keen to advance efficiency across the
group and they have been able to make
a huge impact in a short period of time.
Importantly, they have been able to pass
on these time and cost saving benefits to
their customers, adding to the already
high standard of customer service they are
renowned for.”
“With approximately USD $10 million of annual recurring revenues that are core to our
combined businesses, KSD adds scale for Descartes to serve the wider logistics community,”
said Edward Ryan, Chief Commercial Officer at Descartes. “Our Global Logistics Network
customers can enhance their own logistics operations with access to KSD’s broad Scandinavian
community of logistics participants and EU compliance solutions. Similarly, we’re excited to be
able to introduce Descartes’ shipment management portfolio to help KSD’s customers be even
more efficient and profitable in their logistics operations.”
KSD is headquartered in Oslo, Norway, with offices in Sweden, Denmark and The
Netherlands. The all cash purchase price for the acquisition was NOK 190 million
(approximately USD $33 million at May 2, 2013), with Descartes acquiring approximately
NOK 11.5 million in working capital (approximately USD $2 million at May 2, 2013). To
complete the acquisition, Descartes used approximately USD $13 million of cash on hand and
$20 million from an acquisition line of credit.
Forward Magazine Q Summer 2013
Airforwarders Association
Summer 2013 Q Forward Magazine
Member News
AIT-Las Vegas Independent Contractor Lends Leadership,
Know-How to Export Growth Program
IAG Cargo Deploys Descartes Cloud-Based Air
Freight Booking Portal Into iagcargo.com
Descartes Systems Group (Nasdaq:DSGX) (TSX:DSG), the global leader in uniting logisticsintensive businesses in commerce, announced that IAG Cargo has extended its relationship to
include air cargo booking through Descartes’ cloud-based Global Freight Exchange (GF-X)
Private Label solution. Descartes’ solution will support iagcargo.com, the carrier’s electronic
booking portal for freight forwarders of all sizes. IAG Cargo will provide the online booking
service to its customers completely free of charge.
Descartes’ GF-X is one of the largest electronic information and reservation systems in the
airfreight industry. Airfreight carriers can distribute real-time product, routing, capacity
and rate information to their forwarders worldwide. Airfreight forwarders can access carrier
information, make electronic bookings and track shipments via a web browser, 24 hours a day,
7 days a week.
The Descartes GF-X Private Label service is a unique way for carriers to deploy a robust
electronic bookings channel without the higher costs and risks associated with in-house
development, in a way that utilizes existing processes and interfaces to the Descartes GF-X
Exchange. Descartes’ GF-X and Private Label solutions are part of Descartes' cloud-based
Logistics Technology Platform. The Logistics Technology Platform uniquely combines the
power of the Global Logistics Network, the world's most extensive multi-modal network, with
the industry's broadest array of modular
"We’ve been a long-time and interoperable web and wireless logistics
customer of Descartes, using
the company’s air messaging
and GF-X solution. Extending our
relationship to include a privatelabel portal is a logical extension
for IAG Cargo," said Angel
Cabeza, Head of Distribution and
IT Platform at IAG Cargo.
"We’ve been a long-time customer of
Descartes, using the company’s air messaging
and GF-X solution. Extending our
relationship to include a private-label portal
is a logical extension for IAG Cargo," said
Angel Cabeza, Head of Distribution and IT
Platform at IAG Cargo. "Descartes' GF-X
Private Label is a cost-effective and proven
solution that allows us to deliver against our
goal of providing outstanding levels of customer service in the industry. It will help us support
our existing network of large freight forwarders and will also be highly beneficial in helping us
target the SME market, which we see as being of great value over the coming years.”
IAG Cargo customers use the private-label solution to book cargo through the iagcargo.com
website and check booking options against their shipment needs. The system responds with
details on available cargo capacity and rates. When a cargo reservation is made online through
the IAG Cargo website, an electronic confirmation is delivered to the customer. Freight
allocations can also be booked through iagcargo.com.
"IAG Cargo’s operations span the globe," said Ed Ryan, Chief Commercial Officer at
Descartes. "Our long-standing relationship has been predicated on helping IAG Cargo improve
their service to their customers in a cost effective manner. We’re pleased to be able to extend
our relationship to help them streamline and add greater value to their air cargo booking
process with our proven on-demand solution."
Forward Magazine Q Summer 2013
AIT Worldwide
Logistics Welcomes
New Business
Director to Support
Expansion in Asia
As part of the company’s accelerating
global proliferation, AIT Worldwide
Logistics is pleased to announce the
hiring of Myung Kim as Business
Development Director.
Kim comes to AIT from CEVA Logistics
where he most recently held the position
of Managing Director for Korea, then
Singapore, leading more than 850
employees and generating annual
revenues in excess of $140 million. He
brings a wealth of specialized business
development and operational expertise
to his new role, particularly in the
realm of trans-Pacific trade with Korean
technology firms.
AIT-Las Vegas Independent Contractor
John Agustin continued to strengthen AIT’s
reputation in the southern Nevada market by
sharing his international shipping expertise as
part of the ExporTech program sponsored by
Nevada Industry Excellence.
out over the span of three months with
the purpose of helping businesses develop
international growth plans. Each session
features presentations, exercises and group
discussions along with personal coaching that
is even available in between sessions.
Agustin was a presenter at a session held on
the University of Nevada, Las Vegas campus
where he guided attendees through an
overview of how to make logistics choices
before beginning to export their company’s
goods. Next, he offered detailed explanations
of Incoterms (International Commercial
Terms) – pre-defined commercial terms
published by the International Chamber
of Commerce to help clearly communicate
the tasks, costs and risks associated with
international transportation and delivery
of goods. After discussing the required
documentation for international shipments,
Agustin also covered tariffs, taxes and duties
while presenting resources like export.gov to
assist with navigating these matters.
In addition to offering his informative
presentation, Agustin is serving as a coach for
one of the participating companies, helping
them to do market research and assemble
their overall export plan. He also sits on the
panel that approves the final business plans
turned in during the third session of the
ExporTech program.
The ExporTech program was created by
the Manufacturing Extension Partnership
and the U.S. Export Assistance Centers.
It consists of three daylong sessions spread
One of Agustin’s AIT-Las Vegas customers
summed it up by saying, “This is why John
is so respected in the Valley. He is a 'giver' to
those around him, a mentor to many and a
good friend to all. Awesome - as usual!”
San Francisco Team Works the
Phones for KQED Pledge Drive
Hot off the heels of receiving their Station of the Year award at February’s National Diamond
Meeting, co-workers from AIT-San Francisco made a unique contribution to their community
when they participated as volunteers for KQED Public Television’s on-air fundraising drive.
Decked out in their Shop AIT Gear, team members from Operations, International and Sales
joined their station manager and worked the phones during a 6:45 to 10:30pm shift fielding
calls from viewers making pledges.
Based at AIT’s Los Angeles, California
facility, Kim will leverage nearly 15
years of industry connections and
experience as he manages direct sales
efforts in southern California. He will
also strengthen the company’s customer
base by securing other east and southeast
Asia-related opportunities across the
United States.
Afterwards, AIT-San Francisco’s station manager admitted the team was nervous at first, but
quickly got the hang of it. “All in all our efforts were well received by the people we spoke
with,” he said. “Many callers asked about AIT, what we did and thanked us for volunteering.”
“It was really fun!” one AIT account executive added. “We got a lot of on-air face time during
the pledge drive breaks with many of our co-workers seated right in the front row. The hosts
also gave AIT special thanks at the end of our shift with our logo appearing in the credits.”
In her letter to the AIT-San Francisco team, KQED’s Events & Volunteers Coordinator Julie
Becker thanked them for helping with the drive and contributing to the station’s mission
of providing Bay Area residents with high quality commercial free television programming.
She added that the station raised nearly $17,000 during their shift and invited them to come
back anytime.
This new assignment marks the second
time Kim and his family will make their
home in the Los Angeles area; they
previously resided in Seoul, South Korea.
Airforwarders Association
Agustin has been involved with Nevada
Industry Excellence since its inception and
he received their Provider of the Year award
in 2010. The deputy director of Nevada
Industry Excellence, Terry Culp, expressed his
thanks for Agustin’s contribution, mentioning
the positive comments received from the
ExporTech attendees.
A collection of video clips featuring shots of AIT-San Francisco’s team in action at the pledge
drive can be found on AIT’s YouTube channel.
Summer 2013 Q Forward Magazine
Affinity Spotlight
3Plus Logistics Co.
American Worldwide Agencies
Baapni Global Logistics Private Limited
CP Delivery
DMC Logistics
Dunavant Logistics Group, LLC
Emerald Express LLC
EnLog Strategic Services LLC
FBR Capital Markets
Fred Hall & Associates Inc.
Freightmasters Logistics/Ground Freight Express
FreightOS Ltd.
Goldstar Couriers & Logistics
Griley Air Freight
Save the Date
March 30-April 1, 2014
IJS Global
International Air Cargo Association of Chicago
Lonestar Delivery and Process
New England Delivery
Precision Logistics Group
Primary Freight Services
Prosperio Group
Sippi Logistics
Orlando World Center Marriott
Transport Specialists of MS Inc.
One of the premier resorts in Orlando near
Trinity Logistics
Disney World, boasting 10 restaurants/
World Class Jet Services
lounges, golf, spa, and is a TripAdvisor Award
winner. Stroll the beautiful 200 acres of this
For more information on these and all AfA members, visit our
membership directory at www.airforwarders.org
beautiful resort, book a great game of golf at
the championship Hawk’s Landing Golf Club
and instructional academy, or perhaps a visit
to the full-service spa.
Forward Magazine Q Summer 2013
Airforwarders Association
New Members
Meet Our Newest Members!
Summer 2013 Q Forward Magazine
Hundreds of new flights.
One relentlessly reliable team.
More flights. More destinations. More relentless reliability.
Now that the Southwest Airlines® and AirTran® networks are connected, Cargo
Customers have hundreds of new flight options to choose from for reliable shipping,
including four new destinations: Charlotte, NC (CLT); Rochester, NY (ROC); Richmond,
VA (RIC); and San Juan, PR (SJU). For information, visit swacargo.com/moreflights.
Flights to/from Richmond, VA (RIC) are operated by AirTran. For shipments to/from San Juan, PR (SJU), only Next
Flight Guaranteed (NFG) and FREIGHT service levels will be available.
Forward Magazine Q Summer 2013
Airforwarders Association
Summer 2013 Q Forward Magazine
Innovative efficient productivity.
Simple integrated solutions.
Cost Efficient | Increased Productivity | Innovative | Efficient
CargoWise products are the core of strategic information technology projects
for leading freight forwarding companies. Our clients benefit from our worldwide
expertise, and are supported by a global team that understands regional
Constantly innovating, we seek to solve problems and discover new ways of
working using information technology. CargoWise solutions are renowned
for their next-generation software, ease-of-use and cost-efficiency. Our
ediEnterprise solution is the industry’s only single-platform supply-chain logistics
management system with global capability.
CargoWise works closely with logistics service providers to deliver highly
innovative business technology solutions.
To find out more:
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