Term 2 Week 5 Newsletter - Lake Cathie Public School
Term 2 Week 5 Newsletter - Lake Cathie Public School
Jock Garven - Principal 1240 Ocean Drive, Lake Cathie NSW 2445 PO Box 279 Lake Cathie NSW 2445 T (02) 6584 8060 F (02) 6584 8070 E lakecathie-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au W lakecathie-p.schools.nsw.edu.au NATIONAL SIMULTANEOUS STORYTIME Today students participated in the National Simultaneous Storytime. It is an annual campaign that aims to encourage more young Australians to read and enjoy books. Now in its 16th successful year, it is a colourful, vibrant, fun event that aims to promote the value of reading and literacy, using an Australian children’s book that explores age-appropriate themes, and addresses key learning areas of the National Curriculum for Grades 1 to 6 and the pre-school Early Learning Years Framework. National Simultaneous Storytime is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association. Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, preschools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops and many other places around the country. DATES TO REMEMBER Tuesday 31 May Grip Student Leadership Wednesday 1 June ReconciliationWalk11:30am Thursday 2 June Port Cup Touch Football Gala Friday 3 June LNC Cross Country Tuesday 7 June P&CMeeting7:00pm Thursday 9 June Formalassembly3/4J Canteen Meal Deal By facilitating National Simultaneous Storytime, we aim to: · promote the value of reading and literacy; · promote the value and fun of books; · promote an Australian writer and publisher; · promote storytime activities in public libraries and communities around the country; · provide opportunities to involve parents, grandparents, the media and others to participate in and enjoy the occasion. Maybe you could try to continue the storytime focus and have special time with your children this week and read new or old favourite books together. Lake Cathie Public School Term 2 Week 5 Issue # 8 Page 1 KINDERGARTEN ENROLMENTS 2017 TRIVIA NIGHT Kindergarten enrolments for 2017 are now being taken at the school office. If you have a child coming to school next year we ask that you commence the enrolment process to ensure all required paperwork and documentation is collected. Don’t forget to get into the spirit and fun of this year’s ‘Rio’ trivia night. This exciting evening will be held on Saturday 18 June and tickets are available to purchase from the front office. Don’t miss out as tickets are strictly limited to 150 spaces. A special thank you to the P and C Trivia night committee who are working tirelessly to organise such a fun and worthwhile fundraising event. This year Lake Cathie Public school will present a ‘Showcase of Excellence’ for all enrolments commencing in 2017 and 2018. Please read details further on in the newsletter. We look forward to meeting many pre-schoolers and their families to help celebrate the excellence at Lake Cathie Public School. HELPING YOUR CHILD LEARN TO WRITE As you are aware our dedicated teaching staff is engaging in weekly collaborative professional learning sessions to improve student writing outcomes and how writing is taught in our classrooms. Parents and family members can have a significant influence on their child’s learning and desire to learn more. We use writing to express our ideas and share information. Writing is a part of our everyday life. We write our names on things that belong to us, we write emails to our friends to tell them our news, we write a shopping list etc, etc. It is essential that children are given the opportunity to write every day in formal and informal settings. CROSS COUNTRY Mrs Haste coordinated a very successful school cross country event. It was excellent to see so many students having a go and running their hearts out. The school spirit was high and the families who came along to support their children looked like they were having a wonderful time. Congratulations to all of the students and in particular to the athletes who placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd. How wonderful to be able to receive your ribbons on the podium. ROBOTICS A huge congratulations to our school robotics team who travelled to Camden Haven High School last Thursday. The students all worked very hard to collaborate and work as a team. They made Mrs McCleary and the school community very proud and the team should be extremely proud of their individual efforts. We are very lucky to have such wonderful students representing our school. Well done boys and girls. CAMDEN HAVEN QUILTERS ASSOCIATION This week Lake Cathie Public School was lucky enough to receive a generous donation from the Camden Haven Quilters Association. The donation will go towards purchasing new musical instruments for our school. We are very appreciative of the donation and know that the benefits of new musical instruments will influence many students in years to come. PET VISIT Last Friday students in Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 participated in a responsible pet owner’s program. The students were fully engaged and learnt about the safest ways to interact with our pets. Some children were also lucky enough to pat the educator’s dog. Very valuable lessons were learnt by all involved. Mrs Annette Bailey Relieving Principal Lake Cathie Public School Term 2 Week 5 Issue # 8 Page 2 CANTEEN ROSTER Thursday 26 May Friday 27 May LCPS Reconciliation Walk On Wednesday 1 June students and staff will be participating in a Reconciliation Walk through our school grounds that will help us to learn more about the history of our nation. Wednesday 1 June Thursday 2 June Friday 3 June We would like to invite all parents, carers and community members to join us on our Reconciliation Walk from 11:30am. Our walk will be followed by a brief assembly in the school hall. Laine Lord Eve Gillbanks 12-2pm Lisa Hall Lisa Hall 10-11.30am Eve Gillbanks Christie James Linda Barnett 12-2pm CANTEEN NEWS Canteen volunteers are urgently required to help in the canteen on Wednesday morning to cut up and serve fruit, and on Thursdays and Fridays for normal canteen duties. If we are unable to fill the roster the canteen may need to close on those days where help is unavailable. Parents and carers will then be welcome to stay for a nice, healthy BYO picnic lunch with their child/ren. We look forward to seeing you. NACHOS MEAL DEAL CLASS REQUISITES Please check your child’s pencil case and top up with the following items if necessary: • Large Glue Sticks (Preferably Bostick) • Good quality HB Pencils • Coloured Pencils • Eraser • Pencil Sharpener • Box of Tissues Don’t forget to put your order in for our special Nachos Meal Deal on Thursday 9 June. Orders need to be in by Monday 6 June. Order forms attached to the newsletter or available from the school office. SPARE UNIFORMS We have had a number of incidents recently where children have required a change of clothes. If anyone has any uniform items that are no longer required it would be appreciated if they could be brought to the school office to be kept as spares in the sick bay. LAKE CATHIE PUBLIC SCHOOL FUNDRAISER Don’t forget to order your picture plate by Friday 24 June. Cost is $28.00 per plate. Lake Cathie Public School Term 2 Week 5 Issue # 8 Page 3 LCPS CROSS COUNTRY RESULTS A huge thank you to all of our families for their support at the Cross Country last Tuesday. A number of children will now represent our school at the Lower North Coast PSSA in Kempsey on 3 June and we wish them all the best. Please ensure notes come back to school ASAP so that transport to and from the venue can be organised. Lake Cathie Public School Cross Country Winners BOYS Age 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 12/13 Rocky Cutting Jy Garvey Jordan Thorne Jono Pikett 11 Kaden Marshell Lachlan Ulph Takoda Pemberton Bailey Molencamp 10 Tobias Lee Robbie Fiorenza Quinn Carmichael Denver Dixon 8/9 Mitchell Whiting Korbin Giles Cooper Taylor Sean Robinson 7 Max Fellowes Brenton Mance Hayden Gunn 5/6 Jude Stricker Cody Collins Ripley Froud Age 1st 2nd 3rd 12/13 Amber Deakin Nikya Young Sophie Needham 11 Skie McDonald 10 Molly Cicak Brianna Hoseman Zoe Bulmer Samantha Ulph 8/9 Jordyn Miller Chloe Kapila Laci Garvey Jasmyn Everingham 7 Charli Miller Charli Collins Marli Carmichael 5/6 Talia Kapila Haidyn Taylor Evie Hall GIRLS 4th ASSEMBLY AWARD WINNERS TERM 2 WEEK 4 Class Student of Week Work of Week K Green Ripley Froud Lily Havron K Blue Talia Kapila Jarrah Ingram 1P Corbin Robinson Ayla Cross 1/2 B Sarah Fiorenza Summer Waite 3/4 J Tilly Short Brianna Hosemans 4/5/6M Sophie Needham Jacob Needham Jy Garvey Class Award Sport Award Brooklyn Northcott Madeline Ekana Pemberton Morgan Lenni Ridgeway Lily Worthing Sophie Wheatley Aiden Scarff Charli Miller Liam Henderson Benjamin Spencer Mitchell Whiting Lily Fellowes Noah Cook Jade Houston Charlotte Blackhall Denver Dixon Molly Cicak Jed Mellis CROSS COUNTRY WE CAME, WE WASHED…WE MADE IT! ROBOTICS Our recent Carwash Fundraiser was an absolute hit to say the least. We welcomed many visitors into the school, many of whom commented on the wonderful atmosphere on the day. Thank you, and well done to all of the families and community groups who provided donations and/or their car washing expertise, it was so nice to see what we can achieve when we all work together. After many hours and a lot of hard work our school Robotics team competed at Camden Haven High School on Thursday 19 May. In a close finish we received second place. I am very proud of the team. Their ability to troubleshoot and modify during the competition was amazing. We were the only school to attempt all the challenges and it was just a bit unfortunate that on the day things didn’t go as planned. As a team we will keep working hard to master the next challenges. I would like to make a special mention to Defib for Life, The Student Heart Project and Lake Cathie Medical Centre for their generous support in helping us to reach our goal of purchasing a defibrillator for LCPS. We are pleased to announce that we have now placed the order for our unit, which will make our school community a safer place to grow and learn together. Lake Cathie Robotics Team: Tobias Lee, Emily Barlin, Jordan Thorne, Amber Deakin, Jonathon Pikett, Lachlan Ulph,Sonny Crisp, Mahali Pemberton and Bailey Molenkamp. Hayley McCleary A fantastic effort LCPS! Kelly Jesser Lake Cathie Public School Term 2 Week 5 Issue # 8 Page 6 COUNTRY WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION COUNTRY OF STUDY The CWA is an organization whose aim is to improve the conditions for women and children and make life better for families, especially those living in rural and remote Australia. Every year they select a country of study for children to learn about and participate in a poster/speech competition. This year the country of study was Mongolia. Students from 56M presented their speeches and posters at a large function on Wednesday 18 May. The judges indicated that all the posters and speeches were of a high standard. Emily Barlin introduced the speeches giving a brief overview of Mongolia. Skie McDonald and Nikya Young had the audience laughing at some interesting funny facts about the country. Sophie Needham and Amber Deakin engaged the audience with an excellent informative speech. Well done everyone. Prizes were awarded to: 1st PLACE Jemma Joyce 2nd PLACE Takoda Pemberton and Jy Garvey 3rd PLACE Georgia Hodges and Mahali Pemberton Lake Cathie Public School Kindergarten enrolments are now open Lake Cathie Public School is now taking enrolments for Kindergarten 2017. Children enrolling in 2017 or 2018 and their families are invited to attend our ‘Showcase of Excellence’ where you will be entertained by our fabulous students. Please join us for morning tea at the conclusion of the ceremony. When: Thursday 1 September 2016 Time: 10.00 am Venue: Lake Cathie Public School Enrolment forms available from our school office. Jock Garven Annette Bailey Principal Assistant Principal T 6584 8060 W lakecathie-p.schools.nsw.edu.au E lakecathie-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au 8 Sat 1e Jun per $2 per 0 son Lake Cathie Public School P&C invite you to their main fundraiser of 2016 TRIVIA NIGHT (YOUR INTERPRETATION) RAFFLES • AUCTION • SILENT AUCTION • GAMES PRIZES FOR BEST DRESSED, BEST DECORATED TABLE AND MORE! Venue: Lake Cathie Public School Hall Saturday 18 June 2016, 6pm for 6.30pm start BYO Drinks & Nibbles. Over 18s only. Max tables of 10. Tickets for sale in advance only from the school office. EFTPOS available. Enquiries: 6584 8060. Lake Cathie Public School Term 2 Week 5 Issue # 8 Page 9 ‘Music Time’ is a program for toddlers. It is an introduction to the joy of music. It’s about rhythm, movement, melody and dance. It’s about learning new words and sounds. It’s about developing young brains and it’s about socializing and having fun with your preschooler! Join us at the Camden Haven Anglican Church, 2 Mission Terrace, Lakewood, on Friday mornings from 9:30am for a 9:45am start. We have 30mins of melodious fun followed by morning tea and an optional discussion group. For more information call Kirsti Purss. Ph. 0434993424 Contact Kylee on 6584 8060 to place your advertisement in the School Newsletter Special Meal Deal $5.00 Thursday 9 June 2016 (prepayment before 6 June would be appreciated for ordering purposes) Name: Sour Cream Cheese Drink Class: Yes or Yes or Water No No or (please circle) (please circle) Popper (please circle) Special Meal Deal $5.00 Thursday 9 June 2016 (prepayment before 6 June would be appreciated for ordering purposes) Name: Sour Cream Cheese Drink Class: Yes or Yes or Water No No or (please circle) (please circle) Popper (please circle) Special Meal Deal $5.00 Thursday 9 June 2016 (prepayment before 6 June would be appreciated for ordering purposes) Name: Sour Cream Cheese Drink Class: Yes or Yes or Water No No or (please circle) (please circle) Popper (please circle)