Netherlands Institute for Catalysis Research
Netherlands Institute for Catalysis Research
NIOK in a nutshell NIOK Office NIOK (‘Netherlands Institute for Catalysis Research’ or ‘Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek in de Katalyse’), Netherlands Organisation for established in 1991, is a virtual institute consisting of Dutch University groups active in all areas of catalysis. It is Scientific Research (NWO) a nationwide Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences (KNAW) recognized graduate school (‘Onderzoekschool’), Anna van Saksenlaan 51 which fosters the advancement of both higher education and research and stimulates collaboration between P.O. Box 93470 scientists of different disciplines and universities. NIOK acts as the platform and sparring partner for national 2509 AL The Hague and international contacts involving catalysis. NIOK is supported by an industrial advisory board VIRAN, which The Netherlands consists of members from Dutch and multinational industries involved in many aspects of catalytic processes. T +31 (0) 70 344 05 23 Currently eight universiteit participatie as full member in NIOK: F +31 (0) 70 344 07 87 E Wageningen University recently joined NIOK as an associate member. VIRAN Netherlands Institute for Catalysis Research VIRAN Office Anna van Saksenlaan 51 Mission P.O. Box 93223 VIRAN (Association of Industrial Advisory Council Members of the Dutch Institute for Catalysis Research) is an asso- 2509 AE The Hague ciation formed to promote the interests of industrial companies involved in catalysis, both as producers and users. The Netherlands It does this particularly by: T +31 (0) 70 344 05 23 • coordinating the industrial influence on and encouragement of relevant education and research in the field of F +31 (0) 70 344 07 87 catalysis; • urging the interests of catalyst-producing and catalyst-using industry towards government and funding bodies E (NWO, ACTS), acting as the Dutch catalysis industry platform. History VIRAN was established in 1996 when members of the industrial advisory council of the catalysis research school NIOK realized the need for a separate forum for the exchange of information and ideas within the catalysis industry and for the coordination of industrial influence on education in catalysis and university research. Members Currently VIRAN comprises 12 members: Catalysis NIOK Structure Cataaly lys yssi ysis sis is a vibra ibrant ntt branc brancch o of che h mist mi ryy d deali e ng eali ng with the course cour ourse and and rate e of ch hemi em cal reac eaction tions. s. A cat catalys alystt is a sub sub-stan anccce e which ich, added add ded ed d tto o a reactio t on n mixtur mixture e, e en nables ab ess a desired d red ed rea react ction or speeds dss up its rate e with without out bein being g consum consumed. ed. One On e of of the first maj ajor or catal catal ata yst st mate terial ria i ls used used iin n ch chemic mic icaal al ind ndustry played ed an a im mpo por orr tant part art in solv solving ing the worl world’s d’s food University Boards pro pr pro oblem in ob n the th begin nning of the last ccen ntury ryy. In In th the presence of thiis cataly c yst, tw wo gasess which wo which norm normally ally rea react ct very very slo ssl low l ly – hydroge rog n and nitrog trogen en – for form m ammoni ammoni moniaa. In In the the course ur of the twen ntiet tieth h ce century, y, and and espec especiall iallyy during during the l last fifftyy years e , ca cataly tal alysis i has argu rg ably a abl bec ecome o om ome the most potent pot t too tool in the ch chem hemist’’s toolb toolb olbox, which which all allows ows uss to cope cope w fu with fut futture re chal ha len lenges regar egarding ng g ssustainable tain ainab dev develop elopment opment ment and an the produ duct cttion of energ nergy ca carr rri rie ri iers, phar pharmace maceutic uticals als and material ma mate ial als. s. VIRAN (Industrial Advisory Board) Scientific Advisory Board Catalysis Research in the Netherlands Cataly Cata lysi ysis has ha re ece ceiv eived ed a gre great at d deal of atten te ention ion on withi hin the Dutc Dutch h scien s ience com commun mmun m ity, ity both bo iin n ind indust ustryy and and in aca academi de a.. NIOK Board and Scientific Director A un niq iqu que ue e fea eatu ture ure of Du Dutch catalysiss re rese ear a arch is th the clo closse colla collab bora orattion betw betwe een the een thes ese p paartie rties. s. They They meet reg regular ularly ly in n NIOK, OK OK, K, the Netherlands Institute for Cata atal alyssis Re esea earch, earc h whic hich ch was fou founde nded d in 1991 991 by by seve seven nu univer i siti sities es in tthe Neth therla erlaands. nd We are re very e y prou ud that that a the D Dutch utch cat catalys al is has alys has reach hed d an ex exce c ent cell nt inte in rnatio iona onalllyy reco recogniz gnized d sstand tanding: ing man a y Secretariat prestigi pres tigi igiou ouss nat ational and int nterna rnation tional a award rdss were were grant gra te ed d to se severa s ve al NIOK mem mb mb be ers, NIOK researc re earch taakes ke high hi posi pos osi sition t s in tth ti he ccitation ind dexx char charts, NIO OK me embers aarre oft ofte en invit n ed forr lectures l s ab ab ad and abroad and have hav obta obtained d fir first-r t ate e evaluat uat ati ations tions o in n national and d inte i rnat na iona n l assses esssm ment ents. s RuG UT TU/e UU TUD UvA UL RU NIOK Mission Our mission is to organize high-level academic research and education in all fields of catalysis. The main goal is to Education Committee NIOK PhD Platform Research Committee promote fundamental and applied catalysis research and education, to initiate collaboration between the different research groups and to cooperate with industry to learn and appreciate their needs. In addition to the excellent education of young researchers, NIOK contributes with its research to the creation of a more sustainable society. Catalysis Education NIOK Research Initiatives NIOK conside errs educa ducation tion of youn young g researchers o off pri prim me impor mportanc tance. e. Educa Education in n NIOK OK certain inly co on ntributes to the NIO was the key NIOK ke iinitiator of the national to op ins n tu nsti nst tute ute “National Research h Scho hool o Combination – Cataly Catalys a is” s” quality of catalysis y research h and and develo deve pmen entt in th he Ne he Netherllands ands. NI NIOK OK offers severa e l nation onal al Mast Master’ss lev evel courses in ((NRS (N NRSC-C) -C) C) on on Cata Ca lysi siss Contr Controlled by Chemicall D De Design, gn, n a resea es rch prog o ram am on innovative research h ffund und nded d byy catalysis. gove ove vernme ve rnm ment for an extend ment me extended ed period. p Another exam ample mple of promot p om ing pr g inno innovati vations on for a sustai ainab nabl ble e fu uture iis Besides Graduate’s level spe special cia and in-dept in-d h co c urse u so on n vvarious ous sub subject jectss in i cat a alysis, is NIOK K ann annuall uallyy orrganiizes a broad ACTS (Ad (Adva vaan an anced Catal atalytic ytic Tec Technol hno o ogie g s for Sustainabiility lit ). ACTSS is a joi joint nt initi initiativ ative e of gov governm ernm ment,, aacademia, and fundamental cour co se Catal atalysis ysis,, An Int I egraated e App proach pr o , to pre present sent a broad road ove ervie ew and and deep deeper er in nsight ig s into and indu industry stry th tha hat funds ha nds tens of mill millions ion of Euros for pre-co ompet e itiv itive e an aand d indust indu rial ally ly relev levaant an rese search rch,, wi with th h tth he he modern catalysis to o star starting ting PhD stu student dents. s. NIOK NIOK memb mem errss the themselv selves es devel developed oped the ccourse mate material rial,, which w ich has been aim of antic ticipat ipatin ing ng the need needss of the fut fu ure ur society. In 2009 9 th tthe he succcess cessor or of ACTS, AC TS, TS TA TASC (Te ech c nology chno chn logy Are Areas as for for published as a text book ok.. Each Ea yyear ear this cou course rse attr attract acts so ome 65 om 6 PhD stu student dentss, including g gue guests sts from abr abroad, oad on the Sustainable e Chem Chemistr istr tr y), y hass been lau launche nched, d, in in which thre h eo of the e ffo fou ur prograam ms are e catal allys ysis-ori ysis -oriente ented. d. Here, Here the isla s nd of Schiermonnikoog in n the nort northern hern par partt of the Net Nether erl rlands rl a and . academic and ind industr us ia ial al cata c lysi siss work wo k ttoget oget ge her h iin small, flexible rese sea earch h proj rojjects ect to o fost fo er areas foster a ea suc such h as syngas syngas catalysis and bi biomas omasss valor v or ori rizati z on.. Research Cooperation between Academic Institutes NIOK members, am mongs ongstt o otthe hers, played ayed an impo importa rtan ant pa part in the proces oces essse se that led to ses o the formulat ulation on of the th NIOK res re earchers ((aboutt 30 profe p ofessor ssorss and and some some 250 250 Ph PhD sttude ude u nts, s, ori origina ginating tin ffrom e eight gh h Dutc Dutch h U Un niver iversiti ties: es Technology Roadmap Catal atalysis ys , Ke K Key to Sus ustain tainabil ab ity abil ty and an the subs subsequ equ eq que uent nt creat creation ion of ACTS T and its research rch pro pro- Groningen, Twente,, Amste terdam rdam,, Utrech Utrecht, t, Leide Leiden, n, Delft Delft,, Nijme N me egen and egen eg a d Eindh Eindhoven ove ) co cover ver the whol whole e range r ge of catal catal ally- g gram gra s. Supported by VIRA RAN, N, NIOK NIOK too took ook ok initia tiative ive for iv fo Catc CatchBio h (Ca Catta Ca ta sis for talysis taly fo Sust S ainable Chemicals from Bioma mass). ss) sis: heterogeneous,, homo m gene eneous ous and bioc biocatal atalysis ysis.. Each Each ressearch gr group p has has chosen chosen its own foc fo us and and has its own w This re Th esearch program aims to develo develop cl clean e and efficien nt proces p cesses pr se forr biom i ass a conversion into low-cost ost and strengths. As researrcch subje bjects cts tend to beco become me incre increasin asingly gly com omp mplex, mu mp multidi discip ci linary appro pproache ache che he es aare ar req quir u e ed d more sustaain ainable i biofuels, chemic icals, ls and pha pharma rm maac aceuticalss. and more. In NIOK, acade cad mic m cata cat lysi lys s resear researcher cherss meet, meet, and ccoop perat eratio era ion io on betw between een two wo o or or more e grou gro ps is pro promot p oted, ot e ed, In September 2012 the Graduate Progr r am m Solar So olar larr Fu Fue Fuels Catal Catalysis ysis has bee b n grante nted. d This program is a hig ghly syn syn- e.g., during special seminar ars. s. erg ge g etic effort built around four NIOK groups ups bri bringin nging g togeth toget er keyy expertises, such u as spectroscopy, mol molecul ecu ar cata ca at lysis, electrocatalysis and photocatalysis. The PhD part of o the prog pr ram to be funded nde by NWO O (4 PhDs) PhDs) wil willl be Research Cooperation with Industry re reinforced rei ed with funding for PhD stud dents fro om the the new new Energy Energ initiattive off the National nal Rese Research arch Sch School ool Cata Catalysi lysiss A unique aspect of coope oop rati tion on withi w thin n the the Nether Netherland landss is the ope open n commun communicat cation, i not onl onlyy betw b tw wee en n un niv iversiti ities, iti es, (N C-C), the NanoNEXT-NL program an (NRS a d, in the the future future,, amongs am gst ot others ers, th he D Dutch Inst Institut itute e For Fo Fu Fundam ndamenta ental but also between academi dem a and d indust dustry. ry. NIOK has an indu industri strial al advis advisory ory boar board d (VIRAN (VIRAN)) in whi which h compa mpan nie es are rep es rep-- Ener nergy g Research (DIFFER). The Graduate Progr gy ogram am is is expect expected ed to act act aas a nucleus for futur future e broade broaderr initia initiative tives. s. resented such as Albemar marle, le Avan Av tium um, AR ARKEMA KEMA Vli Vlissin ssingen gen B.V. B.V.,, BASF, BASF, Dow, DSM DSM,, ExxonM ExxonMobil obil,, Jo oh hn n Ma hn hnso M tth th hey,, Nori Norit o , Sabic Europe op , SASOLL and d Shel She l. Being ein the pla platfor orm fo forr the the cataly catalyst-p st-produ roducing cing and and/or /or cata catalyst s -ut utti tilizin lizing in indus ndustr ndu try, VIR VIRAN AN not only n advises NIOK K on possibl b e re esear earch ch subje s bjects ts and stra strategy tegy,, but but also also coope cooperate ratess active activ ly on educationa ucationa ion l de evelo velop pme s, such ment s as the PhD and Master’s level co ourse urs s in cat atalys alysis. is.