Special Meeting
Special Meeting
Ripples Hurricane Lake Estates POA 6015 Worth Avenue Benton, Arkansas 72019 Phone: (501) 653-3100 Fax: (501) 653-3101 Email: hlepoa@sbcglobal.net Web: www.hlepoa.net October 2015 Inside this issue: Meetings, Minutes & Info 2-3 Community Notifications 4–9 Advertisements Special Meeting Hurricane Lake Estates Property Owners Association. 10–12 HLE Classified Ads Office Hours: Mon - Fri 8:00am - 4:30pm 13 HLE Board of Directors Bobby Arnold, President bobbyjarnold@hotmail.com Kristi Collins, Vice President Plcol_01@sbcglobal.net Cliff McKinney Sr, Secretary jmckinney7002@gmail.com Robert Hartwick rhartwick@afcosteel.com Todd Self tself@arkansasbolt.com Wesley Russell wesleybrussell@yahoo.com Jack Barlow jackbarlow@sbcglobal.net HLE Committee Chairs Lake Committee Dennis Edwards This is notification that there will be a Special Meeting of the Hurricane Lakes Estates Property Owners Association on Monday November 16, 2015 at 6:00pm at 6015 Worth Avenue, Benton, AR (POA Clubhouse), for the sole purpose: Election of HLE Board Members. Voting will take place at the POA office Monday November 16, 2014 from 8am - 4:30pm & 6:00pm - 6:30pm Early voting will take place at the POA office November 11th, 12th & 13th from 8am - 4:30pm dledwards74@gmail.com Social Committee Debbie Sharp dsharp09@gmail.com Sincerely, Cliff McKinney HLE POA Secretary See pages 6 & 7 of the Ripples for candidate Bio’s! Ripples Hurricane Lake Estates POA Page 2 October 2015 MEETINGS & info HLE POA 2015 info LATE FEES Monthly Late fee - $12.00 DUES Regular dues - $48.00 monthly / $576.00 annually Phase 5 - $70.00 monthly / $840.00 annually Westshore / Phase 6 - $72.00 monthly / $864.00 annually REMOTES Remotes - $50.00 each Visor Clips - $5.00 each Office Closings The POA Business Office will be closed on the following days in November: Thursday November 26th Friday November 27th BOARD MEETINGS Board Meeting ~ Mon. November 16th Board will meet at 6:00 PM Board meetings are held at the HLE Clubhouse and are open for Property Owners to attend. If you have a topic you would like to present to the Board, please call or email the POA to have your topic added to the agenda by the 2nd Thursday of the month. hlepoa@sbcglobal.net Lake Committee Meetings The second Monday of every month at 7:00 PM in the Clubhouse Social Committee Meets monthly in the HLE Clubhouse. Please email Debbie at dsharp09@gmail.com for meeting dates and times. Total Income $ 381,943.30 Total Expenses ($ 391,430.17) Net $ - 9,486.87 Account Receivables $ 57,563.19 Page 3 Ripples Hurricane Lake Estates POA October 2015 Property Owner’s Association 2015 September Meeting September 21, 2015 Called to Order: by Board President Bobby Arnold at 6:02 PM. Board Members present – Jack Barlow, Todd Self, and Cliff McKinney, Sr. Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Jack Barlow, seconded by Todd Self to approve the Minutes from the Property Owner’s Association Board meeting held August 18, 2015. Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report: Cheryl Etheridge provided an overview of current financial reports. The reports included Monthly Profit & Loss, August 2015; YTD Profit & Loss Budget vs Actual, January through August 2015; YTD Profit & Loss Prev Year Comparison, January through August 2015; and Balance Sheet as of August 31, 2015. Motion made by Jack Barlow to accept Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Cliff McKinney. Motion carried. Also reviewed was the Clubhouse Café Income and Expenses for YTD - August 2015. Guests: Ava Marie Brown, Coldwell Banker Realtor – Ms. Brown requested permission to erect a sign at the Springhill/Lexington entrance to advertise lots for sell at Northshore. According to Ms. Brown the sign will be located at a place that would not block the view of drivers at the Lexington intersection. Her request was tabled until additional information is provided such as the possible need for a permit from the City of Bryant and/or Benton and the proposed size of the sign. Ron Kirk – Mr. Kirk, a resident of HLE, asked about the voting rights for developers. Developers have five votes per unimproved lots. Scheduled guests Scott Smith and Ms. Doug Rye did not appear before the Board. Manager’s Report: by Stacy Cyz: Delinquent accounts as of August 2015 are $14,376.00. Several newly planted shrubs died at the Springhill/Lexington gate. They were replaced by R & S at no charge since they were covered under warranty. Board Topics: The ownership of the privacy fence on Catalina Street that screens the mobile home park was discussed. It was determined the fence is owned by the property owners. The mailbox at 5528 Lexington needs to be repaired and the owner has been notified. The owner will be contacted again about the matter. The Board discussed the recent refinancing of the Clubhouse loan. The new loan is with Simmons Bank for a 10 year fixed time at a 3.99% interest rate. Adjournment: A motion was made to adjourn the September 21, 2015 HLE Board Meeting, seconded, and carried at 7:28 PM. Page 4 Ripples Hurricane Lake Estates POA October 2015 Community notifications Pool Development Committee Volunteers Needed Hurricane Lake Estates Property Owners Association (POA) is in the process of formulating a Committee tasked with developing and planning the next big improvement, a new junior Olympic pool. The POA is searching for five hard working and self-motivated individuals willing to commit to a two year plan in developing the new pool addition. This committee will report directly to the Hurricane Lake Estates POA Board of Directors. The following knowledge, skills and, experience are desired. Experience and Skills: Polling a community to determine desire for the pool. Obtaining information for other communities who have completed such tasks. (ex: Otter Creek) Experience in the planning, permits, regulations, and various operations associated with building the pool. Knowledge in operations and cost of staffing lifeguards and other needed staff. Knowledge in surveying lands and soil tests to determine a suitable location. Experience with developing a detailed cost analysis to submit to HLE POA Board. Interested individuals should email the POA at hlepoa@sbcglobal.net by October 31, 2015. Our 1st meeting will be sometime the following week. Starting November 1st the gate around the POA Complex will begin closing at 7:00 pm Page 5 Ripples Hurricane Lake Estates POA October 2015 Hurricane Lake Estates will once again host The Kids of the Special Gifts Ministry of Geyer Springs First Baptist Church’s 3nd Annual Hunting Through Hurricane! This will be an incredible night designed just for our kiddos with different abilities to enjoy the season without the hustle and bustle of October 31st! To participate in this fun event please put a balloon on your mailbox by 6pm on Oct. 27th Page 6 Ripples Hurricane Lake Estates POA October 2015 2016 HLE Board Candidate Bio’s Position 3 Candidate Tim Smith - 7225 Worth Ave. My name is Tim Smith and I am interested in a position on the Hurricane Lake Estates Board of Directors. My wife Marsha and I live at 7225 Worth Avenue. I was born in Fairbanks Alaska, grew up in Huntsville Arkansas and moved to Little Rock in 1977. I have been interested in automotive repair since the age of 10. From 1980 to 1986 I owned and operated a repair business in North Little Rock. In 1988 I went to work for Tisdale Garage in Little Rock. I purchased Tisdale’s in 2003 and we are still in the automotive repair business today. In 1992 Marsha & I married and lived in Maumelle until we built our home in Hurricane Lake in 2007. I currently serve on the Hurricane Lake Committee helping find solutions for a clean and healthy lake. I am committed to bringing the community together giving everyone the opportunity to express their opinions and concerns. Position 3 Candidate Barclay Bowden - 5724 Catalina I was born in Little Rock, Arkansas. I moved to Saline County in 2007. While pursing a career with Entergy I achieved a couple of degrees. My education is a double bachelors in Psychology and Criminal Justice. I have two children, a 25yr old daughter Kaleb who lives in Houston and my son Landon, 11yrs old, who resides with me full time. Work History Former Police Officer, Entergy (3 years), Benton Utilities (currently employed) Small Business Owner I own & operate a carwash for the last 11 years. Designed & Developed 6 homes in Saline County & a 7 unit condo complex on Lake Hamilton in 2004 Hobbies & Community Spending time relaxing on the lake, enjoying sports with my son & helping out with the Hornet Booster Club concessions. I have purchased a home and a lake lot in HLE for several reasons. Beautiful community, strict Bill of Assurance, property values and a safe neighborhood to raise kids in. If elected I will do my very best to continue to make choices and decisions that will further support and maintain the very reasons I purchased properties in HLE. Page 7 Ripples Hurricane Lake Estates POA October 2015 Position 4 Candidate Debbie Sharp - 6621 Worth Ave. Rusty and I moved from Helena to Benton in 2011. The first time we drove up Waterfall Way we knew this is where we wanted to make our home. We love Hurricane Lake and want make sure the community continues to be a great place to live an raise a family. Rusty and I have two children, Gina & Peyton. Rusty works at Sysco as a sales representative and I work for Griffin Leggett Forest Hills Funeral Home. I spend my spare time as a Risk Management /Policy Specialist for Pi Beta Phi Fraternity, working with sixteen chapters in five states. I was employed by the POA as the Activities Director from November 2013 - November 2014. I had the pleasure of meeting many wonderful residents , learning how the POA operates and what it takes to make this community successful. I serve as the chairman of the Social Committee and enjoy working with a great group of residents planning events/ I feel, as a resident of Hurricane Lake, it is my responsibility to give our community when needed. I would appreciate your support and will do my best to represent the community as a whole if elected. Position 4 Candidate Wallace N. Gregory - 9045 Naples Cove I have been a resident of Hurricane Lake Estates since 2003. I currently live at 9045 Naples Cove. In the past I served 6 years on the HLE board and am interested in ding so again. My interest and focus will be providing residents with more information on the workings of the association. I have 43 years of business experience, including serving as an elected mayor of a large city. This experience will be an asset for the POA. I assist my wife in the daily operation of a local business, R&N Hydraulics, as well. I also served in the U.S. Army in Korea. I believe we need to make changes in the operations and need to protect the lake. A plan to invest in the lake on a yearly basis will be a goal of mine in order to protect our property value and interestd. I would appreciate your vote. Thank you, Wallace N. Gregory Ripples Hurricane Lake Estates POA Page 8 October 2015 BRYANT FOOD PANTRY NEEDS DONATIONS The Bryant food pantry at the high school is running low on food. HLE resident, Bridgette Walter, has volunteered to collect food and deliver it to the school food pantry. If you’d like to contribute you can drop off food to the POA office Mon - Fri 8am to 4:30 pm. Mrs. Walter will pick up the contributions every Friday and deliver to the school. We’ll continue collecting until the end of November. Below is a letter from the school that includes a list of needed items. Students and Parents, Hello! It has come to my attention that our food pantry at the high school is running dangerously low on supplies. We are giving out two to three bags of food to students in need on a weekly basis, and unfortunately, our partnership with the Arkansas Rice Depot was ended this year, so we do not have any resources for supplying food to students other than through the community. According to the teacher in charge of the food pantry, we will be out of food long before the Thanksgiving Food Drive. If you know of any organizations that would be willing to donate (or if your family is willing to contribute), here are the needs: Canned tuna Canned chicken Boxed rice dinners (like Rice-a-Roni) Boxed dinners (like Hamburger/Chicken/Tuna Helper) Mac and cheese Canned vegetables Canned spaghetti Ramen noodles Please pass this information along to anyone who may be interested in donating. If you are interested, let me know, and I will give you details on where to drop off donations! Thank you, -Lisa Stine Journalism Teacher and Publications Adviser Bryant High School "The essence of our effort to see that every child has a chance must be to assure each an equal opportunity, not to become equal, but to become different, to realize whatever unique potential of body, mind, and spirit he or she possesses." -John M. Fischer Page 9 Ripples Hurricane Lake Estates POA October 2015 USAGE OF ASSOCIATION PROPERTY 2015 These Rules and Regulations are being provided to serve as a source of general information for the members of Hurricane Lake Estates Property Owners Association; and as a guide for the operation and use of the facilities and common areas proved for the recreation and enjoyment of HLE members. Members: are those who are record owners who by virtue of holding a fee simple title to any Site or undeveloped acreage as described in the By-Laws of HLE. Membership: A Membership shall be restricted to the Owner of record and the members of his immediate household. Household members 18 yrs old (non property owners) must provide driver license with property owners address to obtain membership rights. Tenants: Owners are required to sign authorization to allow renter use of facilities. Homeowners who delegate their privileges to Tenants will be unable to use the facilities themselves. Membership privileges that have been suspended cannot use the facilities nor bring guests, until the reason for the suspension has been resolved. Members must have their HLE ID Cards with them at all times when on Association Property. Failure to provide your card when requested will result in you being asked to leave the facilities. Membership cards may be obtained at the POA Office for a fee of $7.00 (electronic entry card) or $1.00 for a non-electronic entry card), provided to children 11 years and younger. Lending of any HLE membership card even to another member is strictly prohibited and will result in privileges being suspended for the a minimum of three months. Mark your calendars for upcoming Adult Parties November 21st-Holiday Dinner December 5th-Trail of Lights, let’s get our homes decorated and share the holiday spirit! December 31st-New Year’s Eve Casino Night February 19th-Pictionary March 18th –Video Scavenger Hunt Page 10 Ripples Hurricane Lake Estates POA October 2015 Advertisements * Life * Auto * Home * Business * Bus. (501)568-6477 Res. (501)847-5538 ftombrello@farmersagent.com HLE Resident Frank Tombrello Get the service you deserve from an agent you can trust! ____________________________________________ Frank Tombrello gets you back where you belong. ____________________________________________ Page 11 Ripples Hurricane Lake Estates POA October 2015 Page 12 Ripples Hurricane Lake Estates POA October 2015 AD PRICES Advertisement space is limited. All artwork must be provided to HLE in a format compatible with Microsoft Publisher. All ads are due by the second Thursday of each month. Business Card Size - $25.00, 1/4 Page - $50.00, 1/2 Page - $75.00, Full Page - $100.00 Purchased advertisements are in no way a testimony from the HLE POA. ** Ads should be paid in full by the last day of the month in which the ad is issued. Page 13 Ripples Hurricane Lake Estates POA October 2015 Hurricane Lake Estates Classified Ads BABYSITTERS CERTIFIED BABYSITTER American Red Cross Certified Babysitter / Contact Rachael at 794-7981 CERTIFIED BABYSITTER Certified American Red Cross Babysitter / Contact Abigail Hixon 501-326-8859 CERTIFIED BABYSITTER Brianna Hood is at your service!!! I am American Red Cross Certified great with babies & small children. Cooking, organizing, pet sitting and cleaning are also things I will do. I would love to help out on any evening or weekend. WEEKDAYS ARE GOOD ALSO. Text or call: Brianna Hood at 501-317-9572 CERTIFIED BABYSITTER Olivia certified/licensed babysitter through Arkansas Children's Hospital. Would like to babysit after school, weekends, or school breaks. With 2 years of experience. References provided. Able to cook, light housework. Olivia's phone number: 501-607-6559 call after 4:00pm. Mother Lisa’s number 501-607-0466. Also, Pet specialty dog-sitting/walk. CERTIFIED BABYSITTER Mary Catherine Selig, fun, professional and local! Certified in CPR and First Aid through the American Red Cross and Babysitter’s course. Is currently babysitting children from 9 months to 10 years old and is available on short notice. Please contact Marty @ 501-794-7030 or MaryCSelig@gmail.com MISCELLANEOUS WORK Rob is ready to do miscellaneous work for you! Call for mowing, raking, laying sod, moving furniture, running errands, cleaning up construction sites, feeding pets while on vacation, etc. I do a one time job or you can use me regularly. I have a pick-up truck if you need hauling. I live on Wall Street so I’m nearby… Call home at 847-2407, or Rob 722-8584. College planning and preparation classes for high school students are forming now. Contact Donna Hill at 680-0465 or dhill@myclass101.com for more information.
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