Newsletter 31, 9 October 2015
Newsletter 31, 9 October 2015
News St Edmund's College Established 1892 A Catholic Boys’ School in the Edmund Rice Tradition Dear Members of St Edmund’s Community, I Year 11 Retreat Foundation Dinner - 24 October Condolences etails Ticket D e 2 on Pag Foundation Dinner 2 weeks to go! GUEST SPEAKER - Mark Donaldson, VC Saturday 24 October 2015 - 6.30pm for 7.00pm ATTENTION Year 11 d Students an Parents 2016 Year 12 Student Leadership Process From Monday 12th October, all Year 11 students will have the opportunity to collect a nomination form for an Expression of Interest in the 2016 Student Leadership roles of A final thought • • Chris Leadbetter, Principal College Captain, and / or Senior House Leader Nomination forms must be completed and lodged before Monday 26th October 2015. Foundation Dinner In the College Hall 2 weeks Saturday 24 October to go! 6.30pm for 7.00pm Mark Donaldson, VC. Victoria Cross Recipient, Author and Soldier Tickets $100 Tables of 10 Available Includes 3 course meal & 4 hour beer, wine & soft drinks package Call the College on 3810 4448 or 0403 269 955 or complete the form below and return it to the College NAME: ADDRESS: NUMBER OF TICKETS: CREDIT CARD NUMBER: TOTAL AMOUNT: $ VISA MASTERCARD EXP DATE: / PHONE NUMBER: Hurry! Tickets Selling Fast! St Edmund’s College Page 2 Outstanding Student Medical Forms Parents, please return any outstanding Medical Forms to the Student Office as soon as possible. All enquiries to the Student Office, 3810 4463. Mission and Community Multifest ‘15 The Clown’s Prayer Lord as I stumble through this life, help me to create more laughter than tears, dispense more happiness than gloom, spread more cheer than despair. Never let me become so indifferent that I will fail to see the wonder in the eyes of a child or the twinkle in the eyes of the aged. Never let me forget that my total effort is to cheer people, make them happy and forget - at least momentarily all the unpleasantness in their lives. And, in my final moment, may I hear You whisper: ‘When you made My people smile, you made Me smile’. (Author unknown) Whilst many students were playing hand-ball or sharing a tale or two amongst their peers, a large group of Pacific Island students took the opportunity to get in touch with their cultural heritage through dance and song. This year was the first time since 2005 that St Edmund’s College, with students from St Mary’s College, were able to include a Polynesian group in the Multifest which was hosted by Ipswich State High School on the pupil free day of Term 3. Timor Immersion Specific congratulations must be directed to Mr Joe Gurdon, Mr Adrian Creedy, Mr Rob Roy and the four St Edmund’s College students who participated in this immersion. It was an outstanding success. It is important to understand that the transformation that occurs, while on an immersion, happens to us - the participants. To stand in solidarity and to work with the great people of Timor Leste, the tireless Christian Brothers and the other members of our EREA community, St Patrick’s and St Laurence’s Colleges will be an experience that will last a lifetime for these participants. In incredibly hot, dry and dusty conditions they represented their respective communities with honour. The students will provide specific feedback to our student cohort in the weeks to come. The boys from Year 7 to Year 12 gathered during their lunch breaks and afters chool to put together their respective Samoan dance routines under the tutelage of SEC old boy, Cyprian Manutai. Although it proved difficult getting all the boys together on most occasions, they were able to come together collectively, working with the young ladies from St Mary’s College to showcase their talents with eleven other local Ipswich schools. The calibre of talent on the stage and the sheer diversity of cultural groups and traditions represented by the schools was truly phenomenal. The approach in celebrating the assortment of the many cultures and promoting inclusive community within the Ipswich area, rather than a competition, was embraced by each participating school. I would like to commend the SEC boys for the impeccable behaviour displayed and the fantastic sportsmanship throughout the day. Likewise, we thank the staff and parents for their continued support of the program. We hope that the boys may continue their acceptance of what their respective traditions have to offer, not only embracing who they are as young men, but sharing a little bit of their culture with the wider community. Mr Wong, Director of Service Learning Year 11 Leadership Retreat The Year 11 students participated in a retreat this week which specifically models the appropriate type of leadership for our College context. Leaders serve their community. It is important to remember that as a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice Tradition, Jesus came to serve, not to be served. The washing of His disciple’s feet and the healing of the sick clearly illustrates this. Immersion Applications Thank you to those parents/caregivers who assisted the students in their applications for the immersions in 2016. The application process has now closed and students will be notified in the next week. Live Jesus in our hearts…FOREVER! Keith Halpin, Assistant Principal Mission & Community St Edmund’s and St Mary’s students read y to showcase their talents at the annual Multifest, celebratin g diversity Final St Edmund’s College Parish MASS Sunday, 25th October 2015, 6.00pm St Mary’s Church, Elizabeth Street, Ipswich. All members of our St Edmund’s Community are invited. Page 3 TEACHING AND LEARNING CURRICULUM Welcome to Term 4. I hope that all students and families had a relaxing holiday leaving everyone refreshed. A new term brings new opportunities and goals and now is the time to think about these. REPORTS Reports for Term 3 are being finalised and will be available on the Parent Portal today, Friday 9 October, at 3.45pm. Please take the time to discuss your son’s progress with him. Topics to talk about could include: • • • • Where has he done well? (Celebrate these successes) Academic goals for Term 4 Areas where improvement is needed Strategies for improvement – writing notes, practising questions, having a parent hear questions about the work • What your son would like his Term 4 report to look like VET News With the end of the year approaching, we have a number of boys being offered apprenticeships and full-time employment. This is a great reward for their work ethic and the positive attitude the boys have displayed. I would like also to congratulate Samuel Tye, Year 11, who has recently been signed up for a School Based Apprenticeship in Landscape and Construction. Currently, there are some career opportunities available to our boys. I have a couple of Hairdressing positions available for school leavers. If your son is interested, please get him to contact me for more information. There are also a number of positions in Hospitality for current Year 11 boys or boys moving into Year 11 next year. If you are interested in these please email me and I can forward on the details. For our Year 12 school leavers, I encourage the boys to register on the Apprenticeships Queensland website. Please do not assume, that because you are on the school register they will contact you for full time employment, you must register with them as the school register changes at the end of this year. For boys looking for employment in trades, I would also stress the importance of holding a driver’s licence and encourage the boys to get one as soon as possible, and make sure you keep it. Terry Finan, SEC VET Manager Phone: 3810 4541 Email: Year 12 and Reporting Both Year 12 parents and students need to note that the results on reports for Term 3 are an indication of your son’s achievement at this time. These results are subject to the external Verification of the results process that takes place through the panel process in October. As such, results may change. I have sent an email to parents explaining this process. HOMEWORK AND ASSIGNMENTS As we begin the new term please check your son’s diary to see what homework commitments he has and how well he is completing his work. Ask him about his assignment requirements and when items are due. Have these written on a calendar and discuss his progress with him. Your support and interest is most important. I wish each student every success for the term ahead. Best wishes. Carmel James, Assistant Principal - Teaching and Learning DEFENCE News St Edmund’s College has a significant immersion program which encompasses China, India, Cherbourg, Timor and Samoa. As an EREA school we are entrusted with building relationships with people which honours their dignity and enables our community to ‘walk in solidarity’ with others. We avoid ‘poverty tourism’ by surrendering ourselves to the hospitality of others so that we can experience a transformation. Increasing enquiries have been made to our College about the possibility of incorporating Kokoda as one of these immersion experiences. Kokoda was one of the first immersions that St Edmund’s offered under the leadership of former SEC staff member, Damian Nelson, in 1996. With this history, coupled with the College’s community connection to the ADF at Amberley, it is thought to be an appropriate time to have the College participate once again in Kokoda. However, if our College was to facilitate this immersion it would be through a lens of peace, justice and solidarity… not a boot camp experience. Under the guidance of Damian Nelson of Global Grassroots Connections, our College will facilitate an information evening on Tuesday 13th October at 6:30pm. This immersion experience will retrace the steps of the Kokoda Campaign and allow you to build an authentic relationship with the direct descendants of the ‘Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels’. At this stage the immersion will be offered to adults. We anticipate the cost to be between $3,500.00 and $4,000.00 and be conducted over the September school holidays in 2016 (11 days). It is not designed to be a commercial experience. Your cost will not subsidise marketing, or other attendees. Should you wish to attend this information evening obligation and commitment free, please email Jodie Dunning. If attending the information session on Tuesday 13 October, to allow for catering purposes, please email: Defence Breakfast Every Friday - from 7.00am - H301 Kitchen Page 4 Mrs Jodie Dunning, Defence Transition Mentor YEAR 12 Safe Drive Training - Thursday 19th November 2015 VALEDICTORY • • • • • • • • • • • • I were posted to all Year 12 families this week. RSVPs and payments can be made through the Student Office by cash or cheque; EFTPOS at Front Reception; or via a credit card payment over the phone. To assist with organisation, nvitations The course covers: • Dinner - CONTRIBUTING FACTORS IN CRASHES (THE REAL FATAL 4) VEHICLE MAINTENANCE TYRE SELECTION AND CARE REACTIVE CAR CONTROL SKILLS DRIVER ATTITUDE AND BEHAVIOUR WET WEATHER DRIVING RISK TAKING & PEER INFLUENCES VEHICLE STOPPING DISTANCES LOW RISK/SAFE DRIVING TECHNIQUES ROAD LAWS AND DEALING WITH HAZARDS SKID PREVENTION AND RECOVERY VEHICLE TECHNOLOGY (ABS, SRS, ESP) PROACTIVE DRIVING it is important that the RSVP is completed and returned by Wednesday 14th October (Week 2, Term 4). Any enquiries to Dave Mills on 3810 4400 / 4496 or email: dmills@sec. Tuesday 17th November 2015 A practical day of Driver Training which is invaluable for all who attend, unfortunately it is limited to 60 participants, maximum. All who attend must have the ability to drive a car and at least possess a learner’s permit. It is not a learn to drive course but a course designed to instruct participants on how to more effectively control a motor vehicle. Our Parents and Friends’ Association has kindly offered to subsidise half the cost of the course for students. The students will be collected by bus from the College and taken to and from the training facility. The course date is Thursday 19th November (Week 7 Term 4, second last day for Year 12 students). To RSVP Students can collect an enrolment form and a brochure with more information from the Deans’ Room. If students wish to participate they need to complete the enrolment form and enclose this with a payment of $90 (which is half the course cost) in an envelope and submit this to the locked box in the Student Office. Cheques to be payable to “St Edmund’s College”. Credit card and EFTPOS payments can be made at the College’s front reception desk. Again we thank the Parents and Friends’ Association for their generous support and encourage as many as possible of our Senior students to take part. Should you have any further questions please contact me on 3810 4400 / 4496 or email: dmills@sec.qld. Mr Dave Mills, Morgan House Dean RSVP by Friday 30th October (Week 4) For Year 12 Parents ATTENTION Year 12 Parents Your Son’s Baby or Toddler Photo is required for Valedictory We are asking Year 12 Parents to email one of your son’s baby or toddler photos for inclusion in an audio-visual presentation to be used at the Senior Valedictory event. Please email your son’s photo to Mr Mills at dmills@ with “Valedictory Photo” in the subject line. If you have a hard copy only of a photo, this should be submitted in an envelope marked “Valedictory Photo”, including the student’s name, and handed into the Deans’ Room for scanning, before being returned to the student. It would be appreciated if photos could be submitted as soon as possible. Any queries to Mr Mills (3810 4496) during school hours. Thank you to those parents who have already sent their son’s photo. Page 5 2015 ‘Skool 2 Skoolies’ GOLF Day St Edmund’s College on behalf of Ipswich Hospice, St Vincen t de Paul, and the EREA Immersion Programs would like to thank all the businesses that kindly sponsored the Skool 2 Skoolies ride for 2015 On the first weekend of the school holidays, forty players took part in the third edition of the St Edmund’s College ‘Skool 2 Skoolies’ Golf Day, raising almost $1200 for our ‘Skool 2 Skoolies’ initiative. The event was designed to emphasise the ‘Skool 2 Skoolies’ effort and assist in raising funds for the Ipswich Hospice, St Vincent de Paul, and the Christian Brothers’ work in East Timor. Excellent weather ensured that all players had an enjoyable day and some excellent scoring was recorded with a countback being required to separate the top three groups. A sincere thanks must go to the sponsors who made this day possible: • Chris Elliott at DeBortoli Wines • Sandy Gallop Golf Club • John Wellings Auto Electrical • Access Vehicle and Equipment Leasing We hope to be back next year and build on the strong foundations that have been laid to ensure the continuation of this wonderful event. Mr Lucas Wilson, SEC Coordinator Page 6 St Edmund’s College Change of Venue...HO Old Boys’ Association HO HO DINNER To celebrate...50 Years On The Hill Saturday 17 October 2015 at 7.00pm Brothers Ipswich Leagues Club Wildey Street, Raceview Tuckshop Volunteers CHRISTMAS PARTY Guest speaker: Mr Noel “Ned” Kelly - Ipswich Rugby League Legend - ARL and QRL Team of the Century Inductee $50 per head for two-course meal. Book a Table of 10 for $450. For tickets please contact Andrew McGrath on 0438 164 452 or All Welcome *Please note change of venue to the St Edmund’s College Staffroom Uniform Shop Thursday 22nd October 6.30pm Trading Hours This night celebrates the wonderful work of all our helpers in the Tuckshop Tuesday – 8:00am to 3:30pm pm Wednesday – 8:00am to *3.30 4) (*from Term Closed 12:30pm to 1:00pm uniform-shop Email Orders: Phone Orders: 3810 4489 Link to St Mary’s College Newsletter: newsletter ST EDMUND’S COLLEGE 16 Mary Street, Woodend, Ipswich Qld 4305 Postal address for ALL correspondence: PO Box 2343, North Ipswich, Qld, 4305 Phone: (07) 3810 4400 **PLEASE NOTE**NEW FAX NUMBER** for St Edmund’s College - 3810 4402 Saturday 5 September Term 4, Week 2 Mon 12 Oct:G Velasquez, J Muller, T Williams, A Farmer. Tue 13 Oct: K Woodford, L Daniels, L Brandish, A Robertson. Wed 14 Oct: J Roberts, S Steele, D McGuire, S Atuatika.Thu 15 Oct: M Bill, H Rodgers, B Hormann, C Schultz, L McLean. Fri 16 Oct: K Hockings, J Collins, L Firman, V Albury. - Saturday Sport - Please Note: Wet Weather Line 2015 TUCKSHOP ROSTER for 0402 728 951 **24-hour Absentee Line** ** 3810 4401 ** It would be appreciated if absences were recorded on the 24-hour Absentee Line - 3810 4401 - *BEFORE 7.30am on the day of your child’s absence. web: Email: Page 7 Music N e w s Welcome back for our busiest term yet! The Creative Arts Department will be flat out for most of this term with a number of events taking place over the next few weeks. These include the Combined St Edmund’s and St Mary’s Colleges’ Cultural Showcase, the Foundation Dinner, the Combined Colleges’ Choir Presentation, Awards Night performances for both St Edmund’s and St Mary’s Colleges’ and Carols on the Green. The annual Combined College’s Cultural Showcase will take place in the McAuley Centre at St Mary’s College on Friday, 16th October. This will be a fantastic night of entertainment with a large variety of performances on the evening. This concert will showcase the talents of many students from both Colleges, performing in various Ensembles from both Colleges, with the added bonus of some special performances from a number of Senior students. This will be an amazing event that is not to be missed! Some instrumental lessons for the term resumed this week. The rest will start again next week. Students should ensure they check the timetables on the board outside Room K205 or on the student portal. Mr Tim Kirkwood, Director of Music Sports Performance Centre - Gym Schedule Week 1 - Term 4 MORNING BEFORE SCHOOL Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday GYM HOURS 6.15 to 8.00am GYM HOURS 6.15 to 8.00am Junior Athletics (Years 9 & 10) GYM HOURS 6.15 to 8.00am GYM HOURS 6.15 - 8.00am Junior Athletics (Years 9 & 10) GYM HOURS 6.15 to 8.00am 6.30 to 7.30am Senior Swim Team 7.00 to 8.00am Beginners Introduction (All Years) 6.15 to 7.30am Senior Swim Team 6.30 to 8.00am - Senior Athletics (Years 11 & 12) - Open Gym (All Years - beginners welcome) 6.15 to 7.15am Junior & Target Swim Squads 6.15 to 7.30am Senior Swim Team 6.30 to 8.00am - Senior Athletics (Years 11 & 12) - Junior Rugby (Years 8, 9, 10) AFTERNOON AFTER SCHOOL GYM HOURS 2.45 to 4.15pm - Open Gym (All Years) - Senior Basketball GYM CLOSED GYM HOURS 2.45 to 4.15pm GYM CLOSED - Open Gym (All Years) - Senior Basketball Please bring training gear, towel and water bottle Page 8 GYM CLOSED SEC Term 4 Swimming Gym Sessions Monday Tuesday Senior Squad SEC Years 9, 10, 11 Junior Squad SEC Years 7, 8 Wednesday Thursday Senior Squad SEC Years 9, 10, 11 Junior Squad SEC Years 7, 8 Friday Senior Squad SEC Years 9, 10, 11 Lane Allocations Monday Afternoon Lane Allocations 1 2 3 4 5 3.00pm 6 7 SEC Years 7 and 8 3.30pm 4.00pm Crocodiles 4.30pm Junior / Pre-Senior 5.00pm Senior Senior 5.30pm Tuesday / Thursday Lane Allocations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3.00pm 3.30pm Junior Crocodiles 4.00pm Junior 4.30pm 5.00pm Senior Senior 5.30pm Wednesday Lane Allocations 1 2 3 4 5 3.00pm 6 7 6 7 SEC Years 7 and 8 3.30pm Crocodiles 4.00pm Junior / Pre-Senior 4.30pm 5.00pm Friday Lane Allocations 1 2 3 4 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 5 SEC Boys Years 7 to 11 Crocodiles Junior 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm Senior Senior Page 9 SEC Term 4 Swimming... Senior Sessions Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday AM Gym 6.00am Swim 5.30am Gym 6.00am First 6 weeks Swim 5.30am Gym 6.00am Swim 7.00am PM Swim 4.00 to 6.00pm Swim 4.00 to 6.00pm Weeks 1 to 6 Rest Swim 4.00 to 6.00pm Swim 4.00 to 6.00pm Weeks 7+ Swim 4.00 to 6.00pm Program - Weeks 1 to 6 Weeks 5.30am 6.00am 6.30am 5, 6, 7 1, 2, 3, 4 Junior Pre-Senior 5, 6, 7 1, 2, 3, 4 Senior SEC Years 9, 10, 11 7.00am 5, 6, 7 1, 2, 3, 4 Junior Pre-Senior 5, 6, 7 1, 2, 3, 4, Senior SEC Years 9, 10, 11 5, 6, 7 1, 2, 3, 4, Junior Pre-Senior 7.30am Senior 8.00am 8.30am Weeks 3.00pm 3.30pm 5, 6, 7 SEC Years 7, 8 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 7 Crocs, Junior / PreSenior Crocs, Junior/ PreSenior 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm Senior Senior Senior 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 7 1, 2, 3, 4 SEC Years 7, 8 Junior Crocs, Junior / Pre-Senior 5, 6, 7 1, 2, 3, 4, Crocs, Junior / PreSenior Senior Senior Junior Senior Page 10 5, 6, 7 1, 2, 3, 4, SEC Years 7, 8 SEC 9, 10, 11 Senior Junior Senior
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