one mouthful at a time.
one mouthful at a time.
Creating a fork in the road for young people (The first five years) Tayla, Amber, Con, Ben, Aaron and Adam on Corrs Lane 1 Tastes good. Does good. Luke on McKillop St 2 Contents Running tally Photo credits We pay our respects Thanks from our founding Board About STREAT A brief history Our Theory of Change Our culture and strengths Reflecting on the first five years Progress against our major targets PEOPLE Our programs PLANET Green initiatives PROFIT The portfolio of businesses Aiming for financial sustainability Cromwell Manor Overall progress Team Thank you Get involved Running tally 3 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 321 youth in our programs Stable self 90% improved youth wellbeing Stable job 80% success in youth obtaining a job or further training Stable home over 95% success in improving the housing stability of young people 60%+ youth retention in programs 6,200+ days of training offered 30,000+ hours of training offered 750,000+ customers served 67% self-funded through the businesses 90%+ Urbanspoon rating across all cafes 5,000 Pay It Forward cards completed by customers enabling 5,000 free coffees and meal vouchers to be given to homeless people. Photo credits We gratefully acknowledge the photographs of: Alexandre Schoelcher pages 1, 11, 13 Sanjeev Singh pages 2, 15, 25 Rebecca Scott page 4 Six Degrees Architects page 20 We pay our respects Every street that we operate on is on the traditional lands of the Kulin Nation. This land has always been an important meeting place and location for events of social, educational, sporting and cultural significance. We will continue to honour this, and pay our respects to their elders past and present. 3 McCawley Street, Canberra (founding Board Chair), Rebecca Scott (Co-founder and CEO), Kate Barrelle (Co-founder and Director), 21/12/2008 Thanks from our founding Board er we dreamt of building a scalable social enterprise model to stop youth homelessness. Five years later we remain as committed to these dreams as we did back then. Why? Firstly, there are even more homeless youth on our streets now, with the majority still destined for long term unemployment and reliance on economy being brought to the social enterprise sector can make in building self-sustaining models that combine the best of the community and private sectors to affect change. And finally, because we now know the stories of over 230 young people and every day they remind us that our something from nothing with [their] With our sincerest thanks for being part of this change over our first five years, Board Chair Rebecca Scott Co-founder & CEO Kate Barrelle Co-founder & Director 4 About STREAT Every night in Australia there are over 105,000 homeless 1 in 4 are young people aged 12-24 The majority of these youth will leave school before Year 10 with no formal education. 57% are destined for long-term unemployment. VISION To stop youth homelessness and disadvantage, one mouthful at a time. MISSION Youth homel with others like you to stop it, one mouthful at a time. Together we offer disadvantaged youth aged 16-25 a supported pathway from the street to a sustainable livelihood. 10 YEAR GOAL One meal, one life. We're striving to help a young person every single mealtime. That's three youth a day, or 1095 youth each year. So cooking! VALUES Discover We believe in lifelong learning and discovery Create We tackle problems with imagination and passion Nourish Our meals nourish both our customers and youth Connect We bring ideas, individuals and communities together Voice We speak up Sustain We strive for sustainability in all our activities. THE SUPPORT WE OFFER We want our youth thriving in all parts of their lives and we help them have a stable life which includes a stable self, stable job and a stable home. Stable self we provide wrap-around support including individual case management, linkages to other specialist service providers as needed (drug and alcohol, mental health, housing services), group life skills programs, and creative and social activities. Stable job we provide a range hospitality programs including accredited certificate courses, work experience programs, and short courses. We also provide workplace training and kitchen. (As a social enterprise, STREAT reinvests 100% of its café profits back into supporting and training youth.) Stable home we work towards our youth having a safe and long term place to live through partnerships with a wide range of Melbourne housing services. A brief history STREAT was started in 2009 by Rebecca Scott & Kate Barrelle after they had worked at a similar social enterprise for 2 years. The organisation was conceptualised and built to be able to scale both in Melbourne and beyond. STREAT gained its start-up funding from overseas philanthropists but has spread its support base to include Australian governments, philanthropists, businesses and individuals. STREAT kickstarted with a six-month Certificate II program, but has grown to offer a suite of programs including hospitality short courses, Certificate I and II programs, and work experience opportunities. In 2012 STREAT pioneered one of the first equity investments in an Australian social enterprise, undertaking an acquisition of The Social Roasting Company. s scaling is progressing well and the organisation now runs seven interconnected businesses (five cafes, a catering company and a coffee roastery). Through the development of a flagship site , Cromwell Manor, STREAT is now preparing to further scale its operations to the point of financial sustainability. Once again, STREAT is pioneering impact investment to scale. STREAT is recognised as a strong Australian social enterprise innovator (winning Most Innovative Australian Social Enterprise 2013, Finalist in 2012 Cool Company Award in social enterprise, Finalist in the 2014 Ethical Enterprise). STREAT has now had over 230 youth in its various programs. With upcoming scaling we are aiming to be working with 250 youth each year by 2016. STREAT has now had dozens of requests from across Australia and overseas to expand its model, and hopes to scale interstate in the future. 5 Our Theory of Change 6 Our culture & strengths In 2014 STREAT engaged its staff and management team to reflect on our first five years of operations, and also to start planning for the upcoming decade. During this process we clearly defined our culture and strengths (outlined below), knowing that this is our foundation for our next phase of growth. Goodness = People + Planet + Profit We work to create as much social and environmental goodness as possible throughout our enterprise. Our organisation We help those youth who need it most Our youth require a wide range of integrated supports to thrive Create belonging Integrated Our business model is fully-integrated our foodservice businesses are the location where we train our youth, but also where we generate the revenue to fund this work Our focus is on providing a stable self, a stable job and a stable home both our young people and our staff We are particularly adept at balancing social change & business Scalable We have a collective desire to scale our operations to match the scale of the Quality-focussed re striving to address a 10 year goal to be helping1095 youth each year We have pride in creating food and coffee of outstanding quality We offer high quality youth programs Collaborative We work to generously share our knowledge to grow the sector Engaging which have become critical to how we grow loyal customer base We effectively harness resources by being great storytellers and excelling at marketing & communications Self-sufficient We are working towards complete financial self-sufficiency through our business operations Innovative We have been good at spotting emergent opportunities and adapting and strengthening our business model We often find ourselves in a leadership position in the sector. We intend to keep leading from the front. 7 Reflecting on the first five years Our young people Our staff ‘STREAT helped me realize my potential in life and has given me the push start I needed to get my life back on track.’ ‘Amazing growth from nothing. A powerful concept to reality. It’s been wonderful to be part of it. I feel really lucky to feel it, see it, and be part of it.’ – Ian Johnson (our Marketing Communications Manager for the last 4 years) ‘STREAT is happy for me to be me. You know I'm gay and you don't care, as long as I try hard and do the job.’ ‘Staff make you feel really welcome when you walk in. Just a smile that means they know you and care. Simple stuff but it makes me happy to know I belong here.’ ‘STREAT helped me develop the skills I needed to obtain employment, they helped me with outside of work issues. STREAT also helped me to form a group bond which really helped boost my self confidence and people skills. I even learnt more about myself.’ ‘STREAT keeps you focussed on what you need to do with your life and keeps your mind positive.’ ‘Trainees and staff are the first people in my life who accept me and support me completely.’ 'Today I graduate. Today I actually finish something I started, today I walk away with friends and knowledge but most of all I leave with hope....Sometimes you underestimate how much a course can do for you. I know I did but when I look back I can see that STREAT is one of the defining factors in my life.' ‘I never liked meeting new people before I started here, I just didn't like making new friends. But now I know all these people at STREAT and I'm much more open to meeting others.’ ‘STREAT has given me a sense of direction that I haven't felt in years. Even just a year ago everything was chaotic - now I am getting on track. I am finally in stable accommodation, I am studying and have got motivation to do things again. STREAT has been an amazing experience for me……….’ 'I'm so proud of myself and I never thought I would be proud of myself.' ‘It’s been amazing – the most rewarding job I’ve ever had as a Social Worker because of the outcomes you get to see for young people. I love the freedom and ability to create opportunities for young people and to be flexible based on the needs of young people. I haven’t had that experience before and it sets it apart from other jobs.’ Kirsten Malseed (our Social Worker for the last 1.5 years) ‘Working with STREAT the last few years has been inspirational, tasty and tiring, but more than worthwhile.’ – Rob Auger (our Executive Chef & GM Foodservice for the last 5 years) ‘I’ve only been here a year and it’s been challenging, exciting, innovative. Unique. It’s very unique. It feels like we’re on an amazing adventure. And inspiring. It’s always inspiring.’ – Emma Johnson (our Chief Financial Officer) ‘We grow very quickly. It’s been a lot of fun. We’re also really reflective and supportive. We’re also an incubator for people who want to do other things in the world.’ Ed Coghlan (our Graphic designer over the last 2 years) ‘We were going along quite nicely and then you went and bought those cafes. It all got so effing fast’ – Thatch (our IT person who’s been at STREAT 5 years) Our partners ‘A ground-breaking experiment that has been wonderful for others to watch and learn from who haven’t been able to step into things themselves. A great example of others to pave the way.’ ‘Most people are too scared to do things if they haven’t been done first.’ – Bessi Graham (from our partners of three years, The Difference incubator (TDi)) ‘The most incredible growth. Turning vision into reality. I’d use words like exciting, impact and adapting.’ – Claire Kearney (from our partners over the last four years, Social Ventures Australia, partner of four years). 8 Progress against our major targets GOAL TARGETS for 2012-15 PERFORMANCE in FY 2014 PEOPLE: To maximise our social footprint Expand the supported training placements for homeless and disadvantaged youth to 100 a year by 2015 Exceeded target over the last year STREAT expanded its programs and worked with 124 young people. We will be increasing this target to 250 youth a year once Cromwell Manor is fully operational. Expand the pathway options for youth, including pre-vocational, Cert I, II & III in a range of areas Exceeded target we have already built and run a suite of 4 training programs (Short courses in coffee making and simple kitchen skills (Tasters), Work experience only programs (Entree), 3 month Certificate I program (Main Course Part I), 6 month Certificate II program (Main Course Part II). We still anticipate starting a Certificate III program once Cromwell Manor opens. Stable self 90% of young people who have Below target we achieved a rating of 82% this year (this target was not met due to young people not being able to adequately manage their drug addiction or mental health issues. We also had one young person incarcerated during their time at STREAT). 1. Help youth live independently and reach their potential have maintained or stabilised their general wellbeing 2. Enable systems change Stable job 60% of young people who participated in Main Course programs have transitioned into further education, employment or training Exceeded target Stable home 95% of young people will have maintained or improved their housing situation during their course with STREAT On target Build two best-practice partnerships with businesses to scale our social impact Exceeded target this last year we have created a further two to expand our business operations: PricewaterhouseCoopers for the development of our Freshwater Place cafe, and NAB for the development of Cromwell Manor. These built upon existing major partnerships with Breadsolutions and Geoff Harris for the development of Cromwell Manor, and GPT for Melbourne Central. Fully document our business model or 'STREAT Blueprint' and contribute knowledge to key stakeholders and research On target we continue to document all parts of our operations as they develop and grow. In the last year we have participated in three PhD research projects, 2 case studies and given at least 60 talks on STREAT and social enterprise. A case study on our Cromwell Manor impact investment is currently underway with NAB. we achieved 81% we achieved 97% PLANET: To minimise our environmental footprint 3. Nurture the environment Baseline electricity, food waste, packaging, and water, and minimise Develop Cromwell as an environmental flagship site On target and seasonally. We worked with Social Ventures Australia (SVA) to develop potential KPIs and in 2015 will be working with PwC on undertaking an audit of current usage. We continued to undertake a wide range of environmental sustainability activities (building materials, menu development, waste, energy usage, supply chain and logistics), and undertook extensive environmental planning work for Cromwell. PROFIT: To operate in a financially sustainable way 4. Deliver high quality products that customers value Have an average Urbanspoon customer rating of over 85% for STREAT's products and services Baseline customer satisfaction levels across all businesses On target our average Urbanspoon customer rating across all sites is 93%. STREAT also undertook a project to baseline the overall satisfaction of the experience of STREAT (quality, speed, service, price, range, location, serving size, atmosphere, communication of social impact) with the Net Promoter Score across all factors being 75%. 5. Operate with financial sustainability Be financially sustainable and covering all 'business as usual' costs from earned business revenue Below target although we grew our revenue by over 20% in the last year and achieved 67% overall financial sustainability, it has taken us longer to kickstart the Cromwell Manor project than first anticipated. With these delays we currently anticipate: 74% in FY15,80% in FY16, 93% in FY17. 9 People Shae on Godfrey St 10 Our programs A TYPICAL WEEK AT STREAT In a typical week at STREAT our trainees will be involved in a group-based life skills program, TAFE and getting their qualifications, work experience in any one of our cafes or production kitchen, group-based creative and social activities, or having individual support sessions with our Youth Program team (which might include working through major issues like housing, drug and alcohol abuse, mental health, legal) LIFE SKILLS MODULES The group-based life skills program has key modules on emotional management, problem solving, healthy relationships, communication, and conflict management. Working with our Youth Programs team, trainees also develop their personal goals at the start of each program, and then a self-management plan which we use through-out their transition to open employment. PROGRAMS ain more skills and confidence: short half to one day programs introducing people to coffee and food. Tasters can be a good introduction to STREAT. Entree for people wanting to access hospitality focused work experience or to give STREAT a try before committing to a longer program. Main Course a two part fully supported STREAT program including on-the-job training and mentoring, a Life Skills program, creative and social engagement and individual case support (including linkages to specialist service providers). Part 1 is 10 weeks and includes a Certificate I in Vocational Preparation. Part 2 is 20 weeks and can include the Certificate II in Kitchen Operations, although Part 2 can be completed without enrolling in a formal qualification. YOUTH NUMBERS We welcomed our first class of young people to STREAT on 15th March 2010. Initially we only ran one type of program, but have expanded this over time to provide a full pathway of opportunities to young people. Outlined below are our youth numbers by financial year since the program started. 2009/10 FY 2010/11 FY 2011/12 FY 2012/13 FY 2013/14 FY - - - - 64 28 (target is 50) 92 - - - 19 30 24 (target 50) 73 - - 32 14 21 7 (target 24) 74 9 16 12 12 9 12 (target 24) 82 Certificate III (2 year apprenticeship) starts FY15/16 - - - - - - - TOTALS 9 16 44 45 124 71 (target 148) 321 PROGRAM TYPE , average 8 weeks) - Certificate I) - Certificate II) 2014/15 FY TOTAL (half year results to Dec 2014) *Note: Prior to 2013, Main Course 1 and Main Course 2 were delivered as a single program across six months. Therefore, in the 2011/12 and 2012/13 data, those who completed Certificate I are listed in Main Course 1, and those who completed Cert II are listed in Main Course 2. 11 Planet Rob on Davis St12 Green initiatives Over the last year, we have undertaken the following initiatives to reduce our impact on the planet: Produce MAJOR INITIATIVES FOR 2014 Our food is handmade fresh each day and where possible is local, seasonal, organic, fair-trade and preservative and cruelty free. Half of all of our menus are vegetarian. Over 95% of our produce is Through their business they take two indigestible problems an exodus of small farmers from the land and food going unnecessarily to waste and combine them all into one delicious, digestible solution. They advocate for a direct plough approach where farmers are able to harvest their entire crop irrespective of size and shape - which is great news for the environment and our local farmers. We source remaining produce and goods where possible from local suppliers who love their produce as much as we do. This includes La Madre Bread, Green Eggs, Newmarket Butcher, Daylesford and Hepburn Mineral Springs. Packaging & printing All food packaging is supplied by Biopak and is fully biodegradable. Our catering company uses biodegradable platters. Recycled paper is used for printing. Office printing is double-sided and predominantly black and white. In 2013 we undertook some rebranding to reduce the use of colour printing within office documentation. Finsbury Green, a carbon neutral local printer. Finsbury Green measure, monitor and reduce emissions through their entire operations, then offset the balance through the Carbon Reduction Institute. All printing is undertaken on recycled paper stock using plant-based inks. Energy We changed energy supplier to PowerShop. Energy efficient appliances sourced for fit-outs. Buildings STREAT have been working with architects Six Degrees and Beyond Zero Emissions (BZE) in the design of Cromwell Manor to ensure the site is an environmental flagship site. The site contains a wide range of features including an array of solar panels generating electricity, passive heating and cooling, a wide range of efficiency initiatives (windows, insulation, lighting, stoves, hot water), New sites have been fit-out using non-toxic, low VOC paints and chemicals. Fit-out of new RMIT site used all reclaimed and upcycled building and furnishing materials wherever possible. Transport Site selection always considers strong public transport options. Walking, bicycles or public transport used wherever possible for staff and trainees to travel to and from work, and between sites. All flight carbon emissions offset. Cleaning & waste Environmentally-friendly cleaning chemicals used. Sites recycle paper, plastic, and metal waste. 13 Profit Rob on McKillop St 14 The portfolio of businesses STREAT now operates a portfolio of seven hospitality businesses as outlined below. CAFES 307 Racecourse Road, Flemington 5 McKillop Street, Melbourne Melbourne Central, near the escalators the level below the tower RMIT University, Swanston St (next to The Hub) PwC foyer cafe, 5 Freshwater Place, Southbank COFFEE ROASTERY Currently being roasted at 8 Thompson Street, Kensington (relocated to Cromwell Manor in 2015) CATERING COMPANY & PRODUCTION KITCHEN 178 Ferrars Street, South Melbourne The organisation has continued to grow its sales across all of these businesses as outlined below. TOTAL SALES 80,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 16/11/14 09/11/14 02/11/14 26/10/14 19/10/14 12/10/14 05/10/14 28/09/14 21/09/14 14/09/14 07/09/14 31/08/14 24/08/14 17/08/14 10/08/14 03/08/14 27/07/14 20/07/14 13/07/14 06/07/14 29/06/14 22/06/14 15/06/14 08/06/14 01/06/14 25/05/14 18/05/14 11/05/14 04/05/14 27/04/14 20/04/14 13/04/14 06/04/14 30/03/14 23/03/14 16/03/14 09/03/14 02/03/14 23/02/14 16/02/14 09/02/14 02/02/14 26/01/14 19/01/14 12/01/14 05/01/14 - 29/12/13 Weekly sales total ($) 70,000 15 Aiming for financial sustainability Over the last six years STREAT has scaled its business operations as it hoped it could. By 2018 we anticipate reaching the point of financial sustainability where our business revenue covers the full expenses of the organisation. Outlined below is our growth to date, along with projected growth in the coming years with the upcoming development of our Cromwell Manor flagship site. 10,000,000 100% 9,000,000 90% 8,000,000 80% Other Charitable Income Other Grants 7,000,000 70% 6,000,000 60% 5,000,000 50% 4,000,000 40% 3,000,000 30% 2,000,000 20% 1,000,000 10% - Trade Sustainability (%) Revenue ($) Govt Grants 0% Y1 - 2009 Y2 - 2010 Y3 - 2011 Y4 – 2012 Y5 - 2013 Y6 - 2014 Y7 - 2015 Y8 - 2016 Y9- 2017 Y10- 2018 Forecast Year 16 Cromwell Manor In the last year, retail entrepreneur and philanthropist Geoff Harris bought a $2.5m property and gifted its use to STREAT for the coming 50 years. The site will be transformed throughout 2015 to contain: Large training academy for youth to train to become baristas, chefs and bakers High end café, caterer, artisan bakery and coffee roastery Spaces for private meetings, functions & community activities on weekends including bike repairs, community stalls or markets. The site will enable STREAT to: Train over 250 young people each year to become baristas, chefs and bakers Achieve financial sustainability Prepare for interstate expansion STREAT has requests from every Australian state and territory (and also overseas places like London and Singapore) to expand its model. The site lays the foundation for this. Engage the public on the issue of youth homelessness the ABC has started filming a year-long documentary about the transformation of this brothel. The site will also be a place to engage many thousands of customers over time. 17 Overall progress Phases Conceptualisation & feasibility study Start-up Full operations Scaling begins Consolidation of business model Scaling Year 2006-2008 2009-10 2011 2012 2013-2015 2016 onwards No. staff 1 1-15 Approx 16 40 50-100 - No. youth 0 0-15 25 year 25 50-100 100-1095 Key milestones Overseas study tours to social enterprises Academic research Partnerships being explored Feasibility study Seeking financial supporters Start-up funding confirmed from overseas philanthropic Company registered CEO & Board appointed Charity status received Staff recruitment Partnership agreements Gaining of $1.2 m in the fed gov Jobs Fund Programs developed Group 1 selected & start training (9 youth) Café site 1 starts at Federation Square in March Commercial kitchen facility found Standard Operating Procedures being developed by departments Refinement of curriculum Group 1 graduation (8 of 9) and official launch of STREAT Most graduates move into full apprenticeships Cafe site 2 starts at Melbourne Central Group 2 starts (8 youth) External awareness starts growing Group 3 begins (11 youth) Group 2 undertakes midprogram rating (usefulness of programs rated at 93%) Lord Mayor becomes 30,000th customer. First site becomes profitable Close down Fed Square site Launch Melbourne Uni site Group 4 starts Successful completion of Jobs Fund contract STREAT preparing for the opening of multiple new sites and redevelopment of Melbourne Central STREAT joins Social Venture Australia (SVA) portfolio & together undertaken 5year strategic planning undertaken Group 5 being recruited Melbourne Uni site breaks even 100,000 customers served The Social Roasting Company asks us to buy them. We negotiate the sale Group 5 begins STREAT develops cookbook Creation of subsidiary company STREAT Enterprises social enterprise to scale with equity investment ($300k secured) Acquisition of 2 new cafes and a coffee roasting company Kitchen Closure of Melbourne Uni site Successful transition period and STREAT doubles in size New org-wide policies, operating procedures and processes rolled out Our 250,000th customer served Group 6 starts Successful crowd-funding campaign undertaken for Melbourne Central redevelopment Strong and mature team in place 3 year Strategy being developed with target of helping 1095 youth a year Group 7 begins Full suite of programs developed which provide more flexibility, multiple entry points and pathway options Further growth of youth numbers First 2 graduates become fully qualified chefs Group 7 finishes Group 8-11 start RMIT Uni site opens Looking for expansion opportunities interstate Getting closer to the goal of helping 1095 youth a year WE ARE HERE Development of major flagship site through joint venture partnerships Consolidation of model in Melbourne Achieving financial sustainability in Melbourne 18 Team CULTURE STREAT is proud to have a highly diverse workforce, with strong staff retention and internal career opportunities. We have very strong retention in our key staff positions with most full-time staff being at STREAT between 2-4 years. We also have a strong track record of training and developing junior staff into higher management roles We have strong ethnic diversity with staff fr of Kiwis who are barista and All-Star chefs! We have very strong representation from the LGBTI community in our team Each year we offer a range of 3-6 month student internships to aspiring young social entrepreneurs and changemakers We annually celebrate outstanding performance through the STREAT Awards BOARD OF DIRECTORS STREAT is governed by a Board of seven Directors. Together, they bring expertise across key areas including youth/community development and support, social enterprise, vocational training, hospitality, psychology, business, law and accountancy. MANAGEMENT TEAM STREAT has a highly skilled management team with expertise in running social enterprises, non-profit management, hospitality and business operations. business operations. Dawn O'Neil (Chair) - Chair, Director. Qualifications: Master of Business Administration. Experience: ultant. Previous roles include being former CEO of Lifeline Australia and Beyond Blue. Rebecca Scott - Director, Member of Finance & Audit Committee, Cofounder. Qualifications: Bachelor of Science, Master of International and Community Development. Experience: CEO of STREAT Ltd. Previously Vice President of KOTO, a street youth social enterprise in Hanoi. A decade of management positions at the CSIRO. Kate Barrelle Psychology), Master of Clinical Psychology, PhD (Political Science) Experience: A decade working in community mental health and private practice as a Clinical and Forensic Psychologist, six years working with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Kate has a PhD on terrorism and radicalisation process and currently consults to agencies and programs on this subject. Dianna Butterworth - Director, Member of the Finance & Audit Committee. Qualifications: Bachelor of Commerce, Chartered Accountant, Senior Associate, Finsia Experience: Director of LDB Financial Paul Breen - Director. Qualifications: Bachelor of Business. Experience: Retail entrepreneur and business advisor. Founder of the retail chain Calendar Club and current Chairman of its international advisory board. Phil Martin - Director. Qualifications: Grad Dip Education. Managing Director & Founder, Bastion S+Go. Previous roles include Government Relations Manager of AFL Chief of Staff to a range of Victorian government Ministers, union official and manager of various children's services. Brian Williams - Director, Member of the Finance & Audit Committee. Qualifications: Bachelor of Laws, Masters of Laws. Experience: Senior legal management including 10 years as Chief Counsel for Rio Tinto Limited and 10 years as Chief Legal Officer for Quadrem International Holdings Ltd, an incorporated joint venture between 20 global mining companies. Rebecca Scott 8 years as STREAT co-founder & CEO (5 years), 2 years as Vice President at social enterprise KOTO, 10 years in management at CSIRO, BSc, Grad Dip Sci Comm, Masters of Int & Community Dev. Jennifer Miller, General Manager of Operations Responsibility rations and expansion, 3 years at STREAT, 7 years as National Franchise Manager for Hudsons Coffee, 4 years Hospitality Consultancy in the UK, BSc. Jarryd Williams, General Manager of Youth Programs -Responsibility for all youth programs and vocational training provision. New to the team, Jarryd has just come from being the CEO of a Brisbane-based youth organisation. He originally trained as a Youth Worker. Emma Johnson, General Manager of Finance Manages all aspects of STREAT's financial systems. Has been at STREAT for 18 months. Has 15 years professional experience in accounting and financial management in both corporate and manufacturing environments with CPA and ACMA qualifications. Ian Johnson, Marketing Manager Responsible for marketing and communications, including brand development, web, promotions, social media, media, events, fundraising. Three years at STREAT, over 20 years experience in marketing and communications, including with CSIRO, Salvation Army, BSc. 19 Thank you MAJOR FUNDERS TK Foundation, Geoff Harris, DEEWR, Federal Government, Jobs Fund, AXA Foundation, R.E Ross Trust, Lor Westpac Foundation, Dyson Foundation, Ian Potter Foundation, Newsboys Foundation, Marian & E.H Flack Trust, McKinnon Family Foundation, Yulgilbar Foundation, City of Melbourne, Youth Minister of Victorian State Government, Bennelong Foundation, May & Stanley Smith Trust, Helen McPherson Smith Trust, Jack & Ethel Goldin Foundation, Greenlight Foundation, PwC Foundation, John & Berry Laidlaw Legacy, Red Rocket Foundation IMPACT INVESTORS Donkey Wheel Foundation, Geoff Harris, Small Giants, McKinnon Family Foundation MAJOR PARTNERS Social Ventures Australia, Donkey Wheel Foundation, Young and Well Cooperative Research Centre, The GPT Group, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Franklyn Scholar, Breadsolutions, NAB. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (present & past) Legal -- DLA Piper, Justitia, Holding Redlich, Freehills Audit Pitcher Partners, Moore Stephens Accountancy Crowe Howarth Business modelling PricewaterhouseCoopers Architects Six Degrees PR & media Zilla & Brook Publishers Smudge Publishing Human Resources consultants Worklogic IT Pretentia Service design Huddle, Heath Wallace Our heartfelt thanks to the following people who have been generous with their time, knowledge, resources and support. We'll forever be grateful. BOARD (PAST) and STAFF(PAST & PRESENT) Abdirisak Abdi, Ada Castle, Adam Nye, Adrian Bowler, Alex Sen, Andrew Ireland, Andrew Oppedisano, Amar Thapa, Anura Gunawardena, Ariel Page de Mars, Barry Petrovski, Muna Ibrahim. Beck Pope, Berrin Dennithorne, Ben Davis, Bethany Calic, Blessing Kadenhe, Brenda Dolieslager, Biana Gillick, Caitlin Telford, Caleb Latreille, Cameron Fraser, Cameron Knight, Chantelle Allen, Chintamani Rotstein, Clare Pritchard, Craig Walker, Danielle Young, Dominic Buchanan, Dylan Walls, Eoin Pehn, Ed Coghlan, Eleanor Lovegrove, Eloise Brown, Emma Clutterham, Emma Gerard, Emma Johnson, Eddie Tan, Eugenie Levine, Fasco Akot, Hannah Snape, Hari Dhakal, Harikala Kandel, Ian Johnson, Imogen McGrail-Walsh, Jade Waitere-Ang, Jaime Lamb, James Gallagher, James Hickey, Jamie Green, Jamie Petridis, Jen Miller, Jennifer Mahfoud, Jennifer McLachlan, Jessica Majcen, Joanna Mepham, Joanne Laurie, Johanna Scott, Johnathon Ellul, Jonathan Fairclough, Jordan Donnelly, Julien Oko, Kasey Davis, Kate Barrelle, Kate Fowler, Kathryn Minto, Kerry Harris, Kim Eriksson, Kirsten Hillman, Kirsten Malseed, Kirsty McKenzie, Krishna Subedi, Kylie Gordon, Laura Donnelly, Lola Fazio, Louella Fitzsimmons, Luke Whitworth, Madeline Ellerm, Maggie Mildenhall, Mahmoud Bah, Mario Kawac, Mario Tornatora, Matt Hampton, Matthew Kay, Melissa Mepham, Michael McLoughlin, Michael Thatcher, Mike Driscoll, Miyoko Iwamoto, Monique Swindells, Nada Vindis, Nicholas Yates, Nick Williams, Nina Gudd, Peter Kirk, Phillipa Brandon, Rebecca Gooch-Andrew, Rebecca Scott, Rebekah Stenhouse, Rohini Godfrey, Rob Auger, Roberta Bisetto, Romy Tait-Hoffmann, Rory Donegan, Ryoko Baba, Samantha Merory, Sean Mears, Serenity Silvertree, Shauna Byrne, Simon De Smet, Simon Knox, Sophie Ryan, Steve Fouret, Sunisa Nardone, Tom Tolchard, Tina Jensen, Tristan Williams, Vanessa Virgato, Victor Mabika, Vincent Reijners. VOLUNTEERS, STUDENT INTERNS & CREATIVE COLLABORATORS Alex Schoelcher, Ammon Beyerle, Andrew Beyerle, Andrew Gritscher, Andy Jones, Andy Lewis, Angie Miller, Anna Hughes, Anthea Abel, Beck Pope, Bibi Zafira Hanfa, Brad Foote, Brent Masters, Brett Coehlo, Caitlin Royse, Cameron Rooney, Cat Dos Santos, Charles Bai, Christian Pearson, Claire Miller, Craig Franklin, Dai Le, Danielle Zacharia, David Tan, Debbie Brown, Duncan McKimm, Ed Coghlan, Ed Radclyffe, Fat Kids (Benny Teoh), Fiona Burns, Francesca Rendle-Short, Holly Gillespie, Ian Dobson, Ian Morrison, Isabella Holding, James Houlihan, James Mepham, Jamie Hunter, Janice Munro, Jo Sayer, Joseph Norster and The Projects, Juliet Owens, Kae Wong, Karen Johnson, Kate Archdeacon, Kate Johnson, Kate Spencer, Kelly Gollings, Kelsey Simon, Kylie Gusset, Laura James, Lauren Brown, Lauren McCaughan, Lisa Birch, Lisa Sorgini, Lynda Roberts, Manie Hayes, Mark Harrison, Michael Dunbar, Michelle James, Michi Ohira, Mikey Dynon, Muhammad Kamil, Nicole Rawlings, Nik Harrison, Peter Spence, Peter West, Phuong L, Rahul Pereira, Rhea Muddaiah, Robert Alex Smith, Rosie Scott, Sam Buckley, Sarah Hendy, Sarah Toohey, Serenity Silvertree, Shaun Bassett, Sonia Mangiapane, Sue Eaves, Tara Pearman, Tasha Hassapis, Tim Derham, Trevor Rowe, Trish and James MacGregor, Vicki Wang, Vignesh Prasad Chandrasekaran, Youthworx Media. Particular thanks to RMIT Uni for their many creative collaborations. AND FOR ALWAYS GOING ABOVE & BEYOND Ken & Carolyn Scott, Sue & Frank Symes, Ron & Jan Barrelle, Anna Reader & Chris Stewart, Dawn O'Neil, Paul Steele, Colin & Anne Oberin, Geoff Harris, Andrew & Meg Barrelle, Andrew Scott, Matt Barrelle, Sue Eaves, Monica Van Wensveen, Penny Morton, Sally Curtis & Ami Latona, The Martin Family, Kimberly Karlshoej, the SVA team, Danny Almagor & Berry Liberman and the Small Giants team, John McKinnon, Alberto Furlan, John Dyson & Rose Gilder, Charlie Miller, the Johnson family, Kenneth Leung, Dom Buchanan, Pye Cormack, Jennifer Briscoe-Hough, David Hurst, Anita Dwyer, Anne-marie Pesticcio, Sue Green, Kate Burton, Emily Jones & Miranda Bradley, Jen Power, Lindy Edwards & Joo-In Chew, Robin Merrick, Sharon Swincer & Nathan Harris, Mary-Therese & Matt Daniel, Nike Ikenberg, Rachel Kemmis, Siobhan Toohill & Adrian Wiggins, Ashe-lee Jegatheson & Peter Jones, Stefan Victor & Anneka Farrington, Francesca RendleAndreas Pohl, Tony & Laraine Culnane, Amanda Rawnsley, John & Vic Goodwin, Louise Reithmuller, Janis Munro, Dai Le, Sally & Geoffrey White, the Vertessey family, Pam Johnson, Beth Johnson, Tracy Jones, Gus Palmiotto, Jackie Green, Laura James, Jules Thatcher, Mike, Stacey, Rachel, Bentley. 20 Get involved SHARE tell tellothers othersabout aboutus, us,share shareaameal mealororcoffee coffeewith withfriends friendsatatSTREAT STREAT SHARE (307 Racecourse Rd in Flemington, 5 McKillop Street in the CBD, PwC foyeratat (307 Racecourse Rd in Flemington, 5 McKillop Street in the CBD, PwC foyer Freshwater Place, Melbourne Central near the escalators) Freshwater Place, Melbourne Central near the escalators) CONNECT join joinour ourmailing mailinglist list(, (,follow followus uson onTwitter Twitter CONNECT (@STREATmelbourne, @STREATcafe, @bec_scott), like us on Facebook (@STREATmelbourne, @STREATcafe, @bec_scott), like us on Facebook ( ( BUYOR ORDONATE DONATE buy buyour ourcoffee coffeefor forhome homeororwork, work,buy buyaaSTREAT STREAT BUY cookbook from a café or online ( cookbook from a café or online ( registeredcharity charityand andall alldonations donationsover over$2 $2are aretax taxdeductible) deductible) registered PARTNEROR ORVOLUNTEER VOLUNTEER we wehave havevolunteers volunteersand andstudent studentinterns internsininaa PARTNER bunch of areas, we also have lots of amazing business and non-profit bunch of areas, we also have lots of amazing business and non-profit partnershipsso sohave haveaachat chatwith withus usabout aboutpossibilities. possibilities. partnerships INVEST we wehave haveaanumber numberofofimpact impactinvestors investorswho whosupport supportour ourwork, work,all all INVEST whilst getti more investment opportunities Connect STREAT Head Office STREAT Head Office Level 673 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000 Level 1, 1, 673 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000 03 9629 4222 03 9629 4222 Cafes Cafes 307 Racecourse Road, Flemington 307 Racecourse Road, Flemington 5 McKillop Street, Melbourne 5 McKillop Street, Melbourne Melbourne Central, near the escalators the level below Melbourne Central, near the escalators the level below the tower the tower RMIT University, Swanston St (nextSouthbank to The Hub) PwC foyer cafe, 5 Freshwater Place, PwC foyer cafe, 5 Freshwater Place, RMIT University, Swanston Street (nextSouthbank to The Hub) Catering @STREATmelbourne 0467 053 759 Coffee roasting 0417 527 350 @STREATmelbourne 21 have over 80,000 meals, Luke on McKillop St 22