owes millions
owes millions
Condossa)t stateinsurer owesmillions LEtlS By[UDMlt[A SENTINEL STAFFWRITER DAffONA BEACH - It's been four years since Florida suffered through its worst hurricane season in recorded history - the 2004quartet ofCharley Frances, Jeanne and Ivan, and a cumulative $42billion in damage. Yet Citizens 'Ihe 9 beadrfront ProPe-rtY T:ritlrcondos thatale Piise suins, s? ffi:$Tffi ,""j solved homeowner-damage cl,aims from that season and the 2005storms. Now se'reral beachfront condominiums in Volusia, unhappy with claims paid out by the state-run insuneX,are taking Citizens to court. A Volusia jury has started the first of nine trials from beachfront condominiums brying to get Citi2ens to pay more for 2004hurricane damage.The ,condorniniums claim the insurer isn't paying what their policies cover and is shortchangrng them millions t of dollars. It's a refbain heard elsewhere in Florida that Citizens delays paying claims and lowballs.storm damage, according to public adjusters, attorneys and formef Citizens -employees. Theyblame a loophole that has al- PLEASE sm C|T|ZENS, D2 /pql D2 (le.utt S,-.*'* Orlando Sentinel GITIZENS FROM PAGE Dl lowed the state's largest property insurer to argue it is not Subject to ,Florida's negligence andbad-faith laws that help keep ottrer insurers in line. The state formed the insuner as a liast resort for homeowners to help cover higher-risk areas that'private companies were reluctant to ihsure.Citizens spokesman John Kuczwanski noted that only a small ftaction of policyholders filing storm claims have complained about the process ahd it is rarefor suChcasesto cometo hial. Kuczwanski disputes that Citizens is shortchanging policyholders. "We have no basis to lowball claims, no policy to underevaluate cl;aims," he said. "We do take the cl,aims evaluation and review processvery seriously" The larpsuits are revisiting the 2004 hurricane season, hoping to prove in court that the insurer failed to live up to its policies. In this current trial, Sunglow Condominiums,. a 10story &l-unitbuilding in Daytona Beach Shores, has received $370,000in claim payments from Citizens, but the damage amounts tq more than $5million, said the condominium's attorney Andrew M. Plunkett, in his tial opener. David Doyle, the attorney for Citizens, countered to jurors thatthe condominium is asking for more than the poL icy covers, ffid the insuner isn't paying for damage because ofyears ofneglect and lack of maintenance. On Tuesday the jury heard two engineering experts testify that Sunglow sustained the kind of damage that only a hurricane, and not age and neglect, can cause. Gary Hart and Anurag Jain, strrctural engineers with Weidlinger Associates Inc., testified that the potent winds frorn a hurricane Cr l"rdo Seo :{,>" / Oc{-, a, zaa I Gondo srrits decide whether Citizens must pay Sunglow €uly more monNinebeachfront condominiums ey The trial is scheduled to in VolusiaCountyhavesued ' rtrntwo weeks. CitizensPropertyInsurance Past trials against Citizens Corp.for not fullypaying have been complicated by its 2004hurricane claims: unique position as a state-run I SunglowCondominium, insurer. Asiociation "What we've seen in hun36/.7S.Atlantic Ave., dreds ofcaseswith Citizens is DaytonaBeachShores that they're just as bad as all 10stories,64 r,rnits the other insurance compaInsured for 56 million nies exceptworsebecause. . . I Inlet Condominium they claim they're the gov257MinorcaBeachWay, ernment and you can't sue NewSmyrnaBeach the government," said Alan 18stories, 124units Garfinkel, founding partner Insured for 522million of the Fort Lauderdale law I White Sud Condominium firm Katanan Garfinkel, who 35555.AtlanticAve., isn't involved in the Volusia DaytonaBeachShores case. policyholders 7 stories,54 units Because Insured for 56.89million can't get private insurance, I OceanquestCohdominium locations ensured by Citizens 4641S.AtlanticAve., tend to suffer greater damage DaytonaBeachShores and, therefore, generate more 7 stories, S4units disputes, said Martin Grace, professor of risk manage Insured fcir58.75million I HarbciurBeachResort ment at Georgia StateUniverCondominium sity Citizens paid $6billion 701S.AtlanticAve., for 2004 and 2005 hurricane DaytonaBeach claims, compared with about 8 stories,56 units $5billion paid by State Farm lnsuredfor 58.12million andmore than $2billionpaid I AshleyCondomlnium by Allstate. 3757S.AtlanticAve., Consumer advocates said DaytonaBeachShores Citizens' benefits outweigh 20 stories, 130units its flaws. lnsuredfor 517.1million "The government is known I DaytonaBeachCtub for br,ueaucracy not cusCondominium tomer senrice. But it does 800N.AtlanticAve., have a low'price," said Bill DaytonaBeach Newton, executive director of 7 stories, l7 units Florida Consumer Action lnsuredfor 55.46million Network. The Legislature has I OceansAtrium frozen Citizens' rates until 3023S.AtlanticAve., 2010. DaytonaBeachShores Policyholder suits over the 12stories, TSunits bad-faith issue have been setlnsuredfor 59.6million tled or resolved, so state court jufues have yet to rnalre a fiI OceansAtrium One 3013S.AtlanticAve., nal nrling on the central question of Citizens' immuniDaytonaBeachShores 12stories,78 units ty as a government entity lnsuredfor 59.92million Last y€ar, the Legislature amended one of three state laws dealing with the badcausedthe damage evident at faith mattex, but the com- . the condominium. Wind pres- pany's status remains',unsure and the actual,'move- clearbecausethe stattrtesare ment of the building caused conflicting. the exterior stucco to crack and warped the sliding glass JuliePatelof the (Fortl"audedale) doors, which then allowed SunSentinelontributedto thisrcport. driving rains to get inside the ludmillalelison bercaded \ building. . at llelis@odandosentinel.om It will be up to the jury to ' or 386253-$64.