IIS - New to AxCMS.net?


IIS - New to AxCMS.net?
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration
Table Of Contents
- Files & Permissions
- IIS (Internet Information Server)
- IIS 5.x
- IIS 6.0
- IIS 7.x
- SQL Server
- Application Configuration
- Management System
- Live System
- Publish Service
- AxCMS.Service
- IFilters
- Exception Management
- Active Directory
- WebDAV
- IIS7
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration
Configuring AxCMS.net and its components
This chapter describes how to configure AxCMS.net and its components. In particular:
• Copying files and setting up files system permissions
• Setting up Internet Information Server (IIS)
• Setting up a database in MS SQL Server
• Configuring AxCMS.net applications (web.config for Management System, Live System and Publish Service)
• Configuring AxCMS.Service
• Exception Management
• Active Directory (or generally LDAP)
• WebDAV
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > Files & Permissions
Files & Permissions
Which permissions are needed for which setup.
Automated Installation
C:\Projects\AxCMS_Sample\Resources_Sample\Deploy folder contains CreateIIS.bat script which you can use for automated
creation/recreation of IIS Virtual Directories and defining required permissions for publish /upload folders. You should run it as
If you get errors (not warnings) during the install, proceed with manual installation.
Manual Installation
The whole tree must be available for read for the Web-Applications. It is enough for the most of the functionality. But there are 2
folders, where the AxCMS.net writes at runtime: /publish and /upload. These folders exist in both Management System and Live
System. These folders require Modify-permissions for the respective Application Pool user account. If you write your exceptions to
a file, the same permissions-consideration applies to this file.
The problem is: it is not always simple to know, under which account your web application runs, by default it is:
Under IIS 5 it is mostly ASPNET local user. Give modify-permission directly to this user for the two folders above.
Under IIS 6 web application could run under Network Service or IWAM_ComputerName. Both of the accounts are members of
the local group IIS_WPG. Give permissions to this group, rather than to particular user accounts. Actual user of the web application
is determined by application pool, where application runs. If you have changed your application pools, make sure you set the
proper permissions for application pool users.
Under IIS 7 your web applications run by default under NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE account. Custom defined AppPool
accounts are kept under IIS_USERS group. Give approporiate permissions to publish and upload folders.
For granting modify permissions to ApplicationPoolIdentity You can use icacls command, eg: icacls
C:\Projects\AxCMS_Sample\AxCMSwebLive_Sample\publish /grant "IIS APPPOOL\POOL NAME HERE":(OI)(CI)(M)
Note: that added user must be under local PC and never under domain.
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > Files & Permissions
Active Directory
If you use Active Directory to authentication your user in Management System, you have to pay more attention to permissions. With
Active Directory enabled every user access the server with its own identity. Thus every user accessing AxCMS.net must have
modify permissions for publish/ and upload/ folders. (It is practical to create groups of users and give permissions to these
If you suddenly get "access denied" exceptions, first try to delete the file requested from the publish-folder. It mostly solves the
particular case. Then check the permissions of the complaining user.
External Links
Security in Microsoft IIS by Martin C. Brown, Don Jones
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > Files & Permissions
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server)
Here you can find detailed description for installing AxCMS_Sample on any platform of Internet Information Services (IIS).
So choose your system and begin with installation
• Windows XP Professional, Windows 2000 or Windows XP Media Center Edition then proceed IIS 5.x
• Windows Server 2003 32/64 or Windows XP x64 Edition then proceed IIS 6.0
• Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows Server 7 then proceed IIS 7.x
Automated Installation
C:\Projects\AxCMS_Sample\Resources_Sample\Deploy folder contains CreateIIS.bat script which you can use for automated
creation/recreation of IIS Virtual Directories. You should run it as Administrator. All you need before is installed IIS
with ASP.NET.
If you get errors (not warnings) during the install, proceed with manual installation.
Common steps for manual installation
Create following virtual directories in the default web site on your computer:
• AxCMSweb_Sample (for Management System)
• AxCMSwebLive_Sample (for Live System)
• AxCMSPublishService_Sample (for Publishing Service)
Virtual directories must point to the folders with the same names under the root folder.
Allow running scripts in these directories.
Under Directory security turn on Anonymous access for all the virtual directories.
For AxCMSweb_Sample and AxCMSwebLive_Sample create a mapping for the extension .Sample to aspnet_isapi.dll of
Framework 2.0.
Under AxCMSweb_Sample and AxCMSwebLive_Sample create a virtual subdirectory templates pointing to the folder
AxCMSTemplates_Sample. Repeat these procedures under AxCMSweb_Sample/publish and AxCMSwebLive_Sample/publish (so
you have 4 virtual directories templates all pointing to the folder AxCMSTemplates_Sample). Remove Web-Application from these
virtual directories.
Please ensure that default documents are allowed and that default.aspx as entry exists for both AxCMSweb_Sample and
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 5.x
Getting Started under IIS 5.x
Installing IIS folders...
Installing IIS 5.x
1. Platforms
2. About IIS 5
3. Installing IIS 5.x
4. Installing ASP.NET 2.0
Installing AxCMS_Sample IIS directories
1. Automated installation
2. Creating virtual directories
3. Directory Security
4. Microsoft .NET Framework
5. Custom Extension
6. Set Default Document
7. Templates Directory
8. Silverlight MIME types
Installing IIS 5.x
IIS 5 - is associated with Windows 2000 (all versions)
IIS 5.1 - is associated with Windows XP Professional or Windows XP Media Center Edition
• Go to Start » Control Panel
if you are using Classic style menu, go to Start » Settings » Control Panel
• Double Click on Add or Remove Programs icon
• Click on Add/Remove Windows Components
• Windows Components Wizard appears; tick Internet Information Services (IIS) as shown. Then OK and Next
Installing ASP.NET 2.0
AxCMS.net 9 has been developed for .NET Framework Versions 3.5 SP1. There is no such application type in IIS because
ASP.NET 3.5 is enhancement of ASP.NET 2.0 and it is still based on the ASP.NET 2.0 core fundamental. So it is possible only
to install ASP.NET 2.0 in IIS that you should do.
Type in command prompt window (start - run - cmd)
• C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis /i
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 5.x
Try to open http://localhost If you are succeeded with installation you will see Under Construction page as below:
Installing AxCMS_Sample IIS directories
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 5.x
Automated Installation
C:\Projects\AxCMS_Sample\Resources_Sample\Deploy folder contains CreateIIS.bat script which you can use for automated
creation/recreation of IIS Virtual Directories. All you need before is installed IIS 5 and configured ASP.NET that was described
If you get errors (not warnings) during the install, proceed with manual installation that is described below.
Creating Virtual Directories
Open Internet Information Services (IIS) from Start - Control Panel - Administrative Tools and create following virtual
directories in the default web site on your computer:
• AxCMSweb_Sample
• AxCMSwebLive_Sample
• AxCMSPublishService_Sample
Virtual directories must point to the folders with the same names under the root folder.
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 5.x
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 5.x
Directory Security
Configuration of directory security depends on whether you want to use Active Directory integration or not.
If not, you must let anonymous access for IIS. The AxCMS.net uses its own user-authentication based on HTML-Formsauthentication. In some operations systems (e.g. Windows 2000) anonymous access is allowed per default, in some other (e.g.
Windows XP, Windows 2003) not. Please allow anonymous access to Management System, to Live System and to Publish
If you want to use Active Directory Integration, enable Integrated Windows Authentication, and disable Anonymous access
(if anonymous access is enabled, Integrated Windows Authentication is ignored). Active Directory is only relevant for Management
System. For the Live System and PublishService Anonymous Access is necessary.
You find these options in Internet Service Manager under „Directory Security".
Microsoft .NET Framework
AxCMS.net 9 has been developed for .NET Framework Versions 3.5 SP1. There is no such application type in IIS because
ASP.NET 3.5 is enhancement of ASP.NET 2.0 and it is still based on the ASP.NET 2.0 core fundamental. So you should choose
ASP.NET 2.0 as runtime environment.
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 5.x
Custom Extension
The mapping for your page extension is entered in IIS (at Home Directory / Configuration).
• For AxCMS_Sample it is by default .Sample
• For AxCMS_PremiumSample it is .AxCMS
You can define this extension yourself. Then your pages are called for example http://company/Homepage.Sample. You have to
enter the extension for the two applications AxCMSweb_Sample and AxCMSwebLive_Sample.
Easiest way is to copy aspnet_isapi.dll path from *.aspx handler.
The checkbox „Check that file exists“ must not be checked as the files doesn’t really exist respectively the files will be created onthe-fly by the CMS HttpHandler.
HINT: Be careful in changing proposed extension ".Sample" to your custom extension. Then you must also change extension in
ALL configs and run StartCreate.bat once again, that pages in cms are created with new extension.
Note: There is a bug in this dialogue within the IIS, which does possibly not permit to press the OK button. Should you come across
it close the dialogue and then open it again. Enter the path to the aspnet_isapi.dll, enter the extension and click the OK button. In
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 5.x
this sequence it works.
Please map your custom extension to aspnet_isapi.dll of Framework 2.0.
Set default document
Please ensure that default documents are allowed and that default.aspx as entry exists for both AxCMSweb_Sample and
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 5.x
Templates directory
The Management System and the Live System have to access the custom development (AxCMSTemplates_Sample). Therefore it
is needed to create virtual directories "templates" that point to folder "AxCMSTemplates_Sample".
Under AxCMSweb_Sample and AxCMSwebLive_Sample create a virtual subdirectory templates pointing to the folder
AxCMSTemplates_Sample. Repeat these procedures under AxCMSweb_Sample/publish and
AxCMSwebLive_Sample/publish (so you have 4 virtual directories templates all pointing to the folder
Remove Web-Application from these virtual directories.
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 5.x
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 5.x
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 5.x
NOTE: If you setup AxCMS_PremiumSample and get 403 error after the setup while clicking "banner" or "recommend page"
module, you may need to tick also Run scripts (such as ASP) for templates Virtual Directory under the Live Environment.
Silverlight MIME types
Microsoft® SilverlightTM is a cross-browser, cross-platform plug-in for delivering the next generation of .NET based media
experiences and rich interactive applications for the Web. Silverlight supports fast, cost-effective delivery of high-quality video to all
major browsers running on the Mac OS or Windows.
There are 3 MIME types required for AxCMS.net 9
• .xaml
• .xap
• .xbap
To add the MIME types do next:
1. Go to Start\Administrative Tools and run Internet Information Services
2. Expand Web Sites tree and navigate appropriate AxCMS site(s). In our case it is "Default Web Site" Right click on the site name
and select "Properties", see figure below:
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 5.x
3. In the Properties dialog click the "HTTP headers" from the upper menu and there "File Types".
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 5.x
4. In the "File Types" Dialog, click the "New Type" button.
5. In the "File Type" Dialog enter one MIME Type at the time:
• .xap
• .xaml
• .xbap
see figure below:
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 6.0
Getting Started under IIS 6.0
Installing IIS folders...
Installing IIS 6.0
1. Platforms
2. Installing IIS 6.0
3. Installing ASP.NET 2.0
Installing AxCMS_Sample IIS directories
1. Automated Installation
2. Creating virtual directories
3. Directory Security
4. Microsoft .NET Framework
5. Application Pool
6. Custom Extension
7. Set Default Document
8. Templates Directory
9. Silverlight MIME types
Installing IIS 6.0
Windows Server 2003 32 or 64 bit
Windows XP x64 Edition
Installing IIS 6.0
Before begin, make sure you have your Windows installation CD. If you received your computer from an OEM who did not provide
you with an installation CD, contact them to find out where on your computer the original install files are stored.
• Go to Start » Control Panel
if you are using Classic style menu, go to Start » Settings » Control Panel
• Double Click on Add or Remove Programs icon
• Click on Add/Remove Windows Components
• Windows Components Wizard appears. If you have Windows XP x64 then tick Internet Information Services (IIS), if you have
Windows Server 2003 then tick Application Server as shown on picture. Then OK and Next
• C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis /i
if you have 64 bit system, then C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis /i
After install you should enable ASP.NET 2.0 under Web Service Extensions (only for IIS 6)
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 6.0
Try to open http://localhost If you succeeded with installation you will see Under Construction page as below:
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 6.0
Installing AxCMS_Sample IIS directories
Automated Installation
C:\Projects\AxCMS_Sample\Resources_Sample\Deploy folder contains CreateIIS.bat script which you can use for automated
creation/recreation of IIS Virtual Directories. All you need before is installed IIS 6 and configured ASP.NET that was described
If you get errors (not warnings) during the install, proceed with manual installation that is described below.
Creating Virtual Directories
Open Internet Information Services (IIS) from Start - Control Panel - Administrative Tools and create following virtual
directories in the default web site on your computer:
• AxCMSweb_Sample
• AxCMSwebLive_Sample
• AxCMSPublishService_Sample
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 6.0
Virtual directories must point to the folders with the same names under the root folder.
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 6.0
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 6.0
Directory Security
Configuration of directory security depends on whether you want to use Active Directory integration or not.
If not, you must let anonymous access for IIS. The AxCMS.net uses its own user-authentication based on HTML-Formsauthentication. In some operations systems (e.g. Windows 2000) anonymous access is allowed per default, in some other (e.g.
Windows XP, Windows 2003) not. Please allow anonymous access to Management System, to Live System and to Publish
If you want to use Active Directory Integration, enable Integrated Windows Authentication, and disable Anonymous access
(if anonymous access is enabled, Integrated Windows Authentication is ignored). Active Directory is only relevant for Management
System. For the Live System and PublishService Anonymous Access is necessary.
You find these options in Internet Service Manager under „Directory Security".
Microsoft .NET Framework
AxCMS.net 9 has been developed for .NET Framework Versions 3.5 SP1. There is no such application type in IIS because
ASP.NET 3.5 is enhancement of ASP.NET 2.0 and it is still based on the ASP.NET 2.0 core fundamental. So you should choose
ASP.NET 2.0 as runtime environment.
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 6.0
Application Pool
If you are using different .NET Framework Versions in IIS 6, make sure to keep the 1.1 Versions in a different Application Pool as
the 2.0 Versions:
In your IIS Manager go to the Server > Application Pools. Right click there, select New > Application Pool...
Choose a name, e.g. "Framework_2_0" and select default settings.
In your website and virtual directory right click and choose Properties. Go to the tab Home Directory. In the Application Pool
dropdown select your newly created application pool. Click OK.
Repeat this step for all 2.0 Framework based applications.
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 6.0
Custom Extension
The mapping for your page extension is entered in IIS (at Home Directory / Configuration).
• For AxCMS_Sample it is by default .Sample
• For AxCMS_PremiumSample it is .AxCMS
You can define this extension yourself. Then your pages are called for example http://company/Homepage.Sample. You have to
enter the extension for the two applications AxCMSweb_Sample and AxCMSwebLive_Sample.
Please map your custom extension to aspnet_isapi.dll of Framework 2.0.
For 32 bit system: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll
For 64 bit system: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll
Easiest way is to copy aspnet_isapi.dll path from *.aspx handler.
The checkbox „Verify that file exists“ must not be checked as the files doesn’t really exist respectively the files will be created onthe-fly by the CMS HttpHandler.
HINT: Be careful in changing proposed extension ".Sample" to your custom extension. Then you must also change extension in
ALL configs and run StartCreate.bat once again, that pages in cms are created with new extension.
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 6.0
Note: There is a bug in this dialogue within the IIS, which does possibly not permit to press the OK button. Should you come across
it close the dialogue and then open it again. Enter the path to the aspnet_isapi.dll, enter the extension and click the OK button. In
this sequence it works.
Set default document
Please ensure that default documents are allowed and that default.aspx as entry exists for both AxCMSweb_Sample and
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 6.0
Templates directory
The Management System and the Live System have to access the custom development (AxCMSTemplates_Sample). Therefore it
is needed to create virtual directories "templates" that point to folder "AxCMSTemplates_Sample".
Under AxCMSweb_Sample and AxCMSwebLive_Sample create a virtual subdirectory templates pointing to the folder
AxCMSTemplates_Sample. Repeat these procedures under AxCMSweb_Sample/publish and
AxCMSwebLive_Sample/publish (so you have 4 virtual directories templates all pointing to the folder
Remove Web-Application from these virtual directories.
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 6.0
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 6.0
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 6.0
NOTE: If you setup AxCMS_PremiumSample and get 403 error after the setup while clicking "banner" or "recommend page"
module, you may need to tick also Run scripts (such as ASP) for templates Virtual Directory under the Live Environment.
Silverlight MIME types
Microsoft® SilverlightTM is a cross-browser, cross-platform plug-in for delivering the next generation of .NET based media
experiences and rich interactive applications for the Web. Silverlight supports fast, cost-effective delivery of high-quality video to all
major browsers running on the Mac OS or Windows.
There are 3 MIME types required for AxCMS.net 9
• .xaml
• .xap
• .xbap
To add the MIME types do next:
1. Go to Start\Administrative Tools and run IIS Manager
2. Right click on the server name and select "Properties", see figure below:
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 6.0
3. In the Properties Dialog, click on the "MIME Types" button.
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 6.0
4. In the "MIME Types" Dialog, click the "New" button.
5. In the "MIME Type" Dialog enter one MIME Type at the time:
• .xap
• .xaml
• .xbap
see figure below:
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 7.x
Getting Started under IIS 7.x
Installing IIS folders...
Installing IIS 7.x on Windows Vista / 7
1. Platforms
2. Windows Editions Supported
3. Requirements
4. To Install IIS 7.x on Windows Vista / Windows 7
Installing IIS 7.x on Windows Server 2008 / Windows Server 7
1. Platforms
2. Requirements
3. To Install IIS 7.x on Windows Server 2008 / 7
Installing AxCMS_Sample IIS directories
1. Automated Installation
2. Creating Virtual Directories
3. Authentication
4. Custom Extension
5. Set default document
6. Templates directory
7. Silverlight MIME types
Installing IIS 7.x on Windows Vista / 7
By default, IIS 7.x is not installed on Windows Vista / 7. You can install IIS 7.0 by using the "Turn Windows features on or off".
• IIS 7.0 - Windows Vista (Home Premium, Business, Enterprise, Ultimate Editions)
• IIS 7.5 - Windows 7 (Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate Editions)
Windows Editions Supported
The Windows Vista / 7 Starter, Home Editions are targeted at home and personal users who do not have the need to perform
application or web development. IIS 7 Web Server and FTP Server features are not available on these editions. However, if you
look closely you will notice specific components of IIS 7 that can be installed on these Editions. Please note, however, that
installing these components will not provide a web server that supports static content, Classic ASP, or ASP.NET.
Make sure you have installed one of the supported editions of Windows Vista before proceeding.
• Windows Vista Home Premium
• Windows Vista Ultimate
• Windows Vista Business
• Windows Vista Enterprise
• Windows 7 Home Premium
• Windows 7 Professional
• Windows 7 Enterprise
• Windows 7 Ultimate
• Administrative Credentials
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 7.x
You must be a member of the following IIS administrative role or roles to perform this procedure:
• Web Server Administrator
To Install IIS 7.x on Windows Vista / 7
1. Click Start and then click Control Panel.
2. In Control Panel, click Programs and then click Turn on or off Windows features.
3. In the Windows Features dialog box, click Internet Information Services (wor Windows 7) or World Wide Web Services (for
Windows Vista) and then click OK.
4. Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 with WCF should be added from Turn on or off Windows features (for Windows 7).
5. IIS 6 Scripting tools are needed for automated installation. If you prefer complete all the steps manually, just leave it unticked.
Open the tree and make sure next checkboxes are checked
Installing IIS 7.x on Windows Server 2008 (R2)
By default, IIS 7.x is not installed on Windows Server® 2008 (R2). You can install IIS 7.x by using the Add Roles Wizard in Server
• IIS 7.0 associated with Windows Server 2008
• IIS 7.5 associated with Windows Server 2008 R2 (Windows Server 7)
• Administrative Credentials
You must be a member of the following IIS 7.x administrative role or roles to perform this procedure:
• Server Administrator
To Install IIS 7.x on Windows Server 2008 / 7
1. Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Server Manager.
2. In Roles Summary, click Add Roles.
3. Use the Add Roles Wizard to add the Web Server (IIS) role.
4. IIS 6 Scripting tools are needed for automated installation. If you prefer complete all the steps manually, just leave it unticked.
Be sure next checkboxes checked
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 7.x
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 7.x
Try to open http://localhost If you succeeded with installation you will see Welcome page as below:
Installing AxCMS_Sample IIS directories
Automated Installation
C:\Projects\AxCMS_Sample\Resources_Sample\Deploy folder contains CreateIIS.bat script which you can use for automated
creation/recreation of IIS Virtual Directories. You should run it as Administrator. All you need before is installed IIS 7
with ASP.NET and IIS6 Scripting tools that was described above.
If you get errors (not warnings) during the install, proceed with manual installation that is described below.
Creating Virtual Directories
Open Internet Information Services (IIS) and create following Applications in the default web site on your computer:
• AxCMSweb_Sample
• AxCMSwebLive_Sample
• AxCMSPublishService_Sample
Virtual directories must point to the folders with the same names under the root folder.
AxCMS.net 9 is compatible with both IntegratedMode and Classic .NET AppPool. So you may left DefaultAppPool or create a
new Application Pool for AxCMS.net 9 application.
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 7.x
Configuration of directory security depends on whether you want to use Active Directory integration or not.
If not, you must let anonymous authentication for IIS. The AxCMS.net uses its own user-authentication based on HTML-Formsauthentication. In some operations systems (e.g. Windows 2000) anonymous access is allowed per default, in some other (e.g.
Windows XP, Windows 2003) not. Please allow anonymous access to Management System, to Live System and to Publish
If you want to use Active Directory Integration, enable Windows Authentication, and disable Anonymous authentication (if
anonymous access is enabled, Windows Authentication is ignored). Active Directory is only relevant for Management System.
For the Live System and PublishService Anonymous Access is necessary.
You find these options in under Authentication as shown below
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 7.x
Custom Extension
Please map your custom extension to aspnet_isapi.dll of Framework 2.0.
The mapping for your page extension is entered in IIS (at Home Directory / Configuration).
• For AxCMS_Sample it is by default .Sample
• For AxCMS_PremiumSample it is .AxCMS
You can define this extension yourself. Then your pages are called for example http://company/Homepage.Sample. You have to
enter the extension for two applications AxCMSweb_Sample and AxCMSwebLive_Sample.
• For 32 bit system: %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll
• For 64 bit system: %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll
Easiest way is to copy aspnet_isapi.dll path from *.aspx handler.
HINT: Be careful with changing proposed extension ".Sample" to your custom extension. Then you must also change extension in
ALL config files and run StartCreate.bat once again, that pages in CMS are created with new extension.
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 7.x
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 7.x
It will generate in Web.Config the next code:
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 7.x
<add name="AxCMS_Sample"
path="*.Sample" verb="*"
preCondition="classicMode,runtimeVersionv2.0,bitness64" />
Set default document
Please ensure that default documents are allowed and that default.aspx as entry exists for both AxCMSweb_Sample and
Templates directory
The Management System and the Live System have to access the custom development (AxCMSTemplates_Sample). Therefore it
is needed to create virtual directories "templates" that point to folder "AxCMSTemplates_Sample".
Under AxCMSweb_Sample and AxCMSwebLive_Sample create a virtual subdirectory templates pointing to the folder
AxCMSTemplates_Sample. Repeat these procedures under AxCMSweb_Sample/publish and
AxCMSwebLive_Sample/publish (so you have 4 virtual directories templates all pointing to the folder
NOTE: If you setup AxCMS_PremiumSample and get 403 error after the setup while clicking "banner" or "recommend page"
module, you may need to choose Add Application instead of Add Virtual Directory for templates Virtual Directory under the Live
Environment. It is also possible to convert it by right clicking on templates - Convert to Application.
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 7.x
Silverlight MIME types
Microsoft® SilverlightTM is a cross-browser, cross-platform plug-in for delivering the next generation of .NET based media
experiences and rich interactive applications for the Web. Silverlight supports fast, cost-effective delivery of high-quality video to all
major browsers running on the Mac OS or Windows.
All MIME types needed to support Silverlight are implemented by default in Windows Server 2008 / 7 IIS 7 and Windows Vista SP1
/ Windows 7. Windows Vista RTM customers can add mime types by running "IIS Manager", clicking on "Mime Types", then
clicking "add" and adding the following mime types:
• .xaml
• .xap
• .xbap
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > IIS (Internet Information Server) > IIS 7.x
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > SQL Server
Configuring SQL-Server
Automated Installation
The easiest and fastest way to create AxCMS.net databases is just to run the CreateDB.bat located by default under the path
NOTE: Under Windows Vista / 7 or Windows Server 2008 / 7 you need to run batch file as Administrator
If you get connection error then proceed with SQL Configuration and troubleshooting:
• SQL Express 2005 Installation
• SQL Express 2008 Installation
Manual Installation
Start SQL Server Management Studio (under Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 run as administrator) and create two
Databases: AxCMS_Sample and AxCMS_Live_Sample. The first one is for the Management System and the second one is for
the Live System.
In SQL Server Management Studio under Security/Logins create a user AxinomCMS, give it as password AxinomCMS1 (if you
change it, you have to change your web.config for Live and Management systems). Give this user access to both just created
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > SQL Server
databases and the roles db_reader and db_writer.
For the Management System run scripts from Components\DB\Create Scripts\CMS in this order:
1. CMS.Tables.sql
-- Database Schema
2. CMS.Constraints.sql
-- e.g. Foreign Keys
3. CMS.ViewsSPs.sql
-- Views and Stored Procedures
4. CMS.Grant.sql
5. CMS.Init.sql
-- EXECUTE permissions for SPs
-- Initial obligatory data for CMS
To enable multiple language interface for AxCMS.net (default UI language is german) run next three scripts from
Components\DB\Create Scripts\CMS\AxLanguage:
• AX.sql
• DE.sql
• EN.sql
• ET.sql
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > SQL Server
• RU.sql
For the Live System run scripts from Components\DB\Create Scripts\Live in this order:
1. Live.Tables.sql
-- Database Schema
2. Live.Constraints.sql
-- e.g. Foreign Keys
3. Live.ViewsSPs.sql
-- Stored Procedures
4. Live.Grant.sql
5. Live.Init.sql
-- EXECUTE permissions for SPs
-- Initial obligatory data for CMS
Note: if you changed the name of the database user, please change the files CMS.Grant.sql and Live.Grant.sql accordingly.
Alternatively you can manually give the user execute permission for all delivered stored procedures.
After that go to Resources_Sample\DB\Create folder and run located there scripts:
• Management.Tables.sql
• Live.Tables.sql
--run on AxCMS_Sample database
--run on AxCMS_Live_Sample database
Note: don't forget to allow SQL Server Authentication in your SQL Server. Go to properties of your SQL Server in SQL Server
Enterprise Manager, Security, Authentication and turn on "SQL Server and Windows". If it is set to "Windows only", AxCMS.net is
unable to login to SQL Server.
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > SQL Server
We recommend to use simple recovery model on AxCMS.net databases. This prevents the SQL transaction logs from growing if no
backups are scheduled. This can be set in SQL Management Studio – Database properties – Options – Recovery model.
If using full recovery model, scheduled transaction log backups are recommended. This will keep the size of transaction logs under
control. SQL Express 2005 Edition does not have support for Maintenance Plans and scheduled backups inside SQL server. This
is also why simple recovery model is recommended.
More information on transaction logs and recovery model can be obtained from http://support.microsoft.com/kb/873235/en-us
Recommended collation is: Latin1_General_CI_AS
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > SQL Server
Troubleshoot database connection
Please have a look on our troubleshoot page for that.
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > Application Configuration
Application Configuration
As any other ASP.NET-application the Axinom Enterprise CMS is configured with the help of the XML-file web.config.
Any application (Management System, Live System, PublicationService etc.) has its own web.config. Here the most important
settings of the web.config are explained. You will find an example of the web.config files in our attached sample application.
You have to rename all of them into web.config and place them in the root of the respective application. You might have to re-edit
the created files to adapt them to their environment.
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > Application Configuration > Management System
Management System
Most parameters are stored as keys in the section <appSettings>. They are briefly described below. You will find more information
at the respective places in the Axinom Developer Guide.
Sample Value
Server maintenance start time
23.12.2003 20:50:59
Server maintenance end time
23.12.2003 20:00:00
SMTP Server will send mails
Specifies the sender address for the
emails sent by the system (e.g. after
saving the tasks)
If you are in Management System or Live
System. Is only relevant for templates.
Always 1 in MS
Always 0 in LS
Connection String to CMS-Data base
Root directory of CMS-files
Root URL of the CMS web -server
Virtual directory of the CMS webserver
LiveSystemHostName 1)
Root URL of the LIVE webserver
LiveSystemVirtualPath 1)
Virtual directory of the LIVE webserver
Obsolete; available for compatibility
CMSApplicationHostName +
Obsolete, available for compatibility
CMSSystemRootDir +
Extension of the CMS-pages. Has to be
the same the HttpHandler is registered for .Sample
and entered into the IIS.
Path to Templates-Project
Virtual directory for the templates
Clipboard, pages are generated in before
Name of homepage. This page is linked
in the CMS as „Editor (WYSIWYG)“
This is the relative path to the style sheet
file used to display the style in the TextEditor. It starts at the top level of the
Path to License-file
If the SupportService is accessible online. on/off
Is used to identify the CMS-System. For
example for MailCenter (should be the
same like in the PublishService
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > Application Configuration > Management System
ActiveDirectory used or not
1 - used
0 - not
Assign users default roles and rights
1 - true
0 - false
Get profile information for users
1 - true
0 - false
Windows-Accountname for retrieving ADInfo
Password for the Windows-Accountname
used to retrieve AD-Info
Maximum allowed Description-field length
at an AxPage object (at dynamic property 100
Encrypt user passwords on Management
1 - true
0 - false
Encrypt user passwords on Live System
1 - true
0 - false
1) The CMS has to know the URL of the Live System only to generate links to the Live System.
Additionally you have to add the following section:
<location path="publish/preliminary">
<allow users="*"/>
If you use Windows-Authentication, change IIS settings to allow everybody to access the folder publish/preliminary.
Configuring Web-Services
AxCMS.net consumes some Web-wervices. All of them are to be configured the same way. Most of the services are hosted in the
AxCMSPublishService-application. The others are MailService, SupportService and WssService. You can also access additional
services from your Extras-application and reuse the same configuration pattern.
Here is a description of a service configuration, using WebQueryService as an example. Just replace the name and other
information to configure other service.
First, add section-description under configSections:
<section name="WebQueryService" type="Axinom.AECMS.Gateway.GatewayConfiguration, AxCMS.BL" />
The section itself looks like this:
<WebQueryService type="WebService">
<Timeout>30</Timeout> <UseWSE>true</UseWSE>
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > Application Configuration > Management System
Url - points to the asmx-file of the web-serivce
Timeout - web-service timeout in seconds
UseWSE - true/false - if WSE should be used to access the service. If set to true, Username and Password have to be specified
as well - credentials for WSE. Web-service must also support WSE and WSE3 must be installed on both - client and server. Read
more under Securing AxCMS.
Proxy - address of your web-proxy, if one is used. Optional. If the proxy requires username and password, they can be specified
under ProxyUsername and ProxyPassword.
There are the following CMS clients in the MS application:
• WebQueryService (WebQueryService.asmx) allows to execute any queries on the live system from anywhere. You can use
ExecuteDataTable and ExecuteNonQuery methods.
The service of this proxy is hosted in the AxCMSPublishService application.
• PublishWebService (PublishWebService.asmx) is responsible for publishing of objects of all kinds.
This client will be configured as part of a PublishAgent.
The service of this proxy is hosted in the AxCMSPublishService application.
• ReIndexWebService (IndexWebService.asmx) is responsible for indexing on the LS.
This client will be configured as part of a PublishAgent. The service of this proxy is hosted in the AxCMSPublishService
• IpRuleService (IpRuleWebService.asmx) is provided to be able to manage IP authentication data stored in the LS
from the management system. It was developed before the generic WebQueryService and
could be recycled if the management logic will be reimplemented using WebQueryService.
The service of this proxy is hosted in the AxCMSPublishService application.
• UserService (UserWebService.asmx) is responsible for classification and right management of live users. The service of this
proxy is hosted in the AxCMSPublishService application.
• MailService (MailCenterWebService.asmx) provides means to send and manage bulk emails using the AxCMS.net MailCenter
The service of this proxy is NOT normally hosted in the AxCMSPublishService application,
but somewhere else as a standalone web application.
• SupportService (http://support.axinom.de/WebSuiteService.asmx) is responsible for a context sensitive help of CMS user
interface. You are not
supposed to call this service from the customer specific code.
The service of this proxy is hosted by the Axinom GmbH.
• WssService (http://wss.yoursharepoint.com/wss/_vti_bin/AxinomWSS.asmx) is used to integrate AxCMS.net with Microsoft
The IWssService interface is subject to changes in the future, don't use it unless you absolutely have to. The service if this proxy
is hosted together with the sharepoint web application.
Support Service
The SupportService of Axinom delivers dynamic help for any CMS page and informs you about news in the AxCMS.net. To get this
service working, your CMS application must have direct internet access. If this is not the case you can disable the service (see the
key "SupportService" above). If the service is not available, the local help is displayed, which may no longer be complete and
possibly also not up to date anymore.
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > Application Configuration > Management System
AxCMS.net offers functionality for setting up IP-address based authentication to live system's users. One should configure IP-rules
for that. GUI in MS communicates with the Live System through IpRuleWebService. More details under IP-address Based Live
AxCMS.net users can manage live users (members). As user information is placed in the Live-System, communication has to be
done via a web service.
How the Management System publishes its content to the Live System is configured using PublishAgents.
It is possible to define multiple agents in the same time
and publish simultenously to multiple Live Systems. Publishing configuration looks like this:
<PublishAgent mode="off" type="InProcess" />
<PublishAgent mode="on" type="WebService">
<PublishWebService type="WebService">
<ReIndexWebService type="WebService">
Mode (on/off) lets temporary turn off one or many publish agents. Only the agents with mode=on are taken into account during
Type of a publish agent can be InProcess or WebService. InProcess is to be used, if the Live System runs on the same server like
Management System.
WebService - if Live System is installed remotely and Web-Services are used to access it.
If you use InProcess-publish-agent, you don't need any additional configuration for the agent itself, but you have to define
PublishService-section in the same web.config, because the PublishService is hosted in this case in the ManagementSystem and
not in the AxCMSPublishService-application.
See also Configuring Publish Service.
If you use WebService, you have to specify 2 standard Web-Service sections in your publish agent: for PublishWebService and
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > Application Configuration > Live System
Live System
Settings of the Live System:
Sample Value
Mails can be sent via the SMTP server
Specifies the sender address for the
emails sent by the system (e.g. after
saving the tasks)
If you are in MS or in LS. Relevant for
templates only.
Always 1 in MS
Always 0 in LS
Connection String to the Live-data base
UID=AxinomCMS; PWD=topsecret
root directory of the LIVE files
root URL of the LIVE Web Server
virtual directory of the LIVE Web Server
root URL of the LIVE Web Server
root directory of the LIVE files
virtual directory of the LIVE Web Server
Extension of the CMS-pages. Has to be
the same the HttpHandler is registered for .Sample
and entered into the IIS.
Path to Templates-Projek
Clipboard, pages are generated in before
Name of homepage. This page is linked
in the CMS as „Editor (WYSIWYG)“.
Path to the License-file
The Login-page (for SitePermission
The NoAccess-page (for SitePermission
Path to default 404 Page Not Found error
page, if you want to customize it.
Redirect response on/off.
1 - on
0 - off
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > Application Configuration > Publish Service
Publish Service
For the Publish Service the following keys are relevant in the appSettings-Section:
Sample Value
Connection String to the Live-database
root URL of the LIVE Web Server
virtual directory of the LIVE Web Server
Extension of the CMS-pages. Has to be
the same the HttpHandler is registered for .Sample
and entered into the IIS.
Clipboard, pages are generated in before
Path to PublishDir through IIS virtual
When publishing the PublishService for publication of the Management System you need this section:
When using the SecureWebService you need this section in addition, where you can define which user can access your services.
<add key="Publisher" value="CmsHelpPublisher1"/>
<add key="Administrator" value="CmsHelpAdministrator1"/>
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > AxCMS.Service
Installation and configuration of the AxCMS.Service
There’s need to do something in background in both AxCMS.net and custom project. This applies to time-consuming tasks (like
making snapshots of the pages), regular scheduled tasks (like reporting), etc. The goal of AxCMS.Service is to provide unified way
for executing tasks in background for both AxCMS.net and custom projects.
There are some default tasks, tah AxCMS.Service provides:
IndexTextTask - this tasks performs text indexing. It is added automatically on page or document saving or publishing. Task
parameters have format of Field=IndexedText, e.g. Name=Page1. ElementID and ElementType must also present to associate the
index with the element.
IndexFileTask - this task perfoms file indexing. It is added automatically on page or document saving or publishing. The task is
basically the same as IndexTextTask, but it retrieves the text from the supplied file name. The task relies on Microsoft IFilter
technology for getting the file text to index. Read more about IFilters here.
NewsletterQueueTask - this task performs customizing and sending of the newsletters. It replaces NewsletterSyndicationService
used before. Task parameters have format of NumberOfNewslettersToSend,ResourceManagerToUse, e.g. 1,LIVE.
CmsActivity - CmsActivity and all its children implement now IServiceTask interface and thus can be scheduled. Before they were
scheduled with Background executor. Task parameter is serialized instance of CmsActivity itself.
EmailGateway - this task performs checking of the specified mailbox, getting mails out of it, processing them and deleting them.
This task does not do anything, but publishes the mail with ExceptionManager. You should inherit from this task and override
ProcessMail method, which is called for every message. Task parameter is connection string to the mailbox, in format
AxTaskEmailGateway - implementation of EmailGateway. This task checks the e-mails coming to the specified mailbox and
creates AxCMS.net tasks out of them. You should schedule it same way as any e-mail gateway task. To assign a AxCMS.net task
to an user, send this user an e-mail with CC to the mailbox of this task. To: field will become owner of the task, From: field will
become creator of the task, Subject: will become title of the task and message body will be the task description. Both owner and
creator e-mails must match e-mails in their AxCMS.net user profile.
AxDocumentEmailGateway - implementation of EmailGateway. This task checks the e-mails coming to the specified mailbox and
creates AxCMS.net documents from mail attachments. You should schedule it same way as any e-mail gateway task. To upload a
document to AxCMS.net, send the e-mail with a document attached to mailbox of this task. All attachments of the mail will be
uploaded as documents in AxCMS.net, attachment name will become document title, mail subject will become document caption
and mail body will become document description, user who sent the e-mail will become author of the document. User e-mail must
match e-mail in AxCMS.net user profile. Note: only binary files will be accepted by AxDocumentEmailGateway.
You can schedule a task by inserting a row into the database, e.g.
INSERT INTO [AxServiceTask]
Installing AxCMS.Service
1. Copy the AxCMS.Service folder from the installation media to any location on your computer, e.g. C:\Program
2. Open this folder and run register.bat.
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > AxCMS.Service
3. Configure the AxCMS.Service how described in the next paragraph.
4. Open the Control Panel, go to the Administration Tools, open the Services applet, find the AxCMS.Service there and click the
"Start Service"-button.
5. The AxCMS.Service should now run and manage your background tasks.
AxCMS.Service will have its own configuration file AxCMS.Service.exe.config. You should declare all the service instances to run:
<ServiceInstance name="AxCMSweb_MS">
<Context path="/AxCMSweb" site="Default Web Site"/>
<Settings threadCount="5" sleepTime="60" errorSleepTime="3600" />
<ServiceInstance name="AxCMSweb_LS">
<Context path="/AxCMSwebLive" site="Default Web Site"/>
<Settings threadCount="5" sleepTime="60" errorSleepTime="3600" />
When using custom sites You should declare instances as following, eg:
<ServiceInstance name="AxCMSweb_MS">
<Context path="/" site="MYCOMPANY - cms.mycompany.de"/>
<Settings threadCount="5" sleepTime="60" errorSleepTime="3600" />
<ServiceInstance name="AxCMSweb_LS">
<Context path="/" site="MYCOMPANY - www.mycompany.de"/>
<Settings threadCount="5" sleepTime="60" errorSleepTime="3600" />
Context element determines the configuration context of the instance. Set the site to the CMS site to be monitored and path to the
virtual path of the system.
Settings element sets various settings of the instance:
* threadCount is the number of threads to create for each task
* sleepTime is the amount of seconds to wait between trying to execute next set of tasks
* errorSleepTime is the amount of seconds to wait if critical error has occured (e.g. DB is not accessible).
Exception publisher also has to be defined for logging the exceptions occured during task execution. If you use
ExceptionPublisherMail, you also have to add appSettings section with SmtpServer key.
<add key="SmtpServer" value="mail.axinom.de" />
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > AxCMS.Service
NB! AxCMS.Service version must be the same as instance.
Uninstalling AxCMS.Service
Run unregister.bat under AxCMS.Service directory where from you installed it previously. Make sure that the name in .bat file is the
same as the service name.
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > AxCMS.Service > IFilters
IFilters are required for IndexFileTask to retrieve content of the files to index. This allows searching by keywords inside those files.
You can read about IFilters and download them here - http://www.ifilter.org/. Note that not all IFilters can work from managed code
and thus it is not guaranteed that AxCMS.net will be able to index file contents even if you have IFilter installed.
Installation of IFilters
1. HTML IFilter
1.1. Click Start, click Run, and type regsvr32.exe %windir%\System32\nlhtml.dll
1.2. Click OK
2. PDF IFilter
2.1 Since Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0.5, IFilter functionality is bundled with the package and installation of Acrobat Reader will
install the respecting IFilter also.
2.2 It is also possible to install an Adobe PDF IFilter without Acrobat Reader. The list of currently available Adobe IFilters is
available here:
• IFilter 5.0 - http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=1276
Please note, that when installing IFilter 5.0, you must perform the followins steps afterwards:
* Click Start, click Run, type "Regedit.exe"
* Click "OK"
* Select HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT in tree on the right and click Find
* Type "pdffilt"
* Click "Find Next"
* When corresponding path is found, select "ThreadingModel" key and click "Modify"
* In the "Value data" text box, type "both"
* Click "OK"
• IFilter 6.0 - http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=2611
• IFilter 9.0 (for a 64-bit platform) - http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=4025
3. Visio IFilter
3.1. Download from Microsoft web site and install Visio 2003 IFilter.
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > Exception Management
Exception Management
To build successful and flexible applications that can be maintained and supported easily, you must adopt an appropriate strategy
for exception management. You must design your system to ensure that it is capable of the following:
• Detecting exceptions.
• Logging and reporting information.
• Generating events that can be monitored externally to assist system operation.
Spending the time at the beginning to design a clear and consistent exception management system frees you from having to piece
one together during development, or worse still, from having to retrofit exception handling back into an existing code base.
An exception management system should be well encapsulated and should abstract the details of logging and reporting from the
application's business logic. It should also be capable of generating metrics that can be monitored by operators to provide an
insight into the current health and status of the application. This helps to create an application that can quickly and accurately notify
operators of any problems it is experiencing, and can provide valuable information to assist developers and support services with
problem resolution.
Exception Management in AxCMS.net
As base for the Exception Management the Axinom Enterprise CMS uses the Exception Management Application Block by
Microsoft. Further details at Microsoft Developer Network (msdn.microsoft.com).
Should an exception occur and not be intercepted, the user receives a general error page (error.htm) and the exception information
is documented (“published”).
Configuration of the Exception-Management:
Several ExceptionPublishers are available to you, in addition you can develop (have them developed) your own
ExceptionPublishers. Standard setting is ExceptionPublisherFile.
Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.ExceptionManagement" />
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > Exception Management
Only the last Exception will be
Parameter: File
Note: Write access for the
ASPNET-User for the
mentioned file.
An E-Mail will be sent per
exception to an operator.
Parameter: Operator, Subject,
Note: SmtpServer has to be
set up correctly at AppSettings
Parameter: logName,
Note: Write access for
EventLog. Are usually
assigned by CMS-Installer. If
not, you can do it manually
with installutil.exe. You will find
an example in the CMS at
Any required method to
exceptions to the developers
I.e. save in a data base.
Obsolete, not any longer
With on/off the respective ExceptionPublisher can be switched on and off.
If a Messaging System like Microsoft Exchange is used, we recommend the ExceptionPublisherMail and a Public Folder as
address for the exceptions.
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > Exception Management
If the exceptions file was not stored:
Make sure that the ASPNET-User has write access for the mentioned file.
According to the web.config settings only the last Exception might be stored, to avoid that add overwrite="false"
If the exception mail was not sent:
Make sure that the SmtpServer has set up correctly at AppSettings
If your application throws a security exception, then something in your exception management is not configured well. AxCMS.net
then tries to write exception in Event Log. To be able to do this, it must be allowed. Please run following command in commandline
to allow writing in EventLog:
Please have a look in our forum too...
Use exception management in your AxCMS.net related application (importer, create application)
To be able to use our mail sending exception management you have to init smtp server in your application:
System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail.SmtpServer = CMSConfigurationSettings.SmtpServer;
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > Active Directory
Active Directory
The integration and configuration of Active Directory with AxCMS.net
The Concept
If the users of your Management System are managed with Active Directory, you can reduce the management efforts by
integrating AxCMS.net with Active Directory (AD). Using the integration you can manage user accounts and their authorization
information in Active Directory and AxCMS.net will automatically take advantage of this information.
To setup up AD integration:
• Import the AD groups you want to synchronize with into AxCMS.net
• Import users from these groups
• Setup the necessary roles and rights for the groups in AxCMS.net
• (optionally) Setup automatic synchronization with AD, so the changes in AD are visible in AxCMS.net
While using Active Directory it makes sense to switch to Windows Authentication so the users can profit from the Single Sign On
. Read more about it under Securing AxCMS.net.
Configuring Active Directory Integration
First of all you turn on Active Directory integration. It will allow you to import AD-groups into MS:
<!-- 0 is OFF, 1 is ON -->
<add key="ActiveDirectory" value="1" />
To access Active Directory you need to supply AxCMS.net with an user account which can access Active Directory. This user
needs no special permissions - just to access AD. You config this user in MS web.config like this:
<add key="ActiveDirectoryUserName" value="MyDomain\UserName" />
<add key="ActiveDirectoryUserPassword" value="password" />
<add key="ActiveDirectoryUserName" value="axinom\someemployee" />
<add key="ActiveDirectoryUserPassword" value="eeyolpmeemos" />
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > Active Directory
To take over the profiles of the Users from the AD to the AxCMS.net, you need to set ADProfile=1. If set to "0" user account is
synchronized with AxCMS.net but it's profile is not taken over. It allows you to manage user profiles in AxCMS.net independent
from Active Directory.
<add key="ADProfile" value ="1" />
To enable the automatical synchronization of AD users, profiles and group membership there are two possible ways: on demand
or scheduled.
On demand will start a synchronization each time a user logs in into MS (for this particular user). If authenticated user is not known
in MS yet, a new user profile is created in MS. If user's groups in AD changed, this changes are updated in MS. If the user was
removed from every synchonized AD-group, its profile is locked in MS. To activate on demand synchronization, add this key to the
<add key=“ADSyncMembershipOnLogin“ value=“1“ />
A disadvantage of the on demand approach is a small delay on login. To avoid it you can turn of on demand synchronization:
<add key=“ADSyncMembershipOnLogin“ value=“0“ />
And synchronize all user accounts as a scheduled task. For this schedule a task
Axinom.AECMS.UserManagement.ImportAxUsersFromADTask to run inside AxCMS.Service at least nightly. Read AxCMS.Service
to learn how how to schedule tasks with AxCMS.Service. Basically you add a record to AxServiceTask table.
Profile Fields Mapping
Here is a mapping of the fields in the AD Profile and AxCMS.net User Profile:
• Domain + "\" + SAMAccountName : Username
• givenName : FirstName
• sn : Name
• c : CountryCode
• l : City
• postalCode : Zip
• company : Company
• streetAddress : Street
• mail : EMail
• homePhone : Phone
• mobile : Mobile
• facsimileTelephoneNumber : Fax
• description : Comment
Setting Up Synchronized Groups in Management System
In MS go to Admin / User Groups. In the left column you will see a list of groups in AD. Select a group you want to synchronize
and click Add. A new user group is created in MS. It stores the AD-GUID for synchronization purpose.
Now you can give necessary roles and rights to the group. In group properties click on "Manage permissions" and give the roles
and rights as usual. All users in this group will inherit these permissions. The users will be imported from AD.
You can import users from selected groups ad hoc by clicking the "Import Users" button on the User Groups overview page. Every
user is imported only once, even it belongs to multiple groups. Passwords from AD are obviously not taken over. For a user to log
in into MS use Windows Authentication as described above. (Alternatively you can setup a password manually and login via Forms
Authentication.) You can user this "Import Users" button for manual AD-synchronization, but we recommend setting up automaticall
synchronization either on demand or scheduled as described above.
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > Active Directory
Active Directory Integration in Live System
Out-of-the box Active Directory integration is implemented only in Management System. Technically there is no problem to
implement AD integration also in Live System.
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > WebDAV
AxCMS.net and WebDAV
WebDAV installation
Create WebDAV virtual folder in IIS pointing to AxCMSWebDav directory of your CMS installation. Do not create WebDAV virtual
folder under existing CMS web sites or virtual folders.
1. Set following properties for this virtual folder:
1. Add wildcard application mapping to aspnet_isapi.dll
1. In IIS5, click Configuration - Mappings - Add. Set Executable path to
“C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll” and Extension to “.*”. Check “All verbs” and uncheck
“Check that file exists”
2. In IIS6, click Configuration - Mappings - Insert. Set Executable path to
“C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll” and uncheck “Verify that file exists”.
3. In IIS7, set your application pool to Classic .NET AppPool (or other application pool with classic managed pipeline mode), then
in Handler Mappings, Add Script Map, with Request path '*' and executable
“C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll”. In Request Restriction, Make sure "Invoke handler..." is
unchecked and All verbs is selected on Verbs tab.
2. Set proper access permissions
1. Go to Directory Security - Authentication and access control - Edit
2. If you plan to use AxCMS.net authentication for WebDAV, check “Enable anonymous access” and uncheck all other
authentication methods. Make sure anonymous access settings have the correct account assigned and Allow IIS to control
password checked.
3. If you plan to use Active Directory authentication for WebDAV check “Integrated Windows authentication” and uncheck all other
authentication methods and “Enable anonymous access”.
2. If you use IIS6, enable WebDAV in the IIS Manager (node Web Service Extensions) - this is needed so IIS responds to queries
with complete set of webdav commands. On IIS7, this option is located in WebDAV Authoring Rules, and there Enable
3. Go to AxCMSWebDav directory of your AxCMS.net installation and create web.config configuration file with at least following
contents (see an example web.config file below):
1. <appSettings> section
1. <add key="DBCONNSTRING" value="SERVER=(local);DATABASE=AxCMS;UID=AxinomCMS;PWD=AxinomCMS1" />
Put connection string to your AxCMS.net database here. Use the same value as in AxCMSWeb web.config.
2. <add key="DAVApplicationURL" value="http://your_computers_name/AxCMSwebDAV" />
Put URL to WebDAV virtual folder you created. URL should not end with / and should not be localhost
Since AxCMS.net 8.0, you should use another property:
<add key="DAVApplicationVirtualPath" value="/AxCMSwebDAV" />
Then you can use WebDav with any host header.
3. <add key="MediaServerRootDir" value="C:\projects\AxCMS\AxCMSweb" />
Put full path to AxCMSweb folder. Use the same value as in AxCMSWeb web.config.
4. <add key="CMSSystemRootDir" value="c:\Projects\AxCMS\AxCMSweb" />
Put the physical path to the AxCMS.net-installation directory. Use the same value as in AxCMSWeb web.config.
5. <add key="CMSApplicationVirtualPath" value="/AxCMSweb" />
Put the full virtual path to the AxCMS.net-application (if any). Use the same value as in AxCMSWeb web.config.
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > WebDAV
2. <system.web> section
1. If you plan to use AxCMS.net authentication for WebDAV, add following:
<authentication mode="None"></authentication
2. If you plan to use Active Directory authentication for WebDAV, add following:
<authentication mode="Windows"></authentication>
4. If you plan to use Active Directory authentication for WebDAV, set AxCMSWeb to use active directory and import active
directory users to AxCMS.net users.
5. Make sure users who may access WebDAV have a role to pass WebDavAccess checkpoint. Make sure users have appropriate
rights and roles for other WebDAV checkpoints.
6. Open Windows Explorer and try to open your WebDAV installation using UNC path, like \\webdavserver\webdavpath\. If you
are using Active Directory authentication for WebDAV and logged in into the same active directory, no password will be asked.
If you are not logged into active directory, enter your active directory username like DOMAIN\username and password. If you
are using AxCMS.net authentication for WebDAV, enter AxCMS\username and password.
How to setup WebDAV in a productive environment
In the productive environment you normally cannot create a virtual folder directly. You have to create a virtual site first.
Unfortunately you cannot place WebDAV virtual folder under the CMS virtual site. Windows Explorer seems to connect and to
authenticate itself to the host part of a WebDAV URL. The Forms authentication of a CMS web application will confuse it.
To install WebDAV on a productive environment do exactly the following:
1. Create a new empty directory AxCMSWebDAV_Dummy. Don't place any sensitive data in it.
2. Create a new virtual site with the home directory AxCMSWebDAV_Dummy. It should use some url other than your CMS url as
host header.
3. Allow anonymous authentication and disable all other authentication methods for that site.
4. Leave the default ASP.NET application created for you by the wizard, but make sure you have no execute permissions for it
(Execute Permissions: None).
5. If your CMS is based on ASP.NET 2.0, switch the version in the ASP tab to the 2.0 version and put the application into the
application pool for Framework 2.0 applications.
6. Add a virtual folder under that virtual site pointing to a AxCMSWebDAV directory with the AxCMSWebDAV application. Note:
the AxCMSWebDAV directory must not be under AxCMSWebDAV_Dummy on the harddrive.
7. Configure this virtual folder as described above.
8. Note that most probably trying to open the WebDAV folder configured this way from the same computer will not work. Use other
computer as client or set up your WebDAV folder in Default Web Site.
WebDAV installation troubleshooting
Follow the next steps to find out the reason of the problem:
1. Try to open WebDAV with usual browser by opening WebDAV URL, like http://webdavserver/webdavpath/. If the CMS
WebDAV application is normally functioning, you should get XML document with properties of the URL. If you can get the XML,
but you cannot access the share in Windows Explorer, most probably you've misconfigured the virtual site in the productive
environment (see "How to setup WebDAV in a productive environment" above).
2. Check exceptions in you exceptionManagment, you might have misconfigured paths to the system.
3. Try to monitor HTTP traffic between WebDAV client and WebDAV server. Check the requests of the client and responses of the
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > WebDAV
4. Don't forget you have to login as AxCMS\<username>, not just as <username>.
5. Do not rely on error messages returned by Windows Explorer or "net use" command. They are always misleading.
Again, see the point 2.
6. Make sure WebClient service is running on your client computer - it is required for Windows explorer to connect to webdav. For
Windows XP x64 and Windows 2003 you may need to install the Web Extender Client component - see this KB article.
7. Try to restart client computer to restart the web client service and its connection to Windows Explorer. Try to open another
webdav location to let Windows Explorer know about web client service.
Known limitations of WebDAV clients
1. WebDAV cannot be run as a separate website. There are problems with interpreting separate WebDAV websites by Windows
2. When WebDAV virtual folder is located under the site other than Default Web Site, it will not open from the same computer.
This is the problem of Windows Explorer.
3. Categories containing any of these symbols - \ / : * ? " < > | - prohibited file name symbols in Windows, will not display and
function correctly.
4. Windows Vista has problems opening Page shortcuts from WebDAV folder. You can map your WebDAV folder as network
drive as a workaround for this bug.
5. When deleting file or folder, even if error occurred and the item is not deleted, Windows Explorer removes it from the list. After
refresh it shows the item again, but doesn't allow any actions with it until the folder structure is completely refreshed.
6. These applications are known to have problems working with WebDAV in AxCMS.net:
• PhotoShop
• AutoCAD
Web.Config Example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.ExceptionManagement" />
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > WebDAV
value="SERVER=(local);DATABASE=AxCMS_MyDB;UID=MyUsername;PWD=MyPassword" />
<add key="DAVApplicationVirtualPath" value="/AxCMSwebDAV" />
<add key="MediaServerRootDir" value="C:\projects\AxCMS\AxCMSweb" />
<add key="CMSInstanceName" value="Entwicklungs-CMS" />
<add key="EncryptPasswordsMS" value="0" />
<add key="IsAxCMS" value="1"/>
<add key="CMSApplicationHostName" value="http://localhost" />
<add key="CMSSystemRootDir" value="C:\projects\AxCMS" />
<add key="CMSApplicationVirtualPath" value="/AxCMSweb" />
<add key="CmsExtension" value=".AxCMS" />
<add key="PublishDirectory" value="/publish" />
<authentication mode="None" />
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > WebDAV
maxRequestLength="500000" />
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > WebDAV > IIS7
Configuring AxCMSWebDav on IIS 7.x
Installing WebDAV 7.5 for IIS
• Installing for IIS 7.0
• Installing for IIS 7.5
Configuring AxCMSWebDAV
• AxCMSWebDAV Files
• web.config
• IIS Application
• WebDAV in a productive environment
• ISAPI application mapping
• Enabling WebDAV
• Testing WebDAV installation
• Accessing WebDAV folder
Installing WebDAV 7.5 for IIS
Installing for IIS 7.0
IIS 7.0 users (Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008) need to install WebDAV package additionally.
There are two separate downloadable packages for the new WebDAV extension module; you need to download the appropriate
package for your version of Windows:
• 32-bit Installation Package:
• WebDAV 7.5 for IIS 7.0 (x86)
• 64-bit Installation Package:
• WebDAV 7.5 for IIS 7.0 (x64)
You must run the installation package as an administrator.
For additional installation help please proceed to the official IIS 7 guide: http://learn.iis.net/page.aspx/350/installing-and-configuringwebdav-on-iis-70/
Installing for IIS 7.5
IIS 7.5 users (Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 (R2)) need to add WebDAV from Server Manager.
Go to Start - Server Manager, scroll down to Web Server (IIS) role and check whether you have WebDAV Publishing installed or
not. Otherwise click Add Role Services button.
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > WebDAV > IIS7
In the appeared Role Services window add WebDAV Publishing
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > WebDAV > IIS7
Configuring AxCMSWebDAV
AxCMSWebDav files
Ensure that you have AxCMSWebDav package under your AxCMS_PremiumSample folder
Under your AxCMSWebDav folder you should create web.config file. Here is example of working web.config for localhost (DEV)
If you use this sample config file, don't forget to take a look at its content. Maybe you should change Database connection string or
application URLs if you have non-standard AxCMS.net installations.
In the end of config file there is ISAPI module mapped, if your system is 32 bit you should replace
<add name="Script" path="*" verb="*" modules="IsapiModule" scriptProcessor="%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64
\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll" resourceType="Unspecified" requireAccess="None" preCondition="classicMode,runtimeVersionv2.0,
bitness64" />
<add name="Script" path="*" verb="*" modules="IsapiModule" scriptProcessor="%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework
\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll" resourceType="Unspecified" requireAccess="None" preCondition="classicMode,runtimeVersionv2.0,
bitness32" />
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > WebDAV > IIS7
IIS Application
Go to Internet Information Services (IIS) manager, right click on Default Web Site and create application like on pictures below:
Set application pool to Classic .NET AppPool (or other application pool with classic managed pipeline mode).
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > WebDAV > IIS7
WebDAV in a productive environment
In the productive environment you normally cannot create a virtual folder directly. You have to create a virtual site first.
Unfortunately you cannot place WebDAV virtual folder under the CMS virtual site. Windows Explorer seems to connect and to
authenticate itself to the host part of a WebDAV URL. The Forms authentication of a CMS web application will confuse it.
if you need a whole Web Site for your WebDAV environment do next:
1. Create Web Site pointing to some location e.g. %SystemDrive%\inetpub\wwwroot
2. Under your Web Site create WebDAV Application pointing to C:\Projects\AxCMS_PremiumSample\AxCMSwebDAV
ISAPI application mapping
Go to Handler Mappings under your AxCMSWebDav application and add Wildcard Script Map with Request path "*" and
Executable "%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll" for 64 bit systems or
"%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll" for 32 bit systems
Enabling WebDAV
Under Web Site where you created AxCMSWebDav application enable WebDAV Authoring Rules
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > WebDAV > IIS7
Testing WebDAV Installation
To be sure you configured WebDAV correctly, try to open it in your browser. Login with user: AxCMS\axinom, password: axinom
(case sensitive). You should get XML like on picture:
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > WebDAV > IIS7
Accessing WebDAV folder
You should access WebDAV from client machine. You could get authorization error if you try to access WebDAV from the server
Go to your Internet Explorer browser. Expand File menu end choose Open. In the appeared window type the url of your WebDAV
(http://PCname/AxCMSWebDav) and tick Open As Web Folder.
Login with (login credential is case sensitive)
User: AxCMS\axinom
Password: axinom
AxCMS.net Help & Support Center > Installation & Configuration > Configuration > WebDAV > IIS7
After you should get opened web folder like on picture
If you are expecting problems with logging then refer help form Microsoft Knowledge Base: