Boghos Agassi - OKAPI World Art Gallery
Boghos Agassi - OKAPI World Art Gallery
H E T G O U D E N T I J D P E R K VA N O P E N I N G R E C E P T I O N 7 T H J U LY 2 0 1 6 E X H I B I T I O N P E R I O D J U LY- S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 celebrated by Born in 1964, Armenian Artist, Boghos Taslakian Aghassi, began painting and sculpting at a ver y young age. He enrolled at the Art College of Armenia in 1981 and later continued his education at the Academia di Belle Arti di Venezia in Venice. Currently based in Lebanon, Boghos Aghassi participated in several international exhibitions. His work can be described as gloomy and exhilarating, as well as proud and seductive. Aghassi’s moody palette combined with the harmony of light and shadow takes the viewer to a high level of self contemplation. His works are majorly inspired by his surroundings in Venice at the time of his studies. This is evident in his characters, as well as his charming take on Post Modernism. His proclivity for his blurr y and sometimes absent faces in his paintings allows the viewer to easily identify with his characters. In doing so, Aghassi’s art communicates with all social classes. My paintings and sculptures are concentrated displays of experiences and emotions. Ar t is what is beautiful and real. My ar t is my statement. Aghassi’s past exhibitions include “Mostra di Artigianato Artistico del Littorale”, Cavalino-Venezia, “Mourad Raphaelian” college of the Mekhitarian congregation in Venice, “Artuel” in 2000 and 2001 in Lebanon & Beirut respectively, “Euroart 2001” in Spain, “Europ'Art 2002” in Geneva, “Noah's Ark art galler y” in Beirut, “Art Expo” in New York in 2003, 2007, 2008 and 2009, “Naregatsi Art Institute” in Yerevan in 2006, “Galler y Savarese” in San Diego in 2007, “Bohemia Galleries” in York-England in 2007, “Rebecca Molayem Galler y” Beverley Hills CA in 2009 and many more. O K A P I WO R L D A R T GA L L E RY SHOP #9, LEVEL ONE, JW MARRIOTT MARQUIS, S H E I K H Z AY E D R O A D , B U S I N E S S B AY, D U B A I , U A E L ANDLINE +971 4 513 6510 CELL +971 55 356 0829 EMAIL OKAPIARTGALLERY@GMAIL.COM