AASHTO Region 1


AASHTO Region 1
 AASHTO Region 1
Carnegie Mellon Rutgers University Massachusetts Institute of Technology City University of New York Penn State University Carnegie Mellon Technologies for Safe and Efficient Transportation http://utc.ices.cmu.edu/ Directors: Raj Rajkumar, T‐SET Director, raj@ece.cmu.edu, 412‐268‐8707 Dan Lee, T‐SET Penn Director, ddlee@seas.upenn.edu, 215‐898‐8112 Al Biehler, T‐SET Executive Director, abiehler@andrew.cmu.edu, 412‐208‐5520 Stan Caldwell, T‐SET Deputy Executive Director, stancaldwell@cmu.edu, 412‐268‐9505 Themes: Safety Research/Projects: Technologies for Safe and Efficient Transportation (T‐SET) has a long term vision of “vehicles that do not crash.” T‐SET has five different thrust areas they are exploring to help increase safety: 1. In Vehicle Technologies. In this area we are working on ways to make vehicles safer from the inside including: Automatic Recognition and Understanding the Driving Environment for Driver Feedback http://utc.ices.cmu.edu/utc/Hebert%20project%20description.pdf, Sensory Augmentation for Increased Awareness for Driving Environment http://utc.ices.cmu.edu/utc/Rybski%20project%20description.pdf, V2V for Safe Intersections http://utc.ices.cmu.edu/utc/Tonguz%20project%20description.pdf 2. Smart Infrastructure. This is an area that will not only help the driver of the vehicle but also will help keep up road maintenance. These projects include: Smart Parking http://utc.ices.cmu.edu/utc/Hampshire%20project%20description.pdf, Continuous Road Surface Distress Detection http://utc.ices.cmu.edu/utc/Mertz%20project%20description.pdf, Bridge Monitoring http://utc.ices.cmu.edu/utc/Garrett%20edited%20project%20description.pdf, Smart Camera Infrastructure(no link available), and Automated Vehicle Type Recognition (no link available). 3. Human‐Vehicle Interactions for Safe Driving. This is an area devoted to making sure that human interactions with vehicles are safe and simple. We have projects like Understanding Driver Intentions(no link available) and Modeling, Verification, and Validation of Transportation Safety http://utc.ices.cmu.edu/utc/Platzer%20poject%20description.pdf 4. Large‐Scale Mobility and Data Analytics. This area is meant to make the overall transportation system better and safer for anyone who uses it, riders and drivers. We have ongoing projects: Social Networks in Transportation(no link available), Distributed Rider Transit Messaging http://utc.ices.cmu.edu/utc/Steinfeld%20project%20description.pdf, Real‐time Traffic Congestion Management(no link available) 5. Policy and Guidance. The main goal for this area is to keep technology up to date with vehicles. Right now we have projects Assessment of Information and Communication Technologies in Transportation http://utc.ices.cmu.edu/utc/Hendrickson%20poject%20description.pdf, and Quantitative Trust Management for V2V/V2I Networks(no link available). Sponsors/Partners: ACCESS Transportation System, Accessible Transportation and Workforce Interagency Cooperative, Alco Parking, Allegheny Conference on Community Development, Allegheny County, Bike Pittsburg, Booz Allen Hamilton, Bosch, City of Philadelphia, City of Pittsburg, Community College of Allegheny County, Conference of Minority Transportation Officials, Delaware Regional Valley Planning Commission, General Motors, IBM, Innovation Works, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, PITT OHIO, Pittsburg Technology Council, Port Authority of Allegheny County, Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority, Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission, Sustainable Pittsburg, Takata Rutgers University Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation http://cait.rutgers.edu/ Directors: Ali Maher, Director, mmaher@rci.rutgers.edu, 848‐445‐2951 Patrick Szary, Associate Director, szary@rci.rutgers.edu, 848‐445‐2999 Allison Thomas, Associate Director Marketing and Communications, a.thomas@rutgers.edu, 848‐445‐2954 Themes: State of Good Repair (primary), Safety, and Economic Competitiveness Research/Projects: The Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT) is committed to developing safer, more durable, and more efficient infrastructure and transportation systems. CAIT has many programs to help reach this goal. These programs include: Automated Nondestructive Evaluation and Rehabilitation (ANDERS) for Bridge Decks http://cait.rutgers.edu/anders, Infrastructure Condition Monitoring Program (ICMP) http://cait.rutgers.edu/icmp, Pavement Resource Program (PRP) http://cait.rutgers.edu/prp, Structures and Advanced Materials (SAM) http://cait.rutgers.edu/sam, Environment and Energy Program (EEP) http://cait.rutgers.edu/eep, Laboratory for Port Security (LPS) http://cait.rutgers.edu/lps, Pipeline Safety and Security Program (PSSP) http://cait.rutgers.edu/pssp, Transportation Safety Resource Center (TSRC) http://cait.rutgers.edu/tsrc, Freight and Maritime Program (FMP) http://cait.rutgers.edu/fmp, Long Term Bridge Performance Program (LTBP) http://cait.rutgers.edu/ltbp, Soil and Sediment Management Laboratory (SSML) http://cait.rutgers.edu/ssml, Technology Transfer Group (TTG) http://cait.rutgers.edu/ttg, Information Management Group (IMG) http://cait.rutgers.edu/img, New Jersey Local Technical Assistance Program (NJLTAP) http://cait.rutgers.edu/njltap. Sponsors/Partners: Federal Highway Administration, Federal Highway Administration‐New Jersey Division, New Jersey Department of Transportation, New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety, U.S. Department of Commerce National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Federal Transit Administration, National Academy of Sciences, Transportation Research Board, National Science Foundation, New Jersey Turnpike Authority, NJ Transit, Port Authority of New York/New Jersey, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection, Columbia University, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Princeton University, University of Delaware, University of Texas at El Paso, University of Virginia, Utah State University, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Massachusetts Institute of Technology New England University Transportation Center http://www.utrc2.org/ Directors: Dr. Joseph Coughlin, UTC Program Director, http://utc.mit.edu/contact/38, 617‐253‐4978 Dr. Bryan Reimer, Associate Director, Research, http://utc.mit.edu/contact/39, 617‐452‐2177 Dr. Lisa D’Ambrosio, Associate Director, Partnerships, http://utc.mit.edu/contact/51 Ms. Paula Magliozzi, Administrative Assistant, http://utc.mit.edu/contact/40 Ms. Kim Mann, Contract Administrator, http://utc.mit.edu/contact/43 Ms. Karen van Nederpelt, UTC Fiscal Officer, http://utc.mit.edu/contact/44 Themes: Safety, Livable Communities Research/Projects: The New England University Transportation Center (UTC) uses advanced technology to maintain and build transportation systems. UTC has many ongoing projects that can be viewed at http://utc.mit.edu/current‐research‐projects‐
year‐23‐31. On this site is UTC’s 18 current projects along with projects from the first 22 years. Sponsors/Partners: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, University of Connecticut, University of Maine, University of Massachusetts, University of New Hampshire, University of Rhode Island, University of Vermont City University of New York University Transportation Research Center http://www.utrc2.org/ Directors: Dr. Hongmian Gong, Associate Professor of Geography, hgong@geo.hunter.cuny.edu, 212‐772‐4658 Dr. Claire McKnight, Assistant Director for Education and Training; Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, mcknight@ce.ccny.cuny.edu, 212‐650‐8059 Dr. Neville A. Parker, Herbert Kayser Professor of Civil Engineering and Director for CUNY Institute for Transportation Systems, parker@utrc2.org, 212‐650‐8054 Themes: all five strategic goals Research/Projects: The University Transportation Research Center’s (UTRC) vision is to simultaneously partner with both private sector innovators and agencies adopting new tools to address critical problems such as congestion, environmental strains, and security. All of UTRC’s projects, past and present, can be seen at http://www.utrc2.org/research/projects.php. Sponsors/Partners: Federal Highway Administration/USDOT (FHWA), Federal Transit Administration/USDOT (FTA), Research and Innovative Technology Administration / USDOT (RITA/USDOT), Departamento de Transportación y Obras Públicas de Puerto Rico (DTOP), Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), New Jersey Transit (NJ Transit), New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT), North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA), New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT), New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC), New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT), New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ), CUNY Aviation Institute at York College (CAI), Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT), Center for Transportation Injury Research (CenTIR), Civil Infrastructure Research Center (CIRC), Cornell Local Roads Program (CLRP), CUNY Institute for Transportation Systems (ITS), National Center for Transportation and Industrial Productivity (NCTIP), Puerto Rico Transportation Technology Transfer Center (PRT2), Rudin Center for Transportation Policy and Management (Rudin), Transportation Infrastructure Research Center (TIRC)Transportation Research Institute (TRI), Urban ITS Center (UITSC), Universal Transportation Model Simulation Center (UTMSC), University Transportation Research Center (UTRC), Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center (VTC), Albany NanoTech (ANT), Center for Advanced Technology in Photonics Applications (CAT), Center for Thermal Spray Research (CTSR), Lighting Research Center (LRC), Other USDOT regional University Transportation Centers (UTCs), CUNY Institute for Urban Systems (CIUS), Center on Terrorism (CoT), Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE), Dowling College (Dowling), Institute for Civil Infrastructure Systems (ICIS), Intelligent Transportation Society of New York (ITS‐NY), J.M. Kaplan Fund (JMK Fund), Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI), Steven L. Newman Real Estate Institute (Newman), National Science Foundation (NSF), National Transit Institute (NTI), New York Building Congress (NYBC), Partnership for New York City (NYCP), Princeton University (Princeton), Regional Plan Association (RPA), Transit Standards Consortium (TSC), Transport Workers Union Local 100 (TWU). Penn State University Mid‐Atlantic University Transportation Center http://www.mautc.psu.edu/ Directors: Martin T. Pietrucha, Director and Principal Investigator, mtp5@psu.edu, 813‐863‐3954 Janice Dauber, Coordinator, 814‐863‐5621 Lisa O'Hara, Staff Assistant, 814‐865‐1893 Z. Andrew Farkas, Associate Director, 443‐885‐3761 Cinzia Cirillo, Associate Director, 301‐405‐6864 Michael J. Demetsky, Associate Director, 434‐924‐6362 Hesham Rakha, Associate Director, 540‐231‐1505 David R. Martinelli, Associate Director, 304‐293‐3031(ext. 2616) Themes: all five strategic goals Research/Projects: The Mid‐Atlantic University Transportation Center (MAUTC) functions as a clearinghouse for knowledge creation, knowledge management, and knowledge implementation. MAUTC has the capability of performing research in each of the Secretary of Transportation’s Strategic Goal areas. Projects and their descriptions can be found at http://www.mautc.psu.edu/projects/projectdescriptions.html. Sponsors/Partners: Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Federal Highway Administration, ITS Joint Program Office, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, American Association of State Highway & Transportation Officials, American Society of Civi Engineers, Council of University Transportation Centers, Institute of Transportation Engineers, ITS America, Transportation Research Board, National Society of Black Engineers, Society of Hispanic Engineers, Society of Women Engineers, Student Chapter of ASCE, Tau Beta Pi, University of Maryland, Engineering Societies, University of Virginia, Student Organizations, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Student Organizations, West Virginia University, Student Organizations. AASHTO Region 2
Georgia Institute of Technology Marshall University Mississippi State University Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University University of South Florida University of Florida Georgia Institute of Technology National Center for Transportation Productivity and Management http://www.utc.gatech.edu/ Directors: Michael Hunter, Deputy Director, michael.hunter@ce.gatech.edu, 404‐894‐0404 Catherine Ross, Deputy Director, catherine.ross@coa.gatech.edu Susan Sumners, Administrative Manager, susan.sumners@ce.gatech.edu, 404‐894‐0418 Themes: State of Good Repair, Economic Competitiveness, and Safety Research/Projects: The National Center for Transportation Productivity and Management addresses critical issues between safety, transportation infrastructure and services, and economic competitiveness. A page with their current projects can be viewed at http://www.utc.gatech.edu/research. Sponsors/Partners: Florida International University, University of Alabama Birmingham, University of Central Florida, University of Georgia, Georgia Southern University, Georgia State University, Southern Polytechnic University, Clark‐Atlanta University, Spelman College Marshall University Rahall Appalachian Transportation Institute http://www.njrati.org/ Directors: Robert H. “Bob” Plymale, Director and CEO, bob.plymale@njrati.org, 304‐696‐7098 Frank Betz, Chief Operating Officer, fbetz@njrati.org, 304‐696‐3877 Patrick J. Donovan, Director, Maritime and Intermodal Transportation, RTI and Director, National Maritime Enhancement Institute, Marshall University, pdonovan@njrati.org, 304‐696‐2906 David Lawson, M.S., Chief Information Officer, lawsond@njrati.org, 304‐696‐4872 Diana Long, Ed.D., CEcD, Director of Workforce Development, dlong@njrati.org, 304‐542‐3303 Andrew P. Nichols, PhD, PE, Director, Intelligent Transportation Systems, anichols@njrati.org, 304‐696‐3203 Prof. Wael Zatar, Ph.D., Director, Innovations and Asset Management of Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure Systems, zatar@marshall.edu, 304‐696‐6043 Themes: Safety and Economic Competitiveness Research/Projects: Rahall Appalachian Transportation Institute (RTI) has projects relating to inter‐ and multi‐modal transportation that will enhance the economic competitiveness of the Appalachian Region and Ohio River Basin by capitalizing on their unique location within the manufacturing and market center of the U.S. Some of RTI’s specific topics are freight and hazardous material cargo routing to improve safety and reduce environmental risks, freight research, and policy and finance. All of their projects can be found at http://www.njrati.org/research/research‐
projects/. Sponsors/Partners: University of Kentucky, University of Louisville, Hampton University. Mississippi State University National Center for Intermodal Transportation for Economic Competitiveness http://www.ncitec.msstate.edu/ Directors: Burak Eksioglu, Ph.D., Director, beksioglu@ise.msstate.edu, 662‐325‐7625 Patrick Sherry, Ph.D., Executive Director, psherry@du.edu, 303‐871‐2495 Waheed Uddin, Ph.D., P.E., Associate Director of Research, cvuddin@olemiss.edu, 662‐915‐5363 Harold “Skip” Paul, P.E., Associate Director of Technology Transfer, harold.paul@la.gov, 225‐767‐9131 Kelwyn A. D’Souza, Ph.D., Associate Director of Education and Workforce Development, kelwyn.dsouza@hamptonu.edu, 757‐727‐5037 Themes: Economic Competitiveness, Safety, and Environmental Sustainability Research/Projects: The National Center for Intermodal Transportation for Economic Competitiveness (NCITEC) is promoting the development of an integrated, economically competitive, efficient, safe, secure, and sustainable national intermodal transportation network by integrating all transportation modes for both freight and passenger mobility. This network vision for the 21st century transportation system integrates highways and airport hubs with rail networks and shipping terminals to offer efficient intermodal freight movement and passenger mobility. This approach reduces congestion on highways, saves fuel, reduces vehicle emissions, protects the environment, and provides the U.S. an economic competitive edge, which is essential to maintain our quality way of life, compete in global economy, and enhance business retention. Sponsors/Partners: Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), Hampton University (HU), Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LA DOTD), Louisiana State University (LSU), Louisiana Transportation Research Center (LTRC), Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT), University of Denver (DU), University of Mississippi (UM), University Transportation Centers (UTCs), U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), USDOT Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA), Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Connected Vehicle/Infrastructure University Transportation Center http://www.connectedvehicleinfrastructure‐utc.org/ Directors: Robin Kline Caesar Singh Amy Stearns, amy.stearns@dot.gov Kevin Womack Andrew Farkas, andrew.farkas@morgan.edu, 443‐885‐3761 Brian L. Smith, bls2z@eservices.virginia.edu Kenneth J. Earnest, Ken.Earnest@VDOT.Virginia.gov Noah Goodall, Noah.Goodall@VDOT.Virginia.gov Melissa Lance, Melissa.Lance@VDOT.Virginia.gov Catherine McGhee, cathy.mcghee@vdot.virginia.gov, 434‐293‐1973 Thomas Phillips, PMP, Thomas.Phillips@VDOT.Virginia.gov Hari K. Sripathi, Hari.Sripathi@VDOT.Virginia.gov Tom Dingus, tdingus@vt.edu, 540‐231‐1502 Zac Doerzaph, ZDoerzaph@vtti.vt.edu, 540‐231‐1046 Gabrielle Laskey, GLaskey@vtti.vt.edu, 540‐231‐1547 Themes: Safety and Economic Competitiveness Research/Projects: The Connected Vehicle/Infrastructure University Transportation Center is focused on basic and applied research, education and workforce development, and technology transfer centered upon Connected Vehicle/Infrastructure (CVI) environment. Current projects can be found at http://www.connectedvehicleinfrastructure‐utc.org/?q=node/5. Sponsors/Partners: University of Virginia, Morgan State University. The University of South Florida National Center for Transportation Research @ The Center for Urban Transportation Research http://www.nctr.usf.edu/ Directors: Joel Volinski, NCTR Director, volinski@cutr.usf.edu, 813‐974‐9847 Jason Bittner, CUTR Director, jjbittner@cutr.usf.edu, 813‐974‐3120 Dennis Hinebaugh, Director, National Bus Rapid Transit Institute, NCTR Administrative Director, hinebaugh@cutr.usf.edu, 813‐974‐9833 Philip L. Winters, TDM Program Director, winters@cutr.usf.edu, 813‐974‐9811 Patricia H. Ball, NCTR Communications Director, pball@cutr.usf.edu, 813‐974‐9759 Lisa Staes, Transit Technical Assistance and Training Program Director, staes@cutr.usf.edu, 813‐974‐9787 Robert J. Gregg, Jr., Transit Management Program Director, gregg@cutr.usf.edu, 813‐974‐8383 Steven Polzin, Transit Research Program Director, polzin@cutr.usf.edu, 813‐974‐9849 Amy Stearns, University Program Specialist, amy.stearns@rita.dot.gov, 202‐366‐4957 Robin Kline, University Program Specialist, robin.kline@rita.dot.gov, 202‐366‐2732 Themes: Safety, Economic Competitiveness, Environmental Sustainability, State of Good Repair, Livable Communities Research/Projects: The National Center for Transportation Research (NCTR) deals with safety data analysis, safety sensors and technology evaluation, safety considerations for complementary modes of biking and walking, and safety awareness and education for travelers, among other areas relevant to public transit research needs. A list of NCTR’s projects can be found at http://www.nctr.usf.edu/research/ and http://www.nctr.usf.edu/category/research/rip/. Sponsors/Partners: North Dakota State University, University of Illinois, Chicago, Florida International University. University of Florida Center for Multimodal Solutions for Congestion Mitigation http://cms.ce.ufl.edu/ Directors: Lily Elefteriadou, Director, elefter@ce.ufl.edu, 352‐392‐9537 Ext. 1452 Ines Aviles‐Spadoni, Coordinator, iaviles@ce.ufl.edu, 352‐392‐9537 Ext. 1409 Sherrilene Classen, Associate professor, sclassen@phhp.ufl.edu, 352‐273‐6062 Janet Degner, T2 Co‐Director, jdegn@ce.ufl.edu, 352‐273‐1676 Siriphong Lawphongpanich, Associate Professor, lawphong@ise.ufl.edu, 352‐392‐1464 Ext. 2015 Reynaldo Rogue, Professor, rroqu@ce.ufl.edu, 352‐392‐9537 Ext. 1458 Bill Sampson, McTrans Director, bsampson@ce.ufl.edu, 352‐392‐0378 Ext. 241 Ruth Steiner, Associate Professor, rsteiner@dcp.ufl.edu, 352‐392‐0997 Ext. 431 Scott Washburn, swash@ce.ufl.edu, 352‐392‐9537 Ext. 1453 Themes: Safety, Livable Communities, and Economic Competitiveness Research/Projects: The Center for Multimodal Solutions for Congestion Mitigation (CMS) has many research areas. CMS is researching areas like recurring congestion, non‐recurring congestion, multimodal strategies, and demand modeling. A list of their current research can be found at http://cms.ce.ufl.edu/research/. Sponsors/Partners: Center for Applied Optimization, Center for Health & The Built Environment, Department of Civil & Coastal Engineering, ETDM, Florida Bicycle Safety Education Program, Florida Transportation Technology Transfer Center, Geo‐Facilities Planning and Information Research Center, Industrial & Systems Engineering, Institute for Mobility, Activity & Participation, McTrans ‐ Microcomputers in Transportation, National Older Driver Research and Training Center (NORDTC), Supply Chain and Logistics Engineering Center, Transportation Research Center (TRC), Urban and Regional Planning, Council of University Transportation Centers (CUTC), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) – Florida Division, Federal Transit Administration (FTA), Research and Administration Technology Administration (RITA), Transportation Research Board (TRB), Transportation Research Board Research in Progress (RiP) Database, University Transportation Center (UTC) Program, U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), Executive Office of the Florida Governor, Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged, Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), Florida Transportation Commission, Florida Trucking Information, Auburn University, Florida International University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Mississippi State University, North Carolina state University, University of Alabama Birmingham, University of North Carolina. AASHTO Region 3
University of Idaho Purdue University University of Illinois Urbana‐Champaign University of Wisconsin, Madison University of Idaho Transportation for Livability by Integrating Vehicles and the Environment http://www.tranliveutc.org/ Directors: Karen Den Braven, Director, kdenb@uidaho.edu, 208‐885‐7655 Themes: Livable Communities and Environmental Sustainability Research/Projects: The Transportation for Livability by Integrating Vehicles and the Environment (TranLive) will work toward a cleaner environment and greater energy independence through (1) eco‐
traffic signal technologies, (2) eco‐routing tools, and (3) alternative fuels and vehicles. TranLive will develop more accurate and reliable vehicle emission and fuel consumption models by integrating vehicle and environmental data systems. These efforts will lead to improved technology for industry and better decision‐making tools for transportation and land use officials. A database with all of TranLive’s projects can be found at http://tranliveutc.org/engr/niatt/tranlive/search. Sponsors/Partners: Old Dominion University, Syracuse University, Texas Southern University, Virginia Polytechnic Transportation Institute, Research and Innovative Technology Administration. Purdue University NexTrans Directors: Dr. Srinivas Peeta, Director, peeta@purdue.edu, 765‐496‐9726 Themes: all five strategic goals Research/Projects: The theme of this application is to generate integrated and sustainable transportation solutions. The theme is underpinned by technologies, methods, data, and a SoS approach that enable innovation. These four factors are synergistic. Technology leads to the availability of rich and detailed data at levels inconceivable even a few years ago, which enables a better understanding of the interactions among the integration and sustainability pillars. The availability of data hitherto difficult to obtain can spark innovative use of existing methods or serve to develop new methods to solve problems more effectively. Sponsors/Partners: Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago State University, Martin University, Trine University, University of Michigan, Ohio State University, Central State University, University of Wisconsin. University of Illinois Urbana‐
Champaign National University Rail Center https://sites.google.com/site/nurailcenter/home Directors: Christopher P.L. Barkan, NURail Center Director, cbarkan@illinois.edu, 217‐244‐6338 Timothy A. Gress, NURail Center Managing Director, tgress@illinois.edu, 217‐244‐7158 David B. Clarke, Research Associate Professor, dclarke@utk.edu, 865‐974‐1812 Pasi T. Lautala, Research Assistant Professor, ptlautal@mtu.edu, 906‐487‐3547 Steve Schlickman, Executive Director of the Urban Transportation Center, sschlick@uic.edu, 312‐355‐3656 Ahmed A. Shabana, Richard and Loan Hill Professor of Engineering , shabana@uic.edu, 312‐996‐3600 Reginald R. Souleyrette, Commonwealth Chair Professor of Transportation Engineering, souley@engr.uky.edu, 859‐257‐5309 Joseph M. Sussman, JR East Professor, Sussman@mit.edu, 617‐253‐4430 James L. McKinney, Roland Hutchins Distinguished Professor of Civil Engineering, james.mckinney@rose‐hulman.edu, 812‐877‐8335 Themes: State of Good Repair Research/Projects: Shared rail corridors is the central theme of this application. This topic is critically important to sustain and expand U.S. freight railroad transportation excellence while at the same time developing commuter and intercity passenger rail in many corridors. There are a host of complex questions ranging from infrastructure and vehicle engineering, to operations, safety, finance and policy that must be successfully addressed. Moreover, because these same questions will force faculty and students to reach a fuller understanding of the topical engineering and operational issues for the coming decades, they will produce graduates with useful skills and knowledge for the emerging workforce. Sponsors/Partners: University of Wisconsin Superior, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, University of Toledo, University of Illinois Chicago, Michigan Technological University, University of Memphis, Vanderbilt University, University of Alabama Huntsville, University of Southern Mississippi. University of Wisconsin‐Madison National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education http://www.wistrans.org/cfire Directors: Dr. Teresa Adams, CFIRE Director and Principal Investigator, adams@engr.wisc.edu, 608‐263‐3175 Ernie Perry, MAFC Program Manager, ebperry@wisc.edu, 608‐263‐2655 Maria Hart, Researcher, mhart@engr.wisc.edu, 608‐262‐6639 Steve Wagner, Communications Manager, swagner@engr.wisc.edu, 608‐890‐2311 Gregory Waidley, Research and Education Manager, gwaidley@engr.wisc.edu, 608‐262‐2013 Lisa Beneker, Program Assistant, beneker@engr.wisc.edu, 608‐263‐2655 Themes: Ben Zietlow, Geo‐economist, bzietlow@wisc.edu, 608‐262‐7246 Economic Competitiveness, Safety, Environmental Sustainability, State of Good Repair, Livable Communities Research/Projects: This application responds to the many opportunities for advanced and applied research that will lead to making the nation’s multimodal freight systems work for economic recovery and quality of life. An efficient and reliable freight system serves as the foundation of the U.S. economy and supports the growth and success of every other industry. Our UTC will combine with the University of Wisconsin‐Madison, as the lead institution and host of a northern hub, with the University of Memphis hosting a southern hub. The new consortium will offer a wide range of expertise in truck, rail, waterway, air, and multimodal freight planning management, and operations with a deep history of the freight community. The partner institutions have collaborative relationships with state departments of transportation, metropolitan planning organizations, and local municipalities, as well as with shippers and carriers across all modes, making freight transportation systems work for economic competitiveness should not happen at the expense of livability. A list of CFIRE projects can be found at http://www.wistrans.org/cfire/research/. Sponsors/Partners: University of Wisconsin‐Madison, University of Wisconsin‐Milwaukee, University of Wisconsin‐Superior, University of Toledo, University of Illinois at Chicago, Michigan Technological University, University of Memphis, Vanderbilt University, University of Alabama in Huntsville, University of Southern Mississippi. AASHTO Region 4
Portland State University San Jose State University Texas A&M University University of Nebraska‐Lincoln North Dakota State University University of California, Berkeley University of Washington Portland State University National Center for Transportation and Communities http://otrec.us/NITC Directors: Jennifer Dill, OTREC Director, jdill@otrec.us, 503‐725‐2855 Justin Carinci, Communications Director, carinci@otrec.us, 503‐725‐2843 John MacArthur, Sustainable Transportation Program Manager, macarthur@otrec.us, 503‐725‐2866 Hau Hagedorn, Research Program Manager, hagedorn@otrec.us, 503‐725‐2833 Jon Makler, Education and Technology Transfer Program Manager, makler@otrec.us, 503‐725‐2842 Margaret Sanger, Accounting Assistant, mmsanger@otrec.us, 503‐725‐2896 Carol Wallace, Fiscal Operations Coordinator, cwallace@otrec.us, 503‐725‐2834 Themes: Livable Communities (primary), Safety, and Environmental Sustainability Research/Projects: This application will bring a wealth of interdisciplinary talent and expertise to inform and promote livable communities in urban areas of all sizes. Transportation plays a vital role in supporting towns, small cities and large metropolitan areas by fostering choices in mobility, healthy and safe conditions, vibrant local economies and a sustainable future. Our focus on livability is motivated by a vision of the transportation system that serves as a means to achieve larger social and economic goals, and one that must be integrated with other urban systems in an era of rapid technological change and innovation. Research areas includes: reliability and accessibility as key challenges to economic and urban development, health and safety aspects of transportation, safety implications of innovative infrastructure, safety problems related to transit systems, increasing efficiency of bicycle, pedestrian, and transit modes, and integrating multimodal transportation and land use transportation emissions and climate change. Research projects can be found at http://otrec.us/research. Sponsor/Partners: 
The memorandum of understanding creating the consortium: Region X MOU, Federal Region X UTC web page (through TransNow), Region X 2009 Research Problem Statements, Region X Workshop, Portland State University, Region X Workshop, University of Alaska, Region X Workshop, University of Washington, Region X Workshop, University of Idaho, Region X Workshop, Portland, State University, Region X Workshop, University of Washington, Portland General Electric, Nissan, ECOtality, Alta Planning + Design,American Society of Landscape Architects, American Institute of Architects, Southwestern Oregon Chapter Center for Health Care Strategies, Inc., City of Eugene, City of Lebanon,City of Portland, City of Springfield, City of Warrenton, City of Wilsonville, Clackamas County, Community Cycling Center, Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Technologia (CONACYT), Conway Trucking, Eugene School District, 4J, Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), District 6,Johnson Creek Watershed Council, Juan Young Trust, Lane County Transit District, Metro, Miller Foundation, National Center for Bicycling & Walking, National Multi Housing Council, Oregon Department of Transportation: Bridge Engineering Section, Oregon Department of Transportation: Pedestrian and Bicycle Program, Oregon Department of Transportation, Region 1, Oregon Department of Transportation: Research Unit, Port of Portland, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: Active Living Research Program, Rogue Valley Transportation District, TriMet, Tualatin Riverkeepers, US Department of Transportation, Western Federal Lands Highway Division, Arizona State University, Office for Research and Sponsored Projects Administration, Oregon State University, School of Civil and Construction Engineering, College of Engineering, Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory, Kiewit Center for Infrastructure and Transportation, Research Office, Oregon State University Foundation, Joyce and Bill Furman Fellowship for Research in Transportation Economics, Portland State University, Department of Architecture, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Computer Science, Department of Environmental Sciences and Resources, Department of Geography, Department of Psychology, Nohad A. Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning, College of Urban and Public Affairs, Office of Research and Sponsored Projects, Office of Sustainability, School of Business Administration, School of Extended Studies, Oregon Institute of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Temple University, University of Oregon, Community Service Center, Department of Planning, Public Policy and Management, Research Services and Administration, School of Architecture and Applied Arts, Department of Architecture, University of Minnesota, University of North Carolina, University of South Carolina, CUTC, OTREK Awards. San Jose State University Mineta National Transit Research Consortium http://transweb.sjsu.edu/mntrc Directors: Hon. Rod Diridon, Sr., Executive Director, rod.diridon@sjsu.edu, 408‐924‐7560 Karen E. Philbrick, PhD., Deputy Executive Director and Director of Research, karen.philbrick@sjsu.edu, 408‐924‐7562 Peter Haas, PhD, Director of Education, peter.haas@sjsu.edu, 408‐924‐7561 Leo Hanifin, PhD, Dean, leo.hanifin@udmercy.edu, 313‐993‐1216 Donald F. Hayes, PhD, PE, DEE, Chair, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Donald.Hayes@unlv.edu, 702‐895‐4723 David Klinikowski, BSME, Director, Bus Research and Testing Center, dklinikowski@engr.psu.edu, 814‐863‐1898 Ashok Kumar, PhD, PE, BCEE, Professor and Chair, akumar@utnet.utoledo.edu, 419‐530‐8136 Donna R. Maurillo, MSTM, Director, ITT and Communications, donna.maurillo@sjsu.edu, 408‐924‐7564 Hokey Min, PhD, James R. Good Chair in Global Supply Chain Strategy, Department of Management, College of Business Administration, hmin@bgsu.edu, 419‐372‐3442 Errol C. Noel, PhD, PE, FASCE, FITE, Director, enoel@howard.edu, 202‐806‐6199 Robert B. Noland, PhD, Director, noland@rutgers.edu, 732‐932‐6812 x536 Charles Robert Standridge, PhD, Professor and Assistant Dean, standric@gvsu.edu, 616‐331‐6750 Themes: Safety, Economic Competitiveness, Environmental Sustainability, State of Good Repair, and Livable Communities Research/Projects: This application proposes a team whose member universities bring a wide breadth of expertise to the many facets of public transportation research. Collaboratively, the center will address both policy and technical challenges. The proposed members realize the importance of public transit to senior, low‐income people, and those with limited mobility. Often, this is a primary tool for employment and independent living. The members will continue to investigate ways to ensure that transit remains accessible and available for people who need it the most. A list of current projects can be found at http://transweb.sjsu.edu/mntrc/research/rip.html. Sponsors/Partners: Rutgers University, Howard University, University of Detroit Mercy, Grand Valley State University, Bowling Green State University, University of Toledo, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Pennsylvania State University. Texas A&M University Southwest Region University Transportation Center http://swutc.tamu.edu/ Directors: Mr. Dock Burke, Director, d‐burke@tamu.edu, 979‐845‐5815 Ms. Barbara Lorenz, Lead Administrative Contact, b‐lorenz@tamu.edu,
979‐845‐5815 Mr. Khosro Godazi, Associate Director, godazi_kx@tsu.edu, 713‐313‐7925 Dr. H. Gene Hawkins, Associate Director‐Transportation Scholars Program, gene‐h@tamu.edu, 979‐845‐9294 Dr. Tim Lomax, Associate Director‐SWUTC, for Research at TTI/TAMU, and Program Manager, Mobility Analysis, d‐burke@tamu.edu, 979‐845‐9960 Dr. Randy Machemehl, Associate Director‐SWUTC, for Research at UT‐Austin, and Director, Center for Transportation Research and Nasser I. Al‐Rashid Centennial Professor in Transportation Engineering, rbm@mail.utexas.edu, 512‐471‐4541 Dr. C. Michael Walton, Associate Director‐SWUTC, Advanced Institute, UT‐Austin, and Ernest H. Cockrell Centennial Chair in Engineering, cmwalton@mail.utexas.edu, 512‐471‐1414 Themes: All five strategic goals Research/Projects: The theme of this application is sustainable transportation solutions to enhance economic prosperity and quality of life. We expect to make fundamental strides in basic and advanced research that will be implementable by operating agencies responsible for improving accessibility and mobility while reducing congestion in our urban transportation systems; providing infrastructure renewal; harmonizing freight movements between Canada, U.S. and Mexico; reducing the bottlenecks while improving the technology and linkages among the freight and passenger modes in the intermodal transportation network; improving the livability of our rural and urban neighborhoods; and contributing to improvements in the overall safety of the transportation enterprise in our region and nation. Lists of ongoing and new research can be found at http://swutc.tamu.edu/research.htm. Sponsors/Partners: University of Texas Austin, Texas Southern University, Louisiana State University, University of New Orleans. University of Nebraska Lincoln Mid‐America Transportation Center http://matc.unl.edu/ Directors: Laurence R. Rilett, Ph.D., P.E., Director, 402‐472‐1992 Themes: Safety, State of Good Repair, Economic Competitiveness, and Environmental Sustainability Research/Projects: This application seeks to improve public health and safety by reducing transportation related fatalities and injuries, improve the infrastructure on all surface modes that are critical including railways, roadways, and waterways, plan, design, build, operate, and maintain transportation systems to quantify and manage risk during each of these stages, develop more efficient movement of freight and improve the competitiveness of U.S, transport providers, and improve the environmental impact and efficiencies of freight movement among the major surface transportation modes. A research database can be found at http://matc.unl.edu/research/research_search.php. Sponsors/Partners: Research and Innovation Technology Administration, Nebraska Department of Roads, Iowa Department of Transportation, MoDOT, Kansas Department of Transportation, Iowa state University, University of Iowa, University of Kansas, Kansas State University, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Lincoln University, University of Missouri. North Dakota State University Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute http://www.mountain‐plains.org/ Directors: Dr. Denver Tolliver, Mountain‐Plains Consortium(MPC) Director, denver.tolliver@ndsu.edu, 701‐231‐8343 Themes: All five strategic goals Research/Projects: This application’s research plan emphasizes Transportation, Energy, and Sustainable Development‐an important regional need with national implications. Possible topics include: road construction materials, sensors for transportation structures, bridge inspection methods, rural transportation planning models, rail and multimodal freight, truck weight and safety enforcement, flex lane driver analysis, tribal road design, light rail transit. Project lists can be found at http://www.mountain‐plains.org/research/projects/. Sponsors/Partners:Colorado State University, University of Colorado Denver, University of Denver, South Dakota State University, University of Utah, Utah State University, University of Wyoming. University of California Berkeley University of California Transportation Center http://www.uctc.net/ Directors: Robert Cervero, Director UCTC, Samer Madanat, Director of the Institute of Transportation Studies Susan Handy, Director of the Sustainable Transportation Center at the Institute of Transportation Studies‐Davis Stephen G. Ritchie, Director of the Institute of Transportation Studies Brian D. Taylor, Director of the Institute of Transportation Studies, UCLA Matthew J. Barth, Director of the Center for Environmental Research and Technology (CE‐CERT), UC Riverside Konstadinos Goulias, Professor, Geography, UC Santa Barbara Themes: Environmental Sustainability, Economic Competitiveness, Livable Communities Research/Projects: This application focuses are three themes identified by USDOT in its strategic plan‐
environmental sustainability, economic, competitiveness, and livability‐ and, importantly, the connections between them. Advancing each of these objectives is important in and of itself; however, our UTC recognizes that the three are closely inter‐twined and oftentimes co‐
dependent. Our UTC will thus give particular attention to the synergies that can be created and cross purposes that are served when working in a coordinated fashion on all three fronts. The linkages between environmental sustainability and economic competitiveness, we believe, are especially important. Besides attracting high‐skilled firms and creative class workers, global cities with air, generous amounts of public spaces, attractive urban designs, and functional transportation and infrastructure systems are excellent incubators for growing green economy. Advances in the production and distribution of clean‐fuel vehicles that operate on renewable energy sources can stimulate private investment and create new employment and vocational opportunities. More information on research can be found at http://www.uctc.net/research/. Sponsors/Partners: Institute of Transportation Studies (ITS), Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways (PATH), California Center for Innovative Transportation (CCIT), National Center of Excellence for Aviation Operations Research (NEXTOR), Pavement Research Center (PRC), Safe Transportation Research & Education Center (SafeTREC), Berkeley Center for Future Urban Transport (Volvo Center), Transportation Sustainability Research Center (TSRC), Institute of Urban and Regional Development (IURD), Global Metropolitan Studies Center (GMCS), Uc Davis, ITS Davis, Urban Land use and Transportation Center, Air Quality Research Center, Center for the Study of Regional Change, Road Ecology Center, Pavement Research Center, STEPS Program, Energy Efficiency Center, Plug‐In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Center (PHEV), Uc Irvine, Institute of Transportation Studies, Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways (PATH)‐Advanced Testbed Research Program; Advanced Transportation Management, UCLA, ITS Los Angeles, UCLA Lewis Center, UC Riverside, Center for Environmental Research and Technology (CE‐CERT), UC Santa Barbara, Center for Spatially Integrated Social Sciences (CSISS), National Consortium for Remote Sensing in Transportation (NCRST), UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Los Angeles, UC Riverside, UC Santa Barbara, California State University Pomona, California State university Sacremento, California State University San Bernardino, California State University San Luis Obispo. University of Washington Pacific Northwest Transportation Consortium http://www.pactrans.org/ Directors: Dr. Yinhai Wang, Director, yinhai@uw.edu, 206‐616‐2696 Dr. Linda Boyle, Associate Director in Research, linda@uw.edu, 206‐616‐0245 Dr. Anne Vernez Moudon, Associate Director in Education, moudon@uw.edu, 206‐685‐4057 Mr. Mark Hallenbeck, Associate Director in Outreach, tracmark@uw.edu, 206‐543‐6261 Dr. Chris A. Bell, Associate Director at Oregon State University, chris.a.bell@oregonstate.edu, 541‐737‐3794 Mr. Billy Connor, Associate Director at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, bgconnor@alaska.edu, 907‐747‐0552 Dr. Karen R. Den Braven, Associate Director at the University of Idaho, kdenb@uidaho.edu, 208‐885‐7655 Dr. David McLean, Associate Director at Washington State University, mclean@wsu.edu, 509‐335‐9578 Themes: Safety, Environmental Sustainability Research/Projects: This application’s theme is sustainable solutions for the diverse transportation needs of the Pacific Northwest. The center focuses on a systematic approach to safety and sustainability, enhanced environmental awareness, increasing population and employment growth, and the deployment of advanced technologies. The region encompasses very diverse landscapes from densely populated metropolitan areas to mountainous terrains, to sprawling rural communities. The region also faces a wide range of environmental hazards including earthquakes, tsunamis, and diverse climates. This diversity presents many transportation challenges associated with driver and pedestrian safety, congestion mitigation and emissions reduction, mobility and accessibility for the elderly and disabled, and import and exports of goods and resources. Our diverse consortium partners are quite familiar with these transportation issues and recognize how to quantify, model, test, and develop, products and services that are sustainable for the current and future transportation system, and are safe for all to use. More information on research can be found at http://depts.washington.edu/pactrans/research. Sponsors/Partners: Oregon State University, University of Alaska Fairbanks, University of Idaho, Washington State University.