bussei script - Buddhist Temple of San Diego


bussei script - Buddhist Temple of San Diego
2929 Market Street, San Diego, California 92102
Web: www.btsd.net
By Rev. Dr. Kenji Akahoshi, Resident Minister
I have completed my first year here in
San Diego. Karen and I have truly enjoyed
being accepted as part of the sangha. I’m
gratified that my efforts to share Shinran’s
Teachings in a relevant and meaningful way,
has been well received. My intention is to
convey Shinran’s thoughts across an ocean
of time and culture. As a 21st century American, my understanding of Shinran is obviously different from a 13th century Japanese, peasant follower.
The changes in social interaction, transportation, communication, and thoughts on technology, biology, evolution and other
fields are much broader, deeper, and expanded, from the time
of Shinran. However, deep, spiritual truths remain the same.
The meaning behind the words must be current with our broader knowledge of reality.
Although Shinran was advancing Honen’s teachings of the
Nembutsu, his interpretation introduced a significant difference. Shinran felt that the “birth in the Pure Realm” was a present life event, not one solely based in the after-life. This affirmation of awakening has inspired Shin Buddhist for 800 years.
Major discoveries and events in the 20th century have caused
many to question the relevance and validity of some religious
traditions. Buddhism has always kept its basic truth and values
intact, as its doctrine is based on observable or experienced
realities. The Buddhadharma aligns with the changing nature of
all things (anitya), and the interdependence of all things
(anatman). The experience of suffering/happiness (duhkha/
nirvana) is dependent on the heart/mind of the person. How
this truth is conveyed to followers has changed according to
time and culture. The internet, space travel, nuclear energy and
other dramatic changes from the 19th to the 21st century,
demonstrate the need to be current. So, our interpretation of
Shinran’s words may require an expanded view.
One of the metaphors to describe Ohigan is to cross from
one shore to the other. We might use this metaphor to help us
see our present condition as a bridge between two shores. Let
us picture a 13th century Japanese wooden abutment, or support, on one shore. We are on the 21st century shore with a
modern steel support. The bridge that crosses this span must
change, as it crosses time and culture. The wooden span must
change to steel at some point, to be relevant and acceptable to
our modern needs.
As a 13th century peasant, I would know that the life of my
grandson would probably be the same as that of my grandfather. There was no hope for change or improvement for most
E-mail: info@btsd.net
Phone: 619-239-0896
people. A better life might be envisioned after death. In our
modern era, most middle-class Americans are accustomed to
living conditions far superior to any ancient nobleman’s, in
terms of housing, clothing, food choices, sanitation, health care,
transportation, and entertainment. Do we really desire a better
after-life? And this is where Shinran’s interpretation of “birth in
the Pure Realm” has relevance. This awakening to True Reality
has meaning for us, since a taste of luxury is within the reach of
a weekend spent in a resort hotel. We know the feeling of material bliss. Mature minds seek a truth that assures a lasting
inner peace. What might that be in our post-modern world?
The primary instinct for any human is to be accepted by a
family and community. Our individual survival depends on others; no infant can reach childhood without support. Our minds
become conditioned to guide us to acceptability. Take a minute
to assess how much of your life is spent trying to be acceptable
to others; the standard of acceptability is determined by each
family or community. Our personal dilemma is complicated, as
we juggle the different values of various communities in our
modern society, and of our individual history. Is this not a major
source of our duhkha, or un-centeredness? Although the fundamental concerns of food, shelter, and security remain paramount, we now have the luxury to determine the quality of
these concerns. So we may be more concerned with the quality
of life that we live, rather than the quality of death, which was
the issue for peasants of ancient times.
Shin Buddhism addresses both of these concerns. The practices awaken us to live in accordance to the realities of interdependence and impermanence. Our experience of discomfort or
bliss is determined by the state of our heart/mind. The Nembutsu assures us of our acceptance in all communities. Amida
Buddha represents all that exists in the forms of Light and Life,
or Wisdom and Compassion. The experience we have in voicing
Namo Amida Butsu, is affirming our Oneness with Wisdom/
Compassion, Light/Life. When this primary concern of acceptance is fulfilled, we are freed to enjoy the activities of life.
The most rewarding activity is our efforts to serve others toward this awakening. This fulfilling attitude serves us in the
quality of life. A fulfilled life allows us to accept the next level
which we call the after-life.
Namo Amida Butsu is an expression of gratitude for our birth
in this life. We voice it to acknowledge our realization that we
are here because of the efforts of many others. By appreciating
each day as fulfilled and complete, we can accept tomorrow in
any form. The traditional truths still hold true; it is hoped that
these more current examples may engage the modern, Western seeker to appreciate Shinran’s great contribution to our
In Gassho,
Kenji Sensei
Temple Closed
Temple Closed
Temple Closed
Temple Closed
10 a.m. – DS/FAMILY SERVICE 日曜礼拝
11:45 a.m. – Jr. YBA Mtg. @Annex 1-2
11:30 a.m. – Taiko Practice @A.H.
10 a.m. – FALL OHIGAN 秋季彼岸会
Guest Speaker: Bill Dearth, Minister’s Assistant,
Orange County Buddhist Church
11:45 a.m. – Keiro-kai and KCP Dedication luncheon
@Annex Hall
9 a.m. – “INTRO. TO BUDDHISM” @Sangha Hall
10 a.m. – DS/FAMILY SERVICE 日曜礼拝
11:30 a.m. – Taiko Practice @A.H.
7 p.m. –
W&M Mtg.
@Conf. Rm.
9 a.m. – Dharma School Staff Mtg. @Conf. Rm.
10 a.m. – DS/FAMILY SERVICE 日曜礼拝
September Shotsuki Memorial
11:30 a.m. – Sangha Teen Meeting @Annex 1-2
11:30 a.m. – Taiko Practice @Annex Hall
12 p.m. – BWA Meeting @Conf. Room
Temple Closed
(Labor Day)
10:30 a.m. So. District
Minister’s Mtg.
@LA Nishi Betsuin
12 p.m. – Minyo Group 民謡 @S.H.
1 p.m. – Shigin 詩吟 @Annex 1-2
6:30 p.m. – Taiko Practice @A.H.
7 p.m. – Fundraising Mtg. @Conf. Rm.
7 p.m. – Buddhism 1-2-3 @S.H.
12 p.m. – Minyo Group 民謡 @S.H.
1 p.m. – Shigin 詩吟 @Annex 1-2
6:30 p.m. – Taiko Practice @A.H.
7 p.m. – Buddhism 1-2-3 @S.H.
12 p.m. – Minyo Group 民謡 @S.H.
1 p.m. – Shigin 詩吟 @Annex 1-2
6:30 p.m. – Taiko Practice @A.H.
7 p.m. – Buddhism 1-2-3 @S.H.
12 p.m. – Minyo Group 民謡
@Sangha Hall
1 p.m. – Shigin 詩吟 @Annex 1-2
6:30 p.m. – Taiko Practice @Annex Hall
6:30 pm – Board
of Directors Mtg.
@Conf. Rm.
12 p.m. – IRC Mtg.
6:30 p.m. – NCM
Meeting @BTSD
7:30 p.m. –
So. District
Council Mtg.
@Senshin BT
4:30-5:45 p.m. – “Mom’s Meatloaf Benefit Dinner” hosted by
BTSD @Annex Hall
6-9 p.m. – BTSD/VFW BINGO
@Annex Hall
10 a.m. – Koto Class 琴教室
@Sangha Hall
11:30 a.m. – ABA Mtg.
@Napoleone’s Pizza House
10 a.m. – Koto Class 琴教室
@Sangha Hall
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By Glenn Torio, Board President
August started out with the Temple’s Bon Odori festival.
Some of us danced and some helped with various other things.
Despite the weather, we enjoyed ourselves.
August 16 & 17 was the Temple’s Rummage Sale. We thank
those that were able to help. Also, we thank those that brought
food for the potluck for the volunteers at the Rummage Sale.
Our next meeting will be a lunch at Napoleone’s Pizza in National City on Sept. 6 at 11:30 a.m. Please let Motoo or Tsune
know if you are coming.
One of the most talked about topics these days has to do
with the weather. August brought some of the strangest weather we’ve had in a while with the increased and extended period
of heat and humidity. Florida was still far more humid and hot;
one noticeable difference between San Diego and Florida is
how lush and green it is. Once again, we are in a water drought;
seems like the status quo for us. Keep this in mind while washing the dishes or taking that extra minute or two in the shower,
or over watering the lawn and sidewalk, sometimes.
Along the lines of saving and recycling, use that blue bin for
recyclables! It’s a good way for the kids to earn a few bucks and
become “eco” wise by learning how to recognizing what is recyclable and what is not. The kids may know more than the average adult with what is taught in school these days. BTSD is
starting up a Be Wise volunteer “Eco” Program to include any
and all who are interested in making a difference in this world. I
would like to thank Nancy Martinez for spearheading this program for us. Look for more information in this issue of the
newsletter! This program goes up to the Buddhist Churches of
America (BCA) level with them incorporating an “eco” program
of their own. Kenji Sensei and Mrs. Karen are looking into programs that will pay us for removing the lawn, and replacing it
with a water wise landscape using succulents and other water
wise plant materials. Let’s do our best to save our planet and a
few bucks!!
A Big THANK YOU goes out to all those who participated and
helped with the Obon Odori. A little rain, lightening and thunder didn’t hold us back, and it turned out to be a great night!! A
night of dancing, laughing, trying to follow the dance instructors
and celebrating!!
On Thursday, August 21, 2014, the Board of Directors met
and the following items were acted on or discussed.
1. Condolences to the family of Mrs. Kiyoko Omori who
passed away on August 14.
2. The Eitaikyo Service date has been changed from
November 9 to November 23 so that Sensei Brian Nagata
(English) and Rev. Ogi (Japanese) can be our guest
3. The All-Life Forms Memorial service has been changed
from November 9 to November 2.
4. The Board ratified the decision to cover Rev. and Mrs.
Akahoshi's attendance of the Japanese Friendship
Garden's August Moon Festival held on August 14.
5. The Board approved a donation for the October 2014
Southern District and BWA Conference.
6. The Board was updated on the planning for the 2015
National Council meeting that will be held in San Diego.
The Board approved a donation toward the event that will
go towards hospitality.
7. The Board was updated on the status of the Kitchen
Compliance Project.
Thank you to all of our wonderful members who helped with
the Spam musubi, tofu casserole, and ohagi preparations for
the Bon Odori in August. It was a lot of work, but fun to work
together too.
We were happy to welcome our six new members (Margie
Kitano, Jeanie Kashima, Ann Yamamoto, Jane Yamamoto, Susan
Yonekura, and Laurine Ota) at our luncheon on August 3. We
got to know them a little, and look forward to sharing many
future activities together.
We send our deepest condolences to the family of Mrs. Kiyoko Omori, who passed away on August 14. She served the
BWA faithfully for many years as our corresponding secretary,
and will be deeply missed.
So far, there are seven BWA members who are registered for
the Southern District conference in Irvine, Oct. 10-12, 2014. The
conference, jointly presented by the Federation of BWA, Southern District BCA, and Southern District Dharma School Teachers’
League, promises to be an exciting as well as informative opportunity. Please contact Sue, or the temple office (619) 239-0896
for more information (see article on page 5).
Another wonderful opportunity for Enlightenment is the 15th
World Buddhist Women’s Convention to be held in Calgary,
Alberta, Canada May 30-31, 2015. Plans for the exciting tour
are being firmed up now. Please contact Sue at (858) 565-6594,
or email sl.sd@roadrunner.com for more information.
Be sure to check the BWA website: southerndistrictbwa.weebly.com/ for information on our BWA, as well as
BWA groups at other Southern District temples.
There was no meeting in August, but we hope to see you at
noon for our Sept. 7 meeting, which will be hosted by Group B.
On July 24, we had our planning meeting at Kenji Sensei and
Mrs. Karen’s House. Thank you again, Sensei & Mrs. Karen, for
your warm hospitality. We would like to welcome Jim Hornsby
to the DS Teaching Staff. Here is our staff for the 2014-2015
year: Superintendent–Avis Honda; Assistant Superintendent–
Sharon Sasaki; Recording Secretary–Jamie Shimizu; Corresponding Secretary–Karen Okuhara; Treasurer–Roy Okuhara; Birthday
Chairperson–Laura Henschen; Bulletin Board–Ann Ong; Tomodachi Newsletter–Jamie Shimizu/6th– 8th Grade Class; Obon Music Chairperson–Junko Kajita; and Ex-Officio–Nancy Martinez.
(Continued on Page 4)
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(DHARMA SCHOOL: Continued from Page 3)
We also have a position for Parent-Teacher Council (PTC). I will
ask a Dharma School parent to help and head this group.
Here is the 2014-2015 teaching staff: Mrs. Kimberly Kruse
(Nursery); Mrs. Trina Okita (Kindergarten – 1st Grade); Mr.
Gregg Yonekura & Mrs. Laura Henschen (2nd – 3rd Grade); Mrs.
Avis Honda (4th – 5th Grade); Ms. Jamie Shimizu & Mr. Glenn
Torio (6th – 8th Grade); Mr. Roy Okuhara, Mr. Jim Hornsby, &
Mr. Richard Matsumoto (9th – 12th Grade).
On August 2, eight DS students from returned from the
LABCC Camp, where over 150 youths from other temples
attended. Everyone had a great time! Many are looking forward
to next year camp with some new attendees as well.
Speaking of camping, nine Dharma School families, including
friends of the Dharma School, will be camping at Lake Dixon in
Escondido from August 29-31. They will be hiking, night fishing,
boating, making crafts and S’mores, and stargazing. We will
hear more about their adventures in next month’s issue.
Dharma School and family service will resume on Sunday,
Sept. 7. Service will begin at 10 a.m. Dharma School will host
hospitality after service and classes.
Mrs. Avis Honda, DS Superintendent
It was great to see everyone at the All Temple Picnic on June
15. What a great turnout!
Thank you to our Sangha Teens and their families who
helped out with Obon Odori preparations and activities, as well
as those who came out for the Rummage Sale.
Our next meeting will be held on Sunday, September 7 after
Dharma School. Officer positions for the 2014-15 year will be
elected, and activities for the year will be discussed.
Respectfully submitted by:
Sharyn Kang, BTSD Sangha Teens Advisor
In July and August, the Jr. YBA sold raffle tickets for the O
Bon Festival on August 2. We were 13 books shy of selling out!
We appreciate everyone’s support with purchasing tickets and
the many donations of prizes.
Thank you and please support the following businesses and
individuals that donated to the Jr. YBA this year: TICKET SPONSOR – 3 D’s Travel; DONORS OF GOODS AND SERVICES – Birch
Aquarium; Chopstix; Chris Ono’s Grinds; Glenn Torio; Hanaoka
Japanese Restaurant; Harold and LuAnn Lee; Hogetsu Bakery;
Ichiban-Hillcrest; Island Style Café; Japanese Friendship Garden;
John and Tsune Hashiguchi; Kanpai Restaurant; Kei Dan Floral
Design; Kris Tokunaga; Miki Honda; Nancy Martinez; Napoleone
Pizza; Peking Café; Ralph, Avis and Breven Honda; RTA International; and Sumi Yanagihara.
Congratulations to Jeff Kruse with the 1st prize and Susie Hogan with the 2nd prize.
During Labor Day weekend, Mark Torio, Breven Honda, Brian
Uchiyama and Kenji Martinez will attend their first Southern
District Jr. YBL National Conference hosted by Orange County
Buddhist Church. The theme is “Plug into Buddhism”. The Conference will take place at OCBC and the Hilton Hotel in Costa
Mesa. The guest speaker is Rev. Harry Bridge from the Buddhist
Church of Oakland.
Our next meeting is Sunday, September 14. All 9th-12th graders are invited to join us for lunch at 11:45 a.m. after class. The
meeting place is to be determined.
In Gassho,
Breven Honda, Religious Chairperson
OBON. Thank You to Ken Muraoka for heading up the Obon
fundraiser, once again, and to all the chair people and volunteers. Obon has always been a time for getting together with
family, old friends and making new acquaintances. This was no
exception, even though we had rain for most of the day. The
delicious food was enjoyed by all and the dance circles were full
of people dressed in their yukatas, happi coats and just everyday clothes. It’s an event that we all look forward to. Words
from Ken will follow.
RUMMAGE SALE. We can’t thank our chair people enough –
Nancy, Sue, Glenn and Kaytee, for heading up this labor intensive event. No words can express our appreciation to everyone
who helped make this year’s rummage sale a success! A full
report can be found later in this issue.
GOLF TOURNAMENT. The annual Golf Tournament was on
Sunday, August 24 at the Eastlake Country Club. Thanks to
Ralph Honda and Ronnie Yagura for heading up this fundraiser.
More information on the outcome of the tournament to follow.
BINGO DINNER. We will have a benefit Bingo dinner on September 27. On the menu is “Mom’s Meatloaf” with all of the
“delicious fixins” and dessert! Tickets are only $9.00, and will be
available for purchase soon!
ASIAN FOOD & CRAFT FAIR. On October 19, we will have our
Annual “Asian Food and Craft Fair.” Packets will be available
soon. We are still looking for more Crafters. If interested, please
find the application online, or call the temple office at (619) 239
-0896 between 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Tuesday through Friday.
DINNER/DANCE. Tickets are now available!!! BTSD will once
again sponsor the Benefit Dinner and Dance on November 15,
2014. Tickets are $60 (early bird), and $70 after November 1,
2014. The event will run from 5 to 10 p.m. Reserve your VIP
Table for an additional $400 donation. Hope to see you there!
Please join us for our monthly Activities meeting at the end
of each month. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, September 24 at 7 p.m.
On July 26, the VFW served their delicious Spaghetti. They
had a small turnout, but everyone enjoyed both the spaghetti
and the Bingo.
This month’s Bingo Night will be held on September 27. Remember, the Temple gets 50% of all proceeds. Buy-in is $10
with extra cards at $0.50 each. Pull tab are also available for
$0.50 each. A raffle ticket comes with the buy in which is held
just before the Bingo break. Hope to see you all there!!!
Please join Rev. Kenji & members of the Buddhist Education
Committee for our resumption of Buddhism 1-2-3 starting the
second week of September. We are returning to Wednesday
nights in September, starting on the 10th, and continuing
through the 17th and 24th.
The classes start at 7 p.m. and continue through 8:30 p.m.,
providing opportunities for meditation, chanting, and sharing
the Dharma.
Stay tuned for announcements about our October schedule!
MEMBERSHIP. We apologize for leaving out Hideo and
Chiyeko Sugiyama in last month’s listing of membership renewals for 2014.
Please let us know if there are any other omissions or mistakes, and we’ll be sure to take care of it right away.
Many of you have been asking about scrip for Ralph's.
Ralph's has a community program that temple members can
sign up for by picking up a copy of a letter from either Miyo or
the temple office, and returning it to Ralph's along with your
Ralph's card with your next purchase. The temple will receive a
percentage of the amount you spend. This is also true for Food
4 Less, so if you shop at both-don't forget to pick up 2 letters.
If you are frequent “out to eat diners,” then remember to
buy scrip for your favorite restaurants. Black Angus has a great
deal going for lunch that if you have a coupon you can get $12+
meals for $8.50. Claim Jumper, Olive Garden, Red Lobster,
Chili's, Panera, Applebee's, Ruth Chris and TGIF's are just some
of the gift cards that can be ordered.
Christmas is fast approaching so start making out your gift
lists. Gift cards are a great gift to give.
Thank you to everyone who has consistently bought scrip
throughout the year. Without you, this program would not be a
Are you interested in participating in Eco-Dana Projects at
temple and in the community? As Buddhists, we are taught the
interdependence of all life, and we see the impact our actions
have on the larger world.
The temple needs a group of Sangha volunteers willing to
take on the responsibility of recycling cans and bottles–
especially after a fundraising event or other all-temple functions. Members would need to take items to a Recycling Center.
Proceeds would benefit the temple’s general fund. The recycling sign-ups could be on a monthly or per-event basis. We do
have a recycling bin on site, but the temple pays for this once-amonth service. We place paper, cardboard and recyclable containers in the bin as we do want to lessen our burden on the
local landfills.
We also want to see if there is interest in participating in
other green projects and events for our Sangha or the larger
San Diego community. Beach clean-up? San Diego River Garden
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re-vegetation? After service or weekday craft project using recycled items? Helping with a Sangha member’s yard if they
need a little assistance? Your ideas and help are needed to
make this a successful and continued effort.
If interested, please contact the office secretary and provide
your name and email address or phone number. A meeting to
discuss and plan the direction of this group will be announced.
Thank you!
Sharing Our Life Stories As Buddhist is the theme for the upcoming Southern District Council of the BCA annual conference
that will take place October 10-12 at the Hotel Irvine Jamboree
Center in Irvine.
The Federation of Buddhist Women’s Association (FBWA)
and Southern District Dharma School Teachers League (SDDSTL)
will hold their respective meetings in conjunction with the
Southern conference.
A lineup of dynamic speakers from numerous walks of life
will share their reflections as Buddhists. Sessions will be offered
in both English and Japanese. The list includes: Rev. Shoko Angela Oh (Zen Buddhist), Rev. Dr. Duncan Ryuken Williams (USC
School of Religion), Karma Lekshe Tsomo (Professor of Buddhist Studies at USD), Rev. Nobuko Miyoshi (West Covina Buddhist Temple), Rev. Patricia Usuki (San Fernando Hongwanji
Buddhist Temple), Rev. Shumyo Kojima (Soto Zen priest), Beth
Mulligan (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction instructor) and
Rev. Yoshiko Miyaji (retired Shin Buddhist minister).
An in depth introduction of each speaker and the conference
schedule appeared in the August edition of the Bussei Script. If
you do not have a hard copy of the issue, you can find the information online on the BTSD web site. Or, please call the temple
office for more information regarding each speaker.
Although the early bird registration deadline has passed, the
BTSD Sangha, BWA, ABA, YABA, YBA, Jr. YBA and Dharma
School staff are encouraged to register for the conference.
The current registration fee per person is $175 for the threedays of activities. The Saturday session, in which each speaker
will present their message, is $115 and includes lunch. The Saturday session package, which includes the banquet, is $180.
Banquet only fee is $65. The deadline to register is Sept. 15
(Sept. 8 for BTSD participants).
Please note that the fees are non-refundable. Walk-ins, after
the final deadline will be accepted the day of the conference at
full price, and meals will be offered only upon availability.
If you wish to make hotel accommodations, go to the Hotel
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(SOUTHERN DIST. CONFERENCE: Continued from Page 5)
Irvine Jamboree Center web site and use the reservation link
https://resweb.passkey.com/go/bca2014irvine to ensure your
reservation at the group rate. Or you can call the Hotel Irvine
Jamboree directly at (949) 225-6750 to reserve a room listed
under “Buddhist Churches of America Conference.” Make your
phone reservations between the hours of 6 a.m. and 8 p.m.
Avis Honda is our BTSD contact for registration signup for the
BWA, Dharma School Teachers and Sangha who wish to attend.
You may email Avis at seharu25@aol.com to make your conference reservation or for more information. Please make your
check payable to the Buddhist Temple of San Diego or you can
use your credit card and charge your fees through the temple
office. Please be aware of the September 8 deadline.
Currently, there are 15 temple members signed up to attend
the event. With carpooling encouraged, there is currently van
that will transport delegates to the Saturday session.
At its July meeting, the BTSD Board of Directors decided to
close the temple the weekend of Oct. 10-12 to support the activities of the Southern District, BWA and SDDSTL conferences.
Now that the O Bon season is over and the end of summer is
near, it is time to get back to business in preparation for the
2015 BCA Ministers and National Council meetings.
In a little over six months, the Buddhist Churches of America
(BCA) will hold its annual meetings in San Diego from Feb. 25March 1 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Mission Valley and BTSD.
After taking two months off, the San Diego (BTSD) and Vista
(VBT) planning committee is back in full gear, busily planning
the arrangements for the BCA that will bring nearly 200 ministers, delegate and boosters to “America’s Finest City.” The
Southern District Council of the BCA will serve as host district
while San Diego and Vista will serve has temple co-hosts.
Under the co-chairmanship of Terri Omori of Vista and I, and
the guidance of our resident minister Kenji Sensei, and Rev.
Marvin Harada of the Orange County Buddhist Church, the
planning committee looks forward to welcoming the entire BCA
to San Diego.
The BTSD and VBT Sanghas will be asked for any “behind-the
-scenes” help for the activities over the five-day session.
I, along with committee members will be approaching the
Sangha requesting to see if you can volunteer your time. If you
are able to take time out of your busy schedules to help for as
little as few hours in one day or as many days as possible, your
efforts will be deeply appreciated.
In addition, Sangha members will be encouraged to participate in the activities the BCA will offer which includes an IBSsponsored symposium on Thursday, Feb. 26 at the hotel, the
NCM banquet on Saturday, Feb. 28 and the National Eitaikyo
Service on Sunday, March 1 at the temple. Details regarding the
entire NCM schedule will be provided soon.
The planning committee’s next meeting will be on Thursday,
September 4 at 6:30 p.m. at the temple.
Looking ahead, updates for February’s national meetings will
be more frequent at Sunday services, in the Bussei Script and by
Please see me if you have any questions regarding the National meetings, and if you wish to volunteer your time during
the event.
Hosting the BCA national meetings may be new for today’s
members, but not unique for the temple. BTSD hosted the
meetings in 1991.
Thank you very much for your time and consideration as San
Diego will be the place to be in February 2015.
In Gassho,
Ralph Honda, co-chairperson
2014 Grassroots Summit in
San Diego Region
For global economics, security, and peace, no nation is
more important to the dynamic San Diego region than Japan. Founded in 1996, the Japan Society of San Diego
and Tijuana (JSSDT) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit membership
organization of individuals and corporations with a focus
on tri-national relations between Japan, San Diego, and
Tijuana. These important tri-national relationships must be
nurtured and strengthen to build bridges of understanding
between people from all three great nations and create a
safer and more peaceful world. The JSSDT accomplishes
this by offering unique opportunities for people to become
involved in business, educational, and cultural programs
and events. The JSSDT is one of approximately 40 independent, regional members of the National Association of
Japan American Societies headquartered in Washington
D.C. On behalf of the JSSDT, it is my pleasure and privilege to welcome you to the region.
~ Dave Tuites / JSSDT
What is the Grassroots Summit?
The Japan America Grassroots Summit is an annual gathering of Japanese and American citizens – held alternately
in Japan and the U.S. – which aims to strengthen the
peaceful relationship between two countries by fostering
friendship at the grassroots level.
Be a Host
 Open your heart and home to a Japanese visitor-enjoy
a rewarding experience and make a new friend.
 Provide 3 nights’ lodging and some meals (guest are
prepared to pay for any meals eaten outside the home)
 Provide local transportation
 Attend planned Summit activities in your community
 Share your normal everyday life – grocery shopping, a
walk in the park, Friday night football
 Attend the Closing Ceremony on Sunday Afternoon
 Share/exchange information about one another’s culture
 Take photographs to share
Be a Volunteer
Share your language skills – on-site or on-call
Accompany group tours
Staff the Summit desk
Help with local transportation
Provide administrative and logistical support
And more!
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Another Bon Odori has come to a close for another year. I
must say that this Bon Odori will be one to remember for a
long, long time. It is up there with the Bon Odori on Dodson
Street a few years back. The big difference though is that we
were planning for the Bon Odori on Dodson Street; we had no
clue there was going to be thundershowers in August for this
year Bon Odori. For me this was a Bon Odori of "MOMENTS".
*The moment of disbelief at 9:30 a.m. when Michael K. said
that there were expected thundershowers throughout the
*The moment of feeling deflated at 11:30 a.m. when it started
to rain.
*The moment of panic at 1:30 p.m. when Naruwan Taiko
texted me about the possibility of performing indoors knowing that it looked like the rain wasn't going away, and having
to implement a plan "B" that didn't wholly exist yet.
*The moment of “oh no” at 3:30 p.m. when looking at the
empty parking lot and thinking "Nobody's coming" and "What
are we going to do with all this food"
*The moment of hope at 5:00 p.m. when people started to fill
the parking lot.
*The moment of relief at 6:10 p.m. when Naruwan Taiko performed to a packed Annex hall and I knew the Bon Odori
would not be a disaster.
*The moment of joy at 6:35 p.m. when the dancers danced
out to the circles.
*The moment of happiness at 7:00 p.m. seeing the smiles on
everyone’s faces.
*The moment of elation at 8:45 p.m. when the last song was
played for the night.
*The moment of accomplishment at 11:30 p.m. when the remaining few of us gathered before leaving for the night and
discussed the crazy day’s events.
It was a roller coaster ride of a day for everyone, but it was
our Sangha that came together and kept a feeling of optimism
throughout the day. Maybe it was the attitude of "shikata ga
nai" (it can't be helped), but in the end everyone came together
to make the 2014 Bon Odori a truly special event. I wanted to
thank the Activities committee and the Bon Odori committee
for all their help in putting together this year’s event. I also
wanted recognize a few people for all their hard work for without them this event could not have happened.
Michael Kinoshita - He spent most of the week of the Bon
Odori picking up supplies, putting together sinks, creating floor
plans, and even had time to chair the teriyaki plates. Over this
past month he made sure that the new sleeves for the lantern
poles installed, a prep room was available in the new kitchen,
the new bathrooms were operational, the outside sink worked
and countless other items were ready for this weekend.
Jamie Shimizu - You know the story of the "Elves and the
Shoemaker"? Well that is Jamie, leave anything unfinished
overnight at the temple and miraculously it’s done the next
day. She is truly a Wonder Woman.
Carol Baker - She helped plan out the teriyaki plates by making samples at our different meetings. She made sure Friday’s
food prep went smoothly. She helped with "Plan B" in getting
the needed canopies to the temple.
Karen and Roy Okuhara - Slow and steady, these two have
always make sure the drinks and shave ice booth runs smoothly. When we plan this event I never think about their booth
because it just gets done.
Keiko Negoro - With so many changes with this year’s food
offerings, we didn't get a good volunteer schedule she could
work from until about 2 weeks before the Bon Odori. She somehow managed to call a million people and get the list filled.
Nancy Martinez - She like Jamie, gets things done without
anybody knowing about it. Nancy always takes care of the little
things so everything runs smoothly.
Mike Ong - He handles the general arrangements with precision. Whatever needs to get done, it gets done.
Our Dance instructors Junko Kajita, Avis Honda, Kim Kruse,
Jo Ann Katsuda, Sue Moribe, Ann Ong, Jamie Shimizu and
Shirley Omori. Whether it was teaching 80 people or 3 kids, our
wonderful instructors make the time in their busy schedule to
teach us the new dances and help us brush up on the old ones.
It is the many practices that they have that starts the snow ball
effect where a gum ball sized snow ball rolls down the hill and
gets larger and larger until it becomes a Volkswagen Bug sized
snow ball at the Bon Odori. It’s too bad we don’t have practice
throughout the year because so many people enjoy it.
I would like to also thank the many individuals that "Chaired"
the many different parts of the Bon Odori.
Most of all it is our Sangha that comes together every year to
somehow make our Bon Odori an event to be proud of. It
doesn't stop there either – many of our Sangha members bring
their friends along to help, and all of this goodwill and friendship makes for a very special evening.
So on behalf of the Buddhist Temple of San Diego, I would
like to thank everyone who was involved with this year’s Bon
Odori in making it a success. And by success, I don't mean financially or in attendance, but in the "Gathering of Joy" and all the
"MOMENTS" we all shared together.
In Gassho,
Ken Muraoka, 2014 Bon Odori Chair
This year's rummage sale was a success! Close to $6,000 was
raised to help the temple meet its expenses for this fiscal year.
The Silent Auction and the Obon Again Shop also benefitted as
volunteers sorted through the generous donations of temple
members and friends. Many unsold items were put aside for
worthwhile causes – Rachel's Women's Center, APP's Buzzard's
Mexican Orphanage Outreach, the County of San Diego Animal
Shelter and the Japanese Friendship Garden.
Rummage Sale also allows many of us to "let go" of some of
(Continued on Page 8)
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(RUMMAGE SALE THANK YOU: Continued from Page 7)
our “attachments” and let them be used and appreciated by
others. Our local community members really enjoy the sale –
many have been coming for years. It is an opportunity for BTSD
to show we are community members, too.
We could not have accomplished the sale without the hard
work and dedication of our many volunteers. Thank you to the
donors, those who collected and delivered items throughout
the year, those who helped with sorting, pricing, cleaning, and
testing; those who donated food for meals and snacks; our
kitchen crew who kept us well-fed; those who donated toward
advertisement and supplies; those who helped set up and clean
up; and those who worked on sales days with the numerous
tasks involved with conducting this sale.
Your time and effort was truly appreciated! Thank you to:
Quimico Hagio, Ruth Voorhies, Jeanie Kashima, Aki Tomiyama,
Alice Matsumoto, Janet Ochi-Fontanott, Holly Hidinger, Erik
Sumida, Glenn Negoro, Avis Honda, Breven Honda, Ralph Honda, Roy Okuhara, Karen Okuhara, Kikue Graeber, Gregg Yonekura, Margo Spears, Roger Coppock, Joe Cross, Tim Funk, Leslie
Seymour, Sage Seymour, Sean Seymour, Margie Kitano, Wilbur
Shigehara, Janice Shigehara, Carol Baker, Mike Baker, LuAnn
Lee, Harold Lee, Tim Kajita, Ed Hill, Miyo Hill, Sumi Yanagihara,
Tom Yanagihara, Tsune Hashiguchi, John Hashiguchi, Massi Togo, Tomiko Togo, Jamie Shimizu, Jake Nakamura, Patti Nakamura, Gale Kaneshiro, Laura Henschen, Julianna Henschen, Bill
Teague, Joyce Teague, Kimberly Kruse, Jeff Kruse, Ybeth Rueda,
Jorge Rueda, Jeanne Inouye, Mark Torio, Yasuko Kinoshita, Michael Kinoshita, Trace Kawasaki, Mildred Kawasaki, Rev. Dr.
Kenji Akahoshi, Mrs. Karen Akahoshi, Floyd Sumida, Roy
Yonekura, Susan Yonekura, Jane Yamamoto, Sas Yamamoto,
Miki Honda, Rev. Tesshi Aoyama, Mrs. Alice Aoyama, Yuki Kawamoto, Mits Kawamoto, Dick Jensen, Katsumi Kida, Ellie Yanagihara, Emma Yanagihara, Donald Shimizu, Debbie Shimizu,
Ron Tokunaga, Sean Tokunaga, Ken Muraoka, & Sharon Sasaki.
If we missed someone - we apologize, please let us know.
In Gratitude,
2014 Rummage Sale Co-Chairs Glenn Torio, Sue Moribe, Kaytee Sumida, Nancy Martinez
The 19th annual BTSD Golf Tournament took place on August
24 and attracted 62 energetic junior players, young adults and
ageless wonders to the Eastlake Country Club in Chula Vista for
a day of friendly play, competition and rekindling friendships.
For the second year, the tournament invited players 15-years
and under to compete. Five fine golfers (two more than 2013)
teamed up with their fathers for the event. The tournament
committee looks forward to having the numbers of this group
of up-and-coming players grow and help sustain the tournament’s future.
Participants checked-in, filled their stomachs with donuts
and coffee, practiced their putting, hit the driving range, and
then, were ready to go. Golfers scooted onto the course in their
golf carts ready for the 8 a.m. shotgun start. The tournament
format was a four-man team scramble. After about 4½ hours of
chasing that little white ball, it was time for a nice BBQ lunch,
share golf stories, conduct the raffle drawing and announce
tournament winners.
Low first place team champion went to Milt Moss, Bob
Sagat, Mark Smith and Tom Yanagihara Jr. Second place team
included Steve Arata, Barry Morinaka and Ronnie Morinaka.
Third place went to Alex Gonzalez, Robert Kellogg, Derek Yagura and Sheila Yagura. Fourth place went to Chad Yagura, Bret
Yamamoto, Ryan Yamamoto and Kevin Yoneda. Low front nine
winning team included Ed Hill, Glenn Negoro, Phil Nguyen and
Stan Schroeder. For low back nine, there was a tie between the
team of Annette Inouye, Gary Inouye, Jim Inouye and Ricky
Schlesinger; and Tim Kajita, Toshio Moriuchi, Jim Tominaga and
Scott Tominaga.
Individual contest winners included the following: Closest to
the pin winners, Alex Gonzalez (Hole number 4) and Jim Tominaga (Hole 7). Long drive winners included Rich Kaneko (men’s
76-older), Tyler Leibl (Juniors 15 and younger), Margie Glover
(women) and Alex Gonzalez (men’s 75 and younger). Putting
contest winner was Tom Yanagihara, Jr.
The tournament wishes to acknowledge the many sponsors
and donors for making the tournament a success.
Corporate and individual sponsors included: California Bank
and Trust Emerald Plaza Branch, Sharmane Estolano, Manager
(long drive); Coronado Island Express, Setsuo and Jan Iwashita
(Closest to pin); MKA Inc., Michael Kinoshita (hole); Muraoka
Enterprises, Roy Muraoka (birdie); 3D’s Travel, Doug Ojiri
(hole); Agnes Benson (long drive); John and Tsune Hashiguchi
(gallery); Ron and Holly Hidinger (hole); Ed and Miyo Hill (hole);
Honda family, Miki, Ralph, Avis and Breven (beverage cart);
Trace and Mildred Kawasaki (gallery); Howard and Kaneko Kuwada (hole); Roy and Karen Okuhara (hole); Glen Obayashi
(gallery), Dennis and Elaine Otsuji (long drive); Keiju Terada,
Seiju Terada and Noriko Terada-Sasaki, in memory of Rev. Koju
Terada (hole); Motoo and Angie Tsuneyoshi (hole); Ron and
Sheila Yagura (gallery); Tom and Sumi Yanagihara (closest to
pin); George and Ann Yamamoto (gallery); Sas and Jane Yamamoto (gallery); and Roy and Susan Yonekura (hole).
Business and individual merchandise donors include:
Eastlake Country Club, Albert Jareugui, James Botard and staff;
Ichiban Restaurant Hillcrest, Yoshiro Minezaki and Satomi Paris;
Kanpai Restaurant; Peking Restaurant; RTA International, Robert Taniguchi; Keidan Floral Designs, Naomi Himaka; Miki Honda, Avis, Ralph and Breven Honda; LuAnn and Harold Lee, and
Rev. Akio Miyaji.
A special thank you extends to the volunteers who helped
golfers check-in, pass out freebies, sell raffle tickets and set up
the raffle drawing. The group included: Trace and Mildred Kawasaki, Ron and Sheila Yagura, Sas and Jane Yamamoto (and for
the delicious donuts, too!), Miki and Breven Honda, Avis Honda
(photographer and sign maker), Susan, Roy and Gregg Yonekura
and Jamie Shimizu (sign maker). Thank you to Steve Sato for
providing the PA sound system, and to Roy Asaki and Rich
Kaneko for monitoring the putting contest.
The temple looks forward to the 2015 tournament that will
be held on Aug. 30. Save the date!
In Gassho,
Ralph Honda and Ron Yagura, Co-chairmen
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A new chapter begins in the storied history of the Buddhist Temple of San Diego and the entire Sangha is invited to participate.
After just over six months of construction, the Kitchen Compliance Project (KCP) has become a reality, and Kenji Sensei, President
Glenn Torio and the Board of Directors extend a warm thank you to everyone for your involvement.
On Sunday, September 21, immediately following the Fall O Higan service, the temple will commemorate the newly remodeled
kitchen, dining and conference rooms, office spaces and restrooms with a special dedication, open house and celebratory luncheon.
The annual Keiro Kai, pioneer group (80-years-young and above) recognition will also be part of the luncheon.
In order to prepare for the event, each party attending is requested to either call or email your reservation to the temple. Or, fill
out the KCP Reservation Form and mail it to the temple. The deadline is Sunday, September 14. No fee is required for the luncheon.
Everyone who had a hand in this project is invited to attend this historic celebration. Members of the BWA, Dharma School staff
and students, ABA, YABA, YBA and Jr. YBA, along with Taiko and the Sangha took on an important role with helping the temple with
the project. Candy and sushi sales, jog-a-thons, fundraiser luncheons, major temple fundraisers, community events, packing and
moving supplies, and of course, your heartfelt gifts, are all accepted with the deepest amount of appreciation and gratitude.
Be a part of the KCP dedication! In Gassho.
RESERVATION FORM——————–————————–—
_____ Yes. I/we will participate in the KCP dedication and luncheon.
________ Number in party.
BTSD contact information – Phone: (619) 239-0896; Email: info@btsd.net; Address: 2929 Market Street San Diego, CA 92102
Asian Food
Craft Fair
O CT OB E R 19, 2 014
Craft Fair: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Food Sales: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
BUDDHIST TEMPLE OF SAN DIEGO Membership Pledge for 2014
New Member*
Change of Address
NAME: ________________________________________ BIRTHDATE: _________________
SPOUSE NAME: _____________________________________
BIRTHDATE: _________________
ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________________________
CITY: _____________________________________________
STATE: ___________ ZIP: _____________________
PHONE: (_____) _____-_________ CELL PHONE: (_____) _____-_________ WORK PHONE: (_____) _____-_________
E-MAIL: _________________________________________
OCCUPATION: __________________________________
Membership Pledge: The temple has an annual campaign to raise funds that go towards the Operating Budget. This budget
pays for ministerial salary, part-time staff, programs, utilities, maintenance and the day-to-day expenses of running the temple.
This tiered membership offers members the opportunity to choose their level of donation.
Sponsorship Pledge: Individuals are invited to sponsor a new or existing member under the current membership program.
Individual / Senior / Youth (All Ages)
Couple / Family
Optional: Senior Reduced Cost
(75 years and older)
Optional: Youth Reduced Cost
(30 years and younger)
(Membership Amount)
Recommended Annual Donations (Optional):
KITCHEN COMPLIANCE PROJECT ........................................................................................ $
FLORAL OFFERING FUND (Suggested annual donation of $40) .......................................... $
This fund helps defray cost of regular fresh flowers for the Onaijin (Central Altar).
GENERAL MAINTENANCE FUND (Suggested annual donation of $40) ............................... $
The fund helps provide upkeep of the Temple properties.
SCHOLARSHIP FUND (Suggested annual donation of $20) ................................................. $
The fund rewards members’ deserving high school graduates and college students.
DHARMA SCHOOL (Suggested annual donation of $20) ..................................................... $
Dharma School does not conduct fundraisers. Your annual donation helps sustain its activities.
_______ Annually _______ Semi-annually _______ Quarterly
_______ Monthly
To use credit card:
____ Visa ____ MasterCard Acct# __________________________________________
Expires (MM/YY) ______ /______
Authorized signature (if charging): __________________________________________________________________________
Billing address (if different from above): ____________________________________________ Zip ____________________
Please make checks payable to the BUDDHIST TEMPLE OF SAN DIEGO. A percentage of your dues support the Buddhist Churches of America and is
remitted annually to the BCA via the Temple. Benefits include a year’s subscription to the BCA publication, “Wheel of Dharma” and a printed copy of
our monthly newsletter, the “Bussei Script.” THANK YOU!
Mailing address to send your pledges: Buddhist Temple of San Diego
2929 Market Street
San Diego, California 92102
For any questions about membership, please call the Temple at 619-239-0896 or send inquires to the Membership Chair at info@btsd.net.
*For NEW MEMBERS and SPONSORSHIPS, proration is available.
1) お盆祭りのため、おはぎ、スパムむすび、豆腐料理作成にご援助下さ
2) 8月3日(日)新入会員歓迎会がありました。片野マージイ、鹿島ジ
3) 大森きよこ夫人が亡くなられました。夫人は、長年通信書記を務めて
4) 10月10日から12日まで行はれます南部教区大会には、7名の会員
5) 第15回世界仏教婦人会大会が、来年5月30日から31日までカナ
6) 婦人会関係のレポートは、ホームページで検索下さい。
7) 8月会議はありません。
8) 9月定例会議は、9月7日(日)にあります。
9) 9月当番はB組です。
Bussei Script
2929 Market Street
San Diego, California 92102
Non-Profit Organization
San Diego, California
The SEPTEMBER SHOTSUKI HOYO (monthly memorial) will be held on Sunday, September 7 in conjunction with the
Family Service beginning at 10 a.m. Dharma School classes will also resume on this day. Stay for hospitality after the service
FALL OHIGAN will be observed on Sunday, September 21 at 10 a.m. Our guest speaker for this service will be Sensei
Bill Dearth, Minister’s Assistant from the Orange County Buddhist Church. We affirm and celebrate the Teachings of the
Buddha with the observance that coincided with the seasonal change from extreme heat to moderate temperatures,
Higan. This change symbolizes the spiritual crossing from the shore of illusion (extreme beliefs held in ignorance) to the
other shore of Enlightenment (the middle path of recognizing and continuously overcoming one’s ignorance).
Following the Higan service, everyone is invited to celebrate the long-awaited completion of the Kitchen Compliance
Project with a dedication ceremony, open house an luncheon. Also, temple members who are 80 years young and above
will be recognized at the annual Keiro Kai appreciation. RSVP is requested (form inside). More information to come.
On Saturday, September 27, BTSD will be hosting a Benefit Dinner, which will precede the BTSD/VFW Monthly Bingo
Night. Menu and tickets will be available soon!
We invite your participation in our September events. Please check the Calendar (Pg. 2) for more activities. An envelope is
included with this mailing if you wish to make an Ohigan donation. Thank you for your support of the Temple. Gassho.