File - All Saints church


File - All Saints church
East Budleigh with Bicton
Parish News
Lambing Sunday at Bicton College
Victorian Day at Drakes School
Drakes School , Farmers market
May 2014
Also available online at
- click on All Saints East Budleigh then Parish News.
View from the Vicarage May 2014
This month sees a change in the Raleigh Mission Community as we say goodbye
to the Reverend David Scrace as he leaves to re re to Sidmouth, and we thank
him and Gill for all the blessings they have brought to us over the past two
Change comes to us all, at various mes in our lives. Some mes it is our choice
to make changes, some mes change is forced upon us by circumstance. It
might be children leaving home, a death of a loved one, the need to move
house, ill health, or indeed the birth of a child.
It is not the fact we have to face change that makes us who we are, but how we
react to that change when it happens. I believe we have the choice of facing
change alone, or to face change with the help of our community and with God
alongside us.
If we can be secure in the knowledge of his love, we are in a much be er place
to find love, peace and joy as we walk through change.
If you are struggling with this concept, have a look at Paul’s le er to the
Philippians. Here was Paul, imprisoned, in chains, and yet instead of bi erness
and complaint he was able to say
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: rejoice! …The Lord is near. Do not
be anxious about anything, but in every situa on, by prayer and pe on, with
thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which
transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ
God never changes. At different mes in our lives we may move away from him,
but he never moves away from us. He loves each one of us absolutely and
uncondi onally, and if we are facing change at the present moment, I pray that
you will feel his love surrounding you and blessing you at this me.
Every blessing—Anne
Farewell David
As most of you are now aware Canon David Scrace will be leaving us on 11th
May and we will be holding a bring and share lunch to say goodbye
to Gill and David on that day in St Peters Hall from 12 noon.
Please do come along and join us there.
fund-raising are the Friends of All Saints
East Budleigh Membership Scheme and
the 200 Club. In addi on to the
sa sfac on of knowing that you are
There are now
helping us to maintain the fabric of our
only a few weeks lovely and historic Church and its
le before our
surroundings, Friends receive our
Newsle er with informa on and
Scarecrow Fes val begins on Friday 13
updates on our fund-raising ini a ves.
June, so it’s me to start collec ng
The 200 Club provides a chance to win
materials to construct your contribu on one of three monthly cash prizes.
to our major fund-raising event of the
Leaflets are available in the Community
year. There are no limita ons on what
Shop giving details of Friends
form your scarecrow may take – as long Membership, the 200 Club and how to
as it’s legal and decent, anything goes!
subscribe to both. Alterna vely, contact
Further details about the programme of me at or
442621 and I will send you a copy of the
ac vi es for the weekend will be
circulated in the coming weeks.
David Buss, Chair, FoASEB Commi ee
Two other important aspects of our
Friends of
All Saints
East Budleigh
Chris an Aid Week 11-18 May 2014
All Saints Church is organising the Chris an Aid collec on for East Budleigh and
again we will not be carrying out a house to house collec on but please consider
making a dona on using the Chris an Aid envelope delivered with your Parish
Magazine. The envelope can be returned to the Community Shop where a
Chris an Aid box will be available during May or it can be returned to All Saints
Church at any service.
The last year has seen further poli cal conflicts and many natural disasters around
the world adding to the millions of people living without adequate food and
shelter. Chris an Aid works to end poverty everywhere and helps all regardless of
faith or na onality to fulfil their right to a decent life. Your dona ons will make a
difference to someone’s life.
The Chris an Aid Service for the area is to be held at
St Michael’s Church O erton on Sunday 4th May at 6pm.
The Village Ac vi es Group - May coffee morning
The next coffee morning is on Tuesday 6th May in the
Church Hall star ng at 10am un l 12 noon. Buy a book
from our bookstall, try your luck at the quiz, or just come
and meet some old and new friends to have a chat and put
the world to rights. All welcome.
Yours Molly
Choral Evensong at All Saints East Budleigh
On Sunday 1st June at 6pm,
three days a er Ascension Day
Devon Voices
will be singing a Fes ve Choral Evensong.
Those of you who have heard Devon Voices at their Christmas Concerts,
know that this will be well worth a ending.
The collec on at the end of the service will be for the purchase of a
portable ramp to aid easier access for all to church services.
Your support towards this will be greatly appreciated.
Square Circle Kni ers Churchyard working party
The Wednesday a ernoon
gatherings of Square Circle
kni ers has now stopped
for the summer,
resuming again in the
autumn. All completed
items will go on display in
the church during the
weekend of the Scarecrow
Fes val, 14th and 15th
June, before being
blessed and given to the
charity CR2EE (Chris an
Response to Eastern
Europe) for onward
transmission to Moldova.
The mild spring brought on the wild flowers and the
old churchyard was bright with primroses and
celandines which followed the earlier snowdrops.
The grass, of course, has begun to grow but the young
offenders group has promised to provide more help in
keeping it under control.
Hogweed is proving to be more of a menace and
efforts will be made to remove the heads before it sets
seed. We s ll rely on volunteers to carry out most of
the work needed to keep our large area dy and
working par es have been arranged for the following
Fridays: 9th May, 13th June, 11th July and 15th August.
We work from 10am ll 1pm, so please join us if you
can. Stuart Love 443141
Friends of All Saints together with a cheque for
£8.00 (£1 per month to the
200 Club
end of 2014) made
Please let me have all
March draw winners
payable to
your completed garments,
East Budleigh
blankets etc by the
Jenny Hill,
beginning of June in me
to organise the display.
3rd - Mr R Kingwill
Many thanks for all your
Devon, EX9 7EF.
would like to join
me and hard work in
vely you can pick
the 200 Club for the rest
support of this
on form
of 2014, please send your
worthy cause.
name, address and
East Budleigh Garage.
Janet Love
telephone number
s mula ng
“The love of the children shines their
inquisi ve
The team at Li le O ers Pre-school is
Rated as
delighted to announce that as of
good, with many
September 2014 they are planning to
outstanding features by Ofsted, the
extend their intake to include two year pre-school benefits from a highly
olds. The pre-school currently provides qualified mature staff and close working
a wonderful and s mula ng experience rela onship with both Drakes and
for three and four year olds with an
O erton C of E primary schools.
emphasis on learning through play.
It is located in a rural se ng at East
Li le O ers Pre-School
Through this ethos two year olds will be
supported to meet their needs whilst
enabling them to develop holis cally
into ac ve learners through an
interes ng and exci ng environment
Budleigh Village Hall at the heart of this
thriving community. To register your
interest or to book a taster session
please visit us or phone 01395 445825.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Events at Salem Chapel
Weekend Rover Ticket £6 to include
refreshments - children free.
Tickets Budleigh Salterton Tourist Board
and East Budleigh Community Shop.
Ring 443992 for queries and further
informa on.
Literary weekend Saturday and Sunday 10th-11th May
Meet the Devon authors
· Saturday 10th May 2 to 5pm Children's workshop
· Saturday 10th May 7 for 7.30pm Roman c novelists Kate Furnivall,
Anne Goring, Margaret James and
Linda Mitchelmore.
· Sunday 11th May 2.30pm - Local
author Graham Hurley, Mel Peet,
Rosemary A Smith and local poet
John Payne.
An ques Road Show
Monday 26th May 7.30pm with Piers
Motley. Tickets £5 to include a glass of
wine and one item per person to be
valued. Tickets at the door or ring
445236, also in the Tourist Board and
East Budleigh Community Shop.
East Budleigh in Bloom Spring Fair
Come along to the Village Hall at 2pm on Saturday 17th May. You will have the
opportunity to buy all of your plants and cakes, home made cards, books,
collectables, jumble plus lots more. You can also have a cup of tea and take a
chance on the raffle. Entrance is just 50p.
We would love to receive all your dona ons from 10am on the morning of the sale
or we can collect - please phone 446777.
East Budleigh in Bloom Plant Sale/Spring Fair please be there
David Mansell
Domestic Electrician
Interior and exterior alterations.
Re-wires and testing.
No job too small.
Prompt and reliable service.
Tel: 01395 232810
Mobile: 07828 184575
“The love of the children shines through”
Little Otters Pre-School is nestled in the heart
of East Budleigh, in the Village Hall. We
provide a wonderful environment for young
children to learn and develop through play.
Our priority is to provide high quality care and
support, and we are proud to maintain a high
staff to child ratio.
We operate on a daily basis during term time:
• AM Session: Mon to Fri 9.15 – 11.45am
• PM Session: Mon, Wed & Fri 12.45 – 3.15pm
• Lunch Club: Mon. to Fri. 11.45am – 12.45pm
Our Toddler Group meets on Thursday from
1pm – 3pm in term time. Families and carers
with babies, toddlers or pre-school-aged
children are welcome.
For more information or to arrange a visit,
please visit our website or call
01395 445825 (term time only).
We are a registered charity.
East Budleigh with Bicton Parish Council
Annual Parish Mee ng - Tuesday 27th May 2014
Leigh Rix from Clinton Devon Estates will give a talk on the Village Planning
Proposal in the Village Hall at 7pm. This will be followed by the Parish Council
Annual General Mee ng at 7.30pm. Everyone is welcome to a end.
It is with great sadness that East Budleigh Parish Council announces the
passing away of their current Chairman Stephen Baker. His knowledge, support
and kindness will be sorely missed. Our thoughts and condolences are with his
wife, Di and his family.
Senior Ci zens Lunch
The next Lunch is on Wednesday, 28th May at the
usual me of 12.00 for 12.30 in the Village Hall.
If you live in the village and have never been before
can I encourage you to give it a try? You get a home
cooked meal at a very reasonable price, but more
importantly you can enjoy mee ng new and old
friends. If you are a regular, or if you haven't been
for some me please do join us again and perhaps
bring along a neighbour who maybe lives alone.
Please add your name to the list which goes up in
the Informa on Point nearer the me, or ring me
on 446781. Jane Buckland-Wright
East Budleigh Bell Ringers report for May
East Budleigh Village
Hall Annual General
Mee ng
Our AGM is on Wednesday,
May 21st at 7.30 pm.
Do please join us to see
what we have been doing
and our plans for the
future, especially if you
belong to a group who uses
the Hall regularly. We
always welcome new ideas
and offers of help!
Many thanks Village Hall Commi ee
To begin I would like to thank everyone who has supported us in our fundraising
and as you can see by our reports we are doing well but s ll have a li le way to go
to reach our target.
We are currently in the process of acquiring a faculty and Taylors Bell founders
have said that they can cast the three new bells in September and prepare some of
the work before hand, and as we have a wedding on November 1st work cannot
start un l the 3rd November, but if work has been prepared beforehand they
expect the work to be finished by the end of the month.
When we have some dates to hand I would like to run a coach up to
the bell founders to see the three bells being cast, more details to
follow next month. Please do not forget that we are s ll accep ng
bric-a-brac and some jumble for a sale in July - sorry no electrical or
furniture can be taken.
Thank you David
O er Valley Associa on –
May diary
Thursday 15th May – 8.00am to 10.00am
– Friends of the Commons*
Meet at Warren car park (ca. 1 km N of
Friday 2nd May – 10.00am.
Woodbury castle on the B3180). Dar ord
Warbler Walk. Join Ed Lagdon (Commons
WALK “Bea ng the bounds 1” Start at
Warden) on Colaton Raleigh Common for a
Newton Poppleford Recrea on Ground CP,
walk in search of the elusive Dar ord
SY 088899. 8 ½ miles, 4+ hours. “Bea ng
the bounds” a circular two part walk follow- warbler, and find out about the changing
ing, wherever possible, the Newton Popple- fortunes of this iconic species. *Friends of
ford and Harpford parish boundaries. Some the Commons events need to be booked
of the route will be ‘off path’ and may be
Thursday 15th May – 10.00am.
steep and rough
underfoot. Part 1 –
WALK “Bea ng the bounds 2”
walk to Joney’s Cross returning to the start
Start at Newton Poppleford Church bus stop
using the 52 bus. Please bring refreshments.
towards Exeter, catching 52 bus at 09.49 to
Walk Leader: Ted Swan 01395 567450
Joneys Cross CP. Alterna ve start point,
Joney’s Cross CP SY 057898 at 10.00 hrs.
Wednesday 7th May – 2.00pm WALK
5miles. (See Friday 1st May)
The Norman Lockyer Observatory CP, SY
139883. 1½ miles, 2 hours. Guides from the Part 2 – walk back to Newton Poppleford.
Feel free to bring refreshments, but we
Sid Vale Associa on will lead us up to
should be back by lunch me.
Soldiers Hill Wood to view the display of
bluebells which are usually their best at this Walk Leader: Ted Swan 01395 567450
me of year. Note: the path to the woods is Saturday 24th May – 10.00am. WALK
quite steep with rough edges.
Start at Sidbury CP (behind Sidbury Social
Walk Leader: Graham Knapton, 01395
Club), SY 139918, 7 miles, 4 hours. A fairly
challenging walk following part of the East
Saturday 10th May – 10.00am. GUIDED
BIRD WALK. Start at White Bridge, SY
076830. 2½ miles, 2 hours. A leisurely walk
along the River O er watching and
iden fying the birds with Doug Cullen,
Voluntary Warden of the Pebblebed Heath
Conserva on Trust. Please bring binoculars if
you have them.
Walk Leader: Doug Cullen, 01395 567574.
Wednesday 14th May – 7.30pm
East Budleigh Village Hall - AGM
The mee ng will be followed by a break for
refreshments and an illustrated talk by Mike
Williams (Environment Agency and Project
Manager for Clinton Devon Estates) on the
Lower O er Restora on Project.
Devon Way, using footpaths, woodland trails
and green lanes. Some steep climbs and
stunning views before a steep, downhill
sec on towards the end. Can be very muddy
in places following rain.
Bring fluids and a packed lunch.
Walk Leader: Jan Stuart 01395 568235
Thursday 29th May – 10.00am. WALK
Start at Newton Poppleford Recrea on
Ground CP SY 088899. 10 miles 5+ hours
walking up the River O er to O ery St Mary,
the home of Coleridge. Historic town walk,
lunch at the Volunteer Inn, returning
eastwards via White Cross. Can be muddy,
easy start but more challenging uphill
sec ons on the return.
Walk Leader: Iain Ure 01395 568158
OVA walks are free to members and non-members.
A small fee to cover expenses is charged for talks. Chris ne Hadley 443607
SDM Plumbing &
Bathrooms Ltd
Bathroom design & installation
Wall & floor tiling
Showers fitted. Repairs to taps,
toilets, cloakrooms,
cold water tanks, outside taps.
Radiators moved or replaced.
Devon Trading Standards Approved,
CRB checked
Contact Steven Medlock BEng(Hons)
07779 020426 / 01395 268958
News from Drake’s School
Hello I am Ben and I am in Green Class.
For this edi on of the Parish Magazine, Green Class is a mix of year 4 and 5, we
you have a different author of the ar cle are aged between 8 and 10. On the 3
of April we held a farmers market. It was
from Drake’s C of E School! Instead of
me wri ng it, the children from the Year great. We sold lots of bread, soup and
bath bombs. If you came I am sure that
4/5 class, Green Class, have wri en
you would have enjoyed it. The whole of
about a variety of things we have been
the school community have been
up to in school Here is a selec on of
involved in most of the products. I hope
their accounts:you enjoyed it.
May Fayre - Hello, I am Charlo e Timms
Big Farmers Market – Hello I am Joseph
and I’m in Green Class. Green Class is
Breading and I am in Green Class at
year 5 and 4, ages 8, 9, 10. I go to
Drake’s C of E Primary School. Each year Drake’s school. Green Class is a year 4, 5
Drake’s School holds a May Fayre by the class and it has ages from 8 to 10. The
park. There is Maypole dancing, country Farmers Market was a blast, we sold lots
dancing, stalls and games. There is a lot of products. There was lots of different
of fun. May Fayre is on the 5th of May. It breads and there was also jams, eggs
is very enjoyable and I do recommend it. and meat. Did you enjoy the Farmers
This year I will be dancing ‘Gypsies tent’ market? If you weren’t there I know you
would have enjoyed it.
on the Maypole! I just can’t wait un l
May Fayre (also known as May Day).
Hello I am Louis Silk, I am in Green Class
Thank you for reading this. To find out
at Drake’s Primary School, green Class is
more please go to the school website.
a year 4, 5 year group, our ages are 8, 9
May Day! – Hello my name is Amy Bell, I and 10. Some of our school pupils have
am in Green Class, Green Class is Year 4 done the year 5, 6 Tag Rugby
and 5 ages 8, 9 and 10 Drake’s School. I compe on that was held on the 2 of
am 8 and I am in Y4. May Day is brilliant April. We done really well and we were
very compe ve in our matches. We
it is just so much fun. You will have a
very good me if you come. It is on the tried really hard throughout the games.
It would be a shame if you missed out
5th of May 2014. The maypole dances
are single plate, single plate with double hearing more news from school, so feel
welcome to visit the school website at
ribbons, gipsies tent and spiders web.
There will be country dancing too. A er
the dancing and maypole there will be
Thank you for having read the children’s
lots of fun and games. For example,
descrip ons of recent events. For a
gli er ta oos, face paint and lots lots
fuller picture of ac vi es going on and
more. On May Day there is country
coming up, please visit the school
dancing. It is lovely to watch. I hope you website.
come. I will be very, very sad if you do
Carron Saunders, Headteacher
not come.
Village pictures
Drakes School
farmers market
& Victorian day.
Provided by
Peter Bowler
& Hugh Blagden
The Coat of Arms above
the organ in the Church
being restored, with quite
remarkable results.
Hanna Luff and
Chloe Furneaux
with rugby coach
Chris Richards from
the Achieving
Academic and
Spor ng Excellence
(AASE) Programme
at Bicton College.
For more details
May Fair – Monday
5th May – 2pm
Drake’s School PTFA
would like to invite
you to their annual
May Fair
Come and experience tradi onal
country dancing, plus Maypole dancing too at Drake’s School May Fair.
There will be fun for all the family with lots of games including hoopla, duck race
and coconut shy, plus much more.
Refreshments will be available too, including a bar, BBQ and cream teas.
Money raised this year will go towards the PTFA Fundraiser for 2014, which is to
revamp the school dinner hall.
The fun starts at 2pm with the procession from East Budleigh Garage to the village
hall, which features the May Queen and her Princes.
All are welcome and we look forward to seeing you there!
East Budleigh Chess Club
The last Exeter & District Chess League fixture was played in
April against Exeter Gambits. This brings to an end the club's
first season in the League. The total result over the season
must be looked upon as a real achievement for a new club
against more experienced sides. The complete Exeter &
District Chess League results + LEAGUE TABLES can be viewed at the excellent web
site: Recently the club has been strengthened by the addi on of a number of
new members so the future looks secure. It is hoped to re-introduce the Ladder
compe on at the next club mee ng.
Although the League season has finished there are plenty of tournaments taking
place over the summer months in which players can take part. The Bri sh
Championships take place from 9 July - 2nd August at Aberystwyth University, and offers different standards of compe on
for all age groups. More closer to home is the Paignton Chess Congress in
September. Details can be found at
The East Budleigh club meets on the second Thursday of the month. The last
mee ng this season is on: Thursday May 8th at 7pm at All Saints Church Hall. The
new season starts on September 11th. Brian Gosling 442060.
Organ and Piano Concert
To begin the Fes val weekend on Friday 13th June at
7.30pm in All Saints Church - Andrew Millington and
David Davis from Exeter Cathedral will be performing
a Duo Recital on Organ and Piano.
This was so popular last year that we have asked them to open the Fes val
with another performance. If you heard their concert last year, you will
know that this is a highly entertaining concert, and one not to be missed.
Entry will be by programme price £7.50 available at the door, or in advance
from the Village Shop, as from the beginning of June.
All Proceeds will be towards the Friends of All Saints.
East Budleigh with Bicton WI
The hall, hung with bun ng and vases of
colourful spring flowers on tables
greeted members, at the 94th birthday
celebra ons.
A er a warm welcome given by Gillian
Lowe, president; brief reports of the
minutes and financial situa on; it was
stated that several commi ee members
are re ring and five new ones will be
required for the May mee ng, to ensure
the ins tute con nues.
A quil ng class, arranged for April 23rd,
has been postponed un l June.
The friendly ski les match, held during
March, was a success and another one
has been arranged for 15th April at
On display was a large quilt, beau fully
made by cra ers and is being raffled,
proceeds going towards the East
Budleigh Church Bell appeal.
The pastel pain ng course has been
cancelled, owing to lack of support.
Some members have signed up for a
bluebell walk at Dunsford, on May 8th,
with tea being provided by Dunsford WI.
A tea break, giving me to socialise,
followed, when we were offered
delicious cakes, made by members of the
commi ee and wine, tea or coffee.
Jane Hanna, flau st entertained us,
accompanied by Peter on the piano.
Jane chose a bouquet of music, to
include Mozart sonata, two French
roman c pieces, Dance of the Blessed
Spirit, Annie by John Denver and Sleepy
Shore. Owing to the applause, I am sure
everyone would agree, it was the perfect
end to a most enjoyable evening.
Jill Williams ably thanked the commi ee
for their hard work.
The annual general mee ng will be held
on May 13th, when it is hoped more
commi ee members will be
forthcoming. There will also be a talk by
McMillan Nurses and it would be
appreciated if members could donate a
gi to be sold for their funds.
Heather Williams
Over 35 years experience.
Local and Distance,
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Budleigh Taxis
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Dave’s Taxis
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Pain ng & Decora ng by
Steven Richards
Free es mates for all
Interior & exterior decora on
also fascia & gu ering cleaning
tel 01395 446171
mob 07970 158772
Knowle Road
Member of the
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Friendly Free Advice & Estimates
Tel: 01297 35129
Mob: 07830 356241
4 Meadowbank, Kilmington,
Near Axminster EX13 7RL
‘Have Your Say’ local Police sessions for East Budleigh and Ye ngton
The next ‘Have Your Say’ sessions at the East Budleigh Informa on Point at the
Village Hall will take place on the following dates and mes;
Tuesday 20th May at 6pm & Thursday 19th June at 3.30pm
Alterna vely, if you cannot make any of these sessions please contact:
Or via the Police non urgent telephone number 101.
Children's Page
Ye ngton Whist Drive
A spring in your step.....
Spring is in the
air and your
thoughts may be
turning to
ge ng outside
and enjoying
our beau ful East Devon countryside.
The East Devon Area of Outstanding
Natural Beauty website currently has
news about two new walk leaflets and
some great events for you to enjoy,
please take a look at
East Budleigh
Church Hall
The Church Hall is
available to hire for
func ons and
other ac vi es.
Please contact the
booking secretary
Richard Slade
01395 443609
June edi on of the
Parish News
Items for the
June edi on of the
magazine by
Friday 16th May
please, via email to
or in the church office
by Friday 16th at
12 noon please.
Come along and join us for our monthly
whist drives. The next one will be held
on Monday 12th May at
7.30pm in Ye ngton Village
Hall. Admission £1.00
Everyone welcome
The produc on of the East Budleigh
Parish News is made possible because
of the support of our adver sers.
Please support them and tell them
you saw their advert here!
Who’s who in East Budleigh and Bicton
Community Priest, Raleigh Mission Community The Rev’d Anne Charlton 444276 (Monday day off)
Rev’d Canon - David Scrace, Associate Priest 445591
(Sunday, Monday & Tuesday only)
Assistant Curate - Annita Denny 512735
Churchwardens Christopher Teuten 567829
Marilyn Hobbs 488739
Deputy Churchwardens Mrs J Daniels
Mr M Seward
Mr C Buckland-Wright 446781
Raleigh Mission Community Administrator Fran Mills - 443397
The office at St Peters church is open from;
1-3pm every Monday and 10am-2pm each Friday.
Parochial Church Council Secretary - Mrs J Buckland-Wright 446781
Treasurer - Mrs J Hill 442140
Bellringers Captain Mr D W Pra
Dr G Aplin
The Recreation Field
Vicarage Road, East Budleigh
An all weather court in a delightful
setting is available to members of the
club for an annual fee of
£18 adults
£9 juniors
£45 Family
or to visitors for £2 person per hour
New Members and Visitors Welcome
For membership forms, rules and court
bookings go to
EBTC Booking desk at
Battlesdon, Vicarage Road
Tel: 01395 443607 for further details
Central hea ng & plumbing specialists
Installa ons – Repairs – Servicing
Boiler Replacements
Gas Safety Inspec ons/Cer fica on
Established 1999
Oil Installa ons and Servicing
26 years experience
Free es mates
10% discount on servicing of boilers
on receipt of this adver sement
01395 443622
07977 238009
Based in East Budleigh
Over 30 years experience
East Budleigh village diary - ‘What’s on’ in May
Thursday 1st
Friday 2nd
Saturday 3rd
Monday 5th
Monday 5th
Tuesday 6th
Weds. 7th
Thursday 8th
Thursday 8th
Friday 9th
Saturday 10th
Saturday 10
Saturday 10
& Sunday 11
Monday 12
Tuesday 13th
Weds. 14th
Thursday 15th
Thursday 15th
Thursday 15th
Saturday 17th
Tuesday 20th
Loca on
Football Club – Cash Bingo
‘Bea ng the bounds’ walk part 1
East Budleigh v Witheridge
Drakes School May Fair
East Budleigh v Bickleigh
Free coffee morning
1 and ½ mile walk
East Budleigh Chess Club
Football Club – Cash Bingo
Churchyard Working Party
Guided bird walk
East Budleigh Res. v Starcross
Village Hall
N. Poppleford
Football ground
Village Hall
Football ground
Church Hall
Church Hall
Village Hall
Literary weekend
Salem Chapel
various see page 8
Whist Drive
O er Valley Associa on AGM/talk
Dar ord Warbler walk
‘Bea ng the bounds’ walk part 2
Football Club – Cash Bingo
East Budleigh in Bloom –
Plant sale and spring fair
Community Police - drop in session
Ye ngton Hall
Village Hall
Village Hall
N. Poppleford
Village Hall
7.30pm see page 30
7pm see page 22
7.30pm see page 12
8am see page 12
10am see page 12
Eyes down 7.30pm
Village Hall
White Bridge
Eyes down 7.30pm
10am see page 12
2pm see page 21
10am see page 4
2pm see page 12
7pm see page 21
Eyes down 7.30pm
10am see page 12
Football ground
Woodbury common
Village Hall
Weds. 21
Village Hall Annual General Mee ng Village Hall
Thursday 22nd Football Club – Cash Bingo
Village Hall
Saturday 24 7 mile walk
Monday 26
Salem Chapel
Tuesday 27th Annual Parish Council Mee ng
Village Hall
Senior Ci zens Lunch
Weds. 28
Village Hall
Thursday 29 10 mile walk
N. Poppleford
Thursday 29 Football Club – Cash Bingo
Village Hall
see page 8
see page 25
7.30pm see page 11
Eyes down 7.30pm
10am see page 12
7.30pm see page 8
see page 11
12 noon see page 11
see page 12
Eyes down 7.30pm
If you are organising a charity or community based event
please send details and a contact phone number to
We will endeavour to add it to the diary.
Raleigh Mission Community Services - May 2014
Sunday 4h
3rd Sunday of
Tuesday 6th
Weds. 7th
Thursday 8th
Friday 9
All Saints
East Budleigh
St Michaels
Holy Communion
Holy Communion BCP
Family Service
Holy Communion
Parish Eucharist
Christian Aid Service – St Michaels, Otterton
Morning prayer
Holy Communion BCP
Morning prayer
Holy Communion with
Holy Communion BCP
Tuesday 13th
Weds. 14th
Sunday 11th
4th Sunday of
Thursday 15
Friday 16
Sunday 18
5th Sunday of
Tuesday 20th
Weds. 21st
Holy Communion
Family Service
Parish Eucharist
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion BCP
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion
Holy Communion BCP
Holy Communion
Thursday 22
Friday 23
Sunday 25th
6th Sunday of
Tuesday 27th
Weds. 28th
Thursday 29th
Friday 30th
Sunday 1st
7th Sunday of
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion
at the Vicarage
Holy Communion
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion by
Holy Communion BCP
Holy Communion
Morning Prayer
Parish Eucharist
Choral Evensong
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion
Morning Prayer
Ascension day
Parish Eucharist
Taize service at Baptist Church – Budleigh Salterton
St Peters
Budleigh Salterton
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Family Service
Choral Evensong
Holy Communion BCP
Holy Communion
Parish Eucharist
Prayer and praise