N567DG Story - Seaplanes West
N567DG Story - Seaplanes West
!4,n ;*"1?f;7 f,t,'!,t i 'i:':*, ";: i '*t7 iV:n,"""*.,1{, tiol',^,' r,"*-.,: jLr -.; :, *i by Dennis Gartner 1fl"'-T ive years ago at age {"4, es, an airline captain After completing my I contracted with research, .&* friend of mine and I were discussing the fact Park Rapids Aviation, who specializes that I had always wanted to fly, but business and other interests had not allowed the time I felt necessary to become and sta) proficient. I expressed the opinion that at my age it was too late to start flying. He immediately in Seaplane They Cessna 182 conversions. located a lor.r tirne airframe, 2000+ hours, and completed the renovation and conversion of N567DG, the airplane featured in this article. They are also the exclusive distributor of infonned me that "IT'S AEROCET floats NEVER TOO LAIE". for the Mid-west and Canada. I That aftemoon I went out to the Eagle County, Colorado airporl, KEGE, and took my first lesson. Approximately six months later I had my private license. The delay in getting my license was caused by the fact that I had a heart By-pass at age 49 and the FAA medical was slow in coming. Thankfully things starled to move much quicker and I received my Seaplane and IFR ratings within the next two months. I was off to the races Having retired five years earlier and recently given up my main hobby, boating. I had the time, finances. And desire to very actively pursue ffying, and in parlicular, Seaplane flying.. I started by researching the models that would meet the criteria that I had set. It had to be an all metal plane capable of seating four people and some baggage. Seaplanes West had recently been granted an STC for a kit to convert the Cessna 182 for both straight and amphibious floats. It clearly became my choice over the more popular Cessna 180 and 185 Seaplanes for several reasons. Two of the main reasons were, it has substantially more shoulder room and there are many more low time airframes available for renovation and conversion. The newer S and T models were of no interest because they are Lycoming powered at 230 Hp and no STC,s are available for higher HP engines. The R and older models are STC'd to install an IO550 Continental at 300 Hp. This engine can then have polished ports resulting in an engine that will dyno at 330 HP. A 330 HP Cessna 182 makes a great float plane, even with the heavier amphibious floats. If you take the floats off for the winter, LOOK OUT, the performance is chose the AEROCET 3400 amphibious model. They are a composite float that is strongeq rivet free for no leaking, large stowage, and no comosion in salt water. Park RapidsAvionics was chosen to upgrade the panel with the latest in avionics at the time It's probably over board for a Seaplane, but at the time I was planning a lot of off season cross country and wanted all the help I could get for my lack of experience. Recently, Seaplanes West was granted a gross weight increase of4l0pounds for several 182 models so thatN56TDG now has a useful loadjust shy of 1000 pounds, even with the extensive equipment list shown in the chart with this arlicle. My venture into Seaplane flying has been incredibly rewarding for both my wife and me. We have been from the Bahamas to the Arctic, off the continent above the 72 parallel and into the Norlhwest Passage of the Arctic Ocean. From the coast of Maine to the San Juan Islands in the Northwest. I have accumulated almost 1400 hours, and even with all those hours on N567DG, at Air Venture 2009 in Oshkosh, N567DG was awarded "OUTSTANDING METAL SEAPLANE 2009". I hope all you Cessna enthusiasts look more at possibility of adding more HP and FLOATS to your toys It really opens up a new world to your flying. awesome www.cessna.org 3 W7 * *W*%W e 3 &X*-7"&%&7 *ffi AIRFRAME AVIONICS SEAPLANES WEST FLOAT PLANE KIT SEAPLANES WEST 6 POINT ENGINE MOLINT WNG TIP EXTENSIONS MICRO DYNAMICS VG KIT NEW GLASS EXHAUST PIPE COVER NEW PANT AEROCET 34OO AMPHIOUS FLOATS GARMN 530 WAAS GARMN43OWAAS GARMIN GMX2OO MFD PS.ENGINEERNG AUDIO PANEL AEROCET GEARADVISORY TCAS XM WEATHER S-TEC 55X/W ALTITUDE PRESET AND HOLD REMOTE ALTITUDE ANNUNCIATOR KNG FLIGHT DIRECTOR ENGINE CONTINENTAL IO55OD POLISHED CYLNDER PORIS-330 HP HARTZELL 84" 3 BLADE SEAPLANE PROP PRECISE FLIGHT STANDBY VACUUM JPI EDM 7OO ENGINE MONITOR JPI FS 450 FUEL FLOW INDICATOR GARMIN GTX 327 TRANSPONDER 406 ELI INTERIOR POWDER COAIED METAL INSTRUMENT PANELS LEATHER ROSEN SLINVISORS DOOR STEWARD HYDRAULIC DOOR OPENERS PRECISE-FLIGHT AIR VENTS KENWOODAM/FM RADIO & CD PLAYER 26 Years of Support Cessna Pilots Association -November 2010