EWBs over the World - Engineers Without Borders
EWBs over the World - Engineers Without Borders
EWBs over the World Edward Chan Secretary, EWB-HK 7 September 2012 無國界工程師 EWB over the World Members: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. Ingénieurs Sans Frontières - Ingénieurs Assistance Internationale (ISF-Belgium): www.isf-iai.be Ingenieurs zonder Grenzen (Belgium): http://www.kviv.be/izg Ingénieurs Sans Frontières - Cameroun: www.isf-cameroun.org Ingeniører uden Grænser (Denmark): www.ewf.dk Engineers Without Borders - Egypt: www.EWB-Egypt.org Ingenieure Ohne Grenzen (Germany): www.ingenieure-ohne-grenzen.org; www.ewb-germany.org Engineers Without Borders - Greece: www.ewb.gr Engineers Without Borders - India: www.ewb-india.org Engineers Without Borders - Kosovo: contact Besa Abrashi Inzeneri bez Granici - Macedonia: www.ewb-mk.org.mk Ingenieros Sin Fronteras - Mexico: contact Gerardo Sanchez Engineers Without Borders - Nepal: www.ewb-nepal.org Engineers Without Borders - Palestine: http://www.ewb-palestine.org TESE-Engenheiros sem Fronteiras - Portugal: http://www.tese.org.pt/pt/esf/sobre Ingénieurs sans Frontières Québec: www.isfq.qc.ca Engineers Without Borders - Rwanda: www.ewbrwanda.org or contact Emmanuel Tuombe Ingenjörer och Naturvetare utan Gränser-Sverige (EWB-Sweden): www.inug.nu Engineers Without Borders - USA: www.ewb-usa.org Ingenieros Sin Fronteras- Argentina: contact Maria Marta Fidalgo Ingénieurs sans Frontières - Congo: contact Michel Omanga Wedy Ingenieros Sin Fronteras- Colombia: http://isfcolombia.uniandes.edu.co Engineers Without Borders - Iran: contact Reza Kowsari Engineers Without Borders - Malawi: contact Stephen Chalimba Engineers Without Borders - Nigeria: www.ewbng.org Engineers Without Borders - Serria Leone: http://sites.google.com/site/ewbinsl Engineers Without Borders - South Africa: contact Duncan Fraser Engineers Without Borders - Sudan: contact Sakhr Abu Darag Engineers Without Borders - Uganda: contact ewb.uganda@gmail.com Engineers Without Borders - Bangladesh: contact Mahbubul Islam Ingenieros Sin Fronteras - Bolivia: contact Afnán Agramont Akiyama Engenheiros sem Fronteiras - Brasil: www.esf-brasil.org Engineers Without Borders - Burundi: contact Jean-Claude Sabushimike Engineers Without Borders - Cambodia: contact Mom Mony Ingenieros Sin Fronteras - Chile: contact Eduardo Herrera Engineers Without Borders - Finland: contact Hlekiwe Kachali Engineers Without Borders - Ghana: www.ewbghana.org Ingenieurs Zonder Grenzen, Holland: http://afdelingen.kiviniria.net/izg 38. Engineers Without Borders - Hong Kong: www.ewb.hk 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. Engineers Without Borders - Honduras: contact Luis Eveline Engineers Without Borders - Iraq: contact Tareq Aljumylee Engineers Without Borders - Israel: contact Vered Doctori-Blass Engineers Without Borders - Jordan: contact Hayel I. Amoush Engineers Without Borders - Korea: www.ewb-korea.org Engineers Without Borders - Lebanon: www.ewb-lebanon.org Engineers Without Borders - Pakistan: contact Muhammad Salman Khan Engineers Without Borders - Qatar: contact Monsoor Basha Engineers Without Borders - Sri Lanka: contact Padma Edirisinghe Engineers Without Borders, Syria: contact Manaf Abdulghani Engineers Without Borders - Switzerland: contact Sandra Vecchi Engineers Without Borders - Tanzania: Contact Chris Kuffar Engineers Without Borders - Turkey: Contact Cenk Erdil Engineers Without Borders - UAE: Contact Najla Baeshen Ingenieros Sin Fronteras -Venezuela: Contact Carlos Hernández EWB-I Missions 「國際無國界工程師」- EWB International 是 一個由不同國家組成的國際協會,以各國的專 業工程師帶領志願義工, 協助各自國家的貧困社 區和受災地區。 其宗旨是藉著促進協作會的會員之間的合作, 信息交流和配置資源,從而達至人道救援的最 終目的。 EWB International - is an association organized by professional engineers. EWBs leading the volunteers to provide technical support to disadvantaged communities and disaster areas. EWB-I aims to foster collaboration between members, exchange of information and allocation of resources so as to achieve the ultimate goal of humanitarian. EWB-I Works Networking for a Better World EWB-I provides a unique platform for its member groups, affiliates, and outside organizations to: • Contribute to meeting the MDGs through capacity building in projects • Create a new generation of GLOBAL Engineers • Address more global issues and projects • Collaborate on projects and studies worldwide; Develop partnerships on community projects • Share ideas, experiences, technical knowledge, and documentation • Train and connect engineering professionals and students around the world • Coordinate student exchanges, internships, and professional volunteers • Create synergy between their members EWB’s methods Appropriate Technologies EWB explores sustainable and appropriate solutions to encounter problems faced by communities worldwide. Unique tools (technologies, software, books, etc.) or cutting edge programs and initiatives are the methods to seek for the solutions. Appropriate technology for developing communities is usually characterized as being small scale, energy efficient, environmentally sound, labor-intensive, and controlled by the local community. It must be simple enough to be maintained by the people using it. Furthermore, facilities must match the user and the need in complexity and scale. They must be designed to foster selfreliance, cooperation and responsibility. Studies by the World Bank and the United Nations have shown, appropriate technology is critical to bringing more than 3 billion people out of poverty. Vision: • A world where every individual and community has adequate access to the resources, knowledge and technology necessary to meet their self-identified human needs • Envisions a transformed Australia where appropriate and sustainable technology is at the forefront of every engineers mind. Mission: 2009 Development Partnership and Programs 1. Local Initiative Program 2. Remote Australia Program 3. Overseas Program Education 1. EWB Challenges 2. High School outreach 3. EWB Research Program (collaboration among communities, universities and research institutions) 4. Undergraduate research scholarship 5. Leadership & Training 6. Conference 7. Knowledge Hubs Awareness Message out EWB’s visions to Australian community through: • Campaigns • Events • Progress • Influence policy • Corporate partnership • Corporate engagement In 2011, EWB-UK ran over 152 training events reaching more than 5,500 students and young professionals. EWB-UK also successfully obtained funding from DFID (Department for International Development), part of which will go towards expanding the Training Programme over the next few years. Events are held all year-round across the UK. Training is led and facilitated by a range of people from experienced development practitioners to students. Courses are offered in a number of areas including shelter, water and sanitation, alternative energy and communications. Thank You…. & Join Us