Program Overview


Program Overview
V olu m e 1, N u m be r 3
Ju ly, 2000
C on ten ts
Area D en ial For N ext
Gen eration …………………………. 1
M IC RO Air V ehic les …………… 6
In the n ew s ………………………..,8
Join s the team …………………….9
EM C Aw aren ess ………………..9
Sm artW eapon s C on f …...10
IAC Rou n d u p …………………… 10
C alen d ar of ev en ts ………… 11
by Kent Kogler, WSTIAC
Victor Kokodis, Paul Kisatsky, Rick Wagner
TACOM-ARDEC, Picatinny Arsenal,NJ
Program Overview
W STIAC is a D oD In form ation
An alysis C en ter Spon sored by the
D efen se Tec hn ic al In form ation
C en ter an d Operated by IiT
Researc h In stitu te
Under a recently completed contract with U.S. Army ARDEC, a team of technical experts
and service providers was assembled to demonstrate that anti-personnel land mines could be
replaced by sensors without sacrificing Area Denial objectives. Area denial is an essential
element of warfare used to delay, disrupt, destroy or channelize enemy forces into a situation
where they may be attacked by friendly forces. Currently, WSTIAC, under a new contract
with ARDEC, is continuing to employ this assembly of experts and service providers to tailor
and modify existing hardware to explore tradeoffs of Area Denial Anti-Vehicle concepts. Area
Denial concepts, as applied to the Next Generation of Scatterable mines (NGSM), are
oriented to the philosophy of greatly reducing the cost and logistics burden of the current
Family of Scatterable Mines (FASCAM) while maintaining or improving their current
effectiveness. By extending the sensing radius of the mines and employing some level of
warhead mobility, each mine can protect a larger surrounding area, thus reducing the
number of mines required per minefield. Reducing the logistic burden of the number of
scatterable mines, is directly supportive of the current army philosophy to lighten the future
combat system (FCS). U. S. Army ARDEC is evolving the NGSM to populate an Area Denial
System (ADS). NGSM endows ADS with several advantages as depicted in Figure 1.
Figure 1. NGSM Area Denial Architecture
It is desirable that NGSM concepts be compatible with
delivery by the Volcano Launcher, a typical laydown
randomly distributing the mines in a 960 meter by 150
meter field. Future delivery modes being considered are
Smart Carriers and UAVs. A single communication node
will remotely activate or deactivate the mine field.
Current scatterable anti-tank mines (FASCAM) rely on
the probability, for a given density of mines, of a target
rolling over the mine to achieve a kill. The NGSM will
detect a target at a distance and within an extended range,
deliver the warhead to it. NGSM is a smart mine approach
introducing mobility and a target sensor/tracker to the mine,
endowing it with the ability to move toward or to fire toward
the target. The NGSM thus increases its lethal radius from
near zero to a range at which warhead penetration is
assured. In effect, the width of the target is increased
significantly, thus improving the probability of engaging a
mine. As demonstrated by Figures 2 and 3, even modest
increases in lethal radius greatly reduce the density, cost and
logistic burden of NGSM’
s relative to the conventional
FASCAM mine field.
WSTIAC NEWSLETTER, 3rd Quarter 2000
Figure 2. Probability Of Encountering A Mine With FASCAM
Next Generation Scatterable Mines
Four approaches to Area Denial For Next Generation
Scatterable Mines have been identified by the technical
team of experts and are now being conceptually developed
in this program. Various warheads are being analyzed to
determine those most compatible with the evolving mine
concepts and effectively killing armored and vehicle targets.
(WSTIAC is developing concepts 3&4.)
Figure 4. Motorized SUBOT
Figure 3. Probability Of Encountering A Mine With NGSM
1) SAIC Center For Intelligent Systems is developing a
prototype motorized SUBOT. This mine moves to
the target aided by on board sensors. Once under
the target, the warhead engages the vehicle. (See
Figure 4.)
2) Tracer Round, Ltd. is developing a prototype mine
(Spider) that deploys a tethered mechanism that
attaches itself to the target. Once attached, the EFP
warhead pulls itself toward the target along the
tether. (See Figure 5.)
Figure 5. Munition Configuration
3) The Side Attack Mine (SAM), being developed by
WSTIAC, can acquire and rotationally track the
target from its ground stationary position and side
attack the target from a distance with its warhead.
(See Figure 6.)
From L ight
W e ight-High
4) The Bounder, the second mine concept being
developed by WSTIAC, overcomes obstacles in the
line of sight by acquiring the target and bounding up
about one meter, tracking the target and engaging it
from a distance with its warhead. (See Figure 7.)
SAM Feet
A c tivated
M e c h a n ically
(Spring) Or By
M o tor
(360°) And
A ltitude EFP
A iming By
C o m p u ter,
A n d S tepper
M o tors
S A M F ires
EFP From
Side A ttack Munition (SA M ) Conceptual Design
Figure 6. Side Attack Munition (SAM)
Figure 7. Bounding Munition
WSTIAC NEWSLETTER, 3rd Quarter 2000
Implementation of the above concepts requires
incorporation of a sensor able to detect a target and then
provide target bearing and target range. The detection
range may exceed the kill range to compensate for the
reaction time of the mine to intercept the target path or
orient its warhead toward the target. A variety of sensor
approaches are being traded off to identify the best
approaches for the above concepts.
Quantum Magnetics Inc. will be demonstrating a
gradient magnetometer based on magneto-resistive sensors.
A field experiment will be conducted this summer to evaluate
discrimination of target types and resolution of multiple
SenTech is fabricating a combined acoustic/laser range
finder sensor to also be demonstrated later this summer. In
this approach, established acoustic sensing, developed on
previous ARDEC programs, provides target bearing and
signature information and is complimented by a COTS laser
range finder.
The Ohio State University Electro-Sciences Laboratory is
studying ultra-wide band radar and antennas compatible
with the mines and their deployment. Experiments, initiated
in the previous program, are being conducted to
demonstrate near ground propagation ranges and potential
for penetrating foliage.
Other potential sensing mechanisms such as fiber-optic
trip wires are being studied by WSTIAC.
The current program addressing Area Denial For
NGSM Exploration is being conducted in two phases, the
first phase culminating in the demonstration of four concepts
to substantially increase the kill radius of anti-vehicle mines.
While the first phase demonstration will not employ sensors
to detect and acquire targets, sensor candidates will be
analyzed and demonstrated to identify those sensor
concepts to be carried into a second phase demonstration.
The second phase will culminate in autonomous target
detection and acquisition demonstrating ability to kill the
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Missile guidance systems will be described, their performance limitations given, and the techniques for assessing missdistance performance will be explained and illustrated. Software tools and simulations will be used to illustrate appropriate
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The course is designed for engineers and scientists involved in the guidance, navigation, and control of land, sea, or air
vehicles, whether piloted or automatically guided. Attendees will be able to improve their analytical understanding of the
performance limitations, design trade-offs, and methods of analysis and simulation of these systems.
For more information, visit the Georgia Tech Continuing Education web site at, contact them via e-mail at, or call (404) 385-3543.
by James M. McMichael, and
Col. Michael S. Francis, USAF (Ret.)
formerly of DARO
… In Touch With The User
Success in any MAV mission rests with ability to establish
a successful, robust communications link between the MAV
and its user/operator. Figure 1 illustrates some of the factors
influencing the communication systems design.
Note: Continued from last issue.
severely restrictive for urban operations, so other
approaches will have to be found. One approach is to
explore cellular communication architectures.
…MAV Payloads
The first generation MAVs will be equipped with sensor
packages to accomplish various reconnaissance or
surveillance tasks. A variety of sensors will have to be
adapted and integrated into MAV systems. These may
include optical, IR, acoustic, bio-chemical, nuclear, and
Figure 1. Issues Influencing MAV Communications
Communication problems relate primarily to the small
vehicle size, hence small antenna size, and to the limited
power available to support the bandwidth required (2-4
megabits per second) for image transmission. Control
functions demand much lower bandwidth capabilities, in the
10's of kilobits range, at most. Image compression helps
reduce the bandwidth requirement, but this increases onboard processing and hence power requirements. The
limited power budget means the omni-directional signal will
be quite weak. So directional ground antennas may be
required to track the vehicle, using line-of-sight
transmissions. But limitations to line-of-sight would be
A visible imaging system is perhaps the most sought
after payload for initial MAV applications and it fortunately
employs the most mature of the micro sensor technologies.
Figure 2 depicts a tiny video camera system envisioned by
Lincoln Laboratory. The camera would weigh only 1 gram
and occupy roughly one cubic centimeter, as shown in
comparison to a deer fly. The camera would have
1000x1000 pixels and require as little as 25 milliwatts of
power. The Lincoln Laboratory study suggests that this
concept is feasible with emerging technology in about two
To add more substance to the discussion, consider the
use of this payload in a compatible MAV design (Figure 3).
This 8 cm (3 inch) concept vehicle was also studied by
Lincoln Laboratory investigators. The overall weight of the
vehicle is only 10 grams, and the total power required is 1
watt. Note that propulsion would require 90 percent of the
available power and 70 percent of the total weight. This
vehicle concept envisions a video system that operates at
only one frame every two seconds. The video system is
forward mounted, and looks down at 45 degrees to the
direction of flight. Higher frame rates will increase the
demand for high-power and high-energy-density sources.
Additional power would be required for on-board image
compression and for higher data rate communications.
WSTIAC NEWSLETTER, 3rd Quarter 2000
Figure 2. MAV Camera Concept
(Source –MIT Lincoln Laboratory)
Figure 3. MIT Lincoln Laboratory MAV Concept
It is more likely that in the near term fixed wing MAVs
will be closer to 6 inches in length, weigh on the order of 50
grams and require 8-10 watts of power. Here too, the
propulsion systems will consume nearly 90 percent of all
available power, leaving only 10 percent for avionics
systems, including communications.
their cost is prohibitive. For many of the routine missions
being considered, an expendable MAV must cost no more
that an anti-tank round.
....Soldier Proofing
Despite the significant challenges facing the MAV
developer, all indications are that these systems can be
developed with today's emerging electronic and related
technologies. Recognize that this statement permits an
evolution of capability over time that will begin with the
simplest of systems and missions. While small scale poses
enormous technical challenges, it offers major advantages,
not just in terms of enabling new missions, but in terms of
potentially short fabrication and testing time scales. These
"small" time scales may help insure brief "gestation periods"
(development cycle times) for each generation of capability.
If this is so, we may optimistically anticipate a rapid
evolution of MAVs to militarily useful and flexible systems in
the not-too-distant future. u
Building a Micro Air Vehicle that can fly and perform a
useful function is indeed a significant challenge. But fielding
a system which can survive in a range of nasty, treacherous
military environments increases the challenge by at least
another order of magnitude. External flight issues such as
ambient temperatures, winds, moisture, and salt spray are
only a fraction of the problem.
MAVs must be designed to be safe and simple to
operate, preferably by an individual soldier. The launch
system must accommodate possible severe initial conditions,
such as being launched at speed or at an extreme angle.
Electronic connectivity must be rapid and secure. And
control interfaces must involve minimal concentration,
freeing the operator to perform other duties.
The MAV must have a simple logistic tail. It must either
be expendable or it must be easy to repair under field
conditions. It must easily integrate into the combatant's field
pack, and must be well-protected from hazards, including
shock, until it is operated.
Finally, the MAV must be affordable. Affordability is, to
some extent, dictated by the complexity and importance of
the mission. But MAVs will not be fielded in large numbers if
A Final Note
1. Hundley Richard O., Gritton, Eugene C., "Future
Technology-Driven Revolutions in Military Operations,"
Documented Briefing of the RAND National Defense
Research Institute, December 1992.
2. Davis, W.R., "Micro UAV," Presentation to 23rd Annual
AUVSI Symposium, 15-19 July, 1996.
Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited
D r. W e s K itc h e n s jo in s W S T IA C
a s C h ie f S c ie n tis t
Dr. Kitchens is the Chief Scientist of the Weapon Systems Technology Information Analysis
Center, managed for DoD by the IIT Research Institute. He has more than three decades of
experience planning, conducting and managing weapons-related research and development
programs. His technical experience includes work at the Atlantic Research Corporation, as an
Instructor at North Carolina State University, military service as an Army Ordnance Officer, and
civilian leadership positions at the Ballistic Research Laboratory, Army Research Laboratory, Army
Armament Research Development and Engineering Center, Office of the Director of Defense
Research and Engineering and the Army Materiel Command. While Director for Weapons
Technologies, Office of the Director of Defense Research and Engineering, he was responsible for
providing technical leadership, management oversight, policy guidance and coordination for DoD
conventional weapons, directed energy weapons and electronic warfare science and technology
programs valued at $1 billion annually. In his previous position as Principal Deputy for Technology, Army Materiel Command,
he was the chief technology executive for a 58,000-person major Army command with seven R&D laboratories and engineering
centers and a $0.9 billion annual science and technology program conducted in cooperation with 24 foreign counties.
He holds BS and MS degrees from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and a Ph.D degree from North Carolina
State University, all in engineering mechanics. He has more than 50 technical publications related to weapons technologies and
effects. His international activities have included serving as the U.S. National Leader for the TTCP Weapons Group (involving
United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand), U.S. Chairman of the Senior National Representatives (Army) Future
Tank Main Armament Interoperability Working Group (involving France, Germany and United Kingdom) and co-chair of
executive-level technology oversight committees with France, Germany and United Kingdom, among others.
Dr. Kitchens is a registered Professional Engineer, an Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics and a Fellow Emeritus of the Army Research Laboratory and Ballistic Research Laboratory. His other honors include:
NASA Traineeship, Ford Foundation Fellowship, Army Superior Civilian Service Award (two awards), Army Meritorious Civilian
Service Award, Army Decoration for Exceptional Civilian Service (two awards), American Defense Preparedness Association
Firepower Award for Development, Honorable Order of Saint Barbara (Field Artillery) and the Presidential Rank Award of
Meritorious Executive. He is listed in “Who’
s Who in America”and other reference publications.
He is married to the former Terry Lee Worsley of Winchester, VA. He and his wife have two grown children, Kathy and Mark.
WSTIAC Wants Your Contributions
u We hope you find this issue of the WSTIAC Newsletter useful and interesting. You can help us to better serve you by your
contributions, such as:
Your comments on what you liked and disliked about the Newsletter
Your suggestions for WSTIAC data products and services
Technical articles, opinion pieces, tutorials, news releases or letters to the Editor for publication in the Newsletter
To contact WSTIAC, use any of the ways listed on the back cover, or use the feedback form on the WSTIAC webpage
We welcome your contributions.
WSTIAC NEWSLETTER, 3rd Quarter 2000
Dr. Ted McClanahan has joined the staff of WSTIAC as a Senior Weapons
Technology Analyst. He is a retired naval aviator and aeronautical engineer.
During his Navy career, he flew P-3 Orion aircraft whose mission was maritime
reconnaissance and anti-submarine warfare. He pursued postgraduate studies in
Physics and Mechanical Engineering.
His shore tours included program
management billets in cruise missile test and evaluation, the acquisition of aviation
systems and weapons, and an assignment on an aircraft carrier as the air traffic
control director. He also taught physics for three years at the U.S. Naval Academy.
Dr. Ted McClanahan, Senior
W ea p o n s T ec h n o l o g y A n a l y s t
Since retiring from the military, Dr. McClanahan has worked in highly technical,
challenging programs including submarine noise quieting, low frequency active
sonar development, over-the-horizon radar system development, and aging navy
aircraft refurbishment. Utilizing this diverse technical background, he will focus his
WSTIAC efforts on Navy and Air Force aviation programs as well as maritime
weapons technology.
A three-day short course presented by the
Weapon Systems Technology
Information Analysis Center
C ou rse Sc hed u le
25-27 July –Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
12-14 September –San Diego, CA
15-17 August 2000
Huntsville, AL
19-21 September 2000
Omaha, NB
For details contact Ms. Jeri McAllister. IIT Research Institute
Phone: 256-382-4700, ext 4715, FAX: 256-382-4701
by Vakare Valaitis
A new distance learning course: Internet based and
free of charge this course offers a STIP overview, STIP
policies and regulations, where to locate technical
information, and much more. There are audio/video
features, interactive exercises, discussion group, chat room,
and Ask-the-Instructor. The course will be useful to STINFO
managers, librarians, data managers, technology transfer
officers, security managers, industrial program managers,
and anyone needing an introduction to or overview for the
STINFO class. Use as a preview or refresher to the STINFO
class. For further information see:
The DTIC Annual Users Meeting and Training,
November 6-9, 2000
A wide variety of outstanding speakers and exhibits have
been brought together to bring up to date developments in
the field of information. See what will help you meet the
increasingly difficult challenges you face operating in the
rapidly changing DoD environment. Join many of your
colleagues to hear what is happening within DoD. Hear
what the leaders in our field have to say about new tools,
techniques and how security issues are being addressed.
Get it from the source as DTIC staff members brief on new
and enhanced services and demonstrate new products. The
conference will be held at the DoubleTree Hotel Rockville
located at 1750 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland, only a
short ride away from our nation's capital. The DoubleTree is
situated next to the Twinbrook Metro Stop. In keeping with
popular and long-standing tradition, the conference
includes an opportunity to participate in informative and
entertaining tours. The exhibits will provide an opportunity
to talk face to face in a relaxed setting with DTIC
representatives as well as those from other government
information agencies and commercial vendors.
WSTIAC NEWSLETTER, 3rd Quarter 2000
14-17 August 2000
AIAA Guidance Navigation and Control Conference
Denver CO
For additional information
22-24 August 2000
AF Laser Hardened Materials Program Review
NIST, Boulder CO.
For additional information contact IRIA 734.994.1200 ex
2821. Email:
28-31 August 2000
Joint Services Small Arms Symposium & Exhibition
Indianapolis, IN
For additional information
6-8 September 2000
Federal Database Colloquium and Exposition
San Diego CA
For additional information call 800.336.4583 ext 6130
13 September 2000
Theater Ballistic Missile Defense Conference
Kossiakoff Center/APL Laurel MD
For additional information: Email:
18-21 September 2000
Undersea Warfare Fall Conference
Groton, CT
For additional information
19-22 September 2000
Fourth Joint International Military Sensing Symposium
Formerly NATO-IRIS Joint Symposium
Ecole Polytechnique
Palaiseau, France
For additional information call IRIA at 734.994.1200
19-22 September 2000
Advanced Electronic Warfare Principles
Short Course/$996
Georgia Institute of Technology
For additional information call 404.385.3502
19-22 September 2000
Infrared Technology and Applications
Short Course/$1295
Georgia Institute of Technology
For additional information call 404.385.3502
The WSTIAC Newsletter is the current awareness publication of the Weapon Systems Technology Information Analysis Center (WSTIAC).
WSTIAC, a Department of Defense (DoD) Information Analysis Center (IAC), is administratively managed by the Defense Information Systems
Agency (DISA), Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) under the DoD IAC Program. The Contracting Officer’
s Technical Representative
(COTR) for WSTIAC is Mr. H. Jack Taylor, ODUSD (S&T), Defense Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 20301-3080, (703) 588-7405. IIT Research
Institute operates WSTIAC, which services Government, industry, and academia as a Center of Excellence in Weapon Systems Technology.
WSTIAC Director: Richard Hayes
256.382.4700, ext 4746 Email:
General Information: Carole Simko
312.567.4587 Email:
Database Inquiries: Vakare Valaitis
312.567.4345 Email:
To order WSTIAC products:
Voice: 312.567.4587 Fax: 312.567.4889
All data and information herein reported are believed to be reliable; however, no warrant, expressed or implied, is to be construed as to the
accuracy or the completeness of the information presented. The view, opinion, and findings contained in this publication are those of the
author(s) and should not be construed as an official Agency position, policy, or decision, unless so designated by other official documentation.
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