Village of Lincolnwood


Village of Lincolnwood
Village of Lincolnwood
Request for Proposals
Lincolnwood Business Park
Retail Analysis and Feasibility Plan
Released: January 8, 2010
Hand Delivered or by Mail to:
Timothy M. Clarke, AICP
Community Development Director
Village of Lincolnwood
6900 North Lincoln Avenue
Lincolnwood, Illinois 60712
John Prejzner
Administrative Intern
Village of Lincolnwood
Submittal Deadline: February 10, 2010 at 5PM
The Village of Lincolnwood, an attractive inner ring suburban community located just
north of Chicago, is requesting proposals from experienced firms or teams, to analyze
retail feasibility and the potential for retail redevelopment in the Lincolnwood Business
The expected work product includes: 1) report on the economic feasibility of retail
redevelopment in the study area; 2) concept plans showing possible retail
redevelopments; and 3) documents for an amendment to the Village Comprehensive Plan.
General Introduction and Village Background
Established in 1911, Lincolnwood is situated approximately 10 miles north of downtown
Chicago and three miles west of Lake Michigan. It is a first-tier suburb comprising
approximately 2.7 landlocked square miles immediately adjacent to Chicago’s north
boundary. The Village’s 12,359 residents (2000 Census) are ethnically and racially
diverse, affluent, and the Village has a large senior population.
The Village prides itself on its attractive residential neighborhoods with upscale housing.
About 88% of the Village’s housing stock is single family and two-thirds of the Village’s
housing was built prior to 1960. Housing teardowns for newer and larger housing has
been a phenomenon in the Village for several years.
Although viewed by most residents as a bedroom suburb, Lincolnwood is a significant
employment center, relative to its size. Total employment in the Village is 11,694
(2001). The Village’s relatively large non-residential tax base, coupled with significant
sales tax generators, helps to provide the Village with one of the lowest property tax rates
in north Cook County.
With redevelopment the primary agent for reinvestment, many of the land use issues
confronting the community result from functional obsolescence of initial development,
relatively small parcel lots, density issues, and the interplay between the Village’s
residential and business areas, especially where these uses adjoin or are in close
proximity. In addition to these issues, the Village is desirous of upgrading the
attractiveness of its business areas and in creating a strong community identity in its
The Village’s first Comprehensive Plan was not adopted until 1992. The Village became
Home Rule in 1998 and a second Comprehensive Plan for the Village was adopted in
2001. A copy of the Village’s current Comprehensive Plan is on-line and may be viewed
in the Community Development Department section at
Until recently, the Village’s Zoning Code dated to 1946 with a major comprehensive
amendment occurring in 1962. Since 1962 there were piecemeal modifications and
updates to the zoning code text including the addition of a section on Planned Unit
Developments. In November of 2008 the zoning code was comprehensively modified.
Creating character and a sense of place, enhancing the environment and maintaining and
improving the attractiveness of the community have become both important and
desirable, especially for business areas. A major street improvement project along Touhy
at Crawford was completed in 2008.
Lincolnwood Business Park
The study area is the Lincolnwood Business Park and adjoining nearby properties. The
Business Park is generally located in the northeast corner of the Village. The boundaries
of the Park are generally Touhy Avenue on the north, McCormick Boulevard on the east
(excluding the Town Center Planned Unit Development), Pratt Avenue on the south, and
Hamlin Avenue on the west.
The Business Park, which contains two Tax Increment Financing (TIF) districts, is the
primary focus of the study. The Touhy/Lawndale TIF district is fully redeveloped
containing a Lowe’s Home Improvement Store. The main TIF district is the Northeast
Industrial District (NEID) which is approximately 120 acres in size. The NEID TIF
currently consists primarily of industrial properties. Only three retail stores: Lowe’s,
Dominick’s, and Domicile furniture (the only retail store in the interior portion of the
park) are located within the area called the Lincolnwood Business Park. The park also
includes an approximately 13 acre vacant “Bell and Howell” site and approximately 10
acres of land presently used by Grossinger Autoplex for auto storage.
Immediately adjacent to the northeast corner of the Park, is the Lincolnwood Town
Center, a Planned Unit Development (PUD) containing an indoor retail mall anchored by
Carson Pririe Scott and Kohl’s department stores. Also part of this adjacent Town Center
PUD is an assisted living facility (Lincolnwood Place), two restaurant outlots, and
Grossinger’s Autoplex facility. Also considered part of the Town Center PUD and
adjacent to the area considered the Lincolnwood Business Park is a 365,000 square foot
building, largely vacant and previously used for warehousing.
Scope of Services
The scope of services sought by the Village for this engagement include the following
basic components:
Preliminary Feasibility Analysis
1. Retail Analysis:
The Consultant will perform an analysis of the retail feasibility of the study area for
retail redevelopment and re-use. This analysis will include demographic and market
analysis as well as account for retailer site requirements. If this analysis determines
the area is feasible for additional retail redevelopment, it will also identify the type
and format of retail redevelopment possible, specific sites for retail redevelopment
and the type of retailers that would be drawn to the area. The consultant will also
develop a preliminary list of current impediments to such retail redevelopment and
public actions if any needed to foster such redevelopment. It is expected this analysis
will result in a draft feasibility report.
2. Preparation of Preliminary Redevelopment Concepts:
The consultant will prepare preliminary concept plans illustrating possible retail
development configurations and area improvements that would be needed for
successful retail redevelopment.
3. Economic Development Commission Workshop
The consultant will provide its feasibility findings to the Economic Development
Commission along with preliminary redevelopment plan concepts, for input by the
Commission. The consultant will revise preliminary working concepts based on the
Commission’s input.
Feasibility Planning and Plan Preparation
1. Meetings with Stakeholders
Based on Commission input, the consultant will meet with key area property owners,
developers, potential retailers or real estate experts to gain input and reaction to
developed concepts and to further assess their feasibility for retail redevelopment and
implementation. The developed list of development impediments will be reviewed
and revised and a preliminary list of estimated public costs associated with such
redevelopment identified.
2. Revise Plan Concepts
Based on the meetings and feasibility testing with stakeholders, the consultant will
revise redevelopment concepts for the area.
3. Economic Development Workshop
The consultant will present to the Commission its revised report and findings from
stakeholder meetings, revisions to redevelopment concepts based on these meetings, a
list of actions required to carryout the redevelopment schemes and preliminary public
costs for such actions.
4. Draft Report and Plan
Based on Commission input, the consultant will finalize the report and draft plan for
the area.
Plan Commission Consideration and Plan Adoption
1. Workshop with Plan Commission
The consultant will meet in a workshop setting with the Plan Commission to review
the draft report and plan endorsed by the Economic Development Commission. The
purpose of this workshop is to gain Plan Commission input and approval of an
amendment to the Village’s Comprehensive Plan for the draft plan.
2. Comprehensive Plan Revisions/Formatting
The consultant will perform any revisions or formatting needed to incorporate Plan
Commission comments and the draft documents into a proposed amendment to the
Comprehensive Plan.
3. Final Presentation
It is anticipated a final presentation of the report, proposed plan and amendment to
the Comprehensive Plan, will be made to the Village Board.
This scope of work is predicated on the preliminary report indicating feasibility of the
area for retail redevelopment. The consultant in its response should identify the cost of
preparing this report and concluding its work if said report determines the area is not
feasible for such redevelopment.
Relevant Documents:
The following documents are available as a resource and can be accessed at
2001 Village’s Comprehensive Plan
2000 Northeast Business Park Improvement Plan
1996 Northeast Industrial District TIF Plan
1998 Touhy Lawndale TIF Plan
1997 Vision 2020 Report
Village GIS
Submittal Requirements
Interested firms should submit 10 copies of the following:
1) Qualifications of the Firm
A Statement of Qualifications, including resume of personnel proposed for assignment to
this engagement; the name of the primary person for this work; a list of previous clients;
and a description of how the firm will assure quality of staff skills and work product. In
addition, provide a summary of relevant experience as it pertains to economic feasibility
and development planning in mature communities.
Submittal of a sample copy of pertinent previous work which is related to this assignment
is highly encouraged.
2) Approach to Engagement and Proposed Work Program
An outline of the proposed work program including description of approach to the
assignment tasks; the proposed steps or actions to be taken in the development of the
work; and anticipated timelines for work components and assignment completion. In
addition, an estimate of the number of meetings envisioned with stakeholders, Village
staff and expectations regarding Village staff and the recommending bodies’ role in the
consultant’s work.
3) Cost
An engagement proposal with an all inclusive not-to-exceed cost estimate for completion
of the assignment and the work program proposed (such a figure to include all estimated
out of pocket costs) and a listing by category of all anticipated out of pocket expenses. In
addition, hourly rates for additional work or services that may be deemed necessary at a
later date.
Selection Process
Responses to this RFP will be reviewed by staff and engagement recommendation will be
made by members of the Economic Development Commission. Of prime importance for
this assignment will be the consultant’s experience and ability to provide high quality
work. Recommendations of the Economic Development Commission regarding
consultant engagement are subject to approval of the Village Board.
Submittal Deadline
Proposals, with the requisite number of copies are due no later than 5PM Wednesday,
February 10, 2010.
Submittals should be clearly marked “Lincolnwood Business Park Retail Analysis and
Feasibility Plan Proposal” and directed to:
Timothy M. Clarke, AICP
Community Development Director
Village of Lincolnwood
6900 North Lincoln Avenue
Lincolnwood, Illinois 60712
Schedule for Engagement
Key Dates:
Proposal Deadline
February 10, 2010 at 5PM
Anticipated Schedule*
Internal Review
EDC Review
Village Board Approval
Week of February 10th
February 25, 2010
Thursday March, 18, 2010
* Schedule could be amended as appropriate to include interviews and additional
review time.
There is no expressed or implied obligation of the Village to reimburse firms for any
costs incurred in preparing proposals in response to this request. The Village reserves the
right to reject any and all proposals and to modify the scope of services. The Village
further reserves the right to retain all proposals submitted and to use any idea in a
proposal regardless of whether that proposal is selected.
The successful firm will be required to enter into an agreement acceptable to the Village.
All work under the agreement with the Village shall become the property of the Village
of Lincolnwood. During the period of engagement, the firm shall provide monthly
detailed invoices to the Village for actual hours worked, not to exceed the maximum
all-inclusive quoted price. During the engagement, ten percent may be withheld by the
Village to ensure completion of the work and acceptable delivery of the final product.
The selected firm shall not replace staff assigned to this engagement and shall not
subcontract to another firm without the expressed written consent of the Village.
Submission to the Village of a response to this RFP indicates acceptance by the firm with
the conditions and terms contained in this RFP.
Village of Lincolnwood
Business Park Commercial Feasibility Plan
Red = Village Corporate Limits
Blue = Business Park
Yellow = Town Center Mall
Orange = Warehouse Building
Green = Bell & Howell
Lincoln Avenue
Pratt Avenue
McCormick Boulevard
Touhy Avenue
Devon Avenue
JP January 2010