
Certificate |ATF 01 5481 3
Ceńificate SGS PL1 210051
The management system of
ul. lnzynierska 3, Miłoszyce, 55-230 Jelcz-Laskowice, Poland
Has been assessed and ceńified as meeting the requirements of
ISO/TS 16949:2009
Edition 3
For the following activities
Production of welded steel structures and any type of tanks; machining
services; powder and wet painting services for structures and metal
Produkcja spawanych konstrukcji stalowych oraz różnego rodzaju
zbiorników; obróbka mechaniczna elementów metalowych; malowanie
proszkowe i mokre konstrukcji oraz elementów metalovuych.
EXCLUSIONS: 7,3 product Design
Year ceńification is valid from 15 January 2013 until 'l4 January 2016 and
remains valid subject to satisfactory surveillance audits
Version no, 1 Current version updated 15 January 2013
Re ceńification audit due before 26 October 2015
Ceńified since 15 January 2013
This is a multi-site ceńification.
Additional site details are listed on the subsequent page.
Authorised by
Veto Power Authority
Contracted Office: SGS United Kingdom Ltd, SGS House, Johns Lane, Tividale, 869 3HX UK.
Telephone 0121 521 3721.Fax0121 5224150.
e mail
sGS Ts
This document is issued by be Company subjec,t to its General Conditions of
Cert'fication Serv'lces accessible at wwusg .corTńerms_and_conditions,htm,
Attention is drałn to fte limitations of lability, indemnification and jurisdictional
issues estólshed therein. The ańhentiĄ of this document nuy be wifed at
hĘ:/Atvww.sgs.mrVeniour-Company/Certifie&CIentDirectories,/Cort'fied_ClentDfectońesaspx. Any unau$orized alteration, fogery or falsification of fie
content or appoaance of ttis docurrBnt is unląvful and offendłs may be
orosecńed to fie fullest eńent of the hw
-9 0512 M2
Ceńificate IATF 0154813
Ceńificate SGS PL1 210051
STELWELD Sp. zo.o.
ISO/TS 16949:2009
Edition 3
Additional facilities
site Extension
STELWELD Sp. zo, o.
Miłoszyce, ul. Dziuplińska 19
5S230 Jelcz-Laskowice, Poland
This docunpnt is issued by fie Company subject to its G neral Conditions of
C*tification Servbes accessible at uruusg .corVternrs_and_condfions.htm.
AtteŃon is drałn to th limitations of
indernification and jr.risdił;tional
issues establshed therein, The zuthenticĘ of this docurnnt may b v rifled at
hĘ:/ńmłruląs.oor/ełVowłompany/C*tifie*,ClentDkectories/Certiiied-ClentDiedońes.aspx Any unautrorized afteration, forgery or falsification of tre
content or appeaance of ttis docunBnt is unhrful ard offenders may be
oroseolted to fte fufiest eńent of the lałl.
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