Newsletter Issue 2 • 2009 - Cancer Fund for Children


Newsletter Issue 2 • 2009 - Cancer Fund for Children
Published for and on behalf of the
Northern Ireland Cancer Fund for Children
Families welcome
Family Support Service
Full story page 3
Round Britain Voyage of
Discovery with Ellen
MacArthur Trust – page 5
Shimna Valley News – page 10
Grand Canyon
Challenge – page 26
Issue 2 • 2009
A Message from the Chief Executive
Welcome to the Autumn Edition of the NI
Cancer Fund for Children Newsletter – after
a very busy spring and summer period for the
charity, as ever!
One of the major changes that has taken place
since the last edition is that the Family
Support Service, formerly delivered by CLIC
Sargent, has been withdrawn from Northern
Ireland. This practical and vital service, offered
to families who are experiencing the trauma
of nursing a child with cancer, was withdrawn
by CLIC on 15th May 2009 and we were
determined to offer a lifeline to ensure that
families would not be let down.
We have re-employed the 4 Family Support
Workers and have ensured that the families
for whom our support is vital, can continue to
access all the help they so desperately need.
With your help and support we will ensure
that this service, now absorbed into the NI
Cancer Fund for Children portfolio, will be
secured and enhanced!
Since the last edition, our Community
Fundraiser Dawn Weir headed off to the
Grand Canyon in May, along with 20 of our
supporters who challenged themselves to
make the event not only a once in a lifetime
personal experience, but an opportunity to
raise vital funding through sponsorship. My
congratulations to them all and our thanks for
the great results – more than £70k raised!
Having been on the trek last year with Angela
Rodgers our Senior Family Co-ordinator and
Joan Burden and Bronach Maginn from Shimna
Valley, I can truly say it was an exhilarating
experience – one we will never forget!
In June 2010 the Kilimanjaro Trek will be high
on the agenda for many of our intrepid
supporters, and if you care to join them, I am
positive that you would have a holiday and
experience of your life.
The Ellen McArthur Trust again welcomed our
young people to the high seas during the
summer. This year the sailing experience at
Cowes and dingy school in Essex was on offer
as well as the opportunity to join two legs on
the Round Britain Sailing Trip aboard the
beautiful 48ft. Scarlet Oyster.
As you read this, I will be walking the West
Highland Way in bonnie Scotland: with the
beautiful autumn air in my lungs – or perhaps
squelching through a downpour – either way,
5 days of making new friends and walking
alongside our supporters and volunteers
whilst raising funds for the NI Cancer Fund
for Children.
Finally, as
ever, to
everyone, old
friends and
new, thank
you for the
vibrancy you
bring to the
Please feel free
to contact me about anything you read in
these pages, your feedback is always great!
Thank you!
And last but not by no means least, I want to
offer an enormous ‘thank you’ and sad farewell
to Chairman and friend Margaret McAlpine
MBE who will leave the Board at the 2009
AGM. Margaret founded the charity in 1972
and has firmly held together the core values of
our work as the organisation has grown,
changed and strengthened into the dominant
position it holds today.
A new era is about to begin for the NI
Cancer Fund for Children and I extend a
warm welcome to new Chairman, John
Barrett who brings with him a wealth of
experience, ideas and energy and who has
been a great support to me over the last few
Corporate News.................................. 12-16
Message from the Chief Executive .......... 2
Family Support Service.............................. 3
NICFC Board Members .............................. 4
Youth Programme News ........................ 5-9
Shimna Valley Update ........................ 10-11
Family Programme News .................. 17-18
Schools Report .................................. 19-25
Community Fundraising ......................26-30
NI Cancer Fund for Children Contacts
The Lady Moyra Campbell
Susan Craig,
Asst. to Chief Executive
David Edwards
Joanne Steele
Senior & Corporate
John Barrett
Maureen Burns
Leonard Pugh O.B.E.
Paul McCabe
Ken Brundle
Laura Harvey
Trevor Hollinger
Walter Murphy
Gillian Creevy,
Chief Executive
Teresa Morris,
Business Dev. Manager
Rachel Burgoyne
Schools & Yth Fundraiser
Dawn Weir
Community Fundraiser
Jane Hoare
Fundraising Administrator
Roberta McNeill
Finance Manager
Ashleigh Patterson
Finance Officer
Jude Austin
Communications Officer
Jill Black
Family Co-ordinator
Pauline McGuigan
Liz Osbourne
Services Manager
Carol Burns
Anne Gordon
Alexis Beggs
Lynn Wilson
Family Support Workers
Angela Fee
Jacqui Clancy
Youth Prgm Co-ordinators
Patricia Kidd,
Shimna Valley Complex
Corinna Kennedy
E-Communications Officer
Peter Topping
Yth Programme Manager
Gareth Beattie
Young Shoulders
Angela Rodgers
Sen. Family Co-ordinator
Sonia Black
Family / Yth Administrator
Joan Burden
Dep. Shimna Valley
Complex Manager
Juanita Graham
Bronach Maginn
Susan McCusker
Millie Wallace
Mary McEvoy
Celia Bodel
Ann McConville
Elaine Moore
Pauline McGuigan
Maureen Davidson
Muriel Witherow
Eddie Marcus
Claire Hassall
Caroline Mageean
Peninsula Friends
Johnny Hewitt
South Down
Jude Austin, Editor
Media Marketing,
Tel: 028 9080 5599
Family Support Service
In July 2009, the Northern Ireland Cancer
Fund for Children adopted the Family Support
Service previously delivered by CLIC Sargent.
This responsive and flexible service offers
practical, social and emotional support to
families caring for a child with cancer
particularly childcare, domestic and household
management tasks ensuring that the stress and
demands of care within the family can be
reduced to a minimum.
Four Family Support Workers have joined the
Family Programme team to deliver the Family
Support Service and each worker will be
supporting up to five families each across
Northern Ireland.The workers will visit with
each family on a weekly basis for
approximately two hours and offer a range of
support.This could consist of structured oneto-one play time with a sick child or sibling,
help with homework or travelling to and from
school, domestic tasks, or whatever assistance
a family might need.The service is flexible and
will be tailored to meet families’ individual
To date the Family Support Workers have
been working with numerous children, doing
activities such as arts and crafts, baking and
much more! The feedback so far has been
excellent - the children really enjoy the one to
one time and attention, while parents benefit
from a little time to themselves. Although the
Family Support Workers are providing a
professional service, they also become a friend
to the family.
Claire Kettyles from Belfast is a parent who
has previously accessed the service
“Our youngest child Aaron (now aged 5) was
diagnosed with a very rare form of cancer
when he was just 2 and a half. All normal
family life was
suspended as Aaron
spent the next 2
years or so
constantly in and out
of hospital.We were
delighted to hear that
NI Cancer Fund for
Children has
recognised the gap
left by the withdrawal
of the Family Support
It is wonderful to see
that NICFC have
stepped in so quickly.
This means that
families who
currently have
children undergoing
treatment will receive the same practical
assistance that helped carry us through the
very worst of times.”
Plans are also in place for the Family Support
Workers to work in the outpatients clinics,
providing some much needed distraction and
one-to-one time for children waiting for
Commenting on the decision to absorb the
service, Gillian Creevy, Chief Executive of the
charity said. “At the NICFC, our first priority
is to the children and families we support.The
Family Support Service dovetails with our
existing professionally-led range of services
providing a unique and comprehensive
package of care to families at a time when
they need it most.We recognise the value of
this service and are pleased to adopt it to
guarantee that families will continue to receive
this lifeline.
The Family Programme Team.
If you would like to
avail of our Family
Support Service,
please contact
Angela Rodgers
on 07900 285765
or Sonia Black at
the regional office
028 9080 5599 for
further information
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NICFC Board Members
In September 2009,
it was truly an end
of an era when
Margaret McAlpine
MBE announced her
retirement as the
charity’s Chairman. We would like to thank
Margaret for her outstanding contribution and
commitment to the Northern Ireland Cancer
Fund for Children. Margaret has been the
lynchpin of this Charity since its inception in
1972 when as the children’s teacher at the N. I.
Radiotherapy Centre, Belvoir Park Hospital,
along with the late Dr. George Edelstyn she laid
the foundation stone of “Child Cancer Care”,.
Subsequently when we became affiliated to the
then Malcolm Sargent Cancer Fund for
Children, Margaret represented us on the
London Committee, and later when we once
again became autonomous as the N. I. Cancer
Fund for Children, she steered us through
tumultuous times, steadfastly at the helm
ensuring that all revenue collected in N. I.
remained here for the benefit of our children.
In the early days the Charity did not have the
staff nor the infrastructure we have today. We
ran bring & buy sales, anything in fact to raise
Margaret’s marketing skills soon
emerged as she would visit local wholesalers
and literally buy anything that she thought we
could sell at a profit.
With her vision Margaret continued to take the
Charity forward to what it has become today –
Northern Ireland’s leading children’s cancer
She never let us forget our core
values, of providing support – social, emotional,
and practical - to the children affected by
cancer, their parents and siblings, and more
recently to children who have a parent
diagnosed with cancer. The Youth Programme,
The Family Programme and finally financial
support in the form of Road Miles, Home
Heating and Travel for Treatment grants are all
a testimony to this.
Margaret was instrumental in finding Shimna
Valley, our holiday house in Newcastle which
provides an oasis of support and comfort to
the children, their parents and siblings. Narnia
our log cabin was the brain-child of Trevor, her
late husband, and a sadly missed member of our
Board. In 2003 all of Margaret’s hard work and
contribution to the charity was recognised
when she was awarded MBE in the Queen’s
New Year’s Honours list for services to
Northern Ireland Cancer Fund for Children.
Everyone associated with the Charity, would
like to thank Margaret for her enormous,
unselfish commitment to the Charity, which
included 3 long-standing periods as Chairman.
We wish Margaret a long and happy retirement
knowing that she will be able to spend more
time with her daughter Jane and her two
grandchildren and to pursue her love of opera
and travel. On behalf of our children, their
parents and families, we thank you.
Maureen Burns, Honorary Secretary
After being associated
with the NI Cancer
Fund for Children for
several years, John
Barrett takes up the
post of Chairman of the
Executive of Coca-Cola Bottlers (Ulster) Ltd
for 10 years, John holds Directorships in a
number of Northern Ireland organizations and
is a member of the Institute of Directors.
John lives in Co Antrim and is married with a
grown up son and daughter, and two
currently the Director
Development at the
Tourist Board where
she oversees the key
corporate functions that inform and drive
tourism development and strategic planning
within NITB. She previously lived in the United
States and held business development roles in
healthcare related industries. Laura plans to
marry her fiancée at the end of the year and
they will live near Glenavy in Co Antrim.
Ken Brundle has also
joined the Board of
the NI Cancer Fund
for Children. Ken
has 35 years’
experience within the
Aerospace industry,
and currently holds Directorships of several
companies, both locally and internationally.
He is an experienced Trustee on voluntary
and pension boards. Ken lives in Co Down
with his wife and has three grown up
Walter Murphy joins
managing the business
aspects of a large
Company in Northern
Ireland; he was also in
the Civil Service for nineteen years before
His many years working within the
security industry allow him to bring a wealth
of experience to our expanding Board.
Walter currently manages The Old
Campbellian Society and is married and living
in County Antrim with his wife and three
Trevor Hollinger has
been an enthusiastic
volunteer with the NI
Cancer Fund for
Children for past 5
years and also joins
the Board. He is Joint
Owner/Director of
Architects Practice and Design Build
Management Company and has over 30 years
of significant experience in Youth work with
the Army Cadet Force.Trevor has also been
awarded Lord Lieutenant’s Award for Youth
Service and is a committed Sports and fitness
enthusiast, still training and coaching a local
soccer team.Trevor is married and lives in
County Down with his wife and two children.
Ellen MacArthur Trust Skandia Round Britain
Voyage of Discovery
Two groups of young people from the NI Cancer
Fund for Children were crew members on the
Ellen MacArthur Trust Skandia Round Britain
Voyage of Discovery that sailed 2000 nautical
miles around Britain this summer.The first group
of teenagers sailed the eleventh leg of the
voyage on the 48 foot ‘Scarlet Oyster’ from
Largs in Glasgow to Belfast in early August with
the second group of young people picking up the
twelfth leg from Bangor to Liverpool
I was lucky to accompany the first group who
flew to Glasgow, here we met Simon the event
co-ordinator, skipper Cath, first mate Karen
and John a volunteer from Skandia.
Our first day was an early start as we went
through the safety procedures at sea and also
learnt how to use the equipment to sail the
Scarlet Oyster, we then set sail and quickly had
to get used to sailing in choppy waters.
It was very exciting sailing, as the waves were
so high, everyone got splashed on several
occasions. The weather was on our side as we
sailed at around 8 knots for a good part of the
day. It was tricky getting meals ready as the
yacht was sailing at a 45 degree angle! Brilliant
and messy.We all took turns to steer and
mastered how to keep the wind at a certain
angle to get the maximum speed. Clodagh was
able to get it up to 9 knots as we were getting
closer to Carrickfergus. During the trip we
experienced some
night sailing, you
couldn’t see much,
but the sound of
the waves
splashing against
the yacht was
calming. Luckily
the skies were
clear and we had
fun trying to
identify the
The happy
were the young people
made their
presentations and
played the video they
had made during the
trip. It was very good
and it was great to
show everyone what
we had been doing
during the week.
Throughout the week the
young people twittered,
updating everyone as to
what they had been up to
each day, which soon got
really competitive, with
constant updates on the
number of followers they
each had.
The young people prepared a video
presentation on Saturday night for the next day
and we all had great fun looking at the pictures
that had been taken during the trip. Early
Sunday morning we began a massive clean up
to get the Scarlet Oyster ready to sail. We set
off early as it was still pretty windy and took us
a while getting into Belfast Harbour. As we
sailed up the harbour we were greeted by a
massive tug boat which followed us in. As we
got closer to the Odyssey Marina, it began
spouting out sprays of water. A ripper with the
Specialist Rescue Team of the Northern
Ireland Fire and Rescue Service and the
charity’s Chairperson John Barrett and Chief
Executive Gillian Creevy sailed out to meet us.
As we got closer to the Odyssey Marina we
could hear bag pipes, it was pretty emotional as
all our families were there to greet us. After a
lot of pictures and interviews by the press we
made our way to the Holywood Yacht Club
It was quite emotional saying our goodbyes as
we all had a brilliant time sailing; it was such an
incredible experience! Thank you everyone at
the Ellen MacArthur Trust we had an amazing
time.Thanks also to the Lord Mayor of Belfast
Cllr Naomi Long, Robert Green who was our
piper for the day,The Bourbon Swing Jazz Band,
the Commodore Michael McDowell, Captain
Richard Woods and all others at Holywood
Yacht Club.
If you would like to see the Video presentation
the young people made take a look at this link
and search for Leg 11 Largs to Belfast with the
NICFC. If you are interested in sailing next
year then please get in touch, you are
guaranteed a wonderful time!
Angela Fee
Sibling Family Fun Day
A Sibling Family Day was held at Tollymore
Forest Park which included a full range of
activities from laser clay pigeon shooting,
archery, team games, sports day events, face
painting and balloon making.
All the young people had a really good day
enjoying the activities with their family and
friends. Mums and dads got involved in most
activities too! We were very lucky with the
weather as it was really good and everyone
enjoyed tucking into a lovely BBQ prepared by
our wonderful Shimna Valley staff.
Enjoying the Fun Day!
Angela Fee
Sibling Fun Activity Days
Throughout spring/summer 09 there were
numerous Sibling Fun Activity Days held for
young people aged between 8-22yrs.
at caving which was a new and exciting
experience for some and one everyone is very
keen to try again.
The activities started with a go-karting trip in
May were the young people unleashed their
natural driving talent at the Eddie Irvine Centre
in Bangor!
There was also an activity day at Craigavon
Watersports Centre were some young people
went canoeing on Lough Neagh and enjoyed
jumping into the water at every opportunity.
Even the rainy weather couldn’t dampen our
spirits. The best thing of the day was definitely
the banana boating, it was excellent fun trying
to hold on for as long as you could before
falling off. The young people actually found it
warmer being in the water rather than on the
banana boat! This activity is definitely a must if
you haven’t tried it.
This was followed up in July with a series of
activities including a brilliant trip to the Belfast
Activity Centre were we tried our skills at a
climbing wall, completed a tricky and
challenging assault course before jumping the
leap of faith which is ok if you don’t mind being
50ft high on a small platform, it didn’t fizz
several of our young people. We also had a go
The Kactus Siblings enjoyed a busy morning at
Lagan Valley Leisure Complex and had great fun
on all the different slides racing each other.
Some of the slides aren’t for the faint hearted
but our young people had a ball.
If you are interested in participating in an Sibling
Fun Activity Day please contact Angela Fee on
M: 07967144836 and book your place now!
Angela Fee
Volunteer Rescue Emergency Care Training
Congratulations to our volunteers who took part in the Rescue Emergency Care First Aid
training. This is an important and useful qualification for volunteers who work with young
people and is valid for the next 3 years, it is good to know we will be in safe hands.
Well done to everyone!
Angela Fee
Now we know who to turn
to in an emergency!
18+ Communication
The topic for the 18+residential was
“Communication” and to help us develop
different communication methods we
embarked on a serious of team building
activities which included a noisy but fun
drumming workshop at ‘Funny Farm
Adventures’ in Castlewellan. In the evening,
the group prepared a sumptuous three
course meal and then settled in for a Buzz &
Singstar session on the Playstation! Some
renditions of the Scissor Sisters classic ‘I
don’t feel like dancing’ had to be heard to be
believed. The weekend was also a farewell to
Maria and Judith as they have recently turned
22; they will still be in close contact with the
charity as the girls are now fully fledged
volunteers, no getting away from us!
TACT ‘Identity’ Residential
The theme of the TACT (Teens Against Cancer Together) residential held
at Narnia Log Cabin in Newcastle was ‘Identity’. From testing our
strength and stamina at ‘Hot Rock’ to an afternoon swimming and sliding
in the fun Lisburn Swimming Pool, were able to learn a lot about
ourselves and each other. To celebrate all of our hard work and our
identity, we enjoyed a group meal out and followed by a trip to the
The NICFC are happy to announce we will
be running a number of group events
specifically for the North West and West
areas of the province. Over the summer we
have held a number of successfully events
including a cinema trip in Cookstown and a
visit to Creggan Country Park.
These events are open to anyone who is
either a member of the diagnosed or sibling
programmes in all age groups, KACTUS (8 –
11 years), TACT (12 – 17 years) or those in
the 18+.
For further
information about
these events
please contact
Jacqui on
07917732736 or
email at
YOUTH Work Training
Earlier this year, the Youth Programme of the
NI Cancer Fund for Children ran a training
programme for the over 16’s. The course
entitled ‘Leadership in Youth Work Programme
for Young People’’ (level one) is provided by
the Open College Network in conjunction
with Youth Link. To qualify the young people
were required to complete a placement within
a youth work setting and also to present a
portfolio of training which was to be internally
and externally assessed.
All nine of our young people thoroughly
enjoyed the training however, five of them
enjoyed the course so much that they wanted
to personally give something back to our
charity and are now Young Youth Volunteers
and have assisted in our KACTUS and TACT
Lifeskills residentials. They continue to show
the same drive and enthusiasm in volunteering
as did during the training. Their individual
motivation and group friendship is an
inspiration to us all. Well done. Jacqui
TACT Cancer Trust
‘Kasabian’ Concert
Two members from the TACT group and the
18+ group jumped at the chance to a trip to
London to attend the Teenage Cancer Trust
(TCT) workshops and Kasabian concert.
The venue for the event was the Royal Albert
Hall, here we were invited to attend a series
of music workshops where we got to write,
sing and play instruments. At the end of the
session, we had the chance to either record
our master piece or attend an art workshop
where we the opportunity to be Van Gogh for
the day. The young people received enormous
goodie bags packed with various musical
goodies, t-shirts and toiletries inside. After
this we eagerly took our seats and waited for
the real reason we were there, to hear
Kasabian play!!
Backstage in the green room, the young
people hob knobbed with stars such as
Jersey Budd, Danny Dyer, Noel Fielding of
the Mighty Boosh and Kasabian.
When we returned to the hotel it
was an early night for most as
we were heading home the
next day and we wanted
to fit some shopping in
before we went home! .
It had been a long day, but
we had a fantastic time.
Kactus Lifeskills Residential 8-11 Youth Group
In July a new group of Kactus young people
enjoyed their first ever Lifeskills Residential at
Narnia. Over the course of four days the young
people enjoyed a range of activities all themed
to help them interact with each other whilst
increasing their own personal esteem and
confidence including passing a First Aid course.
The week kicked off with a cinema visit.
This was followed up by an an arts and crafts
session designed to unleash their creative side
as everyone painted, glittered and feathered
little pottery cats and owls.
The next day, we enjoyed a trip to the Funny
Farm and saw a collection of lama’s, goats,
pony’s and a pig! The young people were also
tasked with building their own monsters using
some basic household materials; the outcome
was very scary indeed. This was followed by an
activity session which included a ride on a quad
bike train, archery and a go on a bouncy castle.
Everyone really enjoyed the day, but well and
truly exhausted at the end of the day!
The residential finished with a very special visit
from the World of
Owls and the
young people had
a chance to
stroke a barn owl
and a tawny owl.
creatures like a
snake, tarantula
spider and a
lizard too, these
exotic creature
didn’t prove as
popular, not many
queued up to
stroke them!
Angela Fee
Ocean Youth Trust Sailing Weekend
Twelve of our lucky TACT Siblings had the
opportunity to spend a weekend learning to sail
on the Lord Rank, a 70ft yacht with the Ocean
Youth Trust.
Our sailing lesson started as we sailed from
Bangor on the Saturday morning and made our
way over to Brown’s Bay, Islandmagee. The
waves were high and it was tricky finding our
sea legs and make our way around the yacht as
it was rocking so much. The sails were also
really big and heavy, it really took everyone
working together as a team to get things
At Brown’s Bay, we dropped Anchor and took a
dingy across to the beach were we spent a
couple of hours playing rounders and different
team games. It turned out to be a really
competitive day!
The next adventure was getting back to the
Lord Rank yacht, as much to the young people’s
delight, the waves kept setting off their life
jackets. After a quick change into dry clothes,
we sailed round to Larne where we moored up
for the night and played endless card games. On
the Sunday morning we sailed from
Young Shoulders Weekend
Supporting children and young people living with a parent diagnosed with
cancer.This weekend was organised especially for the Kactus group (8-11
year olds) of Young Shoulders and it proved to be pretty exhausting for
everyone! Our first stop on Friday night was Coco’s Adventure Playground
in Newcastle, the young people were having so much fun that they had to
be prised from the ball pit! We finshed the session off with races around
coco’s until closing time, which the boys won!
The next morning, we went to ? for a raft building
exercise. This group of young people have
definitely set the standard as they were the first
group I have taken raft building and the rafts
haven’t fallen apart! A few of the brave ones went
for a (very) quick swim in the lake afterwards.
In the afternoon we had a BBQ at Narnia
followed by games and
in the evening a girls vs
boys vs staff/volunteers
waterfight. It was great
fun and went on until
nearly 1am!
Larne around the coastal line to Bangor, from
this advantage point, we were able to see some
of the remains of the Gobbins footpath, here
the skipper of the Lord Rank was able explain
to the group some of the history of the area.
It was a nice gentle sail back to Bangor and
after a tidy up the young people were saying
their goodbyes to the crew and asking to be
signed up for next year’s trip!
If you think you might like to go sailing please
get in touch! Email:
Angela Fee
Young Shoulders
TACT Residential
Narnia log cabin was again the location for an action packed
Young Shoulders residential with a fantastic mix of activities
ranging from cooking lessons, boxercise, DJ workshops to life
coaching.The boxercise was great fun and as we used up so
much energy everyone finished the session absolutely
famished. Part of the weekend’s activities was to develop our
cooking skills, so for lunch we made a three course meal; it
all tasted great even if the apple crumble was only 1cm high!!
Everyone got on really well at the DJ workshop with some
of the young people showcasing their outstanding talent.
How to make the flattest apple crumble in the world!
This summer Shimna Valley House was once
again the setting for countless fun filled family
holidays. From across Northern Ireland families
who have experienced months of hospital
appointments and significant upheaval to family
life were able to spend time together as a
During their trip to Shimna Valley, families
experienced a wonderful sense of peace and
tranquillity, had time to relax, all with the
knowledge that their children were in a safe
environment. For those visting for the first time
they were delighted with the range of outdoor
activities, catering for the needs of the whole
family. Mums and dads had a rare opportunity
to relax with a series of pampering sessions
including seaweed baths.The holiday was also a
chance for families to meet other families living
with cancer, with lots of great friends made and
countless promises to keep in touch.
Narina Log Cabin has also been a hive of
activity throughout the summer with the
different youth groups coming and going, having
lots of fun as they camped on the lawn and
tucked into tasty BBQs. Shimna Valley’s annual
coffee morning was as usual a fantastic success,
a huge thank you to everyone who attended,
give items for the raffle, baked cakes, made jam
and donated plants for sale.
To to the local community and the people of
Northern Ireland, thanks again for your
continuous generosity over the years, your
support has made it possible for us to continue
providing a warm welcome and a much needed
break to our local families caring for their
children with cancer. Patricia Kidd
Rita Ross secretary and Helena Henning treasurer of Tear presents a cheque for
£265.00, money was raised through a remembrance service held in memory of those who
were affected by the troubles.
Mona Owens and grandson Brendan presents a cheque for £688.00 to
Patricia. Funds were raised by a live show from her guitar students. A Big
thanks to everyone who supported this event.
Patricia receives a cheque for £2643.20 from Heather Peters, Laura McCrickard,
Jacqueline McCardle and Anne Sloan members of the Down and Armagh Weight watchers
Ass money was raised by a fashion show which was held in the Canal Court Newry.
Offload Ireland chairman and Liam Smith organiser presents a cheque of
£2000.00 to Patricia this amount was raised through the Narina 4x4
Challenge in the Mournes in May. Liam would like to thank everyone who
supported this very successful event.
Party Time at Shimna Valley.
Joe Barr event organiser and Maurice McAllister
secretary from the Bann Wheelers Cycling Club present
a number of rehabilitation bikes and a storage shed to
Patricia and Gillian Creevy. Joe and Bann Wheelers
Cycling Club donated the bikes from £2000 raised
through their cycle Into the West event. Joe, Patricia, and
Gillian would like to thank everyone who contributed in
anyway to this event.
Volunteers take a break for a photo, thanks to all those
who helped with catering and to St. Mary’s Gac
Slaughtmanus for the provision of the building during the
“Cycle into the West” event.
The Rice family Martin, Damian, mum Clare, and dad Seamus
presents a cheque of £935.00 to Patricia this amount was
raised by taking part in the fun run at the Belfast Marathon,
I would like thank you all for your continuous support.
Patricia receives a cheque for £225.00 from Stephanie
Mc Keating Money raised by family and friends who
took part in a sponsored walk, thanks to everyone and
to Robert Mc Keating.
Banking on another successful year!
As always our friends at Northern Bank have
got their fundraising off to an amazing start in
2009! Already staff have helped raise over
£66,000 for NICFC in just 6 months! This
includes a £20,000 donation from Northern
Bank’s Charity Bond.
Thank you to all Northern Bank staff and
customers who have held a coffee morning,
bought a pen, wore yellow for the day, held a
curry night, ran, walk, swam for NICFC! The
first six months have been so packed full of
fundraising events that we simply can’t mention
them all but here are some highlights…
A mountainous
In June twelve staff from the Enniskillen branch
took part in their annual sponsored walk up
Cuilcagh mountain. The team climbed 665
metres to the summit and raised over £2,200
for NI Cancer Fund for Children.
Speaking after the challenging trek, Branch
Manager Denise Ferguson said, “We are
delighted to have raised over £2,200 for
NICFC. We had a fantastic time encouraging
each other to reach the summit and we would
like to express our thanks to all of the
customers who donated funds in the branch.
NICFC helps both children who are
diagnosed with cancer and the families who are
affected by the diagnoses, so we are proud to
be able to show our support.”
Fun Running
in Skea!
Nine staff from Lisnaskea branch took part in
the first Lisnaskea 10k run since 1990. The
fun run raised £1,100 for NICFC, which the
bank will generously match.
Northern Bank sponsored the fun run which
took place at the end of June and Lisnaskea
Branch Manager, Janet Hetherington said “The
Quality Beds and Bedroom Furniture Manufacturer
Guaranteed Lowest Prices
Northern Ireland’s Largest Bedroom
Furniture Manufacturer
Selling Direct To You At Factory Prices
That No One Can Beat
Branches at:
Abbey Centre; Mill Street, Ballymena;
Killyman Road, Dungannon
and Clandeboye Road, Bangor
day before the fun run the fundraising
kicked off with the branch staff
serving coffee and cake to our
customers and we also held a raffle.
“About 300 people took part in the
run and the atmosphere was electric.
We are delighted to have raised
£1,100 for NICFC. This was an
exciting event for us to be involved in
and all of the staff and participants
did really well. NICFC is a great
charity for both children who are
diagnosed with cancer and for the
families who are affected by the
diagnoses - so we are proud to be
able to show our support.”
Going the
extra mile!
Mary O’Rourke, Glenn Charles, Janet Hetherington and Tracy
Mulholland limber up for the start of the Lisnaskea 10k run.
Just like last year May’s
thousands pounds.
But Sheila McConnell
from the Newcastle
branch is really going
the extra mile this
year…. By the end of
2009 Sheila will have
run 91 miles to raise
money for NICFC.
Sheila ran the Belfast
followed by ‘Ards
Longford Marathon One of many Northern Bank relay teams taking part in the Belfast City Marathon.
and finishing off
later in the year
with the Dublin
Marathon. Sheila
visited Shimna
and witnessed
the atmosphere
provided there
people who have
been diagnosed
with cancer my
opinion is if Sheila McConnell running the
you’re fit and extra 91 miles for NICFC.
able just do ‘it’,
whatever ‘it’ is to
help raise money for NICFC.”
Jenni’s Wild West Adventure!
Last year Jenni Murphy, Internal Communications Manager, ran the Belfast City Marathon but this
year went a bit further to do her bit for NICFC taking part in our Grand Canyon Trek in May with
seventeen other brave and fit trekkers! Jenni trekked along two main corridor trails, South Kaibab
and Bright Angel, descending several thousands feet each time and returning to camp on the South
Rim every evening exhausted but very happy! Jenni describes the trek as ‘awe-inspiring’ and
apparently can’t wait to return!
I would like to say a personal thanks to Jenni not only for raising over £5,000 from the trek but
also for her unfaltering commitment to NICFC over the last eighteen months, so thank you from
all at NICFC!
Cooking up a Treat!
Ever wondered what elephant stew tasted like?
Trevor Johnston from Enniskillen branch has
the answer and now you can too! A collection
of mouth watering recipes submitted by
Northern Bank staff from across the province
has been collated by Catherine Robinson and is
now on sale in Northern Bank branches. You
can pick up this eclectic mix of recipes for just
£5 and for every one sold Northern Bank will
also donate £5 to NICFC.
Staff of several Northern Bank branches volunteer at one of NICFC’s School Fun Days in Larne on 15th May.
Starbucks raise bucks!
For the first time ever Starbucks (NI) have decided to raise funds for one
local charity and their staff have decided the charity to benefit should be
NICFC. The year long partnership started in July and already their staff
have raised over £3,000! Events have included coffee tasting, sponsored
walks, staff nights out and selling NICFC daisy pins instore.
Paula Galloway, Starbucks (NI) District Manager said, “As a company we
support a national charity however as a district we were very keen to get
involved in something local that would really make a difference to the
customers we serve and our partners.”
(continued overleaf)
Cheers! A caffeine toast to a year long partnership with Starbucks (NI). Pictured
are managers of Starbucks (NI) and Joanne Steele, Corporate Fundraiser NICFC.
(continued from previous page)
“We set about finding a charity that all partners
wanted to support and the overwhelming
decision was NICFC.
Since then we have
spent time at the wonderful log cabin Narnia
and this really inspired us to fundraise, so far
this has involved partners abseiling/running
marathons/cycling 100km a summer BBQ
arranged for end of August and much much
more! We have also involved many of our
customers who have been extremely generous
is supporting through buying pins and pens.”
Not only have Starbucks been fundraising but
they’ve also taken to volunteering including
serving tea and wonderful coffee at our North
West Schools Fun Day!
A massive thank you to all at Starbucks and we
look forward to the rest of the year!
Sainsbury’s Make
a Difference!
Staff of Sainsbury’s in Ballymena are
making a real difference to their local
community as they have chosen to
fundraise for NICFC throughout 2009.
They aim to raise at least £5,000 from
holding a range of different events
instore. Events include bag packs, ‘Make
a Difference’ week, raffles, coffee
mornings, fashion shows and much
much more! A massive thank you to
Angus, Susan, Sadie and all the staff for
their hard work and enthusiasm!
Fold Get Masked Up!
The Business Development Team at Fold has
been busy fundraising for us this year! In
March they had a team abseil down the Invest
NI building raising £2,131. But in June they
really surpassed themselves and planned a
stunning Masked Ball at the Stormont Hotel in
Belfast. Over two hundred people were
treated to a sumptuous meal, great
entertainment and even a rendition of Happy
Birthday to the chief organiser Dessie Gray!
dressed as
‘Jamaica’ at Bonnmarche Connswater
fundraing day! Each member of staff had to
come dressed as a different holiday
destination. Big thanks to all the girls at
Bonnmarche for their continued support.
Ellen McCormick
We would like to thank Moyra, Dessie and
Katie for all their efforts on the night and also
all the guests who were so generous and
helped raise £3,000 for NICFC. There’s no
rest for the team either as October sees
their now annual Golf Day at Holywood Golf
Above: Staff of NICFC help Fold Housing Association
fundraise at their Gala Ball, Stormont Hotel, Belfast.
Based in Belfast Harbour
presented Joanne Steele,
Northern Ireland Cancer
Fund for Children with a
cheque for £500. Jeff
Peters and Ron Woodside
from Cafe2U raised the
amount from a ballot
generously supported by
their customers.
Jeff Peters said, “We are
delighted to raise £500
for the NICFC, as a local
charity they will be
making a difference to the
lives of local children and
families, I would like to
thank all of our customers
for their support.”
EMO Get Energised!
Our long time friends at Emo have really
been getting stuck into their fundraising
this year! Not only have they made their
very generous corporate donation to
help fund our Home Heating Scheme
for families, but they’ve also held raffles,
coffee mornings, quizzes and sponsored
our Flippin Barbeque campaign.There is
no stopping Emo Charity Champion,
Raymond McGee and his dedication to
NICFC as a few months ago he fulfilled
a life long ambition and sky dived from
13,000 feet and donated his sponsorship
to NICFC. Big thanks to all the staff and
management of Emo for their continued
BOSI donate over £10k
Joanne Steele receives a cheque for £10,000 from Bank
of Scotland Ireland’s Staff Charity Scheme, presented by
Charity Manager Rhona O’Connor and Belfast’s Charity
Champion Stephanie McCoubrey. Bank of Scotland
Ireland decided to donate money to NICFC after one
of their staff’s family members lost a child to cancer.
Stephanie explains:
“Ben unfortunately passed away last August however
Ben and the family had received amazing help and
support from NICFC throughout. On finding out more
about the excellent work that NICFC does, we wanted
to further support the charity and entered two teams
in the Belfast Marathon fundraising for NICFC. The
two teams raised £640 which was then
matched by Bank of Scotland Ireland Ltd. On
visiting Narnia and meeting with several
NICFC staff, this has only strengthened our
wish to continue to support the charity in
whatever way we can and granted the
charity £10,000 to help them continue their
amazing work for children like Ben and his
Raymond McGee of Emo gets ready
to take a 13,000 feet leap of faith
for local children living with cancer.
Pub Quizzing Emo Style! Joanne
Steele, NICFC pictured with the Emo
charity committee: Suzanne Waddell,
Raymond McGee & Chrsitine
Stewart along with Nicky from
Whitecat Entertainment.
Superb deals throughout
our extensive showrooms
Tables & Chairs • Bedroom Suites
• Occasional Furniture • Carpets
• Vinyls • Wooden Flooring
Over £31,000 raised by generous
Rockmount Golfers for local children’s charity
The NI Cancer Fund for Children has received
over £31,000 from the members of the
Wednesday Club at Rockmount Golf Club over
the last 6 years.
The money was raised throughout the year at
weekly games and from various events including
a charity night. Camelot also supported this
year’s donation with a cheque for £1,500.
Jackie Bloomer, a member of Rockmount Golf
Club and the Wednesday Club said; "We keep
supporting the NI Cancer Fund for Children
because they make a real difference to families
who have a child diagnosed with cancer. We
have seen the facilities at Shimna Valley and
Narnia in Newcastle and it is great that families
can benefit from taking a break and meeting
other families who know exactly what it is like
to nurse a child with cancer. The charity is
there to help families with financial support
been diagnosed. It is because of this sort of
hands on help that we feel our members,
friends and supporters get behind our
Rockmount’s donation will help NICFC
to continue to provide practical,
emotional and financial support to the
two children every week in NI who are
diagnosed with cancer and their families
at a time when it is most desperately
Teresa Morris, Business Development
Manager with the charity, said; “The
members of the Wednesday Club at
Rockmount Golf Club have been
enthusiastic and committed supporters
of our services for the last six years.
Their loyalty and continued support has meant
a great deal to the charity and on behalf of all
the families who have benefited from their
support I thank them and everyone who made
this donation possible.”
If you would like more information on The
Northern Ireland Cancer Fund for Children, or
if are interested in helping fundraise please
contact Joanne on 028 90805599 or email
Christmas is coming...
Send some Christmas cheer to your friends and family this year by sending them a
Northern Ireland Cancer Fund for Children Christmas card. To order your Christmas
cards please go online to or call us on 028 9080 5599.
There have been many highlights in the Family
Programme over the last few months, not least
the Parental Support Weekend that took place
at Shimna Valley. Parents enjoyed a chilled out
weekend with massages, walks and even a
French style evening! Continuing with the
Mediteranean theme, they also took to the
dance floor for a salsa class.Angela and Gerard
Loney were definitely the stars of the class and
gave us plenty of laughs…Our next Parental
Support Weekends are on 25th to 27th of
September and 20th to 22nd November. If you
are interested in attending either of these
weekends please contact Angela 07900 285765
or Jill on 07973 632741.
Another popular event was Dreamnight at
Belfast Zoo. Julian Simmons greeted the
families as they arrived and children got to
meet giraffes, see a three day-old sea lion pup
and feed the chimps and gorillas.There was also
veterinary surgery for cuddly toys and face
painting. It was a truly magical evening for the
whole family and we are very grateful to Belfast
Zoo for organising the event.
Our Bereavement Weekend at Shimna in June
gave parents the chance to come together and
share their experiences. Parents took
part in a music workshop, walks,
enjoyed massage treatments and
generally found the weekend to be a
therapeutic experience. If you are
interested in our programme for
bereaved parents please contact Angela
07900 285765 or Jill on 07973 632741.
Finally, our mums showed off their
creative talents at a special coffee
morning event. Ruth Black ran a craft
workshop and showed the mums how to
make fabric notice boards.
rkshop at Shim
s enjoy music wo
Our coffee morning events take place
on the last Friday of every month.
These mornings give parents a chance
to meet up and take part in different
Pine Cottage - our self-catering facility in
the North West availability is now
displayed on www.nicfc/pinecottage.html
For more information on our coffee
mornings please contact Angela on 07900
285765 or Jill on 07973 632741.
e view above.
Dads take in th
Parents enjoy a French-themed soiree at Shimna.
The ladies show off
their creative side!
Family co-ordinator Jill makes a
new friend at the zoo!
Parents get
ready to salsa!
The NI Cancer Fund for
Children now has a group
on Facebook. If you want to
keep up to date on the latest
events and charity news
please join our group online.
If you have any difficulties or
would like to find out more
information please contact
Corinna on 028 9080 5599
or email
Kearns family enjoy Dreamnight at Belfast Zoo.
Hats the way to do it!
Children get sun smart and
raise thousands for local children with cancer
As the sun began to shine on school
playgrounds this summer term, schools across
Northern Ireland took part in the NICFC’s
annual Hats and Shades campaign.
for the day, raising £12,000 to support local
children and young people living with cancer,
making this years Hats and Shades campaign
the charity’s most successful yet!
Hats and Shades Day, which is supported by
Clarins, is part of the Northern Ireland Cancer
Fund for Children’s sun smart campaign which
is devised for primary and nursery school
children to explain the risks posed by the sun
in a fun and interactive way, whilst raising much
needed funds for the charity.
For a small donation to the charity each
participating pupil received a sample of Clarins
sun protection cream, a bookmark highlighting
the key sun safety facts and a sun safety
worksheet to complete in class.
Throughout summer term over 6000 children
wore their favourite hats and shades to school
Hats the way to do it! Young Daire Austin helps NICFC
and Clarins launch their annual Hats and Shades sun
safety campaign.
Rachel Burgoyne from the NICFC, commented
on the concept behind the Sun Smart campaign.
“The summer months in Northern Ireland may
not always conjure up images of hot sunny days,
yet it is important to remember that even on a
cloudy day, the sun can still be strong and care
must be taken. Clouds block only 50% of UV
light, so the risk of burning is only slightly
reduced. We want to equip children with sun
safety facts so that when the sun does appear
or while holidaying abroad, they can enjoy
playing in the sunshine without the worry of
sun damage.”
Lynne Hanna Head of Clarins NI agrees: “This
is the third consecutive year that Clarins has
supported the NICFC’s Hats and Shades
campaign and we are delighted that since the
campaign was launched in 2006 over 15,000
children and their parents have benefited from
the sun safety message.” She continues
“Countless reports have clearly made the
causal link between early sun exposure in
childhood and the development of melanomas
in later life. Far from being a spoil-sport about
the sun, this initiative is a great way to instil lifelong safe sun habits – hats, shades, covering up,
and sun creams - in a way that is fun for kids –
and that they will learn to adopt without
How to get involved
in Hats and Shades 2010
The charity is inviting teachers and parents to
contact them for a Hats and Shades registration
pack. Anyone who would like to know more
about Hats & Day 2010 should contact Rachel
at NICFC on 028 9080 5599 or email
Michael wears
the “Yellow
Jersey’ for NICFC
On 20th July 2009, Michael McClughin took
which is a 107 mile cycle race, covering one
mountain stage of the 2009 Tour de France, to
raise money for NICFC.
Michael’s motivation for supporting the NI
Cancer Fund for Children is the fact that he has
seen first hand, over the last 10 years, the
marvellous work that they do, after his niece
Molly Swan (now 14) was diagnosed with
cancer. She continues to receive marvellous
support from NICFC, and is an active member
in their TACT (Teens Against Cancer Together)
Michael gets on his bike to raise funds for NI Cancer
Fund for Children, and is spurred on by his brother in
law and niece Molly Swan, who is involved in the
charity’s youth programme
All at NICFC are extremely grateful for the
support, energy and enthusiasm Michael put
into this challenge. Starting with a fundraising
target of £1000, Michael swiftly upped this to
£5000, and to date has raised a fabulous £4938!
Michael gave everything on this cycle
completing over ¾ of the gruelling course. We
are very proud and grateful for the hard work
and fantastic fundraising Michael has completed
for NICFC.
Michael and NICFC would like to thank
Halfords, Radiocontact Ltd and Sumetzberger
Ireland/PHIL-TEC for their kind support and
Get into the reading habit this term and
support local children with cancer!
As Children’s Book Week fast approaches
primary and post primary schools will get into
the reading habit with ReadOn, the Northern
Ireland Cancer Fund for Children’s popular
sponsored reading initiative.
First introduced to schools over 10 years ago,
and growing in strength ever since, ReadOn
encourages pupils to read for pleasure, in the
knowledge that they are actively supporting
local children in their fight against cancer.
Teachers and librarians have found participation
in ReadOn motivates pupils, particularly
reluctant readers, to visit the school library
more frequently and to read for fun. Angela
Campbell, Librarian at Larne Grammar School
says; “This is the second year that Year 8 pupils
Ashfield Girls High School raised £2,790 during their
ReadOn week, bringing the total raised by the school to
a staggering £8,141.33!
at LGS have participated in ReadOn and I am
keen to hold it as an annual school event. The
sponsored read was run over a one week
period and pupils came to the library during
their English classes to read. The library
remained open all day, all week.”
She adds further,
“We have found ReadOn a really positive
experience and the pupils thoroughly enjoyed
taking part. Pupils who had never used the
library before are now regular users
and lending figures have increased significantly.
The whole exercise raised the profile of the
school library and also, more importantly
helped to raise a lot of money for very ill
Schools are invited to dedicate one week out of
the academic year to ReadOn and national and
international events like World Book Day, on
Thursday 4th March 2010, and Children’s
Book in October provide the ideal opportunity
to take part in this novel fundraiser! A charity
representative can visit your school to
launch ReadOn and explain to pupils how the
money they raise will help children and families
coming to terms with a childhood cancer
If you would like to request a copy of the
teacher’s information pack please contact
Rachel on 028 9080 5599 or email You can also download a
registration form from the charity’s website
Year 8 pupils at Newtownbreda High School, with the
school’s librarian Mr Baptiste, ReadOn for NICFC!
‘Wizard’ Prize for Joe! Joe, a P6 pupil at Castle Gardens
Primary School, Newtownards is the proud winner of a
Harry Potter book, signed by author JK Rowling.
Ligoniel Primary School held its first ReadOn week this
year and raised a whopping £1,110.32 for NICFC!
ReadOn readers from Ballycastle High School present a
cheque for £1,293.53 to NICFC!
The winners of the bookmark competition at St Mark’s
High School’s,Warrenpoint display their winning
Summer Ballot
Winners 2009
1st A McAuley, Belfast £500
2nd E Clarke, Belfast £250
3rd A Grant, L’derry £100
Tickets are available for the Christmas Ballot,
for more information contact Jane
on 028 9080 5599 or email.
Strabane Grammar School took part in their fourth
ReadOn this year and raised a fantastic £1,070.50.
Enthusiastic readers from Lisnaskea High School raised
£1,450.00 by holding a ReadOn week to celebrate
World Book Day in March.
Girls Brigade Northern Ireland lends a
helping hand to children with cancer!
Girls’ Brigade, Northern Ireland (GBNI) has
accepted the challenge of fundraising for the
Northern Ireland Cancer Fund for Children, to
raise money for children and young adults
diagnosed with cancer.
GBNI is Northern Ireland’s largest Christian
youth organisation with almost 300 companies
meeting weekly from April to September. The
GBNI programme actively encourages girls of
all ages to engage in community service and
For the next three years
companies across the province will unite to
raise money to provide weekend breaks for
young people with cancer at Narnia, the NI
Cancer Fund for Children’s log cabin which is
nestled at the foot of the Mourne Mountains in
with such a highly regarded Christian led youth
clothes recycling there is something for
She adds further,
“Support from GBNI will ensure that more
children and young adults will have the
opportunity to visit the charity’s log cabin and
benefit from youth and residential support
For more information about the Girls Brigade
Charity partnership or to find out how your
company can get involved in fundraising for
NICFC please contact Rachel on 028 9080
5599, email or visit
NICFC has an exciting calendar of events that
GBNI can take part in throughout the year.
From sponsored walks, to coffee mornings and
Please bear in mind your support is literally
helping hundreds of children and young people,
just like those in the Girls Brigade.
Chloe Hemphill Director of Girls Brigade, Northern
Ireland enthuses,
“GBNI is delighted to be supporting NICFC
which links in so well with our own Christian
ethos, working with children and young people.
The lives of so many of our girls will have been
touched by cancer so it is fantastic we can give
something back by partnering such a
worthwhile charity.
I find it very exciting to think of young people
helping to raise money for other young people
who have such a burden to bear and I am
certain that all our GB companies will rise to
the challenge and get involved in the many
fantastic fundraising activities on offer.”
Rachel Burgoyne, Schools and Youth Fundraiser for
the NICFC says,
“Every year we support hundreds of young
people diagnosed with cancer and leukaemia
and last year 44 residential weekends took
place at Narnia. The NICFC is truly honoured
to have the opportunity to work in partnership
Girls Brigade, Northern Ireland hopes their support for NICFC will grow from strength to strength. President Morva
Brown, Alex, Rachel Burgoyne, NICFC Schools & Youth Fundraiser, Lucy, Rebecca and President Elect Margaret
Ming, GBNI Officer Bearers and girls from Newcastle Presbyterian GB visit the Narnia Log Cabin in Newcastle to
launch the new charity partnership with GBNI which runs from Sept 2009 to Sept 2012.
Big hearted Primary School Children put their
best foot forward for children with cancer
Throughout May and June primary schools
pupils from across Northern Ireland took part
in the NICFC’s fun days and sponsored
walk.Over 1,500 pupils, representing 24
primary schools, joined the charity at venues in
Larne, Londonderry and Enniskillen to
celebrate 2009’s Schools Fun Days.
shoot outs and special guests including the
Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service,
PSNI, and local football players from
Irvinestown Wanderers, the IFA and Maiden
City Soccer Academy.
At each event the local Mayor welcomed the
children as they set off on an energetic one
mile walk throughout Carnfunnock Country
Park in Larne, St Columb’s Park in Derry and
the Bawnacre in Irvinestown.
Mrs Duffy, the principal from St Mary’s Primary
School Gortnaghey, one of the fun days top
fundraising schools said, “This is the third
consecutive year our school has taken part in
the North West Fun Day. Once again it was a
great day out for both pupils and teachers.
Whilst we were having great fun taking part in
the different activities provided by NICFC, we
did so in the knowledge that our school was
also raising vital funds for a local charity that is
close to our hearts having supported a family
nursing a child with cancer in our community.”
After their walk teachers and pupils enjoyed a
morning of entertainment with face painting,
balloon modelling, parachute games, penalty
The NICFC would like to thank all the
organisations, individuals and volunteers who
supported both these events and made sure
The theme of this year’s events was ‘helping
hands’ and the schools have done exactly that
raising a staggering £29,000 to support children
and young people living with cancer!
NW Funday!
they ran like clockwork, in particular Smyths
Toys, the event sponsor and Translink for
providing free transport for all schools to and
from each venue. Finally a huge thank you to
the pupils and teachers who took part in both
these fun days making 2009 the most successful
year to date!
The next fun day will take place in Ormeau
Park, Belfast on Friday 25th September. To
find out more about fun days happening in
your area please contact Rachel on 028 9080
5599, email or visit
1. Pupils and teachers from Oakgrove Integ. PS receive a certificate
of from the Mayor of Derry City Cllr Paul Fleming for raising over
£500 at the North West Fun Day.
2. Pupils from St Patrick’s PS receive a certificate of appreciation for
raising over £900 for NICFC proceed of the NW fun day.
3. Chapel Road Primary School raised a staggering £1,005.45!
All aboard at the North West Fun Day!
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The Northern Ireland Cancer Fund for Children
1. Pupils from St MacCartan’s PS, Omagh arrive at the Enniskillen Fun Day at the
Bawnacre in Irvinestown
2. The Chairman of Fermanagh District Council, with the help of local primary school
pupils lead off the sponsored walk at the NICFC’s Enniskillen Fun Day
3. Children from Belleek PS display the school’s winning banner!
4. Pupils put the fun into fundraising at the Enniskillen Fun Day!
Swine Flu
In response to the Swine Flu pandemic The NI Cancer Fund
for Children has produced a protocol as advised by the Public Health
We would urge
people who attend our
activities and events to
follow the guidelines
which can be
downloaded at the
charity’s website or for
further information
please contact Liz
Osborne, NICFC
Services Manager on
028 9080 5599
es an
Bugs Bunny mak
e Larne Fun
Law and order at the Larne Fun Day!
Primary School pupils from Larne and Carrickfergus brave the wet
weather at the Larne Fun Day.
Life’s a Picnic: Merdyn Day Nursery in
Holywood, raised £500 for the
Northern Ireland Cancer Fund for
Children by holding a teddy bear’s
picnic for children and families in June.
Enjoying the summer fun are Calum,
Charlie and Pola along with Rachel
Burgoyne, Schools and Youth Fundraiser
for NICFC and Nicky Wakefield from
Merdyn Day Nursery.
Ryan Hollinger from Lagan College who helped to
organise a Hats and Shades Day and sun safety talk for
students presents a cheque for £1,236.56 to the
Northern Ireland cancer Fund for Children.
Grand Canyon Trekkers raise Grand total
for local children living with cancer
On the 17th May 2009, 18 triumphant and
proud individuals from Northern Ireland
returned home from a challenging, exhilarating
and life changing trek of the Grand Canyon,
which raised a phenomenal £69,902.00 for the
NI Cancer Fund for Children, (NICFC).
heartedly took on this
challenge, enabling us to help
hundreds of families face their
own personal challenge every
day, as they nurse a child with
The completion of the trek marked the end of
a year-long challenge for each of the
participants, who not only took on the physical
challenge of training to enable them to conquer
the Canyon, but also took on the personal goal
of fundraising to help the NICFC continue to
supply a varied range of services to hundreds of
families across NI. The group raised an amazing
£69,902.00 to enable the NICFC to continue
to provide practical, emotional and social
support to children and young people.
All at the charity would like to
thank each participant who
worked tirelessly to raise funds –
Sonia Anderson, David Bowes,
Julieanne Crothers, Andrene
Donnelly, Davy Pennell, Debbie
Reid, Paula MacFarlane, Jenni
Murphy, Martina Millar, Christine
Lindsay, Michael Lindsay, Angela and
Paul Regan, Perry and Fiona Davis,
Irene Hazel, Shauna McMullan and
Linda Brown.
A huge thank you to all our Grand Canyon
Trekkers, who raised a fantastic amount of
money to help local children living with cancer.
Dawn Weir Community Fundraiser with
NICFC, “We are so proud of all those who
completed the Grand Canyon Trek, each
person whole
arrival to the rim
ts celebrate their
The Grand Cany
mpse of this ex
the Canyon and
wonder of the wo
NICFC next challenge is Kilimanjaro June 2010.
If you are inspired by our Grand Canyon
trekkers and would like to take on your own
personal challenge please contact Dawn on 028
9080 5599.
9,902 was
An amazing £6
who to
of the Grand
Josh, Stefan and
Lobo – the guide
s who kept us
safe, well feed an
d entertained!
Sunset over the
Sunset over the
of the Colorado
Rewarding views
rd days trek.
River after a ha
Martina Millar from Downpatrick reveals
what the challenge meant to her, “I did a
lot of walking, as part of my training for
the trek; I think I must have walked the
length and breadth of Co Down! But it was
all worth it. The Grand Canyon experience
will stay with me the rest of my life. It
was a challenge there is no doubt, some
days more so than others, there were tears
alongside the laughter but every moment
of challenge I will treasure.”
“I started out on this challenge as an
individual, amongst 19 other fellow
trekkers from Northern Ireland, but over
the months of support meetings and group
training treks we all got to know each
other better. We all came through this
experience together as a team, motivating
each other, cheering each other on. It was
amazing! Whenever I think back on the
Grand Canyon I will always think of them
with a warm heart. I made some really
good friends on the trek and will carry
those friendships with me forever.”
The Grand Canyon Challenge was a life
changing experience for me, from the
moment I signed up until the last day of
the trek. I did and experienced things I
never thought I’d ever be capable of doing.
So, if I can do it anyone can! I always say if
your heart is singing out for you to do
something then it’s the right thing to do,
go for it!”
, “I feel
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Challenge m
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other. Ever
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to help each
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perience. W
enjoyable ex
Jenni Murphy: We were rewarded with an
extraordinary series of challenging but
very rewarding treks that revealed endless
awe-inspiring views and experiences of one
of the seven wonders of the natural world,
which few people are ever privileged to
enjoy. I loved every minute and can’t wait
to return. I am now planning my next
challenge event for NICFC.”
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Mary continues
her invaluable
work for NICFC!
All at NICFC are delighted and extremely
grateful for the continued support of Mary
McGready. To date the grand total of monies
raised by Mary is a fantastic £42,913.00!
Mary’s next event will be a fabulous Country
Music Concert, held in Queens Hall
Newtownards, featuring Eugene Dorman,
Kathy Durkin, Larry the Cowboy, Johnny
Caroll and Kenny Archer. A huge thank you to
Mary, Kenneth and their volunteers for their
contined support and hard work at Comber
Cancer Support and through the many events
she organises.
Interested in becoming
Santa’sLittle Helper?
December is Children’s Cancer Awareness Month, and we
would be grateful if you would consider supporting us in the
festive season. It is really easy to get involved and you can
help by selling our Magic Reindeer Dust or helping
promote our ‘A letter from Santa’ campaign.
We are looking for individuals to help us sell our
fantastic ‘Magic Reindeer Dust!’, priced at £1.00. You
can help by purchasing Magic Reindeer Dust for
family or friends or placing pre-merchandised units of
Reindeer dust in local shops and businesses. To register
to help please contact
Alternatively, why not surprise a loved one with their own personalised letter from
Santa! For a minimum donation of £4.00. Or help us distribute the flyers in your local
shops or businesses. If you can help please contact
Limavady Support Group Annual
Douglas Bar Cycle
The annual Douglas’ Bar cycle in Limavady took
on a fun fancy dress theme this year, with over
70 participants using their pedal power to raise
money for NICFC. The cycle took place on
31st May and raised a fantastic £5406. All at
NICFC would like to extend their thanks to
Muriel Witherow of Limavady Support Group,
for their continued support. A special thanks
also to Barry McGuigan, who has raised a
phenomenal £19,679 for NICFC over the last 5
years through this event. This community
support is invaluable to NICFC and we extend
our thanks to everyone who took part and to
Douglas’ Bar Limavady for their valued support
and hospitality.
Dawn receives a cheque for £5406 from Barry McGuigan >
Iveagh Court, 2a Railway Street, Newcastle BT33 0AL
Tel: 028 4372 6162 Fax: 028 4372 4248
Maysfield Support Group helping kids tackle cancer
Maysfield Support Group held their first ever NI Supporters Club 7
aside Football competition on 28th March 2009, part sponsored by
the IFA. A total of ten teams took part with Lough Shore N.I.S.C.
becoming holders of the first NI Supporters Club Trophy.
Maysfield Support Group where delighted to welcome along Kate
Hoey MP, who presented the winning team with their trophies and
The perfect finish to a fantastic event enjoyed by all. A
huge thank you to all the teams who took part and those who
volunteered on the day helping raise over £2000!
Drew Armstrong presents Dawn and Ashleigh with a cheque for £750 donated from
Lightweight Motorcycle Club (Ulster) Ltd.
John Lennon, Manager
Cosgroves Bar with
Stephen McGuigan,
Seamus Thompson, Conan
Keenan, Liam McKiernan,
Kieran Gillen, Sean
McCabe smiling for the
camera before their
gruelling 130 mile cycle
from Belfast to Dublin.
Well done lads almost
£2.000 was raised. Not
forgetting Hugh Conway
who was their back up
driver all the way.
Winning seven-a-side tournament winners Lough Shore N.I.S.C. pictured with their
trophy in the company of (l-r) Dawn Weir, N.I. Cancer Fund for Children, Kate
Hoey M.P., Louise Eakin, Irish Football Association and Eddie Marcus, Maysfield
Support Group of the N.I. Cancer Fund for Children who organised the fund
raising event.
Clive Faulkner and Anna Earls
present a cheque for £870 to
Pauline McGuigan NICFC.The funds
were raised at Clive’s retirement
Thanks also to Harry McDonnell
and the boys for their fundraising
efforts in Pat’s Bar in Belfast, they
raised over £7.000.
Eddie McCabe (Maysfield
Support Group) and
Gillian Creevy (Chief
Executive NICFC) receive
vouchers from Suzanne
Phillips courtesy of the
McKeever Group.
Maysfield Support
Group’s annual May
McFetteridge Golf Classic
raised over £10,000 for
NICFC. A huge thank
you to all at Maysfield
Support Group!
Michael Hagan from
Barrington Rangers
Supporters Club and
Linfield’s Glen Ferguson
present Dawn Weir
with a cheque for over
£2000 raised through
the Barrington Rangers
Supporters Club’s
annual Blues Brothers
Charity Football match
held on Boxing Day.
Charity Football Match
help kids tackle cancer
Newtownabbey man
Peter Brady, recently
held a charity football
match to raise funds
for the NI Cancer
Fund for Children.
Peter really made the
most of reuniting his
old football team F.C.
Euro Lions to take on
their old rivals
FC Euro Lions celebrate their reunion and rasing over £2000
Eastend Academicals,
for NICFC.
by raising over
£2000.00 for NICFC.
Peter’s motivation for organising the event and supporting the NICFC was
a personal one after recently losing his mother-in-law to the illness and
seeing first hand the support NICFC provide to his friend’s daughter, who
is in the second year of remission from leukaemia.
Thanks Harry!
Ballymoney marathon man,
Harry McCloy completes
Durban Comrades
Marathon for NICFC
Ballymoney man Harry
McCloy completed the
gruelling Comrades
Marathon in Durban South
Africa, raising over £2000
for NICFC. All at NICFC
would like to congratulate
Harry on his massive
Harry McCloy receives a certificate
achievement, completing the
to mark his fantastic achievement
distance of 56 miles in just
of completing all 56 miles of the
over ten hours. A huge thank Durban Comrades Marathon
you to Harry who endured
hours of training and pain to raise this fantastic amount of
Parachute jumpers help children’s cancer charity
reach £50k milestone
Marie-Claire Doogan recently led a group of
her friends from the Maghera and Magherafelt
area who took in the challenge of a parachute
jump to raise money for the Northern Ireland
Cancer Fund for Children.
The group’s act of bravery raised a fantastic
£3750, and marked the amazing milestone of
£50,000 being raised overall through the
charities partnership with skydive company,
Marie-Claire made her decision to support
NICFC, having benefited from the charities
youth programme services and is
currently involved in the 18+ group
youth programme, which provides
residential and one to one support
to children who are currently
undergoing treatment for cancer or
in remission.
Marie-Claire’s motivation was to
give something back in return for
the support she has received
through her own illness. She commentated,
“ I was keen to do something, simply to say
thank you to the Youth Team at NICFC who
have supported me over the last eight years.
Taking on this challenge was both rewarding
and terrifying! But I would encourage others to
take the leap of faith and support children and
young people in NI, who face their own
personal challenge everyday.”
The NI Cancer Fund for Children are delighted
to be the first charity in NI to reach this
fantastic milestone and are extremely
grateful to the many participants, who have
racked up over 51,300 miles altitude between
Marie-Claire pres
ents Dawn with
a cheque for
£3750, rocketing
funds raised fro
m parachute jum
to £50,000!
If you would like to take part in a parachute
jump please contact Dawn on 028 9080 5599
or email
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A very special way to give...
Become a friend & help
children living with cancer.
A regular gift, no matter how small, will help
us reach out to more children and families.
Childhood cancer can devastate family life. Please become a ‘Friend’ of the NI Cancer Fund for
Children - your regular donation will help us deliver support services to families when they are
most needed.
As a friend you can choose to make your donation in one easy annual payment or you can set
up a monthly direct debit from your bank account. (Please complete the form overleaf).
Benefits for ‘Friends’ include: Daisy Lapel Badge, Invitations to Events, Subscription to NICFC
Newsletter, eCommunication Updates.
You name it....we print it!
Tel: 028 9045 9864
Published and printed by Media Marketing - Tel: 028 9045 9864 • Fax: 028 9045 9034 • Email: •