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Bienvenidos to Volume 21, Number 3, April 2012, issue of Latin Beat Magazine, celebrating our
21st anniversary (19 years on the newsstands and 2 years 100% online).Our cover story
features the Barcelona, Spain based salsa ensemble "Bloque 53," who are enjoying the release
of their third CD, "Tumba Puchunga" and getting ready to tour extensively throughout Europe this
upcoming summer. Also in this issue you can enjoy "From Havana to Hamburg: The Positive
Musical Energy of Ricardo Alvarez & Cubanísimo" by Luis Tamargo. Nelson Rodriguez compiled
a "Salsa Radio Host list" of active salsa and Latin jazz radio shows from all over the planet. This
listing will stay posted throughout the year allowing us to update it monthly. Photo journalist Ricky
Richardson was present at the "Afro-Latino Festival at Long Beach's Museum of Latin American
Art." Visit our video corner, streaming music, national and international hit parades, and our
popular monthly columns.
Musically yours, Rudy & Yvette Mangual
Bloque 53
Cogelo Ahi
Windows Media
Chico Álvarez
El Indio Caonabo
Windows Media
BLOQUE 53: Barcelona's Salsa Machine
By Rudy Mangual
Bio Ritmo
La Muralla
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Streaming Music
Louie Cruz Beltran
Paint the Rhythm
Windows Media
Cintron Band Live
Human Nature
Windows Media
Como Lo Extraño
Windows Media
Windows Media
Luis González
Windows Media
Rolando Sanchez
Vamonos De Fiesta
Windows Media
Steve Pouchie
Watch Ur Wallet
Windows Media
Somos Son
What do the Joe Cuba Sextet, Rubén Blades' Seis del Solar, and the New Swing Sextet have in
common? Well, aside from being amongst some of the more innovative salsa groups of all times,
they all used the vibraphone as their lead melodic instrument, while omitting the utilization of any
horns in their arrangements.
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Windows Media
The Estrada Brothers
Mr. Ray
Windows Media
This raw, heavily percussive style of tropical dance music dates back to the 1960s, in the case
of the Joe Cuba Sextet, which showcased the amazing vocals of Cheo Feliciano and Jimmy
Sabater, whereas the sociopolitical lyrics and compositions of Rubén Blades have been
resonating throughout the international airwaves for over four decades now.
Manny Silvera
Bassed in America
Windows Media
In the cosmopolitan Catalonian city of Barcelona, Spain, a group of salsa musicians came
together with the purpose of making music inspired primarily by the sounds of the early pioneers
of the salsa movement in New York City, hence the birth of the group called "Bloque 53".
The following is a recent Skype interview between Bloque 53's percussionist/composer/
bandleader Joaquín "Waco" Arteaga and Latin Beat Magazine's Rudy Mangual...
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Rudy Mangual (RM): Congratulations on Bloque 53's recent release ("Tumba Puchunga") and
thank you for choosing Latin Beat Magazine to internationally promote your music and your
Joaquín Arteaga (JA): Thank you very much for the opportunity to showcase Bloque 53 in the
pages of Latin Beat Magazine. It's a great honor for me and all the members of Bloque 53 to be
featured in such a special and renowned publication.
RM: Are you originally from Barcelona?
JA: No, I'm a native of Caracas, Venezuela. I was fortunate to win a scholarship in Venezuela to
study music abroad in 1998. Initially, I planned to attend the Berklee School of Music in Boston,
but financially, it was not possible. So I opted to study in Barcelona. After graduating (as a
percussion major), I was offered a position in the school to teach, which I accepted. That was
over 13 years ago. Now, I'm practically Catalonian.
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RM: Do you speak Catalán (the language of Catalonia?
JA: I do; it's not that difficult. The fact that I teach many kids and young adults who mainly prefer
to speak Catalán made it easier for me to learn the language a bit faster. You learn so much
faster from the kids, it's amazing!
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RM: How did Bloque 53 come to be?
JA: The band came together around 2006. We initially named ourselves “Chicha y Melao” due to
the fact that the band was composed of white and black musicians. Chicha is the name of a
white South American beverage (made of pineapple rinds, sugar, or molasses), while the term
melao (or melado) refers to the honey-colored, twice boild-down juice of the sugar cane. As a
vibe-led sextet, we had all agreed to play scores from the Joe Cuba Sextet’s repertoire, as well
as interpretations from groups such as Son Boricua and Seis del Solar. Yet, we were not happy
with the band’s original name. It was too festive. After a while, we all decided to add a new
vocalist to the group, making us an octet rather than a sextet, and the name issue came into
discussion once again. While discussing possible new names for the band, one of our original
Venezuelan ex- members, Lenin Jiménez, mentioned that the band had come to resemble a
block, with three vocalists in the front row and five musicians in the back (like the streets of his
native neighborhood in Caracas) and suggested our current name, “Bloque 53”, which was
precisely where his grandmother lived in Barrio 23 de Enero in Caracas. Therefore, by 2007, we
had become Bloque 53.
RM: In your latest CD production “Tumba Puchunga”, the recording features as special
guests “Los Trombones de Tromboranga”. What is Tromboranga?
JA: Tromboranga is a special and separate project from Bloque 53. It’s led by trombonists
Vladimir Peña and Tom Johnson, as well as vocalist Freddy Ramos (from Bloque 53). I have
also been involved with Tromboranga for the past two years. Tromboranga is a trombonepropelled salsa ensemble favoring the sounds of groups like Conjunto Libre, Willie Colón, and
Eddie Palmieri’s La Perfecta. We recorded a four-track EP a year ago, which continues to
receive good airplay throughout Europe. What happened was that, while working with
Tromboranga, the date for Bloque 53’s new production came up and we had to stop work with
Tromboranga. About six months ago, both bands performed together in a concert, joining forces
in the end as one group and sounding incredible. Therefore, while conducting the new Bloque 53
recording, we decided to invite Los Trombones de Tromboranga to add their magic to our final
mix. Another guest musician on the recording is trumpeter Albert Perez, featured on the selection
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“Bésame Otra Vez.”
RM: If I am fortunate enough to catch Bloque 53 performing this coming summer in
Barcelona or throughout Europe, will I see the band with or without trombones?
JA: This year we will definitely play with trombones, and perhaps even a trumpet, especially
while promoting the new CD. Bloque 53 likes to have that element of experimentation and
surprise for its fans with every one of its productions… Our debut CD, “La Ruta de la Salsa”,
introduced the group’s vibraphone-based salsa and Latin jazz sound to Barcelona and the entire
world, inspired by the music of both Joe Cuba and Seis del Solar… Our second production,
“Bloque 53 Te Hace Mover Los Pies” (Bloque 53 Makes You Move Your Feet), was a more
ambitious production, loaded with more original hardcore salsa scores aimed to please the
dancers. Our third and latest production, “Tumba Puchunga” showcases the latest evolution of
the band with a frontline of three vocalists and the addition of guest musicians from our brother
group Tromboranga, for the ultimate salsa experience.
RM: Can you introduce the members of Bloque 53?
JA: The vocal frontline includes the energetic and beautiful Yadira Ferrer (from Holguín, Cuba),
Damián "El Bombón" Alonso (from Havana, Cuba), and Freddy Ramos (from Caracas,
Venezuela). The band features Marcel Pascual (from Barcelona) on vibraphone, Andreu Cañadell
(from Colombia) is featured on piano in the recording, but Rafael Magartal (also from Colombia is
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our current pianist. Colombian bassist Simón Delgado is one of the original members of the band
and is responsible for all the arrangements of this new recording. Rhumer Mora (from Venezuela)
laid down all the conga tracks for the recording, but currently Compota (from Cuba) has the
conga chair in the band, and yours truly, Joaquín Arteaga, is responsible for most of the original
compositions, while playing timbal, bongó, quinto, and güiro throughout the entire production.
RM: What is the state of salsa in Barcelona?
JA: During the 14 years that I have been calling Barcelona my home, there has always been
salsa music around. Back in the late 1990s, there was always some work for salsa musicians
with several groups performing nightly throughout the city. Then, by the mid-2000s, work for live
bands slowed down quite a bit, with DJs totally handling the nightly salsa dancers. In recent
years, the scene has shifted somewhat due to the growing numbers of Latinos coming into
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Barcelona is a cosmopolitan melting pot of people from all corners of the world and Latin
Americans are no exception. There are Colombian, Venezuelan, Peruvian, Cuban, and
Argentinean restaurants everywhere, as well as bars and nightclubs. While there are also many
musicians wanting to play salsa, work is not that abundant and musicians simply cannot make a
living playing only salsa. So basically, salsa musicians have to adjust to a different way of
thinking where playing salsa is done primarily for the love and personal passion for this music,
and not so much for making money.
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Aside from Bloque 53 and Tromboranga, there are numerous active salsa bands in Barcelona,
including La Surcursal, Sonora Libre, Sabor y Son and Grupo Yaré, to mention just a few. You
can dance to salsa every night of the week somewhere in Barcelona, to a live band or to a DJ.
Salsa dance schools are also everywhere and very popular these days. Throughout most of
Europe, music festivals featuring live music are extremely popular and salsa bands are a
favorite. I remember performing in Poland last year, and looking at the mostly young audience
and thinking to myself, "will these people like our music?" Well, from the first sound of the drums
everyone started dancing and they did not stop until we finished after three encores. It was an
amazing experience for the entire band. I am pretty sure most of them did not understand a word
of what we sang, but they really enjoyed the rhythms. This is why I play salsa. The same was the
case when performing in Switzerland and France. Another musical highlight of last year's tour
was sharing the stage with the North American group Bio-Ritmo in France. Immediately, we
bonded like old friends and had a great time playing together.
RM: Now that you mention Bio-Ritmo, the selection "Misterio" from your new production
sounds a bit like the style of Bio-Ritmo. Any comments?
JA: Curious that you ask. Truly, while working on that track in the studio, which by the way was
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inspired by that same concert in France where we met Rei and Marlysse of Bio-Ritmo, I thought
about using Rei as a guest vocalist on the track, but due to logistics, I dropped the idea. But you
are correct; "Misterio" has that Bio-Ritmo flavor, perhaps due to the way it was recorded.
RM: Which track from the new recording best describes the sound and style of Bloque
JA: Having three lead vocalists with distinct individual styles in the band makes it difficult to
select a favorite. My personal favorites would have to be "Conciencia," "Cógelo Ahí" and "Me
Alborotas" (our first promotional single from the new production).
RM: When does Bloque 53 start the 2012 tour season?
JA: Around April/May, 2012, performing with Tromboranga initially in Spain, then moving in the
summer to Germany, France, Switzerland, England, and Italy. W e are also trying to make it to
Venezuela and Colombia this year, but nothing has been confirmed yet. ¡Saludos desde
Barcelona! (Greetings from Barcelona!)...
From Havana to Hamburg: The Positive Musical
Energy of Ricardo Álvarez & Cubanísimo
By Luis Tamargo
Born of Galician-Asturian ancestry in the capital of the largest Caribbean island in 1962,the
brilliant bandleader/pianist/composer Ricardo Álvarez studied at the Alejandro García Caturla
Conservatory and E.N.A. (Escuela Nacional de Arte), and then worked with various Havanese
rock, funk, pop, and jazz groups before he was able to "vote with his feet" in the 1990s, when he
became one of the main catalysts of Antillean music in Europe, particularly after founding in
Hamburg the big band appropriately called Cubanísim o, comprised of eleven instrumentalists
and a couple of lead singers, all of whom happen to be fellow Cuban exiles who found permanent
refuge in the reunified native land of Beethoven. The following interview with Álvarez was
conducted shortly after the release of the self-produced CD "Marketing," Cubanísimo's second
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Luis Tamargo (LT): Talk about your early musical influences, while growing up in the Havanese
suburb of Miramar.
Ricardo Álvarez (RÁ): My first musical influence was undoubtedly my mother, who studied
classical piano and played plenty of pieces authored by Cervantes, Lecuona, Chopin, etc. There
was always a piano at home, and on my own, I learned by the age of four to play my first
melodies by ear. Rarely was I interested in the harmony more than the melody, and this factor
helped me a lot to develop my capacity to memorize and create. My first stylistic influences were
derived from U.S. music, basically from the Motown Sound, the Beatles, and the 1960s
psychedelic rock. These influences were naturally mixed with the music that was being made in
Cuba, particularly with the descargas (Cuban jam sessions), the popular artists such as Conjunto
Roberto Faz and Las D'Aida, and the avant-garde bands like Orquesta Cubana de Música
Moderna… My musical training began at home, where I learned to play on the piano the songs I
heard from the U.S. radio stations. My mother helped me, and we played with four hands such
Cervantes pieces as "El Velorio."
LT: You were enrolled as a piano student, by the age of 7, at Marianao's Alejandro García
Caturla Conservatory.
RÁ: That's where I played with various school bands, performing mostly Cuban popular music.
Then I played with Elektra and other underground hard-rock bands that played covers of Led
Zeppelin, Deep Purple, and Credence Clearwater Revival.
LT: W hat about your tenure with Arkanar?
RÁ: Arkanar turned out to be a great experience as a musician; it was my first street-based
music education. It was a unique group, as it fused funk, jazz, and rock elements with original
compositions. At one time or another, this band featured important musicians such as Orlando
"Cubajazz" Sánchez, Osmany Collado, Alejandro Martínez, Eddy Cardoza, Manuel Camejo, and
Osmany Díaz. That's when I began to compose, and I came up with my first hit, "Ataque de
Fuego," included in Radio Progreso's 1989 Top Ten… I also worked for a few months (as
keyboardist and composer) with saxophonist Manuel Valera's band, which would become Vicente
Feliú's, accompanying group for two years… After returning from a six-month Mexican tour with
Pedro Cañas' band, I joined forces with Arkanar's former singer, Manuel Camejo, to form the duo
called "Pulsos," whose original compositions became quite popular on Cuban radio and
LT: W hen did you engage in your final "fasten"*?
RÁ: Right around that time, there was a German-Cuban impresario who arrived in Havana
looking for a funk-jazz band to take to Germany. As Arkanar was no longer in existence, he
contacted various musicians to form a band (including Pulsos) that was called "Worlds Apart"
and traveled to Hamburg in March of 1994. I continued my musical career in Germany, working
as arranger and producer in various recordings of stars such as Scatman John and Nena, while
playing in "world music" bands like "Side By Side."
LT: I became aware of your admirable bandleading talents in 2001, upon listening to
Cuarteto Chanchullo ("Zambumbia", Álvarez Music).
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RÁ: I belong to a Cuban generation that loved rock and other Anglosaxon music forms, and
certainly "discriminated" against the popular Cuban music of those times, which had been
naturally undergoing a profound crisis since 1959. The youngsters' parties only featured foreign
music. This fact was so notorious in Cuba that the cultural commissars decided to launch a
publicity campaign centered around the TV program "Para Bailar." This program enjoyed an
unprecedented success and the situation was reversed to the point that the Cuban youth began
to dance and listen again to Cuban music. My generation, however, did not take part in this
reconversion and maintained its rock references, although I later rediscovered my Cuban
musical roots, while being far away from the island, surrounded by a different culture that I didn't
properly comprehend, and coinciding with the unusual worldwide success of Buena Vista Social
Club in 1997… The history of Cuarteto Chanchullo is linked to the history of my big band,
Cubanísimo. Chanchullo was formed when Hamburg's Sax Club asked me to organize a quartet
that could play Cubanísimo's material plus some jazz. Our club appearances were successful,
and we developed a repertoire based on the Cuban descarga concept, including classics penned
by Peruchín, Frank Emilio and Rubén González, as well as vocalized tunes like "Guajira con
Tumbao" and "La Basura." Leandro Saint-Hill had his baptism of fire as singer and composer,
and I decided to produce in the year 2000 the CD "Zambumbia," comprised mostly of originals,
which received great international acclaim from the specialized critics. Then the quartet was
expanded to a sextet format, and we played in important European and Asian jazz festivals.
LT: As you previously mentioned, Chanchullo's history was linked to the history of
Cubanísimo. When did you organize this big band?
RÁ: In 1998, when I decided to terminate my "roquero" career and form a Cuban music
orchestra. That's when Cubanísimo was born, as a 1950s-style band with a repertoire of
mambos, chachachás, guarachas and boleros, recreating the classics of Matamoros, Pérez
Prado, Moré, Piñeiro, and Jorrín, among others. It also functioned as one of my main schools, as
I was fortunate to be surrounded by plenty of good musicians. I was not experienced in playing
piano tumbaos, and there were certain blank areas in terms of my knowledge of music history
and some Afro-Cuban rhythms, but it didn't take long for me to gain much knowledge and start
arranging Cuban dance tunes, as documented on Cubanísimo's first recording ("Clásicos al
Estilo de los 50"). The band has been active since then, conducting all kinds of concerts and
tours…Due to the increasing international popularity of timba, combined with the incorporation of
some younger musicians into our band, the band's sonority has been transformed, as illustrated
on our second recording ("Marketing").
LT: The CD "Marketing" features various high-caliber guests, such as Sixto "El Indio"
Llorente, Juilio Padrón, Giraldo Piloto, and Orlando "Cubajazz" Sánchez.
RÁ: Recording the album "Marketing" was a unique and unforgettable experience. To reinforce
various originals that I had already prepared, I traveled to Havana in January 2011, and met with
Giraldo Piloto, who contributed three of his originals. My friend Osmany Collado provided an
additional composition, and I was able to make arrangements for the appearance in my recording
of certain guests that I greatly respect and admire: El Indio is my favorite Cuban music singer,
and Orlando (Sánchez) and Julio (Padrón) are two of my Cuban musical idols…. Cubanísimo's
new recording has been produced with much love and attention, carefully considering every
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detail with the intention of offering a sincere and festive musical message, propelled by positive
*"Fasten": Colloquial term utilized among Cuban musicians to refer to any overseas trip or
tour. It is derived from the phrase "fasten seatbelts."
Afro-Latino Festival at MOLAA
Text and Photos ©by Ricky Richardson
It was a cold, festive day at the Museum of Latin American Art (MOLAA) in Long Beach,
California on Sunday, February 19, 2012. Hundreds of families and kids were in attendance for a
cultural celebration sponsored by Target: The Afro-Latino Festival, featuring acts such as
Matalache, Son Aborigen, Julie Simon's Tropicaleiza show, and Pachamama Estela.
Arts and crafts booths were set up around the perimeter of the Sculpture Garden. The public was
invited to make carnaval masks and African instruments.
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Kicking off the live performances, Matalache combined traditional Afro-Peruvian percussion
instruments (cajón, quijada, etc) with festejo, toromata, alcatraz, and other Afro-Peruvian styles.
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Son Aborigen interpreted renowned Cuban sones that blended Latin jazz elements and Antillean
percussion. The group performed "Marieta," "Jaleo," "Al vaivén de mi carreta" and "Nengón"
during its entertaining set. The popular band is comprised of Lorenzo Vázquez (bass), Lázaro
Arvizu (guitar), Rosa Le Rodriguez (vocals and maracas), Salvador Vázquez (tres) and Alfredo
Cruz (percussion).
Julie Simon's Tropicaleiza Show displayed the pulsating power and passion of Afro-samba
dance forms from various regions of Brazil.
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Pachamama Estela rounded out the afternoon groove with its contagious rhythmic collage of
reggae, Afro-beat and Latin sounds.
Latin Beat Magazine's Radio Host Listing
By Nelson Rodríguez
Today more than ever the future of the music that is constantly ignored by commercial radio is
in the hands of independent and public radio DJs and radio hosts who defend and see the true
value of all artists worldwide. Many of these radio hosts…some who have been on radio for
well over 20 years…and the newer defenders of salsa and Latin jazz are the life line that give
these recordings the exposure that is required. We have become a multi-tasking society of
radio hosts who also promote events, DJ at clubs, book artists/events, etc. While the average
show is only one to three hours, when you add it all up it is a powerful media for artists looking
to introduce themselves and expose their talent.
The following list contains some of the most innovative and best radio hosts in the world that
live and breathe music solely for the love of the music and some of these very same hosts are
pioneers in their respective areas. We will keep this list up till the end of the year and continue
to add to it as the information reaches Latin Beat Magazine.
Alma Del Barrio
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KXLU 88.9 FM
One LMU Drive
Los Angeles, Ca. 90045
(310) 338-5958 on air
(310) 338-2866
On Saturday's & Sunday's from 6am - 6pm now in its 38th year
DJs: Rosalva Lara, Guido Herrera (2pm - 6pm), Eddie Lopez (2pm - 6pm), Albert Price (10am 2pm), Gustavo Aragon (10am - 2pm), Lily Marie Regalado (6am - 9am), Jose Cristobal (10am 2pm), Joaquin Del Toro (6am - 9am), Cristina Banuelos (2pm - 6pm), Veronica Someillan, Nelson
Rodriguez, DJ Frank and more.
itunes: itunes>radio>eclectic>kxlu
Andres Padua
Hard Salsa
Classic Salsa, Mambo, Son Montuno, Charanga, Latin Soul, Boogaloo and New Artist USA and
International Salsa Artists. Fridays Only Classic R&B slow jams.
Time: On The Air 24 Hours
To Send New Music Electronically For Airplay:
To Send CD and Press Kits:
Hard Salsa Radio
1905 Vyse Avenue
Bronx, NY 10460
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Website Established: June 2006
Andy Harlow
Fusion Latina [Tuesday 8pm - 11pm]
Fusion Latina [Monday 8pm - 11pm] Andy grew up in a musical environment in Brooklyn, New
York and paid his dues as a sideman in the orchestras of Tito Puente, Tito Rodriguez, Ismael
Rivera, Xavier Cougat, Machito and Joe Cuba while attending New York University. Andy's
musical travels brought him to Miami in the late 1970s.
Arturo Gómez
Music Director/Librarian
Monday Thru Friday 1pm - 2pm
Sundays: Salsa con Jazz Re-current substitute host for Jimmy Trujillo (also new re-current
substitute Janine Santana)
In 1989 I began my radio career when I moved from Southern California to Southern Florida. I
commenced hosting the renowned Fusión Latina show for Miami's community-public station,
WDNA. In 1992 I was appointed Music Director for the station and remained there until 2003
when I relocated to Denver to assume duties as Music Director for Jazz89KUVO, "The Oasis in
the City". I have been a contributor to Latin Beat Magazine since 1995, first, submitting the
Miami Hit Parade and now the Denver Hit Parade. I am also a founding member of the Latin Jazz
Discussion List.
2900 Welton Street Suite #200
Denver CO 80205
303-480-9272 ext 17
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KPOO 89.5 FM
La Verdad Musical
Friday 12noon - 3pm
Bebop, Cubop and The Musical Truth with Avotcja-Radio Host, Poet and Musician
Tuesdays at 8pm PST
Explores a variety of textures with a cross pollination of jazz, world and Latin influences
P.O.Box 8757
Emeryville, Ca. 94662
(510) 658-7995
Studio (415) 346-5373
Awilda Rivera
Evening Jazz / Monday to Friday 8pm - 1am EST
Latin Jazz Cruise - Tuesday / 8pm - 10pm EST
In July 1999, Awilda Rivera, host of WBGO Jazz 88.3FM's Latin Jazz Cruise and Weekend Jazz
After Hours, was named host of Evening Jazz, Monday through Friday, 8pm - 1am. Rivera, a
longtime member of the WBGO family, worked her way up through the ranks through hard work,
perseverance, and talent. Her involvement in the station began in 1982 as a volunteer in the
Membership and Music Departments. Her WBGO on-air debut was in 1992 as a fill-in announcer
for the weekly program Latin Jazz Cruise. In 1993, she went on to host her own show Sunday
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Morning Harmony, the Latin Jazz Cruise in 1994 and Weekend Jazz After Hours in 1998. In
addition to hosting Evening Jazz, Rivera, hosts the weekly Latin Jazz Cruise on Tuesdays, 8pm.
Awilda Rivera
54 Park Place
Newark, NJ 07102
973-624-8880 - ext 513
Cary Alexander
Latin Jazz Quarter [Monday 12pm - 3pm] Latin Jazz Quarter [Wednesday 12pm - 3pm]
Cary Alexander has become a well-known spokesperson for Latin jazz in South Florida and can
be seen in the community on a regular basis serving as Master of Ceremony. Cary is originally
from Havana, Cuba.
Carlos Flores
WMSE Radio
1025 North Broadway
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Chata Gutierrez
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Con Clave
Saturdays 12noon - 3pm
Chata Gutierrez is one of the Bay Area's foremost self-taught musicologists of Latin music. She
began her musical career over 26 years ago when she walked into KPFA and asked Jeff
Emiliano Echeverria to teach her to work in radio. Currently a DJ at KPOO (89.5 FM) with her
Saturday afternoon show called Con Clave, from 12 noon to 4 pm, Gutierrez has had a weekly
show in the Bay Area since 1973. She has one of the longest running Latin music programs in
the United States.
1760 Orchard Ave.
San Lisandro, Ca. 94577
Cuban and Latin American music. The format is mostly music, but includes interviews with
prominent (established), rising (up and coming) and new (undiscovered) artists.
7108 Broadway
North Bergen, NJ 07407
Chris Heim
Global Village
KMUW (an NPR affiliate) and nationally distributed to public and community radio stations
through the Public Radio Exchange. Global Village is a world music show that includes Latin
music in a wide array of styles. Chris Heim, the host/producer of Global Village, has been doing
world music on public radio since 1989. Global Village is now available to public and community
stations nationally through the Public Radio Exchange (PRX) and this year was named one of its
Top Ten nationally distributed series.
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Mailing address:
c/o KMUW
3317 E. 17th St. N.
Wichita, KS 67208
Chris Springer
KSDS Jazz 88.3FM
Latin Grooves
Saturdays 1pm - 3pm
No sense in having a blasé Saturday when you can get the moves going with Chris Springer's
Latin Grooves. Affectionately known as C-Love, he delivers two hours of the hottest Latin,
Salsa, and Afro-Cuban jazz in stock. Bring a cool drink. Also, you can connect to his Facebook
1313 Park Blvd.
San Diego, Ca. 92101
Chuck Herrmann
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Club Latino
Salsa-Music for 7 1/2 years on a local radio station in Munich, called RADIO LORA (Local
Radio) FM 92.4 once a month on the second Thursday from 22.15 to midnight.
The music is mostly salsa / Latin jazz but also Merengue/Bachata/Cumbia and sometimes
Folklore of Latin American Countries. Before I did 12 years on Radio "Jazzwelle Plus" in Munich
weekly presenting Salsa and Latin jazz. I'm DJ-ing Salsa in Munich regularly in clubs since about
1972 and I started DJ-ing in the late 1960s in Soldiers Club of the US Army for Puerto Rican and
Mexican Soldiers.
Contributor to Latin Beat Magazine.
Danny Garcia
Garcia's Latin Grooves
Mondays thru Fridays 6pm - 8pm
Bermuda Blues Saturdays 10am - 2pm
David Ortiz
El Viaje
Saturday's 9pm - 12 midnight
For over 30 years, David has been connecting thousands of loyal WRTI listners to the sounds of
salsa, mambo, and Latin jazz via his popular radio program, El Viaje.
Temple University
1509 Cecil B. Moore Ave. 3rd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19121
DJ El Chino
Solar Latin Club
Calle 3c #63A-45
Bosques de Puente Palma, Sector B
App.305 Cali, Valle
DJ Gonzalo
'Klave Latina'
The Web Site of Latin jazz, Timba Cubana, Bolero, Son, Salsa Brava, Rumba Cubana, Tango,
Jazz, Flamenco, Nueva Trova, and everything in between. The name comes from a pretty good
radio program done back in the 1990s by the great DJ. Gary Dominguez from Cali-Colombia
(Taberna Latina) and the capital letter "K" is a tribute to the groups Ketama from Spain and
Klimax from Cuba. Feel free to communicate with us at
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P.O. BOX 572
Englewood, New Jersey 07631
DJ Gury Gury
Listen to Viejoteca every Tuesday night from 7pm - 8pm on CFRU 93.3 FM in Guelph, Ontario,
Canada or online at
Check out the offical DJ GURY GURY site and listen to Viejoteca 24 hours a day @ DJ GURY
GURY 24/7
DJ Gury Gury
76 Eramosa Road
Guelph, Ontario
N1E 2L6 Canada
DJ Luis Speedy Gonzalez
Latin Jazz & Salsa
Saturday 6pm - 7pm
WMNF 88.5 FM, Tampa, FL
Luis Speedy Gonzalez
Latin Jazz & Salsa / WMNF
13605 Fawn Ridge Blvd
Tampa, FL 33626
Earl Hall "El Caobo"
Radio Salsa Clásica / El Tornado Tropical con El Caobo
4pm - 5pm (Central)
WHPK, 88.5 FM
On the radio for 11 years.
Studio Phone: (773) 702-8424
Earl Hall
El Caobo Internacional
7631 S. Merrill Avenue
Chicago, Ilinois 60649
Cel: 312-287-8763
Eddie 'Love' Rodriguez
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Salsa Con Sabor
P.O. Box 227
NYC, NY 10026
Saturday 8pm-12am
R&B Corner
Attn: Eddie Love
WHCR 90.3 FM
The City College Of New York
160 Convent Ave
NAC - Room: 1/513
New York, NY 10031
El Latin Club de Andy Duran
Con Latin Jazz y Algo Más -Por 95.5FM JAZZ
El objetivo fundamental es promover el Latin Jazz mundial y nacional, considerando que es una
música especial y artística producto del rediseño del jazz en el caribe.
Vamos para 6 aãos de transmisiones los Sábados en la noche, antes estábamos en Radio
Ateneo 100.7 FM y desde hace justo 2 aãos en 95.5 FM JAZZ.
En cuanto a mi, nací en Caracas/Venezuela - 1949 - Estudié en la Escuela Superior de Música
José Angel Lamas - Aparte de la teoría y solfeo, también estudié piano complementario, sin
embargo mi instrumento primario fue el timbal. Luego tomé los estudios de orquestación,
dirección y composición. El Latin Jazz es una de mis pasiones y eso es el motivo principal que
me lleva a la radio para promover este concepto. / Facebook / 0426 336 3209
La excelencia, para gente de buen gusto. También en la red:
Sábados de 8 a 10pm
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Elmer Gonzalez
Son Del Caribe Friday 9am / Sunday 12pm
Son De Cuba Monday - Friday 2pm-3pm
Elmer is a long-time contributor to Latin Beat Magazine and other publications and he is a
professor in Sagrado Corazon University in Santurce, Puerto Rico. Son Del Caribe began in July
2000 and Son De Cuba began in January 2003
P.O. Box 12383
San Juan, PR. 00914
Erick De Icaza
Viva La Salsa
Saturdays 2pm - 6pm
8 years of programming and 20 years on radio.
Erick De Icaza
P.O. Box 0832 1010
World Trade Center
Panama, Rep. De Panama
Erick De Icaza
Mundo Latino Promo
Panama Latino Salsa
Cel: 507-6880-6585
Erik Chico Manqueros
Gozando with Chico
EastLArevue. Com
Writer for Latin Style Magazine;
(818) 956-2426 (323)724-2270 (323)724-2271
Gozando with Chico is proud to present the finest in Musical Pan Dulce. Join us as we continue
to celebrate the spirit of Ritmo with a brand new show, with musica that will touch your heart and
soul and that will get you in the mood to toe-tap. As the Chico Theme suggests... this show is to
bailar y a gozar (to dance and enjoy). Chico delivers a show with a mixture of Latin Soul jazz, the
sounds of congas, timbales, saxophones, trumpets, guitars and the best in suave rhythms.
Ernesto Portillo Jr.
¡Goza la musica!
Onda Suave
KXCI-FM, 91.3
Wednesdays, 8pm - 10 pm
Tucson, AR
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Listen live @
Felipito Palacios
Onda Nueva
WUSB 90.1 FM Stony Brook University
Saturdays 3pm - 6pm
On air since - Oct 16, 1978 - (33 years)
On Air ph # 631-312-1652
Frank Rivera
Latin Jazz Quarter Weekend [Saturday 8pm - 11pm]
Frankie Piñero
The Afro Cuban Jazz Edition
WSLR 96.5 FM
Sarasota, Florida
Every other Thursday
10am - 12 noon
4526 Emerson Ave.
South St. Petersburg, Fl 33711
4/30/2012 8:43 PM - Latin Beat Magazine - Latin Music Magazine - Features
Franco Silva
Mondays 10pm - Midnight
Twitter: @CaribeLatino
Henry Brun
"There's no substitute for live music"
P.O. Box 12545
San Antonio, Texas
The Latin Jazz Brunch- Sundays from 11am - 2pm on KRTU 91.7 FM -
Ritmos del Mundo - Saturday evenings at 10pm on KXTX 89.1 FM -
Texas Public Radio
- KRTU (Trinity Univeristy)
- KSTX (Texas Public Radio)
- KROV (San Antonio Community Radio)
Richport Enterprises Entertainment Consultants
Voice 210-733-3806
Fax 210-738-8664
Mobile 210-445-1444
Ibrahim Gonzalez
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Radio Libre
Sunday's 2pm - 4pm alternates with:
Con Sabor Latino hosted by Nando Alberrici and Mickey Melendez
3390 Wayne Ave. #G62
Bronx, NY 10467
JacQueline Mestre aka "JacQui TOMA!"
Fusion Latina, Wed's 8 - 11pm ET
88.9 FM, WDNA
Miami, FL
I've been with WDNA since January 2011 and produced my first solo show on February 1,
although I have hosted and produced radio since about 2004. I was offered Fusion Latina's
regular Wednesday evening program and took it over in April 2011. The program airs 8-11pm ET
and is simulcast live worldwide via the stations site,
JacQueline Mestre
100 Lincoln Road, Suite 1438
Miami Beach, FL &
Javier Rivera
Esencia Latina
Sat. 6 - 10am NY Time
Rochester's Jazz 90.1 FM
Jesse 'Chuy' Varela
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KCSM 91.1 FM
Latin Jazz with Jesse 'Chuy' Varela
Sundays at 2pm - 6pm
Also 'Jazz In the Afternoon'- Mondays & Tuesdays 2pm - 6pm
No one knows Latin Jazz like announcer, jazz columnist and jazz extraordinaire Jesse 'Chuy'
Varela. Join 'Chuy' as he presents the rich, enduring musical partnership of Latin music and jazz.
Longtime contributor of Latin Beat Magazine.
1700 West Hillsdale Blvd
San Mateo, California 94402
Main line: 650-574-6586
On air: 650-574-9136
Jesse Varela
2619 62nd Ave.
Oakland, Ca. 94605
Jimmy 'C' Carter
"Planeta Latino Ohio"
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Thursday 6pm - 8pm
Playing the best Latin in the universe, including salsa, merengue, bachata, Latin beats
10805 Florian Ave.
Cleveland, Ohio 44111
Jimmy Castro
The Latin Jazz Show
"The Voice of Latin Jazz & Salsa"
Sweet Lou Hidalgo, Co-Host: Miguelito "El Guiro" Lebron
WCLM 1450 AM - Richmond, Virginia
Every Friday from 6pm - 10pm (EST)
Webcast: (Search: The Latin Jazz Show)
Studio Call-In (Live): 804-231-7685
Initially, the founder and host, "The Voice of Latin Jazz" Luis (Sweet Lou) Hidalgo, was interested
in buying advertising time on a local radio station in the Richmond area for his family owned and
operated company, and was asked to host a show by the owner. With no radio experience
"under his belt,", but a substantial knowledge of Latin music, Mr Hidalgo decided to take on this
new venture, and so The Latin Jazz Show was born and aired for the first time on April 6, 2005
on WCLM 1450 AM in the City of Richmond, Virginia. The show was an instant hit, and because
of the limited radio broadcasts featuring Latin music in the Richmond/Tri-Cities area, continues
to be a hit to this day. The staff of The Latin Jazz Show now consists of Host: Luis "Sweet Lou"
Hidalgo, Co-Host: Miguelito "El Guiro" Lebron, Producers: Jimmy Castro and Willie "Don Pepin
de La Salsa" Rodriguez, and Engineer: David Aponte, Sr.
Mailing Address (Latin Jazz/Salsa Artists Productions)
Jimmy Castro
6710 Lakepoint Drive
Prince George, Virginia 23875
Joe Diaz
Latin Jazz Quarter [Friday 8pm - 11pm]
John Child & DJ Tomek
Aracataca-Sampling the harder edges of Latin music and featuring exclusive brand new cuts, live
slices, rare gems and fusions. Plus, news, interviews, features on legends and upcoming artists.
A Polish Londoner, Tomek was hijacked by salsa when a soul and jazz pilgrim in NYC in 1973.
Aracataca on the airwaves first started celebrating musica latina in London in 1984. John Child
in 1986 became involved in writing entries on Latin music, salsa, Latin jazz and calypso and
soca for The Penguin Encyclopedia of Popular Music - now available on the Internet as The
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MusicWeb Encyclopedia of Popular Music. John is an editor and journalist for
23 Clyde Road
Woodgreen, London
Johnny Conga
Al Lado Latino/On the Latin Side
KBCS 91.3FM Bellevue WA
Bellevue Community College
Saturdays from 6pm - 8pm PST USA
I created this radio show in 2005 and is now 7 years in the making.
Johnny Conga
13234 1st ave.SW
Burien WA 98146
Jorge Quintana
Jorge Quintana y su Tumbao Por La Noche
Monday 9pm - 11pm EST
Veteran for many years of one of New York's longest running Salsa shows 'Latin Voyage' out of
Fordham University in the Bronx.
Vassar College
Box 726
Poughkeepsie, NY 12604
Jose Masso
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Con Salsa
Saturday's 10pm - 3am
On June 22, 2010, Jose celebrated 35 years as host/producer of "¡Con Salsa!" on WBUR
90.9FM in Boston. During this period "¡Con Salsa!" has served as "part music show, part party,
part community center and the program is a mecca for Latinos and lovers of all things Latin.
19 Bradley Court
Hyde Park, Mass. 02136
Jose Rizo
KJazz 88.1FM
Jazz On the Latin Side
Fridays & Saturdays from 7pm - 10pm (PST)
Rizo began hosting "Jazz on the Latin Side" on KLON (now KJazz) on January 6, 1990. He was
intricately involved on KLON's "Latin Jazz Club Caravans" and served as a member of the
Grammy's Screening committee for Latin jazz.
Josian Bruno Gomez
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Sundays 1pm - 3pm
In April of 2007 César Colón Montijo y Josian Bruno Gómez take over the program Salsoteca
giving it a youthful touch during the afternoon at Radio Universidad.
Also Carlos Camuñas "Latinorama" - Monday 9 - 10am since January 1994.
Radio Universidad de Puerto Rico
Apartado 21305
San Juan, PR 00931-1305
Juan Camarillo
Latin Jazz Connection
KTEP 88.5 FM
I have been doing the show three years.
University of Texas at El Paso
500 W. University Ave.
Cotton Memorial Ste. 203
El Paso TX 79968
Katharine A. Diaz
KPFK 90.3 FM (also heard in Santa Barbara, Northern San Diego & Ridgecrest)
"Canto Tropical" 8pm - 10pm
"Canto Tropical", that just celebrated its 25th Anniversary in 2011, is a trilingual fast-paced music
show focusing on salsa, mambo, Afro-Cuban, & Latin jazz from throughout the world. The show
offers exciting new selections each week, insightful interviews with local and visiting artists, and
CD/ ticket and other weekly giveaways. Kathy "La Rumbera" Diaz, along with Armando "El
Caballero Salsero" Nila, take great pride in bringing diversity to each of the weekend shows.
3980 Cazador St.
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Los Angeles, Ca. 90065
Linda Yohn
WEMU 89.1 FM
Monday - Friday 9am - 12:30pm
P.O. Box 980350
Ypsilanti, Mi 48198-0350
"Cuban Fantasy" with Marc Taras on Saturday's from 7pm - 9pm
Lino Roldan 'Taino'
Will be celebrating 20 years on the air in 2012
La Brisa Tropical
1006 N.W. 47th St.- Ste. B
Lawton, OK 73506
Sundays 11am - 3pm
Luis Medina
Music Director - KPFA 94.1FM
Con Sabor
Saturdays 9pm - 11pm
Luis has been in radio since 1974
1929 Martin Luther King Jr Way
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Berkeley, CA 94704
Station Phone: 510-848-6767 Ext 219
On-Air Studio Line: 510-848-4425 and
Also at KPFA- Art Sato's "In Your Ears"
Saturdays 4pm - 6pm
Luis Raul Montell
Jazz Caribe nace por la pasión de su creador,
Luis Raúl Montell, por el Jazz Latino, y por su perseverancia y deseo de difundir al mundo los
orígenes, valores, instrumentos, conciertos y festivales en que se hace presente ese
extraordinario género musical.
Jazz Caribe se inició como un programa radial transmitiéndose en importantes emisoras
venezolanas. En la actualidad el programa se trasmite por la 97.1 la FM de Barlovento, de 10am
a 12pm.
Atención Músicos: envíen sus promociones a la Casilla de Correos No. 66205, Plaza Las
Américas, Zona Postal 1061, Caracas, Venezuela, o escríbenos al correo: / /
Tel (58 414) 2354090
Mike Bongard
The Latin Train
"The Latin Train/El Tren Latino" features some of the best in Afro-Cuban jazz, New York, Puerto
Rican and Colombian salsa, timba, and Cuban son and is heard every Saturday evening from
8pm - 10 pm EST/EDT on CHUO 89.1 FM, the campus and community radio station of the
University of Ottawa.
396 Dieppe Street
Vanier-Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1L 6V4
Miguel Berrios aka DJ Chilly Willy
Sunday Salsa / House Show and for the chatroom is: I have been a DJ for 40 yrs. and on 'Housemasons
Internet Radio' for 13 months
P.O. Box 7182
Jersey City, NJ 07307
Cell #: 201-667-3433
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Nancy Ortiz
KWAI 1080 AM
Alma Latina Radio Show
Tune in Every Sunday 1pm - 4pm - KWAI/K-108 1080AM
Nancy Ortiz, host of the "Alma Latina Show", gives Hawaii a spicy Hispanic program, and
definitely one of the most popular shows of its kind, bringing the finest in Latin/salsa music and
highlighting local Latin performers and many cultural events as well. Celebrating "30"+ Years on
Hawaii's Airwaves!
45-551-A Paleka Road
Kaneohe, HI 96744
Studio (808) 524-1080 or (808) 285-0072
New Segments:
1pm - 2pm - New and classic Salsa/Merengue/Bachata/Reggaeton and more!
2pm - 3pm - featuring Christian Salsa/Merengue and "La Palabra de la Semana" (The Word of
the Week) by Pastor Jorge Torres brought to you by Word of Life en Espanol.
3pm - 4pm - Hispanic Scoops, special guests and more music from the Latin world.
Nelson Radhames Rodriguez
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WHCR 90.3 FM - The Voice of Harlem
ESSENCE & RHYTHM - Traditional Jazz, Afro-Cuban Jazz and Latin (Bilingual English/Spanish)
The Program Essence& Rhythm ("E&R") is a unique music program specializing in Latin
American music and Afro Cuban Jazz broadcast. E&R educates a broad and diverse audience,
thus helping to bridge ethnic and cultural divides. Essence & Rhythm was incepted on January 4,
1992 as a center to promote, explore and develop Latin American arts and culture by examining
the folkloric traditions and modern tendencies of the music of Latin America and the Caribbean.
Nelson graduated from the "Center for the Media Arts" in radio and television production in 1990.
During that year, he started to work on the radio as co-host of the show "Jazz Plus" Sundays
from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm on W HCR 90.3 FM. This responsibility prompted him to start
researching about the fusion of Jazz and Afro-Cuban music called today Latin-Jazz.
In January of 1992, he started his own Latin Jazz format show "Essence and Rhythm" as
producer and host, which is still on the air at 90.3 fm WHCR Harlem Community Radio, every
Saturday from 11am - 3pm. Also works as a substitute host at WBAI 99.3 FM Pacifica Radio
show "New World Gallery".
2339 Bruner Ave.
Bronx N.Y. 10469
Nelson Rodríguez
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"Saturday Night Salsa" at KCLU 88.9FM (Thousand Oaks, Ventura, Santa Barbara)
Saturdays: 12 Midnight - 2am (some nights from 1am-3am) PST
"Alma Del Barrio" KXLU 88.9 Fill-in from 10am - 2pm/2pm - 6pm usually Saturdays. Director of
Promotions for TH Records (1980s) & RMM/TropiJazz Records (1990s) and Latin Beat
Magazine columnist from NY and Los Angeles covering Afro-Caribbean Salsa & Latin jazz for
over 20 years.
Five years with both KXLU Alma Del Barrio Saturday & Sunday 6am - 6pm and KCLU (Thousand
Oaks/Santa Barbara/ Ventura counties)…educating listeners on the new and old school salsa &
Latin jazz.
Nelson Rodríguez
9397 N. Burnet Ave.
North Hills, Ca. 91343
Orlando A. Lopez V.
El Magazine De La Salsa
Radio Aeropuerto 1.220AM
Tuesdays thru Fridays 11pm - 12am
Apartado Postal-10.581
Ipostel-Bella Vista
Maracaibo- Edo. Zulia 4002
Orlando Suarez
Latin Jazz Quarter
On air host at WDNA for 15 years (Fusion Latina and Latin Jazz Quarter)
WDNA (88.9 FM and
2921 Coral Way
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Miami, FL 33145
Raul Rico, Jr.
KCLU 88.3 & 102.3 FM
Jazz Latino
Thursday nights 11pm - 1am PST
I have been hosting and producing "Jazz Latino" every Thursday night since October 1994.
Jazz Latino KCLU" on Facebook
KCLU 88.3 in Ventura County, 102.3 in Santa Barbara County and online at http://www.kclu.
org/listen/ ?b=fm http://www.kclu. org/listen/ ?b=fm
Jazz Latino KCLU
PO Box 622
Oxnard, CA 93032
Ray Cruz
Sabor Tropical
Saturdays 5pm - 8pm
I have been on radio supporting Afro-Caribbean music for 23 years, 22 of which have been at
95-302 Hookowa Place
Mililani, Hi 96789
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43 of 49 (KIPO link)
Ricardo Rafael Culque Fayffer
Director - Productor "Rumba & Son"
00 - 511 - 7172011 (Radio Planicie, en el horario del programa)
00 - 511 - 994761913 (Movil)
00 - 511 - 3878738 (Domicilio) - -
Dirección Postal: AVENIDA GRAU 718 A, La Victoria, Lima, Peru
Código Postal: Lima 13
Escucha "Rumba & Son" en Radio Planicie 91.5FM, si estas en el cono este de lima y en todo el
mundo en EL IP ES Lunes a Viernes 10
a 12pm, Sabados 8 a 12pm y Domingos 9 a 12pm (Horario Peruano) En Cablevision, Canal 6,
Los Sabados De 2pm a 4pm (Horario Peruano)
Robert Fernandez 'Cisco'
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The Roots and Relevance of Salsa
(10 yrs and running Sundays from 2 - 4pm EST)
University of New Haven
300 Boston Post Road
West Haven, CT 06516
Cel: 203-996-7074
Rolando Sanchez
KNDI 1270 AM
La Onda Latina
Sundays 3:30 - 5:30pm
RSC Music Productions Hawaii Phone: 808-342-0911 RSC Music Productions Honolulu
Saúl Zavarce
Presenter & Producer of "Fiesta Jazz"
106.7 PBS FM Melbourne - Australia
Also find Fiesta Jazz on Facebook
Sipho Dumasane
Salsa Potente
Celebrating this year his 40th Anniversary in radio and longtime DJ at Radio Voz W VOZ 1520
P.O. Box 281681
Nashville, TN 37228 615-512-0082
Wednesday- Jazz Latino with Sipho Dumansane (Latin Jazz, 7pm - 9pm)
Thursdays - Super Salsa Potente' with Sipho (Hispanic Music, 7pm 11pm)
Jr. 'Yun Yun' Echevarria- Dimension 103.3 FM
Urb. Valparaise Calle 3, J-11
Toa Baja, P.R. 00949
Mondays thru Saturdays 7pm - 12am
Sylvia Pferffenberger
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Azucar y Candela
Santa Salsera
P.O. Box 2714
Durhan, N.C. 27715-2714
Wednesdays 6pm - 8pm (EST)
Salsa, Latin Jazz & Afro-Cuban Roots
with Santa Salsera
Tom Schnabel
Café L.A.
Sunday's 12noon - 2pm
Long time veteran known for his eclectic Latin grooves.
Tony Vasquez
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Latin Perspective
WRUW 91.1 fm Cleveland (
My shows are broadcast and streaming live at WRUW every Thursday morning from 10am 12pm (EST). I am also a member of PRX, where my shows can be heard and
bought. My shows are podcast from my UK Jazz syndication
Blog: all my info can be found there.
11220 Bellflower Rd
Cleveland, OH 44106
Vicki Solá
Que Viva La Música 89.1 WFDU-FM and
Saturdays 12noon - 4pm EST
Her long-running radio program, that just turned 29 years on the air at Fairleigh Dickinson
University, provides the New York metro community with salsa and Latin jazz produced by a
singular mix of famous performers, plus artists rarely heard on commercial stations.
Featured on American Latino TV, a program hosted at the time by Daisy Fuentes, Solá has
served as an advisor to the Smithsonian Institution, and her articles have appeared in
internationally circulated trade periodicals such as Latin Beat Magazine, for which she writes the
column "A Bite from the Apple." Solá recently published a novel, The Getaway That Got Away
(Full Court Press), and is working on a sequel.
Vicki Solá
243 Edgemont Terrace
Teaneck, NJ 07666
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Victor Rosa
Ritmo Latino
Veteran radio and club DJ on the air since 1999.
Ithaca, NY
Saturdays 6 - 8pm EST
Vilma Gutiérrez de Piñeres
Directora 'Concierto Caribe'
Realizador: Rafael Bassi Labarrera / Locutor: Víctor Gonzalez Solano
Jueves de 8 a 9pm
Uninorte FM Estéreo 103.1 mhz
Universidad del Norte
Tel: 3509239 - 3509216
Fax: 3598852 ext. 123
Viviam Maria López
Cubaneando on the air Wednesdays from 7pm - 8pm (EST)
Online via WDNA 88.9FM
Viviam Maria Lopez's new specialty program "Cubaneando" is celebrating its 1st year on the
South Florida airwaves and worldwide at Every Wednesday (7pm-8pm EST), Latin
music lovers can enjoy an excursion through Cuba's music, its history and global expansion.
Prior to "Cubaneando," Ms. Lopez produced and hosted "Fusion Latina," also on WDNA-Miami
for 15 years.
Viviam Maria Lopez
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2921 Coral Way
Miami, FL 33145
Wilfredo Seda
Fusion Latina [Thursday 8pm - 11pm]
Willard Jenkins
Ancient Future
Thursday Morning Drivetime Jazz (part of the station's M-F Drivetime Jazz stream)
5am - 8am EST
WPFW 89.3 FM serving the Washington, DC metro region
Streaming live at
2390 Champlain St. NW
Washington DC 20009
On-The-Air Studio:
You should also know about our station's Latin Flavor Stream on Sunday evenings that consists
of three separate programs by three different hosts, each offering their own perspective on Latin
and Brazilian music.
Jim Byers
Latin Flavor: Classic Edition
6pm - 8pm
Programmed since 1996 from my private collection of 18,000+ of vintage Palladium-era
recordings, a typical playlist ranges from Machito, La Playa Sextet, Arty Jenkins and Marcelino
Guerra, to Perez Prado, Charlie Palmieri, Alfredito, Eddie Bonnemere and Hector Rivera. I also
embrace mambo's impact on broader pop culture of the 1950s and 1960s, also explored in my
blog: Mambo-phoniC. A former Latin-jazz critic for The Washington Post, in March, 2012, I begin
season three of my Latin-jazz concert/lecture series for the Smithsonian Institution, Metro
Nancy Alonso
Salsa Dura
8pm - 10pm
Since 1999, native New Yorker Nancy Alonso's program has picked up where the 'Classic
Edition' leaves off, focusing on Salsa Dura from the late 1960s through today. Her typical playlist
ranges from Eddie Palmieri, Willie Colon, Fania All-Stars, and Tito Puente.
Tony Regusters & Zezeh
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Sounds of Brazil
10pm - midnight
Brazilian music - past and present, fusion and folkloric. With combined skills and expertise Zezeh, a highly respected samba school dancer and instructor; Tony a nationally known
television producer and filmmaker (his latest, 'Obama in Ghana') - make for an engrossing weekly
exploration of this rich heritage on a number of levels.
Originating on the commercial DC station WHUR in the mid-1980s, the Latin Flavor segment was
brought to public jazz station WPFW in the early 1990s by its creator - DC concert promoter and
broadcaster Hector Corporan.
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4/30/2012 8:43 PM