Sexual Molestation Occurrence at CWNU
Sexual Molestation Occurrence at CWNU
The Campus Journal No. 205 Changwon National University MONDAY MARCH 30, 2015 Congrats on CWNU's birthday! Write to US If you are interested in writing articles or have any comments for The Campus Journal, Send an E-mail Visit Our Website Visit Our Facebook ht t p:// / CampusJournal Call Us at 055) 213 - 2530 Notice ▲The participants in the ceremony are taking a picture with a smile CWNU held the 46th anniversary of its foundation and the 1st Proud CWNU’s People Awards Ceremony on March 20th in the central laboratory for science & technology. Guests participating in the event were Gang Gi-yun, a member of the National A s s e m bly a n d t h e p r e sid e nt of CWNU Reunion, Prof. Choi Haebeom, a candidate for the CWNU 7th presidency, and the CWNU 2nd, 3rd President Lee Suo. At this anniversary, long-term employees were presented with an award certificate. President Lee presented it and the recipients i ncluded P rof. Dong Seong-si k , Kim Gi-min, Gwon Tae-in. “I really thank staff members, students and all the participants for attending the anniversary. CWNU shouldn’t settle for the present. The reason we could continue to grow and develop was that we made ceaseless efforts and devoted ourselves to learn. CWNU has to become a university competing with the world by looking toward the next 50 years and agonizing CWNU’s duty and vision” said President Lee in his opening remarks. Lee Suo, the previous president, delivered a congratulatory address and part one was finished. Then the 1st Proud CWNU’s People Awards Ceremony started. This award was made to raise alumni’s selfconfidence and model them upon those who have raised CWNU’s honor. The prizewinners were Choi Chung-gyeong, the President of Changwon Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Gang Giyun, Park Seong-ho, members of the National Assembly, Back Sang-won, a director of Gyeongnam Robotland Foundation, and Kim Cheol-su, a director of Daesan Art Museum. Kim Cheol-su said “I hope that CWNU becomes the No.1 university among national universities after u niting all the CW N U members around President Lee as the pivotal figure and produce outstanding juniors. Park Seong-hyeong (Dept. of history), a participant, said “I felt happy as a CWNU student after seeing many people at tend the ceremony and congratulate this school. Also, after watching the Proud CWNU’s People Awards Ceremony, I thought that I could be a person who can receive that award in the distant future.” At CWNU, there is a recruitment for ROTC cadets of both genders to select the 56th and 57th cadets. 1.Application method First, submit your application form by internet 2.Recruitment period Visit the homepage of ROCT ( -2015.3.1 ~ 3.31(18:00) Vi sit t he of f ic e of ROTC -2015.4.1(18:00) 3.Selection schedules First test: Written test-4.4(Sat), Second test: An examination of physical strength, medical checkup and Interview-4.27 ~ 5.22(Fri) 4. More details call (043)830-6039 by Seong Jae-ho, reporter Sexual Molestation Occurrence at CWNU R e c e n t l y, s e x u a l m o l e s t a t i o n in universities is becoming more widespread. It is shocking because most of us expect high morality from professors. CWNU was no exception from a recent issue of sexual molestation in the university. One of our professors (Prof. Park) at CWNU was accused of sexual molestation and bribery from part-time lecturers by three Chinese students in July 2014. However, Prof. Park was acquitted for lack of evidence. After that, the university brought a suit against him for the alteration of an official document, a violation of the Electronic Financial Transaction Act, speculation etc. However, the disciplinary punishment was the same as the first lawsuit. This February, CWNU re-litigated him on the same charges. According to the office of academic affairs, this case was referred to the disciplinary committee on March 23, in order to determine what level of punishment to impose. They haven’t formally announced the settlement yet. Now no classes for Prof. Park are currently being held. Two plaintiffs are studying for a doctor’s degree at CWNU. About this issue, one of the students at College of Natural Science said, "I had been proud of CWNU for the national university. However, after seeing the headquarters of CWNU's passive attitude on the problem and lack of responsibility to this matter, I was very disappointed. I think that before media reports, the university didn’t patch matters up quickly. I hope CWNU gets better about this.” At anytime or anyplace, the problem could go on. What we need to know is, with our attention on the problem, we can protect ourselves. by Park Sarah, cub-reporter CAMPUS NEWS & SURVEY Ⅱ The Campus Journal | MONDAY MARCH 30, 2015 Is it Really New? ▲Complaint from a boarder regarding dormitory ‘BTL(Built Transfer Lease)' CW NU's new student dormitory ‘BTL (Built Transfer Lease)’ was completed earlier than the expected completion date. Despite that a month hasn’t even passed, the dorm is causing great inconvenience to students which has aroused a controversy about poor construction. ‘Miss Kim’ who is currently living in BTL said “The wallpaper split is deep enough that I can even see the concrete wall” with a look of anxiety on her face. The other students complained regarding the present state of the water service facilities. Boarders have frequently suffered from the occurrence of water being shut off. Even when the system was working properly, red water came out of the tap. ‘Kwon’ a freshmen said” the administration office told us that the red water would stop if we turn the water on for approximately 5 minutes. However, it still came out for more than an hour.” He also added that because of this, it got to the point where he had to wash using water from the purifier. Parents urged that something is needed to be done and there should be no more signs of danger. In response, the dormitory administration’s head chief executive said, “The issues that the students filed are all addressed at the present moment.” She also added that there is utterly no need for the boarders to be concerned for their safety. Even though the problems are all taken care of, the officials should not have provided any of these flaws regarding the dormitory which has caused anxiety to boarders from the beginning. by Jeong Seung-in, cub-reporter Respect Individual’s Creative Works ▲A percentage of correct answers ▲What do you think is the main reason that people ▲What do we have to do to protect copyright? infringe copyright? How much do you k now about copyright? Copyright means the legal right to be the only producer or seller of a book, play, film, or record for a specific length of time. Many people are not interested in copyright so they often infringe upon it. To know about copyright is important. Therefore, we conducted a survey of 300 students to f ig u re out their k nowledge of copyrights. First of all, we give them 5 true-false questions about copyright. Q u e s t i o n n u m b e r o n e i s: T h e copyright disappears if the author dies. The answer is ‘False’. 91% of students gave the right answer. Copyright is available for 70 years after the author dies. Question number two is: It is an i n f r i ngement of copy r ig ht if we uploaded music which we downloaded from online music websites legally on our blog. The answer is ‘True’ and 72% students correctly answered. Question number three is: It is an infringement of copyright if a hospital shows a movie for free for patients in a hall. The answer is ‘True’. Only 37% students gave the right answer. Question number four is: It is not an infringement of copyright if someone shows highlights of a movie which is edited. The answer is ‘False’. More than half of students gave the wrong answer. Through these questions we recognize that students don’t know well enough about copyright. Remember, you cannot use others’ works for a commercial purpose which you buy for a personal purpose and you should be permitted before you use others’ works. Next, we asked ‘What do you think is the main reason that people infringe copyright?’ They don’t know that they infringe copyright.’(54%) and ‘They think it is waste of money.’(46%) account for similar percentages. Most students feel the need to protect copyright so we asked them ‘What do we have to do to protect copyright?’ 34% of students said it is important to promote copyright information (30%). And then, education about it (30%), toughen penalties for pirates (22%) and strengthen the crackdown on illegal downloading sites (14%) are followed. CWNU has a lecture named ‘Easy to know copyright’. We encounter many copyright problems in college life (writing theses, reports and in class). We can learn how to handle these problems. If you are interested in copyright, how about attending this lecture? We hope CWNU students will be mature cultured people who respect works which individuals expend time and efforts to make. by Jo Yu-na, cub-reporter, Ⅲ | OPINION MONDAY MARCH 30 , 2015 | The Campus Journal What do you think about? To the Readers Think Outside The Box 'A larva is generated naturally from rubbish' Surprisingly, people thought like this for 2,000 years. Besides, people usually regarded insects as damaging to them and as products of the Devil. Currently, people know that a butterfly goes through complete metamorphosis from a caterpillar to a butterfly via the pupa stage. However, only 300 years ago, people thought that caterpillars were completely different from butterflies. Because they believed that a caterpillar is generated naturally from mud and piles of garbage, it was quite hard for people of that time to face the truth that a caterpillar is the same being as a beautiful butterfly. People even called a butterfly 'a summer-bird' that makes an abrupt appearance when the weather is warm. So, how can people think outside the box? Due to the paintings of Ma r ia Sibyl la Me r ia n , p e ople could believe that caterpillars are equal beings to butterf lies. This German girl didn't think of insects as annoying creatures, nor regard insects as products of the Devil. She only liked to observe them with full curiosity. One day, she discovered a butterfly coming out of its cocoon. She drew pictures after seeing it, and collected the paintings into a book. The book marked a turning point in entomology, which had been nothing more than vain discussion. The most remarkable aspect of this story is that Maria was able to make a great discovery because she was free of a fixed idea that dominated people for 2,000 years. We know that we are enclosed with many stereotypes. You have zipped up your mouth, afraid to be looked as a weird person if you say some of them are wrong. It is OK to hear that you are crazy once in a while. How about conducting yourself in what you really want to do? Maybe it is the way to become a creative person. by Jeong Won-kyeong, editor-in-chief The Student Union Fee By entering the university, students pay a student union fee to their major. This money is used for school events and departmental events which help freshmen school life. However, some students are having doubts about this money and question whether they have to pay, and why they have to pay about two hundred thousand won. What do you think about this? I’m the student president of the I n t e r n a t i o n a l Tr a d e S t u d e n t s’ Association. So I am well informed about the use of the student union fee compared to other people. I can say clearly that the student union fee is really fair. When we collect the student union fee, the amount of financial burden is reduced relatively, and you don’t have to pay too much for school events like MT, and the athletics competition. Besides, the student union fee is used for the welfare of students. Some pens, paper and other stationery in the major room is all from this fee. Also, all detailed statements are disclosed to the public, so you can see the bills or details freely at anytime. Don’t think too critically and with too much doubt. Including myself, many students working for the students’ association are trying to do our best. If you're a college student, regardless of what you're currently majoring in, you may have paid a student union fee once or even more than that. Students' association asks us or, in some cases, even punishes us for the fee. Sometimes it's rather unaffordable. Besides they ask us to pay it all at once. However, we pay our own bills whenever we attend events, don't we? That is also wrong and unjust. Furthermore, they often say they're keeping receipts so we can visit their office if we are doubtful. However, who would dare knock on their door to ask questions about these sensitive issues? Although it is true that the students’ association tries to sponsor school events for students, I want them to solve our doubts. I hope every student is satisfied with their school life without any complaints sooner or later. by Kim Hyun-woo(Dept. of International by Dilettanna (Dept. of Biochemistry & Trade) Health Science) Chaotic Crowds by Luke Hanson Language Education Center This past weekend I took a short train ride to Wondong to enjoy the spring weather. I had no idea what kind of hectic crowd I was getting myself into. I was surprised by the sheer amount of people going to the exact same place, which I didn’t even know was a festival until I arrived, the crowd was overwhelming and f lustering. Apparently thousands of people did know about it. The biggest problem I noticed about the festival in Wondong, and have noticed in many other occasions, is the lack of organization and safety measures. Everyone who arrived by train needed to get to the main area by way of a steep, hazardous staircase which had no railing and falling off the side would cause serious injury. With many oblivious children and other people pushing through, it’s a wonder ▲The crowded arrival platform at Wondong Station how anyone didn’t get hurt. The other big issue was at the top of the stairs: a non-existing walkway over roots, rocks, and uneven ground on one side of a guard-rail or walking beside traffic with no sidewalk on the other. Where are people supposed to walk aside from these awful and dangerous conditions? Well, the other option was waiting in an extremely long line for a bus to take people 10 minutes up a hill. Anyone who’s ever been to Gwangalli for the annual fireworks festival knows how crazy the crowds are there. It’s an exhausting and painful process to get to and from the event by any means of transportation. Couldn’t they run more subway trains during the event? I understand how difficult it is to manage crowds at times like these, but there needs to be improvement. Maybe you remember the tragic incident last October outside of Seoul when 16 people died at a crowded concert because they were standing on a ventilation grate. People should not accept the poor safety conditions of public places because these are serious problems which cost lives. The government as well as festival and event organizers need to make necessary adjustments to make populated areas safe for everyone. In conclusion, crowds are a serious proble m at p opu la r eve nt s. T he government and festival organizers need to do more to keep people safe. All walkways and pedestrian traffic areas should be safely accessible. There should be hand railings for people to hold and to prevent people from falling from steep places. Automobile traffic should be routed away from crowds of people. There should be clear signs to direct people. There should be more trains, buses, or subways during the festival to reduce the crowd size more quickly. It is essential that the people in charge anticipate the size and tendencies of crowds and plan accordi ngly. When this is not done, it is extremely dangerous and sometimes fatal. The Campus Journal | PEOPLE MONDAY MARCH 30, 2015 | Ⅳ Who Is The King of Reading the Book? ▲Park Woo-sub received an extensive reading award for reading 142 books last year (left side) What would be a great way to spend school life more meaningfully? Reading books is one way. It is a medium to experience many things indirectly. Also, reading many books during university life will be a treasure after graduation. Today, I interviewed the graduate who borrowed the most books from the school library. Let’s talk about who he is and why he borrows so many books. Q. Why do you visit the school library so often? Park: The main reason is, it’s my usual habit. Because I don’t have TV at home, instead of watching TV, reading books has been my usual habit. So naturally, I visit the library and borrow books. Q. What kind of books do you usually borrow? Park: I’m mostly i nterested i n historical novels, so I borrow them mostly. I’m also interested in novels so I borrow them frequently. Q. Are there any books to recommend to our students? Park: I want to recommend Tae Baek Mountain Chain written by Jo Jeonglae. This novel is an epic novel so the content is long, but it is not boring. In addition, we can accurately know about past events through the book. Q. What is the advantage to reading many books during your campus life? Park: Books help to experience many things that we can’t experience in daily life. I can have various experiences as I read many books. Also, these various experiences help my dancing which is my major. So I recommend students to read many books because they can get various experience. Q. What are good points and bad points of our library? Park: First, the advantage is that our library has good accommodations. Also, it has many kinds of books. However, the weakness is that the loan period is very short and the limit to the number of books checked out is only three. It is too little, in my opinion. Q. Finally, Is there anything more to say to our readers? Park: This is the time of your youth. We can never have our youth back again, so enjoy it without regret. by Ma Jung-min, cub-reporter Run with Pace Maker! Which club has won the enormous prizes in CWNU? That is ‘Pace Maker’, the economy of science club. I met Baek Jung-eun (Dept. of Economics), president of Pace Maker. Q. Would you introduce Pace Maker simply? Baek: Pace Maker is the club of economy of science. We do various activities about economy with people who are interested in getting a job in the financial world, regardless of major. Q. Is there any special standard to get into Pace Maker? Baek: First, applicants should be CWNU students, and only freshmen, sophomores and juniors can apply. We don’t care about major, but applicants have to prepare some basic economics knowledge equivalent to the levels of the principles of economics. Q. What are the main activities in Pace Maker? Baek: First, we do newspaper scrap. We choose economics newspapers and read them. After that, we share our own thoughts. Second, we analyze economic issues. Through this activity, we have time to do a presentation about economic effects in Korea and to the world. Last, we hold a symposium. We compete in our club, and the winner of the symposium competes in the Gyungnam symposium. Q. What is the secret of winning the enormous prizes? Baek: In our club, there’re only people that have the same goal. So we communicate easily and effectively. Q. What is different about Pace Maker compared to other clubs? Baek: Our club has a tradition and system inherited since 2012. We have an alternating current between seniors and juniors. Seniors who graduated and got a job help juniors as mentors. That is the most important difference about our club. Through the interview, I was able to see that Pace Maker has a really strong friendship and will. How about apply to ▲The president of 'Pace maker', the club of economy of science Pace maker next semester? by Oh yu-ju, cub-reporter From 30 years ago till now ▲ He said, “Widen your horizons, expand all over the world and work for humanity.” Many people have made an effort to make CWNU better today from 30 years ago. We met Prof. Kim Gi-min of Dept. of Special Education, who has taught students for 30 years. Q. What was your starting point to become a professor? Kim: I entered CWNU to become a secondary teacher and Pedagogy was my major. However, I was in trouble because I felt it didn’t suit my personality after starting to teach in the fourth year. After thinking it over, I went to graduate school and studied more due to suggestions from seniors. At that time, the Dept. of Special Education didn’t exist and there was just the Dept. of Education. CWNU just recruited a person whose major was educational philosophy and I took the first step, being hired as an instructor in CWNU on September 1st in 1984. Q. Do you have any difficulties at work? Kim: In other professors’ cases, they can do lectures because their depar tments don’t change. In my case, the number of subjects I could teach decreased due to the creation of the Dept. of Special Education. Diminishing the need to teach students was a bit difficult and a worry for me. Q. If you had a rewarding moment at work, when was it? Kim: Dept. of Special Education is a place to develop teachers teaching d isabled ch ild ren. W hen I see students passing a teacher recruitment examination, and instructing their juniors during the student teaching, truly, I feel it is worth teaching students enthusiastically as a professor. Q. Lastly, if you have any hope for our students, what would it be? Kim: I’m sad that, though students are worried about employment and studied hard because of youth unemployment, it doesn’t always work out. Personally I want students to display their own abilities globally, widening their horizons and getting out of the fence called Korea. Not just looking to get into a major company, I want them to do many worthwhile works like volunteering in poor countries and teaching the poor because I’m sure our students have intellectual, moral and upright abilities. by Choi Hyeon-kyeong, cub-reporter Ⅴ | INTRODUCE MONDAY MARCH 30 , 2015 | The Campus Journal The Beautiful Store: Sharing Brings Happiness It is important that we know exactly wh at we wa nt t o do. I f you a r e interested in helping people in need and protecting the environment, here is a good company to work for. It is ‘The Beautiful Store’ which is a mediumsized typical social enterprise. About the Beautiful Store The Beautiful Store was established under ‘Expansion of Sharing Culture’ i n 20 02. It s m a i n job is sel l i ng donated recyclable materials, helping underprivileged people and supporting public beneficial activities with its profits. The head office is in Seoul and stores and circulation centers which classify the donated products are all across the country. Main Business The Beautiful Store helps many poor people throughout large business areas as a social enterprise recognized by the Ministry of Labor. Also, it is the core of regional life environment movement by running more than one hundred ▲ The Beautiful Store which is located in Changwon reusing stores in Korea and a fundraising campaign for national support is actively ongoing. Besides, it supports fair trade and tries to create design by practical recycling. Mission & Vision T h e B e a u t i f u l St o r e e x i s t s t o contribute to the changing eco-friendly culture by reusing and recycling. Its long-term aim is to generalize awareness of reusing and to promote development of community by social activities. Also, as a non-profit corporation, it pursues high efficiency and public interest at the same time. The right people for the company Dedication to the company, gratitude for relationship, and morality. These are the chief factors of desirable employees in the Beautiful Store. The company wants talent from those who are not only devoted to their role but also to maximize other members’ ability by taking the lead. Recruitment and working condition Successful candidates passing public employment go through a probationary period of three months, and then transfer as an assistant administrator after evaluation. Bonuses are given four times a year for permanent positions and promotion is only made on the basis of demonstrated abilities. Also, various programs are provided in order to strengthen capabilities of members. Excellent workers and long-ter m employees have a chance for overseas studies and voluntary study groups consist of more than five people and are supported by the company. Working in the Beautiful Store only to earn money without any public spirit would be a very hard and worthless job. However, if you empathize with the company’s philosophy and truly want to work for social welfare, it would be a great opportunity to realize your dream. If you have any questions or need more information, visit http://www. by Lee Ha-eun, cub-reporter The Various Spring Festivals in the World ▲ India has Holi Festival, ‘The festival of colors’ Most of people think that spring is the most beautiful season of the year. Don’t you enjoy the lively feel of spring? Let’s find a variety of spring festivals in the world. Ji n h a e G u n h a n g Fe s t iv a l i s representative of cher r y blossom festivals in Korea. During the festival, more than 50 events like Chungmu Gong (Admiral Yi Sun-shin’s) memorial ceremony, the naval band march, the honor guard review, an essay contest and photo exhibition will be held to boost the festival atmosphere. In India, the Holi Festival was on March 6th this year. It is also known as ‘The festival of colors’ and is held in the whole country of India on the last month according to the Hindu calendar. In this festival, people of all ages and ▲ Valencia’s firework festival both sexes play and spray color paints and powder. Even in the caste system, it was celebrated regardless of their social status and has been the most important national holiday in Hinduism. After the war of colors at noon of the 15th, people bathe in the sense of wrapping up the last year and at the same time welcome the coming new year. Several cities in eastern Valencia, Spain celebrate a 5-day traditional spring festival. They hold a fireworks festival and end it by burning the dolls installed on the streets. It originated from the local customs of burning sundries used in winter. The dolls are various in size from 8 meters to 30 meters and characters from politicians of humorous expressions to famous animation heroes. ▲ In Swiss’ Seksseroiten festival, they burn Boegeu The Netherlands, home of tulips, is famous for its world flower industry. In Keukenhof Park, they open the world’s biggest f lower festival, Keukenhof Flower Festival for 2 months from the end of March to May. Switzerlands’ Seksseroiten festival opens on the third Sunday and Monday in April. In Grossmünster, Zurich, they used to ring the bell at 6 pm on the spring equinox (March 21st) to announce the starting of spring eve r y yea r. Sw iss’ Sek sse roit en festival was originated from that tradition. 2 thousand children and 25 guild members wearing a variety of traditional costumes march on the street. In the center of Seksseroiten plaza, ‘Boegeu’ which looks like a snowman is fixed. Boegeu, a giant snowman is a sculpture made of straw representing a winter oldman. At 6:00, more than 100 fireworks in a row blow up from Boegue. It signifies getting out of the dark heavy images of winter and welcoming a new lively season. I n m id -Ap r i l , T ha i l a nd hold s Songkran Festival. Thai people cherish water so in this festival, they splash water on each other in a sense of cooling down the heat and purifying themselves. Songkran Festival has various attractions such as ‘Miss Songkran Contest’ and ‘Custom Parade’ aside from the water splashing. We looked though the world’s various spring festivals. This time if you are interested, why don’t you search for a national spring festival? by Kim Yu-jeong , cub-reporter