Lounders Boathouse Lease Proposals
Lounders Boathouse Lease Proposals
The Adelaide City Council invites engagement from the community about Lounders Boathouse Lease Proposals • • Tenancy 1 – Olive’s Restaurant (Andrew Lolic) – 4+4 year lease Tenancy 2 – Popeye Workshop (A&L Shuman) – 9 years 11 months Project Summary Andrew Lolic (Olive’s Restaurant) and A&L Shuman (Popeye Workshop) are applying for leases over a portion of community land in Karrawirra (Park 12). • Olive’s Restaurant (Andrew Lolic) – 4+4 year lease • Popeye Workshop (A&L Shuman ) – 9 year 11 months Under the Local Government Act 1999, Councils are required to formally undertake public consultation for a lease or licence over community land that is greater than 5 years. Public consultation will be undertaken for a period of three weeks to provide the community, visitors to the Park Lands and other stakeholders time to consider the proposed leases and submit their feedback to Council. Consultation closes 5pm, 29 March 2016. Customer Centre - 25 Pirie Street, Adelaide - 8203 7203 yoursay.adelaidecitycouncil.com Included in this consultation pack: • Project Information • Feedback Form • Frequently Asked Questions • Proposed leases for: · Olive’s Restaurant (Andrew Lolic) – 4+4 year lease · Popeye Workshop (A&L Shuman ) – 9 year 11 months • Location Map of Karrawirra (Park 12) For enquiries, please call Laura Morgan, 8203 7843 Lounders Boathouse Lease Consultation • • Tenancy 1 – Olive’s Restaurant (Andrew Lolic) 4+4 year lease Tenancy 2 – Popeye Workshop (A&L Shuman) – 9 year 11 months Project Information Purpose To inform the community that Andrew Lolic (Olive’s Restaurant) and A&L Shuman (Popeye Workshop) are seeking to apply for leases over Lounders Boathouse and community land, • Olive’s Restaurant – 4+4 year lease • Popeye Workshop – 9 year 11 months Lounders Boathouse is located in Karrawirra (Park 12), Adelaide Park Lands on the southern side of the River Torrens. Background At its meeting on 28 October 2014, Council resolved to retain the Lounders Boathouse situated in Karrawirra (Park 12). Since the approval of the retention, an Expression of Interest of the Lounders Boathouse was held over a 6 week period in early 2015. All applications received were assessed against selection criteria that focused on activation, community benefit, financial sustainability and overall suitability for Karrawirra (Park 12). At its meeting on 27 January 2016, Council reviewed the outcomes of the Expression of Interest, and resolved to undertake consultations on leases for: • Andrew Lolic (Olive’s Restaurant) Tenancy 1 • A&L Shuman (Popeye Workshop) Tenancy 2. Timeline Consultation will commence on Monday 7 March 2016 and will close at 5pm on Tuesday 29 March 2016. Any submissions received after this period will not be considered as a formal response. FAQs Why are there two leases out for consultation? The location that is referred to as Lounders Boathouse has been split into two tenancies as part of its revitalisation and renovation project. Both successful applicants have applied for leases over 5 years which are required to go out to Community Consultation in accordance with the Local Government Act 1999. These two leases support each other in their use and activation of this space and it is beneficial to provide the community with the full picture of what is proposed for this area of Karrawirra (Park 12). Customer Centre - 25 Pirie Street, Adelaide - 8203 7203 yoursay.adelaidecitycouncil.com Why are these leases necessary? Andrew Lolic is applying for a 4+4 year lease and A&L Shuman is applying for a 9 year 11 month lease to secure the financial investment required to complete their internal fitouts: • Tenancy 1 - interior transformed into a restaurant and bar serving local food and wine • Tenancy 2 - fitted out as a workshop to service the Popeye Boats and paddle boats. How will this affect the users of Karrawirra (Park 12)? It is anticipated that these leases and their associated uses will enhance the south side of the River Torrens in Karrawirra (Park 12). As currently experienced, the community will continue to benefit from all uses of Karrawirra (Park 12). What change will be seen? Prior to the lessees occupying this space, the only change that will be experienced in this area will be some development works and the setup of a compound area associated with the renovation of the Lounders Boathouse itself which is a Council-led project. Once these works are completed the fitout of Tenancy 1 and Tenancy 2 will begin, managed by the lessees (Lolic & Shuman). It is proposed that the northern section will see the construction of two outdoor alfresco/dining areas (decks), and will become a restaurant/cafe serving local food and wine, subject to gaining development approval for these works. The restaurant/cafe will be accessible by the general public when construction works are completed. The fitout associated with the Popeye Workshop is minimal and will involve moving all items from the shipping containers into the workshop space. The shipping containers will be removed approximately 4 weeks after the building handover. Even though the leases for Olive’s Restaurant and Popeye are proposed to be individual agreements to use the building, it is envisaged that both lessees will works closely together so that visitors to the area can enjoy a cruise along the River Torrens accompanied by local food and beverages as prepared by Olive’s Restaurant. How do I know my feedback has been received? All feedback forms, submissions or correspondence will be acknowledged either by email or in writing so that you know your comments/feedback has been received. Lounders Boathouse Lease Consultation • • Tenancy 1 – Olive’s Restaurant (Andrew Lolic) 4+4 year lease Tenancy 2 – Popeye Workshop (A&L Shuman) – 9 year 11 months What happens to my feedback? Contact Person A summary of all the feedback received will provide Council with the necessary direction on how the lease proposals will proceed. For more information, please contact: Please ensure that comments relate to the lease document itself as this will assist Council with the decision making process. Comments received not relating to the lease but the wider project area will be presented to Council but may not have any bearing on the decision making process. How will I be notified of the decision of Council? Once a decision has been made by Council, a copy of the resolution will be uploaded to the Your Say Adelaide webpage together with links to the agenda and minutes of the Council Meeting. How do I provide my feedback? Online/ Website Council has a dedicated website that provides an opportunity for quick and efficient online feedback. Visit yoursay.adelaidecitycouncil.com for information about the project and online ways to provide your comments. Alternatively comments can be emailed to yoursay@adelaidecitycouncil.com. Feedback Forms These are available online, at our Customer Service Centre on 25 Pirie Street, and at our libraries and community centres. Written Submissions All written submissions must be received by 5pm on Tuesday 29 March 2016 (post Easter long weekend) and should be addressed to: Community Consultation Lounders Boathouse Lease Proposals GPO Box 2252, Adelaide SA 5001 How do I know my feedback has been received? All feedback forms, submissions or correspondence will be acknowledged either by email or in writing so that you know your comments/feedback has been received. Customer Centre - 25 Pirie Street, Adelaide - 8203 7203 yoursay.adelaidecitycouncil.com Name: Laura Morgan Title: Consultant Community - Community Property Phone: 8203 7843 Email Address: l.morgan@adelaidecitycouncil.com Lounders Boathouse Lease Consultation • • Tenancy 1 – Olive’s Restaurant (Andrew Lolic) 4+4 year lease Tenancy 2 – Popeye Workshop (A&L Shuman) – 9 year 11 months Submission Form Submissions close 5pm, Tuesday 29 March 2016 It is Council’s policy that for a formal submission to be received it must include your name and residential address. Formal submissions will be provided to Council and will be a publicly available document. Mandatory information is marked with an *asterix. *First Name *Surname *Address E-Mail If a Business or Organisation, Organisation Name Gender Female Male Year of Birth e.g. 1980 Are you an Adelaide City Council Ratepayer? Yes No Please tell us how you participate in city life (tick all that apply): Work Live Shop Study Tourist Own a Business Play (e.g. Leisure, recreation, entertainment, dining) Please indicate your main areas of interest (tick all that apply): Council Services & Programs Open space & Recreation City Design, Planning & Development New & Future Projects Social & Community Issues Policy, Budget & Management Plans Environmental Issues Arts & Events in the City Please indicate locations that are of interest to you as per the map to the left (tick all that apply): North Ward Central Ward South Ward Your Say Adelaide is Council’s online consultation website. It is your chance to be kept up-to-date and provide feedback on areas of the City that interest you. Would you like to be signed up to Your Say Adelaide online and be emailed when there is an opportunity to have your say on areas that are of interest to you? Yes No Please Note: If you’ve ticked Yes, you will receive an email to your nominated e-mail address above to confirm your new account. Customer Centre - 25 Pirie Street, Adelaide - 8203 7203 yoursay.adelaidecitycouncil.com Lounders Boathouse Lease Consultation • • Tenancy 1 – Olive’s Restaurant (Andrew Lolic) 4+4 year lease Tenancy 2 – Popeye Workshop (A&L Shuman) – 9 year 11 months Please provide your feedback. 1. Do you agree with the Lounders Boathouse Lease Proposal for Tenancy 1 (North Side) Andrew Lolic - Olive’s Restaurant – 4+4 year lease? (Please circle response) Yes Please provide comments: Customer Centre - 25 Pirie Street, Adelaide - 8203 7203 yoursay.adelaidecitycouncil.com No Undecided Lounders Boathouse Lease Consultation • • Tenancy 1 – Olive’s Restaurant (Andrew Lolic) 4+4 year lease Tenancy 2 – Popeye Workshop (A&L Shuman) – 9 year 11 months 2. Do you agree with the Lounders Boathouse Lease Proposal for Tenancy 2 (South Side) A&L Shuman - Popeye Workshop – 9 year 11 months? (Please circle response) Yes Please provide comments: Customer Centre - 25 Pirie Street, Adelaide - 8203 7203 yoursay.adelaidecitycouncil.com No Undecided Lounders Boathouse Lease Consultation • • Tenancy 1 – Olive’s Restaurant (Andrew Lolic) 4+4 year lease Tenancy 2 – Popeye Workshop (A&L Shuman) – 9 year 11 months Written submissions must be received by: 5 pm, Tuesday 29 March 2016. Community Consultation Lounders Boathouse Lease Proposals GPO Box 2252 Adelaide SA 5001 Or yoursay.adelaidecitycouncil.com For all enquiries, please call Laura Morgan on 8203 7843 or email l.morgan@adelaidecitycouncil.com Customer Centre - 25 Pirie Street, Adelaide - 8203 7203 yoursay.adelaidecitycouncil.com