NETWORK SECURITY From risk analysis to protection strategies Istituto Superiore delle Comunicazioni e delle Tecnologie dell’Informazione Ministero delle Comunicazioni NETWORK SECURITY From risk analysis to protection strategies The present document was written by: Fabio Battelli Danilo Bruschi Roberta Bruzzone Giuseppe Carducci Artenisio Sebastiano D'Amore Luisa Franchina (Innovia Tech S.p.A.) Salvatore Leotta Paolino Madotto Antonio Menghini Simona Napoli Gian Luca Petrillo Daniele Perucchini Massimo Piccirilli Francesco Pirro Gianfranco Pontevolpe Andrea Rigoni Marco Strano Andrea Valboni (Electronic Data Systems Italia S.p.A.) (Università degli Studi di Milano) (Innovia Tech S.p.A.) (Securteam S.r.l.-Elsag [Gruppo Finmeccanica]) (PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory S.r.l.) (Istituto Superiore delle Comunicazioni e delle Tecnologie dell’Informazione) (Proge-Software S.r.l.) (Electronic Data Systems Italia S.p.A.) (KPMG S.p.A.) (Consigliere del Ministro delle Comunicazioni) (Fondazione “Ugo Bordoni”) (Ministero delle Comunicazioni) (CNIPA) (CNIPA) (Symantec S.r.l.) (Polizia di Stato) (Microsoft S.r.l.) Cover and graphic project Roberto Piraino (Graphics Lab - Istituto Superiore delle Comunicazioni e delle Tecnologie dell’Informazione) Editing Fonema S.p.A. The present document has been reviewed by Alessandro Di Nepi PhD I SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies The opinions and considerations expressed in the present volume, in addition to the proposals set forth, are to be considered personal views of the individual participants and do not necessarily reflect the positions of the respective Bodies and Companies they belong to. The contents of the present volume are to be considered merely as a technical/scientific study orientating to the problems inherent to the network security and communication protection. Therefore, no responsibilities may be attributed to the authors or to the Istituto Superiore delle Comunicazioni e delle Tecnologie dell'Informazione that has published the volume, arising from any form of use of the contents of the present text. Mention of specific brands or product names present in the document are quoted purely as examples, do not exhaust the number of possible commercial products and in no case represent evaluation elements or recommendations for the use of the same products. The present volume is distributed free of charge and the authors have freely and with no time limit granted copyrights to the Istituto Superiore delle Comunicazioni e delle Tecnologie dell'Informazione. II NETWORK SECURITY From risk analysis to protection strategies Index Introduction 7 Reading guide 13 1 Networks and Society 1.1 The network concept 1.2 ICT as a tool for the social and economic development 1.3 The various types of network as premise for Internet 1.4 The main subjects involved in network management 1.5 Security and privacy: two key aspects 1.6 The importance of the human factor for security 17 17 1 18 22 25 30 33 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies 2 Network infrastructures and security issues 2.1 The network concept: physical and virtual components 2.2 The network and its subjects 2.3 Network security 2.3.1 General overview of threats to security 2.4 An example of a secure network: the PA Unified Network 2.4.1 Technological infrastructure: network design 2.4.2 Security management 2.4.3 Network evolutions 37 37 39 41 56 3 3 The relevant legislation 3.1 The Reference General Legal Framework 3.1.1 Generalities 3.1.2 OECD And United Nations documents 3.1.3 EU Directives and other documents 3.1.4 Italian Laws and related rules 3.1.5 Ministerial documents, AIPA, CNIPA 65 65 3.2 Individuals And Rule Compliance 3.2.1 Generalities 3.2.2 Major liabilities for individuals: rights, duties and accomplishments 3.2.3 The relationship with the judiciary and inquiring authority 77 3.3 Cases Of Rules Violation 3.3.1 Information crimes 3.3.2 Non-compliance 3.4 Main Requirements of outsourcing contracts 3.5 Areas of possible normative integration 3.6 Conclusions 3.6.1 Users’ awareness and initiative 3.6.2 Legislative framework 82 2 83 86 86 Index 4 Risk Analysis and management: principles and methods 4.1 Security Management System 4.2 4.2 Risk Analysis 4.2.1 The importance of risk analysis 4.2.2 General notes about the different risk analysis methodologies 4.2.3 Common elements among the main methodologies 4.2.4 Risk Management 4.2.5 Risk Analysis Support to the Privacy Management System 91 91 93 5 Network Protection Measures 5.1 Technological measures 5.1.1 Firewall and VPN 5.1.2 Network/Host IDS 5.1.3 Access Server (RADIUS/TACACS) 5.1.4 Wireless Security 5.1.5 Antivirus 5.1.6 URL Filtering 5.1.7 Patch Management 5.1.8 Cryptography and Public Key Infrastructure 5.1.9 Single Sign-On (SSO) 5.1.10 Strong Authentication 5.1.11 User Provisioning 113 113 5.2 Organisational and process measures 5.2.1 Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity 5.2.2 Identity Management 5.2.3 Operational Security Management 137 3 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies 6 Security Governance in the Public Administration and Private Companies 6.1 Security governance as a factor of social Guarantee for the networks use 6.2 Implementation of security governance in the organisations 6.3 Network security, a national and european asset to be promoted Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 157 157 160 162 165 171 199 4 Index NETWORK SECURITY From risk analysis to protection strategies Index of Figures and Tables INDEX OF FIGURES Figure 2-1 Figure 2-2 Figure 2-3 Figure 2-4 Figure 2-5 Figure 2-6 Figure 2-7 Figure 4-1 Figure 4-2 Figure 5-1 Figure 5-2 Diagram of the ISO/OSI stack model Servers equipped with protection measures Use of security products within EU Virus occurrences in the EU between October 2000 and February 2001 RUPA general architecture CG-I and services categories – CG-I connects all the Central Administrations and allows them the Internet access through a high speed and secure link SPC: Infrastructure, Rules and Organizational Model The most common vulnerability categories Risk Management Life Cycle ISO/OSI Levels and Protection Technologies Firewall and Networks 5 39 43 46 50 57 59 63 104 108 114 115 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies Figure 5-3 Figure 5-4 Figure 5-5 Figure 5-6 Figure 5-7 Figure 5-8 Figure 5-9 Figure 5-10 Figure 5-11 Figure 5-12 Figure 5-13 Figure 5-14 Remote Access Server Wireless Network equipped with a RADIUS Authentication Server Architecture of a URL Filtering Solution Typical Patch Management Architecture Typical Single Sign-On Architecture Authentication Techniques OTP Devices Digital Certificates Smart Card and USB Token Biometric Technologies Provisioning Architecture for an Identity Management System Alternative Solutions Diagram, Costs vs. Implementation Time 119 122 124 126 130 132 133 134 135 135 136 141 INDEX OF TABLE Table 3-1 Table 4-1 Table 5-1 Table 5-2 A Comparison between the OECD document and the UN Resolution Relation among threats, attacks and vulnerabilities Predominant Firewall Technologies Synoptic Table of Strong Authentication Technologies 6 69 106 116 132 NETWORK SECURITY From risk analysis to protection strategies Introduction The present volume arises from an initiative by the Istituto Superiore delle Comunicazioni e delle Tecnologie dell'Informazione and of the Observatory for the Security and Protection of Networks and Communications, with the collaboration of authors that belong to various public and private bodies. The Istituto Superiore delle Comunicazioni e delle Tecnologie dell'Informazione (Institute in the document’s remaining), constituted in 1907, operates within the Ministry of Communications as a technical-scientific body. Its activities, which are specifically aimed at companies that operate in the ICT sector, to public administrations and users, mainly relates to the regulation, experimentation and basic and applied research, and to specialist training and instruction in the field of telecommunications. The national and international technical regulations bear an important role to ensure greater transparency and access to services, in favour of users, producers and network providers, and within which the Institute is active and propositional. In this field the Institute has a double action: through CONCIT (Coordinating committee with European recognition, and made up by CEI (Italian electronic committee), UNI (Italian national unification body and by the same Institute) conducts the transposition into the national regulations of European norms and, at the same time, represents the Administration in addressing and supporting national 7 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies groups within the various technical commissions and study groups of the ITU (International Communications Union), of the CEPT (Conférence Européenne des Postes et des Télécommunications) and of ETSI (European Telecommunications Standard Institute). The Institute manages the Scuola Superiore di Specializzazione in Telecomunicazioni (active since 1923), which manages the post-graduate specialisation in the field of electronic communication and information technologies, and releases the related diploma. In agreement with the faculty of Engineering of the Rome Sapienza University, the School organises yearly courses the curricula of which include laboratory work, seminars and stages. The Institute also provides upgrade training for Ministry and other public administration personnel in the field of electronic communication and information technologies, security, multimedia and Quality of Service, by planning and realising training aimed at acquiring specialist know-how. In this view the Institute has set up a Test Centre, credited with AICA for the issuing of European Computer Driving Licence - ECDL. Moreover, the Centre for the training of PA personnel in the field of ICT security is currently being constituted. The training Centre will implement large scale training and sensitisation activities for PA employees on matters concerning ICT security, through the centralised and coordinated preparation of a Training and Sensitisation Plan that will spread the principles and methods of security throughout the Public Administration. Moreover, the Institute promotes divulging activities through external communication events and publicises the activities and research conducted. The Institute's research activities are oriented to the development and improvement of telecommunication services and of those connected to information technologies. In pursuing these aims, activities cover all the areas in the sector, from telephone to television, from signal processing and treatment, from network architecture to services 8 Introduction implementation. In view of the know-how and instrumental resources it has available, the role of the Institute is relevant in taking part in European projects for technological development for a more diffuse employment of European funding. These activities are both directly conducted, and through agreements with other Research Bodies, Universities and International Study Centres. Within the Information Society context, the actions being conducted in collaboration with the Fondazione Ugo Bordoni (FUB) in the fields of telework, information security, remote-teaching and access to communication services for the aged and disabled. Thanks to the Institute's support, in the last years, the Ministry has also been able to support a series of initiatives for the introduction, on communication networks, of new technologies and new systems. Among these, we should highlight the feasibility studies for the application of techniques and new television and multimedia services, the feasibility study for the macro-regional provisioning of digital satellite television services, the study for a European satellite system for the provisioning of broadband multimedia and interactive services, and the participation in the IST (Information Society Technologies) research and technological development project of the European Community called ATLAS. Considering its role as an impartial public body, the added value of the Institute, in terms of guarantee and competence, is the aspect that distinguishes the technical support and counselling services provided to companies and subjects involved in the telecommunications sector. These services are made substantial not only by the traditional certification activities, realised thanks to the competence and instruments of the Institute's laboratories that allow to verify the compliance of all telematic systems to the various norms and reference recommendations, but also with specialist measurement campaigns for verifying the Quality of Service (QoS), of network security and for assessing the specific techniques of inter-operativeness of services within the scope of inter-connection of the networks of various operators. 9 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies The Institute manages the database relative to the number assignment of the national telecommunication network and the portability of numbers in GSM and UMTS technology, moreover, it manages the National Reference Clock (ONR) for the synchronisation of the Italian Numerical Telecommunications Network and provides an institutional support to those taking part in tender bids for the E-TEN (Trans European Network for TLC). The Institute collaborates with Certification Bodies for activities of verification and control of Company Quality Systems in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9000 rules, and is committed in control activities on Credited Laboratories on the basis of the UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025 rules and is a Registered Body for activities conducted on the basis of the Law Decree n° 269 of the 9th May 2001. The Institute has the role of Certification Body for systems and commercial information products security (OCSI) and is an evaluation centre (Ce.Va.) of ICT systems and products that process classified data. Moreover, it is a Registered Body in compliance with the Directive concerning radio devices and terminal equipment for telecommunications and is Competent Body and Registered Body relatively to electromagnetic compatibility. In 2002 it became international Certification Body on behalf of TETRA MoU. The present text was also realised with the contribution of experts from the Observatory for the Security and Protection of Networks and Communications. The Observatory for the Security and Protection of Networks and Communications is chaired by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Communications and is made up of representatives from the Ministry of Communications, of Justice, of the Interior, of Defence, of Productive Activities, and the Presidency of the Council of Ministers - department of Public Functions and department for Innovation and Technologies, nominated with a specific inter-ministerial decree. The present volume falls within the scope of activities conducted by the Communications Ministry during 2004 related to the realisation of guidelines for: 10 Introduction • Network security - risk analysis and protection strategies • Network security in critical infrastructures • Quality of Service in ICT networks The purpose of the document, as detailed further in the following reading guide, is to provide an updated overview of the security problems and related solutions in the use of the Internet and of connected geographical and local networks. This volume is aimed at business users: professionals and professional firms, small and medium enterprises, and corporations. In the case of professional firms and small and medium enterprises, there is often no position dedicated to security: at best there is an ICT manager. Many of the chapters of the present volume are dedicated to this position. For corporations the volume is aimed at the manager in charge of security. In all cases we hope that some parts will also be read by top management in order to make them sensitive to the problems and to distinctly perceive that the solutions do exist and can be sustained. Further on, in the Reading Guide, there is a map that can address readers to the paragraphs that they may be interested in. The management of security starts from the knowledge of the internal set up, critical issues and vulnerabilities. Through the proper knowledge of one's structures and characteristics the investments in security can be optimised, targeting the objectives and obtaining the best results in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. We want to thank all those, who with enthusiasm and professionalism, collaborated in the writing of the present document: Fabio Battelli (Innovia Tech SpA), Danilo Bruschi (Università degli Studi di Milano), Roberta Bruzzone (Innovia Tech SpA), Giuseppe Carducci Artenisio (Securteam Srl - Elsag [Finmeccanica group]), Sebastiano D'Amore (PriceWaterhouseCoopers Advisory Srl), Salvatore Leotta (Electronic Data Systems Italia SpA), Paolino Madotto (Proge Software Srl), Antonio Menghini (Electronic Data Systems Italia SpA), Simona Napoli (KPMG SpA), Gian Luca Petrillo (Counsellor of the Ministry of Communications), Daniele Perucchini (Ugo Bordoni 11 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies Foundation), Massimo Piccirilli (Ministry of Communications), Francesco Pirro (CNIPA), Gianfranco Pontevolpe (CNIPA), Andrea Rigoni (Symantec Srl), Marco Strano (Polizia di Stato), Andrea Valboni (Microsoft Srl). We also want to thank, for their contributions and suggestions: Michele Boccadoro (Consorzio Thyraeus), Maurizio Bonanni (Ministry of Communications), Stefania Caporalini Ajello (Consorzio Thyraeus), Andrew Christian Dell (Consorzio Thyraeus), Renzo Dell'Agnello (Elea SpA), Andrea Mariotti (KPMG SpA), Dario Nasca (Symantec Srl), Claudio Petricca (Istituto Superiore delle Comunicazioni e delle Tecnologie dell'Informazione), Giampaolo Scafuro (Sicurezza e Sistemi Srl), Mario Terranova (CNIPA). Rome, March 2005 Luisa Franchina, PhD General Director of Istituto Superiore delle Comunicazioni e delle Tecnologie dell'Informazione. 12 NETWORK SECURITY From risk analysis to protection strategies Reading Guide The present document intends providing readers with a full range framework relative to the process required for network security. Modern ICT architectures are characterised by the quality of being a network themselves that are in turn connected to wider networks and to the Internet itself. These infrastructure features that have caused a revolution in the information society during the past decade, leads to high vulnerability that needs to be confronted through appropriate protection systems. This great interconnected system features the participation of heterogeneous subjects: corporations, small-medium companies, organisations, government bodies, and private citizens. Each of these, that exploit the network services, has an important role in ensuring the security of the infrastructures, of the information and of related processing. The first chapter - “The social structure of networks” - describes the current society and its features of dependency on information. The birth and development of the Internet, the peculiar management system that characterises it and the more general security and privacy requirements that the citizen of the information society feels the need of are recall. 13 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies The second chapter - “Network infrastructures and security issues” - more technically describes the features of a network, the correlated security criteria and concludes with an example of a safe network identified in the Unit Network for the Public Administration. Such a socially useful technology, which is also intrinsically critical, like ICT has obviously attracted the attention of legislators during the past decade. Justified by the large number of sectors of social, economic, cultural and administrative life involved in the processing of electronic data, and prompted by EU regulations, a number of directives have been issued to regulate and, in many cases, prescribe the use of protection mechanisms based on technologies and organisations aspects. An overview of the official documents issued by our country and at EU level regarding information security is outlined in the third chapter “Pertinent legal rules”. The fourth chapter, “Risk analysis”, is dedicated to an aspect that has recently been considered by experts and also by the legislators, both European and Italian. The proliferation and rapid evolution in time of the threats has led to the need to identify the actual critical aspects of the assets to be protected, through a consistent approach, in order to appropriately address resources focusing them on the more critical areas both from an economic and ethical viewpoint. Risk analysis is also the basis for a modern way of approaching security, based on proactivity and a periodic review of risk levels and critical assets. It is, in fact, through the analysis and management of risks that countermeasures are identified and monitored in time. The fifth chapter - “Technologies and tools for the protection of networks” - illustrates the ingredients required to design a protection system, downstream from the previous risk analysis and management of risks. It is divided into two parts: the first deals with the hardware and software technologies and components, while the second deals with services, which may be in-house or third party. Lastly, the sixth chapter - “Governing security in PA and the private world” - puts together all the topics dealt with within 14 Reading Guide the scope of an ethical-political view of network protection, considered as one of the basic components of the more general concept of Corporate Governance, a subject that, as is known, has become of great relevance for all, including legislators, during the past years. The present document, a picture of the current scenario, includes hypotheses and prompts for future improvements as a useful resource for those who wish to confront and check their knowhow, in addition to being a source of stimulus and promotion for the sensitisation for network security for the various subjects involved and to identify improvement and progress opportunities from the technological and organisational viewpoint. The following table addresses the various kinds of readers to the chapters that potentially feature the greatest interest for their activities. 15 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies Top management ICT Manager Security Manager S/M Enterprises & Professionals PA 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 2.1 2.2 2.3.1 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.1.5 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.4 3.5 3.6.1 3.6.2 3.6.3 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H Legislators Legal Office 1 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 2 3 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 4 4.1 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 5 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.1.5 5.1.6 5.1.7 5.1.8 5.1.9 5.1.10 5.1.11 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 6 H H 16 NETWORK SECURITY From risk analysis to protection strategies 1 - Networks and Society 1.1 THE NETWORK CONCEPT The term network, considering the great increase in the interconnections among computers during the past decade, has taken on a rather broad significance that, in some contexts, has replaced the acronym ICT (Information and Communication Technology). With this meaning (that is extensively adopted within the present document and, especially, in the present chapter) networks are interconnection structures (with the various wired and wireless technologies) and also the diverse machines, both hardware and software, which are the objects of the interconnection between systems that support the very interconnection. By extension, and to confirm the title of this chapter, users are consistently a part of the network. On the other hand, next to the holistic definition of the term, in this case singular, there is also a practical and operative definition that indicates a more limited portion of the system, normally characterised by the fact that it is the property and is managed by a specific and identified subject. When we consider the issue in further detail, we find local networks and small personal ones, which, in some rare cases, are not interconnected to the wide network but constitute closed systems. 17 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies Networks, whether large or small, are therefore made up of static transmission components (copper wire, optical fibre, radio signals, etc.) and by a large number of components that we may define as active, hardware and software. The multiple and complex set-up of the components, to which one must add the human users and operators, represent the main reason for the high intrinsic vulnerability of the systems, and, on the other hand, thanks to their mission in processing information, are the elements to which security measures are addressed, in terms of organizational, physical and logical, as will be dealt with further. 1.2 ICT AS A TOOL FOR SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT “Knowledge is the new basis for wealth. This has never been before. In the past, when capitalists spoke of their wealth, they referred to their properties in terms of machines, equipment and natural resources. In the future, when capitalists will speak of their wealth they will mean their ability to control knowledge.” 1 These are the words that Lester Thurow2 effectively uses to highlight the role taken on by informatics (or, ICT, intended as information and communications technologies) in economy and our every day lives. Just a decade ago, it was impossible to think of making a bank remittance, a financial investment, or to buy and sell, from one’s home. In these ten years the acceleration of technologies has determined a historical change in the way of working and of spending one’s leisure time. It is now possible to face the challenges of globalisation in an economy that is increasingly linked to the exchange of data and infor- 1 Lester C. Thurow, “The building of wealth”, 2000, Ed. Sole 24 Ore 2 Lecturer in Management and Economy at the MIT 18 1. Network and Society mation because networks became the true nervous system around which the vanguard western economies operate (not only western). Many companies, nowadays, have become world-wide. There are an increasing number of products that, thought of and created in one location, are realised at thousands of kilometres from there. The thread that connects the creative location to the productive one is often optical fibre, a copper wire or a satellite link. At the end of the 18th century, production locations were built alongside water courses, in which boats could carry the goods produced, and where it was possible to draw water and discharge, rather polluting, wastes; at the end of the 19th century the production locations were mainly close to electrical sources and railways. Nowadays, modern service centres are located close to wired area, through which great quantities of bandwidth along which to transfer data are available. Another model that is emerging is based on the increasing outsourcing of non-core services of the companies. It is increasingly common that pay-sheet management, accounting and logistics are managed by external companies. A growing number of functions are assigned to companies that offer a complete package of services. Once again, networks are the link to these external activities. Moreover, companies are increasingly employing ICT applications located with service companies that avoid their having to daily manage the information systems. Without mentioning e-government services that, even now, allow us to submit our income declaration, view our tax position, request certificates from townships and the PA, conduct estate checks, and more. Once again, networks are what make this possible. Europe has this scenario quite clear in mind, and the EU Commission’s opinion is that “by favouring economy, information and communication technologies can create new and improved jobs and increase wealth. The European governments want these advantages to be available to all and not only to 19 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies a minority. A new society based on knowledge must be open to all. Internet offers enormous opportunities: any person who knows how to use a computer can take part in the social life by clicking on a mouse. e-Europe and its programs (eLearning, e-Health, e-Government and e-Business) aim at fully exploiting this potential in favour of social development”3 Knowledge, meant as a peculiar feature of our era, is made up of four distinctive characteristics. The first is the extension of the phenomenon: the knowledge acquired during the past twenty years are greater in quantity than all the knowledge acquired in previous years. Most of the products we use nowadays didn’t exist just twenty years ago. The second characteristic is a greater integration of the knowledge used in realising products that is far more than ever before. A modern car is a composite product of knowledge that ranges from design to psychology, from marketing to electronics and informatics, to aerodynamics, mechanics, chemistry and so on. The third characteristic is represented by the de-materialisation of products. The weight of raw materials and direct labour has progressively decreased in comparison with the immaterial components. Design, technology, know-how, patents and communication have progressively taken on greater relevance. The role assumed by knowledge modifies the traditional production model based on a sequence of theoretic research that leads to a discovery, application research that leads to an invention and, lastly, to the industrial development that leads to a prototype and the engineering of the production process that leads to mass production. Finally, the last characteristic is the time contraction between the discovery and the realisation of the product. For example, large pharmaceutics or informatics companies, continue to invest in theo- “Towards a Europe based on knowledge - The European Union and the information society” European Commission 2002. 3 20 1. Network and Society retic research with the aim to identify scientific discoveries to patent and sell. Patents, therefore, take on a new role: the exclusive rights to exploit them set new questions, at an ethical level, to the citizens and Society as a whole. In an economy of knowledge the networks and information become the lifeblood of economy. Internet is the great interconnection system that allows the diffusion of information world-wide. The Internet, nowadays, transports everybody’s data, including sensitive economic information: it is therefore necessary to acknowledge the new problems that the network opportunity sets. “Internet is changing our way of life. Europe must enter the digital era and base its economy on knowledge. The way in which the European Union will manage this transition will affect the quality of life, work conditions and in general the competitiveness of European industry and services”4 This is how Europe is preparing for the challenge. A challenge that the European Union considers an ambition: “The general objectives set by the leaders of the Union in Lisbon aim to making the EU the knowledge based society the most competitive in the world within 2010”5 Internet is configured as high sea in which the information’s navigate planet wide. As occur in the real sea it is necessary to take the necessary safety measures. Nobody would ship his freight via the sea if he were not aware of the possibility to track their route through the satellite system, constantly monitor their position through the radio and have the necessary protection offered by the military fleet. During World War II, what was worrying Great Britain was the continuous attacks by German submarines on the freight convoys between the US and UK. The solution adopted was to protect them within military escorts that could make the access safer. This is similar 4 ibid. 5 ibid. 21 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies to what is done with the data sent from one location to another through a safe protocol that protects their integrity. Within this context network security becomes increasingly important, a neologism compared to the word insurance, which, in its more common sense means getting an insurance policy that guarantees the possible damages caused by an unexpected event. Data security means to adopt those measures that protect the operations and business of a company. Within this framework, the European Union, in the quoted document, continues: “The more networks and computers become a central element in trade and daily life, the more the need to protect data increases. Make networks and information systems safe is therefore the preliminary requisite in promoting e-trade and protecting privacy. To this purpose the EU has launched a strategy based on its communications, on security and cyber-criminality and on the directive concerning data protection”. In recent months, ENISA (European Network Information Security Agency) has become operative as the European Agency the specific duty of which is the government of network security issues, the birth of which was a major contribution of the Ministry of Communications. Knowledge, therefore, is the true stimulus of the economy we are living, a knowledge that is increasingly encoded in computers, that have taken over much of the processing work that done manually up to just a few years ago. 1.3 THE VARIOUS TYPES OF NETWORK AS THE PREMISE FOR INTERNET6 Before examining the genesis of the Internet in some detail, The paragraph contains contributions from “Telecommunications networks in Italy” by the Ugo Bordoni Foundation (2003) 6 22 1. Network and Society and the various subjects that manage its functioning, it is interesting to rapidly consider the characteristics of various types of network so far developed and currently vastly used: the telephone network, the TV network and the mobile phone network. Built and developed during long decades, telephone and TV networks (or rather, radio-TV networks) hardly resemble one another. The first, founded on connectivity, are networks with no contents, because the contents are provided by the users at the two ends of the line, with no involvement by the provider of the phone service. The second, based on broadcasting, have always been content networks, without which radio and TV would have been empty boxes. Moreover, until recently, there was a sharp distinction, at company level, between the property/management of phone networks and TV networks. As a consequence, phone networks and TV networks have never shared transmission resources. Both TV networks and phone networks have, for years, been managed as monopolies, protected by national boundaries and national and continental standards. The third large network, the mobile phone one, was born within this context, but since the so-called second generation (mid Nineties) avoided the barriers of monopolistic management, while it could not count on global standards, essentially because of competition between the parties involved. The mobile phone network is technically an appendix of the fixed network, to which it adds a new essential valence, that of continuous tracking, of mobility and the possibility of allowing personal communications every time and everywhere. Nowadays the development of mobile networks is the only sector of telecommunications in which the rate of penetration in Italy is not less than that of the leader countries. These rates are not only higher than those in the USA but also are in line (in percentage) with that of Scandinavian countries, pioneers and leaders in this field. 23 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies Thanks to the existence of the above networks (especially the first two) and to its intrinsically distributed nature, the Internet has developed over the past three decades with growth rates hitherto unknown in the history of human kind, from the origins of Arpanet, in the USA at the beginning of the Seventies, to the current web. Internet and its applications are diffusing information and knowledge with an extension that had never been experienced before in the history of human kind. In practice, an irreversible democratisation of the flow of data process has been activated featuring an enormous social impact. From a logical viewpoint, Internet is configured as a network which through millions of exchange nodes (routers) interconnects hundreds of millions of computers, including not only the servers, but also the devices owned by users (workstations, PCs, palm computers, mobile phones with advanced processing and data communication features). The physical connections required for the transferral of data between routers and computers is ensured locally (buildings, university campuses, industrial sites) by networks appropriately conceived as LANs (Local Area Networks), while the coverage for metropolitan or geographical distances are handled by infrastructures that belong to phone companies, mobile phone companies or cable TV companies (in the form of resources that are permanently assigned by contract or allocated on the basis of single use). The fact that Internet, relatively to the transmission functions, does not have an independent infrastructure is basic in analysing the current situation. In fact, one might say that it is only thanks to the systematic recourse to pre-existing transmission resources or that in any case can be activated by those connectivity providers with a longstanding history that Internet has developed at the incredible rate mentioned above. In strictly economic terms, it is sufficient to say that investments for Internet, at least in terms of transmission resources, 24 1. Network and Society world-wide, have been mainly marginal, and do not imply laying ad hoc cables or the realisation of costly civil structural works. 1.4 THE MAIN SUBJECTS INVOLVED IN NETWORK MANAGEMENT The birth of Internet has been dated 1st September 1969, with the advent of ARPANET. This network connected the US State Department and the universities with which it collaborated. It was used both to share research but also for personal communication. Soon it became necessary to split the two activities and in 1983 it was decided to separate the military aspects by creating a specific network called MILNET, and assigning ARPANET (renamed Internet) to the scientific aspects and collaboration among universities. Between 1990 and 1995 the increasing diffusion of Internet led to an explosion of connections between the first nucleus and others, both public and private, that progressively form what we now call the Network of Networks. Internet developed with no surveillance authority but through the agreement and collaboration between the various bodies that took part in it. Often the authority of some universities and research centres was de facto acknowledged and the indications they provided were adopted by the other bodies connected, both private and public. However, in January 1992, the Internet Society7 is founded, featuring the people who had created the basic technology among the founders and animators. The Internet Society was assigned the respon- - in Italy 9 7 8 25 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies sibility for the coordination structures that had been formed in the meantime such as the Internet Activity Board8 and the Internet Engineering Task Force9. The Internet Society (ISOC) is a non governmental international organisation for global cooperation and coordination for the Internet network and its technologies and applications. In 1999, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)10 was founded, as a non profit organisation for the management of the allocation of the address space on the Internet and the domain name system and root server system functions. In 1998 the Council of European National Top Level Domain Registries – CENTR – is founded, with the purpose of supporting the exchange of information and guarantee the development of best practice procedures among European registries for the coordination of first level domain names (e.g. those that end in “.it”). Among other international bodies that deal with Internet and the Domain Name System, the RIPE Network Coordination Centre, which acts as a European Internet Regional Registry and deals with coordinating the activities of organisations that are part of and the Governmental Advisory Committee11 that gathers together representatives of all governments with the objective of supporting the public-private relationship in managing the Network are especially notable. Within this web of competence there is also W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)12 that has the objective of standardising the technologies used in the Web that are essential for the Internet. These bodies are often constituted through independent 12 10 11 26 1. Network and Society tives by privates, universities and institutions and feature different fields of activity. In many cases an affiliation process is not required, it is sufficient to prove one has the required competence to be able to contribute and propose one’s availability. In order that all this functions shared and accepted rules are required. The main basis for civil social relationships in the Network is provided by a self-regulatory code termed netiquette13. This code, which has been in existence for decades with periodic updates, states the bases for civil relationships in the Network. Any breaches may be denounced either to one’s provider or to the Italian Naming Authority14. Such breaches may be punished with an exclusion from the Network. At a national level, in compliance with what has already happened in other countries, during the early 90s the creation of a group for the Italian Naming Authority15 was formed. The Naming Authority ITA-PE was established in October 1994 and since then has formed an open work structure, basing its operative procedures on the de-structured model of the groups in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Participation in the group was therefore free and work was conducted both during periodic meetings of the same group and via e-mail. Decisions were made on the basis of the widest consensus. Later, the need to have a structure that could rapidly make operative decisions and the difficulty in reaching full consensus at times have led to a revision process at the work model and to the formal constitution of the Italian Naming Authority. 13 the official Italian translation of which is 14 see below 15 27 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies To this purpose its operative procedures have been modified so as to provide greater organisation features. The Registration Authority, the executive structure of the Naming Authority, is in charge of assigning domain names with the .it suffix. The Italian RA therefore has the task of managing the operative registries of Top Level Domains .it. The general operative methods and rules (Naming Rules) on the basis of which the Italian RA operates are defined by the Italian Naming Authority. In addition to managing .it, the RA is responsible for the assigning of names defined by other standards. The activities of RA are conducted by the Istituto di Informatica e Telematica of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IIT-CNR). Its role as Registration Authority is assigned to the CNR owing to its position within the national and international scientific community as a public research body. Related activities are managed by technicians of the Istituto di Informatica e Telematica with the agreement of IANA (Internet Assigned Number Authority16), on the basis of acknowledged competence acquired. The Italian Registration Authority holds a highly relevant role, also at global level, for the development of the Domain Name System and associated policies. Among the bodies of which RA is an active member there are the CENTR17 and ICANN. In conclusion, Internet has a confused history and yet, at the same time, organised, that arises from the people who shared competence and responsibilities in giving life to this extraordinary phenomenon. The media and common sense often confuse these aspects with computer piracy, hackers, viruses and whatever else. As a matter of fact many of the people who made the Internet, such as Vinton Cerf 16 17 28 1. Network and Society and Joseph Licklider (among the founders of ARPANET and Internet), Tim Berners-Lee (inventor of the World Wide Web), Ray Tomlinson (inventor of e-mail), Marc Andressen (inventor of the Web Browser and later founder of Netscape), Bill Joy (inventor of Java 18 and of UNIX BSD), just to name a few, are all, in the best sense of the word, hackers19. This partial overview of the subjects that created and manage the Network of Networks should lead to understanding that out there, that is, out of our personal or company computer, there is a diversified world of companies that provide network connections, users (well or ill meaning), bodies, government and non, for management and control, etc.. This galaxy from which this extremely powerful tool arose that requires a delicate balance between rules and freedom, sets us the challenge of security. It is a common belief that one can assign one’s security to the phone company or the well-known Service Provider to feel safe. As a matter of fact it must be understood that security is a continuous culture and constant practice to be assigned to professionals who are able A widespread technology for the distribution of applications on the network The term hacker, which later took on a negative sense owing to a misunderstanding by the media, was, in fact, originally a positive one that defined a model for work and knowledge sharing. A Hacker, in its initial meaning, is an enthusiast of his job, who is ready to share it in order to increase common competence receiving a satisfactory compensation. Since their origin, hackers follow a sort of code of honour that implies a challenge of intelligence conducted through technologies. The term derives from the verb to hack: that is to build the products one needs with one’s work. It is the term cracker that hackers use to define computer pirate-vandals. These are people who, possessing technical know-how, use the tools of hackers to destroy the security of a system for theft or vandalism. The word was coined in 85 by hackers to defend themselves by the mistaken use of the word hacker by journalists. 18 19 29 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies to adequately support the companies and of which, in any case, a considerable portion remains assigned to the sense of responsibility and know-how of the users. Security on the Internet is nor more no less than like security on the roads. It is possible to circulate freely because most citizens are honest and ready to denounce another who has committed a crime, but nobody can ensure that these may take place in everyday life, such as a theft or a more serious crime. 1.5 SECURITY AND PRIVACY: TWO KEY ASPECTS Nowadays any private or public organisation assigns most of their processes, whether business or institutional, to information systems and hence to the information processed. When a damaging event, whether natural or criminal, strikes the systems that manage the information which an organisation requires (including networks), this nearly always turns into a sudden interruption of the production processes that can endanger the continuity of the organisation. Today, more than before, being secure means confronting any event, whether natural disasters (floods, fires, earthquakes) or computer attacks, ensuring the integrity and continuity of the most intimate and vital processes of an organisation. In order to fully understand the basic principles on which to base the meaning of security, and hence the protection strategies, it is useful to make clear the following concepts. A telecommunications network, and more in general, along with it the information it carries, must satisfy at least the following requisites to be considered secure: G G Confidentiality of the information, intended as the assurance that the data are accessed, known and treated exclusively by who has the right to so. Availability of the information, intended as the possibility of 30 1. Network and Society accessing the data when required. The systems should have sufficient capacities to satisfy the requests for access by users. G Integrity of the information, intended as the assurance that the data are accurate and exempt from tampering, loss or damage. These three requisites (specifically the first) hold a primary role in the concrete implementation of a juridical principle that has powerfully emerged during the past years: the protection of personal data of individuals or entities, so as to ensure their privacy. Adequate security measures must be foreseen, also by law, to this purpose. More in general, essentially we must note that the overall vulnerability of networks and information systems throughout the world depends on a new way of intending and managing the processes within the organisations. Up to a few decades ago organisations were governed by internal collaboration flows and were scarcely communicative towards the outside. Substantially, networks had not yet entered the world of ICT, but the connections were mainly dedicated with centralised systems (mainframes). Therefore, security at that time was based on isolation and was intended as a prevalently static and passive fact. Moreover, it is also useful to stress that the use of data took place in a rather limited manner and the independence of the employee using the information system was virtually non-existent. Essentially, the information system and the human resources it consisted of were the catalyst of all the information requests arriving from the rest of the company. Although also in similar scenarios, at the time it was frequent to encounter procedures that were scarcely attentive to security, the threats were relatively low, because the same communication infrastructure did not feature the same vulnerability as today. 31 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies With respect to these paradigms today’s organisations have radically changed. They tend to externalise both sub-processes and entire processes; they tend to distribute functions across the territory because they are increasingly part of multinational realities; they dialogue in real time with their suppliers, customers and clients and, above all, at different levels; they allow single users to directly dialogue with most applications so as to rapidly find information. The core of this important change is telecommunication networks. Thanks to the introduction and development of networks today we can effectively speak of information sharing. This greater aperture implies a greater usability of the data, which exposes organisations to considerable risks. Compared to the past, security becomes a dynamic fact to be faced in an active way. The internal users of the organisation acquire an essential role with respect to the information system and networks. The internal user – information system – network relationship is by far more critical than the external user – information system – network relationship. The reason is easily understood. Most of the operations required in the management of the organisation are conducted with internal applications, which with the information and the network, make up the Company Information System (CIS). It is natural to think that, differently from external users, who have access to a limited and controlled number of services, internal users are involved in the exclusive and privileged use of the CIS and therefore represent one of the main risk factors for the information and network security. Within this context, a further issue that contributes to the requirement for security is the need to ensure privacy in the treatment of information. Although this topic will be thoroughly dealt with further on, some basic aspects need to be understood. The bases for privacy laws issued by the single governments of the European Union contain some essential principles, which are 32 1. Network and Society widely accepted, for the protection of personal data. Among these there are: G G G G G G G Data must be collected in compliance with the laws The information collected on single individuals may not be diffused to other organisations or other individuals without an explicit law permission or the approval of the individual concerned The information collected must be accurate and updated The use of the information must be related to the aim for which data have been gathered and just for the necessary time frame Individuals have the right to correct and update their personal information The individuals to whom the information refer have the right to receive a report on the personal information collected and/or managed by the organisations The transmission of personal data to locations different from the original ones is prohibited if the existing security measures are not at least equivalent. During the past years, the need to comply with these principles has strongly contributed to creating a growing interest and sensitivity for the protection of network data. 1.6 THE IMPORTANCE OF THE HUMAN FACTOR FOR SECURITY In line with the statement by Philippe Queau, the cyberphilosopher: “we are faced with a new way of living this world, of thinking of the world and of acting on it”, various international studies conducted have undeniably highlighted that the wide scale introduction of ICT 33 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies has affected individuals’ learning schemes, actually inducing perception disturbances that, in various ways, affect the levels of awareness of the subjects and the overall learning path that will lead, or not, towards a choice of rules. Having stated this, it has to be observed that behind each security technology there is a person that must use it and that even the more sophisticated and apparently armoured security system, both physical and logical, may be made vain by non trained users or scarcely convinced of its necessity. The more advanced psychological research20 concerning computer crimes have in fact highlighted the existence of perceptive changes induced by digital technologies, especially when such a technology mediates a relationship between the author of a crime and its victim: performing an illegal action from one’s familiar and reassuring work station and, above all, without looking one’s victim in the eyes is a less anxiety inducing scenario for an individual. Human psychology is therefore a factor that must be considered when designing and managing information security. On the other hand, in the more developed and modern work contexts psychology Bruzzone R. “The importance of the human factor in information security policies” (Published in ICT Security (February 2004) Galdieri P, Giustozzi C., Strano M., “Sicurezza e privacy in azienda”, Apogeo Editore, Milano, 2001. Rogers M. “A social learning theory and moral disengagement analysis of criminal computer behaviour: An explanatory study”. Unpublished dissertation, 2001 Rogers M,, “Psychological Theories of Crime and Hacking”, Department of Psychology, University of Manitoba, Telematic Journal of Clincal Criminology;, 2003 Strano M., “Computer crime”, Edizioni Apogeo, Milano 2000 Strano M., “Computer crimes in companies” in BYTE January 1999 Strano M., Bruzzone R., “Computer crimes in companies: insiders”, in: M. Strano, editor “Manual of Clinical Criminology”, See Edizioni, Firenze 2003 Strano M., Battelli F., Bruzzone R., Giustozzi C., Boccardi M., “Inside attack: techniques for intervention and prevention strategies”, In press, 2005 20 34 1. Network and Society has already affected security procedures for a number of years. Especially in the USA and UK the human factor is, for example, specially cared in the field of the security of people on their work place. The function of psychologists in these environments is to convince people, beyond what is prescribed, to behave in a secure way, also levering on their motivational sphere. The workers of some vanguard work-sites, for example, undergo psychological actions (training courses, focus groups, individual interviews) so as to instil the habit of using individual and collective protection tools in order to reduce casualties, and workers performing dangerous tasks are trained to comply with the security rules under the supervision of a psychologist. In terms of information security and the prevention of crimes within organisations, the experiences of research and psychological intervention seem to be more greatly aimed at assessing the level of perception of the crime (in order to evaluate the risks related to internal users) and the perception of the risks of an attack (for the assessment of the vulnerability of security systems linked to the human factor). The main aspects related to the human factor, to be considered relatively to information security, are the following: G G Knowledge of the consequences of possible illegal actions, because people, when they commit an illegal action, assess the pros and cons also in terms of the damages caused and, in this perspective, obtaining correct information allows to have an exact perception of the consequences of one’s action increasing the level of awareness and diminishing the risks of underestimating the action The knowledge and perception of risk, that is at the base of superficial/non functional behaviour in some people because they consider that their work group or organisation does not represent a target for an attack, hence showing a scarce perception of the risks 35 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies G Motivation to compliance with security procedures, because often they are tiring/boring to be applied and hence it is essential to motivate people to respect these procedures which would otherwise not be systematically applied, jeopardising the security of the overall organisation. 36 NETWORK SECURITY From risk analysis to protection strategies 2 - Network infrastructures and security issues 2.1 THE NETWORK CONCEPT: PHYSICAL AND VIRTUAL COMPONENTS The idea of a network connection is generally that of a wire that connects two points. Along this wire information in the form of bits travel, sent and received according to given rules that allow their interpretation. At the basis of this idea we have telegraph, on which, at the beginning of the 20th century, an expert operator tapped a single key sending Morse coded signals. In the 70s the packet technology is born, which allowed sending a number of contemporary transmission flows along the same wire. The more recent birth and diffusion of the Internet complicates the basic concepts. First of all, nowadays a network consists of very different physical supports: there are satellite link, radio, GSM, GPRS and UMTS based, copper, optical fibre, wireless, etc. Each of these physical supports feature different characteristics in terms of latency, transmission capacity, security, connection reliability, etc. The modern complexity of networks can be managed thanks to the TCP/IP protocol, the protocol used by Internet. This is a network protocol that allows two systems to share a dictionary, which is 37 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies able to translate the signals into information and ensure that these are transmitted and received correctly. The protocol continues to transmit for a certain period, also using alternate route, until it obtains an acknowledge message. Another important function of modern networks is routing, performed by special devices (routers). These devices read the various packages transmitted in the TCP/IP format and route them along the various connections. There is also the NAT/PAT (Network Address Translation/Port Address Translation) protocol that allows using a single IP address for an entire network. This technology allows having a private network, invisible to the Internet. A network node takes care of keeping track of the sender and the receiver so as to establish the communication, from a point within the private network towards an external point, as if they were directly connected. Lastly, tunnelling allows creating virtual connections on conventional TCP/IP connections. Within these virtual connections information is transferred ciphered, avoiding possible intruders to intercept the data exchanged between sender and receiver. The information deciphering is performed at special network access points that can consist of firewalls, routers, servers and even clients, according to requirements. Considering the above, it is obvious that it is now difficult to track a physical connection. The network connections are increasingly virtual, our information travels on segments of networks that we are unable to know and are only ensured by the level of protection foreseen. In this sense the MPLS (Multi Protocol Label Switching) technology is especially interesting, because it allows senders to put their information into a virtual envelope and by applying a label the envelope travels within the network without being able to be seen by intermediate nodes. MPLS represents an important novelty in the field of networks because it allows sharing just about any physical support. 38 2. Network infrastructures and security issues 2.2 THE NETWORK AND ITS SUBJECTS The paradigm that normally represents a network is represented by the ISO/OSI model. The ISO/OSI stack model consists of seven levels and is shown in figure 2.1 ers Us r ide v o Pr Figure 2.1 – Diagram of the ISO/OSI stack model Each level of the stack is managed by different subjects that offer specific services. Let us go through the stack to describe the different subjects. Levels 1 and 2 (starting from the bottom) are the domain of the telephone carrier that owns the physical connection, installs the 39 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies various segment planning its investments on the basis of traffic forecasts. The carrier owns both the backbones that connect two junction points with high capacity link, and the last mile, that represents the final and more costly segment, from the telephone exchange to the final users. The risks connected to this level arise from operators that are unable to offer secure and reliable services. Levels from 3 to 5 are managed by the Internet Service Providers (ISP) that provide the Internet connection by buying access to the carrier infrastructures and then retail selling, so as to say, the connection. The ISP also supplies a series of accessory services that allow users to concentrate only on the communication content. Usually, among these there is the management of the email server, registration of Internet domains, web and ftp servers management, video streaming, video conference, and also security services such as the configuration of secure networks through tunnelling techniques. The risks deriving from the service providers arise from the scarce presence of specific competence in this field. They are a type of operator that recently appeared and that often does not offer the professionalism required to support the needs of the client organisations. Another risk is an excessive assignment by companies that in this way tend to free themselves from the technical competence. In fact, the network asset should always be controlled by the customers, if necessary referring to third parties that are able to monitor the providers of the services. Levels 6 and 7 normally develop with the final users. Parts can be assigned to consulting firms, system integrators or outsourcers. The risks in this field are centred on the way in which the applications are designed. Often the system integrators concentrate on the functional aspects of the applications, assigning security issues to the lower operative levels. 40 2. Network infrastructures and security issues 2.3 NETWORK SECURITY 1 Threats to security are all those events that may cause the loss of generic requisites, inter-dependent from one another, for information security (confidentiality, availability and integrity, as defined in the previous paragraph 1.5). All threats to security must be considered, not only those featuring a criminal intent. From the users’ viewpoint risks such as environmental disasters or human error that cause the crash of a network are potentially just as damaging as a criminal attack. The security of a network or an information system must therefore be intended as the ability to resist unforeseen events or criminal actions that may endanger the availability, integrity or confidentiality of the data contained or transmitted as well as the services provided and accessed by means of the aforementioned network or system. The purpose of the following paragraphs is to describe the various types of threat. 2.3.1 General overview of threats to security Interception of communications Electronic communications may be intercepted and the data they contain can be copied or modified. Interception may take on different forms, from the physical access to network lines (e.g. telephone interception), to radio-transmission surveillance. The more vulnerable and sensitive points to an interception of traffic are the management and concentration points of the network such as, in the case of Internet communications, routers, gateways, switches and network servers. 1 The paragraph contains contributions from “Communications of the Commission to the European Parliament, to the Council, to the Economic and Social Committee, and to the RegionsCommittee – Networks and information security: proposal for a European strategic approach”, available at: 41 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies Illegal or criminal interceptions must be kept separate from interception activities allowed by the laws. All the EU member states permit, in special cases, the interception of communications for reasons of public safety or enacting orders by the judiciary authorities. An illicit interception may represent a breach of the right to privacy of a person or could be the premise for an illegal use of the intercepted data, such as a password or credit card data, either for looting or sabotage. The diffuse perception of this kind of risk constitutes one of the main obstacles to a more marked diffusion of electronic commerce in Europe. The defences against interceptions may be implemented by the providers (network protection), as foreseen by directive 97/66/CE, or by the users themselves (ciphering of the data transmitted via the network). For the providers, protecting the network from possible interceptions is a complex and costly task. In the past, telecommunication network operators used to protect the networks by setting physical devices to control accesses and by giving appropriate security directives to the personnel. Traffic was only occasionally ciphered. Nowadays, for wireless networks, providing an adequate ciphering of radio-transmissions is costly. Mobile network operators cipher the communications between the mobile device and the base stations. Users can decide whether or not to cipher the data and voice signals apart from the security measures foreseen by the network. An adequate ciphering makes the data incomprehensible for anybody except the authorised receiver, even in the case of an interception. There is a wide range of ciphering software and hardware available for all kinds of communication. There are specific products aimed at ciphering telephone conversations or fax transmissions. Also e-mail can be ciphered by means of dedicated software, ciphering modules integrated in the word processors or in the e-mail client software. 42 2. Network infrastructures and security issues The problem is that if the user ciphers an e-mail or a voice communication the receiver must be able to decipher it. It is therefore essential that the software and hardware must be inter-operative. In the same way, the receiver must possess the ciphering key, which means that the device must be able to receive and authenticate the key. The cost of ciphering, in terms of time and costs, is high and users, who do not always have knowledge of the necessary information concerning risks and advantages, have problems in making the best choice. One of the more diffuse security systems on the Internet is the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol, a system that ciphers communications between the web server and the users’ browsers. The diffusion of this technology, and especially its more powerful 128 bit version, has been limited by the United States restrictive regulations concerning export control. The US rules have recently been modified following a liberalisation of the control on exports of ciphering products and technologies. Statistics show that the number of protected web servers in Europe is largely lower than those in the USA (see figure). Protected web server (up to 100.000 users) Source: OCSE (“Netcraft” Survey, July 2002) Figure 2.2 – Servers equipped with protection measures 43 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies Operators, users and producers must face the problem of competition and of the non inter-operative regulations that exist. For example, concerning the email protection there are two standards that compete for market supremacy. Europe’s importance in this field is rather limited. The result is a flood of non European products that apply these standards and that the use of which by European users is subordinated to US policies concerning exports control. Some member states are evaluating the possibility of employing open source software. However, these activities are still in a pilot stage, with no coordination, and the will of the market may prevail over the isolated efforts of public authorities. In order to confront the problem in the best way it is necessary to conduct a global evaluation of the commercial off the shelf products available and of open source solutions. Non authorised access to computers and networks Access to computers and networks is normally authorised only to those subjects who pass a user authentication process, which means that the declared identity is clearly recognised. For many applications and services adequate authentication procedures are required: for example, this is the case for on-line contracts, the control and access to certain data or services (e.g. telework) or for the authentication of web sites (e.g. for home banking services). The authentication modes must contemplate the possibility of anonymity because many services do not require knowledge of the identity of the user but simply a reliable confirmation of certain criteria (anonymous credentials), such as, for example, the ability to pay. Non authorised access to a computer or a network of computers generally has criminal intentions aimed at copying, modifying or destroying data. From a technical viewpoint this is an intrusion and can take place in various ways: the use of internal confidential information, deciphering passwords by means of so-called dictionary 44 2. Network infrastructures and security issues attacks, front attacks (exploiting the users tendency to choose predictable passwords), social engineering (exploiting the tendency people have of diffusing information to apparently reliable people), or the interception of passwords. Often, this type of attack is conducted within an organisation. Unauthorised access is often motivated by an intellectual challenge rather than the perspective of obtaining an economic gain, although a phenomenon born as a simple disturbance has highlighted the vulnerability of information networks and prompted computer pirates with criminal intentions to exploit these weaknesses. The protection from unauthorised access to one’s personal data, for example financial or health, is a subjective right. In the public sector or for companies the risk ranges from industrial espionage to the alteration of public or company data up to the corruption of web sites. Installing a password and/or a firewall are the most common methods to protect oneself from unauthorised access. Nevertheless, both methods offer a limited protection and must be integrated with other security devices such as the device for attack recognition and application intrusion detection (for instance those using the smart card) The effectiveness of these systems depends on the way their characteristics face the risks to a given environment. It is necessary to reach a balance between network protection and free-access related advantages. The rapid technological evolution and the consequential new threats for the networks make it necessary to perform a revision which is continuous and independent from the security devices. Until users and providers are not fully aware of the vulnerability of their networks, potential solutions will remain unexplored. The following picture shows the use of network protection products in the European Union (the reported statistics are based on an investigation carried out in 2001 within the framework of the eEurope 2002 initiative). 45 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies Use of security products (% of UE internet users) Anti-virus software smart-cart or other reader encrypting software firewall software e-signature software Source: Eurobarometro (February 2001) figure 2-3 Use of security products within EU Network failure Most of the networks are by now computerized or computer controlled. In the past, network failures were often due to a malfunction of the control information system and attacks were often brought to these computers. On the contrary, attacks causing today the most serious interruptions exploit the weaknesses and the vulnerabilities of the network components (operating system, router, switches, name servers, etc.). Similar aggressions carried out through the telephone network did not result in significant problems in the past, but they are rather frequent in the Internet. This is due to the fact that control telephone signals are separate from traffic and may be protected. On the contrary Internet users may directly contact the main computers that manage the traffic. 46 2. Network infrastructures and security issues However in the future, telephone networks could become more vulnerable to these attacks because they will contain Internet integrated elements and their control plans will be revealed to other providers. Similar attacks may be of different forms: • attacks to domain name severs: Internet operation is based on a domain name system (Domain Name System – DNS) through which network addresses meaningful to the user (i.e. are translated into abstract names (i.e. IP: and vice-versa. If part of DNS does not work, some web sites cannot be localized and the e-mail delivery system may stop working. The root server corruption of the DNS system or other first level name servers could paralyze the network. Early in 2004 some failures have been identified in the software used by most of domain name severs. • Attacks to routers: internet routing is extremely decentralised and each router regularly communicates near routers which networks they know and how to reach them. Vulnerability means that this information cannot be verified because, due to design reasons, each router has only a minimum knowledge of the network topology. Thus each router may declare it as the best way to a given destination so to intercept, block or modify the traffic to that destination. • Denial-of-Service attacks (DoS): those attacks paralyse the network overcharging it with artificial messages that reduce or prevent users’ legitimate access possibilities. These phenomena are similar to the block of facsimile devices caused by long and repeated messages. Flooding in particular consists in trying to overcharge web servers or the ability to process Internet service providers with automatically produced messages. • Interruptions damaged a number of prestigious web sites. According to some estimates, damages from the most recent 47 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies attacks amount to several hundreds of millions euros, not considering the intangible image-related damage. Companies make more and more use of web sites to promote their own activities and those depending on Internet for just in time deliveries are particularly vulnerable to this kind of attacks. • To defend oneself from attacks to DNS servers one must expand DNS protocols by using for instance DNS extensions, protected with a public key encryption. But this solution requires the installation of new software on client devices and it has not been adopted very often. Moreover, the effectiveness of the necessary administrative procedure to enlarge confidence among DNS domains must still be improved. • Attacks to the routing system on the contrary are much more difficult to counter. Internet has been conceived in the name of a flexible routing to reduce the possibilities of a service interruption in case part of the network infrastructure would fail. There are no efficient means to protect the routing protocols, especially the backbone ones. • The volume of the transmitted data hinders an accurate traffic filter because such a check would result in a network block. For the same reason, the network performs only not very sophisticated filter and access control functions. More specific security functions (authentication, integrity, and encryption) are implemented to the ends of the network, that is on terminals and servers working as endpoint. Thus this is where one has to defend against Denial of Service-like attacks. Execution of malicious software that modifies or destroys data Computers work with software applications, but such applications may be also used to disable a computer, erase or modify data it contains. As previously said, if the computer belongs to the network management system, an abnormal operation may reflect on 48 2. Network infrastructures and security issues many other components of the network itself. The virus is a kind of malicious software reproducing its own code by joining other software so to the viral code is executed each time the infected information software is launched. Nevertheless malicious software may assume other forms: some damage only the computer on which they are copied while others propagate to other network computers. There are software (dangerously called logic bombs) that remain unarmed until they are triggered by a given event, i.e. a date (very often like Friday 13). Other software are apparently benign, but, once they are active they start a destructive attack (this is why they are called Troy horses, or Trojans). Others, so-called worms, do not infect other software but self-duplicate in copies that reproduce again, and end up saturating the system. Viruses may by extremely destructive, as demonstrated from the very serious damages caused by recent I love you, Melissa and Kournikova viruses. The following picture shows the increase in computer viruses registered by Internet users between October 2000 and February 2001 for each EU member state, almost 11% of Internet European users have suffered an information virus-related infection in their home PC. The best defence are anti virus software, available in various forms. Software working as virus scanner and cleaner may identify and destroy all known viruses. Their main weakness is that they do not easily identify new viruses, even if they are regularly updated. Integrity checker software constitutes another countermeasure. To infect a computer the virus must modify one element of the system and the integrity check allows identifying any structural change, even if it has been caused by the unknown virus. Despite antivirus products are highly advanced, malign software-related problems increases for two major reasons: first of all the Internet open structure allows hackers to inform each other and design strategies to bypass security barriers. Secondarily, internet 49 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies expands and touches new users, and many of them are not aware of the necessity to protect them. Security level depends on the effective and generalized use of the anti-virus software. Virus % of internet users victims of virus Source Eurobarometro Oct. 2000 Feb 2001 Figure 2-4 Virus occurrences in the EU between October 2000 and February2001 50 2. Network infrastructures and security issues Identity usurpation When a link to the network is established or data are received, the user infers the interlocutor’s identity according to the context of the communication. The network presents a number of indicators to assess that but the main risk of an attack is represented by the initiated, or those who are familiar with the communication context. By composing a number or an e-mail address on the computer keyboard the user must reach that given destination. If this is enough for many applications, this is not so for the important commercial transactions or the medical, financial or official communications, requiring a higher level of authentication, integrity and confidentiality. Identity usurpation of persons or organisations may cause different accidents. Costumers could unload malicious software from a web site that claims to be a reliable source and could also reveal confidential information to the wrong person. Identity usurpation may result in a null contract etc. As major damage, failed authentications hinder new economic initiatives. Many studies affirm that the main reason preventing companies from operating on Internet are just fears on security. Would the identity of the interlocutor be certain, confidence level in Internet economic operation will increase. The introduction of an authentication subjected to the adoption of the SSL system is a significant step forward in the matter of network confidential data. Virtual Private Networks (VPN) use SSL system and IPSec protocol to transmit on non-protected Internet networks and open links with a pre-defined protection level. Nevertheless these solutions have a limited usage since they rely on electronic certificates which do not fully guarantee to be un-modified. It is a third party, often called Certification Authority, or in the EU directive on e-signature (see Att. 1-B), Certification Service Provider, that grants such guarantees. The problem of this solution diffusion is similar to that of encryption: the necessity of a key interoperability and management system. 51 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies PN networks do not have this problem, for which it is possible to develop some proprietary solutions while for public networks it remains a major obstacle. The e-signature directive sets rules aiming to facilitate e-signature recognition within the EU. It offers a framework enabling the market to grow but it envisages also incentives for companies with safer signatures for a legal recognition. The directive is actually being transposed in the Member States and Italy is in the front row. Environmental accidents and unexpected events Many security accidents result from unexpected and non voluntary events such as: • Natural catastrophes (hurricanes, floods, fires, earthquakes) • Third parties alien to any contract with the operator or the user (i.e. interruption for construction works) • Third parties having a contract with the operator or the user (i.e. failures of hardware, software components or delivered programs) • Human error of the operator (including service provider) or the user (i.e. problems in the network management, wrong software installation) Natural catastrophes may interrupt the network availability. Unfortunately during these events the operation of all communication lines is absolutely indispensable. Hardware failures or an incorrect software design may cause vulnerabilities followed by an immediate interruption of the network or may be exploited by computer pirates. Even a non-accurate management of the network capacity may result in congested traffic and slow down or paralyse communication links. Within such context responsibility sharing among the interested parties is of crucial importance. In most of the cases, users shall not bear liability for the situation but their chances of claiming compensation will be very scarce if not null. 52 2. Network infrastructures and security issues Telecommunication network operators are well aware of the risks of environmental accidents and for long time they have built redundant networks and security devices for their infrastructures. A stronger competition pressure could bear ambivalent consequences on operator’s behaviour. On one side prices could push operators to reduce such redundancies, but on the other side, a greater number of operators on the market due to liberalization, makes it possible for users to move to another operator if the used network is no more available. Relevant provisions of the Common Law force Member States to take all necessary measures to assure available public networks in case of a catastrophic failure or of a natural catastrophe (ref. interconnectivity directive 97/33/CE and vocal telephony directive 98/10/CE, Telecommunication Code). The growing number of interconnected networks makes one unaware of the security level of this sector. Competition should push hardware and software producers to improve the security level of their products. But competition pressure does not allow for security-related investments especially because security not always is the key element in deciding to buy. Security-related failures appear too late, once the damage has already occurred. With a fair competitive behaviour on the information technology market, there will be better conditions for the security development. Human and technical error risks could be reduced through training and awareness raising actions. Carrying out a proper security policy in each single company could contribute to limit the risks. The new challenges Network and information security is bound to become a determining factor of the information society development since networks play an ever important role in the economic and social life. In this context two main factors should be taken into consideration: potential damage increase and new emerging technologies. 53 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies Networks and information systems contain more and more often sensitive data and precious commercial information, making computer pirates attacks more attracting. Attacks may occur at low level with minor consequences at national level (corruption of a personal web site or hard disk re-formatted by a virus). But the interruption may occur on a much wider scale and interfere with very sensitive communications, cause severe power interruption and cause serious damages to companies through denial of service-like attacks or confidence violation. It is difficult to assess real or potential damages of a networks security violation. There is no systematic signalling system on the matter, even because many companies prefer not to disclosure that they have been victim of computer attacks to avoid image-related damage. Evidences collected to date are essentially story-based and costs include not only direct costs (profit loss, loss of useful information, and reinstatement of network) but also intangible costs in particular in terms of image, difficult to assess. Network and information security is an evolving problem. Quickly technological changes present continuously new challenges; yesterday problems are solved but today solutions are already overcame. The market produces new applications, new services and new products every day. Nevertheless there are some developments that will certainly represent important challenges for the security managers of public and private sector. • Digital works will be transmitted on the network (multimedia works, downloadable software, mobile agents) with integrated security characteristics. The notion of availability, considered today as the possibility of network use, will be closer to that of authorized use, just like the right of using a videogame for a given period of time, the right of creating a single copy of a software, etc. • In the future, IP network operators will try to improve the 54 2. Network infrastructures and security issues security level by means of a systematic supervision of the communications that will allow just authorized traffic. These measures should be anyway compatible with the relevant provisions concerning personal data protection. • Users will choose permanent connections to internet and this will multiply possible attacks and non protected terminals vulnerability allowing computer pirates to hide them to the identification devices. • Domestic networks with a lot of devices will be very common on large scale. This will increase users’ piracy and vulnerability (i.e. alarm systems could be remotely switched off). • Large scale diffusion of wireless networks (i.e. wireless local network or wireless local area network, third generation mobile services) will raise the problem of an effective radio transmitted data encryption. Hence, it will be ever more difficult to impose by law a low level encryption of signals. • Network and information systems will be all over, in a mixed wired and mobile configuration and they will represent the environment intelligence, that is a number of independent ad automatically activated functions which will take decisions previously set by the users. The challenge will consist in avoiding an unacceptable vulnerability level and in integrating the security element in the system architecture. 55 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies 2.4 AN EXAMPLE OF SECURE NETWORK: THE PA UNIFIED NETWORK2 Since the early 90s in Public Administration no system was targeted to a standard telecommunication system, hence there were many data networks stemming from the different arising needs. In 1997 such scenario was rationalized into one single network, which was homogeneous in terms of quality, security and costs. For Central Administrations such network was the platform to develop applications. Today R.U.P.A. (Rete Unitaria della Pubblica Amministrazione, Public Administration Unified Network) connects all central public administration offices with almost 20,000 accesses. All Regional up-todate active networks, for a global amount of 90 interconnected institutions between Central Public Administrations and Local Public Administration, are connected to its backbone. 2.4.1. Technological infrastructure: network design RUPA architectural design was conceived, in its designing and implementation phases, in the respect of some principles that were thought to be the requirements to assure adequate security standards to the network. RUPA design has been based on two fundamental criteria: • Use of the guidelines drawn from previous experiences of structures with similar characteristics • Adoption of a risk analysis model that macroscopically highlights the potentially risky areas and the appropriate countermeasures. 2 The paragraph contains contributions from: - “CNIPA – Sistema Pubblico di Connettività – Organizzazione della Sicurezza” (Issued by gdl Organizzazione e Qualificazione – Coordinator Maria Terranova – Edizione 1.4 del 26/11/2003) - “CNIPA – Sistema Pubblico di Connettività – Seminario Introduttivo” (Issued by gdl SPC – coordinator Francesco Pirro – Edizione 3.2 07/04/2004) - “Autorità per l’Informatica nella Pubblica Amministrazione – La sicurezza dei servizi in rete – requisiti, modelli, metodi e strumenti” – Version 1.0 24/11/2001 56 2. Network infrastructures and security issues Domain network Adm. 1 Inter-domain network Domain network Adm. 2 Figure 2 –5 RUPA general architecture The guidelines used in designing the infrastructure of the Management Centre, main control and management body, were meant to stress the availability characteristics of the whole system, in particular: • The redundant installation of all major components to guarantee the proper operation in case of failure • Components have been selected on the basis of their intrinsic fault resiliency characteristics • The internal network is based on a matrix-like structure • For all the components standard conformity (de jure and de facto) criteria have been adopted to assure interoperability. • The operational status of all used components has been measured 57 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies • Apart the above mentioned characteristics, a Risk Analysis process has been used for the management part. It allowed identifying actions able to damage the system integrity (threats), the system vulnerabilities to threats and the impact of any violation on the system. 2.4.2 Security management It is particular important to underline the security infrastructure potential implemented for the services component monitoring. The Management Centre has a very high level of control of messages exchanged among Administrations and has highly performing security characteristics for what concerns confidentiality, cryptography and anti-intrusion aspects. Network access and use conditions (on RUPA circulate every day 37 gigabyte of data distributed in thousands of e-mail messages and 5 millions WEB pages visited every day by the network users) are constantly controlled by two concurrent monitor and verification strategies: • Monitor and verification activities include a periodical number of tests of the network vulnerability and its devices. Tests emulate known intrusion techniques and test the adopted configuration according to ad hoc defined attack schemes • Vulnerability test is part of the certification procedure of the changes of the network infrastructure and of the system performance maintaining process. Monitor activities constantly control the use of the infrastructure and alert the onset of abnormal behaviours through the use of sensors installed in various network segments (reaction to the events). The vulnerability test is performed through a set of procedures which automatically analyze the network and the Centre connected segments by setting a catalogue of components (IP addresses) and available services (gates). Then, other procedures apply to the cat- 58 2. Network infrastructures and security issues Figure 2-6 SPC: Infrastructure, Rules and Organizational Model alogue components a number of actions belonging to a ruled set, which check the behaviour of the same component after a service request. The two strategies are complementary to each other: the constant monitoring controls the network status while vulnerability tests asses the sensor action threshold and supply the guidelines to configure each single sensor. Sensor signals identify the attack place and address specific tests to particular components. Such measures turned real effective and made it possible for RUPA network, since its creation, to successfully reject virus attacks that represent a considerable loss both in financial and image terms, to other realities. In the year 2001 RUPA has been subject to over 99 million hostile activities, out of which 95 million (rejected) addressed to Web 59 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies sites hosted on RUPA; 79 million, until September 2002; in 2003, until march only, over 15 million attacks to Web sites hosted on RUPA were rejected. Nimda attacks started on September 14 2001 on Internet. The network records the first severe alarm at the end of September 18; the peak occurs on September 19 with 9 million attacks, all of them were rejected. SQL SLAMMER worm attacks, detected in January 2003, caused no impacts due to the correct and prompt implementation of technological and architectural countermeasures. In April 2003, the blocked attempt of Denial of Service against an important Central Administration (mail of over 100,000 packages per minute) has been recorded. 2.4.3 Network evolutions The Unified Network, as it is structured and used today, will soon evolve and be included within the new PA infrastructure: the SPC - Sistema Pubblico di Connettività - (Connectivity Public System) created by the Legislative Decree n. 42 of February 28, 2005. The SPC system stems from the necessity to enable the many stakeholders acting in a competitive market, such as the telematic service supply, to contribute to the technological innovation by implementing a confidence based system, with common interconnection rules, allowing all PA to be interconnected each other with the appropriate quality and security standards and assuring an integrate and homogeneous development of telematic services in line with the technological evolution. SPC system presents architectural characteristics that include a multi-supplier network model in which each operator, SPC services provider, has a given number of Administrations as costumers. Each supplier’s quality and security will be guarantee through a qualification process based on pre-established and agreed rules. 60 2. Network infrastructures and security issues The following are the main targets of the SPC implementation: • Provides interconnection services whose fundamental principles in terms of homogeneity, security and quality are clearly defined, and, thanks to these characteristics, are widely configurable and adaptable to the characteristics and the specific needs of each interconnected Institution Bodies • Guarantees the expanded interconnection possibility and allow all Internet subjects the interaction with Institutions and Public Administrations. • Provide, even safeguarding investment afforded until today, an infrastructure of shared and homogeneous connection among all PA networks. • Provides services and infrastructures, to the interested Administrations, that allow also interconnection within the Domain of the same Administration. • Implements a multi-provider service model in line and consistent with the current market scenarios • Guarantees, even through service provider operators’ qualification, a quality system in term of both performance and availability and implements a data collecting and analyzing system for a constant monitoring of the Quality of Service provided. • Guarantees security measures able to ensure the services continuity and availability between the same Administrations and toward citizens in order to minimize possible malfunctioning. This last target (security guarantee and quality of service guarantee) is the key element characterizing the SPC. 61 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies The need to implement a System in which the communication among the different Administration occurs with quality and security characteristics assured end to end, within a multi-provider context, implies the interconnection and control infrastructure and the definition of proper rules all involved players must observe. As a matter of fact, due to the peculiarities of the architecture of a distributed network within which operate, organisations and structures different by service typology and organisation processes, it is required the creation of central and local government level, able to orient, harmonize and coordinate the operation structures so to implement and operate as one single virtual organisation. The SPC Security System organization, which takes its inspiration from the International Standard Organisation (ISO) models, will be articulated on several levels and will distinguish responsibilities and fields of action in two main areas: • A government area to identify policies and directives • An operational area to implement and control measures and procedures aiming to assure communication quality and security. These areas will include the following groups: The Coordination Structure is the main responsible for the system security. It is a federal body chaired by CNIPA chairman, made up of thirteen members six of which represent Central Administrations and six local Administrations. It defines, according to service users and providers requirements, security policies and issues the relevant directives and recommendations to safeguard both the interconnection system security and that of other connected networks. The Coordination structure shall also run service provider qualification procedures. 62 2. Network infrastructures and security issues QUALIFIED PROVIDERS SERVICE LIST Qualified Internet Local ISP Regional ISP National ISP Security management Structure Citizens and Enterprises Quality Management Structure Figure 2-7 CG-I and services categories – CG-I connects all the Central Administrations and allows them the Internet access through a high speed and secure link. The Strategic Committee is a common structure dealing with the global strategic orientation of security and distributes the related funds. The Committee is made up of security and telecommunication experts and of representatives of the Ministry for Innovation and Technologies and of users. The Security Management Centre is in charge of the implementation of what has been issued by the Coordination Structure in terms of implementation and application of the directives and recommendations for the safeguard of security. It also identifies the guidelines for the redaction of the security plan of all SPC subjects. The Security Local Unit is a local structure, one per each network connected to the system that manages its security aspects. All Security Units must be connected with service providers and the CERT, to allow the best possible efficiency of secure information exchange in case of reaction to attacks and/or abnormal events. 63 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies CERT SPC plays a fundamental role in preventing and reacting to security accidents. It makes available to all other structures warnings, guidelines, check-list and all may turn useful for the correct system management and operation. Within SPC digital certificates are widely used for different purposes. The PKI Technical Operator is a Certification Authority in charge of the certificate issuing, of the management of the various repositories in which they are stored and of what it is necessary to guarantee the availability and accessibility of the users and system authentication information. 64 NETWORK SECURITY From risk analysis to protection strategies 3 - The relevant legislation 3.1 THE REFERENCE GENERAL LEGAL FRAMEWORK 3.1.1 Generalities The legislation framework of the ICT system is at once simple and complicate. In fact the legislative tools actually issued by the Italian State for companies and private users are quite few while those concerning the public sector, together with additional elements such as the European directives, some documents issued by prestigious international organizations (i.e. OECD) and especially documents and circular letters issued by the Ministry for Innovation and Technologies, by AIPA and CNIPA (that replaced AIPA), are rather numerous. Generally speaking, we may observe that, while for public sector laws aiming to promote the use of the network and to rule their security, in particular during the last years, have been quite numerous and able to promote, together with the technological progress, the awareness of the security and their solutions, in the private sector the way to go is still long. But, what has been done in the public sector could turn a stimulus and a guide to companies and, with the due proportions, to private users. In this document the illustration of the legislation framework is divided into two parts. The first highlights so called legal value of the document distinguishing between documents of non strictly government bodies even if of a sound reputation, organizations, EU rec65 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies ommendations, State laws, and documents meaningful for their authoritative sources (AIPA, CNIPA, etc.). The second part identifies the addressees of different documents and rules and makes the distinction between Public Administration, private companies and individual citizens. In the following paragraph we tries to take out of the different legislative sources what could be useful to define a mandatory profile of protection measures as referred to the different subjects protagonists of the national system networks scenario. In this context we have to observe that even with a legislative framework that in the last decade has registered a remarkable increase in number and consistency of the foreseen countermeasures, both on the organisational and technical level, subjects should not limit themselves to these suggestions that should be considered as a compulsory ground, to integrate according to an appropriate risk analysis process. The source list is reported in appendix 1 and includes, for sake of completeness, what concerns the electronic and digital signature field, that due to the peculiar functional case, is not to be considered as a real structural network protection element. Since the informative and practical characteristic of the document, these rules included in more recent measures (this is the case of the rules preceding the legislative decree n. 196 of the 30 June 2003 – Code of personal data protection – included in the latter) have not been reported. 3.1.2 OECD and United Nations documents The documents issued by the Organisations for Cooperation and Economic Development (OECD in English, OCDE in French) are a source of reference of the highest value for their credit to the EU legislative bodies. The Recommendation of the Council of July 25 is important for the purposes of this document. The title of the document summarized hereunder is “OECD guidelines on system and information structures security: toward a security culture”. Under the common denominator of the security culture pro- 66 3.The relevant legislation motion the following nine principle are enlisted: 1. Awareness – The interested parties shall be aware of the necessity to protect the system and information network security and of the need for actions thy may undertake to strengthen security. 2. Responsibility – The interested parties are responsible for the system information network security. 3. Response – The interested parties shall operate timely and in a spirit of cooperation to prevent, identify and respond to security incidents. 4. Ethics – The interested parties shall respect other parties’ legitimate interests. 5. Democracy – System and information networks security shall be compatible with the fundamental values of a democratic society. 6. Risk assessment – The interested parties shall proceed to assess risks. 7. Notion and implementation of security – The interested parties shall integrate security as essential element of systems and information networks. 8. Security management – The interested parties shall adopt a global approach to the management of security. 9. Security re-assessment – The interested parties shall examine and re-assess system and information network security and introduce appropriate changes in their security-related policies, practices, actions and procedures. It is also important to observe that (we are in the year 2002) the subtitle of the document reads: “Towards a security culture” ! On the same line as OECD document ranges the UN resolution A/RES/58/199 of 23 December 2003, under the title: “Creation of a global culture of cyber-security and the protection of critical information infrastructures”. 67 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies The resolution invites States to consider 11 security principles widely based on those adopted by March 2003 G8 meeting. NISCC (National Infrastructure Security Information Centre) Table 3-1 shows the principles of the U.N. resolution with the references to those proposed in the OECD document previously shown. As we may see, with respect to the OECD document, widely oriented to society, operators and users (principles 2, 4, 5), the U.N. resolution is more specifically targeted to Governments and security forces (principle 6, 7, 9). 3.1.3 EU Directives and other documents During the last years the Italian Government has timely implemented the EU directive on networks and information security. Worth of note is the Council resolution (Transportations/Telecommunications) of 11 December 2001 “Resolution on network and information security”. With the document Member States are asked by the end of 2002 to: • Promote security culture through educational campaigns to be carried out in administrations, private companies, ISP, etc. • Promote security best practices based on international standards even and above all in medium and small enterprises. • Promote security within ICT courses • Enhance the computer emergency response teams • Promote the knowledge and the adoption of the Common Criteria Security Standard (CC) transposed in ISO 15408. • Promote the study and the adoption of biometrical devices • Promote information exchange and the cooperation among members. 68 3.The relevant legislation Topics Principles of UN Resolution 58/199 Reference to OECD principles 1. Having network facilities to issue warnings about inforWarnings and mation vulnerabilities, threats and accidents. reaction to 5. Establishing and maintaining communication networks 3. Response accidents for crisis situations, testing them periodically to ensure their efficiency in times of emergency. Awareness -raising and training 2. Raising awareness so that all interested parties can more easily appreciate the extent and nature of their critical information infrastructures and the role that each party has in their protection. 1. Awareness-raising 8. Organizing training initiatives and drills to increase responsiveness as well as testing continuity and crisis plans in case of attacks against information infrastructures, encouraging peers to carry out similar activities. 6. Risk assessment Risk analysis 3. Examining infrastructures to identify their interdependen- 8. Security management cies in order to improve their protection. 9. Security reassessment Security Technology 11. Promoting national and international research and deve7. Security awareness lopment and favoring the introduction of security technoloand implementation gies that are consistent with international standards. Information sharing and international cooperation 10. Embarking upon appropriate international cooperation initiatives to enhance critical information system security, also through the development and coordination of warning and alert systems, through the sharing and dissemination of information regarding vulnerabilities, threats and accidents and coordinating investigations on attacks against informa3. Response tion systems, in accordance with local legislation. 4. Promoting cooperation between both private and public partners to share and analyze information referring to critical infrastructures in order to prevent, investigate on and react to attacks against infrastructures and possible damage. Legal and criminal investigation issues 9. Having adequate laws, both under the formal and substantial viewpoint, and adequately trained staff to allow States to investigate and prosecute attacks against critical information systems and coordinate such activities with other States when necessary. 6. Making sure that laws regarding data availability take into account the need to protect critical information systems. 7. Facilitating the tracking down of attacks against critical information systems and, whenever appropriate, communicating information on such tracking activities to other States. 2. Responsibilities Social and political considerations 4. Ethics 5. Democracy Table 3.1 – A Comparison between the OECD document and the UN Resolution 69 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies Noteworthy is also the Commission Communication to the European Parliament, to the Council, to the economic and social Committee, to the Committee of the Regions of June 2001, under the title “Network and Information Security: proposals of an European strategic approach”. In this document the different threats and attacks (then known, today others should be added) that may concern the networks are examined as well as the related remedies. It is a useful document of security planning, kept into consideration even for the drawing of the following paragraphs of the section. The 12th of July 2002 the “Directive 2002/58/CE on personal data treatment and the protection of private life in the sector of electronic communications” was issued. This rule, that fully replaces the previous directive 97/66/CE, reflects the needs of regulation updating due to the technological evolution of the last five years, and consequently of the greater risks of privacy violation in charge of users. The rule also introduces the terms of electronic communication network and service as a consequence of the convergence of voice and data services. Such directive was widely accepted and became compulsory in the Italian territory with the “Legislative decree n. 196 of the 30th of June 2003 – Code of personal data protection” as mentioned in the following paragraph explaining the Italian laws. 3.1.4 Italian Laws and related rules Let us consider now the national legislative sources. The first act showing the attention of the Italian legislator in the field of ICT is the Law n. 547 of the 23rd of December 1963 “Amended and integrated provisions of the criminal code and the code of criminal procedure on computer crimes”. This introduced the computer crime, which was not previously foreseen in our law. The law, in its context, introduced also the principle under which the crime of undue intrusion into a system was meant as really 70 3.The relevant legislation perpetrated only if the violated system was protected by security measures. Just to know, the law introduced also, for the first time, the notion of computer document. In 1996 the first regulation on privacy came to life; it was the law n. 675/96 “Protection of people and other subjects with respect to personal data processing”. This law introduced for the first time compulsory protection measures for systems and networks involved in personal data processing. The real specification of such a minimum base of protection was issued with an ad hoc regulation on July 27 1999. The two laws have been integrally included, enhanced and re-elaborated in the recent legislative Decree n.196 on the 30th of June 2003 which will be commented later on this document. Through the law n.59 of the 15th march 1997 the Public Administration Unified Network was established. This result represents one example of excellence for the Italian networks as a whole and specifically for security. In 2001 the legislative Decree n. 231/2001 was issued “Discipline of legal entity, company and association with no legal entity according to article 11 of the law n. 300 of September 29 2000.” to be mentioned, for our use, for some reference that the text include in law 547/93 at the beginning of the paragraph. The decree applies to all legal entities and companies and associations with no legal entity, with the exclusion of the State, of territorial public institutions, of non economic public institutions and to institution with constitutional functions. Such decree introduces in the Italian constitution the notion of corporate liability when physical persons commit a crime even in the interest or to the advantage of the same company. For what concerns this document, article 24 of the decree explicitly recalls such liability in case of computer-related fraud damaging the State or a public institution. As to the accomplishment context the above mentioned discipline does not define the technical specifications, but it rather identifies general principles: corporate liabilities for crimes perpetrated by its employees it to be excluded if the same company has adopted before 71 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies the crime was committed an organisational, operational and control model able to prevent crimes similar to that occurred. The result is an obligation by the company to provide itself with a control system able to prevent the possibilities to perpetrate computer-related frauds by using its own systems and its own networks. Under the pressure of an ever growing requirement for security certification in the information systems, on April 11 2002 was issued the DPCM “National scheme for the evaluation and certification of security of information technology, for the protection of classified information concerning the internal and external State security” that provided to update and enhance the legislative framework in the matter of information processing security certification within the context of the State secret: the extension to private subjects would follow, as known, the next year. In fact with the DPCM of the 30th of October 2003 (G.U. n. 98 of the 27th of April 2004), prepared by the Minister for Innovation and Technology together with the Ministers for Communications, Ministers for Productive Activities and Ministers for Economics and Ministers for Finances, was set up the National Scheme for the evaluation and the certification of security of systems and products in the sector of technology and information. The national scheme defines the procedures and national rules necessary for the evaluation and certification of ICT systems and products, in compliance with the ITSEC European criteria and the related ITSEM application methodology of the international standards ISO/IEC IS-15408 (Common Criteria).Within the framework of the National Scheme of evaluation and certification it was created the Institution for the Information Security Certification (O.C.S.I. Organismo per la Certificazione della Sicurezza Informatica), mainly in charge of the National Scheme operation. The Higher Institute of Communication and Information Technology (ISCOM Istituto Superiore delle Comunicazioni e delle Tecnologie dell’Informazione) of the Communication Ministry is the Body in charge of the Information Security Certification (OCSI) in the field of Information Technology. The OCSI is fully operational since February 17 2005, when the Decree of the Minister for Innovation and Technology and of the Minister of Communication bearing the “provisional guidelines for the application of the national 72 3.The relevant legislation scheme for security evaluation and certification in the field of the information technology. “ From a different but complementary viewpoint, of contents rather than of infrastructures, on April 9 2003 it was issued the Legislative Decree n. 68 “Implementation of the directive 2001/29/CE on the harmonization of some aspects of royalties and related rights in the information society”. The new decree provide also the extension of sanctions to illegal acts not provided before, such as the avoidance of technological measures for data protection and their on-line diffusion (art. 23). On July 29 2003 on the National Journal (Gazzetta Ufficiale) it was issued the only source of the legislative scenario presented in this work, that prescribes concrete, logical and physical organizational security measures for the protection of networks and systems in the private sector: it is the Legislative Decree n. 196 of the 30th of June 2003 – “Code in the matter of personal data protection”, that includes, integrates and widens the entire Italian previous legislation and implements the emanated European directives. In fact this rule though refers to personal data and specifically to personal data related cases, constitutes the only source that obliges institutions and private companies to implement a consistent protection profile, leaving aside what has been independently implemented by major companies. The Decree strongly targets networks and integrates in the two notions of network and electronic communication service both aspects of voice and data in a perspective of technological neutrality that makes it possible to apply measures to analogical, digital and wireless technologies. It includes and implements the European directive 2002/58/CE (Directive privacy in electronic communications) which belongs to a fundamental group of five directives (2000 package), mentioned in appendix 1 ruling the different aspects of networks and electronic communication services. The implementation of the rule offers specifically to medium and small companies an new opportunity to thoroughly face ICT protection issues since it is quite uncomfortable, except for some particu- 73 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies lar situations, to operate separate protection profile for personal and not personal data (protection is designed and realized more easily if it is targeted to the entire ICT infrastructure). The Law provides the following security functions (art. 34): • User’s authentication • Adoption of the authentication credential management procedures. • Use of Authorisation system. • Periodic update of the identification of the processing range allowed to individual in charge of and dedicated to the operation or the maintenance of the electronic tools. • Protection of the electronic tools and data in respect with illegal treatment, not allowed accesses, and certain information programs. • Adoption of procedures for the custody of security copies and the recovery of available data and systems. • Update a programmatic document on security. • Adoption of encryption techniques or identification codes for the treatment of certain data suited to reveal the health conditions or the sexual life performed by heath institutions. The adoption of the above mentioned security measures concerns personal data in general and in some cases only particular types or situations (sensitive data, judicial data). In other cases the strength of the adopted mechanism depends on the importance of the processed information. Apart the above-mentioned, the rule specifically provides several rules referred to as security organisational measures, specific for the Electronic Communication sector, distributed in various articles namely under Chapter X, Part II. With the aim to extend to private sector the possibility of issuing security certifications of products and systems in a ITSEC and 74 3.The relevant legislation Common Criteria perspective, on October 30th 2003 it was emanated the DPCM “Definition of a National Scheme for the assessment and certification of products and systems in the ICT sector” This rule confers to the Istituto Superiore delle Comunicazioni e delle Tecnologie dell’Informazione the ITSEC and Common Criteria certification scheme management for the private sector. By doing so, as soon as the Institute will complete the procedures to obtain the mutual recognition with the Countries which have implemented the above-mentioned schemes long time ago, the gap forcing Italian constructors to go abroad to obtain such certifications will be filled. 3.1.5 Ministerial documents, AIPA, CNIPA The following documents constitute authoritative sources of prescription (this is the case of the following DPCM) and the legislative and operational orientation. On January 16th 2002 the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Department for Innovation and Technologies issued the important Directive “Information and Telecommunication Security in State Public Administration” The directive covers two aspects: the census of the security infrastructure existing within Public Administrations (implemented by means of an attached questionnaire) and the prescription for PA to conform to a minimum profile of protection, remarkably articulate and detailed, also mentioned in an attached document The rule also announced the creation, within a joint initiative with the Ministry of Communications, of a National Technical Committee on Information and Telecommunication Security within Public Administrations, set up in the following months. In march 2004 the concerned committee in line with its own mission, produced a document entitled “Proposals in the matter of information and telecommunication security for public administration”. After an historical initial framework of the information security laws into force for Public Administrations, the document, part 1, 75 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies proposes a model for a governmental system of ICT security within PA, based on the creation of a National Centre for Information Security (CNSI) for prevention, identification, response and orientation. It is suggested to create a CSIRT (Computer Security Incident Response Team), which is being setting up today at CNIPA and it is underlined the importance of the risk analysis, training of specialized staff and users and the institution of security certification activities. Part II examines back in more operative terms, the risk analysis aspect and defines the conformity criteria of a methodology to be standardized with Public Administrations while it concludes by examining Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery processes. In May 2004 CNIPA published the document “Guidelines for the use of digital signature” with the aim to support users and companies in the use of the digital signature. The document is very interesting and really useful to the user (citizen, company and PA), it clarifies the situation (strong and weak signature) and explains how to obtain and operate kit for the digital signature. 76 3.The relevant legislation 3.2. INDIVIDUALS AND RULE COMPLIANCE 3.2.1 Generalities The wide production of legislative and orientation documents on network protection, whose list we tried to synthetically but thoroughly reproduce in the first part of this chapter, fully covers the public sector by leaving space for reflection and improvement for private users that could take advantage from the experience acquired by Public Administration in this matter. In fact obligations whose not observation is sanctioned concern substantially the Legislative decree 196/2003 (art. 33-36) which anyway targets a specific type of information and not an infrastructural vision. Law 547/93, from its side, has introduced the computer crime without envisaging preventive compulsory measures, but only those necessary to justify the crime hypothesis and the effectively criminal nature of intrusive actions. 3.2.2 Major liabilities for individuals: rights, duties and accomplishments Electronic communication network operators Both the Privacy Code (L.D. 196/2003) and the Electronic Communication Code (D.L.259/2003) give a common definition of electronic communication network: “transmission systems and, if it is the case, switching or routing devices and other resources that make it possible to transmit signals by cable, radio, by optical fibres or by other electromagnetic media including satellite networks, terrestrial mobile and wired networks, circuit commutation and packet commutation networks, Internet included, the networks used for the broadcasting of sound and television programmes, systems for electric power transportation, as far as they are used to transmit signals, cable television networks independently on the kind of transported information.” Subjects operating these networks, which cannot be easily distinguished from electronic communication service operators, in addition to what provided for by articles 33-36 of Privacy Code, must 77 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies comply with the following measures provided for by articles 121-133 of the same rule: (a) forbidden access to information contained in users’ and subscribers’ terminal (a) drastic time limitations for storing transmitted messages in one’s own memory (b) time limitations for storing traffic data for billing or judicial needs (c) transparency and clarity obligations for subscriber as to traffic data (d) availability and flexibility of the caller identification service (e) limitations and guarantees as to the use of user’s localisation data (f) availability of the block for call transfer service (g) Guarantees and limitations of the inclusion of names in provider repositories. (h) Limitation of the spamming activity from the user side (no control is envisaged for the electronic communication network operator) (i) Wish of the drawing of ethics and good conduct codes (j) It is interesting to observe that among the above mentioned points, sanctions are contemplate only for points (a) (by Law 547/1993), (b), (f), (h) and (i). As we may notice once again the rule tends to force individuals to maintain given specific behaviours rather than propose infrastructural security measures, independent on the type of the processed and transmitted data. 78 3.The relevant legislation Electronic communication service providers The privacy code in its art.4 defines electronic communication services as follows: “any information exchanged or transmitted between a finite number of individuals though an electronic communication service public accessible” with the exception of radio broadcasting service. The category of operators of these services, as we may understand, is hardly distinguished from the previous one considering the strong functional and operational integration of the network and the services. It is reasonable to think that all obligations described in the previous paragraph may be also refer to this category. Company users Companies are obliged to implement minimal security measures by virtue of articles 33-36 of the Privacy Code, so exclusively in relation to the owning and the treatment of data covered by the rule. On the other side, Laws 547/1993 does not oblige but it simply envisages the need for appropriate security measures to identity and pursue the crime of undue intrusion. Also in this case we may affirm that the structural approach is null at least as far as the mandatory character is concerned. Actually at least major companies and organizations of the Italian landscape have prepared infrastructural security measures of a certain importance. Nevertheless, in the last years resounding cases indicating security related failures occurred. The most important weakness we may identify is not related with the purchase of protection hardware and software components, but rather to human resources dedicated to the operation and the optimization of such components (organisational structure). The awareness that most of the effectiveness of installed hardware and software protection measures depends on a correct and daily organization operation connected to suitably professionalized personals is not yet rooted in budget and company leaders. 79 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies Private users Dangerous for the society represented by the lack of security know-how of private users seems under evaluated. Private user’s universe, now massively connected to the net very often in an always-on fashion since the rapid spreading of high speed connections, is not even included in the scope of application of the privacy rule, which, as we see, is the only one that imposes some obligations, even if within a peculiar data typology. Private user’s liability in the (usually unaware) spreading of worms is the most relevant aspect to consider; nevertheless it is not the only one. Most of personal computers contain, apart owner’s information, also correspondents’ data and similar. Moreover, a non protected personal computer in the net constitutes an easy shore for attacks to third parties. 3.2.3 The relationship with the judiciary and inquiring authority The relationship with the judiciary authority For its own investigation needs the Judicial Authority is assisted by network and service operators. Their effective collaboration is normally fruitful for Justice purposes and it is provided by law and the companies are compensated for such activity. With this aim, companies set up a quite complex, technical and organizational apparatus, to show that with the proper motivations even companies become sensitive to security organisational requirements. The relationship with the investigation authority Very often company leaders having suffered a computer crime show a sceptical attitude to the real possibility of a Police action in highly technological crimes. In addition to that, generally companies are not very willing to denounce computer crimes against them to avoid a possible consequent image damages. 80 3.The relevant legislation Italian structures became significantly effective and reliable showing a great commitment in the technical and professional updating implemented even by using know-how external to the institution. Investigation actions are now performed with slightly intrusive modes and generally they do cause no slowing in the normal operational and productive activities of the company. Certainly such investigative qualities may be highlighted and exploited by citizens only when these special corps are get involved by a claim or by simply asking for an advice to try to prevent possible crimes. The Postal and Communication Police provides the following behavioural indications for those individuals that notice real or suspicious abuses: • For each suspected abuse immediately call1 a specialized police corp. It is necessary to facilitate the action of the information investigators called by the company, by helping them to perform the internal preliminary investigation aiming at assessing the real crime perpetration. • Do not undertake any initiative before the arrival of the investigators to reduce to the minimum the incidental elimination/contamination of evidences. • Set up an investigation support team made up of highly trusted persons. Investigators must be help to identify the elements of the concerned crime in order to identify the present criminal case. • Reduce to the minimum risks of further losses but at the same time try to acquire useful elements to find out the offender. These two activities are often logical antagonists between them since the best system to interrupt an attack is switch off the system and proceed to recharge cleaned system copies and 1 To consult the list of the territorial sections of the Communication Police look under the same name at the web site 81 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies application programs. But in most of the cases this operation reduces the possibilities of identifying the intruder. • Keep the investigation highly confidential. Company structures should cooperate with the investigation bodies but information on the ongoing investigation should be transmitted to the minimum number of persons to limit information leakage within and outside the organisation. Thus information should be given only to those persons who will have to know it. • All communications (those indispensable) connected with the ongoing investigation should be placed without information systems (e-mail, internet etc.) to avoid whatever interception by the insider or the intruder. • In case of suspects on possible insider authors neither the investigator nor the company employees should face or talk to with these suspects not to give them the opportunity to destroy the evidences. 3.3 CASES OF RULES VIOLATION 3.3.1 Information crimes During the years the notion of computer crime has acquired a very or even too wide meaning: today by computer crime we mean all kind of crime perpetrated with the help of ICT means and hence of the networks. Certainly with such a wide meaning of the crime it is difficult to identify solutions and draw rules. If the definition of information crime seems to be legitimate in the case of a non authorised introduction in others’ system, the same definition is less acceptable for a commercial fraud or a paedophilia crime perpetrated with the help of the network. It would be like classifying as a crime under the street law a theft perpetrated with the help of a car. 82 3.The relevant legislation It is worth saying that this so called wide meaning of the word coincides with a non structured vision of the system network, but with a vision of contents and behaviours supported by the same network. For our purposes and more generally in line with the substance of the Law 547/1993 that sets this kind of crime, the computer crime is the crime that damages the information system as a whole or one of its components (including the stored data). For physical persons and legal entities information crimes according to the above-mentioned restricted meaning, are those envisaged by the above mentioned Law 547/1993 that also establishes the conditions under which these crimes may be pursued. 3.3.2 Non-compliance To date possible non-compliance by legal entities (companies) as referred to as omission of network protection, are limited to the violation of the rules of the Legislative Decree 196/2003. Related sanctions are included in article 169 of the rule. To date no possible non-compliance may be attributed by physical persons. 3.4 MAIN REQUIREMENTS OF OUTSOURCING CONTRACTS Nowadays, companies have to adapt rapidly to meet the requirements of the specific competitive environment in which they operate. As a consequence, their products/services have increasingly shorter life cycles. In the past, the same car model, for example a Ford “T”, could remain on the market for as much as 30 years and all it needed was just small changes, while today each model has to undergo a comprehensive restyling after 2 or 3 years unless the manufacturer decides to stop its production. This ongoing adaptation to the changing needs of their customers implies an ongoing adaptation of the business activities involved in the production of a product/service. The companies are faced with continuous changes which they have to address if they want to survive. 83 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies In such competitive environment, companies had to redesign the way they operate, disregarding previous analysis of structures and organization charts and focusing more and more on processes, that is all the structured and focused activities designed to produce a specific output for a specific market or customer2. Activities are re-classified based on the company’s specific Value Chain3 and the potentials for improvement of each identified process or the technologies and roles needed to ensure their functioning needs to be properly designed. Now companies plan and make all the appropriate investments to make sure that they achieve their own objectives. In most processes, the main component of a comprehensive business re-definition is represented by Information Technology, which acts as the ‘nervous system’ of the new business models. Flexibility and specialization become the pillars of a business organization in which both suppliers and customers are increasingly involved in the Value Chain, which, as a consequence, turns into an inter-company chain. That is possible by outsourcing those business components which sometimes can affect the correct functioning of the whole company. An example is given by the outsourcing of business services on which the ICT management directly depends (ICT Outsourcing). The current tendency to outsource an increasing number of business processes poses significant problems to companies with regard to the security of the information they handle. Such problems include the definition of adequate strategies to protect the information and the need to comply with the legislation in force, especially the privacy code. An ICT Outsourcing contract may be either full or selective. For both types of outsourcing, it is essential to define adequate requirements and criteria for the management of the security and con- 2 Davemport, T.H. “Innovazione dei Processi”, Franco Angeli, Milano, 1994, p.25 3 Porter, M.E. “Competitive Advantage”, Free Press, New York, 1985 84 3.The relevant legislation fidentiality issues related to the information and the fixed assets transferred to the outsourcer. Such requirements and criteria have to be characterised by levels of service consistent with the security policies of the company outsourcing the product/service. • Each security management service transferred to the outsourcer requires the definition of both parties’ obligations without compromising the flexibility of the contract. The types of security management services will be discussed in details further on and be summarised as follows: • Identity and Access Management (management of the users who are allowed access to the ICT services available on the infrastructure) • Secure Content Management (operational processes which makes it possible to prevent spam in e-mails, examine and filter their contents and protect outgoing messages against viruses) • Security Monitoring and Management • Physical Security Management • Secure Communication Services (identifying the processes and tools which are necessary to spot false identities, attempts to access confidential messages, unauthorised re-use of transmitted messages, falsification of sender’s name or address, changes to the message contents, failure to deliver a message) • Auditing and Reporting • Compliance Management Services (verification of the actual compliance with the established requirements) • Security Training In the most recent ICT Outsourcing contracts, the levels of service associated with each one of the above listed services are measured taking into account not only the single components or the specific nature of each process, but above all the end user’s overall perception in terms of functionality and ergonomics. 85 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies However, in general, the companies those choose to outsource their products/services seldom lay down, in their outsourcing contracts, the minimum security criteria (including inspections and controls) to be adopted by their partners. 3.5 AREAS OF POSSIBLE NORMATIVE INTEGRATION In previous paragraphs, we saw that, in the last few years, the regulations governing the functioning of the Public Administration have been gradually integrated to address the new security needs especially after the recent approval of the Legislative Decree on the implementation of the Public Connectivity System. The same is not true in the private sector (businesses and private users) where binding regulations are limited to specific types of handled information (Legislative Decree 196/2003) and specific behaviours (Law 547/2003). Preventive regulatory provisions specifically designed for network infrastructures are lacking. Such provisions should be introduced to affect network developers, network managers and network users alike according to criteria of competence (role) and economic relevance (users), which is in line with the fully connected topology which characterises networks. The Legislative Decree on the implementation of the Public Connectivity System requires the Public Administration to use only those providers which comply with specific regulations ensuring the security of IT transactions. Hopefully, these regulations will be adapted to form the basis for an ethical code shared by all providers of data transmission services. That would represent a major guarantee for all users: citizens, businesses, and private individuals in general. 3.6 CONCLUSIONS The systematic and effective implementation of an adequate level of protection for data networks (considered in their different components) depends on a number of factors, not just the legal or normative ones that we want to identify. Further on, we will discuss, 86 3.The relevant legislation for some of them, the possible potentials for improvements with special regard to the normative framework. Such factors include first of all, users’ initiative and awareness levels; then, any awareness-raising programme developed by government bodies and, finally, the normative framework and any supportive structure as well as shared and standardised methodologies. All these factors are acknowledged not only at a national level, but also by a European framework which is currently being developed and consolidated. 3.6.1 Users’ awareness and initiative At first, it is important to point out that, at this stage, we have no scientific study of sufficient level and hence reliability (either at a national or European level) offering a comprehensive picture of the awareness level reached by institutions, businesses, public bodies and private individuals on issues of network security. Indeed, all the work published in the last few years are based on generalizations and extrapolations of data collected from specific sectors or on indirect evaluations, such as the recruitment of staff in charge of business security, reports of virus-related attacks and other attacks or telephone surveys conducted on insignificant samples. The information provided here has no scientific value, either, but at least is based on the experience of businesses which operate on the market on a daily basis. The EU recently announced its intention to conduct, in the next few months and in all Member States, a fact-finding survey aimed at assessing the awareness level of businesses and organizations with regard to issues of network security and especially risk management and operation continuity. However, this survey will focus only on the private sector, thus excluding the Public Administration. The general impression is that, for all the parties concerned, initiative and awareness levels are still low and should be raised in 87 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies order to guarantee efficient and concrete results. Low awareness levels translate into a general reluctance to comply with existing regulations (whose number, in the private sector, is still limited). Another major obstacle derives from the tendency of most executives in both public and private sectors to consider network security-related costs as unjustified and unlikely to prove rentable in the long run either functionally or ethically. It might be useful to make a comparison between network security and similar concepts, such as road safety and public health which, although well-established in our society, still pose major problems in terms of strategy and implementation. Today, we are deeply aware of the impact that an epidemic might have on a certain community both from an ethical perspective (protection of human life) and in terms of social costs. That leads to an adequate response in terms of awareness-raising, definition of specific regulations and sanctions and political and administrative organization. The situation is completely different in the field of network security. Indeed, professional associations, in the private sector, should join their efforts to catch up with the achievements reached by government bodies in the public sector. 3.6.2 Legislative framework In the present chapter, we explained that in Italy (see paragraph 3.1.4), the legislative framework concerning network security obligations for the private sector consists of a small number of provisions contained in Legislative Decree 196/2003. In this regard, it is important to note that: Legislative Decree 196/2003 refers only to privacy policies and the protection of personal data this decree affects only businesses and private agencies, but not private individuals 88 3.The relevant legislation the high number and limited skills of private users, due to the growing availability of high-speed always-on Internet connections, represent a highly critical element. It wouldn’t be strange to come up with a new specific legislative tool which, drawing on the provisions of articles 31-36 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, could be extended and integrated so as to include issues other than personal data envisaging: minimum security measures affecting the whole infrastructure rather than specific critical aspects of the data (which might form the basis for a higher protection level) minimum security measures designed for specific users: private individuals, connectivity and application providers, businesses, agencies, Public Administration, etc. On the other hand, the legislative decree that led to the development of the Public Connectivity System might be a valuable source of network security measures and criteria also in the case of private users (businesses, organizations and private individuals). Indeed, a growing number of companies are either in favour of ICT security certifications or have adopted them in their own working environment. In this regard, the reference provision is standard BS 7799, whose part 1 was converted into ISO/IEC standard 17799:2000. 89 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies 90 NETWORK SECURITY From risk analysis to protection strategies 4 - Risk Analysis and management: principles and methods 4.1 SECURITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Before exposing the risk analysis and management and networks protection measures, it is advisable to underline how hard it is to adopt an effective protection system without considering the most important elements of the security management system. There are several standards and guidelines about the elements of a proper security management system: • OECD’s nine principles (see paragraph 3.1.2) • The ISO 17799/BS7799 standards, including the BS7799:2000 part 2 document. • The “Standard of Good Practice” of the Information Security Forum (see the appendix 2.2). It is important to consider also all the other standards and guidelines about this topic, such as: the COSO Report on the “Enterprise Risk Management”; the ISACA methodology for the ITT Audit, also called Cobit; the ITSEC and “Common Criteria” standards, i.e. the guidelines of the CNIPA etc. All these directives present several common parts that we can summarize as follows. 91 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies Awareness All the elements of a company must be aware of the need to protect their resources starting from the top management to the whole organization and different roles. A proper training level is needed to reach the target. Rules and organisation It is necessary to define an organization model aimed to security by defying tasks and responsibilities. Security rules will be effective only if maintained at high level, including, among their tasks, the search of the best strategy, particular society targets and their performance assessment systems. Risk analysis As described in the paragraph 4.2, the risk analysis is crucial to know threats and problems of the organisation as well as efforts and resources (limited by definition) needed to protect the most threatened areas. Policy and procedures Once explained the risk analysis, it is important to define policies and their procedures. They are characterised by three levels: general, describing the organisation, the government system, its goals and principles; users, i.e. the daily user behaviour with respect of technologies; and technical, by which the ICT staff learns how to manage the stages of technology implementation and maintenance. Continuous monitoring and tuning of the protection system The security management system must be designed in order to guarantee the best monitoring, both operational and management, allowing the organisation to react and adapt the whole system to the changes of the risk domain. 92 4. Risk Analysis and management: principles and methods 4.2 RISK ANALYSIS 4.2.1 The importance of risk analysis Nowadays, economic and social life cannot be separated by the corresponding information resources and its communication networks. Unlike the physical world, information and networks are vulnerable to risks of wide nature, often hidden and constantly evolving. Furthermore it can be observed that: • networks are more and more sophisticated and their changes create new risks • a complete protection leads to a limited and slowed down usage of network resources • the protection technique strictly depends on the considered risk • the costs of a high security system, that goes far beyond the needs or extended to the lower impact elements, are often too high. Hence it is important to carry out a risk analysis in order to: • define information threats against the organization • Assess their impact in case of occurrence • Define and implement countermeasures in order to mitigate the risk with a commiserate effort to the potential impacts The risk analysis is then crucial in order to choose the best countermeasures without guessing them, balancing these countermeasures with respect of their costs and risks. The risk analysis is one of the most important elements of the security management system. It is furthermore required directly or indirectly by EU, national laws (see chapter 3) and by the main reference standards such as: • the ISO 17799 – BS7799 standard 93 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies • ISF Standard of Good Practice • CobiT (ISACA “Control Objectives of IT Governance”) • GMITS (“Guidelines for the management of IT Security”; parts of these documents are also known as ISO 13335 standards). The risk analysis assumes even more importance in wider context of corporate risk analysis and management such as the Corporate Governance and the Basilea II document. The latter is targeted to market and credit institutions and provide for a management programme of all risks related to business (from credit risk to market and financial risk) and operative, including those related to the information systems (information risk). The growing importance of the information risk analysis with respect of the more general context of the corporate risks management is based on the growing support that Information Technologies provide to the business and the corresponding corporate process. So, the information risk (that is the risk related to the lack of information system protection) influences and conditions more and more the other risks categories (financial, market, operational risks, etc.). The risk analysis must be carried out a priori, periodically and in a continuous/dynamical way (see paragraph 4.2.3), in order to updates the protection system to the effective and real identified need, allowing at the same time the best use of available resources. 4.2.2 General notes about the different risk analysis methodologies There are several risk analysis methodologies, with different targets and features but most of them share some common concepts, elements and procedures. There is no best methodology: it is important to understand which approach could be the best considering its feature with respect of: 94 4. Risk Analysis and management: principles and methods • a more in-depth analysis • risk measurement system • repeatability and frequency of the analysis process. A more in-depth analysis Considering the broadening of the risk analysis executed it allows to classify the implemented approach as a conceptual approach, i.e. related to the management and addressed to the organisation and its processes, or as an operational approach, i.e. related to the person in charge of the information systems and addressed to technologies and the operative context. The conceptual high level risk assessment allows: • to define the risk profile at a strategic and organizing level • to define the organization threats and the critical macro areas or the risk context to address over time • to define a plan of immediate enterprise interventions • to define the general security policy. Such an evaluation attains the importance of enhance the perception and awareness of the corporate top management about the importance of the security management plan definition and implementation. It achieves also the commitment to guarantee the security plan and above all allows addressing the effort towards the most critical areas (technological sites, simple systems, business networks) in order to create a deeper risk analysis. The operational risk analysis is target to a detailed and indepth security assessment of the single technologies, systems and specific network environment and aims the following macro targets: • comprehension of vulnerabilities, threats and risk to which the single technologies are exposed (application platform, systems, networks, etc.) and the processed information 95 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies • Define security architectures and technological standards • check policies and system management procedures • propose operational measures for the identified weakness corresponding to necessary security controls • Achieve the compliance to the security technologies best practice. Value quantification modes In order to choose the best methodology it is important to consider the metrics system used by the methodology itself for the different model elements with respect to the defined targets. A quantitative measurement system, based on statistics and monetary elements, allows the definition of an investment budget in a more immediate way, but it could be too complex to elaborate and could not entirely avoid subjective evaluations. In order to use this approach all risks elements must be quantified (resource recovery cost, image damages for the company, etc.). To achieve this it is necessary to have access to high quality information not easily available. There are two variants inside this approach that could be defined (other than a quantitative approach): the truth and the appearance. The first includes cases in which numbers that represent real quantities are used. This is the case of the damage directly estimable with the monetary unit. The second case, which has been defined as apparent quantitative, i.e semi-quantitative, has been created to address the cases where there is a need (related to a computer use) to convert qualitative measures into numerical values. For example, a criticality value, initially expressed with qualitative terms as: high, medium, low and void can be expressed with a correspondent set of numeric values (i.e. 3, 2, 1, and 0) in order to allow a logic product with another measure (i.e. the exposure risk level). 96 4. Risk Analysis and management: principles and methods The pure-quantitative approach, certainly more precise than the qualitative one, is not easy to apply, mainly for two reasons. The first is that often the values are not available (who can precisely define the value of a material good, for example an investment fund, not managed by a bookkeeping procedure at the necessary analytical level and how to behave in case of image damage?). The second is that, considering the lack of objectivity for such values, the risk is to wrong estimate goods, assigning a numeric values to something that express a qualitative evaluation. Qualitative methodologies do not require statistical data expressing values in terms such as low, medium, high, crucial and critical. Such approaches may seem superficial and less precise, but in the reality it turns to be more honest also because generally the risk analysis logical model ends with the countermeasures identification which are expressible in discontinuous terms, vanishing the quantitative approach, assuming that it is possible to attribute affordable values to the different entities. The main aspect the designer has to face with is the metric balance, in terms of excursion, of the possible values for the different concepts and for the different metrics systems used, being qualitative based or quantitative based systems. As a matter of fact, it is clear the relations and functions that imply concepts measured according different scales which are not congruent could lead to inconsistent results. The identification of a verification system for the consistency assessment of the different metrics systems is an open issue up today. The conclusion could be that the quantitative system is more indicated to the conceptual business context analysis, while the qualitative one targetes the operative analysis where the countermeasure efficiency dominates the cost justification. 97 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies Repeatability and frequency of the analysis process With respect of the repeatability/frequency of the risk analysis process two different existing methodologies could be distinguished: the static approach and the dynamic/continuative approach. The static approaches: • Provide a picture the actual security status; • Require periodic revision, with different expiration date, according to the deepness analysis level: - Once a year in case of conceptual/organizational analyses; - Every 3-4 months in case of operative/technological analyses. • Have different targets according to the deepness analysis level: - Definition of Security management policies and organizational infrastructure, in case of conceptual/organizational analyses; - Definition of Security architectures and technological/controls standard after the assessment of the vulnerabilities and threats to which technologies are exposed (technological analysis level). • Involve all the organization, despite their dimension, and specifically in the case of a first risk assessment analysis • Usually are managed under specific corporate functions responsibilities, generally in the ICT range (ICT manager, Security Officer, Security Committee, etc.); thus the other corporate functions are passively involved. The dynamic/continuative approaches: • Do not evaluate security situation in a precise moment but they offer the elements to analyse and manage the risk contin98 4. Risk Analysis and management: principles and methods uously and dynamically. • Risk evaluation and management are crucial parts in the processes of implementation, maintenance and monitoring of information systems. • Are mainly based on quantitative risk measures (using tools such as the Balance Scorecard and Key Performance indicators). • Integrate the information risk management within the one of all business risks and, particularly, into the one of ordinary operational activities (implementation, change management and operability). • Lead to the decentralisation of risk management, involving all business functions, furthermore, they require the commitment of all the members of the organization, including the top management. • Cover any analysis level and carry out both conceptual and operative/technological analysis. The current trend shows the more and more growing diffusion of approaches, and models of analysis and management of dynamic and continuous risks, addressed to corporate business and integrated with all the other analysis of corporate risks (operational, credit and financial risks). For further information about the best national and international methods, see the appendix n.2. 99 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies 4.2.3 Common elements among the main methodologies Apart from methodology in use, there are many elements and stages of risk analysis common to all the methodologies. As a matter of fact a risk assessment, independently from the used methodology must allow to: • Define the agreement for the carrying out of the analysis, defying what to defend against the risk. • Locate and evaluate hostile agents, threats, attacks and vulnerability. • Define which the threats to face are. • Calculate the final risk, evaluating the acceptable levels, and define the countermeasures to keep the risk within them. Most of today’s analysis methodologies include all the elements listed above, but they have different concepts and terms, often not well defined and far from the prevailing meaning, which is defined by the reference standards. This is the case of terms and concepts of protection, danger, threat, attack, damage and, hence, risk. This paragraph is important to pinpoint the prevailing meaning of the following concepts and their definitions: • Boundary of intervention • Information resources (census and classification) • Protection attributes • Threat census • Vulnerability census • Occurrence probability (Threat exposure) • Impacts evaluation • Countermeasures definition • Risk reduction after the countermeasures implementation 100 4. Risk Analysis and management: principles and methods Boundary of intervention and information resources First of all we have to define the Boundary of intervention and hence the interested society and the managed information. Afterwards, we must proceed to an analytic census of information included into the border of intervention. The details of the census depend on goals and types (conceptual/operative) of the risk analysis to carry out. In order to create a conceptual analysis, it’s enough to take a census of the process data (billing, payments and staff) or the application system, while the operative analysis needs to consider even reference technologies (communication networks and hardwares/softwares used for the process). Anyway, we must compare the single elements that made up the information, such as data, software, technologies and all the processes needed to locate the proper methods for information access. All these elements must be classified for homogeneous categories in order to evaluate threats and vulnerability. Information networks characterize the communication and processing systems (input, output and updating) of all the information, and hence it may be noted that they could be protected apart from information they process. This could be true in some circumstances (for instance the back-bones of a telecommunication society). Anyway, we must be aware of what it has to be protected and how many resources are needed to protect all the elements of the information asset, according to their criticality. Goals and protection attributes Before proceed it is important to define the goals of protection systems. It influences all the activities since business goals of a profit society cannot be compared to the missions of no profit or government organizations and thus the protection goals. According to these goals there are some other features to define and evaluate one by one. These influence the process of risk assessment and the corresponding protection technique choiceness. 101 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies As underlined before (see paragraph 1.5), the current best practice is characterised by three security attributes: confidentiality, availability and integrity. It is advisable to evaluate one by one these three attributes, since they present different risk scenarios. Threat census The risk strictly depends on the concept of threat, which constitutes an equivalent concept without the two features of probability and consequential damage. Furthermore, the risk can be considered as a negative event that causes damage to someone or something. Threat is as a matter of fact such event. The threat can be thus defined as anything that causes lose of the attributes of security, confidentiality, availability and integrity. The threat is often an undesired event that can be a priori potentially identified. It could be classified as an internal or external event. A threat is actualized by attacks of different actuation. There is a tendency to protect the boundary of intervention mainly against external threats, maybe because of their exposure, with respect of the internal ones. The reality is that internal risks are the most frequent, so they can’t be underestimated. For instance, the survey CSI/FBI of 2003 underlines the importance of internal threats (77% of partecipants). Internal threats and the corresponding countermeasures strictly depend on the organization and the nature of the process of the information, while external threats can be influenced by the technologies used, apart from people or processes. The determination of internal threats must consider the specific organization environment while, the external ones can be treated by more standardised solutions belonging to the mainly adopted technologies. 102 4. Risk Analysis and management: principles and methods Vulnerability Census Another important concept is that of subject exposure to a defined threat. We must treat this concept together with another one belonging to the list of the qualities of subject, that is the vulnerability. The vulnerability is an organizational or technological condition that allows the threat actuation. Threats are present anyway but vanish, ideally, in absence of threats. On the contrary, threats has a greater chance to actuate in presence of numerous and important vulnerabilities. The vulnerability can be organizational or procedural (for instance, due to a lack of a vital corporate function, i.e. monitoring) or a technological (technical weakness of BIOS, operating system, database, etc.). Technical vulnerabilities can be located by means of special scanners, i.e. automated products for the continuous scanning of technical weaknesses, or by the activities of attack and penetration. The figure 4-1 summarizes the most common vulnerability categories as classified by a security survey carried out, in the year 2003, by Pricewaterhouse Coopers and CIO Magazine. The main factors leading to vulnerability proliferations are: • Faulty components • Geographical distribution • Dimensions and complexity • Technological evolution • Limited security problems know-how. The level of vulnerability can be reduced through the implementation of proper security countermeasures, listed in the chapter 5. The vulnerability cannot ever be totally eliminated, because even the countermeasures present weakness. 103 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies Figure 4-1 – The most common vulnerability categories1 Occurrence probability As indicated somewhere else in the document, the risk can be identified as the product (logical or arithmetical) of the impact (caused damage) and the occurrence probability of a particular threat. The determination of this probability can be expressed by a judgment or considering, when available, the statistics of accidents and attacks or both of them. All the elements that contributes to the risk and hence, threats, attacks and vulnerabilities have to be analyzed in this phase. The table 4-1 relates some examples of threats with the corresponding attacks and vulnerabilities. 1 Taken from “Information security: a strategic guide for buisiness” © PricewaterhouseCoopers 2003. 104 4. Risk Analysis and management: principles and methods Impact evaluation One of the most important aspects of the risk analysis process is the determination of the impact upon the resources to be protected and upon the enterprise as a whole when a threat is successfully actuated. The impact, as described in the previous, is the second component of the risk after the threat probability occurrence. The condition for which a metric system (i.e. conceived to measure) could be applied to a concept is that such concept can be measured. That always happens for qualities, while for entities two cases exist. The first is the one in which the entity itself is measurable by means of its nature (i.e. damage); the second is the case when the entity is not measurable by itself but it becomes so by means of its qualities (it is the case of the subject, of which we measure the criticality). For further information about quantitative and qualitative approaches see the paragraph 4.2.2 Measurement and risk reduction In formal terms, the risk is defined as the product (logical or mathematic) between the event occurrence probability and the damage (R=Pa*D). If, at least, one of the two terms of the product goes to zero, the risk is very low. For qualitative measurements it is necessary to identify a system measuring that allows the two components of the risk to be measured homogenously, through a properly set system of degrees. In practice, it is useful to consider two aspects of the risk. The first, called absolute or intrinsic risk and the second defined as residual risk; this latter concept contrary to the first one takes into account of the identified countermeasures effects. 105 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies Threat An outsider accesses the private network of the organization. Attack Vulnerability The outsider accesses the system through a backdoor using a Wireless Local Area Network (Wlan) - Network Service Set Identifier (SSID) has not been properly masked. - The unauthorised access point has been installed by an internal employee. - Wired Equivalency Protocol (WEP) is weak and the corresponding cryptography session has been interrupted. The outsider accesses acting a password brute force attack - Inadequate length of the password - Weak passwords subjected to dictionary attack. The outsider steals an authorised password - The sequence of non cryptographic identification leads to intrusions - Low level of monitoring - Trojan Horse installed on the network A disappointed ex employee access to the systems in order to obtain classified information - Non deleted accounts and passwords after the resignation - The passwords for dial-in servers or WLan access points have not been deleted after the resignation Financial losses due to fraudulent operations The attacker simulates a real web operation - Inadequate cryptography and identification in communication application channels The intruder accesses the client’s credit cards records - Access controls compromised on a critical database Loss of critical data A terrorist attack destroys a database - Inadequate backup and redundancy procedures A “Troy Horse” program deletes an hard drive - The employees have not been sensitized to the risk of downloading software from unknown sources - Not-updated antivirus software “Denial of Service” attack through the “ping” technique overcharges servers paralyzing them - The router badly configured cannot detect badly formatted packets - The server operating system is not updated to the most recent security standards - Inadequate antivirus defences An intruder re-configure the router in order to block the legitimate traffic - Impossibility of resetting the default administrative password on the system Continuous demands of applications saturates the server resources - Inadequate application development - Inadequate identification controls allows fraudulent calls to be accepted as genuine Internet not available, causing loss of revenues due to network inactivity Table 4-1 – Relation among threats, attacks and vulnerabilities 2 2 See note 1 106 4. Risk Analysis and management: principles and methods Countermeasures definition During the process of risk assessment an acceptable level of risk needs to be identified and compared with the available budget. The countermeasures indicate the organizational and technological measures able to face and reduce risks to a pre-defined acceptable level. Within the risk analysis process the countermeasures can be defined generically, to be subjected to a deeper investigation and further analysis and definition in a more operative viewpoint. It is very important to define acting modes, times and responsibilities in a proper implementation operative plan. Final notes In this section, we wanted to identify all the components of a general model of risk analysis. Our goal is to identify a clear map of all the elements of a generic model, in order to better understand the schemes of the different models today available on the market. Some of them are described in the appendix n.2 4.2.4 Risk Management The previously described risk analysis makes it possible to define the most adequate countermeasures to implement. The adoption, in other words implementation, of countermeasures, as well as the management and long-term monitoring of the actual security status, all belong to the risk management environment. Controllable and effective security measures must be adopted to effectively counter the risks identified and associated with the use of infrastructures for data management, processing and exchange. Information security must therefore be considered as a global characteristic, able to meet the desired level of privacy, integrity and availability of information and services, in keeping with the evolution in time of needs and technologies. An illustration of the activities involved in a complete risk 107 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies risk awareness risk control risk analysis risk mitigation Figure 4-2 – Risk Management Life Cycle management process is presented under figure 4-2 below. The illustration clearly shows that the risk management process must be continuative and replicable. To actually safeguard information security by means of careful risk management, an adequate Security Management System (SMS) must be integrated within the organisation responsible for creating, updating, deleting and maintaining information, and organised according to the three dimensions of the problem: • Processes • Organisation • Technologies. Failure to analyse one of the three above-mentioned dimensions, or a fragmentary and limited approach without a homogeneous overall assessment framework for the current state of information security, entails the potential ineffectiveness of any corrective actions undertaken because of the limited or incomplete assessment of an identified problem. 108 4. Risk Analysis and management: principles and methods Generally speaking, the issues to address are the following: • Identification and definition of corporate processes and associated risk environments • Compliance with national and international security standards and provisions (e.g. Italian Law Decree 196/2003) • Definition of a security management strategy • Decision as to the guidelines a company intends to adopt in terms of security management • Preservation of investments previously or about to be made on the security of IT systems. Risk management essentially depends on: • The corporate mission • Compliance with laws and standards • Economic availability. One of the fundamental purposes of a Security Management System is to reach a reasonable compromise between the cost of security and the costs of non-security; the main objective is to ensure a long-term, stable and optimum protection level. According to the considerations made so far, risk analysis cannot be considered the only relevant element for comprehensive risk management, but it is important to: • Effectively implement adequate countermeasures and establish an interactive efficiency monitoring cycle • Continuously update risk evaluation by periodically repeating the process or implementing dynamic risk management systems • Consider the entire security management context (see 4.1). 109 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies The global perception of the problem has led to the current trend of converging risks analysis models and risk management systems, essentially by means of modern analytic methodologies and dynamic evaluations. Such methodologies also take into account changes that have an impact on information resources, and the outcome of the incidents/attacks monitoring which will influence the updating of risk assessment criteria. 4.2.5 Risk Analysis Support to the Privacy Management System In Italy, Law Decree 196/2003 regulates the privacy management system (generally known as the Codice della Privacy (privacy law)). This law guarantees that personal data is processed in compliance with the fundamental rights and freedoms, and with respect for the dignity of the party concerned, especially in relation to privacy, personal identity and the personal data protection right. Consequently, companies have had to perform a series of both regulatory and technical-organisational accomplishments, including the adoption of specific security measures. One of the requested fulfilments is the adoption of the Programmatic Security Document for the electronic processing of sensitive personal data. To prepare the document – one of the minimum security measures provided for by art. 34 of the Code and point 19 of the Technical Requirements, appendix B of the very Code – it is requested, among other activities, to perform a risk analysis on the personal data processing system managed by companies or organisations. On the basis of the above, especially with reference to the principles and ratio of the law, it appears that the emphasis in the application of risk analysis within the privacy management system differs from the general risk analysis supporting a corporate security management system performed within the entire corporate information heritage. It is interesting to pinpoint the differences between the two cases. 110 4. Risk Analysis and management: principles and methods One difference lies in the objective that is to be reached: risk analysis does not so much aim at identifying – thereby reducing – the consequences of events that are potentially harmful for companies that process their own data/business processes, but rather at identifying the consequences of harmful events for the subjects the data pertain to; in other words, the objective is to protect the processing of the personal data of the subjects protected by the privacy law. The object of analysis is different: when performing risk analysis for a company, the objects of protection are the corporate resources and information. Instead for risk analysis in a privacy context, only the data pertaining to the private sphere of the subjects concerned are examined (i.e. database or repositories containing such data) and correlated to their processing within the company or the organisation responsible for the processing. • Thus, the very modus operandi of the risk analysis process is different: • Impact evaluation is no longer required - It is no longer necessary to classify information according to their criticality level, for the provisions supply a classification and make a two-level distinction of personal data: - Sensitive - Not sensitive (also referred as common or ordinary personal data)3. Companies and organisations nevertheless still have the uncommon task of having to identify the existence of ordinary and sensitive data, both internally and with any outsourcing partners, and correlating them to pertinent processes and applications. 3 The provisions indirectly identify a third data category: those that do not fall within the range of application of the provisions. 111 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies 112 NETWORK SECURITY From risk analysis to protection strategies 5 - Network Protection Measures 5.1 TECHNOLOGICAL MEASURES Current ICT technology is the direct product of the standardization activity launched in the eighties, when the international body ISO/OSI defined a network reference model organised in seven different layers with a specific task each: Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Session and Presentation. With the exception of the first (Physical) layer, a protocol is usually adopted for each layer of the ISO/OSI stack to enable communication and data transfer among users belonging to the same network, following pre-defined rules. When at least two systems need to communicate, all the ISO/OSI stack layers are involved, from the application layer, from which the information to be transmitted is usually generated, to the physical layer, where the information is converted into digital signals that enable transmission to the final destination. Information can be compromised as its transits through one of the aforementioned layers, which is why network equipment must be secured with specific countermeasures for each layers of the ISO/OSI stack. 113 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies Data Application Internal Network Perimeter Figure 5-1 – ISO/OSI Levels and Protection Technologies Figure 5-1 represents the main protection technologies and the different assets they are able to protect. Technologies are actually quite often able to secure several levels (from the network to applications), though for an effective security strategy, it is important to fully understand the intervention range of each technology, and especially the risks they are able to mitigate throughout the information life-cycle. 5.1.1 Firewall and VPN A firewall is generally the privileged tool for protecting and monitoring communications among the different networks of an organisation. A firewall is a hardware and/or software system able to control the traffic flow from untrusted networks whose security level cannot be determined, towards trusted networks with known security level that are equipped with the necessary protective measures. 114 5. Network Protection Measures The market offers a large variety of firewall technologies that have been designed specifically for the networks they are intended to protect: from WAN (ADSL, ISDN, Frame Relay) to LAN (Ethernet, Token Ring, etc.) networks. Modern firewall technologies are able to check communication protocols from the lowest (physical level) to the highest (applicative level) layer, while most controls are performed on the layers that have a direct implication with the network. Untrusted Network Trusted Network Figure 5-2 – Firewall and Networks For the function to be effective, all traffic requiring protection must pass through the firewall system that will apply the pre-defined security policies to grant or deny access to the requested resources. In the typical network equipment of a sufficiently computerized organisation, one usually talks about boundary protection and internal protection when using a firewall system. The former means securing communications between the external boundary of the network (typically Internet/Extranet) and the rest of the infrastructure. Instead, the latter refers to the necessary countermeasures for protecting communication within the organisa- 115 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies tion. In this case a firewall can be adopted to further segment the internal network and protect particularly critical corporate networks. The following table summarises firewall technologies of the main products on the market. Firewall Technology OSI Layer Characteristics Packet Filtering Network (3) Limited security, high performance, Network Address Translation (NAT) Application-Level Proxy Application (7) High security, low performance Circuit-level Proxy Session (5) Stateful Inspection From Network to Application (2-7) Medium security, medium performance Compromise between security and performance Table 5-1 – Predominant Firewall Technologies VPNs (Virtual Private Network) are designed with technologies that enable the implementation on public physical connections of protected, therefore private, virtual links. These technologies resort to specific transaction secure protocols, for instance IPSec, that use cryptographic algorithms both to identify users and guarantee the privacy of the information exchanged. The functions provided for include key management that is performed transparently for the users. For the system to be globally efficient traffic between the router and the corporate router is usually encrypted, thereby excluding any local networks within the company. In other words, the VPN function is implemented on so-called enforced routers, as an addition to the ordinary routing function. VPNs can also be implemented between one client and another. 5.1.2 Network/Host IDS The Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is another piece of technological protection equipment for systems and networks. Unlike a firewall, considered an active protection system, an IDS is usually 116 5. Network Protection Measures perceived as a passive measure, able to monitor and analyse network events without interfering directly to prevent them. An IDS collects information from hosts and network segments (DMZ, Internet backbones, LAN segments, etc.) to identify potential violations (external or internal attacks). The technologies adopted by modern IDS systems can be divided into two main categories: • Pattern matching. The system analyses the package flow to find sequences that can be associated to known attacks; these sequences are stored in a regularly updated database. In this sense, it is similar to an antivirus service that only identifies known attacks. • Statistical/Traffic anomaly based. Unlike the above, violations are identified thanks to the analysis of differences between traffic quantity and typology, and the pre-established thresholds considered normal or standard for the situation examined. This approach makes it possible to identify unknown attacks, though it is highly vulnerable to transitory traffic variations that are in most cases not related to an attack. Such systems are therefore considered less reliable than those mentioned previously. Despite the analysis technology implemented by IDS, one tends to distinguish two common setups, depending on the nature of the assets monitored: network based (analysis of network segments) and host based (analysis of the single hosts). • Network IDS. A NIDS (Network IDS) performs real time analysis of the packages passing through the network they act upon, searching for sequences that could derive from violations, attacks to the network, or simply the suspicious use of resources. When a potential attack is identified, the IDS notifies administrators or security managers who will decide if further preventive actions are to be taken. 117 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies • Host Based IDS. A HIDS (Host IDS) performs real time analysis of the traffic destined to one specific host, to unveil malicious or suspicious activity. These IDS systems are implemented directly on the monitored host. The approach also makes it possible to analyse the intrinsic data of the host, such as main system and log files. Though the two systems seem similar, the following factors must be considered carefully before deciding upon an IDS system: • Network architecture (number and typology of network segments) • Complexity level and security requirements • Number and typology of hosts/servers to be protected • Existing technologies characteristics To achieve maximum benefits from an IDS system, the policies/parameters that regulate how the system works must be optimised (tuning), thus ensuring a minimum number of false positives (notification of non-existing attacks) and false negatives (failure to notify real attacks). Lastly, in view of the huge quantity of data monitored by IDS systems, it is important to carefully assess the hardware/software performances making up the IDS solution. Generally speaking, best performances are achieved by dedicated security appliances, which are able to analyse large traffic quantities within the time unit. 5.1.3 Access Server (RADIUS/TACACS) Generally speaking, any access from without the corporate network is a potential threat for the organisation. However, need for constant access to corporate data, even when access to the information system from the inside the organization is physically impossible, requires technologies enabling direct access to the internal systems, for 118 5. Network Protection Measures instance by means of a telephone connection from anywhere in the world, despite the local time. The infrastructure that allows for the above is commonly known as remote access and is made up of a set of technologies that transparently connect a remote computer to the internal corporate network. Such infrastructure is especially useful to connect the laptop of a staff member to the organisation network, allowing him/her to use corporate services (e-mail, file server, intranet, etc.). To prevent such access from becoming vulnerability factor for the organisation, adequate protection technologies must absolutely be adopted. Two among the most widespread standards for remote access protection are: RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) and TACACS (Terminal Access Controller Access Control System). Integrated in access servers, the two above-mentioned technologies check the credentials of users who log-in from the outside, through a user name and password pair, or, in the most advanced versions, by means of strong authentication technologies (smart card, token, digital ID, etc.). User authentication by means of RADIUS/TACACS Remote User Headquarters with Access server Figure 5-3- Remote Access Server 119 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies RADIUS technology is used by many ISPs for user authentication. A user establishing a connection on a dial-in line will enter his/her username and password; the RADIUS server will then make sure the latter are correct and grant the user access to the system. Lately, RADIUS technology is often used also within organisations, by means of a centralised authentication system for the management of network appliances or access via wireless devices. The TACACS protocol is very popular in UNIX networks. It enables remote access servers to communicate with an authentication server where authentication credentials for accessing the network are verified. To prevent credentials theft, both technologies usually encrypt authentication information prior to introducing it onto the network. 5.1.4 Wireless Security Wireless networks are those networks where all connections occur via radio connections instead of wire connections. Basically, in a wireless network, mobile devices (typically work stations, but sometimes printers or other peripherals) communicate by radio signals, while wires connect fixed elements (network appliances, system servers). Compared to a wired network, wireless networks are potentially more vulnerable due to their intrinsically open nature. Thus, a set of protection mechanisms have been defined with the purpose of ensuring comparable security on wireless and wired networks. The security protocols are listed below, in the increasing order of their protection level: • Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP): this is the first standard protection mechanism for networks based on IEEE 802.11 protocol, which defines methodologies both for the encryption of data exchanged between a mobile client and an Access Point (AP), and the authentication of mobile devices. The 120 5. Network Protection Measures WEP protocol soon revealed weaknesses such as: - The authentication protocol is not bi-directional (the AP identifies the client, but the opposite does not apply). - Only devices are identified, not users. - There is no keys management, the keys are static, and can therefore only be managed by means of manual configuration operations. To increase security levels, some APs implement a control function for device authentication, based upon the identification of the network address of the device through which connection occurs; this technique is known as MAC Address Authentication and uses a list of addresses configured on the AP. • IEEE 802.1X: to overcome the intrinsic limits of WEP protocol, IEEE 802.1x standards were defined, x being the letter identifying its features. The family of 802.1x protocols enables the authentication of a user on a wireless network thanks to a central authentication system. The Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP), also used in point-to-point networks, makes it possible to adopt different authentication schemes that can be negotiated between mobile clients and the AP during connection phase. The most famous of such schemes is the Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS) used in environments that use certificates, usually stored on electronic cards, for remote authentication. The Protected EAP (PEAP) was introduced to enhance the security of the EAP protocol: encrypting credentials when user log in to the network. It is common to associate an authentication server using RADIUS technology to the networks based on 802.1x and 121 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies EAP protocols. The advantage of such a solution is that it becomes possible to identify any wireless device connected to a network. The figure illustrates a wireless network, equipped with a RADIUS authentication server: RADIUS RADIUS RADIUS Figure 5-4- Wireless Network equipped with a RADIUS Authentication Server. 5.1.5 Antivirus Computer viruses, like biological ones, have evolved considerably in time, especially in terms of the damages caused (known as virus payload). Until recently, viruses were commonly considered as software that in the worst cases could alter the standard use of PCs. The entity of the damage incurred has ranged from the simple visualisation of messages or more or less ironical pictures, to the 122 5. Network Protection Measures impossibility of using or even starting the system correctly, with the consequence of requiring expert assistance. At that time, files were principally exchanged on floppy disks that therefore represented the main media for propagating viruses. The global diffusion of the Internet and related communications technologies has made it possible for any Net user to exchange files and software, thus de facto cancelling physical mediation. Though the phenomenon on the one hand undeniably represents an advantage, on the other, it has led to a huge increase in infection possibilities, both in terms of propagation speed and the number of users affected at once. The first viruses able to fully exploit such an important innovation were soon to appear, generating new and worrying threats. Remember the damage caused by the virus Melissa that literally brought the world e-mail systems to their knees, at an incredible speed, also thanks to the possibility of finding new victims in the addressbooks of infected PCs. Melissa was actually just a drop in the ocean; indeed, the same process was used by viruses such as SirCam, Klez, Sobig, which have introduced disquieting new methods to increase the global nature and payload destructiveness of viruses, ranging from the cancellation to the unauthorised diffusion of confidential documents. In theory, antiviruses are of several kinds (scanner, integrity checker, immunisers, etc.). In practice, those used predominantly belong to the scanner typology and are based on the software capacity to identify particular suspicious patterns (signatures), within the periodically explored and monitored media, listed in a database of known patterns. Of course, the signature databases of such antiviruses must be periodically and promptly updated. The update distribution procedure is a very important, though often neglected, operational aspect of security equipment. 5.1.6 URL Filtering Though the widespread use of the Internet in organisations does indeed represent an extraordinary opportunity for improving internal and external processes, thereby increasing individual produc- 123 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies tiveness, it can also entail intrinsic risks for individual users and organisations as a whole. Here are some of the most common consequences of the improper use of the Internet: • Reduction of individual productiveness • Waste of computer resources (connectivity, server, etc.) • Increase in the probability of being infected by malicious codes • Increase in the risks of internal/external intrusions • Risk of being involved in legal disputes, for instance following the unscrupulous use of Internet services (pornography, copyright infringements, etc.) A solution to the above-mentioned problems lies in the use of URL Filtering technologies. These are hardware/software solutions that make it possible to filter the Internet contents requested by the users, according to pre-established policies. Request approved Request denied Figure 5-5 – Architecture of a URL Filtering Solution 124 5. Network Protection Measures Two methods are most commonly adopted among these tools: • Black list. The address requested by the user is looked up on a list of previously introduced unauthorised addresses. If the outcome is positive, access to the resource is denied. • URL database. This is the most sophisticated technique; it consists in a periodically updated database of Web addresses that classify Internet content into special groups. Users are either assigned to one or several groups or configured so as to be excluded from some. It is thus possible to apply restrictions to site categories, preventing the manual census of each address. 5.1.7 Patch Management One of the most difficult aspects of information security guarantee lies in the constant management of vulnerabilities that affect most software programs. It is actually extremely unlikely for a system to be devoid of any development failures that to different extents could affect organisations’ security. The challenge nowadays for any security expert is to intervene rapidly to solve any new vulnerability. The battle can be won only with the commitment of software producers who have the task of issuing security updates (patch) in the shortest time possible. Nevertheless, the greater the number of systems, the greater the effort organisations must make to manage such issues. The difficulties are such that the problem is often not even considered, thus opening a privileged channel for the violation of system security. An automated vulnerability solution makes it possible to considerably reduce the effort, by significantly increasing the timeliness of patch applications. Such solutions are commonly referred to as patch management applications: they supply advanced functionalities for the analysis, collection and distribution of security updates for applications and operative systems. 125 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies Patch release Patch distribution Figure 5-6- Typical Patch Management Architecture The typical architecture of a patch management system consists in a central server, a repository of patches that are automatically downloaded from the producers of operative systems and applications, and a centralised console for the automatic management of updates throughout the corporate network. The patch management platform distributes the patches to the different systems. The use of a patch management solution improves the security of corporate services, remarkably reducing vulnerability risks, and streamlining protection processes. 5.1.8 Cryptography and Public Key Infrastructure A Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is a system of digital certificates, certification authority (CA) and registration authorities (RA) that uses public key cryptography to control the legitimate nature of the parties involved in an electronic transaction. PKI standards are still in evolution, though they are widely implemented as a 126 5. Network Protection Measures necessary element for the diffusion of electronic commerce. Several reasons underlie the choice of an organisation to setup a public key infrastructure, even only internally: • Advanced protection. Smart cards enable an advanced authentication level. The privacy and integrity of the data transmitted on the public networks is guaranteed by IP protection (IPSec) and the encryption of file management systems guarantees the privacy of stored data (for instance, EFS – Encrypting File System for Windows 2000 and other Microsoft operative systems). • Simplified administration. The organisation can issue certificates instead of passwords. If necessary, certificates can be revoked and their list can be published (CRL, Certificate Revocation List). • Encryption function. It is possible to safely exchange files and data on public networks such as the Internet. A protected e-mail system can be implemented thanks to S/MIME (Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) extensions, while Web connections are generally protected by SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) or TLS (Transport Layer Security). The following are some of the elements that enable an organisation to implement a public key infrastructure: • Certificates. A certificate is essentially a digital credential issued by an authority that guarantees the identity of the certificate owner. A certificate associates a public key with the identity of a user, computer or service that detains the corresponding private key. Certificates are used by different public key protection services and applications that ensure the authentication and integrity of the data and secure communication services in the context of public networks such as the Internet. The standard certificate format is described under regulation X.509v3. A X.509 certificate contains information on the per127 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies son or entity receiving the certificate, information on the certificate itself, as well as optional information on the issuing certification authority. Information on the subject can include the name of the entity, the public key, the public key algorithm and an optional univocal ID of the subject. Standard extensions for version 3 certificates contain information on key identifiers, the key use, certificate criteria, the names and alternative attributes, the constraints of the certification process and information on credit revocation, including reasons for revocation. • Certified Services. A certification authority must establish and guarantee the identity of certificate holders. The certification authority even revokes certificates if they are no longer considered valid, and publishes Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) that will be used by certificate verifiers. The PKI is made up of one main CA. However, most companies that manage a public key infrastructure resort to several certification authorities, divided into trusted groups known as certification hierarchies. One distinctive element of certified services is the CA Web registration pages. The pages are displayed when a CA is selected and allow users to send certificate requests by means of a Web browser. Furthermore, CA Web pages can be installed in servers where no certification authority has been installed. In this case, the Web pages are used to forward certificate requests to a CA whose direct access is, for some reason, to be denied to applicants. • Certificates and Smart Cards. Certificates can be stored on smart cards to facilitate access to a system, for authentication via Web, the protection of e-mail messages and other security functions using public key cryptography. • Public Key Criteria. Group criteria can be used in some systems for automatic certificate distribution to computers, to 128 5. Network Protection Measures establish common lists of reliable certificates and trusted certification authorities, as well as to manage recovery criteria for encrypted file management systems (as for instance EFS – Encrypting File System). 5.1.9 Single Sign-On (SSO) The proliferation of applications, sometimes also for temporary reasons, often makes it mandatory to follow several authentication procedures. Thus, as shown below, in the case of Identity Management, password management can become complicated, not only for administrators, but also for users. Ease of use is one of the conditions in designing security. The more complicated the access to data and applications, the greater the risk of losing privacy and integrity. This is the case for instance when users who have to remember several passwords to access different applications write then down, which no longer ensures privacy. The solution of adopting a unified process for access to several applications is commonly referred to as Single Sign-On (SSO). The technology supporting a SSO system consists of a user and credentials database, a variable number of interfaces towards applications and systems (agents) and a series of functionalities enabling the perfect synchronisation of authentication processes (password synchronisation) for each system. In very heterogeneous contexts, with very different operative systems and applications, the setup of the SSO solution can be highly complex. Furthermore, it is not always possible to adopt a single solution, thus making it advisable to customize and integrate different technologies. The combination between the SSO and the Identity Management (see paragraph 5.2.2 below) ensures perfect effectiveness of the user/application association, thus notably reducing the daily work of ICT staff in addressing such issues. Also, thanks to additional control and precision, the two systems consistently increase the security level, while at the same time reducing the human error incidence. 129 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies Authentication Username A Password G E Credentials Send N Credentials or Users database T S Figure 5-7- Single Sign-On typical architecture 5.1.10 Strong Authentication The identity of a remote user is generally verified using two main security functions: identification and authentication. The former is the stage at which users declare their identity to the system, while the latter enables identity verification. The security of the asset accessed by a user strictly depends on authentication. Weak systems that are not able to guarantee the identity of remote users expose the target to numerous risks. The most widespread authentication system is the password. The username/password pair authenticates the system user. Nevertheless, several problems entail that the security offered by such technology is very limited. A password can be written down and stolen, lost, inferred, shared and forgotten; it is therefore unsuitable for systems requiring reasonable certainty as to the actual identity of users requesting access. Such limits can be overcome and the security limits can be increased thanks to the Strong Authentication or two-factor authentication technology. In this case, users have two elements in addition to the ID: one to be remembered (password or pin) and the other to be possessed (physical device). 130 5. Network Protection Measures Authentication is only successful in the presence of both elements. Authenticated users can be local or remote. The former can connect to the system through a personal or corporate workstation by means of a local network (LAN), or a network managed by the entity hosting the accessed system. Instead, a remote user is any kind of user that logs into the system via a connection outside the corporate network (Internet, VPN, extranet, dial-up, etc.) The market offers several solutions that implement the Strong Authentication technology, characterised by different user range and security levels. Various factors must be considered before choosing the most adequate system, such as the following: • Value of the asset requiring protection • Required security level • Type of user requiring authentication (local or remote) • Technical impact on user systems and on the target infrastructure • Type of remote access (Internet, VPN, RAS, Extranet, etc.) • Systems ease of use. The typology of users accessing the system is a fundamental parameter to consider carefully when choosing a strong authentication solution. Some technologies are in fact more suitable for remote users (especially mobile users), while others are more adequate for internal corporate users (desktop or server). The table below summarises the main strong authentication technologies available on the market. An overview of the different technologies able to ensure high security level upon authentication is given below. 131 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies Method Examples Ownership User/Password Can be shared Easy to identify What you have Smart Card Digital ID Token Can be shared Can be lost Can be stolen What you know and what you have Smart Card + Pin Can be shared Biometrics Cannnot be shared Unlikely repudiation Difficult to duplicate Cannot be lost or stolen What you know Individual authentication Fig 5-8 – Authentication Techniques Solution One Time Password Hardware (OTP) One Time Password Software (OTP) Digital ID VPN Suggested Compatibility Utilisation range Security Level Technical Technical Impact on Impact on Workstations Users Yes Remote user with access to Web/VPN High applications Yes Mobile remote user with corporate Medium-High High Notebook, PDA, SmartPhone, Palm High Yes Local or Remote user with Web/VPN Medium applications access Low Smart Yes Card/Token Local user with corporate workstation. Remote user with corporate desktop/notebook Biometrics Local user at corporate High workstation Infrequent None* Medium-High Medium-High High High *Provided use is limited to Web applications or compatible solutions Table 5-2- Synoptic Table of Strong Authentication Technologies 132 Medium Medium High 5. Network Protection Measures One Time Password (OTP) OTP systems are based upon the generation of a dynamic password – usually every 60 seconds – associated to a PIN known by the user. The algorithm that produces the password is random, which makes it highly unlikely for the produced numbers to be repeated more than once. The user generally brings a pocketsize device equipped with password-generating software. An authentication server, synchronised with the user device, verifies the credentials by applying the same algorithm. The authentication process requires connectivity with the server. When such systems are used for access to Web applications, or in combination with a RAS, the client does not need any software, which means they are particularly suitable when it is not possible to control the configuration of the accessing PC (third parties workstations). These systems ensure high security levels, though they can be defeated by sophisticated technologies. Figure 5-9- OTP Devices Digital Certificates Digital certificates for user authentication are usually associated to VPN clients (IpSec or SSL), or to Web browsers by means of the SSL 3 protocol. A digital certificate must be issued by a private or public CA (Certification Authority) (see paragraph 5.1.8 above). During access, the signature on the certificate is compared to the certificate of the CA root that signed it, to guarantee its validity. In some cases, it is possible to check other parameters contained in the certificate. For this 133 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies Figure 5-10 – Digital Certificate reason, both certificates must be client-resident (the client requesting access). The user certificate can alternatively also be smart card-resident (in compliance with protocol PKCS11) and be removed when the latter is withdrawn. Security levels are high, though digital certificates must be kept carefully. The technical impact on workstations is quite high, since the certificate must be handed to the user and installed in the client (browser, or any other client requesting access) together with that of the issuing CA. In the presence of a large number of users, a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) must be implemented and may need to be managed by qualified personnel. Smart Card/Token The use of Smart Cards and Tokens usually depends on the utilisation of other technologies, such as dynamic passwords or digital 134 5. Network Protection Measures certificates, which they store. Their use requires the presence of specific technical conditions, such as dedicated readers or USB peripherals, which is why they are commonly adopted for corporate workstations (desktop or notebook) whose configuration is fully controllable. They can be used in different environments, from authentication to digital signatures, and data encryption. The technological impact is high and the security level depends a lot on the market solution chosen. Figure 5-11 – Smart Card and USB Token Biometrics Biometrics uses biological parameters or specific behaviour, for user identification. Whatever technology is selected, from fingerprint reading to face recognition, retina scanning, full collaboration is needed from the user submitted to authentication. Furthermore, in order to complete the initial registration stage (enrolment), all users must be involved at the beginning. Biometrics is generally limited to corporate workstations and is rarely suitable for remote users. The technical impact is high due to the use of specific appliances and readers, thus making integration with remote access solutions difficult. Figure 5-12 – Biometric Technologies 135 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies 5.1.11 User Provisioning User management process has been made much more complicated by the constant increase of access to corporate assets by ever more heterogeneous users. In especially vast and complex environments, operations to create, cancel or modify users may require a remarkable effort in terms of human and time resources. Furthermore, bearing in mind that the authentication process is fundamental to ensure information security, often supporting all the others processes, it is fundamental to manage the electronic identity of users in an effectively and timely manner. Identity Management (IdM) models will be discussed further on, under paragraph 5.2.2. We will now refer to two key support functions that are part of an IdM solution, provisioning and de-provisioning. Internal and External Users Auditing Service Remote Access Operative Services Directory Database Applications Mainframe Figure 5-13 – Provisioning Architecture for an Identity Management System 136 5. Network Protection Measures The former deals with all aspects linked to the creation and management of user profiles, while the latter has to do with user divestment or suspension. Of course, when we refer to profiles, we mean them as associated to different systems and applications users need to access, for which manual and punctual management would require unacceptable efforts. Nowadays, the market offers specific software platforms that automate and rationalise both processes. 5.2 ORGANISATIONAL AND PROCESS MEASURES 5.2.1 Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Introduction and Terminology This chapter presents the main aspects pertaining to the network-enabled continuity of ICT services, in relation to benefits, opportunities, costs and applicability range. The definition formulated by the British Standards Institute (BSI©) for the Business Continuity Management concept is the following: “Holistic management process that identifies potential impacts threatening an organization and provides a framework for building resilience and the capability for an effective response to safeguard the interests of its key stakeholders1, reputation, brand and value-creating activities”2. Within the context of the Business Continuity Management process, the planning and management of Disaster Recovery is the technological component of the entire process, and is the specific subject of this chapter. 1 I.e. any physical or juridical person (shareholders, but not only) related to the corporate, and therefore concerned with its performances, as well as correct and transparent management. 2 "holistic management process that identifies potential impacts that threaten an organization and provides a framework for building resilience and the capability for an effective response that safeguards interests of its key stakeholders, reputation, brand and value-creating activities". 137 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies The Disaster Recovery Plan Stages A Disaster Recovery plan is usually developed according to the following stages. Stage 1 – Classification of Critical Processes The starting point for developing a Disaster Recovery plan must be included in the early stages of the more general Business Continuity Management process. This is the stage in which the boundary of application of the business continuity management process is defined, and the different processes contained in the boundary are classified in the decreasing order of their criticalness. Processes are classified according to their maximum tolerable suspension time (RTO, Recovery Time Objective concept). The principle, according to which it is impossible to guarantee continuity for all processes, is normally considered acceptable for economical reasons. The objective is therefore to identify those processes whose operational continuity must be guaranteed. Stage 2 – Definition of the Plan Criteria and Parameters. At this stage, starting from the study of classified corporate processes, by correlating the processes entailed in the plan with the relative software applications, a list is made of all the computer applications that are to be included in the Disaster Recovery plan. Stage 3 – Definition of the Plan Requirements for a Disaster Recovery. This is the stage at which the plan feasibility requirements are established in relation to the objectives and defined intervention boundary. The criteria and structural elements of the plan are supplied; after having been submitted to discussion and to the approval of the management, it is possible to move on to the subsequent implementation stages on a solid basis, both in terms of the technical and organisational context to be considered, and of the economic benefit. The following topics must be defined at this stage: • Mode and usage extent of systems at the Disaster Recovery 138 5. Network Protection Measures stage, both in terms of the use and management of processing resources, and at a user level. • Alternative system and network architectures • Sources and solutions for the identification and availability of alternative systems and networks • Possible insurance policies • Interfaces, exchanges and/or interconnections among the different procedure systems • Verification of backup procedures for the applications included in the plan • Definition of the organisational crisis management structure. Stage 4 – Preparation of the Plan Details This stage provides for the detailed definition of behavioural procedures and rules that must be followed by the personnel involved, both during usual management and upon the declaration of a crisis, and consequently, the implementation of the plan. Stage 5 – Plan Implementation This stage contains the final procedural draft, the necessary organisational consolidation to implement procedures, and the purchase of the necessary software, hardware and logistic resources. Stage 6 – Pre-operational Test At this stage, the entire plan and relative training activity is tested prior to reaching operational level. Stage 7 – Periodic Operational Tests and Updates This stage concerns the periodic tests for the partial and/or total implementation of the plan, as well as the definition and applica- 139 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies tion of ordinary and extraordinary plan maintenance criteria. Choosing Alternative Resources Besides the definition of process criticalities, the most difficult aspect in the definition of a Disaster Recovery plan lies in the choice of the most suitable alternative solutions for the network and for the system as a whole. As far as the network is concerned, the most practical approach is to ask your usual provider for an alternative solution, generally able to manage less traffic compared to the usual flow. The nodes and routes of the new solution must of course be truly independent from the original ones so as not to be submitted to the events that could jeopardise the original network. As for the other system components (host, server, workstation, etc.) and their logistics, there are different solutions whose costs generally increase with the decrease of the necessary implementation time. The figure below (Fig. 5-14) offers an overview of the available systems, and an explanation of the most commonly used terminology. Cold Sites are areas containing basic equipment, though no network appliances and connections. A Warm Site is a partially equipped context: for example, connections to an external network, though without any server or workstation. Hot Sites are fully equipped areas, with an internal and external network. Mirroring is a hot site where archives are updated in near real-time – with a few minutes delay at the most – compared to the main processing site. The above shows that for finding optimal alternative resources, the criticalities of the processes included in the Disaster Recovery plan must be carefully analysed, also bearing in mind the extensive cost range. The definition of disaster recovery solutions should be supported by an adequate strategy, followed by feasibility studies, to identify the best solutions for cost-benefit optimisation. 140 5. Network Protection Measures Mirroring C o s t Hot site Warm site Cold site Implementation speed Figure 5-14 – Alternative Solutions Diagram, Costs vs. Implementation Time 5.2.2 Identity Management It is often believed that the main objective of an information security management system is only to exclude unauthorised external accesses to information systems, thus concentrating efforts on the protection of the network boundaries and relevant information devices. Actually, the risk level coming from inside the organisations is the same as the one from outside, though through the application environment within organisations. There is at the same time an increased request for new applications to extend access to a greater and varied number of often unknown users such as business partners, providers, agents, customers and personnel. A solution for managing information risks can be found in Identity Management (IdM) concepts, a nowadays widely-used expression defined for the first time in a white paper prepared jointly 141 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies by the PricewaterhouseCoopers and Gartner Group3. IdM is a convergence of business technologies and processes. There is no one single approach, since a strategy must respond to specific requests within the technological and business context of each specific organisation. The overall objective is to supply valid access to the right people at the right time. The function categories entailed in the IdM for the classification of all the technological, organisational and process elements are the following: authentication, access control, user management, and directory services. Authentication is a mechanism enabling transactions, at different security levels, with certainty as to the identity of the parties involved. • Authentication mechanisms are for instance: • Username and password • Personal Identification Number (PIN) • Digital certificates • Token • Biometrics • Smart card. From an organisational and process viewpoint, it is necessary to define roles and analyse risks so as to identify who is to be allowed access to what. Access control ensures that users can only access the applications or resources they are entitled to use. This infrastructure is known as Privileged Management Infrastructure (PMI). 3 “Identity Management: The business Context of Security.” Whitepaper © 2001 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Interviews & case studies © 2001 Gartner, Inc. 142 5. Network Protection Measures • The main features of the infrastructure are: • Common structure for authentication and access authorisation to several applications • A Single Sign On platform for information access • Roles Definition (role-based access control) • Access monitoring. User management is the expression that defines technologies and processes to manage a large number of users. User Provisioning is another term to define this environment (see paragraph 5.1.11). The main functions of user management technologies and processes are: Automation of workflow processes to create participants and grant them access to all the applications needed for their work (provisioning) • Automatic removal of no longer existing users (de-provisioning) • Users are given a high degree of controlled autonomy • Delegation of access administration functions. Directory Services make it possible to manage access to directories. A directory is a software element that stores information. Access generally occurs by means of the protocol known as Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). Technological evolution has extended the concept to Meta Directories and Virtual Directories, which tend to avoid duplication thanks to pointers that find information without creating copies. The main features of service directories are the following: • Centralised, flexible and secure archive for user profiles • Scalability to several million users • Rapid response capability to hundreds of questions per second 143 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies • Integration based on main application standards. The benefits entailed in the correct and complete implementation of an Identity Management solution include: • Integration of technologies • Lower management costs • Productivity increase • Process automation • Greater overall efficiency • Controlled autonomy granted to clients, personnel, providers and partners • Higher corporate data protection • Integration of conformity rules (privacy, etc.) • Active and conscious security • Rational and organised definition of access profiles • Constant auditing. 5.2.3 Operational Security Management Generalities The effectiveness of any countermeasure has always been considered limited in time, either because of problems arising within protection mechanisms, or the discovery of new vulnerabilities and threats; however, such a concept has only recently become part of security definitions and objectives. Any countermeasure system must therefore be supported by awareness capacity in terms of new vulnerabilities and threats. Furthermore, if incidents were unfortunately to occur notwithstanding the existence of an effective protection infrastructure, quick identification and correct management are crucial. The two aspects mentioned above are often known as Real Time Security Monitoring and Incident Handling. In such a con- 144 5. Network Protection Measures text, monitoring means incident identification, which is not to be mistaken with the monitoring of systems and networks to control correct operativeness. Indications of such an approach can be found in many national and international security documents of the past years, though it is only lately, with the increase in the number of attacks and security incidents, that the indispensable nature of such functions has been acknowledged. The concepts of incident management and security control and monitoring already appeared in the Italian Prime Minister’s Directive dated 16/1/2002, better known as the Stanca Directive. The Ministry of Technological Innovation and the Ministry of Communications, issued the previously-mentioned document “Strategy Proposals on Information and Telecommunications Security for the Administration”, published in March 2004, on the concepts of incident monitoring and management to promote the survey of security activities through active monitoring and management of information incidents and early warning of threats. Furthermore, CNIPA is preparing the implementation plan of, a body for the coordination and support of the Incident Response Teams that will be created within the Administration. As for international indications, The Information Security Forum adopted the previously-described approach, supported by a risk management methodology, known as FIRM, that since the first pages defines security as a set of three areas: incident prevention, incident detection and response4. Today real-time security monitoring cannot be achieved by simply purchasing technological devices, though the market does offer a wide range of products to this end. The capability to correctly launch some key processes of the security cycle is also necessary. The components that determine the quality and effectiveness of such processes are the following: 4 See Appendix 2.2 145 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies • Time coverage: new threats spread within a few minutes, what- ever the time and geographical area. Monitoring must be ensured 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, continuously and in real time. Indicatively, 6 to 10 people are necessary to cover 24 hours. • Knowledge: the analysis of security events requires a very high level of competence that must be maintained in time. The analysis of new threats, as well as the choice of adequate procedures to manage the incident, requires very specific knowledge of the technologies used in the organisation, as well as consolidated experience in security analysis. • Knowledge base: access to a security knowledge base is fundamental to enable incident analysis activity and to determine incident management procedures. • Identification and response to incidents: since people manage identification and response activities, it is crucial to have the support of correct management processes and technological platforms. It is advisable that processes pertaining to the identification and response to incidents be compliant with acknowledged internal standards such as BS 7799. • Technology: several hardware/software platforms support the functions of monitoring and response to incidents: - Log centralisation systems - Incident tracking systems - Trouble ticketing systems - Systems for the realisation of security portals - Centralised systems for security control and management. The market offers several services to support the knowledge of new threats and vulnerabilities, as well as the launching and management of identification and response processes to the incidents describes below: 146 5. Network Protection Measures Managed Security Services • Managed Security Services (or MSS) include two categories of very different services: • Security Management • Real Time Security Monitoring Security Management The management services offered by a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) have the purpose of supplying ordinary and extraordinary management of security devices, in the form of outsource services. In particular, the security deivces are managed according to the three following aspects: - Fault management - Configuration management - Performance management Fault management manages client security devices to make sure they always operate properly. This is usually, though not always, achieved through an extended service on the 24h. Some of the typical fault management services include: - The periodic check-up of security devices to identify possible problems - The notification to customers every time that, for any reason, the security devices ceases to function, and assistance/guidelines concerning appropriate measures to solve the problem - Periodic reports to customers that summarizes the operational situation of their security devices over a pre-determined period of time. 147 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies Configuration management is used by the customer to outsource to the MSSP the configuration of his/her security devices. The expert responsible for configuration management usually deals with the following aspects: - Modification and upgrading of the applications supporting security devices, and of the operative systems - Modification of the policies and signatures applied to the security devices - Daily, weekly or monthly reports listing all the new upgrades and modifications to the clients’ security devices. Performance management involves the collection and presentation of statistics on the performance recorded on the clients’ security devices. The reports include the following: - Statistics on the speed and efficiency of the client network - Identification of internal bottlenecks penalising network performance - Reports on overall performance, consolidating all the log data generated by the clients’ security devices. Real Time Security Management Security monitoring requires a high degree of competence in the security environment, as well as sophisticated architecture to support data analysis on different devices through a global organisation. In the context of the monitoring services offered by the MSSP, the word outsourcing must be taken cautiously: services offered from the outside do not replace internal control, and the security control room remains within the organisation. External services are to be considered as a useful support in identifying incidents. • Real Time Security Monitoring services are made up of the following functions: • Data collection and standardization 148 5. Network Protection Measures • Data mining • Automatic correlation of security-related events • Response to events • Event report Data collection and standardization is a process in which data related to security devices (firewall log, IDS alert, etc.) are collected and transformed into a standard format, despite of the device nature and provider. Data standardisation is essential for efficient security monitoring, since this enables the MSSP to use a set of standard queries to analyse the security device data and to isolate traces of dangerous activity. The data mining process is made up of an automated system that constantly queries security devices to identify any sign of dangerous activity, thus separating suspicious from legitimate network traffic. It is probably the central technological element in monitoring processes: a client has to make sure that an MSSP is able to scale down its capacity in terms of data mining as the devices connected to the backend architecture increase. In other words, the MSSP must be capable of developing ever-more sophisticated queries as new devices are added to the network. Nevertheless, increasing the number of queries does not necessarily mean improving the data mining process. In this sector, the quality and constant fine-tuning of queries are extremely important, as well as the timely creation of new queries able to constantly reveal evolving harmful activity. It is only thanks to highly sophisticated data mining that an MSSP can ensure efficient correlations between data and attacks. Another essential component for a truly effective monitoring service is the automated correlation of security-related events, in other words, the automatic grouping of specific harmful activity traces, using logical criteria such as source, nature and destination of the attack. Thanks to this process, attacks are rapidly reconstructed, and analysts can view the entire attack. Without automatic correlation, security analysts would be obliged to reconstruct the attack sequences by manually going through millions of lines of data recorded by the 149 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies security appliances. Needless to say that such an operation is too expensive in terms of the time involved and too complex at any scalability level, even on networks with low traffic volumes. The response to events that have repercussions on security follows and depends on the security analyst’s examination of the data generated by the correlation process. According to the nature of the event, the range of actions can vary from simple client notification to immediate communication of the event to the competent police authorities. The availability of a service enabling the analysis of security events by experts over the entire time arch (24x7) is decisive for the management of any security service. Event reporting is the process adopted to notify clients about events identified on their network that have an impact on security. According to the nature of the event, the reports can be transmitted immediately by voice, e-mail, or by real-time notifications published on the Web portal, or even, by means of periodic reports. Monitoring services are usually offered for security platforms that supply significant information on events (firewall, host and network intrusion detection system, etc.). To enable effective real time security monitoring, a MSSP must have all the above-mentioned features. Protection against vulnerabilities, real-time risk identification and management for network security are impossible to achieve in the absence of just one of these services. The difference between security management and simple monitoring lies both in the availability of top level professional knowhow and a complex technical architecture able to perform global data analysis on several platforms. This aspect was stressed in the article “Top Guns” published in the Information Security review: “Security software has made great progress in the capacity to consolidate, correlate and analyse events and data logs on several appliances such as firewalls, IDS and routers. However, according to experts at the control stations of the SOC (Security Options Centre) of MSSPs, when analysing events with security impacts, the most reliable, though oldest, tool is intuition”5. 5 R. Thieme, A. Briney - "Top Guns" in "Information Security", August 2002. 150 5. Network Protection Measures Early Warning The most numerous and frequent security incidents having affected organisations worldwide derive from external threats such as viruses, worms and other forms of malicious codes. Such threats are global, since they indiscriminately affect organisations anywhere in the world, and have not been devised to attack one specific organisation, even though they have lately become a means for perpetrating targeted attacks by exploiting the technical vulnerabilities and weakened defence of organisations during emergencies. In all recent famous cases (Blaster, My Doom, Sasser, etc.), only a few hours passed between the first attack and the moment of maximum diffusion. This data, together with the fact that no environment is nowadays completely protected against any vulnerability, stresses the importance of adopting preventive and proactive strategies. So-called early warning services, or preventive notification, help organisations learn in advance about emerging vulnerabilities and threats, and adopt correct countermeasures to prevent the phenomenon before it affects the organisation. Early warning services can be divided into two categories: • Vulnerability Notification: this is the service that warns an organisation any time a new vulnerability is revealed. However, since a consistent number of vulnerabilities are discovered every day, the most advanced services make it possible to receive notification only for vulnerabilities concerning the technology and products installed in the organisation. Free services also exist, in the form of mailing lists; nevertheless, they do not guarantee timely notifications, nor do they allow any choice as to the kind of notification one wishes to receive. • Threat notification: vulnerability in itself is insufficient to represent a risk for an organisation. It is the existence of technologies and methods that exploit vulnerabilities that make them possible vectors for attacks and violations. Threat notification services are able to rapidly identify the existence of 151 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies activities that could exploit vulnerability and to send a notification to member organisations. There are currently not many threat notification services, since they require a large, real-time analysis and intelligence network of the provider, able to immediately reveal the early signs of vulnerability exploitation. Together with the notification of new threats, early warning service providers supply a detailed description of the phenomenon, a list of vulnerable systems, possible impacts, propagation methods and actions suggested for risk mitigation or cancellation. Incident Handling Not all security infrastructures, even the best, are able to supply absolute protection guarantees for the IT system. Notwithstanding the huge progress achieved in the past years by security enhancing devices, their effectiveness is still limited, and in no case absolute. Adequate structures to manage all the events (incidents, frauds, attacks, malfunctioning, etc) that threaten service and information continuity are therefore necessary. This organisational structure is usually known as CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team), and is responsible for receiving, analysing and managing incidents pertaining to information security. Furthermore, it also has the task of coordinating and monitoring several activities that are fundamental for ensuring an organisation with the most adequate security levels. In the presence of a CERT, an organisation will be able to manage all incidents centrally. The activation of a CERT will namely enable an organisation to: • Optimise resources, time, costs and incident management tools thanks to the centralisation and coordination of activities 152 5. Network Protection Measures • Safeguard its information heritage, preserving privacy, integrity and availability, even in compliance with the privacy protection measures • Limit the incident occurrence and probability through monitoring and prevention activity • Constantly monitor the security status of its information system. Since the activation of a CERT is very complex and time-consuming activity, it is advisable to resort to a specialised company that can offer advice as to the following: • Definition of an organisational model • Definition of the technological architecture of the security operations centre that will host the CERT • Launch the CERT, define processes and procedures • Specialised resources for personnel training and incident management • Support services (real-time security monitoring, early warning). Specialised Help Desk Specialised help desk services are very useful; whenever needed, they supply necessary support and expertise for problem/incident solving. The range of specialised help desk and support services is vast. Often, it is the security technology producers themselves that supply support services, though they are in most cases limited to their own platforms. Below is a list of some factors to consider upon the purchase of a help desk service: • Hours covered (working hours or 24h) • Typology of support (basic or specialised) 153 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies • Required expertise • Presence of personnel specialised in the products used by the organisation • Ticket management modality in relation to the level of seriousness of the call • Security procedures • Service levels • Existence of a portal (informative or interactive). Periodic Security Assessment The periodic security level assessment supplied by the information system is a good practice recommended by almost all national and international security guidelines. There are currently no consolidated assessment standards and methodologies: each provider has developed its own methodology based on market, open source or internally developed tools. This explains the remarkable differences in the products existing on the market, whatever their name may be. Here is a list of the most common activities: • Vulnerability Assessment: the vulnerabilities existing in the examined systems are assessed with the help of tools, known as scanners that through a system by system analysis search for known vulnerabilities. The outcome of such activity is a list of the vulnerabilities identified in the system, divided according to their level of seriousness. • Penetration Test: the purpose of the Penetration Test, also referred to as Ethical Hacking, is to analyse the vulnerabilities of a system, trying to use them to assess its violability. This activity is performed by a group of security experts often known as the Tiger Team, which resorts to hacking techniques to reveal every vulnerable point in the system. Penetration Tests can be performed in the following modalities: 154 5. Network Protection Measures Blind: the Tiger Team receives no information on the system submitted to its analysis; it will be up to the team to find all the necessary information for performing the analysis Overt: the Tiger Team receives as much information as possible on the system it is to analyse, thus enabling a very detailed analysis. Penetration Tests can be performed remotely, though only on servers visible on Internet connections. Instead the analysis of internal systems must be performed inside the organisation. • Policy Assessment: the activity has the purpose of verifying organisation policies, controlling their correct implementation on systems and applications. Special tools are normally used to read and analyse the policies configured on systems and applications. Policies found on the systems are compared with corporate policies and standard international guidelines, as well as with best practices. • Security Assessment: Has the purpose of assessing an organisation’s security plan, using different references, such as BS7799, and the best practices produced by international bodies such as the Information Security Forum. The objective of security assessment is to identify the areas most at risk and to supply guidelines for the application of adequate corrective actions. • Application Assessment: assesses the security level offered by some applications, especially Web applications. Such activity is extremely useful for any organisation with critical (i.e. trans-national) Web applications that needs to assess its security level. The method is very similar to that of penetration tests, and must be performed by highly qualified personnel with thorough expertise in the field. Since such assessment systems have no standard models, it is important to consider the following aspects upon weighing the different market offers: • Final results: outcome and presentation of final results (documents, discussion meetings, etc.) 155 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies • Know-how: service quality depends a lot on the know-how and expertise of the consultants performing the assessment. • Methodology: since most companies offering assessment services have developed their own methodology, it is important to understand the underlying principles • Best practice: when evaluating management processes and modalities, it is necessary to preventively identify indications, guidelines, internal policies or best practices • Security: security assessment services require that the provider be allowed access to confidential information of an organisation. It is important to check with the provider what procedures and security tools are adopted to ensure the protection of any such information. • Tools: sometimes tools are used for assessment activities. Ask the provider to explain what tools will be used, and their invasiveness and impact levels on the infrastructure of the organisation. Furthermore, find out if the tools can be installed permanently within the infrastructure to facilitate any future assessments. 156 NETWORK SECURITY From risk analysis to protection strategies 6 – Security Governance in the Public Administration and Private Companies 6.1 SECURITY GOVERNANCE AS A FACTOR OF SOCIAL GUARANTEE FOR THE NETWORKS USE Since a few years, the word governance has been introduced to define any activity aimed at ensuring the correct management of a specific process, or even the entire corporate process, not only to guarantee corporate efficiency and compliance with the law, but also to defend shareholders and, more generally, stakeholders. The term also has a strong ethical implication, in addition to creativeness and commonsense. The requirement of codifying governance likely meets two necessities: • The need for a formal and shared framework to address the current complexities rooted in business processes • The need for a rigorous conceptual model making the imple- mentation criteria of the governance process transparent, even for stakeholders1 that are not directly involved in corporate management. Of course, in an abstract descending order, security governance derives from the governance of ICT systems, which in turn is 1 See note 1, chapter 5. 157 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies part of the more extensive scope of corporate governance. One of the first initiatives that introduced and developed such concepts was the COSO project that recently supported and produced a document entitled: “Enterprise Risk Management – Integrated Framework”, in collaboration with Pricewaterhouse-Coopers. The document defines and illustrates the elements that together make up a corporate governance structure, with special emphasis on risk analysis. At the beginning of the nineties, the COSO2 Committee issued a first document on the same theme, entitled “Internal Control – Integrated Framework”. In the past years, the USA and Europe – and Italy as well – suffered sensational cases of bad and fraudulent administrative business management, justifying specific law making initiatives, in addition to private initiatives such as the one mentioned above, such as the 2002 “Sarbanes-Oxley Act” in the USA, and the “Legge Draghi” in Italy (Law by decree 58/1998), and the more recent piece of legislation on the reform of corporate law, enforced on January 1st 2004. In some specific sectors, corporate governance objectives have been emphasised by the code of self-discipline drafted by the Committee of Public Companies listed on the Italian stock-market (known as the “Preda Code”, amended in 2002); within the banking sector, the “Basel II” protocol has a European scope. It is now interesting and constructive to analyse the concrete and tangible components underlying the security governance concept, even from a feasibility viewpoint. We will now suggest a list, according to a scheme offering a general overview of security governance3: • Strategic security control - Security promotion within an organisation – corporate man2 COSO – Committee of Sponsoring Organisations of the Treadway Commission – is a committee setup in 1985 that still exists thanks to the initiative of the five main US professional financial organizations, to support the production of documents and methodologies to ensure ethicality, correctness and transparency in corporate administrative management. 3 The “capability model” © by KPMG for security governance 158 6 – Security Governance in the Public Administration and Private Companies agement must be involved directly in supporting the implementation of a security management system; the commitment must be clear and visible from within and without the organisation - Security strategy – an overall strategic view to support individual activities pertaining to the implementation, maintenance and upgrading of the security management system - ROI/Performance indicators – an indicator system for corporate management to assess the success of activities undertaken and the system installed. • Security plan - Definition of a management plan for the different activities within the context of a synergic initiatives programme - Evaluation of resource and expertise availability. • Security guidelines - Directives, ranging from the ones issued by the management, to the operational ones, guidelines, procedures for security implementation. • Security management - User and infrastructure management – processes and procedures to ensure operational management and security administration - Security monitoring – incident monitoring and management to ensure the maintenance of security - Privacy – protection of information privacy. • Coordination with business functions - Participation of final users – final users implication in the assessment of business aspects 159 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies - User awareness – awareness level of final users concerning existing responsibility, and the guarantees offered by the different systems. • Security of the information assets - Applicative security - Database and repository security - Server, workstation, desktop, etc. security - Internal/external network security - Antivirus - System development. • Technology protection and continuity - Physical security and environmental protection - Disaster recovery – procedures and plans for availability and system recovery. Good security governance depends on the presence of all the previously mentioned components: a weakness in just one of the abovementioned topic can entail the poor efficiency of the other components (for example, the lack of a strategic guide can cause incoherence between guidelines and/or management procedures, thus an incorrect system configuration). In other words, there is a kind of hierarchic interrelation of cause and effect between each level of the proposed model and the following level. It is also important to stress that the above-mentioned components are only partially technological: good security governance is a management problem that can be solved thanks to the synergic approach of people, processes and technologies. 6.2 IMPLEMENTATION OF SECURITY GOVERNANCE IN THE ORGANISATIONS The degree of formalisation and extension of each of the above-mentioned components can of course vary from one situa- 160 6 – Security Governance in the Public Administration and Private Companies tion to another. The so-called maturity model4 can be applied to each situation, in other words, a conceptual model largely used in the context of the more general sense of governance systems assessment. The model makes it possible to assess the degree of maturity of a given process, according to the following scale from 0 to 5: • Inexistent activity – 0 • Occasional and non-replicable activity – 1 • Regular activity with constant modalities – 2 • Documented activity of a widespread procedure within the organisation, sometimes in compliance with the procedure – 3 • Documented activity of a procedure entailing the definition of indicators enabling efficiency monitoring and performance assessment – 4 • Automatically performed and monitored activity, in compliance with the highest standards available on the market – 5 The use of such a model, as well as the practical application of security governance concepts, must be based on criteria that could be defined of common sense, finding a balance between the desired degree of maturity and the level of risk or complexity that the organisation wishes to assume. In other words, simple organisations that are not exposed to high risk levels could be recommended to opt for quite a low level of maturity (for example, in the above-mentioned scale, level 2 or even 1, for some processes); instead, complex organisations exposed to high risk levels should have a maturity level of 4 or 5 on the indicated scale. Another useful guide for implementing security governance can be found in the often-mentioned BS779. Such standard has the purpose of supporting the requirement of information protection 4 The content of this paragraph is explained in depth in the IT Governance Institute publication, “CobiT® Management Guidelines” 161 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies (processed with electronic tools, but also kept on non-electronic supports, such as written paper documents) within a given organisation, including interrelations with the outside. The requirement can be met by implementing what is referred to as an Information Security Management System (ISMS). An ISMS is made up of the following: • A security policy, supplying corporate directives on information security • An organisation enabling correct information security management within the organisation itself • Asset classification and control, ensuring the identification of corporate assets – whereby assets also include information –, definition and application of protection measures suited to their value • Personnel security, to reduce risks of errors, thefts, frauds, etc. • Physical and environmental security to prevent unauthorised access, damage and incidents • Operational and communications management, ensuring the correct and secure operational management of processes and appliances • Information access control • Application development and upkeep, to make sure security is incorporated in the information systems • Operational continuity management, ensuring timely reaction and operational interruption, and the protection of critical activities from disasters and relevant incidents • Compliance with the law, ensuring compliance with pertinent laws and regulations. 6.3 NETWORK SECURITY, A NATIONAL AND EUROPEAN ASSET TO BE PROMOTED IT security has ever more often taken on the meaning of corporate and individual security of knowledge, which must necessarily be guaranteed in a knowledge economy, in line with the recommendations of the European Commission and the commitments taken on 162 6 – Security Governance in the Public Administration and Private Companies by the E.U at the Lisbon conference. The security of knowledge concept focuses on persons (individual or legal) and on how they protect information that is crucial for competitiveness, or preserve the privacy right. In preparing this document, the authors made a useful comparison of experiences and observations within the international and European scenarios, assessing the best use practices, and re-examining how companies today can address the issue of network and information protection. The overall impression is that progress has been made in the past years, with greater sensitiveness towards the problem, though there is all in all still a long way to go. In such a context, the creation of ENISA appears to be a great opportunity, even for Italy, to define and implement shared policies within the European Union and to develop security sensitivity and awareness in Society. Nevertheless, to prevent ENISA from appearing as a structure that is far away from everyday problems and life, the creation of the agency must go hand in hand with the commitment of all stakeholders. It would certainly be very useful to this end to continue the work undertaken in this document, recording the indications supplied by ENISA and promoting them at a national level, and vice-versa, submitting specific national requirements to the agency. Institutions, security experts, users and companies can draw great benefit from finding a common place of exchange to share experiences and requirements, and to propose information, training initiatives and recommendations. The need for security is on an upward trend, opening the way to new realities aimed at meeting such a demand. However, the requirement must be met with efficient responses, expertise and know-how, so that security investments are not turned into placebo drugs whose effects are only to reassure investors while risk exposure remains unchanged. In statistical surveys, the problem of security, which always ranks first in the attention of citizens, is seen as a common requirement of Society. Public, road, and financial security are the most widely debated issues and the most needed. Knowledge security is gain163 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies ing ground in public attention, though not yet enough, but more so than a few years ago, namely thanks to recent norms, such as for example the Consolidation Act on privacy, and the Basel II protocol concerning bank credits. The authors of this document, together with the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry for Innovation, wish it to be a first concrete step towards an ongoing commitment towards the establishment of a security culture, thanks to an active and dialectic connection with the institutions and the implementation of a driving belt with civil society, the corporate world and citizens. A commitment intended in the sense expressed by de Toqueville of well-known interest, the interest of individual citizens coinciding with the common interest of society, when pursued correctly. An important part of such a commitment lies in the willingness to offer the Country shared interpretations of the recommendations of ENISA and the many international bodies/associations dealing with security, to pursue common policies for the diffusion of a security culture, adopt approaches and methodologies suited to the specific requirements of the Italian productive system -bearing in mind the specificity of the Italian legal system and culture-, supply the outcome of such activity also to lawmakers. All the institutions, professionals, users and corporate associations must be involved in pursuing a project that was launched thanks to the sensitivity of institutions, aimed at creating a new, concrete, knowledge security tool. 164 NETWORK SECURITY From risk analysis to protection strategies APPENDIX 1 Normative, Regulatory and Best Practice References A – Documents issued by OECD and the United Nations Guidelines “Security of Systems and Information Networks: Towards a Security Culture” – July 2002 Guidelines “Protecting Consumers from Fraudulent and Deceptive Commercial Practices Across Borders” – June 2003 UN Resolution A/RES/58/199 dated 23.12.2003 “Creation of a Global Culture of Cyber-Security and the Protection of Critical Information Infrastructures” B – E.U. Directives and other Documents Directive 1999/93/EC of the European Parliament and the Council data December 13 1999, concerning a community framework for electronic signatures. “Resolution on Network and Information Security” (December 11 2001). 165 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies Communication of the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the Economic and Social Committee and the committee of Regions, Network Security and Information Security: proposal for a European strategic approach – (June 2001). Directive 2002/19/EC – “Access to, and interconnection of, electronic communications networks and associated facilities” (Access Directive). Directive 2002/20/EC – “Authorisation of electronic communications networks and services” (Authorisation Directive). Directive 2002/21/EC – “Common regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services” (Framework Directive) Directive 2002/22/EC – “Universal service and users’ rights relating to electronic communications networks and services” (Universal Service Directive) Directive 2002/58/EC – “Processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector” (Directive on Privacy…). C – Italian Laws and Correlated Normative Law n°547 dated December 23 1993: “Amendments and integrations to the penal code regulations and the penal procedure code on computer crime”. Law n°59 dated March 15 1997: “Delegation to the government for the conferral of functions and tasks to the regions and local authorities, for the reform of the Public Administration and Administrative simplification” Art. 15 of the law has instituted the RUPA. 166 APPENDIX 1 Law by decree dated May 13 1998, n°171, amended by Law by decree n°28 December 2001, n°467 (Official Gazette June 3rd 1998, n°127). “Disposition on the protection of privacy in the telecommunications sector, implementing directive 97/66/EC of the European Parliament and Council and on journalistic activity”. (Law modified by Law Decree n°467 dated December 2001) Prime Minister’s Decree, February 8 1999, Official Gazette n°87 dated April 15 1999, “Technical rules for the creation, transmission, conservation, duplication, reproduction and validation, even temporarily, of computer documents, in compliance with art. 3, paragraph 1, of the Presidential Decree n°513 dated November 10 1997”. “Consolidation Act on the provisions of the law and regulations on administrative documentation”, Presidential Decree n°445/2000, December 28 2000, Heading II, Section I, Article 6 – 7, Section II, Article 8 - 10, Section III, Article 14 – 17, Section IV, Article 20, Section V, Article 22 – 29, Heading III, Article 38, Section III, Article 43, paragraph 6. “Technical Rules for IT documents in the Public Administration” November 23 2000, Resolution n°51/2000 dated November 23 2000. Defines the technical rules for the creation and conservation of IT documents in public administrations, in compliance with art. 18, paragraph 3, of the Presidential Decree n° 513, November 10 1997. The Authority for IT in the public administration periodically adapts these rules to institutional, organisational, scientific and technological requirements. 167 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies Prime Minister’s Decree, April 11 2002 – “National scheme for IT security assessment and certification, to protect classified information on national and foreign State security”. Law Decree n°10, dated February 15 2002 – “Acknowledgement of the Directive 1999/93/EC on electronic signatures”. Presidential Decree, April 7 2003 – “Regulation bearing coordination measures on electronic signatures in compliance with article 13 of law by decree n°10, January 23 2002”. April 7 2003. Amends the “Consolidation Act of legislative measures and regulations on administrative documentation”, Presidential Decree 445/2000 (Text A). Law Decree n°68, April 9 2003 “Implementation of Directive 2001/29/EC on the standardisation of some aspects of copyright and IT-connected rights”. The new regulations among other things provide for the extension of sanctions to offences previously not provided for, such as the avoidance of technological measures for data protection and transmission on-line. “Rules for the correct e-mailing of publicity” – May 29 2003 General measure of the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data dated May 29 2003. Law Decree n°196 dated June 30 2003 – “Code on the Personal Data Protection”. Published on the Official Gazette date July 29 2003, General Series n°174, ordinary supplement n°123/L. 168 APPENDIX 1 Prime Minister’s Decree dated October 30 2003 – “Definition of a national Scheme for the assessment and certification of the security of IT systems and products”. Prime Minister’s Decree January 13 2004 – “Technical Rules on the creation, transmission, conservation, duplication , reproduction and validation, even temporarily, of IT documents”. Interdepartmental Decree, February 17 2005 – “Provisional guidelines for the application of the national scheme for the ICT security assessment and certification”. Law Decree n°42, February 28 2005 – “Institution of the public system of connectivity and the international network of the public administration, in compliance with article 10, law n°229, dated July 29 2003” D – Ministerial Documents and AIPA/CNIPA AIPA/CR/27 Circular, February 16 2001. “Use of the digital signature in the Public Administrations”. In the light of the prescriptive measures on the issue, the AIPA/CR/27 Circular offers a synthesis and guidelines on the operational indications and usage extent of the digital signature in the Public Administrations. In compliance with Art. 17 of Presidential Decree n°513, date November 10 1997. “Guidelines on PA digitalisation for 2002”. Directive of the Minister for Innovation and Technology, 169 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies December 21 2001. Directive dated January 16 2002 of the Prime Minister – Department for Innovation and Technology “Information and Telecommunications Security in State Public Administrations”. Appendix 1 – Security Level Self-Assessment. Self-assessment – The questionnaire has the purpose of guiding the Administration in the self-assessment process of the internal security level, in relation to the minimum recommended basis. Appendix 2 – Minimum Security Basis. Indications to help the Ministries to identify the protection measures that must be set-up and managed in absolute priority, to support Administrations both in the application of the reference normative fulfilments (e.g. Legislative Decree 675 and 318), and in preventing any potential threat. “Proposals on IT security for the Public Administration” (March 2004) Book drafted by the National Technical Committee on IT security in the Public Administrations. “Guidelines for the use of digital signatures”. Document drafted by the CNIPA (May 2004) to guide users and companies on the use of the digital signature. 170 NETWORK SECURITY From risk analysis to protection strategies APPENDIX 2 Examples of Risk Analysis Methodologies and Approaches This appendix contains the summary of some of the risk analysis methodologies in the ICT sector, offering an overview of the practical application of the different principles indicated in chapter 4. The methodologies and the relative software applications presented in this appendix are examples of only some of the used methodologies and products; their presence in this appendix does not mean there are no other solutions, nor is it our intention to offer any indication or recommendation. The contributions have been supplied by the people and companies indicated in the chapters below. Appendix 2.1 – Defender Manager Information supplied by Giuseppe Carducci Artenisio from Securteam srl – Elsag (Finmeccanica group) Definition Defender Manager® is an appliance created by Securteam (Finmeccanica group), which implements a risk analysis model supporting decision-making in the field of security, in other words a computer system for information security management, supplying assistance at the following stages: 171 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies • Description of the intervention range and scope of interest • Information ranking • Threat identification and risk analysis • Choice of protection measures proportionate to the outcome of risk analysis • Verification of the capability to meet the requirements of corporate security policy in the long term • Definition of the protection measures that are to be implemented • Documentation of implemented protection measures. Defender Manager® is part of the cyclic security management process, recording and documenting any intervention, upgrading existing risk levels and, generally speaking, for the management and stakeholders, giving visibility to the progress achieved in terms of protection. To whom is it addressed? Defender Manager® is suitable for medium/large companies, including complex contexts such as large industrial groups made up of several companies. It can be implemented in different areas/scenarios, even belonging to one or several companies, but can also manage several protection interventions, according to different strategies and in compliance with the different criteria chosen by each company. The security management process involves several figures within an organisation, at various levels and with different responsibilities (security expert, auditor, data owners, process owners, application and infrastructure managers, etc.). It is therefore transversal to corporate processes and functions. To encourage the participation of all those involved in the security management process, Defender Manager® has been developed according to the WEB architecture: a detailed authorisation control system enables access to the functions of interest by simply using a browser. 172 APPENDIX 2 Basic principles The basic principles underlying Defender Manger® can be summarised as follows: • Data is the central element in the risk analysis process • Privacy, integrity and availability are the security parameters used for risk assessment • Risk is the combination of the probability of a harmful event occurring and the seriousness of its relative consequences • The measures defined for achieving the security objectives are proportionate with the relative risk levels of the three security parameters. Structure of the Information Database The information database of Defender Manager® is structured into three areas containing models of intervention boundaries, the risk processing Policy and security documentation. “Intervention Boundary Model” Database For each parameter a security analysis model is defined within Defender Manager®. “Risk Processing Policy” Database Defender Manager® has a database containing threats against information security, the relative attacks and security measures considered suitable for fighting the afore-mentioned threats and attacks. The basic database version, which can be personalised, is supplied with a risk processing Policy, in compliance with the ISO/IEC 17799 standard for the risk analysis assessment for the BS 7799 Certification of the Information Security Management System (ISMS). 173 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies “Security Documentation” Database Defender Manager® provide for a public documentation area with general information supporting the security management process (legal and corporate provisions, reference standards and technical norms, guidelines, procedures, operational instructions, etc.). Risk Analysis and Processing The risk level of each component is assessed in relation to pertinent threats. The assessment is made according to the threat exposure level (frequency of even unsuccessful attacks performed to perpetrate risk) and the asset value (criticality level of information in terms of privacy, integrity and availability). Depending on risk levels, countermeasures are selected from the risk processing policy, at a level considered suitable for risk mitigation. The process is performed for all components and involves the definition of an optimal protection profile, in other words all protection measures for adequate risk mitigation. The residual risk, i.e. the measurement of the difference with the optimal protection profile, is calculated by comparing the protection measures with those defined in the optimal protection profile (gap analysis). The gap analysis leads to the production of a plan that indicates (stressing the priorities) what interventions are necessary to bridge the gap and approach the optimal protection profile. The use of Defender Manager® within the context of structured security management makes it possible to: • Highlight the compliance of implemented or planned protection measures with established security objectives • Assess the suitability of implemented or planned measures in relation to identified risks • Assess implemented or planned measures in the light of security best practices 174 APPENDIX 2 • Indicate what measures must be implemented and/or enhanced, and according to what priorities (Intervention plans) • Ensure the necessary transparency by documenting the rationale underlying the choices made • Ensure constant process efficiency monitoring • Facilitate the formulation of several indicative and operational reports, and automatically supply the documentation foreseen by BS 7799 – 2:2002, among which the Risk Assessment Report, Risk Treatment Plan and Statement of Applicability. Intervention boundary - Systems - Components Level of exposure Asset value (information criticality class) Implemented or planned measures Risk Processing Intervention Boundary Model Risk Treatment Policy Vulnerability Calculation Intrinsic Risk Level Calculation Protection Measures Calculation Optimal Protection Measures Risk Analysis Intrinsic Risk Level Boundary Model 175 Residual Risk Level Calculation Residual Risk Levels Intervention Plan SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies Appendix 2.2 – Information Security Forum Methodologies and Analysis of Risks Specific to Information Networks Information supplied by PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Sebastiano d’Amore, from The Information Security Forum (ISF) is an international, independent and non-profit organisation, working exclusively in the field of Information Security. It is supported by over 250 among the largest world companies and organisations, and performs the following main activities: • Publishes and updates the “Standard of Good Practice” (SoGP, version 4.0 2003) that was created on the basis of the experiences shared by its members and the principal international standards (BS 7799) • Regularly organises an Information Security Survey to supply benchmarks for members, and updates the overview of the state of the art • Develops projects, studies, guidelines and publications on issues such as: Corporate Governance, Internet & Network Security, Communication Security, Technical Architectures, Cryptography, etc. In the field of risk analysis, the ISF has three methodologies that support the following features: • SPRINT: High level Static Method • SARA: More in-depth Static Method • FIRM: Complete dynamic risk management system, with a risk measurement system based on scorecards. SPRINT The system was developed with the intent of meeting a growing request for simplification in risk analysis activity, to enable business managers to also become an active part of the process. In fact, 176 APPENDIX 2 the methodology is business-oriented and can be used even by people with limited specific experience. The methodology is fast to apply and produces short reports that pinpoint key risks and action plans to scale them down to acceptable levels. In more detail, SPRINT is operational for the following three macro-phases: 1 – Business Impact Assessment (BIA) & Overall Classification: enables the calculation of consequences for businesses of the loss of privacy, integrity and availability of process-correlated information, using a qualitative scale of values for business impact rating. Depending on the outcome of the special questionnaires (BIA forms on privacy, integrity and availability respectively), the analysed systems and applications are classified on a scale of values representing different criticality levels (regular, important though not critical, critical). In the event of a regular, in other words not critical, system (lowest risk level), the SPRINT process end here; it is then sufficient to control the actual presence of the basic controls necessary for maintaining an optimal protection level for the system. In the event of a system considered important though not critical (average risk level), the remaining stages of the SPRINT methodology are followed. The approach provided by SARA (described below), a complementary methodology to SPRINT, is resorted to in the case of a critical system (high risk level); its approach is more analytical and therefore requires specialised personnel. 2 – Threats, Vulnerabilities and Control Assessment: the relative questionnaire makes it possible to: • Estimate and correlate threats and vulnerabilities 177 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies against the security parameters (privacy, integrity and availability), according to a vulnerability rating scale • • Calculate risk exposure levels Identify the controls (security requisites) necessary for opposing the calculated risks. 3 – Action Plan: enables an intervention plan to be defined for the implementation of the controls identified at the previous stage. SARA This methodology is associated to SPRINT and targeted to highly critical systems. In short, it uses the results obtained in SPRINT, at the Business Impact Assessment stage, to perform the Risk Assessment of critical systems, identifying in greater detail the precise nature of risk, with a more accurate calculation of the level upon which countermeasures are determined (security controls). FIRM (Fundamental of Information Risk Management) This complete risk analysis and management methodology makes it possible to continuatively and dynamically monitor and manage the efficiency of the security Management System within complex organisations: • It supplies a methodology for continuous risk assessment and monitoring, enabling all corporate personnel involved in the security management process to have a clear view of the corporate risk scenario. • It is made up of a series of actions that must be implement- ed to bring the risk within an acceptable level for management • It uses both qualitative and quantitative risk calculation metrics, based on a scorecard concept, that offer a general overview of the different levels of detail 178 APPENDIX 2 • It supplies a method for recording incidents, ensuring dynam- ic risk assessment measures, as well as other dynamic and induced upgrading measures • It can be conciliated with standard operational activities (implementation of new systems, maintenance of existing systems, operativeness). The basic concept of the methodology is supported by the Information Resource that highlights correlation among data, information, applications and information systems (Architectures, platforms and devices). The main activity of FIRM is to cense and rank the information resources that establish the protection context. A systematic approach is then used to: • Define the monitoring scope and range: the purpose is name- ly to keep top management informed on the evolution of the information risk level within an organisation, and to encourage owner to lower risk to a level considered acceptable by the top-management • Offer a coherent definition of roles, responsibilities and com- munication lines within the company; each corporate line (from the owner to the top-management passing from monitoring process coordinators) plays a specific role and has precise responsibilities, with pre-determined standards and communication protocols • Prepare sound fact-gathering tools for risk analysis and management (balance scorecard for risk assessment, incident assessment questionnaire, etc.) • Set-up and manage a (constructive and continuative) dynamic evaluation and monitoring process • Prepare concise reports and presentations for the top-management. 179 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies The FIRM methodology is also supported by specific tools (for example Citicus One) that allow the management of every phase of the process by means of special computerised desks. Actually, the fundamental element of the methodology is the precise and continuous cycle measurement system aimed at supporting top-management and owners to: • Extend the approach to the entire organisation, despite its structure and hierarchic scale • Support key Corporate Governance keys, to meet identification, monitoring and detection of fundamental operational risks • Cut costs, by better targeting specific investments, while also assessing their efficiency (value reporting) • Enhance corporate value by reducing the negative impact of incidents and the interruption of fundamental services. 180 APPENDIX 2 NORA The so far described ISF methodologies, like others, measure the risks facing an organisation using generic models that are applicable to any information context. Specific methodologies must be evaluated if the only focus is a computerised communication network and a high defence level has already been opted for (after a conceptual risk analysis or because the network represents the main activity of an organisation). For instance, PricewaterhouseCoopers resorts to the methodology it developed, known as NORA (Network Oriented Risk Assessment) that uses the following basic elements in an analytic process: • Network Access Path (NAP): description of network access paths in terms of clients, servers and network functions (O&M Billing, etc.) • Threat Scenario: created on the basis of scenarios identified within the information systems; NORA has pre-defined “Threat Scenarios” that must be mapped on the specific situation of the company object of the analysis and assessed by the NAPs • The NSC matrix is determined by correlating the NAP and the Threat Scenario (Nap/Scenario combination) • Impact Criteria: impact assessment criteria (defined on a scale from 1 to 5) • Probability Scale: evaluation of the threat implementation probability (on a scale form 1 to 5) • Gravity Matrix: combination of the Impact Criteria and Probability Scale to determine seriousness levels. The methodology includes the following three stages and relative activities: Stage 1: Initialization: • Identification of all network links 181 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies • Identification of the organisational structure (organisation supporting the network) • • Identification of technological platforms • Inventory of network documentation. Collection of other information useful for setting-up the analysis process (e.g. known threats and network vulnerabilities, business driver) Stage 2: Analysis: Risk Assessment: • - Mapping of Business communication on Network Access Path (NAP) - Definition of possible combinations between the Threat Scenario and NAP, according to an NSC (Nap/Scenario combination) matrix - Assessment of possible impacts on threat scenarios, with respect to RID parameters, determined according to the Impact Criteria - Vulnerability analysis, performed by means of audit programs, to determine the probability of a given threat scenario happening (according to a probability scale), with the purpose of defining a gravity matrix (the Gravity Matrix is the outcome of the combination of the impact and the occurrence probability) Future developments: • - Evaluation of future technological developments Evaluation of the security impacts that such developments could involve. 182 APPENDIX 2 Stage 3: Action Plan Definition of an action plan based upon generic solutions and the assessment of what the market has to offer (i.e. state of the art); it is typically structured on three levels, defined as follows: • Legacy system/Critical action, to mitigate highgravity risks • Legacy system/Complementary action, to mitigate addressed risks in the medium-long term • The Way Forward, for a proactive planning of security measures addressing future network developments. Appendix 2.3 – CRAMM Information supplied by Giampaolo Scafuro from “Sicurezza e Sistemi” (distributor in Italy of CRAMM) Definition CRAMM (CCTA Risk Analysis and Management Method) is a support methodology to the risks analysis and management within ICT systems, developed by CCTA (Central Computer Telecommunications Agency). The methodology provides analysis guidelines, with support software for information entering, storing and processing. The market offers different, pre-defined versions of CRAMM (UK Standard, NATO, NHS, Social Care, etc.) that can be adapted to meet different requirements. CRAMM V is made up of two different modalities for Risk analysis: Expert and Express. The Express modality is faster to perform and is more suitable for areas where time and resources are perhaps limited and the precision level of CRAMM Expert is not necessary. The description below focuses mainly on the potentials offered by the Expert modality. Basic Principle CRAMM supplies a risk analysis process structured in different stages, each supported by questionnaires and guidelines. 183 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies It is within the analysis application domain that the most significant resources for achieving the corporate mission are identified, and resource models are created. The Asset Model represents the schematisation used by the CRAMM methodology to organise information pertaining to identified assets. The different types of assets that can be processed are: • Data Assets (files, databases, transmission data, documents, etc.) • Physical Assets (i.e. the technological components of the intervention boundary) • • Software Assets (i.e. the applicative components) Location Assets (identify the rooms and buildings and the physical locations making up the intervention boundary) A particular physical resource is what in CRAMM is defined as an End-User Service (representing the transmission and processing modality of the identified Data Assets). To guarantee Privacy, Integrity and Availability for the identified Data Assets, it is necessary to protect the Software Assets, Physical Assets and Location Assets supporting them. To this end, it is important to define dependences among the different kinds of assets by creating Asset Models. 184 APPENDIX 2 Asset evaluation is performed by estimating the criticality of every asset, according to impacts and guidelines. Impacts essentially assess the unavailability, destruction and loss of privacy and integrity of information. Instead, guidelines define the scenarios within which impacts can find an application. Threat and vulnerability assessment makes it possible, by means of a special questionnaire, to evaluate the probability level of threat occurrence and vulnerability degree, in terms of the exposure to threats of every previously identified asset. The information enables the determination of the risk extent that, according to the CRAMM methodology, depends on two distinctive aspects: the combination of threat and vulnerability, on the one hand, and the impact on a specific resource caused by the occurrence of a harmful event. The assessment is performed on scale of values from 1 to 7, by means of a risk matrix. The identified protection measures (countermeasures) represent the protection profile of each asset, and the starting point of the risk management stage. CRAMM selects the most suitable security measures by comparing risks associated to each identified threat with the security level ensured by the countermeasure. This is the stage in which the differences between the security measures proposed by CRAMM and other existing solutions are compared, so as to pinpoint any weaknesses or areas with redundant security measures. The security measures (hardware, software, communications, procedural, physical, organisational) are grouped together according to their objectives. For each of the above-mentioned stages, CRAMM supplies a report summarising the achieved results. CRAMM: BS 7799 CRAMM controls comply with the ISO 17799 standard. The product can be used to support companies in evaluating compliance with the 2002 BS 7799 part 2 standard, supplying to this aim a specific section enabling, among other things, a gap analysis according to the 185 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies plan, do, check, act principles, and the production of all necessary documentation. To whom is it addressed? CRAMM is suitable for all medium/large companies, including complex entities such as large industrial groups. It can adapt very well to IT environments, offering support for technical aspects (hardware, software, communication protocols, etc.) and physical security (site, building, room). Some aspects also include punctual references to organisational and procedural security. The use of CRAMM in security management processes makes it possible to: • Support users throughout the structured security management process, by means of supportive templates, applicative masks and review schemes • Assess the state of protection of the entire analysis boundary by verifying the suitability of existing or planned protection measures, compared to identified risks • Assess the implemented or planned measures in the light of security best practices • Provide each asset with a protection profile indicating priori- ties to easily identify those needing urgent intervention and the ones for which it can be postponed • Enable the constant monitoring of the process efficiency by means of the review activities supplied by the product • Support users in documenting security management processes, thanks to the existence of guidelines and operational reports. 186 APPENDIX 2 Appendix 2.4 – RISKWATCH Information supplied by Renzo Dell’Agnello from Elea S.p.A. (distributor in Italy of RiskWatch) RiskWatch is a risk management system developed by RiskWatch Inc. and used by large companies and public administrations worldwide. RiskWatch exists in different languages versions, other than English: amongst them, the most relevant version for Italy is the VPI version, developed by ELEA since it was first commercialised in Italy. The specific features of the VPI version are its language (Italian) and compliance with the Italian legislation (e.g. Law Decree 196/03 on privacy), in addition to its conformity with reference standards, namely ISO 17799/BS 7799. Furthermore, the VPI version has additional characteristics compared to the international version. The assessment of the security requirements of companies and public administrations has revealed the need for different methodological analysis definitions, according to the type of analysis and organisation, and the budget available for such activities. This is why RiskWatch VPI supports quantitative (SQRM and TLQ), qualitative (TLQ QUAL) and semi-quantitative (TLQ/SQRM) methodological definitions. SQRM is the standard RiskWatch methodology also available in the international English version. Instead TLQ QUAL is a qualitative methodology that enables consistent time and cost reductions, at the same time allowing for thorough assessment of the security level, as well as the identification of possible risks in the context of the analysis. It generates particularly relevant indexes for risk level assessment, as for example the Impact Relative Index. The TLQ QUAL methodology is nothing but the qualitative version of the TLQ methodology; the only difference is that it does not include the final stage of the methodology in which quantitative data are requested. Furthermore, since there are no quantitative results, it 187 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies has a different system reporting. The very characteristics of TLQ make it possible to perform a cost/benefit analysis, like with the SQRM. The TLQ/SQRM semi-quantitative methodologies sum up all the advantages of methodological research in risk analysis and the processing and flexible possibilities of RiskWatch VPI. This methodological setup makes it possible to achieve risk level assessment with minimum impact to the real asset value (it accepts the input of both quantitative and qualitative values, thanks to a specific normalisation process), at the same time supplying the Impact Relative Index and the Backward Traceability that characterise the TLQ and TLQ QUAL methodologies. Some of the concepts and terms used in the previous description of the methodologies supported by RiskWatch VPI need to be explained to those who have not been able to learn about the previously-described methodological definitions. Once a risk value has been determined, Backward Traceability makes it possible to define the risk percentage deriving from the vulnerability areas that are relevant in terms of a specific threat; this information enables the tracing of the fundamental riskengendering vulnerabilities. The Impact Relative Index (IRI) is a relative risk measurement index, expressed within the range 0-100, which represents the ratio between the effective risk level and the maximum risk level (0, no risk, optimal protection; 100, maximum risk, no protection) of a specific threat. It also expresses the lack of protection against the threat in question. The idea underscoring the semi-quantitative TLQ/SQRM methodology, in addition to the possibility of managing qualitative and quantitative data, is to identify two kinds of substantially independent assessments making up the risk analysis process. The first estimation concerns the value exposed to risk, in other words the potential risk value without protection, which amounts to maximum risk value. The second estimation concerns the protection level, which 188 APPENDIX 2 can be determined through a comparison with a so-called state-ofthe-art protection model, in other words optimal for the current technical expertise, corresponding to the defined protection level. The effective risk level is obtained from the two previously mentioned assessments (RLE – Risk Level Estimated) expressed in a metrics from 0 to 10. Once an acceptability threshold has been defined, one can decide whether to intervene or not, depending on the value, and where, thanks to backward traceability. The answers to the questionnaires containing information on the analysed environment are compatible and can therefore be used on all methodological setups. It is therefore possible to start from a simpler setup, moving on to a more complete one in a modular and scalable way, recovering investments made. RiskWatch VPI brings together flexibility within a methodological environment and complete operational support, with the possibility of obtaining information at Intranet and geographic network level, either thanks to customized printed questionnaires, or by means of special applications that interact directly with the people supplying the information. RiskWatch VPI has the data import/export features and the extensive possibility of reporting with graphs and tables for the significant indexes of the analysis. There is also a complete auditing feature of the analytic process and the identified data, in addition to statistical findings. 189 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies Appendix 2.5 – Information Security Assessment (ISA), Enterprise Security Architecture (ESA) and Risk Analysis Information supplied by Simona Napoli and Andrea Mariotti from KPGM The risk analysis is targeted to identify the value of information managed within corporate processes and the pending risk level and, hence, to outline the most adequate security countermeasures for information protection. Furthermore, risk analysis enables the definition of security policies and standards in relation to the corporate context. In this sense, it represents a fundamental step, both in terms of the evaluation of the actual state of security (Information Security Assessment), and the definition of the requisites of the security management system that the company wishes to set-up (Enterprise Security Architecture). The correct application of risk analysis must thus allow for the following: • Identification of the security controls to be implemented by means of the application of the most widespread international security standards (BS 7799-2, ISO 17799, etc.), drafted and developed with the active participation of KPGM, a signee member of committee BSI-DISC BDD/2. • Valorisation of internationally consolidated experiences and best practices • Easy adaptation to specific contexts by means of the modification of models in time, in the wake of technological innovation • Production of consistent and structured documentation • Definition of different grades of security measures, thus optimising the cost-benefit ratio and simplifying user operativeness 190 APPENDIX 2 • Identification of key information needing protection, both in business terms and to comply with the provisions in force; such a characteristic is essential for making sure security policies are applied in coherence with business requisites and in compliance with the law (e.g. Consolidation Act on privacy) • Constitution of interdisciplinary working groups to facilitate the sharing of project objectives among the different functions, and to organise parallel training for the participants of the working groups, to increase their awareness of problems connected to risks, controls and the relative information security requisites. Lastly, another advantage lies in the use of tools that exploit Intranet functions to facilitate the identification and management of information needed for analysis, allowing for more efficient reassessment and operational management processes. Reference Model To identify critical business information and assess underlying risk levels, it is important to first link them to the corporate processes using the information, and then identify the relative management modalities. Information mapping is made up of macro-data concerning corporate processes; macro-data is a minimum set of information, or a collection of data, representing a homogeneous group for the application of protection measures. The criticality of macro-data depends on their value in terms of privacy, integrity and availability within the process they belong to, despite their type, format and storing equipment used. Risk level is defined according to the value of the macro-data, the level of threat they are submitted to and the vulnerability of the support tools and infrastructures (applications, systems, networks, 191 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies location) that manage them: Risk = f (Value, Threats, Vulnerability) The reference model used for risk analysis can therefore be summarised by the following graph: PROCES 1 RESOURCE AND DATA FLOW PROCES 2 SUBPROC. SUBPROC. 1 2 SUBPROC. SUBPROC. 1 2 RESOURCES 1 RESOURCES 2 RESOURCES 3 MAACRODATA 1 MAACRODATA 2 MAACRODATA 3 Location 1 Location 2 Threats Vulnerabilities Threats Vulnerabilities Threats Vulnerabilities Threats Vulnerabilities Threats Vulnerabilities Threats Location 3 Risk Analysis Stages To identify the macro-data embodying the corporate information asset, assess their criticality and relative risk exposure, and to define suitable security countermeasures, the following stages must be performed. Stage 1: Identification of Corporate Macro-Processes and Mapping of Information Systems The main objective of stage 1 is the detection and classification of macro-processes and information systems supporting 192 Risk SUPPORT INSTRUMENTS AND INFRASTRUCTURES Value APPENDIX 2 corporate processes, precisely identifying the risk analysis application environment. The identification of macro-processes makes it possible to outline the structure of the information flow generated in the course of the different activities making up the processes. The analysis is a starting point that will later support activities of information classification, threat evaluation, vulnerability analysis and risk level determination. Stage 2: Classification of information Value The classification of information, associated with its value for the organisation, is an essential process representing the very foundation of risk evaluation, at the same time enabling the company to gain better knowledge of its information heritage. The classification of information in terms of relative value – an activity that can be performed at different aggregation levels, expressing the absolute value of the entire information heritage - therefore reveals the sensitivity and criticality level that a company attributes to itself. The value of managed information is estimated by means of a special matrix for each security parameter (privacy, integrity, availability); an evaluation is made of the impact caused by the possible occurrence of an event described in the different columns of the matrix. Then, the aggregate value of the information is calculated by adding-up the value of the different parameters. Lastly, according to the value obtained, the information is placed within a criticality category. Stage 3: Threat Assessment and Vulnerability Analysis Threat Assessment Threat assessment is the process that leads on to the identification of events with a potentially negative impact on the value of the information heritage. Threat assessment consists in attributing a value representing 193 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies the perceived level of threat against corporate information. The assessment is made for several threat categories, from the source (e.g. internal/external), to the nature (e.g. hostile/nonhostile) and the complexity (structured/non-structured). Vulnerability Analysis The information system vulnerability definition process consists in the evaluation and identification of parameters that are associated to previously identified threats. Vulnerabilities are defined as a gap between the current state of information and the protection expectations considered adequate and capable of preventing an external agent from compromising information. The vulnerabilities analysed by the methodology concern both technical aspects, connected to the logical or physical security of the supporting tools and infrastructures, and organisational aspects, pertaining for example to work procedures or personnel responsibility. The vulnerability of applications can concern different categories: access control, development and maintenance, outsourcer management, auditing and log, backup, etc. The vulnerability level of each application also depends on the vulnerability of the network and the systems making it operational; they, in turn, can be classified into further categories (security of operating systems, antivirus, backup and disaster recovery, auditing and log, management of outsourcers for what concerns systems; infrastructural security, remote access, auditing and log, for the network). Furthermore, since vulnerabilities also depend on the physical location for the performance of corporate processes activities, or where the supports and infrastructures are situated, the location vulnerabilities are also evaluated and grouped into different categories: protection boundary, position and protection of appliances, behavioural standards, environmental control systems, physical access control, loading and unloading areas, protection of in-coming and out-going appliances, 194 APPENDIX 2 cabling protection. Each vulnerability is given a weight representing the level of risk deriving from the presence of a given vulnerability. Susceptibility is an indicator of information exposure to risk, and is connected to the presence of vulnerabilities and threats. The contribution of each vulnerability to the susceptibility value depends on its weight and the presence of threats that could exploit the vulnerability in question. Stage 4: Risk Level Definition and Identification of Recommended Security Measures The risk model used by the methodology provide for that risks are determined according to the combination of information value, the nature of the existing threats, and vulnerabilities. The information collected in the previous stages thus makes it possible to determine a level of risk for each application, defined as follows: Risk = Value * Susceptibility The value obtained leads to the attribution of a risk category (low, average, high). The risk assessment defined by such a methodology represents the starting point for the application of corporate policies, while homogeneous intervention plans are prepared for each area, in compliance with centrally established requisites. 195 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies Appendix 2.6 Symantec Methodology (SSRAM) Security Risk Analysis Information supplied by Andrea Rigoni from Symantec Definition Symantec Security Risk Analysis Methodology (SSRAM) is a methodology developed by Symantec to help organisations measure their level of exposure to risk, and identifies a suitable countermeasure plan. SSRAM is also a reference framework adopted by Symantec for creating Risk Management support services. To whom is it addressed? SSRAM is for any organisation needing not only to measure the risk levels of its information systems, but also to setup correct management and control processes for continuous risk government. Basic Principles SSRAM is based on the ISO/IEC 17799 methodology for total risk identification in relation to identified services and assets. The approach supplies statistic information revealing which services and components have high-risk exposure, thus requiring additional protection. Basic risks are verified on the basis of the assumption that no active security measures have been implemented, thereby offering an objective overview of the overall risk. The security controls involved in ISO/IEC 17799:2000 are grouped to form filters (sets of countermeasures) and used to calculate risk reduction following the application of the countermeasures. All the values produced are based on the visibility offered by Symantec on new vulnerabilities, threats and their impact on ICT services. 196 Tools and Services The SSRAM methodology provide for both a risk measurement, and a constant control stage. To support customers in the use of this methodology, a SSRAM Toolkit is available, a software tool that supports clients during all the measurement, assessment and simulation stages. Vulnerabilities and threats change continuously: an average of eight new vulnerabilities connected to technologies and commercial products are discovered every day. Furthermore, all latest global threats have affected the most vulnerable systems within a few hours from their appearance. To support the continuous assessment of the vulnerability, threat and impact profile on services, SSRAM offers a classification and a series of metrics for vulnerability and threat assessment, which can be used to feed a database with external Security Intelligence services. Furthermore, a methodology connected to SSRAM is available for launching control, monitoring and incident reaction processes, to reduce or nullify the impacts. 197 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies 198 APPENDIX 3 NETWORK SECURITY From risk analysis to protection strategies Appendix 3 Acronyms and abbreviations Acronym Description ADSL AIPA AP BSI CA CC CENTR CERT CERT-AM CNIPA CNR CNSI CObIT COSO CRAMM CRL CSIRT DMZ DNS EAP EFS ENISA Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line Autorità per l'Informatica nella Pubblica Amministrazione Access Point British Standards Institute Certificazion Authority Common Criteria Council of European National Top Level Domain Registries Computer Emergency Response Team CERT dell'Amministrazione Pubblica Centro nazionale per l'informatica nella pubblica amministrazione Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Centro Nazionale per la Sicurezza Informatica Control Objectives for Information and related Tecnology Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission Risk Analysis and Management Methodology Certificate Revocation List Computer Security Incident Response Team Demilitarized Zone Domain Name System Extensible Authentication Protocol Encrypting File System European Network and Information Security Agency 199 SECURITY NETWORK from risk analysis to protection strategies Acronym Description GMITS Guidelines for the Management of IT Security GSM Global System for Mobile Communication GPRS General Packet Radio Service HIDS Host Intrusion Detection System IANA Internet Assigned Number Authority ICANN Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ICT Information & Communication Technology IdM Identity Management IDS Intrusion Detection System IETF Internet Engineering Task Force IPSec IP Security ISACA Information System Audit and Control Association ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network ISF Information Security Forum ISMS Information Security Management System ISO International Standard Organisation ISOC Internet Society LAN Local Area Network LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol MPLS Multi Protocol Label Switching MSS Managed Security Services MSSP Managed Security Service Provider NAT Network Address Traslation NAT/PAT Network Address Traslation/Port Address Traslation NDA non-disclosure agreement NIDS Network Intrusion Detection System OCSE Organizzazione per la Cooperazione e lo Sviluppo Economico OTP One time password PA Pubblica Amministrazione PEAP Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol PIN Personal Identification Number PKI Public Key Infrastructure PMI Privilege Management Infrastructure PPAA Pubbliche Amministrazioni RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service RAS Remote Access Service 200 APPENDIX 3 Acronym Description RIPE NCC ROI RTO RUPA S/MIME SIA SOC SPC SSL SSO TACACS TCP/IP TLS UE UMTS URL VPN W3C WAN WEP Reseaux IP Européen Network Coordination Centre Return on Investement Recovery Time Objective Rete Unitaria della Pubblica Amministrazione Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions Sistema Informativo Aziendale Security Operations Center Sistema Pubblico di Connettività Secure Sockets Layer Single Sign On Terminal Access Controller Access Control System Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol Transport Layer Security Unione Europea Universal Mobile Telecommunications System Uniform Resource Locator Virtual Private Network World Wid Web Consortium Wide-Area Network Wired Equivalent Privacy 201 Stampa: PrintArt Via Tiburtina Km 18.700 - 00012 Guidonia (RM) Ministero delle Comunicazioni