Italian Drama based on True Events:Teenage Girl breaks Mafia`s
Italian Drama based on True Events:Teenage Girl breaks Mafia`s
TIIURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 2OIO TtnrtElo-$mrrfiano PAGE 14 Itolian,,Drama Base,i,dop True Events - Teenage Girl Breaks Mafia's Code of Silence OpensSeptemberI0, 2AI0 at Nuart, Los Angeles Music Box Films presents'TIIE SICILIAN GIRL opening Sept 10, 2010 at Landmark's Nuart Theatre in,Los Angeles for a one*:", -*veek engagement. THE SIGILIAN GIRL is a frctionalized:account based on the'r life and journals of Rita Atria, the determined 17-year-old daughter of a slain mob boss. Too young and poperless to take immediate revenge, she began keeping , detailed notes of the crimes s[e , saw. [n 1991, during a period . when .the Mafia ,was undsr increasing p'ressure from the Italian judicial system, Rita gives evidence to famed anti-Mafia judge Paolo Borsellino against the "family business." Sicilian native Veronica D'Agostino ?.r! = 3 (Respiro) giv,e_Fa cornpellin$"' per{ormance as tlie imperuous hvroine" consqm.edby rage aad grief. Gdrard Jugnot (The Chorus) plays the thoughtful, hard-nosed'chiefprosecutorof Palermo,who has his handsfull with the mercurial Rita. Both of them are constantly at deadly risk frorn the seemingly allpowerful mob. L,ikethe"recenthit Gomorrah, this film shou's organized crime's pervasive grip on the country,,but is told from a more personalperspective.A native of Sicily, writer/director Marco Amentahasdirectedseveral documentaries about the Sicilian Mafia. THE SICILIAN GIRL premigred in San Franciscoat New Italian Cinema "''--1" 2009. *rr*' (Four Stars)l An enliCht€niog tbctua! and atmospheric account of large-scaie corruption and individual courage - Sunday Times (Aushalia) "*'rx* (Four Stars)! Highly recommended. Engrossing. As entertaining as any Hollywood Thriller." - The Dominion Post fNew Zealand) Read the story on director Marco Amenta on indieWIRE: http ://www.*girl dire ctor_marco_amenta/p em The film's running time is 110 rtinurtes; it is not rated. ln Italian; firlly subtitledin English. L a n d m a r k ' sN u a r t T h e a t r e , 11272 SantaMonica Boulevard, W e s t L o s A n g e l e s( 3 l 0 ) 2 8 1 8223. Ticketsare $10.00for general admissionand $8.00for seniors, students,andchildren. Showtimes:Fri- Sun at 12:00, 2:30,5:00,7:30 & 10:00;MonT h ua t : 1 2 : 0 0 , 2 : 3 0 , 5 : 1 0 , 7 3 &0 9:50. Advanced tickets available at: http;// m/tickets and at theatrebox offices. Obituary Grace Lingua. Decernber 28,1922-Augwt 7,2010 $rlltrl$ lDll0lt $$ SIONAL FOII NII'ilTSPAPBN IlISlD,IiAf At) $tllltrS professionat tosettdisptay forasates for 6reat.opportunity advertising thepremier ltalian American nswsp?per; c0mmunity California, $erving Wehave Nevada, fortheLos andWeshington. special sections 0regon Angetes, communities. Mustbevery Sanl)iegoandSanFrancisco knowtedgeabte andhavea minimum 0f theseareas 0f oneyear0f advertisingr sates experience. teamptayers istooking torenergetic individuals whoenjoy afast-paced environment, v{hoare Ournewspaper positive, bright, motivated, creative, whorelate tosmatt business owners andcanassess their andpersonabte, needs. advefiising llowever, weareInternet Generous commission. Ouroffice islocated inSunVattey, Catifornia. friendty andinvite fromatt0ftheareas information about communi$ ne$/spaper visitusat appticants served. Formore ourweekty [0american0.c0m. uftvw.ita produced Wehave forover100years. afirst-class ltatian American newspaper lf youareinterested community potenliat injoining for,great about 0urteanwithanopportunity earning andareserious assisting uswith theltatian American enhancing communities',best:read ne$spaper, Ptease tvewantyourserious emait inquiry. y0urresume t0jobslditatoamerican0.q0m. TEIVTGCULAPROPERTY6;I 9 ACRE VIN ING!! ,,t,, ,,, MAI{UF''ACTURED sBDlgBA .,@REDIJCED T0,g+ooiooo tt{llt Itrtill