September 2011 ECOO Newsletter
September 2011 ECOO Newsletter
ECOONewsletter Volume 6 / Issue 2 September 2011 Newsletter / Volume 6, Issue 1 Message from the President February 2011 Dear members, has marked an important event, the official re-entry of France into ECOO. The Union des Opticiens (UDO) is an Improve vision and eye health by important and valuable addition to our membership providing high-quality, cost-effective, base, and ECOO is looking forward to working closely optometric and optical services across Europe. Dear members, with the UDO in the future. Finally, I am pleased to announce that the bookings for ECOO’s vision is simple and clear and is the underlying the General Assembly in Athens are now open. Once At the beginning of the new year I would like to give you a brie driving force for all our activities. Since the beginning of again a busy agenda but also a beautiful country awaits of ofour priorities for 2011 and will the thatof ECOO wil the year ECOO has been busy onview a number initiatives: us. One of the highlights be projects the presentation the volved in throughout the coming months. for instance, increased engagement at the European level comparative health economic study on the delivery of where ECOO has provided input to the EU on our position primary eye care in three countries, Germany, France year offers make significant p on the Recognition of ProfessionalThis Qualifications Directivea number and the UK,of ledopportunities by Professor Wasemto of the University of (RPQ) and to the challenges of e-commerce. Duisburg-Essen. On this occasion I would like to extend in working towards a higher degree of harmonization of our pro my warm thanks to all and the optics in Europe. and of the education in optometry Many of you have also taken part in the survey on Driver sponsors, who have made it Vision Screening, which has beenOne compiled intoelement a full re- possible for theto study to be our goals is to facilitate core for ECOO achieve port in June and shared with the European Commission launched and carried out. tensify the ongoing exchange between ECOO members and assist each other whenever reg and a number of media representatives. The report highchallenges and opportunities at national level arise. In addition, and with the newly establish lights the variations in the assessment of drivers’ vision I am looking forward to seeretariat in Europe Brussels, ECOO put a strong focus year on lobbying and outreach activitie across and calls upon will the European Commission ing this you all in Greece in NoEU level. to harmonise vision assessment in EU Member States to vember. In the meantime, I the standards in the best performing countries. wish you a pleasant read! In addition, I ECOO was extremely pleasedintoPrague see so many Our upcoming meetings and Athens (please note the change of date) will s of you platforms at the last General Assemblythe in Prague, whichof our workArmin important to discuss progress and Duddek define future activities. In this c Message from the President I would like to express once more my gratefulness to Thomas Truckenbrot, Jochen Goerdt a team from the ZVA for making the General Assembly in Dresden in October 2010 such a great Inside this Newsletter Another important element for ECOO in 2011 is to strengthen and expand our membership ba many years, France has unfortunately been a blank spot on the map of ECOO members. One • Regulatory 2 • Driving and Vision 4 main aims for Update this year therefore is to welcome France back in ECOO again. Following a num - Situation for optometrists in - Report on Driver Vision Screening in Europe 4 highly constructive meetings during the past months in Paris, I hope to be able to communicat Bulgaria remains unclear 2 - Driving and Vision in Ireland 5 positive- news to you onon Public Consultations thethis in the near future. • Upcoming Meetings and Events 6 - Booking for the next General 6 In addition, ECOO is embarking on a number of important and challenging flagship projects Assembly in Athens are now open I would like to mention in particular: • Updates from the General Assembly in Prague 3 - The programme for the General Assembly in Athens 6 - ECOO welcomes France back 3 - Presentation of the health economic study - Update on the planned CEN standard 4 on theof delivery of primary&eyeVision, care 6 aim of re • ECOO’s reinforced advocacy efforts in the field Driving with the - Liberating the NHS: Eye Care - New! Events calendar goes online 7 antiquated ‘number/licence plate test’ of drivers’ vision with an appropriate Snellen-based Making a Reality of Equity and Excellence 4 ment in all EU Member States • Update from the European Academy of Optometry and Optics (EAOO) 7 Germany, • the comparative health economic study of the delivery of primary eye care in Recognition of Professional Qualifications - ECOO’s response to e-commerce • • 2 3 and the United Kingdom (Wasem Study) which is expected to be completed in May the submission of an ECOO response to the European Commission’s consultation on the sional Qualifications Directive 1 the launch of a proposal to the European standardisation body CEN for the developme Newsletter / Volume 6, Issue 1 February 2011 Regulatory Update Message from the President Dear members, Situation for optometrists (ii) one proceeding before the OmAt the beginning of the new year I would like to give you a brief overin Bulgaria remains unclear of the Republic of Bulgaria view of our priorities budsman for 2011 and projects that ECOO will be involved in throughout the coming months. Following the adoption of the In its the Ombudsman basi-progress This year offers a number of decision opportunities to make significant working degree of that harmonization of our profession amendments to thein Law on towards Health a higher cally has held the constitutional and of the education in optometry and optics in Europe. (“LH”) by the end of 2010, restricting rights and freedoms of Bulgarian One core element ECOO to achieve our goals is tohave facilitate refraction and prescription to oph-for opticians and optometrists not and intensify the ongoing exchange between ECOO members and assist each other whenever regulatory thalmologists, the outlook forlevel op-arise.been infringed the re- Secchallenges and opportunities at national In addition, and by with theintroduced newly established retariat in Brussels, will remains put a strong focus this year onamendments lobbying and outreach activities at the tometrists inECOO Bulgaria unclear. strictive in the LH. EU level. ECOO’s Bulgarian member NABOO Our upcoming meetings in Prague and Athens note the change of date) will serve as outcome of NABOO’s proactive (NationalECOO Association of Bulgar(iii)(please one proceeding before the ComThe important platforms to discuss the progress of our work and define future activities. In this context, ianlike Optometrists and Opticians) has mission forTruckenbrot, ProtectionJochen against Dis-andengagement with this issue will beI would to express once more my gratefulness to Thomas Goerdt the team from theactive ZVA forand making the General Assembly in Dresden in October 2010 such a great success. made consistent efforts crimination („CPD”); come more apparent in the course to important provide aelement counterweight to2011 these the next few months. Another for ECOO in is to strengthen and expand our membership basis.of For many developments. years, France has unfortunately been a blankThe spot proceeding on the map ofbefore ECOO members. One of our CPD is curmain aims for this year therefore is to welcome France back in ECOO again. Following a number of proactive measures rently stillI hope pending. On to 21communicate June the some Public Consultations on the highlyThe constructive meetings duringundertaken the past months in Paris, to be able positive to you on thisamong in the near future. bynews NABOO include others: CPD provided the parties with a three Recognition of Professional month reconciliation period for set- Qualifications In addition, ECOO is embarking on a number of important and challenging flagship projects in 2011. I would mention proceedings in particular: and two tlement of the dispute as a prelude (i)like twotoinitiated issued decisions on competition advo- to the proceedings. The next hearing In March 2011, ECOO submitted an • ECOO’s reinforced advocacy efforts in the field of Driving & Vision, with the aim of replacing antiquated ‘number/licence plate test’ of drivers’on vision an appropriate Snellen-based cacy before the Bulgarian Commission thewith proceeding is scheduled for assessanswer to the public consultation ment in all EU Member States on Protection of Competition (“CPC”); 26 September this year. launched by the European Commis• the comparative health economic study of the delivery of primary eye care in Germany, France and the United Kingdom (Wasem Study) which is expected to be completed in May sion on the Professional Qualifica• the submission of an ECOO response to the European Commission’s consultation on the ProfesIn its first decision the CPC has clearly (iv) ECCO’s support to NABOO tions Directive which aimed at gathsional Qualifications Directive optometrists, havingstandardisation body CEN for the development ering • thestated launchthat of athe proposal to the European of a information on how to simplify standard on optometric and optical services acquired a respective qualification In addition, ECOO has supported the framework for the recognition • the roll out of the accreditation of schools for the European Diploma so as to have an increasing and educational level and in Bulgaria NABOO’s efforts sending an of- of qualifications between Member number of school diplomas Europeanor diplomas awarded at theby same time abroad, need to be granted the right ficial letter to the Bulgarian Council States, how to integrate professions I am looking forward to advancing on these issues in close cooperation with all of you throughout 2011! to exercise their profession in Bul- of Ministers and Ministry of Health. into the Single Market and how to garia and to determine the eye re- Unfortunately until now there is no increase confidence to make use of Armin Duddek fraction. In the second CPC decision official response to the ECCO letter, the system. 1 however the authority concluded the Ministry of Health has acknowl- In its answer ECOO explains that a that the amendments to the LH, in edged however the need to estab- broad and varied landscape has traparticularly the possibility granted lish a legal regulation for training of ditionally existed in the profession of to the eye doctors to enter the mar- optometrists and opticians as well optometry and optics across Europe. ket of selling products and services as the need for harmonization of During the past years, the harmoin optic do not violate the Bulgarian the professions of optometrists and nisation of standards and qualificacompetition legislation. opticians with the EU practices. The tions in optometry and optics has Ministry of Health further appreci- therefore been one of ECOO’s main From a competition law perspective ates the efforts of ECCO in collabo- priorities. With the development of NABOO is now considering potential ration with NABOO to set off and the European Diploma of Optomfurther steps before the relevant Eu- to open the first Bachelor degree in etry and the ongoing development ropean institutions and courts. Optometry at the Sofia University. of a European Qualification in Optics 2 ECOO and its member organisations are taking a leading and proactive role in the harmonisation debate so as to facilitate further the free movement and establishment of optometrists and opticians throughout Europe. Furthermore, ECOO explained that it sees a real need for clearer guidelines and better explanations of the procedure to professionals across Europe covered by the Directive. The European Commission has recently launched a new public consultation on the modernization of the Professional Qualifications Directive, which is open until 20 September 2011 and for which ECOO is currently preparing a response. ECOO’s response to e-commerce Thanks to the work of the Economic Committee, ECOO has submitted a response to the public consultation of the European Commission on ecommerce in March 2011. Despite the Electronic Commerce Directive being adopted 10 years ago, the development of retail electronic commerce remains limited to less than 2% of European total retail trade. The aim of the consultation was therefore to gain insights on stakeholder experiences to improve the accessibility of Europe’s population to more varied products, to more qualitative products, and exerting greater price competition in the on-line and off-line world. In this context ECOO has expressed concerns about contact lenses being sold over the internet which are not up to the required standards for successful contact lens wear. Furthermore, the counterfeit branded ophthalmic products such as frames, being sold over the internet have also been mentioned as source of concern. Given that many Member States impose restrictions on the supply of ophthalmic products because they are medical devices, ECOO clarified that national restrictions on the supply of medical devices should continue to be permitted where they are designed to protect the public, rather than to restrict consumer choice. Updates from the General Assembly in Prague ECOO welcomes France back The last General Assembly in Prague has marked the re-entry of France into ECOO. The Union des Opticiens (UDO) has formally applied to re-join ECOO in March 2011. Following vari- ous meetings and the assessment of UDO’s statues, the Executive Committee invited the President of the UDO Mr. Saulnier as well as the President Mr. Marinacce of the adherent Syndicat National des Optométristes (SNO) to present its projects and views to the General Assembly. UDO’s political priorities include the validation of the diploma of optician and optometrist, which is considered as complementary and non-competing with the ophthalmologists as well as the promotion of mandatory continuing education. Furthermore, the market needs to be developed further. In this sense UDO believes that the development of online sales is inevitable and distance selling needs to be made safe and secure. The UDO has been welcomed back into ECOO with a unanimous vote by the General Assembly. Update on the planned CEN standard ECOO has been considering developing a European standard on optometric and optical services since the beginning of this year. A standard has the benefit of filling the gap where no law exists. In the absence of EU legislation on optometric and optical services, it represents an al- 3 Newsletter / Volume 6, Issue 1 February 2011 the NHS: Eye Care Message from Liberating the President Making a Reality of Equity and with more power to make choices, enhancing partnership between paDear members, Excellence tients and professionals with a focus on outcomes whereby competition At the beginning of the new year I would like to give you a brief overview of our priorities The for 2011 and the projects that ECOO will be in- choice will be central elements. report drawn-up by Profes- and volved in throughout the coming months. sor Bosanquet (Professor of Health Given the challenges of a static hosThis year offers a number of opportunities to make significant Policy, Imperial College London) en-progress pital capacity but increased demand, in working towards a higher degree of harmonization of our profession titled “Liberating the NHS: Eye Care a shift from hospital ophthalmology and of the education in optometry and optics in Europe. - Making a Reality of Equity and Ex- care to more efficient and cost effecOne core element for ECOO to achieve our goals is to facilitate and incellence” has been presented at the tive optometric and optical care is tensify the ongoing exchange between ECOO members and assist each other whenever regulatory challenges and opportunities at national level arise.General In addition, and with the newly established SecAssembly. possible. retariat in Brussels, ECOO will put a strong focus this year on lobbying and outreach activities at the ternative route. Although not legally The health economics report fo- The link to the report is available EU level. binding it offers a persuasive role cuses on the demands on eye care on the ECOO website and under Our upcoming ECOO meetings in Prague and Athens (please note the change of date) will serve as and a common basis for all European work and define and the supply resources following link: important platforms to discuss the progress of our services future activities. In this context, I would like to express to Thomas Jochen Goerdt andw the Member States.once more my gratefulnesswithin UK Truckenbrot, hospital and community w w. ep o li ti x .co m / f il ea dmin / team from the ZVA for making the General Assembly in Dresden in October 2010 such a great success. The ECOO working group, set-up to eye care. In the context of an ageing epolitix/stakeholders/liberating_ assess the possibility ofECOO a CEN Another important element for in stand2011 is to strengthen and expand our membership basis.NHS.pdf For UK population, the demand for eye many years, France has unfortunately been a blank spot on the map of ECOO members. One of our ard, has discussed this option and care services is expected to increase. main aims for this year therefore is to welcome France back in ECOO again. Following a number of generally a positive feeling about highlyhas constructive meetings during the past months in Paris, I hope to be ablealso to communicate Challenges however include some positive news to you on this in the near future. engaging in the process of develop- the insufficient capacity in hospital ing the standard. Work currently In addition, ECOO is embarking on is a number of important and challenging flagship projects eye care, patient demanding greaterin 2011. I would like tocarried mentionout in particular: being on the first step, choice and access as well as cost savproviding concrete information onfieldings • ECOO’s reinforced advocacy efforts in the of Driving & Vision, with the aim of replacing are needed in health budgets. antiquated ‘number/licence test’ of drivers’ vision with an appropriate Snellen-based assessthe scope envisaged plate to the standThe UK Government sets out its ment in all EU Member States This document will of bethe priorities the “Equity Excel- France • theardising comparative economic study delivery ofin primary eye care and in Germany, and the United Study)the which is expected to be completed in May finalised thisKingdom month (Wasem upon which lence Liberating the NHS” docu• the submission of an ECOO response to the European Commission’s consultation on the ProfesExecutive Committee will assess and ment, which aims among others at sional Qualifications Directive • thedecide launch on of ahow proposal to the European standardisation body CEN for the development of a to move forward. keeping patients better informed standard on optometric and optical services • the roll out of the accreditation of schools for the European Diploma so as to have an increasing number of school diplomas and European diplomas awarded at the same time I am looking forward to advancing on these issues in close cooperation with all of you throughout 2011! Driving and Vision Armin Duddek 1 Report on Driver Vision Screening in Europe In June 2011, ECOO in cooperation with EUROM I and EUROMCONTACT has issued a report entitled “Driver Vision Screening in Europe” available on the ECOO website. ReportonDriverVision ScreeninginEurope.pdf The report, which is based on the 4 survey filled out by a large number of ECOO members earlier this year highlights the substantial variations in the assessment of drivers’ vision across Europe, and recommends that the European Commission should act to harmonise assessment in EU Member States to the standards in the best performing countries. The report notes a number of European countries continue to rely on an out-dated assessment of vision known as the ‘Licence Plate Test’, which is not consistent with the underlying EU standards. In addition, seven countries have no requirement for on-going assessment of vision for non-professional drivers, while many others only have limited assessment in place. The Driving Licence Directive has therefore failed to harmonize the assessment of drivers’ vision across the EU and the report recommends that the European Commission should revisit the underlying conditions for vision testing in the upcoming review of the Directive. ECOO will continue to monitor and lobby on this issue and encourages its members to use the report in their outreach to decision makers and adapt the summary to their own national reality. Driving and Vision in Ireland Keeping in mind that the European Commission target is to halve the number of road deaths in Europe by 2020 Mr. Martin O’Brien of the Association of Optometrists Ireland (AOI) gave an overview on the situation in Driving and Vision in the Republic of Ireland during the General Assembly in Prague. Unlike in other countries, a new system for driving and vision has been implemented in Ireland and is in place since February 2011. All drivers in Ireland are now assessed for distance vision, peripheral vision, and other visual functions that can compromise safe driving. Importantly, tests are performed by medical practitioner or optometrists. Group 1 (car and motorcycle drivers) and Group 2 (passenger transport and heavy goods vehicles) drivers are assessed before issuing provisional licence and reassessment on renewal for those who wear vision correction and regularly for all drivers from age 70. Group 2 drivers are as- sessed to a higher standard at each renewal (every five years, and more regularly beyond age 65). Optometrists can for first time assess Group 2 drivers. The AOI has issued detailed guidance for practitioners on assessing drivers’ vision and ECOO members are encouraged to continue lobbying for changes in their country. Useful material is available through ECOO including the Position Paper on Driving and the Report of June 2011 on Driver Vision Screening in Europe. Upcoming Meetings and Events Booking for the next General Assembly in Athens are now open Registrations for the next General Assembly in Athens are now open. Our host, the PEOO has spent the last months finalizing all arrangements. The meetings will take place in the Pentelikon hotel ( hotel/en/cpage.asp?id=1), in the outskirts of Athens. Given the uproars over the past months and the traffic congestions in the city center of Athens, the chosen hotel provides for an ideal solution combining accommodation and meeting facilities in a 5 Newsletter / Volume 6, Issue 1 February 2011 pleasant environment. bine both events in nearby Helexpo UK, which will also be broadcasted. Message from the President Furthermore, the ECOO General As- palace on the occasion of Professor The remaining parts of the General Dearthe members, sembly coincides with 9th Pan- Wasem’s presentation of the results Assembly will be held in private as hellenic Congress ofAtOptics and Op-of the of new theyear comparative study on athe usual. the beginning I would like to give you brief overview of our priorities for 2011 and the projects that ECOO will be intometry. The General Assembly on delivery of primary eye care in three Please register under following link: volved in throughout the coming months. Saturday 12 November 2011 will com- countries, Germany, France and the This year offers a number of opportunities to make significant progress in working towards a higher degree of harmonization of our profession and of the education in optometry and optics in Europe. The programme for the General Assembly in Athens: One core element for ECOO to achieve our goals is to facilitate and intensify the ongoing exchange between ECOO members and assist each other whenever regulatory challengesTHURSDAY and opportunities at national arise. In addition, and with the newly established Sec10level NOVEMBER 2011 retariat in Brussels, ECOO will put a strong focus this year on lobbying and outreach activities at the EU level. Hospitality desk and Congress secretariat, Hotel Pentelikon Our upcoming ECOO meetings in Prague Athens (please FRIDAY 11 and NOVEMBER 2011 note the change of date) will serve as important platforms to discuss the progress of our work and define future activities. In this context, I would like to express toBoard Thomas Truckenbrot, Hotel Jochen Goerdt and the 08.30 -11.30 once more my gratefulness Meeting of the of Management, Pentelikon team from the ZVA for making the General Assembly in Dresden in October 2010 such a great success. 11.30 -12.00 Coffee break 12.00 -13.00 Meeting of Board of Examiners, Hotel Pentelikon Another important element for ECOO in 2011 is to strengthen and expand our membership basis. For 13.00 Business lunch at Hotel Pentelikon many years, France has unfortunately been a blank spot on the map of ECOO members. One of our -15.00 Meeting of Boardback of Examiners Hotel Pentelikon main aims 14.00 for this year therefore is to welcome France in ECOO(continued), again. Following a number of 15.00 -18.30 Committee Pentelikon highly constructive meetings during theExecutive past months in Paris,Meeting, I hope toHotel be able to communicate some 16.00 positive news to you on this in the nearCoffee future.break 19.30 Welcome reception In addition, ECOO is embarking on a number of important and challenging flagship projects in 2011. I would likeSATURDAY to mention in particular: 12 NOVEMBER 2011 • • • • • ECOO’s08.30 reinforced the field of Driving Vision, with the aim of replacing -09.00advocacy effortsInincamera Meeting of the & Economic Committee, Hotel Pentelikon antiquated plate test’ of drivers’ vision an appropriate Snellen-based assess09.00‘number/licence -10.30 Public Meeting of thewith Economic Committee, Hotel Pentelikon ment in10.30 all EU11.00 Member States Coffee break the comparative health economic study of the delivery eye care in Germany, France 11.00 -12.00 In camera Meeting of of theprimary Professional Services Committee, Hotel Pentelikon and the12.00 United Kingdom (Wasem Study) is expected to be completed May -13.00 Publicwhich Meeting of the Professional Services in Committee, Hotel Pentelikon the submission of an ECOO response to the European Commission’s consultation on the Profes13.00 -14.00 Lunch at Hotel Pentelikon sional Qualifications Directive 14.15 - 14.45 Bus transfer from Hotel Pentelikon to Helexpo Palace the launch of a proposal to the European standardisation body CEN for the development of a 15.00 -18.00 Meeting of the General Assembly, Helexpo Palace (Presentation of standard on optometric and optical services Professor Wasem to be broadcasted) the roll out of the accreditation of schools for the European Diploma so as to have an increasing Coffee diplomas break number16.00 of school diplomas and European awarded at the same time 18.30 -19.00 Bus transfer from Helexpo Palace to Hotel Pentelikon SUNDAY 13 NOVEMBER 2011 20.00 I am looking forward to advancing on ECOO these dinner issues in close cooperation with all of you throughout 2011! Armin Duddek 09.30 -12.30 11.00 13.00 Meeting of the General Assembly (continued) Hotel Pentelikon1 Coffee break Lunch at Hotel Pentelikon Programme for accompanying persons SATURDAY 12 NOVEMBER 2011 10.00 Visit of the Acropolis Archaeological site Lunch in Plaka Free time for shopping SUNDAY 13 NOVEMBER 2011 10.00 6 Athens city tours and visit of Acropolis New Museum NEW! Events calendar goes online The ECOO secretariat has developed an online calendar on the ECOO homepage to facilitate the coordination of meetings and events while also serving as an interesting source of information on other member’s activities and initiatives. The calendar will include all important ECOO events for the year ahead. The calendar is a living tool and in order to be useful to all interested partied, it needs to be updated regularly. Members are invited to send their key events to the Secretariat to be shared on the calendar website. Presentation of the health economic study on the delivery of primary eye care The comparative health economic study on the delivery of primary eye care in three countries, Germany, France and the UK, led by Professor Wasem of the University of Duisburg-Essen will be finalised by the end of September 2011. The study looks at the economic and the health aspects of primary eye care and examines the financing of primary eye care by national health systems, insurance companies and private expenditure. Following the broadcasting of the presentation by Professor Wasem at the General Assembly in Athens an event to promote the results of the study will be organised in Berlin with the support of the German ECOO member ZVA on 22 November 2011. The Member of the German Parliament Dr. Rolf Koschorrek has kindly agreed to host the event and a number of experts; politicians and media representatives will be invited. News from the European Academy of Optometry and Optics The next joint meeting of the European Academy of Optometry and Optics and ECOO will be held from 20-22 April 2012 in Dublin, Ireland. Details of the event, including hotel and booking information, will be announced at the ECOO Autumn meeting in Athens in November. If you are interested in giving an oral and/or poster presentation as part of the Academy’s programme in Dublin, please register your interest 7 Newsletter / Volume 6, Issue 1 February 2011 more reason to make sure you have the Dublin dates in your diary for next Dear members, year so you can book early! Over the summer months, the AcadAt the beginning of the new year I would like to give you a brief overview of our priorities for 2011 and the projects that ECOO will beemy in- has been receiving interest in volved in throughout the coming months. its new tri-party sponsorships to This year offers a number of opportunities to make significant progress support students’ involvement with in working towards a higher degree of harmonization of our profession the Academy. In July, a unique three and of the education in optometry and optics in Europe. year agreement was signed between One core element for ECOO to achieve our goals is to facilitate and inFachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, tensify the ongoing exchange between ECOO members and assist each other whenever regulatory challenges and opportunities at national level arise. In addition, and with the newly established Knecht Sec& Müller AG, Switzerland and retariat in Brussels, ECOO will put a strong focus this year on lobbying and outreach activities at the the European Academy of OptomEU level. etry and Optics and now in the NethOur upcoming ECOO meetings in Prague and Athens (please note the change of date) will serve as erlands, a similar agreement is being important platforms to discuss the progress of our work and define future activities. In this context, I would like to express once more my gratefulnessReport/index.cfm) to Thomas Truckenbrot, Jochen Goerdt andput the into place with Utrecht University online ( from the ZVA for making the General Assembly in Dresden in October 2010 such a great success. and Oovision. To read more please 2012/index.cfm) to make sure you re- Conference 2011 Prague Report ceive information on The Academy will also be releasing Another important element forhow ECOOtoinsubmit 2011 is to strengthen and expand our membership basis.visit For . If you are many years, France has unfortunately been a blank spot on the map of ECOO members. One of our interested in setting up a similar aryour abstract. The call for abstracts details of its 2012 Fellowship Promain aims for this year therefore is to welcome France back in ECOO again. Following a number of rangement in your country, please be released later during this month (Sepgramme highlywill constructive meetings the past months in Paris, I( hope to be able to communicate some positive news to you on this the be near future. tember). Details willinalso available about-us/academy-fellows/index. contact Jane, Academy Manager at on theECOO Academy website. cfm) later month.flagship In 2011,projects sevenin 2011. In addition, is embarking on a number of important andthis challenging I would like toyou mention in particular: Thank to those who provided Academy members were awarded A full Academy report will be presented in Athens, however for regular such reinforced positive feedback on ourin joint theirwith contribution • ECOO’s advocacy efforts the fieldFellowship of Driving &for Vision, the aim of to replacing antiquated test’ of drivers’ vision an appropriate Snellen-based updates, please visit meeting‘number/licence in Prague. To plate see pictures of the eyewith health care professions across assessment in all EU Member States or follow us on Facebook. event andhealth to read a full report onthe Europe the USA. • thethe comparative economic study of delivery and of primary eye The carerecognition in Germany, France and the Academy’s United Kingdom (Wasem Study) which of is expected to be completed May!/ the programme, please these individuals by thein Academy • the submission of an ECOO response to the European Commission’s consultation on the ProfesvisitQualifications ( has prompted new international in- pages/EAOO-Europeansional Directive • theAcademy-Events/Academy_ launch of a proposal to the European standardisation body CEN for the a Academy-of-Optometry-andterest in the Academy, its development work, its of standard on optometric and optical services Optics/126265774098375 members in its event – an even • theConference_2011_Prague_ roll out of the accreditation of schools for the Europeanand Diploma so as to have increasing Message from the President number of school diplomas and European diplomas awarded at the same time I am looking forward to advancing on these issues in close cooperation with all of you throughout 2011! Newsletter Armin Duddek The Newsletters are sent to ECOO’s members and contacts via e-mail. Please inform us of any additions to the mailing list or of staff changes in your respective organisations. Should you have any news or updates which may be of interest to ECOO members, please contact Fabienne Eckert or Ulrich Adam at the ECOO Secretariat: E-mail: Telephone: +32 (0)2 739 16 15 8 1 ECOO Sponsors