Mesoscale Modeling of Boundary Layer Refractivity and
Mesoscale Modeling of Boundary Layer Refractivity and
Mesoscale Modeling of Boundary Layer Refractivity and Atmospheric Ducting Tracy Haack1, Changgui Wang2, Sally Garrett3, Anna Glazer4, Jocelyn Mailhot4, Robert Marshall5 1 Naval Research Laboratory Monterey, California USA 2 Met Office, Joint Centre for Mesoscale Meteorology (JCMM) Reading RG6 6BB United Kingdom 3 Defence Technology Agency Auckland, New Zealand 4 Environment Canada, Meteorological Service of Canada Dorval, Québec Canada 5 Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren, Virginia USA Submitted to Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 9 Oct 2009 Revision: 17 Mar 2010 Corresponding author address: Tracy Haack, Naval Research Laboratory, Marine Meteorology Division, Monterey, California 93943-5502, USA Email: Phone: 831-656-4727 ABSTRACT In this study four different mesoscale forecasting systems were used to investigate the four-dimensional structure of atmospheric refractivity and ducting layers that occur within rapidly evolving synoptic conditions over the eastern seaboard of the U.S. The aim of this study was to identify the most important components of forecasting systems that contributed to refractive structures in a littoral environment. Over a seven day period in April/May of 2000 near Wallops Island, Virginia meteorological parameters at the ocean surface and within the marine atmospheric boundary layer (MABL) were measured to characterize the spatio-temporal variability contributing to ducting. Using traditional statistical metrics to gauge performance the models were found to generally over-predict MABL moisture resulting in fewer and weaker ducts than were diagnosed from vertical profile observations. Mesoscale features in ducting were linked to highly resolved SST forcing and associated changes in surface stability, and within 100 km of the coast, to interactions of the MABL with local sea breeze flows. Sensitivity tests that permit greater mesoscale detail to develop on the model grids revealed that the initialization of the simulations followed by inclusion of a high resolution, evolving sea surface temperature, are the most critical factors for accurate predictions of coastal refractivity. 2 1. Introduction Numerical weather prediction (NWP) and mesoscale modeling products are routinely used by national defense agencies around the world for applications far beyond weather forecasting. In addition to providing spatial and temporal variability of the atmosphere at high-resolution over regions of military interest, the modeled fields are often ingested by a variety of tactical decision aids yielding weapon and radar performance and communication and surveillance guidance. Many naval applications utilizing mesoscale models involve at-sea and coastal scenarios where discontinuities between land and ocean can create sharp gradients in air temperature and water vapor content. Vertical gradients, particularly of water vapor, have a significant impact on the propagation of electromagnetic (EM) waves, bending them toward or away from the earth’s surface. The modified refractivity, based upon Snell’s Law, denotes how EM energy will travel from its point of origin through a given vertical layer (Bean and Dutton 1968). The four refractivity regimes: subrefraction, normal refraction, superrefraction and trapping are each characterized by a range of modified refractivity slope values as shown schematically in Fig. 1 along with definitions of ducting layer characteristics. Surface-based ducts are an important subset of ducting events, defined as those having a duct base height equal to 0 m, because of their potential to alter the propagation environment at low elevations thus affecting surface radars and communications. This study presents the coastal refractivity and ducting characteristics represented by four mesoscale forecasting systems during a seven day intensive observation period (IOP) near Wallops Island, Virginia offshore of the Delmarva Peninsula in April and May 3 of 2000. Hereafter we refer to the experiment as Wallops-2000, or Wallops-2000 Microwave Propagation Measurement Experiment (MPME). The field study was designed by the Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) to measure both environmental and propagation conditions contributing to the emergence of refractive features in a challenging coastal environment (Stapleton et al. 2001). The intercomparison team was formed from the four countries: United States of America (U.S.), United Kingdom (U.K.), Canada and New Zealand (N.Z.). These so called “ABCANZ” countries have an international exchange agreement on scientific research in several specialized areas of technology. Each country employed the numerical weather prediction tool used to support their national defense and navy missions to simulate the entire seven-day Wallops-2000 IOP. The hind cast nature of this study, eight years after the field campaign, created some limitations in model initialization and data assimilation that were unavoidable. We gained considerable insight from those limitations however, and identified several sensitivity tests as a result. The team’s primary objective was to identify critical components of each country’s independent forecasting system that contribute greatly to refractive structures in a littoral environment. We utilized the intercomparison to establish a validation benchmark of mesoscale modeling capabilities of coastal refractivity and atmospheric ducting. This process is of vital importance with the ever increasing use of high resolution NWP fields to represent the four-dimensional environment in EM propagation codes and clutter models. Further, such information provides valuable guidance on where to focus system development for substantive improvements to high-resolution refractivity forecasts. 4 Large-scale influences on ducting have been studied extensively and were first documented by Rosenthal and Helvey (1979) and then Helvey et al. (1995) who developed a schematic synoptic-refractive relationship model. They found increased duct frequency over the eastern and equatorward sectors of mid-latitude high pressure areas coinciding with the strongest subsidence inversions and near standard refraction behind low pressure troughs. Those findings were reinforced by von Engeln and Teixeira (2004) from a six year global ducting climatology from European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). Rosenthal and Helvey’s synoptic-refractive relationship model was noted as being more appropriate for the open ocean however, due to mesoscale features commonly observed near coastlines. In the littoral environment, vertical gradients in the atmosphere are frequently generated by interactions between mesoscale and large-scale processes. Mesoscale structure may be imparted by complex topography and coastline geometry creating topographic flows and diurnally driven sea breezes. During weak background flow for example, land breeze circulations were reported to influence radar observations in the Wallops Island area (Meyer 1971). In another coastal region, severe radio signal fades were coincident with the formation and inland advection of a sea-breeze, as documented by Reddy and Reddy (2007). Abrupt changes in surface stability, from a spatially complex and highly resolved sea surface temperature, can also have dramatic effects on the overlying MABL. High-resolution SST analyses, when compared to climatological SST forcing, were found to alter coastal processes and MABL structure in the vicinity of the Gulf Stream (Doyle and Warner 1995). Such complexities make the characteristics of these layers a challenge to predict and validate. 5 The first highly idealized case studies of refractive effects were presented by Silveira and Massambani (1995) over the Sãn Paulo river basin and water reservoir in Brazil showing the effects of lake-land breeze circulations on ducting and line-of-sight microwave propagation links. Burk and Thompson (1997) obtained more realistic coastal refractivity by initializing model runs with real-data analyses for a five-day period over the Southern California Bight. They found that the trapping layer depth and strength evolved with the diurnal cycle and the entrance of synoptic low pressure trough eliminated the ducting layer entirely. Additional high-resolution real-data model runs along California coast during summertime were performed by Haack and Burk (2001) and showed modulation of refractive layers by the marine atmospheric boundary layer’s (MABL) interaction with topography. Refractivity studies were also conducted in the Persian Gulf using the Ship Antisubmarine Warfare Readiness/Effectiveness Measuring exercise (SHAREM-115) data. Atkinson et al. (2001) revealed that simulating correct ducting structures depended upon inhomogeneous model initialization using a profile appropriate for over land or water surfaces. A more comprehensive set of modeling experiments by Atkinson and Zhu (2006) identified four factors influencing propagation in that region: the sea breeze, coastal configuration, orography and ambient wind, while an observational study by Brooks et al. (1999) showed sensitivity of duct depths to SST. Forecasting refractivity in the coastal zone relies upon representation of evolving synoptic scale systems along with a detailed, high-resolution description of the lower boundary (topography, coastline, land types and sea surface temperature) and sophisticated surface and boundary layer parameterization schemes to capture the 6 inhomogeneity and nonlinearity in the lower atmosphere. Previous modeling studies were limited somewhat by low spatial resolutions or fairly idealized initialization methods. The present work not only takes advantage of the advancements in model parameterizations schemes and real-data initialization procedures over the last decade, but also utilizes high resolution model grids to improve the mesoscale representation of coastal ducting layers. The benefits of an intercomparison study help discern the impact of differences in initialization, data assimilation, analysis and forecast modeling system components, while elucidating the limitations of each model in specifying the environment for EM propagation purposes. The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the Wallops-2000 MPME field campaign. In section 3, each NWP modeling setup is described. An overview of the large-scale environment is provided in section 4 and the model validation in section 5. Section 6 presents the mesoscale structure in the simulated refractivity fields and sensitivity tests used to discern the relative importance of initialization and boundary conditions. The conclusions are given in section 7. 2. Wallops-2000 MPME field campaign The Wallops-2000 field program was conducted in April and May 2000 to collect meteorological measurements and radar frequency one–way propagation data along onshore-offshore radials extending up to approximately 60 km from the Virginia shoreline near Wallops Island (Fig. 2). During the seven-day IOP, between 28 April and 4 May 2000, a wide range of refractive conditions were observed. The Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) deployed a fixed buoy approximately 13 km offshore from a shore-based, meteorological observing tower. Both platforms reported 7 temperature, relative humidity, pressure and winds at heights of approximately 4 m and 10 m respectively. Sea surface temperature was also collected at the NPS buoy. An instrumented helicopter (HELO), outfitted by John Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL), collected measurements of temperature, relative humidity and pressure along the radials, primarily within the lowest 150 m of the atmosphere. The HELO measurements have been used in refractivity related research by Babin (1995) and Babin (1996) who investigated surface ducting and subrefractive environments in around the Wallops Island area. Details about the instrumentation including measurement response times, accuracy and resolutions are given in Babin and Rowland (1992). The helicopter radial positions were matched by an instrumented boat, the Sealion which recorded temperature, relative humidity, pressure, winds and SST. The Microwave Propagation Measurement System (II) developed by NSWCDD was used to collect one-way radio frequency propagation loss between a transmitter mounted on the Sealion and a shore-based receiver. Analysis of the propagation data and EM ducting depends upon the details of the transmitter and receiver and will be undertaken in a subsequent paper. The focus of the present study is on the meteorological measurements, MABL refractivity and atmospheric ducting conditions. 3. Model setup Each of the models used in this study were setup to be as similar as possible (Table 1). This included using similar latitude and longitude boundaries for the inner 4-km nest on which most of the subsequent analysis and data comparisons were conducted (Fig. 2). Roughly half of this nest resides over water and includes a portion of the Gulf Stream in 8 its southeastern corner. The intricate coastline in this region contains the Potomac River basin and the Delmarva Peninsula on which Wallops Island is located. For the U.S., mesoscale model prognostic fields were produced by the Naval Research Laboratory Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Prediction System (COAMPS1). Of the four models investigated, only COAMPS could be run in a manner consistent with its typical operational setup. The four COAMPS domains (36, 12, 4, and 1.33-km grid spacing) were initialized three days prior to the start of Wallops-2000 from Navy Operational Global Analysis and Prediction System (NOGAPS) 1.0°x1.0° analyses (27 pressure levels), allowing higher resolution detail and vertical structure to develop. Lateral boundary tendencies for the outer 36-km grid were computed from 6-hourly NOGAPS fields. The 12-hour forecast fields, and an analyzed SST, were corrected every 12 hours by a multivariate optimum interpolation (MVOI) analysis of available satellite, station, aircraft, ship, and buoy data residing within each grid. This procedure produced twice daily (00 and 12 UTC) 1-12 hour forecasts forced at the lower boundary by a 4-km resolution, 12-hourly updated SST analysis from the Navy Coupled Ocean Data Assimilation (NCODA) system. The U.K. utilized the Met Office’s Unified Model (MetUM). For their initial set of model runs, MetUM produced seven, 24 hour-long simulations using three grids (12, 4, and 1-km grid spacing), reinitializing daily at 12 UTC by dynamical downscaling from ECMWF global analyses T319L60 (~0.5°, 60 level). The boundary conditions for their outer grid (12-km) were generated from ECMWF data at 6 hour intervals. Observational data had to be incorporated indirectly into the MetUM through the 4D-variational 1 COAMPS is a registered trademark of the Naval Research Laboratory 9 (4DVAR) data assimilation on the global fields because the Met Office mesoscale data assimilation scheme could not easily be run in hind cast mode. The SST values on all grids were obtained from the coarser resolution ECMWF SST field and updated every 24 hours at 12 UTC. The N.Z. Defence Technology Agency (DTA) used the Penn State-National Center for Atmospheric Research 5th generation mesoscale model (MM5). The MM5 grids (36, 12, and 4-km grid spacing) were initialized at 00 UTC 25 April from the National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) 1.0°x1.0° global reanalysis (27 pressure levels). No subsequent re-initialization took place for MM5 so that observational data were only incorporated by nudging the boundaries of the MM5 outer grid (36-km) to the NCEP reanalysis every 6 hours. A coarse 1.0° resolution NCEP SST analysis field was interpolated to all three MM5 grids and updated daily at 00 UTC. Environment Canada ran their Global Environmental Multiscale model (GEM). Seven analyses were produced daily at 00 UTC for the GEM simulation on a global variable resolution grid (~15-km grid spacing) initialized from the Canadian Meteorological Center’s (CMC) global analysis fields (~24-km grid spacing, 28 pressure levels). This 00 UTC initialization allowed for a 6-hour spin up of the global simulation to provide fields for a 12-km nested grid, which after another six hours provided the fields for a 4-km nested grid. For the 4-km grid, the model was run for 12 hours starting at 12 UTC daily. Thus, GEM fields were not continuous over a full 24 hour cycle. Boundary conditions were updated every hour on their 4-km and 12-km nests. As in the MetUM and MM5 models, the Wallops hind cast prevented their 3DVAR data assimilation from being run on the GEM mesoscale grids. Hence, all observational 10 information was provided by the 00 UTC CMC analyses. The SST fields for GEM were produced daily at 00 UTC from a coarse 100 km CMC SST analysis. In the remainder of this paper, we use the term ‘model’ to signify the complete forecast system used by each country for this study. The terms ‘forecast’ and ‘forecast length’ are used to indicate the length of time from model initialization which as indicated above, was not the same for all models. Given those differences, we do not attempt to evaluate more subtle albeit important aspects of the mesoscale models, such as their numerics, dynamics and physical parameterization schemes. Rather, we used the set of model predictions to draw common conclusions and point to areas for further study, a strategy that was effective in motivating the sensitivity tests detailed in section 6b. 4. Synoptic forcing The SST field for the region in springtime depicts cold coastal waters over the continental shelf that form a sharp gradient with the Gulf Stream as it separates from the coast near Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. Monthly mean fields of AVHRR SST indicate that temperatures increase throughout the spring, more rapidly over the continental shelf, maintaining about a 10 K SST front with the warm waters of the Gulf Stream in April and May (Mesias et al. 2007). Satellite data also reveal a propensity for warm or cold core eddies between the continental shelf and the Gulf Stream (Lee and Cornillon 1996). The Gulf Stream is located about 200-300 km offshore of Wallops Island, which can be seen in the 3-day composite SST ending 2 May 2000 (Fig. 2), within the southeastern corner of the 4-km grids. 11 The sharp SST front and two cyclonic eddies imply a spatially complex SST that can impart abrupt changes in surface fluxes and stability. One of the seminal papers on airsea interaction (Sweet et al. 1981), described the modifications to the lower atmosphere, and to the atmosphere’s refractive index, by the stability change across the Gulf Stream. Figure 3 presents the SST field used by each model near the middle of the Wallops IOP on 1 May. The NCODA SST analysis used by COAMPS (Fig. 3a) closely depicted the observed distribution with a meandering SST front, cold coastal SST and a warm Gulf Stream. The SST gradients were not well resolved in MetUM or MM5, having about 30% of the SST gradient that was present in COAMPS, and the MM5 SST contained an east-west orientation. The SST gradient in GEM was about 70% of COAMPS, but lacked the sharp front and eddies comprising the Gulf Stream. These SST differences permitted an examination of atmospheric ducting sensitivities to the ocean boundary condition from which subsequent SST sensitivity tests were devised. Rapid transitions in synoptic weather regimes are well documented over the Wallops Island region during the spring season (Babin 1996, Goldhirsh et al. 1994, Goldhirsh and Musiani 1999). The present study begins on 28 April with a deep trough over the eastern U.S. that slowly moved out of the area early on 30 April. During these first two days, shortwave passage, upper-level disturbances and convective activity complicated weather patterns with rapid adjustments in near-surface winds and in the free atmosphere above the MABL. A frontal passage on 30 April marked the transition to a more tropical air mass as weak ridging combined with a surface anticyclone off the coast of North Carolina advecting warm, dry air over the study area. This began a period of sustained, increasingly strong ducting from 12 UTC 30 April until 2 May when an approaching low 12 pressure cell elevated the MABL inversion and a cold front mixed away vertical gradients. The last two days of the IOP (3-4 May) were controlled by weak synoptic forcing associated with a surface high pressure cell offshore of the Canadian coast that brought in cold, subsiding air in a long, over-water fetch. Time-series of hourly surface meteorological parameters at the NPS buoy (diamond in Fig. 2) reveals many of the synoptic features discussed above (Fig. 4). The observed SST (shown by the black line) displays the warming trend over the seven-day IOP as well as a maximum diurnal perturbation of about 2 K. All models except COAMPS had nearly constant SST, and contained large 2-3 K biases in temperature. The NCODA analysis produced the observed warming trend but its weak 0.5 K diurnal signature was out of phase with the observations. The remaining variables generally followed the observed trends, revealing two episodes of offshore flow with warmer temperatures and lower relative humidity (30 April and 2 May). Both days were followed by high pressure (1st and 3-4th of May) although each corresponded to very different air masses over Wallops Island, as suggested by the wind shift to southerlies on 1 May and to northeasterlies on 3 May. The MetUM correctly predicted the magnitude of low relative humidity during the two offshore flow periods and overall had more accurate large-scale evolution, while synoptic transitions appear to be delayed in GEM and COAMPS by 3-6 hours. The time-series of model computed duct strength at the buoy location (Fig. 5) is used to assess temporal variations in ducting and associate them with the changing synoptic environment. These data suggest that ducting is a common feature for this time and location occurring about half the time in all the models except MM5. Periods of 13 observed high pressure were conducive to strong ducting as was present in the models on 1 May, although the high pressure event on 3-4 May was problematic for some of the models. Weaker ducts developed during periods of offshore flow, occurring after about 18 UTC on 29 and 30 April and 2 May, by a heated planetary boundary layer advecting over much colder coastal waters. These stable internal boundary layer (SIBL) ducts began at the coastline as shallow, thin surface-based ducts that expanded downwind, gradually subsiding after ~03 UTC. Periods with no ducting coincided with a negative pressure tendency and an approaching low pressure center or front, which was the case early on 28 April, 29 April and 2 May. During these times the MABL inversion was lifted and gradients were weakened due to dynamic processes and vertical mixing. In general, the evolution of the simulated ducts was in accord with the expected synopticrefractivity relationships displayed in Rosenthal and Helvey’s (1979) schematic model. In Table 2, the mean ducting conditions at the near-shore buoy location are contrasted with those 100 km offshore as simulated by each model. For profiles having multiple ducting layers, the strongest duct was retained, which may not have been the lowest. In comparing mean values between the buoy and offshore location, the models generally had less than 10% difference with respect to duct frequency (DFQ) and strength (DST), while duct thicknesses (DTK) increased with distance from the coast by 30-40%. COAMPS was the exception here having 25% stronger ducting at the offshore location. Mean duct base heights (DBH) conveyed the most variability between models and locations with all but GEM having higher DBH offshore. Roughly half to two-thirds of these ducts were surface-based ducts (SBD) in the models , with slightly fewer SBD occurring at the offshore location. 14 The difference between near shore and offshore DBH was considerably less in COAMPS (20%) compared to the other models (65-50%), which was likely due to COAMPS uniformly low SST over this 100 km distance. The cold expanse of water and the sharp SST front in COAMPS was also responsible for its prediction of stronger ducting at the offshore location, which resulted from the MABL’s rapidly adjustment to the change in surface stability, an abrupt lowering of the boundary layer and intensification of the inversion on the cold side of the front. This process is more gradual in the other models which feature weaker SST gradients. It is important to note that GEM statistics are weighted more toward the SIBL ducts that form in the afternoon and evenings with offshore flow because their simulations were only from 12-00 UTC. Hence, their statistics did not include the strongest ducting event between 00-12 UTC on 1 May, giving the impression that GEM had fewer and weaker ducts than the other models. 5. Model validation Validation of the simulations is based upon standard statistical methods including means, biases (defined as observation minus model) and root mean square (rms) errors along with duct event contingency table statistics used to establish a benchmark set of values by which to judge the impact of sensitivity tests to follow. Means were computed for the near surface variables at the buoy location using the hourly time series of buoy measurements, and for the vertical profiles at the HELO locations using the subset of times corresponding to each HELO descent leg. 15 The mean statistics for buoy measured quantities provide an estimate of overall predictive skill for near-surface variables (Table 3). Despite biases in air temperature, which were mostly a reflection of those in SST, MetUM had more accurate synoptic evolution yielding lower rms errors particularly for relative humidity. Both COAMPS and GEM had difficulties with some of the synoptic transitions (Fig. 4), resulting in slightly larger rms errors. Although MM5 displayed the general large-scale trends over the seven-day IOP, significant errors in near-surface fields were the result of the long simulation length, with large-scale adjustments made only at the outer grid boundary. We evaluated profiles of potential temperature, specific humidity and modified refractivity simulated by each model, against those computed from HELO measurements. The model profiles were extracted from fields at the nearest hour and grid point location corresponding to the average latitude and longitude position at the start and end of each HELO descent. Mean statistics for the vertical profiles were obtained by sub-sampling the HELO data to the model heights. If the HELO profile did not extend below the lowest model level, data were duplicated below the lowest observational height so as not to artificially introduce any ducting by extrapolation or interpolation to the surface. Because GEM and MM5 were run at different vertical resolutions, their models’ profiles were first interpolated to the vertical grid identified for analysis (70 level distribution). Although the 190 HELO profiles had high vertical resolution of less than 10 m, only about 30 profiles reached 500 m. Less than 10 profiles extended above 650 m, thus limiting the ability to adequately validate the model fields above the lowest 100 meters. Moreover, if a model produced a duct but it was above the height of the observed profile, it was not considered in the ducting statistics to follow. The data were also limited 16 temporally to daytime hours between 12 and 23 UTC. As enumerated in Table 4, some days were heavily observed and others were not. Consequently, mean statistics for the vertical profiles might suggest poor model performance if it did not simulate the timing or distribution of ducting particularly well on either 29 April or 4 May, when nearly 50% of all HELO data were collected. Profiles were not discarded if they failed to represent an independent observation or in instances whereby consecutive HELO descent legs corresponded to the same model profile. This strategy was adopted in order to retain consistency in post-processing methods used by all countries. The results of 190 HELO observations (Table 5) indicate that the lower atmosphere was on average 1.5 g kg-1 drier and 2.5 K warmer at 112 m than at 5 m. The minimum in mean modified refractivity occurred at a height of ~75 m suggesting a propensity for surface-based ducting in the observed profiles. Generally all the models had increasingly cold and wet biases with height leading to larger rms errors at 112 m than near the surface. The vertical variation of the moisture field largely defined the slope of the modified refractivity in each layer thus characterizing the layer’s refractivity regime. In the statistics, the models had rather large differences in the vertical variation of mean temperatures, but all models tended to over-estimate the moisture above the surface layer. The largest decrease in mean moisture was given by COAMPS (1.0 g kg-1) followed by the MetUM (0.7 g kg-1) while the remaining models had less than 0.5 g kg-1. Since mean statistics only give a broad picture of the models’ performance, we further investigated three specific times for individual profile comparisons, so chosen because each contained an observed surface-based duct developing under very different background flow characteristics. Figure 6a shows the SIBL structure that developed in 17 the offshore flow on 30 Apr 17 UTC following a frontal passage. All four models predicted the duct despite significant discrepancies in temperature (Fig. 6a). The ducting layer was well represented in the models as it was predominately a function of the relatively dry, warm mixed layer over land that was advected over a near-saturated layer adjacent to the much colder ocean surface. For 1 May 15 UTC, the observed profiles depict a strong, shallow inversion and sharp moisture decrease generated by upper level subsidence (Fig. 6b). Both GEM and COAMPS had larger changes in temperature and humidity with height than did the models forced by a warmer ocean. As evidenced by the time series at the NPS buoy location (Fig. 5), all the models captured strong ducting associated with high pressure ridging during 1 May, but had large fluctuations in duct strength. Temporal fluctuations were commonplace in the models’ time series and also in duct strength animation loops. COAMPS developed pulses in the ducted layer after 12 UTC on 1 May as veering winds became more southerly, down-sloping from the topography and within a deep, wellmixed MABL to the south. This finding suggests that model errors can arise due to a lack of subsidence and imprecise timing of synoptic transitions and/or mesoscale oscillations. The 4 May 18 UTC case had shoreward directed flow, also crossing the warm Gulf Stream to colder near shore ocean waters. While this period was dominated by high pressure, a cold, dry air mass aloft originated over Wallops from the east. The observed profiles display a complicated vertical structure with a mixed layer and embedded internal boundary layer (Fig. 6c). At this time, the upwind SST distribution and the local sea breeze return flow contributed to the layering in the lower atmosphere. Each model 18 successfully simulated the cold, dry air aloft, however COAMPS also predicted a warmer upwind ocean relative to the other models, leading to a well-defined mixed layer and sharp drop in specific humidity, albeit above the level of the HELO profile. None of the models captured the weak surface-based duct present in the observations at this time. We return to the above three cases to discuss ubiquitous mesoscale features present in simulated ducting in the next section. The mean ducting characteristics from each model at the HELO locations (Table 6) indicate that ducts occurred about half of the time they were observed for COAMPS and a third of the time for the MetUM and GEM. The relatively little ducting depicted by MM5 was due to insufficient observational information in that model run as discussed in section 3. The DFQ percentages are roughly half those reported at the buoy location (Table 2), and the majority of these are surface-based. The HELO statistics are more representative of daytime ducting phenomena within the lower MABL being restricted to times and heights of those measurements. In terms of mean DST, COAMPS overprediction stemmed from an inability to capture the timing of transitions on 1 May, while the other models tended to under-predict mean DST because of weaker upper level subsidence. The cold shelf waters in COAMPS also yielded more stable surface fluxes within 100 km of the coast, thus augmenting the near-shore subsidence leading to greater DFQ and SBD percentages, and stronger ducts with lower DBH in COAMPS. Statistics derived from a contingency table comprising duct/no duct events from each NWP model reveal that the models all have a greater percentage of missed ducts than hits, and with the exception of COAMPS, have a greater percentage of errors than percent correct (Table 7). The hit rate minus the false alarm rate yields discrimination scores of 19 25 or less. The highest discrimination score of 100 is attained when the hit rate is 100% and there are no false alarms. Discrimination scores were somewhat sensitive to the method used for computing ducting statistics. Scores could be improved by removing duplicate profiles, increasing discrimination scores by about 14 points in COAMPS, and by extending model profiles by one level (to include modeled ducts that were slightly deeper than observed). The latter had more of an impact on the coarse grid resolutions (discussed in section 6a below) increasing COAMPS grid 1 discrimination score by 9 points. The above changes tended to increase DFQ percentages and hit rates, but otherwise had little effect on the mean ducting statistics. 6. Mesoscale structure To show the grid-wide horizontal variability in simulated ducts, we revisit the three profile dates and times presented in Figure 6. Much of the structure in the 30 April SIBL ducts arose from complexity in the coastline and bays (Fig. 7). GEM’s ducts are less extensive inhibited by a deeper surface layer, perhaps due to their coarser vertical resolution. In the wake of the frontal passage, upper level subsidence moved southeastward across the region forming ducts where the moist, mixed layer over the warm ocean surface met with the advancing subsidence. Because the subsidence was more pronounced in the simulations with colder shelf waters, and more moisture could be fluxed into the MABL by a warm Gulf Stream, GEM and especially COAMPS had stronger ducting in that location. In the alongshore case, warm, dry air in the free atmosphere combined with surface southerlies around the backside of a high pressure cell located to the southeast of the 20 study area. The duct strength maps in Figure 8 reveal substantial differences between models and within a given model over very short distances that can be explained by differences in SST and in synoptic transitions. Veering winds promoted ducting across much of the ocean domain aided by the large, downward sensible heat flux on this day. Ducting was inhibited by upward sensible heat flux over warm water regions. The absence of any appreciable ducting in MM5 at this time clearly demonstrated the importance of correcting mesoscale model fields with observations or reinitializing to obtain a more accurate description of the large-scale environment. When combined with their coarsely resolved SST, little vertical structure developed in that model as depicted in their profiles (Figure 6b). In the other models, an abrupt transition to ducting occurred downwind of the surface stability change, driven by the collapse of the MABL and reduction in turbulent mixing over colder ocean. This same mechanism was responsible for strong coastal ducting south of Wallops Island in GEM and COAMPS. Away from the stable surface flux transition, inversions lifted and weakened, diminishing or eliminating ducts along the north coast of Wallops Island. Shallow inversions were re-established in COAMPS over the cold waters offshore of Delaware Bay and to the northeast, increasing duct strengths there. The MetUM synoptic transition was more rapid than the other models, having already advected in a deep layer of warm, moist air into the southern portion of the domain, virtually eliminating their ducting south of Wallops Island. Due to the rapid evolution of ducting events that contain substantial mesoscale structure, even subtle timing or position errors can negatively characterize model performance when compared with observations at specific locations and times. 21 For the onshore case of 4 May, the upwind SST created a deep MABL capped by large-scale subsidence. Differences in ducting distributions were substantial on this day (Fig. 9), and largely related to the upwind SST east of the 4-km boundary. The Gulf Stream SST front in that region created a deep, moist mixed layer that resulted in strong, elevated ducting over most of the ocean domain in COAMPS. Ample mesoscale structure resulted from changes in MABL depth and inversion strength as the layer approached the coast and interacted with the local sea breeze return flow. While the elevated duct was predicted by MetUM over the warm water regions, it lacked subsidence closer to shore to sustain ducting there. In contrast, weak near surface ducting developed in GEM and MM5 only over their cold water regions, but neither models’ simulation contained enough of a mixed layer to support the offshore, elevated ducting. a. Grid resolutions Using COAMPS four grids, we explore relationships between the large-scale dynamics and mesoscale forcing in generating variability in ducted layers. The outer grid had 36-km grid spacing and each embedded nest increased in horizontal resolution by a factor of three from its parent nest (i.e. 12-km, 4-km and 1.33 km). The 4 May date was selected to emphasize resolution differences associated with large-scale subsidence above easterly flow. The resultant strong, elevated duct is contrasted with 2 May when a stable internal boundary layer advected more than 100 km offshore creating weak, surfacebased ducting. The duct strength distributions for these two cases reveal substantial mesoscale structure in the 4-km and 1.33-km grids (Fig. 10 and Fig. 11). 22 For the onshore case of 4 May, the trapping layer, represented by red in the crosssections, has a down-sloping ducted layer below 1 km on all four grids. The 36-km grid however, had no evidence of a sea breeze, this being indicated by the drop in MABL heights near the land/sea boundary in the cross-sections. The sea breeze is represented in the refractive structures by the subrefraction aloft and in the duct distributions by increased duct strengths immediately at and just offshore of the coast. The transition between sea breeze-enhanced subsidence and large scale subsidence corresponds to a region of much weaker ducting about 50 km from shore, notably absent on grid 1 (Fig. 10). The small-scale detail in the duct strength pattern is directly related to the resolvable wave activity supported by the higher resolution grid as shown in the vertical crosssections of potential temperature. Differences between grids were not limited to this example, being clearly visible on many of the Wallops experiment days. The offshore flow case of 2 May 21 UTC indicates the sensitivity of SIBL ducting to resolution (Fig. 11). This date was chosen because of its weaker background flow, permitting retention of mesoscale responses. In general, the higher resolution grids tended to have stronger inversions and tighter gradients defining the ducted layer. Both features contributed to stronger and more prevalent ducting on grids 3 and 4. Neither the 36-km nor 12-km grids had sufficiently strong surface inversions to confine the moisture, and both grids lacked the weak, shallow SIBL ducts at this time. GEM’s coarser vertical resolution also resulted in minimal ducting for the 30 April case, suggesting that SIBL ducts may require at least 5km grid spacing and an average of 60 m vertical resolution to be adequately resolved. 23 The mean ducting characteristics at the HELO locations are given in Table 8 for each of COAMPS four grids. The number of duct hits was increased by utilizing a 00 UTC initialization on 4 May and including one additional model level in sampling the profiles for a ducting event. This procedure retained the slightly deeper ducts modeled by grid 1’s more diffuse inversions in the statistics. Comparing the means from COAMPS grids, DTK, DBH and SBD were all nearly the same. Decreased horizontal resolution had a large impact on DST however, with mean values for grid 1 less than half that of grid 4. Mean DFQ percentages were also reduced but only for the coarsest resolution grid, generating 20% less ducting than the other grids at the HELO locations. Table 9 shows the corresponding ducting contingency statistics. It is worth noting that the higher resolution 1.33-km grid gave poorer statistics in terms of ducting forecasts than the 4-km grid. This result is typical of the ‘double penalty’ problem of verifying high-resolution simulations using traditional verification metrics (rms error, bias and contingency tables) (Anthes 1983). Because the finer grids can resolve small-scale features (Fig. 10d and 11d), the potential for greater and larger error occurs. Further, greater accuracy and granularity of land surface databases and ocean surface forcing through two-way coupled simulations may be necessary to fully realize the benefits of increased grid resolutions. b. Sensitivity tests Several sensitivity tests and modifications to the computations were identified based upon evaluation of each country’s initial simulations. An obvious difference deemed critical for establishing accurate stratification and MABL vertical structure, was the lower 24 boundary condition over the ocean. Additional runs were performed by both GEM and MetUM to study the effect of replacing their coarsely resolved SST fields with the NCODA SST analysis utilized in COAMPS. Another potential source for improvement was to lengthen the time between initialization from global fields and the forecast period of interest, thus allowing greater spin-up of mesoscale detail on the 4-km grid. The 00 UTC initialization test was performed by MetUM. An earlier 00 UTC initialization was also done by COAMPS for 4 May to avoid a large over-correction to the 12 UTC moisture field done by their data assimilation scheme. Improving the mesoscale forcing through a highly resolved SST and longer spin up period produced a dramatic change to the ducting hit rate, increasing them by 10-27%. All the models were able to achieve a greater percentage of correctly simulated ducts/no ducts than they were error. In GEM, the modest 10% increase in hit rate, and a more than doubling of their discrimination score, was accomplished despite an increase in their rms errors for modified refractivity (Tables 10 and 11). This error was likely related to the slight increase in rms error for specific humidity while producing a larger near surface mean value and larger drop with height compared to the original run. With an earlier initialization, the ducting simulated by MetUM substantially improved. Downscaling from ECMWF occurred 12 hours earlier, allowing terrain induced responses and gradients to be fully developed on the 4-km grid. This result was consistent with the grid resolution comparisons with COAMPS, in which considerable vertical structure was achieved simply by increasing the horizontal resolution (Figs. 10 and 11). The earlier initialization significantly increased duct hit rates, elevating discrimination scores to 24 in MetUM and 47 in COAMPS (Table 11). However, 25 differences in COAMPS were not due to mesoscale initialization, since it retained the previous 12-hour forecast as a first guess, but primarily to a poor data assimilation correction on COAMPS inner grids (4 and 1.33 km). With COAMPS MVOI analysis, the inner grids analyses were heavily influenced by the single vertical sounding at Wallops Island. COAMPS has since advanced to a 3D-variational data assimilation method that performs the analysis on the outer grid at the resolution of the inner grid, thereby allowing for the influence of observations outside of the smaller domains. When the MetUM also included the NCODA SST, the stability of the lower atmosphere increased. The model developed a much shallower MABL allowing dry air to descend to lower levels, thus strengthening the vertical moisture gradient. The overall effect of earlier initialization and NCODA SST in terms of the profile statistics was a reduction of their specific humidity rms errors by half, and interestingly, an increase in their potential temperature rms errors, particularly near the surface (Table 10). However, those errors had little influence on the modified refractivity which is more strongly altered by the ‘wet’ term containing the contribution due to vapor pressure (Bean and Dutton 1968). As a result, modified refractivity errors were also reduced by about half from the original MetUM statistics representing a significant improvement in their simulated ducts. Although the stronger inversion supported more ducts, it also increased their false alarm rate, nonetheless raising the MetUM discrimination score to 34. Additional initialization improvement could be achieved with mesoscale data assimilation permitting mixed layers and sharp vertical gradients to be retained in model first guess fields. 26 7. Conclusions This modeling study examines the seven-day Wallops-2000 IOP data collected off the eastern shores of the Delmarva Peninsula during a highly synoptically active period in April/May of 2000. The primary observational dataset used to evaluate four mesoscale model simulations (COAMPS, MetUM, MM5, GEM) included instrumented fixed buoy time series and helicopter vertical profiles. This dataset provided a unique description of the temporal and spatial changes in atmospheric ducting associated with rapidly evolving synoptic and mesoscale forcing. Comparisons of simulated fields from each model’s 4km resolution domain were made with observed meteorological conditions and with the mean diagnosed modified refractivity and ducting characteristics for the full seven-day period. This study has established a validation benchmark of mesoscale modeling capability for representing the atmospheric ducting phenomena in this region using standard verification tools such as mean, bias and rms error statistics. Combined with ducting event contingency table statistics, these metrics provide the basis by which we assessed the models’ simulations, the effect of different grid resolutions, and sensitivity test improvements. From analysis of observed data in conjunction with the models’ predictions, the broad-scale ducting patterns followed the general synoptic-refractivity model of Rosenthal and Helvey (1979), in which favorable ducting conditions occurred during periods of high pressure due to upper level subsidence and unfavorable conditions during periods of negative sea level pressure tendency indicating approaching low pressure systems. Differences between the models’ simulations were often linked to the SST and to synoptic transitions which differed due to initialization methods and lateral boundary 27 conditions. The study was designed at the outset to consider each country’s complete mesoscale modeling system which necessarily included differences in the models themselves as well as in the tools and techniques used for obtaining global model fields, for initialization and spin up of mesoscale simulations, for assimilation of observations, and for specifying the SST. We used the models to explore commonality in the simulated ducting patterns, to gain an understanding of important sensitivities of atmospheric refractivity to the large-scale and mesoscale forcing present in each modeling system. The four models were found to generally over-predict the mean moisture above the surface layer resulting in a weaker vertical gradient in specific humidity, thus producing fewer and weaker MABL ducts than were observed. However, some of the errors resulted from either timing or position inaccuracies in the simulated ducting layers, neither of which reflects well upon model performance. Improved ducting was achieved by earlier initialization of mesoscale simulations in MetUM and by using the high resolution, twice daily updated NCODA SST as a lower boundary condition in MetUM and GEM. Improvements to COAMPS were made by eliminating a problematic moisture correction on 4 May from the single Wallops Island sounding in the MVOI data assimilation scheme. Considerable mesoscale variability was present in simulated ducting events during Wallops-2000 IOP. Using case study examples of offshore, alongshore and onshore flow, we illustrated the complexities of the meteorology in this region and their effect on atmospheric refractivity and ducting. Events characterized by weak background winds had ample mesoscale structure in ducted layers. The horizontal variability was associated with changes in the strength of gradients defining the layer and in their depth. More 28 abrupt transitions occurred across changes in surface stability. Mesoscale forcing evolved from the spatially complex SST, by the development of surface layer and MABL structure over and downwind of the meandering Gulf Stream and cold shelf waters. In the coastal zone, interactions with sea breeze return flows induced additional mesoscale variability in ducted layers with 50-100 km of shore. On other days, topographically induced local pressure gradients developed over the diurnal cycle, and during a period of rapid synoptic transition, oscillations in the free atmosphere were excited, both affecting the presence and strength of coastal ducts. Analysis of COAMPS four grids showed that the mesoscale features and intricate vertical structure were only possible for grid resolutions of 4-km or higher, and also required a concurrently high resolution SST analysis. The findings from the initial simulations and subsequent sensitivity tests revealed some of the most critical aspects of mesoscale model systems necessary for simulating atmospheric refractivity and ducting. In order of importance, these include but are not limited to: 1) Accurate large-scale forcing in initial fields and at lateral boundaries 2) Horizontal grid spacing of at least 5 km and average vertical spacing of at least 60 m in the lowest 1 km of the atmosphere 3) Mesoscale structure retained in analysis or allowed to spin up on finer grids 4) Accurate SST field of equivalent resolution to the model grid spacing 5) 3D and 4DVAR data assimilation techniques for proper moisture analysis Some aspects of the modeling intercomparison remain for future work. A study of model physics, numerics and dynamics could be made by initializing all models with the 29 same global fields, and an evaluation of the propagation measurements during Wallops2000 will help determine the degree to which predicted refractive layers yield accuracy in microwave radar signals. More importantly, new observations are currently being analyzed from a recent field campaign in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. Over a span of 14-days, the four ABCANZ countries archived their 4-km model forecasts, each run in near real-time utilizing its standard operational configuration, providing an opportunity for more complete evaluation of national defense forecast capabilities of mesoscale coastal refractivity. Acknowledgments. Our gratitude extends to Stéphane Gaudreault, a recent addition to the ABCANZ model intercomparison team and a contributor to our ongoing effort. We wish to thank Ross Rottier and others at JHU/APL for the helicopter measurements and Kenneth Davidson of NPS for supplying the buoy data. We are grateful to Duncan Cook, Dan Dockery and two anonymous reviewers whose suggestions helped shape the manuscript. The ABCANZ model intercomparison collaboration was supported by the Office of Naval Research, Program Element 0602271N. 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Wallops-2000 modeling experiment setup. The number in parenthesis is the average vertical resolution in the lowest 1 km. The letters IC are for ‘initial conditions’ and BC are for ‘boundary condition’. Other abbreviations and acronyms are given below. Table 2. Mean ducting characteristics at NPS buoy location and 100 km offshore (Symbols in Fig. 2) computed from each model forecast. DFQ is duct frequency percentage, DST is duct strength (M-units), DBH is duct base height (m), DTK is duct thickness (m), SBD is the percentage of ducts that are surface-based (defined as ducts with DBH=0 m). COAMPS DFQ (%) DST (M-u) DBH (m) DTK (m) SBD (%) Count MetUM NPS 100km NPS 100km 73 73 52 57 7.3 9.8 5.8 133 166 125 66 168 MM5 GEM 100km NPS 100km 42 39 44 25 5.3 5.2 5.1 5.0 5.1 73 208 161 314 41 20 175 95 134 134 206 93 137 60 56 44 41 17 85 157 NPS 168 83 91 Table 3. Near-surface statistics at NPS buoy (diamond in Fig. 2) computed from hourly measurements and each model forecast. In each row, the upper number is the mean and the lower two numbers are the bias (observation minus model) and root mean square error (bias / rmse). Buoy COAMPS MetUM MM5 GEM SST (°C) 11.67 11.1 0.6 / 0.9 13.0 -1.3 / 1.7 13.5 -1.9 / 2.2 9.1 3.0 / 3.1 AirT (°C) 12.4 12.2 0.2 / 1.1 14.1 -1.5 / 1.7 13.3 -1.0 / 1.7 11.1 1.8 / 2.2 RH (%) 81.43 83.1 -1.7 / 9.8 79.8 0.9 / 7.2 82.9 -1.4 / 10.8 84.5 -5.5 / 12.7 WSP (m s-1) 4.7 4.4 0.3 / 1.9 5.1 -0.3 / 1.6 5.1 -0.4 / 2.5 5.7 -1.1 / 2.7 WDR (deg) 150.7 174.7 -24.0 / 96.5 149.6 4.3 / 74.0 160.7 -8.1 / 80.3 151.6 7.8 / 89.6 PRS (hPa) 1014.3 1018.2 -3.9 / 4.0 1018.0 -3.4 / 3.5 1018.8 -4.6 / 4.8 1019.1 -4.2 / 4.4 Count 168 168 157 168 91 2 Table 4. Number of descending HELO legs used as observed profiles on each day of Wallops-2000. Date 28 Apr 29 Apr 30 Apr 1 May 2 May 3 May 4 May Total Profiles 18 39 29 21 13 16 54 190 3 Table 5. Vertical profile statistics at helicopter locations (Blue radial in Fig. 2) for levels 5, 45 and 112 m of specific humidity (g kg-1), potential temperature (K) and modified refractivity (M-units) from each model forecast and helicopter measurements (HELO). In each row, the upper number is the mean and the lower two numbers are the bias (observation minus model) and rmse (bias / rmse). Specific Humidity (g kg-1) Ht (m) HELO 5.9 112 6.7 45 7.3 5 COAMPS 6.4 -0.5 / 1.2 7.0 -0.3 / 0.8 7.4 -0.1 / 0.5 MetUM 7.2 -1.4 / 1.8 7.6 -1.3 / 1.5 7.9 -0.7 / 1.1 MM5 7.3 -1.4 / 2.1 7.4 -0.8 / 1.8 7.5 -0.3 / 1.5 GEM 6.8 -0.9 / 1.4 7.0 -0.4 / 0.9 7.1 0.1 / 0.6 Potential Temperature (K) Ht (m) HELO 288.4 112 287.0 45 285.8 5 COAMPS 285.6 2.8 / 3.0 284.3 2.7 / 2.9 283.3 2.5 / 2.7 MetUM 286.8 ]1.6 / 2.0 286.1 0.8 / 1.5 285.5 0.2 / 1.2 MM5 284.3 4.1 / 4.7 284.3 2.6 / 3.4 284.4 1.4 / 2.2 GEM 286.6 1.8 / 2.3 285.4 1.6 / 2.1 284.1 1.8 / 2.3 Mod Refractivity (M-units) Ht (m) HELO 330.4 112 328.7 45 329.3 5 Count 190 COAMPS 337.8 -7.5 / 11.1 334.9 -6.2 / 8.4 333.9 -4.7 / 6.1 MetUM 341.1 -11.0 / 14.4 336.2 -7.7 / 11.2 334.5 -5.3 / 7.9 MM5 346.1 -15.7 / 18.6 338.1 -9.0 / 13.8 333.4 -4.3 / 10.2 GEM 340.6 -10.4 / 13.0 335.2 -6.7 / 9.1 332.2 -2.9 / 5.6 190 190 190 190 4 Table 6. Mean ducting characteristics at helicopter locations (blue radial in Fig. 2) computed from each models’ 4-km resolution grid and helicopter measurements (HELO). DFQ is duct frequency percentage, DST is duct strength (M-units), DBH is duct base height (m), DTK is duct thickness (m), SBD is the percentage of ducts that are surface-based (defined as ducts with DBH=0 m). HELO COAMPS DFQ (%) DST (M-u) DBH (m) DTK (m) SBD (%) Count MetUM MM5 GEM 64 34 24 4 24 7.0 8.8 4.7 2.4 3.5 1.2 3.2 16.7 84.6 0.0 73 77 60 104 46 91 190 88 190 78 190 25 190 100 190 5 Table 7. Duct occurrence contingency table statistics. For MetUM column, statistics for the original 12 UTC initialization is on the left and the sensitivity test with earlier 00 UTC initialization is on the right. COAMPS MetUM 12 00 MM5 GEM Event Freq (%) 64 64 64 64 64 Correct (%) 57 44 56 37 48 Error (%) 43 56 44 63 52 Hit (%) 43 25 41 6 28 Miss (%) False Alarm (%) Correct Null (%) Discrimination Score 57 75 59 94 72 19 22 17 2 16 81 78 83 98 84 25 3 24 4 12 6 Table 8. Mean ducting statistics (as in Table 6) except for COAMPS four grids (See text for details). Grid resolutions are 36-km for Grid 1, 12-km for Grid 2, 4-km for Grid 3, and 1.33 km for Grid 4. The mean ducting from HELO measurements are shown for comparison. HELO DFQ (%) DST (M-u) DBH (m) DTK (m) SBD (%) Count Grid 1 Grid 2 Grid 3 Grid 4 64 30 54 52 50 7.0 4.1 5.0 7.5 8.3 1.2 1.4 0.6 0.7 2.7 73 89 89 84 89 91 190 98 190 95 190 95 190 91 190 7 Table 9. Duct occurrence contingency table statistics (as in Table 7) except for COAMPS four grids (See text for details). Grid resolutions are 36-km for Grid 1, 12km for Grid 2, 4-km for Grid 3, and 1.33 km for Grid 4. Grid 1 Event Freq (%) Correct (%) Error (%) Hit (%) Miss (%) False Alarm (%) Correct Null (%) Discrimination Score Grid 2 Grid 3 Grid 4 64 64 64 64 61 70 74 55 39 30 26 45 43 69 70 34 57 31 30 66 6 28 19 6 94 72 81 94 37 41 51 28 8 Table 10. Vertical profile statistics (as in Table 5) except for sensitivity tests. The sensitivity test labeled ’00 UTC’ represents earlier initialization and ‘NCODA’ represents use of 4-km NCODA SST (See text for details). In each row, the upper number is the mean and the lower numbers are the bias and rmse (bias / rmse). Specific Humidity (g kg-1) HELO COAMPS 00 UTC 112 5.9 45 6.7 5 7.3 6.1 -0.2 / 0.8 6.7 0.0 / 0.8 7.2 0.1 / 0.5 Ht (m) MetUM ECMWF SST 00 UTC 6.7 -0.9 / 1.7 7.2 -0.6 / 1.4 7.7 -0.5 / 1.0 MetUM NCODA SST 00 UTC 6.0 -0.1 / 1.1 6.6 -0.0 / 1.0 7.1 0.1 / 0.5 GEM NCODA SST 7.0 -1.1 / 1.5 7.2 -0.6 / 1.0 7.6 -0.4 / 0.8 Potential Temperature (K) HELO COAMPS 00 UTC 112 288.4 45 287.0 5 285.8 285.5 2.8 /3.0 284.2 2.8 / 3.0 283.4 2.4 / 2.7 Ht (m) MetUM ECMWF SST 00 UTC 286.8 1.6 / 2.1 286.1 1.0 / 1.3 285.4 0.4 / 1.2 MetUM NCODA SST 00 UTC 286.8 1.6 /1.9 275.3 1.7 / 1.9 284.1 1.7 / 1.9 GEM NCODA SST 286.9 1.5 / 2.0 286.1 0.9 / 1.5 285.4 0.4 / 1.2 Mod Refractivity (M-units) HELO COAMPS 00 UTC 112 330.4 45 328.7 5 329.3 Ht (m) Count 190 MetUM NCODA SST 00 UTC 333.6 -3.5 / 8.9 331.4 -3.0 / 8.0 331.1 -1.9 / 4.0 GEM NCODA SST 335.8 -5.4 / 8.2 333.9 -4.2 / 7.3 332.5 -3.3 / 5.4 MetUM ECMWF SST 00 UTC 339.2 -9.1 / 14.1 334.8 -6.4 / 11.2 333.6 -4.4 / 7.2 190 190 190 190 9 341.4 -11.2 / 13.5 335.9 -7.3 / 9.6 333.9 -4.6 / 7.1 Table 11. Duct occurrence contingency table statistics (as in Table 7) except for sensitivity tests. The sensitivity test labeled ’00 UTC’ represents earlier initialization and ‘NCODA’ represents use of 4-km NCODA SST (See text for details). Event Freq (%) Correct (%) Error (%) Hit (%) Miss (%) False Alarm (%) Correct Null (%) Discrimination Score COAMPS 00 UTC MetUM 00 UTC MetUM NCODA 00 UTC GEM NCODA 64 64 64 64 71 56 67 56 29 44 33 44 65 41 68 38 35 59 32 62 18 17 33 13 82 83 67 87 47 24 34 25 10 Figure Captions Figure 1. Schematic representation of (a) modified refractivity profile labeled with refractive layers and duct characteristics: duct strength, base height and thickness, and (b) the three slope values (dM/dz) that delineate the four refractivity regimes: subrefraction, normal refraction, superrefraction and trapping. Figure 2. AVHRR 3-day composite SST (K) ending 2 May 2000 for the Wallops-2000 field experiment area. The domain covers the region of the 4-km model grids. The white dot indicates Wallops Island, the blue line shows the primary radial flown by JHU/APL helicopter, and the red symbols are the locations of time series at the NPS buoy (diamond) and approximately 100 km offshore (asterisk). The composite SST is made available by JHU/APL at Figure 3. Sea surface temperature distribution for 1 May 12 UTC from (a) COAMPS, (b) MetUM, (c) GEM, and (d) MM5, contoured every 1 K. Figure 4. Time series of near surface (5-m) model forecasts at NPS buoy location (Diamond in Fig. 2) and buoy observations (black) for 7-day Wallops-2000 IOP. The ‘UM’ is for MetUM and ‘CMP’ is for COAMPS. Figure 5. Time series of model forecast duct strength (M-units) at NPS buoy location (Diamond in Fig. 2) for 7-day Wallops-2000 IOP. Periods of offshore flow and high pressure ridging are labeled ‘O’ and ‘H’ respectively. The ‘UM’ is for MetUM and ‘CMP’ is for COAMPS. Figure 6. Model forecast and helicopter profiles of potential temperature (K), specific humidity (g kg-1), and modified refractivity (M-units) during (a) offshore flow: 30 April 17 UTC, (b) alongshore flow: 1 May 15 UTC, and (c) onshore flow: 4 May 18 UTC. The ‘UM’ is for MetUM, and ‘CMP’ is for COAMPS. Figure 7. Duct strength distributions (M-units) for 30 April 17 UTC from (a) COAMPS, (b) MetUM, (c) GEM, and (d) MM5. Wind arrows at 45 m height are shown on COAMPS for reference to the background wind direction. Figure 8. Duct strength distributions (M-units) for 1 May 15 UTC from (a) COAMPS, (b) MetUM, (c) GEM, and (d) MM5. Wind arrows at 45 m height are shown on COAMPS for reference to the background wind direction. Figure 9. Duct strength distributions (M-units) for 4 May 18 UTC from (a) COAMPS, (b) MetUM, (c) GEM, and (d) MM5. Wind arrows at 45 m height are shown on COAMPS for reference to the background wind direction. Figure 10. Subdomain of COAMPS four grids on 4 May 18 UTC showing duct strength (M-units) in column 1 and vertical cross-section in column 2, of refractivity regime (color), potential temperature (isopleth) and circulation (grey lines) to height of 1 km along plane A-B. Figure 11. Subdomain of COAMPS four grids on 2 May 21 UTC showing duct strength (M-units) in column 1 and vertical cross-section in column 2, of refractivity regime (color), potential temperature (isopleth) and circulation (grey lines) to height of 1km along plane A-B. Figure 1. Schematic representation of (a) modified refractivity profile labeled with refractive layers and duct characteristics: duct strength, base height and thickness, and (b) the three slope values (dM/dz) that delineate the four refractivity regimes: subrefraction, normal refraction, superrefraction and trapping. New Jersey 40°N Delaware Bay Maryland Wallops Is. 38° ● Virginia ♦ Delmarva Peninsula * Chesapeake Bay Gulf Stream North Carolina 36° 78° 76° 278 283 74°W 288 293 298 303 K Figure 2. AVHRR 3-day composite SST (K) ending 2 May 2000 for the Wallops-2000 field experiment area. The domain covers the region of the 4-km model grids. The white dot indicates Wallops Island, the blue line shows the primary radial flown by JHU/APL helicopter, and the red symbols are the locations of time series at the NPS buoy (diamond) and approximately 100 km offshore (asterisk). The composite SST is made available by JHU/APL at (a) (b) (c) (d) 280 282 284 286 288 290 292 294 296 K Figure 3. Sea surface temperature distribution for 1 May 12 UTC from (a) COAMPS, (b) Unified Model, (c) GEM, and (d) MM5, contoured every 1 K. Date Figure 4. Time series of near surface (4-m) model forecasts at NPS buoy location (Diamond in Fig. 2) and buoy observations (black) for 7-day Wallops-2000 IOP. 35 Duct Strength (M-units) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 O H O H Date Figure 5. Time series of model forecast duct strength (M-units) at NPS buoy location (Diamond in Fig. 2) for 7-day Wallops-2000 IOP. Periods of offshore flow and high pressure ridging are labeled ‘O’ and ‘H’ respectively. 1000 (a) Helo UM MM5 GEM CMP 900 CMP 700 UM UM 600 H t (m ) Height (m) 800 MM5 GEM CMP MM5 UM GEM CMP 500 GEM 400 MM5 300 200 100 Helo Helo Helo 0 1000 (b) 900 GEM 700 UM CMP 600 H t (m ) Height (m) 800 MM5 500 400 Helo CMP 300 MM5 200 GEM Helo 100 GEM UM CMP MM5 UM Helo 0 1000 (c) 800 UM CMP 700 UM CMP MM5 MM5 500 GEM GEM CMP 600 H t (m ) Height (m) 900 UM 400 MM5 300 GEM 200 100 Helo Helo Helo 00 282 0 284 286 288 Potential Temperature (K) 290 292 Potential Temperature (K) 0 2 4 6 -1 Specific Humidity (g kg ) 320 8 -1 360 400 440 Modified Refractivity (M-units) Specific Humidity (g kg ) Modified Refractivity (M-units) Figure 6. Model forecast and helicopter profiles of potential temperature (K), specific humidity (g kg-1), and modified refractivity (M-units) during (a) offshore flow: 30 April 17 UTC, (b) alongshore flow: 1 May 15 UTC, and (c) onshore flow: 4 May 18 UTC. (a) (b) (d) (c) 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Figure 7. Duct strength distributions (M-units) for 30 April 17 UTC from (a) COAMPS, (b) Unified Model, (c) GEM, and (d) MM5. Wind arrows at 45 m height are shown on COAMPS for reference to the background wind direction. (a) (b) (c) (d) 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Figure 8. Duct strength distributions (M-units) for 1 May 15 UTC from (a) COAMPS, (b) Unified Model, (c) GEM, and (d) MM5. Wind arrows at 45 m height are shown on COAMPS for reference to the background wind direction. (a) (b) (c) (d) 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Figure 9. Duct strength distributions (M-units) for 4 May 18 UTC from (a) COAMPS, (b) Unified Model, (c) GEM, and (d) MM5. Wind arrows at 45 m height are shown on COAMPS for reference to the background wind direction. (a) Grid 1 A B (b) Grid 2 (c) Grid 3 5 10 15 20 25 Sub Normal Super Trap 30 (d) Grid 4 A B 185 Figure 10. Subdomain of COAMPS four grids on 4 May 18 UTC showing duct strength (Munits) in column 1 and vertical cross-section in column 2, of refractivity regime (color), potential temperature (isopleth) and circulation (grey lines) to height of 1 km along plane A-B. (a) Grid 1 A B (b) Grid 2 (c) Grid 3 5 10 15 20 25 Sub Normal Super Trap 30 (d) Grid 4 A 185 B Figure 11. Subdomain of COAMPS four grids on 2 May 21 UTC showing duct strength (Munits) in column 1 and vertical cross-section in column 2, of refractivity regime (color), potential temperature (isopleth) and circulation (grey lines) to height of 1km along plane A-B.