RT News 11-07 - Redi-Tag
RT News 11-07 - Redi-Tag
FF a ll l 2 20 0 7 Introducing…Pop-Up Page Flag Dispenser! Stick With Style! Redi-Tag is proud to announce the newest addition to our line of film page flags, the Pop-Up Flag Dispenser! Now your customers can have the convenience of an easy to use flag dispenser without the premium price of the national brand. We offer the same high-quality page flags as our original flags, in an affordable, yet stylish dispenser. The sleek design of our dispenser makes it a welcome addition to any desktop and extends Redi-Tag's line of quality products partnered with innovation and eye-catching appeal. Available in one-inch flags in 5 solid colors, pre-printed "Sign Here" and half-inch in a 4-color assortment. Draw attention where it's needed by using eye-catching color to flag documents, articles and reports where you will reference again. Use to tab large files, personal planners, notebooks or catalogs. The variety of colors allow for color-coding by client, subject or project. Be sure that important signatures are not overlooked with the pre-printed "Sign Here" flag. MORE Self-stick, half-color, half-clear page flags are made from durable film that will remove and reposition easily without damaging the document. Write a PRODUCT INFO INSIDE ➔ note or direction on the flag with ballpoint pen, pencil or permanent marker. 5252 Orange Ave., Suite 107, Cypress CA 90630 • 800-421-7585 • 714-226-9596 • www.reditag.com • e-mail: sales@reditag.com Colo rful and Affordable C h o i c e s…AT LAST! Put more, for less, at your custo m e rs fingertips. One-inch page flags (1" x 1.7") are available in 5 colors and pre-printed "Sign Here." Each pack contains 2 dispensers which easily separate on the perforation. 50 flags per dispenser, 100 flags per pack. Half-inch flags (.47" x 1.7") are available in an assorted pack of 4 solid colors. The four dispensers contain 35 flags each, for a total of 140 flags. The dispensers also separate easily. Pop-Up samples and literature are available, please contact the Sales D e p a rtment at 800-421-7585 or e- m a i l sales@reditag.com. Suggested Item # Description List Price 74002 1/2" 4-Color $5.75 74004 1" Sign Here $6.65 74014 1" Yellow $5.75 74024 1" Red $5.75 74034 1" Blue $5.75 74074 1" Orange $5.75 74084 1" Green $5.75 5252 Orange Ave., Suite 107, Cypress CA 90630 More New Products! Our new Redi-Bind® Hanging File Ba rs were d e veloped from a need in the marketplace, allowing the user to file binders, magazines, catalogs, bound reports, etc. into a file cabinet without a hanging file folder. The heavy-duty polypropylene bars allow for hanging in any standard file cabinet. It also works great in conjunction with the Redi-Bind 3-Ring Organizing System. Our pack of 6 file bars (#13025) retails for $3.95 and will be available in January. Speaking of Redi-Bind, we now offer 12-Piece Value Packs in B l a ck (#13008), Frost (#13009), and Navy Blue (#13010). The suggested retail is $9.95. 2 Laser Items are back by popular demand! Our 2" Laser Tabs are permanent adhesive, self-stick, and made from durable, heavy-duty plastic that won't tear or curl. Easily download templates from reditag.com and input and format custom text in Word or WordPerfect. Tabs are all white and available in a 80 tab Standard Pack (#33171), suggested retail $14.95, or 300 tab Value Pack (#39170), suggested retail $35.95. These tabs will be available from United Stationers in their 2008 catalog. Also back in the Redi-Tag catalog are our 4-color Laser Page Flags. These are great for niche consumers to customize specific phrases for clients, co-workers, doctors, etc. The uses are endless! A Standard Pack (#33301) of 120 flags includes 30 flags each of yellow, red, blue and mint, suggested retail is $7.95. Bulk Value Packs are available with 450 flags of all one color: Yellow (#39901); Red (#39902); Blue (#39903) and Mint (#39918); suggested retail is $22.95. 800-421-7585 • 714-226-9596 • www.reditag.com • e-mail: sales@reditag.com 2008 Redi-Tag Dealer Price List and Catalog with Sample Flags Included with your newsletter are the 2008 editions of the Redi-Tag Dealer Price List and Product Guide. We open our catalog with our new Po p-Up Page Flag Dispenser. A l so included is our new Redi-Bind Hanging File Ba rs, 2-Inch Laser Tab s, as well as, Laser Page Fl a g s. As usual we have a sample of various styles of page flags on the inside back cover, only with this version these samples are in red and yellow. The catalog fits into a #10 size envelope for convenient mailing. In the Dealer Price List you will notice that we did not have a price increase for 2008! The only exception is the Cram Cards which went up nominally due to material costs. For additional copies, please contact the Sales Department at 800-421-7585 or e-mail sales@reditag.com. NEW ITEMS IN 2008 WHOLESALER CATALOGS 2" LASER 100-COUNT RECYCLED REDI- UNIVERSAL BRAND SPARCO BRAND TABS PAGE FLAGS NOTES BIND™ POP-UPS POP-UPS UNITED STATIONERS SP RICHARDS REGIONAL WHOLESALERS ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ New Page Flag Phrase… VERBAL ORDER, PLEASE SIGN In response to a recent regulation put in place by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services wh i ch re q u i res that all orders, including verbal orders, must be dated, timed and authenticated promptly, we have introduced a new phrase to our line of dispenser page flags, " Verbal Order Please Sign" (item #81384, refill #91045). Along with our current "Please Sign, Date & Time" (item #81046, refill #91046) page flag, they help hospitals comply with authentication of verbal orders within 48 hours. Suggested retail for dispensers is $5.90, 6-roll refills are $23.09. 1-800-421-7585 • Visit our web site: www.reditag.com • E-mail: sales@reditag.com ©Redi-Tag Corporation ® Redi-Tag and Redi-Bind are registered trademarks of Redi-Tag Corporation. Redi-Bind is patent pending.