Ridge Lake Shores


Ridge Lake Shores
Ridge Lake Shores
Volume 2, Issue 5
May 2007
Neighborhood Spring Clean
Thanks to all of you who donated to the Beautification committee
and helped us during our workday. It was a busy day and a
huge success. We still have $150 that we can use for our next
We were able to achieve:
• Planting 10 trees at Ridge Lake Park
• Move 2 grills from Trophy Lake Park to Ridge Lake Park
• Removed palm blocking the boat light
• Removed plants by security gate that were causing the water pump to malfunction
• Removed mattress from empty lot
• Swept intersections
Anytime you are at RidgeLake Park, please bring a bucket and
water the trees we just planted. Most are in areas where there are
sprinklers, but that will not be enough to keep the trees alive. It’s
important that over the next few months to keep them wet so they
can get established before the really hot weather arrives.
Brian Bokanyi
Official Newsletter
Quartet Champions
Sweet Adeline International, a women’s barbershop organization
held it’s Regional contest on March 16-17 at the Stafford Center in
Stafford, TX. The quartet contest consisted of 20 area quartets and
was won by “Replay” of which Martie Heyde is a member, singing
Bass, (see accompanying photo). The win entitles them to compete
at the International level, which this year is in Calgary Canada in
October. There they will compete against 53 other quartets from
around the world.
The quartet is scheduled to perform at the Crighton Theatre in
Conroe on July 28th.
Congratulations, REPLAY!!!
Pictured in the photo from left, Kellie Gareri, Baritone, Vickie
Dennis, Lead, Martie Heyde, Bass and Janet Burnett, Tenor
Don't want to wait for the mail?
View the current issue of the
Ridge Lake Shores Newsletter
on the 1st day of the month
at www.PEELinc.com
Copyright © 2007 Peel, Inc. Ridge Lake Shores - May 2007 Ridge Lake Shores
RLS Board Members
Sharon Spinhirne ............................sspinhirne@earthlink.net
Vice President
John Heyde ............................RoyalNavigators@yahoo.com
Larry Gates .......................................gatesls@houston.rr.com
Leslie Dunn .......................................ramses4174@msn.com
Architectural Control
Dewayne Smith .............................................rlsacc@tstx.net
Committee Chairs
Sharon Bonnette........................... sharonbonnette7@aol.com
Larry Gates.........................................gatesls@houston.rr.com
Mike Spinhirne................................. sspinhirne@earthlink.net
Marty Smith................................martysmith@houston.rr.com
Dewayne Smith ..............................................rlsacc@tstx.net
Architectural Controls and Restrictions
Dewayne Smith...............................................rlsacc@tstx.net
Martie Heyde.....................royalnavigators@houston.rr.com
Tom Priestley...................................... thomasp@txcyber.com
Neighborhood Patrol:
Glenn Labiosa.......................................glab@houston.rr.com
Association Manager
CKM Property Management, Inc........................ (281) 255-3055
Susan L. Gonzales, President..........................susan@ckm1.com
Neighborhood Patrol
Glenn Labiosa ................glab@houston.rr.com,(936) 447-4898
Tom Priestley..................................................... (936) 588-1549
Ken Brauer.................................................................................. Marcus Veloso.............................................................................
Daryl Vorderbruggen...................................................................
Leslie Dunn........................................................ (936) 588-1468
Kathy Smith................................................................................
Sharon Spinhirne................................................ (936) 588-1451
At no time will any source be allowed to use the Ridge Lake Shores Newsletter
contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nor in any
media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose
of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other
self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission
from the Ridge Lake Shores and Peel, Inc. The information in the Ridge Lake
Shores Newsletter is exclusively for the private use of Ridge Lake Shores
Neighborhood residents only. Ridge Lake Shores - May 2007
Helpful Numbers
Animal Control.....................................................(936) 442-7738
Montgomery County Sheriff ..............................(936) 760-5800
County Commissioner Pct #2, Craig Doyle ........(936) 539-7816
Abandoned Animal Rescue .................................(281) 290-0121
Synergy (water/electric) ......................................(936) 825-5100
CenterPoint Energy (gas) ...................................1-800-752-8036
Consolidated Communications ...........................(936) 539-7222
County Extension Service ...................................(936) 539-7822
Montgomery County Health Dept........................(936) 525-2800
Montgomery Fire Dept. .................................................911-0000
Republic Waste Services .....................................(281) 446-2030
Blue Diamond Waste Service ..............................(936) 264-4444
Montgomery County
Recycling Center ...............(936) 539-7816 or (281) 356-4156
Montgomery County EMS ..................................(936) 441-6243
Poison Control ......................................................(800) Poison-1
Peel Inc ............................................................(888) 687-6444
Advertising ......................................................(888) 687-6444
DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions
of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc.
or its employees. Peel, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any
facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes
no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All
warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely
that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be
taken up with the advertiser.
* The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for
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* Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the
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* Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental
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Advertising Information
Please support the businesses that advertise in the Ridge Lake
Shores Newsletter. Their advertising dollars make it possible for
all residents to receive a newsletter at no charge. No homeowners
association funds are used to produce or mail the newsletters. If
you would like to support the newsletter by advertising, please
contact Peel, Inc. Sales Office at 888-687-6444 or advertising@
PEELinc.com for ad information and pricing.
Copyright © 2007 Peel, Inc.
Ridge Lake Shores
Lake Committee Report
There are currently a lot of activities under way with our lakes. First of all you may have noticed some activity recently around
Trophy Lake as HTS begins a monitoring study to determine where
repairs need to be made to stop the lake from leaking. They have
installed several standpipe piezometers spaced around the lake
berm to study the groundwater level fluctuations and movements in
an effort to locate the leaking areas. This process will take several
weeks to complete after which a report of the findings along with
a repair recommendation will be made. Bluegreen will then take
that information and select a contractor to begin the repairs which
will take an additional 6 weeks. Altogether we could be looking at
approximately 6 months before we are again ready to re fill the lake. We have steadily lost an average of just under ½” per day of lake
level since we started measuring in December of 2006.
You may have also observed that Ridge Lake continues to be
“muddy” in appearance ever since we received the big rain last
fall. We believe this murkiness was caused by the large run off and
subsequent undermining of the Montgomery Trace Lake dam on
Fish Creek. That dam has since been repaired but our water remains
cloudy. This week-end we will be adding some alum to Ridge Lake
which will clear up the water very quickly. Following the addition of the alum we will be hiring a company to
conduct an electroshocking survey to help us determine the health of
our fish and a subsequent course of action in terms of supplemental
stocking of bait fish or population control as needed. We will also
be fertilizing the lake to promote the microscopic organism growth
that is such an important fundamental food source to the overall food
And finally we will also conduct an electroshocking survey of
Trophy Lake so we can manage our way through the reduced lake
volume over the summer months while the monitoring and repairs
are conducted. We will likely have to remove some fish so that we
don’t get an overcrowding situation while the lake is in this reduced
state but we plan to replenish the stocking once the lake is returned to
its’ normal levels. Of course if we can use any of the fish we remove
from Trophy over in Ridge Lake we will do so but based on what
we know right now this is not likely. Only the electroshocking can
confirm what each lake needs.
Classified Ads
Personal classifieds (one time sell items, such as a used bike...)
run at no charge to Ridge Lake Shores residents, limit 30 words,
please e-mail royalnavigaters@houston.rr.com
Business classifieds (offering a service or product line for profit)
are $45, limit 40 words, please contact Peel, Inc. Sales at 888687-6444 or advertising@PEELinc.com.
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Copyright © 2007 Peel, Inc. Ridge Lake Shores - May 2007 Ridge Lake Shores
Events/Welcoming Committee News
Happy Birthday
this month to:
1-Tony Taylor 19-Deborah Rugg
27-Kristi Vecera 31-Tyler Bokanyi –
2 years old! Happy Anniversary To:
8-Jeanette & Roger Willingham
Hello Fellow Recyclers:
Please gather your recycles!! **Collection is from 10 a.m.-11 a.m.
on the second Saturday of each month, at Ridge Lake Pavilion.**
May 12th will be our next scheduled collection date in RLS. If you
have questions, you may call me at home.
Thank you and HAPPY RECYCLING,
Patti Marshall, 588-1557
Peel, Inc.
Printing & Publishing
Publishing community newsletters since 1991
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to your neighbors.
Ridge Lake Shores - May 2007
Every other month the RidgeLake Shores POA holds an open
board meeting that all property owners may attend. Meetings
are the second Tuesday and are held at
Grace Lutheran Church
13123 Highway 105 West
Conroe, TX
1st building on the left. Meetings are from 7:00 to 9:00
The next open meetings are: May 8, and July 10
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Kelly Peel
This will be the 3rd year that the RLS community will participate
in the National Night Out (NNO) event.
The 2007 event is scheduled for Tuesday August 7th at 7PM. On this night we encourage everyone to join together to strengthen
neighborhood spirit, support our RLS Patrol Committee, and send a
that our neighborhood is organized in the fight
to criminals
against crime.
This is
a call for volunteers as well as ideas or comments on how
we can make this a fun, successful, and effective evening for everyone
in the Ridgelake Community. Contact the Events/Welcoming Committee at sharonbonnette7@
aol.com, or visit the new Ridglake Shores Community Web Site www.
ridgelakeshores.com if you would like to contribute to the planning
of this very important evening.
Scott E. Rand, MD
Board certified in Family Medicine and Sports Medicine
Experts in Caring for
Active People
Located inside the Texas Sports Medicine Center.
28120 SH 249 Tomball, TX
Copyright © 2007 Peel, Inc.
Ridge Lake Shores
Our team here at CENTURY 21 Hardee-Team Realty would like to THANK YOU for being a big part of
our record breaking year. Our success is a reflection of the support we get from the community. With per
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Available Lots in Ridgelake Shores
Lot 7 Port-Au-Prince—Build your dream home on this 1.04 acre lot. Lot 8 also available. $35,000
Lot 8 Port-Au-Prince—1.18 acre lot ready for your dream home. Lot 7 also available. $35,000
Lot 10 Port-Au-Prince—Come build your dream home on this 1.03 acres. Lot 11 also available. $30,000
Lot 11 Port-Au-Prince—Come build your dream home on this 1.02 acres. Lot 10 also available. $30,000
Lot 37 B1 Catamaran—1.11 acre lot ready for your dream home. Lot 38 also available. $35,000
Lot 38 B1 Catamaran—1.14 acre lot ready for your dream home. Lot 37 also available. $35,000
Lot 10 B12 Catamaran—Wonderful 1.01 acre lot ready for your dream home. $35,000
411 Royal Navigator Road—1.09 acre lot ready to build the home you’ve always dreamed of. $39,900
Lot 32 B2 Trade Winds Ct—Beautiful 1.07 acre lot on a hill, wooded and ready for your dream home. $42,000
Lot 106 B1 Windjammer—Great 1.202 acre lot at a great price! $42,000
Lot 1 B3 Galley Way—Corner 1.1 acre lot with lots of hardwoods and ready for your dream home. $43,500
0 Armada—Gorgeous 1.54 acre lot located in a cul-de-sac, cleared and ready for your home. $47,500
Lot 11 B3 Nautica—Large 1.78 lot backing to Fishcreek. You can have a horse on this lot! $48,500 REDUCED!
Lot 9 B5 Ridgelake Shores—Gorgeous 1.21 acre lot with full waterview of the Trophy Lake. $58,900 SOLD!
271 Ridgelake Drive—Beautifully cleared 1.71 acre lot with homesite ready for the buyer! $59,900
Lot 1 Lakeside Hills Dr.—Build your dream home on this 1.14 acre lot that overlooks the lake. $75,000
Lot 3 Lakeside Hills Dr.—1.07 acre lot high on a hill overlooking the lake located in gated section. $75,000
30 Ridgelake Court—Unique 1.74 acre lot in gated area, w/great waterview, in a cul-de-sac. $99,000 REDUCED!
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Copyright © 2007 Peel, Inc. Ridge Lake Shores - May 2007 Ridge Lake Shores
Marinate Ingredients:
Tablespoon garlic powder
Tablespoon pepper
Tablespoon onion salt
½ cup vinegar
½ cup catsup
½ cup red wine
½ cup Worcestershire sauce
Marinate preparation: Tex Joy steak seasoning – rub into brisket
along with onion, salt, pepper, garlic powder, etc. Place brisket into
a pan with ingredients rubbed in and pour in the liquid marinates
listed above. Cover securely and let stand overnight (or longer if
Brown and Smoke Brisket:
• Light fire and place marinated brisket on for one hour over
open coals
• During the hour, turn brisket over every 15 minutes for a total
of 4 times.
• Remove from the grill, place in heavy foil (some folks add the
marinate back into the foil, others don’t, I do.)
• Cover extremely well with foil so almost air tight.
• Place on a water or other type smoker for 6-8 hours, obtaining
the tenderness you prefer. If you do not have a smoker, at this
point the brisket can be cooked in an oven at 200 degrees.
• Enjoy, you can cut it with a fork.
Dudley Johnson
888-687-6444 www.PEELinc.com
Ridge Lake Shores - May 2007
Mosquito Spraying in RLS
Every year RLS has sprayed for 4 months during the summer to
help control the mosquitoes. Last summer RLS used a contractor,
paid $2,769, and we were regularly hearing residents complain the
mosquito control was not working. The spray only covers 150 feet
on each side of the vehicle, if that. For some residents this barely
makes it to their front door, and depending on the density of the
landscaping in your front yard, the spray may have only got as far as
the ditches. Some RLS Sections were continually getting missed or
ignored by the sprayer. Some residents noted the vehicle would drive
by without his sprayer running. On December 12, 2006 the Board
voted not to renew the sprayer’s contract and decided we would try
to go without spraying during the summer 2007. We wanted to let
the residents know of this decision so everyone can put their own
control measures in place. If you find the mosquitoes are worse this
year than in years past, please let us know. We are open to ideas and
The idea of “using a magic bullet against mosquitoes is history,”
says James Becnel of the mosquito and fly research unit of the U.S.
Agricultural Research Service. “The idea of eradicating mosquitoes
is not realistic.” But control is possible through:
• Public education – Mosquitoes take about 7 days to complete
life history. The first three stages are aquatic. Therefore, the
best way to prevent mosquito breeding is to remove stagnant
water, i.e. flower pots, wading pools, gutters, etc.
• Chemical controls – 1) DEET is the standard of the industry,
but you don’t need to swim in the stuff for it to be effective. 2)
For travel to heavily infested areas, one option is to soak your
clothing in permethrin, an insecticide made for the purpose.
One treatment will last for several washings. 3) Use Bacillus
thuringiensis israelensis (also known as “Bt”) products such as
Mosquito Dunks® to treat permanent water bodies to eliminate
larvae. 4) Don’t forget to protect your pets with drugs that
eliminate heartworm. • Biological controls – Put up a bat-house or a house for purple
martins. These winged wonders supposedly gobble hundreds
of mosquitoes each hour, and they’re not only non-toxic, but
they’re fun to watch. For more control ideas go to: http://insects.tamu.edu/extension/
bulletins/l-1744.html Texas Cooperative Extension, Texas A&M.
Thank you,
Leslie Dunn , RLS Board Member, Secretary
Mowing Schedule
Frequency: Number of trips are fixed, timing of mowing may be adjusted
by association.
A. Maintain Parks & Entrances
B. Fertilize parks and landscaped area
C. Mow 15' easement along properties at street
D. Dam mowing at lakes
Copyright © 2007 Peel, Inc.
Ridge Lake Shores
Many of us have discussed starting a dinner club in our subdivision
so we can get to know our neighbors better. More houses are being
built daily, and we’re growing out here ~~
We are compiling a list of those interested in being in the club. Here are some brief ideas we have gathered thus far:
• All couples' names will go into a "hat" for drawing.
• Four couples will be paired at one house
• Each couple helps prepare parts of the meal to bring to the
• The voluntary host for the month will decide on the menu, and
ask the other 3 to bring a dish/dessert/drinks, etc
• The next month, another host from the same group would host
the dinner, asking each of the the others to help
• The 3rd month rotation would be in order, so nobody is "stuck"
with the same group, and we continue meeting other neighbors
from other groups.
• You'd never be 'forced' to have the group over (if that's not your
We’re starting the sign up list now, so please call:
Patti Marshall -- 470 Royal Navigator Rd.
ph: 588.1557
Even if you have young ones, don’t feel you can’t be part of the
dinner club. EVERYBODY NEEDS A NIGHT OUT Those couples wouldn’t be asked to host the evenings, but we
don’t wish to leave anyone out ! If you’re the host/hostess and can’t
make it for your group a certain month, someone else would step up
for hosting. This is a great way to get to know one another , and to
share our culinary expertise.
Let see how it goes ~ Let the fun begin!
See ya at dinner Ridge Lake Park Gate Access Cards
Attention Property Owner’s!
If you haven’t received your card for accessing the park
and you would like to have it mailed, please mail a letter
giving authorization to do so, with a stamped, selfaddressed envelope to:
Sharon Spinhirne
466 Neptune’s Cove
Montgomery, TX 77316
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Copyright © 2007 Peel, Inc. Jana Tisdale
Mortgage Lender
Ridge Lake Shores - May 2007 Ridge Lake Shores
EST. 1977
Peel, Inc.
203 W. Main Street, Suite D
Pflugerville, Texas 78660
% Voice 512-989-8905
Ridge Lake Shores - May 2007
V www.PEELinc.com
Copyright © 2007 Peel, Inc.