Opera Rara
Opera Rara
2010 -2011 Opera Rara’s 40TH ANNIVERSARY (1970 -- 2010) TO CELEBRATE ITS 40TH ANNIVERSARY, OPERA RARA HAS COMPILED THIS STUNNING COLLECTION OF HIGHLIGHTS FROM ITS INCOMPARABLE CATALOGUE. IT INCLUDES EXCERPTS FROM THE VERY FIRST RECORDING, DONIZETTI’S ‘UGO, CONTE DI PARIGI’, THROUGH TO THE RECENT, ROSSINI’S ‘ERMIONE’ 2 ORR248 (1CD) AVAILABLE MAY 2010 THE FIRST FULL OPERA RECORDING OF AMERICAN SUPERSTAR SOPRANO, RENÉE FLEMING, WAS DONIZETTI’S ‘ROSMONDA D’INGHILTERRA’ FOR OPERA RARA. FLEMING’S SUPERB DONIZETTIAN SKILLS SHINE THROUGH IN THIS DISC OF HIGHLIGHTS, RE-RELEASED TO COINCIDE WITH OPERA RARA’S 40TH ANNIVERSARY ORR214 (1CD) RE-RELEASED MAY 2010 Recording the world’s rarest operas Founded: 1970 by Patric Schmid and Don White Patrons: Dame Joan Sutherland OM, AC, DBE, Sir Mark Elder CBE Renée Fleming, Juan Diego Flórez, Simon Keenlyside 4 12 49 52 56 59 65 67 74 78 Opera Rara is a registered charity Charity no. 261403 contents INTRODUCTION – 6 INTRODUCTION – 8 EINLEITUNG – 10 INTRODUZIONE OPERA INDEX VERDI ORIGINALS ESSENTIAL OPERA RARA SERIES ARTIST COLLECTIONS IL SALOTTO SERIES ANTHOLOGIES COMPILATIONS ARTIST/COMPOSER INDEX DISTRIBUTORS by The Penguin ★★★ Recommended Guide to Compact Discs and DVDs as an outstanding performance and recording in every way Cover: The Woman with the Pearl by Jean Baptiste Camille Corot The Bridgeman Art Library ❂ World premiere recording This SACD is compatible with all CD players The Penguin Guide to Compact Discs and DVDs Key Recording used as the basis of a personal collection Live concert recording www.opera-rara.com 3 19 Introduction June 2010 is a red-letter day for Opera Rara. It marks the 40th anniversary of our ongoing mission, launched by bel canto enthusiasts Patric Schmid and Don White, to bring wonderful, yet neglected 19th century operas down from dusty library shelves to be both performed and recorded. Four decades on, we continue to build on the foundations they laid down with such imagination and devotion, relying, as they did, on the Peter Moores Foundation and on our many loyal supporters, including members of the Opera Rara Association. This support is especially valued in these difficult economic times. Our current projects include ambitious recordings of major works by some of the greatest opera composers which have yet to receive the attention they deserve. Rossini’s Aureliano in Palmira was one of his early successes but until recently its vocal writing was considered too demanding for modern singers; with artists such as Annick Massis, Silvia Tro Santafé and Kenneth Tarver we hope to demonstrate its exceptional qualities. Ermione was a disastrous failure in the composer’s lifetime and has only recently been recognised as one of his most adventurous masterpieces. Our studio recording, led by the 4 www.opera-rara.com exceptional young singers Carmen Giannattasio and Colin Lee, together with Patricia Bardon and Paul Nilon, all under David Parry’s direction, should help secure Ermione’s reputation with modern listeners. One of Bellini’s lesser-known operas, Il pirata, ignited international enthusiasm in its day and we believe will do so again when David Parry conducts bel canto specialists Carmen Giannattasio, José Bros and Ludovic Tézier in this fiery version of the eternal operatic triangle. Many of the finest works of Donizetti’s maturity are still rarely performed, Linda di Chamounix and Maria di Rohan among them, but we agree with Donizetti experts that they are operas of great quality and we are anxious to help restore them to favour. In addition, as part of our Essential Opera Rara series, we present highlights from I Normanni a Parigi, one of the strongest works of the ‘lost master’, Mercadante. Over the last 40 years we have recorded some outstanding operas and this is acknowledged in our new compilation CD Celebrating 40 Years. We hope you enjoy them all and continue to help us dive deep into the operatic depths to discover more treasures for you to enjoy. OFFENBACH BELLINI VERT-VERT IL PIRATA WORLD RE PREMIE G IN D R RECO , THANKS TO OPERA RARA, ONE OF BELLINI’S THIS WITTY, SOPHISTICATED LESSER-KNOWN OPERAS AND SUBTLE OPERAIGNITED INTERNATIONAL COMIQUE FLIES AGAIN! ENTHUSIASM IN ITS DAY, IT IS SURE TO ENCHANT ALL AND WE BELIEVE IT WILL DO OFFENBACH FANS SO AGAIN WITH THIS ALLSTAR STUDIO RECORDING ORC41 (2CD) AVAILABLE FEBRUARY 2010 ORC45 (2CD) AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 2011 5 Le Introduction 19 juin 2010 est une date marquée d’une pierre blanche pour Opera Rara. C’est en effet, le 40e anniversaire du lancement du projet de deux passionnés du bel canto, Patric Schmid et Don White, qui voulaient redonner vie, en les faisant jouer et graver, à de merveilleux opéras du XIXe siècle pourtant tombés dans l’oubli. Quarante ans plus tard, nous nous efforçons toujours de poursuivre l’œuvre que Patric et Don entreprirent avec tant d’imagination et de dévouement. Comme eux, nous bénéficions du soutien de la Fondation Peter Moores et de fidèles auditeurs, dont les membres de l’Association Opera Rara – soutien particulièrement précieux en ces temps de crise économique. Nous comptons, parmi nos projets actuels, des enregistrements ambitieux d’œuvres majeures signées de très grands noms de l’opéra, qui n’ont pas encore pu être appréciées à leur juste valeur. Ainsi Aureliano in Palmira, œuvre de jeunesse de Rossini, a dû attendre jusqu’à récemment l’arrivée de chanteurs modernes capables de satisfaire pleinement aux exigences de son écriture vocale comme Annick Massis, Silvia Tro Santafé et Kenneth Tarver. Véritable désastre du vivant de Rossini, Ermione – présenté en concert au Royal Festival Hall de Londres en mars dernier devant une critique et un public enthousiastes – est, depuis peu, reconnu comme l’un des chefs-d’œuvre les plus novateurs du compositeur. Notre enregistrement en studio réalisé avec la même distribution remarquable qu’en concert – dont Carmen Giannattasio et Colin Lee, deux jeunes 6 www.opera-rara.com talents d’exception accompagnés de Patricia Bardon et Paul Nilon, sous la direction de David Parry – devrait assurer la réputation d’Ermione auprès des auditeurs d’aujourd’hui. Il pirata, opéra de Bellini peu connu aujourd’hui, a pourtant fait fureur sur la scène musicale internationale de l’époque. Il devrait soulever à nouveau l’enthousiasme sous la baguette de David Parry dans cette fougueuse version de l’éternel triangle amoureux interprétée par des spécialistes du bel canto, Carmen Giannattasio, José Bros et Ludovic Tézier. Parmi les plus belles pages de la maturité de Donizetti, nombreuses sont celles encore rarement entendues, dont Linda di Chamounix et Maria di Rohan. En accord avec les spécialistes donizettiens, nous les considérons comme des œuvres de grande qualité et sommes impatients de rétablir leur popularité. Nous présentons, en outre, dans le cadre de la collection « Essential Opera Rara », des extraits de I Normanni a Parigi, une des œuvres les plus percutantes de Mercadante, « maître disparu », dont la connaissance nous paraît, en effet, essentielle. Nous sommes persuadés que nos auditeurs partageront ce sentiment. Vous pourrez savourer les fleurons de l’opéra que nous avons gravés au cours de ces quarante dernières années grâce à la parution d’une compilation intitulée Celebrating 40 Years. Nous espérons qu’ils combleront vos attentes et que vous continuerez à nous accompagner dans notre exploration du patrimoine opératique. ROSSINI ROSSINI ERMIONE AURELIANO IN PALMIRA SET IN THE AFTERMATH OF THE TROJAN WAR, THIS OPERA IS RECOGNISED AS A LOST MASTERPIECE, WITH TENSION AND STAGGERING ORIGINALITY MAINTAINED RIGHT TO THE VERY END A SUCCESS IN ITS DAY, THIS OPERA PROMISES TO THRILL ANOTHER GENERATION OF LISTENERS IN THIS NEW STUDIO RECORDING UNDER MAURIZIO BENINI ORC42 (2CD) AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 2010 ORC46 (2CD) AVAILABLE NOVEMBER 2011 7 Der Einleitung 19. Juni 2010 ist ein Tag, der im Kalender von Opera Rara dick angestrichen ist, denn an dem Tag vor vierzig Jahren nahm unsere Mission ihren Anfang. Ins Leben gerufen wurde sie von den Belcanto-Liebhabern Patric Schmid und Don White mit dem Ziel, großartige, aber vielfach in Vergessenheit geratene Opern des 19. Jahrhunderts aus der Schublade zu holen, sie aufzuführen und einzuspielen. Vier Jahrzehnte später bauen wir weiterhin auf den von Patric und Don geschaffenen Grundlagen auf, die sie mit so großer Phantasie und Hingabe gelegt haben. Wie sie sind wir auf die Unterstützung der Peter Moores Foundation angewiesen sowie auf unsere zahlreichen treuen Begleiter, zu denen auch die Mitglieder der Opera Rara Association gehören – eine Unterstützung, die wir in diesen ökonomisch schweren Zeiten ganz besonders zu würdigen wissen. Zu unseren neuen Projekten zählen anspruchsvolle Aufnahmen bedeutender Werke von einigen der größten Opernkomponisten – Werke, die aus dem einen oder anderen Grund noch nicht die ihnen gebührende Aufmerksamkeit bekommen. Aureliano in Palmira war eine der frühen Erfolge Rossinis, doch aufgrund der anspruchsvollen Gesangspartien gilt die Oper erst seit einiger Zeit auch für heutige Sänger als singbar. Wir hoffen, wir können die Qualität dieses Werks mit Künstlern wie Annick Massis, Silvia Tro Santafé und Kenneth Tarver überzeugend unter Beweis stellen. Ermione war zu Lebzeiten des Komponisten ein grandioses Fiasko und wurde erst vor kurzem als eines der abenteuerlichsten Meisterwerke dieses Komponisten 8 www.opera-rara.com wiederentdeckt. Unsere Studioaufnahme mit derselben Starbesetzung wie bei der Produktion – angeführt von den herausragenden jungen Sängern Carmen Giannattasio und Colin Lee, dazu Patricia Bardon und Paul Nilon, alle unter der Leitung von David Parry – sollte Ermione einen Erfolg beim heutigen Publikum garantieren. Eine von Bellinis weniger bekannten Opern, Il pirata, fand bei ihrer Premiere international immensen Anklang, und wir sind überzeugt, dass sie das auch heute wieder tun wird, wenn David Parry die Belcanto-Spezialisten Carmen Giannattasio, José Bros und Ludovic Tézier in dieser feurigen Version des ewigen Dreiecks leitet. Viele der schönsten Werke aus Donizettis Reifezeit sind noch immer selten auf der Bühne zu hören, darunter etwa Linda di Chamounix und Maria di Rohan, doch wir stimmen den Donizetti-Fachleuten zu, dass es sich bei diesen Opern um herausragende Werke handelt, für deren Beliebtheit wir uns mit Freuden engagieren. Im Rahmen unserer Reihe „Essential Opera Rara“ stellen wir Highlights aus I Normanni a Parigi vor, eines der überzeugendsten Werke des „verlorenen Meisters“ Mercadante. Im Verlauf der vergangenen vierzig Jahre haben wir einige herausragende Opern eingespielt, die jetzt auch auf unserer neuen Kompilation Celebrating 40 Years vertreten sind. Wir hoffen, dass Sie sich an diesen Highlights erfreuen und uns weiterhin unterstützen bei unserem Bestreben, tief in den Opernfundus zu tauchen und noch mehr Schätze zutage zu fördern, an denen Sie sich in kommenden Jahren erfreuen. MERCADANTE I NORMANNI A PARIGI A TRIUMPH AT ITS PREMIERE IN 1832, THIS IS CONSIDERED TO BE ONE OF THE STRONGEST WORKS OF THE ‘LOST MASTER’ MERCADANTE. WORLD SET IN PARIS E R IE M PRE FOLLOWING THE G IN RECORD DEATH OF THE MIGHTY KING CHARLEMAGNE, THE OPERA IS SHOT THROUGH WITH PERSONAL AND POLITICAL DRAMA ORR249 (1CD) AVAILABLE NOVEMBER 2010 IN THIS POPULAR SERIES OF NEW, SPECIALLY RECORDED HIGHLIGHTS, OPERA RARA SELECTS THE BEST MOMENTS FROM NEGLECTED 19TH-CENTURY OPERAS. EACH SINGLE-DISC SET IS ACCOMPANIED BY A COMPLETE LIBRETTO, ALLOWING THE LISTENER TO PLACE THE SELECTIONS IN THE CONTEXT OF THE WHOLE OPERA ORR241 ORR224 ORR234 ORR237 ORR246 ORR228 9 Il Introduzione 19 giugno 2010 rappresenta una tappa importante per Opera Rara. Ricorre il 40o anniversario della sua missione, formulata nel lontano 1970 da due appassionati di belcanto, Patric Schmid e Don White, che si proposero di rispolverare i meravigliosi melodrammi dimenticati del XIX secolo dagli scaffali delle biblioteche per rappresentarli nuovamente e registrarli. Oggi, a distanza di quattro decenni, noi continuiamo a portare avanti il lavoro iniziato da Patric e Don, edificando sulle basi stabilite dalla loro grande immaginazione e dedizione. Come loro, ci affidiamo alla Fondazione Peter Moores e ai tanti fedeli sostenitori, che comprendono i membri dell’Associazione Opera Rara. Il loro sostegno è notevolmente apprezzato, soprattutto alla luce della presente congiuntura economica. I nostri progetti correnti comprendono ambiziose registrazioni di alcune opere importati, create dal genio di grandissimi compositori, ma che, per un motivo o per un altro, non hanno ancora conquistato l’attenzione che meritano. Aureliano in Palmira fu uno dei primi successi di Rossini, ma solo di recente è stato ritenuto possibile superare le difficoltà della sua partitura vocale; ci auguriamo che le sue qualità saranno dimostrate da artisti come Annick Massis, Silvia Tro Santafé e Kenneth Tarver. Ermione di Rossini fu un disastroso fallimento durante la vita del compositore, e solo di recente è stata inclusa nel numero dei suoi 10 www.opera-rara.com capolavori più avventurosi. La nostra registrazione, interpretata da due eccezionali giovani cantanti, Carmen Giannattasio e Colin Lee, insieme con Patricia Bardon e Paul Nilon, per la direzione di David Parry, punta a consolidare la reputazione di Ermione presso gli ascoltatori moderni. Ai suoi tempo Il pirata, una delle opere meno note di Bellini, suscitò entusiasmo a livello internazionale. Noi siamo certi che l’interpretazione di David Parry e degli specialisti di belcanto Carmen Giannattasio, José Bros e Ludovic Tézier otterrà lo stesso risultato riproponendo questa versione operistica dell’eterno triangolo. Molti tra i migliori melodrammi della maturità di Donizetti vengono ancora raramente rappresentati, per esempio Linda di Chamounix e Maria di Rohan, ma siamo d’accordo con gli esperti di Donizetti: si tratta di opere di grande qualità e noi desideriamo soprattutto restituirle al pubblico. Inoltre, nell’ambito della nostra serie Essential Opera Rara, presentiamo i momenti salienti de I Normanni a Parigi, una grande opera del “perduto maestro” Mercadante. Negli ultimi 40 anni abbiamo registrato opere straordinarie, come testimonia il nostro nuovo CD compilation dal titolo Celebrating 40 Years. Ci auguriamo che siano di vostro gradimento e che continuerete la vostra approfondita esplorazione del melodramma, alla ricerca di altri tesori da assaporare. DONIZETTI Linda di Chamounix Maria di Rohan AND THIS SEMISERIA OPERA WAS ONE OF THE BIGGEST SUCCESSES OF DONIZETTI’S CAREER LIVE RECORDING FROM THE ROYAL OPERA HOUSE, COVENT GARDEN RECORDING MADE POSSIBLE WITH THE GENEROUS SUPPORT FROM THE PETER MOORES FOUNDATION AND PHILANTHROPISTS TRIFON AND THESPINA NATSIS ORC43 (3CD) AVAILABLE FEBRUARY 2011 DONIZETTI CLAIMS HIS POSITION AS ONE OF THE 19TH CENTURY’S GREATEST MUSICAL DRAMATISTS WITH THIS OPERA SET IN THE TIME OF CARDINAL RICHELIEU STUDIO RECORDING FROM THE NEW CRITICAL EDITION OF THE SCORE ORC44 (2CD) AVAILABLE MAY 2011 11 B E L L I N I Piracy on the high Cs Learn more about Opera Rara, its artists, composers, events and how to support us. Listen to sound clips before purchasing SPECIAL OFFER! First-time online purchasers receive a free CD: Cross & Crescent S E C U R E 12 O N L I N E O R D E R I N G www.opera-rara.com José Bros, Gualtiero in Bellini's Il pirata Visit the Opera Rara website to purchase any Opera Rara and Opera Rara Direct recordings 18 01 - 18 3 5 The third opera by the 27-yearold Sicilian Vincenzo Bellini, Il pirata marked an important step forward in his career. His first score written for the brand leader of Italian opera houses, La Scala, Milan, it also represented his first collaboration with Felice Romani, the leading librettist of the day – who would become his regular artistic partner. It was also the first of Bellini’s works to reach an international audience. After its premiere in 1827, it soon went on to win acclaim in Vienna, Dresden, Paris, London and New York. Its comparative neglect in our day is inexplicable, but Opera Rara hopes to rectify the situation with this all-star studio recording. Based (via a French translation) on an English play by the Anglo-Irish Gothic writer Charles Maturin, Il pirata describes how Gualtiero (José Bros) is shipwrecked during a storm on the Sicilian coast, where his former love Imogene (Carmen Giannattasio) has been forced into an B E L L I N I The Gramophone Awards Short List 2009 IL PIRATA Carmen Giannattasio, José Bros, Ludovic Tézier, Victoria Simmonds, Mark Le Brocq, Brindley Sherratt, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra, David Parry – conductor Best of the Year – Opera News / Disc of the Month – Opera unwilling marriage by Ernesto, the local duke (Ludovic Tézier). Tensions build between the three until Gualtiero kills Ernesto in a duel, causing Imogene to go mad with guilt. David Parry conducts this exceptional example of early Romantic opera at its most dramatically potent. LA STRANIERA ★★★ Patrizia Ciofi, Mark Stone, Darío Schmunck, Enkelejda Shkosa, Graeme Broadbent, Roland Wood, Aled Hall, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra, David Parry – conductor First staged at La Scala in1829, this neglected masterpiece is now available in Opera Rara’s studio recording. ‘Musically rich and dramatically imposing’ – Dominic McHugh, MusicalCriticism.com ORC45 (2 disc set) AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 2011 ORC38 (2 disc set) 7 92938 00382 5 www.opera-rara.com 13 Eglise Gutiérrez rehearsing at the Royal Opera House for Donizetti’s Linda di Chamounix DO N I Z ETT I 14 1 7 9 7 – 1 8 4 8 AVictorian heroine rescued at last (Marianna Pizzolato), Linda returns to Chamounix and sanity – and, eventually, to the arms of the man she loves: the very model of a Victorian heroine rescued at last. Sir Mark Elder conducts the recent critical edition of the score. One of the biggest successes of Donizetti’s career, Linda di Chamounix was performed all over the operatic world in the decades following its 1842 premiere in Vienna, but then fell into neglect; the live concert performances recorded by Opera Rara at Covent Garden in 2009 were its first there since 1887. This opera is one of Donizetti’s finest achievements, featuring some of his best arias, ensembles and choruses – including the brilliant soprano showpiece ‘O luce di quest’anima’; in this semiseria opera this much-admired aria is sung by Linda (Eglise Gutiérrez), who has fallen in love with Carlo (Stephen Costello) believing him to be a painter, though he is in reality a nobleman. Packed off to Paris to stop her falling into the clutches of Carlo’s uncle, the dubious Marchese de Boisfleury (Alessandro Corbelli), Linda is discovered in compromising circumstances by her father Antonio (Ludovic Tézier), who curses her, causing her to lose her reason. Supported by the loyal Pierotto LINDA DI CHAMOUNIX Eglise Gutiérrez, Ludovic Tézier, Stephen Costello, Alessandro Corbelli, Mariana Pizzolato, Bálint Szabó, Elizabeth Sikora, Luciano Botelho, Orchestra and Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Sir Mark Elder – conductor www.opera-rara.com ‘The cast were flawless’ – Neil Fisher, The Times, (reviewing the concert performance) ORC43 (3 disc set) AVAILABLE FEBRUARY 2011 DO N I Z ETT I DO N I Z ETT I ‘One of the best casts that could be assembled today’ – CultureKiosque.com The Best of the Year – Opera News Disc of the Month – Opera / 50th Grammy Awards Nomination The Gramophone Awards Finalist 2007 ELVIDA Annick Massis, Bruce Ford, Jennifer Larmore, Pietro Spagnoli, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Antonello Allemandi – conductor This one-act melodrama, which Donizetti provided for the birthday of Maria Isabella of Spain, wife of Francesco I of Naples, would make a delightful present for anyone. The quartet 'Deh ti placa, Amur' is one of Donizetti's most ravishing ensembles. DOM SÉBASTIEN, ★★★ ROI DE PORTUGAL Vesselina Kasarova, Giuseppe Filianoti, Alastair Miles, Simon Keenlyside, Carmelo Corrado Caruso, Orchestra and Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Sir Mark Elder – conductor Donizetti’s final opera, a dark five-act masterpiece, is brought brilliantly to life in this live recording from the Royal Opera House – with the complete ballet music. ‘One of the most important Donizetti releases of recent years’ – George Hall, Opera Now ORC33 (3 disc set) 7 92938 00332 0 ORC29 (1 disc set) 7 92938 00292 7 www.opera-rara.com 15 Krassimira Stoyanova recording Donizetti’s Maria di Rohan D O N I Z ETT I 16 A duel in the time of Richelieu According to the late Donizetti expert William Ashbrook, Maria di Rohan (1843) is the composer‘s ‘tautest, most melodramatic opera’ and shows him ‘in complete control of his musico-dramatic goals’. The work was first performed in Vienna, but Donizetti revised it for its Paris premiere, changing the tenor role of Armando di Gondì to mezzo-soprano. Working from the new critical edition of the score, with the period-instrument Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment under Sir Mark Elder, Opera Rara has recorded the original Vienna (June 1843) two tenor version as well as some of the appendices from the Paris (November 1843) revision, including those written for the mezzo-soprano, sung here by Enkelejda Shkosa. Set during the time of Cardinal Richelieu, the opera focuses on Maria (Krassimira Stoyanova), secretly married to Ricardo, Duke of Chevreuse (José Bros), who has wounded the Cardinal’s nephew in a duel. In seeking assistance for her husband’s plight from Enrico, Count of Chalais www.opera-rara.com (Christopher Purves), Maria finds her former love for the latter revived. The rest of the opera centres on how this intricate and explosive triangle of relationships plays out. As a handful of recent productions have demonstrated, the work shows Donizetti rightly claiming his position as one of the 19th century’s greatest musical dramatists. MARIA DI ROHAN Krassimira Stoyanova, José Bros, Christopher Purves, Loïc Félix, Enkelejda Shkosa, Brindley Sherratt, Graeme Broadbent, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, Sir Mark Elder – conductor ORC44 (2 disc set) AVAILABLE MAY 2011 DO N I Z ETT I DO N I Z ETT I Music Retailers Association Award of Excellence ❂ FRANCESCA DI FOIX Annick Massis, Jennifer Larmore, Bruce Ford, Alfonso Antoniozzi, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Antonello Allemandi – conductor In1831 a one-act opera had little chance of survival after the first performances, and this opera was destined to remain on the shelf – that is, until Opera Rara came to her rescue. Now the beauties of this charming score can once again be enjoyed by one and all. One of the Hundred Outstanding Recordings in the Penguin Guide to Compact Discs and DVDs EMILIA DI LIVERPOOL ★★★ Yvonne Kenny, Sesto Bruscantini, Chris Merritt, Geoffrey Dolton, Philharmonia Orchestra, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, David Parry – conductor Donizetti actually wrote two versions of this delightful opera for Naples. The original was given in 1824 and a completely reworked revision was presented in 1828. Opera Rara offers both operas in one boxed set. ❂ ‘The work has charm and wild improbability in equal proportion’ – John Higgins, The Times ORC8 (3 disc set) 7 92938 00082 4 ORC28 (1 disc set) 7 92938 00282 8 www.opera-rara.com 17 DO N I Z ETT I DO N I Z ETT I IL DILUVIO UNIVERSALE Mirco Palazzi, Majella Cullagh, Manuela Custer, Simon Bailey, Colin Lee, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Giuliano Carella – conductor This landmark recording, of the first of Donizetti’s great ensemble operas, tells the biblical story of Noah, ending spectacularly as the world is submerged and only the Ark is left riding out the waves. ‘No Donizettian will want to miss this’ – Hugh Canning, Sunday Times Opera Choice – BBC Music Magazine GABRIELLA DI VERGY ★★★ ❂ Ludmilla Andrew, Maurice Arthur, John Tomlinson, Christian du Plessis, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Alun Francis – conductor The world premiere of a Donizetti opera! The manuscript for this hitherto unknown work was discovered in a London library. The recording also offers three pieces from Donizetti’s earlier version of1826. ‘It makes one wonder how this inventive score could have been neglected for so long’ – Penguin Guide to Compact Discs and DVDs ORC3 (2 disc set) 18 www.opera-rara.com 7 92938 00032 9 ORC31 (2 disc set) 7 92938 00312 2 DO N I Z ETT I DO N I Z ETT I BBC Music Magazine Award Nomination Critics’ Choice – American Record Guide LA ROMANZESCA ❂ E L’UOMO NERO Elisabetta Scano, Bruno Praticò, Alfonso Antoniozzi, Pietro Spagnoli, Bruce Ford, Paul Austin Kelly, Academy of St Martin in the Fields, David Parry – conductor Donizetti’s rarest one-act farce, written for Naples, concerns the antics of Antonia. To the exasperation of her father and various suitors, she spurns marriage in favour of her obsession with the new fad for ’romanticism.‘ ‘A real discovery and a wholly enjoyable disc’ – Richard Law, Opera IMELDA DE’ LAMBERTAZZI Nicole Cabell, James Westman, Massimo Giordano, Frank Lopardo, Brindley Sherratt, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, Sir Mark Elder – conductor Composed in 1830 for the Teatro San Carlo in Naples, this proves to be one of Donizetti’s most brilliant, thrilling, revolutionary and dynamic scores. ‘Triumph of bel canto’ – Warren Keith Wright, Opera ORC36 (2 disc set) 7 92938 00362 7 ORC19 (1 disc set) 7 92938 00192 0 www.opera-rara.com 19 DO N I Z ETT I DO N I Z ETT I MARIA DE RUDENZ Nelly Miricioiu, Bruce Ford, Robert McFarland, Regina Nathan, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Philharmonia Orchestra, David Parry – conductor An opera in which the soprano dies twice! Yet Cammarano’s grisly libretto is given some of Donizetti’s most beautiful music. The role of Maria is a gift for a soprano, particularly the gripping final scene. ‘The blood and thunder ensembles and duets create a rip-roaring bel canto feast’ – The San Francisco Tribune L’ASSEDIO DI CALAIS ★★★ ❂ Nuccia Focile, Della Jones, Christian du Plessis, Rico Serbo, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Philharmonia Orchestra, David Parry – conductor The first performance in 150 years of an opera considered to be Donizetti’s most interesting and forward-looking work. As a result of this recording, staged revivals have been given in Italy, England and Ireland. ‘One of the most invigorating of all the complete opera recordings made over the years by this enterprising organisation’– Penguin CD & DVD Guide ORC9 (2 disc set) 20 www.opera-rara.com 7 92938 00092 3 ORC16 (2 disc set) 7 92938 00162 3 DO N I Z ETT I DO N I Z ETT I NE M’OUBLIEZ PAS ❂ Margreta Elkins, Alexander Oliver, Christian du Plessis, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Philharmonia Orchestra, James Judd – conductor This opéra-comique is unfinished – only five pieces exist. Opera Rara has recorded all of them – plus arias from Gianni di Parigi, Il diluvio universale, Dom Sébastien and Imelda de’ Lambertazzi. ‘Elkins is in superb form, superbly recorded’ – David Gyger, Opera Australasia ★★★ ❂ MARIA PADILLA Lois McDonall, Christian du Plessis, Graham Clark, Della Jones, London Symphony Orchestra, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Alun Francis – conductor A fascinating work, telling the story of Maria Padilla, mistress of Pedro the Cruel of Castile. Maria's duet with her sister became a famous concert piece, but perhaps the most unusual feature is the mad scene for Maria's father – a tenor! ‘A fascinating and valuable recording’ – The New York Times ORC6 (3 disc set) 7 92938 00062 6 ORC4 (1 disc set) 7 92938 00042 8 www.opera-rara.com 21 DO N I Z ETT I DO N I Z ETT I Editor’s Choice – Gramophone PIA DE’ TOLOMEI Majella Cullagh, Bruce Ford, Roberto Servile, Manuela Custer, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra, David Parry – conductor Pia de’ Tolomei appears for the first time on compact disc in a new critical edition that includes all of Donizetti’s extensive revisions for later performances, including both tragic and happy endings. ‘Bravo to Opera Rara’ – Christopher Cook, BBC Music Magazine PARISINA Carmen Giannattasio, José Bros, Dario Solari, Nicola Ulivieri, Ann Taylor, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra, David Parry – conductor This major new studio recording of Donizetti’s neglected opera revives one of his darkest tragedies. ‘A superior Parisina performance makes this recording the new front-runner’ – Mike Ashman, Gramophone ORC40 (3 disc set) 22 www.opera-rara.com ORC30 (3 disc set) 7 92938 00302 3 DO N I Z ETT I DO N I Z ETT I ROSMONDA D’INGHILTERRA ★★★ Renée Fleming, Nelly Miricioiu, Bruce Ford, Alastair Miles, Diana Montague, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Philharmonia Orchestra, David Parry – conductor Soprano rivals battle for the love of Henry II of England in this setting of the Legend of Fair Rosamund. In a blazing final duet, the jealous Queen Eleanor kills Rosmonda. ‘The performance could hardly be improved’ – John Steane, Gramophone Prix Caecelia ‘The ever-enterprising Opera Rara sweeps the board with this new recording’ Recommended – The Gramophone Classical Good CD Guide ROBERTO DEVEREUX Nelly Miricioiu, José Bros, Sonia Ganassi, Roberto Frontali, Orchestra and Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Maurizio Benini – conductor This is Donizetti’s third – and strongest – portrait of Elizabeth I, and Nelly Miricioiu seizes the role with magisterial ferocity, supported by an excellent cast. Recorded live at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden. – Penguin CD and DVD Guide ORC24 (2 disc set) 7 92938 00242 2 ORC13 (2 disc set) 7 92938 00132 6 www.opera-rara.com 23 DO N I Z ETT I DO N I Z ETT I ZORAIDA DI GRANATA ★★★ ❂ Bruce Ford, Majella Cullagh, Diana Montague, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Academy of St Martin in the Fields, David Parry – conductor Although it was Donizetti’s first theatrical success, the original version of this 1822 opera was never given a complete performance. Here is the entire opera for the first time – together with selections from the 1824 version. ‘A major discovery’ – Michael Oliver, Classic FM Magazine Recommended by Classica UGO CONTE DI PARIGI ★★★ ❂ Janet Price, Yvonne Kenny, Della Jones, Maurice Arthur, Eiddwen Harrhy, Christian du Plessis, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Philharmonia Orchestra, Alun Francis – conductor An opera with three sopranos! Some of Donizetti’s most energetic and inspired vocal writing is on show, particularly in the many beautiful and intricate ensembles. ‘An irresistible addition to Opera Rara’s collection’ – Frank Granville-Barker, Records and Recordings ORC1 (3 disc set) 24 www.opera-rara.com 7 92938 00012 1 ORC17 (4 disc set) 7 92938 00172 2 DO N I Z ETT I DO N I Z ETT I DONIZETTI SCENES & OVERTURES Nelly Miricioiu, Rockwell Blake, Garry Magee, Majella Cullagh, Sara Fulgoni, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Philharmonia Orchestra, David Parry – conductor Includes previously unknown material from Anna Bolena and Caterina Cornaro as well as selections from Marino Faliero, Maria di Rohan, Gianni da Calais, Maria Stuarda, Parisina, Ugo conte di Parigi and L’ajo nell’ imbarazzo. ‘Captivating from the first to last moments’ – Michel Parouty, Diapason ORR203 (1 disc set) 7 92938 02032 7 Recommended by Classica ‘Della Jones brings an attractively warm vocal timbre and a superb coloratura technique to every piece’ – Charles Osborne, BBC Music Magazine Diapason d’Or / Opera Pick of the Month – BBC Music Magazine DELLA JONES SINGS DONIZETTI With Eiddwen Harrhy, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Philharmonia Orchestra, London Symphony Orchestra, David Parry and Alun Francis – conductors A bel canto treat, including pieces from Maria Padilla, Alfredo il Grande, Francesca di Foix, Ugo conte di Parigi, Enrico di Borgogna, Gabriella di Vergy and L’assedio di Calais. ORR207 (1 disc set) 7 92938 02072 3 www.opera-rara.com 25 DO N I Z ETT I DO N I Z ETT I RENÉE FLEMING: DONIZETTI ROSMONDA D’INGHILTERRA With Bruce Ford, Nelly Miricioiu, Alastair Miles, Diana Montague, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Philharmonia Orchestra, David Parry – conductor The sensational world-class American soprano demonstrates her acclaimed skills as a superb Donizettian. One of the best of the composer’s neglected operas. ’One of the most lovely voices to be heard in our time’ – John Steane (reviewing this recording), Gramophone ★★★ DONIZETTI DIVAS With Nelly Miricioiu, Renée Fleming, Yvonne Kenny, Ludmilla Andrew, Eiddwen Harrhy, Majella Cullagh, Diana Montague, Della Jones, Nuccia Focile Opera Rara celebrates the work of some wonderful ladies in its unusual Donizetti revivals. Selections from Maria de Rudenz, Gabriella di Vergy, Ugo conte di Parigi, Emilia di Liverpool, Alfredo il Grande, Rosmonda d’Inghilterra and Maria Padilla. ‘An outstanding disc of Donizetti rarities’ – John Steane, Gramophone ORR213 (1 disc set) 26 www.opera-rara.com 7 92938 02132 4 ORR214 (1 disc set) RE-RELEASED MAY 2010 7 92938 02142 3 DO N I Z ETT I MAY R 17 6 3 - 18 4 5 GINEVRA DI SCOZIA ❂ Elizabeth Vidal, Daniela Barcellona, Antonino Siragusa, Orchestra and Chorus of the Teatro Lirico ‘Giuseppe Verdi’ Trieste, Tiziano Severini – conductor Ginevra di Scozia opened the opera house in Trieste in 1801. Two hundred years later a revival was staged to commemorate the opening and Opera Rara was there to capture it on disc. Astonishing vocalism serves Mayr’s opera well. ‘Elizabeth Vidal is spectacular, Daniela Barcellona’s tone gloriously rich and firm’ – Penguin CD and DVD Guide Classical CD of the Week – The Guardian THE YOUNG DONIZETTI Bruce Ford, Majella Cullagh, Diana Montague, Jennifer Larmore, Annick Massis, Yvonne Kenny, Della Jones, Paul Austin Kelly, David Parry – conductor This selection of music taken from Donizetti's earlier works – up to Anna Bolena (1830), which marked the beginning of his international career – gives the listener a surprising new view of the young composer perfecting his craft. ‘With such outstanding bel canto artists, one could hardly go wrong’ – American Record Guide ORR229 (1 disc set) 7 92938 02292 5 ORC23 (3 disc set) 7 92938 00232 3 www.opera-rara.com 27 MAY R MAY R Diapason d’Or / Record of the Month – Opera Now Music Retailers Association Award for Excellence JANE EAGLEN SINGS MEDEA IN CORINTO With Bruce Ford, Yvonne Kenny, Alastair Miles, Raúl Giménez, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Philharmonia Orchestra, David Parry – conductor The British soprano Jane Eaglen has been hailed in Europe and America as a great Wagnerian specialist. Here she does a complete stylistic turnaround, displaying the full force of her impressive bel canto skills. ‘Jane Eaglen’s voice is revealed here at its freshest and firmest’ – Penguin CD and DVD Guide MEDEA IN CORINTO Jane Eaglen, Bruce Ford, Yvonne Kenny, Raúl Giménez, Alastair Miles, Paul Nilon, Anne Mason, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Philharmonia Orchestra, David Parry – conductor The masterpiece of Donizetti’s illustrious teacher, Mayr. The title role is one of the most dramatic vehicles to be written for Isabella Colbran, Rossini’s wife and the first Semiramide. ‘Jane Eaglen meets the florid demands of this title role head on’ – George Hall, Opera Now ORC11 (3 disc set) 28 www.opera-rara.com 7 92938 0 0 1 1 2 8 ORR215 (1 disc set) 7 92938 0 2 1 5 2 2 MAY R M E R CADA NT E 1 7 9 5 – 1 8 7 0 EMMA D’ANTIOCHIA Nelly Miricioiu, Bruce Ford, Roberto Servile, Maria Costanza Nocentini, Colin Lee, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra, David Parry – conductor The story of a passionate love affair that disrupts the lives of four people inspired one of Mercadante’s most beautiful scores. Vocal and orchestral effects abound as the plot works its way to the heroine’s suicide. ❂ ‘Thrilling’ – Classic FM Magazine MAYR REDISCOVERED Daniela Barcellona, Bruce Ford, Eiddwen Harrhy, Della Jones, Yvonne Kenny, Diana Montague, Antonino Siragusa, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Philharmonia Orchestra, David Parry – conductor Mayr composed over 60 operas between1794 and1824. His works explore characters' psychology with deeply satisfying thoughtfulness, as this absorbing selection of excerpts demonstrates. ‘Another encyclopaedia entry springs into life at Opera Rara’s loving touch’ – Warren Keith Wright, Opera ORR244 (1 disc set) 7 92938 02442 4 ORC26 (3 disc set) 7 92938 00262 0 www.opera-rara.com 29 M E R CADA NT E M E R CADA NT E VIRGINIA Susan Patterson, Paul Charles Clarke, Charles Castronovo, Stefano Antonucci, Andrew FosterWilliams, Mark Le Brocq, Katherine Manley, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Maurizio Benini – conductor This opera tells a grand tale of injustice, bravery and desperation in ancient Rome. Premiered at the Teatro San Carlo in 1866. ‘The energy and passion are infectious’ – Fiona Maddocks, The Observer 4 Etoiles de Classica / Critic’s Choice – Opera News CD of the Week – The Observer ORAZI E CURIAZI ❂ Nelly Miricioiu, Marcus Jerome, Anthony MichaelsMoore, Alastair Miles, Paul Nilon, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Philharmonia Orchestra, David Parry – conductor In ancient Rome, a feud between two noble families erupts in violence. Mercadante’s complex and demanding vocal and orchestral writing brings this classical tragedy vividly to life. ‘Impeccably performed, recorded and documented’ – David Gyger, Opera Australasia ORC12 (3 disc set) 30 www.opera-rara.com 7 92938 00122 7 ORC39 (2 disc set) M E R CADA NT E M E R CADA NT E PAVENTA INSANO – Pacini and Mercadante, Arias and Ensembles Annick Massis, Bruce Ford, Majella Cullagh, Kenneth Tarver, Laura Polverelli, Alan Opie, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra, David Parry – conductor A glimpse into the operatic worlds of Pacini and Mercadante, featuring scenes from Virginia, Il corsaro, I Normanni a Parigi, Stella di Napoli, Il contestabile di Chester and Leonora. 'White-hot emotions leap from these generous fragments of operas’- Andrew Stewart, Classic FM MERCADANTE REDISCOVERED Nelly Miricioiu, Bruce Ford, Majella Cullagh, Alastair Miles, William Matteuzzi, Yvonne Kenny, David Harper – piano, David Parry – conductor With selections from Virginia, Orazi e Curiazi, Gabriella di Vergy, Zaira, Emma d’Antiochia and Les Soirées Italiennes, this is the perfect introduction to Mercadante’s music. ‘This CD is filled with wonderful singing of music by a fascinating composer’ – Robert Levine, International Record Review ORR226 (1 disc set) 7 92938 02262 8 ORR236 (1 disc set) 7 92938 02362 5 www.opera-rara.com 31 MEYERBEER 17 9 1 – 1 8 6 4 MEYERBEER Recommended – The Gramophone Classical Good CD Guide IL CROCIATO ★★★ ❂ IN EGITTO Diana Montague, Bruce Ford, Yvonne Kenny, Della Jones, Ugo Benelli, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, David Parry – conductor Meyerbeer’s elaborate use of vocal and orchestral forces is unique in the development of 19th-century opera. Opera Rara’s edition features all the music written for productions the composer supervised. ‘The key to Meyerbeer’ – Ronald Crichton, Opera DINORAH ❂ Deborah Cook, Christian du Plessis, Alexander Oliver, Della Jones, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Philharmonia Orchestra, James Judd – conductor Transparent orchestral textures and dizzying vocal gymnastics feature strongly in this delightful story of a lost treasure, a mad heroine and her goat! The opera was a favourite of the diva Adelina Patti. ‘A fascinating recording’ – Peter Davis, New York Times ORC5 (3 disc set) 32 www.opera-rara.com 7 92938 00052 7 ORC10 (4 disc set) 7 92938 00102 9 MEYERBEER MEYERBEER The Gramophone Awards Nomination 2004 CD of the Week – The Observer MEYERBEER IN ITALY Bruce Ford, Yvonne Kenny, Alastair Miles, Diana Montague, Della Jones, Philharmonia Orchestra, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, David Parry – conductor Meyerbeer is remembered chiefly for his French grand operas, but it was his Italian operas that got him to France in the first place. These are the ‘hits’ – the arias and ensembles from his six Italian operas which charmed the public most. ‘A composer of real dramatic flair and musical inventiveness’ – David Cairns (reviewing this recording), Sunday Times MARGHERITA D’ANJOU ❂ Annick Massis, Bruce Ford, Daniela Barcellona, Alastair Miles, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra, David Parry – conductor Was Meyerbeer really a Rossini imitator? Or did he take operatic conventions apart and rebuild them his way? Here is where to find out. In this, the fourth of Meyerbeer’s Italian operas, astonishing vocalism dominates a score filled with brilliant orchestral effects. ‘Annick Massis has an almost superhuman ability to sing coloratura’ – Robert Thicknesse, The Times ORC25 (3 disc set) 7 92938 00252 1 ORR222 (1 disc set) 7 92938 02222 2 www.opera-rara.com 33 M O Z A RT 1 7 5 6 – 1 7 9 1 The mail-order specialist for rare recordings Secure online ordering for all Opera Rara and Opera Rara Direct recordings MOZART THE SUPREME DECORATOR Diana Montague, Elizabeth Futral, Majella Cullagh, The Hanover Band, Sir Charles Mackerras – conductor This recording shows how Mozart ornamented his own music to heighten the expressiveness or the brilliance of an aria – and how he turned his borrowings from JC Bach into some of his most divine inspirations. ‘Majella Cullagh and Elizabeth Futral brilliantly confront the challenges of the music’ – Raúl González Arévalo, Mundoclasico.com ORR232 (1 disc set) 34 www.opera-rara.com Tel: +44 (0)20 7613 2858 or Fax: +44 (0)20 7613 2261 Email: info@opera-rara.com 7 92938 02322 9 www.opera-rara.com O F F E N BA C H 1 8 1 9 – 1 8 8 0 Toby Spence rehearsing for Offenbach’s Vert-Vert The dead parrot flies again The word inexhaustible might have been coined to describe the prolific creativity of Jacques Offenbach, who effectively created the new genre of operetta in Paris in the mid-19th century. Opera Rara’s association with his music goes back a long way, to the company’s revival of his 1867 opéra-comique Robinson Crusoe (ORC7), and the creation of a new piece, Christopher Columbus (ORC2), with a libretto by Don White, drawing on a host of the master’s scores. In 2007 we resumed our exploration of the huge output of the ‘Mozart of the Champs-Élysées’ with Entre Nous (ORR243), a collection of excerpts from more than 20 of his lesser-known scores. Now our new release presents a complete recording of the delectable Vert-Vert, the follow-up to Robinson Crusoe at the Opéra Comique and one of no fewer than five stage works the composer produced in 1869 alone! Toby Spence, who starred in ENO’s scintillating La Belle Hélène, takes the role of the charming young man who is nicknamed Vert-Vert after the deceased favourite parrot of the pupils at a girls’ boarding-school. Jennifer Larmore is the exotic singer La Corilla in this witty, sophisticated and subtle piece. It is sure to enchant all Offenbach fans. VERT-VERT ❂ Thora Einarsdottir, Ann Taylor, Lucy Crowe, Toby Spence, Mark Le Brocq, Mark Stone, Anne-Marie Owens, Franck Leguérinel, Loïc Félix, Jennifer Larmore, Sébastien Droy, Franck Lopez, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Philharmonia Orchestra, David Parry – conductor ORC41 (2 disc set) AVAILABLE FEBRUARY 2010 www.opera-rara.com 35 O F F E N BA C H O F F E N BA C H ROBINSON CRUSOE ★★★ ❂ John Brecknock, Yvonne Kenny, Marilyn Hill Smith, Alexander Oliver, Sandra Browne, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Alun Francis – conductor Robinson Crusoe and friends have to face drunken pirates and waltzing cannibals as they try to get back home. Don White’s excellent English version is superbly sung by a strong cast. ‘Yvonne Kenny and John Brecknock are outstanding’ – Penguin CD & DVD Guide CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS ❂ Maurice Arthur, Anna Dawson, Marilyn Hill Smith, Alan Opie, Christian du Plessis, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, London Mozart Players, Alun Francis – conductor A joyful and infectious pastiche that marries some of Offenbach’s best music with Opera Rara co-founder Don White’s witty and irreverent English version of the discovery of America. ‘A complete delight’ – Peter Davis, New York Times ORC2 (2 disc set) 36 www.opera-rara.com 7 92938 00022 0 ORC7 (3 disc set) 7 92938 00072 5 O F F E N BA C H PA C I N I 17 9 6 - 18 6 7 Critics’ Choice – Gramophone Outstanding – BBC Music Magazine ALESSANDRO NELL’INDIE ★★★ ❂ Bruce Ford, Jennifer Larmore, Laura Claycomb, Dean Robinson, Mark Wilde, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra, David Parry – conductor Premiered in Naples in 1824, Pacini’s splendid Alessandro nell’Indie tells the story of Alexander the Great’s campaign in India, of his defeat of the Indian king Poro and of his infatuation with an Indian queen, Cleofide. ‘Bel canto fans wanting something new ought to snap this one up immediately’ – Stephen Francis Vasta, Opera News Critic’s Choice – Opera News ❂ Best of the Year – Opera News ENTRE NOUS: CELEBRATING OFFENBACH Laura Claycomb, Elizabeth Vidal, Colin Lee, Yvonne Kenny, Jennifer Larmore, Alastair Miles, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra, David Parry – conductor A magnificent line-up of singers offers us a treasure-trove of enchanting rarities from lesser-known operas by the ‘Mozart of the Champs-Élysées’, Jacques Offenbach. ‘Outstanding’ – The Gramophone Classical Good CD Guide ORR243 (2 disc set) 7 92938 02432 5 ORC35 (3 disc set) 7 92938 00352 8 www.opera-rara.com 37 PA C I N I PA C I N I Recommended by Classica Discovery of the Month – Classic FM Magazine MARIA REGINA D’INGHILTERRA ❂ Nelly Miricioiu, Bruce Ford, Mary Plazas, ★★★ José Fardilha, Alastair Miles, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Philharmonia Orchestra, David Parry – conductor This fascinating opera dates from Pacini’s richest and most mature period. Victor Hugo’s passionate play about Mary Tudor provides ample opportunity for music that is at once dramatic yet compellingly lyrical. ‘Listeners are likely to find themselves playing straight through from start to finish’ – John Steane, Gramophone Recommended – The Gramophone Classical Good CD Guide Recommended by Classica CARLO DI BORGOGNA ❂ Bruce Ford, Jennifer Larmore, Elizabeth Futral, Roberto Frontali, Garry Magee, Academy of St Martin in the Fields, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, David Parry – conductor A completely forgotten opera proves to be a gem, with a wonderful melodramatic plot and nearly three hours of Pacini's most effective vocal writing. The many arias, duets and trios provide a highly entertaining vehicle for this splendid cast. ‘Any lover of Italian opera will find this recording an absolutely essential purchase’ – American Record Guide ORC21 (3 disc set) 38 www.opera-rara.com 7 92938 00212 5 ORC15 (3 disc set) 7 92938 00152 4 PA C I N I PA C I N I PAVENTA INSANO – Pacini and Mercadante, Arias and Ensembles Annick Massis, Bruce Ford, Majella Cullagh, Kenneth Tarver, Laura Polverelli, Alan Opie, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra, David Parry – conductor A glimpse into the operatic worlds of Pacini and Mercadante, featuring scenes from Virginia, Il corsaro, I Normanni a Parigi, Stella di Napoli, Il contestabile di Chester and Leonora. 'White-hot emotions leap from these generous fragments of operas’- Andrew Stewart, Classic FM PACINI REDISCOVERED Annick Massis, Jennifer Larmore, Majella Cullagh, William Matteuzzi, Bruce Ford, Academy of St Martin in the Fields, Philharmonia Orchestra, David Parry – conductor Music of magical enchantment and lyrical beauty is revealed on this inspiring collection. ‘A hugely enjoyable disc’ – John Allison, BBC Music Magazine ORR238 (1disc set) ORR236 (1disc set) 7 92938 02362 5 www.opera-rara.com 39 R O SS I N I 17 9 2 - 18 6 8 Carmen Giannattasio rehearsing Rossini’s Ermione Rage and ferocity explode in Naples 40 During the years from 1815 to 1822 when his career centred on Naples, Rossini composed a sequence of works for the Teatro San Carlo, which at that time boasted an outstanding orchestra and a company of resident singers that was the leading ensemble available anywhere. A string of masterpieces resulted, including such works as Elisabetta, regina d’Inghilterra, Otello, Ricciardo e Zoraide and La donna del lago (all featuring in Opera Rara’s catalogue). One opera, however, failed spectacularly: Ermione was received with incomprehension at its sole performance in 1819 and was never revived in Rossini’s lifetime. The composer was resigned: ‘It is my little Guillaume Tell in Italian,’ he said, ‘and will not see the light of day until after my death.’ Since its first stage revival in Pesaro in 1987, Ermione has been recognised as a lost www.opera-rara.com masterpiece. Set in the aftermath of the Trojan War, the opera’s novelties begin with an overture interrupted by a choral lament of Trojan prisoners. Tension and staggering originality are maintained right to the very end. ‘Carmen Giannattasio’s performance was a triumph’ – Geoff Brown, The Times (reviewing the concert performance) ERMIONE Carmen Giannattasio, Colin Lee, Patricia Bardon, Paul Nilon, Loïc Félix, Bülent Bezdüz, Graeme Broadbent, Rebecca Bottone, Victoria Simmonds, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra, David Parry – conductor ORC42 (2 disc set) AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 2010 R O SS I N I R O SS I N I BIANCA E FALLIERO Jennifer Larmore, Majella Cullagh, Barry Banks, Ildebrando D’Arcangelo, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra, David Parry – conductor This opera, one of Rossini’s most sumptuous and ornate, was written for La Scala in 1819. Stylistically in complete contrast to the better-known Neapolitan works, it has received few revivals. ‘Larmore gives one of her best recorded performances’ – William R. Braun, Opera News Editor’s Choice – Opera News ADELAIDE ★★★ DI BORGOGNA Majella Cullagh, Jennifer Larmore, Bruce Ford, Mirco Palazzi, Scottish Chamber Orchestra and Chorus, Giuliano Carella – conductor Florid bravura writing, ravishing duets and patriotic military choruses are all featured in this glorious live recording from the 2005 Edinburgh International Festival. ‘Show-stopping’ – Tim Ashley, The Guardian ORC32 (2 disc set) 7 92938 00322 1 ORC20 (3 disc set) 7 92938 00202 6 www.opera-rara.com 41 Opera Rara at work… Alessandro Corbelli and Sir Mark Elder Carmen Giannattasio Rebecca Bottone Christopher Purves Thora Einarsdottir Eglise Gutiérrez Colin Lee and David Parry Maurizio Benini 42 www.opera-rara.com Jennifer Larmore Loïc Félix and Mark Le Brocq Stuart Stratford Judith Howarth Ludovic Tézier Krassimira Stoyanova Stephen Costello José Bros www.opera-rara.com 43 Maurizio Benini, conductor for Rossini's Aureliano in Palmira R O SS I N I 44 An Emperor Moved by Love One of Rossini’s rarest scores, the dramma serio Aureliano in Palmira was written during his miraculous 21st year (1813), when he produced four operas in all: the other three – the comedies Il signor Bruschino and L’italiana in Algeri, plus the tragedy Tancredi – indicate not only the amazing fertility of his inventive powers but also the staggering quality of his youthful writing. Even so, Rossini fans will recognise the overture to Aureliano, which he recycled in three other scores, most notably Il barbiere di Siviglia! The opera is set in 272 AD in the ancient city of Palmyra (in modern Syria), where the queen, Zenobia (Annick Massis) and her lover, the Persian general Arsace (Silvia Tro Santafé), are defeated in battle by the Roman Emperor Aureliano (Kenneth Tarver). Aureliano agrees to free Arsace if Zenobia will give herself to him, but she refuses. Eventually he is won over by the lovers’ devotion, and frees them when they pledge loyalty to Rome; but on the way to this www.opera-rara.com happy ending there is plenty of extreme emotion to fire up some of Rossini’s most exciting vocal writing. A success in its day, Aureliano promises to thrill another generation of listeners in this new studio recording under Maurizio Benini. AURELIANO IN PALMIRA Annick Massis, Silvia Tro Santafé, Kenneth Tarver, Andrew Foster-Williams, Ezgi Kutlu, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Maurizio Benini – conductor ORC46 (2 disc set) AVAILABLE NOVEMBER 2011 R O SS I N I R O SS I N I LA DONNA DEL LAGO Carmen Giannattasio, Patricia Bardon, Kenneth Tarver, Gregory Kunde, Mark Wilde, Robert Gleadow, Francesca Sassu, Edinburgh Festival Chorus, Scottish Chamber Orchestra, Maurizio Benini – conductor La donna del lago was not only the first Italian opera to be based on a work by Sir Walter Scott, it was also a milestone in the development of Romanticism in Italian opera. Recorded live at the 2006 Edinburgh International Festival. ‘Carmen Giannattasio – a prima donna is born’ – Andrew Clark, Financial Times Recommended – The Gramophone Classical Good CD Guide CD of the Week – Sunday Times ELISABETTA ★★★ REGINA D’INGHILTERRA Jennifer Larmore, Majella Cullagh, Bruce Ford, Antonino Siragusa, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Giuliano Carella – conductor What would Romantic opera have been without the British nobility? This work was one of the first of many on English royal subjects and was an immediate success. Rossini’s music is given the very best treatment by Opera Rara’s starry team. ‘Marvellous ensembles beautifully performed by a strong cast led by Jennifer Larmore’ – Penguin CD & DVD Guide ORC22 (3 disc set) 7 92938 00222 4 ORC34 (3 disc set) 7 92938 00342 9 www.opera-rara.com 45 R O SS I N I R O SS I N I Record of the Week – Sunday Times RICCIARDO E ZORAIDE Nelly Miricioiu, William Matteuzzi, Bruce Ford, Della Jones, Alastair Miles, Paul Nilon, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Academy of St Martin in the Fields, David Parry – conductor This serious opera demonstrates the originality of mind that made Rossini the outstanding figure of his age. ‘An exemplary performance’ – Alan Blythe, The Daily Telegraph OTELLO ★★★ ❂ Bruce Ford, Elizabeth Futral, William Matteuzzi, Ildebrando D’Arcangelo, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Philharmonia Orchestra, David Parry – conductor Otello (1815) is one of the most innovative scores composed during Rossini’s Neapolitan period and contains some of his most inspired music. Meyerbeer considered its third act ‘godlike’, praising its ‘impassioned recitatives and accompaniments full of vocal colour’. ‘Bruce Ford reveals himself as a Rossinian without equal today’ – Hugh Canning, Sunday Times ORC18 (3 disc set) 46 www.opera-rara.com 7 92938 00182 1 ORC14 (3 disc set) 7 92938 00142 5 R O SS I N I R O SS I N I The Best of the Year – Opera News Classical CD of the Week – Sunday Times ROSSINI – THREE TENORS Bruce Ford, William Matteuzzi, Paul Austin Kelly, Nelly Miricioiu, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Philharmonia Orchestra, David Parry – conductor Three distinguished Rossini Tenors (with a special appearance by Nelly Miricioiu) combine forces in nine duets and trios from Otello, Ricciardo e Zoraide, Armida and La donna del lago. ‘One comes away from this recital, not bored or sated, but thrilled and satisfied’ – The Gramophone Classical Good CD Guide Record of the Week – Sunday Times ZELMIRA Elizabeth Futral, Bruce Ford, Antonino Siragusa, Manuela Custer, Scottish Chamber Orchestra and Chorus, Maurizio Benini – conductor Composed in 1822, this is the ninth and last of Rossini’s Neapolitan operas. Beautiful melodies are matched by inventive harmony and skilled orchestral writing. Presented live at the Edinburgh International Festival, this is the first complete recording of the opera. ‘I was throughout on the edge of my seat listening to this one’ – Rodney Milnes, Opera ORC27 (3 disc set) 7 92938 00272 9 ORR204 (1disc set) 7 92938 02042 6 www.opera-rara.com 47 R O SS I N I R O SS I N I Opera Pick of the Month – BBC Music Magazine BRUCE FORD – ★★★ SERIOUS ROSSINI With Nelly Miricioiu, Elizabeth Futral, Della Jones, Barry Banks, Paul Austin Kelly, William Matteuzzi, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Philharmonia Orchestra, Academy of St Martin in the Fields, David Parry – conductor As one of the foremost Rossinians of his generation, Bruce Ford displays a near-perfect technique in selections from four of the composer’s Neapolitan operas. ‘A superior kind of compilation’ – Hugh Canning, Sunday Times NELLY MIRICIOIU – ★★★ ❂ ROSSINI GALA With Bruce Ford, Enkelejda Shkosa, Alastair Miles, Barry Banks, Academy of St Martin in the Fields, David Parry – conductor The Romanian soprano has established herself as one of the chief exponents of the bel canto school today. Here she offers excerpts from Rossini’s serious operas, including Armida, Mosè in Egitto, Zelmira and Vallace. ‘A brilliant recording’ – Penguin CD & DVD Guide ORR211 (1 disc set) 48 www.opera-rara.com 7 92938 0 2 1 1 2 6 ORR218 (1disc set) 7 92938 02182 9 T H O MA S 1811 – 1896 V E R D I 1813 – 19 01 Diapason Découverte / Diapason d’Or Editor’s Choice – Gramophone MACBETH ★★★ Peter Glossop, Rita Hunter, John Tomlinson, Kenneth Collins, Ludmilla Andrew, Christian du Plessis, BBC Singers, BBC Concert Orchestra, John Matheson – conductor This is the first in the Verdi Originals series from the BBC archive. If you think you know Verdi’s Macbeth then this, the original1847 version, has a few surprises for you. ‘Rita Hunter is totally engrossing, with Peter Glossop a powerful, psychologically intense Macbeth’ – James Jolly, Gramophone Editor’s Choice – Gramophone LA COUR DE CÉLIMÈNE ❂ Laura Claycomb, Alastair Miles, Joan Rodgers, Sébastien Droy, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Philharmonia Orchestra, Andrew Litton – conductor Opera Rara rediscovers the art of Ambroise Thomas with a world premiere recording of this1855 opéra-comique. Set in1750 in a château near Paris, the opera centres on a young widowed Countess who has no fewer than14 suitors. ‘This is one of Opera Rara’s best!’ – Charles H. Parsons, American Record Guide ORC37 (2 disc set) 7 92938 00372 6 ORCV301 (2 disc set) 7 92938 03012 8 www.opera-rara.com 49 NOTES AND LIBRETTO IN FOUR LANGUAGES VERDI ORIGINALS LES VÊPRES SICILIENNES ★★★ Jacqueline Brumaire, Jean Bonhomme, Neilson Taylor, Ayhan Baran, BBC Chorus, BBC Concert Orchestra, Mario Rossi – conductor. Ballet music – Ashley Lawrence Originally composed in French, this opera was almost always given in a highly inaccurate Italian translation, which prevailed for most of the 20th century. This BBC recording of the opera finally restores the original French libretto. ’The quality of this performance is so consistently excellent’ – Denise Gallo, Opera Today SIMON BOCCANEGRA Sesto Bruscantini, Josella Ligi, André Turp, Gwynne Howell, BBC Singers, BBC Concert Orchestra, John Matheson – conductor The Verdi Originals series continues with the BBC performance of the seldom-heard1857 version of this opera. The added bonus with this recording is the preservation of Sesto Bruscantini’s only performance of the title role. ‘No Verdian should be without it’ - Robert Levine, ClassicsToday.com ORCV302 (2 disc set) 50 www.opera-rara.com 7 92938 03022 7 ORCV303 (3 disc set) 7 92938 03032 6 VERDI ORIGINALS NOTES AND LIBRETTO IN FOUR LANGUAGES DON CARLOS Joseph Rouleau, André Turp, Robert Savoie, Edith Tremblay, Michelle Vilma, BBC Singers, BBC Concert Orchestra, John Matheson – conductor The fifth and final in the Verdi Originals series is the first ever recording (1973) of the original 1867 five-act French version of Don Carlos, including music cut before the first performance and rediscovered by Andrew Porter. 'This set is utterly necessary in any collection' - Robert Levine, ClassicsToday.com Best Recording for 2006 – MusicWeb International LA FORZA DEL DESTINO Martina Arroyo, Kenneth Collins, Peter Glossop, Don Garrard, BBC Singers, BBC Concert Orchestra, John Matheson – conductor First thoughts always have an interest of their own, and anyone who knows and loves La forza del destino in its later form will find differences in these discs to fascinate and surprise them. First heard in1862 in St Petersburg, this version is darker and with a grittier integration of text and music. ‘Martina Arroyo is grandly passionate and in full command’ – George Hall, BBC Music Magazine ORCV304 (3 disc set) ORCV305 (4 disc set) 7 92938 03052 4 www.opera-rara.com 51 Judith Howarth rehearsing Mercadante’s I Normanni a Parigi ESSENTIAL OPERA RARA (HIGHLIGHTS WITH COMPLETE LIBRETTO) 52 Norman invaders besiege Paris Opera Rara continues to explore the fascinating figure of Saverio Mercadante with this world premiere recording of substantial highlights from I Normanni a Parigi, written for Turin in 1832. With Rossini in retirement, Mercadante was then in competition with Bellini and Donizetti for the crown of Italian opera, and this work shows the composer at his most creative. Mercadante expert Michael Rose describes the opera as ‘one of the highlights of this period’. Having scored a triumph at its premiere, it circulated widely. The libretto by Felice Romani, the finest practitioner of the art in his day, is set in Paris, following the death of the mighty King Charlemagne, with the city threatened and eventually besieged by Norman invaders. The complex plot centres on Charlemagne’s widow, Berta (Judith Howarth), who was previously secretly married to Ordamante (Riccardo Novaro) in a relationship that produced her equally secret son, Osvino (Katarina Karnéus), now guarded by the loyal Odone (Barry Banks). When Ordamante leads the www.opera-rara.com Normans against the Carolingian forces, father and son are pitted against each other, though the latter initially knows nothing of their relationship. The scene is set for personal and political drama of the highest order in this gripping work from the bel canto repertoire. MERCADANTE – I NORMANNI A PARIGI Judith Howarth, Barry Banks, Riccardo Novaro, ❂ Katarina Karnéus, Graeme Broadbent, Aled Hall, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Philharmonia Orchestra, Stuart Stratford – conductor ORR249 (1 disc set) AVAILABLE NOVEMBER 2010 ESSENTIAL OPERA RARA ESSENTIAL OPERA RARA Recording of the Month – MusicWeb International MERCADANTE – ZAIRA ❂ Alastair Miles, Majella Cullagh, Bruce Ford, Garry Magee, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Philharmonia Orchestra, David Parry – conductor This recording was the first in our acclaimed Essential Opera Rara series. It contains a selection of the important and most beautiful moments in Mercadante’s setting of Voltaire’s tragic tale. A vivid impression of the opera is captured on a single disc. ‘Majella Cullagh flaunts a to-die-for top register’ – George Hall, BBC Music Magazine MERCADANTE – ❂ MARIA STUARDA REGINA DI SCOZIA Judith Howarth, Manuela Custer, Jennifer Larmore, Colin Lee, Pauls Putninš, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Philharmonia Orchestra, Antonello Allemandi – conductor Mercadante’s opera deals with the earlier period of Mary Queen of Scots’ life, when she was struggling to maintain her authority and her independence. Mercadante pours out lashings of bel canto melody and bravura for our delight. ‘Judith Howarth and Jennifer Larmore on spectacular form’ – Tim Ashley, The Guardian ORR241 (1disc set) 7 92938 02412 7 ORR224 (1disc set) 7 92938 02242 0 www.opera-rara.com 53 ESSENTIAL OPERA RARA ESSENTIAL OPERA RARA PAER – SOFONISBA ★★★ ❂ Jennifer Larmore, Paul Nilon, Rebecca Evans, Colin Lee, Mirco Palazzi, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Philharmonia Orchestra, Marco Guidarini – conductor Paer's glorious opera, composed in1805, was one of Rossini’s favourites. Set in ancient Rome, it tells of the political intrigues and emotional traumas of the beautiful Sofonisba, daughter of the Carthaginian general, Hasdrubal. ‘A fantastic addition and the most original of the series’ – Raúl González Arévalo, Mundoclasico.com Editor’s Choice – Gramophone MEYERBEER – L’ESULE DI GRANATA ❂ Manuela Custer, Mirco Palazzi, Laura Claycomb, Paul Austin Kelly, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Academy of St Martin in the Fields, Giuliano Carella – conductor While Meyerbeer clearly embraced the innovations of Rossini, he was his own composer. From the very start of L’esule di Granata we are aware he is working on a larger canvas, employing all the resources at his disposal – choruses, stage bands, scenic effects and, above all, brilliant vocalism. ‘Opera Rara pull out all the stops’ – Robert Levine, ClassicToday.com ORR234 (1disc set) 54 www.opera-rara.com 7 92938 02342 7 ORR237 (1disc set) 7 92938 02372 4 ESSENTIAL OPERA RARA ESSENTIAL OPERA RARA FEDERICO RICCI – ❂ LA PRIGIONE DI EDIMBURGO Nuccia Focile, Elisabetta Scano, Christopher Purves, Nicola Rossi Giordano, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Philharmonia Orchestra, Gabriele Bellini – conductor Walter Scott’s The Heart of Midlothian provided the plot for one of Federico Ricci’s most popular operas, featuring stolen babies, smugglers and burning buildings – all set to beautiful music. ‘Opera Rara on top form again – whetting the appetite for another neglected work’ – John Steane, Gramophone FEDERICO RICCI – ❂ CORRADO D’ALTAMURA Dimitra Theodossiou, Dmitry Korchak, James Westman, Ann Taylor, Andrew Foster-Williams, Cora Burggraaf, Camilla Roberts, Mark Wilde, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Philharmonia Orchestra, Roland Böer – conductor Set in12th-century Sicily, this highly dramatic opera tells of betrayal and revenge between former friends. Premiered at La Scala, Milan, in 1841. ‘An exciting, unfairly neglected work’ – Eric Myers, Opera ORR246 (1 disc set) ORR228 (1disc set) 7 92938 02282 6 www.opera-rara.com 55 A RT I ST C O L L E CT I O N S A RT I ST C O L L E CT I O N S BRUCE FORD – ROMANTIC HEROES With Renée Fleming, Alastair Miles, Diana Montague, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Philharmonia Orchestra, David Parry – conductor Includes pieces from Virginia (Mercadante), Carlo di Borgogna (Pacini), Alfredo il Grande and Rosmonda d’Inghilterra (Donizetti), Il marito e l’amante (Ricci), La stella del Nord (Meyerbeer) and Ricciardo e Zoraide (Rossini). ‘Bruce Ford has few equals today in this kind of music’ – Charles Osborne, Opera YVONNE KENNY – ★★★ 19TH CENTURY HEROINES With Diana Montague, Della Jones, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Philharmonia Orchestra, David Parry – conductor Includes pieces from Rosmonda (Coccia), Gabriella di Vergi (Carafa), I Baccanali di Roma (Nicolini), Il crociato in Egitto (Meyerbeer), Alahor in Granata (Donizetti) and La Semiramide (Portogallo). ‘Yvonne Kenny’s beautiful and agile lyric soprano is at its best in this fascinating disc’ – Charles Osborne, Opera ORR201 (1disc set) 56 www.opera-rara.com 7 92938 02012 9 ORR202 (1disc set) 7 92938 02022 8 E SRS TE INSTTI A C L OOLP LE E RA A C TR IAORNA S A RRTTI SI ST T C OCLOL LE L C TE I CO TN ISO N S A The Gramophone Awards Nomination 2000 WILLIAM MATTEUZZI – FERME TES YEUX… With Bruce Ford, Enkelejda Shkosa, Elisabetta Scano, Majella Cullagh, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Academy of St Martin in the Fields, David Parry – conductor Includes Il castello di Kenilworth and La Fille du Régiment (Donizetti), Le Comte Ory and Il viaggio a Reims (Rossini), Alessandro nell’Indie (Pacini), Le Pont des Soupirs (Offenbach) and Gabriella di Vergi (Carafa). ‘A vivacious programme of rarities’ – John Steane, Gramophone Editor’s Choice 2001 – Gramophone The Gramophone Awards Nomination 2001 DIANA MONTAGUE BELLA IMMAGIN – BEAUTIFUL IMAGE With Yvonne Kenny, Keith Lewis, Bruce Ford, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Philharmonia Orchestra, Academy of St Martin in the Fields, David Parry – conductor A fine compilation featuring this superb mezzosoprano in her early work with Opera Rara. An unissued alternative aria for L’Italiana in Algeri (by Julius Benedict) gives the album its name. ‘Montague’s ability to imbue every phrase she sings with meaning is without compare’ – Michael Quinn, Classic CD ORR210 (1disc set) 7 92938 02102 7 ORR216 (1disc set) 7 92938 02162 1 www.opera-rara.com 57 A RT I ST C O L L E CT I O N S A RT I ST C O L L E CT I O N S Critics’ Choice 2001 – BBC Music Magazine BRAVURA DIVA Jennifer Larmore, Majella Cullagh, Bruce Ford, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Academy of St Martin in the Fields, Antonello Allemandi, David Parry, Giuliano Carella – conductors Jennifer Larmore’s interpretation of, and affinity with, the bel canto repertoire has allowed us to record on this album some of the most difficult vocal music of the 19th century. Features works by Costa, Rossini, Pacini and Mercadante. ‘A stellar production on all levels’ – Wynne Delacoma, Chicago Sun Times The Best of the Year – Opera News Critic’s Choice – Opera News NELLY MIRICIOIU – BEL CANTO PORTRAIT With Mary Plazas, Alice Coote, Ashley Holland, Ildebrando D’Arcangelo, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Philharmonia Orchestra, David Parry – conductor Includes scenes from Belisario and Parisina (Donizetti) and L’assedio di Corinto (Michael Costa), as well as the great final scene from Mercadante’s Emma d’Antiochia, which concludes in a duet with Mary Plazas. ‘Miricioiu gives a formidable display of technique and flair’ – Edward Greenfield, The Guardian ORR217 (1disc set) 58 www.opera-rara.com 7 92938 02172 0 ORR231 (1disc set) 7 92938 02312 0 I L SA L O TTO I L SA L O TTO Il Salotto – Volume 2 ❂ LA POTENZA D’AMORE Nelly Miricioiu, Bruce Ford, William Matteuzzi, Majella Cullagh, Enkelejda Shkosa, Garry Magee, Paul Watkins – cello, Nigel Black – horn, Susan Drake – harp, David Harper – piano In the second volume of Opera Rara’s recital series we present songs, scenes and extended cantatas written by Rossini, Tadolini, Mercadante, Paer, Mayr, Carafa and Pacini. ‘Opera Rara’s production is a real class act’ – John Steane, Gramophone Il Salotto – Volume 1 ❂ MERCADANTE – LES SOIRÉES ITALIENNES Bruce Ford, Yvonne Kenny, Alastair Miles, Nelly Miricioiu, William Matteuzzi, Garry Magee, David Harper – piano The first volume in Opera Rara’s series devoted to exploring the salon music of the19th century. Mercadante’s series of eight songs and duets rivals the more familiar Serate Musicale by Rossini. ‘Spectacular singing is what is required, and the soloists here don’t disappoint’ – Tim Ashley, The Guardian ORR206 (1disc set) 7 92938 02062 4 ORR208 (1disc set) 7 92938 02082 2 www.opera-rara.com 59 I L SA L O TTO I L SA L O TTO L’Evénement du Mois – Diapason Il Salotto – Volume 4 – IL SIBILO ❂ Nuccia Focile, Donata D’Annunzio Lombardi, Ildebrando D’Arcangelo, Paul Charles Clarke, David Harper – piano Here is after-dinner entertainment at its most charming. These songs were published as part of the1840s Neapolitan gossip journal Il Sibilo (The Whisper). Once you’d read the week’s gossip you were treated to new songs by some of the best composers of the day. A delightful addition to the Il Salotto series. ‘Charming repertoire, delightfully performed’ – Patrick O’Connor, Gramophone Il Salotto – Volume 3 ❂ CENDRILLON – Pauline Viardot Sandrine Piau, Paul Austin Kelly, Elizabeth Vidal, André Cognet, Jean-Luc Viala, Jean Rigby, Susannah Waters, Nicholas Kok – pianist and conductor Viardot’s charming chamber operetta is a delicate drawing-room version of the classic fairy-tale. Reminiscent of Gounod and Massenet, the music anticipates Debussy, Satie and Poulenc. ‘This specialist label has unearthed few more enchanting opera rarities than this’ – Hugh Canning, Sunday Times ORR212 (1disc set) 60 www.opera-rara.com 7 92938 0 2 1 2 2 5 ORR219 (1disc set) 7 92938 02192 8 I L SA L O TTO I L SA L O TTO Il Salotto – Volume 6 ❂ LA PARTENZA Laura Claycomb, Bruce Ford, Manuela Custer, Roberto Servile, Nicola Rossi Giordano, Brindley Sherratt, Dominic Natoli, Dean Robinson, Richard Bissill – horn, David Harper – piano Donizetti and Rossini are joined by Mexican bel canto composer Melesio Morales plus Achille Peri, Angelo Savinelli and Lauro Rossi. Included is Michael Balfe’s cantata for Maria Malibran. ‘Everyone here is in top form (would they dare be otherwise for Opera Rara?)’ – American Record Guide Il Salotto – Volume 5 ❂ LA RIMEMBRANZA Jennifer Larmore, Majella Cullagh, Bruce Ford, Manuela Custer, Antonino Siragusa, David Harper – piano This volume of Il Salotto explores the music of the salons of Milan and London. Songs, duets and trios by Gabussi, Gomes, Arditti, Costa and Verdi display virtuosic vocal writing, interpreted here with flair and brilliance by Opera Rara’s accomplished team of singers. ‘This CD is perfect – a glorious evening’s entertainment’ – Robert Levine, Classics Today.com ORR223 (1disc set) ORR227 (1disc set) 7 92938 02272 7 www.opera-rara.com 61 I L SA L O TTO I L SA L O TTO Il Salotto – Volume 8 ❂ NOTTURNO Bruce Ford, Jennifer Larmore, Alastair Miles, Paul Austin Kelly, Patrizia Biccirè, Jaime Martin – flute, Antoine Palloc – piano Notturno is the eighth volume of Opera Rara’s acclaimed Il Salotto series and is essentially an album of duets,fourteen in all. ‘Here are all the virtues of an Opera Rara release’ – Christopher Cook, BBC Music Magazine Il Salotto – Volume 7 ❂ IL PRIMO DOLCE AFFANNO… Elizabeth Vidal, Bruce Ford, Laura Claycomb, Manuela Custer, William Matteuzzi, Roberto Servile, Alastair Miles, David Harper – piano Liszt’s Petrarch Sonnets, sung so passionately here by Bruce Ford, are interspersed out of sequence with music by Liszt’s contemporaries – Meyerbeer, Saint-Saëns, Poniatowski, Federico Ricci, Gomes and Verdi. ‘The music is quite enchanting’ – American Record Guide ORR230 (1disc set) 62 www.opera-rara.com 7 92938 02302 1 ORR235 (1disc set) I L SA L O TTO I L SA L O TTO ❂ Il Salotto – Volume 10 PAULINE VIARDOT AND FRIENDS Frederica von Stade, Vladimir Chernov, Anna Caterina Antonacci, Fanny Ardant – narrator, David Watkin – cello, David Harper – piano A celebration of the remarkable life and colourful world of Pauline Viardot both through her own compositions and those of her illustrious friends, in this live recording from London’s Wigmore Hall. 2 CDs for the price of 1 ‘A delightful and enjoyably informative set’ – George Hall, Opera Now Il Salotto – Volume 9 ❂ ORA DIVINA Majella Cullagh, Diana Montague, Bruce Ford, Elizabeth Vidal, Paul Austin Kelly, Barry Banks, Mark Stone, Sine Bundgaard, Roland Wood, Susie Beer – cello, David Harper – piano The ninth volume of the popular Il Salotto series brings together an extraordinary collection of passionate songs, from Donizetti, Offenbach, Mercadante and others, which explore the serious side of love. ‘Breathtaking’ – Joel Kasow, Fanfare ORR239 (1disc set) 7 92938 02392 2 ORR240 (2 disc set) 7 92938 02402 8 www.opera-rara.com 63 I L SA L O TTO I L SA L O TTO Il Salotto – Volume 12 ❂ LA LAITIÈRE DE TRIANON Jean-Baptiste Wekerlin Joan Rodgers, Yann Beuron, Jeff Cohen – piano First performed in 1858, this delightful drawing-room operetta, set in the Versailles of Marie-Antoinette, centres on two aristocratic cousins who are betrothed to each other even though they have never met. Includes three appendix items. ‘Opera Rara offers a captivating performance’ – Andrew Porter, Opera Recommended – Gramophone Il Salotto – Volume 11 ❂ LA SERENATA Bruce Ford, Diana Montague, Barry Banks, Majella Cullagh, Mark Stone, Elizabeth Vidal, Paul Austin Kelly, Roland Wood, Sine Bundgaard, Susie Beer – cello, Richard Simpson – oboe, David Harper – piano Taking its title from a song by Ambroise Thomas, this volume also includes his most famous song, the enchanting ‘Le Soir’, as well as others by Mercadante, Offenbach, Pacini and Donizetti. ‘Performed in high style by a starry clutch of soloists’ – Anthony Holden, The Observer ORR242 (1disc set) 64 www.opera-rara.com 7 92938 02422 6 ORR245 (1disc set) 7 92938 02452 3 I L SA L O TTO A NT H O L O G I E S A HUNDRED YEARS OF ITALIAN OPERA 1800 –1810 Yvonne Kenny, Eiddwen Harrhy, Della Jones, Keith Lewis, Diana Montague and others, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Philharmonia Orchestra, David Parry – conductor The first volume in Opera Rara’s survey of Italian opera composers of the19th century features Paisiello, Mayr, Pucitta, Cimarosa, Zingarelli, Paer, Nicolini, Winter, Mosca and others. ‘Nothing anywhere near so ambitious and scholarly in this field has appeared before’ – Charles Osborne, Opera Il Salotto – Volume 13 ❂ ROSSINI SONGS Lawrence Brownlee, Jennifer Larmore, Catherine WynRogers, Mireille Delunsch, Brindley Sherratt, Mark Wilde, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Nicholas Bosworth – harmonium, Malcolm Martineau– piano Opera Rara continues to explore the music of the 19th-century salon with this rare selection of songs by the great master Rossini. ‘With a first-rate team of singers and Martineau's deft contributions, resistance is futile’ – Stephen Pettitt, Sunday Times ORR247 (1 disc set) ORCH101 (3 disc set) 7 92938 0 1 0 1 2 0 www.opera-rara.com 65 A NT H O L O G I E S A NT H O L O G I E S Music Retailers Association Award for Excellence A HUNDRED YEARS OF ITALIAN OPERA 1820 –1830 Bruce Ford, Yvonne Kenny, Alastair Miles, Nuccia Focile, Ivan Sharpe, Paul Nilon and others, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Philharmonia Orchestra, David Parry – conductor The third volume of the anthology, which features the work of composers such as Cordella, Bellini, Balducci, Conti, Carafa, Coccia, Ricci, Pacini, Donizetti, Rossini and Meyerbeer. ‘A privileged glimpse into a forgotten world’ – John Freeman, Opera News A HUNDRED YEARS OF ITALIAN OPERA 1810 –1820 Chris Merritt, Diana Montague, Della Jones, Yvonne Kenny, Paul Nilon and others, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir, Philharmonia Orchestra, David Parry – conductor Volume two of Opera Rara’s series investigates the second decade of the 19th century with music by Rossini, Donizetti, Mayr, Meyerbeer, Carafa, Generali, Mercadante and others. ‘An awesome recording in every respect’ – John Freeman, Opera News ORCH103 (3 disc set) 66 www.opera-rara.com 7 92938 01032 8 ORCH104 (3 disc set) 7 92938 01042 7 C O M P I L AT I O N S C O M P I L AT I O N S DUETS TO DIE FOR Nelly Miricioiu, Bruce Ford, Renée Fleming, Alastair Miles, Jennifer Larmore, William Matteuzzi, Jane Eaglen, Yvonne Kenny, David Parry – conductor An outstanding selection of bel canto specialists sing duets from1801 to1846. Donizetti, Rossini, Mercadante, Pacini, Carafa, Coccia, Mayr and Lavigna provide the music for this survey of duet writing. ‘Opera Rara’s genius lies in its ability to attract talent’ – Claire Wrathall (reviewing this recording), BBC Music Magazine THE OPERA RARA COLLECTIONS VOLUMES 1 & 2 These collections are filled with highlights from Opera Rara’s extensive catalogue of rarities. Includes music by Rossini, Donizetti, Mayr, Bellini, Pacini, Carafa, Winter and Mercadante, celebrating 20 years of reviving and recording the neglected repertoire of the 19th century. ‘A feast and a temptation to the ears’ – David Johnson, Fanfare ORR205 ORR209 (1disc set each) 7 92938 02052 5 7 92938 02092 1 ORR220 (1disc set) 7 92938 02202 4 www.opera-rara.com 67 C O M P I L AT I O N S C O M P I L AT I O N S SOGNO TALOR... SOMETIMES I DREAM Nelly Miricioiu, Bruce Ford, Jennifer Larmore, William Matteuzzi, Antonino Siragusa, Renée Fleming 2 CDs for the price of 1 Opera Rara celebrated 25 years of recording with this two-disc album. Covering more than 50 years of the19th century, the rich cross-section of excerpts is matched by a superb roster of contributing artists. ‘One of the best anthologies on disc’ – John Steane, Gramophone TYRANTS AND LOVERS Nelly Miricioiu, Bruce Ford, Elizabeth Futral, Jennifer Larmore, William Matteuzzi, Rockwell Blake, Majella Cullagh, Garry Magee, David Parry – conductor Heroes and slaves, kings and peasants, or tyrants and lovers – these larger-than-life, opposing forces were the source of every composer’s inspiration. Includes previously unreleased pieces from Donizetti’s Torquato Tasso, Buondelmonte and Balfe’s Falstaff. ‘Singing about as bel canto as it gets’ – George Hall, BBC Music Magazine ORR221 (1disc set) 68 www.opera-rara.com 7 92938 0 2 2 1 2 3 ORR225 (2 disc set) 7 92938 02252 9 C O M P I L AT I O N S C O M P I L AT I O N S CELEBRATING 40 YEARS Jennifer Larmore, Colin Lee, Susan Patterson, Christian du Plessis, Carmen Giannattasio, William Matteuzzi, Yvonne Kenny, Toby Spence, Annick Massis, Nelly Miricioiu, Della Jones, Bruce Ford, Thora Einarsdottir To celebrate its 40th anniversay, Opera Rara has compiled this stunning collection of highlights from its incomparable catalogue. It includes excerpts from the very first recording, Donizetti’s Ugo, conte di Parigi, through to the recent, Rossini’s Ermione. VOCAL TEAMWORK Annick Massis, Bruce Ford, Majella Cullagh, Alastair Miles, Jennifer Larmore, Mirco Palazzi, Laura Claycomb, Peter Glossop, Della Jones. John Matheson, James Judd, David Parry, Giuliano Carella – conductors The19th century was the great age of ensemble writing. This disc begins with the elaborate formality of the duet from Rossini’s Bianca e Falliero and ends with the emotionally charged nonet from Donizetti’s L’assedio di Calais. ‘A truly thrilling recording’ – Thorvald Petterson, KulturNytt ORR233 (1disc set) ORR248 (1disc set) AVAILABLE MAY 2010 www.opera-rara.com 69 C O M P I L AT I O N S C O M P I L AT I O N S THE CRUEL MADNESS OF LOVE Ildebrando D’Arcangelo, Elizabeth Futral, Antonino Siragusa, Jennifer Larmore, Roberto Frontali, Nelly Miricioiu Created with Opera magazine to promote our recording and concert performance of Donizetti’s tragic opera Pia de’ Tolomei, this collection shows love in its many guises and diverse manifestations as the root cause of jealousy, regret and despair. Only available direct from Opera Rara LIKE A WOMAN SCORNED… Renée Fleming, Bruce Ford, Nelly Miricioiu, William Matteuzzi, Jennifer Larmore Mercadante’s Emma d’Antiochia is a woman with a problematic love life. This delightful group of similarly doomed operatic heroines was assembled in this compilation CD produced for Opera magazine to promote our recording and performance of Mercadante’s beautiful opera. Only available direct from Opera Rara ORO3 (1disc) 70 www.opera-rara.com ORO4 (1disc) C O M P I L AT I O N S C O M P I L AT I O N S SCEPTRE, CROWN & SCAFFOLD Diana Montague, Bruce Ford, Nelly Miricioiu, José Bros, Eiddwen Harrhy, Yvonne Kenny, Paul Nilon, Graeme Broadbent The mixed fortunes of kings and queens through the ages have provided composers with infinite musical possibilities. However, not all royal roads lead to the scaffold, as is demonstrated in this glorious disc, produced again in collaboration with Opera magazine to promote our recording and concert of Pacini's opera Alessandro nell' Indie. Only available direct from Opera Rara VILLAINS BY NECESSITY Ildebrando D’Arcangelo, Bruce Ford, William Matteuzzi, Barry Banks, Paul Austin Kelly, Christian du Plessis, Alastair Miles, José Bros, Antonino Siragusa, Sesto Bruscantini There are villains behind villains, and some of them are women, though this CD, created in association with Opera magazine, is – unusually for Opera Rara – a diva-free zone. Every note is sung by men. Only available direct from Opera Rara ORO5 (1disc) ORO6 (1disc) www.opera-rara.com 71 C O M P I L AT I O N S C O M P I L AT I O N S CROSS & CRESCENT Bruce Ford, Majella Cullagh, Annick Massis, Nelly Miricioiu, William Matteuzzi, Alastair Miles, Paul Nilon, Geoffrey Dolton, Giuseppe Filianoti The conflict between Christianity and Islam, of such concern today, was already a rich source of subject matter in 19th-century Italian opera. In collaboration with Opera magazine, we present an anthology, which we hope may prove both thought-provoking and musically stimulating. Only available direct from Opera Rara MEDIEVAL MAYHEM Annick Massis, Bruce Ford, Jennifer Larmore, Alastair Miles, Diana Montague, Paul Nilon, Yvonne Kenny, Pietro Spagnoli, Della Jones, Clive Bayley So many Opera Rara recordings deal with clashes of arms or passions in medieval times that, in collaboration with Opera magazine, we have assembled this rich and varied anthology, though we deliberately end it with an item that represents a welcome return to order and tranquillity. Only available direct from Opera Rara ORO7 (1 disc) 72 www.opera-rara.com ORO8 (1disc) 19th-Century Opera meets the 21st Century www.opera-rara.com 73 Artist & Composer Directory Allemandi, Antonello15,17,39,53, 72 Andrew, Ludmilla18,26,49,67 Antonacci, Anna Caterina 63 Antoniozzi, Alfonso17,19,67 Antonucci, Stefano 30 Archer, Neil 28 Ardant, Fanny 63 Arroyo, Martina 51 Arthur, Maurice 18,24,25,36 Ashe, Rosemary 36 Ashman, David 25 Bailey, Norman 20 Bailey, Simon18,41,48 Banks, Barry 41,46,48,52,63,64,67, 68,71 Baran, Ayhan 50 Barcellona, Daniela 27,33,69 Bardon, Patricia 40,45 Bayley, Clive19,71,72 Beer, Susie 63,64 Bellini, Gabriele 55,70 Benelli, Ugo 32,33,56 Benini, Maurizio 23,30,44,45,47, 68,70,71 Berthon, Cassandre 37 Best, Jonathan 27 Beuron, Yann 64 Bezdüz, Bülent 40 Biccirè, Patrizia 22,48,62,67 Bickley, Susan 27,38 Bissill, Richard 61 Black, Nigel 59 Blake, Rockwell 25,67–71 74 www.opera-rara.com Böer, Roland 55 Bonhomme, Jean 50 Bovino, Maria 33,70 Bowden, Pamela 50 Brecknock, John 36 Bregonzi, Alec 36 Broadbent, Graeme13,16,23,40, 52,71 Brocq, Mark Le 12,13,30,35,37 Bros, José12,13,16,22,23,68,71 Browne, Sandra 36 Brownlee, Lawrence 65 Brumaire, Jacqueline 50 Bruscantini, Sesto17,50,67,68,71 Bundgaard, Sine 63,64 Burggraaf, Cora 55 Cabell, Nicole19 Caley, Ian 21,25,32,72 Carella, Giuliano18,41,45,54,58,68, 69,71 Caruso, Carmelo Corrado 15 Cashmore, John 39 Castronovo, Charles 30 Catling, Ashley 41,47 Chernov, Vladimir 63 Cicogna, Adriana19,68,70 Ciofi, Patrizia13 Clark, Graham 21 Clarke, Paul Charles 30,60 Claycomb, Laura 37,49,54,61, 62,69 Cognet, André 37,60 Cohen, Jeff 64 Colecchia, Gabriella 41 Collins, Kenneth 49,51 Cook, Deborah 32, 67–69 Coote, Alice 58 Corbelli, Alessandro14 Costello, Stephen14 Crowe, Lucy 35 Cullagh, Majella 18,22,24–27,31,34,39,41,45,53, 57–59,61,63,64,67–70,72, Custer, Manuela18,22,45,47,53, 54,61,62,70 Daniels, Claire 31 D’Arcangelo, Ildebrando 41,46,48, 58,60,67,68,70,71 Davies, Joan18,21 Davies, Lynne 27,72 Davies, Ryland 41,46,48 Dawson, Anna 36 Dean, Stafford 50 Delunsch, Mireille 65 Dickerson, Bernard 50 Dixey, Amilia 36 Doghan, Philip 56,72 Dolton, Geoffrey17,33,39,71,72 Douglas, Nigel20 Drake, Susan 59 Droy, Sébastien 35,49 Eaglen, Jane 28,67,69 Earle, Roderick 21,32 Einarsdottir, Thora 35 Elder, Mark14–16,19,72 Elkins, Margreta 21,26 Elvin, William 50 English, Gerald 50 Hargreaves, Matthew20,24,27,68 Harper, David 31,58–64 Harrhy, Eiddwen18,20,24–27,39, 65,67,68,71 Hartle, Enid 33 Hausmann, Mathias 47 Hill Smith, Marilyn 27,32,36,67, 68,72 Holland, Ashley 58 Howarth, Judith 52,53 Howell, Gwynne 50 Howlett, Neil 50 Hudson, Paul 50 Hunter, Rita 49 Janes, Fiona 58 John, Kevin 27,57,71 Jones, Della18,20,21,24–27,29,32, 33,46,48,56,65,67–69,72 Judd, James 21,32,68,69,71 Karnéus, Katarina 52 Kasarova, Vesselina15 Keenlyside, Simon15 Kelly, Paul Austin 19,24,27,47,48,54,60,62–64,67, 68,71 Kennedy, Roderick 21,36 Kenny, Yvonne17,24–29,31–33,36, 37,39,56,57,59,65–72 Kitchen, Linda 25,32,33,56 Kite, Celia 36 Kok, Nicholas 60 Korchak, Dmitry 55 Kunde, Gregory 45 Larmore, Jennifer15,17,27,35, 37–39,41,45,53,54,61,62,65, 67–70,72 Lazzara, Marco 27 Lee, Colin18,29,31,33,37,40,45, 53–55 Leggate, Robin 23 Leguérinel, Franck 35 Lessiter, Michael 23 Lewis, Keith 57,65 Ligi, Josella 50 Lipinski, Rebecca von 29,55 Litton, Andrew 49 Lloyd, Prudence 49 Locatelli, Damiano 27 Lombardi, Donata D’Annunzio 60 Lopardo, Frank19 Lopera, Juan José 46 Lopez, Franck 35 Mackerras, Charles 34 Magee, Garry 25,38,48,53,59,67, 68,70 Manley, Katherine 30 Martin, Jaime 62 Martineau, Malcolm 65 Mason, Anne17,28,33,71 Massis, Annick 15,17,27,31,33,39, 44,68,69,72 Matheson, John 49–51,69 Matteuzzi, William 31,39,46–48, 57,59,62,67–72 McCullough, Susan 39 McDonall, Lois 21,26 McFarland, Robert20,67 www.opera-rara.com Artist & Composer Directory Evans, Rebecca 54 Fardilha, José 38 Félix, Loïc16,35,37,40 Filianoti, Giuseppe15,72 Fisher, Jonathan 23 Fleming, Renée 23,26,56,67,68,70 Focile, Nuccia20,25,26,55,60,66, 67,70 Ford, Bruce 15,17,19,20,22–24,26–29,31–33, 37–39,41,45–48,53,56–59, 61–64,66–72 Foster-Williams, Andrew 30,44,55 Francis, Alun18,21,24,25,36,68 Frontali, Roberto 23,38,39,70 Fulgoni, Sara 25,68,70 Futral, Elizabeth 34,38,39,46–48,67,68,70 Ganassi, Sonia 23,70 Garrard, Don 51 Giannattasio, Carmen 12,13,22, 40,45, Giménez, Raúl 28,67,71 Giordano, Massimo 19 Giordano, Nicola Rossi 55,61 Glanville, Mark20,68,71 Gleadow, Robert15,45 Glossop, Peter 49,51,69 Grassi, Luca 27 Guidarini, Marco 54 Gutiérrez, Eglise14 Haddock, Marcus 31,67,68,71 Hall, Aled13,52 75 Artist & Composer Directory Merritt, Chris17,33,66–68,71 Michaels-Moore, Anthony 30, 31,67,68,71 Miles, Alastair15,23,26,28,30,31, 33,37,38,46,48,49,53,56,59,62, 66–72 Mills, Bronwen17,33,71 Miricioiu, Nelly20,23,25,26,29–31, 38,46–48,58,59,67–72 Montague, Diana 23,24,26,27,29, 32–34,37,56,57,63–67,70–72 Monti, Elena19,68 Moreno, Myrna 27,57,71 Nathan, Regina20 Natoli, Dominic 24,25,27,38,41,46, 48,58,61 Nicoll, Harry 33,70 Nilon, Paul20,27,28,30,31,33,39, 40,46,48,54,66,67,70–72 Nocentini, Maria Costanza 29 Novaro, Riccardo 52 Oliver, Alexander 21,32,36,67, 69,71 Opie, Alan 31,36,39,72 Owens, Anne-Marie 35 Palazzi, Mirco18,22,41,47,54,69 Palloc, Antoine 62 Parry, David12,13,17,19,20,22–33, 35,37–41,46–48,53,56–58, 65–72 Pastorello, Cristina 27 Patterson, Susan 30 Peters, Johanna 36,67 Piau, Sandrine 60 76 www.opera-rara.com Piunti, Giuseppina 27 Pizzaloto, Mariana14 Platt, Ian20,25,32,33,56,68 Plazas, Mary 31,38,58,67 Plessis, Christian du18,20,21,24,25, 32,36,49,67–69,71 Polverelli, Laura 31,39,72 Praticò, Bruno19,67,70 Previati, Fabio 33 Price, Janet 24,26,67 Purves, Christopher16,55 Putninš, Pauls 33,53 Rhys-Davies, Jennifer 30,31,71 Rigby, Jean 60 Rippon, Michael 46 Roberts, Camilla 55 Roberts, Joy 36 Robinson, Dean18,37,48,55,61 Rodgers, Joan 49,64 Rossi, Mario 50 Rouleau, Joseph 51 Santafé, Silvia Tro 44 Sassu, Francesca 45 Savoie, Robert 51 Scano, Elisabetta19,55,57,67,68,70 Schmunck, Darío13 Serbo, Rico20,25 Servile, Roberto 22,29,61,62,68 Severini, Tiziano 27 Sherman, Alexandra 37 Sherratt, Brindley12,13,16,19,54, 61,65 Shkosa, Enkelejda13,16,39,46,48, 57,59,67,70 Sikora, Elizabeth14 Simmonds, Victoria 12,13,40 Simonetti, Riccardo 16 Simpson, Richard 64 Siragusa, Antonino 27,29,45,47,61, 68,70,71 Slater, Andrew15 Smythe, Russell20,27,33,56,57,61, 71,72 Solari, Dario 22 Sotgiù, Antonia 25,48 Spagnoli, Pietro15,17,19,72 Spence, Patricia 33 Spence, Toby 35,46 Stade, Frederica von 63 Stone, Mark13,35,37,63,64 Stoyanova, Krassimira16 Stuart, Stratford 52 Szabó, Bálint14 Tarver, Kenneth 31,39,44,45 Taylor, Ann 22,35,55 Taylor, Neilson 50 Tézier, Ludovic12–14 Theodossiou, Dimitra 55 Thornton-Holmes, Christopher17 Tomlinson, John18,49 Treleaven, John 20 Tremblay, Edith 51 Turner, Christopher 16 Turp, André 50 Ulivieri, Nicola 22 Veira, Jonathan 27,37,60,62–64 Viala, Jean-Luc 60 Vidal, Elizabeth 27,37,60,62–64 Geoffrey Mitchell Choir12,13, 15–26,28–30,32,33,35–41, 44–49, 52–58,65 COMPOSER INDEX Adam 57 Arditi 58,61,70 Auber 57,68 Balducci 66 Balfe 61,63,68 Beauplan 64 Belgiojoso 61 Bellini 12,13,62,66,72 Benedict 57,61,63 Berlioz 63 Blangini 62 Burghersh 63 Buzzolla 62 Cammarano 60 Campana 62–64 Carafa 56,57,59,66,67,70 Carlini 63 Chopin 63 Cimarosa 65 Coccia 56,62,66,67,69,70,71 Conti 66,72 Coppola 64 Cordella 66 Costa 58,61,62,70,72 Crescentini 60 Czerny 61 Donizetti 14–27,56–58,60–64, 66–72 Elwart 64 Fioravanti 66 Gabussi 61,62 García 62.63,66 Generali 65,66 Giuglini 63 Gnecco 65 Gomes 61,62 Gounod 63 Lavigna 65,67 Lillo 60 Liszt 62 Manfroce 66,70 Mariani 63,64 Mayr 27–29,57,59,65–72 Mercadante 29–31,52,53,56–60, 63,64,66–72 Meyerbeer 32,33,54,56,57,62,63, 66–69,71,72 Morales 61 Morlacchi 66 Mosca 57,65,66,69 Mozart 34 Nicolini 56,65 Offenbach 35–37,57,63,64,68,70 Pacini 37–39,56–60,62,64,66–68, 70–72 Paer 54,57,59,65,69 Paisiello 65 Pavesi 65,66,71 Pedrotti 61,70 Peri 61 Poniatowski 61,62 Portogallo 56,65 Pucitta 65,66 Ricci, Federico 55,56,60,62,68,70 Ricci, Luigi 60,66,71 Righini 65 Rossini 40,41,44–48,56–63,65–72 Rubini 63 Saint-Saëns 62 Sarmiento 60 Tadolini 59 Thomas 49,64 Unger 63 Vaccaj 60 Vera 63 Verdi 49–51,61,62,69 Viardot 60,63 Weber 66,68 Weigl 65,72 Wekerlin 64 Winter 57,65,66,68,72 Zingarelli 65,68,72 www.opera-rara.com Artist & Composer Directory Vilma, Michelle 51 Vinco, Marco 22,47,71 Waddington, Henry 31,39 Waters, Susannah 60 Watkin, David 63 Watkins, Paul 59 Westman, James 19,55 Wild, Claire 31,53 Wilde, Mark18,22,37,41,45,55,65 Williams, Helen 38 Winfield, John18 Wood, Roland13,18,31,33,39,57, 58,63,64 Wyn-Rogers, Catherine 65 77 Worldwide Distribution 78 ARGENTINA Casa Piscitelli, San Martin 450, Buenos Aires 1004. Tel: 00 54 1 14 394 1992 info@piscitelli.com www.piscitelli.com AUSTRALIA Select Audio-Visual Distribution Pty. Ltd, 6/14 Roseberry Street, Balgowlah, NSW 2093; PO Box 691, Brookvale, NSW 2100. Tel: 00 61 2 9948 1811 Fax: 00 61 2 9948 5085 info@savd.com.au www.savd.com.au AUSTRIA Preiser Records, Otto G Preiser & Co Gmbh, Simmeringer Hauptstrasse 54, A-1110 Wien. Tel: 00 43 1 533 6228 info@preiserrecords.at www.preiserrecords.at BELGIUM Codaex, Larenstraat 58, 3560 Lummen. Tel: 00 321335 2060 be@codaex.com www.codaex.com CANADA SRI Ltd, 638 The Kingsway, Peterborough, Ontario K9J 7C8. Tel: 00 1 705 748 5422 Fax: 00 1 705 748 5628 www.sricanada.com CHILE TODO Classico, Cerro La Parva 766, Dept 204, Las Condes, Santiago. Tel/Fax: 00 56 2 208 7929 info@todoclassico.cl CZECH REPUBLIC Classic Music Distribution, Biskupcova 26, 130 00 Praha 3, Prague. Tel: 00 420 2 2258 3272 classic@classic.cz www.classic.cz DENMARK Danacord Distribution, Nørregade 22, DK 1165, Copenhagen. Tel: 00 45 331 51716 distribution@danacord.dk www.danacord.dk FINLAND Ars Musica Oy/Ltd, Eerikinkatu 20, 20100 TURKU. Tel: 00 358 (0)2 233 3663 info@arsmusica.fi www.arsmusica.fi www.opera-rara.com FRANCE Abeille Musique, Usine Springcourt, 5 Passage Piver, 75011 Paris. Tel: 00 3314926 9770 abeilledirect@abeillemusique.com www.abeillemusique.com GERMANY Note1 Musikvertrieb GmbH, Carl-Benz-Strasse 1, 69115 Heidelberg. Tel: 00 496221 720351 info@note-1.de www.note-1.de GREECE Classic Disc Centre, 57 Akademias Street, 10679 Athens. Tel: 00 30 210 338 7756 HONG KONG Shun Cheong Record Co. Ltd, Unit No. 1 & 2, Winning Centre, 11/F, 29 Tai Yau Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon. Tel: 00 852 2332 2397 Fax: 00 852 2388 4070 service@shuncheongrec.com www.shuncheongrec.com HUNGARY MEVex Kft, Fóti út 56, H-1047 Budapest. Tel: 00 361435 0420 Fax: 00 361435 0419 mespur@t-online.hu IRELAND Select Music and Video Distribution Ltd, 3 Wells Place, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 3SL. Tel: 00 44 (0) 1737 645600 cds@selectmusic.co.uk www.selectmusic.co.uk ITALY Warner Music Italia Srl, Piazza della Repubblica, 14–16, 20124 Milano. Tel: 0039 02 637831 Fax: 0039 02 63783298 pilarmaria.gioia@warnermusic.com www.warnermusic.com JAPAN Arbre Inc, 1F, 173-9 Shimosakunobe Takatsu-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 213-0033. Tel: 00 81-44-860-2752 Fax: 00 81-44-860-2753 arbre@isis.ocn.ne.jp MEXICO Vergel Musical, Clavel #6 México D.F. 10200. Tel: 00 52 55 5683-6665 Fax: 00 52 55 5595-3719 vsuzan@cablevision.net.mx NETHERLANDS Codaex Nederland, Prinsengracht 17, 1015 DK, Amsterdam. Tel: 00 31 (0)20 612 9724 info@codaex.nl NEW ZEALAND Select Audio-Visual Distribution Pty. Ltd, 6/14 Roseberry Street, PO Box 691, Brookvale, NSW 2100, Australia, Tel: 00 61 2 8966 3307 Fax: 00 61 2 99485085 jamo@savd.com.au POLAND MK Net – Club CD, ul. Samborska 10, 71-018 Szczecin. Tel: 00 48 501 061 002 Fax: 00 48 91 4831 138 club@ccd.pl www.ccd.pl PORTUGAL Diverdi SL, Eloy Gonzalo 27, E-28010 Madrid. Tel: 0034 91 447 7724 Fax: 0034 447 8579 diverdi@diverdi.com www.diverdi.com RUSSIA A-Ram, Office 38, Sushevsky val 50, Moscow 127018. Tel: 00 7 095 689 0463 Fax: 00 7 095 689 0476 ashot1@btinternet.com SLOVAKIA DIVYD s.r.o, Trstinska 11, Bratislava 84106. Tel: 00 421 2 5443 3888 divyd@divyd.sk www.divyd.sk SPAIN Diverdi SL, Eloy Gonzalo 27, E-28010 Madrid. Tel: 00 34 91 447 7724 Fax: 00 34 447 8579 diverdi@diverdi.com www.diverdi.com SWITZERLAND MusiKontakt, Forchstrasse 136, CH-8032 Zürich. Tel: 0041 44 381 0295 Fax: 0041 44 381 0265 info@musikontakt.ch www.musikontakt.ch TURKEY A.K. Muzik Yapim Org, Muellif Sk No:20/6 Tunel, Beyoglu 34420, Istanbul. Tel: 00 90 212 243 41 51 Fax: 00 90 212 243 4118 info@akmuzik.com.tr www.akmuzik.com.tr UK Select Music and Video Distribution Limited, 3 Wells Place, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 3SL. Tel: 00 44 (0) 1737 645600 cds@selectmusic.co.uk www.selectmusic.co.uk UNITED STATES harmonia mundi USA, 1117 Chestnut Street, Burbank, California, CA 91506. Tel: 001 818 333 1500 Info-usa@harmoniamundi.com www.harmoniamundi.com DIGITAL DISTRIBUTION Naxos of America Inc, 1810 Columbia Avenue, Suite 28, Franklin, TN 37064 Tel/Fax: 001 615 465 3808 khackett@naxosusa.com www.naxos.com SOUTH AFRICA Amaranth Digital, 866 Harcourt Street, Lisdogan, Pretoria, PO Box 2755, Brooklyn Square, 0075. Tel: 00 27 (0)21 342 7517 www.amaranthdigital.com www.opera-rara.com Worldwide Distribution MALTA D’Amato Bros. Ltd, 98/99 St John Street, Valletta VLT 1165. Tel: 00 356 21 23 43 48 damatorecords@nextgen.net.mt 79 Help fund the rare and beautiful operas “Opera Rara really is doing something special… how much the poorer our personal libraries would be without them” Gramophone, November 2009 Above: Krassimira Stoyanova (soprano), Stephen Revell (Managing Director), Sir Mark Elder (conductor) and José Bros (tenor) rehearsing Donizetti’s Maria di Rohan in the Opera Rara music library 80 www.opera-rara.com of the 19th century We, at Opera Rara, specialise in researching, recording and presenting concert performances of the rare, forgotten operatic masterworks of the 19th century. CD sales alone cannot cover all of Opera Rara’s costs and this gem of a label simply cannot survive without financial support. Over many years, philanthropic individuals and organisations have funded much of its work, most notably the Peter Moores Foundation, to which we offer thanks for its enormous generosity. The Foundation is reducing its funding programmes and, to ensure that this ‘lost’ vocal and operatic heritage survives through the label’s work, we would like to invite you to help support Opera Rara’s future. We welcome our supporters to special events, rehearsals, recording sessions, to meet our artists and much more. If you would like to learn more about Opera Rara and how you could help us, we would be delighted to hear from you! Stephen Revell Managing Director, Opera Rara Tel: +44 (0)20 7613 2858 Fax: +44 (0)20 7613 2261 Email: info@opera-rara.com Opera Rara is a registered charity. Charity no. 261403 www.opera-rara.com 81 Supporting a unique We would particularly like to thank the following individuals Opera Rara Association Members DONIZETTI PATRONS Glenn Hurstfield Dr Trifon A. Natsis MERCADANTE ASSOCIATES Michael Conroy Patrick and Marian Griggs Imogen Rumbold Colin Webster Suzy Webster ROSSINI ASSOCIATES Geoffrey Collens Dr Costas Kaplanis Barry Kernon Chris and Dominique Moore Alison Nicol John Paine Michel Plantevin Gerry Wakelin MEYERBEER ASSOCIATES Mr and Mrs Garf Collins Alan Godfrey Michael and Margaret Heathcote Virginia Lawlor Barry Lock Stratton Mills Mr and Mrs N. Woolner For more details on how to donate to Opera Rara or to become an Opera Rara Association member, contact Stephen Revell, Managing Director: Tel: +44 (0)20 7613 2858 Fax: +44 (0)20 7613 2261 Email: info@opera-rara.com 82 www.opera-rara.com organisation and organisations for their continuing generous support… PACINI ASSOCIATES Barry D. Adamson David and Lynne Casstles Anthony Diamond QC Peggy Y. Hui Bette and Michael Marks Cohen Katie Mavity Lord F.S. Phillimore Margaret Pollock William Rathbone Gillian Reynolds Mr and Mrs P.J.H. Rogan Michael Romain Martin and Pat Spiro Roger and Maria Spiro Ann Tooth Penelope Treadwell Rosemary Yablon Opera Rara is also hugely indebted to the generous contributions and support of: Peter Moores Foundation Trifon and Thespina Natsis The Estate of Wendy Thompson The Mercers' Company Glenn Hurstfield John S. Cohen Foundation Peter Rosenthal Joan Mavity The city beverage company Ltd Boucheron William J. Conner www.opera-rara.com 83 Shop stamp NEW RELEASES – OPERA RARA RECORDING THE WORLD’S RAREST OPERAS ORC41 AVAILABLE FEBRUARY 2010 ORR249 AVAILABLE NOVEMBER 2010 ORR248 ORC43 AVAILABLE MAY 2010 AVAILABLE FEBRUARY 2011 ORC42 AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 2010 ORC44 AVAILABLE MAY 2011 Opera Rara 134 –146 Curtain Road London EC2A 3AR UK Opera Rara is a registered charity. Charity no. 261403 T: +44 (0)20 7613 2858 F: +44 (0)20 7613 2261 E: info@opera-rara.com W: www.opera-rara.com ORC45 AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 2011 ORC46 AVAILABLE NOVEMBER 2011
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