Sarno Selected As Chamber President


Sarno Selected As Chamber President
Time Sensitive Material - Deliver by Jul. 5
6 Petaluma Blvd. North, Suite A-2
Petaluma, CA 94952
July 2013 • Vol 22, No 7
“Petaluma’s voice for business” — A publication of the Petaluma Area Chamber of Commerce
Sarno Selected As
Chamber President
Tony Sarno
Tony Sarno of Cushman &
Wakefield of California has been
elected by the Board of Directors to
serve as Chamber President for the
upcoming Chamber year. Sarno was
recently reelected to the Chamber
Board by the Chamber membership.
Chamber’s annual lunch on June
W. Thomas Griffith of Ramatici
Insurance Inc. was named First Vice
President, and Dan Ancheta of Bank
of Marin will serve as Second Vice
President. Ron Malnati of Exchange
Bank was selected as Treasurer.
City Councilmember Mike Harris
27at the Social Club downtown, with
The new Chamber Board, with
Sarno presiding, will have their
annual retreat on July 19 to discuss
Chamber matters and set goals for
the upcoming Chamber year.
Sarno, Griffith, Ancheta, and
Malnati, along with Immediate Past
President Katie Kerns Davis, PG&E,
will serve as the Chamber’s Executive
Committee for the coming year.
The officers were sworn in at the
Dan Ancheta
Thomas Griffith
Katie Kerns Davis Ron Malnati
Judy Carney Gets Top Honor
From American Orchid Society
The American Orchid Society gives
out about 4,000 awards a year, but
the top awards to growers number
only about 25 annually. This year, the
Chamber’s own Judy Carney received
one of the coveted honors for her
long-standing efforts in orchidculture.
The Leadership Class posed for their official graduation picture. Members
were Bruce Blinn, Petaluma Kiwanis; John Borells, Clover Stornetta Farms;
Denise diPasqua, Healthy Community Consortium; Susie Dranit, Brown &
Caldwell; Jean Gee, Quality Inn; Mary Gernetzki, Edward Jones; Rebecca
Kagin, Law Offices of Rebecca G. Kagin; Kagtherine Knight, Liberty Tax
Service; Maria Larsen, Petaluma Health Care District; Heather Mackin, Trope
Group; Nan Moon, Kaiser Permanente; Sean Payne, Frank Howard Allen; Jeff
Schach, Petaluma Fire Department; David Short, Bank of Marin; Susi Siebert,
Kid Scoop News; Ryan Styles, Wine Country Group by Better Homes and
Gardens; Susan Grant, Petaluma Police Department; Jessica Wright, Pacific
eDocument Solutions; and Deborah Ziccone, Santa Rosa Junior College.
stick-mounted with long, wispy stems
and a proliferation of individual
Carney, when she is not traveling
to learn about orchids or perfecting
her skills in the greenhouse, is the
Chamber’s bookkeeper.
Carney, a member of the San
Francisco Orchid society, has traveled
to such far-flung places as Malaysia
and the Amazon to discover and
research rare orchid varieties. She
maintains two orchid greenhouses at
her Petaluma home.
Her efforts with the Schoenorchis
juncifolia, a species from Java, earned
her the honor, a rare Certificate of
Cultural Excellence. The orchid is
Judy Carney
July 2013
Petaluma BUSINESS – A publication of the Petaluma Area Chamber of Commerce
Ambassador Profile
Daniel Canales
Insphere Insurance Solutions
As a Petaluma Chamber member
and Ambassador for the past 15
years, Daniel has definitely become
one of the cornerstone sages of
the organization. As head of the
branch office for Insphere Insurance
Solutions, Daniel feels he is keeping
in touch with the pulse of the
Petaluma community through his
active participation in the numerous
Chamber outreach events.
When Daniel first moved to
Petaluma in 1994, he quickly realized
that his commute to his job kept
him out of touch with Petaluma.
Wanting to become a part of his
newly adopted hometown, he took
advantage of a career change working
in independent insurance in 1998
and joined the Chamber. Daniel
found that a Petaluma Chamber of
Commerce membership afforded
him the ideal exposure to community
business leaders while at the same
time being the perfect vehicle for
community involvement. Jumping
right in with his membership, Daniel
also quickly became an Ambassador.
“Being an Ambassador focuses my
attention on the Chamber mission
and events, and it makes me more
accountable,” Daniel notes. “While
being a member keeps me in
touch with the Petaluma business
community, being an Ambassador
is a way that I can give back to the
community because I get personally
involved.” Ambassadors are integral
parts of what the Chamber fondly
refers to as the “meet, greet, and eat”
committee, and Daniel has further
honed his reputation and skills as
“the unofficial chamber bartender”
he remarked.
At Insphere Insurance Solutions,
Daniel works with several not-forprofit associations that allow micro
business owners the buying power to
access corporate insurance benefits
for families and individuals. A veteran
in the insurance industry with over
15 years’ experience, Daniel Canales
offers clients tailor-made solutions
for medical, supplemental, dental,
and vision insurance plans with the
carrier that best fits specific needs
and budgets.
Supervisor Rabbitt
At Wake Up Breakfast
representative on the Sonoma County
Board of Supervisors and the current
Board chairman, will be the headliner
at the July 23 Wake Up breakfast
in what is being described as a wide
ranging dialogue with the business
In a twist on the traditional Wake
Up format, Rabbitt will be the
only speaker. Chamber CEO Onita
Pellegrini said the intent is to allow
enough time to allow extensive
interplay between the Supervisor
and the business community, and the
format will be completely informal.
Rabbitt is expected to give an
overview of County issues of particular
Tony Sarno*, 415-785-2789
Cushman & Wakefield of California
Ron Malnati*, 769-2294
Exchange Bank
Immediate Past President
Katie Kerns Davis*, 557-7045
The committee is always looking
for Chamber Members that are
reliable, want to have fun and like to
meet people. The committee meets
on the first Tuesday of the month at
730 am at Pongo’s Kitchen & Tap 701
Sonoma Mtn Parkway.
Elece Hempel*, 765-8488
Petaluma People Services Center
Judy James*, 280-5427
Republic Services
Noah Jacobson, 763-0354
Jocobson & Breen Wealth Strategies
Call 762-2785 for
more information.
W. Thom Knudson*, 763-1911
Behrens, Nelson & Knudson
Ruth McClure, 793-9023
American AgCredit, FLCA
Wayne Leach*, 795-4764
CSW/Stuber-Stroeh Engineering Group
Daniel Canales, 781-9483
Insphere Insurance Solutions
Richard Marzo*, 763-1515
Lace House Linens
Jim Alexander, 762-2818
Financial Consultant
Todd Mendoza*, 769-4303
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage
Dennis Hardle, 763-5348
Hardle and Company
Economic Development
This month, the program will be
held at Sally Tomatoes in the Sonoma
Mountain Village in Rohnert Park.
The address is 1100 Valley House
Dr. and is accessed off Petaluma Hill
Road beyond Penngrove.
Government Affairs
Wayne Leach, (415) 883-9850
CSW/Stuber-Stroeh Engineering
Also on the program is recognition
of new members and a raffle drawing.
Petaluma Young Professionals
Sally Tomatoes is the morning’s
Second Vice President
Dan Ancheta*, 781--2207
Bank of Marin
“As an Ambassador and Chamber
member,” says Daniel, “I can get the
word out to Petaluma residents of
how I can help them through my
business and how to become involved
members of this community.”
relevance to Petaluma, Rohnert Park
and Cotati.
Cost for the breakfast is $20 for
Chamber members, $25 for nonmembers. Reservations needed – call
First Vice President
W. Thomas Griffith, CIC, 766-2282
Ramatici Insurance, Inc.
Shelly Moller, 763-3006
Edward Jones
Kyle Restad, 772-5199
Restad Financial Planning
Dan Ancheta, 781-2207
Bank of Marin
Todd Tamura*, 773-3737
Tamura Environmental, Inc.
762-2785 • Fax 762-4721
Onita Pellegrini*, CEO
Judy Carney, Bookkeeper
Daniella Ellicott*, Member Services
Kathy Brandal, Office Assistant
Leadership Petaluma Program
Call the Chamber for info, 762-2785
Kyle Restad, 772-5199
Restad Financial Planning
* Leadership Petaluma Graduates
Wake-Up Petaluma
Call the Chamber for info, 762-2785
Women in Business
Shelly Moller, 763-3006
Edward Jones
Petaluma Business ads are sales boosters! An economic way to reach more than 700 businesses monthly.
Call the Chamber, 762-2785 for specifics & discount rates.
Published by the Petaluma Area Chamber of
Commerce, 6 Petaluma Blvd. N., Suite A-2
©2013 Petaluma Chamber of Commerce
Don Bennett
AVM Graphics
Joan Bunn
Marin Sun
Editor & Writer
Design & Production
July 2013
Petaluma BUSINESS – A publication of the Petaluma Area Chamber of Commerce
Balanced Picks for
Planning Group
The City Council’s action in June
to appoint four new members to
the Petaluma Planning Commission
appears to have put the city back on
the track of stability in the planning
That process got off track a few years
back when the then “progressive”
council made the unprecedented
move of dissolving the existing
commission and effectively replacing
them with supporters with little or no
planning background.
Normally, the appointment of one
or two commissioners with limited
background is not a problem, because
on a seven member commission,
there are experienced hands to help
do the heavy lifting when it comes to
managing the sometimes bewildering
complexities of zoning, land use law,
general and specific plans, and on
and on. It is generally considered to
be at least a one year process to bring
new commissioners up to speed.
This is not to imply that any one
of the prior commissioners would
have been a bad appointment. The
problem was that collectively, very
little was accomplished, and project
approval took much longer than
it should have. In fact, it should
also be noted that only one of the
“progressive” appointees reapplied.
That was Jennifer Pierre, and she
received a unanimous vote for
It is not a healthy matter ever to
have complete unanimity of thought
on any deliberative body, and that
is especially true on the Planning
Commission. Diversity in the dialogue
ultimately leads to better projects,
and from here, it appears that there
will indeed be diversity on the new
characterized the appointees as “pro
business.” We don’t see it that way.
We do see them as not being “antibusiness,” instead offering a level
playing field for applicants, and that
is all one could reasonably ask for or
Continued on page XX
President’s Message
2013 Leadership
Class Graduates
The Chamber’s 16th Leadership
Petaluma class graduated in June,
another full class of people dedicated
to learning more about what makes
our special community work. To date,
the program has graduated about
400 people, many of whom have gone
on to genuine leadership positions in
this community.
Each year, the class embraces a
class project for the enhancement
of our community, and this year the
class chose the teaching of handson CPR, appearing at community
events to provide instruction to more
than 1,000. This was a commendable
project, and in years to come, there
will be Petalumans who owe their
lives to a person who learned this
invaluable procedure from our
leadership class.
With graduation comes the
realization that a new class is currently
being formed for 2013-14. If you have
not participated, we encourage you to
consider joining the Class of 2013-14.
Each class enjoys one special day a
month dedicated to a single aspect
of our community. One month may
be law enforcement, another the arts,
yet another government or business.
In addition, a retreat is scheduled
early in the program, dedicated to
helping build leadership skills.
Because it is a yearlong program,
bonding is the rule rather than the
exception as close friendships are
forged that continue well beyond
completion of the program.
Most important, perhaps, is the
fact that the program opens doors
for the curious, the person seeking
knowledge about the way our city
and county functions. Students get
to go places most people in Petaluma
never have the opportunity to travel.
Students get to hear and to speak with
community leaders of an amazing
Besides this year’s Hands On CPR,
other notable projects were the
creation of the Petaluma Film Festival,
Class of 2009, which continues today,
and the Petaluma History Mural at
the corner of E. Washington St. and
Petaluma Boulevard North. The Class
By Tony Sarno,
Petaluma Area
Chamber of
of 2005 contributed to the Faces of
Petaluma fountain in Theater Square
The Class of 1999 created a
Labyrinth at Oak Hill Park, while the
Class of 2008 created scholarships
for Tomorrow’s Leaders Today.
These are just a few of the numerous
Petaluma program has made to our
community through class projects.
So, enrollees not only gain a
truly deep understanding of how
our community works, of who our
community leaders are, and the
challenges all of these leaders face on
a daily basis, the class members also
have an opportunity to give back to
Petaluma in a meaningful way.
If you are interested in joining this
program that has a full class almost
every year, this is as good a time
as any to call the Chamber office at
July 2013
Petaluma BUSINESS – A publication of the Petaluma Area Chamber of Commerce
A program of the Petaluma Area Chamber of Commerce
Tuesday, July 23, 2013 • 7:30–9:00 a.m.
SALLY TOMATOES – 1100 Valley House Drive Rohnert Park
Supervisor Rabbitt will give an overview of County issues as they relate to Petaluma, Rohnert Park
and Cotati. The remainder of the time will be allowed for extensive dialogue between
the Supervisor, his constituents and the Business Community.
This is your opportunity to ask the questions of the most importance to you!!
The format will be completely informal and interactive.
RSVP/Register online at or call 707-762-2785
$20-Members/$25 Non-members
PLUS: 50-50 Raffle ~ PACC Announcements ~ Introduction of New Members
Sally Tomatoes
Continued from page 4
The way that the roles of elected
officials and appointees are supposed
to work in California is that those
elected are to make the political
decisions, and set the policies.
Appointed officials, are not policy
makers. Their job is to review the vast
body of checks and balances of State,
Federal and local laws environmental
regulations and determine the
suitability of any planning proposal
to come before them.
We see that all four of the appointees
should fit this format admirably.
Pierre, as noted, now is a veteran
commissioner and her work merited a
unanimous reappointment. Wick is a
previous city planning commissioner
as well as a planning staff member at
Marin County and Calistoga.
Marzo, recently President of the
Chamber and a local businessman,
brings that perspective to the Board.
The fourth appointee, Yeh Lin, is an
attorney with a master’s degree in
urban and regional planning.
We don’t see unanimity in the
years ahead, but we do see careful
deliberation on all the issues that
affect the welfare of all of those in
our community. The Council did a
commendable job in their picks.
Save the Date!
2013 Petaluma Business Expo
Thursday, October 3, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Petaluma Community Center
320 North McDowell Blvd.
Check online or look for your electronic copy every month.
This year the Sonoma County
Fair dedicates its Fair’s Exhibitor
Guidebook to an outstanding, longtime supporter of the Fair to honor
Tim Tesconi with the Guidebook’s
dedication. Tesconi is the older
brother of Sonoma County Fair
Manager and former Sonoma-Marin
Fair manager, Tawny Tesconi.
Enjoy a stroll to the Theater
District…meet your friends or
business associates for a cool
beverage & good conversation!
Weekdays from 7:30 to 5:30
Saturdays from 8:00 to 4:00
Petaluma Coffee & Tea
212 2nd St., south of D, in the Theater District • 763-2727
Large or us you
are just right!
Golden Eagle Branch
2 E. Washington Street
Parkway Plaza Branch
701 Sonoma Mountain Parkway
Local Bank. Local Lenders
We have a wide
variety of loan
products available
for a business
your size
July 2013
Petaluma BUSINESS – A publication of the PACC
Jacobson, Mendoza, Restad
Appointed to Chamber Board
Newly elected Chamber President
Tony Sarno has made three one-year
appointments to the Chamber Board.
Joining the Board next year will be
Noah Jacobson, Todd Mendoza and
Kyle Restad.
Jacobson is a Certified Financial
Planner™ and partner with
Jacobson & Breen Wealth Strategies,
an independently owned firm
providing innovative, holistic wealth
management to high net worth
individuals and businesses. Noah
serves as a board member of the
Santa Rosa Junior College, Friends
of the Petaluma Campus Trust along
with his service as the Community
Service Chair for the Petaluma
Sunrise Rotary. Noah also teaches
“Maximizing Social Security Benefits”
classes at the
Junior College. T o d d
Mendoza, residential brokerage, has served
on the Chamber’s Economic Noah Jacobson
Development Committee as well as
filling an appointment to the Board of
Directors for the past year. His
community affiliations include
Petaluma Council of Realtors, State
Director for California Association of
Realtors, and Sonoma County Open
Space District.
Kyle Restad owns Restad Financial
Planning, a fee-only investment
management and financial planning
individuals, families and small
businesses. Kyle was born and raised
in North Dakota, but is very proud to
call Petaluma home. Currently, he
chairs the Chamber’s Petaluma
Young Professionals Network, and
also serves on the Board of Directors.
Todd Mendoza
Kyle Restad
Ownership Seminar
At Chamber Offices
The Petaluma Chamber is
sponsoring a Transitioning: From
Employment to Empowerment
seminar, 10:00-11:30a.m., Wednesday, July 17, at the Petaluma
Chamber of Commerce Office. There
is no charge.
The seminar is presented by Alan
Ginsberg , owner and operator of The
Entrepreneur’s Source in Petaluma.
The seminar will investigate
business ownership as a career
The topics that will be covered are:
• What does it take to be a business
• What kinds of business opportunities are available?
• An explanation of the advantages
and disadvantages of franchising,
buying an existing business and
starting something on your own.
• Financing resources, many which
are misunderstood.
Marketing materials behind the times?
• How a coach can help overcome
the obstacles, avoid the pitfalls, and
mainly fear of the unknown.
• T he
for the event
call Ginsberg
707-7621619 or email
Alan Ginsberg
Contact Ann today
to get your message
across loud and clear.
707. 773.1168
In Petaluma since 1996
Get Fast Relief for your Back and Neck Pain
707-773-CARE (2273)
Dr. George W. Wagner Jr., D.C.
620 E. Washington # 206, Petaluma
Petaluma BUSINESS – A publication of the PACC
July 2013
Card Fee Settlement
Preregistration Opens
In the last few months, many
businesses should have received
letters regarding the large settlement
reached in the long-running lawsuit
over the interchange rates that
Visa and Mastercard have charged
businesses and non-profits in
the past. Any person, business or
other entity that accepted Visa or
MasterCard credit or debit cards in
the U.S. at any time between January
1, 2004 and November 28, 2012 may
be eligible to receive a payment from
the $6.05 billion settlement fund.
in the mail, it’s not too late to register
your business for your share of the
settlement money.
Under the terms of the settlement,
local businesses will be able to
collect money from the credit card
companies based on past credit card
transactions. If you ignored the letter
You can learn more about
the settlement and preregister
for reimbursement at the court
authorized website - https://www.
This is an opportunity to recoup the
money that is owed to you from credit
card fees. The more you have paid
in fees since 2004, the larger your
settlement could be. The amount
paid from the Cash Settlement Fund
will be based on actual or estimated
interchange fees attributable to Visa
and MasterCard transactions from
January 1, 2004 through November
28, 2012.
Arts Meeting
On Tuesday, August 6th, from 7:30
to 8:30 PM, at the monthly meeting
of the Petaluma Arts Association,
meet Tesia Blackburn.
mixed media artists, photographers,
printmakers - all can expand their
image vocabulary and techniques.”
Tesia has been a working artist in
the San Francisco Bay Area for over
25 years. In 2000 she was hired by
Golden Artist Colors, as the Golden
Working Artist in San Francisco.
The Petaluma Arts Association
Meetings are held the first Tuesday
of each Month at the Petaluma Art
Center on the corner of Lakeville and
Washington in the Red Building in
the classroom. Doors open at 6 for
visiting and fellowship and setup.
Tesia will present an overview of
Golden Digital Grounds, explaining
and demonstrating how the Digital
Grounds work and show various
examples. Painters, collage and
Business meeting from 6:30 to
7:15 PM followed by coffee break.
Program from 7:30 to 8:30 PM, the
public and potential members are
always welcome!
July 2013
Petaluma BUSINESS – A publication of the Petaluma Area Chamber of Commerce
Members – Get more information on Member businesses at
New Members
Broadvision Marketing
Jaco Grobbelaar
921 Transport Way, Ste. 29A
Petaluma, CA 94954
Buffalo Wild Wings
Tony Hernandez
401 Kenliworth Drive, Suite 810
Petaluma, CA 94954
Ghilotti Bros. Inc.
Damon Calegari
320 Deer Island Lane
Novato, CA 94945
Graceful Heart Center for
Compassion and Healing
Melanie M. Kates, MD, FACP
204 G Street, Suite 204
Petaluma, CA 94952
Petaluma Stand Up Paddle
Trevor Ganaye
775 Baywood Drive, Ste. 105
Petaluma, CA 94954
Plaza Tequila Taqueira Bar &
Mirna Acosta
600 East Washington Street
Petaluma, CA 94952
Publicity by Shelley
Shelley Shepherd Klaner
P.O. Box 751327
Petaluma, CA 94975
Sprouts Farmers Market
Jesse Elliott
401 Kenliworth Drive
Petaluma, CA 94952
Willow Farm
Sandra Wolfe
2405 Roberts Road
Penngrove, CA 94951
Renewing Members
24 Hour Fitness
Acrat Plumbing & Healing
Anytime Fitness
Architects l MA
Barber Sign Co., Inc.
Best Western Petaluma Inn
Boys & Girls Clubs of Marin &
Southern Sonoma Counties
Brodie’s Tire & Brake, Inc.
Café Zazzle
CamelBak Products, LLC
Century 21 Bundesen, Silver Level
Chalet Florist
Coldwell Banker - Clark Rosen,
Bronze Level
Coldwell Banker Residential
Brokerage - Todd Mendoza
Darrell K. Petersen, CPA & Consultant
David D. Donaldson, D.C.
Discovery Office Systems
Drew Hittenberger & Associates
Edward Jones - Shelly Moller,
Bronze Level
Edward Jones Investments Russell M. Rice
Eliot James Salon
EMPRES Post Acute Rehabilitation
Epic Insurance
Exchange Bank, Parkway Plaza Office,
Platinum Level
First Cal
Fit ‘N’ Furry Pet Resort & Training
Friedman’s Home Improvement
G & C Autobody
Garden Valley Ranch
Hermann Sons Hall Association
Hollingsworth Jewelers Gallery
Hunt & Behrens, Inc.
Irv Piotrkowski
Jennie Low’s Chinese Cuisine
John W. Sinclair, D.D.S.
Kastania Vineyards
Kval, Inc.
Lombardi’s BBQ, Inc.
MacPhail Properties, Inc.
Marilyn Can Travel
Merle Norman Cosmetics
Nelson Staffing
Northbay Automotive
P.O.S.T. - Wellness by Design
Pangea Silkscreen, Inc.
Parent-Sorensen Mortuary &
Petaluma Auto Parts
Petaluma Poultry
Petaluma Speedway Glad Enterprises
Petaluma-Hamilton Lodge #180
Pure Luxury Limousine Service
Redwood Empire Appraisal
Regency Centers
Sole Desire
Sonoma County Tourism Bureau
Sonoma-Marin Fairgrounds &
Event Center
Stantec Architecture Inc.
Straus Family Creamery
The 101 Casino
The Hand Group, Inc. dba
Hands on Home Repair
verihealth, Inc. - solutions in
Washington Square Associates
Washington Square Veterinary Clinic
Wells Fargo Bank/Petaluma Main
Whole Foods Market
Long-Time Members
Parent-Sorensen Mortuary and
Crematory, 107 Years
Jim Smith
Best Western Petaluma Inn,
45 Years
Bob Everheart
Chalet Florist, 45 Years
Joyce Silva
Hermann Sons Hall Association,
45 Years
Renate Bohn
Hunt & Behrens, Inc., 45 Years
Dan Figone
Petaluma Auto Parts, 45 Years
Ross Leask
Barber Sign Co., Inc., 44 Years
Paul Barber
Century 21 Bundesen, Silver Level,
44 Years
Karl Bundesen
Coldwell Banker Residential
Brokerage - Todd Mendoza,
44 Years
Todd Mendoza
Friedman’s Home Improvement,
44 Years
William Friedman
Petaluma Poultry, 42 Years
Mike Leventini
Kval, Inc., 39 Years
C. Mark Smith
MacPhail Properties, Inc.,
38 Years
Bruce MacPhail
Sonoma-Marin Fairgrounds &
Event Center, 36 Years
Patricia Conklin
Merle Norman Cosmetics,
32 Years
Cheryl Fillinger
Brodie’s Tire & Brake, Inc.,
31 Years
Gary Brodie
Boys & Girls Clubs of Marin &
Southern Sonoma Counties,
30 Years
David Solo
Coldwell Banker - President’s
Circle, Bronze Level, 19 Years
Clark Rosen
Darrell K. Petersen, CPA &
Consultant, 18 Years
Darrell Petersen
Pure Luxury Limousine Service,
17 Years
Jennifer Buffo
Whole Foods Market, 17 Years
Lisa Ludwigsen
Garden Valley Ranch, 16 Years
Mark Grim
John W. Sinclair, D.D.S., 16 Years
John Sinclair
Edward Jones Investments Russell M. Rice, 14 Years
Russell Rice
Lombardi’s BBQ, Inc., 12 Years
Lee Lombardi
The 101 Casino, 12 Years
Norman Runyan
Washington Square Associates,
12 Years
Greg Curtis
ECON, 11 Years
Andy Rodgers
Exchange Bank, Parkway Plaza
Office - Preisdent’s Circle,
Platinum Level, 11 Years
Edie Cheda
Discovery Office Systems, 28 Years
Charles Schaeffer
Redwood Empire Appraisal,
11 Years
Don Angotti
Irv Piotrkowski, 28 Years
Irv Piotrkowski
Architects l MA, 10 Years
Mark Albertson
Nelson Staffing, 26 Years
Kelly Hartman
P.O.S.T. - Wellness by Design,
10 Years
Mitchell Kauk
Petaluma Speedway Glad Enterprises, 24 Years
James Soares
Pangea Silkscreen, Inc., 22 Years
Michele LeSage
EMPRES Post Acute
Rehabilitation, 21 Years
Amanda Moore
Petaluma-Hamilton Lodge #180,
10 Years
Joe Zusin
Stantec Architecture Inc., 10 Years
Sandie Wislicenus
Straus Family Creamery, 10 Years
Bob McGee
Petaluma BUSINESS – A publication of the Petaluma Area Chamber of Commerce
July 2013
Calendar – July
Business After Hours &
Pongo’s Kitchen & Tap
701 Sonoma Mountain Pkwy
7:30 A.M.
Independence Day PACC offices closed
Ribbon Cutting —
171 N. McDowell Blvd.
(Next to Trader Joes)
5:30 – 7:30 P.M.
Government Affairs
Women in Business
PACC Conference Room
6 Petaluma Blvd. N., Suite A-2
8:45 – 10:00 A.M.
Press Democrat Media Lab
Workshop (RSVP)
Brand & Reputation
(attend one or all sessions)
427 Mendocino Ave., Santa Rosa
Free to Chamber members. RSVP
to 762-2785; Space is Limited.
9:00 – 10:00 A.M.
Leadership Alumni
PACC Conference Room
6 Petaluma Blvd. N., Suite A-2
9:00 – 10:00 A.M.
PACC Conference Room
6 Petaluma Blvd. N., Suite A-2
7:30 – 9:30 A.M.
Wake Up Petaluma (RSVP)
Sally Tomatoes Café & Bar
1100 Valley House Dr.
Rohnert Park
$20 Members, $25 Non-members
Call 762-2785 or RSVP online at
7:30 – 9:00 A.M.
Economic Development
PACC Conference Room
6 Petaluma Blvd. N., Suite A-2
7:30 – 9:30 A.M.
Business Education
PACC Conference Room
6 Petaluma Blvd. N., Suite A-2
4:00 – 5:30 P.M.
Looking Ahead – August
The Sonoma Small Business Development Center offers no-cost,
confidential usiness advising and low-cost workshops to existing and
start-up small business owners. Short-term seminars cover topics such as:
22 Business After Hours – The Parlour Petaluma
27 Wake Up Petaluma Breakfast—Back at Rooster Run
To check our new on line calendar click on Events on the bottom menu
bar, You can RSVP and pay there, too.
• Business Start-up
• Business Planning
• Marketing and Promotion
• Financial management and funding options
• Effective web design and more
Make your marketing
dollars work harder
Join the Chamber’s President’s Circle.
Visit or call
762-2785 for more info and sign up today!
To register for services go to For information on
upcoming workshops, call (707) 595-0600.
Platinum Members
Silver Members
Gold Members
Bronze Members
AVM Graphics • Clark Rosen, Coldwell Banker • Deer Creek Village
Shelly Moller, Edward Jones • Moonware Design • Nancy Cooley, State Farm Insurance
Old Republic Title Company • Wagner Chiropractic
Don Bennett
& Associates
Advertising & PR Consulting
Writing & Editing Services