July 2009 Issue - Widows Mite Experience
July 2009 Issue - Widows Mite Experience
IMPACT Widow’s Mite Experience Volume 1, July 2009 hÑvÉÅ|Çz XäxÇàá The Widow’s Mite Luke 21:1-4 ]âÄç DK T VÉyyxx YâÄÄ Éy fâÜÑÜ|áxá Wçx VÄâu{Éâáx UtÜxyÉÉà exáÉÜà aÉÜà{ `çÜàÄx Uxtv{? fV fxÑàxÅuxÜ DLà{ T a|z{à gÉ Z|äx [ÉÑx tÇw V{tÇzx _|äxá W|ÇÇxÜ? f|ÄxÇà 9 _|äx Tâvà|ÉÇ fxt gÜt|Ä cÄtÇàtà|ÉÇ fâÇáxà Uxtv{? aV gÉ câÜv{táx g|v~xàáVtÄÄ LDC@HGJ@GIIK aÉäxÅuxÜ ECà{ TÜà Tâvà|ÉÇ `|tÅ|? YÄÉÜ|wt aÉäxÅuxÜ EDáà _âÇv{xÉÇ 9 Tâvà|ÉÇ [ÉÄÄtÇw TÅxÜ|vt VÜâ|áx _|Çxá YàA _tâwxÜwtÄx? YÄÉÜ|wt “And Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury. And He said, “Truly I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all of them; for they out of their surplus put into the offering; but she out of her poverty put in all that she had to live on” The name Widow’s Mite Experience came from this example of sacrificial giving. How Can You Help? Search your heart for something that would be difficult to give. That is sacrificial giving. ∗ Donate your items ∗ Donate your time to help out with our auction or events ∗ Donations are always appreciated (An envelope is enclosed for your convenience.) ∗ But, most of all we ask you to pray for us Write to us at: Widow’s Mite Experience PO Box 1386 Shallotte, NC 28459 910-547-4668 Visit our website: www.widowsmiteexperience.com E-mail: info@widowsmiteexperience.com “Therefore with joy shall you draw water from the wells of salvation.” Isaiah 12:3 HOW IT ALL “Therefore withBEGAN….. joy shall you draw Widow’s Mite Experience was founded in February, 2004, as a direct result of a corporate fast in which the congregation of a local church was led to pray and seek God’s purpose for their lives. At the conclusion of the fast, God had touched women’s hearts and revealed that our purpose was to be His hands, delivering the knowledge and love of His Son, Jesus Christ. But how? water from the wells of salvation.” about giving a cup of water in His name and inspired the concept of providing not only life-giving water, but spiritual water as well. After much due diligence, we discovered that we could be instrumental in raising funds to dig wells. However, it was important to us that funds be raised in such a manner that did not take tithes from churches or needed income for families. Just as the widow in the Bible who gave out of her poverty and gave her very best (Luke 21:1-4), women today could also experience the joy that comes from sacrificial giving by offering what they treasure instead of money. Thus, Widow’s Mite Experience was formed. We wanted to find a way to impact the lives of women and their families. Then “Our vision is we discovered the that one day number of who there will not be children die every We chala village day from lenged waterborne women to anywhere on diseases, search their earth that does and we knew where hearts for not have clean our focus personal had to be. treasures drinking water”. Jesus talked that they could give to further the ∗ ∗ ∗ Our vision for Widow’s Mite Experience is that one day there will not be a village anywhere on earth that does not have clean drinking water and an understanding of the love of Jesus and what He did on the cross for each and every one of us. The funds that we have raised through women’s sacrificial giving have shown us that our vision can become reality and that nothing is impossible with God. Year to date, Widow’s Mite Experience has been privileged to fund 232 wells. DID YOU KNOW…. ∗ Isaiahthat 12:3 Kingdom of God. Through sacrificial giving, we established the Widow’s Mite Experience auctions. Our auctions are unique because all the items have been donated, and 100% of the net proceeds are used to benefit WorldReach/ Operations Blessing Living Water Projects providing fresh water wells and the Word of God to the nations. Year to date, Widow’s Mite Experience, through God’s guidance and favor, has sent auction proceeds to provide clean drinking water and the Word of God to villages in India, Africa, S. Africa, Peru, Guatemala, China, N. India and Cambodia. We are privileged that God has entrusted us with an incredible opportunity to impact so many lives. W E L L D E D I C AT I O N S I N G UAT E M A L A A N D I N D I A The Guatemalan government CBN’s Living Water Wells Prohad tried to dig a well in this ject was determined to find location without success and water and after much prayer, began the trek up the mountain with the well drilling equipment in tow. After digging about 100 feet through solid rock, a natural spring was found! The rejoicing could be heard all the way down the mountain and water was provided for a told us it was impossible. But we know the God we serve, and NOTHING is impossible with HIM. The well was to be located high on a mountain top and it was difficult to maneuver equipment up the school and medical clinic. A steep grade . The group from pump was placed on the well ���������� ANNOUNCING Widow’s Mite Experience Boutique 4741 Main Street Every eight seconds a child dies from a waterborne disease 1.2 Billion people are at risk of contracting disease by drinking water Approximately 80% of diseases in the world come from unclean water 50% of worldwide infant mortality is due to water related diseases Shallotte, NC Open Saturdays 10 to 4 Featuring jewelry, antiques and now it serves six other areas on the mountain which previously had no water source. The mayor of town praised God for CBN’s Operation Blessing and Widow’s Mite Experience. Janet Baker was given the privilege and honor of sharing the Gospel of Jesus with all present and Clarice Holden blessed the entire group with prayer. It is your generosity that makes stories like this possible. COLORADO ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH! Widow’s Mite Experience joined with the Christian Broadcasting Network to produce a fabulous auction at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs in December 2008. Using the concept of our auctions and sacrificial giving, CBN raised funds to pro- and gifts for all occasions Source: World Health Organization BUT, Did you know that YOU have the ability to change this! March March 22nd 22nd World World Water Water Day Day AAfashion fashionshow showwas washeld heldatatIsland IslandBreeze Breezein inSunset SunsetBeach, Beach,NC NCto tobenefit benefitWidow’s Widow’s Mite MiteExperience. Experience. Over Over$5000 $5000was wasraised raisedthrough throughmatching matchingdonations donationsand andthe thesale saleof of tickets ticketsfor foraachance chanceon onaa$200 $200gift giftcertificate certificateatatthis thisfabulous fabulousshop. shop. Our Ourheartfelt heartfelt thanks thanksto toeveryone everyonewho whohelped helpedto tomake makethis thisevent eventaahuge hugesuccess. success. You May Have Been To A Yard Sale You May Have been To A Flea Market BUT BUT Have You Ever Been To A Sale Where Women Are Giving Their Very Best? duce the next episode of Superbook, and we raised funds for fourteen more wells. Thank you to all who participated. This was an extraordinary event to further the Kingdom of God. Many of the wells funded by Widow’s Mite Experience have been dug in remote tribal areas outside of Hyderabad India. We were thrilled at the impact clean drinking water is having on the lives of women and their children. At each of the dedications, they dressed in their very finest, sang, danced and played musical instruments welcoming us. One of the village pastors related a touching story about one of our wells. The well had been completed and water was available days before we got to the village for the dedication. However, the villagers would not use the well until we had arrived and blessed it. As we prayed for the well and pumped the first wonderful fresh water, the looks on their faces and the joy in their eyes said it all. You have made this joy possible.