August 2009 Newsletter - Western Minnesota Steam Threshers


August 2009 Newsletter - Western Minnesota Steam Threshers
Western Minnesota Steam Threshers Reunion
2009 Show Featuring the Women of Rollag and Threshing Equipment
Worker Registration 2009
A Note from our President
Just a few reminders as we begin
Worker Registration 2009. Remember,
workers who are not involved with a full time
exhibit (i.e. operating steam engines, exhibiting gas engines) must work a minimum of 4
hours per day. This can be in 1 or 2 areas of
your choice. Please also remember, there
cannot be 5-7 workers registered to help
with one steamer or tractor!
I hope everyone has had an enjoyable
summer. Our show grounds have see
Board Minutes
quite a change with the addition of 3
Women Feature &
new buildings. A huge thanks to everyBoutique News
one who has been working on
there projects.
Clinkers & Chaff
Our shingle crews have been doing a
super job and I ;m happy to say we have
Worker Registration Form 6
caught up on some overdue work pro8
Shuttle Wagon Sign up
On your registration form, Remember: one
We still have plenty to do in preparaperson per sheet and please specify where
Gas Engine News
tion of this year’s show. Please contact
you work and what meals you are having.
the committee members listed in this
Nursing Home Day
Also, on kids 14 & under, please list their
newsletter if you can assist with the laages—they should be listed on separate
dies activities or the harvest equipment
sheets also.
features at this years show.
We hope to see the annual August
out of members at the grounds
ID#—just fill in your name and send it along.
Do not mail your registration after the 27th of helping with all the final prep projects.
I look forward to seeing you at the
“How do I get a new key??” is August as all office folks will be at Hill.
and if you have any questions or
a very popular questions from Worker Registrations can be sent in from
concerns, please feel free to contact any
now through August 20. If there are no
WMSTR folks these days?
of your board members.
Here is a word from Tom Hall: changes in your area of work for this year,
you need just send in your area of work,
Take Care,
All buildings and gates at
your worker fee and meals (if you are hav- Ellis Aakre
Steamer hill have been
ing them.)
Our WMSTR Member/
e-keyed this spring.
$ 10.00 each
Inside This Issue
exchange them for new keys.
Tom Hall will be at the
Mercantile Building (almost)
every Saturday from Now until show time, between 11:30
am to 1:00 pm to exchange
keys. You need to sign for
your new keys—please have
your membership number.
We are not able to mail out
keys, due to postal
Kids 14 yrs & Younger: $1.00 (for button)
Meals: Full Meal Deal 13 meals for 43.00
Single Meals:4.00 each
Children 8 yrs & younger:
Full Meal Deal: $21.00
Single Meal:
$ 2.00
The campground information and worker
registration forms are available on line. Just
click on the “Members Only” area and enter
password: wmstr4steam. If you do not
have access to internet, a copy of the registration form can be found on Page 5 of this
newsletter Be sure to send along your fees
with your registration, it just saves much time
at the Admin Bldg
Worker Appreciation
will be held on
Thursday evening,
September 3
at 7:10 pm in the
Nelson Hall.
All active members
and workers are requested to attend.
This is a special
meeting, scheduled
for only 20 minutes,
so all may attend.
See You There!
Page 2
Board Minutes
Board Meeting Minutes
May 8, 2009
Present: Ellis Aakre, Lynette Briden,
Doug Geeslin, Rick Halldorson, Mark
Hamre, Kurt Johnsen, Mark Kerkvliet,
Peter Mandt, Colin Melby, Roger
Meyer, Gary Muhl, Paul Nelson.
Absent: Bob Clarke. VISITORS: Tom
Hall, Warren O’Day, Jim Briden, Katie
Kerkvliet, Stephanie Poegel, Mike Hanson, Cheryl Rotz, Merlyn Meyer, Crystal Aakre, Keith Aakre.
Ellis Aakre: Called the meeting to order at 8:00 AM at Steamer Hill, Rollag,
Secretary Minutes: Gary Muhl presented the Secretary Minutes from
February 21, 2009. Motion made to
approve minutes made by Rick Halldorson, seconded by Colin Melby. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Doug Geeslin
presented the Treasurer’s Report. Motion made to approve report made by
Mark Kerkvliet, seconded by Rick Halldorson. Motion carried.
1. Tom Hall - 1) BNSF has some signal
shacks available for donation, would
we interested in these? The secretary
will contact BNSF about availability. 2)
The grounds are re-keyed, Tom Hall
will be around this weekend to issue
new keys. 3) The Hawley Scouts would
like to use the show grounds for their
Spring Camp out. Motion made to allow the Hawley Scouts to use the show
grounds for their campout made by
Rick Halldorson, seconded by Mark
Hamre. Motion carried.
2. Katie Kerkvliet - Had some questions on the Rollag phone. She also
got a call that we can not use the
“Gathering of the Orange” as it is copy
3. The chain gang will be here Mon Fri to help clean up the grounds.
4. Warren O’Day - He has started turning on the water and will get some
showers going.
5. Stephanie Poegel and Cheryl Rotz 1) They want to pull a wagon through
the parade with horses. Should be
okay. 2) Women’s Committee is
Cheryl Rotz, Jessica Rotz, Stephanie
Poegel, Jean Siirila and Crystal Aakre.
They would like space in the Expo
Building during the show for Children’s
activities. Calendars for next year, discussion table for a later date.
6. Motion made by Rick Halldorson to set
the Spring Meeting date as Saturday,
May 30, 2009, Supper at 5:00 pm, meeting at 6:00 pm, seconded by Peter
Mandt. Motion carried.
7. Motion made by Rick Halldorson to
approve the building sites for the steam
engine storage shed, souvenir stand and
the log cabin, seconded by Mark
Kerkvliet. Motion carried.
8. Motion made by Mark Kerkvliet to Pay
for a booth at Big Iron 2009, seconded
by Mark Hamre. Motion carried.
9. Motion made by Rick Halldorson to
buy a 1949 B Allis Chalmers for $900.00
for the Allis Expo Tractor Raffle, seconded by Roger Meyer. Motion carried.
10. Crystal Aakre - Presented a draft of
the poster, also Kathy Hamre had a price
quote on printing costs, 1,500 copies
was the number of posters they decided
to print.
11. Keith Aakre - Breakfast on the Farm
will be at Spring Prairie Colony on May
30, 2009. Motion made by Mark
Kerkvliet to let Spring Prairie Colony borrow wagons and the barrel train for
Breakfast on the Farm, seconded by
Roger Meyer. Motion carried
12. Colin Melby - RDO in Hawley will
donate flat chain to the Show. Motion
made by Rick Halldorson to accept the
donation of flat chain from RDO in Hawley, seconded by Roger Meyer. Motion
13. Rick Halldorson - Jerry Christiansen
reported that the plate is on schedule.
14. Jim Briden - Said that he will be on
the nominating committee. The committee will be Peter Mandt, Ilene Osten and
Jim Briden.
15. We need to pull tractors out on June
6, 2009.
16. Kid’s Day will be on Saturday, June
20, 2009.
17. Upcoming Board Meetings: Friday,
May 29, 2009, 7:00 pm, Saturday, June
20, 2009, 8:00 am, both on the Show
18. Lynette Briden - Lynette Gerrich
would like to have her wedding on the
grounds July 4th weekend.
19. Motion made by Mark Hamre to print
1,500 copies of the 2009 Show Book,
seconded by Lynette Briden. Motion carried.
20. Motion to adjourn made by Rick Halldorson. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary Muhl, Secretary
Board Meeting Minutes
May 29, 2009
Present: Ellis Aakre, Lynette Briden,
Bob Clarke, Doug Geeslin, Rick Halldorson, Mark Hamre, Kurt Johnsen,
Mark Kerkvliet, Colin Melby, Roger
Meyer, Gary Muhl, Paul Nelson.
Absent: Peter Mandt. VISITORS: Jim
Briden, Katie Kerkvliet, Steve Comer,
Arlen Kalvick, Merlyn Meyer, Jerry
Ellis Aakre: Called the meeting to order
at 7:00 PM at Steamer Hill, Rollag, MN.
Secretary Minutes: Gary Muhl presented the Secretary Minutes from May
8, 2009. Motion made to approve minutes made by Rick Halldorson, seconded
by Colin Melby. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Doug Geeslin presented the Treasurer’s Report. Motion
made to approve report made by Rick
Halldorson, seconded by Colin Melby.
Motion carried.
1. Katie Kerkvliet - Had a couple of calls,
one asking if there is a raffle this yearThere is not. Also on July 26, 2009 there
is a parade in Glenwood, MN. Next Saturday is the Hawley parade, Paul Nelson
and Colin Melby will try to get something
together for that.
2. Jim Briden - 1) Will try to pour cement
for the west souvenir stand on Friday,
June 12, 2009. 2) Need to finish cutting
trees on the north end of the construction
area. 3) Saturday, June 6, 20009 would
like to try to have woodcutting and pull
out the tractors.
3. Arlen Kalvick - Would like to make a
cutaway out of the old Ortner boiler. Will
talk to Dan Long to make sure it is okay.
Motion made by Rick Halldorson to Let
Arlen Kalvick do this project and use it as
advertising for WMSTR to exhibit at other
shows, seconded by Lynette Briden. Motion carried.
4. Rick Halldorson made a motion to allow Jim Johnson to complete the building
in the gas engine area. He will donate all
costs over what was approved in the
budget. He would like to name it the
Johnson Brothers Engine Building after
his uncles, seconded by Mark Kerkvliet.
Motion carried.
5. Roger Meyer - Need to buy some gaskets for the Show’s 10/20 McCormick
about $70.00. Board approved.
6. Giving out Keys - Need to get Board
approval for signing out keys, especially
gas and master keys.
Page 3 Board Minutes, cont.
7. Do we need an ATM on the grounds
during the Show? Doug Geeslin will
check with the bank on availability and
any costs.
8. Mark Hamre - Brought in copies of the
2009 Show Poster. The poster looks
very good.
9. Lynette Briden - Would like to see concentrated work weekends like last year.
10. Bob Clarke - A member would like to
see a lighted flag at our memorial. Bob
Clarke will head this project up. Bob
Clarke is on the Board at Bonanzaville
and will work with them.
11. Kurt Johnsen - Needs some culverts
for a crossing in a field. There are some
on the grounds.
12. Ellis Aakre - Fred Johnson would like
to have a tractor driving course set up
during the Show. Ellis Aakre will get with
Fred to find an area to do this. Sounds
like a good idea.
13. Jerry Christiansen - Need to start
getting ideas for the 2010 Plate.
14. Motion to adjourn made by Rick Halldorson. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary Muhl, Secretary
4. Vern Brown- Has a small tractor and
trailer, would be available to help during
the show.
5. Merlyn Tongas - He would like to see
a flea market and book store back on the
grounds again. Ellis Aakre - We are
looking in to it.
6. Tim Dachtera - Website: I29 would not
support our website anymore. Tim is
running it through his server at no cost, is
trying to update things.
7. Lynette Briden - A lot of comments
about lack of pictures on the website.
8. Rick Halldorson - 1) We should get a
committee together for main street before we start moving buildings. A group
of 6 or so would be nice. Rick Halldorson will head this up. The Board will
appoint from a volunteer list. 2) Rick has
moved some campers around, will
maybe open up one more spot in Lower
9. Mark Kerkvliet - Will try and check out
all the radios by the next meeting.
10. Lynette Briden - Need to have a design for the button design, also the belt
buckle. Roger Meyer made a motion to
put the International 20 HP on the belt
buckle, seconded by Lynette Briden.
Motion carried.
Board Meeting Minutes
11. Lynette Briden - Would like to consider naming the new building. This will
June 20, 2009
be discussed at the next meeting.
Present: Ellis Aakre, Lynette Briden,
12. Show Buildings - Some buildings are
Bob Clarke, Doug Geeslin, Rick Hallbecoming personal areas, need to redorson, Mark Hamre, Kurt Johnsen,
member the Show owns these buildings.
Mark Kerkvliet, Peter Mandt, Colin
13. ATM Machine - Doug Geeslin talked
Melby, Roger Meyer, Gary Muhl, Paul
to someone about putting and ATM maNelson. VISITORS: Merlyn Tongas,
chine in the Admin Building. It has to
Jerry Christiansen, Tim Dachtera, Fran
have a dedicated phone line, he will conOberg, Stanley Sandman, Vern Brown.
Ellis Aakre: Called the meeting to order tact Mark Kerkvliet about getting this
at 8:00 AM at Steamer Hill, Rollag, MN. done.
14. Fire Truck - Fixed some of the
Secretary Minutes: Gary Muhl presented the Secretary Minutes from May brakes, may end up needing some differ29, 2009. Motion made to approve min- ential parts.
utes made by Rick Halldorson, seconded 15. Work Weekends - Will be the same
as Board Meetings.
by Roger Meyer. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Doug Geeslin pre- 16. Rick Halldorson made a motion to
allow Vern Nanosky to sign a long term
sented the Treasurer’s Report. Motion
lease on 3 sets of welding tanks, secmade to approve report made by Rick
onded by Peter Mandt. Motion carried.
Halldorson, seconded by Peter Mandt.
This reduces cost of renting tanks conMotion carried.
1. Ellis Aakre - Thank you to Jerry
17. Ellis Aakre - Building in the gas enChristiansen for taking over the plate.
gine area should be discussed with Jim
The Board would like to have the plate
Johnson and Merlyn Meyer, also the new
design ready by the budget meeting.
storage building came in under the bid so
2. Fran Oberg - Merry-Go-Round buildadded 10 feet to the width, will be close
ing needs some work, roof has some
to budget.
holes, needs paint, will make a budget
18. Motion to adjourn made by Mark
proposal for it.
Kerkvliet. Meeting adjourned at 9:30
3. Tim Dachtera - Would like to make a
new sign for the style show and music.
WMSTR Board Meeting, July 10,
Present: Ellis Aakre, Doug Geeslin, Rick
Halldorson, Mark Kerkvliet, Roger Meyer,
Pete Mandt, Mark Hamre, Lynette Briden
Absent: Kurt Johnsen, Paul Nelson,
Colin Melby, Bob Clarke, Gary Muhl
Visitors: Vern Nanosky, Jerry Asher,
Kory Hanson, Jeff Nielsen, Boyd Ferrell,
Gary Aery, Jim Briden, Jerry
Christiansen, Steve Comer, the Doxeys
from Nugget Vending.
1. President Ellis called meeting to order.
Motion made by Rick, 2nd by Mark
Kerkvliet to approve minutes as presented. Motion carried.
2. Jerry Christiansen presented 2nd
stamped souvenir plate that had a more
detailed logo on the plate.
Motion made by Pete Mandt to go with
the more detailed logo for a cost of
$3600 for material. 2nd by Rick. Motion
3. Discussion of ATMs at Steamer Hill.
Motion made by Lynette, 2nd by Rick to
have 2 ATMs on the grounds during
showtime. Motion carried. Locations will
be discussed.
Motion made by Rick, 2nd by Mark Hamre
to try one credit card swipe machines
this year. Motion carried.
4. Note was made of the fact the wireless
info fellow will visit our next Board Meeting on July 24th.
5. Some WMSTR working with the railroad discussed their proposed plans to
move the Baker Depot.
Motion made by Rick H., 2nd by Pete
Mandt to move Baker Depot to area on
south end of Main Street that had been
designated by Railroad group. Motion
carried. Pres. Ellis complimented the
group on the completion of the track.
6. Motion made by Pete, 2nd by Mark
Hamre to have a pop vending machine
(from Nugget Vending) in front of the
Mercantile Bldg for the summer and then
move to Service Bldg. during the show.
The cost would be $ .75 per can with
15% of the proceeds going to WMSTR.
Motion carried.
7. Discussed the possible need to have
Parade Marshal Chairmen if Jerry
Hendrickx is unable to attend our show
this year.
8. Motion made by Lynette, 2nd by Pete
Mandt to name our new building in Expo
Area the Arlen Nelson Building. Motion
Page 4 Board Minutes, cont.
9. Lynette also asked if it would be ok to
suggest in newsletter that the former
merchandise trailer in Expo Area would
be available for exhibits, possibly model
railroading. Board agreed to list in newsletter.
10. _____asked the Board about donating, locomotive, tractors, etc made out of
beer cans to the show to be resold.
Board explained they should be made
out of pop cans.
11. Roger Meyer requested to use the
Baker shingles on the schoolhouse.
12. Rick H. reported the Steve Poitras
from the morning show on Channel 4/11
will be here to do Valley News Live on
Friday am of the show.
13. What day to hold Press Day? Board
will discuss and decide at Board Meeting
on the 24th of July.
14. Mark Kerkvliet explained how he is
sending out a work weekend information
item by email.
15. The 100# propane tanks around
showgrounds that are empty? What
should be done with them?
Where are they used during the show??
16. There is a new bearing going into the
repair of WMSTR’s 10-20.
17. Roger Meyer reported to Board on a
request by Ron Lund about the Case
Husker Shredder. He does not want to
see it sit outside and it needs to be restored. Roger will ask Ron Lund if he
would want to take on this restoration
and if so, to submit a budget for it to the
Board this fall.
Pete Mandt said his dad, Jerry Mandt,
would like to bring 2 combines for the
show to demonstrate and would like to
store them here. President Ellis said we
need to figure out what is going in the
new “Arlen Nelson Building”. Right now
we already have 3 show combines that
need to be stored.
18. Jim Briden reported to Board on the
progress of the show’s W-18 loader.
Parts were found for $1,000.
Swedberg is ready for some railroad
ties. Swed should talk to the railroad
crew to be sure which ones are available for taking.
19. Report on the Hawley Fire Truck:
Kermit Nelson is checking on differential to
replace the broken one. He will find out
Meeting Adjourned at 9:50 pm
Next Meeting July 24, 2009 7:00 pm
Respectfully submitted by
Lynette Briden, Substitute
Prairie Rose Boutique News
Showtime is arriving fast – where or where did the summer go?
As reported in the previous newsletter, at the Fall meeting, it was suggested that
any of you who have crafty talents to make something for our raffle this year. To
date I have not received any information as to what will be donated for raffle. It is
important that this information be given so we can obtain a license for the raffle.
We have LOTS of talented members; those who do woodworking, to those who do
bobbin lace. Please contact me at 563-503-0132 and let me know as soon as possible what you will donate for the raffle. This is in addition to the items we need to
sell in the boutique.
The cupboards are nearly bare in the Prairie Rose Boutique! Please help
us to have another successful year by making anything from Christmas items, including snowmen and angels, baby items, dish towel sets; large tote bags; afghans, quilts, doll clothes, jams and jellies and anything $2.00 or less marked
WMSTR-Rollag. Please remember all items must be hand-made or hand-crafted
in order for us to sell them in the Boutique. All donations are accepted. Also,
any work that you do prior to the show, and any time spent making donations go
toward your required show hours. These hours need to be recorded in the book in
the Administration Building for proper credit.
Thank you ALL again, and we look forward to seeing you again soon!
Love and Peace,
Sandi Carstensen, Chair
1107 Pershing Blvd.
Clinton, IA 52732-5207
563.242.7213 or
Roxane Malland, Co-Chair
525 2nd St
Hancock, MN 56244
Update on WMSTR Women Feature for 2009
From Chairperson, Cheryl Rotz
A HUGE THANK YOU to all the WMSTR Women who participated in our group
picture! It was awesome to see so many ladies come together.
The show is rapidly approaching. The WMSTR Women feature committee
has a few ways of getting WMSTR women recognized this year. We would
greatly appreciate your help implementing these ideas. If you have any questions,
please contact a WMSTR Women feature member: Cheryl Rotz, Steph Poegel,
Jean Siirila, Crystal Aakre, or Bonnie Osten.
1. Recognition Poster –Poster boards are available in the Mercantile.
Please use ONE board per location to put photos and a listing of the women names
who work in that location. When you pick up your poster board, please highlight
your area and sign your name. This will allow anyone else who works in your location to know who to contact with photos.
2.Vehicle Tag –Any woman who drives tractor, car, truck, steam engine,
etc. during the parades and would like to get a pink tag for their vehicle, please
email your name, and vehicle description (make, model, year) to
3. Raffle items –Any woman who is making something to donate to the
raffle in the Prairie Rose Boutique, please, please, please contact Cheryl at let her know what you plan to donate.
4. Parades! -We have gotten the OK to allow Ginger to drive her horses
with a wagon full of WMSTR Women through the parade on Friday. If things go
well, we can do this each day! We would like the wagon to be full each and every
parade. Please ride on the wagon at least 2 parades.
Clinkers & Chaff…
Remember... If you put fuel in a
WMSTR owned piece of equipment, please
only put in as much as you plan to use. We
continue to have trouble with gas theft from
someone siphoning fuel out of fuel tanks on
the equipment. If you have a 10 minute job
for the loader.... please don't put 20 gallons
of fuel in it!
Would you like to receive this newsletter
via e-mail? You can have it delivered right to
your Inbox! Each newsletter sent via the
postal system costs WMSTR about 50 Cents!
We want all of our members to be informed,
but if you are able to help by choosing the email option, it would be appreciated! If you
would like to have your newsletter e-mailed,
send your name and the e-mail address you
want to use to and we will
get you set up!
Larry Nelson has a 1971 Datsun pickup for
sale. (With good Rollag miles as it was his Dad’s
and he used it during the reunion when he was
treasurer and in charge of the West Gate!) It’s
priced at $995 and you can call Larry at
218.682.2285 or 507.273.2423
2009 Belt Buckle is featured on the front
page of this newsletter in the heading. It is a
beautiful copy of one of Norman Nelson’s drawings. If you are not on the mailing list and would
like to order a buckle, please contact Elaine
Everson (218.947.5404 The
buckles are $25.00 picked up at the show, $28.00
mailed out.
WMSTR’s new Cookbooks is ready and will
be sold the week before the show in the Mercantile. The cookbooks are $12.00. Be sure to get
your copy as there is just a limited amount available.
The Mercantile is missing some big pots and
utensils, and electric roasters, If anyone has borrowed these items, please return them as they are
needed for pre-show meals happening on the
weekends and the week before the show.
Lefse & Donut Making Gals!!!! We will
hold our lefse and donut making on
Saturday morning, August 22, 2009,
beginning at 9 am in the Mercantile. This
is a changed date—it is different than the
date previously posted on the WMSTR Forum. Please make note of this change.
If you have old refrigerators, batteries,
etc. that need to be removed, DO NOT
take responsibility and remove it yourself
from the showgrounds.
Help is needed in the Construction Area
each weekend until show time. The roof on
the east addition needs to be finished and
the walls finished on the south and east. The
trencher needs mechanical work to finish.
The engine is installed.
Construction, cont.
Once the site has been decided & approved, work will begin on a 60’ X 100’
pole building, donated by Bill & MarySue
Rudicill. Plans are to install the poles
during the show which quite an demonstration for our visitors to see. A Real
SATURDAY will be August 22nd.
If you have a tractor stored at
WMSTR, you should plan on helping.
Work starts about 8 am
WMSTRs’ Trolley operator, John
Beck is looking for a helper to train to run
the Trolley car. John states it is not a hard
job and he is waiting and willing to train
someone so he has time to do his other
work during the show. If you are interested,
please call John at 701.223.5873 or talk to
him at the Hill one of these weekends before show time. John is a grand fellow and
would be a gem to work with.
Volunteers are needed for completion
work on the new Westgate Sales Building.
There is vinyl siding to be installed, a ceiling
to be sheet rocked and outside trim and
posts on porch roof to paint. Sure could
use some good helpers for this project.
The other classes are full. If you registered last year at the show, you
may confirm your spot by calling
218.937.5404 or
You may also call or email to be put
on a waiting list in case some cancels.
Jerry Swedberg
Reminder to WMSTR members
and Campground Mayors:
Any new campers requesting to
camp in your campground, must have Board
approval before they are parked in the
campground. There are members on the
waiting list, so please follow the guidelines.
Let’s all work together to make sure each
member is treated fairly.
WMSTR Planning Committee
The board of directors has
decided to hold up on moving any
more buildings onto main street until
as many voices as possible are heard
and a decision is reached as to how
main street should be laid out. This is
our one chance to get it right.
A committee will be
appointed by the board to review
requests, take comments, and make
recommendations on where buildings
should be moved or built. This will
include all of the grounds but will first
focus on main street as it is very important attempt to get it right the first
If you want to volunteer for
this committee please send your name,
address, and phone number to the following address.
Ricky Halldorson
5441 135th Ave SE
Enderlin, ND 58027
Or leave a message at 701-437-3504.
Rick has been appointed as
the committee chair and will collect
the names of volunteers for the committee. From the volunteer list the
board will appoint eight members to
serve on the committee.
As soon as the committee is
appointed we will start to have meetings on the planning of main street and
other projects as the board directs.
August 29,2009
7-10 pm
Please join us as we tune
up for the coming WMSTR
2009 show. Visit with friends
you've missed while working
during Showtime. Musicians
wishing to participate welcomed but please show up
around 6:30pm.
Worker Registration
Saturday, August 29
9:30 am to 11 am
1 pm to 4 pm
Sunday, August 30
1 pm to 4 pm
Monday, August 31
1 pm to 4 pm
6pm to 8 pm
Tuesday, Sept. 1
Nursing Home Day
Open 2– 5 pm
Wednesday Sept 2
9– 12 noon
1 pm—5 pm
Thursday Sept 3
9– 12 noon
1 pm—5 pm
If you are not able to
drop by during these
Registration Hours,
just drop off your registration form in the
window slot and pick
up your packet the
next time you are on
the grounds.
We would like to
see as many Economy Gas Engines as we
can at Rollag during the show to fill up our gas
engine area. The new engine building or engine
pole building is coming very close to being
done. I would like to thank everyone that lent a
hand on helping with the project. Thank You!
It has been a very fast summer so let’s work on
our engines for the show to have the best show
for 2009. See you at Rollag.
Thank You,
Steve Comer
Gas engine chairman.
Gwen Meyer is chairing our Nursing Home Day again
this year and is looking for volunteers who are willing
to serve as tour guides for our guests that day. If you
are planning on helping as a Guide, PLEASE give
Gwen a call (218.356.8237 or 218.937.5460) or
Email: mgmeyer@arvig.
All those involved with Nursing Home Day find it a
rewarding day for all. If you are a musician, we hope
you will plan to share your music with the residents.
Nursing Home Day activity begins about 9:30 am.&
ends about 1:00 pm. Please give Gwen a call if you
can help or have questions.
Nursing Home Day IS NOT Senior Citizens Day.
Nursing Home Day is for Nursing Home
residents only.
Nominating Committee
Boy! Do we have chairs!
WMSTR has about 250 chairs that need a
home somewhere on our exhibit grounds. ! If
you have a work area at WMSTR that needs
some seating, please feel free to use some of
these chairs. These chairs are upholstered
(any upholstery folks out there, looking to get
some Active Hours in?). They would be far
more suitable for use at Steamer Hill if they
were vinyl covered. But for now, if you have an
indoor exhibit/work area that needs some
seating, let a Board member know.
Model Railroaders
This Is For You!
The Trailer that sits just to the right, just as
you cross the railroad tracks into the Expo is looking for some new occupants. It will no longer be
used for selling merchandise. With a little TLC it
could be the perfect setup for Model railroad displays. If there is a member(s) interested, please
contact a Board Member. We would love to see
that building used and what a draw model trains
would be.
September 1, 2009
Here are the members of
this years Nominating
Jim Briden
Pete Mandt
Ilene Osten
It All
If you are interested
in becoming a
WMSTR Queen contestant,
Please contact:
Dolores Nelson 218.937.5474
By August 22, 2009
You must be 16-18 yrs old and a
WMSTR member for a year prior
New Westgate Sales Building Preparing
for “Grand Opening”, Sept 4-7, 2009
The new building sits just to the south of the
Transportation Building and will house the
“Danielson crew” of workers, as well as:
- Show Information window for our
guests to ask questions.
- Drop off/pick up service for those who
do not wish to carry their shopping purchases, etc
around while they tour our show.
- Pop and Popcorn
-Complete INDOOR shopping for your
WMSTR wearable's, show books, souvenirs, etc.
With the additional space, there will be room for
much additional stock. Plan to stop in for a great
shopping experience!!
****Preshow meals will begin on
Saturday, August 29th. We are
needing helpers with the kitchen
work. Where we really can use the
help is for cleanup after the meals.
If we could have folks volunteer for
cleanup after each meal, that
would really, really help!
***Thanks to all the folks who have
been dropping off sweets and
goodies for the workers coffee
time. There have been some good
bakings that have been shared.
Thanks, Betty, George, Marge for
keeping the coffee pot hot, and the
treats available.
Mark Your Calendars!
WMSTR Annual Meeting
will be held on Saturday,
October 31, 2009
Lynette Briden
2610 First Avenue North
Fargo, ND 58102
2009 Shuttle Wagon Drivers and Conductors
The shifts will start with 3 units at approximately 6 am and 7 more wagons will begin at 8 am. We will have a one hour shut down during the afternoon parade from 2
pm to 3 pm.
You are welcome to sign up for more than one shift. We will have a schedule
posted in the transportation building by the west gate. If you are on the grounds before showtime, please stop in and fill in the shifts you would like to work. If you
cannot sign up on the grounds ahead of showtime, please complete the form below
and return to our address. Thank you for your help.
Ellis & Deb Aakre
Driver Name__________________________ Phone#_______________________
Conductor name_______________________ Phone #_______________________
Shifts you are able to work:
6 to 8 am
8 to 11 am
11 am to 2 pm
3 to 5:30 pm
6 to 8 am
8 to 11 am
11 am to 2 pm
3 to 5:30 pm
6 to 8 am
8 to 11 am
11 am to 2 pm
3 to 5:30 pm
6 to 8 am
8 to 11 am
11 am to 2 pm
3 to 5:30 pm
Ellis Aakre
PO Box 482
Hawley, Mn 56549
Phone: 218.937.5143