Zytex Vol 3


Zytex Vol 3
By: Jayraj A. Doshi - Director, Zytex (India) Pvt Ltd. email: jayraj@zytex.net
Times are tough for business with
increasing competition, slow down in
economy, demanding consumers and
squeezing margins. One wonders how
we are going to survive and the more
difficult question how to succeed?
Only with Innovation and Creativity
one can succeed Innovation in
products, marketing, services,
process and systems. A simple
innovation of selling shampoo in
sachet made it a huge success and
today many products' major sales
come through the sachets. So a
continuous innovation will help
Companies to expand the markets and
make them stay ahead. Another
example of innovative marketing idea:
A simple idea of providing
shopkeepers a hanging nylon bag
increased visibility of Uncle Chips and
also solved the storage problem of the
retailers. Sales increased manifold.
With innovation, creativity is also
important for finding new products,
which will enable company to keep
leadership position.
A creative Company like 3M has
become multi-billion dollar global
company on their product like “POST
IT”. So company must be innovative
and creative and allocate their
In the age of globalisation and
information superemail:
the only
What is an Enzyme? “Enzyme is a
biocatalyst which has a high degree of
specificity and is environmentally
friendly” is a reply one would get from a
science graduate and just a shrug from a
layman. Its true that enzymes are
biocatalysts, which are environmentally
safe, can be used at lower temperatures
and pressures as compared to
chemicals and are very specific.
But we fail to realize the importance of
enzymes in our day-to-day life. For
example, the clothes that we wear
Denims, which has become a very
popular fashion statement in India and
worn by most of the teenagers all over
the country undergoes a double enzyme
treatment i.e. desizing using an amylase
enzyme followed by stone wash effect
using a cellulase enzyme. Cellulase
enzymes are also widely used in biopolishing of cotton garments.
All kinds of enzymes such as proteases,
cellulases, lipases, amylases find
applications in the detergent industry.
The enzymes enhance the ability of the
detergent to remove all kinds of stains,
be it on garments or dishes or even
equipments in chemical plants.
Textiles and detergent enzyme
applications itself are so wide, that it
brings enzymes in
everyday life of many
people. But that is
not all; enzymes are
used in many more
industries such as
baking, food, dairy,
starch, alcohol, pulp
and paper, and even
animal feed.
Enzymes are used in the baking industry
to obtain top quality bread with
increased volume, better grain structure
and very good elasticity. In the food
industry, proteases are generally used
to hydrolyze the proteins and thus to
give better value to the product. In the
starch industry, alpha- and glucoamylases are used to convert the starch
to malto-dextrins, dextrose
monohydrate or dextrose anhydrous
which are then used in many food and
pharmaceutical industries. Little does a
man who has had a few shots of whiskey
realize the necessity of enzymes for
conversion of starch to glucose, which
is then fermented, to alcohol.
Pulp and paper industry too requires
enzymes for de-inking of recycled
paper, use of hydrogen peroxidase for
bleaching and use of cellulase enzyme
to obtain smoothness of paper. Besides
these, many more enzyme applications
are being worked on and developed
everyday. Earlier this year, I had spent 5
really exciting months at Novozymes,
USA getting training in the various
industries Starch, Alcohol, Baking,
Food, Textiles, Detergents and Pulp and
Paper where enzymes are used all over
the world.
Everyday some new finishes are
emerging in the market. Designers are
coming out with new designs and
processors are trying to give new feels
and finishes. In this process, some
basic problems are being solved.
Natural fibers such as cotton are more
prone to microbial attack as they are
readily digestible by bacteria and fungi.
Cotton provides all requirements for
microbial growth such as nutrients like
cellulose, soiling, dust, finishes, water
and oxygen. It is continually exposed to
contamination from skin, water
sources, etc. Synthetic fibers are more
resistant to microbial attack.
Prevention of microbial attack is
important to improve the storeability of
ready-made garments in stores. This
can be done by applying anti-microbial
finish to garments.
Antimicrobial finish is nothing but
germicides applied to garments to
prevent the growth of mildews,
bacteria's etc. This finish also prevents
odours produced by bacterial
decompositions such as perspiration
odours and reduces the possibility of
infection by contact with contaminated
textile. The protection of cellulosic and
synthetic fabrics to control the growth of
bacteria can be done by :
a) incorporating antibacterial agents
into the spinning solution of synthetic
b) grafting of antibacterial agents on the
cellulosic chain and
c) fixing antibacterial agent on the
surface of fabric in finishing process.
The garment
processing is an
exhaust process.
The durability to
achieved by this
technique is not
as good as that
obtained by
grafting or incorporation during
spinning. Number of different chemical
compounds have been investigated that
imparts antibacterial effect to
garments. A new antibacterial
treatment, Freshtex, marketed by Zytex
India Pvt. Ltd. is a durable finish for
cotton and cotton blends. It can readily
be applied by padding or exhaustion. It
contains active amine groups and
hence it is compatible with cationic and
silicon softeners. The antibacterial
efficacy of this product on fabric has
been assessed using qualitative agar
plate. It was found that in case of the
fabric treated with Freshtex, bacterial
colonies were not developed. The
treated cotton
garments are
bactericidal for
25 to 50 wash
c y c l e s
depending on
the wash
The garments treated with Freshtex
protect the bad odour of perspiration
effectively. It is especially very useful in
BAKERY: FAT is one of the major ingredients used in bakery products. Fat is a triglyceride.
Three molecules of fatty acids are combined with one molecule of glycerol forming
triglyceride. In bakery fat, both chemical specifications such as melting point, iodine value
etc. as well as physical specifications such as hardness, plasticity, spreadability etc. are
quite different for different applications. Hence it is necessary that specific type of fat should
be used to produce baked product of desired quality. The bakery fat could be
ssified as :
FOR CAKE: Fat should not melt during processing & have capacity to
cream up well to incorporate aeration. it should be able to give crumb
firmness, which determines eating quality of cake.
FOR PUFF PASTRY: Fat should have good plasticity so that it could be
sheeted along with dough to form alternate layers of fat and dough.
FOR BISCUIT & COOKIES: Plasticity & melting behavior of fat should be such that it does not
crystallize on surface of biscuit & smooth enough to retain proper shape of biscuit.
FOR CREAM: Fat should have soft consistency and low melting point so as to melt with the
heat of mouth. It should have enough stickiness so that when it
is used as sandwich cream for cream biscuits, the biscuits do
not separate out.
FOR BREAD: The fat should be able to distribute evenly in
Introduction:- Silicone is the most
abundant element in nature after oxygen
and makes up more than 25% of earth's
crust. Silicones are popular as
polyorgans siloxanes.
Silicones are applied on pextic by
exhaustion as well as padding method.
Padding method is simpler than
exhaustion process, requires more
concentrated softening liquor than the
exhaustion process.
Silicones impart softening to the fabrics
and also improve their physical
properties such as wrinkle resistance,
abrasion resistance, tear strength;
silicones have also been used for
lubrication and water repellency. It is
also used as stabiliser in H2O2
Classification of Silicones :
Silicones for textiles may be broadly
classified into three categories
Non reactive silicone polymers.
Reactive silicone polymers.
Chemically modified silicones.
Use of Silicone as a softener:
Fabrics and garments are usually
comfortable to wear if they are soft to
touch. Modern chemical pretreatments
removes the wax, rendering more harsh
to handle and this feel is enhanced after
easy-care or durable press finishing
chemical softening agents or softeners
are widely used for softening cotton and
also acts as fibre lubricant, decreasing
both fibre-fibre and fibre-metal friction.
enhance the durability of the finish.
Chemical softeners fall into following
chemical types:
1.Cationic softeners.
2.Anionic softeners.
3.Non-ionic softeners.
4.Pseudo cationic softeners.
Poly dimethyl siloxane softeners impart
good softening effects because of
flexibility of the siloxane back-bone.
There is virtually energy barrier at room
temp to prevent the molecese flexing
and this leads to highly effective
performance as lubricants for
decreasing inter-fibre friction. This
class of softeners is not durable
because of lack of functional group.
However, reactive poly siloxanes have
been formulated by addition of
hydrogen or silanol functional groups to
the ends or on the back-bone of poly
dimethyl reloxane. The use of hydrogen
functionally is normally employed to
import water-repellency performance,
where as blends with silanol or amino
fluids provide effective elestomeric and
strength properties Ethylene di-amino,
functions siloxanes are cationic under
acidic conditions and are very effective
softening agents. They are most
commonly used for garments and can be
applied by exhaust method.
Substantially it can be further increased
by incorporating relative silaxe groups
to the ends of the poly-siloxane chains.
During drying, chain extension
produces a semi-solid lubricant firm that
partly prevents fibre-fibre contact and
this effect gives a reduction in friction
and gives a very soft handle. Further
cross-thinking using hydrogen
functional silixanes can be used to
Conclusion: Silicone products have
brought enormous benefits in the
processing and finishing of fabric,
garments, threads, yarn, knit fabrics and
hosiery. They are easy to use and also
Silicones give textiles a finish that is
unmatched by that obtained from other
organic substances. Silicones impart
softeners lubricity and handle to the
fabric. Marked improvement in the
wrinkle and chase recovery and the
finish is durable to laundering. Silicone
imparts a very good water repellent
finish to textiles. It also gives defoaming
property and destroys foam in the textile
process. The disadvantage of amino
silicone finishing is that yellowness is
observed on the fabric but by amino
modification, yellowness is reduced.
The factors influencing the amount &
composition of soil on the fabric
includes biological system, living and
working habit of wearer & related
environmental conditions.
The major sources of soil are:
SOIL from SKIN. The soil transferred
from skin to fabric, which is in contact
with skin. It also includes mal-odour or
off-odour from sweat & other
secretions of the body.
ACCIDENTAL SOIL from kitchen,
workshop, nursery & other places.
GENERAL SOIL from the environment
distributed more or less uniformly
across the fabric.
DETERGENCY is one of the major
characteristics of any cleaner i.e.
detergent powder/ detergent liquid/
detergent cake etc. & it is defined as the
process of removal of soil material from
surface either by chemical or
physico-chemical means.
The process involves three phases:
1.Soil to be removed.
2.Water used as media for cleaning
3.The surface to be cleaned.
This would result in three interactions
at the interface:
1.Fabric & Soil
2.Soil & Fabric
3.Fabric & Water.(If water is used as
cleaning media)
Since detergency of detergent powder/
detergent liquid / detergent cake will be
characterized by it's ability to remove
soil material from surface, it is
necessary to understand concept of
soil. Usually soil consists of variety of
substances such as perspiration
stains, grease etc. When particular
surface area of fabric get highly
concentrated with specific type of soil
then (that area of fabric) is known as
Stubborn Stain of that specific type of
Soils can be broadly divided into
pigment from street dirt, ink, metal
oxides, clay etc.
OILY SOIL : Essentially fatty material i.e.
oil & fat, sebum soil, cosmetic.
salts from sweat, mud etc.
GREASY SOIL : Essentially fatty
material containing hydrocarbons,
lubricants, grease etc.
blood, milk, grass, and mucus.
BLEACHABLE SOIL : It includes certain
dyes & pigments
Also there is bacterial contamination
on the fabric from all these sources.
Soiled clothes frequently contains
considerable amount of insoluble
proteinaceous material, starch, oil
which can also act as a kind of glue
causing dirt and other components of
soil adhering more firmly to the fabric.
The amount & nature of soil stains
depends on the wearer of fabric &
hence varies from person to person.
Where there is excitement, there is
keenness which induces greater effort.
Therefore, sales management must
create exciting situations and promote
interesting ideas so that their sales
force may work at an accelerated pace
and with keener interest.
competition is to be judged on the
results of ninety days on a zonal basis,
then prizes may be given for the largest
order booked by a particular salesman
during each fortnight.
2.The progress of the competition must
be constantly kept before the
participants by issuing a weekly bulletin,
which would include posting of the
In sales competitions the only
spectator who needs to be attracted
are the families of the salesman. To
gain their support, tempting prizes
must be offered, because, once the
family support is assured the
participants will work whole-heartedly.
3.The Sales Manager must be able to
convey to his sales force the sense of
urgency and must prove by his actions
and behaviour that the competition is a
very important event. For example, a
special bulletin should be run
during the competition, giving
details of larger orders booked,
uses of the product and orders
booked on the first call.
The rewards, which attract
families, are merchandise and
travel trips. They have to be
glamorized & made attractive.
For example, in the case of a
travel trip, the family must be
provided with a real holiday,
involving neither work nor
expense. The amount allocated
to prizes must commensurate
with the turnover expected. Any
chiseling on prizes may ruin the
entire competition.
If competitions are to motivate,
then the rules must be such that every
participant is given an equal chance.
Therefore results cannot be judged on
units sold or rupee volume but on an
improvement during the period as
compared to potential.
The rules of the competition must be
crystal-clear and the judging fair,
otherwise illwill gets generated.
Zonal competitions create team work,
but Sales Managers must not overlook
the fact that salesmen like to work as
individuals and therefore prizes given
for individual performances create
greater motivation.To maintain
maximum interest during the
competition period, a few essentials
need to be observed.
1.Separate prizes should be given for
intervening periods. For example, if the
Any organization which markets
products through-out India must
hold regular seminars for their
branch managers, their product
managers and their salesmen.
When these seminars are held at
Head Office, it gives the visitors a
sense of belonging. They get to
know the organization and meet the
people who count.
At the seminars, a feeling of keenness is
ignited, as each participant discusses
the problems of others and contributes
his experience for the benefit of others.
Such meetings can also help to
eradicate feelings of inferiority complex
from which individual member may be
A seminar gives the sales manager an
Murphy's Law:
Nothing is as easy as it looks; everything takes longer than
you expect; and if anything can go wrong, it will go wrong.
Parkinson's Law:
Work expands so as to fill the time available for its
Chisolm's Law:
Anytime things appear to be going better, you have
overlooked something.
Any fool can criticize and most
fools do is an old tag, but, nonethe-less, true. Of all the various
forms of leadership, leadership by
encouragement will bring the most
satisfactory results. It won't,
necessarily, stop strikes, or inhibit
conflict, but it will bring three
benefits :
when the explanation can be
given.This way, subordinates are
given encouragement and, from
time to time, will introduce new
ideas which may be of benefit to
the company.
The good leader will ensure that if
the idea is accepted the presenter
is given all the help possible, and
all the encouragement that is
sometimes necessary to see the
idea through. That is, of course, if
the presenter is given the task of
implementing the suggestion.
However, if the task falls upon
someone else, the leader will still
keep the presenter of the idea up to
date with all the developments.
1.It most definitely motivates;
2.It brings results in better work
and greater efficiency;
3.When the crunch comes and the
subordinates are undecided what
action to take, they will usually give
their casting vote to back the
leader who has always given them
encouragement. Here are some
'encouragement' rules :
New Ideas.
Most subordinates believe at some time
or another. They have hit upon a brilliant
idea to increase turnover or efficiency, to
cut costs, to improve time management,
the quality or design of a product … Too
many leaders make a pretext of listening
to such ideas, and then fall back on the
excuse, 'We've done it all before, and it
didn't work,' or, ' Thank you, Mr. Rao. I'll
put it before the Board and let you know,'
and that is the last Mr. Rao ever hears of
his new idea.
Eventually, no one bothers to introduce
new thoughts to such a leader, knowing
that it is a complete waste of time to do
so. Younger men with drive and
ability can become so frustrated
that they seek their future
success elsewhere.
It is, of course, true that nine
ideas out of ten are useless, and
have been tried before and
found wanting or, for policy
reasons, cannot be
implemented. For example,
some suggestions put forward
might benefit a department but
could be detrimental to the
group as a whole. But what the
presenter of the idea wants is not only
consideration for that idea, but a full
explanation if it is not feasible.
If a decision has to be postponed, a date
should be fixed for another meeting,
The leader who encourages is well
aware of the standard features of human
relations :
1.Give praise where it is due;
2. Criticize only when there is no
3.Show appreciation for special efforts;
4.Listen carefully when a subordinate
has a tale of woe to tell, or a complaint to
5.Be prepared not only to give advice,
but also to ask others for advice;
6.Have patience and understanding.
The leader encourages the young in selfdevelopment, and the older
subordinates to leave ruts, and enjoy an
During the last six months, I had surveyed
about 100 companies. A common concern
expressed in most of these companies
was the acute financial crunch being
faced on account of payment collection
problem. This article will therefore be
topical as well as useful.
Efficient Collection of “Receivable” is
vital for a company's survival. It is the
collection of dues which gives liquidity to
the organization and ensures fund inflow
to meet the various fund outflow. Inflow
should keep pace with fund requirements;
otherwise, all sorts of problems will crop
up and eventually lead to sickness of a
Company. Hence, dues collection is the
life-line of an organization. It is like the
blood circulation in our body. Imbalance
will choke up supply lines and cause
terminal illness. A defined “Collection
Policy” and a systematic professional
approach alone will enable effective
tackling of this problem.
Systems and approaches suggested
here-below are based on practical and
down-to-earth experiences of various
professionals and achievers in Debtors
wAppoint a qualified Manager with
defined responsibility and accountability.
Status and authority of “the Manager”
should be clearly stated. Vest the Manager
with power
to stop deliveries to delinquent accounts.
wSet Credit terms, monitor performance.
wLay down “Collection Policy” specifying
Credit terms.
wCredit terms to be based on Credit Rating/
Worthiness of different customers.
wMonitor and review outstandings and
collection on a weekly basis.
wComputerise the records for valuable
People, Dispatch in-charge for regular
monitoring and reviewing.
wCollection Cell to set up monthly targets
and monitor performance
wReward good performers and punish the
bad ones.
wDevise incentive scheme to Sales Team
linking Sales with payment collection.
wWorkout separate strategy for “Bad”
Category Customers.
wObtain balance confirmation in writing
on a half-yearly basis.
wInvoice promptly with full and
proper documentation and
compliance with P.O.
wGive different credit
terms for different
analysis and data generation like Age
Analysis of Debtors, DSO Ratio
wCategorisation of customers etc.
wProvide clearly cash discount system for
prompt payment and Rate-discount system
for Advance Payment.
wLaunch Collection campaign periodically
wCreate Data Bank of Customers for Credit
Rating purpose.
wPrepare a “Watch List” ( more than 120
days) so that supplies can be controlled
and linked with recovery.
wRaise “Interest Debit Notes” on delayed
bills to certain category of customers.
wSet up “Collection Cell” comprising of
Credit Manager, Marketing Manager, Sales
based on credit
w U s e
A l l
communication tools
for Reminders
wPester and Pressurise
the “bad”
wSales Team should make specific call for
payment purpose only; should be
professional and not fear about sales loss;
should approach with specific details of
outstanding invoices; meet the right
authority and explain the overdue period.
wShould not talk in a general way and
come away getting a general assurance.
Insist for a commitment date and a
MUMBAI HEAD OFFICE: Zytex (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Address : 33, New Islam Mill Compound, Currey Road(East), Mumbai 400 012, India.
Tel.: 91-22-4703231/4707877 Fax : 91-11-4704874 Email : zytex@vsnl.com www.zytex.net Contact : Mr Rashesh Doshi
: Mr. Rashesh D. Doshi
: Mr. Ashwin M. Doshi
consultant : Mr. Jagdish Joshi
: Mr. Sanjay Kaushik
: Mr. Vinod Shelke (Tech.)
: Mr. Girish Chaudhary
: Mr. Balasubramanian
Layout and
Delhi Office
Telexfax :
Contact :
Mr. Shukla
Mr. Ragish
Bellary Office
: 08392 - 73419
Contact : Mr. Suresh
Calcutta Office
: 91-33-2381123
Email : btcal@vsnl.com
Contact : Mr N. K. Ghosh
Bangalore Office
Telefax : 91-80-6657918
Email : btbang@vsnl.com
Contact : Mr Nagesh Rao
: Mr. Thirumallesh