March 2011
March 2011
The Monthly Checklist and society news March 2011 - Issue 3 Field meetings and activities 2011 February 2011 Waterbird Count February 2011 Systematic List Cape Greco - Looking for rare migrants Caspian Stonechat Field Meeting Reports Tribute to Pavlos Neophytou ΤΜΒΟΤΛΙΟ & ΠΡΟΩΠΙΚΟ ΣΟΤ ΤΝΓΔΜΟΤ COUNCIL MEMBERS & STAFF OF THE SOCIETY Ππόεδπορ / President Αλαζηάζηνο Λεβέληεο / Mr. A.P. Leventis Σιμηηικά Μέλη / Honorary Appointments Δπίηιμοι Πποέδποι / Honorary Chairmen: Γξ. Κπξηάθνο Πηεξίδεο / Dr. Kyriacos Pierides, Dr. W.R.P. Bourne, Michael Gore, The Viscount Southwell Δπξππίδεο Μηραειίδεο / Evripides Michaelides, Γηώξγνο Υαηδεθώζηαο / George Hadjicostas, Jeff Gordon. ςμβούλιο / Council Ππόεδπορ / Chairman Μειήο Υαξαιακπίδεο / Melis Charalambides, 99653205 email Ανηιππόεδπορ / Τπεύθςνορ Γακηςλίωζηρ / Vice Chairman & Ringing Officer Alan Crabtree, 99455345 email Γπαμμαηέαρ / Secretary ηαύξνο Υξηζηνδνπιίδεο / Stavros Christodoulides, 99425050 email Σαμίαρ / Treasurer Υξηζηάθεο Υαξαιακπίδεο / Chris Charalambides, 99541054 email Τπεύθςνη Κοινωνικών Δκδηλώζεων / Social Secretary Patricia Stavrou, 99418248 email Τπεύθςνη BirdLine & Δξεύπεζηρ Υπημαηοδόηηζηρ / BirdLine & Fundraising Officer June Neal, 25932008 email Μέλορ ςμβοςλίος (Υπημαηοδόηηζηρ) / Council Member (Fundraising) Δπγέληνο Βεληακίλ / Eugene Benjamin, 99900177 email Μέλορ ςμβοςλίος / Council Member John Stapley, 99554561 email Μέλορ ςμβοςλίος / Council Member Dan Rhoads, 99373349 email Γιοπιζμένορ Ανηιππόζωπορ / Co-opted Officer Jane Stylianou, 99558953 email Γιοπιζμένορ Ανηιππόζωπορ / Co-opted Officer Dr. Alex Kirschel, email Rarities Sub-committee Τπεύζπλνο Καηαγξαθώλ / Bird Recorder Colin Richardson, 26946682 Melis Charalambides, Stavros Christodoulides, Jeff Gordon, Hugh Buck, Nigel Cottle Πποζωπικό ηος Πηηνολογικού ςνδέζμος / BirdLife Cyprus Office Staff Δκηελεζηική Γιεςθύνηπια / Executive Director Γξ Κιαίξε Παπάδνγινπ / Dr. Clairie Papazoglou Τπεύθςνορ Δκζηπαηειών / Campaigns Manager Μάξηηλ Υέιιηθαξ / Martin Hellicar Τπεύθςνορ Έπεςναρ / Research Officer Μηράιεο Μηιηηάδνπ / Michael Miltiadou Γιοικηηικόρ Λειηοςπγόρ / Office Administrator Αλαζηαζία Παηζάιε / Anastasia Patsalis Λειηοςπγόρ Ανάπηςξηρ / Development Officer Μέιπσ Απνζηνιίδνπ / Melpo Apostolidou Λειηοςπγόρ Γικηύος Natura 2000 / Natura 2000 Officer Βαζηιηθή Αλαζηάζε / Vasiliki Anastasi Λειηοςπγόρ Eκζηπαηείαρ ενάνηια ζηη Λαθποθηπία / Illegal Bird Killing Campaigns Officer Σάζνο ηαιήο / Tassos Shialis P.O. Box 28076, 2090 Nicosia Tel: +357 22455072, Fax: +357 22455073 ISSN 1986-2938 CONTENTS Page No. 4 BirdLife Cyprus Field Meetings & Activities 2011 5 Pavlos Neophytou Melis Charalambides 6 Update on the Monthly Checklist Jane Stylianou 6 Field Meeting - Akrotiri June Neal 7 Field Meeting - Paphos Foothills Colin Richardson 8 Field Meeting - Larnaca Sewage Works and Salt Lake Chris Stavrou 9 Field Meeting - Aspro Pools, Mandria and Anarita Park Colin Richardson 10 Cape Greco - A great place to see rarer migrants during April Jane Stylianou 11 Caspian Stonechat - A species to look out for in early April Jane Stylianou 12 Monthly Systematic List - February 2011 Colin Richardson 35 BirdLife Cyprus Waterbird Count, February 2011 Michael Miltiadou Last pages: Membership Application Forms ΠΔΡΙΔΥΟΜΔΝΑ Αξηζ. ει. Δμνξκήζεηο θαη άιιεο δξαζηεξηόηεηεο ηνπ Πηελνινγηθνύ 2011 Παύινο Νενθύηνπ Μελήρ Χαπαλαμπίδηρ Δλεκέξσζε ζρεηηθά κε ηνλ Μεληαίν πζηεκαηηθό Καηάινγν Jane Stylianou Δμόξκεζε – Αθξσηήξη June Neal Δμόξκεζε – Παξπθέο Γάζνπο Πάθνπ Colin Richardson Δμόξκεζε – Μνλάδα επεμεξγαζίαο ιπκάησλ Λάξλαθαο θαη Αιπθή Λάξλαθαο Chris Stavrou 9 Δμόξκεζε – Λίκλεο Τδαηνθξάθηε Αζπξόθξεκκνπ, Μαλδξηά θαη Αλαξίηα Colin Richardson 10 Κάβν Γθξέθν – Έλα ππέξνρν κέξνο λα δεη θαλείο ζπάληνπο κεηαλάζηεο ηνλ Απξίιε Jane Stylianou 11 Καζπηθή Παπαζθηά – Έλα είδνο πνπ κπνξεί θαλείο λα ςάμεη λσίο ηνλ Απξίιε Jane Stylianou 12 Μεληαίνο πζηεκαηηθόο Καηάινγνο – Φεβξνπάξηνο 2011 Colin Richardson 35 Καηαγξαθή πδξόβησλ Πνπιηώλ Πηελνινγηθνύ πλδέζκνπ Κύπξνπ, Φεβξνπάξηνο 2011 Μισάληρ Μιλτιάδος Σελεςηαίερ ζελίδερ: Αιηήζειρ Δγγπαθήρ Μέλοςρ 4 5 6 6 7 8 BirdLine Operated by June Neal on behalf of BirdLife Cyprus is the bird information hotline. To hear a pre-recorded message with recent interesting bird sightings and to add your own observations, please phone 00357 25 934076. BirdLine Λεηηνπξγείηαη από ηελ June Neal εθ κέξνπο ηνπ Πηελνινγηθνύ πλδέζκνπ Κύπξνπ θαη είλαη ελεκεξσηηθή γξακκή γηα ηηο παξαηεξήζεηο πνπιηώλ. Γηα λα αθνύζεηε ην ερνγξαθεκέλν κήλπκα κε αμηόινγεο πξόζθαηεο παξαηεξήζεηο θαη λα πξνζζέζεηε ηηο δηθέο ζαο, παξαθαιώ ηειεθσλήζηε ζην 00357 25 934076. Ζ γξακκή είλαη κόλν ζηα αγγιηθά Cover photo: This Kurdistan Wheatear Oenanthe xanthoprymna was located at Cape Greco in January and, in contrast to other times when this species has visited the island, has stayed long enough to enable many to visit the area and enjoy it. Photograph: Stavros Christodoulides Φωτογπαφία εξώφςλλος: Ζ Κνπξδηθή Κνηδηλνζθαιηθνύξηα,Oenanthe xanthoprymna πνπ παξέκεηλε ζην Κάβν Γθξέθν ηνλ Ηαλνπάξην γηα αξθεηό θαηξό ζε ζρέζε κε άιιεο θνξέο, έδσζε ηελ επθαηξία ζε πνιινύο λα επηζθεθζνύλ ηελ πεξηνρή θαη λα ην απνιαύζνπλ.Φσηνγξαθία: ηαύξνο Υξηζηνδνπιίδεο BIRDLIFE CYPRUS FIELD MEETINGS AND ACTIVITIES 2011 For fieldtrips, please don’t forget your flask of coffee and sandwiches March 2011 Saturday 26th March: Paphos Lighthouse Leader: John Stapley. Mobile: 99554561. Spring migrants. Meet 8.30 am (please note the earlier start time). Entrance of Archaeological area by the Paphos Harbour Car Park. April 2011 Saturday 2nd April: Cyprus Bird Race Don't forget to register your team on time! Full details were given in February's Monthly Checklist. Visit the BirdLife Cyprus website or call June Neal 25932008 for more information. A fun day out fund raising for conservation projects. Friday 8th - Sunday 10th April: Karpas Peninsula Leader: Melis Charalambides. Tel: 22632155. Mobile: 99653205. Spring migrants and rare residents. The very popular twice yearly weekend trip includes two nights in the Karpas Peninsula. Book now! Saturday 16th April: Cape Greko Leader: Stavros Christodoulides. Mobile: 99425050. Spring migrants. Meet 7.30 am, Kermia Beach Hotel turn-off (please note earlier start time). Meet 9.30 am, Kermia Beach Hotel turn-off (a second meeting time for those unable to make the earlier one). Saturday 23rd April: Neo Chorio Ringing Demonstration Leader: Alan Crabtree. Mobile: 99455345. Directions for Meeting Point: Drive through Neo Chorio village passing by the village church, and follow the sign for the Smyies Picnic Area. After about one kilometre the well-made track makes a sharp turn to the right. The demonstration will be at the bend. You will probably see several parked cars. If you see Ayios Minas Church (small church on your right) you have gone too far. Duration of the demonstration is 9.00 am -12.30 pm. Saturday 30th April: Asprokremmos Dam and Mandria Leader: Colin Richardson. Tel: 26946682. Spring migrants. Meet at 9.00 am (please note the earlier start time), Mandria ‘Lark Corner’, on coastal track opposite rocky islands. May 2011 Saturday 7th May: Larnaca Sewage Works & Oroklini Marsh Leader: Martin Hellicar. Mobile: 99907893. Late spring migrants and waterbirds. Meet 9.30 am, Larnaca Sewage Works Hide. Saturday 14th May: Kannaviou Dam & Paphos Forest Leader: Colin Richardson. Tel: 26946682. Resident raptors and waterbirds. Meet 9.30 am, Stroumbi, Esso Petrol Station, opposite turn off to Polemi. 4x4 advisable. Saturday 21st May: Akrotiri Peninsula Leader: Dan Rhoads. Mobile: 99373349. Late spring migrants and waterbirds. Meet 9.30 am, Zakaki Football Stadium. Saturday 28th May: End of Season Get Together Lunch 12.30 pm Kyrenia Restaurant, Avdimou. Please contact Patricia Stavrou. Mobile: 99418248 Important Announcement: Participation in BirdLife Cyprus field meetings is at one’s own risk. BirdLife Cyprus accepts no liability or responsibility for accidents, illness, injury or loss or damage to property that might occur. Field trips require light to moderate exercise. Please contact the field trip leader for more information on difficulty, distances and terrain of a particular field trip. Σημανηική Ανακοίνωζη: Ζ ζπκκεηνρή ζαο ζηηο εμνξκήζεηο ηνπ Πηελνινγηθνύ πλδέζκνπ γίλεηαη κε δηθή ζαο επζύλε. Ο Πηελνινγηθόο ύλδεζκνο Κύπξνπ δελ θέξεη θακία επζύλε γηα ηπρόλ αηπρήκαηα, αζζέλεηεο, απώιεηεο ή δεκηέο ζε πξνζσπηθά αληηθείκελα. Οη εμνξκήζεηο απαηηνύλ ειαθξηά κε κέηξηα άζθεζε. Παξαθαιώ επηθνηλσλήζηε κε ηνλ εθάζηνηε ππεύζπλν εμνξκήζεσλ γηα πεξηζζόηεξεο πιεξνθνξίεο πνπ ζρεηίδνληαη κε ην βαζκό δπζθνιίαο, απνζηάζεηο θαη ζπλζήθεο ησλ εμνξκήζεσλ. PAVLOS NEOPHYTOU 1921-2011 Melis Charalambides Pavlos Neophytou, our Honorary Secretary since 2003, passed away on Thursday 10th March after various complications with his health. He was 90. Pavlos was a founder member of and the Secretary of the Cyprus Ornithological Society (1970) for 33 years. He was the driving force of COS 70 and his name was synonymous with the society. Even today when you mention the society everyone asks how is Pavlos? Pavlos never gave up his fight against illegal trapping and killing of birds and he was always well prepared when attending the various meetings with the government and other bodies He was never shy in putting through his points and ideas. He was a fighter. I met Pavlos in 1968 when as a student I used to go to his house in the afternoons with my brother Christakis to see his birds and discuss where we will go at the weekend for bird watching and bird ringing. He was our teacher and mentor. His knowledge of nature in general was unprecedented from birds to insects and reptiles, to trees and flowers. He was also very keen on archaeology and collected everything from old coins and jewelry to old plates and other ancient ornaments. At that time he was a member of the Cyprus Ornithological Society (1957). In 1970 with some friends who also were keen on protecting birds he founded COS 70 which we joined as well. The birds of Cyprus lost their big friend and protector, and BirdLife Cyprus and Cyprus Ornithology a dedicated ornithologist. He lived to see the amalgamation of the two societies and the formation of BirdLife Cyprus in 2003 and he was always very proud in commenting on how well BirdLife Cyprus is doing. UPDATE ON THE MONTHLY CHECKLIST The BirdLife Cyprus Council, staff and members would like to thank Colin Richardson for all his hard work collating and coordinating the Monthly Checklist over the last years. Everyone appreciates just how much hard work Colin has put into this important members' publication and his useful input into this aspect of the Society's work will be much missed. The responsibility for putting together the Monthly Checklist now falls to Jane Stylianou who will be ably helped by June Neal. As Recorder, Colin will of course retain the responsibility for the Systematic List section of the Checklist and members should continue to send their monthly records to him at as before. Any members who have photos of any interesting sightings are invited to send them to for possible inclusion. Over the next few months we hope to introduce several new features/articles which we hope you will find both useful and interesting. If anyone has any suggestions they will be gratefully received. Above all I trust that we will continue to maintain the high standards that Colin set over the years. FIELD MEETING - AKROTIRI, February 5th 2011 June Neal Due to the high water levels this meeting turned out to be more of a walk with some birds! Starting off at Zakaki pool around 16 members and visitors watched the many Common Coot, several Little Grebe, Mallard and Common Moorhen feeding along the edges. There were 2 overflying Northern Shoveler plus a few Grey Heron, heading for the distant pools beyond the main pool probably after feeding around the fish farm in the bay.There were good views of the 2 female Western Marsh Harriers and a few Yellow-legged Gulls were identified amongst the many hundreds of overflying Common Black-headed Gulls, some of them sporting the beginnings of their dark brown hoods.Along the reed margins Common Chiffchaff, White Wagtail, Eurasian Serin and a female Western Black Redstart were seen feeding. A European Robin called nearby plus a couple of Cetti’s Warbler and one Winter Wren was reported in the reedbed near the trailer park. Our walk to the pools opposite the main trailer park on the Port Road provided few sightings but a bit more exercise. The hoped-for Water Rails in the stream feeding the Zakaki pool were absent but a few Common Moorhen scuttled back into the base of the reeds, whilst another Common Chiffchaff fed on the vegetation. The group then made its way towards Sylvana Restaurant by the roads, as Lady’s Mile was full of watery potholes. A few of us were fortunate to see a large flock of (what we believed were) Eurasian Golden Plover heading towards the masts on Akrotiri Salt Lake. Around 7,000 Greater Flamingos were feeding on the lake, many flying around allowing us to see their startling plumage. They were a lovely sight in the sunshine. Possibly 55+ Common Shelduck were feeding near the western group of Flamingos but the views were very distant and hazy. More exercise for our bird watchers around Bishop’s Pool provided us with views of European Robin, Chaffinch, a feeding female Blackcap, Common Stonechat, White Wagtail, a very smart Common Stonechat plus Common Chiffchaff, Western Black Redstart and a handful of feeding Wood Lark. On the pool were many Common Coot, Eurasian Teal, 4 male Ferruginous Duck which appeared only after repeated appearances of the Peregrine Falcon and Eurasian Sparrowhawk. Three Common Kestrel hovered nearby. Whilst some of the party made their way home several of us drove on to Kensington cliffs, Episkopi Garrison as this was a new site to a few people. We were rewarded with excellent and close views of at least 5 Eurasian Griffon Vultures and 2 Common Kestrels. Also seen and heard were Cyprus and Sardinian Warbler plus a Robin. At the foot of the cliffs were 6 European Shag, ignoring the party of people present higher up the cliff face.Maybe, next year we’ll have to advertise this meeting as a ‘Walk with a few birds’? There again, we may not have such high water levels and be treated to sightings of waders which were totally absent on this field meeting. FIELD MEETING - PAPHOS FOOTHILLS, February 19th 2011 Colin Richardson The Konia lay-by was filling with cars and people thronged the pavement as I arrived shortly before 9.30h and soon we set off in convoy up the hill towards Armou. Parking at our usual spot at an altitude of around 450 metres, we enjoyed open views of the sea to the west and the rolling whaleback of Minthis Hills to the east. The first birds noted, feeding on seeds on the ground in the old vineyard, were Goldfinch and Linnet with a pair of Common Stonechat perched in attendance, plus a Zitting Cisticola in full song. A Common Kestrel was hovering in the distance and a small party of Eurasian Skylarks flew up from the hillside calling distinctively. The weather had clouded over and looked a little threatening, but we started our walk up the valley, looking at orchids, including the Giant (Barlia) Orchid and Orchis collina in the absence of any interesting birds! Then a Long-legged Buzzard appeared briefly behind the nearby hill and another, and as the morning progressed another pair from Mesa Chorio appeared and we were able to log four birds. There were a few spots of rain so it was time for a quick coffee break, before the weather cleared and we set off on our circular walk around the mixed farmland. A party of Woodlarks flew up and several Sardinian Warblers were in full song, even obligingly perched. A couple of Meadow Pipits and Song Thrush made brief dashing appearances, some Common Chaffinches and a Corn Bunting flew over while Great Tits seemed to be in song everywhere. Even at this altitude, several Cetti's Warblers were in full voice, with not a wet area for miles. Then, some excitement, when a Great Spotted Cuckoo was spotted in a bush. It conveniently posed for some time, allowing everyone good 'scope views. Then it was time to drive over to the Marathounta Hills on the south side of the valley. This different habitat was to provide different species. As we walked the track, one of the first species seen was a young male Finsch's Wheatear, to be followed by another two males as we proceeded. A party of nervous little brown birds flew up from the ground about 50 yards ahead of us, but in spite of a search we were unable to relocate them - my suspicion was Rock Sparrows! Some more Woodlarks and Meadow Pipits flew over and Jane located a Little Owl on a jumble of rocks below us. It had been a good morning which I hope everyone enjoyed, and those who were prepared, braved a quick picnic al fresco sheltering behind their cars from the cool northerly wind! FIELD MEETING – LARNACA SEWAGE WORKS AND SALT LAKE, February 26th 2011 Chris Stavrou The meeting was meant to be led by Stavros but he was kind enough to swap dates with my field meeting that was set for the 12th March since I wouldn’t be able to make it. As it was my first field meeting as leader I was glad to have Stavros present to help with identification of gulls but also the presence of experienced eyes of June Neal and Patricia were appreciated. The gloom of the previous day’s heavy rains and thunderstorms threatened to put a damp on the attendance of birders but the turnout was good with 14 members and guests in 8 cars. And the weather was also surprisingly mild with few scattered clouds, light sea breeze and a refreshing clear atmosphere, good conditions for photography. The group consisted of some familiar faces but also many new enthusiastic birders/photographers mainly on holiday from the UK. The first hour was spent at the hide overlooking the sewage pools looking for anything unusual amongst the flocks of Shoveler, Mallards, Coots, Teal, Little Grebes and Black-headed Gulls. Along the central embankment Mediterranean Gulls were showing nicely both in juvenile and adult summer plumages together with a few Slender-billed. Amongst a flock of Caspian Gulls was a single dark backed Baltic Gull and further extended searches only revealed a few Wigeon and Pochard in terms of waterfowl. Along the perimeter fence the first of the spring migrants, an Isabelline Wheatear and on the side embankment 4 Spur-winged Lapwings standing and acting important while in the far corner a Chukar stood in profile. A couple of Common Buzzards flew in low and landed on concrete posts on the far side of the pools. We stopped briefly by Spiro's pool and had close views of some 400 Greater Flamingos as they stretched their necks up and slowly moved away from us. A walk along the dirt track between the Sewage and Desalination plants will bring more memories of muddy shoes than any sightings of good birds. Amongst the few Barn Swallows that flew above were a couple of House Martins. The voices of Sardinian, Cettis and Chiffchaffs were all around us together with Greenfinch and Robin. On the drive back the cars trailing spotted a flock of Spanish Sparrows, a first for some of our visiting birders. As the sea breeze was picking up we headed for the far side of the main salt lake were we expected to sieve through a large gull roost looking for any rarities. The drive took a good 15 minutes through parts of Larnaca but the group was happy to be introduced to a new birding spot and a pleasant footpath that circles the salt lake. Black Francolin flew overhead just before the airport round-about. The gull roost was unfortunately completely empty of gulls but our day was made by a group of 9 Pied Avocets wading at the edges of a small island. Also on the island were 4 Grey Herons 2 Mallard and a Pintail. The quality of birds could have been better but the company and interesting conversations made for a pleasant morning. I would like to thank everybody who attended and hope to see you all soon. FIELD MEETING - ASPRO POOLS, MANDRIA & ANARITA PARK, 5th March 2011 Colin Richardson Over 25 keen participants gathered at the Asprokremmos Dam car park for this popular fieldtrip. We started with a stroll through the wood to the weather station. Our first birds were a surprise; about 10 Alpine Swifts and a couple of Common Swifts which suddenly appeared over us in the clear blue sky, the first of the season for many. There were many Sardinian Warblers and we had great views of a male Cyprus Warbler. In the wood we found a couple of feeding Hoopoes, plus Chiffchaff, Greenfinch and Goldfinches, the latter two species surely breeding in the conifers. Down at the Aspro Pools, all seemed fairly quiet except for a single Coot hiding in the reeds. We heard the distinctive songs of Cetti's Warbler in the reeds and Fan-tailed Warblers over the fields and some of the group had nice views of a Long-legged Buzzard, before it disappeared behind the hill. We took a refreshment break, serenaded by several Crested Larks and a Corn Bunting, before the convoy wound its way through Mandria village to reach the coast. It was a calm, sunny day, perfect conditions to enjoy views of the Steppe Grey Shrike which had been wintering since the previous November, and which surely would be heading back to Central Asia in a matter of days. A Greater Sand Plover was sitting on the shoreline, but soon flew off after it realised it was the centre of attention. Then overhead, nine Grey Herons appeared in formation, surely on migration, but for the next hour they seemed disorientated and headed out to sea, before turning and heading south! During our short circular walk we added to our list three Isabelline Wheatears, several Eurasian Skylarks, two 'pairs' of Common Stonechats and a Red-throated Pipit. And amazingly, after all this work it was time for our picnic lunch. After the break, as a bonus it was decided to visit Anarita Park. All seemed rather quiet as we arrived at the quarry, surrounded by its craggy hills, until I realised that half the convoy was missing. Soon they arrived and announced that along the track they had been looking at a Great Spotted Cuckoo, while Pete and Wendy had found a Little Owl. Several Linnets and a Serin showed briefly as we walked down the track, then another Great Spotted Cuckoo was relocated and we all managed to get good views of it. We were surrounded by lots of Magpies, Hooded Crows and Jackdaws, while several Corn Buntings were in full song. Then a male Finsch's Wheatear was found up on the rocky hillside, near the goat farm. It was a new species for several group members, and a good end to an enjoyable day out. CAPE GRECO - A GREAT PLACE TO SEE RARER MIGRANTS DURING APRIL Jane Stylianou The first in an occasional series that will highlight a site on the island that is likely to be well worth a visit during the following month. Cape Greco is a Special Protection Area for birds and is incorporated in the Natura 2000 network in Cyprus. For many members of BirdLife Cyprus, however, it is known as the place where the Bateleur was seen in April 2007. What do you mean you weren't there? Its sightings like that in the area that mean it is a 'must-get-to' place for most bird watchers and well worth a trip wherever you live in Cyprus, even if only once a year. From late March and throughout April the area is alive with migrants and if you include the beaches outside Agia Napa on the way to Cape Greco Park itself and the rock and scrub in front of and behind Agia Napa Sewage Works, there are many areas to search. More usually people will visit the Sea Caves area, the area before the masts and near the Chapel and picnic site but as the discovery of the Kurdish Wheatear in January on a track that leads westwards from under the Army camp shows any tract of scrub is worth investigating. In this brief review of the birds that have been recorded in the Cape Greco area in the last five or six years I will concentrate on passerines although obviously scanning the skies for unusual raptors is to be recommended! An area with resident Sylvia warblers such as the Spectacled and Cyprus, it is one of the first places where migrating warblers can be found. All the commoner Sylvia and Phylloscopus, e.g Ruppell's, Subalpine, Eastern Orphean and Eastern Bonelli's are April regulars. But in 2007 a Barred Warbler was seen in April and other warblers such as Savi's and Icterine skulk in the undergrowth. A great find on May 1st 2009 (just outside the period in review here) was an Olive-tree Warbler. All the wheatears that visit the island can be seen at all Cape Greco locations but a special visitor in 2005 was the Hooded Wheatear. In fact rarities of almost all species have been seen there since 2004. Isabelline Shrike in April 2004 and 2010 and Southern Grey Shrike in 2006 and 2009; Cinereous Bunting in that month during 2005 and 2010; Red-breasted Flycatcher in 2005 and 2008 - not to mention all the commoner shrikes, buntings and flycatchers that are virtually certain to be seen. The flocks of hirundines that pass around the Cape should be looked at carefully. Crag Martin seem to migrate through the area and have been seen every April since 2007. An even bigger rarity, the Little Swift, was seen there in 2004 and 2009. Then add these birds to the mix - Siberian and Caspian Stonechat, Olive-backed Pipit, and White-throated Robin and it is clear that this area is an excellent spring location for just about anything. In 2007 Cyprus' first Dunn Lark was seen on a nearby Agia Napa beach. The Cape is also a good spot to search for Rufous Bush Robin, with Ehrenberg's Redstart (P.p.samiamisicus), Bimaculated Lark, Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush and Thrush Nightingale, almost annual occurrences in April. Even if you don't get one of the real rarities Cape Greco is a great place to explore and you are sure to find most of Cyprus' spring migrants throughout the month. But remember the Bataleur and even this winter's Grey Hypocolius. A visit there could turn up yet another new species to Cyprus - or even Europe. CASPIAN STONECHAT - A SPECIES TO LOOK OUT FOR IN EARLY APRIL Jane Stylianou Male Caspian Stonechat showing distinctive identification features. Photographed April 2010 - Stavros Christodoulides The Common Stonechat Saxicola rubicola is an abundant winter visitor to Cyprus recorded almost everywhere, except in high mountain regions, from October to April and come this time of year many of us will not bother to pay them much attention. However when out birding in late March and early April it is well worth giving any Stonechat a little extra scrutiny. The subspecies group of the Stonechat gives several races and this time of year is the most likely time to pick up on the Caspian Stonechat Saxicola maurus variegatus in Cyprus. The identification pointers in the latest edition of the Collins Bird Guide advise that an adult male of the maurus race is "...similar to Stonechat but has larger white neck side patch reaching further back on nape and orange-red breast patch on average smaller, leaving rest of breast, belly and flanks white". The variegatus or Caspian Stonechat also has "much white basally on tail with inverted 'T' like in Wheatear." These distinguishing features can be seen on these two photographs taken in early April last year by Stavros Christodoulides. The female is a much paler bird than the female Common Stonechat. To quote the Collins Guide again "Throat pale, buffish-white, never dark- looking" with a plain, pale rump. Here the distinctive rump and tail pattern can be seen. April 2010. Stavros Christodoulides. In 2010 Caspian Stonechats were seen at Agia Napa Sewage Works, Akrotiri Salt Lake, Asprokremmos Dam and Pools, Cape Greco, Mandria and in the area of the Larnaca Desalination Plant during March and April, while the previous year the race was seen at Phassouri Reed Beds, Paphos Headland and Agia Napa Sewage Works. So it seems that most of the coast sites regularly visited by birdwatchers may turn up a Caspian Stonechat. Remember to make field notes of the plumage details and to try and photograph any Stonechat you feel may be of the maurus race as this information can help later to verify your sighting. SYSTEMATIC LIST FOR FEBRUARY 2011 Colin Richardson 3,180 bird records received. 154 species and forms recorded in February 2011, compared to 136 in February 2010 [The list is partly edited and contains records that have not been corrected or corroborated.] LITTLE GREBE Tachybaptus ruficollis Νεξνβνύηηεο Agia Napa Sewage Works: c4 22-Feb (SC) Akhna Dam: 40 5-Feb (AKe) Akhna Dam: 55 20-Feb (BB) Asprokremmos Dam: five 21-Feb (PJE) Athalassa Dam: c10 24-Feb (SC) Bishop's Pool: 21 12-Feb (MB) Evretou Dam: four 17-Feb (PJE) Germasogeia Dam, Finikaria: seven 20-Feb (ADT) Kouklia Soakaway beds: one calling 8-Feb (CR) Larnaca Sewage Works: c30 3-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: 40 5-Feb (CR) Larnaca Sewage Works: 26 Probably more 26Feb (JN) Oroklini Marsh: eight 5-Feb (RM) Oroklini Marsh: 12 12-Feb (RM) Oroklini Marsh: 12 19-Feb (RM) Oroklini Marsh: c10 22-Feb (SC) Oroklini Marsh: eight 26-Feb (RM) Paralimni Lake: 10 15-Feb (AKe) Phasouri Reed-beds: three 18-Feb (CR) Polemidia Dam: two 20-Feb (ADT) Sotira Pools, Paralimni Lake: c5 22-Feb (SC) Zakaki Marsh: 13 13-Feb (MB) Zakaki Marsh: 10 18-Feb (CR) GREAT CRESTED GREBE Podiceps cristatus θνπθνβνύηηεο Asprokremmos Dam: four 6-Feb (SC) Asprokremmos Dam: three 24-Feb (CR) BLACK-NECKED GREBE Podiceps nigricollis Μαπξνβνύηηεο Akhna Dam: one 5-Feb (AKe) Larnaca Sewage Works: 10 3-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: eight 18-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: three 19-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: one 21-Feb (SC) with T Hadjikyriacou Larnaca Sewage Works: two 1 breeding, 1 nonbreeding 26-Feb (SC) with Birdlife Cy Group Oroklini Marsh: one 5-Feb (CR) GREAT CORMORANT Phalacrocorax carbo Κνξκνξάλνο Achna Dam: 40+ 19-Feb (KH) Akhna Dam: 70 5-Feb (AKe) Akhna Dam: 37 20-Feb (BB) Akhna Dam: 38 22-Feb (JS) Asprokremmos Dam: 14 21-Feb (PJE) Asprokremmos Dam: 27 24-Feb (CR) Athalassa Dam: nine 24-Feb (SC) Evretou Dam: five 17-Feb (PJE) Evretou Dam: six 24-Feb (DJW) Frenaros: 70 21-Feb (AKe) Germasogeia Dam, Finikaria: 11 26-Feb (MB) Kouris Dam Alassa: 32 20-Feb (ADT) Lady's Mile: three Limassol Bay fish farms 18Feb (CR) Larnaca Sewage Works: c8 18-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: seven 26-Feb (JN) Larnaca Sewage Works: c4 26-Feb (SC) with Birdlife Cy Group Mandria, Paphos: two flying north 19-Feb (DJW) McKenzie Harbour, Larnaca: one adult 18-Feb (SC) Paphos Coast: 30 15+15 heading north early afternoon 28-Feb (IRu) Paphos Lighthouse: one 12-Feb (DJW, CR, KH) Polemidia Dam: 13 20-Feb (ADT) Timi Beach & Forest: seven adults flying into northwest wind 20-Feb (CR) Xylofagou Bay: 200 27-Feb (AKe) EUROPEAN SHAG Phalacrocorax aristotelis Θαιαζζνθόξαθαο Aphrodite's Rock, Paphos: two 18-Feb (JN) Kensington Cliffs: six 4-Feb (JN) Mandria, Paphos: two 8-Feb (CR) Mandria, Paphos: two 13-Feb (SC) Mandria, Paphos: two 18-Feb (TJD) Timi Beach & Forest: one 20-Feb (CR) Timi Beach & Forest: one 26-Feb (CR) CATTLE EGRET Bubulcus ibis Γειαδάξεο Achna Dam: one 19-Feb (KH) Agios Georgios - White River: one 8-Feb (DKe) Akhna Dam: two 20-Feb (BB) Cape Drepano: one 8-Feb (DJW) Oroklini Marsh: one 10-Feb (KH) Oroklini Marsh: one 25-Feb (BB) Oroklini Marsh: 12 26-Feb (RM) Paphos Sewage Plant: nine came in to roost at 17.00 12-Feb (MPa) Paphos Sewage Plant: 10 22-Feb (TJD) LITTLE EGRET Egretta garzetta Υηνλάηε Acheleia weir: five 21-Feb (PJE) Agia Thekla Coast: one 20-Feb (CP) Akhna Dam: four 5-Feb (AKe) Akhna Dam: two 22-Feb (JS) Cape Greco: one Flying W coastally past Cavo Greko Kaos area 9-Feb (SC) Germasogeia Dam, Finikaria: one 26-Feb (JN) Manglis Lake, Lakatameia: one 18-Feb (JS) Meneou Pool, Larnaca: one 18-Feb (SC) Ormidhia Coast: one 4-Feb (SC) Ormidhia Coast: one 15-Feb (SC) with A Leventis Oroklini Marsh: one 12-Feb (RM) Oroklini Marsh: two 19-Feb (RM) Paralimni Lake: two 7-Feb (AKe) Paralimni Lake: four 23-Feb (AKe) Potamos Liopetri: two on rocks towards Agia Thekla 5-Feb (CR) Potamos Liopetri: one 16-Feb (AKe) Spiros Pool & Beach: seven 25-Feb (JS) Zakaki Marsh: four 4-Feb (JN) Zakaki Marsh: 55 12-Feb (MB) Zakaki Marsh: 15 13-Feb (JN) EURASIAN SPOONBILL Platalea leucorodia Κνπηαιάο Mandria, Paphos: 10 19-Feb (KS) GREATER FLAMINGO Phoenicopterus roseus Φιακίλγθν Akrotiri Salt Marshes: 7000 4-Feb (JN) Akrotiri Salt Lake: 2000+ 12-Feb (MPa) Akrotiri Salt Lake: 4000 Possibly more 13-Feb (JN) Larnaca Airport Pools South: 19 25-Feb (JS) Larnaca Airport Pools South: 84 27-Feb (JS) Larnaca Salt Lake: c200 4-Feb (SC) Larnaca Salt Lake: 450 5-Feb (CR) Larnaca Salt Lake: 700+ 8-Feb (IF) Larnaca Salt Lake: c1,000+ 9-Feb (SC) Larnaca Salt Lake: c2,000 15-Feb (SC) with A Leventis Larnaca Salt Lake: c2,000 21-Feb (SC) with T GREAT EGRET Ardea alba Υαλνύκηζζα Hadjikyriacou Akhna Dam: four 5-Feb (AKe) Larnaca Salt Lake: 1200+ 25-Feb (JS) Akhna Dam: three 22-Feb (JS) Larnaca Salt Lake: 2000 Possibly more 26-Feb Germasogeia Dam, Finikaria: two 14-Feb (ADT) (JN) Germasogeia Dam Area: two 26-Feb (MB) Meneou Pool, Larnaca: c100 26-Feb (SC) with Paralimni Lake: one 7-Feb (AKe) Birdlife Cy Group Oroklini Marsh: one 3-Feb (SC) GREY HERON Ardea cinerea Φαξνθάο Oroklini Marsh: one 26-Feb (RM) Akhna Dam: 10 20-Feb (BB) Spiros Pool & Beach: 300 25-Feb (JS) Akhna Dam: 11 Nine flew in late afternoon to Spiros Pool & Beach: c300+ 26-Feb (SC) with join 2 already there 22-Feb (JS) Birdlife Cy Group Akrotiri Salt Lake: 40+ west of Lady's Mile 5GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE Anser Feb (KS) Aspro Dam Pools: three 21-Feb (PJE) albifrons Αξθόζηελα Asprokremmos Dam: two 24-Feb (CR) Larnaca Sewage Works: 13 2-Feb (TJD) Cape Greco: two 22-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: 13 12-Feb (DRh) Evretou Dam: two 17-Feb (PJE) Larnaca Sewage Works: 12 18-Feb (SC) Germasogeia Dam, Finikaria: four 21-Feb COMMON SHELDUCK Tadorna tadorna (ADT) Germasogeia Dam, Finikaria: three 26-Feb (JN) Αιάνπξηνο Geroskipou Water Channel: one 14-Feb (TJD) Akrotiri Salt Marshes: 55 4-Feb (JN) Kouris Dam Alassa: one 20-Feb (ADT) Larnaca Salt Lake: c300 4-Feb (SC) Lady's Mile: 34 Limassol Bay fish farms 18-Feb Larnaca Salt Lake: 430 5-Feb (CR) (CR) Larnaca Salt Lake: 400+ 8-Feb (IF) Larnaca Salt Lake: four 5-Feb (CR) Larnaca Salt Lake: 500 25-Feb (JS) Larnaca Salt Lake: four 26-Feb (JN) Larnaca Sewage Works: c400+ 19-Feb (SC) Mandria, Paphos: two 19-Feb (KS) EURASIAN WIGEON Anas penelope Paralimni Lake: five 5-Feb (AKe) Paralimni Lake: eight 15-Feb (AKe) Αξκαπάζζηεο Paralimni Lake: 10 20-Feb (AKe) Asprokremmos Dam: six 24-Feb (CR) Potamos Liopetri: two offshore fish farm 5-Feb Larnaca Sewage Works: 18 3-Feb (SC) (CR) Larnaca Sewage Works: 21 4-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: 12 5-Feb (CR) Larnaca Sewage Works: nine 4 male, 5 female 19-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: three males 26-Feb (JN) Larnaca Sewage Works: 2+ 26-Feb (SC) with Birdlife Cy Group GADWALL Anas strepera Καλλανύξα Larnaca Sewage Works: one male 3-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: one male 21-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: three, two males and one female 25-Feb (JS) Zakaki Marsh: one 2-Feb (KH) EURASIAN TEAL Anas crecca αξζέιιη Asprokremmos Dam: 10 24-Feb (CR) Athalassa Dam: c4 24-Feb (SC) Bishop's Pool: 250 Probably more 4-Feb (JN) Bishop's Pool: 150+ 5-Feb (MB) Bishop's Pool: 166 Probably more 13-Feb (JN) Larnaca Sewage Works: c80 3-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: c100 4-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: c120 25-Feb (JS) Larnaca Sewage Works: c50 26-Feb (SC) with Birdlife Cy Group Oroklini Marsh: 250 5-Feb (RM) Oroklini Marsh: 290 5-Feb (CR) Oroklini Marsh: 200 19-Feb (RM) Oroklini Marsh: 60+ 22-Feb (JS) Oroklini Marsh: c20 22-Feb (SC) Oroklini Marsh: 80 26-Feb (RM) Spiros Pool & Beach: four 3-Feb (SC) MALLARD Anas platyrhynchos Πξαζηλνηδέθαιε Asprokremmos Dam: 10 24-Feb (CR) Athalassa Dam: two 1 male, 1 female 24-Feb (SC) Evretou Dam: two 15-Feb (IF) Germasogeia Dam, Finikaria: 12 21-Feb (ADT) Larnaca Salt Lake: two 1 male, 1 female 4-Feb (SC) Larnaca Salt Lake: four 2 pairs 19-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: c20 3-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: c60 19-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: 46 25-Feb (JS) Larnaca Sewage Works: c50 26-Feb (SC) with Birdlife Cy Group Oroklini Marsh: c20 4-Feb (SC) Oroklini Marsh: 15 12-Feb (RM) Oroklini Marsh: c20 21-Feb (SC) with T Hadjikyriacou Oroklini Marsh: c30 22-Feb (SC) Zakaki Marsh: 12 4-Feb (MB) Zakaki Marsh: six One male, 5 females 13-Feb (JN) NORTHERN PINTAIL Anas acuta νπβινλνύξα Larnaca Salt Lake: 28 19-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: one female 4-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: two 1 male, 1 female 19-Feb (SC) Oroklini Marsh: five 3-Feb (SC) Oroklini Marsh: c8 4-Feb (SC) Oroklini Marsh: six 5-Feb (CR) Oroklini Marsh: 14 14-Feb (AKe) Oroklini Marsh: four 26-Feb (RM) Sotira Pools, Paralimni Lake: one male 22-Feb (SC) Zakaki Marsh: one 9-Feb (MB) NORTHERN SHOVELER Anas clypeata αμάλα Athalassa Dam: c5 24-Feb (SC) Larnaca Salt Lake: 320 5-Feb (CR) Larnaca Salt Lake: cc200 15-Feb (SC) with A Leventis Larnaca Salt Lake: c800 25-Feb (JS) Larnaca Salt Lake: c500 26-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: c100 3-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: c300 4-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: c400 5-Feb (CR) Larnaca Sewage Works: c300 21-Feb (SC) with T Hadjikyriacou Larnaca Sewage Works: c500 26-Feb (SC) with Birdlife Cy Group Oroklini Marsh: c50 4-Feb (SC) Oroklini Marsh: 100 5-Feb (RM) Oroklini Marsh: 75 12-Feb (RM) Oroklini Marsh: 60 19-Feb (RM) Oroklini Marsh: c40 22-Feb (SC) Oroklini Marsh: 50 26-Feb (RM) Zakaki Marsh: two Pair 4-Feb (JN) Zakaki Marsh: 18 11m 7f 23-Feb (MB) RED-CRESTED POCHARD Netta rufina Κνηζηλνηδέθαιε Larnaca Sewage Works: one female 3-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: 1 f 4-Feb (SC) COMMON POCHARD Aythya ferina Κνληνύξα Larnaca Salt Lake: two 1 male, 1 female 19Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: 43 3-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: 49 5-Feb (CR) Larnaca Sewage Works: 44 19-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: c40 21-Feb (SC) with T Hadjikyriacou Larnaca Sewage Works: 25 Possibly more in far corner 26-Feb (JN) FERRUGINOUS DUCK Aythya nyroca Βαιηόπαπηα Athalassa Dam: two 24-Feb (SC) Bishop's Pool: four Males 4-Feb (JN) Zakaki Marsh: nine 18-Feb (CR) Zakaki Marsh: eight 20-Feb (MB) EURASIAN GRIFFON VULTURE Gyps fulvus Γύπαο Curium area: two In flight along coast cliffs. 12Feb (MPa) Episkopi Garrison, Limassol: two 18-Feb (JN) Kensington Cliffs: five 4-Feb (JN) WESTERN MARSH HARRIER Circus aeruginosus Βαιηνζηάρηλν Akhna Dam: one 5-Feb (AKe) Anarita Roundabout: one 1 ad m 28-Feb (PJE) Athalassa: 1 27-Feb (CS) Bishop's Pool: one 5-Feb (MB) Bishop's Pool: one 17-Feb (KH) Lady's Mile: one 5-Feb (KS) Larnaca Desalination Plant Fields: one 26-Feb (ADT) Larnaca Salt Lake: one Tekke Mosque area 25Feb (JS) Larnaca Sewage Works: one 6-Feb (BB) Larnaca Sewage Works: two 12-Feb (DRh) Larnaca Sewage Works: two 26-Feb (JN) Mandria, Paphos: one 1 ad f 28-Feb (PJE) Oroklini Marsh: one 3-Feb (ADT) Oroklini Marsh: two 5-Feb (RM) Oroklini Marsh: two 12-Feb (RM) Oroklini Marsh: one 28-Feb (AKe) Paralimni Lake: two 22-Feb (SC) Paralimni Lake: one 26-Feb (AKe) Parekklisia: one 16-Feb (ADT) Phasouri Reed-beds: one 3-Feb (JE) Phasouri Reed-beds: three fems. 18-Feb (CR) Spiros Pool: one Field opposite Spiros Coast, imm 21-Feb (SC) with T Hadjikyriacou Spiros Pool & Beach: two 26-Feb (SC) with Birdlife Cy Group Zakaki Marsh: two Females 4-Feb (JN) Zakaki Marsh: two 13-Feb (MB) Zakaki Marsh: one 18-Feb (CR) HEN HARRIER Circus cyaneus Οξληζνζηάρηλν Akhna Dam: one 5-Feb (AKe) Akrotiri: one ringtail 3-Feb (JE) Aspro Dam Pools: one m 18-Feb (KH) Tsada Hills: one 4pm 11-Feb (MW) Tsada Hills: one 25-Feb (MW) Tsada Hills: one 28-Feb (MW) PALLID HARRIER Circus macrourus Αζπξνζηάρηλν Cape Greco: one juv possible 10-Feb (KH) NORTHERN GOSHAWK Accipiter gentilis Γηπινζηάρηλν Troodos Square: one 14-Feb (CS, EK) EURASIAN SPARROWHAWK Accipiter nisus Σδηθινζηάρηλν Bishop's Pool: one 12-Feb (MPa) Bishop's Pool: one 21-Feb (KH) Evretou Dam: one 1-Feb (CR) Mandria Canal: one 8-Feb (CR) Mandria, Paphos: one, and 9-Feb, 11-Feb (KS) Terra: one 1-Feb (CR) COMMON BUZZARD Buteo buteo Πνληηθνζηάρηλν Achna Dam: one 19-Feb (KH) Agia Napa Sewage Works: one 22-Feb (SC) Agia Thekla: one 7-Feb (AKe) Dhekeleia: one 7-Feb (AKe) Dromolaxia: one by Motorway on wire near Dromolaxia 15-Feb (SC) with A Leventis Evretou Dam: one juvenile 15-Feb (IF) Ezousas Valley, lower: one 15-Feb (DJW) Ezousas Valley, lower: two 26-Feb (DJW) Kidasi, Diarizos Valley: one 12-Feb (JN) Lady's Mile: one 5-Feb (KS) Larnaca Desalination Plant Fields: two 5-Feb (CR) Larnaca Sewage Works: one 18-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: two 26-Feb (JN) Mandria, Paphos: one 5-Feb (DJW) Mandria, Paphos: one 26-Feb (CR) Oroklini Marsh: 1+ 4-Feb (SC) Phasouri Reed-beds: one 4-Feb (JN) Phasouri Reed-beds: two 18-Feb (CR) Stroumbi: one 1-Feb (CR) LONG-LEGGED BUZZARD Buteo rufinus ηαρηλνιάγνπδν Armou Hills: two 2 territories 7-Feb (CR) Armou Hills: two pair behaving co-operatively 15-Feb (CR) Armou Hills: four, including pair over group during 1 hour walk 19-Feb (CR, BC fieldtrip) Armou Hills: two BC Field Trip 19-Feb (JS) Aspro Dam Pools: one very pale 10-Feb (CR) Aspro Dam Pools: one 18-Feb (KH) Asprokremmos dam: two 4-Feb (KS) Asprokremmos Dam: one very pale 8-Feb (CR) Diarizos Valley: two seen from X-treme view café 10-Feb (CR) Finikaria: two together 26-Feb (KH) Kallepia,Ezousas Valley: one 5-Feb (MW) Kamares,Tala: one 7-Feb (DJW) Kathikas: one ad 22-Feb (PJE) Kedares: one 15.45h over Dhiarizos valley 10Feb (CR) Malia, Limassol: one 18-Feb (JN) Mandria, Paphos: one 3-Feb (KS) Mandria, Paphos: one 25-Feb (KS) Mesa Choiro - Armou: pair 26-Feb (DJW) Nata Ford: two performing ariel display 15-Feb (IF) Omodhos to Agios Nikolaos road vineyard area: two In aerial display 12-Feb (JN) Oroklini Marsh: one 2-Feb (AKe) Oroklini Marsh: one 10-Feb (KH) Paphos Sewage Plant: one 25-Feb (TJD) Polemi: one 24-Feb (MW) Polemi: one 26-Feb (MW) Terra: three circling and hunting together 1-Feb (CR) Theletra, Pafos District: two 17-Feb (JN) Theletra: one 16-Feb (CR) Theletra: one 24-Feb (DJW) Tsada: one 16-Feb (CR) Tsada Hills: two 10-Feb (MW) Tsada Hills: one 23-Feb (MW) BUZZARD sp. Buteo sp. Episkopi Garrison, Limassol: one On top of tree feeding on prey, probably a Common Buzzard 18-Feb (JN) BONELLI'S EAGLE Aquila fasciatus Πεξηηθνζηάρηλν Agios Nikolaos - Mandria: one ad. over forest 10-Feb (CR) Akti Beach, Paphos: two pair, over land 12-Feb (DJW, CR, KH) Aphrodite Hills: one 23-Feb (KS) Arodes: two pair 24-Feb (DJW) Diarizos Valley: two odd plumage look like 3rd years, seen from X-treme view café 10-Feb (CR) Kamares,Tala: two pair 7-Feb (DJW) Kidasi, Diarizos Valley: two aerial display 12Feb (JN) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: one ad. 3-Feb (CR) Tsada: one Vikla Village 16-Feb (CR) COMMON KESTREL Falco tinnunculus Κίηζεο Aphrodite's Rock, Paphos: two 17-Feb (JN) Argaka: two 12-Feb (AD) Armou Hills: three BC Field Trip 19-Feb (JS) Asprokremmos Dam: three 18-Feb (JN) Athalassa Farms: 2+ 24-Feb (SC) Bishop's Pool: three 4-Feb (JN) Cape Greco: three 11-Feb (JN) Cape Greco: four 15-Feb (SC) with A Leventis Cape Greco: four 20-Feb (CP) Cape Greco: six 22-Feb (JS) Cape Greco: two 22-Feb (SC) Curium area: two 16-Feb (JN) Fyti to Simou, Pafos District: three 17-Feb (JN) Kantou, Limassol: two 13-Feb (JN) Kathikas: two 1M 1F mating 21-Feb (AD) Kensington Cliffs: two 4-Feb (JN) Larnaca Desalination Plant Fields: two 26-Feb (JN) Larnaca Sewage Works: two 4-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: c3 26-Feb (SC) with Birdlife Cy Group Marathounta: two 1male 1female perched together 15-Feb (DJW) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: two 11-Feb (CR) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: two 27-Feb (CR) Meneou Pool, Larnaca: two 26-Feb (JN) Oroklini Marsh: two 4-Feb (SC) Paralimni Lake: two 22-Feb (SC) Paramali, Limassol: three 17-Feb (JN) Souni, main road ravine: three One pair and one male 8-Feb (JN) Zakaki Marsh: two 4-Feb (JN) Zakaki Marsh: two 13-Feb (JN) PEREGRINE FALCON Falco peregrinus Σδάλνο Peregrine Falcon. Mandria. Dave and Jan Walker Argaka res: one 27-Feb (MW) Bishop's Pool: one 4-Feb (JN) Episkopi Paphos: two 23-Feb (PJE) Germasogeia Dam, Finikaria: one adult m 14Feb (ADT) Germasogeia Dam, Finikaria: one adult m 21Feb (ADT) Kensington Cliffs: one 24-Feb (TJD) Larnaca Sewage Works: one 12-Feb (DRh) Mandria, Paphos: one ad. 8-Feb (CR) Mandria, Paphos: one 15-Feb (DJW) Tunnel Beach: one 18-Feb (CR) CHUKAR Alectoris chukar Πεξδίθη Mavrokolymbos Dam: two 1-Feb (IF) Asprokremmos Dam: two 24-Feb (CR) Asprokremmos Dam Car Park: one heard only 5-Feb (SC) Athalassa Park: two 27-Feb (SC) Bishop's Pool: four 5-Feb (MB) Bishop's Pool: three One seen, 2 other coveys heard calling 13-Feb (JN) Cape Greco: 12 5-Feb (CR) Cape Greco: c12 9-Feb (SC) Cape Greco: five 11-Feb (JN) Cape Greco: c20 15-Feb (SC) with A Leventis Cape Greco: eight 20-Feb (CP) Cape Greco: four 22-Feb (JS) Cape Greco: c6 22-Feb (SC) Kathikas: two 21-Feb (AD) Kermia area: two 22-Feb (SC) Kidasi, Diarizos Valley: five Seen 2, 3 other coveys heard 12-Feb (JN) Larnaca Sewage Works: two 18-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: two 27-Feb (JS) Madari: one heard only 12-Feb (SC) Mandria, Paphos: c5 5-Feb (SC) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: two 2-Feb (CR) Meneou Pool, Larnaca: two 26-Feb (JN) Mesa Chorio - Armou: two 26-Feb (DJW) Minthis Hills: two 2-Feb (CR) Ormidhia Coast: two 4-Feb (SC) Souni Carob Grove: seven 4 seen, 3 other coveys heard 7-Feb (JN) Souni Carob Grove: three Seen 22-Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: two Seen, probably more 9Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: two Seen 18-Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: three One seen, others heard calling 24-Feb (JN) Stavrovouni Foothills: three 17-Feb (SC) Timi Beach & Forest: two 14-Feb (CR) BLACK FRANCOLIN Francolinus francolinus Φξαγθνιίλα Akhna Dam: one heard 22-Feb (JS) Argaka: one seen or heard most days since 24Feb (AD) Athalassa Farms: one male 24-Feb (SC) Larnaca Salt Lake: one male 4-Feb (SC) Mandria, Paphos: three male 5-Feb (SC) Mandria, Paphos: one seen 25-Feb (KS) Nata Ford: two 2-Feb (IF) Oroklini Marsh: two male 4-Feb (SC) Oroklini Marsh: two 12-Feb (RM) Paralimni Lake: one in song 15-Feb (AKe) Spiros Pool & Beach: one heard 25-Feb (JS) Strovolos, Nicosia: one heard. Pedeaios River Bed 23-Feb (JS) Zakaki Marsh: one 12-Feb (MB) COMMON QUAIL Coturnix coturnix Οξηύθη Larnaca Salt Lake: one heard. Tekke Mosque area 25-Feb (JS) WATER RAIL Rallus aquaticus Μαπξνπνπιιάδα Oroklini Marsh: one 14-Feb (AKe) Oroklini Marsh: one 19-Feb (RM) Zakaki Marsh: two 5-Feb (MB) Zakaki Marsh: two One seen briefly, other feeding in the open 13-Feb (JN) SPOTTED CRAKE Porzana porzana ηηθηνπνπιιάδα Oroklini Marsh: one adult 3-Feb (SC) Oroklini Marsh: one adult 4-Feb (SC) Oroklini Marsh: one 14-Feb (AKe) Oroklini Marsh: one 17-Feb (AKe) COMMON MOORHEN Gallinula chloropus Αξθνπεηείλαξν Athalassa Dam: c8 24-Feb (SC) Bishop's Pool: 11 13-Feb (JN) Kouklia Soakaway beds: nine 8-Feb (CR) Oroklini Marsh: c5 3-Feb (SC) Oroklini Marsh: seven 12-Feb (RM) Oroklini Marsh: six 17-Feb (AKe) Paralimni Lake: four 3-Feb (AKe) Secret Valley Golf Course area: three 18-Feb (JN) Zakaki Marsh: six 4-Feb (JN) Zakaki Marsh: 21 5-Feb (MB) Zakaki Marsh: four 13-Feb (JN) Zakaki Marsh: six 18-Feb (CR) EURASIAN COOT Fulica atra Καξαπαηηάο Akhna Dam: 300 5-Feb (AKe) Akhna Dam: 270 20-Feb (BB) Akhna Dam: 190+ 22-Feb (JS) Athalassa Dam: c20 24-Feb (SC) Bishop's Pool: 137 Probably more 4-Feb (JN) Bishop's Pool: 152 12-Feb (MB) Bishop's Pool: 112 Probably more 13-Feb (JN) Kouris Dam Alassa: 24 20-Feb (ADT) Larnaca Sewage Works: c350 3-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: c200 26-Feb (SC) with Birdlife Cy Group Oroklini Marsh: c150 4-Feb (SC) Oroklini Marsh: 150 12-Feb (RM) Oroklini Marsh: 100 17-Feb (AKe) Oroklini Marsh: c100 22-Feb (SC) Paralimni Lake: 20 26-Feb (AKe) Phasouri Reed-beds: 32 18-Feb (CR) Polemidia Dam: 34 20-Feb (ADT) Sotira Pools, Paralimni Lake: c15 22-Feb (SC) Zakaki Marsh: 123 4-Feb (MB) Zakaki Marsh: 143 4-Feb (JN) Zakaki Marsh: c90 18-Feb (CR) COMMON CRANE Grus grus Γεξαλόο Bishop's Pool: 13 flying 2-Feb (KH) Larnaca Salt Lake: one 25-Feb (JS) BLACK-WINGED STILT Himantopus himantopus Καιακνθαλλάο Oroklini Marsh: three 2-Feb (AKe) Oroklini Marsh: six 12-Feb (RM) Oroklini Marsh: seven 17-Feb (AKe) Oroklini Marsh: 10 26-Feb (RM) Oroklini Marsh: eight 28-Feb (AKe) PIED AVOCET Recurvirostra avosetta Αβνθέηα Larnaca Salt Lake: 13 5-Feb (CR) Larnaca Salt Lake: 13 19-Feb (SC) Larnaca Salt Lake: 12 25-Feb (JS) Larnaca Salt Lake: nine 26-Feb (JN) EURASIAN STONE-CURLEW Burhinus oedicnemus Σξνπιινπξίδα Larnaca Airport Pools North: 10 27-Feb (BB) Meneou Pool, Larnaca: 22 2-Feb (TJD) Meneou Pool, Larnaca: three 26-Feb (JN) LITTLE RINGED PLOVER Charadrius dubius Ληκλνπινπκίδη Oroklini Marsh: two 14-Feb (AKe) Oroklini Marsh: one 17-Feb (AKe) Oroklini Marsh: two 19-Feb (KH) COMMON RINGED PLOVER Charadrius hiaticula Ακκνπινπκίδη Larnaca Salt Lake: 1+ 9-Feb (SC) Larnaca Salt Lake: five 26-Feb (JN) Spiros Pool & Beach: one 3-Feb (SC) Spiros Pool & Beach: one 13-Feb (DRh) Spiros Pool & Beach: four 25-Feb (JS) KENTISH PLOVER Charadrius alexandrinus Πινπκίδη Lady's Mile: three 12-Feb (MPa) Larnaca Airport Pools South: 10 25-Feb (JS) Larnaca Salt Lake: c30 9-Feb (SC) Larnaca Salt Lake: c10 19-Feb (SC) Meneou Pool, Larnaca: c100+ 3-Feb (SC) Paphos Lighthouse: one 12-Feb (DJW, CR, KH) Paphos Lighthouse: one 15-Feb (TJD) Paralimni Lake: 60 3-Feb (AKe) Paralimni Lake: 43 13-Feb (AKe) Paralimni Lake: 50 15-Feb (AKe) Spiros Pool & Beach: two 1 male, 1 female 3Feb (SC) Spiros Pool & Beach: seven 5-Feb (CR) Spiros Pool & Beach: five 9-Feb (BB) Spiros Pool & Beach: 21 25-Feb (JS) Spiros Pool & Beach: c6 26-Feb (SC) with Birdlife Cy Group GREATER SAND PLOVER Charadrius leschenaultii Βξαρνπινπκίδη Agia Thekla Coast: 17 23-Feb (AKe) Agia Triada: one 8-Feb (AKe) Ormidhia Coast: six 27-Feb (AKe) Kermia beach: 2 24-Feb (CS) Paphos Lighthouse: four 12-Feb (DJW, CR, KH) Paphos Lighthouse: four 15-Feb (TJD) Spiros Pool & Beach: two 21-Feb (SC) with T Hadjikyriacou Spiros Pool & Beach: nine two gaining breeding plumage 25-Feb (JS) Spiros Pool & Beach: two one coming into breeding plumage 27-Feb (BB) EURASIAN GOLDEN PLOVER Pluvialis apricaria Υξπζνπινπκίδη Akrotiri Salt Marshes: 50 Possibly as many as 70 birds 4-Feb (JN) Coral Bay: one 8-Feb (DJW) Larnaca Salt Lake: three 5-Feb (CR) Larnaca Sewage Works: c35 3-Feb (SC) Mandria, Paphos: 109 4-Feb (KS) Mandria, Paphos: c85 5-Feb (SC) Mandria, Paphos: c60 6-Feb (SC) Mandria, Paphos: 48 ploughed field 15-Feb (DJW) Mandria, Paphos: 40+ 19-Feb (KS) Mandria, Paphos: 38 20-Feb (CR) Paphos Lighthouse: 25 inside fence of lighthouse area 12-Feb (DJW, CR, KH) Paphos Lighthouse: 35 On rocks 14-Feb (MPa) Paralimni Lake: four 3-Feb (AKe) Petounta Point: 29 19-Feb (SC) Petounta Point: c8 21-Feb (SC) with T Hadjikyriacou Spiros Pool & Beach: 30 5-Feb (CR) GREY PLOVER Pluvialis squatarola ηαθηνπινπκίδη Larnaca Salt Lake: two 4-Feb (SC) Paphos Lighthouse: one 12-Feb (DJW, CR, KH) SPUR-WINGED LAPWING Vanellus spinosus Πειινθαηεξίλα Akhna Dam: 26 19-Feb (KH) Akhna Dam: 22 22-Feb (JS) Larnaca Sewage Works: five 26-Feb (SC) with Birdlife Cy Group Larnaca Sewage Works: three 27-Feb (JS) Oroklini Marsh: c25 4-Feb (SC) Oroklini Marsh: 24 5-Feb (CR) Oroklini Marsh: 11 12-Feb (RM) Oroklini Marsh: nine 22-Feb (JS) Oroklini Marsh: eight 26-Feb (RM) Paphos Sewage Plant: four 12-Feb (CR) Paphos Sewage Plant: four 21-Feb (PJE) Paralimni Lake: c4 22-Feb (SC) Spiros Pool & Beach: nine 25-Feb (JS) NORTHERN LAPWING Vanellus vanellus Γηαλλήο Cape Greco: seven 15-Feb (SC) with A Leventis Cape Greco: one 20-Feb (CP) Larnaca Desalination Plant Fields: 17 5-Feb (CR) Oroklini Marsh: one 5-Feb (CR) Oroklini Marsh: three 22-Feb (JS) Paralimni Lake: 80 3-Feb (AKe) Paralimni Lake: four 7-Feb (AKe) Phasouri Reed-beds: three 7-Feb (TJD) Spiros Pool: two Field in front of Larnaca Airport 4-Feb (SC) LITTLE STINT Calidris minuta Ναλνλεξαιιίδη Larnaca Salt Lake: c8 4-Feb (SC) Larnaca Salt Lake: c10 19-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: two 21-Feb (SC) with T Hadjikyriacou Oroklini Marsh: two 5-Feb (RM) Spiros Pool & Beach: five 3-Feb (SC) Spiros Pool & Beach: two 5-Feb (CR) Paphos Lighthouse: one 12-Feb (DJW, CR, KH) Spiros Pool & Beach: one 21-Feb (SC) with T Hadjikyriacou Spiros Pool & Beach: nine 24-Feb (KH) JACK SNIPE Lymnocryptes minimus Μνλνπηθάηζνλν Oroklini Marsh: one 26-Feb (RM) COMMON SNIPE Gallinago gallinago Πηθαηζόλη Aspro Dam Pools: one 8-Feb (CR) Aspro Dam Pools: one 19-Feb (KS) Kouklia Soakaway beds: one 19-Feb (KS) Oroklini Marsh: three 3-Feb (SC) Oroklini Marsh: four 5-Feb (CR) Oroklini Marsh: seven 10-Feb (KH) Oroklini Marsh: five 14-Feb (AKe) Oroklini Marsh: eight 19-Feb (KH) Oroklini Marsh: three 21-Feb (SC) Paralimni Lake: three 20-Feb (AKe) Phasouri Reed-beds: eight 18-Feb (CR) WHIMBREL Numenius phaeopus Θαιαζζνκπεθάηζα Vardas Beach, Paphos: one 22-Feb (DJW) EURASIAN CURLEW Numenius arquata Νεξνκπεθάηζα Larnaca Sewage Works: five 4-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: seven 9-Feb (BB) Larnaca Sewage Works: two 13-Feb (BB) Larnaca Sewage Works: c6 flying in the distance behind Larnaca Sewage Works 26Feb (SC) with Birdlife Cy Group Phasouri Reed-beds: one 18-Feb (CR) Spiros Pool & Beach: one at least, possibly two 5-Feb (CR) SPOTTED REDSHANK Tringa erythropus Μαπξνλεξαιιίδα TEMMINCK'S STINT Calidris temminckii ηξνπζνλεξαιιίδη Oroklini Marsh: three 7-Feb (AKe) Oroklini Marsh: two 17-Feb (AKe) Oroklini Marsh: one 22-Feb (JS) Oroklini Marsh: one 25-Feb (BB) DUNLIN Calidris alpina Λαζπνλεξαιιίδη Agia Triada: 18 13-Feb (AKe) Larnaca Salt Lake: 35 5-Feb (CR) Larnaca Salt Lake: c10 19-Feb (SC) Larnaca Salt Lake: c10 26-Feb (SC) with Birdlife Cy Group Spotted Redshank. Oroklini. Raija Howard Oroklini Marsh: two 3-Feb (ADT) Oroklini Marsh: two 19-Feb (KH) Oroklini Marsh: one 22-Feb (JS) COMMON REDSHANK Tringa totanus Φιπαξνλεξαιιίδα Akhna Dam: one and 20-Feb 12-Feb (BB) Akhna Dam: one 22-Feb (JS) Larnaca Airport Pools South: nine 27-Feb (JS) Larnaca Salt Lake: 13 4-Feb (SC) Larnaca Salt Lake: c5 19-Feb (SC) Oroklini Marsh: c10 4-Feb (SC) Oroklini Marsh: six 5-Feb (RM) Oroklini Marsh: five 19-Feb (RM) Oroklini Marsh: eight 26-Feb (RM) Paralimni Lake: five 20-Feb (AKe) Paralimni Lake: one 22-Feb (SC) Spiros Pool & Beach: 11 24-Feb (KH) Spiros Pool & Beach: two 25-Feb (JS) COMMON GREENSHANK Tringa nebularia ηαθηνλεξαιιίδα Paralimni Lake: one 20-Feb (AKe) GREEN SANDPIPER Tringa ochropus Πξαζηλνλεξαιιίδα Akhna Dam: three 5-Feb (AKe) Aspro Dam Pools: two 22-Feb (PJE) Aspro Dam Pools: two 23-Feb (KS) Kouklia Soakaway beds: two 8-Feb (CR) Kouklia Soakaway beds: one 19-Feb (KS) Larnaca Salt Lake: two Tekke Mosque area 25Feb (JS) Larnaca Sewage Works: one 19-Feb (SC) Mandria Canal: two Canal Koloni 23-Feb (PJE) Oroklini Marsh: one 7-Feb (ADT) Oroklini Marsh: one 17-Feb (AKe) Paralimni Lake: two 7-Feb (AKe) Paralimni Lake: six 20-Feb (AKe) Paralimni Lake: 11 23-Feb (AKe) Zakaki Marsh: one 13-Feb (JN) Zakaki Marsh: two 21-Feb (KH) WOOD SANDPIPER Tringa glareola Γαζνλεξαιιίδα Oroklini Marsh: one 3-Feb (ADT) COMMON SANDPIPER Actitis hypoleucos Μηθξνλεξαιιίδα Agia Thekla Coast: one 16-Feb (AKe) Agia Thekla Coast: one 26-Feb (BB) Akti Beach: one 12-Feb (DJW, CR, KH) Evretou Dam: one 1-Feb (CR) Geroskipou Tourist Beach: one 17-Feb (TJD) Oroklini Marsh: one 3-Feb (ADT) Oroklini Marsh: one 19-Feb (KH) Paphos Lighthouse: one 4-Feb (DJW) Paphos Lighthouse: one 12-Feb (CR) Pegeia: one 21-Feb (IF) Common Sandpiper. Oroklini. Raija Howard RUDDY TURNSTONE Arenaria interpres Βξαρνλεξαιιίδα Paphos Lighthouse: two 15-Feb (TJD) Paphos Lighthouse: two 18-Feb (KH) MEDITERRANEAN GULL Larus melanocephalus Μαπξνθέθαινο Γιάξνο Larnaca Salt Lake: two 2 adult non-breeding 4Feb (SC) Larnaca Salt Lake: three 2 adult breeding, 1 1st winter/spring 26-Feb (SC) with Birdlife Cy Group Larnaca Seafront: c4 Shore outside Monte Carlo Restaurant 18-Feb (SC) Larnaca Seafront: seven 2 adult breeding, 3 ad non-breeding, 2 1st spring 21-Feb (SC) with T Hadjikyriacou Larnaca Seafront: one 2nd spring 27-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: two 1 adult nonbreeding, 1 1st winter/spring 18-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: two 1 adult breeding, 1 1st winter/spring 26-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: one breeding plumage 27-Feb (BB) McKenzie Harbour, Larnaca: one ad near breeding 18-Feb (SC) Oroklini Marsh: one 2-Feb (AKe) Oroklini Marsh: one adult non-breeding 4-Feb (SC) Oroklini Marsh: two 10-Feb (KH) Oroklini Marsh: 12 17-Feb (AKe) Oroklini Marsh: five 19-Feb (KH) Oroklini Marsh: 5+ 3 adult and 2+ juv 22-Feb (JS) Oroklini Marsh: two 28-Feb (AKe) COMMON BLACK-HEADED GULL Larus ridibundus Υσξαθόγιαξνο Larnaca Salt Lake: 1000 5-Feb (CR) Larnaca Salt Lake: 500+ 8-Feb (IF) Larnaca Salt Lake: c1,000+ 9-Feb (SC) Larnaca Salt Lake: c500 15-Feb (SC) with A Leventis Larnaca Salt Lake: c500 26-Feb (SC) Larnaca Seafront: c500 18-Feb (SC) Larnaca Seafront: c200 21-Feb (SC) with T Hadjikyriacou Larnaca Seafront: c300 27-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: 200+ 25-Feb (JS) Oroklini Marsh: 200 5-Feb (CR) Oroklini Marsh: 400 7-Feb (AKe) Oroklini Marsh: c150 21-Feb (SC) with T Hadjikyriacou Oroklini Marsh: c200 22-Feb (JS) Zakaki Marsh: 300 4-Feb (JN) Zakaki Marsh: 250+ 5-Feb (MB) SLENDER-BILLED GULL Larus genei Ρνδόγιαξνο Larnaca Salt Lake: four 4-Feb (SC) Larnaca Salt Lake: two 15-Feb (SC) with A Leventis Larnaca Salt Lake: 12 19-Feb (SC) Larnaca Salt Lake: c20 26-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: two 26-Feb (JN) Larnaca Sewage Works: c6 26-Feb (SC) with Birdlife Cy Group Larnaca Sewage Works: one 27-Feb (JS) McKenzie Harbour, Larnaca: 1 ad 18-Feb (SC) Meneou Pool, Larnaca: one 21-Feb (SC) with T Hadjikyriacou AUDOUIN'S GULL Larus audouinii Νεζόγιαξνο Cape Greco: two 15-Feb (SC) with A Leventis Cape Greco: one 15-Feb (SC) with A Leventis Cape Greco: two 1 adult, 1 immature 22-Feb (SC) Kermia area: two 8-Feb (AKe) Kermia beach: 4 24-Feb (CS) Spiros Pool & Beach: one adult 25-Feb (JS) COMMON GULL Larus canus Θπειιόγιαξνο Common Gull. Larnaca Sea Front. Stavros Christodoulides Larnaca Seafront: 1 1st spr Shore outside Monte Carlo Restaurant 18-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: one 1 1st winter/spring 4-Feb (SC) BALTIC GULL Larus fuscus Μειαλόγιαξνο Oroklini Marsh: one 20-Feb (CP) Geronisos Island: two possible 27-Feb (IRu) Larnaca Sewage Works: two 26-Feb (JN) Larnaca Sewage Works: one adult 26-Feb (SC) with Birdlife Cy Group Meneou Pool, Larnaca: one adult 3-Feb (SC) Meneou Pool, Larnaca: one adult 21-Feb (SC) with T Hadjikyriacou HEUGLIN'S GULL Larus heuglini ηβεξηθόο Γιάξνο Larnaca Airport Pools South: one ad. 5-Feb (CR) Larnaca Airport Pools South: two 25-Feb (JS) Meneou Pool, Larnaca: one adult 21-Feb (SC) with T Hadjikyriacou Meneou Pool, Larnaca: one adult 26-Feb (SC) Oroklini Marsh: one ad. 5-Feb (CR) Oroklini Marsh: one 17-Feb (AKe) YELLOW-LEGGED GULL Larus michahellis Υηληηαλόγιαξνο Akti Beach, Paphos: 20 on wrecked ship 12Feb (CR) Aspro Dam Pools: 70 10-Feb (CR) Cape Drepano: 100 probably more 8-Feb (DJW) Cape Drepano: 29 raft of birds in sea 23-Feb (IF) Mandria, Paphos: 20 20-Feb (CR) Meneou Pool, Larnaca: c10 18-Feb (SC) Meneou Pool, Larnaca: c10 21-Feb (SC) with T Hadjikyriacou Timi Beach & Forest: four 20-Feb (CR) CASPIAN GULL Larus cachinnans Καζπηθόο Γιάξνο Asprokremmos Dam: one 24-Feb (CR) Kouris Dam Alassa: 150+ 20-Feb (ADT) Larnaca Airport Pools South: 55 5-Feb (CR) Larnaca Airport Pools South: 50+ 25-Feb (JS) Larnaca Airport Pools South: 50+ 27-Feb (JS) Larnaca Salt Lake: 170 5-Feb (CR) Larnaca Salt Lake: 210 26-Feb (ADT) Larnaca Sewage Works: 60+ 25-Feb (JS) Larnaca Sewage Works: c90 27-Feb (BB) Meneou Pool, Larnaca: c100 3-Feb (SC) Meneou Pool, Larnaca: c220 18-Feb (SC) Meneou Pool, Larnaca: c150 21-Feb (SC) with T Hadjikyriacou Timi Beach & Forest: 12 imms. In bay 28-Feb (CR) Zakaki Marsh: eight 4-Feb (JN) ARMENIAN GULL Larus armenicus Αξκεληθόο Γιάξνο Larnaca Airport Pools South: two 5-Feb (CR) Larnaca Salt Lake: c20 4-Feb (SC) Larnaca Salt Lake: c10 26-Feb (SC) Larnaca Seafront: c10 Shore outside Monte Carlo Restaurant 18-Feb (SC) Larnaca Seafront: c10 21-Feb (SC) with T Hadjikyriacou Larnaca Sewage Works: three 4-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: c10 26-Feb (SC) with Birdlife Cy Group McKenzie Harbour, Larnaca: three 1 adult, 1 2nd winter/spring 15-Feb (SC) with A Leventis Meneou Pool, Larnaca: c15 3-Feb (SC) Meneou Pool, Larnaca: c40 18-Feb (SC) Meneou Pool, Larnaca: c10 21-Feb (SC) with T Hadjikyriacou Meneou Pool, Larnaca: c50 21-Feb (SC) with T Hadjikyriacou Meneou Pool, Larnaca: c20 26-Feb (SC) Ormidhia Coast: 1 ad 15-Feb (SC) with A Leventis SANDWICH TERN Sterna sandvicensis Υεηκσλνγιάξνλν Sandwich Terns with Black-headed Gulls. Larnaca Seafront. Jane Stylianou Agia Triada: one 8-Feb (AKe) Kermia beach: 1 24-Feb (CS) Larnaca Seafront: 10 18-Feb (SC) Larnaca Seafront: two nr Mackenzie Beach 25Feb (JS) Larnaca Seafront: two 27-Feb (BB) Mandria, Paphos: one Flying west. 11-Feb (MPa) Ormidhia Coast: three 27-Feb (AKe) Spiros Pool & Beach: one 3-Feb (SC) ROCK DOVE Columba livia Αξθνπέδνπλν Cape Greco: c4 15-Feb (SC) with A Leventis COMMON WOODPIGEON Columba palumbus Φάζζα Armou Hills: 40 19-Feb (CR, BC fieldtrip) Asprokremmos Dam: 30 8-Feb (CR) Kissonerga: c30 22-Feb (DJW) Kouklia Soakaway beds: 30 8-Feb (CR) Mandria, Paphos: c200 6-Feb (SC) Mandria, Paphos: c200 13-Feb (SC) White River Gorge, Akamas: 20 16-Feb (CR) EURASIAN COLLARED DOVE Streptopelia decaocto Φηιηθνπηνύλη Agia Napa: c5 9-Feb (SC) Asprokremmos Dam Car Park: c10 5-Feb (SC) Mandria, Paphos: c5 5-Feb (SC) Mandria, Paphos: c5 6-Feb (SC) Mandria, Paphos: c4 13-Feb (SC) Mandria, Paphos: six 26-Feb (CR) Paphos Lighthouse: four 22-Feb (CR) Souni, main road ravine: eight 21-Feb (JN) GREAT SPOTTED CUCKOO Clamator glandarius Καινρξνληά Armou Hills: one 19-Feb (CR, BC fieldtrip) Asprokremmos Dam: two car park 23-Feb (KS) Germasogeia Dam, Finikaria: one Unseen, heard several times across the water 26-Feb (JN) Marathounta: one flew over garden calling at dusk 28-Feb (CR) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: one 5-Feb (PJE) Paphos Lighthouse: two 22-Feb (CR) Pegeia: one 6-Feb (IF) Souni: one 23-Feb (JE) Souni, Limassol: one Heard calling twice 25Feb (JN) BARN OWL Tyto alba Αλζξσπνπνύιιη Paphos Coast: one fields behind St. Georges Hotel, 21.00h and 28-Feb 27-Feb (IRu) Paphos rd nr Mesogi: one flying 11-Feb (MW) Pachyammos: 1 reported flying out of chimney 6-Mar (CS) Vrysoulles Cliff: one 6-Feb (AKe) EURASIAN SCOPS OWL Otus scops Θνππί Marathounta: one calling near church 27-Feb (PJE) Marathounta: one calling near Panayia Odygias church, 9:00 28-Feb (PJE) Souni, Limassol: one Unseen 22-Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: one Unseen 23-Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: one Heard repeatedly 26-Feb (JN) LITTLE OWL Athene noctua Κνπθθνπθθηάνο Aphrodite Hills: one 23-Feb (KS) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: two 2 territories 6Feb (CR) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: one 19-Feb (CR, JS, BC fieldtrip) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: one 27-Feb (CR) Souni Carob Grove: one In valley on farm building roof 22-Feb (JN) Tekke: one 24-Feb (KH) Vrysoulles Cliff: one 6-Feb (AKe) White River, Akamas: one 1-Feb (TJD) COMMON SWIFT Apus apus Πεηξνρειίδνλν Achna Dam: one 19-Feb (KH) Agia Thekla Coast: three 20-Feb (CP) Larnaca Desalination Plant Fields: two Seen by another member of the group 26-Feb (JN) Meneou Beach: one 20-Feb (JS) Oroklini Marsh: two 4-Feb (SC) Oroklini Marsh: one 5-Feb (CR) Oroklini Marsh: three 19-Feb (KH) Oroklini Marsh: 30 20-Feb (RM) Oroklini Marsh: 40 20-Feb (CP) Oroklini Marsh: c60 22-Feb (JS) Oroklini Marsh: 25 26-Feb (RM) Spiros Pool & Beach: two 26-Feb (SC) Germasogeia Dam, Finikaria: one 21-Feb (ADT) Germasogeia Dam, Finikaria: one Male 26-Feb (JN) EURASIAN HOOPOE Upupa epops Πνππνύμηνο Avdimou Beach: one 24-Feb (TJD) Mandria, Paphos: two 26-Feb (KS, CR) Pegeia: one bottom of own garden 13-Feb (IF) EURASIAN WRYNECK Jynx torquilla Θεξθνπνύιιη Asprokremmos Dam: one car park 21-Feb (PJE) CALANDRA LARK Melanocorypha calandra Μαπξνηξάζηεινο Meneou Beach: three 20-Feb (JS) LESSER SHORT-TOED LARK Calandrella rufescens ηηθηνηξαζηεινύδα Spiros Pool & Beach: one called drilling, and flew over 5-Feb (CR) CRESTED LARK Galerida cristata θνξηαιιόο Akhna Dam: 14 22-Feb (JS) Bishop's Pool: seven 13-Feb (JN) COMMON KINGFISHER Alcedo atthis Αιθπόλε Cape Greco: c8 15-Feb (SC) with A Leventis Agia Thekla Coast: one 20-Feb (CP) Cape Greco: nine 20-Feb (CP) Akhna Dam: two 22-Feb (JS) Cape Greco: 11 22-Feb (JS) Aspro Dam Pools: one 10-Feb (CR) Larnaca Salt Lake: eight Tekke Mosque area Aspro Dam Pools: two 21-Feb (PJE) 25-Feb (JS) Asprokremmos Dam: one 11-Feb (MPa) Larnaca Sewage Works: 10 Probably more 26Asprokremmos Dam: one 24-Feb (CR) Feb (JN) Bishop's Pool: one 2-Feb (KH) Larnaca Sewage Works: c10 26-Feb (SC) Bishop's Pool: one 12-Feb (MB) Mandria, Paphos: c6 5-Feb (SC) Diarizos Valley: one at EU nature pond 10-Feb Oroklini Marsh: eight 20-Feb (CP) (CR) WOODLARK Lullula arborea Πεπθνηξαζηήια Finikaria: one 2-Feb (CEv) Geroskipou Water Channel: one 14-Feb (TJD) Akhna Dam: eight 24-Feb (AKe) Mandria Canal: two 8-Feb (CR) Armou Hills: 44 one in song! 7-Feb (CR) Ormidhia Coast: one 4-Feb (SC) Armou Hills: 20 15-Feb (CR) Oroklini Marsh: one 19-Feb (KH) Armou Hills: 61 19-Feb (CR, BC fieldtrip) Paphos Harbour: one 16-Feb (TJD) Armou Hills: c40 BC Field Trip 19-Feb (JS) Paphos Lighthouse: one 12-Feb (DJW, CR, Arodes: four 24-Feb (DJW) KH) Dhekelia Cattery: c8 15-Feb (SC) with A Paphos Marina: one 28-Feb (IRu) Leventis Paralimni Lake: one 22-Feb (SC) Ineia - Lara Road: seven 10-Feb (TJD) Zakaki Marsh: one 18-Feb (CR) Kamares,Tala: six 7-Feb (DJW) Zakaki Marsh: one 23-Feb (MB) Kouris Dam Alassa: 10+ 21-Feb (KH) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: 30 2-Feb (CR) PIED KINGFISHER Ceryle rudis Κήξπινο Marathounta Hills, Paphos: 10 6-Feb (CR) Aspro: one 23-Feb (PJE) Minthis Hills: 34 2-Feb (CR) Finikaria: one 2-Feb (CEv) Paphos Lighthouse: six 22-Feb (DJW) Phasouri Reed-beds: 10 under old eucalyptus forest 18-Feb (CR) Souni Carob Grove: seven Probably more, took flight 11-Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: 15 2-Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: 17 2-Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: 12 18-Feb (JN) White River Gorge, Akamas: 12 16-Feb (CR) EURASIAN SKYLARK Alauda arvensis Σξαζηήια Argaka: one 24-Feb (AD) Armou Hills: 34 7-Feb (CR) Coral Bay: c20 8-Feb (DJW) Larnaca Sewage Works: c10 4-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: c30 19-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: c20 21-Feb (SC) with T Hadjikyriacou Larnaca Sewage Works Building Back Garden: c80 18-Feb (SC) Mandria, Paphos: c300 5-Feb (SC) Mandria, Paphos: c200 13-Feb (SC) Mandria, Paphos: 90 20-Feb (CR) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: 26 27-Feb (CR) Meneou Beach: 20+ 20-Feb (JS) Oroklini Marsh: 18 22-Feb (JS) Paphos Lighthouse: 26 22-Feb (DJW) Paphos Lighthouse: 36 22-Feb (CR) Pegeia: c50 loose flock in ploughed field 22Feb (IF) Spiros Pool & Beach: 30 5-Feb (CR) Spiros Pool & Beach: c10 25-Feb (JS) Timi Beach & Forest: 16 14-Feb (CR) Timi Beach & Forest: 30 20-Feb (CR) White River Gorge, Akamas: 20 16-Feb (CR) SAND MARTIN Riparia riparia Βαιηνρειίδνλν Mandria Canal: two reported 22-Feb (PJE) EURASIAN CRAG MARTIN Ptyonoprogne rupestris Βξαρνρειίδνλν Evretou Dam: 13 1-Feb (CR) Finikaria: eight 1-Feb (KH) Finikaria: 20 2-Feb (CEv) Germasogeia Dam, Finikaria: two 26-Feb (JN) Troodos, North foothills: 2 20-Feb (CS) Lakatameia, Nicosia: four Pedeaios River Bed 24-Feb (JS) Larnaca Desalination Plant Fields: 11 Probably more 26-Feb (JN) Larnaca Salt Lake: six Tekke Mosque area 25Feb (JS) Larnaca Salt Lake: 18 Probably more 26-Feb (JN) Larnaca Sewage Works: 12 25-Feb (JS) Larnaca Sewage Works: eight Probably more 26-Feb (JN) Larnaca Sewage Works Building area: c6 26Feb (SC) with Birdlife Cy Group Marathounta: three 2 over pool, 1 in village seen for first time 28-Feb (CR) Meneou Beach: nine 20-Feb (JS) Oroklini Marsh: 22 2-Feb (AKe) Oroklini Marsh: 12 5-Feb (CR) Oroklini Marsh: 30 14-Feb (AKe) Oroklini Marsh: 100 20-Feb (CP) Oroklini Marsh: c50 22-Feb (JS) Paphos Sewage Plant: two 12-Feb (CR) Paphos Sewage Plant: 15 25-Feb (TJD) Paphos Sewage Plant: 69 28-Feb (CR) Paralimni Lake: 20 12-Feb (AKe) Paralimni Lake: 50 26-Feb (AKe) Parekklisia: two 23-Feb (ADT) Pegeia: 42 on wires 16-Feb (PJE) Spiros Pool & Beach: eight 25-Feb (JS) St . George Hotel Paphos: one Flying east. 11Feb (MPa) Timi Beach & Forest: 24 20-Feb (CR) Timi Beach & Forest: 18 over field east of Timi beach 26-Feb (CR) Timi Beach & Forest: 12 28-Feb (CR) Zakaki Marsh: 13 12-Feb (MB) Zakaki Marsh: 25 12-Feb (MPa) Zakaki Marsh: 30+ 12-Feb (KS) Zakaki Marsh: 16 Probably more 13-Feb (JN) COMMON HOUSE MARTIN Delichon urbicum Αζπξνρειίδνλν Agia Varvara: c20 26-Feb (DJW) Akhna Dam: one 9-Feb (AKe) Finikaria: 10 1-Feb (KH) Germasogeia Dam, Finikaria: 74 Newly arrived, probably more 26-Feb (JN) Geroskipou: five 26-Feb (AD) BARN SWALLOW Hirundo rustica Υειηδόλη Kidasi, Diarizos Valley: seven 12-Feb (JN) Akhna Dam: six 9-Feb (AKe) Larnaca Desalination Plant Fields: three Akhna Dam: 30 20-Feb (BB) Possibly more 26-Feb (JN) Argaka Res: three 27-Feb (MW) Larnaca Seafront: three 25-Feb (JS) Evretou Dam: 30+ 24-Feb (DJW) Mandria Canal: five Canal Koloni 22-Feb (PJE) Germasogeia Dam, Finikaria: 24 Probably more Mandria, Paphos: c20 with c60 swallows 2426-Feb (JN) Feb (PJE) Konia: four on wires 15-Feb (PJE) Mandria, Paphos: 20+ 25-Feb (KS) Manglis Lake, Lakatameia: eight 18-Feb (JS) Oroklini Marsh: c5 4-Feb (SC) Oroklini Marsh: eight 5-Feb (CR) Oroklini Marsh: 14 14-Feb (AKe) Oroklini Marsh: 10 20-Feb (CP) Oroklini Marsh: c30 22-Feb (JS) Paphos Sewage Plant: eight 28-Feb (CR) Paralimni Lake: four 12-Feb (AKe) Paralimni Lake: 10 20-Feb (AKe) Pegeia: 11 16-Feb (PJE) Pegeia: 40c 23-Feb (IF) Pitargou, Ezousas Valley: c40 26-Feb (MW) Souni, Limassol: one Overhead towards top of hill 24-Feb (JN) Zakaki Marsh: 20 12-Feb (MPa) Zakaki Marsh: seven 13-Feb (MB) Zakaki Marsh: 14 Probably more 13-Feb (JN) Zakaki Marsh: 10+ 14-Feb (KH) TAWNY PIPIT Anthus campestris Κακπνγαινύδη Mandria, Paphos: one 13-Feb (SC) Mandria, Paphos: one 15-Feb (DJW) Mandria, Paphos: one 20-Feb (CR) MEADOW PIPIT Anthus pratensis Υσξαθνγαινύδη Akhna Dam: 11 22-Feb (JS) Akti Beach, Paphos: c10 5-Feb (DJW) Armou Hills: 10+ BC Field Trip 19-Feb (JS) Mandria, Paphos: c10 6-Feb (SC) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: 20 2-Feb (CR) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: 14 11-Feb (CR) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: 28 27-Feb (CR) Meneou Beach: c30 20-Feb (JS) Minthis Hills: 25 2-Feb (CR) Paphos Sewage Plant: 30 12-Feb (CR) Petounta Point: c10 21-Feb (SC) with T Hadjikyriacou Timi Beach & Forest: 14 20-Feb (CR) RED-THROATED PIPIT Anthus cervinus Κνηζηλνγαινύδη Larnaca Desalination Plant Fields: two Calling 26-Feb (JN) Mandria, Paphos: one heard only 6-Feb (SC) Mandria, Paphos: 2+ 28-Feb (PJE) Spiros Pool: three Path between Spiros Coast & Field opposite 21-Feb (SC) with T Hadjikyriacou Spiros Pool & Beach: three 5-Feb (CR) Spiros Pool & Beach: c3 heard only 26-Feb (SC) with Birdlife Cy Group St. George Hotel Paphos: one 15-Feb (MPa) WATER PIPIT Anthus spinoletta Νεξνγαινύδη Evretou Dam: one 1-Feb (CR) Oroklini Marsh: one 3-Feb (ADT) Oroklini Marsh: three 5-Feb (CR) Oroklini Marsh: two 19-Feb (KH) Phasouri Reed-beds: six 3-Feb (JE) Phasouri Reed-beds: two 9-Feb (JE) Phasouri Reed-beds: six 18-Feb (CR) Zakaki Marsh: three 4-Feb (JN) YELLOW WAGTAIL Motacilla flava Κίηξηλνο Εεπθαιάηεο Akhna Dam: one 5-Feb (AKe) Zakaki Marsh: one Winter Plumage race? 12Feb (MPa) GREY WAGTAIL Motacilla cinerea Πνηακνδεπθαιάηεο Asprokremmos Dam: one 24-Feb (CR) Cape Greco: one 22-Feb (JS) Kastorias Street, Lykavittos: one 20-Feb (SC) Kefalos bridge: one 10-Feb (IF) Kouklia Soakaway beds: one 8-Feb (CR) Kouklia, Paphos: one 18-Feb (JN) Kouris Dam Alassa: one 21-Feb (KH) Larnaca Sewage Works: one 5-Feb (CR) Limassol Seafront: two 10-Feb (MB) Marathounta: one beside pool 12-Feb (CR) Oroklini Marsh: one 3-Feb (ADT) Zakaki Marsh: one 9-Feb (JE) WHITE WAGTAIL Motacilla alba Άζπξνο Εεπθαιάηεο Evretou Dam: c20 24-Feb (DJW) Larnaca Sewage Works: c50 3-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: c10 4-Feb (SC) Mandria, Paphos: 20 at least 5-Feb (DJW) Oroklini Marsh: c20 4-Feb (SC) Oroklini Marsh: 11 22-Feb (JS) Paphos Sewage Plant: 10 12-Feb (CR) Paphos Sewage Plant: 12 28-Feb (CR) Paralimni Lake: c10 22-Feb (SC) WINTER WREN Troglodytes troglodytes Σξππνθάξπδν Akhna Dam: one heard repeatedly 24-Feb (AKe) Kakopetria: one Kakopetria, area opposite Riviera Restaurant 16-Feb (SC) with A Leventis EUROPEAN ROBIN Erithacus rubecula Κνηζηλνιαίκεο Agios Nikolaos, Troodos: three 12-Feb (JN) Bishop's Pool: five 3 seen, others heard calling 4-Feb (JN) Kidasi, Diarizos Valley: three 2 seen, one heard calling 12-Feb (JN) Lakatameia, Nicosia: three Pedeaios River Bed 24-Feb (JS) Lakatameia, Nicosia: three Pedeaios River Bed 28-Feb (JS) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: three 6-Feb (CR) Omodhos to Agios Nikolaos road vineyard area: three 2 seen, one heard calling 12-Feb (JN) Paphos Lighthouse: three 22-Feb (CR) Souni Carob Grove: eight One heard calling, 2 seen chasing, rest seen 7-Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: eight 22-Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: nine Seen 23-Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: 16 One seen, others unseen 27-Feb (JN) Souni, main road ravine: nine 5 heard calling, 4 seen 8-Feb (JN) Souni, main road ravine: 10 8 seen, other 2 heard calling 10-Feb (JN) Souni, ridge north of George's fruit farm: eight Includes 4 birds calling, 4 others seen 24-Feb (JN) Stavrovouni Foothills: three 2+ seen, 1 heard only 17-Feb (SC) BLUETHROAT Luscinia svecica Γαιαδνιαίκεο Evretou Dam: one 2km east 18-Jan (TJD) Ezousa Valley: one m 21-Feb (PJE) Oroklini Marsh: one 2-Feb (AKe) Oroklini Marsh: one adult male breeding, redspotted 4-Feb (SC) Oroklini Marsh: one in song 28-Feb (AKe) Spiros Pool: one Field just E of Spiros Pool 19Feb (SC) Zakaki Marsh: one 2-Feb (KH) Zakaki Marsh: one Also 1 at St. George Hotel nr Paphos on 10th. 12-Feb (MPa) Zakaki Marsh: one 14-Feb (ADT) WESTERN BLACK REDSTART Phoenicurus ochruros Καξβνπλίαξεο Bishop's Pool: three Females 4-Feb (JN) Cape Greco: four 5-Feb (CR) Cape Greco: c3 9-Feb (SC) Curium area: five 3 males, 2 females 16-Feb (JN) Paphos Lighthouse: five 22-Feb (CR) Paphos Lighthouse: four 1male 3 female 22Feb (DJW) Paphos Sewage Plant: three Males 12-Feb (MPa) Souni, Limassol: three One pair and one female 2-Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: four 2 males, 2 females 9-Feb (JN) Souni, ridge north of George's fruit farm: three Females 1-Feb (JN) COMMON REDSTART Phoenicurus phoenicurus Κνηζηλνλνύξεο Mandria, Paphos: two 25-Feb (MW), confirmation requested Polemi: one 24-Feb (MW), confirmation requested COMMON STONECHAT Saxicola rubicola Παπαζθηά Agia Thekla Coast: six 20-Feb (CP) Akhna Dam: four 22-Feb (JS) Akrotiri Gravel Pits: four 5-Feb (MB) Akti Beach, Paphos: four 5-Feb (DJW) Akti Beach, Paphos: four 12-Feb (CR) Arodes: four 24-Feb (DJW) Cape Drepano: six 8-Feb (DJW) Cape Greco: six 5-Feb (CR) Cape Greco: c8 9-Feb (SC) Cape Greco: five 3 females, 2 males 11-Feb (JN) Cape Greco: 20 20-Feb (CP) Cape Greco: 10 22-Feb (JS) Coral Bay: six 8-Feb (DJW) Germasogeia Dam, Finikaria: nine 3 pairs, one male, 2 females 26-Feb (JN) Geroskipou: five 1F 4M 26-Feb (AD) Kidasi, Diarizos Valley: 16 One pair, 7 males, rest female 12-Feb (JN) Larnaca Desalination Plant Fields: nine Five females, 4 males 26-Feb (JN) Larnaca Sewage Works: c10 3-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: c6 4-Feb (SC) Mandria, Paphos: c10 5-Feb (SC) Mandria, Paphos: c8 6-Feb (SC) Mandria, Paphos: six 26-Feb (CR) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: six 6-Feb (CR) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: six 27-Feb (CR) Oroklini Marsh: eight 5-Feb (CR) Paphos Lighthouse: eight 12-Feb (CR) Paphos Lighthouse: six 22-Feb (CR) Paphos Sewage Plant: four 28-Feb (CR) Souni Carob Grove: seven 17-Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: 14 4 males, rest female 2-Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: 18 3 pairs, 6 males, 6 females 9-Feb (JN) Souni, main road ravine: 11 One pair, one distant, 5 females and 3 males 10-Feb (JN) Zakaki Marsh: six 9-Feb (MB) Zakaki Marsh: six two males, rest female 13Feb (JN) SIBERIAN STONECHAT Saxicola maurus ηβεξηθή Παπαζθηά Pegeia: one seen in tree at bottom of garden notes to follow 23-Feb (IF) DESERT WHEATEAR Oenanthe deserti Δξεκνζθαιηθνύξηα Cape Greco: one male 9-Feb (SC) Cape Greco: one 22-Feb (AKe) ISABELLINE WHEATEAR Oenanthe isabellina Γηπινζθαιηθνύξηα Agia Thekla Coast: one 16-Feb (AKe) Agia Thekla Coast: one 20-Feb (CP) Akrotiri Gravel Pits: one 20-Feb (KH) Cape Drepano: one 8-Feb (DJW) Cape Drepano: one 12-Feb (DJW) Cape Greco: one 5-Feb (CR) Cape Greco: two 22-Feb (JS) Cape Greco: three 26-Feb (BB) Kiti: three route between Meneou & Petounta 19-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: two 26-Feb (JN) Larnaca Sewage Works: two 26-Feb (SC) with Birdlife Cy Group Mandria, Paphos: two 18-Feb (TJD) Mandria, Paphos: six 19-Feb (KS) Mandria, Paphos: two 22-Feb (TJD) Mandria, Paphos: three 22-Feb (KS) Mandria, Paphos: three 24-Feb (PJE) Mandria, Paphos: two 25-Feb (MW) Mandria, Paphos: three 26-Feb (CR) Petounta Point: six 19-Feb (SC) Petounta Point: two 21-Feb (SC) with T Hadjikyriacos Spiros Pool: one Field just E of Spiros Pool 19Feb (SC) Tekke: one 24-Feb (KH) Timi Beach & Forest: one 13-Feb (KS) FINSCH'S WHEATEAR Oenanthe finschii Βνπλνζθαιηθνύξηα Anarita Park: one 14-Feb (TJD) Arodes: one male 24-Feb (DJW) Cape Greco: one female 9-Feb (SC) Cape Greco: one female 22-Feb (SC) Cape Greco: one 26-Feb (BB) Kouris Dam Alassa: one m 21-Feb (KH) Kidasi, Diarizos Valley: one male 10-Feb (CR) Kidasi, Diarizos Valley: two Males 12-Feb (JN) Marathounta: two 26-Feb (DJW) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: two incl. a first-w male 2-Feb (CR) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: four 1 imm. male, 1 fem 6-Feb (CR) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: five 5 ad.males, 1 imm male 27-Feb (CR) NORTHERN WHEATEAR Oenanthe oenanthe ηαθηνζθαιηθνύξηα Northern Wheatear. Evretou Dam. Dave and Jan Walker Evretou Dam: one 24-Feb (DJW) Paphos Sewage Plant: two 21-Feb (PJE), awaits confirmation KURDISTAN WHEATEAR Oenanthe xanthoprymna Κνηζηλνζθαιηθνύξηα Cape Greco: one male 5-Feb (CR) Cape Greco: one male 22-Feb (JS) BLUE ROCK THRUSH Monticola solitarius Γαιαδνθόηζπθαο Amathus Hill: two m f 26-Feb (KH) Avagas Gorge: one 1-Feb (TJD) Cape Greco: three 5-Feb (CR) Cape Greco: three 2 male and 1 female 22-Feb (JS) Coral Bay: one male 8-Feb (DJW) Ineia - Lara Road: three Ineia rocks 10-Feb (TJD) Kamares,Tala: one male on chimney 3-Feb (DJW) Kensington Cliffs: one 24-Feb (TJD) Kidasi, Diarizos Valley: one 31-Jan (TJD) Paphos Lighthouse: two male 22-Feb (DJW, CR) Pegeia: one 13-Feb (IF) Phinikas Bridge: two 1m 1f 21-Feb (PJE) St. George Hotel Paphos: one Male - also 1 male on 15th. 10-Feb (MPa) White River, Akamas: two male 8-Feb (DJW) Zelemenos: one female 14-Feb (DJW) Zelemenos: two 1male 1 female calling in same territory 21-Feb (DJW) EURASIAN BLACKBIRD Turdus merula ♂ Μαπξόπνπιινο (♀ Μαπξόηδηθια) Akrotiri Salt Lake: one Male. 12-Feb (MPa) Armou Hills: one male 15-Feb (CR) Bishop's Pool: two One male seen, other bird only heard calling 13-Feb (JN) Bishop's Pool: two 14-Feb (KH) Kidasi, Diarizos Valley: two Male and female, possibly a third in bushes around the fruit tree terrace 12-Feb (JN) Psilo Dendron, Platres: one call heard 10-Feb (CR) Souni George's Pine Forest: two Heard calling, unseen 10-Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: one Only heard calling 14-Feb (JN) Souni, main road ravine: three 2 males seen, one bird only heard calling 8-Feb (JN) Souni, ridge north of George's fruit farm: two One female and another only heard calling 1Feb (JN) Souni, ridge north of George's fruit farm: one Unseen 14-Feb (JN) Souni, ridge north of George's fruit farm: two Only heard calling 14-Feb (JN) Terra: one heard 1-Feb (CR) Troodos: four End of Kannoures Track, Valley by deserted Mine, 3m,1f 12-Feb (SC) with M Konis Troodos Environmental Center: three 2 m, 1 f 12-Feb (SC) with M Konis Troodos Environmental Center: two 1 m, 1 f 16Feb (SC) with A Leventis Troodos Weather Station: 1+ male 12-Feb (SC) with M Konis Tsada: one female 15-Feb (DJW) Tsada Hills: one M 11-Feb (MW) Tsada Hills: one 13-Feb (MW) FIELDFARE Turdus pilaris Σξπγνλόηδηθια Lady's Mile: one 2-Feb (KH) SONG THRUSH Turdus philomelos Σδίθια Akhna Dam: seven 22-Feb (JS) Argaka: two 12-Feb (AD) Armou Hills: five 7-Feb (CR) Armou Hills: three in song 15-Feb (CR) Armou Hills: two 19-Feb (CR, BC fieldtrip) Armou Hills: three 21-Feb (CR) Armou Hills: five 24-Feb (CR) Aspro Dam Pools: two 10-Feb (CR) Bishop's Pool: two 12-Feb (MPa) Bishop's Pool: three 13-Feb (JN) Bishop's Pool: five 13-Feb (JN) Cape Greco: two 9-Feb (SC) Cape Greco: c6 9-Feb (SC) Cape Greco: three 22-Feb (JS) Kidasi, Diarizos Valley: 21 In bushes high on the hillside around the fruit tree terrace 12-Feb (JN) Kissonerga: two 22-Feb (DJW) Lakatameia, Nicosia: three Pedeaios River Bed 24-Feb (JS) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: three 27-Feb (CR) Parekklisia: one in song ! 28-Feb (ADT) Pegeia: 12+ (Picnic Site) 13-Feb (MPa) Souni Carob Grove: three Seen 17-Feb (JN) Souni Carob Grove: three Unseen 22-Feb (JN) Souni George's Pine Forest: three One seen, others only heard 10-Feb (JN) Souni George's Pine Forest: six Seen 10-Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: three One seen, others only heard 14-Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: four 22-Feb (JN) Souni, main road ravine: four Seen 8-Feb (JN) Souni, ridge north of George's fruit farm: seven Seen, mainly in the olive grove 24-Feb (JN) Stavrovouni Foothills: c5 17-Feb (SC) Strovolos, Nicosia: four Pedeaios River Bed 23Feb (JS) White River Gorge, Akamas: two 16-Feb (CR) Zelemenos: two 14-Feb (DJW) CETTI'S WARBLER Cettia cetti Φεπηαεδόλη Agios Nikolaos, Troodos: one Seen flying across track 12-Feb (JN) Akhna Dam: two 22-Feb (JS) Armou Hills: two singing 7-Feb (CR) Armou Hills: two BC Field Trip 19-Feb (JS) Bishop's Pool: three Only heard calling 4-Feb (JN) Bishop's Pool: five Only heard calling 13-Feb (JN) Fyti to Simou, Pafos District: two Only heard calling 17-Feb (JN) Germasogeia Dam, Finikaria: six 5 heard calling, one glimpsed 26-Feb (JN) Kidasi, Diarizos Valley: two Only heard calling 12-Feb (JN) Lakatameia, Nicosia: four Pedeaios River Bed 24-Feb (JS) Lakatameia, Nicosia: four Pedeaios River Bed 28-Feb (JS) Larnaca Salt Lake: three heard only 4-Feb (SC) Paphos Lighthouse: one 22-Feb (CR) Paphos Sewage Plant: one 28-Feb (CR) Phasouri Reed-beds: one 18-Feb (CR) Polis Reed-bed: one 17-Feb (BCRS) Strovolos, Nicosia: two Pedeaios River Bed 23Feb (JS) Zakaki Marsh: two 3-Feb (JE) ZITTING CISTICOLA Cisticola juncidis Γνπιαππάξεο Akhna Dam: two 22-Feb (JS) Cape Drepano: two 12-Feb (DJW) Germasogeia Dam, Finikaria: seven Seen 26Feb (JN) Kouklia, Paphos: two 18-Feb (JN) Larnaca Desalination Plant Fields: three 26-Feb (JN) Larnaca Salt Lake: three 1 seen, 2 heard only 19-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: two 26-Feb (JN) Mandria, Paphos: four 26-Feb (CR) Oroklini Marsh: two 12-Feb (RM) Paphos Lighthouse: two in song 12-Feb (CR) Paphos Lighthouse: four 22-Feb (DJW) MOUSTACHED WARBLER Acrocephalus melanopogon Μνπζηαθνκνπγηνύδη Bishop's Pool: two 14-Feb (KH) Zakaki Marsh: one 2-Feb (KH) Zakaki Marsh: one 13-Feb (JN) SPECTACLED WARBLER Sylvia conspicillata Κνηζηλνθηέξη Agia Thekla Coast: two 20-Feb (CP) Akhna Dam: three in song 24-Feb (AKe) Athalassa Farms: one 24-Feb (SC) Cape Greco: eight 20-Feb (CP) Cape Greco: seven 22-Feb (JS) Cape Greco: nine 26-Feb (BB) Kidasi, Diarizos Valley: one 12-Feb (JN) Larnaca Desalination Plant Fields: three 26-Feb (JN) Larnaca Sewage Works: two 3-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: four 26-Feb (JN) Larnaca Sewage Works: c4 26-Feb (SC) with Birdlife Cy Group Mandria, Paphos: one surprise find 26-Feb (CR) Minthis Hills: one 2-Feb (CR) Oroklini Marsh: one 12-Feb (RM) Spiros Pool & Beach: two 25-Feb (JS) Zakaki Marsh: three 13-Feb (JN) SARDINIAN WARBLER Sylvia melanocephala Σξππνβάηεο Agia Napa Sewage Works: one male 9-Feb (SC) Akrotiri Gravel Pits: three 12-Feb (MB) Archangelos, Nicosia: one 18-Feb (JS) Argaka: three 2M 1F 12-Feb (AD) Argaka: one F 19-Feb (AD) Armou Hills: three 19-Feb (CR, BC fieldtrip) Armou Hills: four 21-Feb (CR) Asprokremmos Dam: two 24-Feb (CR) Bishop's Pool: two 5-Feb (MB) Cape Drepano: three male 12-Feb (DJW) Cape Drepano: four 23-Feb (IF) Cape Greco: two male 15-Feb (SC) with A Leventis Coral Bay: four at least 8-Feb (DJW) Fyti to Simou, Pafos District: one 17-Feb (JN) Geroskipou: two M 26-Feb (AD) Kamares,Tala: four 7-Feb (DJW) Kensington Cliffs: two 4-Feb (JN) Kidasi, Diarizos Valley: two Males in different areas 12-Feb (JN) Larnaca Desalination Plant Fields: one 26-Feb (JN) Larnaca Salt Lake: one heard only 19-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: two 5-Feb (CR) Larnaca Sewage Works Building area: two 26Feb (SC) with Birdlife Cy Group Mandria, Paphos: two 26-Feb (CR) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: two 6-Feb (CR) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: two 11-Feb (CR) Omodhos to Agios Nikolaos road vineyard area: three 2 males, one female 12-Feb (JN) Oroklini Marsh: one heard only 4-Feb (SC) Paphos Lighthouse: two male 22-Feb (DJW) Souni, Limassol: three Two males, one female 25-Feb (JN) Terra: two 1-Feb (CR) Theletra: two 24-Feb (DJW) Zakaki Marsh: one Female 4-Feb (JN) Zakaki Marsh: one Male 13-Feb (JN) CYPRUS WARBLER Sylvia melanothorax Σξππνκάδεο Amathus Hill: four 26-Feb (KH) Anarita Park: one in song 18-Feb (JE) Argaka: one M 24-Feb (AD) Aspro Dam Pools: one 14-Feb (MW) Asprokremmos Dam: one 9-Feb (TJD) Asprokremmos Dam Car Park: three 1m seen, c2 heard only 6-Feb (SC) Cape Greco: one 11-Feb (JN) Cape Greco: three male 22-Feb (JS) Curium area: two 16-Feb (JN) Fyti to Simou, Pafos District: three 17-Feb (JN) Kathikas: one M 21-Feb (AD) Kensington Cliffs: two One seen, other heard calling 4-Feb (JN) Kidasi, Diarizos Valley: four 3 males, one female 12-Feb (JN) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: one f 11-Feb (CR) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: one fem. 27-Feb (CR) Omodhos to Agios Nikolaos road vineyard area: six 3 only heard calling, 3 seen, including one male 12-Feb (JN) Parekklisia: two singing most of the month 28Feb (ADT) Pissouri, Limassol: one 18-Feb (JN) Souni Carob Grove: six 7-Feb (JN) Souni Carob Grove: five 11-Feb (JN) Souni George's Pine Forest: 14 6 only heard calling, rest seen including 2 males 10-Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: six 2-Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: eight Includes 4 males 9-Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: seven Includes 3 males 23Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: nine 24-Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: seven Includes one male and 3 only heard calling 27-Feb (JN) Souni, main road ravine: nine 3 seen, others only heard 10-Feb (JN) Souni, main road ravine: 10 Includes 6 males plus another in aerial display 10-Feb (JN) Souni, ridge north of George's fruit farm: nine Includes one male 1-Feb (JN) Stavrovouni Foothills: one male 17-Feb (SC) EURASIAN BLACKCAP Sylvia atricapilla Ακπεινπνύιιη Argaka: two 1F 1M 12-Feb (AD) Argaka: six 3F 3M 19-Feb (AD) Argaka: two 1F 1M 26-Feb (AD) Avagas Gorge: two 1-Feb (TJD) Dhekelia Cattery: one male 15-Feb (SC) with A Leventis Kissonerga: one male 22-Feb (DJW) Kouklia, Paphos: three 2 males and one female 18-Feb (JN) Larnaca Salt Lake: 2+ 1 f seen, 1+ heard only 4-Feb (SC) Paphos Sewage Plant: five seen & heard 12Feb (CR) Polis Reed-bed: four 11-Feb (BCRS) Souni, Limassol: one Male 1-Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: one Female 24-Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: two One male and female in different areas of village 25-Feb (JN) Tala, Paphos: one male 22-Feb (DJW) Terra: two 1-Feb (CR) COMMON CHIFFCHAFF Phylloscopus collybita Μνπγηαλλνύδη Argaka: three 12-Feb (AD) Armou Hills: five 7-Feb (CR) Armou Hills: three 21-Feb (CR) Asprokremmos Dam: 10 8-Feb (CR) Asprokremmos Dam Car Park: c5 5-Feb (SC) Kefalos bridge: eight 10-Feb (IF) Kidasi, Diarizos Valley: five 12-Feb (JN) Kouklia Soakaway beds: 25 at least 8-Feb (CR) Larnaca Salt Lake: c4 4-Feb (SC) Larnaca Salt Lake: eight one in song 5-Feb (CR) Mandria, Paphos: c5 5-Feb (SC) Mandria, Paphos: c5 6-Feb (SC) Mandria, Paphos: 10 several in song 26-Feb (CR) Manglis Lake, Lakatameia: three 18-Feb (JS) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: three 6-Feb (CR) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: 15 27-Feb (CR) Omodhos to Agios Nikolaos road vineyard area: three 12-Feb (JN) Oroklini Marsh: c5 4-Feb (SC) Oroklini Marsh: six 5-Feb (CR) Oroklini Marsh: four 12-Feb (RM) Oroklini Marsh: three 22-Feb (JS) Paphos Lighthouse: nine 22-Feb (CR) Paphos Lighthouse: six 22-Feb (DJW) Paphos Sewage Plant: four 12-Feb (CR) Paphos Sewage Plant: six one in song! 28-Feb (CR) Phasouri Reed-beds: three 18-Feb (CR) Polis Reed-bed: 14 11-Feb (BCRS) Polis Reed-bed: six 17-Feb (BCRS) Souni, Limassol: four Includes 3 feeding together 2-Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: four 2-Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: five 7-Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: six Includes 3 feeding together 9-Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: four 18-Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: five 23-Feb (JN) Strovolos, Nicosia: five Pedeaios River Bed 23Feb (JS) Terra: 10 1-Feb (CR) Zakaki Marsh: four 3-Feb (JE) Zakaki Marsh: eight Includes 4 feeding together and 2 feeding together 13-Feb (JN) GOLDCREST Regulus regulus Βαζηινγηαλλνύδη Asprokremmos Dam: one car park 8-Feb (CR) COAL TIT Parus ater Πέκπεηζνο Argaka Res: three 27-Feb (MW) Livadi tou Pashia: 15 10-Feb (CR) Livadi tou Pashia: c6 12-Feb (SC) with M Konis Madari: c4 12-Feb (SC) Prodromos area: c5 1 seen, more heard only 11-Feb (SC) Psilo Dendron, Platres: five 10-Feb (CR) Troodos Environmental Center: c10 c4 seen, more heard only 12-Feb (SC) with M Konis Troodos Environmental Center: c5 16-Feb (SC) with A Leventis Troodos Weather Station: 15 10-Feb (CR) Vavatsinia surroundings: one heard only 20Feb (SC) GREAT TIT Parus major Σζαγθαξνύδη Archangelos, Nicosia: two Pair. One with nest material in bill. 23-Feb (JS) Lakatameia, Nicosia: six Pedeaios River Bed 24-Feb (JS) Paphos Lighthouse: 16 22-Feb (CR) Platania Picnic Site: c10 most seen, some heard only 16-Feb (SC) with A Leventis Souni, Limassol: 10 9-Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: 14 27-Feb (JN) White River Gorge, Akamas: six 16-Feb (CR) SHORT-TOED TREECREEPER Certhia brachydactyla Γελδξνβάηεο Kefalos bridge: one 10-Feb (IF) Livadi tou Pashia: two 10-Feb (CR) Livadi tou Pashia: two 1 seen, 1 heard only 12Feb (SC) with M Konis Pano Panagia East, Paphos: one 17-Feb (JN) Platania Picnic Site: three 1 seen, c2 heard only 16-Feb (SC) with A Leventis Psilo Dendron, Platres: one 10-Feb (CR) Troodos Weather Station: one 16-Feb (SC) with A Leventis EURASIAN PENDULINE TIT Remiz pendulinus Τθάληξα Phasouri Reed-beds: eight feeding together 18Feb (CR) STEPPE GREY SHRIKE Lanius meridionalis pallidirostris Νόηηνο Γηπινθεθαιάο Mandria, Paphos: one 5-Feb (SC) Mandria, Paphos: one still present at end of month 28-Jan (IF) EURASIAN JAY Garrulus glandarius Κίζζα Kakopetria: one Kakopetria, area opposite Riviera Restaurant 16-Feb (SC) with A Leventis Livadhi tou Pashia: one 12-Feb (SC) with M Konis Prodromos area: one 11-Feb (SC) Troodos Environmental Center: one 12-Feb (SC) with M Konis EURASIAN MAGPIE Pica pica Καηζηθνξώλα Arodes: 10 24-Feb (DJW) Kidasi, Diarizos Valley: nine 12-Feb (JN) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: 30 including 25 together, consorting pairing chasing 6-Feb (CR) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: 12 27-Feb (CR) Souni, Limassol: eight All together squawking and displaying 14-Feb (JN) Terra: 24 together 1-Feb (CR) Tsada: 20 16-Feb (CR) White River Gorge, Akamas: 20+ 16-Feb (CR) WESTERN JACKDAW Corvus monedula Κνινηόο Asprokremmos Dam: 72 Probably more 17-Feb (JN) Diarizos Valley: 300 10-Feb (CR) Evretou Dam: 240 1-Feb (CR) Kamares,Tala: c200 number taken from photo,flying over before a storm. 25-Feb (DJW) Sotira, Limassol: 70 Probably more 17-Feb (JN) White River Gorge, Akamas: 450+ 16-Feb (CR) White River, Akamas: 50+ 8-Feb (DJW) HOODED CROW Corvus cornix Κνξάδηλνο Akhna Dam: 10+ 22-Feb (JS) Bishop's Pool: 12 In olive grove in long grass 13-Feb (JN) Bishop's Pool: 18 13-Feb (JN) Germasogeia Dam, Finikaria: 15 Together 26Feb (JN) Geroskipou Beach: 20 28-Feb (CR) Mandria, Paphos: 16 26-Feb (CR) Manglis Lake, Lakatameia: 18 18-Feb (JS) Paphos Lighthouse: 15 22-Feb (CR) Paphos Sewage Plant: 32 12-Feb (CR) Phasouri Reed-beds: 30 18-Feb (CR) Strovolos, Nicosia: 20+ Pedeaios River Bed 23Feb (JS) Timi Beach & Forest: 20 20-Feb (CR) Zakaki Marsh: 10 12-Feb (MB) COMMON STARLING Sturnus vulgaris Λαδνύξη Oroklini Marsh: one 4-Feb (SC) Paphos Lighthouse: two 22-Feb (DJW) Strovolos, Nicosia: one 20-Feb (JS) HOUSE SPARROW Passer domesticus ηξνύζνο Argaka: 100+ 23-Feb (AD) Meneou Beach: 40+ 20-Feb (JS) Oroklini Marsh: 60+ 22-Feb (JS) SPANISH SPARROW Passer hispaniolensis Αξθόζηξνπζνο Kissonerga: 20 22-Feb (DJW) Larnaca Airport Pools South: 120 5-Feb (CR) Larnaca Desalination Plant Fields: two Heard 26-Feb (JN) Larnaca Sewage Works: c50 3-Feb (SC) Mandria, Paphos: 35 20-Feb (CR) Mandria, Paphos: c20 25-Feb (MW) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: 20 2-Feb (CR) Phasouri Reed-beds: 30 18-Feb (CR) Spiros Pool: c100 Field opposite Larnaca Sewage Works Coast 4-Feb (SC) St. George Hotel Pahpos: 20 15-Feb (MPa) Argaka: five 1F 4M 26-Feb (AD) Armou Hills: 20 21-Feb (CR) Aspro Dam Pools: 20+ 14-Feb (IF) Aspro Dam Pools: c40 24-Feb (PJE) Asprokremmos Dam: 30 8-Feb (CR) ROCK SPARROW Petronia petronia Evretou Dam: 30 1-Feb (CR) Πεηξόζηξνπζνο Evretou Dam: 30 24-Feb (DJW) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: 12 flew over, certain Lakatameia, Nicosia: 10+ Pedeaios River Bed from call and short tails 2-Feb (CR) 28-Feb (JS) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: 30 loose flock, with Mandria, Paphos: c30 5-Feb (SC) 90+ Corn Buntings 6-Feb (CR) Mandria, Paphos: 50+ 25-Feb (KS) Marathounta Hills: c20 24-Feb (DJW) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: 22 11-Feb (CR) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: c22 overflying Paphos Sewage Plant: 380 12-Feb (CR) toward church 28-Feb (PJE) Paphos Sewage Plant: 200+ 22-Feb (TJD) Paphos Sewage Plant: 350 28-Feb (CR) COMMON CHAFFINCH Fringilla coelebs Souni, Limassol: nine Includes 2 males 25-Feb πίλλνο (JN) Armou Hills: 30 15-Feb (CR) Stavrovouni Foothills: c10 17-Feb (SC) Bishop's Pool: 22 Includes one male 13-Feb Timi Beach & Forest: 10 28-Feb (CR) (JN) Zakaki Marsh: 18 9-Feb (MB) Geroskipou: 20+ 21-Feb (AD) EUROPEAN GREENFINCH Carduelis chloris Madari: c40 12-Feb (SC) Paphos Lighthouse: 32 22-Feb (CR) Λνπινπδάο Souni Carob Grove: 34 11-Feb (JN) Akrotiri Gravel Pits: eight 18-Feb (CR) Souni Carob Grove: 29 Mainly females, only 2 Akrotiri Salt Lake: six 13-Feb (JN) males seen 17-Feb (JN) Cape Greco: six Includes one male 11-Feb (JN) Souni Carob Grove: 46 Probably more 22-Feb Manglis Lake, Lakatameia: eight 18-Feb (JS) (JN) Paphos Lighthouse: six 22-Feb (DJW) Souni, Limassol: 57 Probably more, includes at Souni, Limassol: 14 27-Feb (JN) least 21 males 1-Feb (JN) Souni, main road ravine: nine 8-Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: 39 Includes 9 males 2-Feb Souni, main road ravine: nine 21-Feb (JN) (JN) Stavrovouni Foothills: c8 17-Feb (SC) Souni, Limassol: 49 A few males included 14EUROPEAN GOLDFINCH Carduelis carduelis Feb (JN) Souni, main road ravine: 59 Probably more 8γαξηίιη Feb (JN) Akit Beach: 24 22-Feb (DJW) Souni, ridge north of George's fruit farm: 64 At Armou Hills: 20 15-Feb (CR) least this number 1-Feb (JN) Germasogeia Dam, Finikaria: 37 Probably more Souni, ridge north of George's fruit farm: 50 26-Feb (JN) Includes 15 males 14-Feb (JN) Mandria, Paphos: 150+ feeding on sow thistle Terra: 20 1-Feb (CR) in unused field 28-Jan (IF) Troodos Environmental Center: c200 16-Feb Mandria, Paphos: c40 25-Feb (MW) (SC) with A Leventis Marathounta Hills, Paphos: 30 11-Feb (CR) Troodos Weather Station: 30 came to biscuit Paphos Lighthouse: 35 12-Feb (CR) crumbs at Met. Stn. 10-Feb (CR) Polis Reed-bed: 19 11-Feb (BCRS) Tsada: 20+ 15-Feb (DJW) Timi Beach & Forest: 16 14-Feb (CR) Vavatsinia surroundings: c20+ 20-Feb (SC) EURASIAN SISKIN Carduelis spinus White River Gorge, Akamas: 20+ 16-Feb (CR) Θθηνιαξνύδη BRAMBLING Fringilla montifringilla Troodos, behind Dolphin Restaurant: one male Υεηκσλόζπηλλνο 12-Feb (SC) with M Konis Troodos Weather Station: two came to biscuit COMMON LINNET Carduelis cannabina crumbs at Met. Stn. 10-Feb (CR) Σζαθξνζγάξηηιν EUROPEAN SERIN Serinus serinus Akti Beach, Paphos: five 22-Feb (DJW) Μπαζηαξηνθαλάξηλν Argaka: three 1F 2M 26-Feb (AD) Armou Hills: 35 15-Feb (CR) Armou Hills: 50 21-Feb (CR) Arodes: 20+ 24-Feb (DJW) Asprokremmos Dam Car Park: one heard only 5-Feb (SC) Asprokremmos Dam Car Park: one heard only 6-Feb (SC) Bishop's Pool: two Pair 13-Feb (JN) Diarizos Valley: two 10-Feb (CR) Evretou Dam: six 24-Feb (DJW) Germasogeia Dam, Finikaria: one 26-Feb (JN) Kidasi, Diarizos Valley: one Female 12-Feb (JN) Kiti Dam Pools, Larnaca: three 26-Feb (JN) Larnaca Salt Lake: five Tekke Mosque area 25Feb (JS) Mandria, Paphos: c100 5-Feb (SC) Mandria, Paphos: c100 6-Feb (SC) Mandria, Paphos: 200+ in one field 25-Feb (KS) Mandria, Paphos: 200+ 28-Feb (PJE) Minthis Hills: 20 2-Feb (CR) Oroklini Marsh: one heard only 4-Feb (SC) Paphos Lighthouse: five 12-Feb (CR) Petounta Point: c40 19-Feb (SC) Polis Reed-bed: three 11-Feb (BCRS) Souni, Limassol: three 18-Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: two Pair 25-Feb (JN) Timi Beach & Forest: 15 28-Feb (CR) Tomb of the Kings Coast: six 5-Feb (DJW) Tunnel Beach: eight 18-Feb (CR) RED CROSSBILL Loxia curvirostra ηαπξνκνύηηεο Livadi tou Pashia: two 10-Feb (CR) Troodos Environmental Center: c10 heard only 12-Feb (SC) with M Konis Troodos Weather Station: 13 10-Feb (CR) Troodos Weather Station: two 16-Feb (SC) with A Leventis Troodos square: 4 14-Feb (CS) HAWFINCH Coccothraustes coccothraustes Κεθαιόζπηλλνο Kykkos Monastery: one 4-Feb (DKe) YELLOWHAMMER Emberiza citrinella Κηηξηλνπηηίιια Kannoures Track: two 12-Feb (SC) with M Konis Troodos Environmental Center: three 16-Feb (SC) with A Leventis COMMON REED BUNTING Emberiza schoeniclus Καιακνπηηίιια Oroklini Marsh: one 7-Feb (AKe) Oroklini Marsh: one 10-Feb (KH) Oroklini Marsh: one 17-Feb (AKe) Phasouri Reed-beds: two 18-Feb (CR) CORN BUNTING Emberiza calandra Σζαθξόζηξνπζνο Akhna Dam: 6+ 22-Feb (JS) Armou Hills: 37 7-Feb (CR) Armou Hills: 17 21-Feb (CR) Armou Hills: 20 24-Feb (CR) Asprokremmos Dam: two 24-Feb (CR) Cape Greco: nine 13-Feb (AKe) Cape Greco: one singing 22-Feb (JS) Coral Bay: one 8-Feb (DJW) Germasogeia Dam, Finikaria: one 26-Feb (JN) Kouklia, Paphos: 14 Probably more 18-Feb (JN) Larnaca Salt Lake: four Tekke Mosque area 25Feb (JS) Larnaca Sewage Works: c50 3-Feb (SC) Larnaca Sewage Works: c30 4-Feb (SC) Mandria, Paphos: c5 6-Feb (SC) Mandria, Paphos: two 1 seen singing, 1 heard only 13-Feb (SC) Marathounta: five 26-Feb (DJW) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: 106 2-Feb (CR) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: 90 6-Feb (CR) Marathounta Hills, Paphos: 18 27-Feb (CR) Minthis Hills: 12 2-Feb (CR) Paphos Lighthouse: two in song 12-Feb (CR) Paphos Lighthouse: one singing 22-Feb (CR) Paralimni Lake: one heard only (singing) 22Feb (SC) Petounta Point: 1+ 19-Feb (SC) Souni Carob Grove: two 11-Feb (JN) Souni Carob Grove: four 17-Feb (JN) Souni Carob Grove: eight 22-Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: 26 18-Feb (JN) Souni, Limassol: 20 Possibly more, disturbed from feeding in field and in trees nearby 25-Feb (JN) Tala, Paphos: 41 22-Feb (DJW) Terra: 105 1-Feb (CR) Theletra: c30 24-Feb (DJW) Timi Beach & Forest: eight several in song 20Feb (CR) Timi Beach & Forest: 17 28-Feb (CR) Tomb of the Kings Coast: one 5-Feb (DJW) White River, Akamas: eight 8-Feb (DJW) CONTRIBUTORS AD ADT AKe APL BB BCRS CEv CP CR CS DKe DJW DRh IRu IF Alan Davies Alan Turtle Andreas Kephalas Tassos Leventis Bill Barker BirdLife Cyprus Ringing Scheme Chris Evans Clairie Papazoglou Colin Richardson Chris Stavrou Dennis Kerr Dave & Jan Walker Dan Rhoads Ian Russell Ian Frith JE JN JS KH KS MB MC MPa MW NK PJE RM SC TJD John East June Neal Jane Stylianou Keith & Raija Howard Kevin Spearing Mike Bowden Melis Charalambides Mike Passman Marny Willis Nicos Kassinis, Game Fund Pete Evans Roy Mason Stavros Christodoulides Terry Davis BirdLife Cyprus Waterbird Count – February 2011 Michael Miltiadou, Research officer, BirdLife Cyprus National Coordinator, Wetlands International The monthly waterbird count represents the preliminary results from twenty four wetlands around the island. These counts take place usually around the end of each month (20 th) and are part of a year round waterbird population monitoring project. The presentation of these preliminary results in the monthly Newsletter is to acknowledge the efforts of the counting participants and inform the rest of the birdwatching community of the waterbird numbers and distribution. Site & Recorder Details for February 2011 Waterbird Count Site Evretou Dam Paphos Light House Kannaviou Dam Asprokremnos Dam Kourris Dam Polemidia Dam Yermasoyia Dam Bishop's Pool Phassouri Reed Beds Akrotiri Salt Lake/Zakaki Pond Lymbia Dam Tamassos Dam Athalassa Dam Partenitis Dam Larnaca Sewage Works Larnaca Salt Lake Oroklini Dam Paralimni Salt Lake Akhna Dam Ayia Thekla coast – Liopetri river Famagusta Lakes Mia Milia Sewage Works Geunyeli Dam Kanli Dam Recorder Peter Evans, Dave & Jane Walker Colin Richardson, Keith & Raja Howard Michael Miltiadou Colin Richardson, Peter Evans Alan Turtle Alan Turtle Alan Turtle Thomas Hadjikyriakou Thomas Hadjikyriakou Thomas Hadiikyriakou Μartin Hellicar Mark Hellicar Martin Hellicar Michael Miltiadou Michael Miltiadou Michael Miltiadou Roy Mason,Michael Miltiadou Andreas Kefalas Bill Barker, Andreas Kefalas Andreas Kefalas Michael Miltiadou Michael Miltiadou Michael Miltiadou Michael Miltiadou 35 27 32 7 19 3 13 38 14 Lymbia Dam 2 Akrotiri Salt Lake / Zakaki Pond Phassouri Reed Beds 1 Bishop’s Pool 3 3 Yermasoyia Dam 6 Kourris Dam Asprokremnos Dam & Pools Kannaviou Dam 4 Polemidia Dam Little Grebe Great Crested Grebe Black-necked Grebe Great Cormorant Cattle Egret Little Egret Great Egret Grey Heron Greater Flamingo Greater White-fronted Goose Common Shelduck Gadwall Eurasian Wigeon Eurasian Teal Mallard Northern Pintail Northern Shoveler Common Pochard Ferruginous Duck Western Marsh Harrier Water Rail Little Crake Common Moorhen Common Coot Common Crane Black-winged Stilt Pied Avocet Eurasian Stone-curlew Little Ringed Plover Common Ringed Plover Paphos Light House FEBRUARY 2011 Evretou Dam WATERBIRD COUNT 2 2 11 2 11 1 2 2 4 55 800 506 6 10 10 2 12 1 6 1 6 1 26 141 61 6 2 11 9 2 1 1 2 24 36 34 6 1 18 2 6 1 74 2 10 2 1 7 9449 82 31 30 134 2 136 1 1 2 1 3 3 4 6 87 36 158 239 3 43 1 1 2 38 8 16 1 26 3 3 368 1 1 200 69 146 43 27 21 270 500 1 3 410 3 8 220 162 4 12 14 630 56 2 1 7 7 16 102 10 18 1070 200 6 14 60 204 2 1 3 100 357 2 20 1 6 1 13 38 2 4 37 TOTAL Kanli Dam 2 1 10 1 37 2 2 4 10 1 8 Guenyeli Dam 55 Mia Milia Sewage Works 10 Famagusta Lake Akhna Dam 12 Ayia Thekla - Liopetri River coast Paralimni Salt Lake Larnaca Sewage Works 51 Oroklini Marsh Partenitis Dam 14 Larnaca Salt Lake Athalassa Dam Tamassos Dam 46 519 3 5 162 224 20 7 107 10250 3 916 3 56 799 483 28 1956 432 41 13 2 1 193 2039 1 7 13 38 2 4 Kentish Plover Greater Sand Plover Eurasian Golden Plover Grey Plover Spur-winged Lapwing Northern Lapwing Temminck's Stint Dunlin Ruff Common Snipe Eurasian Curlew Spotted Redshank Common Redshank Common Greenshank Green Sandpiper Common Sandpiper Ruddy Turnstone Mediterranean Gull Common Black-headed Gull Slender-billed Gull Audouin's Gull Mew Gull Baltic Gull Heuglin's Gull Yellow-legged Gull Caspian Gull Armenian Gull Sandwich Tern Common Kinfisher Pied Kingfisher TOTAL 1 3 25 1 Lymbia Dam Phassouri Reed Beds Bishop’s Pool Yermasoyia Dam Polemidia Dam Kourris Dam Asprokremnos Dam Kannaviou Dam Paphos Light House Evretou Dam FEBRUARY 2011 (continued) Akrotiri Salt Lake / Zakaki Pond WATERBIRD COUNT 25 1 1 6 1 2 2 2 1 2 243 1 150 8 1 14 36 0 1 1 77 38 1 207 51 1 70 190 1 89 1715 10 63 9 30 35 1 7 210 155 9 1 2 11 81 11 6 15 1623 5 448 6 1 2 1 2 1 11839 60 4 35 26 3 3 80 8 3 2 5 1 2 527 5 1 11 1 209 5 1 1 323 39 18 4 1 7 50 219 2 10 22 6 1 873 1 2 3 1 73 1 8 28 2 2 2 586 395 Guenyeli Dam Mia Milia Sewage Works Famagusta Lake Ayia Thekla - Liopetri River coast Akhna Dam Paralimni Salt Lake Oroklini Marsh Larnaca Salt Lake Larnaca Sewage Works Partenitis Dam Athalasssa Dam Tamassos Dam TOTAL 4 Kanli Dam 2 17 1041 151 29 59 1 93 83 3 36 4 24 3 2 31 3 23 3 2 12 895 6 1 2 1 3 19 404 27 10 10 2 20269 BirdLife Cyprus Subscription form Your support for Cyprus nature 1. Contact details Name: Email: Street: Postal code: Town/City: Country: Postal address: Telephone number: Date of birth: Preferred language: Greek English 2. Subscription details ■ I wish to: □ Renew my subscription □ Become a new member ■ I enclose: □ € 35 for single membership for one year’s subscription (with Annual Bird Report) □ € 30 for single membership for one year’s subscription (without Annual Bird Report) □ € 40 for joint membership for one year’s subscription (with Annual Bird Report) □ € 35 for joint membership for one year’s subscription (without Annual Bird Report) □ € 10 for junior membership for one year’s subscription (without Annual Bird Report) For overseas: □ € 40 for single membership for one year’s subscription (with Annual Bird Report) □ € 35 for single membership for one year’s subscription (without Annual Bird Report) □ € 45 for joint membership for one year’s subscription (with Annual Bird Report) □ € 40 for joint membership for one year’s subscription (without Annual Bird Report) □ € 12 for junior membership for one year’s subscription (without Annual Bird Report) 3. Payment methods i. □ Direct payment to BirdLife Cyprus’ account BIRDLIFE CYPRUS Bank of Cyprus Branch: Kato Lakatameia, Code: 0177 Address: 18 Archbishop Makarios Avenue, Lakatameia, 2324, Cyprus Account No: 0148-01-008101 SWIFT: BCYPCY2N IBAN No: CY 980020 0148 0000000 10081 0100 ii. □ Credit card online (Date of payment _ _/_ _/_ _) iii. □ Cheque made payable to BirdLife Cyprus Amount: € _________ Subscription € _________ Donation € _________ Total amount Please return by post or email to: BirdLife Cyprus, P.O. Box 28076, 2090 Nicosia, Cyprus or For any queries please do not hesitate to contact us. Telephone: (+357) 22 455072 40 Αίηηζη εηήζιαρ εγγπαθήρ μέλοςρ Πηηνολογικού ςνδέζμος Κύππος Η ςποζηήπιξη ζος για ηην Κςππιακή θύζη 1. Σηοισεία επικοινωνίαρ Ολνκαηεπώλπκν/α: Ζιεθηξνληθό Σαρ: Οδόο: Σ.Σ: Υσξηό/Πόιε: Υώξα: Γηεύζπλζε: Σειέθσλν: Έηνο Γέλλεζεο: Πξνηηκώκελε γιώζζα επηθνηλσλίαο: Διιεληθά Αγγιηθά 2. Πληποθοπίερ ζςνδπομήρ ■ Δπηζπκώ: □ Να αλαλεώζσ ηε ζπλδξνκή κνπ □ Να εγγξαθώ κέινο ■ Δπηζπλάπησ: □ € 35 αηνκηθή ζπλδξνκή (κε ηελ Δηήζηα Οξληζνινγηθή Αλαθνξά) □ € 30 αηνκηθή ζπλδξνκή (ρσξίο ηελ Δηήζηα Οξληζνινγηθή Αλαθνξά) □ € 40 ζπλδξνκή δεύγνπο (κε ηελ Δηήζηα Οξληζνινγηθή Αλαθνξά) □ € 35 ζπλδξνκή δεύγνπο (ρσξίο ηελ Δηήζηα Οξληζνινγηθή Αλαθνξά) □ € 10 παηδηθή ζπλδξνκή (ρσξίο ηελ Δηήζηα Οξληζνινγηθή Αλαθνξά) Για μέλη εξωτεπικού: □ € 40 αηνκηθή ζπλδξνκή (κε ηελ Δηήζηα Οξληζνινγηθή Αλαθνξά) □ € 35 αηνκηθή ζπλδξνκή (ρσξίο ηελ Δηήζηα Οξληζνινγηθή Αλαθνξά) □ € 45 ζπλδξνκή δεύγνπο (κε ηελ Δηήζηα Οξληζνινγηθή Αλαθνξά) □ € 40 ζπλδξνκή δεύγνπο (ρσξίο ηελ Δηήζηα Οξληζνινγηθή Αλαθνξά) □ € 12 παηδηθή ζπλδξνκή (ρσξίο ηελ Δηήζηα Οξληζνινγηθή Αλαθνξά) 3. Τπόποι πληπωμήρ i. □ Απεπζείαο πιεξσκή ζην ινγαξηαζκό ηνπ Πηελνινγηθνύ πλδέζκνπ Κύπξνπ BIRDLIFE CYPRUS Σξάπεδα Κύπξνπ Καηάζηεκα: Κάησ Λαθαηάκηα Κσδηθόο: 0177 Γηεύζπλζε: Αξρ. Μαθαξίνπ 18, Λαθαηάκηα, 2324, Κύπξνο Αξ. Λνγαξηαζκνύ: 0148-01-008101 ii. □ Πιεξσκή κε πηζησηηθή θάξηα κέζσ δηαδηθηύνπ (Ζκεξνκελία ηεο πιεξσκήο _/_ _/_ _) iii. □ Δπηηαγή πιεξσηέα ζηνλ Πηελνινγηθό ύλδεζκν Κύπξνπ Πιεξσηέν πνζό: € _________ πλδξνκή € _________ Δηζθνξά € _________ ύνολο Παπακαλώ αποζηείλεηέ ηασςδπομικώρ η ηλεκηπονικά ζηον Πηηνολογικό ύνδεζμο Κύππος, Σ.Θ. 28076, 2090 Λεςκωζία, Κύππορ ή Για ηςσόν αποπίερ είμαζηε ζηη διάθεζή ζαρ ζηο ηηλέθωνο: (+357) 22 455072 41
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