carpal instabilities - Hand Rehabilitation Section
carpal instabilities - Hand Rehabilitation Section
CARPAL INSTABILITIES Elizabeth Byrne MPT, OCS, CHT, ATc Linda de Haas MPT, OCS, CHT Objectives Upon completion of this course, you'll be able to: 1) Gain an understanding of the complexity of the anatomy, biomechanics of the wrist and carpals 2) Gain and understanding of the pathoanatomy and pathokinematics of various wrist/ carpal instabilities including- CID (carpal instability dissociative), CIND (carpal instability non dissociative), CIC (carpal instability complex) and Palmer's classification of both traumatic and degenerative changes. 3) Describe current interventions on surgical and conservative management. Contributors to a functional stable wrist... • • • • Bones (8 carpals of varied shape, radius, ulna, metacarpals that articulate with DCR) Ligamentous structures (intrinsic and extrinsic) Proprioception Muscle contraction as stabilizer Wrist Anatomy Bone Anatomy • • • • Complex shapes Intricate articulations with each other Radius to carpus Carpal bones with one another Joints of wrist and carpals • • • Radiocarpal Joint Ulno carpal articulation Midcarpal Joint Radial articulations STT SC • • • • • Central articulations LC • Ulnar articulations TqH • Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex (TFCC) Stabilizes the DRUJ and separates it from carpus Originates of sigmoid notch on radius and attaches to ulnar fovea Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex (TFCC) Includes dorsal and palmar radioulnar ligaments, ulnocarpal ligaments, ECU tendon sheath/ulnar collateral ligaments, meniscus homologue, articular disc (TFC proper) DRUJ and TFCC ECU MH UL UT PRUL DRUL DORSAL Articular Disc PALMAR Extrinsic Carpal Ligaments RSC UTq DRC Dorsal UC UL SRL Palmar LRL Intrinsic Carpal Ligaments CT TT CT CH CH TT STT TqHC SC DIC SLIL LT Dorsal LT SLIL Palmar Mechanoreceptor- Dense Carpal Ligaments TqHC DIC SLIL LT DRC PRUL DRUL Dorsal Palmar Muscles as Stabilizers FCU, APL, ECRL were found by Hagert & GaricaElias to act as dynamic stabilizers of the SLIL while FCR, FCU, APL reduce stress at SLIL. Garcia-Elias found FCU and hypothenar muscles stabilizes LT and MCI. Litchman added ECU to stabilize MCI Force Transmission Force travels through a neutral positioned wrist from 3rd metacarpal to Capitate/Scaphoid/Lunate joint at Mid-carpal joint (~50%) to Radio-carpal joint ~80% (RS 46%+ RL 32%) and ulnocarpal joint/TFCC ~20% (14% UL + 8%UT) Force Transmission With axial compressive loading (gripping), PCR tends to rotate into flexion and pronation that is checked by mid carpal ligaments Carpal Kinematic Therapy Historical Timeline Navarro Gifford Linscheid & Dobyns Mennell Mayo Clinic Taleisnik Lichtman Wrist Kinematics • Columnar Theory of Navarro, 1919 • 3 vertical columns Links and Cranks Gifford’s Link Theory Linscheid/Dobyn’s crank analogy Mennell’s 2 Row Theory Refuting the 2 Row Theory Flexion occurs mostly at midcarpal joint Extension occurs mostly at radiocarpal joint Mayo Clinic Wrist Kinematics Taleisnik’s vertical columns Distal row considered fixed by now Wrist Kinematics Lichtman’s Oval Ring • 4 Links: • • • • Triquetrum Lunate Scaphoid Distal carpal row Kinematic Concepts The scaphoid is strategically positioned to add stability to a naturally unstable mid carpal joint line The scaphoid has a tendency towards flexion, the triquetrum towards extension Proximal row has more mobility between the individual carpals compared to the distal carpal row Ligaments are the key to the stability of the “intercalated segment” DCR secured firmly to hand unit (MC and Phalanges) by articular interlocking and strong ligaments. PCR are not as secured due to mid carpal joint Proximal Carpal Row Kinematics • • • • • Scaphoid wants to move into flexion Triquetrum wants to move into extension Scaphoid and triquetrum maintain balance through the SLIL and LT ligament The result in normal circumstances is a balanced lunate in the PCR. With wrist in neutral, scapho-lunate angle averages 45-47% Normal Carpal Alignment C-C-C Normal S-L angle of 47° WRIST MOTION KINEMATICS Overall motion of the wrist is the sum of carpal bones moving on each other, influenced by their articulations and ligamentous attachments. Grossly, wrist motion is combination of motion at: Radiocarpal Joint and Midcarpal Joint Carpal Kinematics Wrist Flexion/Extension Center of motion lies within the head of the capitate Extension occurs more at midcarpal joint with proximal row gliding volarly and capitate gliding volarly on lunate Flexion occurs more at radiocarpal joint with proximal row gliding dorsally on carpus and capitate glides dorsally on lunate Mayo Clinic Carpal Kinematics Wrist Radial Deviation • • • • • PCR flexes PCR glides dorsally PRC translates ulnarly Lunate pronates Triquetrum rides proximally & dorsally on the hamate Carpal Kinematics Wrist Ulnar Deviation • • • • • PCR extends PCR glides volarly PCR translates radially Lunate supinates Triquetrum distally rides distally & volarly on hamate Dart Throwers Motion Most functional tasks are performed in this plane of motion More action is at midcarpal joint thus limiting stress to radiocarpal joint Less motion of the scaphoid and lunate May have future implications for early motion protocols for fractures, SLIL injuries, and ligament repairs Radial extension 40⁰ ext, 20⁰ RD Ulnar flexion 0⁰ flexion, 20⁰ UD Dart Throwing Motion What is functional motion in the wrist? Palmer et al: 30° extension, 5° flexion, 10° radial deviation, 15°ulnar deviation Ryu et al: 40° extension, 40° flexion, 40° combined radial/ulnar deviation Gartland and Werley: 45°extension, 30° flexion, 15° radial deviation, 15°ulnar deviation and 50° degrees of each supination and pronation Carpal Instabilities CARPAL INSTABILITIY DISSOCIATIVE (CID) Instability between carpal bones in same row Static dissociation or gap between carpals due to ligament insufficiency (SLIL and L-T tears) or collapse deformity “LOOSEY” LUNATE (CID) VISI Lunate goes with carpal bone to which it is still connected ... Scaphoid tends to flex so if lunate is connected to scaphoid (intact SLIL), the lunate will flex Triquetrum tends to extend so if lunate is connected to triquetrum (intact L-T), the lunate will extend Dorsal Volar If the lunate flexes, because the T-L is deficit, then lunate faces volarly= VISI. S-L angle < 30 deg If the lunate extends because the SLIL is deficit, the lunate faces dorsally= DISI. S-L angle > 70 deg DISI DISI & VISI Instability Patterns Dorsal Intercalated Segmental Instability vs. Volar Intercalated Segmental Instability DISI Volar aspect VISI Dorsal aspect Volar aspect Dorsal aspect Scapho-Lunate Dissociation Most Common Carpal Instability History of FOOSH-wrist hyperextension, UD and MC supination Presents w/ wrist weakness and pain with loading Scapho-Lunate Dissociation Timing is crucial.< 3 weeks, healing potential is good Pre-dynamic: presents w/dorsal wrist pain (+) Watson’s x-rays unremarkable Most commonly diagnosed through arthroscope S-L Dissociation Dynamic Isolated complete or partial SLIL tear Can be seen radiographically with stress views Clenched fist view Static Ruptured SLIL and palmar ligaments (+) Terry Thomas sign Ring Sign Ring Sign of the Scaphoid DISI Scapho-Lunate Advanced Collapse End result of long standing SLIL rupture is SLAC Scapho-Lunate Nonunion Advanced Collapse (SNAC) Seen with long standing scaphoid nonunion- distal portion of the scaphoid palmar flexes and lunate dorsiflexes Static & Dynamic Instabilities Resting posture Grip view Lunotriquetral Dissociation Can be confused w/ other ulnar sided wrist problems Often seen with peripheral tears of TFCC, avulsion of ulnocarpal ligaments, ulnar nerve paresthesias MOI: backward FOOSH w/ arm ER’d, forearm supinated, wrist E& RD May be combined w/ TFCC tear & avulsion UC ligament VISI More about Lunotriquetral Dissociation • • • • (+) palmar sagging of the ulnar column (+) L-T Instability tests Painful crepitus w/ UD (+) giving away sensation w/supination/UD/E Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex (TFCC) TFCC is an articular fibrocartilage disc Analogous to meniscus in knee Improves joint congruency Cushions against compressive forces Transmits ~20% axial load –hand to forearm TFCC lesion may be combined with L-T disruption Lesions- 80% central, 20% periphery Central tears are usually degenerative in nature and not repairable due to poor vascularity Tears on the periphery are repairable Palmar Classification TFCC Lesions Mechanism of Injury: FOOSH or forearm rotation w/ wrist extended Class I – traumatic A. central perforation B. ulnar avulsion w/ or w/o distal ulnar fx C. distal avulsion D. radial avulsion w/ or w/o sigmoid notch fx Palmer Classification of TFCC Abnormalities Class 2: degenerative (ulnocarpal abutment syndrome) A. TFCC wear B. TFCC wear + lunate and/or ulnar chondromalacia C. TFCC perforation + lunate and/or ulnar chondromalacia D. TFCC perforation + lunate and/or ulnar chondromalacia + L-T ligament perforation E. TFCC perforation + lunate and/or ulnar chondromalacia + L-T ligament perforation + ulnocarpal arthritis Palmar 1989 Carpal Instability Non-Dissociative (CIND) Instability of proximal row between either radiocarpal or mid-carpal joint w/o instability between the individual carpal bones in the proximal row Seen w/ loading in patients with ligamentous laxity, or history of trauma. Static collapse pattern not yet established Example: Mid carpal instabilities (palmer > dorsal) Midcarpal Instability (CIND) Dysfunction between proximal and distal rows Palmar- most common form of mid carpal instability Proximal row does not move smoothly from flexion to extension going from RD to UD. VISI pattern maintained until extreme end of motion Wrist will exhibit a characteristic clunking in which proximal row suddenly jumps from flexion to extension as wrist moves into UD. Head of capitate and hamate relocate- (+) MC shift test Primarily a laxity issue- (+) palmar sag Results: wrist unable to bear axial loads w/o collapsing into VISI position Carpal Instability Complex (CIC) Combination of CID and CIND Often caused by acute hyperextension w/ UD and intercarpal supination (fall onto thenar eminence) SL, CL, LT joints are disrupted and lunate can rotate into carpal tunnel May be associated w/ fractures of carpals, radial and ulnar styloids Example: perilunate dislocations, fracture/dislocations and_Lunate_Dislocations Mayfield: introduced concept of progressive perilunate instability. Injury caused by compressive forces with hyperextension of the wrist, forearm pronation and ulnar deviation. Perilunate Pattern of Instability Stage 1:partial disruption of S-L joint Stage 2:complete disruption of S-L joint Stage3:disruption of S-L, C-L, Tq-L joints Stage 4:disruption of all above + dorsal radiocarpal ligaments, allowing lunate dislocation Associated fxs of radial styloid &/or triquetrum Mayfield 4 Stages of progressive perilunate instability: Stage I: Disruption of S-L and RSC Stage II: Capitate and scaphoid separate from the lunate and triquetrum (capitolunate) Stage III: Injury continues ulnarly and separates the triquetrum from the lunate, the carpus is completely separated from the lunate resulting in perilunate dislocation (triquetrolunate) Stage IV: Complete lunate dislocation. May occur in a dorsal or palmar direction (radiolunate) Carpal Instability Adaptive (CIA) Secondary instability due to malunion or bony deformity Example: dorsally malunited distal radial fracture that makes the PCR conform to the abnormal radial tilt Medical Management of Wrist Instabilities Scapholunate Dissociation (Chronicity) Timing is everything Acute < 1 week Healing potential is optimal Subacute 1-6 weeks The ligaments may not heal as well as a consequence of necrosis and retraction of their remnants. Chronic > 6 weeks (poor healing potential) Primary ligament healing, although possible, is very unlikely. Classification of Scapholunate Ligament Injuries Garcia-Elias, et al, 2006: JHS 31A:1, 125-134 Scapholunate Dissociation Stage 1 - Pre dynamic Injured ligaments: partial scapholunate interosseous ligament (SLIL) Description: diagnosed acutely, dorsal wrist pain or dysfunction with mechanical loading Arthroscopy confirms diagnosis No abnormalities of scaphoid or lunate on static or stress radiographs. Scapholunate Dissociation Stage 1 Pre-Dynamic Conservative treatment: casting splinting, NSAIDs and therapy Surgical treatment: debridement with pinning or capsulodesis, open or arthroscopic Scapholunate Dissociation Stage 2 Dynamic Caused by higher energy trauma Isolated complete or partial SL tear Can be seen radiographically with stress views Static x-ray is negative Clenched Fist View Scapholunate Dissociation Stage 2 - Dynamic Episodic instances of carpal subluxation only under certain loading conditions Treatment: SLIL repair with capsulodesis (re-anchor capsule into the lunate) Scapholunate Dissociation Stage 3 Static Reducible Instability Ruptured SLIL Ruptured palmar ligaments Gap between scaphoid and lunate appears on X-ray without stress Immediate surgical repair favored as subluxation is easily reducible Bone-ligament-bone graft is indicated or tri-ligament reconstruction Scapholunate Dissociation Stage 4 –Static Irreducible Instability Complete loss of SL linkage (SLIL, STT, and SC) Ligaments all torn Scapholunate Angle Increases > 45° and joint deformity or intraarticular fibrosis does not allow reduction of the subluxation Lunate rotates dorsally to reduce capitolunate angle to 15° or less. Tendon reconstruction of the scaphoid stabilizers (Brunelli) Three ligament tenodesis Reduction Association of the SL joint (RASL Procedure) Static Arthritic Instability Stage 5 – Complete SLIL Injury with Irreducible Malalignment but Normal Cartilage. A chronic subluxation has induced degenerative changes in the joint cartilage increasing wrist stiffness No soft tissue procedures can achieve full stability unless the fibrosis is excised effectively. A partial fusion with the aim of reestablishing an adequate load-bearing column is recommended Scaphoid-trapezium-trapezoid Scaphoid-lunate Scaphoid-capitate Radius-scaphoid-lunate fusion Scapholunate Dissociation Stage 6 - Complete SLIL Injury with Irreducible Malalignment and Cartilage Degeneration Chronic dysfunctional wrists tend to develop cartilage degeneration (SLAC) The goal of treatment is to relieve pain with minimal functional loss. Excision of the scaphoid plus midcarpal “four corner” fusion Proximal-row carpectomy Conservative Treatment of SLIL Tears Grade I and II Immobilize 3-12 weeks Thumb Spica orthosis Patient performs finger ROM ex and digital tendon-gliding exercises Then immobilize intermittently between exercises After immobilization period initiate gentle AROM in DTM (goal is stability over mobility) Strength Isometrics Be cautious with power grip strength Rehabilitation Debridement and Thermal Shrinkage 0-3 weeks - Immobilize in a short-arm thumb spica cast or splint 3-6 weeks post op - Protected motion therapy is performed. 6 weeks DC immobilization and begin resistive strengthening and functional therapy. Treatment of SLIL Tears Scapholunate Ligament Repair Dorsal Approach SLIL attached to lunate Rehab after repair/reconstruction ROM – flexion and extension approximately 80% of pre-op Grip strength 80% Goal = stability > mobility Dorsal Scapholunate Ligament Repair Expected Outcomes Direct Repair 75% as compared with contralateral side 80-85% return of grip strength 70% of patients have significant improvement in pain Full recovery may take up to 4-6 months Ligament Reconstruction 20-30% loss of wrist flexion 20% loss of wrist extension 75-80% return of grip strength Treatment SLIL Tear Blatt Dorsal Capsulodesis One of the more common indirect ligament reconstruction techniques. Uses a flap of remaining dorsal capsule attached to distal radius to reposition scaphoid. It is pinned through scaphoid and capitate then woven into scaphoid and anchored. Because the flap is attached to the distal radius, wrist flexion is reduced by ~ 20%. Treatment of SLIL Tear Chronic injuries (>6 weeks) Dorsal Capsulodesis Bone-Ligament-Bone Grafts Dynamic instability Tendon weaves RASL Arthrodesis Treatment SLIL Tear Bone-Ligament-Bone Grafts Portion of SLIL cut out along with bone attachments to create space for a bone-tendon-bone graft. Common donor sites Dorsal capitate-hamate ligament Navicular – 1st cuneiform of ankle Treatment of SLIL Tear Bone-Ligament-Bone Grafts Rehabilitation Thumb Spica Orthosis Avoid early loading which can cause failure After pin removal, gentle AROM in DTM 4-6 months return to normal functional use Treatment of SLIL Tear Tendon Weaves/Soft Tissue Reconstruction Brunelli Reconstruction Most common weave used Uses half of FCR tendon which is woven through the scaphoid Use of Palmaris Longus also in the literature Rehabilitation after Brunelli Reconstruction 0-8 weeks: Well molded wrist and thumb immobilization 8 weeks: AROM starting with dart thrower’s motion, interval splinting 12 weeks: Light strengthening starting with isometrics 6 months: Full activity resumed RASL Procedure Reduction and Association of the Scaphoid and Lunate Temporary Herbert screw fixation following primary repair of SL Motion can begin earlier than SL repair – 4-6 weeks Rosenwasser et al. (1997) reported good results using this approach. Follow-up of ~ 54 months, 20 patients with a static SLD treated with RASL exhibited 91% of their normal motion and 87% grip strength. Rehabilitation RASL Procedure 0-3 weeks post op immobilize in short-arm thumb spica cast. 3-6 weeks - Removable wrist orthosis as exercise begins 6 weeks DC orthosis and begin resistive ex. STT Arthrodesis Treatment of SLIL Tear Salvage Procedures Proximal Row Carpectomy Scaphoid Excision with 4 Corner Fusion Four-Corner Fusion Scaphoid Excision Rehabilitation of Proximal Row Carpectomy (PRC) Wrist AROM at post op week 4 Wrist PROM at post op week 6 Strengthening at post op week 6 Expectations: 30-50% reduction in wrist motion 50-60% ROM for flexion/extension 8° of radial deviation 20° of ulnar deviation 20-50% reduction in grip strength Capitate sits in lunate facet Proximal Row Carpectomy Two longitudinal studies > 10 years average follow up, offer insight into the durability, patient satisfaction and performance after PRC. Jebsen et al, evaluated 20 patients at average follow up of thirteen years found a flexion/extension arc of 72 °. Radial deviation 9° and ulnar deviation averaged 31° DiDonna et al, evaluated 22 patients with a follow up >14 years found an average flexion/extension arc of 76°. Radial deviation 12° and ulnar deviation averaged 22 °. Grip strengths in the two studies were 93% (Jebson) and 81% (DiDonna) of the contralateral arm. Thirty-five of the combined 42 patients reported a satisfactory outcome. Only six patients (14%) eventually required conversion to wrist arthrodesis. Treatment of SLIL Tear Partial Wrist Fusion Rehabilitation Long or short arm cast – until solid 6-12 weeks Pins removed after immobilization period and referral to therapy Short arm thumb spica orthosis for 2-4 weeks then wean A/AAROM (DTM) of wrist 6+ weeks Gentle PROM after healed (8-10 weeks) Strengthening 10-12 weeks Work Hardening after 16 weeks Results: decreased ROM by 40-60% Treatment of LT Tears Initial non-operative management of partial LT injury without dissociation 6 weeks of cast or splint immobilization above the elbow with a pisiform boost NSAIDS or steroid injections into midcarpal joint to decrease synovitis Treatment of LT Tears Chronic tears: Immobilization (ulnar boost orthosis), activity modification, exercises Supervised therapy Re-establish proprioceptive control of FCU, ECU, hypothenar muscles Isometric contraction generates dorsally directed force on Tq via pisiform Treatment of LT Tears Surgical reconstruction for chronic tears. May be done in conjunction with wafer procedure or ulnar shortening Arthroscopic exam and debridement Reconstruction of L-T with slip of ECU L-T fusion Radiolunate fusion PRC Treatment of LT Tears Rehabilitation after debridement Wrist orthosis for 1-3 weeks post op Initiation of movement is dictated by comfort and can start as early as week one Progress to light loading and increased functional use as tolerated Treatment of LT Tears Rehab after direct repair 0-2 weeks - Post op dressing- AROM and PROM of fingers, elbow and shoulder 6-8 weeks - Long arm cast in neutral rotation 8-10 weeks – Pins removed and splint used during rehab period 12 weeks begin strengthening Impact loading avoided for 4-6 months Mid Carpal Instabilities (MCI) Clinical significance Exact incidence is unknown Complaints of ulnar sided wrist pain Do not use their hand normally because they are afraid of sudden painful clunk Afraid to use hand functionally Loose grip when clunk occurs Avoidance and abnormal use occurs Conservative Management Immobilization, anti-inflammatories, activity modification Pisiform boost orthosis/Midcarpal stabilization orthosis Skirven Exercises similar to L-T injury: FCU, ECU, hypothenar muscles. Avoid isotonics, power grip and repetitive wrist motion. Include proprioceptive training Supination is more stable, decreases ulnar variance Splinting Pisiform Boost Splints Treatment of MCI Operative Management- Aims to prevent pathologic motion and stabilize PCR Types: Arthroscopic palmar MC capsular shrinkage Tendon reconstruction of ligaments MC fusion Radiolunate fusion Post op Rehabilitation of MCI After soft tissue repair/pinning and 8 weeks of immobilization Volar wrist orthosis is used intermittently after this period of immobilization Initiate conservative management exercises Avoid heavy loading, power grip, and weight bearing for 6 months Physical Therapy Management of Wrist Instabilities Provocative Maneuvers SLIL Provocative Test Scaphoid Shift Test/Watson’s Patients wrist placed in ulnar deviation and slight extension. Examiner places thumb on tubercle of scaphoid and flexion of scaphoid is blocked as patients wrist is moved into radial deviation and slight flexion. Instability will cause scaphoid to sublux dorsally. When pressure is removed a painful clunk will be noted in positive test There is a 30% rate of false positives. False positives can be decreased by clenching fist during testing Watson’s/Scaphoid Shift Test Lunotriquetral Shear Test Grasp the Pisiform and Triquetrum The contralateral thumb and index finger hold the Lunate and radial carpus. Move the Triquetrum while the lunate and radial wrist remain stationary. The force is transmitted across the lunotriquetral joint. If this maneuver produces pain, the result is considered positive Sensitivity .66 Specificity .44 Reagan/Ballottement/Shuck Test Grasp the whole piso-triquetral unit. The contralateral thumb and index finger hold the lunate. Apply a dorsally directed force with one hand and volarly directed force with the other hand. This force is switched in the opposite directions in both hands. This creates a shear stress at the lunotriquetral joint, and if painful, the result is positive. Sensitivity .69 Specificity .44 Linscheid Compression Test Examiners thumb along ulnar border of the Triquetrum Push in radial direction Compression force across the lunotriquetral joint. If this maneuver produces pain, the result is considered positive Lichtman’s Midcarpal Shift test Pt’s wrist placed in neutral with forearm pronated A palmar force is applied to the hand at the base of the third metacarpal The wrist is deviated ulnarly. Test is + if a painful clunk occurs as the distal row snaps back into its physiologic position and reproduces symptoms. Ulna Fovea Sign The elbow is in flexion, forearm in neutral rotation and wrist in neutral position. The examiner’s thumb tip is then pressed distally and deep into the interval “soft spot” The ulnar fovea sign is positive when there is exquisite tenderness compared with the contralateral side. 95.2% sensitivity 86.5% specificity TFCC Load Test Ulnar deviation Axial load Rotation Gripping Rotatory Impaction Test Quantifiable measurement Three forearm test positions: neutral, supination, and pronation Expressed as a ratio: Supination strength Pronation strength 1.0 is normal, > 1.0 predicts ulnar impaction problems Friends and Enemies of the SLIL FCR is a dynamic stabilizer of the scaphoid Scaphoid will rotate into flexion but also supinate Supination of the scaphoid causes distal row pronation via the trapezium Opposite rotation of the carpal rows may have a protective effect on SLIL dynamic instabilities Proprioceptive Training for Wrist Ligament Injuries Proprioception Training? Proprioceptive training may prevent a stage I scapho-lunate ligament injury from progressing. Surgery often recommended for all levels of injury but outcomes extremely variable. Proprioception Hagert discussed findings of innervation patterns in ligaments of the wrist. She proposed how these findings can translate to therapeutic innervation in wrist injuries. “A carpal ligament injury, therefore, should be regarded as a trauma affecting the whole wrist, with implications not only on the internal carpal kinematics, but possibly also on the coordination and proprioception of the entire wrist joint” Proprioception Proprioceptive training is based on principle that SLIL is protected by the co-contraction of the FCR, FCU, ECRB and ECU Injury disrupts the feedback loop Exercises improve awareness of joint position Exercises increase stabilization by cocontraction of muscles that reduce strain on the SLIL (APL, FCR, FCU supinate the scaphoid to reduce SLIL tension) Working Proprioception Into The Treatment Plan Working on joint position sense, kinesthesia Moving joint to a specific position, mirror therapy Neuromuscular control Exercises targeting specific muscles dependent on ligaments involved in instability which is present Perturbation training, reactive muscle activation Muscles as Stabilizers Strengthening begins at ~ 12 weeks Start w/ isometrics progress to co-contraction, isotonics. Focus strengthening to specific muscles supporting ligament stability. Hagert & Garcia-Elias found FCU, APL, ECRL as dynamic stabilizers of SL. FCR, FCU, APL reduce stress @ SL Garcia-Elias found FCU, hypothenar stabilizes LT and MCI. Litchman added ECU to stabilize MCI Avoid repeated power gripping, repetitive ROM, wrist curls Scaphoid supination/Triquetrum pronation Medicine Ball Wrist Curls During rehab, isolate the actions of wrist extensors from finger extensors Limits cheating with finger extensors Consider supinated position to start grip strengthening exercises in those with ulnar impaction syndrome. Proprioceptive Exercises Neuromuscular Proprioceptive Training Protocol Hagert Stages Plan Purpose Technique 1 Basic rehabilitation 2 Proprioception awareness Conscious joint control Mirror therapy VAS ROM 3 Joint position sense Replicate joint angle Blinded Passive/active Goniometer, joint angle 4 Kinesthesia Sense joint motion Motion detection Machine - manual TTDPM 5 Conscious neuromuscular rehab Train specific muscles to enhance stability Isometric Co-activation Strength Stability 6 Unconscious neuromuscular rehab Reactive muscle activation Perturbation training (machine, powerball) EMG Oedema/pain control Basic hand therapy Motion Assessment VAS ROM Training Proprioception Stage I: The basics Edema/pain control, ROM Stage II: Proprioception awareness Conscious joint control Mirror box therapy Training Proprioception Stage III: Joint position sense Replicate a joint angle, active & passive, blinded Get patient to replicate a joint angle, progress from with visual cues to without v.c. Stage IV: Kinesthesia Sensing joint position Motion detection machine (? availability) Training Proprioception Stage V: Conscious neuromuscular rehab Train specific muscles to enhance stability Increase co-activation Strengthen supinating muscles (FCU, ECRL) Stage VI: Unconscious neuromuscular rehab: Responsible for posture, joint stability, anticipatory control, intact nerve function With PIN denervation, there are significant changes in reflex patterns in the wrist Reflex muscle activation with Power Ball In Summary What is the injured structure? What are the established guidelines to promote healing of the structure? What are the needs of your patient? Athlete vs. accountant Is there an arc of motion that limits stress to the injured structure? Is there a muscle contraction that has been shown to improve stability for injured structures? How can we work on improving proprioception lost during immobilization? Is there an arc of motion that limits stress to the injured structure? Is there a muscle contraction that has been shown to improve stability for injured structures? How can we work on improving proprioception lost during immobilization? Thank You Questions? References Aymard C, Chia L, Katz R, Lafitte C, Penicaud A (1995):Reciprocal Inhibition Between Wrist Flexors and Extensors in Man: A New Set of Interneurones?” J of Physiology 487 (1):221-235. Chinchalkar S, Yong S (2004) “An Ulnar Boost Splint for Midcarpal Instability” JHT 17:377-379 Dell,PC. Dell,RB, &Griggs, R. Management of carpal fractures and dislocations. In: Skirven,T.M., Osterman, A.L., Fedorczyk, J.M., & Amadio, P.C. Rehabilitation of the Hand and Upper Extremity. 6th edition. Philadelphia,PA: Elsevier Mosby;2011:988-1001. Dellon A (2010) “Commentary” JHS 35A:1067-1069. Dobyns W, Cooney J (1998) “Classification of Carpal Instability: The Wrist: Diagnosis and Operative Treatment Mosby Philadelphia De Herder E. (2015)Evidence Based Hand and Upper Extremity Protocols. 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