Get your information here - Edmonds School District
Get your information here - Edmonds School District
Volume 27 Number 8 ROYAL April 2015 EDGER “Home of Royal Pride” Dear Parents As we hit the beginning of our final quarter at LHS, I wanted to spend some time addressing the issue of required testing and the upcoming Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBA) that our students in Grades 10 and 11 will be taking in May. To clarify, the 10th graders will take a State paper and pencil SBA test. It will be on two mornings, May 19 and 20.The rationale for having our 10th graders take the State Assessment in May is quite clear—it is the test that will be used to meet the state graduation testing requirement-- all students must pass tests in English/Language Arts, Math, and Biology. 10th graders will no longer take the High School Proficiency Exam (HSPE), so taking the new SBA test is absolutely critical for their path to graduation. 11th graders will be taking the SBA over four mornings from May 19 to May 22, passing this SBA is critical for any student who has not previously met standard on the HSPE in Reading or Writing and/or the EOC in Math. For the remaining 11th graders who have already met standard on their state assessments, there is still a district expectation that they will take the SBA in May. There are a few reasons that our District encourages our 11th grade students to take the SBA in May. 1. For students who are considering 2 or 4 year colleges, those who meet the College/Career Ready cut score on the SBA will be placed in college-level classes with no further placement testing required. For example, presently students from LHS who attend Edmonds Community College are placed in English or Math levels on the basis of a test called the Accuplacer, which more than a few of us have doubts about. Many of our students have been required to take low level courses because of the difficulty of this test. The SBA will give any college in our State another look at a LHS student’s ability and another chance to place in a credit bearing course. 2. For parents, your student’s performance on the SBA will show you how well your student is prepared for his/her future in comparison with students in 20 other state across the U.S. If there is an area of concern, we can work on this during your student’s senior year. 3. The test can also be beneficial to our teaching staff. With the data we get from the test, we can review areas of strength and weakness of our 11th grade as a whole and possibly modify some of our senior curricula to reinforce strengths and address any patterns of weakness. I realize that staff, students and their families are experiencing a feeling of test weariness and technically 11th graders do not need this test for graduation. But for the reasons listed above, I encourage you to have your 11th grader take these tests and take them seriously. I recognize and respect that it is each parent’s right to choose to have your student take part in the SBA and there may be parents who have decided to sign off on a refusal-to-test form based on a real philosophical opposition to the increase in testing. However, I would argue that just being able to sleep in is not a rational to sign off on a refusal to test. I also want to make it clear that if an 11th grader does not test and does not go through the process of getting and filling out that form, they will, by state directive, be pulled from class the following week and be tested. This would result in additional lost instructional time. I appreciate you considering this information and I assure you that all of us at LHS will do our very best to make use of every minute of instructional time we have between now and June 17. News from around the school APRIL 1 1 2 4 6-10 11 16 17 23-24 24 25 27-5/1 28 28,29 Get your information here Mark Your Calendars! Cap/Gown/Announcement Pick-Ups- - - - - - - - - - -LHS Agora Superintendent Community Budget Meeting LHS Badminton Club Community Night—- - - - - - - Gym AP Calculus AB/BC practice Exam #1 NO SCHOOL—Spring Break AP Computer Science Practice Exam #1 String Showcase- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -LHS Theater LHS Talent Show- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LHS Theater Cheer Tryouts — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Gym ASB Game Night - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LHS Agora AP Calculus AB/BC practice Exam #2 Spring Fling Spirit Week Spring Choir Concert- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LHS Theater Cheer Tryouts — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Gym 10:30 am 7:00 pm 4:00 pm 10:00 am Mr. LHS- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LHS Theater Boosters Club Open House - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LHS Agora AP Testing- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Library Jazz Band Concert - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LHS Theater LHS PTSA Meeting - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LHS Theater Capture the Flag—- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Link Crew Play Day—- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Gym 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 10:00 am 7:30 pm 7:00 pm 2.15 pm 6:00 pm 10:00 am 7:00 pm 2.15pm MAY 1 4 4-15 5 7 8 9 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 5—8 pm 9—11 am EAT FOOD & PLAY GAMES $5.00 TO GET IN APRIL 24TH, 5:30 - 7:30 News from around the school Get your information here Athletic schedules can be found on WESCO Street & Mailing Address Lynnwood High School 18218 North Road Bothell, WA 98012 Office Hours 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays Phone Numbers Administrative Office 425-431-7520 ext. 9 Fax: 425-431-7527 Athletics Office 425-431-5217 Activities Office 425-431-7520 ext. 3 Attendance Office 425-431-7535 Counseling Office 425-431-7530 Career Center 425-431-7538 Individual Teachers 425-431-7311 (follow prompts) Administration Principal Dave Golden 425-431-7523 Assistant Principal Michael Piper 425-431-7524 Assistant Principal Sara Lowes 425-431-7522 Check out the Royal Gazette web link for digital journalism content at Superintendent’s Community Meetings April 1 @ 7 pm Lynnwood High Theater April 15 @ 4 pm Mountlake Terrace High Theater April 22 @ 7 pm Edmonds Woodway High Theater News from around the school Get your information here Instrumental Music Students of the Month April Sea Choi is a 9th grade LHS multiinstrumentalist. Sea, who plays flute in the Concert Band, alto saxophone in the Pep Band, and piano and sax in Jazz Ensemble 2, is always ready to pick up the instrument that is needed. Sea has an outstanding attitude and approaches each challenge with determination and a smile. Bravo Sea! Lorenz Barias is a 11th grade violinist in the Symphonic Orchestra. Lorenz has made tremendous technical as a musician since arriving at LHS. He is reliable, friendly and completely improves the atmosphere of each rehearsal and performance. You can count on Lorenz for anything, but, above all, to ease the stress before a performance with one of his original jokes. Bravo Lo- ROTARY CAPITAL STUDENT OF THE MONTH Horticulture Alaine Nguyen Please congratulate Alaine Nguyen, who has been selected as the March 2015, Alderwood Terrace Rotary Student of the Month. Alaine is a very positive person and such a great addition to the Horticulture program here at LHS. She maintains a 3.65 GPA, while being an active participant in the Key Club at LHS. Alaine enjoys volunteering in the community, as well as at LHS. She often comes in to the LHS Greenhouse during Advisory Period to plant, organize, clean, etc. She sees what needs to be done, and does it without being asked. She works above grade level in the Horticulture Class, finishing far ahead of everyone, and assists those who need help. She’s never idle, & constantly looking for ways to improve on her class projects. Alaine is a strong leader in the class and is well respected by her classmates. I feel honored to have her in my class, and am looking forward to observing her achievements in the future! CTE students of the month receive a $50 gift certificate and are honored by the Alderwood Terrace Rotary Club at its monthly breakfast. News from around the school MARCH Get your information here Desiree Graham— Softball FUN FACTS: If you could be any professional Athlete, who would you be? Russell Wilson What has been your most memorable high school moment? Beating Jackson at District’s last year!! (Nice Catch Dasia) J What college do you plan to attend? Whitworth Describe yourself in three words. Competitive, Weird, Hardworking What is your favorite “car song”? “I Know Places” by Taylor Swift Do you have any pre-game superstitions? I always have my hair in a braid and like to listen to “Bet On It” from High School Musical When you walk through the Agora and see …my softball teammates or Naomi Peterson… I always smile. Favorite LHS staff member? Villalobos, Hall and Stevenson Black or Gold? Black Rui Nakagawa— Golf FUN FACTS: If you could be any professional Athlete, who would you be? Tiger Woods What has been your most memorable high school moment? Winning Edmonds District Tournament sophomore year What college do you plan to attend? University of Washington Describe yourself in three words. Confident, Dedicated, Ambitious What is your favorite “car song”? “Run/An Island” Ne-Yo FT. SchoolboyQ Do you have any pre-game superstitions? I eat Skittles! When you walk through the Agora and see …Kathy Dang… I always smile. Favorite LHS staff member? Mr. Ide Black or Gold? GOLD! News from around the school Get your information here March Adriana Schiavo GPA: 3.78 Clubs & Activities: LHS Photo Club President Honors: I completed two AP courses in 11th grade and am currently enrolled in three more this year. Awards: I’ve been a finalist and received selected awards in the Washington State High School Photo Competition in 2013 and 2014. I was on the Honor Roll from 2013 to 2015. Community Service: I was in Photo Club and I have organized Photo Booths for school dances every year including TOLO and Winter Ball. Future Educational Goals: Majoring in English and Editing and minoring in Languages including German and Japanese Future Career Goals: Either go into the editing business and/or teaching English in foreign countries Cedric Beardsley Athletics: Special Olympics soccer Future Educational Goals: Voice Career Center News Supporting Student Success What’s new in the Career Center? Time for those April showers and May flowers, time for seniors to be sure everything is in order, time for juniors to be planning summer college visits and where they are heading after graduation, time for sophomore Career Units, and freshman to be happy they made it through their first year in high school!!! Did your senior receive his/her SAR (Student Aid Report)? Are you looking for some help understanding it? Fast web has a great website to help you better understand the report. Http:// aid/articles/701-understand-your-student-aid-report May 5 17th Annual Maritime Career Day, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Georgetown Campus of South Seattle Community College, 6737 Corson Avenue South Many of the industries are now hiring students directly out of high school Student who aren’t interested in attending a tradition college should plan on attending. Many apprenticeships will be available as well. Come meet with representatives from more than 30 businesses, maritime organizations and training schools! Maritime Career Day is sponsored by Harley Marine Service with Compass Courses. For further information: Last year, nearly 700 students and adults attended Career Day activities and this year should be even better! Interest in the maritime industry and the working waterfront has never been stronger and a recent study reported that the average annual salary before benefits for maritime industry employees is $70,800 – more than $20,000 above the average wage in Washington! Remind your seniors to continue checking the Career Center for new scholarship opportunities. Check these out!!!! College Board has two brand new awesome websites to encourage students (ALL STUDENTS) to see that college IS possible. You Can Go! ( The second website is a comprehensive, student-centered website. If you take the time to explore it, you will find it immensely helpful for all students. Just start at the “Get Started” tab and begin the selfexploration. IS YOUR STUDENT LOOKING FOR A JOB?? Check out the FB page for new POSTINGS!!! The Washington Aerospace Training & Research Center is now open. Fantastic career possibilities for graduates and present high school students. For more information call Ms. Keese in the Career Center or call directly to 425-640-1840. Last but not least: Encourage your student to find a place to volunteer. Most scholarships’ require or will refer to ‘involvement in community service’ There is a list of places to volunteer on the Career Center website. Students can earn a .5 elective credit for every 90 hours completed, up to 1.5 credits. Beginning at 100 hours he/she can receive the Presidential Volunteer Award! Career Center Resources Pamela Keese - Career & College Advisor 425-431-7538 Career Center News Supporting Student Success About ORCA ORCA is an early college academy for high school students, who can earn up to two years of college credit while completing their high school education. Most students graduate with an associate’s degree in addition to a high school diploma. The program is the only early college academy of its kind in the country. ORCA uses the local marine environment as the unifying theme for all academic disciplines. Using an innovative, project-based approach in a small "learning community" environment, students enjoy the challenge of designing and implementing their own learning experiences under the guidance of talented college faculty. While marine science provides the focus for interdisciplinary projects, students receive a rich education in all of the core subjects, with outstanding faculty members working with the students for two years. By using the framework of the Running Start program and the resources of Everett Community College, there is no tuition for high school students. Apply by May 1 for the 2015-16 School Year ORCA is now accepting applications for the 2015-16 academic year. The deadline to apply is May 1. Recent program expansion added new faculty and two new classrooms to accommodate more students, which will allow ORCA to admit up to 60 students for 2015-16. Visit ORCA - Final Open House on April 23 Learn more about ORCA at the last program information session at 6 p.m. on April 23 at ORCA, 1205 Craftsman Way, Suite 203, in Everett. Visitors and prospective students can see student work, meet faculty members, learn about the program and see the facility, including the oceanography research lab and 120-gallon seawater tank. Apply for Nurse Camp 2015 Are you currently a high school sophomore or junior who is interested in learning what the nursing field is all about? Do you want to know how to get into nursing school? Apply to participate in the University of Washington School of Nursing's Nurse Camp 2015! This FREE week-long day camp is geared toward increasing access and opportunities in nursing to minority and lowincome high school sophomores and juniors who are at least 16 years of age by the first day of camp. DATES: UW Nurse Camp 2015 will take place from July 20 - July 24, 2015. ACTIVITIES: In camp, you will have the opportunity to: Shadow nurses at UWMC in various hospital units Get your CPR certification! Learn how to prepare for college and how to prepare to get into nursing school Have a chance to learn in the UW School of Nursing Learning Lab! Connect with nurses, students and faculty at UW, your future mentors Meet new friends! Get cool free stuff! Career Center Resources Pamela Keese - Career & College Advisor 425-431-7538 Career Center News Supporting Student Success READY SET GRAD CHECK THIS WEBSITE OUT!!! It is never too early—or too late—to start thinking about your child’s future. You might be wondering: where do I begin? Ready Set Grad has the resources you need to help guide your child on their path to success. Student Loans Student loans are real loans—just as real as car loans or mortgages. You have to pay back your student loans. Many students need to borrow money to pay for their education. The most important thing you can do is understand how loans work before you sign the loan paper work, otherwise you may be in for an unpleasant surprise down the road. When you fill out your FAFSA and apply for financial aid at your college or career school, the school’s financial aid office may offer you loans as a part of your financial aid package. Generally, there are two types of student loans: Federal student loans: These loans are funded by the federal government. Private student loans: These loans are nonfederal loans, made by a lender such as a bank, credit union, state agency, or a school. If you need to borrow money to pay for college or career school, a federal student loan is probably your best option. The three types of federal student loans are: Direct Subsidized Loans and Direct Unsubsidized Loans; Direct PLUS Loans (for graduate and professional students or parents) Federal Perkins Loans. What are the differences between federal and private student loans? Federal student loans include many benefits like fixed interest rates and income-based repayment plans not typically offered with private loans. In contrast, private loans are generally more expensive than federal student loans. The US Department of Education has a website that explains all of the ins and outs of financial aid. Visit for comprehensive, reliable information on all of your loan and other financial aid options. Your Counselors’ Corner Supporting Student Success Continued: Loan Repayment No matter which type of loan you receive, remember that after you graduate, leave school, or drop below half-time enrollment, your loans must be repaid. However, you have a period of time before you have to begin repayment. This is called a “grace period” and it ranges from six to nine months, depending on the type of loan. When you graduate or leave school, you’ll receive information about repayment, and your lender will notify you of the date loan repayment begins. It is extremely important that you make your full loan payment on time either monthly (which is usually when you’ll pay) or according to your repayment schedule. Did you know there are some programs that will help with loan repayment? AmeriCorps is a national network of programs that engages more than 70,000 Americans each year in intensive service to meet critical needs in communities throughout the nation. AmeriCorps offers several ways to get involved, from part-time local service programs to full-time residential programs. Members receive guidance and training so they can make a contribution that suits their talents, interests, and availability. Serve for 12 months and receive up to $7,400 in stipends plus $4,725 to be used towards your loan or future education costs. The Peace Corps is a federal agency that provides volunteers to foreign countries. Peace Corps Volunteers work in the following areas: education, youth outreach, and community development; business development; agriculture and environment; health and HIV/AIDS; and information technology. Within these areas, the specific duties and responsibilities of each volunteer can vary widely. Volunteers may apply for deferment of and partial cancellation of certain types of student loans. There are other state and federal programs that help you repay your student loans after college if you agree to meet certain conditions, like teaching in a school district without enough qualified teachers, or becoming a nurse or doctor in an area without adequate medical services. Information on many of these programs can be found at I keep telling the students money doesn’t grow on Trees!!! There are still scholarships available in the Career Center!!! Career Center Resources Pamela Keese - Career & College Advisor 425-431-7538 Your Counselors’ Corner Supporting Student Success Raising teenagers is like trying to nail Jell-O to a tree. -- Author Unknown Registration for 2015-16 Progress Reports We’ve completed registration for all students. Please check Skyward Family Access to see that your student meets graduation requirements. Contact your student’s counselor if you see a problem. Final schedules should be available in June. Third Quarter progress reports will be available on April 17th. Juniors – Class of 2016 In just a few months you will be seniors! Now is the time to start making post-high school plans. Spring break or this summer is a great time to make visits to four-year, community & technical colleges, and to start looking into various career training opportunities. Look at for career ideas that don’t take a 4-year degree. Are you going to a 4 year university? Juniors should plan on taking the SAT or the ACT toward the end of their junior year. The next dates are June 6th (SAT) and June 13th (ACT). Visit the websites for dates and deadlines: for SAT and for ACT. Teacher Contact You can contact your student’s teacher by email or voice mail. Email addresses are . You can also access email addresses and phone numbers on our website Parent Information Free scholarship info at,, and Education Access Network helps students with ACT and SAT preparation at provides students with free and affordable access to courses and programs aimed at helping them prepare for and succeed in higher education and other academic endeavors. EAN believes that limited financial resources should never restrict a student’s access to educational opportunities. Running Start Students who are planning to take courses at Edmonds Community College through Running Start for Fall Quarter have until June 19th to submit their applications to EdCC. Registration begins May 26th, so hurry to get the classes you want. See your counselor for details or check the counseling center’s website to watch the Running Start Power Point presentation. Sophomores - Class of 2017 If you’re interested in taking Running Start courses during your Junior year, watch the Power Point presentation on our website and apply to Edmonds Community College soon! Interviews for Sno-Isle classes have passed. If you missed your interview contact Sno-Isle to see if your program is still open. The Northwest Education Loan Association, a nonprofit company that assists high school students and parents in planning for college and navigating the financial aid process, offers free classes on everything from filling out the FAFSA to preparing for interviews. Check out their website: The Puget Sound Adlerian Society offers parent education, classes, and other resources at Changes Parent Support Network at is a support group for parents of acting-out adolescent and post-adolescent children. The group provides strength through the combined experiences and wisdom of parents sharing common problems and solutions that have worked for others. You can find a shortcut to our website by clicking on the “Counseling” tab on the LHS homepage. Please feel free to contact your student’s counselor for additional help and/or resources. The LHS Counseling Team News from around the school Get your information here Tickets on sale: May 1st - $40.00 June 1st - $50.00 Get them early! *Guest passes available May 18th, due by June 3rd Bring this ad in to receive: $40 Off Complete Tux Rentals (Mention #5911936 ) Lynnwood Location 2701 184th St SW #114 Lynnwood, WA 98036 We will also price match anybody else’s offer. News from around the school Get your information here ACADEMIC AWARDS The following students were recognized at our Evening Awards Event on March 6th. Students earned a 3.5 GPA or better for 1st Semester. Those students earning a 4.0 GPA are highlighted in BOLD print. FRESHMEN - CLASS OF 2018 Abraham, Nazreth Esponda, Genesis Lund, Adam Nguyen, Nathan Spears, Meghan Accetturo, Alissa Evans, Cameron Martin, Angela Nguyen, Olivia Stull, Tyler Adams, Nyesha Flin, Danielle Martinez, Alvaro Ni, Tommy Suiu, Claudia Antonio-Blanco, Allan Ghebrehiwet, Hanibal Martinez-Ibarra, Ernesto Nicodemus, Kate Taing, Alicia Asfaw, Temesgen Glasser, Kate Mathews, Dillon Nielsen, Alyssa Thai, Linda Badgley, Mikayla Gorman, Jessie McClellan, Haley Nixon, Ahnamarie Thai, Tuan Barrett, Karli Goudzwaard, Jacob McNiff, Jackson Osborn, Charles Thompson, Brooke Berhanu, Bethel Gregg, Mary Mendoza, Jocelyn Osburn, Jillian Thompson, Carissa Biruk, Daniel Guedea, Gabriela Mesele, Beneyam Pham, Christina Tibbets, Breanna Blacker, Lucy Guinto, Vanessa Liana Miller, Teylor Phan, Aileen Tram, Roger Hang, Shannon Mina, Roberta Phan, Vinh Tran, Amy Harwood, Tyler Mitchell, Casey Piilani, Kaui Trinh, Thao Herr, Caleb Mitchell, Rebecca Pizzuto, Mia Truong, Kyle Hurston, Lauren Mobley, Elicia Potter, Meghan Truong, Ryan Hurtado, Katina Mutuc, Jason Prinz, Shelby Tuon, Odeysiuss Kaler, Aman Nakagawa, Leon Rath, Khanara Vasdev, Kanu Cucalon, Mateo Kaur, Harjeet Nguyen, Annie Rivera, Ciara Vu, Danhiel Douglas, Abigail Kelile, Fasika Nguyen, Emellia Rivers, Shana Vu, Khanh Durant, Hayden Kelm, Mackenzie Nguyen, Hannah Rodriguez, Daniela Walker, Meagan Durst, Lillian Kennedy, Emily Nguyen, Jeffrey Sahagun, Kiara Wick, Sophie Eres, Riley Khim, Allina Nguyen, Kristen Shieff, Katherine Yim, Troy Erickson, Layla Kumai, Julia Nguyen, Long Soonthonvan, Lapadrada Zavialova, Anastasiia Brandt, Maxwell Calderon, Julianah Chae, Beulah Chea, Kayla Choi, Sea Crow, Keagan SOPHOMORES - CLASS OF 2017 Almaw, Saron Evans, Alexandra Kawamatsu, Takumi Peddycord, Keely Salvati, Courtnie Becic, Anela Fahey, Taylor Kellogg, Rachel Pel, Jasmine Schultz, Sarah Brutman, Krista Fincher, Amanda Kobashigawa, Ryan Phelps, Erica Smatlak, Emily Cadena, Sara Fitzgearld, Skyler Kumesan, Jennifer Phippen, Katharine Sternfels, Cameron Cazares Blanco, Jesus Flores-Barranco, Jaqueline Latimer, Zechariah Pivec, Malia Stewart, Amanda Chea, Tyler Fuller, Desiree Leishman, Nicole Polevoy, Katya Taing, Suelina Cook, Gabriel Hansen, Sidney Luedtke, Mariah Restovic, Franco Thomas, Drew Davis, Holly Helm, Danika Megia, Shailah Riley, Emily Tran, Megan Do, Kim-Long Hirata, Alissa Mendoza, Kassandra Rogers, Delaney Truong, Takara Doan, Richard Ho, Linh Nguyen, Kelly Rogers, Kelsey Walsh, Reilly Duong, Huy Jimenez, Allison Nguyen, Kristi Said, Shery Wilson, Cory Eldridge, Janae Kapuno, Ryan Michael Ochoa, Rebecca Sakharov, Rita News from around the school Get your information here ACADEMIC AWARDS The following students were recognized at our Evening Awards Event on March 6th. Students earned a 3.5 GPA or better for 1st Semester. Those students earning a 4.0 GPA are highlighted in BOLD print. JUNIOR - CLASS OF 2016 Alghfafi, Rowan Denby, Ava Kummert, Erich Munnis, Tanner Semere, Fesehaye Anderson, Jacey Dhaliwal, Keerit Kunz, Mariah Nakagawa, Rui Shah, Khusbu Aragon, Cesar Dinh, Michael Labudda, Jacob Nepomuceno, Monina Sherpa, Lakpa Atlas, Jeani Dinwiddie, Hannah Lambert, Logan Nguyen, Alaine Sherpa, Mingma Baker, Megan Donahoe, Amina Le, Son Nguyen, Gianghi Shrestha, Riwaaz Barias, Lorenz Duan, Kexin Lindgren, Luke Nguyen, Lacy Sidhu, Jaspreet Beckford, Tevado Effenberger, Arielle Litts, Eric Osburn, Raymond Stanton, Kaelyn Biruk, Ruvim Garcia-Perez, Leonard Logsdon, Jacob Park, Hannah Stazel, Naomi Buzatu, Andra Geyer, Angela Lund, Holly Patel, Nikita Swan, Katie Chen, Jennifer Guitron, Juan Mansfield, Katherine Peth, Bradly Teno, Olivia Cho, Leslie Hinkel, Cole McClenahan, Kevin Pivec, Mikayla Tran, Alyssa Clark, Amber Jhong, Brian Mendoza, Chandler Potter, Sarah Tran, Khoa Coble, Caitlyn Jones, Samantha Mendoza, Jessica Quinton, Mackenzie Tsuji, Meghan Cooper, David Josan, Paramdeep Meyer, Moisey Ratliff, Emma Tyron, Victoria Cooper, Matthew Jungmann, Maya Meyer, Solomon Ready, Jason Kyle Vance, Tanner Corona, Sandra Keeme, Annabella Michaels, Bailey Reske, Karissa Waters, Kimiam Cromer, Cheyenne Kirkman, Mikao Mier, Roseanne Robbins, Kylun Wolf, Michael Decker, Collin Knowles, Shelbie Mitchell, Jessica Roundy, Nicole Yu, Karina Defersha, Bekure Kourdahi, George Mortell, Liam Schultz, Robin SENIOR - CLASS OF 2015 Abdul Wahid, Nuralia Dhamira Franson, Domanic Le, Bao Octavio, Creesa Singh, Rajan Akers, Cole Gammon, Robert Le, Khanh O'Dell, Rylee Skillin, Jacob Bang, Ho-Jeong Gerow, Lucas Lee, Janice Olson, Adison Solomon, Vincent Barrie, Sheriff Gill, Vikram Mach, Peter Osei, Henrieta Taiclet, Danielle Beardsley, Cedric Goncalves, Gabriel Mach, Victor Patel, Yash Tamrez, Neha Brar, Komalpreet Graham, Desiree Magtoto, Cyril James Patrick, Lamar Tang, Amy Britton, Samantha Graniel, Karena Manipon, Lawton Peppin, Jackson Thai, Breanna Brown, Corey Guzman, Dayna Mannos, Alexander Phan, Anh The Oliviera, Valerie Brown, Corey Hammer, Colby Marbet, Karly Phan, Lisa Thorpe, Kailey Brutman, Julianna Hammer, Colby Martinez, Jennifer Phan, Thuy Tran, Hung Carlson, Russell Hassan, Hassan McArthur, Tyler Pineda, Reylene Trinh, Thien Carwin, Matthew Hayes, Danielle McMahan, Kennedy Polevoy, Lyudmila Trujillo Marquez, Isabella Carwin, Nicholas Herman, Kaitlyn Megia, Sheena Marie Qassis, Jonathan Tu, Carolyn Chou, Tzu-Yun Hinze, Laura Mendoza-Soto, Mayra Raymur, Austin Valenzo, Jennifer Choudhary, Sana Hong, Derek Nash, Autumn Rcom, Duavier Van, Kaliane Collins, Joshua Hwang, Sang Yeun Nguyen, Jenny Rhynard, Alex Verduzco, Andrea del Callejo Correa, Paola Jaeger, Kailey Nguyen, Jessica Rose, Brooke Villasenor, Gonzalo Do, Bao Tran Jama, Nasteha Nguyen, Linda Sanchez, Sergio Walker, Julian Durst, Eric Kaur, Jashpreet Nguyen, Selina Scanzon, Noah Weese, Tabitha Durst, Owen Khamidullin, Edward Nguyen, Thong Schiavo, Adriana Willey, Aaron Ehli, Amber Knocke, Kraig Nguyen, Tu Schildwachter, Cheyenne Williams, Clayton Empremsilapa, Warisara Knowles, Kelsie Nguyen, Tyler Shea, Colin Williams, Olivia Eng, Selena Kolachev, Petko Nguyen, Vinh Sierra, Darleny Yanos, Paula Channelle Sinfuego-Gates, Kianna Yip, Gavin News from around the school Get your information here NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY Please congratulate all of our new National Honor Society members! Neha Chhabra Holly Davis Jaqueline Flores Barranco Ryan Kobashigawa Nicole Leishman Morgan Lord Liam Mortell Kelly Nguyen Lacy Nguyen Keely Peddycord Jasmine Pel Sarah Potter Mackenzi Quinton Emma Ratliff Adriana Schiavo Amanda Stewart Olivia Williams BOOSTER CLUB OPEN HOUSE Hello all future and current Royal Parents, In lieu of our next Board Meeting on May 4th, the Booster Club would like to invite you to a Booster Club Open House on May 4th at 7:00PM in the LHS Agora. This will be a fun-filled casual evening that will give you an opportunity to socialize with the Booster Club Board and members. It will also provide you an opportunity to hear what our mission is and what new and exciting things we have planned for next year. The LHS Booster Club is a key component to the success of LHS and we would love for you come and hear all about who we are, what we do and ask any questions you may have. Desserts and coffee will be served. Please feel free to invite any other friends you may know whose child will attend LHS in the future, i.e., Oak Heights, Spruce, Alderwood Middle School, etc. We look forward to seeing you all there! would like to invite HS Agora. This ty to socialize Your Parent Involvement Thanks for another successful Butter Braids fundraiser – and a BIG THANK YOU to Kellie Cooper for chairing this successful event! The Booster Auction was a fun night with great successes for several teams and groups; although I haven’t heard if we made any money from our basket. It sounds like this will be an annual event, so if you couldn’t make it this year, maybe you can join in on the fun next year. We will begin selling tickets to the 2016 Grad Night Party very soon. There will be a very special price for those that commit before the end of this school year, so be on the lookout for more info – coming soon! We are still needing to earn money, so this is what we have coming up: Value Village Donation Drive - We will have a truck at the school on April 17 & 18. Please work on cleaning out your closets and bring your donations to school. We will get paid by the pound for those items donated. More details will be sent out via email. Your help in spreading the word on this event would be greatly appreciated. May 9th: Sound Check Bar & Grill will host our 2nd annual benefit show. Power Cell has been hired to entertain us again, but this year the venue is much closer to home! Come have fun listening to some great music. Power Cell is an amazing band that covers 70s and 80s rock like no one else! $10 cover charge will get you in the door and Sound Check has a full bar and a great menu. May 20th: A Fundraising evening at Macaroni Grill at Alderwood Mall. Mark your calendar for a night of no cooking! More details will be sent via email. And don’t forget about these on-going fundraisers: - I'm sure you already shop there on a regular basis, so next time you do log on through this address for the class of 2016 to receive a referral commission: http:// Once you log on, please bookmark the page. The more that is bought through this site, the more of a commission we receive, so please spread the word to your family and friends. Pledge365 - Perhaps you'd consider making a donation? We are set up with Pledge365.....go to and choose "Wendy Brown Lynnwood High School Class of 2016 Grad Night." You can make a one time or a monthly donation. Thank you so much for your support. If you are not receiving emails for the class of 2016 and would like to, please send me an email and I'll get you added to the distribution list: Take Care, Wendy Brown home 425-771-4976 cell 206-972-9503 Your Parent Involvement Senior Class Dates to Remember: Feb. 1-Apr. 10 Grad Night Party Tickets on sale for $150.00. Apr. 11-May 13 tickets on sale for $175.00. Contact: Hidy Abramson, March-May—Prom tickets on sale during lunch. May 18—Senior Prom Guest Pass Requests available . April 1—Cap, Gown, Announcement Pick up during lunch May 27—ESC High School Scholar Athlete Awards Night/Banquet June 3— Deadline to turn in Sr. Prom Guest Requests June 2—Senior Awards Night (By invitation to award recipient students) June 8 and June 9—Senior Finals June 6—Senior Prom, 8-11pm, located at The Canal, 5300 34th Ave NW, Seattle June 1-June 12—Graduation tickets on sale. June 10—Baccalaureate 7:00pm, in the LHS Theater June 11—Final day to receive graduation clearance - Deadline: 2:00pm June 11—Last Day of School for Seniors June 12—Senior Breakfast 7:00am – 8:30am, located at Old Country Buffet. June 12—Mandatory Graduation Rehearsal - 8:30am, located in the LHS Gym June 12—Additional Graduation Tickets for sale after rehearsal in the Main Office. June 13th GRADUATION DAY! 7:00pm—Class of 2015 Graduation Edmonds-Woodway Stadium Doors open at 6:00pm. Graduates need to arrive by 6:20 in cap, gown, and stole. Your Parent Involvement March 10—April 10th, 2015— $125.00 April 11th thru May 13th, 2015— $150.00 After May 13th 2015 $175.00 if tickets are still available Your Parent Involvement BUNCO NIGHT The Class of 2015 is having a Bunco fundraiser with funds going to the Grad Night party and other senior expenses. Cost to play is $20. Bring an appetizer to share and your favorite beverage. It is a fun night out and benefits our 2015 seniors!! It’s a Friday night…a great evening out with friends! April 24, 2015 7:00pm Hosted by Sammi Ragih Email to join YOU CAN HELP LHS PTSA EARN DONATIONS JUST BY SHOPPING WITH YOUR FRED MEYER REWARDS CARD! Fred Meyer is donating $2.5 million per year to non-profits in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington, based on where their customers tell them to give. Here’s how the program works: Sign up for the Community Rewards program by linking your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to LHS PTSA at You can search for us by our name or by our non-profit number 92437. Then, every time you shop and use your Rewards Card, you are helping LHS PTSA earn a donation! You still earn your Rewards Points, Fuel Points, and Rebates, just as you do today. If you do not have a Rewards Card, they are available at the Customer Service desk of any Fred Meyer store. For more information, please visit Your Parent Involvement Thanks for your patience we continue to work on getting the website updated. In the meantime, if you have any questions please email us at As the end of another school year approaches, the nominating committee would like you to be aware that there are quite a few positions available for next year. PTSA Board members are only allowed to hold a position for two consecutive years, which means that our Treasurer and Secretary need to step down. Other positions include: President, Vice President, Staff Appreciation (luncheon lead), website and membership. If you would like to nominate yourself or someone you know, send an email to Please make plans to attend our next meeting which is being held Thursday, May 7th starting at 7pm in the school library. Take Care, Wendy Brown home 425-771-4976 cell 206-972-9503 Happy Spring to all! Hard to believe we are just a few months out before the end of the school year! We have some great news! In case you hadn’t heard, our Auction was a HUGE success! After every penny was counted, we raised $8,614.00! However, we couldn’t have done it without the support from you all. It was amazing to see the LHS Community come together and help make this event a complete success. The money we raised will help many LHS programs & students especially, several Seniors who will be graduating this year and are in need of financial assistance with college expenses. Speaking of which, we will be taking Senior scholarship requests very soon. Seniors, keep an eye out for more information on that or check in with Pam Keese in the Career Center. She will have the request forms after our next Board Meeting on April 6th. We hope many of you can now see what good work the Booster Club does and what our mission is. We want to continue this momentum and really make a difference in the lives of the LHS student body. On that note, it is never too late to become a Booster Club Member and join in on all the fun! We are a great group of volunteers and although we work hard to raise much needed funds, we also make time to have fun too. Visit our website at: http:// and follow the instructions to join, it is a very simple process. We also have a Facebook page, like us on Facebook to see what good work we are doing.
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