north american model boat association
north american model boat association
District 1 New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington DC, New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland Dennis Probst, Jr., (609) 381-6724 District 2 Ohio, Kentucky, West Virgina, Terry Davis, (586) 749-0114 intro NAMBA International is a non-profit association of radio-controlled model boat clubs comprised of men, women, boys and girls. It provides a governing body of directors who supervise the enforcement of the rules and regulations of the organization. NAMBA also provides its members with comprehensive insurance coverage to protect against unforeseen accidents. A President, Vice President, and a number of District Directors are elected by the members. There are also chairmen for the sub-divisions of Electric, Offshore, Sport Hydro, Outboard, Unlimited Hydro and Combat. During 1969-1970, a group of West Coast boaters saw the need for a new, national R/C boat association. Working in conjunction with WAM the West Coast boaters assembled a committee. This group eventually became the North American Model Boat Association (NAMBA). In 1974, NAMBA expanded beyond the bounds of North America to include foreign countries, and became NAMBA International. Our history, since 1974, is one of tremendous growth for NAMBA...from West Coast to National to International interest and participation. We eagerly anticipate equal growth in the coming years. We know that with model boating and with NAMBA, THE BEST IS YET TO COME! District 3 Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina Doc Erbesfeld, (561) 736-1694 District 4 Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana Open Area to Start New Club District 5 Arkansas, Tennessee, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi Carlo Catalanotto, (504) 305-5005 District 6 North Dakota, Minnesota, South Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska Open Area to Start New Club District 7 New Mexico, Texas Jerry Wright, (505) 821-3910 District 8 Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana Eric Bourlet, (253) 460-7283 District 9 Northern California, Northen Nevada Jim Piazza, (408) 946-7472 District 10 Hawaii Open Area to Start New Club District 11 Maine, Massachussets, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont Richard Grenier, (603) 524-2628 District 12 Alaska Open Area to Start New Club District 13 Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands Rey Medina, (787) 509-5103 District 16 Canada Rob Duckering, (780) 939-5586 District 17 Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri Open Area to Start New Club District 19 Southern California, Southern Nevada, Southern Utah, Arizona Ted McKay, (520) 723-8997 District 20 Wyoming, Colorado, Northern Utah Robert, Holland (303) 918-4502 NORTH AMERICAN MODEL BOAT ASSOCIATION For more information about NAMBA, NAMBA Insurance Coverage or Membership Applications, visit us at or contact: NAMBA International, C/O Cathie Galbraith, 1815 Halley Street, San Diego, CA 92154, (619) 424-6380 or by email at Site Insurance NAMBA also offers additional site coverage to protect the owner of the running site with the same $2,000,000 as is afforded the individual member at any time a “NAMBA insured boater” is running his or her boat, not just at sanctioned events. Fun for the Whole Family NAMBA, it’s clubs, and members provide a family experience that is perfect for the entire family from generation to generation. Entire families can compete over an entire weekend or an entire week at National events. Many National Championship locations provide an excellent family vacation opportunity for many of our members. NAMBA can boast the participation of Mothers, Fathers, Sons, Daughters, Grandfathers and Grandmothers. All members of the family can compete together or against one another. Championships have been captured by members as young as 6 years old and as old as 70. NAMBA International provides a level playing field of friendly competition that is seldom seen in a family activity. Children learn the disciplines of competition and adults enjoy a sense of pride and accomplishment for themselves and their family. Most of all, the long term friendships and comradery that develop become the fondest memory of all. NAMBA Liability Insurance NAMBA Personal Injury NAMBA insurance also provides a $1,000,000 personal accident policy which covers injuries which a member may incur while running a boat or while assisting someone else with their boat. For additional information about insurance coverage please visit our website at NAMBA International Championships Each year, NAMBA holds a Nitro and Gas National Championships and Electric National Championship in different locations across the nation. Past Nationals have been held in the California cities of Los Angeles, San Diego, Camarillo, Seaside, Sacramento, and Manteca. Texas has hosted the Nationals in the cities of Amarillo and Fort Worth, while Washington provided racing venues in Seattle and Tacoma. Other cities which have hosted past Nationals include Tulsa, Oklahoma; Baltimore, Maryland; Reno, Nevada; Naples, Florida; Vancouver, British Columbia; Newark, New Jersey; Wichita, Kansas; Springfield, Virginia; Bristol, Pennsylvania; Springfield, Oregon; Greeley, Colorado; Carlsbad, New Mexico; Sayerville, New Jersey, Rollinsford, New Hampshire; and New Orleans, Louisiana. The first Nationals event was held in Los Angeles in 1972. NAMBA membership provides you with primary coverage of $2,000,000 in liability and property damage coverage It is individual insurance rather than site insurance, which protects you no matter where you are running. Graphic Design and Partial Copy By NAMBA Member, Roger Hooks, Jr. (408) 551-8881, Photography By Glenn Burkhard, and Jennie Lanza Nitro, Gas, Electric and Warship Excitement NAMBA offers a variety of racing and leisure pleasure for all levels of RC Boating enthusiasts who enjoy Nitro Powered Glow Engines, Gasoline Powered 2 Stroke Engines, Fast-Electric Boats and Warships Nitro Powered boat racing has been part of NAMBA for more than 40 years. The buzz and high pitched RPMs of Nitro engines are just as exhilarating as any high powered engine you can imagine. Low cost nitro boats are available on the market to provide entrylevel fun while high-performance nitro racing boats are capable of speeds of over 100 mph with 50 to 70 mph speeds being very common. Gas Powered boating uses fuel much less costly compared to Nitro. It is also said to be easier to maintain although entry level boats may be a bit more expensive than nitro. Speeds however, are comparable to nitro boats in many aspects. Electric Powered boat technology has improved significantly as it follows behind the RC Car market. As a result low cost entry-level boats that are 100% Ready-To-Run can be purchased at your local hobby shop or online dealer at a relatively low cost yet still provide impressive speeds that you are sure to enjoy. Combat provide RC boating enthusiasts that have an appreciation for Scale Warships of the past and present. Scale Detail and Trueto-Life Battles unfold on miniature waterways showcasing the impressive attention to detail that these models possess. Kids R’ Boaters Too NAMBA kids have been a big part of RC our boating community since it’s inception. NAMBA has fostered as many as 3 generations racing together with some beginning as young as 3 and 4 years old. RC Boat Racing is a family affair and we invite your entire family to be a part of it.
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