Parent Teacher Conferences! Boston Store Community Days Sale


Parent Teacher Conferences! Boston Store Community Days Sale
Volume 16, Issue 6
February 2016
Parent Teacher Conferences!
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on February 24th & 25th. This is a
great time to discuss your student(s) academic performance with their
teachers and to have any questions you may have answered. Your scheduled
time to meet with your student(s)’ teacher will be sent home soon.
What’s New at
Mark Your Calendar…
Monday,February 8
5:30 – 6:00 P.M. DINNER
6:00 – 7:00 Presentation
If you are thinking, “What’s
new at school this year?”,
this “State of the School”
presentation is for you. Do
you like to know the latest
and greatest about our
learning community? This
presentation and discussion
will inform you with important
updates about testing,
discipline, High Reliabilty
Schools, and more.
Presented in a Dinner and
Dialogue format with a free
Chinese New Year themed
dinner, this is your
opportunity to come learn,
discuss, and ask questions
about our school. RSVP to
the office by 2/5.
School Spirit Day
Student Council
Student Council
Advisory Council
Dinner and Dialogue 5:30-7
NBA Day! Go Teams!
Advisory Council
Wear Red, Pink or Purple Day
Daylight Savings Begins
(turn clocks ahead one
Neighborhood Watch
Meeting: Presented by
KPD 6:30
8th Grade vs. Staff
Volleyball Game
Third Quarter Ends,
Teacher Workday
No School, DX is open.
Lunch is provided.
No School. Spring
Recess begins.
School Spirit Day
11 a.m. release. DX is open.
Please bring a lunch.
Pajama Day! Wear yours to
school today!
Parent Teacher Conferences
1:30 p.m.
DX is open.
Parent Teacher Conferences
11 a.m. release. DX is open.
Please bring a lunch.
No school, DX is closed.
Boston Store Community Days Sale
Dimensions of Learning Academy will once again be participating in the Boston Store
Community Days Sale. The sale will be held at Boston Store on February 26th-27th.
Coupon booklets will be sold for $5. This is a great fundraiser for our school as we keep
the entire $5 and you get access to many great discounts! More information can be found on page six.
Volume 16, Issue 6
February 2016
Dimensions Connections
Approved Expenses*
Each year we set new
Fundraising Goals and the
teachers approve the
Fundraising Budget
expenses in the fall of
the following year. Here
are this year’s goals and
approved expenses from
Eighth Grade Graduation
Competition, Clubs, &
Moby Max
Classroom: Teachers Choice
Student Celebrations
Total To Date
*Teachers approve
Fundraising Update 2015-2016
Book Fair
Boston Store
Box Tops
Direct Donation
School Dances
School Kidz
Spirit Wear
(Sponsor Zone)
Total Raised to Date
Fundraised To Date
Vision Screening for 2nd and 5th Grade
takes place this month.
If your student(s) are not in 2nd or 5th
grade and you would like your
child(ren) screened , please send a
note to the office. This note should
include the student’s name and
Thank you to all of the families that
support our fundraising events!
Stay tuned to see how the
fundraising grows throughout the
Budget Goals for 2015-16
Book Fair
Boston Store
Box Tops
Direct Donation
Investment Income
Krispy Kreme
Music Program
Spaghetti Supper
Spirit Wear
Sponsor Zone
The Geography Bee was held on January 27th. Middle
School students competed in this annual event that tests
knowledge in all aspects of geography. This year first place
winner was Brianna King! Congratulations to Sofia Roldan
and Brogan Bear who took 2nd and 3rd place, respectively.
Everyone is a winner at Dimensions of Learning Academy.
Congratulations to all who participated. 6th Grade: Emmalei
Ade, Natalia Baker, Jamie Hall, Isabella Knick, Makayla
Milligan. 7th: Brogan Bear, Blake Brodjeski, Sahar Kherani,
Nora Krystowiak, Noah Pederson, RyannSimone Walker.
8th: Dalton Callow, Hannah Kachur, Brianna King, Sofia
Roldan, Aman Saiyed. Special thanks to Mrs. White for her
continuous efforts in organizing this event!
Volume 16, Issue 6
February 2016
A Message From Your School Nurse and the AHA:
Top 10 Tips to Help Children Develop Healthy Habits
You can help your child develop healthy habits early in life that will bring lifelong benefits. Here are some tips and
guidelines to get you started.
Be a good role model - You don’t have to be perfect all the time, but if kids see you trying to eat right and getting
physically active, they’ll take notice of your efforts. You’ll send a message that good health is important to your
Keep things positive - Kid’s don’t like to hear what they can’t do, tell them what they can do instead. Keep it fun
and positive. Everyone likes to be praised for a job well done. Celebrate successes and help children and teens
develop a good self-image.
Get the whole family moving - Plan times for everyone to get moving together. Take walks, ride bikes, go
swimming, garden or just play hide-and-seek outside.
Be realistic - Setting realistic goals and limits are key to adopting any new behavior. Small steps and gradual
changes can make a big difference in your health over time, so start small and build up.
Limit TV, video game and computer time - These habits lead to a sedentary lifestyle and excessive snacking,
which increase risks for obesity and cardiovascular disease. Limit screen time to 2 hours per day.
Encourage physical activities that they’ll really enjoy - Every child is unique. Let your child experiment with
different activities until they find something that they really love doing. They’ll stick with it longer if they love it.
Pick truly rewarding rewards - Don’t reward children with TV, video games, candy or snacks for a job well done.
Find other ways to celebrate good behavior.
Make dinnertime a family time - When everyone sits down together to eat, there’s less chance of children eating
the wrong foods or snacking too much. Get your kids involved in cooking and planning meals.
Make a game of reading food labels - The whole family will learn what’s good for their health and be more
conscious of what they eat. It’s a habit that helps change behavior for a lifetime. Learn more about reading nutrition
Stay involved - Be an advocate for healthier children. Insist on good food choices at school. Make sure your
children’s healthcare providers are monitoring cardiovascular indicators like BMI, blood pressure and cholesterol.
This article is from the AHA’s website. For more information log onto:
Family Life Curriculum
Dimensions of Learning Academy again will be presenting Family Life curriculum lessons for students in
grades 4, 5, 6, and 7 on February 23, 2016. These district-approved lessons will be conducted in separate
classes for boys and girls, except for 7th grade.
Mrs. Theresa Serpe and our school nurse will be conducting these classes.
Subjects that will be discussed are available for your review in a binder located in the school office or at
the Kenosha Unified School District Educational Support Center.
Letters were sent out at the beginning of the year. All students will attend the classes unless a signed letter
from a parent or legal guardian is on file in the office.
Please kindly return a note to the school office if you DO NOT want your student(s) involved in these
Volume 16, Issue 6
February 2016
Dimensions Extensions
Our original 2015-2016 school year calendar listed Friday May 27, 2016 as
“No School and Dimensions Extensions is Open”. Please be aware
There is no school on Friday, February 26th. Dimensions Extensions will
NOT be open.
We are a YoungStar, 2-Star provider. YoungStar is Wisconsin’s childcare quality
rating and improvement system in which parents are given tools and information
to help raise happy, healthy kids. The Wisconsin Department of Children and
Families offer “Wisconsin Shares”. Wisconsin Shares is Wisconsin’s childcare
subsidy program. Please visit the following link if your family needs assistance
with payments for Dimensions Extensions, as you may be eligible for assistance.
Statements are sent home the first Monday of the month in your student’s Monday
Home Folder. Payment is due upon receipt. We accept cash, check or credit
card. Credit card payments can be made through the Web Store. Checks should
be made payable to: Dimensions of Learning. Payment should be returned to
school in a clearly marked envelope with your student’s name. Please do not
include payment for any other school activity with this check.
Field Trip
Feb 1st | 3rd ,5th grade
Rotary Safety Center | 11:50am –
Feb 2nd | 3rd grade
Discovery World | 8:30am – 2:00pm
Feb 2nd |Kindergarten, 1st grade
Rotary Safety Center | 11:-0am –
We are asking for parent support with limiting the use of personal technology
at school. Please speak with your child(ren) at home and let them know
that cell phones, personal game systems, iPads, Kindles, etc. may NOT BE
USED during the school day. We will continue to ask students to refrain
from bringing these items to school. These expensive personal items are not
insured against damage or theft at school and students may utilize their data
to access sites that are not approved by the school district. Students are given
the choice to do their homework and/or read the first thirty minutes after they
arrive in DX. They may also use the computers during this time. Students
are allowed to be on school approved sites found on our school’s homepage.
These web-based sites are tailored to the student’s skill and reading level and
offer a seemingly endless variety of interesting engaging material for them.
Since these sites are web based your students can access them from home too.
We encourage you to take time to look over these amazing resources.
Feb 8th | 1st, 2nd, 3rd grade
Nutritious Delicious Wisconsin
We go outside when the weather permits or to the gym if it doesn’t from 3:003:45 every day. Please make sure that your children have snow pants, boots,
hats and mittens. When we use the gym all students must be wearing tennis
shoes. We do take students to their classes to borrow their gym shoes if
necessary. However if a student takes gym shoes from their classroom it is
their responsibility to return them to the classroom the following day. Any
help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.
Feb 18th | 4th
Kenosha Public Museum | 9:00am –
Contacting Dimensions Extensions:
Our phone system has changed and we are no longer able to have a portable
phone. If you call the office phone (262) 359-6928 and we are unable to
answer you may leave a message or call Mrs. Waters cell phone for immediate
assistance (262) 496-9009. You may also email Mrs. Waters at
Feb 10th | 4th, 5th grade
Nutritious Delicious Wisconsin
Feb 17th |8th grade
Civil War Museum | 9:00am –
Feb 18th | 2nd
Dinosaur Discovery Museum |
9:15am – 11:15am
For further information about our
field trip programming contact Mrs.
Lori Waters at
Volume 16, Issue 6
February 2016
We are so happy to see students participating and engaging in the different clubs that we offer. As a remainder,
there is no charge to participate in any club at Dimensions of Learning Academy. Students must be picked up
on the 26th Ave side of school near the driveway apron to the staff parking lot at the end of each meeting.
Please do not drive on the parking lot. Students who are not picked up within 10 minutes of dismissal from a
club will be signed into Dimensions Extensions and will be charged. It is never too late to sign up! Permission
slips are available outside of the office.
All clubs meet first in the cafeteria where students meet their instructor(s).
Volume 16, Issue 6
February 2016
Letter From the Principal…
Special thanks to Marie Froh for organizing this year’s “Dancin’ Through the
Decades” night for families and students.
The 8th Graders in the kitchen fueled the dancing with their food. Sales help to pay
for their DC trip. Thanks to all the parents of the 8th Graders and Mrs. White for
organizing the food sales. Special thanks to our DJ, Miss Dani Kloiber for the great
Have you used the online resources available to your students? If not, check with your student or your student’s
teacher. From Everyday Math to MyON, IXL, and MobyMax there are many opportunities for learning to be
extended digitally to your home.
Of course, we look forward to seeing you all at our Parent Teacher Conferences later this month.
A new “Dinner and Dialogue” series will focus on topics pertinent to us here at Dimensions. A “State of the
School” presentation is designed to give parents information about new, old, and trending subjects. Hope you can
join us for the free Chinese New Year themed dinner, free childcare, and presentation.
The K-8 Attendance Officers from Kenosha Unified School District released last month’s attendance report. As a
school, we have a high attendance rate. Our attendance rate is 95.46%. Attendance is important as everyday our
students are learning new material that will prepare them for their future. Please help us by making sure your
child(ren) are present for class. Of course we understand that illnesses and other unseen circumstances do arise.
Please remember to contact the office when that is the case.
Dian a Pearson