This issue - Sun City Aliante


This issue - Sun City Aliante
JUNE 2014
Edition 131
A Monthly Publication of Sun City Aliante Community Association, Inc.
This issue:
he Linq & High Roller
The Ultimate Doo-Wop 50s/60s Party
The Jeneane Marie Show
Super Summer Theater at Spring Mt. Ranch
Olivia Newton-John at The Flamingo
Sun City Aliante Community Association
Don Schaefer, President, SCAL HOA
Board of Directors
7394 Aliante Parkway
N. Las Vegas, Nevada 89084
Association Office Hours
The voting is over for the five volunteers who
ran to represent unit owners from May 14,
2014 to May 11, 2016. As usual, the Chairman
of the Election Committee Sandy Valley, did an
excellent job and made sure that ballots were
handled in accordance with NRS116.
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Community Center
Monday-Saturday 6 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Sunday 8 a.m. - 9 p.m.
FirstService Residential, Nevada
Community Association Manager
Arnie Snow - 702-638-5007
Activities & Fitness Director
Lynn Garlock-Wright - 702-638-5061
Trish Williamson - 702-638-5035
Activities & Fitness Department
Office Manager
Lori Daniels - 702-638-5065
Activities & Fitness Department
Administrative Assistant
Cathie Snow - 702-638-5023
Director of Standards and Compliance
Following the announcement of the election results, the Board elected the
following individuals to be officers of the Board: President, Don Schaefer; Vice
President, Warren Geller; Treasurer, Betty Kramer; and Secretary, Mark Smith. In
addition, the Board elected Charlie Firestone as a corporate officer to assist the
association with various banking transactions.
The newly-elected Board of Directors thanks the community for their support
and for asking us to represent them for the next two years. We pledge to
continue to make Sun City Aliante the very best association in Southern
Don Schaefer
Assistant Manager
Virginia Marquart - 702-638-5006
Don Schaefer, Judith Hanson, Mark Smith and Mark Klein were elected by the
unit owners to be their representative on the association’s Board of Directors.
I wish to also thank Mark Pallans for volunteering to run for the Board. I hope
Mark will continue to offer his advice and stay active in the association.
Customer Service Coordinator
Zac Gibson - 702-638-5017
Facilities Manager
Juan Macias - 702-638-5009
Board of Directors
Don Schaefer, President
Warren Geller, Vice President
Mark Smith, Secretary
Betty Kramer, Treasurer
Judith Hanson, Director
Wayne Headrick, Director
Mark Klein, Director
Aliante Master Association Info
The Breeze
Publisher & Editor in Chief - Lynn Garlock-Wright
Managing Editor - Trish Williamson
Resident Consultant - Sandy Valley
© Copyright 2013, Sun City Aliante - Community Association
Layout by Bob Cummings
W W W . S C A L N L V . C O M
Assistant Activities & Fitness Director
I am sorry to see Owen Egge resign as he has
done an outstanding job over the last four
years. During those four years, he served
on the following committees: Property and
Grounds, ARC, Covenants, and he was vice president of the Board. We know he
will not be forgotten, and he will be missed.
The Breeze is a monthly publication of Sun City Aliante Community Association, Inc. (SCAL),
designed to provide information and news to the members of Sun City Aliante. Advertising
does not influence editorial decisions or content. We reserve the right to refuse advertising
for any reason or cause. Information, services, products and materials contained in The Breeze
magazine are provided on an “as is” basis with no warranty. SCAL disclaims all representations
and warranties, express or implied, with respect to such information, services, products and
materials including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose, title, non-infringement, and implied warranties arising from course of dealing or
course of performance. In no event shall SCAL be liable for any damages whatsoever whether
in an action, arising out of or in connection with the use, inability to use, or performance of the
information, services, products and materials available from this publication.
June 2014 - 3
Dear Residents:
I would like to share an article I came
across that talks about how AARP is
making travel for Boomers easier.
Multiple studies cite travel as
the top aspirational activity for
individuals ages 50 and over.
And, recent research conducted by AARP shows that approximately
80 percent of people 50-plus spend between 30 and 36 hours a
year researching, planning and booking their trips online. Ideally,
they would prefer to spend about 12-18 hours per year doing so.
Additionally, they spend about 18 hours a year online booking these
trips, when they would rather spend 12 hours on this.
The nature of travel for boomers is diverse and includes business
trips, visiting family members and taking exotic getaways. But online
travel planning for any trip can be tedious, with time-consuming
tasks of visiting many websites to get information to plan and book
a trip.
W W W . S C A L N L V . C O M
(NewsUSA) - These days, travel for
baby boomers can be challenging.
But AARP wants to make everyone’s
road to their favorite destinations
quicker and more enjoyable
through their new website, travel.
about specific locales, including suggested things to do. Within each
guide, a detailed “Map Explorer” function shows users street-level
details of an area’s hotels, restaurants and attractions that can then
be saved to “My Saved Trips,” where users can save personalized
itineraries and build upon them each time they return and log in.
For more information and travel tips for individuals 50-plus and their
families, visit
Enjoy the June weather,
Lynn Garlock-Wright
Activities & Fitness Director
Hi Fellow Residents:
I wanted to take this opportunity to talk with you about how
important it is for everyone to pay their assessments on time.
Remember each and every one of us contributes to the financial
operations of our community through our assessments. Like any
business, if our revenue (assessments) does not meet our expenses,
we cannot survive. All of us agreed to make assessment payments
when we purchased our homes. When some residents don’t pay,
the rest of the residents’ assessments have to make up for the deficit.
That is a financial reality in any Common Interest Community.
Please be assured, the Board is not interested in adding charges to
residents beyond their normal assessment. However, additional
charges must be imposed when assessments aren’t paid on time.
While I’ve served as your Treasurer, it has become very evident to
me how quickly those costs increase the amount owed on the
account. The overdue account balance can rapidly balloon well out
of control; and, in severe instances, may result in foreclosure on the
resident’s home.
If you are experiencing a hardship, please advise the Board in writing
regarding the issue. Be assured that all requests are held in the
strictest confidence by the Board. The Board is more than willing to
work out a payment plan to meet your ability and obligation to pay.
The Board wants everyone to enjoy our wonderful community.
However, it is critical for everyone to be responsible to each other
and to fulfill their obligation to the community by paying their
If you have any questions regarding this issue, please feel free to
contact me.
The new AARP Travel website offers a one-stop shop to plan,
book, and share a trip -- be it a quick weekend getaway or a longer
vacation. Anyone can explore the site, which pulls together content,
tools and features -- making each step both fun and easy.
The site’s articles and tips are particularly geared toward helping
people 50-plus think about fun ideas on where they may want
to go, including food festival-themed trips, places to reimagine
their lives and must-see international destinations. The site also
offers more practical information such as saving money, locating
accommodations for special health needs and managing safety
The site’s interactive tools were designed to make the planning
process easier and more delightful. If a user would like more ideas
on places to go, AARP has created a “Trip Finder” tool that offers
suggestions. Destination Guides include key information and details
4 - June 2014
Have a great day everyone,
Betty Kramer, Treasurer
This Notice is distributed according to NRS116.31083. At the
beginning of every Board Meeting, there is a member comment
period for comments relating to agenda items only. At the end
of every Board meeting, there is a member comment period for
comments on any subject.
To the New Sun City
Aliante Board of Directors!
During this period, the Board will hear member comments. The
Board of Directors will not take action on comments or requests
made during the comment periods.
The Association Office is located at 7394 Aliante Parkway, North
Las Vegas, Nevada 89084. Office Hours are 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday
through Friday. The telephone number for obtaining an agenda is
Don Schaefer
Mark Smith
Warren Geller
Vice President
Betty Krammer
Board Meeting Notice
Board Meeting Notice
Wednesday, June 11, 2014, 7 p.m.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014, 7 p.m.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014, 7 p.m.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014, 8 p.m.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014, 8 p.m.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014, 8 p.m.
Aliante Master Association
The Aliante Master Association Board Meeting will be held on June
26 at 7 p.m. in the Activity Room at the Community Center. All
Aliante residents are encouraged to attend.
Judith Hanson
Wayne Headrick
Mark Klein
The results are in. A total of 631 residents voted in the election
this year. Of this number, twenty-six resident’s ballots were invalid
as they did not follow the directions. They either did not use the
“secret” ballot envelope or they gave a particular candidate more
than one vote. Next year, please read the ballot directions carefully,
because your vote does matter. The following residents were elected
(re-elected) for a two-year term: Don Schaefer, Judith Hanson, Mark
Smith and Mark Klein. Congratulations.
Thank you to the 34 residents that assisted with the ballot counting;
we finished this task in 2 ½ hours. We could not do this without all
of you.
Sandy Valley, Chair, Election Committee
June 2014 - 5
Agendas for the Board meeting are available one week prior to the
meeting at the monitor’s desk and on the Association’s website
( Copies of the minutes from a Board of Directors
meeting are available from the Association Office after approval by
the Board of Directors. Audio copies of a Board of Directors meeting
are available from the Association Office after the minutes have been
approved by the Board of Directors.
W W W . S C A L N L V . C O M
News from Community
The new paint books are ready! If you are
interested in painting the outside of your
home, stop by the customer service office
and sign out a Sun City Aliante Paint Book.
You can take the book home to match up
your color scheme. We have a total of 10
color schemes in this community. When
you return the book, we will be happy to
make a copy of your very own color scheme to take with you to the
paint store. No ARC approval shall be required to repaint the
exterior of your home as long as you are painting the outside
of your home the original color. Wrought iron fencing shall be
painted Aliante Grey Beige and shall be maintained in accordance
with good maintenance practices to avoid the appearance of rust,
and we have the approved special color formula on file. If you need
a copy, just ask.
Trash pickup is every Tuesday and the Bulk Pick up dates for this
month are June 10 and June 24.
The Architectural Review Committee meets on June 13 and 27.
If you have an application to submit, please do so no later than
noon the Thursday prior to the meeting. Please remember that any
exterior change to your home or your yard requires the approval of
the ARC before you start the project. This includes hanging wall art.
If you have any questions, please call me at 702-638-5006.
Did you know with written ARC approval, you may place up to
two (2) artificial shrubs or plants in decorative flower pots in the
front courtyard, on courtyard pillars or on each side of your garage
door? Artificial plants shall be removed or replaced upon fading
or deterioration and that no artificial trees of any type shall be
located on any portion of the lot. Storing empty pots in the yard is
If you have any questions please contact me at 702-638-5006 or
Virginia Marquart
Director of Standards & Compliance, Assistant Manager
6 - June 2014
Fraud hurts all Nevadans. Whether you
are the victim of a crime, looking out
for those you love or seeking to be an
informed consumer,
offers valuable information to fight
scams and fraud.
Avoiding Identity Theft
Know what’s in your wallet. Avoid carrying your Social Security
number in your wallet or purse. It’s also a good idea to periodically
photocopy your cards and keep a record of the customer service
phone numbers associated with your financial accounts to speed up
the process of cancelling credit cards, if needed.
Monitor your revolving accounts and credit score. Check your
bank, credit card and other financial account information along
with your credit score once a year to reduce the risk of unauthorized
charges or credit applications. If you see a suspicious charge,
immediately contact your financial institution.
Be suspicious of solicitors. You should never give personal
information or your Social Security number to people unless you
have verified that they are trustworthy.
Be safe,
Your Sun City Aliante Neighborhood Watch Block Captains
Meets last Thursdays, 10 a.m.
Alan Melnick at 702-538-8396 and
Meets third Thursdays, 1 p.m.
Sandy Valley at 702-399-2689
• Never wire money to someone you don’t know
• Get everything in writing
For more information regarding the Sun City Aliante Neighborhood
Watch Program, contact thecoordinator, Jerry Overton at joverton@ or 702-639-2291.
Meets last Wednesdays, 4 p.m.
Don Stewart at 702-569-1776
The best defense against fraud is you!
Meets third Tuesdays, 4:30 p.m. in the
Conference Room.
Mark Smith at 702-290-1657 and
Surf the Internet safely. Be sure to always use a secured network,
and frequently update firewall protections on your computer. Also,
limit the amount of personal information you post on networking
Web sites.
Meets third Fridays, 10 a.m.
Lynda Towers at 702-255-9494 and
W W W . S C A L N L V . C O M
Shred, Shred, Shred. Open all mail and read it carefully. Any
items with personal information such as pre-approved credit offers,
bank statements or utility bills should be shredded before being
Meets every other Friday, 9 a.m.
Harlan Nelson at 702-485-6349 and
• Do not sign a contract without reading it first
• Check to see if the company is licensed with the
appropriate local or state agency
• Check the company out with the Better Business Bureau
• Google the company’s name for complaints
• Do not respond to any prize or gift that requires you to
pay even a small amount for your winnings
June 2014 - 7
Spring Cleaning Tips to
Detox Your Body
Consult your health care provider before starting a body detox
regimen, but data suggest that most individuals without chronic
medical conditions can undergo a simple detox, and the simplest
of plans is this: Drink more water. Consistently drinking water
each day can help rid your body of toxins even if you do nothing
else. Data suggest that many American adults don’t drink enough
water, although
it is essential for
maximum health.
“Without water,
no living thing
can survive,”
emphasizes Robert
Eakle, CEO of
Alkame Water.
Water affects every
area of our life and
is an essential part
to maintaining
proper health,” he
W W W . S C A L N L V . C O M
(NewsUSA) - Spring is here, and if your thoughts turn to spring
cleaning your house or office, don’t stop there. Take the opportunity
to spring clean your body, too. Variations on the process of body
detoxification have been elements of many traditional health
practices, including ayurvedic medicine and traditional Chinese
Water is a key element of any body detox plan. To make the most
of your water, opt for purified, enhanced water, such as Alkame.
Alkame Water’s patented formula includes a distinctive alkalinity and
high levels of stabilized, dissolved oxygen that help maintain the
natural pH balance in the body. In addition, the super-oxygenated
water promotes the removal of waste and toxins from the body
and promotes digestive health through improved absorption of
Some other detox tips for beginners:
• Back off the booze. Alcohol acts as a toxin in the body and can
promote dehydration, and reducing or eliminating alcohol
increases your opportunities to drink more water.
• Curb the caffeine. Too much caffeine can have a toxic effect
on the body. Cut down on caffeinated beverages, and replace
them with water, especially enhanced, alkaline, ionized water,
which has been shown to promote energy and overall health by
allowing the body to absorb the water more quickly.
• Track your water consumption. Most people don’t pay attention
to how much water they drink daily. Aim for two quarts (that’s 8
8-ounces glasses).
Alkame Water is based in Las Vegas, NV, and it is a wholly owned
subsidiary of Alkame Holdings Inc. (OTCQB: ALKM). For more
information about Alkame Water, including how to have it delivered
to your home or office, visit
Drinking plenty of water can go a long way in your effort
to detox your body this spring.
8 - June 2014
Tee It Up
With A Pro
By Paul Cox, PGA
This month I want to share some
great quips and quotes about
our fathers: “Father knows best,”
“I brought you into this world,”
“I will give you something to
cry about,” and my personal
favorite, “Because I said so.” I
remember smirking at some of
the stuff my dad would say, and now, I find myself repeating some of
his shticks! It’s funny what gets passed down from branch to branch
in the old family tree. One thing is for sure, the purpose behind this
article is to keep dads around for as long as we can, so we have
someone to poke fun at!
At The Club:
We’ve had a blast at the golf clinic (open to all abilities) Tuesdays at
8:30 a.m. ($20 per golfer) for 45 minutes of group instruction. The
limit is eight students per session. RSVP to
LOVED ONE (Two for the price of one golf lessons).
Come to the Grill and check out our great cocktails, the “Aliante
Palmer” and the “Aliante Lemonade” go fantastic with happy hour at
the restaurant!
Life Quote:
“The hardest part is how to start; stop worrying just begin.”
Blood Pressure Checks
Friday, June 13, 9 a.m.
Donna McCarthur from Centennial Hills Hospital will perform free
blood pressure checks on Friday, June 13, from 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. in the
community center. No advance sign up is necessary and tests are
done on a first-come first-serve basis.
I hope this article inspires you in some way to start something
you’ve been putting off, because misery loves company (I’m joking).
Look at me! I had to use a public medium, so I could place myself
in a position to be shamed by clients into working out. You have to
give me credit though, I am committing! If you have any questions
on how to get started, stretches etc., I have a good physical fitness
background. I can point you in the right direction. “The hardest part
is how to start; stop worrying, just begin.”
I look forward to seeing you on the practice tee at Aliante Golf Club,
and I look forward to helping you improve your skills and your
enjoyment of the game.
W W W . S C A L N L V . C O M
Most of us have been in the “I will start tomorrow” state of mind
regarding one thing or another. For those of you who have not been
there, we all hope you never are or maybe we don’t. The point is
that I have not had a solid workout routine since my college hockey
days. In honor of our company’s Troon Fit Program (a companywide health initiative for guests, members and employees), I have
committed in writing that I will give myself an honest shot at being
around for as long as possible for my wife and daughter and, of
course, my students! I will start my routine June 1, so feel free to ask
me how my workouts are going. Trust me, I will answer honestly, and
I will try my best to be a good example.
This is our club, our community and I’m glad to be a part of it.
June 2014 - 9
Lunch ‘n’ Learn
Seven Common Financial
Problems Facing Retirees
Wednesday, June 11, 11:30 a.m.
The transition from working life to retirement life often calls for
a different approach to your financial strategies to avoid future
financial problems.
Adam Goodman of Lifetime Income Services refers to these changes
as moving from the accumulation phase in life to the distribution
phase in life.
W W W . S C A L N L V . C O M
Add the recent financial environment of low interest rates plus
high stock market volatility to the equation, and many people are
confused and unsure of how to adjust their financial strategies to
meet the changes in their lifestyle.
Attend this seminar to learn about seven common situations in the
distribution phase that are often overlooked or misunderstood,
which can cause future stress, worry and heartache, and strategies to
help you avoid these common situations. Lunch will be served after
the presentation. Sign up at the monitor’s desk by June 10.
Find out What Social Security
Doesn’t Tell You and How to Get It
Plus Learn Why Veterans Should Apply for
Social Security Disability
Thursday, June 12, 10 a.m.
Do you wonder when you should start to collect Social Security?
Maybe you are thinking, how can I make ends meet if I retire?
Jacqueline Adoski of Insurance Resolutions has solutions for you.
Learn what Social Security has been keeping from you.
Learn If Medicare Special Needs
Plans Would Help You
Monday, June 16, 10 a.m.
Join Lee Jordan, Healthcare Plans West, LLC on Monday, June 16 at 10
a.m. to learn important information about Medicare Special Needs
Plans, including how they work, services and benefits, joining and
switching plans and deciding if one is right for you.
Medicare Special Needs Plans (SNPs) are a type of Medicare
Advantage Plan (like HMO/PPOs). Medicare SNPs limit membership
to people with specific diseases or characteristics and tailor their
benefits, provider choices and drug formularies (list of covered
drugs) to best meet the specific needs of the group they service.
SNPs cover the following conditions:
Diabetes Mellitus
Cardiovascular Disorders
Chronic Heart Failure
Chronic Lung Disorders
If you or someone you know suffers from any of these conditions
listed above, please join us for an informative seminar. Light
refreshments will be provided. Sign up at the monitor’s desk
by June 13.
Lunch ‘n’ Learn
Cruise Like a Norwegian
New Ships, New Onboard Attractions
Wednesday, June 18, 11:30 a.m.
An Ice Bar, The Waterfront, the Illusionarium….you’ll find these
attractions on Norwegian Cruise Line’s newest ship, the Norwegian
Getaway. Sailing roundtrip from Miami to the Eastern Caribbean, the
ship alone is the destination.
Are you aware of all the Social Security benefits if you are a disabled
veteran rated at 100% disability? Are you aware of the benefits that
are available to you from Social Security if your spouse is still working
and you are not collecting Social Security? Find out the answers to
these questions and more on June 12. Light refreshments will be
served. Sign up at the monitor’s desk by June 11.
Solve Pain & Health
Problems Without Drugs
or Surgery with Medicare’s Help!
Friday, June 13, 10 a.m.
Dr. Devin Luzod, DC will discuss ways to get Medicare and insurance
companies to provide coverage for natural pain relief on Friday,
June 13 at 10 a.m. He will also provide tips to solve pain and health
problems without the use of drugs or surgery.
Dr. Luzod has practiced for 15 years in Nevada and is CEO of Spinal
Care of Nevada and Gentle Pain Care Centers. He will briefly discuss
his book, “Live to 100...and Want To!” He will also inform residents
how to solve pain naturally, improve energy, lose weight, reduce
stress and live a YOUNGER, higher-quality of life!” Sign up at the
monitor’s desk by June 12.
10 - June 2014
Join representatives of Prestige Travel American Express and
Norwegian Cruise Line on Wednesday, June 18 at 11:30 a.m. Learn
about the magnificent amenities and attractions onboard the new
ships, Norwegian Getaway and Breakaway. The Waterfront is an
oceanfront walkway lined with shops, restaurants and bars. Marvel
at the five multi-story waterslides and three levels of action-packed
activities in the sports complex. The Illusionarium showcases a
surreal magical experience of award winning entertainment, such
as the Tony-Award nominated musical “Legally Blonde.” Satisfy your
palate with 28 dining options! Hear about the Haven, perfect for
family reunions!
For those who want to cruise the Hawaiian Islands, the Pride of
America offers seven-day cruises year-round. Find out about the
special airfare and cruise packages.
This seminar is limited to 30 residents. Lunch will be served. Please
sign up at the monitor’s desk by June 17.
Ombudsman’s HOA Class
“Parliamentary Procedures”
Wednesday, June 18, 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
The Ombudsman’s Office will host a free class titled “Parliamentary
Procedures” from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Wednesday, June 18. The
speaker, Ken Richardson, will discuss Parliamentary Procedures with
an emphasis on Robert’s Rules of Order. In addition, he will review
standard meeting procedures, making motions and maintaining
order in HOA meetings. There is no charge to attend, but
reservations are required. Sign up at the monitor’s desk by June 17.
Which Medicare Supplement
Is Best for You?
Tuesday, June 24, 10 a.m.
W W W . S C A L N L V . C O M
Are you confused about Medicare supplements? Are you looking for
solutions to save money and receive the best health care plan? Are
you wondering which option would best meet your needs?
Join Michelle Meatovich, a representative from American Republic
Insurance, on Tuesday, June 24 at 10 a.m. to learn more about
supplements, services and solutions.
Get the information you need to make informed decisions about
Medicare options. Learn about the wide selection of affordable
protection solutions that can be tailored to meet your needs.
There will be a question and answer session following the
discussion. Refreshments will be served. Sign up at the monitor’s
desk by June 23.
Lunch ‘n’ Learn
Breakthrough Treatment for GERD
Tuesday, June 24, noon-1 p.m.
What is GERD (Gastroesphageal Reflux
Disease)? The condition occurs when
stomach acid used for digestion
repeatedly backs up or refluxes into the
esophagus. GERD is also known as acid
reflux disease
If you are you suffering from persistent
heartburn, stomach acid rising, a sour
taste in your mouth, burning in your
throat, pain or burning in your chest or
frequent burping, you should attend this
Come and meet Dr. PK Bhatnager of Centennial Hills Hospital on
Tuesday, June 24 at noon to learn more about the symptoms of
GERD and available treatments. Sign up at the monitor’s desk by
June 23.
Save the Dates!
A Seven-Week Freedom From Smoking class begins July 14. The
class is full of tools to get you to your goal. This class is proven to
work, positive and supportive. Enroll for Session 1 and receive
four weeks of free nicotine replacement through a grant-funded
June 2014 - 11
Are You Interested in Digging Into
Your Genealogy?
Wednesday, June 25, 10 a.m.
Representatives of the Centennial Las Vegas Genealogy Society, a
nonprofit organization dedicated to genealogy and family research,
will discuss one of the fastest growing hobbies in America on
Wednesday, June 25 at 10 a.m.
The television shows “Who Do You Think You Are” and “Genealogy
Roadshow” have generated a lot of interest. Of course, there are
frequent ads in the media that tell you “Just type in a
name,” which leads you to believe that all you need to know is just
waiting to fall in place. This is not quite true.
W W W . S C A L N L V . C O M
There are lots of reasons to do your family history. It’s just plain
fun! You can become your own Sherlock Holmes or Agatha Christie,
following those bread crumb clues until you get the whole story.
You know those stories Grandpa Jones or Great Aunt Hattie told
about how one of your ancestors was part of the Jesse James gang
or you are a direct descendent of Aaron Burr. Well, with some
research and a little genealogy digging, you can prove or disprove
those stories. You can learn about the medical history of your family
line and be a little more aware of your own history.
Genealogists frequently find cousins they never knew they had.
How cool is that? Every family has a black sheep somewhere in the
past. You may find you have an ancestor who was a noted leader or
a scallywag. The fun is in the research and finding some amusing
stories. Sign up at the monitor’s desk by June 24.
12 - June 2014
W W W . S C A L N L V . C O M
June 2014 - 13
The LINQ & High Roller
W W W . S C A L N L V . C O M
June 18, Depart SCAL 5:30 p.m.
Caesars Entertainment has dramatically changed the Las Vegas
skyline with The LINQ, an open-air retail, dining and entertainment
district, anchored by the world’s tallest observation wheel, known
as the High Roller.
Located at the center of
the world-famous Las
Vegas Strip, The LINQ
features more than 30
unique retail, dining
and entertainment
venues and is home to
special events, festivals
and more. Topping
out at 550 feet, the Las Vegas High Roller observation wheel is the
focal point of the unique urban entertainment district. A varied mix
of businesses are now found here including Bella Scarpa footwear,
Brooklyn Bowl, Chayo Mexican Kitchen & Tequila Bar, and much
Shining bright on the Las Vegas Strip, the 550-foot-tall High Roller
is the world’s largest observation wheel. This stunning Las Vegas
attraction provides tourists and locals alike the ride of a lifetime.
The High Roller has 28 spherical, Italian-handcrafted glass-enclosed
cabins, each weighing 44,000 pounds. Passengers can enjoy
breathtaking Las Vegas views in a 30-minute ride, the time it takes
for the entire wheel to rotate. Additionally, there are two booths
per cabin. Each stylish, modern-styled cabin holds up to 40 people,
totaling 1,120 at full capacity. Each 44,000-pound pod features
dynamic music and video shows as riders take in the 360-degree
Parallel to Las Vegas Boulevard, the massive wheel dazzles with more
than 2,000 LED lights and serves as The LINQ’s sparkling focal point.
The ever-changing colors are such a beauty and display a nightly
glorious light show.
Sign up at the monitor’s desk for an exciting evening at the Linq.
This excursion includes a ticket on the High Roller and shuttle bus
transportation. We will depart SCAL at 5:30 p.m. This gives you time
to have dinner, shop and ride the High Roller. You will need to stand
in line to ride this 30-minute attraction. Departure from The Linq to
return back to SCAL is 10 p.m. The cost of this excursion is $48. Sign
up at the monitor’s desk by June 16.
Nevada Secretary of State Ross Miller
Living Will Lockbox
A simple and secure approach to ensure that your medical wishes are
followed. Provided by the Office of the Nevada Secretary of State. A copy of
your advance directive, including the new Physician Order for Life Sustaining
Treatment (POLST), will be kept confidential and readily available to you and
your health care provider, when needed, 24-7.
In an emergency you can have peace of mind knowing your
medical wishes are accessible. Make your
wishes known. Register with the Lockbox today.
For more information contact Adreane Freeman • 702-486-2887
14 - June 2014
The Super Summer Theatre
Experience at Spring
Mountain Ranch State Park
Come out and enjoy an evening with Super Summer Theatre!
Super Summer Theatre is more than a show, it is an experience. This
outdoor venue, just 10 miles out of Las Vegas, is 10 degrees cooler
than the city. Bring a light jacket, pack a picnic dinner and experience
the outdoors with your family and friends prior to the performance.
As the sun goes down, the curtain goes up and guests can settle in
for some great theatre under the stars.
When: June 12
Show begins at 8:05 p.m., depart SCAL at 6 p.m.
Cost: $25 (includes general admission tickets and
transportation) Sign up at the monitor’s desk by
June 5
Monty Python’s
Spamalot is a musical
comedy lovingly
ripped off from
the motion picture
“Monty Python and
the Holy Grail.” The
original screenplay
was created by
Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones
and Michael Palin. The original 2005 Broadway production, directed
by Mike Nichols, won three Tony Awards, including the Tony
Award for Best Musical of the 2004–2005 season and received 14
Tony Award nominations. During its initial run of more than 1,500
performances, the production was seen by more than two million
people and grossed over $175 million.
When: July 10
Show begins at 8:05 p.m., depart SCAL 6 p.m.
Cost: $25 (includes general admission tickets and
transportation) Sign up at the monitor’s desk by
July 3
Meet Mortimer Brewster
who must deal with his
two aunts, charming
and innocent old ladies,
who populate their cellar
with the remains of
socially and religiously
“acceptable” roomers. One
brother, who believes he
is Theodore Roosevelt, digs locks for the Panama Canal in the cellar,
and the other brother received plastic surgery performed by his
accomplice, Dr. Einstein.
“Arsenic and Old Lace” is a play by the American playwright Joseph
Kesselring, written in 1939. It is best known through the film
adaptation starring Cary Grant and directed by Frank Capra. The play
was directed by Bretaigne Windust, and opened on January 10, 1941.
On September 25, 1943, the play moved to the Hudson Theater. It
closed there on June 17, 1944, having played 1,444 performances.
Of the twelve plays written by Kesselring, “Arsenic and Old Lace” was
the most successful, and, according to the opening night review in
The New York Times, the play was “so funny that none of us will ever
forget it.”
The Meadow
Meadow seating is first come, first seated. The meadow is separated
into two sections. The chair section is on the south side of the
meadow. People are allowed to bring their own low back chairs to the
performance or rent a chair for one dollar. The blanket section allows
only blankets in this area. Throw down a blanket and enjoy the evening
before and during the night’s performance. Pack a picnic basket with
wine and a meal to enjoy under the stars.
The meadow has two wheelchair pads large enough to accommodate a
wheelchair patron and their family. These spots may not be reserved…
again, first come, first served. Also, the meadow has two paved
sidewalks along the outside of the meadow area making the walk to the
bathrooms, concession stand and picnic pavilion easily accessible.
The Concession Stand
To enhance the Super Summer Theatre experience, the concession stand
offers a variety of items for sale and is open from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on show
nights. Their hotdogs have been named the “Best in the West” and the
kids enjoy the quarter candy items. They also serve popcorn, nachos and
cheese, sodas, ice cream, fruit bars and a variety of cookies and candies.
Buy Merchandise and Rent Chairs
Super Summer Theatre sells a limited number of items each season.
Merchandise available for sale can range from blankets for the chilly
evenings to the popular stuffed burros. The merchandise area also rents
low back chairs before each night’s performance. Why drag out a chair
when you can rent one for a buck?
June 2014 - 15
Super Summer Theatre is located about 15 miles outside Las Vegas
within the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area.
About Spring Mountain Ranch State Park
The musical’s original 1962 Broadway run won several Tony Awards,
including Best Musical and Best Book. The show has enjoyed several
Broadway and West End revivals and was made into a successful film
starring the original lead of the musical, Zero Mostel.
When: September 18
Show begins at 7:05 p.m., depart SCAL 5 p.m.
Cost: $25 (includes general admission tickets and
transportation) Sign up at the monitor’s desk by
September 11
W W W . S C A L N L V . C O M
When a wily, witty,
lazy, and shrewd
slave discovers that
his master’s son
is in love with the
girl-next-door, a
beautiful courtesan, he
promises to help win
her heart in exchange
for his freedom. But
the road to romance is blocked with stunning surprises, cunning
disguises – and the funniest chase scene ever. Inspired by the farces
of the ancient Roman playwright Plautus (251–183 BC), specifically
Pseudolus, Miles Gloriosus and Mostellaria, the musical tells the
bawdy story of a slave named Pseudolus and his attempts to win
his freedom by helping his young master woo the girl next door.
The plot displays many classic elements of farce, including puns,
the slamming of doors, cases of mistaken identity (frequently
involving characters disguising themselves as one another), and
satirical comments on social class. The title derives from the line that
vaudeville comedians often used to begin a story: “A funny thing
happened on the way to the theater.”
Morgan Bray Entertainment Presents
W W W . S C A L N L V . C O M
Soul Men and Lady Soul
Starring Spectrum and
Friday, June 13, 7 p.m. (Depart SCAL 5:45 p.m.)
Cabaret Jazz (sign up at the monitor’s desk by
June 2) $52 includes Show Ticket & Transportation.
Twenty people are required for the shuttle bus.
Award-winning vocal quartet
Spectrum and their stunning
sister-group Radiance perform
together in their unbelievable
tribute to Motown and R&B
music. These eight stellar
vocalists sing and dance their
way through one of the most
influential American song
books of all time. Internationally
acclaimed, they will leave you
wanting more with stirring
renditions of the Temptations’, Supremes’, 4 Tops’, Marvelettes’,
Vandellas’, Miracles’, Stylistics’ and Donna Summer’s classic hits.
GHOST The Musical
Thursday, August 14, Showtime 7:30 p.m. (Depart
SCAL 6:15 p.m.) Reynolds Hall “A” Seats (sign up
at the monitor’s desk by June 13) $134 includes
Show Ticket & Transportation. Twenty people are
required for the shuttle bus.
GHOST The Musical delivers
a visual experience unlike
anything you’ve seen before.
Relive the iconic and magical
moments from the Oscar®winning movie in a brand-new
Broadway musical that takes
you on a thrilling adventure to
the afterlife.
You will be amazed to see
inanimate objects take on
a life of their own, a person
walk through a solid door
right before your eyes and
other special effects that will
16 - June 2014
Kinky Boots
Thursday, September 4, Showtime 7:30 p.m.
(Depart SCAL 6:15 p.m.) Reynolds Hall “A” Seats
(sign up at the monitor’s desk by July 3)
$114 includes Show Ticket & Transportation.
Twenty people are required for the shuttle bus.
Broadway’s newest smash hit kicks off its much anticipated National
Tour at The Smith Center! KINKY BOOTS is the exhilarating Broadway
musical that will lift your spirits to new high-heeled heights! Winner
of six Tony Awards® including
BEST MUSICAL, this inspirational
story follows a struggling shoe
factory owner who works to turn
his business around with help
from Lola, a fabulous entertainer
in need of some sturdy stilettos.
Inspired by a true story, KINKY
BOOTS features a joyous, Tonywinning score by CYNDI LAUPER,
direction and Tony-winning
choreography by JERRY MITCHELL
and a hilarious, uplifting book by
four-time Tony winner HARVEY
FIERSTEIN. Come join the sold-out audiences who’ve discovered why
– sometimes – the best way to fit in is to stand out!
W W W . S C A L N L V . C O M
June 2014 - 17
Olivia Newton-John
“Summer Nights” at the
Flamingo Las Vegas
Wednesday, August 27, Departs SCAL at 6:15 p.m.
for 8 p.m show.
Tuesday, July 29, Depart SCAL at 6:15 p.m.
Get ready for some summer lovin’ and have a blast as Olivia NewtonJohn makes her way to Flamingo Las Vegas with her new show,
“Summer Nights.”
“Absinthe,” is the critically acclaimed acro-cabaret variety show.
“Absinthe” is performed in the round with unobstructed sightlines
and in intimate proximity of world-class artists performing amazing
feats of strength, balance, danger and unfathomable flexibility.
W W W . S C A L N L V . C O M
The New York Times reports “You’re close enough to see the sweat
and grimaces needed to produce graceful, gravity defying stunts,”
and sums up the entire “Absinthe” experience as, “Imagine Cirque du
Soleil as channeled through ‘Rocky Horror Picture Show’ and painted
by George Grosz. A blend of skill, erotic innuendo and zaniness. The
memorable moments make a jaded audience literally gasp.”
The production, featuring an eight-piece band, will take fans on
a journey through the celebrated singer, actress, songwriter and
philanthropist’s life and career. With more than 100 million albums
sold, Olivia’s successes include four Grammys, numerous Country
Music, American Music, Billboard and People’s Choice Awards, an
Emmy Award, ten #1 hits and more than 15 top 10 singles. She is
also proud to be the recipient of the Order of Australia honor and
was bestowed the Order of the British Empire by the Queen. In 1978,
her co-starring role with John Travolta in Grease catapulted Olivia
into super-stardom and to date remains the most successful movie
musical of all time. Commemorating its 35th anniversary last year,
Grease is sure to play a significant role in Olivia’s new show “Summer
According to the Las Vegas Sun, Absinthe has been hailed as “the
most inventive and daring show to open on the Strip in years!”
Absinthe features outrageous comedy and a cast of wild and
outlandish acts performing amazing feats of virtuosity within mere
feet of the audience. As the Huffington Post declares, “It happens five
feet away from you, and it’s awesome! If you see one show in your
entire life, make it Absinthe!”
Voted Best New Show ~ Las Vegas Weekly
“It’s BRILLIANT. I’m going to put that in caps when I write this
down. It’s BRILLIANT! It reminded me of what’s great about Vegas.”
“Naugthy and nice, exotic and erotic, wild and wacky Absinthe!”
~Robin Leach’s Vegas Luxe Life
The show will be a musical journey through the iconic artist’s
illustrious career featuring hits from her early years including “Have
You Never Been Mellow,” “Let Me Be There,” “If You Love Me Let Me
Know” and “I Honestly Love You,” as well some of her favorites from
Grease, “Hopelessly Devoted to You,” “You’re The One That I Want,”
and of course, “Summer Nights.” Favorites and hits from her other
movies, including Xanadu, as well as her ‘80s anthem and record
breaking song “Physical,” will keep the room dancing, while new
songs from her recent Billboard hit album Grace and Gratitude are
sure to warm the hearts of the entire audience.
In 1992, Olivia was diagnosed with breast cancer. Her personal
triumph against cancer led her to announce her partnership with
the Austin Health and the creation of the Olivia Newton-John Cancer
and Wellness Centre (ONJCWC) in her hometown of Melbourne,
Australia. The ONJCWC provides a comprehensive range of services
and facilities for cancer treatment, education, training and research
as well as a dedicated wellness center.
Sign up at the monitor’s desk by July 15. The cost is $112 per
person and includes your ticket and shuttle bus transportation. We
will depart SCAL at 6:15 p.m. and return home after the show at
approximately 9:30 p.m.
18 - June 2014
If you are someone who would enjoy a hip, irreverent world filled
with amazing feats of physicality, musical buoyancy and thunderous
applause, join us on Wednesday, August 27 to experience Absinthe.
This in-the-round show is performed in the “ABSINTHE TENT” at
Caesars Palace located between Caesars main valet and Serendipity.
Absinthe was created for adult audiences only; under 18 will not be
admitted to the Absinthe Tent. Your ticket and transportation is
$115. Sign up at the monitor’s desk by August 20. A minimum of
20 people are needed. Refunds are not available.
Early Voting at
Sun City Aliante
You do not need a reason to vote early! All voters may vote early,
just like they vote on Election Day. The Clark County Elections
Department has selected Sun City Aliante’s Community Center as
an official Early Voting site on June 2 and 3 for the 2014 Primary
Election. Booths will be set up in the Social Hall for all Clark County
residents from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
What Is a Primary Election?
Friday Night Social and
Dance Party
Friday, June 13, 6 p.m.
There is no singer to compare her to, simply because she has the
uncanny ability to be “self-unique.” “Her control of pitch, power and
emotion elevate her to excellence. Jeneane Marie takes a song and
projects it to her audience with electrifying emotion. Her stage
presence alone is dynamic, but if she never sang a note, her comedic
ability would keep you entertained.
Jeneane Marie is an exceptionally talented beauty of artistic
credibility. Her audiences experience a personal involvement in her
show, leaving everyone feeling as though they have known her for a
The Jeneane Marie Show is presented by the Gateway Arts
Foundation. Proceeds from the show benefit the Gateway Arts
Foundation Las Vegas scholarship program. Don’t miss a great
performance by Jeneane Marie in the Vista Ballroom on Friday, June
27 at 7 p.m. Tickets are $15. Sign up at the monitor’s desk.
About Gateway Arts Foundation
Gateway Arts Foundation
promotes the arts and
scholarships in Las Vegas. Their
annual scholarships are awarded
directly to the private teachers
to benefit outstanding students
for continued advanced studies.
The success of their program has
young artists performing and
receiving great opportunities.
Currently, a talented young lady
from Las Vegas is interning with
Barry Manilow Productions. Their regularly scheduled affordable
events involve a community of artists who help advance their
many outreach programs. Along with receiving many awards, their
greatest honor is being called “Las Vegas’ greatest friend to the artist.”
June 2014 - 19
The Friday Night Social and Dance Party provide residents with an
entertaining evening for enjoyable expression, social interaction and
a pleasurable exercise. Even if you don’t want to dance, it’s a great
opportunity to get out and meet new friends. You are welcome
to bring your favorite spirit libation. Tickets are $3. Sign up at the
monitor’s desk by Thursday, the day prior to the event. Note: This
event includes bright flashing lights.
As she perfected her craft, she
went on to perform with such
greats as Luther Vandross, Wayne Brady, and Clint Holmes. In 2009,
Jeneane Marie toured with Motown’s legendary Funk Brothers, Jack
Ashford and Tito Jackson (The Jackson Five). Her diverse talents have
enabled her to perform in Blues Festivals around the country with
such blues legends as BB King, Betty Wright and Coco Montoya, to
name a few greats.
The dance floor is open; whether you enjoy Ballroom, Line, Square or
Disco dancing. You will be able to bring the music that provides the
rhythmic beat you most enjoy.
Jeneane Marie is one of the
most explosive singers in the
entertainment industry today.
From coast to coast and around
the world, she has taken her
shows to the most prestigious
venues. Her career started in Las
Vegas with some of the biggest
names in the business: George
Carlin, Bill Cosby, Rich Little,
Don Rickles, Jerry Lewis, Mel
Torme, Wayne Newton and the
legendary Mr. Frank Sinatra, to
name a few.
Step up and get ready to dance! On
June 13, the Activities Department
will host the Friday Night Social and
Dance Party in the Vista Ballroom. This
fun-filled event is held the second
Friday of each month from 6p.m. to 9 p.m. Come enjoy an evening of
socializing, dancing, great music, snacks and delicious desserts.
Friday, June 27, 7 p.m.
Sun City Aliante Vista Ballroom
W W W . S C A L N L V . C O M
The Primary Election is a nominating election in which each major
party (Democrat and Republican) selects, when necessary, the
candidate for each office it will send forward to the November
General Election. In nonpartisan contests in which more than two
candidates filed to run, the two candidates who receive the most
votes in the Primary Election go forward to the General Election.
Candidates for U.S. President/Vice President and Special District
offices only appear in the General Election. The Clark County
Elections Department has selected Sun City Aliante’s Community
Center as an official Primary Election Voting site on June 10 for the
2014 Primary Election. Booths will be set up in the Social Hall for all
Clark County residents from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
The Jeneane Marie Show
W W W . S C A L N L V . C O M
20 - June 2014
Movie Nights!
Enjoy great current releases in the Vista Ballroom. This is the perfect
time to round up the gang and have fun meeting new residents. Switch
off your phone, sit back and enjoy the show! The price is $4 per person
to cover the cost of the food. We offer snacks for all moviegoers… hot
dogs, sauerkraut, relish, popcorn, pretzels, chips, cheese dip, peanuts,
candy, sodas and water. We normally feature movies on the first and
third Fridays of the month at 6 p.m. Doors open at 5:45 p.m. Sign up at
the monitor’s desk by noon the day of show.
The Butler
Friday, June 6, 6 p.m.
W W W . S C A L N L V . C O M
Cecil Gaines was a
sharecropper’s son who grew
up in the 1920s as a domestic
servant for the white family.
Eventually striking out on his
own, Cecil becomes a hotel
valet of such efficiency and
discreteness in the 1950s
that he becomes a butler in
the White House itself. There,
Cecil would serve numerous
US Presidents over the
decades as a passive witness
of history with the American
Civil Rights Movement
gaining momentum even as his family has troubles of its own. As his
wife, Gloria, struggles with her addictions and his defiant eldest son,
Louis, strives for a just world, Cecil must decide whether he should
take action in his own way. (MPAA) Rated PG-13. Genres: Biography
| Drama. Runtime: 132 min. Stars: Forest Whitaker, Oprah Winfrey,
John Cusack. IDMB.
Friday, June 20, 6 p.m.
A divorced and single parent,
Eva (Julia Louis-Dreyfus)
spends her days enjoying work
as a masseuse but dreading
her daughter’s impending
departure for college. She
meets Albert (James Gandolfini)
- a sweet, funny and likeminded man also facing an
empty nest. As their romance
quickly blossoms, Eva befriends
Marianne (Catherine Keener),
her new massage client. Marianne is a beautiful poet who seems “almost
perfect” except for one prominent quality: she rags on her ex-husband
way too much. Suddenly, Eva finds herself doubting her own relationship
with Albert as she learns the truth about Marianne’s ex. (MPAA) Rated
PG-13. Runtime: 93 min. Genres: Comedy. Stars: Julia Louis-Dreyfus,
James Gandolfini, Catherine Keener. IDMB.
June 2014 - 21
22 - June 2014
W W W . S C A L N L V . C O M
Grape Expectations Graduation Day!
May 8 was graduation day for smiling SCAL residents, who participated in the class held at Grape Expectations School of Winemaking in
Henderson. Each SCAL winemaker received one case of their own handcrafted Classic Bordeaux Wine produced by the “Soaring Bird Cellars.”
More than 20 residents and guests celebrated the final winemaking class by loading their precious wine into sterilized bottles, corking them
with a manual press and placing a decorative protective capsule on the neck of 240 bottles of joy. But the fun is not over! Grape Expectations
is hosting a special gala in August for all the winemakers. Then in October, we can start the fun all over again, when it’s time for another
winemaking class. We’ll keep you posted!
W W W . S C A L N L V . C O M
NLV Municipal Candidates
Meet ‘n’ Greet Forum
The North Las Vegas Alliance of Homeowner Associations and
Concerned Citizens in Partnership with Sun City Aliante conducted
a NLV Municipal Candidates Meet and Greet forum on May 6 in the
Vista Ballroom. Thirty candidates were assigned tables to display
their literature, meet the public and answer questions. Refreshments
were served.
June 2014 - 23
Advertisers Meet ‘n’ Greet
W W W . S C A L N L V . C O M
On Thursday, May 15, residents enjoyed a free continental breakfast, received free give-a-ways and had a chance to win free prizes at the
Advertisers Meet ‘n’ Greet. Santa Fe Casino Hotel & Casino graciously provided refreshments for the event. Hosted twice annually by the SCAL
Communications Committee, this popular event provides an excellent opportunity for residents to speak directly to company representatives
and learn more about their products and services.
SCAL Activities Department Host 2014 Cinco de Mayo Party
On May 5, SCAL residents celebrated Cinco de Mayo with delicious Mexican food, traditional music and dance. The festive event, hosted by
the SCAL Activities Department, featured food catered by the family-owned restaurant Viva Mercado’s, Virgin Margaritas and dancing by the
Ballet Folkorico Izel Dance Troupe, a well-known group that performs the traditional dances of Mexico.
24 - June 2014
Sunday, May 18, 2 p.m. - Santa Fe Station Casino Chrome Showroom
An exciting line up of local stars was featured at the ‘Galaxy of Stars 2014” in the Chrome Showroom at Santa Fe Station on May 18. The highly
acclaimed Mark O’Toole served as emcee for the high energy Vegas-style revue. The featured performers included Rick Natole, Gary Anthony,
Sam Riddle, Michael Patterson and Kat Ray and violinist Kevin Garner Rose and Eliza Furr, along with a special performance by the Sun City
Aliante Steppers. The extravaganza was produced and directed by SCAL residents Margo Young and Pam Baltz. Proceeds from the show will
benefit programs supporting returning military warriors.
W W W . S C A L N L V . C O M
POPERAZZI Perform in the Chrome Showroom
June 2014 - 25
SCAL residents and guests, who attended the Poperazzi show on May 10 in the Chrome Showroom at the Santa Fe Station Hotel & Casino,
raved about the performance of the hip, versatile entertainers George DeMott, Janien Valentin and Cody Shawn Gay. Their medley of
Italian music and songs made famous by Italian Americans -- from Opera to Rock, Pavarotti to Prima, Sinatra to The Four Seasons -- kept
the audience spellbound, clapping and cheering during the entire performance. Proceeds from the show, produced by The Wright
Entertainment, benefit the Gateway Arts Foundation Las Vegas scholarship program.
In April, the City of Henderson hosted the annual Henderson
Pickleball Senior Games Tournament. A total of 18 players from Sun
City Aliante competed, including a few participating in their first
tournament, and six supporters cheered them on. The Sun City
Aliante players garnered so many medals that I lost count; needless
to say, the tournament was a huge success for Sun City Aliante.
Winning a medal is the goal of every tournament player, but just
being able to compete is a milestone for many senior players. The
Sun City Aliante Pickleball Club celebrates not only the medal
winners but all tournament and non-tournament players who, as
club members, collectively support the players in achieving their
medal goals.
On April 22, several Sun City
Aliante residents traveled to
Valley of Fire to hike White
Dome. They had a fabulous
time hiking and marveling
at the absolute beauty of
this park. Spring is a great
time to visit this area. If you
would like to get out and
explore some trails, while
having fun and getting in
your daily exercise, please
join the Hiking Club on
Tuesday, June 24 at 7:30 a.m.
in front of our community
center. (This is a new, earlier
start time to avoid the heat).
Hikers will carpool to Mt.
Charleston (trail to be determined). Please contact Maureen Grey at
702-633-6719 or Mary Kaufmann at 702-405-7092 for more details.
The club hopes to see you on June 24.
As of the writing of this article, the existing four Aliante temporary
Pickleball courts are scheduled to be closed and replaced with
new permanent Pickleball courts, including the addition of four
more courts, giving Sun City Aliante a total of eight state-of–the-art
courts. During the expected 60–90 days construction time frame,
club members will carpool to courts in the Las Vegas area. Although
this is somewhat of an inconvenience, club members are delighted
to see the construction begin and look forward to the reopening.
Once reopened, the Pickleball Club will again host clinics and lessons
for beginner players; and in October, the Nevada Senior Games
Pickleball event will be held at Sun City Aliante.
For additional information, please contact Bob Ziegler 801-414-4752
W W W . S C A L N L V . C O M
Wearing their bright green club shirts and proudly showing off
their medals, from left to right: Wayne Headrick, Paul Wagner, Terry
Merrick, Darrell Kiedrowski, Barbara Durant, Sarah Smith, Dennis
Fox, Mike Dobson, Nancy Schwarz, Bill Lee, Charlie Ziegler, Jeanne
Locaynia and Ford DeRenard. Medal winners not pictured include
Kerry Bunce and Sally Dobson. Additional players who competed
include Alan Melnick and Lynn Kiedrowski. Our cheerleaders
included included Tom Fitch, Ron Locaynia, Charlie Wilson, Sue Lavell
and Dennis and Linda Rymer.
The Book Club selection for June is The President’s Wife: Mary Todd
Lincoln, by Ishbel Ross, or any other book about Mary Todd Lincoln.
Join us at the Community Center at 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 19. For
further information, please contact Jeannette Smith at 702-649-2468.
26 - June 2014
Hee Haw! We’re still kickin’ up our heels and having fun doing
line dancing every Wednesday evening at 6:30 p.m. Come join us,
and make exercise easy and fun – the line dancing way. For more
information, contact Lil Rothstein at 702-649-8766.
As most of you are aware by now, the tennis and pickleball courts are
closed due to construction of our new “Sports Complex.” This hasn’t
stopped die-hard tennis players from looking elsewhere to play;
many of us have been car-pooling to the new courts at the North Las
Vegas Regional Park.
Jackie Terry
Are you looking for a way to look and feel fit? Tennis is one of the
most popular individual sports in the world. It is a sport that will
give your body and mind a workout, while letting you enjoy the
excitement of head-to-head competition. Tennis is also a great
social outlet. If you are interested in getting your game on, contact
Larry Rothstein at 702-649-8766 and for more
Jackie was raised in
Southern California.
After graduation from
high school, she worked
at the Equitable Life
Assurance Society in Los
Angeles for five years.
She met her husband
Buster “Bus,” while living
in El Monte, California.
He was literally “the
boy next door” and was
just discharged from
the Air Force. They
were married in 1954
in Pasadena, California,
and they have two
Greetings Friends, Neighbors and fellow Vets:
Sy Nielson
Chairman Veterans of Sun City Aliante.
While living in Iowa, she worked for an attorney mostly during
the tax season. Bus retired in 1986, and they moved to Spokane,
Washington for 21 years.
In 2010, they moved to Sun City Aliante to be close to their son,
Steve. Steve had lived in Las Vegas for 20 years working for NV
Energy. Their daughter, Karen, is an RN who recently moved from
the Bay area to be near the family. Jackie has two grandchildren; one
was recently married.
Jackie sang in several church choirs in her travels. Her mother and
some of her siblings, as Jackie, were musically talented. Her mother
played the harmonica, her uncle played the saxophone, and her
cousin played the organ. Jackie is happy to be in Sun City Aliante
and enjoys singing with the Sun City Aliante Songsters, taking water
aerobics and enjoying the many friends she has met here.
PAN lovers recently had some exciting game play: one lucky player
was able to make a “grand switch,” and someone else played “tops
and bottoms.” Come join us every Friday from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m.
and Monday evenings from 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. For more information
contact Lil Rothstein at 702-649-8766.
June 2014 - 27
Please remember to continue to pray for our brave men and women
serving in faraway places. We have the blessing to enjoy family
and friends while they are on the front lines keeping us safe. They
deserve all we can do to help.
During the Christmas holidays, Jackie’s organ teacher wanted his
students to perform a few Christmas songs in downtown Kansas City
in a store window of the KC Plaza Halls Crown Center. Initially, Jackie
felt that she would be too nervous to perform and turned down the
opportunity. When she learned that the students wouldn’t be facing
the audience and their backs would be to them, Jackie joined in. She
enjoyed the experience of performing a few songs that December.
Grab your calendar and
mark Saturday, June 7
for the annual Veterans picnic from noon to 4 p.m. The cost is $7 for
residents and $8 for guests. We’ll serve the traditional favorites…
hamburgers, hot dogs and all the fixings. The proceeds will benefit
the Fisher House Foundation. Fisher Houses provide housing at no
cost to military families who have a loved one who is hospitalized for
an illness, disease or injury.
In 1960, Bus was hired by the FAA, and the family moved to
Oklahoma City for four months of training. When he returned to
California, Bus worked at LA International Airport. He was later
transferred to Great Falls, Montana; Kansas City; and Iowa. While
in Kansas City, Bus bought Jackie a Hammond organ, and she took
lessons. She took piano lessons as a child but did not engage herself
until then.
“Grab your calendar and
mark Saturday, June 7
for the annual Veterans
picnic... We’ll serve the
traditional favorites…
hamburgers, hot dogs
and all
the fixings...”
I am honored and proud
to announce that I
have been appointed
by Governor Sandoval
to serve on the North
Las Vegas Veterans
Community Commission. I
look forward to serving in
this position, and working
closely with Mayor Lee
and other elected officials.
I will keep you informed
of the progress of the
W W W . S C A L N L V . C O M
The Sun City Aliante Veterans Club is busy as usual and has lots of
plans in the hopper. We participated in a very uplifting event on May
17 for Nellis/Military Appreciation Day at the new Craig Ranch Park.
About 22 of our vets volunteered to assist at the appreciation event,
and we enjoyed all the festivities made available for active-duty
military and veterans throughout the Las Vegas Valley. I believe this
will continue to be an annual event; we will reach out for additional
volunteers next year. We hope you can join us.
When Jackie Terry was asked why she likes to sing in the Songsters,
she replied, “Just the entire thing, being in the spotlight with others
and performing is so enjoyable.”
W W W . S C A L N L V . C O M
Please Note:
The Sun City Aliante Community Association
neither endorses nor promotes any of the
products or services advertised herein and assumes
no responsibility or liability for the statements made
in any fashion or form. Veriication of qualiications
and current license are the responsibility of persons
seeking service or advise.
28 - June 2014
W W W . S C A L N L V . C O M
June 2014 - 29
Chartered Clubs, as outlined in the “Sun City Aliante Club Guidelines,” are
Board-recognized and open to all Sun City Aliante residents. These clubs are sanctioned strictly for the
members of this Association with no exceptions, unless a club invites guest speakers, instructors, etc. A
household guest will be allowed to participate at club activities, in compliance with required guest policies
and fees. All club members should be familiar with these guidelines set forth by the Board, as well as
their individual club bylaws and/or policies and procedures. If you have questions regarding your club
charter, feel free to call Director of Activities & Fitness, Lynn Garlock-Wright, at 702-638-5061.
Afternoon Games. Meets Sundays from
1-4 p.m. Contact Terri Petrie at 702- 405-7382 and
Hand and Foot. Meets Tuesdays from 1- 4 p.m.
This game is similar to Canasta. Contact Brenda
Bowman at 702-413-6406 and
American Mah Jongg. Meets Wednesdays and
Fridays 12:30-3:30 p.m. Classes taught on Fridays
12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Contact Arlene Harris at
702-633-5798 and
Art Workshop. Meets Tuesdays at noon. Contact
Peggy Totino at 702-217-5973 and ptotino2@gmail.
com or Anne Marie DeRenard at 702-538-9935 and
Hiking. Meets the 4th Tuesday of each month at
7:30 a.m. Contact Maureen Grey at 702-633-6719
and or Mary Kaufmann at
702-405-7092 and
W W W . S C A L N L V . C O M
Beading and Jewelry. See Forget-Me-Nots.
Book Club. Meets the 3rd Thursday of each
month at 7 p.m. Contact Jeannette Smith at 702649-2468 and
Bunco. Meets the 2nd Thursday 6:30-9 p.m.
Contact Don or Mary Kaufmann at
702-405-7092 and
Ceramics. Meets Wednesdays from 9 a.m. - noon
and Saturdays at 10 a.m. Contact Audrey Blankfeld
at 702-240-7542 and
or Holly Claghorn at 702-642-5016 and
Chess Club. Meets Monday evenings from 7 p.m.
to 9:15 p.m. Contact Ed Bernheim at 361-739-9684.
Chicago Scoring Bridge. Meets Mondays at
6:30 p.m. Contact Monte Eagle at 702-649-2912 or
Club DIAL (Dance in a Line). Meets Wednesdays
at 6:30 p.m. in the Fitness Studio. Contact Lil
Rothstein at 702-649-8766 or Xiaoli Huang at 702750-2477.
Computer Club. Meets the 1st Thursday at
6:30 p.m. in the Vista Ballroom. Contact Wayne
Headrick at 702-823-2627 and
Contract (Rubber) Bridge. Meets the 2nd and
4th Thursdays from 6:30-9:30 p.m. Contact Nancy
Albers at 702-202-1265 and
Cribbage Club. Meets Tuesdays from
1:30-4 p.m. Contact Donna Johnson at
702-685-9247 and
Eight Ballers. Meets Mondays, 10-11 a.m. &
Thursday, 10 a.m.-noon. Contact Hank Gulland at
Forget-Me-Knots. Needlework, knitting, crochet
and jewelry making. Meets Mondays from 1-4
p.m. Contact Collette Stickney at 702-399-2647 and or Madeline Shapiro at
702-399-5347 and
Glass Crafters. Meets every other Saturday at
noon – 4 p.m. Contact Robin Sharp at 303-6412107 and or Jill Ramsey at
702-642-8716 and
30 - June 2014
Kaluki. Meets Thursdays at 1 p.m. Contact
Dorothy Martin at 702-399-2045.
Mahjong. Meets Mondays from 1-4 p.m.
Contact Grace Wong at 702-646-9664 and
Mexican Train Dominoes. Meets the 2nd and
4th Friday at 1 p.m. Contact Norm and Linda Bach at
702-646-1016 and or
Angie Bidell at 702-639-2365 and
Pan. Meets every Monday at 6:30-9:30 p.m. and
Fridays from 12:30-3:30 p.m. Contact Lil at
702-649-8766 and
Papercrafting. Meets the 1st Monday of the
month from 6–9 p.m. All other Mondays at 1-4
p.m. Contact Lillian Williamson at 702-242-9298
and or Lynn Kiedrowski at
702-463-9141 and or Joyce
Hambacher at 702-649-2127 and nanaundpapa@
Sun City Aliante Steppers. Meets Tuesdays at 6
p.m. and Thursdays at 2 p.m. Contact Margo Young
at 702-649-1176 and
Table Tennis. Meets every Monday, Wednesday
and Friday at 9 a.m. in the Social Hall. Open
play is on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at
9 a.m. Contact Mike Long at 702-656-9819 and or Conrad Levoit at 702722-5200 and
Tennis. Meets Tuesdays (open play), Thursdays
(open play) & Saturdays. Meets 8 a.m. October
and November; 9 a.m. in December through
February; 8 a.m. in March & April; 7 a.m. in May
through September. The weather may affect start
times. Contact Larry Rothstein at 702-649-8766
Veterans of Sun City. Meets 3rd Tuesdays at
7 p.m. Contact Sy Nielson at 702-234-9183 and The Veterans Auxiliary meets
the 3rd Tuesday at 9 a.m. Contact Helen Melnick at
702-538-8396 or Anne Zarate at 702-657-9807.
The following Special Interest Groups are
Board-recognized and may schedule meetings in
advance. Please check the calendar.
Havarah. Meets monthly to share and celebrate
Shabbat, Simchas, Jewish holiday celebrations,
heritage, and culture. Contact Mady Shapiro at
702-399-5347 and
Pinochle. Meets Tuesdays from 6-8:30 p.m.
Contact Margie Laviletta at 702-755-0615 or Jim
Menagh at 702-449-8284.
Minnesota Nice Group. Folks from Minnesota
are meeting monthly for lunch and potluck
parties. If you would like to join in, please
call Obbie Harvieux at 702-399-4340 or Rory
Raymond at 702-489-2405 to get on the mailing
Neighborhood Watch. Meets the third Thursday
in the Social Hall from 4 p.m to 5 p.m. and
7 p.m. to 8 p.m. For more information contact
Coordinator, Jerry Overton at 702-639-2291 and
Seniors Assisting Seniors. Helps seniors with
limited home needs and medical equipment. Hot
line 702-981-3149.
Poker. Meets Wednesdays & Fridays at 5
p.m. Contact Gary Davis at 702-649-0996 and or Earl Miller at 702-6479081 and
Seniors With Warm Hearts. Helps disadvantaged
children. Contact Dolores Abbott at 702-365-0673
or Karen Nutto at 201-787-9391 or Carol Hoyt at
Pickleball. Meets Thursdays (open play), Fridays,
Saturdays (open play) & Sundays at 9 a.m.
Tuesdays (open play) & Wednesdays (open play)
at 5:30 p.m. Visit for details. Contact Bob
Ziegler at 801-414-4752 and
Silver Needles and Threads. Quilting. Meets
Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 9 a.m. in Craft
Room #1. Contact Sandy Rust at 702-258-4167 and or Maureen Grey at 702-633-6719 or
Softball. (men & woman) Meets Fridays at 9:30
a.m. at Aviary Park. Contact Joe Shuman at 702750-0745.
Solos. Social group for singles. Contact Club
President Angie Bidell at 702-639-2365 and or Welcoming Committee
Chairman Kaye Burr at 702-487-6789 and
Sun City Aliante Songsters. Meets Thursdays,
4-5:30 p.m. Contact Judy Shields at 702-476-0594
and or Connie Bensler at 702738-0025 and
Bowling. Meets Wednesdays at noon at the
Santa Fe Station Bowling Center. Contact Ray
Wong at 702-646-9664 and wrongway9664@
Horseshoes. Meets Saturdays at 8:30 a.m. in the
Summer and 9 a.m. in the fall/winter. Contact
George Larson at 702-541-6233 or Jack Witt at
Ladies’ Golf. Meets Thursday mornings at the
Aliante Golf Course. Contact Vicki Briggs at