Annual Report 2011-2012


Annual Report 2011-2012
2011-2012 Annual Report
& Healing
Board Chair/Executive Director Report
Measuring passion, innovation and skill
We often measure our year’s successes in increments — how many more; how much faster and
farther. What the numbers don’t measure are the personal efforts that drive those successes.
In a time of widespread fiscal restraints, there has been no reduction in the devotion of The
George Hull Centre’s outstanding staff members to achieve. They hold tight to our core values
of innovation, skill and passion.
It’s innovation that saw our staff take on a teen with very complex needs who had no where
else to turn and provide a rich therapeutic program that ensured his success. It’s skill that
gave the 4,500 children and families who turned to us in 2011 a reason for hope. And it’s the
same passion that drew our clinicians to the field of children’s mental health in the first place
that drives them to look beyond the obvious, see past the symptoms, and recognize the
potential of the children and youth in our care.
They do all of this with transparency, an eagerness to share and a commitment to accountability.
Core values combined with best practice, program evaluation, solid research and clinical
expertise does add up. Not always in numbers, but in hope and healing.
We can’t help but be inspired.
Jane Bray, M.S.W., R.S.W.
Executive Director
Susan M. Armstrong, C.A., ICD.D.
Board Chair
Board of Directors
Susan M. Armstrong, Chair
Jasmine Akbarali
Chander Chaddah
Ben Colabrese
Lori Evans
Jill McCutcheon
Liga Miklasevics
Helena Moncrieff
Pamela Rimmer
Paul Simonetta
Anne Sonnen
Alan Stewart
Anne-Marie Vanier
Jane Waechter
Jane Wong Ferris
Darryl Yates
Foundation Trustees
Robert G.S. Hull, Chair
Susan M. Armstrong
Darlene Cade
Hugh Christie
Ashi P. Mathur
Duncan McCallum
Jane Waechter
Director of Development: Seana Massey
Senior Management
Jane Bray, Executive Director
Rick Arseneau, Director,
Finance & Operations
Diane Bartlett, Director,
Research & Program Evaluation
Susan Chamberlain, Director, Residential
& Day Treatment Services
Kim Curran, Director, Prevention
& Early Intervention Services
Dr. Gregory Lodenquai,
Clinical Director and Psychiatrist-in-Chief
The George Hull Centre for Children and Families is an accredited children’s mental health centre serving
children from birth to age eighteen and their families.
We are here because…..
Over a hundred Ontario children and youth kill themselves every year, two or three every week.
70-80% of all mental illnesses appear before the age of 18.
The economic cost attributable to untreated mental health disorders in Ontario is $22 billion.
1 in 5 kids in Ontario struggles with their mental health.
When they don’t get the help they need, kids in distress can turn to drugs, prostitution and gangs.
80% of young offenders have mental health needs.
The mental health of children and youth has a direct impact on the quality of family life, the safety of
our schools and streets, our economic prospects as a society and the future costs of health and
correctional services.
The children of today will be the leaders and workforce of tomorrow, and in order to succeed in the global
market economy they will need to be confident, f lexible and adaptable.
Through clinical excellence and a continuum of mental health services, our mission is to reduce suffering,
provide hope and enhance the quality of life of children, youth and families.
Healthy Children. Strong Families. A Healthy Community.
Life has a way of presenting challenges. Sometimes they are too big to handle on our
own. That’s where The George Hull Centre comes in. By working together with families
and by providing the best possible help, we can make a difference. Whether it is helping
children, strengthening families or building a better community. Together we can do it.
Help comes in many different ways
Our team of social workers, child and youth workers, teachers, early childhood
educators, enrichment workers, speech and language pathologists, communication
disorder assistants, psychologists and psychiatrists are here to provide:
Assessment of the situation and development of a therapeutic plan
Individual, group and family therapy for children, youth and families
Groups for children, adolescents and parents
Information workshops for parents and the community
Residential and day treatment for adolescents
Substance abuse treatment for adolescents
I love this place because the warmth and incredible support made a huge difference in
our feelings of desperation.
Our Programs
The Community Clinic serves families with children from birth through age eighteen. Clinical
services include a number of inter-related and complementary mental health services, such as
assessment, family, individual and group treatment, psychological and psychiatric evaluation.
The Clinic also provides clinical service to schools, child welfare and other community agencies.
Libby’s Place and the Boys House are specialized residential treatment programs for
adolescents between the ages of twelve and eighteen. These programs, staffed by experienced
professionals in child and youth work, family therapy and psychiatry, serve adolescents who are
experiencing complex and longstanding difficulties.
Clear Directions provides treatment to adolescents, age thirteen to eighteen, who struggle with
serious substance abuse and mental health issues. A multidisciplinary team integrates harm
reduction, systemic and psycho-educational approaches and offers a continuum of services
including assessment, family, individual and group therapy, an academic program, residential
support, outreach and follow-up.
The School Program provides a therapeutic educational program for clients of the residential
programs and youth from the community who are unable to manage in their local schools. The
purpose of the program is academic achievement and the development of cognitive, social and
linguistic skills that are necessary for successful adjustment at home, school and in the
Toronto Preschool Speech and Language Services provides community-based speech and
language services to children and their families, including assessment, group and individual
treatment, consultation, support and training for parents and professionals.
Special Needs Resourcing provides consultation and support to licensed child care centres to
support the inclusion of children with complex needs.
Our Programs
Specialized Children’s Groups provide extra support to children under the age of six to
enable them to develop and practice the necessary skills they require to interact positively with
their environment.
The Highfield Community Enrichment Project is a Better Beginnings, Better Futures
primary prevention project located in a junior school in Rexdale. The key program components
are school-based programs, family support and community development.
The Ontario Early Years Centre offers early learning and literacy activities, outreach services
and parent training to children from birth to age six and their families.
The Etobicoke Brighter Futures Coalition is a collaborative group of over 30 community
agencies that work together to plan, develop and deliver services and programs that will improve
the health and well-being of young children within the context of their families and their
The Family Group Conferencing Project of Toronto is a collaborative partnership
between children’s mental health and child welfare. Families involved with child welfare and
their extended family participate together in developing a plan that addresses risks identified by
service providers and meets the child’s needs for safety and well-being.
The Family Group Conferencing Ontario Provincial Resource maintains a provincial
roster of qualified coordinators, trainers and mentors and provides training and consultation
across the province, assuring model fidelity.
The Research and Program Evaluation Department supports the Centre in maintaining
excellence in our services through program evaluation, quality assurance activities, the provision
of training, consultation in the community, ongoing empirical research and collaboration with
other researchers.
From Our Clients
When Sophia, a 15 year old Libby’s Place resident, came to the program, she was depressed,
skipping school and suffering from serious family difficulties.
“I came to the program because me and my mother weren’t getting along. I wasn’t listening to her
and this was a place I could come and fix all that. They really try to help you in whatever way is good
for you. They see what works for you and they continue with that.
This program has changed my life. I thought I was going to go back home and keep staying out all
night doing drugs and bad things. I don’t want to do that anymore. I want to go home and be with
my family and go to university.”
I love this place because I truly felt heard, not just listened to...
I felt a genuine understanding of my situation.
From Our Clients
“From age 13 to 16, I was always on drugs. I didn’t really have much time that I wasn’t. I was doing a lot of
things that you shouldn’t be doing when you’re 13, 14, 15 and 16 years old. If I had a daughter who was doing
the things I was doing at that age, I think I would lock her up and never let her out of the house.
I was doing a lot of different drugs and experimenting at the time. A friend of mine mixed a whole bunch of
things that we shouldn’t have one time – I think I was 14. My mom found me on the floor of my bedroom and I
guess called an ambulance. I remember waking up in the hospital and they had me drinking charcoal to get
the toxins out of my blood. My mom was sitting at the side of my bed crying. That was kind of my rock bottom.
It made me realize I needed to get some help.
I look back at that little girl who was so scared and lost and I had no idea which way was up and it’s a
complete turnaround. I’m 21 now and I have 3 jobs. I’m a lot closer with my family.”
From her mother “Coming to the Centre and getting the help that she needed gave her the safety and structure she needed.
It also gave our whole family the support we needed to work with her towards recovery. She really opened up
through that whole process of counseling and we did become a lot closer. That ability to talk openly and
honestly started something – it was great.”
From Our Clients
“My father left before I was born. I was born to a developmentally disabled parent and my grandmother raised
me with the support of my mother. When I was five years old, my grandmother took sick and was diagnosed
with Alzheimer’s Disease. I went through several homes – foster homes, group homes, even hospital psychiatric
wards. I was one hundred pounds heavier. I was struggling with my sexuality, trying to find my place in this
world. I was suicidal. I was making suicidal threats. I was violent, smashing windows, doing property damage. I
was lashing out at anybody. I did not like the word no. I think what was happening in my life was not
necessarily my fault. I felt like I had to take it out on somebody and have people feel the pain I was feeling.
After many caregivers gave up on me, The George Hull Centre ended up bringing me in and promised to
never give up on me. They stood true to their word.
When I was living at The George Hull Centre when I was 13, I had said that I wanted to go to college to be a
journalism student. To me it was such a far fetched dream and something that would help me fall asleep at
night. I never thought it was realistic, but The George Hull Centre kept reiterating that as long as I was able to
get my life on track with their support, it would happen one way or another and they gave me the skills I
As of today, I just completed my first year of journalism school at college. I know just exactly what The George
Hull Centre is capable of achieving. They helped me when I was at my worst and now they’ve helped me
achieve my best and find out just exactly what I’m capable of doing.”
From Our Clients
“Saying thank you is not enough of an expression of the emotion that I feel when I reflect on the patience,
understanding, kindness and professionalism that the house staff generously showed my son during his
year long journey. I know living at The George Hull Centre did him a lot of good because of the staff.”
“The George Hull Centre provides an essential front line service to families in crisis, a helping hand to
adolescents in turmoil and a place where parents can learn coping strategies. These counseling services
are unequalled anywhere else.” Mother
“On behalf of my family, I wish to thank you for your time during our sessions and for your most valuable
effect in helping improve our family communications. Our three sessions were thought provoking and
insightful; you were instrumental in making all of us think ‘outside the box’ and pave the path to better
understanding. Our son initially was very apprehensive, skeptical and resentful about our first
appointment. Within the first hour with you, his apprehensions dissipated and he felt positive about
continuing the family sessions with us. You were approachable, compassionate, professional and caring
throughout.” Mother
Client change in functioning based on Child and
Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale (CAFAS)
end ofbased
Did the staff recognize the strengths of your
family and your child?
Did the staff recognize the strengths of
your family and your child?
Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale (CAFAS)
ratings at start and end of treatment
Decline in functioning
No, not really
No change in functioning
Yes, somewhat
Improvement in functioning
I love this place because the staff always go the extra mile – they don’t give up!
Yes, definitely
Training Future Professionals
Teaching Centre
Through our formal affiliation with the University of Toronto, The George Hull Centre provides learning opportunities to residents in
psychiatry and students in medicine, clinical social work, social work research, and speech and language pathology.
The Centre also provides placement opportunities to students from community colleges and other universities in the disciplines of
child and youth work, early childhood education, community service work and nursing.
Our students enrich the Centre and ensure that we maintain a culture of continuous learning and improvement.
77 students completed placements at the Centre in 2011-12.
The Family Therapy Training Program trains both students and professionals in family therapy as an integral component of the
treatment of children and adolescents.
I love this place because it has many meaningful
clinical education/learning opportunities
and very strong clinical support.
Making A Difference
Thank you to all the sponsors and participants who supported our fundraising events this year!
You are making a difference in the lives of vulnerable children and families.
The 9th Annual George Hull Centre Charity Golf Tournament was held at Copper Creek Golf
Club in August 2011. It was a wonderful day of challenging play, including a Beat the Pro
competition, a great silent auction, and lots of fun – all in support of children’s mental health
services. Thank you to our tournament sponsors – Samuel, Son & Co. Limited, The Dominion
of Canada General Insurance Company and Blaney, McMurtry LLP; breakfast sponsor – Swiss
Reinsurance Company of Canada Ltd.; cart sponsor – Boiler Inspection and Insurance
Company of Canada; and all the hole sponsors, golfers, volunteers and donors who made the
day such a success.
The 9th Annual George Hull Centre Foundation Poker Tournament for Children’s Mental
Health, hosted and sponsored by RBC Capital Markets, was held in February 2012. The ‘just for
fun’ tournament raises money for the Centre and gives the winner bragging rights and the RBC
Blue Chip Championship trophy. Thank you to RBC, additional sponsors The Dominion of
Canada General Insurance Company and Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP, and all the
The 5th Annual Laugh Out Loud was held in May 2012 at The Design Exchange. It was a great
evening of laughter and fun, with a big band/art deco theme and featured comedians Derek
Edwards and Dylan Mandlsohn. Thank you to our Presenting Sponsor – BMO Financial Group;
Gold Sponsor – The Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company; Comedy Hall Sponsor
– KPMG; Cocktail Sponsor – Deloitte Canada; Rock and Roll Revival Sponsors – CIBC, Eckler
Ltd., and Torys LLP; Classics Sponsors - CDSPI, HKMB HUB International, and TD Securities.
Thank You…
for generously donating two vehicles
to our residential programs.
for providing our residential programs with
a year of delicious and nutritious meals.
for funding tutoring and psychoeducational
assessments in the residential programs.
for supporting the Clear Directions substance
abuse outreach and education program.
for supplying tickets to many cultural & sporting
events for our clients.
for giving four children and one staff a
trip that they will never forget.
407 ETR Concession Company Limited
AAB General Masonry & Contracting Inc.
Active America Corp.
Advantix Consulting Inc.
Aon Benfield
Aurion Capital Management Inc.
Aviva Insurance Company of Canada
Bailey Metal Products Limited
Bank of Montreal
Bartimaeus Inc.
Blaney, McMurtry LLP
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
BTY Quantity Surveyors B.C. Ltd.
C.W. Henderson
Cade Associates Insurance Brokers
Canadian Opera Company
Carruthers Financial & Associates Inc.
CI Investments
Cimicata & Cimicata Inc.
CN Tower
Conterra Restoration
Copper Creek Golf Club
Creaghan McConnell Group Ltd.
Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP
Deloitte & Touche
Delta Hotels and Resorts
Dryco Building Supplies Inc.
DUCA Financial Services Credit Union Ltd.
Eckler Ltd.
Enesco Canada Corporation
Extendicare Inc.
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
FNE Consulting
Fun Games Café
Gawenda and Company
G. Cooper Equipment Rentals
General Resinsurance Corporation
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc.
Green Standards Ltd.
Greiner Pacaud Management Associates
Guy Carpenter & Company (Canada) Ltd.
HKE Consulting Services
HKMB HUB International Limited
Leon’s Furniture Limited
Liri River Development Limited
Loopstra Nixon LLP
Lorraine Kimsa Theatre for Young People
Manulife Financial
Maple Lodge Farms Ltd.
McCarthy Tetrault LLP
Miller Thomson LLP
Muskoka Wharf Management Services
Parkelaw Inc.
Paul’s Boot Camp
PCL Constructors Canada Inc.
Peter & Greg Walker Contracting Inc.
Plenary Group
Powerstream Inc.
Prescient Digital Media
RBC Insurance Company of Canada
RBC - Royal Bank
Rick Davis Promotions Inc.
Rogers Communications Inc.
Rutledge Development Corp.
Samuel, Son & Co. Limited
Sardo Foods
SCOR Canada Reinsurance Company
Silver Carpentry (1997) Ltd.
Silver Strings Marketing
South Western Insurance Group
Stikeman Elliott LLP
Sunvibes Tanning Studio
Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd.
Synaps International Inc.
Tartan Promotions & Merchandise
TD Securities
TFB & Associates Limited
The Boiler Inspection and Insurance
Company of Canada
The Boulevard Club
The Dominion of Canada General
Insurance Company
Thank You…
The Great-West Life Assurance
The Personal Insurance
Thornton Grout Finnigan LLP
Torys LLP
Valecon Properties Corp.
Vanderfleet Flowers
Virgin Mobile
WD-40 (Canada) Ltd.
Wild Water Kingdom
Willis Canada
BMO Employee Charitable
Deloitte & Touche Foundation
Kids Up Front Foundation
RBC Foundation
The EJLB Foundation
The Grocery Foundation
The Intact Foundation
The Mike Weir Foundation
The P. & P. Murray Foundation
The WB Family Foundation
Toronto Foundation for Student
Breakfast Clubs of Canada
Canadian Centre for Abuse
Christ Church Anglican, Bolton
First Books Canada
Kingsway-Lambton United
Church Women
Kiwanis Club of Kingsway
Lambton Kingsway School and
Parent Council
Mazon Canada
Nativity of Our Lord Catholic
Olympia Sports Camp
Ontario Power Generation
Employees’ & Pensioners’
Charity Campaign
St. Andrew’s Catholic Church
Second Harvest
Show Kids You Care
Toronto Professional Fire
Fighters’ Association
Toronto Signals Marching Band
Toronto Star Santa Claus Fund
Unity Church of Mississauga
Children and Youth
Paolo Battistella
Michael Bernadi
Max Bourdages
Vito James Burdi
Alison Chamberlain
Brendan Chan
Nicholas Colavecchia
Sarah Davis
Joseph De Marco
Dante Fantazzi
Maoan & Kailee Kubursi
Andrew Martin
Antonio Siacca
Anthony Sicilia
Paolo Sicilia
Gavin Thomson
Jaycie Um
David Yaffe
Luca Zovak
Children of Runnymede
Adventure Club
Children of St. George’s Church
Nursery School
Lou Abbruzzese
Barb Addie
Jasmine Akbarali
Kate Allan
Philip Allmen
Janie Anderson
Michael J. Anderson
Kristina Arena
Susan Armstrong
Rick Arseneau
Jennifer Babe
Janice Bacon
Deirdre Baker
Christopher J. Bardsley
Mary Batoff
Anna Bayley
Nathalie Begin
David F. Bell
Chris & Suzette Blom
Daniel Bogue
Francois Boulanger
Alan Bradley
James & Suzanne Bradshaw
Jane Bray
Elena Bruno
Janet Burgess
Marilyn Cade-Schreiner
Albert B. Cameron
Wendy Campbell
Ernest Cappellacci
Karen Carlson
Chander Chaddah
Catherine Chamberlain
Clive & Mary Chamberlain
Susan Chamberlain
L. Christian
Hugh Christie
Gino Ciavarella
Carol Cimicata
Michelle Clarke
Nancy Cobban
Tamara Blum & Richard Cohen
Ben Colabrese
Emily Cole
Margo Coleman
Dean A. Connor
Anne Conway
George Cooke
Ellen Cornelissen
David Craig
Linda Craig
Heather Cripps
Alex Currie
Gina D’Alessandro
Anne Marie D’Andrea
Susan Davies
Rick Davis
Carl De Vuono
Franca DiComo
Elina Di Luca
I love this place because of the people, the work, the
Katia Divito
Margo Dixon
Les Dobbin
Susan Doherty
Doug Dougherty
Michael Duffy
Sandra Dunne
Halinka & Ed Dybka
Linda Edwards
Anat Elbaum
Cheryl & John Ellis
Lori Evans
Amanda Evans
Paul Fahey
Clara Fernandes
Heather Ferrier
James Ferris
Jane Wong Ferris
Martha Murillo Fiallo
Mervin Fisher
Michael Flatt
Leslie Fodor
Lawrence & Christine Foy
Darlene Fraser
David Fraser
Ross Fraser
Jacqueline Friedland
Sylvia Furgiuele
Frank Galelli
Paula Gardner
Domenic Gatta
Tahmo Gharabaghi
Karen Gilmour-Barrett
Vania Giusto
Leticia Gracia
Robert Graham
opportunities and the memories that come with them!
Thank You…
Lynne Gregory
Teresa Gresko
Tracy Grisdale
Dan Hagler
Christian Hajok
Warren & Jacqui Hall
Norm Hart
Janet Haynes
Patricia Heath
Rose Heath
Carol Hilton
Faithe Holder
Matthew Horan
Erich Horst
Sharon Howell
Elizabeth Hoyle
Donna Hrynkiw
Robert & Catherine Hull
Warren Hull
Shirley Ivens
Neil Jacoby
Alison Jarvest
Edward Johnston
Sharon Jones
Meenakshi Kaushal
Manohar Keesari
Roberta Kenny
Brian Keogh
Christina Kiriakidis
Gillian Kisman
Steven Knox
Pei-Chi Kuo
Susan Kushneryk
Nancy Kwon
Mylene Labelle
Josee Lambert
Angie Laurusaitis
Lavinia Law
Conrad Lee
James LeNoury
Nadia Libralesso
Susan Lilley
Manoojkumar Lilmohan
Sharon Lindsay
Ingrid Little
Jeffrey & Marian Lodenquai
Louise Lore
Arlene MacBride
Ann MacDonald
Vlastimila Macko
Ron MacNeill
Janet Marechaux
Jim Marinos
Pat Marshall
Colin & Wilma Mason
Seana Massey
Ashi Mathur
Fred May
Duncan McCallum
Jill McCutcheon
Bonnie McGuire
Mark McHughan
Patricia McInnis
Tarun Mehta
Stania Melichar
Bert Menear
Liga Miklasevics
Larry Milosevic
Robert Mitchell
Andrew Mollard
Helena Moncrieff
Lorena Moniz
Mary Morris
Jennifer Morton
Ling Mui
Brigid Murphy
Eva Murrant
Timothy Murray
Jonathan Namsoo
Maria Neto
Nancy Newton
Edward Ng
Emma Nobile
Sandie Nolan-Hall
Beth Nowers
Ina O’Brien
Gerry Olsthoorn
John Orsini
Lisa Ottini
John Pappas
Mi-Hyang Park
Catherine Patterson
Kira Payne
Carroll Pearce
Dennis Pellarin
Albert Pelletier
Sandra Pereira
Susan Perren
Susan Persaud
Barbara Porter
Mollyanna Potter
Morris Pressello
David Reed
Linda Rhinelander
Joan E. Richard
Tammy Richards
Paul Richardson
Marie Rounding
Scott Rutledge
Kathryn Sadler
Robert W. Saunders
William & Meredith Saunderson
Kate Saunderson
Sophie Schmidt
Laura Schreiner
Larry Schreiner
Diane & Graham Segger
Chris Sexton
Jyoti Sharma
Toni Silberman
Paul Simonetta
Clifton Simpson
Raymond M. Slattery
Paul & Carol Slavens
Paul Smith
Cindy Smouter
Venkat S. Somasundaram
Anne Sonnen
Wilma Spence
Janice Spencer
Karen Spencer
Elise St.Marie
Alan Stewart
Laura Syron
Philip & Linda Syron
Mark Taylor
Jackie Taylor
Nancy Thoman
Arlene D. Thomson
Lois Tomc
Kevin Towers
Michel Trudeau
Charles Tsou
Maia Tsurumi
Anita Turcotte
Rashaad Vahed
Isobel Vallely
Chris Van Staveren
Mark Vanderlip
Anne-Marie Vanier
Jane Waechter
Sarko Wang
Judy Wang
Christopher Waters
Stanley Watroba
Nancy Webb
Catharine Shipp Wells
Esther Welsh
Sim Mee Wong
Anne Wood
Robert Woodall
Glenn Woodard
Wen-Hung Wu
Darryl Yates
John Zanatta
Jurij Zurba
Ulana Zurkowski-Kostirko
A Night at the Disco for Children’s Mental Health was held in April 2012 at the Venetian Banquet Hall
in Woodbridge. A delicious dinner and dancing with a seventies vibe were enjoyed by the guests, many
of whom came in vintage disco wear. Thank you to Carm Viola, a George Hull Centre staff member, and
her many friends and family from the Woodbridge community for their generous support.
Financial Summary 2011-2012
The George Hull Centre appreciates the support and funding from the Ontario Ministry of Children
and Youth Services.
12 Month Period Ending March 31, 2012
Provincial Government Subsidy
Other Funding
Salaries and Benefits
Building Occupancy
Professional Services
Program and Client Expenses
Office and Administration
Travel and Vehicle
Training and Recruitment
Total Revenue
Total Expenditures
Expense Recoveries
Funds Received and Managed on behalf of:
Etobicoke Brighter Futures
Toronto Preschool Speech and
Language Services
Public Health Agency of Canada
City of Toronto (Provincial funding)
United Way Success by Six
I love this place because there is a sense of community
in the culture of The George Hull Centre and I
appreciate working in a place like that!
Community Partnerships
Etobicoke Brighter Futures Coalition
School Program
Braeburn Neighbourhood Place and Boys and Girls Club
Children’s Aid Society of Toronto
Community Living Toronto
The Etobicoke Children’s Centre
First Stage Child Care Centre
Humber College
Humewood House Association
Lakeshore Community Childcare Centre
Macaulay Child Development Centre
Next Door Family Resources
Parent Child Mother Goose Program
Rexdale Community Health Centre
Rexdale Home Child Care Centre
Rexdale Women’s Centre
Room to Grow Child Centre
Silver Creek Nursery School
Stonegate Community Health Centre
Surrey Place Centre
Terry Tan Child Centre
Toronto Children’s Services
Toronto Employment and Social Services
Toronto Public Health
Toronto Public Library
Women’s Habitat
Toronto Catholic District School Board
Toronto District School Board
Rathburn Area Youth Project, LAMP
West End Sexual Abuse
Treatment Program
Clear Directions
Macaulay Child Development Centre
Parent Child Mother Goose Program
Settlement and Education Partnership in Toronto
Surrey Place
Rexdale Community Legal Clinic
Rexdale Women’s Centre
Toronto Partners for Student Nutrition
Toronto Public Health
Breakaway Addiction Services
Toronto District School Board
Community Clinic
Family Group Conferencing Project
Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Toronto
Children’s Aid Society of Toronto
The Etobicoke Children’s Centre
Jewish Family & Child Service of Toronto
Native Child & Family Services of Toronto
Preschool Speech & Language Services
Community Living Toronto – Etobicoke / York
The Etobicoke Children’s Centre
LAMP Community Health Centre
Macaulay Child Development Centre
Rexdale Community Health Centre
Silver Creek Preschool
Toronto Public Health
Yorktown Child and Family Centre
Ontario Early Years Centre
Etobicoke Pre and Post Natal Nutrition Program
Macaulay Child Development Centre
Room to Grow Child Centre
Terry Tan Child Centre
Toronto Community Housing Corporation
Toronto Public Health
Toronto Public Library
Village of Humber Heights, Oakwood Retirement
Communities Inc.
Highfield Community Enrichment Project
Braeburn Neighbourhood Place
Breakfast Clubs of Canada
Breakfast for Learning
First Stage Child Care Centre
Highfield Junior School
Kingsway Humber Kiwanis Club
Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Toronto
Children’s Aid Society of Toronto
The Etobicoke Children’s Centre
Family Association for Mental Health Everywhere
(FAME) - Etobicoke
Rathburn Area Youth Project, LAMP
Rexdale Community Health Centre
Stonegate Community Health Centre
Toronto Catholic District School Board
Toronto District School Board
Toronto Public Health
West End Sexual Abuse Treatment Program
Yorktown Child & Family Centre
— Girl, age 5
The George Hull Centre for Children and Families
600 The East Mall, Toronto, Ontario, M9B 4B1
Telephone: 416-622-8833
The George Hull Centre
Registered Charity No. 10808 2918 RR0001
The George Hull Centre Foundation
Registered Charity No. 88864 7740 RR0001
Accredited by Children’s Mental Health Ontario
I love this place because of the sincere
compassion and understanding
towards the situation at hand involving
my little girl...This service is definitely top notch.
I love this place because I learned to
see my child with different eyes.