The Chatterbox - St. Nicholas School
The Chatterbox - St. Nicholas School
St. Nicholas School October 16, 2009 The Chatterbox Volume 2, Issue 2 Special points of interest: Halloween Festivities 1 Oct. Calendar 2 Nov. Calendar 3 Booster Club News 4 Haunting We Will Go 5 2 Saints The 6 Open House School Tour Contest Winners 6 Study Workshop Cold & Flu Panda Express 7 Artwork 8 Upcoming Events 9 $250 Referral Flyer 10 Gold Club Winners 11 Brigette Anderson serves hor d’oeuvres at the Coconut Grove Dinner. Princes and princesses, police officers, firefighters, famous athletes, and movie characters will join us Friday, October 30 as the teachers and children of St. Nicholas School dress up for Halloween and become part of our Halloween Parade in their colorful costumes. Our Halloween Parade will take place at 8:30 a.m on our upper driveway followed by a Halloween contest, where the children will be able to walk around and show off their great costumes! There will be three winners for each level. The festivities will also include food, as well as games set up in the gym for our Halloween Fair later in the day. Coconut Grove Dinner Dance Father Anthony (left) with Presbytera Savas and Damian at the Coconut Grove Dinner, which kicked off our fundraising campaign to renovate the Grande Ballroom and Gym. So far, over $500,000 was raised in donations and pledges. From left to right, Eilish Melick, Eleni Maglaris, and Georgia Perris hand out flowers to entering guests. Page 2 The Chatterbox Volume 2, Issue 2 October 2009 SUN. 4 11 MONDAY 5 TUESDAY 6 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SAT. 1 2 Football at Westmark 3:30 PM 3 7 8 9 Girls’ Basketball At St. Nicholas 3:30 PM Girls’ Basketball @ Grace Comm. 3:30 PM 10 Coconut Grove Dinner Dance 6:30-12:00 14 15 12 13 School Pictures 8:00 am -3:00 pm Girls’ Basketball @ St. Nicholas 3:30 PM Football @ Northridge Park 3:30 PM 20 Football 21 Kindergarten 1st Progress Reports Mailed 16 Girls’ 17 Basketball @ St. Nicholas 3:30 PM Savalas Room 18 19 Preschool and Prekindergarten Field Trip Lombardi Ranch 8:00 AM-1:00 PM 25 26 Football at Westmark 3:30 PM @ Northridge Park 3:30PM grade Field Trip Underwood Family Farms 8:45AM-2:00PM 22 Shakeout Drill Girls’ Basketball At St. Nicholas 3:30 PM Football @ Northridge Park 3:30 PM Girls’ Basketball At W.V.C. 3:45 PM 27 28 2nd & 5th Grade 29 Field Trip California Science Center Football at Northridge Park 3:30 PM 23 24 6:30 pm 7th & 8th gr. Halloween Dance (Savalas Room) 30 8:30 am Halloween Parade & 1:00 pm Fair (Gym) 31 Page 3 The Chatterbox Volume 2, Issue 2 November 2009 SUN. 1 MONDAY 2 TUESDAY 3 WEDNESDAY 4 Boy’s Football 3:30 p.m. Northridge Yearbook Sales Begin Girl’s Basketball 3:30 pm Home Boy’s Football 3:30 pm THURSDAY 5 Girl’s Basketball 3:45 pm @ Home FRIDAY 6 SAT. 7 Report Cards 1st Quarter Boy’s Football 3:45 pm (W.V.C) Girl’s Basketball 3:30 pm 8 9 10 Picture Make-Up Day 8:00 am-1:00 pm Savalas Room Boy’s Football (Playoffs T.B.A) 3:30 pm Northridge Girl’s Basketball (Playoffs TBA) 3:30 pm Home 15 16 17 12 11 Veteran’s Day NO SCHOOL Boy’s Football (Finals T.B.A) 3:30 pm Northridge Girl’s Basketball (Finals TBA) 3:30 pm Home 18 19 Open House For New 2010 Students 23 24 25 26 11:30 am Vespers Thanksgiving NO SCHOOL 12:00 NOON DISMISSAL No Daycare 29 30 14 20 Yearbook Sales End 21 Father/Daughter Dance 6:30 pm (Ballroom) 10:30 am & 6:30 pm Savalas Room 22 13 8th Grade Conferences 5:30-7:30 pm (Auditorium) 27 28 NO SCHOOL Page 6 The Chatterbox Volume 2, Issue 2 HALLOWEEN FAIR MAGAZINE DRIVE Calling all ghosts, goblins, witches, fairies, superheros and all other things magical, fantastic and otherwise….the Halloween Fair will take place on October 30th. Get ready for “fang”tastic fun, ghoulish games and haunting adventures! Start planning what you’ll wear to spook or delight your friends and teachers! See you on the 30th for a frightful afternoon filled with “spook”tacular fun and ghoulish good times! Happy haunting! Many thanks to Jane Daily for all her efforts in making this year’s magazine drive a success. A special thank you goes to all parents, family members and friends who signed up for subscriptions. BOOSTER CLUB MEMBERSHIP The Booster Club would like to extend a very warm welcome to the parents that joined this year. Your willingness to get involved is much appreciated. Your membership fees help to offset the costs of the Booster Club events. BOOK FAIR A special thank you goes to Booster Club Vice President Marcelle Wahba for organizing this event and to Maria Matar, Tina Maglaris, Dana Palmer, Jackie Pappas, Michelle Nassif, Anthony Guidi, Alma Lopez, Consuelo Quintero and Ezise Halim for all their help in making this event so successful. All the kids were able to tour the beautifully set up Savalas Room where they were able to choose books to put on their wish lists. Many parents obliged and lots of lucky kids got great new books to read! Additionally, many generous parents graciously purchased books for their children’s classrooms and/or the new library. A big, big thank you goes to all the parents who made book purchases. Not only are you providing a fantastic enrichment opportunity for your children, you are helping St. Nicholas towards our goal of supplying our Library with new books. The Library/Computer Lab is planned to open by the end of November. This event was so successful that another book fair will be held at the beginning of next year. Stay tuned for further details! FIRST DAY WELCOME A heart full of appreciation goes out to Booster Club member Mireya Soskos for all her efforts in obtaining delectable pastries from Portos Bakery and for the beautiful and elegant set up of the welcome table. We were delighted to spend a few minutes with all the parents who stopped by to say hello. Please keep this yearly event in the back of your minds for next year. This is a lovely opportunity to meet and mingle with other parents and to calm down any parental first day back to school jitters! Please plan to stop by next year to say hello and have a cup of coffee. Pre-kindergarteners Noah Hurney and Daniel Gongora learn about safety during an assembly organized by Paramedic Dan Kost, who is also one of our parents. Page 5 The Chatterbox Volume 2, Issue 2 By Marina Milicevic By Maksym Wasylyn A long time ago, my sister, Nina, and I were trick or treating and we came to a black house where the wind was blowing really hard. Then the door opened by itself. We saw a light in the window and saw a shadow move. We went inside with a lantern. It looked like someone was recently in it. A pan was still on the stove. It had blood, and it was still warm. Then I turned for two seconds and Nina was gone! In the hall, I heard screaming sounds. The thing that grabbed her was a ghost that looked like a pirate and an Indian. He had a sword, but I found one over the fireplace. We fought for 15 minutes. Then he got so tired he surrendered. I got the key he was holding, unlocked the door and ran all the way home. Nina was so happy and so was I. By Athena Rethis Once upon a time, there was a boy named Ted. For Ted, it was almost Halloween. Ted was so excited. He was going to dress up as Power Ranger. On Halloween night, while Ted was trick or treating, he saw a haunted house. He decided to go in it. Inside there were ghosts, witches and vampires. Ted was so scared! He ran so fast that he didn’t even get any candy. Later that night, Ted had dreams about the haunted house. When he woke up, his mom told him nothing he had seen was real, so Ted was no longer scared! Once upon a time, there was a family of 5 people: Mommy, Daddy, Tommie, Kelly and Carlo. They loved Halloween. It was their favorite time of the year. “I’m so excited,” said Kelly happily. “Me too,” said Carlo. “I can’t wait,” said Tommie. Tommie was 8 years old, Kelly was 5, and Carlo was 2. While they were eating dinner, they couldn’t stop talking about Halloween. That night they started getting their Halloween costumes ready for the big day. The next day was Halloween so when they woke up, they all flew downstairs. When they were eating breakfast, they heard a voice outside and it was a ghost! The family was shocked. They always wanted to see a ghost. The ghost offered them a ride. When the kids all responded “Yes”, the ghost took them to see the scariest things they had ever seen. The kids were so happy. Then Kelly remembered that they had to go to school. The ghost was very nice; he took them back home and said, “It was nice meeting you”. When the children got to school that morning, they told their friends all about their trip. By John Melick By Nicole Collins Once upon a time, there were two children, named Jack and Annie, who were hunting for ghosts, witches, and scary monsters. They searched everywhere, but they couldn’t find one single thing. All of a sudden they heard a creepy noise. They thought it was just a person, but it was a monster! Jack and Annie were so happy. They decided to set up a trap. The trap was a big net so that if the monster walked under it, it would trap it and that’s exactly what happened; the net fell on the monster. They were so happy that they had gotten what they were looking for! Once upon a time, my friends and I went trick treating on Halloween night and saw a haunted house and we all went inside. In the house, we saw a zombie walking down the hall. Then we saw a werewolf by the stairs and lastly we saw a mummy coming towards us!! It was chasing us! We all ran out of the house and as we were running we looked up and saw a witch on her broom in the sky. We ran all the way back to my house. We closed the door and finally were safe. Page 6 The Chatterbox Volume 2, Issue 2 Open House and School Tour Basketball and Flag Football Teams Off to a Winning Start The members of the 2009 Boy’s Flag Football Team are Matthew Aguilar, John Alex, Damian Delgado, Alexander Dinsmore, Anthony Fam, Matthew Hoffman, Athanasios Kaplanis, Jonathan Legg, Brandon Limeres, Gerard Matar, Michael Messiah, Alexandros Mikrakis, Jeffrey Palmer, Justin Palmer, William Stasinis, and Mina Tawfick. Our team is off to a great start with 3 wins and no losses, so far. Last year, our boys were only one game away from League Championship. Coach Gus Sapon hopes to go all the way this year. The members of the 2009 Girl’s Basketball Team are Sabrina Azzuz, Soula Bacoulis, Abigail Baires, Marissa Hoffman, Alexandra Pappas, Georgia Perris, Sophia Perris, Lauren Safady, Lily Spirtos, and Chantal Wahba. Last year, our girls were undefeated and won the League Championship! Coach Jessica Bethke hopes to repeat. Early enrollment for new students entering Preschool through Grade 8 in September 2010 has begun. Come and learn more about St. Nicholas School at our first Open House and School Tour, which will be held Tuesday, November 17 at 10:30 a.m. and again at 6:30 p.m. in the Savalas Room. Classroom observations and a school tour can also be scheduled at your convenience Call the school office at (818) 886‐6751 for reservations or for more information. Our preschool program is designed to be developmental by allowing each child an opportunity to experience learning when they show interest and readiness, while at the same time encouraging social awareness. Our prekindergarten curriculum includes academic, as well as developmental activities. Some activities include arts and crafts, story time, music, dramatic role‐playing, building reconstructing puzzles, and movement through outdoor play. By the time our four‐year‐olds complete the preschool program they have the necessary skills to quickly begin developing their reading skills in kindergarten. Contest Winners One of our preschoolers, Hannah Sinnema, sold the most Coconut Grove raffle tickets to win one month’s free tuition. Mrs. Carpiac’s prekindergarten class took first place to win a class pizza party. There was a tie for 2nd place between PS-2 (Miss Gonzalez), 1-1 (Mrs. Mormanis), and 5-1 (Mrs. Vogeley). The top seller for the Magazine Drive was Alex Saroukas PK1. Alex will be going to lunch in a limousine, along with the other top sellers: Jana Palmer K-1, Alexandra Turley 1-1, Gabriella Guidi 3-1, Yakira Webb 3-1, Alexa Atkinson 5-1, Theo Duran 5-1, Anastasia Guidi 5-1, Steven Nassif 6-2, and Peter Maglaris 8-1. Mrs. Vogeley’s class 5-1 won the pizza party! Hannah Sinnema (PS-2) sold the most raffle tickets. Alexander Saroukos (PK-1) was our top seller for the Magazine Drive. Page 7 The Chatterbox Volume 2, Issue 2 Winter is here, and as you all know it’s cold and flu season! At St. Nicholas School we try our best to remind our children the proper preventative measures to help them avoid getting any type of illnesses during these seasons. Here are a few below: By Angela Theodosiou Learning Modalities Out of all the different kinds of modalities, I thought I would be an auditory and kinesthetic learner. After I took the test I figured out that I was a visual and auditory learner. As a visual learner, I usually doodle, remember faces, notice details, have good handwriting and I always use advanced planning. As an auditory learner I enjoy talking, get easily distracted, enjoy music, and I always hum and sing. As we all know, we use all modalities of learning. When I study I like to do it kinesthetically, I like to dance, exercise and take notes. Auditorily, I like to sound out words, make up rhymes and listen to music. • • • • Wash Hands Often with warm water Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue If sick with a fever, stay home until 24 hours after fever ends Drink lots of fluids like water or broth to keep from dehydration. Keeping our children healthy is very important to us, as it is for all of you! By Brandon Limeres Learning Modalities I am a closely balanced learner. I am a kinesthetic learner, a visual learner and an auditory learner. I circled nine numbers for my right brain ability and seventeen numbers for my left-brain ability. I learned a lot about myself on this test. My study techniques work really well. For spelling, I have someone tell me the words and I spell it out. For reading, I go over the story and vocabulary a lot. For math, I go over each lesson. For science, I study the chapter and the vocabulary words and for history, I do the same thing. These are all my study techniques and they work very well. By Soula Bacoulis We want to thank all the parents and students who came and supported the 5th Grade Fundraising that held at the Panda Express Restaurant on Wednesday, October 21. The food was yummy, the children were happy, and most of all, it was so good to see so many of you there! The event was a big success. As always, we couldn’t have done it without you all! Thank you! Learning Modalities I think these study skills papers we got are so useful. I really like them because now I know how I can better remember things before and after tests. I usually study really hard before a test and two days later I don’t remember anything and that isn’t good. Now, I learned that my right brain and left-brain traits are both equally balanced. I think its cool that I have both. I am both a visual and auditory learner. I love music and enjoy talking. I’ve learned a lot from this and I thought it was so cool. Page 8 The Chatterbox Volume 2, Issue 2 Athena Rethis (3-1) Natalie Muzsnai (4-1) Dimitri Schulyer (4-1) Christina Stravropoulos (2-1) The above pictures drawn are known as blind contour line drawings using a crayon resist technique with watercolor. Genean Jue’s picture is a blind contour line drawing using a pencil. Genean Jue (6-1) Page 9 The Chatterbox YEARBOOK SALES 2009 Yearbooks will be on sale starting November 2th all the way through the 20th from Monday-Friday. The yearbook will be entirely in full color! This is your only opportunity to own a book filled with photographs that document childhood memories. The price is $45.00 per out. Remember this copy and the order form has been sent is the only time orders can be placed! Advertisers who buy space in the yearbook help to keep the continual rising cost of printing to a minimum. Any advertisements from parents or businesses that wish to advertise in our yearbook would be greatly welcomed and appreciated. Further details will be forthcoming. REPORT CARDS Report cards will be coming home with the students on Friday, November 6. Watch for them! Please return your child's signed report card with the envelope to school on Monday, November 9. NO SCHOOL VETERANS' DAY – Wednesday, November 11 GRADE 8 CONFERENCE NIGHT Thursday, NOVEMBER 12, 5:30 P.M. An information letter regarding this important opportunity will be enclosed with the 8th grade report card. SCHOOL PICTURE "MAKE-UP" DAY We are scheduled for picture re-takes Tuesday, November 10. on THANKSGIVING VACATION School will be dismissed at 12:00 NOON Wednesday, November 25. THERE WILL BE NO DAYCARE. Classes will resume on Monday, November 30. Have a wonderful family holiday! Volume 2, Issue 2 Toy Drive for P.A.L.S. December 11: Our annual toy drive is always a success by any measure both for those who give and those who receive. A new, unwrapped toy valued at $10.00 is to be brought to school on Thursday, December 10. Join us on Friday, December 11 at 2:15 p.m. to witness the procession of all the children carrying their gifts to place before the altar for blessings during Vespers. You will be especially glad you did. Christmas Program December 18: We look forward to seeing you at our annual, all-school Christmas program directed by Mrs. Barefoot, which will take place Friday, December 18, 9:00a.m. in the Grande Ballroom. Students are to come to school dressed in FULL costume on Friday morning. We invite you to join us for a wonderful program, which is sure to fill the air with holiday spirit and your heart with holiday warmth. The Booster Club will also sponsor a Bake Sale beginning at 8:00 a.m. in the Savalas Room. Christmas Vacation Begins - Noon Dismissal December 18: Christmas vacation officially begins at dismissal after the program Friday, December 18. THERE IS NO DAYCARE. The office staff will be most appreciative to see a safe, on-time dismissal. School will resume on Monday, January 4, 2010. The faculty and staff of Saint Nicholas School wish you and your family a very Merry and Holy Christmas. We look forward to beginning 2010 together, renewed in hope and bright in spirit. May God grant you abundant blessings, Ms. Kamenos, Saint Nicholas Faculty and Staff, and the St. Nicholas School Board. Page 10 The Chatterbox Volume 2, Issue 2 Tuesday, November 17 10:30 am and 6:30 pm Refer a friend and earn $250 per family enrolled as credit toward tuition. 99550011 B Baallbbooaa B Bllvvdd.. N Noorrtthhrriiddggee,, C CA A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Have a friend bring this to the school office or to our Open House. New Student Name: _________________________________________________________ Grade_______ in Oct. of _____________ Birth Date: ____________________________ Parent Name: ______________________________________________________ Home Phone: _____________________ Cell Phone: _______________________ Page 10 The Chatterbox (818) 886-6751 Volume 2, Issue 2 Page 11 The Chatterbox Volume 2, Issue 2 Gold Club Winners September Class Student K-1 K-2 1-1 Hailey Huffman 1-2 Nicholas Peters Ryan Wielage Sophia Pineda 2-1 3-1 Nicholas Andrews Marina Milicevic Maksym Wasylyn Yakira Webb 4-1 Cory Safady 5-1 Alexandra Pappas 6-1 Anthony Fam 6-2 Marina Elkess 7-1 Alyssa Deobler 7-2 Brigette Anderson Samantha Pascual 8-1 John Alex Michelle Jue Andrew Vasile If you have any questions or comments regarding anything written in The Chatterbox, please use the following email address: It would be greatly appreciated if you could send us any pictures you take at the various school events. You can put them on a disc and drop them off at the office. We use photos for our yearbook, our Chatterbox, our church bulletin (The Wonder Worker), as well as for our archives.
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