econometric modelling and forecasting company`s fcf components
econometric modelling and forecasting company`s fcf components
ISM UNIVERSITY OF MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS MASTER OF SCIENCE IN FINANCIAL ECONOMICS PROGRAMME Laura Virbukaitė MASTER'S THESIS ECONOMETRIC MODELLING AND FORECASTING COMPANY'S FCF COMPONENTS Supervisor Dr. A. Klimavičienė 2010 ____________ Reviewer 2010 _ VILNIUS, 2010 __________ Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 2 Abstract Virbukaitė, L. Econometric Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF Components [Manuscript]: Master Thesis: economics. Vilnius, ISM University of Management and Economics, 2010. The aim of the study is to verify a hypothesis, whether a company‟s financial statement items can be modelled using econometric techniques incorporating accounting and macroeconomic variables. For the modelling and forecasting are selected items, necessary to calculate a company‟s free cash flow (FCF) of four Lithuanian companies: telecommunication provider TEO LT, cheese manufacturer Rokiškio sūris, producer of household refrigerators Snaigė and distributor and supplier of electric energy VST. From their financial statements are taken such items as operating profit, current assets and current liabilities, long - term assets and long - term liabilities, and modeled as endogenous variables. Two types of exogenous variables are used: accounting variables (revenues and various types of expenditures) and macroeconomic variables (interest rates, disposable income or net earnings, growth of gross domestic product, country‟s export, foreign direct investment and inflation). Initial econometric analysis of the variables includes verification of seasonality and stationarity according to the time series graphs and unit - root tests as well as correlation and causality analysis using cross - correlation matrices and Granger causality tests. For the modelling are selected two types of econometric methods: structural simultaneous - equations models (SEM), estimating them using two - stage least squares technique, and vector autoregression (VAR) models. After estimation of the models forecasts with them are carried out. The estimated SEM models turns out to be not satisfactory according to goodness - of - fit statistics and thus are stated as not suitable for modelling of the selected data. Forecasts with them also strongly deviate from actual data. VAR models appear to be superior to SEM in both explanatory and forecasting capabilities. The main reason for the improvement is assumed to be lagged values of dependent variables, which are included into the models. The main limitation of the study is shortage of data, thus it is recommended to perform similar research with larger samples and including more company specific variables. Using longer time series more lags can be included into VAR models and they can be extended incorporating error correction components and making vector error correction models (VECM). Adjusted the gaps it is possible to use the forecasts, made with the models, practically for budgeting and company valuation by discounted cash flow (DCF) method. Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 3 Santrauka Virbukaitė, L. Įmonės laisvo pinigų srauto sudedamųjų dalių ekonometrinis modeliavimas ir prognozavimas [Rankraštis]: magistro baigiamasis darbas: ekonomika. Vilnius, ISM Vadybos ir ekonomikos universitetas, 2010. Darbo tikslas yra patikrinti hipotezę, ar įmonės finansinės atskaitomybės straipsniai gali būti modeliuojami naudojant ekonometrinius metodus įtraukiant apskaitos ir makroekonominius kintamuosius. Modeliavimui ir prognozavimui yra pasirinkti įmonės laisvam pinigų srautui (angl. free cash flow, FCF) apskaičiuoti reikalingi straipsniai ir keturios Lietuvos įmonės: telekomunikacijų paslaugų teikėja „TEO LT“, sūrių gamybos įmonė „Rokiškio sūris“, buitinių šaldytuvų gamintoja „Snaigė“ bei elektros energijos skirstytoja ir tiekėja VST. Iš šių bendrovių finansinių atskaitomybių yra paimti tokie straipsniai, kaip veiklos pelnas, trumpalaikis turtas ir trumpalaikiai įsipareigojimai, ilgalaikis turtas ir ilgalaikiai įsipareigojimai. Šie rodikliai yra modeliuojami kaip endogeniniai kintamieji. Modeliuojant naudojami egzogeniniai kintamieji yra dviejų tipų: apskaitos kintamieji (pardavimai ir įvairios sąnaudos) bei makroekonominiai kintamieji (palūkanų normos, disponuojamos pajamos, neto darbo užmokestis, bendrojo vidaus produkto augimas, šalies eksportas, tiesioginės užsienio investicijos ir infliacija). Pradinė ekonometrinė kintamųjų analizė apima sezoniškumo ir stacionarumo tikrinimą pagal laiko eilučių grafikus ir vienetinės šaknies testus bei koreliacijų ir priežastingumo analizę, naudojant kryžmines koreliacijas ir Granger priežastingumo testus. Modeliavimui yra pasirinkti du ekonometriniai metodai: struktūrinių vienalaikių lygčių modeliai (angl. structural simultaneous – equation models, SEM), vertinant juos dviejų žingsnių mažiausių kvadratų metodu, ir vek torinės autoregresijos (angl. vector autoregression, VAR) modeliai. Įvertinus modelius su jais yra atliekamos prognozės. Įvertinti SEM modeliai nėra geri pagal modelių suderinamumo kriterijus, todėl teigiama, jog jie nėra tinkami modeliuoti pasirinktus duomenis. Šių modelių prognozės taip pat smarkiai nukrypsta nuo tikrųjų reikšmių. VAR modeliai pranoksta SEM modelius ir paaiškinamumo ir prognozavimo prasme. Daroma prielaida, jog pagrindinė priežastis, kodėl VAR modeliai yra geresni, yra vėluojančių priklausomųjų kintamųjų įtraukimas į modelius. Pagrindinis darbo trūkumas yra duomenų stygius, todėl yra rekomenduojama atlikti panašų tyrimą naudojant didesnes imtis ir įtraukiant daugiau tik konkrečioms įmonėms būdingų kintamųjų. Naudojant ilgesnes laiko eilutes į VAR modelius galima įtraukti daugiau vėlavimų ir praplėsti modelį naudojant paklaidų korekcijos komponentę ir sudarant vektorinius paklaidų korekcijos modelius (angl. vector error correction model, VECM). Ištaisius minėtus trūkumus, prognozes, gautas naudojant sudarytus modelius, būtų galima praktiškai naudoti biudžetų sudarymui ir įmonių vertinimui diskontuotų pinigų srautų metodu. Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 4 Table of Contents List of Figures ............................................................................................................................................5 List of Tables .............................................................................................................................................6 List of Abbreviations .................................................................................................................................8 1. Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................9 2. Review of Literature on Application of Econometrics in Corporate Finance .....................................11 2.1. Econometric Modelling of Company‟s Financial Statements .................................................11 2.2. Econometric Modelling of Corporate Finance Data and its Factors .......................................16 3. Research Problem Definition ..............................................................................................................19 4. Methodological Approach on Econometric Corporate Finance Data Analysis and Modelling .........21 4.1. Empirical Research Aim and Research Design .......................................................................21 4.2. Variables and Data, Used to Model FCF Components ...........................................................22 4.3. Procedures of Econometric Analysis of Data..........................................................................24 4.4. Model of FCF Components Specification ...............................................................................26 4.5. Forecasting with SEM and VAR Models ................................................................................28 4.6. Choice of Software for Econometric Analysis of Data ...........................................................29 5. Empirical Research Report of FCF Components‟ Econometric Modelling ........................................30 5.1. Results of Seasonality and Stationarity Analysis ....................................................................30 5.2. Results of Correlation Analysis ...............................................................................................31 5.3. Results of Granger Causality Analysis ....................................................................................35 5.4. Results of SEM Estimation .....................................................................................................35 5.5. Results of VAR Estimation .....................................................................................................39 5.6. Forecasts of FCF Components ................................................................................................41 6. Discussion on Results of Econometric Modelling of FCF Components ............................................44 6.1. Overview of the Significant Findings of the Empirical Research and Verification of the Thesis Hypotheses ...................................................................................................................44 6.2. Overview of the Findings in Context of the Analyzed Literature ...........................................45 6.3. Limitations of the Study ..........................................................................................................46 6.4. Implications for Further Research and Practical Application .................................................47 7. Conclusions .........................................................................................................................................49 References List.........................................................................................................................................51 Appendices...............................................................................................................................................53 Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 5 List of Figures Figure 1 Time series graph of quarterly inflation, % ......................................................................... 30 Figure 2 Time series graph of quarterly GDP growth, % .................................................................. 30 Figure 3 Time series graphs of annual GDP growth and inflation, % ............................................... 53 Figure 4 Time series graphs of net average monthly earnings and disposable income (yearly data), LTL .................................................................................................................................................... 53 Figure 5 Time series graphs of EURIBOR and VILIBOR, average of the year, % .......................... 53 Figure 6 Time series graphs of FDI stock and export (yearly data), ths. LTL .................................. 53 Figure 7 Time series graphs of EURIBOR and VILIBOR, average of the quarter, % ...................... 53 Figure 8 Time series graphs of net average monthly earnings (quarterly data), LTL ....................... 53 Figure 9 Time series graphs of FDI stock and export (quarterly data), ths. LTL .............................. 54 Figure 10 Time series graphs of annual TEO L-T assets, revenue and total expenses, ths. LTL...... 54 Figure 11 Time series graphs of annual TEO L-T liabilities and current liabilities, ths. LTL .......... 54 Figure 12 Time series graphs of annual TEO L-T assets and current assets, ths. LTL ..................... 54 Figure 13 Time series graphs of annual RSU COGS and revenue, ths. LTL .................................... 55 Figure 14 Time series graphs of annual RSU L-T assets and current assets, ths. LTL ..................... 55 Figure 15 Time series graphs of annual RSU L-T liabilities, operating profit and current liabilities, ths. LTL.............................................................................................................................................. 55 Figure 16 Time series graphs of quarterly TEO current and L-T assets, ths. LTL............................ 55 Figure 17 Time series graphs of quarterly TEO current and L-T liabilities, ths. LTL ...................... 55 Figure 18 Time series graphs of quarterly TEO operating profit, total expenses and revenue, ths. LTL .................................................................................................................................................... 56 Figure 19 Time series graphs of quarterly RSU current assets and liabilities and L-T assets, ths. LTL .................................................................................................................................................... 56 Figure 20 Time series graphs of quarterly RSU operating profit, L-T liabilities and operating expenses, ths. LTL ............................................................................................................................. 56 Figure 21 Time series graphs of quarterly RSU revenue and COGS, ths. LTL ................................ 56 Figure 22 Time series graphs of quarterly SNG operating expenses and operating profit, ths. LTL 57 Figure 23 Time series graphs of quarterly SNG current and L-T assets, ths. LTL ........................... 57 Figure 24 Time series graphs of quarterly SNG current and L-T liabilities, ths. LTL ...................... 57 Figure 25 Time series graphs of quarterly SNG COGS and revenue, ths. LTL ................................ 57 Figure 26 Time series graphs of quarterly VST L-T assets and liabilities, ths. LTL ........................ 57 Figure 27 Time series graphs of quarterly VST current assets and revenue, ths. LTL ..................... 57 Figure 28 Time series graphs of quarterly VST current liabilities, COGS and operating profit, ths. LTL .................................................................................................................................................... 58 Figure 29 TEO quarterly actual and with VAR fitted data ................................................................ 67 Figure 30 RSU quarterly actual and with VAR fitted data ................................................................ 68 Figure 31 SNG quarterly actual and with VAR fitted data ................................................................ 69 Figure 32 VST quarterly actual and with VAR fitted data ................................................................ 70 Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 6 List of Tables Table 1 Classification of quantitative non-experimental research........................................................21 Table 2 Endogenous variables and their sources ..................................................................................22 Table 3 Exogenous variables and their sources ....................................................................................23 Table 4 Information about the companies, to which models are applied .............................................24 Table 5 Results of ADF test for annual macroeconomic variables ......................................................30 Table 6 Results of ADF test for quarterly macroeconomic variables ...................................................31 Table 7 Statistically significant correlations between annual TEO accounting variables ....................32 Table 8 Statistically significant correlations between annual RSU accounting and macroeconomic variables......................................................................................................................32 Table 9 Statistically significant correlations between quarterly TEO accounting variables ................33 Table 10 Statistically significant correlations between quarterly RSU accounting and macroeconomic variables......................................................................................................................33 Table 11 Statistically significant correlations between quarterly SNG accounting variables ..............34 Table 12 Statistically significant correlations between quarterly VST accounting and macroeconomic variables......................................................................................................................34 Table 13 Summary of TEO annual SEM estimation results .................................................................36 Table 14 Summary of RSU annual SEM estimation results .................................................................36 Table 15 Summary of TEO quarterly SEM estimation results .............................................................37 Table 16 Summary of RSU quarterly SEM estimation results .............................................................38 Table 17 Summary of SNG quarterly SEM estimation results .............................................................38 Table 18 Summary of VST quarterly SEM estimation results .............................................................39 Table 19 Deviation of TEO annual SEM forecasted values from the actual ones ...............................42 Table 20 Deviation of RSU annual SEM forecasted values from the actual ones ...............................42 Table 21 Deviation of TEO quarterly VAR forecasted values from the actual ones ...........................42 Table 22 Results of ADF test for annual accounting variables ............................................................59 Table 23 Results of ADF test for quarterly accounting variables.........................................................60 Table 24 Cross-correlation matrix between annual TEO accounting and macroeconomic variables ................................................................................................................................................61 Table 25 Cross-correlation matrix between annual RSU accounting and macroeconomic variables ................................................................................................................................................61 Table 26 Cross-correlation matrix between quarterly TEO accounting and macroeconomic variables ................................................................................................................................................62 Table 27 Cross-correlation matrix between quarterly RSU accounting and macroeconomic variables ................................................................................................................................................62 Table 28 Cross-correlation matrix between quarterly SNG accounting and macroeconomic variables ................................................................................................................................................63 Table 29 Cross-correlation matrix between quarterly VST accounting and macroeconomic variables ................................................................................................................................................63 Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 7 Table 30 Two-tailed probability levels for the significance of correlation coefficients .......................64 Table 31 Results of Granger causality test of quarterly TEO accounting and macroeconomic variables ................................................................................................................................................65 Table 32 Results of Granger causality test of quarterly RSU accounting and macroeconomic variables ................................................................................................................................................65 Table 33 Results of Granger causality test of quarterly SNG accounting and macroeconomic variables ................................................................................................................................................66 Table 34 Results of Granger causality test of quarterly VST accounting and macroeconomic variables ................................................................................................................................................66 Table 35 Deviation of TEO quarterly SEM forecasted values from the actual ones............................71 Table 36 Deviation of RSU quarterly SEM forecasted values from the actual ones............................71 Table 37 Deviation of SNG quarterly SEM forecasted values from the actual ones ...........................71 Table 38 Deviation of VST quarterly SEM forecasted values from the actual ones ............................71 Table 39 Deviation of RSU quarterly VAR forecasted values from the actual ones ...........................72 Table 40 Deviation of SNG quarterly VAR forecasted values from the actual ones ...........................72 Table 41 Deviation of VST quarterly VAR forecasted values from the actual ones............................72 Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF List of Abbreviations 2SLS Two-stage least squares AB Joint Stock Company, (lt. akcinė bendrovė) ADF Augmented Dickey-Fuller test AIC Akaike criterion CF, DCF, FCF Cash flow, discounted cash flow, free cash flow COGS Costs of goods sold DW Durbin-Watson statistic EBIT Earnings before interest and taxes FDI Foreign direct investment GDP Gross domestic product IRF Impulse Response Function IV Instrumental variables L-T Long term LTL, ths. LTL Lithuanian litas, thousand Lithuanian litas M&A Mergers and acquisitions OLS Ordinary least squares R&D Research and development RSU Rokiškio sūris AB SEM Simultaneous-equations model SA Seasonal adjustment SC Schwarz criterion SNG Snaigė AB TEO TEO LT AB VAR Vector autoregression VST VST AB 8 Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 9 1. Introduction Financial modelling of corporate activity is an essential part of financial analysis, budgeting and company valuation. A model, consisting of selected items from financial statements is usually constructed and used for forecasts without any specific techniques – simply predicting potential growth of a company‟s income according to historical trends (adjusted by overall economic situation or intentions of management) and calculating other items, such as profit or working capital, using historical or desired ratios. Choosing assumptions for modelling and forecasting includes a high amount of subjectivity, caused by human factor. It could be reduced using econometric techniques. It is common knowledge that corporate activity is highly influenced by macroeconomic environment and econometric methods can be useful to incorporate both endogenous financial statement (also called accounting) variables (for example, sales, expenditures, investments, liabilities and so forth) and exogenous macroeconomic (for example, gross domestic product (hereinafter – GDP) growth, inflation, interest rates and so forth) ones. Probably the first research, concerned with econometric modelling of a company‟s financial statements was done by Saltzman in 1967. According to him, “econometric models have been constructed for a wide variety of macro - economic systems” (p. 332), but there were almost no applications for corporate activity. Since the time the study was prepared, only a handful of additional research were performed (Elliott, 1973; Beedles, 1977; De Medeiros, 2005; Doornik, De Medeiros and De Oliveira, 2009). Conclusions of all of the reports stated that econometric methods are applicable for corporate cases. For example Saltzman (1967) said “that the results of such empirical studies would help to cast additional light on the validity of some of the current theories of the firm” (p. 333), while Elliott (1973) added that such type of studies “can provide (…) a potentially useful means for predicting [a company‟s] performance” (p. 1524). These studies were done using US, German and Brazilian companies‟ data, thus it would be worth doing similar type of research with companies from Lithuania. As it was mentioned before, one of the purposes of financial modelling is company valuation (not only for companies listed on exchanges, but also for those involved in mergers and acquisitions (hereinafter - M&A) process), which can be performed using discounted cash flow (hereinafter DCF) method. Due to this reason items necessary for calculating free cash flow (hereinafter - FCF) are modeled in the empirical part of the Thesis. These are: operating profit, current assets and liabilities, long - term (hereinafter – L - T) assets and liabilities. The Proble m to solve in this research is how to model and forecast items necessary to calculate a company‟s FCF using econometric methods. From the problem definition the main aim to verify major hypothesis, whether financial statement items can be modelled using econometric techniques appears. In order to get the most valid models for selected Lithuanian companies (in aspects of the best fitting to data and forecasting accuracy) two types of econometric methods are used. The methods are: structural simultaneous - equations models (hereinafter - SEM) estimating those using instrumental variables 1 (hereinafter – IV) and vector autoregression (hereinafter – VAR) model. After this, conclusions, which of the models are the most suitable (if suitable at all), are provided. In the Thesis secondary quantitative data are used. It includes official statistics, such as macroeconomic indicators, taken from internet pages of various state institutions, and data from 1 The most popular of IV are two -step least squares (hereinafter - 2SLS) and three-step least squares (hereinafter 3SLS) techniques. Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 10 companies‟ financial statements, which are collected from the internet page of exchange operator NASDAQ OMX Vilnius and internet pages of the selected companies. The companies that provided financial statements for the longest period of time (approximately for 10 years) – TEO, Rokiškio sūris, Snaigė and VST – are selected. The quantitative data analysis is performed with statistical / econometric software package EViews and some simple calculations are done with Microsoft Excel spreadsheet application. The Thesis is structured in the following manner. In Part 2 review and analysis of literature on the relevant topics are provided. After discussing previous approaches on the topic, in Part 3, problem of the Thesis is defined. Part 4 presents the selected methodological framework, including techniques chosen and models specified. In Part 5 analytical research results are summarized and presented. Part 6 is devoted to synthesis of literature reviewed and findings of empirical research, as well as distinguishing limitations of the study and providing recommendations for further research; and Part 7 is committed to summarize the work done. Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 11 2. Review of Literature on Application of Econometrics in Corporate Finance An application of econometric methods in corporate finance sphere is not very popular due to lack of publicly available data and usually short time series. But there are some works devoted exactly to the econometric modelling of company‟s financial statements incorporating macroeconomic variables (Saltzman, 1967; Elliot, 1973; Beedles, 1977; De Medeiros, 2005; Doornik et al., 2009). These papers are presented in section 2.1., and further research of the Thesis is based on theoretical framework, constructed combining these works. Other literature from the relevant area is reviewed in section 2.2. 2.1. Econometric Modelling of Company’s Financial Statements Saltzman (1967) was probably the first, who used econometric techniques to model company‟s financial statements. He constructed a simultaneous equation model consisting “of ten relational equations and five definitional equations” (p. 332). Endogenous variables, such as sales, production prices, amount of output, inventories, various costs and expenses, investments were taken from the company‟s financial statements and other reports. The main exogenous variables, included into the model, were wage rates, raw materials prices and determinants of external demand. All the data used was quarterly, for nine years “allowing 35 observations for estimating purposes” (p. 339). The author chose to analyze a large US corporation‟s subsidiary, working in oligopolistic marke t of manufacturing and selling home laundry appliances. In order to get better interpretable results, theoretical specification of the model was divided into three parts: 1) Sales, prices, inventory and output; 2) Investment and expenses; 3) Cost and profit. Regarding the first group of endogenous variables, Saltzman (1967) described the company‟s sales as a demand function, depending on a rather large amount of factors: sales in a previous period; deflated sales and product engineering expenses; average price of products; interest rates; total potential market and income effects. Also in the equation dummy or so called “shift” variables, necessary to catch the effects of seasonality 2 , were included. The production price equation was defined using economic theory, which states that company‟s demand should be equal to its supply in order to maximize the profits. As data of other competitors were not available, in order to meet previously mentioned condition, one of the explanatory variables was the company‟s average production costs. Also supply and demand influence on price was tried to capture using “the production capabilities and inventory position of the firm” (p. 335). Besides these variables lagged price term was included. The company‟s output and inventory equations were defined in more simple way. The latter one was defined as function of inventory in previous period, the output and cost of sales, while the output was said to depend on output in previous period, production costs and inventory in previous period. The second group of endogenous variables, investment and expenses, according to Saltzman (1967), were even more difficult to define. The reason for problems defining expenses were that “management‟s decisions in the area of expenses is assumed to be the current and anticipated rates of demand for the firm‟s products in relation to the production capabilities and the inventory 2 It was said that Saltzman ‟s (1967) analyzed time series “did not initially seem to have any strong seasonal variation” (p. 334), thus seasonal adjustment was not performed, but dummy variables were included. Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 12 position” (p. 336) and a lot of these data were unavailable. The situation was tackled including in the expense equation difference between the company‟s costs and inventories in previous period, as well as lagged and current sales and operating profit. Administrative expenses were assumed to be influenced by these expenses in previous period and by sales. Problems with modelling investment appeared in this case, as analyzed company was a subsidiary. Due to this reason investment decisions depended not on its own, but on its parent company. Modelling total investment gave no satisfactory results, thus investments were divided in separate parts: capital expenditures, product engineering expenses and manufacturing engineering expenditures. An equation of capital expenditures was defined as a function of lagged capital expenditures, current sales, operating profit and dummy variable for periods, when there was no such type of investments. Other kind of investments were product engineering expenses, which were assumed to depend on such type of investments in previous period, current sales, operating profit, “the firm‟s percentage of the total industry sales” (p. 337) and the same dummy variable as in capital expenditures‟ case. The author assumed manufacturing engineering expenditures to be influenced by the lagged variable itself, sales and operating profit. The cost and profit subsystem consisted of the company‟s manufacturing cost equation, while total and average costs, as well as profit, were defined as identities. Manufacturing cost was assumed to be influenced by the same cost in previous period, the company‟s sales, average price of materials and average wage rate. Moreover, “the firm‟s efforts on behalf of cost reduction” (p. 338) were included into the equation in terms of production engineering, manufacturing, capital and administrative expenses divided by the firm‟s average wage rate. Identity of total costs included manufacturing cost, sales, product engineering, manufacturing engineering, administrative and miscellaneous expenses. The company‟s profit was defined as difference between sales and total costs and uncontrolled expenses. An extremely large amount of exogenous and lagged endogenous variables and time series consisting only of 35 observations caused model overidentification problem. The equations were estimated using ordinary least squares (hereinafter - OLS) and 2SLS methods. The compared results showed that “for this particular sample there was not a great deal of difference in the results of these alternative estimating procedures” (p. 332). After the estimation some variables, which signs differed from theoretical assumptions, were dropped from the equations and the model reestimated. Although nearly all coefficients were statistically significant and R - squared measures were relatively good (in all cases more than 0.7), multicollinearity could be the reason of these satisfactory measures. This problem was tried to solve by replacing some variables by others, but the results after this procedure were not commented. Another research on the topic was performed by Elliott in 1973. The main hypothesis the author tried to verify was “that many aspects of corporate financial performance are jointly determined and thus can only be reliably explained in the context of multiple - equation simultaneous model” (p. 1499). Elliott (1973) distinguished such joint relationships: sales - cash flows (hereinafter - CF), CF - “strategic sales - generating expenditures” and sales – “strategic expenditures”. He also stated that these, as well as other relationships between accounting variables were influenced by various multipliers and some other macroeconomic variables. The author defined 11 relation equations and 10 definition identities. Using the equations such endogenous variables were modeled: real sales, production cost per dollar of real sales, marketing, research and development (hereinafter - R&D) and capital expenditures (separately), fixed financial charges (mainly interest payments), depreciation, general, administrative and other expenses (as one variable), after - tax profit, inventory investment and new debt. As explanatory variables other accounting or lagged endogenous as well as macroeconomic variables were used. The latter were various combinations of money supply, high - employment government expenditures and yield on corporate securities, relative price movements, and shifts of industry demand. The other accounting Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 13 variables were: firm dividend allocation, new capital, raised issuing common or preferred shares, stock of marketing, R&D, plant and equipment assets, CF, ratio of costs of production unit to price, long - term debt. Also into some equations time index was an input. The author introduced the idea that viewing marketing, R&D and capital expenditures as investment was possible to use a “flexible accelerator mechanism3 ” (p. 1504) for further analysis. Using this technique stocks of previously mentioned expenditures were changed to other variables, defined using respective expenditure in previous period and desired level of it. To define desired level functions CF was used. There the author defined CF unconventionally. According to its approach, CF can be calculated summing up “discretionary internal funds” (p. 1505), new debt and new funds, raised issuing common or preferred shares. Some variables, for example, money supply and high - employment government expenditures, were transformed using Almon - weight 4 technique with polynomial constraints, while moving averages of other variables were used. Specified theoretical model was estimated using data of nine US corporations for 20 years (19481968). The companies were chosen from very different types of industries, such as drug producing, air transport, distilled beverages, building materials and heating, in order “to broaden the significance of observed trends and patterns and to provide a rigorous test of the general applicability of the model developed” (p. 1500). In order to escape the overidentification problem, which appeared due to “simultaneous system having a large number of exogenous and lagged endogenous variables relative to the number of observations” (p. 1511), instead of 2SLS method Structurally Ordered IV was used. Multicollinearity was eliminated constructing and including into equations first and second stage variables as well as excluding some variables, which signs differed from economic logic. Previously mentioned time index was included into some equations in anticipation of reducing autocorrelation problems. Moreover, dummy variables, meaning mergers of the firms, was included in two cases. A lot of exogenous variables were found insignificant explaining modeled accounting variables, but the equations were not reestimated excluding these variables. Goodness-of- fit criteria had also shown not very good results in every equation, but surprisingly the author concluded “the model fits the data of the individual firms quite well” (p. 1517). This conclusion was explained by rather high R - squared (higher than 0.5) measure. The author tested the model using it for forecasts and comparing them with so called naïve5 predictions. In nearly all cases both SEM (despite its overidentification) and IV model performed better than naïve scenarios. Beedles’ (1977) research is quite similar to the ones performed by Saltzman (1967) and Elliot (1973). But Beedles (1977) himself stated the main difference from his predecessors that his work was devoted “for the study of firms with more than one 6 objective” (p. 1217). The author‟s selected “goals” were sales, profit and stock price and they were modeled as endogenous variables. Besides 3 The most popular usage of flexible accelerator model is concerned with investment, when net investment is defined as difference between the desired level of capital goods and the existing level of capital goods, which are left fro m previous period, mu ltip lied by a coefficient, representing how quickly the desired level will be reached. 4 Special technique introduced by Almon (1965) to estimate lags using polynomials. 5 The first naïve approach predicted no change in value of respective variable, while the second assumed “the change to be the same magnitude as the previous period change” (p. 1519). 6 The author stated that usually researchers in the field of financial management or corporate fina nce set a single goal – to maximize the market price of its common stock. Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 14 these goals so called “policy variables” – investment, financing and dividend decisions – were selected. Investment decisions were split into smaller ones: working capital (as current ratio) and fixed asset (as level of fixed assets) investment decisions. Financing variable was measured as debt to equity ratio. Three more exogenous macroeconomic variables chosen were the Index of Industrial Production, interest rate (measured as yield on Baa corporate bonds) and t he level of the stock market (measured as S&P 500 index). Specifying the model “endogenous goals [were] regressed on lagged goals, current and lagged policies, and current values of macro-variables” (p. 1223). Three specified equations were estimated with OLS and 2SLS methods (the latter was more appropriate as the system was overidentified ) using time series of three US companies for 45 years (the year 1929 - 1973). One more considerable difference comparing to the other research is that the author used relative variables, explaining that “percentage changes are not scale sensitive” (p. 1226). Moreover, according to the author, the usage of variables in relative terms is more acceptable for managers, who want to see percentage changes and set goals in percentage terms rather in absolute ones. To evaluate quality of the models, estimated by OLS and 2SLS techniques, five criteria were used: Theil‟s U statistic measure, the covariance proportion of the mean square estimation error (MSE), the model‟s ability to predict “turning points in actual data” (p. 1227) and not to predict when there are no such ones, and “an ex - post outside of sample simulation7 has been conducted” (p. 1227) and compared with naïve forecasts 8 . According to these criteria, OLS and 2SLS models reflected data better than naïve model, but the latter model performed better in out-of-sample forecasts. Comparing OLS and 2SLS “simulations”, 2SLS gave more accurate results, thus was more appropriate in analyzed that specific corporate finance cases. After almost 30 years from the last research, done in the analyzed field, De Medeiros (2005) constructed and tested “an econometric model of a firm‟s financial statements” also using SEM in order to connect market (micro and macroeconomic) variable s with accounting ones. De Medeiros (2005), similarly as Saltzman (1967), has chosen one firm to apply the model, but differently from Saltzman, the firm chosen was a Brazilian monopolist producer of petrol products. The author raised the purposes to explain “the relationships between economic and accounting variables” (p. 2) and “to test empirically the causal relationships between variables inside the financial statements” (p. 2) and in order to reach the goal divided the model into three parts. In the first one petroleum market, in the second – income statement, in the third – balance sheet was modeled. From the financial statements such variables were taken: gross revenues, total costs, net earnings, current assets and liabilities, long - term receivables and debt, fixed assets and equity. As market variables, demand, supply, price of oil, GDP and exchange rate were used. In the model the author constructed seven linear equations and nine identities. As was previously mentioned, “the model was applied to (…) a near monopolist firm in the Brazilian domestic market for petroleum products using its annual data from 1991 to 2001 ” (p. 6). For the estimation of the equations 2SLS method was chosen. Before the system estimation all series were tested with Augmented Dickey - Fuller (hereinafter ADF) test for unit root, but the results were not commented. No special goodness - of - fit tests was performed. Such simple characteristics, as R - squared and t - statistics showed the exogenous variables explaining endogenous rather well (nearly all coefficients were found significant, signs – as expected according to economic and accounting logic, R-squared - “satisfactory”), thus the model was used to forecast respective financial statement items for 2002 - 2004. But the forecasted 7 The author entitles forecasts as “simulat ions”. 8 The author used such naïve approaches:”no-change and no-change-in-the-change” (p. 1227). Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 15 numbers were not compared to the actual ones, thus it is difficult to decide, if the model‟s forecasting performance was good. New approach to econometric modelling of company‟s activity was presented by Doornik et al. (2009). They offered to use VAR – VECM (vector error correction model) model instead of common SEM. The main motivation of such choice was that VAR – VECM‟s “forecasts are considered superior to simultaneous equation models” (p. 2). The researchers, one of which – De Medeiros - wrote previously discussed paper, selected to model the same Brazilian company in order to explain the interrelationship between accounting variables and their relationship with economic variables. From quarterly financial statements (1990 - 2006) such variables were chosen: current assets, fixed assets, current and long - term liabilities, equity, net revenue and net income. The accounting variables were adjusted by inflation. As exogenous economic variables were selected country‟s interest rate, country risk, exchange rate, price of petroleum, Brazilian Wholesale Price Index (WPI) and US Producer Price Index (PPI). Before starting modelling specific data analysis, necessary “to support an appropriate model specification” (p. 5) was performed. Firstly ADF test, in order to identify, whether unit roots in the variables exist, was carried out. The series, where unit root appeared, were differenced and then first difference of them was included into the equations. After ADF test cross - correlation matrix was calculated and Granger causality analysis performed. This analysis showed which variables were related or influenced each other. Later on carried out cointegration analysis “offered” constructing VECM instead of VAR model. The best 9 estimated VECM model had four lags, thus there were difficulties interpreting the coefficients. This problem was solved applying impulse response function (hereinafter - IRF) “to verify how the dependent variables respond to a shock applied to one or more system equations” (p. 14) and variance decomposition, “which decomposes the forecasted variance error for each variable in components which may be attributed to each of the endogenous variables” (pp. 14 - 15). Two types of forecasts were performed with selected VECM model. The first type – ex - post forecasts – was performed for the year 2002 - 2006 “with the objective of validating the predictive capacity of the model, comparing annual predictions with real data” (p. 15). The second type – ex ante forecasts – was carried out for the year 2007 - 2010. Ex - post forecast showed relatively good results for one year period (the largest deviation from real value was 1.37%), while for longer term periods the precision decreased. Ex - ante forecasts required to do predictions for macroeconomic variables and perform stochastic simulation. But accuracy of the forecasts could not be measured due to absence of actual data for the forecasted period. Saltzman (1967) undoubtedly did a great job pioneering econometric modelling of financial statements and gave a lot of ideas for further researchers in this field. On the other hand, his work showed very clearly, what should be done differently. For example, Saltzman‟s (1967) chosen exogenous variables, such as demand or supply, were rather difficult to measure, thus limited the model and made it imprecise. Lack of data and unsolved problems with multicollinearity, overidentification as well as inconsistent estimators, got using OLS, also made results not very reliable. Due to these reasons the model was not applicable for forecasts, although the author did not try to use it for this purpose. Also it is unclear, whether exactly such way specified model would be applicable and explanatory to other firms, but some ideas of selecting variables can be taken. Elliott (1973), who also attempted to model corporate performance with econometric techniques, took an advantage over Saltzman (1967) introducing different techniques of incorporating variables (for example, Almon - weights, accelerator mechanism, moving averages) with rather reasonable 9 It was selected according to R2 measure, Akaike and Schwarz criteria and likelihood test. Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 16 economic logic. On the other hand, the economic and accounting logic of selecting variables and specifying equations was not confirmed, when a large amount of estimated coefficients revealed to be insignificant. Insignificance of coefficients does not allow using the models for other research credibly, but not bad forecasting performance suggests taking into consideration some new concepts. Beedles (1977) gave some critique on Saltzman (1967) and Elliott (1973), but did not provide any special improvement except of trial to use variables in relative instead of absolute terms. The author clearly justified selection of endogenous variables (as firm‟s goals), but he admitted appearance of difficulties with finding correct model specification and that “hundreds of other [macroeconomic] variables could be used to explain the selected objectives” (p. 1223). Moreover, possible multicollinearity was not tested and not adequate for overidentified SEM models OLS estimation method was used. The main limitation of last two in previous section presented research (De Medeiros, 2005; Doornik et al., 2009) is that the models were applied to only one monopolistic company. Especially it is important in the model presented by De Medeiros (2005), where such exogenous variables, as supply and demand, where used. These variables would be hard to evaluate for non- monopolist companies. Moreover, De Medeiros (2005) used too few measures to verify “goodness” of the model: no goodness - of - fit tests was performed and although the model was used for forecasts, forecasting performance was not evaluated. Doornik et al. (2009) used the experience of their predecessors quite well and did not repeat most of their mistakes, especially testing the quality of variables before including them into the models. Moreover, the authors‟ presented new VAR - VECM approach allows not specifying every single equation a priori. Final selection of variables can be done after constructing cross - correlation matrix and performing Granger causality test. Due to this reason model specification becomes easier. On the other hand these methods do not allow explaining every coefficient, but provide a possibility to evaluate “the response of a variable with respect to a shock in another variable” (p. 5). Simplicity of specification and rather good model‟s forecasting performance suggests using the method for further research, including this Thesis. 2.2. Econometric Modelling of Corporate Finance Data and its Factors The literature, reviewed in this section, involves papers, which analyses problems different from the Thesis‟, but presents somehow useful ideas. Some of the papers analyzed another type of data, such as cross - sectional (Mueller, 1967) and panel (Flannery and Hankins, 2007). Flannery and Hankins (2007) as well as Christodoulou and McLeay (2009) presented more complex econometrics for analysis of corporate finance data. They distinguished the main problems, concerned with the specifics of accounting data, and shown how the problems should be tackled. Bezuidenhout, Hamman and Mlambo (2008) investigated causality only between accounting variables, but provided exact rules, what should be done before modelling. Another part of the papers is helpful choosing macroeconomic variables (Friedrichs, Salman, and Shukur, 2009; Liu and Pang, 2005; Mumford, 1996; Oxelheim, 2002). Published simultaneously with Saltzman‟s (1967) Mueller’s (1967) study emphasized the complexity of a firm‟s behavior and importance of “a complete understanding of decision process” (p. 1) and interdependence between various decisions, such as various types of investment, “not only in order to avoid undesirable side effects (…), but also to certain” (p. 1) the reach of determined goals. For this aim, equations, explaining one type of investment using others as Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 17 exogenous variables, were constructed and estimated with OLS and k-class estimators 10 using cross - sectional data of 67 firms. Unfortunately using such type of data results are obtained for overall sample, but not for individual firms, thus practically managers do not get much benefit in order to improve their decisions. Bezuidenhout et al. (2008) devoted their work to investigating causality between cash flow and earnings variables. They emphasized that it is very important to test stationarity, co-integration and causality between variables “before any attempt (…) to regress one variable on another” (pp. 1 - 2). The authors used four earnings measures in the research: earnings before interest and tax (hereinafter - EBIT), profit before tax, profit after tax and net earnings. Also three cash flow measures were used: cash generated from operations after adjustment for non-cash items, cash generated from operations adjusted for investment income received and working capital, and cash flow from operating activities after adjustments for interest and tax paid. The analysis was done with data of 70 companies from 16 sectors, thus credibility of the results was high. All the previously mentioned tests were performed in series. Firstly, stationarity was determined from the graphs, autocorrelation functions and correlograms as well as unit root tests 11 (ADF) of the time series. Secondly, the Johansen test for co- integration of the series, which were found to be nonstationary and integrated in the same order, was used. Thirdly, causality between variables, which were stationary, with Granger test was tried to determine, “that is whether earnings drive cash flows, or vice versa” (p. 35). Although the authors did not construct any models, they provided really useful guidelines, how to prepare for modelling in order to get credible and useful models. The paper of Flannery and Hankins (2007) was concentrated on evaluating various econometric techniques, the most appropriate “for dynamic corporate finance panel data” (p. 2) despite the problems of usually small number of observations and existence of large amount of companies characteristics 12 , which can not be observed in the available data. The authors distinguished such methods, as IV 13 , generalized method of moments (GMM), long difference (LD) technique and corrected least squares dummy variable (LSDVC) method. The researchers paid attention that usually short corporate finance panel data are biased, thus even these previously mentioned “well accepted econometric techniques” (p. 9) can give unreliable results, thus needs special approach. In order to decide, which method is the best in specific case, Monte Carlo simulation was offered to use and its usage described. Also the authors admitted that assumptions done simulating data “may not mimic real world data” (p. 12), thus in order to compare the estimated results with real data bootstrapping method was used. Although panel data analysis is not appropriate in the case of this Thesis, the similar problems, as described there, appears in time series data, as well, thus even using well known and found to be adequate techniques special attention is essential. Christodoulou and McLeay (2009) brought back the fact, that “accounting variables are contemporaneously codetermined through the resolution of multiple accounting identities 14 ” (p. 1), thus modelling these variables as single equations with OLS method, would give unreliable results. 10 A type of instrumental variables, k - class estimator, is an estimation alternative for OLS and uses specified value k, which is between zero and one (SAS/ ETS User's Guide , 1999). 11 Unit root tests are treated to be more powerful and more efficient tools comparing to graphs, autocorrelation functions and correlograms, but latter also gives some valuable informat ion. 12 As it was stated in the research, “information on managerial risk aversion, revealed preferences, governance structure, cash flow characteristics, and other relevant information may be difficult to measure” (p. 2). 13 But, accord ing to the authors, for such type of data it is difficu lt to find appropriate instruments . 14 In such case so called endogeneity problem, when variable correlates with regression‟s error tem, appears. Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 18 Instead of this the authors proposed using already well known SEM for accounting variables. According to them, such type of models are suitable, when there are deterministic identities (and include them “as parameter constraint to ensure that estimates are recovered with more precision to their theoretical values” (p. 3)) coming from double - entry keeping of data in financial statements. It was emphasized, that endogenous, lagged endogenous and exogenous variables can be involved in such models in order to increase precision of them. Besides 2SLS method to estimate three constructed equations 15 , 3SLS technique, combining 2SLS and seemingly unrelated regression, was used. The 3SLS method was said to produce better asymptotically efficient results. Selection of macroeconomic variables to include into models was shortly described in all the papers discussed before, but it is worth mentioning, what other authors, which analyzed overall activity of companies, distinguished. Friedrichs et al. (2009), who analyzed failures of Swedish companies focused on such macroeconomic measure, as the degree of industrial activity, real wage, the pace of establishing of new companies, the money supply growth rate, openness of the economy and aggregate economic level (measured as gross national product),. Liu and Pang (2005) found “that macroeconomic variables, i.e. credit, profits, inflation and company births, appear to be important factors influencing business failures [in UK]” (p. 1) as well as “monetary policy shocks, compounded by credit policies and a system of market conditions in different economic regimes” (p. 18). Also there was a trial to determine a relationship between a company‟s financial results and such phenomenon as strikes (M umford, 1996). Oxelheim (2002) in his working paper emphasized the importance of “macroeconomic fluctuations” on development of companies and gave some ideas on the choice of selecting macroeconomic variables possible to include into models. The categories of indicators he pointed out were exchange, interest and inflation rates 16 as well as political risk premiums. He noticed that especially it is important to pay attention to the indicators in periods, when their volatility is high. According to him, exchange rates became extremely volatile and thus influential after collapse of Bretton Woods system in 1971 and since now (except cases when countries have pegged currency) it is necessary to take them into consideration computing value of companies‟ foreign assets and liabilities. The group of interest rate indicators usually was analyzed simultaneously with exchange rate, as it is mainly “concerned with debt, and its main focus is on translation of foreign debt” (p. 6). The impact of inflation was stated to be concerned with inflationary differences between domestic country and the one, where a company invests. The last mentioned as important factor, political risk premium, was not analyzed in more details and there is an uncertainty, how it should be measured. It is obvious that exact factors should be selected individually. For example, analyzing the activity of Swedish car producer Volvo the author included real effective exchange rate of Sweden, German producer price level (as the main competitors of the company are located in Germany) and short term interest rates in Sweden, as well as interest rates of world basket. Also the author stated, “The set of relevant variables may shift over time and the company should therefore follow up the process of identification continuously” (p. 13). 15 16 Total accruals, sales and net capital expenditure were modeled. These variables were selected and derived using “international equilibriu m relat ionships” (Oxelheim, 2 002, p. 10) such as purchasing power parity and Fisher effect. Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 19 3. Research Problem Definition After reviewing the relevant literature, it becomes clear that the research problem, how to model and forecast items necessary to calculate a company‟s FCF using econometric methods, raised in the Introduction Part, was not fully solved in existing research. As well as question, what econometric methods and variables should be chosen to model and forecast FCF items was not answered yet. Moreover, to the best of the author‟s knowledge, none of the researchers analyzed European and especially Lithuanian companies, which like companies all over the world, could use the econometric methods for their financial analysis. In order to answer the question, verifying the following hypotheses should help: 1. There are statistically significant correlations between accounting variables themselves and macroeconomic variables; 2. There are “causal relationships between variables “ from financial statements ( De Medeiros, 2005) and macroeconomic variables; 3. FCF components can be explained by other accounting and / or macroeconomic variables using econometric models; 4. Econometric models are useful for short - term (one year ahead) forecasting of financial statement items according to terms of forecast error. Together with verification of the hypotheses such objectives are pursued: 1. To choose several Lithuanian companies providing sufficient amount of data; 2. To select variables (both accounting and macroeconomic), which influences the items necessary to calculate FCF; 3. To specify theoretically reasonable SEM and VAR models to explain FCF components; 4. To perform econometric analysis (including seasonality, stationarity, correlation and Granger causality analysis) of accounting and macroeconomic variables; 5. To estimate SEM and VAR models with selected quarterly and annual accounting and macroeconomic data; 6. To test validity of the model in terms of goodness-of-fit criteria and forecasting performance. All except one (Doornik et al. (2009)) research analyzed, used SEM to model company‟s financial statements. Using this method the major possible problem to encounter in the research can be insufficient amount of data available, as only companies listed on exchanges provide their financial statements publicly and for rather short period of time. Such problem occurred in nearly all previously done research. Elliott (1973) admitted that his “model is overidentified simultaneous system having a large number of exogenous and lagged endogenous variables relative to number of observations” (p. 1511) and to tackle the problem instead of estimating the model using OLS technique “the structurally ordered instrumental variables approach” (p. 1512), that is 2SLS, was used. Doornik et al. (2009) presented alternative way for modelling corporate activity: VAR model, followed by VECM, mainly reasoning that such way estimated models forecast better than SEM. On the other hand, the better performance was not demonstrated, thus the question remains, maybe in some specific cases SEM would perform better. Taking into the consideration all the reviewed literature, there appear several aspects, which should be mentioned. Firstly, it is very important to test the quality (multicollinearity, stationarity and so forth) of variables before including them into the models. Secondly, it is widely agreed, that company‟s activity is influenced by such phenomenon as political risk or production demand, but it Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 20 is essential to select macroeconomic factors, which are credibly measurable and their time series are of an appropriate length. In other way taking doubtfully measured or artificially created variables might lead to misspecified models or unexplainable results. The last analyzed papers applied the models specified to only one monopolistic company, thus it is unclear if such type of models would “work” for companies from other sectors or even countries. Due to this reason it is useful to apply the same model to several companies as well as different types of models to the same company. Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 21 4. Methodological Approach on Econometric Corporate Finance Data Analysis and Modelling In this part of the Thesis research design, data their analysis and modelling methods are described. The overview of methodology includes discussing the empirical research aims, selection of research type, as well as procedures to be used in order to verify the main hypothesis, raised in the Introduction part. These procedures mainly involve selection of data, choosing the variables and performing the econometric analysis on them, as well as specification and further usage of models. 4.1. Empirical Research Aim and Research Design Empirical research aim and objectives are means to solve the research problem and answer the research questions, while verifying the raised hypotheses. Thus creating satisfactory econometric models for FCF components can be treated as the empirical research aim. This aim gives an idea, how a research design, which “provides a framework for the collection and analysis of data” (Bryman, 2008, p. 31) should be created. In order to pursue the aim only numeric secondary data, which can not be manipulated, is used. Therefore quantitative nonexperimental research design is appropriate. This type of design can be split into smaller categories. Quantitative non-experimental research can be classified according two dimensions: purpose and time (Lapan, Quartaroli, 2009). As presented in Table 1, there are nine possible types of research. In the Thesis historical data is used, what means retrospective approach. Using the data and constructed models it is attempted to explain some variables with other ones and provide forecasts, as well. This indicates both explanatory and predictive point of view. Thus in this case Type 4, Predictive - Retrospective, and Type 7, Explanatory - Retrospective, non-experimental research designs are suitable. Table 1 Classification of quantitative non-experimental research Descriptive Predictive Explanatory Retrospective Type 1 Type 4 Type 7 Cross - Sectional Type 2 Type 5 Type 8 Prospective Type 3 Type 6 Type 9 Source: Lapan, Quartaroli, 2009, p. 69 Within the framework steps for solving a research problem can be defined. The steps are derived according to the Thesis objectives, defined in Research Problem Definition Part, and instructions of Christensen and Johnson (2007) on non experimental quantitative research. As the research problem and the hypotheses to be tested are already determined, the first thing to be done is selection of accounting and macroeconomic variables. Secondly, data of several Lithuanian companies and macroeconomic indicators are collected. Thirdly, model specification is performed. Going further the data analysis that includes “statistical control techniques” (Christensen, Johnson, 2007) and estimation of the specified models is implemented. After this the best models are selected and forecasts provided. The last, but not the least thing is interpretation of the results. Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 22 4.2. Variables and Data, Used to Model FCF Components In the Thesis are modeled accounting variables, necessary to calculate a company‟s FCF. According to conventional corporate finance literature, “free cash flow is the amount of cash that the firm can pay out to investors after making all investments necessary for growth” (Allen, Brealey, Myers, 2006, p. 508) and can be calculated according to the general formula: FCF = Operating CF – Investment CF (1) In order to use data for modelling, it must be easily collected from available sources, what in this case are financial statements of companies‟. Due to this reason the components of the formula (1) must be decomposed into smaller ones. The first component in the formula, Operating CF, can be calculated from company‟s operating profit subtracting taxes 17 and adding depreciation and amortization18 . The second component, Investment CF, involves investment to working capital and investment to L-T assets. Such types of investments still are not proper items to be taken from financial statements. In order to get investment to working capital, change of it (working capital this year minus working capital last year) is taken. Using common definition of working capital, that is difference between current assets and liabilities, the latter are taken from company‟s balance sheet and modeled. Investment to L- T assets usually is calculated as change in L-T assets (the item this year minus last year value). Therefore with the purpose to calculate company‟s FCF, operating profit, current assets and liabilities and L-T assets and liabilities are necessary and are taken as endogenous variables, presented in Table 2. Table 2 Endogenous variables and their sources Abbreviation of variable OP CA CL LTA LTL Name of vari able Operating profit Current assets Current liab ilit ies Long - term assets Long - term liab ilit ies Source Income statements Balance sheets Balance sheets Balance sheets Balance sheets More complicated task is selecting exogenous 19 variables, which mostly influence endogenous ones. They can be divided into two groups: accounting variables and macroeconomic variables. The choice of the variables is based on analysis of all articles discussed in Review on Literature part. From accounting variables in the majority of articles revenues and various types of expenditures were taken as exogenous. Sales are considered to influence nearly all measures of corporate activity. In this case the direct impact of sales should be felt on profit, as well as both types of liabilities and assets. From various types of expenditures (for example, general and administrative, operating, costs of goods sold (hereinafter – COGS) and so forth), depending on company‟s 17 Taxes are not modeled, as amount of them are can be calculated multip lying Operating profit and corporate tax rate, which is usually fixed. 18 Depreciation and amort izat ion is not modeled, as some of the selected companies did not provide these measures for the entire period. What is more, depreciat ion and amort ization can be easily calculated, when there is known value of L T assets and depreciation rates, used by specific co mpany. 19 Although in VAR models all variables are called endogenous, in this and other sections until VAR description, the variables, wh ich are not modeled, but are used only as exp lanatory, are called exogenous. Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 23 activity, the major part of expenses usually constitutes COGS, thus they are taken as exogenous accounting variable, too. In some cases, if COGS are not available, total expenditures are taken. The logic on selecting the macroeconomic variables differs going through previous research. The selection procedure in this Thesis is done after critical analysis of the literature and using such criteria as availability of data and their relevance in the context of Lithuanian companies. All exogenous variables are listed in Table 3. Table 3 Exogenous variables and their sources Abbreviation of variable REV EXP: COGS / T_ EXP Name of vari able Accounti ng variables Source Revenues Expenses: Costs of goods sold / Total expenses Income statements Income statements Macroeconomic variables Interest rates20 IR DI / N_ EARN GDP_ G EX FDI INFL Disposable income 21 / Average net monthly earnings Growth of gross domestic product Expo rt (economic openness) Foreign direct investment stock Inflat ion The Bank of Lithuania, Depart ment of Statistics Depart ment of Statistics Depart ment of Statistics Depart ment of Statistics Depart ment of Statistics, Eurostat All the selected variables, according to the author‟s opinion might be useful due to the following reasons: The first macroeconomic variable, strongly influencing companies‟ financials – mainly liabilities - is interest rate. Companies very often finance their L-T investments, as well as working capital, with funds borrowed from banks and costs of these borrowings in Lithuania usually are based on interbank offered rates EURIBOR and VILIBOR. Due to this reason, these measures are used as interest rates. Personal income, measured as disposable income or net earnings, is also influential indicator, showing purchasing power of households. This is especially important for companies, which sell their production to the end - users and the production is not of the first necessity, such as refrigerators. Growth of the gross domestic product (hereinafter - GDP) is the basic measure of the overall economic situation in a country, thus affects results of individual companies, as well (Doornik et al., 2009). Amount of a country‟s export shows openness of its economy, thus it is important indicator for companies that sell substantial part of their production in foreign countries. This measure mainly can affect the level of company‟s inventories (what often constitutes a large part of current assets). Foreign direct investment (hereinafter - FDI) shows how much foreigners invest into L-T assets in a country, thus can be related with the level of companies‟ L-T assets and may be significant modelling this row of financial statements. 20 21 6-month VILIBOR and 6-month EURIBOR. There is no available quarterly data of disposable inco me, thus estimating quarterly models average net monthly earnings are used. Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 24 The last, but not the least macroeconomic indicator, which affects terms of money of both assets and liabilities is inflation, measured as consumer price index. All the data, necessary to construct previously mentioned variables, are secondary and publicly available. The source of accounting variables is the companies‟ financial statements, taken from internet page of exchange operator NASDAQ OMX Vilnius and internet pages of the selected companies. Specified models are applied to four Lithuanian companies, indicated in Table 4. Table 4 Information about the companies, to which models are applied Company name Abbreviation TEO LT AB TEO Rokiškio Sūris AB RSU Snaigė AB SNG VST AB VST Acti vi ty Description One of the largest telecommunication companies in Lithuania The largest and most advanced cheese manufacturer in Lithuania and the Balt ic States The only producer of household refrigerators in the Balt ic States Distributor and supplier of electric energy in the Western and Central Lithuania Data period / Number of observations Annual Quarterly 1995 - 2009 / 15 2002 I – 2009 IV / 32 1998 - 2009 / 12 2003 I – 2009 IV / 28 - 2003 I – 2009 IV / 28 - 2003 IV – 2009 IV / 25 The main reason for the choice of these specific companies is that they have provided financial statements for the longest period of time (Table 4). Furthermore, they are chosen to represent different industry sectors, specified in Table 4. Macroeconomic variables are taken from internet pages of state institutions (for example, Department of Statistics to the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, the Bank of Lithuania and so forth) and other reliable sources, such as Eurostat. Exact sources of each indicator are specified in Table 3. 4.3. Procedures of Econometric Analysis of Data The data, that is used, are time series according to their structure, thus before any kind of modelling some procedures must be done in order to get reliable results. The procedures include testing for seasonality, stationarity, multicollinearity, co- integration and causality between variables. Moreover, various types of tests help to determine specification of models (Doornik et al., 2009, p. 5). 4.3.1. Seasonality and Stationarity Analysis Very often economic data is non-stationary and / or has a seasonal component (Shumway, Stoffer, 2006, p. 18). These characteristics firstly can be observed plotting the data against time and autocorrelation or partial autocorrelation graphs. The problem of seasonality, usually observed in quarterly and monthly data, is not very serious and can be solved in the easiest way using seasonal adjustment procedure, incorporated in almost every econometric - statistical software (for example, EViews). More attention should be paid on testing, if the data is stationary, as non-stationary data is like “a particular episode [and] (…) it is not possible to generalize it” (Gujarati, 2004, p. 797) as well as Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 25 use for forecasts. Moreover, including such type of data into regression models can cause spurious regression22 (Gujarati, 2004, p. 797). General idea about the nature of time series, as well as existence of stationarity, can be gotten from previously mentioned graphs (Bezuidenhout et al. 2008; Gujarati, 2004), but the most reliable results can be achieved performing unit root tests. One of the most popular is Augmented Dickey Fuller (hereinafter - ADF) test, also performed in the works of Bezuidenhout (2008), De Medeiros (2005) and Doornik et al. (2009). ADF test also helps to determine, what type of non-stationarity (if any) a time series has: if it is difference stationary or trend stationary. The type of non-stationarity is important to know in order to apply appropriate transformation to make the series stationary (Bezuidenhout et al. 2008, Gujarati, 2004). If a time series is difference stationary, this means that “the first differences of such time series are stationary (…) therefore, the solution here is to take the first differences of the time series” (Gujarati, 2004, p. 820) and use them for further modelling. Trend stationarity implies using detrending procedure, when the series is regressed on time and the residuals left are suitable for further usage (Gujarati, 2004). 4.3.2. Correlation Analysis Correlation analysis is very useful before starting regression analysis. In case of the Thesis equations forming SEM has a form of multiple regression, thus correlation analysis is necessary. While existence of high correlation between exogenous and endogenous variables usually leads to better modelling results, high correlation between exogenous variables, or regressors, causes the problem, called multicollinearity. This phenomenon makes model estimation results imprecise; more coefficients can appear to be statistically insignificant, while at the same time coefficient of determination, R - squared, tends to be close to one (Gujarati, 2004, p. 350). According to Gujarati (2004, p. 359), “the meaningful distinction is not between the presence and the absence of multicollinearity, but between its various degrees”. This means, that it is not possible absolutely avoid multicollinearity, but it is necessary to decide, what level of it is still acceptable. The simplest way to avoid problems, concerned with multicollinearity, is constructing cross - correlation matrix and not including regressors with correlation coefficient higher than 0.8, (Gujarati, 2004, p. 359) into one equation. Cross - correlation matrix also can be useful deciding not only which variables should not be included into equations, but also which ones should surely be, as the “matrix indicates the intensity and direction of the linear relationship among the variables” (Doornik et al., 2009, p. 6). Decision on inclusion of variables into models is based on statistical significance of the correlation coefficients. The significance is calculated under the null hypothesis, that correlation coefficient is equal to zero, what means it “could arisen by chance” and would not “be found in the population from which the sample was taken” (Bryman, 2008, p. 335). 4.3.3. Granger Causality Analysis Previously mentioned cross - correlation matrix helps to determine strength of relationship between variables, but does not tell anything about causality or direction of influence (Bezuidenhout, 2008, Gujarati, 2004), thus it is difficult to decide, which variable is a cause and which one is a result. Situation, when one variable influences another or, in other words, is useful forecasting it, is called Granger causality. On the other hand, this is purely statistical information, but not logical causality, thus economic conclusions must be done carefully (Kvedaras, 2005). In order to identify this, 22 Transformation of non-stationary time series helps to avoid spurious regression, but “may lead to misspecification error” (Bezuidenhout, 2008, p. 29), if the variables are related in the long run, or co-integrated, and this relationship may be lost after d ifferencing (Bezuidenhout et al. 2008, Gu jarati, 2004). Although in the case of the Thesis most of the variables are non-stationary, co-integration is not tested, as the series are too short, and even existence of co -integration would not be useful for further modelling. Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 26 standard Granger causality test (Gujarati, 2004, pp. 696 - 698), with null hypothesis, that one variable does not Granger cause another, is used. The test is particularly useful deciding, which variables should be included into VAR models. 4.4. Model of FCF Components Specification Three possible ways of modelling time series data, SEM, VAR and VECM, were used by researchers, mentioned in previous parts, who attempted to use macroeconomic data for modelling and forecasting corporate performance. First two types of models 23 are applied in the Thesis, too. 4.4.1. SEM Theory and Model Specification To model company‟s financial statements most of the analyzed researchers (Saltzman, 1967; Elliott, 1973; Beedles, 1977; De Medeiros, 2005; Christodoulou and McLeay, 2009) chose simultaneous equation approach, as there was observed “two - way flow of influence among economic variables; that is, one economic variable affects another economic variable(s) and is, in turn, affected b y it (them)” (Gujarati, 2004, p. 715), thus valuation of single equation would be inappropriate. In multiple equations endogenous variables are mutually or jointly dependent and the system is said to be full, when number of equations or / and identities is equal to number of endogenous variables (Gujarati, 2004; Greene, 2003). It noteworthy, that “endogenous variable (that is, regressand) in one equation may appear as an explanatory variable (that is regressor) in another equation of the system“ (Gujarati, 2004, p. 729). Besides current endogenous and exogenous variables in SEM equations can be included lagged endogenous and exogenous variables. Both latter, as well as current exogenous variables, are called predetermined variables (Gujarati, 2004; Greene 2003). General form of structural SEM is: (2) where Y1i and Y2i (i = 1, …, n) are mutually dependent endogenous variables and X1i (i = 1,…, n) is an independent exogenous variable, u1i and u2i (i = 1, …, n) are the stochastic (random) disturbance (or error) terms (Gujarati, 2004; De Medeiros 2005). The errors are assumed to be “well behaved” (Greene, 2003, p. 379), what means independently distributed, having zero mean, constant variation (homoscedastic) and uncorrelated (Račkauskas, 2003). Before estimating the system “it is necessary to establish that the sample data actually contain sufficient information to provide estimates of the parameters” (Greene, 2003, p. 421) or, in other words, to solve an identification problem. The equation can be exactly identified, overidentified or unidentified. In the case of exact identification there can be obtained unique values of structural coefficients, while the system is said to be overidentified, when there is more than one estimator of the parameters (Gujarati, 2004). The simplest method to check, whether a system is identified, is the order condition, which states, that in order the equation in system of M (M – number of endogenous variables in the model) simultaneous equations to be identified, the number of predetermined variables excluded from the equation must not be smaller than the number of endogenous variables included in that equation minus one. Shortly it can be written this way: K –k ≥m –1 23 VECM models are not used, as available t ime series are too short and such type models would not be informative. (3) Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 27 Where m is number of endogenous variables in a given equation; K is number of predetermined variables in the model including the intercept; k is number of predetermined variables in a given equation (Greene, 2004). Although in some analyzed works (Saltzman, 1967; Beedles, 1977; Roucan-Kane, Ubilava and Xu, 2007) OLS method was used to estimate SEM, according to common econometric literature, “in this situation the classical OLS method may not be applied because the estimators thus obtained are not consistent 24 ” (Gujarati, 2004, p. 729). One from appropriate ways for the estimation is choosing instrumental variables. Probably the most popular IV approach is two - stage least squares method and from analyzed works it was used by Elliott (1973), Beedles (1977), De Medeiros (2005) and Christodoulou and McLeay (2009). The 2SLS method is especially suitable for overidentified equations and “the basic idea behind [it] is to replace the (stochastic) endogenous explanatory variable by a linear combination of the predetermined variables in the model and use this combination as the explanatory variable in lieu of the original endogenous variable” (Gujarati, 2004, p. 785). Initially there is specified the following model: 4) The final specification of the model is selected according to every specific company‟s data after analysis of data (according to significance of correlation coefficients and results of Granger causality test), model estimation and comparing some characteristics, showing “goodness” of the models. The characteristics include: Goodness - of - fit measures: adjusted R - squared, which similarly as simple R - squared shows, how well dependent variable is explained by independent ones, but it “pena lizes R2 for the addition of regressors which do not contribute to the explanatory power of the model“(EViews 5 User‟s Guide, 2004, p. 435); and Akaike (hereinafter - AIC) and Schwarz (hereinafter - SC) criteria, which are the smaller the, better, as they provides additional “penalty” for adding more regressors (Gujarati, 2004)); Significance of coefficients (jointly of all coefficients according to p - value of F - statistic 25 ); Autocorrelation of residuals according to Durbin - Watson statistic (hereinafter – DW), which should be approximately equal to 2 in order to state that residuals are serially uncorrelated; Normality of residuals according to Jarque - Bera test under the null hypothesis that series are normally distributed. 4.4.2. VAR Theory and Specification Vector autoregressive models are an alternative for SEM and were developed seeking to create “less demanding and more manageable” (Garratt, Pesaran, Shin, 1998, p. 6) methods for modelling. 24 In SEM models variables usually correlate with disturbance terms and this causes bias of estimated parameters (Gujarati, 2004; Greene, 2003) 25 On statistical significance of individual coefficients was not paid much attention and even some insignificant variables were left in equations due to their economic importance. Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 28 VAR, as well as SEM, is built from several equations, each describing single endogenous variable. The main differences from SEM there are that each endogenous variable is tried to explain mainly by its and other endogenous variables‟ 26 lagged values, and there is no need to define strictly every single equation looking for the system to be identified as well as to meet economic logic (Gujarati, 2004). Generally using matrix notations VAR model can be written as follows: 5) where Y is an n vector, containing each of the n endogenous variables included in the model; B0 is an n vector of intercept terms; Bi (i = 1, …, p) are matrices of endogenous coefficients; is matrix of exogenous coefficients; X an k vector, containing each of the k exogenous variables included in the model; and u is n vector of error terms (Enders, 2003, EViews 5 User‟s Guide, 2004). Estimation of the VAR model can be done applying the usual OLS technology for each single equation, as there is no problem of contemporaneous relationships between variables and residuals of the models are white noise, estimators are consistent (Kvedaras, 2005; Gujarati, 2004). The biggest problem with VAR modelling is choosing the reasonable number of variables and appropriate lag length. The choice is restricted with number of available observations, as when there are n variables and p lags in the model, it is necessary to have at least np + 1 observations in order to estimate the VAR equations (Kvedaras, 2005). The choice is done according to AIC criterion, which is the most appropriate for relatively small samples comparing to number of parameters (“rule of thumb: n / k < 40” (Hu, 2007, p. 12), where n is number of observations, k is number of estimated parameters). As samples of the selected endogenous variables are not big (from 25 to 32 quarterly observations), it is not possible to construct VAR using all exogenous variables listed in Table 3. The decision, which variables to include into the models is made according to the results of Granger causality test, described in Section 4.3.3. Validity of VAR models is determined according to the same information criteria AIC and properties of the residuals, which must be not autocorrelated in order the model to be proper for further usage. This is tested using portmanteau Box - Pierce / Ljung - Box and LM tests with the null hypothesis, that there is no serial correlation in selected number of la gs. 4.5. Forecasting with SEM and VAR Models With the estimated SEM and VAR models are performed in-sample, or ex - post, forecasts. This means that sample for modelling is reduced and forecasted values are compared with actual ones. Two types of forecasts are carried out: Static forecasts 27 : with SEM, estimated with annual data, for one period, that is the year 2009. Dynamic forecasts 28 : with SEM and VAR, estimated with quarterly data, for four periods, that is 2009 I – 2009 IV. 26 There is no trouble to determine, which variab les are endogenous and which exogenous , as all variables in VA R are said to be endogenous (Gujarat i, 2004), but sometimes variables, that are known to b e exogenous for sure, are included. 27 Static fo recasting performs one-step ahead forecasts, using actual historical data (EViews 5 User„s Guide, 2004). Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 29 Forecasting performance is measured calculating percentage deviation of forecasts from the actual values. The deviation also is called forecast error. Using it forecast accuracy can be calculated subtracting forecast error from one (Forecast accuracy (%) = 1 - Forecast error (%)) (MAPE and Bias – Introduction, 2004 - 2009). The closer the error is to 0%, the better is accuracy of a forecast. If the error is higher than 100% it “implies a zero forecast accuracy or a very inaccurate forecast” (MAPE and Bias – Introduction, 2004 - 2009). 4.6. Choice of Software for Econometric Analysis of Data There is a rather wide range of appropriate software for performing in previous section discussed data analysis and modelling. This includes such statistical packages, as EViews, used mainly for econometric analysis of time series, Gretl, which is an open - source software, applicable to various fields of econometrics, and even programming language R, developed for various statistical and econometric analyses. Most of the analyzed authors did not specify, what software they used for the analysis of data and to estimate the constructed models, but some of them did. For example Buus (2008), analyzing the activity of listed and not listed companies used Gretl, while Roucan-Kane, et al. (2007), for the empirical analysis of their work, devoted to the determining “how the firm‟s infrastructure, the financial characteristics of a company (net income, sales), and the organizational structure (…) affect R&D investments in the agricultural sector” (p. 1), chose R soft ware in order to estimate constructed equations by OLS method. In two of the analyzed works (Bezuidenhout et al., 2008; Cuddington and Khindanova, 2008) empirical analysis was performed by EViews package. Bezuidenhout et al. (2008) just mentioned the fact that the “analyses were conducted using the statistical software package, EViews” (p. 31). More comprehensively the usage of this package for financial statement modelling and forecasting was described by Cuddington and Khindanova (2008). They said that the model constructed in EViews “has the advantage of being more transparent and easier to audit and debug” (p. 1) due to special MODEL object in the package. Moreover, the object “can be used to calculate forecasts and associated confidence intervals“(p. 1), which are useful measuring level of uncertainty in the forecasts. Even though, in the paper single equation was estimated and forecasted, it was emphasized that the MODEL object is suitable for SEM as well, thus is very useful constructing and estimating models of the Thesis. 28 Dynamic forecasting performs mu lti-step ahead forecasts with the previous values, which are gotten solving specified model (EViews 5 User„s Gu ide, 2004). Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 30 5. Empirical Research Report of FCF Components’ Econometric Modelling In this part of the Thesis empirical research findings are reported. This includes econometric analysis of the data, estimation of the specified models and forecasting results. The structure of the report is organized according to succession of the hypotheses and objectives raised in the third part of the Thesis. 5.1. Results of Seasonality and Stationarity Analysis 5.1.1. Seasonality and Stationarity of Macroeconomic Variables The analysis is started using annual macroeconomic data, which has no seasonality, thus only stationarity was tested. Plotted time series graphs of macroeconomic variables (Appendix 1, Figure 3 - Figure 6) can be observed, that most of them are not stationary. This fact is approved by ADF test and its results are presented in Table 5. For further analysis and modelling are used detrended or differenced variables. The former procedure is performed with trend stationary data, while the latter – with difference stationary data. Table 5 Results of ADF test for annual macroeconomic variables Vari able GDP_ G DI N_ EARN EX INFL FDI EURIB OR VILIBOR Type of stati onarity p - value of ADF test Further used variable name Trend stationary 1 difference stationary 1st difference stationary Trend stationary Trend stationary Trend stationary Trend stationary st 1 difference stationary 0.99 0.9 0.96 0.93 0.19 0.67 0.18 0.96 RESID_ GDP_ G D_DI D_N_ EARN RESID_EX RESID_INFL RESID_FDI RESID_EURIBOR D_ VILIBOR st In quarterly macroeconomic data, especially GDP growth and Inflation, strong seasonal component appears (Figure 1 - Figure 2), which must be removed and only then stationarity test can be performed. After seasonal adjustment (hereinafter - SA), when cyclical seasonal movements from a series are removed and the underlying trend component of the series are extracted (EViews 5 User„s Guide, 2004, p. 324), short names of variables are changed to GDP_G_SA and INFL_SA. In other quarterly macroeconomic variables seasonality is not observed (Appendix 1, Figure 7 Figure 9). Figure 1 Time series graph of quarterly inflation, Figure 2 Time series graph of quarterly GDP % growth, % Inflation GDP growth 4 20 3 10 2 0 1 -10 0 -20 -1 -2 -30 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 31 ADF test showed that all quarterly macroeconomic variables are difference stationary, thus further the first difference of the variables is used (Table 6). Table 6 Results of ADF test for quarterly macroeconomic variables Vari able GDP_ G N_ EARN Type of stati onarity 1st difference stationary 1st difference stationary p - value of ADF test 0.43 0.95 Further used variable name D_ GDP_ G_SA D_N_ EARN EX INFL FDI EURIB OR VILIBOR 1st difference stationary 1st difference stationary 1st difference stationary 1st difference stationary 1st difference stationary 0.86 0.19 0.95 0.35 0.91 D_EX D_INFL_SA D_FDI D_EURIBOR D_ VILIBOR 5.1.2. Seasonality and Stationarity of Accounting Variables Seasonality and stationarity of accounting variables is tested for every company‟s data separately. Similarly as in the case of macroeconomic variables, there is no seasonal movement in annual accounting data of the companies TEO and RSU (Appendix 1, Figure 10 - Figure 15), thus SA is not necessary. ADF test results, presented in Appendix 2, Table 22, show all variables, except LTA of RSU, being difference stationary. Therefore these variables are differenced, while LTA of RSU is detrended. Going further to quarterly accounting variables, in some of them seasonal component is observed. Especially seasonality is common for manufacturing companies, RSU and SNG, as well as electricity distributor and supplier, VS T, as their sales highly depend on season and thus influences other variables, such as current assets or liabilities. The mentioned tendencies can be seen in graphs presented in Appendix 1, Figure 16 - Figure 28, and the series, which are adjusted, have short names with endings SA (Appendix 2, Table 23). In the Appendix 2, Table 23 also can be seen results about stationarity of variables made after performing ADF test. Analyzing the variables it was clearly observed that nearly most of them did not meet the requirements of stationarity and seasonality and thus were not suitable for further analysis and modelling. The adjustments and transformations made allow performing further research steps without concern of unreliable results, which could appear due to inappropriate data. 5.2. Results of Correlation Analysis Correlation analysis is carried out using variables, which were made stationary and SA (these procedures were performed for the variables, which where necessary, and they are described in previous section). All cross - correlation matrixes are presented in Appendix 3, Table 24 - Table 29, whereas in this section provided matrixes can be seen variables with the highest and statistically significant correlations (probability levels for the significance of correlation coefficients are provided in Appendix 4, Table 30 (Saal, 2006)). Cross - correlation matrix, calculated between annual TEO accounting and macroeconomic variables, shows that there are no high (> 0.5) correlations between accounting and macroeconomic variables (Appendix 3, Table 24), while some of the accounting variables 29 correlate significantly (Table 7). . 29 D_OP and D_ CA do not correlate with any other variables significantly, thus are not presented in Table 9. Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 32 Table 7 Statistically significant correlations between annual TEO accounting variables D_LTA D_LTL D_REV D_CL D_T_ EXP D_T_ EXP 0.65** 0.39 0.85*** 0.72*** 1.00 D_CL 0.44 0.15 0.57** 1.00 D_REV 0.80*** 0.71*** 1.00 D_LTL 0.81*** 1.00 D_LTA 1.00 Significance level: * 10%, ** 5%, *** 1% The highest and the most statistically significant positive correlation (>0.7) can be observed between D_LTA and D_LTL, D_LTA and D_REV, D_REV and D_T_EXP, D_REV and D_LTL, and D_T_EXP and D_CL. Variables‟ positive relationship with D_REV can be explained so that in order to get higher revenue, more expenses and investments into L-T assets are needed, thus more have to be borrowed for long term, as well as spent for employees and other means necessary to provide services. Current liabilities also increase due to need to finance expenditures, which, as was mentioned, are related to revenue. There can be observed some rather high and statistically significant correlations between annual RSU accounting and macroeconomic variables, as well as between accounting variables themselves (Table 8). Regarding the macroeconomic and accounting variables, the highest relationship is between RESID_EX and D_CL, RESID_EX and D_OP, RESID_GDP_G and D_OP. Export is significant to RSU as approximately 70% (in the year 2007 - 2008) of the company‟s production is sold abroad, thus it is natural that the indicator influences the company‟s current liabilities and operating profit. On the other hand, the sign of the correlation coefficient between RESID_EX and D_OP is unexpected. According to economic logic, the higher export should mean the higher profit, but the negative sign shows the opposite situation, which could be explained that for RSU export market in the analyzed period was more expensive than profitable. High positive relationship between RESID_GDP_G and D_OP can be explained by natural reaction of the company‟s growth to the overall economic situation in the country. From accounting variables the highest correlation is between D_COGS and D_REV, D_CL and D_OP, what shows that COGS increase in direct proportion to revenue, while higher current liabilities reduce operating profit. Table 8 Statistically significant correlations between annual RSU accounting and macroeconomic variables RES ID_ RES ID RES ID_ RES ID EX _FDI GDP_ G _INFL D_DI D_N_ E D_COG D_REV ARN S D_OP -0.74*** -0.45 0.81*** -0.67** -0.23 -0.45 -0.45 D_CL 0.72** 0.37 -0.55* 0.59* 0.28 0.46 D_REV 0.36 0.03 -0.16 0.13 0.55* D_COGS 0.67** 0.20 -0.53* 0.44 D_N_ EARN 0.83*** 0.54* -0.47 D_DI RES ID_ INFL 0.68** 0.32 0.91*** RES ID_ GDP_ G D_CL D_OP 0.02 -0.84*** 1.00 0.46 0.07 1.00 0.43 0.87*** 1.00 0.57* 0.57* 1.00 0.69** 0.94*** 1.00 -0.28 0.51 1.00 0.83*** -0.42 1.00 -0.58* -0.47 1.00 RES ID_ FDI 0.76*** 1.00 RES ID_ EX 1.00 Significance level: * 10%, ** 5%, *** 1% Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 33 Similarly as in annual data, in quarterly data case there are no strong relationships between TEO accounting and macroeconomic variables, and only three correlation coefficients between accounting variables are statistically significant with 1% significance level (Table 9). These correlations are between RESID_LTA_SA and RESID_CL_SA, RESID_CL_SA and D_OP_SA, and D_REV_SA and D_T_EXP_SA. As it was observed in previous matrixes, the latter relationship is frequent and shows that total expenses increases proportionally to revenue. The first relationship can not be explained directly, but probably impact appears through other variables, while the second relationship means, that higher current liabilities, which in TEO case includes payables, wages and various taxes, directly reduces profit. Table 9 Statistically significant correlations between quarterly TEO accounting variables D_OP_SA RES ID_CL_SA RES ID_LTA_SA D_T_ EXP_SA D_REV_SA D_CA_SA -0.23 -0.18 -0.33* 0.12 0.06 D_REV_SA 0.44** -0.36** -0.42** 0.53*** 1.00 D_T_ EXP_SA 0.03 -0.20 -0.09 1.00 RES ID_LTA_SA -0.33* 0.70*** 1.00 RES ID_CL_SA -0.49*** 1.00 D_OP_SA 1.00 Significance level: * 10%, ** 5%, *** 1% Macroeconomic factor, mostly related with RSU accounting variables, as in quarterly data case, is D_EX, strongly positively interacting with D_CL_SA, D_CA_SA and D_COGS_SA. D_GDP_SA is negatively related with D_LTA_SA, what is economically reasonless, while D_INFL_SA affects the variable positively, meaning that higher price level determines higher value of long term assets. The strongest relationship is between accounting variables D_REV_SA and D_COGS_SA, which was explained before, and between D_CA_SA and D_CL_SA, what can mean that current assets are financed from current liabilities. One more statistically significant with 1% level is negative correlation between D_CL_SA and OP_SA, and meaning of it was explained discussing correlations between TEO quarterly data. The cross - correlation matrix, consisting of variables, between which correlations are statistically significant, is presented in Table 10. Table 10 Statistically significant correlations between quarterly macroeconomic variables RSU accounting and OP_SA D_ EX D_ GDP_ G_SA D_INFL _SA D_CA_S A D_REV_SA 0.23 0.34* 0.32* 0.08 0.05 0.06 0.87*** -0.27 D_LTA_SA -0.03 -0.33* -0.50*** 0.52*** -0.35* -0.05 -0.39 1.00 D_COGS_SA -0.01 0.52*** 0.34* 0.01 0.25 0.27 1.00 D_CL_SA -0.49*** 0.64*** 0.06 0.15 0.90*** 1.00 D_CA_SA -0.31 0.66*** 0.19 0.00 1.00 D_INFL_SA D_ GDP_ G_S A 0.30 0.00 -0.45** 1.00 0.09 0.27 1.00 D_ EX 0.02 1.00 OP_SA 1.00 Significance level: * 10%, ** 5%, *** 1% D_CL_S D_COGS D_LTA_ D_REV_ A _SA SA SA 1.00 Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 34 Correlation coefficients between variables from SNG financial statements do not show strong relationship with macroeconomic variables, too. As it was expected, very high correlation (0.98) exists between D_REV_SA and D_COGS_SA (Table 11). Rather strong relationship is also between D_LTL_SA and D_CA_SA and D_LTL_SA and D_CL_SA. The latter is negative and can be explained by company‟s politics to maintain stable level of total liabilities, thus increasing one part, the other must decrease. Positive relationship between L-T liabilities and current assets might be more accidental and not suitable for general conclusions. Table 11 Statistically significant correlations between quarterly SNG accounting variables D_CA_SA D_CL_SA D_COGS_SA D_LTL_SA D_REV_SA D_REV_SA 0.39** 0.48** 0.98*** -0.03 1.00 D_LTL_SA 0.55*** -0.54*** 0.00 1.00 D_COGS_SA 0.41** 0.46** 1.00 D_CL_SA 0.23 1.00 D_CA_SA 1.00 Significance level: * 10%, ** 5%, *** 1% In VST case there is only one strongly statistically significant relationship between D_VILIBOR and D_LTA (Table 12), but the sign of correlation coefficient is unexpected. While economic logic says increasing interest rates should decrease investments into L-T assets, there the opposite situation appears. Relationship between D_LTL and D_CA can not be directly explained. D_N_EARN positive correlation with OP_SA means that higher earnings of people increase their consumption, thus raising the company‟s profit. As price of electricity (directly and indirectly) constitutes a significant part of consumer price index, according to which inflation is calculated, positive correlation between D_INFL_SA and OP_SA is logical. There exist some correlations statistically significant with 5% significance level, but whether they are meaning, is viewed in the following section about Granger causality. Table 12 Statistically significant correlations between quarterly VST accounting and macroeconomic variables D_INFL_SA D_N_ EARN D_VILIBOR OP_SA D_CA D_LTA D_LTL D_REV_SA 0.27 0.40** 0.11 0.37* -0.06 0.38* 0.14 D_LTL 0.01 0.20 0.06 0.17 0.50** 0.13 1.00 D_LTA 0.22 0.21 0.53*** 0.33 0.02 1.00 D_CA 0.08 -0.04 -0.19 0.27 1.00 OP_SA 0.48** 0.47** 0.25 1.00 D_VILIBOR -0.09 0.10 1.00 D_N_ EARN 0.10 1.00 D_INFL_SA 1.00 D_REV_SA 1.00 Significance level: * 10%, ** 5%, *** 1% The correlation analysis supports the first hypothesis, raised in third part of the Thesis, that there are statistically significant correlations between variables from financial statements and macroeconomic variables are related with them. As it is seen from cross - correlation matrixes, not many relationships are statistically significant, but these, which are, does not allow to reject the hypothesis and allows expecting that other hypotheses will be supported, too. Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 35 5.3. Results of Granger Causality Analysis Causality analysis with Granger test is performed only with quarterly data, as only this data is used for VAR models (it was explained in previous chapters, that samples of annual data are too small to construct and estimate VAR models). Appendix 5, Table 31 - Table 34 present results of the test 30 , where null hypothesis, that one variable does not Granger cause another, in cases, when modeled variables (OP, CA, CL, LTA and LTL) are caused by other variables, were rejected with 10% significance level. As it was mentioned in section 4.3.3, economic conclusions from Granger test results should be made prudently. Despite this the test results are helpful in verifying the second hypothesis of the Thesis about “causal relationships between variables” from financial statements (De Medeiros, 2005) and macroeconomic variables. The hypothesis can not be rejected, as in all companies‟ cases there are macroeconomic variables, which Granger cause accounting ones, as well as accounting variables, which Granger cause another accounting ones (Appendix 5, Table 31 - Table 34). From macroeconomic variables as Granger cause most often appears D_GDP_G_SA (six times), D_EX, (four times), D_VILIBOR (three times), D_FDI (three times) and D_INFL_SA (three times). From exogenous accounting variables the most influential according to Granger test are transformed (seasonally adjusted and made stationary) revenue and COGS (or total expenditure in TEO case). Thus all the mentioned variables should be included into most of the models. 5.4. Results of SEM Estimation SEM models are constructed with both annual and quarterly data. Selection of independent variables is based on the logic described in section 4.4.1. and according to significance of correlation coefficients, results of Granger causality test as well as characteristics, showing “goodness” of the models (the characteristics also are discussed in section 4.4.1.). All of the specified equations are overidentified, thus systems are estimated 2SLS method. Coefficients with asterisks, denoting their significance, adjusted R - squared measures and DW statistics are presented in the tables below. Since most of the variables used for modelling are differenced or detrended and seasonally adjusted, size of the estimated coefficients is not meaningful, thus only their signs are interpreted further. The first system of equations (Table 13) is estimated using TEO annual data and some macroeconomic variables. Although DW statistics does not show serial correlation in residuals, explanatory capability of the first two equations is extremely poor (adjusted R - squared is very small or even negative), coefficients are insignificant and in the second equation residuals are not normally distributed. Both correlation analysis and these results of the modelling shows that the most important factors, influencing D_OP and D_CA were not found and D_REV as well as RESID_INFL were included into the equations only assuming, that they might be economically significant. D_CL, D_LTA and D_LTL are explained better with the equations. D_REV, included into all latter equations, as expected, has positive influence on D_CL and D_LTA, while negative sign in D_LTL‟s equation is meaningless, as the coefficient is statistically insignificant. Unanticipated is negative sign before RESID_GDP_G in D_LTA equation, but it can be explained with the fact, that TEO in the period of 2001 and 2006 several times devaluated their L-T assets (mainly equipment of telecommunications and buildings), while at the same time GDP of the country was growing. As it was expected D_LTA influences positively D_LTL, since usually investments into L-T assets are financed from L-T loans. 30 Granger causality test was carried out including four lags and using stationary (level, 1 st difference or detrended) data. Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 36 Table 13 Summary of TEO annual SEM estimation results Equation Vari able Intercept D_LTA D_OP 321.22 - D_CA 12,984.2 - D_CL -11,702.1 - D_LTA -46,779.4* - D_LTL 7,478.35 0.66* D_REV RES ID_ INFL RES ID_ GDP_ G Adjusted R2 DW statistics 0.30 0.03 2.48 0.19 -2,823.5 -0.09 1.91 0.50** 0.27 2.15 1.58*** -9,074.2* 0.67 2.41 -0.11 0.57 1.74 P-value of Jarque-Bera test 0.82 0.01 0.80 0.88 0.94 Significance level: * 10%, ** 5%, *** 1% The second system of equations (Table 14) is estimated using RSU annual data and a few macroeconomic variables. In this case D_CA and D_LTL equations are not explanatory at all. The latter, according to DW statistics, even has autocorrelated residuals. Comparing to the previously mentioned equations, D_OP and D_CL are described with selected variables pretty well. More than 70% of their variation is explained with independent variables. As it is anticipated, D_REV and RESID_DGP_G affect D_OP positively. D_CL and RESID_LTA are influenced negatively by D_OP. The latter relationship can not be explained economically, while the former one says that better financial situation of the company allows returning short term liabilities and paying to the suppliers quicker. RESID_LTA is positively related with RESID_INFL, what can mean inflation causing increase of price as well as value of long term assets. Table 14 Summary of RSU annual SEM estimation results Vari able Intercept D_OP RES ID_LTA D_REV RES ID_ INFL RES ID_ GDP_ G RES ID_ EX D_VILIBOR Adjusted R2 DW statistics P-value of Jarque-Bera test D_OP D_CA Equation D_CL RES ID_LTA D_LTL -4,436.79 0.14* - 14,958.3** -0.11 - 15,330.5*** -0.57* - 3,542.9 -0.52* 5,544.1* -533.14 -0.001 - 9,267.6*** 0.72 1.58 0.06 1.95 0.002 0.71 2.45 0.28 1.80 594.23 -0.17 1.11 0.66 0.67 0.55 0.72 0.65 Significance level: * 10%, ** 5%, *** 1% Estimation results of SEM with TEO quarterly time series (Table 15) are even worse than with annual data. All of the adjusted determination coefficients R - squared are low (0.06 – 0.26), DW statistics in two of five equations (RESID_CL_SA and LTL) shows strong serial correlation, while in the remainder it is moderate; and residuals are normally distributed with 5% significance level only in RESID_LTA_SA equation. Positive effect of D_REV_SA on D_OP_SA is natural – both of Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 37 them changes in the same direction. Why D_OP_SA negatively affects RESID_CL_SA was explained discussing RSU annual SEM; and negative effect on RESID_LTA_SA has no economic explanation. EURIBOR‟s negative impact on RESID_CL_SA and RESID_LTA_SA is anticipated, as higher interest rates reduce a wish to borrow as well as to invest borrowed money into L-T assets. Table 15 Summary of TEO quarterly SEM estimation results Equation Vari able Intercept D_OP_SA RES ID_LTA_S A D_REV_SA D_INFL_SA D_ GDP_ G_SA D_FDI D_VILIBOR D_ EURIBOR -772.31 -4.46* - RES ID_LTA_S A 6,460.7 -11.42** - 82,800.9*** 0.10 -5,062.6 - -39,374.6* -0.03 -94,122.7* -4.19 -36,378.3 - 0.14 1.74 0.26 1.04 0.06 1.51 0.15 0.42 0.02 0.04 0.90 0.00 D_OP_SA D_CA_SA RES ID_CL_SA 1,172.4 - 4,543.6 -1.18 -0.06 0.60** -412.66 - Adjusted R2 0.16 DW statistics 2.11 P-value of Jarque-Bera 0.00 test Significance level: * 10%, ** 5%, *** 1% LTL RSU quarterly SEM (Table 16) is similarly explanatory as annual: two of five dependent variables are explained with adjusted R - squared higher than 0.7, all residuals are normally distributed and only one equation (OP_SA) has autocorrelated residuals. As in annual case, OP_SA has a negative impact on D_CL_SA meaning that better results of the company is related with better turnover of payables, as well as smaller short term loans. Negative impact of D_LTA_SA on D_LTL_SA is unlikely to be logically explained. D_REV‟s negative impact on D_LTL_SA means, that getting more revenue the company can invest into L-T assets more with smaller borrowings. D_INFL_SA is increasing D_CL_SA, since growing prices mainly cause higher price of raw milk and other raw materials to be paid to suppliers, thus payables for them increases and forces the company to borrow more for working capital. GDP growth‟s and export‟s positive influence on some of the variables is natural. It is difficult to explain, why D_EURIBOR positively affects OP_SA, while increasing D_VILIBOR, as expected, cause higher borrowing expenses, thus higher D_LTL_SA. Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 38 Table 16 Summary of RSU quarterly SEM estimation results OP_SA D_CA_SA Equation D_CL_SA Intercept OP_SA D_LTA_SA D_CL_SA D_REV_SA D_INFL_SA D_ GDP_ G_SA D_ EX 6,925.7*** -0.06 117.25 - 449.91 -0.11 0.48* 0.01* 13,701.0** -2.09*** 6,993.3** 0.02*** -1,373.1 0.05 819.0** - -584.9 -0.15* -0.05* - D_VILIBOR D_ EURIBOR Adjusted R2 DW statistics P-value of Jarque-Bera test 2,436.8* 0.15 1.40 0.74 2.47 -3,470.7 0.72 2.49 -2,138.9 0.18 1.91 1,116.8* 0.11 2.20 0.97 0.59 0.14 0.70 0.88 Vari able D_LTA_SA D_LTL_SA Significance level: * 10%, ** 5%, *** 1% From SEM, estimated using SNG quarterly results (Table 17), only two equations (D_CA_SA and D_CL_SA) have moderate adjusted R - squared (~ 0.5), what means that a lot of explanatory variables are missing. Regarding the signs of the coefficients, D_REV_SA influences all except one (D_LTL_SA equation, where D_REV_SA is not included) dependent variables positively, meaning that its growth increases the company‟s profitability as well as expands working capital components. Export‟s positive influence on current assets and liabilities can be explained so that increasing export requires more raw materials and inventories, which are financed with current liabilities. Negative signs of D_VILIBOR coefficients show, that due to increasing cost of borrowing, the company can borrow less and this cause decreasing investments as well as profit. Table 17 Summary of SNG quarterly SEM estimation results Equation Vari able Intercept D_LTL_SA D_CL_SA D_OP_SA 547.45 -0.08 D_CA_SA -1,596.5 - D_CL_SA -92.85 -0.88 - D_LTA -417.88 - D_LTL_SA 564.82 -0.07 D_REV_SA D_ EX D_VILIBOR Adjusted R2 DW statistics 0.07 -3,543.0* 0.06 2.91 0.25** 0.01*** 0.48 2.20 0.36*** 0.01** 0.50 2.03 0.08 -2,119.3 -0.05 1.70 -4,857.7* 0.07 2.43 P-value of Jarque-Bera test 0.01 0.92 0.43 0.00 0.97 Significance level: * 10%, ** 5%, *** 1% Results of VST quarterly estimation are unsatisfactory at all (Table 18), as three of five equations have negative adjusted R - squared measures and the measures of other two equations are low, too. The situation that there are no even moderate relationships between variables could be observed from cross - correlation matrix, too. Some of the signs at significant coefficients are unexpected. For example, it is difficult to explain, why D_GDP_G_SA influences OP_SA negatively, while Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 39 D_VILIBOR has a positive impact on D_LTA. These inaccuracies do not allow consider the model at least somehow useful and reliable. Table 18 Summary of VST quarterly SEM estimation results Equation Vari able Intercept D_LTL D_CA RES ID_CL_SA D_REV_SA D_N_ EARN D_ GDP_ G_SA D_VILIBOR D_ EURIBOR Adjusted R2 DW statistics P-value of Jarque-Bera test OP_SA D_CA RES ID_CL_SA D_LTA D_LTL 8,837.0*** 0.62* -990.36* - 13,782.2 -0.91 -0.29 325.96 - 6,877.5 -0.28 13,261.2 -60,054.6* 8.19* 127,808.8*** - 24,332.9 -0.07 -2.92 42,288.5 0.15 1.33 -1.37 2.89 -0.72 1.84 0.32 1.73 -0.66 2.22 0.86 0.00 0.60 0.00 0.35 Significance level: * 10%, ** 5%, *** 1% Quality of the above estimated SEM models suggests that with data, used in the research, satisfactory such type models of FCF components can not be constructed for none of the companies. Thus the third hypothesis should be partially rejected. 5.5. Results of VAR Estimation The best estimated VAR models were selected according to absence of residual autocorrelation and AIC criterion, including the exogenous variables, which were indicated by Granger causality test results. For TEO quarterly data was selected VAR model with two lags (hereinafter – VAR (2)), including D_REV_SA, D_T_EXP_SA, D_GDP_G_SA and D_VILIBOR as exogenous variables (see equations 6 - 10). Statistical significance of two lags indicates that impact between TEO account ing variables is felt for two quarters. Residuals of the model are not serially correlated. Explanatory capability of RESID_CL_SA, RESID_LTA_SA and LTL is really good (adjusted R - squared > 0.9), while small adjusted R - squared of D_OP_SA and D_CA_SA equations implies, that in order to explain these dependent variables, it is essential to find additional independent ones. TEO VAR (2) D_OP_SA = 3,097.3 - 0.73 * D_OP_SA (-1) - 0.21 * D_OP_SA (-2) - 0.27 * LTL (-1) + 0.23 * LTL (-2) - 0.36 * RESID_CL_SA (-1) + 0.26 * RESID_CL_SA (-2) + 0.05 * D_CA_SA (-1) + 0.03 * D_CA_SA (-2) + 0.03 * RESID_LTA_SA (-1) - 0.005 * RESID_LTA_SA (-2) 646.59 * D_GDP_G_SA + 397.52 * D_VILIBOR + 1.39 * D_REV_SA - 0.49 * D_T_EXP_SA Adj. R2 = 0.37 (6) D_CA_SA = 25,260.6 + 1.51 * D_OP_SA (-1) + 2.13 * D_OP_SA (-2) + 0.58 * LTL (-1) 0.71 * LTL (-2) + 1.18 * RESID_CL_SA (-1) - 1.28 * RESID_CL_SA (-2) - 0.85 * D_CA_SA (-1) + 0.22 * D_CA_SA (-2) - 1.23 * RESID_LTA_SA (-1) + 1.28 * RESID_LTA_SA (-2) + 1,986.86 * D_GDP_G_SA - 873.24 * D_VILIBOR + 0.06 * D_REV_SA + 0.38 * D_T_EXP_SA Adj. R2 = -0.02 (7) Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 40 RESID_CL_SA = - 487.80 + 0.55 * D_OP_SA (-1) + 0.82 * D_OP_SA (-2) + 1.11 * LTL (1) - 0.99 * LTL (-2) + 2.45 * RESID_CL_SA (-1) - 1.63 * RESID_CL_SA (-2) - 0.81 * D_CA_SA (-1) - 0.15 * D_CA_SA (-2) - 0.47 * RESID_LTA_SA (-1) + 0.46 * RESID_LTA_SA (-2) + 3,953.7 * D_GDP_G_SA + 20,875.4 * D_VILIBOR - 3.25 * D_REV_SA + 0.79*D_T_EXP_SA Adj. R2 = 0.92 (8) RESID_LTA_SA = 8,832+.3 0.30 * D_OP_SA (-1) + 0.26 * D_ OP_SA (-2) + 0.37 * LTL (-1) - 0.45 * LTL (-2) + 0.46 * RESID_CL_SA (-1) - 0.41 * RESID_CL_SA (-2) - 0.16 * D_CA_SA (-1) - 0.13 * D_CA_SA (-2) + 1.41 * RESID_LTA_SA (-1) - 0.46 * RESID_LTA_SA (-2) - 119.30 * D_GDP_G_SA + 12,228.8 * D_VILIBOR - 1.85 * D_REV_SA + 0.39 *D_T_EXP_SA Adj. R2 = 0.96 (9) LTL = 8,210.4 + 0.29 * D_OP_SA (-1) + 0.33 * D_OP_SA (-2) + 0.37 * LTL (-1) + 0.30 * LTL(-2) - 0.39 * RESID_CL_SA (-1) + 0.46 * RESID_CL_SA (-2) + 0.25 * D_CA_SA (-1) + 0.22 * D_CA_SA (-2) + 0.12 * RESID_LTA_SA (-1) - 0.09 * RESID_LTA_SA (-2) – 2,406.4 * D_GDP_G_SA – 8,956.6 * D_VILIBOR + 1.80 * D_REV_SA - 0.13 * D_T_EXP_SA Adj. R2 = 0.92 (10) For RSU quarterly data selected VAR model with one lag (hereinafter – VAR (1)), including D_COGS_SA, D_EX_SA, D_N_EARN_SA, D_FDI and D_EURIBOR as exogenous variables (see equations 11 - 15), is satisfactory according to properties of residuals, but adjusted R - squared coefficients shows, that variables are not explained well. This time only one lag is statistically significant, what means that only values from previous quarter influence the current ones. RSU VAR (1) OP_SA = 6,515.6 - 0.005 * OP_SA (-1) + 0.11 * D_CA_SA (-1) - 0.24 * D_CL_SA (-1) - 0.13 * D_LTA_SA (-1) + 0.46 * D_LTL_SA (-1) + 5,199.4 * D_EURIBOR - 0.003 * D_EX + 0.001 Adj. R2 = 0.11 * D_FDI + 18.00 * D_N_EARN + 0.05 * D_COGS_SA (11) D_CA_SA = –10,009.3 + 1.31 * OP_SA (-1) - 0.65 * D_CA_SA (-1) + 0.72 * D_CL_SA (-1) 0.56 * D_LTA_SA (-1) - 1.19 * D_LTL_SA (-1)– 1,4481.8 * D_EURIBOR + 0.02 * D_EX 0.0003 * D_FDI - 73.59 * D_N_EARN + 0.08 * D_COGS_SA Adj. R2 = 0.34 (12) D_CL_SA = –14,345.5 + 1.87 * OP_SA (-1) - 0.47 * D_CA_SA (-1) + 0.86 * D_CL_SA (-1) 0.63 * D_LTA_SA (-1) - 1.08 * D_LTL_SA (-1) – 21,771.9 * D_EURIBOR + 0.02 * D_EX 0.003 * D_FDI - 8.18 * D_N_EARN + 0.07 * D_COGS_SA Adj. R2 = 0.38 (13) D_LTA_SA = –4,797.0 + 0.66 * OP_SA (-1) - 0.32 * D_CA_SA (-1) + 0.35 * D_CL_SA (-1) 0.50 * D_LTA_SA (-1) + 0.83 * D_LTL_SA (-1) - 207.10 * D_EURIBOR - 0.003 * D_EX 0.002 * D_FDI + 45.67 * D_N_EARN + 0.02 * D_COGS_SA Adj. R2 = 0.18 (14) D_LTL_SA = 720.69 - 0.15 * OP_SA (-1) - 0.09 * D_CA_SA (-1) + 0.04 * D_CL_SA (-1) + 0.04 * D_LTA_SA (-1) - 0.12 * D_LTL_SA (-1) + 1,064.48 * D_EURIBOR + 0.001 * D_EX + Adj. R2 = -0.19 0.0002 * D_FDI - 8.72 * D_N_EARN - 0.05 * D_COGS_SA (15) With SNG quarterly data, was estimated VAR (1) model, too. Into the model included exogenous variables are D_COGS_SA, D_REV_SA, D_EX, D_GDP_G_SA and D_INFL_SA (see equations 16 - 20). Explanatory capability of four from five equations is moderate, with adjusted R - squared varying from 0.39 to 0.58 and only equation of D_LTL_SA does not explain the dependent variable at all. SNG VAR (1) D_OP_SA = 0.37 * D_CA_SA (-1) - 0.30 * D_CL_SA (-1) + 0.10 * D_LTA (-1) - 0.44 * D_LTL_SA (-1) - 0.73 * D_OP_SA (-1) - 0.42 - 1.53 * D_COGS_SA + 1.30 * D_REV_SA 0.001 * D_EX + 439.12 * D_GDP_ G_SA + 2,530.8 * D_INFL_SA Adj. R2 = 0.49 D_CA_SA = –2,658.9 + 0.22 * D_CA_SA (-1) - 0.25 * D_CL_SA (-1) + 0.22 * D_LTA (-1) 0.03 * D_LTL_SA (-1) - 0.60 * D_OP_SA (-1) + 2.09 * D_COGS_SA - 1.66 * D_REV_SA + Adj. R2 = 0.58 0.01 * D_EX + 736.02 * D_GDP_G_SA + 3,591.5 * D_INFL_SA (16) (17) Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 41 D_CL_SA = 1,430.5 + 0.62 * D_CA_SA (-1) - 0.47 * D_CL_SA (-1) + 0.16 * D_LTA (-1) 0.32 * D_LTL_SA (-1) + 0.69 * D_OP_SA (-1) - 0.63 * D_COGS_SA + 0.68 * D_REV_SA + 0.002 * D_EX + 47.17 * D_GDP_G_SA + 3,912.9 * D_INFL_SA Adj. R2 = 0.50 (18) D_LTA = 498.07 + 0.82 * D_CA_SA (-1) + 0.01 * D_CL_SA (-1) + 0.37 * D_LTA (-1) - 0.03 * D_LTL_SA (-1) + 0.24 * D_OP_SA (-1) + 0.19 * D_COGS_SA - 0.41 * D_REV_SA - 0.01 * D_EX + 1,873.5 * D_ GDP_ G_SA + 793.66 * D_INFL_SA Adj. R2 = 0.39 (19) D_LTL_SA = –1,454.19 + 0.09 * D_CA_SA (-1) + 0.09 * D_CL_SA (-1) + 0.15 * D_LTA (-1) + 0.18 * D_LTL_SA (-1) - 0.59 * D_OP_SA (-1) + 2.44 * D_COGS_SA - 2.23 * D_REV_SA + 0.001 * D_EX + 1,820.79 * D_GDP_ G_SA + 1,533.5 * D_INFL_SA Adj. R2 = 0.01 (20) The best from all estimated models with VST quarterly data appeared VAR (1) (see equations 21 25). AIC criteria and properties of residuals indicated to choose the model only with endogenous variables, although adjusted R - squared measures of the equations are low or negative. It is obvious, that even VAR methodology is not suitable for VST data or there are other really influential factors that were not indicated in the Thesis. VST VAR (1) OP_SA = 6,978.4 + 0.43 * OP_SA (-1) - 0.02 * D_CA (-1) + 0.10 * RESID_CL_SA (-1) + 0.01 * D_LTA (-1) + 0.001 * D_LTL (-1) Adj. R2 = 0.18 (21) D_CA = 13,927.8 + 3.08 * OP_SA (-1) - 0.19 * D_CA (-1) - 0.90 * RESID_CL_SA (-1) + 0.05 Adj. R2 = 0.19 * D_LTA (-1) - 0.70 * D_LTL (-1) (22) RESID_CL_SA = -185.62 + 0.23 * OP_SA (-1) - 0.05 * D_CA (-1) + 0.71 * RESID_CL_SA (1) - 0.04 * D_LTA (-1) + 0.05 * D_LTL(-1) Adj. R2 = 0.55 (23) D_LTA = -38,519.1 + 3.06 * OP_SA (-1) - 0.37 * D_CA (-1) - 0.16 * RESID_CL_SA (-1) Adj. R2 = -0.14 0.10 * D_LTA (-1) + 0.17 * D_LTL (-1) (24) D_LTL = 18,726.7 + 1.04 * OP_SA (-1) + 0.10 * D_CA (-1) - 1.35 * RESID_CL_SA (-1) Adj. R2 = -0.02 0.07 * D_LTA (-1) - 0.43 * D_LTL (-1) (25) Situation with quality of VAR models is better than of SEM. Since some of the models‟ equations has unsatisfactory adjusted R - squared measures, in some of the equations adjusted R - squared are higher than 0.9, what means that in these equations dependent variables are explained quite well. Rather good explanatory capability of the models also can be seen in Appendix 6, Figure 29 Figure 32, where actual and with VAR models fitted data are plotted. Also all the selected VAR models has serially uncorrelated residuals. These facts do not allow rejecting the third hypothesis about explaining FCF components by other accounting and / or macroeconomic variables using econometric models. 5.6. Forecasts of FCF Components From previous sections about SEM and VAR estimation presumptions can be done, that it is unlikely to make good forecasts with the estimated models. Despite this, forecasts are performed. Annual data are forecasted with SEM models, while quarterly with both SEM and VAR. 5.6.1. Forecasts with SEM Static forecasts, made with SEM, estimated with annual data of TEO and RSU for the year 2009 strongly deviates from the actual values (Table 19 - Table 20). Especially bad forecasting performance is of the TEO equations D_LTA and D_LTL and average forecast error of TEO annual SEM is higher than 1,000%, indicating absolutely inaccurate forecast. Although adjusted R - Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 42 squared of the equations was not bad (respectively 0.67 and 0.57) in the forecasting period, actual and predicted values extremely diverged. Table 19 Deviation of TEO annual SEM forecasted values from the actual ones Endogenous vari able D_OP D_CA D_CL D_LTA D_LTL Average Devi ation 121% 96% 28% 1,086% 5,254% 1,317% In RSU case forecasts of RESID_LTA and D_LTL the most significantly deviate from the actual values (forecast error is 123% on average). Deviation of the latter variable‟s forecast could be predicted due to negative adjusted R - squared measure. On the other hand the smallest D_CA deviation could not be anticipated from the equations adjusted R - squared, which is equal to 0.06. Thus adjusted R - squared measure does not help predicting, whether an equation forecasts well. Table 20 Deviation of RSU annual SEM forecasted values from the actual ones Endogenous vari able Devi ation D_OP D_CA D_CL RES ID_LTA D_LTL Average 39% 14% 59% 98% 147% 71% Dynamic forecasts with quarterly SEM for 2009 I – 2009 IV are not better than with annual models (approximately half of equations has forecast error higher than 100%), thus they are presented only in Appendix 7, Table 35 - Table 38. 5.6.2. Forecasts with VAR Forecasts with VAR models (Table 21; Appendix 7, Table 39 - Table 41) in some cases look better than ones made with SEM models. For example in TEO case RESID_LTA_SA forecasts averagely deviates only 11% from the actual values for all four quarters. Deviations of RESID_LTA and LTL also are not extremely big (on average 20% and 50% respectively for all four quarters). Differently than in SEM case forecasting accuracy of the equations could be anticipated from adjusted R squared. The measure for the mentioned equations is higher than 0.9, while for the equation, which forecasts the worst (D_CA_SA) adjusted R - squared is negative. Similar relation with prediction ability and adjusted R - squared measure can be observed in the models of other companies, as well. While some equations (RESID_CL_SA and RESID_LTA_SA) of the VAR model for TEO look rather good (forecast errors do not exceed 20% on average), they can not be extracted form the model and used for the forecasting separately. Similar situation appears in the models of the other companies, thus it should be said, that the models forecast not so well, that the models would be suitable for ex - ante forecasts. Table 21 Deviation of TEO quarterly VAR forecasted values from the actual ones 2009 I 2009 II 2009 III 2009 IV Average D_OP_SA 102% 178% 121% 9% 103% D_CA_SA 19% 203% 135% 642% 250% RES ID_CL_SA 5% 71% 2% 2% 20% RES ID_LTA_SA 0.5% 8% 11% 15% 11% LTL 103% 36% 57% 3% 50% The analysis of the above discussed forecasts with both SEM and VAR models should help to verify the fourth hypothesis of the Thesis, whether such type of econometric models are useful for Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 43 short - term forecasting of financial statement items according to terms of forecast error. But the decision, concerned with the hypothesis, is not easy to adopt. In the light of the research made, the hypothesis can be rejected in both SEM and VAR case, as forecast error in most cases exceeds 100%. One the other hand the decision can not be general for all cases and this is discussed more comprehensively in the following part of the Thesis. Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 44 6. Discussion on Results of Econometric Modelling of FCF Components This part of the Thesis is devoted for discussion, concerned with the findings of the empirical research. Firstly, the findings are summarized discussing whether they support the hypotheses raised. Secondly, they are reviewed in the context of existing literature. Lastly limitations of the study and suggestions, how other research or practical users should apply and improve the research, are provided. 6.1. Overview of the Significant Findings of the Empirical Research and Verification of the Thesis Hypotheses Initial econometric analysis of the data included tests for seasonality, stationarity, correlation and Granger causality analysis. Further SEM and VAR models were constructed and estimated and lastly forecasts with the models were performed. Regarding the seasonality, graphs of the variables showed that most of quarterly accounting variables (of all selected companies) had seasonal components, while in the macroeconomic variables it was observed only in GDP growth and inflation. In order the seasonality do not interfere with further analysis it was removed seasonally adjusting the variables, where necessary. Stationarity analysis of the data showed that only a few variables were level stationary. Most of them (from both accounting and macroeconomic variables) were found first difference stationary, while the reminder – trend stationary. The latter situation most frequently appeared between annual macroeconomic variables, which moved to the one direction significantly in the sample period (for example export and FDI). Trend stationarity was rarely found in the accounting variables, indicating that there was no constant growth or decline in the financial statement items of the analyzed companies in the respective period. Correlation analysis, made with seasonally adjusted and stationary data, was performed in order to verify the first Thesis‟ hypothesis, if there are statistically significant correlations between the accounting variables themselves and the macroeconomic variables. In all the constructed cross correlation matrixes a number of the coefficients appeared to be statistically significant. In TEO annual data case statistically significant were only correlations between accounting variables, while in RSU annual data cross - correlation matrix could be observed some rather high correlation coefficients between the macroeconomic and accounting variables, as well. Similar situation was noticed calculated correlations with TEO and RSU quarterly data. SNG case was similar to TEO, as there the accounting variables were interdependent, but not related with the macroeconomic ones. Regarding the VST cross - correlation matrix can be said that only a few from both macroeconomic and the company‟s variables were related significantly. But summarizing the situation there is not enough evidence to reject the hypothesis, as interdependence between all types of variables was perceived. The results of Granger causality analysis allow confirming the second hypothesis about “causal relationships between variables” (De Medeiros, 2005). In all of the analyzed companies data were found 11 – 14 variables, which Granger caused the modeled variables. In TEO situation three from 14 macroeconomic variables Granger caused the modeled ones, for RSU data – seven from 11, SNG – four from 13, and VST – 8 from 12. Thus the hypothesis can not be rejected. Although there were found significant correlations between variables of all the companies and economic specification of the models is reasonable, finding satisfactory SEM models was not an easy task. Even in the best according to various criteria annual a nd quarterly SEM models appeared all types of in such models possible problems: insignificant coefficients, unexpected signs at the coefficients, low or even negative adjusted R - squared measure, serially correlated and not Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 45 normally distributed residuals of separate equations. All these factors mainly show, that for most of the dependent variables were not found correct explanatory variables and SEM models could not explain FCF components of selected companies well. Explanatory capability, indicated by adjusted R - squared measures, of VAR models is better than of SEM. Besides this, residuals of the models are not serially correlated. Although into the models were included the same exogenous variables as in SEM, situation was surely improved by lagged values of dependent variables. This means that the modeled FCF components were influenced by their past values possibly more than by selected macroeconomic variables. Situation, concerned with describing items, necessary to calculate FCF, with SEM and VAR models is rather controversial. While the estimated SEM models imply rejecting the hypothesis of possibility to explain FCF components by accounting and macroeconomic variables using econometric models, VAR models do not allow doing so with certainty, as there are rather well explained variables. Taking into consideration the fact that length of the samples, used for the modelling, were quite short and there was not tried to include company specific variables, the hypothesis can be rejected partially in this situation, but not in general. Moreover, there exists a possibility of finding more complex types of econometric models for describing times series from the field of corporate finance, thus the hypothesis should not be rejected. The last hypothesis of the Thesis says that econometric models are useful for short - term (one year ahead) forecasting of financial statement items according to terms of forecast error. Verification of the hypothesis is done calculating to forecast deviations of the estimated SEM and VAR models. While none of the models forecasted so well that the hypothesis could not be rejected, it would be arguable to reject the hypothesis generally. Reasons for the doubts are concerned with in the previous paragraph mentioned factors, concerned with estimation of the models (sample size and not inclusion of specific variables), as well as the period of estimation. It is noteworthy, that the year 2009, which was used for the forecasting, was exceptional in the context of sample period. The quarterly time series do not include previous crises, and thus it was difficult to forecast values in the overall economic situation, which at least partly did not appear in the period of modelling. As it was said by Elliott in 1973, “Predicting an individual corporation‟s profits as the economy moves into a recession is a difficult task.” (p. 1522). Due to these reasons the hypothesis of the models‟ usefulness for forecasting is partially supported. 6.2. Overview of the Findings in Context of the Analyzed Literature None of the analyzed research, concerned with application of econometrics in corporate finance, was identical to the one, done writing the Thesis, in such aspects as selected variables, types of companies, used methods and so on. Thus the results and conclusions also differ and in some cases are difficult to compare. Starting from the variables 31 , it is worth mentioning, that some of the authors tried to include rather complex derivative variables. For example, Saltzman (1967) used various types of expenses, deflated by wage rate; Elliott (1973) used Almon-weights, accelerator mechanism and moving averages of variables. Not all the variables proved to be significant nor improved the models, thus due to simplicity was decided not to include them constructing models in the research of the Thesis. Other researchers, who analyzed monopolistic companies (De Medeiros, 2005; Doornik et al., 31 It is reasonable to point out importance of exogenous variables, as endogenous ones were selected according to the specific aims of each author (for example, Beedles (1977) modeled variables, which, according to him, are the g oals that companies often select to maximize). Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 46 2009), could include into the models such really influential variables, as supply and demand, which for non-monopolistic companies are difficult to measure 32 . Going further to validity and credibility of the results, these of a few analyzed works are questionable. For instance, Saltzman (1967) and Beedles (1977) did not solve problems with multicollinearity, no one of these, as well as De Medeiros (2005) and Elliott (1973) did not test, if their used variables were stationary or / and did nothing in order to make them stationary. Also Saltzman (1967) and Beedles (1977) used OLS method, which is inappropriate when systems are overidentified, to estimate the models. Due to these reasons their statements, that models and forecasts made with them are good, should be treated with caution. The findings of the Thesis mostly are comparable with the ones of research of Doornik et al. (2009), which made nearly all steps, performed in the Thesis. Their performed stationarity analysis showed that similarly, as was found in the Thesis, most of the variables are non-stationary, thus they were differenced for further usage. Correlation and causality a nalysis, carried out with the variables, also showed some relationships 33 between accounting and macroeconomic variables, as well as Granger causes. The authors could use both co- integration analysis and VECM instead of VAR models, while in case of the Thesis it was beside the purpose to use, since for such type of modelling available time series were not sufficient enough. In the research of Doornik et al. (2009) estimated model one equation also had negative adjuster R - squared measure. The fact vindicates the models of the Thesis a bit, as well as forecasts, carried out in the mentioned research, that also deviate from the actual values. Although the deviation is not such big (up to 24%) as in situation of the Thesis, the findings that forecast made with VAR “are considered superior to simultaneous equation models” (Doornik et al. 2009, p. 2) coincide. 6.3. Limitations of the Study Obtaining better results of the research was restricted with some crucial limitations. Mostly can be pointed out the shortage of data, causing the other restrictions, such as ability to include wider variety of exogenous variables (or lagged values of them), as well as using more sophisticated econometric methods (such as VECM). As it was mentioned in previous sections, rather short time series did not capture all business cycle, thus ability to construct really explanatory models decreased. Moreover, in such situation “stable population parameters is certainly open to question” (Beedles, 1977, p. 1230) and thus it was impossible to make general conclusions, which exogenous variables were really helpful explaining the endogenous ones for all the companies. The models, estimated using too small samples, led to poor forecasting capability. Of course the forecasting performance was affected by the fact that forecasted period was of the overall economic downturn. But, on the other hand, it should not interfere with well- functioning models, as forecasting is the main purpose and applicability of such models in practice of companies. What is more, it is obvious, that it is impossible to specify economically general models for companies from all sectors. Although there are macroeconomic factors (for example, GDP growth and interest rates), which undoubtedly are related with endogenous variables in most of the cases, company specific variables should be really influential and therefore useful for modelling. Such variables could be price of milk (in RSU case), increase of number of mobile phone users (in TEO case) and so forth. If the company is a monopolist, it is worth including aggregate market measures, 32 Salt zman (1967) tried to include demand and supply into his model for the company, working in an oligopolistic market, thus complicat ing selecting the data and making the model not very cred ible. 33 Statistical significance of the correlation coefficients was not tested, thus it is unclear, how much and which variables are related significantly. Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 47 such as demand or supply, as did De Medeiros (2005) and Doornik et al. (2009) analyzing Brazilian petrol producer. On the other hand, desire to include such variables may be restricted with the lack of data. Too small number of observations also narrowed the range of options to choose the types of models. With annual data even VAR models could not be estimated, while, as it is stated in literature (Gujarati, 2004; Doornik et al., 2009) and was observed in the research, precisely this type of models forecasts better. Regarding the quarterly data, the series was scarcely sufficient to estimate VAR models including only one or two lags of endogenous and not including lagged exogenous variables, whereas it is likely that, for example, four lags of all variables might be useful 34 . Moreover, an extension of VAR, VECM, could not be used. This type of model provided rather good results in Doornik et al. (2009) research. In the circumstances of the Thesis it also could be beneficial, as a lot of the variables used were first difference stationary (integrated in the first order) and thus could be co- integrated, what would imply usage of VECM. But the models were not tried to construct, as co-integration vector should be observed in the long – term, what is impossible to measure. There are also two more limitations, concerned with practical usage of forecasted values. Firstly, in practice are needed ex - ante forecasts, thus before carrying out such forecasts projections of exogenous variables must be done. Projections of macroeconomic variables usually are provided by state institutions (for example, Ministry of Finance), while accounting variables, used as exogenous ones, should be forecasted by companies themselves. Secondly, since models usually are estimated with data, which are made stationary (detrended or differenced) and seasonally adjusted, the numbers, received from the model must be converted into real values in order to use them practically (for financial analysis, budgeting or valuation). When the modeled variables are differenced, real values can be received step by step adding the forecasted difference with previous real value (or the calculated one). In case the forecasted variable is detrended, real values can be calculated inserting with model forecasted values into the regressions, used for detrending. If there are modeled and forecasted seasonally adjusted values, the size of eliminated seasonal component should be taken into account and, perhaps, added to the forecasted value. 6.4. Implications for Further Research and Practical Application Implications for further research are based on the limitations, enumerated in the previous section. First of all, similar research can be performed with larger samples and with more company specific variables. Besides the fact that having more data SEM models might appear better, this also would allow to estimate VAR models with more lags, to use VECM method, as well as estimate the latter types of models with annual data. Estimated VAR-VECM models with both annual and quarterly data and carried out forecasts can be compared and used for different purposes. Usage of forecasts, received from the models, is one of the main reasons of any financial modelling. Selecting to model FCF components in the Thesis mainly was made on purpose to show, whether it is possible to forecast them and use for DCF valuation. This method requires several years of forecasts (forecasting period is not strictly determined, but usually ranges from three to ten years), thus annual models would suit better. On the other hand, if compared quarterly and annual models, the former are superior, thus quarterly forecasts can be carried out and then received values for quarter summed up making the annual ones. Also quarterly forecasts can be used for budgeting. Since most of the companies in Lithuania do not provide their financial data for public usage (except the ones, which are listed in stock exchanges), it can be recommended to perform the 34 Four lags were included into the model, estimated by Doornik et al. (2009), and it is logical that in quarterly data impact of variables can be observed for four quarters (one year) period. Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 48 research not for outside researchers or analysts, but for analysts or other financial specialists of the companies. They not only have a possibility to use longer time series of accounting variables, but also are better aware of factors, mostly influencing company‟s activity. The latter reason makes selecting company specific variables easier task for them and, of course, receiving the variables from various market research, which often are done by companies. Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 49 7. Conclusions The aim of the Thesis was to verify the hypothesis, whether financial statement items, or speaking more precisely, items necessary to calculate a company‟s FCF, can be modelled using econometric techniques involving both accounting and macroeconomic variables. In order to solve the problem, how to model and forecast the selected items, after comprehensive analysis of literature from the relevant field, was decided to use SEM and VAR methods for modelling. Also were selected four Lithuanian companies, TEO LT, Rokiškio sūris, Snaigė and VST, and from their financial statements taken accounting data the variables were formed. According to the length and frequency of the variables, preliminary were determined, which macroeconomic variables, that were assumed to be influential (also after analysis of the literature), are available and could be used for further analysis. The analyzed research and econometric literature suggested steps of analysis, which was necessary to pursue the aim and to solve the problem. Thus initially was performed econometric analysis to ascertain, whether the data has signs of seasonality and are stationary. Further correlation and Granger causality analysis was done. After this followed construction and estimation of SEM and VAR models. The last and the most important step was carrying out forecasts with the models and comparing them to the actual data. The findings of the empirical research include the main results of all previously mentioned analysis. Most of quarterly accounting variables and some macroeconomic ones had seasonal components, thus respective variables were seasonally adjusted. Very often economic time series turn to be nonstationary. Such characteristic was observed in the majority of analyzed variables, too. The situation was improved making them stationary (depending on the type of non-stationarity) differencing or detrending. Correlation analysis confirmed the hypothesis that there are simple relationships between accounting variables themselves and macroeconomic variables as there were found statistically significant correlation coefficients. However significant correlations more frequently were observed between accounting variables themselves than between accounting and macroeconomic variables. The hypothesis of causality between variables was also not rejected. Satisfactory outcomes of correlation and causality analysis led to constructing and estimating SEM models, which, unfortunately, did not show good enough findings in points of insignificance of coefficients, low adjusted R - squared and insufficient other goodness - of - fit measures. Such results induced to state that in case of the research SEM models were not suitable. After SEM constructed VAR models appeared to be superior to the former ones comparing them in aspects o f previously indicated goodness - of - fit statistics. The main reason for the improvement could be lagged values of dependent variables, which were included into the models. Although even VAR models are not perfect, the previous findings lead to the conclusion that they are more suitable to model accounting variables. As it could be expected, in forecasting VAR models also performed better than SEM and this is compatible with the results of previous research. While the results, which were obtained by the researchers, who used SEM models in their works, differ from the Thesis‟, the findings of the Thesis mostly are similar to the ones of research of Doornik et al. (2009). Their performed analogous steps of analysis also showed similar findings, including non-stationarity of variables, simple and causal relationships between macroeconomic variables. Despite the fact, that the researchers had longer time series and could use VECM instead of VAR, the main conclusions, about superior forecasts of such vector models compared to SEM coincide. Although research carried out in the Thesis did not provide very good results, it was shown that there is possibility to model company‟s FCF components using econometric techniques, such as SEM and especially VAR-VECM, involving not only accounting, but also macroeconomic variables. It was ascertained, that for such modelling it is necessary to have as long as possible time series in order to get the most valid models, which could be credibly used for forecasting. What is more, it was realized, that there is no single specification (in terms of variables for sure to be Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 50 included) of models, which would be suitable for all companies, as every company is influenced by specific factors. Since such type of research in Lithuania was not carried out (or was not publicized), it is worth doing similar analyses and especially trying to use the ideas provided in the Thesis practically in companies‟ activity. 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Wiley-Interscience Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 53 Appendices Appendix 1 Time series graphs of macroeconomic variables Figure 3 Time series graphs of annual GDP Figure 4 Time series graphs of net average growth and inflation, % monthly earnings and disposable income (yearly data), LTL 1800 40 1600 30 1400 20 1200 1000 10 800 0 600 -10 400 200 -20 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 GDP growth 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Net average monthly earnings Inflation Disposable income Figure 5 Time series graphs of EURIBOR and Figure 6 Time series graphs of FDI stock and VILIBOR, average of the year, % export (yearly data), ths. LTL 6.0E+07 20 5.0E+07 16 4.0E+07 12 3.0E+07 8 2.0E+07 4 1.0E+07 0.0E+00 0 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 EURIBOR Foreign direct investment VILIBOR Export Figure 7 Time series graphs of EURIBOR and Figure 8 Time series graphs of net average VILIBOR, average of the quarter, % monthly earnings (quarterly data), LTL 1800 9 8 1600 7 6 1400 5 1200 4 3 1000 2 800 1 0 600 2002 2003 2004 2005 EURIBOR 2006 2007 VILIBOR 2008 2009 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Net earnings 2008 2009 Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 54 Figure 9 Time series graphs of FDI stock and export (quarterly data), ths. LTL 3.60E+07 3.20E+07 2.80E+07 2.40E+07 2.00E+07 1.60E+07 1.20E+07 8.00E+06 4.00E+06 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Foreign direct investment Export Time series graphs of accounting variables Figure 10 Time series graphs of annual TEO L- Figure 11 Time series graphs of annual TEO LT assets, revenue and total expenses, ths. LTL T liabilities and current liabilities, ths. LTL 700000 2000000 600000 1600000 500000 1200000 400000 300000 800000 200000 400000 100000 0 0 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 L-T assets Revenue Total expenses Figure 12 Time series graphs of annual TEO LT assets and current assets, ths. LTL 2000000 1600000 1200000 800000 400000 0 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Current assets L-T assets 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Current liabilities L-T liabilities Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 55 Figure 13 Time series graphs of annual RSU Figure 14 Time series graphs of annual RSU LCOGS and revenue, ths. LTL T assets and current assets, ths. LTL 700000 240000 600000 200000 500000 160000 400000 120000 300000 80000 200000 100000 40000 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Costs of goods sold 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Revenue L_T assets Current assets Figure 15 Time series graphs of annual RSU LT liabilities, operating profit and current liabilities, ths. LTL 200000 160000 120000 80000 40000 0 -40000 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 L-T liabilities Operating profit Current liabilities Figure 16 Time series graphs of quarterly TEO Figure 17 Time series graphs of quarterly TEO current and L-T assets, ths. LTL current and L-T liabilities, ths. LTL 600000 2000000 500000 1600000 400000 1200000 300000 800000 200000 400000 100000 0 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Current Assets L-T assets 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Current liabilities L-T liabilities Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 56 Figure 18 Time series graphs of quarterly TEO operating profit, total expenses and revenue, ths. LTL 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 -50000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Operating profit Total expenses Revenue Figure 19 Time series graphs of quarterly RSU Figure 20 Time series graphs of quarterly RSU current assets and liabilities and L-T assets, ths. operating profit, L-T liabilities and operating LTL expenses, ths. LTL 280000 50000 240000 40000 200000 30000 160000 20000 120000 10000 80000 0 40000 -10000 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Figure 21 Time series graphs of quarterly RSU revenue and COGS, ths. LTL 240000 200000 160000 120000 80000 40000 2004 2005 2006 Costs of goods sold 2007 2004 2005 2006 2007 Operating profit L-T liabilities Operating expenses Current assets Current liabilities L-T assets 2003 2003 2008 Revenue 2009 2008 2009 Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 57 Figure 22 Time series graphs of quarterly SNG Figure 23 Time series graphs of quarterly SNG operating expenses and operating profit, ths. current and L-T assets, ths. LTL LTL 180000 30000 160000 20000 140000 10000 120000 100000 0 80000 -10000 60000 40000 -20000 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Operating exenses 2008 2009 2003 2004 Operating profit 2005 2006 2007 Current assets 2008 2009 L-T assets Figure 24 Time series graphs of quarterly SNG Figure 25 Time series graphs of quarterly SNG current and L-T liabilities, ths. LTL COGS and revenue, ths. LTL 160000 140000 140000 120000 120000 100000 100000 80000 80000 60000 60000 40000 40000 20000 20000 0 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 Current liabilities 2007 2008 2009 2003 2004 L-T liabilities 2005 2006 2007 Costs of goods sold 2008 2009 Revenue Figure 26 Time series graphs of quarterly VST Figure 27 Time series graphs of quarterly VST L-T assets and liabilities, ths. LTL current assets and revenue, ths. LTL 900000 3000000 800000 2500000 700000 600000 2000000 500000 1500000 400000 300000 1000000 200000 500000 100000 0 0 2004 2005 2006 L-T assets 2007 2008 L-T liabilities 2009 2004 2005 2006 Current assets 2007 2008 Revenue 2009 Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF Figure 28 Time series graphs of quarterly VST current liabilities, COGS and operating profit, ths. LTL 300000 200000 100000 0 -100000 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Current liabilities Costs of goods sold Operating profit 2009 58 Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 59 Appendix 2 ADF test results of accounting variables Table 22 Results of ADF test for annual accounting variables Vari able Type of stati onarity P-value of ADF test Further used variable name TEO LTA LTL OP REV CA CL T_ EXP 1st difference stationary 1st difference stationary 1st difference stationary 1st difference stationary 1st difference stationary 1st difference stationary 1st difference stationary 0.31 0.25 0.38 0.53 0.78 0.48 0.76 D_LTA D_LTL D_OP D_REV D_CA D_CL D_T_EXP Trend stationary 0.56 RESID_LTA 1 difference stationary 1st difference stationary 1st difference stationary 1st difference stationary 1st difference stationary 1st difference stationary 1st difference stationary 0.37 0.29 0.97 0.98 0.87 0.76 0.84 D_ LTL D_OP D_ REV D_ CA D_ CL D_ O_ EXP D_COGS RS U LTA LTL OP REV CA CL O_ EXP COGS st Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 60 Table 23 Results of ADF test for quarterly accounting variables Vari able LTA LTL OP REV CA CL T_ EXP Type of stati onarity P-value of ADF test TEO Trend stationary Level stationary st 1 difference stationary 1st difference stationary 1st difference stationary Trend stationary 1st difference stationary Further used variable name 0.99 0.00 0.50 0.20 0.71 0.84 0.79 RESID_LTA_SA LTL D_OP_SA D_REV_SA D_CA_SA RESID_CL_SA D_T_EXP_SA 0.62 0.84 0.02 0.68 0.88 0.91 0.65 D_LTA_SA D_LTL_SA OP_SA D_REV_SA D_CA_SA D_CL_SA D_COGS_SA 0.74 0.60 0.52 0.93 0.51 0.58 0.84 D_LTA D_LTL_SA D_OP_SA D_REV_SA D_CA_SA D_CL_SA D_COGS_SA 0.62 0.72 0.00 0.94 0.11 0.91 0.39 D_LTA D_LTL OP_SA D_REV_SA D_CA_SA RESID_CL_SA D_COGS_SA RS U LTA LTL OP REV CA CL COGS st 1 difference stationary 1st difference stationary Level stationary 1st difference stationary 1st difference stationary 1st difference stationary 1st difference stationary SNG st LTA LTL OP REV CA CL COGS 1 difference stationary 1st difference stationary 1st difference stationary 1st difference stationary 1st difference stationary 1st difference stationary 1st difference stationary LTA LTL OP REV CA CL COGS 1st difference stationary 1st difference stationary Level stationary 1st difference stationary 1st difference stationary Trend stationary st 1 difference stationary VST Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 61 Appendix 3 Cross-correlation matrices Table 24 Cross-correlation matrix between annual TEO accounting and macroeconomic variables RES ID_ EX RES ID_ GDP_ G RES ID_ INFL D_T_ EXP D_CL D_CA D_REV D_OP D_LTL D_LTA D_N_ EARN D_DI RES ID_ INFL RES ID_ GDP_ G RES ID_ EX 0.32 0.33 -0.03 0.41 0.14 0.20 0.28 0.88 0.77 0.74 0.07 1.00 -0.02 0.03 0.20 -0.11 -0.18 -0.35 -0.36 0.48 0.55 -0.32 1.00 -0.02 0.06 -0.16 0.10 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.66 0.64 1.00 D_DI D_N_ EARN D_LTA D_LTL D_OP D_REV D_CA D_CL D_T_ EXP 0.08 0.18 0.06 0.17 0.08 -0.05 -0.09 0.93 1.00 0.18 0.28 -0.02 0.22 0.01 0.05 0.07 1.00 0.65 0.44 -0.16 0.80 0.41 0.81 1.00 0.39 0.15 0.21 0.71 0.45 1.00 -0.07 -0.07 -0.07 0.32 1.00 0.85 0.57 0.22 1.00 0.10 0.29 1.00 0.72 1.00 1.00 Table 25 Cross-correlation matrix between annual RSU accounting and macroeconomic variables RES ID_ E RES ID_ RES ID_ RES ID_ RES ID_ URIB OR EX FDI GDP_ G INFL D_OP -0.46 -0.74 -0.45 0.81 -0.67 D_CL 0.53 0.72 0.37 -0.55 0.59 D_CA -0.23 -0.10 -0.05 0.18 -0.07 D_REV 0.58 0.36 0.03 -0.16 0.13 D_LTL -0.11 -0.12 0.15 0.03 -0.11 D_COGS 0.71 0.67 0.20 -0.53 0.44 RES ID_LTA 0.11 -0.21 -0.40 -0.24 -0.48 D_VILIBOR 0.23 0.17 0.10 0.09 0.25 D_N_ EARN 0.58 0.83 0.54 -0.47 0.69 D_DI 0.46 0.68 0.32 -0.28 0.51 RES ID_ INFL 0.58 0.91 0.83 -0.42 1.00 RES ID_ GDP_ G -0.55 -0.58 -0.47 1.00 RES ID_ FDI 0.70 0.76 1.00 RES ID_ EX 0.71 1.00 RES ID_ EURIBOR 1.00 D_DI -0.23 0.28 -0.02 0.55 -0.10 0.57 -0.06 0.57 0.94 1.00 D_N_ E ARN -0.45 0.46 -0.05 0.43 0.01 0.57 -0.01 0.56 1.00 D_VILI RES ID_ D_COG BOR LTA S -0.03 -0.27 -0.45 0.01 0.35 0.46 0.35 -0.28 -0.42 -0.23 0.31 0.87 0.30 0.28 -0.33 -0.20 0.40 1.00 -0.31 1.00 1.00 D_LTL D_REV D_CA D_CL D_OP -0.08 -0.02 0.27 -0.30 1.00 0.02 0.07 -0.45 1.00 -0.06 0.28 1.00 -0.84 1.00 1.00 Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 62 Table 26 Cross-correlation matrix between quarterly TEO accounting and macroeconomic variables D_CA_SA D_REV_SA D_ EURI BOR 0.14 0.14 D_OP_SA D_T_ EXP_SA RES ID_LTA_SA RES ID_CL_SA LTL D_N_ EARN D_VILIBOR D_INFL_SA D_ GDP_ G_SA D_FDI D_ EX D_ EURIBOR 0.01 0.20 -0.44 -0.29 0.01 0.22 -0.04 -0.17 0.06 0.30 0.63 1.00 D_ EX D_FDI 0.18 -0.05 0.30 0.32 -0.18 0.19 -0.26 -0.19 0.01 0.51 -0.38 -0.01 0.24 0.42 1.00 -0.03 0.13 -0.32 -0.26 -0.04 0.19 -0.02 0.03 0.26 1.00 D_ GDP_ D_INFL_ D_VILIB D_N_ EA G_SA SA OR RN 0.10 -0.11 -0.16 0.09 -0.17 0.08 0.47 0.22 -0.22 -0.07 -0.02 0.01 -0.06 0.10 -0.20 -0.39 1.00 0.13 -0.03 -0.24 -0.09 -0.10 0.08 0.01 1.00 0.31 -0.08 -0.26 -0.10 -0.35 0.13 1.00 0.08 -0.03 -0.42 -0.19 -0.13 1.00 LTL -0.02 -0.41 -0.03 -0.07 0.39 0.13 1.00 RES ID_C RES ID_L L_SA TA_SA -0.18 -0.33 -0.36 -0.42 -0.49 -0.20 0.66 1.00 D_T_ EX P_SA 0.12 0.53 -0.33 -0.09 1.00 0.03 1.00 D_OP_S D_REV_ D_CA_S A SA A -0.23 0.06 1.00 0.44 1.00 1.00 Table 27 Cross-correlation matrix between quarterly RSU accounting and macroeconomic variables D_REV_SA D_LTL_SA D_LTA_SA D_ EURI BOR 0.45 0.14 -0.30 D_COGS_SA D_CL_SA D_CA_SA OP_SA D_N_ EARN D_VILIBOR D_INFL_SA D_ GDP_ G_SA D_FDI D_ EX D_ EURIBOR 0.34 0.16 0.28 0.24 0.21 -0.04 -0.11 0.11 0.31 0.63 1.00 D_ EX D_FDI 0.34 -0.05 -0.33 0.25 -0.04 -0.33 0.52 0.64 0.66 0.02 0.51 -0.41 0.00 0.27 0.43 1.00 0.21 0.17 0.31 0.29 0.20 -0.03 -0.03 0.29 1.00 D_ GDP_ D_INFL_ D_VILIB D_N_ EA G_SA SA OR RN 0.32 0.08 -0.17 0.25 -0.02 -0.31 0.20 -0.18 -0.50 0.52 0.18 0.04 0.34 0.06 0.19 0.09 0.12 -0.22 -0.45 1.00 0.01 0.15 0.00 0.30 0.09 -0.06 1.00 -0.30 -0.34 -0.38 -0.05 0.12 1.00 0.33 0.40 0.25 -0.11 1.00 OP_SA 0.23 -0.16 -0.03 -0.01 -0.49 -0.31 1.00 D_CA_S A 0.05 0.22 -0.35 0.25 0.90 1.00 D_CL_S D_COGS D_LTA_ D_LTL_ A _SA SA SA 0.06 0.87 -0.27 -0.26 0.01 -0.23 -0.27 1.00 -0.05 -0.39 1.00 0.27 1.00 1.00 D_REV_ SA 1.00 Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 63 Table 28 Cross-correlation matrix between quarterly SNG accounting and macroeconomic variables D_ EURI BOR D_ EX D_FDI D_REV_SA D_OP_SA D_LTL_SA D_LTA D_COGS_SA D_CL_SA D_CA_SA D_N_ EARN D_VILIBOR D_INFL_SA D_ GDP_ G_SA D_FDI 0.05 0.02 0.18 0.16 0.07 0.10 0.36 0.21 -0.04 -0.11 0.11 0.31 0.16 0.10 0.17 0.05 0.12 0.29 0.66 0.51 -0.41 0.00 0.27 0.43 0.10 0.16 -0.22 0.06 0.05 0.19 0.13 0.20 -0.03 -0.03 0.29 1.00 D_ EX D_ EURIBOR 0.63 1.00 1.00 D_ GDP_ D_INFL_ D_VILIB D_N_ EA D_CA_S G_SA SA OR RN A 0.07 0.32 0.31 0.19 0.01 -0.24 0.07 0.12 -0.22 -0.45 1.00 0.37 -0.01 -0.10 -0.04 0.41 0.42 0.26 0.09 -0.06 1.00 -0.26 -0.31 -0.24 -0.14 -0.19 -0.06 -0.35 0.12 1.00 0.11 0.00 0.02 0.17 0.12 0.21 0.28 1.00 0.39 0.18 0.55 -0.12 0.41 0.23 1.00 D_CL_S D_COGS A _SA 0.48 -0.28 -0.54 0.22 0.46 1.00 0.98 0.06 0.00 0.11 1.00 D_LTA 0.13 0.04 0.01 1.00 D_LTL_ SA D_OP_S A D_REV_ SA -0.03 0.30 1.00 0.14 1.00 1.00 D_LTA D_LTL 0.38 0.13 1.00 0.14 1.00 Table 29 Cross-correlation matrix between quarterly VST accounting and macroeconomic variables D_ EURI BOR D_ EX D_FDI D_REV_SA D_LTL D_LTA D_COGS_SA D_CA RES ID_CL_SA OP_SA D_VILIBOR D_N_ EARN D_INFL_SA D_ GDP_ G_SA 0.34 0.08 0.03 0.08 0.03 0.17 0.08 -0.06 0.20 -0.13 0.08 0.22 0.10 0.00 0.08 0.01 -0.04 0.11 -0.43 0.51 0.00 0.26 0.48 -0.12 0.06 -0.04 0.00 0.30 0.16 -0.06 0.19 -0.01 0.32 D_FDI D_ EX D_ EURIBOR 0.32 0.63 1.00 0.44 1.00 1.00 D_ GDP_ D_INFL_ D_N_ EA D_VILIB G_SA SA RN OR -0.10 -0.09 -0.31 0.05 0.10 0.18 -0.33 -0.31 0.13 -0.58 1.00 0.27 0.01 0.22 -0.01 0.08 -0.22 0.48 -0.09 0.10 1.00 0.40 0.20 0.21 0.27 -0.04 -0.11 0.47 0.10 1.00 0.11 0.06 0.53 -0.24 -0.19 -0.07 0.25 1.00 OP_SA 0.37 0.17 0.33 0.01 0.27 0.04 1.00 RES ID_ CL_SA -0.01 -0.18 -0.23 0.04 0.08 1.00 D_CA -0.06 0.50 0.02 -0.27 1.00 D_COGS _SA 0.16 0.07 -0.20 1.00 D_REV_ SA 1.00 Appendix 4 Probability levels for the significance of correlation coefficients Table 30 Two-tailed probability levels for the significance of correlation coefficients N 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 26 28 30 40 0.1 0.80 0.73 0.67 0.62 0.58 0.55 0.52 0.50 0.48 0.46 0.44 0.43 0.41 0.40 0.39 0.38 0.36 0.34 0.33 0.32 0.31 0.26 Source: Saal, W. , 2006 0.05 0.88 0.81 0.75 0.71 0.67 0.63 0.60 0.58 0.55 0.53 0.51 0.50 0.48 0.47 0.46 0.44 0.42 0.40 0.39 0.37 0.36 0.31 0.01 0.96 0.92 0.87 0.83 0.80 0.77 0.73 0.71 0.68 0.66 0.64 0.62 0.61 0.59 0.57 0.56 0.54 0.51 0.50 0.48 0.46 0.40 Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 65 Appendix 5 Results of Granger causality test Table 31 Results of Granger causality test of quarterly TEO accounting and macroeconomic variables Null Hypothesis: F-Statistic Probability LTL does not Granger Cause D_OP_SA 11.0571 0.00010 RESID_ CL_SA does not Granger Cause D_OP_ SA 10.0306 0.00019 D_ GDP_ G_SA does not Granger Cause D_OP_SA 5.52330 0.00442 LTL does not Granger Cause D_CA_SA 2.73505 0.06132 D_ GDP_ G_SA does not Granger Cause RESID_CL_ SA 2.85879 0.05377 D_ VILIBOR does not Granger Cause RESID_ CL_SA 4.58480 0.00995 LTL does not Granger Cause RESID_ CL_SA 14.3942 1.4E-05 RESID_ LTA_SA does not Granger Cause RESID_CL_SA 3.30457 0.03245 D_ REV_ SA does not Granger Cause RESID_ CL_SA 3.96195 0.01774 D_ OP_SA does not Granger Cause RESID_CL_ SA 3.50193 0.02778 D_ CA_SA does not Granger Cause RESID_ CL_SA 3.47866 0.02844 D_T_ EXP_SA does not Granger Cause RESID_ LTA_SA 7.68161 0.00086 RESID_ CL_SA does not Granger Cause LTL 18.2160 2.7E-06 RESID_ LTA_SA does not Granger Cause LTL 22.9966 4.6E-07 TEO quarterl y Table 32 Results of Granger causality test of quarterly RSU accounting and macroeconomic variables Null Hypothesis: F-Statistic Probability D_FDI does not Granger Cause OP_SA 4.25604 0.01845 D_ EURIBOR does not Granger Cause D_CA_SA 4.10066 0.02097 D_FDI does not Granger Cause D_CA_SA 5.17906 0.00898 D_ N_EA RN does not Granger Cause D_CA_SA 4.32867 0.01739 D_ CL_SA does not Granger Cause D_CA_SA 3.02483 0.05425 D_FDI does not Granger Cause D_CL_SA 5.06738 0.00976 D_ EURIBOR does not Granger Cause D_LTA 3.34228 0.04050 D_ EX does not Granger Cause D_ LTA 5.35417 0.00789 D_ CA_SA does not Granger Cause D_LTA 2.71021 0.07323 D_ COGS_SA does not Granger Cause D_LTA 4.00557 0.02271 D_ LTL does not Granger Cause D_LTA 2.38246 0.10124 RS U quarterly Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF 66 Table 33 Results of Granger causality test of quarterly SNG accounting and macroeconomic variables Null Hypothesis: F-Statistic Probability D_ COGS_SA does not Granger Cause D_OP_SA 2.48101 0.09173 D_ LTA does not Granger Cause D_OP_SA 4.02478 0.02234 D_ REV_ SA does not Granger Cause D_OP_SA 2.41272 0.09821 D_ EX does not Granger Cause D_CA_SA 2.60041 0.08152 D_ GDP_ G_SA does not Granger Cause D_CA_SA 4.10158 0.02096 D_ GDP_ G_SA does not Granger Cause D_CL_ SA 2.80647 0.06673 D_ CA_SA does not Granger Cause D_CL_SA 4.49126 0.01525 D_ LTL_ SA does not Granger Cause D_CL_SA 5.71027 0.00611 D_ COGS_SA does not Granger Cause D_CL_SA 2.92265 0.05973 D_INFL_ SA does not Granger Cause D_LTA 4.95659 0.01062 D_ CL_SA does not Granger Cause D_ LTA 5.72542 0.00605 D_ COGS_SA does not Granger Cause D_LTA 3.22681 0.04499 D_ REV_ SA does not Granger Cause D_LTA 2.78127 0.06837 SNG quarterly Table 34 Results of Granger causality test of quarterly VST accounting and macroeconomic variables Null Hypothesis: F-Statistic Probability D_ GDP_ G_SA does not Granger Cause OP_SA 3.51751 0.04402 D_CA does not Granger Cause OP_SA 3.41820 0.04761 D_EX does not Granger Cause D_CA 25.4364 1.6E-05 D_ GDP_ G_SA does not Granger Cause D_ CA 2.53540 0.10007 D_INFL_SA does not Granger Cause D_CA 3.34781 0.05036 D_ VILIBOR does not Granger Cause D_CA 3.89749 0.03292 D_LTA does not Granger Cause D_CA 23.9406 2.2E-05 D_ VILIBOR does not Granger Cause RESID_ CL_SA 2.62021 0.09282 D_COGS_SA does not Granger Cause RESID_CL_SA 3.22540 0.05559 D_EX does not Granger Cause D_LTL 2.57200 0.09686 D_INFL_SA does not Granger Cause D_ LTL 2.71389 0.08551 D_LTA does not Granger Cause D_LTL 14.6965 0.00022 VST quarterly Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF Appendix 6 Actual and with VAR models fitted data Figure 29 TEO quarterly actual and with VAR fitted data D_CA_SA 160000 D_OP_SA 40000 30000 120000 20000 80000 10000 40000 0 -10000 0 -20000 -40000 -30000 -80000 -40000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Actual 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 D_CA_SA (Bas eline) Actual L-T liabilities 600000 D_OP_SA (Bas eline) RESID_CL_SA 250000 200000 500000 150000 400000 100000 300000 50000 0 200000 -50000 100000 -100000 0 -150000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 L-T liabilities L-T liabilities (Bas eline) RESID_LTA_SA 300000 200000 100000 0 -100000 -200000 -300000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Actual RESID_LTA_SA (Bas eline) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Actual RESID_CL_SA (Bas eline) 67 Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF Figure 30 RSU quarterly actual and with VAR fitted data D_CA_SA D_CL_SA 60000 60000 40000 40000 20000 20000 0 0 -20000 -20000 -40000 -60000 -40000 2003 2004 2005 Actual 2006 2007 2008 2009 2003 D_CA_SA (Bas eline) 2004 2005 Actual D_LTA_SA 2006 2007 2008 2009 D_CL_SA (Bas eline) D_LTL_SA 20000 6000 15000 4000 10000 2000 5000 0 0 -2000 -5000 -4000 -10000 -6000 -15000 -8000 2003 2004 2005 Actual 2006 2007 2008 2009 D_LTA_SA (Bas eline) OP_SA 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 -5000 2004 2005 Actual 2006 2007 2008 OP_SA (Bas eline) 2004 2005 Actual 25000 2003 2003 2009 2006 2007 2008 D_LTL_SA (Bas eline) 2009 68 Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF Figure 31 SNG quarterly actual and with VAR fitted data D_CA_SA D_CL_SA 30000 40000 20000 30000 10000 20000 0 10000 -10000 0 -20000 -10000 -30000 -20000 -40000 -30000 2003 2004 2005 Actual 2006 2007 2008 2009 2003 D_CA_SA (Bas eline) 2004 2005 Actual D_LTA 2006 2007 2008 2009 D_CL_SA (Bas eline) D_LTL_SA 30000 30000 20000 20000 10000 10000 0 -10000 0 -20000 -10000 -30000 -20000 -40000 -30000 -50000 2003 2004 2005 Actual 2006 2007 2008 2009 D_LTA (Bas eline) D_OP_SA 20000 10000 0 -10000 -20000 -30000 2004 2005 Actual 2006 2007 2008 D_OP_SA (Bas eline) 2004 2005 Actual 30000 2003 2003 2009 2006 2007 2008 D_LTL_SA (Bas eline) 2009 69 Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF Figure 32 VST quarterly actual and with VAR fitted data D_CA D_LTA 600000 800000 400000 600000 200000 400000 0 200000 -200000 0 -400000 -200000 -600000 -800000 -400000 2004 2005 2006 Actual 2007 2008 2009 2004 D_CA (Bas eline) 2005 2006 Actual D_LTL 2007 2008 2009 D_LTA (Bas eline) OP_SA 500000 60000 400000 40000 300000 20000 200000 0 100000 -20000 0 -40000 -100000 -60000 -200000 -80000 2004 2005 2006 Actual 2007 2008 2009 D_LTL (Bas eline) RESID_CL_SA 60000 40000 20000 0 -20000 -40000 -60000 -80000 2005 Actual 2006 2007 2008 2005 Actual 80000 2004 2004 2009 RESID_CL_SA (Bas eline) 2006 2007 2008 OP_SA (Bas eline) 2009 70 Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF Appendix 7 Deviations of with models forecasted values from the actual ones Table 35 Deviation of TEO quarterly SEM forecasted values from the actual ones 2009 I 2009 II 2009 III 2009 IV Average D_OP_SA 57% 173% 161% 57% 112% D_CA_SA 18% 307% 86% 942% 338% RES ID_CL_SA 78% 8% 102% 31% 55% RES ID_LTA_SA 42% 59% 108% 63% 68% 614% 448% 318% 1,209% 345% LTL Table 36 Deviation of RSU quarterly SEM forecasted values from the actual ones 2009 I 2009 II 2009 III 2009 IV Average OP_SA 68% 84% 31% 25% 52% D_CA_SA 18% 211% 49% 33% 78% D_CL_SA 33% 89% 9% 22% 38% D_LTA_SA 53% 6% 132% 60% 63% D_LTL_SA 71% 205% 147% 766% 297% Table 37 Deviation of SNG quarterly SEM forecasted values from the actual ones 2009 I 2009 II 2009 III 2009 IV Average D_OP_SA 231% 934% 90% 70% 331% D_CA_SA 4% 49% 97% 58% 52% D_CL_SA 85% 50% 65% 98% 75% D_LTA_SA 96% 149% 94% 287% 157% D_LTL_SA 112% 82% 100% 171% 116% Table 38 Deviation of VST quarterly SEM forecasted values from the actual ones 2009 I 2009 II 2009 III 2009 IV Average OP_SA 24% 65% 13% 166% 67% D_CA 75% 92% 68% 125% 90% RES ID_CL_SA 5% 114% 57% 109% 71% D_LTA 11% 58% 148% 215% 108% D_LTL 77% 110% 300% 119% 152% 71 Modelling and Forecasting Company's FCF Table 39 Deviation of RSU quarterly VAR forecasted values from the actual ones 2009 I 2009 II 2009 III 2009 IV Average OP_SA 3% 18% 169% 47% 59% D_CA_SA 2% 32% 51% 6% 23% D_CL_SA 15% 5% 69% 54% 36% D_LTA_SA 33% 27% 47% 64% 43% D_LTL_SA 51% 265% 156% 315% 197% Table 40 Deviation of SNG quarterly VAR forecasted values from the actual ones 2009 I 2009 II 2009 III 2009 IV Average D_OP_SA 246% 3,955% 32% 35% 79% D_CA_SA 10% 12% 79% 32% 33% D_CL_SA 32% 14% 19% 158% 56% D_LTA_SA 16% 247% 18% 464% 186% D_LTL_SA 13% 130% 256% 187% 147% Table 41 Deviation of VST quarterly VAR forecasted values from the actual ones 2009 I 2009 II 2009 III 2009 IV Average OP_SA 30% 173% 65% 340% 152% D_CA 42% 35% 47% 83% 52% RES ID_CL_SA 76% 98% 156% 65% 99% D_LTA 73% 102% 93% 104% 93% D_LTL 152% 142% 282% 114% 173% 72