Friatec Electrofusion System
Friatec Electrofusion System
1 TOP LOADING SADDLES 3 Each individual saddle covers a range of pipe diameters from 250mm to 560mm. Fusion is carried out by swiping the barcode on the fitting. The machine then carries out the fusion depending on the parameters held within the barcode. • Flexibility - with one saddle off takes can be made on a large variety of pipes. 2 BARCODE READING • Fully automatic process so no possibility of manual input error. TOP LOADING MACHINES Used to compress a top loading saddle (covers a range of diameters from 250 to 560mm) onto the surface of the pipe and maintain this compression for the duration of the weld. • Unit displays size and type of fitting when the barcode is scanned to ensure that no error can occur. When the user is comfortable that correct fitting has been scanned the start button can be pressed. • Ease of use – simply strap unit onto pipe and pump up to required pressure with supplied hand pump. • Fully universal system – all major brands of electrofusion coupler are produced with barcodes to an international standard that can be read by the Friatec machine. • Top loading machine uses air pressure to compress the saddle onto the surface of the pipe. • Ease of use with wand simply needing to be held like a pen. Unit even has a back up for manual input of the barcode if the wand fails. 4 FRIATEC FAQS TEMPERATURE GAUGE The unit has an internal temperature gauge which records the outside temperature when the fusion is carried out. I have a Friatec fusion machine - can I use it on other brands of fittings? • The unit automatically adjusts the fusion time either up or down, dependant on the ambient temperature. This is to ensure the correct fusion time is carried out, for example on a cold day the fusion time should be increased. With a manual process this must be calculated by the user. 4 The Friatec machine reads the barcode attached to the fitting in order to get the correct fusion parameters. All reputable fitting brands are supplied with a barcode sticker which conforms to an international standard which can be read by the Friatec machine. The only requirement is for an adaptor plug to enable the Friatec machine to connect to fittings which have 4.7mm pins. Why is it important to scrape the pipe prior to carrying out the fusion process? When exposed to sunlight PE oxidises. This process creates an oxidised layer which can impact on the integrity of the joint, as it creates a barrier of foreign material between the PE material of the fitting and the pipe. Therefore, it must be scraped off to achieve a fully functioning joint. The use of Friatec scraping tools makes this job significantly easier. • Pressure gauge provides a clear visual indicator that load is being maintained during fusion providing peace of mind to user. Why is the SDR rating of the pipe important in the electrofusion process? 1 The electrofusion process works by passing an electric current through the wiring embedded in the fitting. This causes the wiring to heat up to approximately 220 degrees centigrade which then melts the fitting and pipe. Once cooling has been completed a homogenous joint is formed. The heating parameters are set to pass enough energy through the wires to melt a certain thickness of pipe. Every pipe is made to a predetermined SDR rating which, depending on the material, gives a certain pressure rating based on a set wall 3 2 INTRODUCTION TO FRIATEC thickness. Standard electrofusion fittings are used on pipes with an SDR rating from 11 to 21. If they are used on pipes that are outside of this range they will either provide too much energy (SDR above 21) and so lead to a catastrophic failure of the pipe, or will not pass enough energy (SDR below 11) to melt enough of the pipe. Friatec have fittings to enable electrofusion to be carried out on SDR below 11 (PN25 couplers) or SDR above 21 (Friafit couplers). Do I need to use clamps with the Friatec system? The exposed wires with Friatec fittings means that there is an instantaneous heat transfer from the fitting to the pipe. With more traditional fittings, which have wires that are covered, the heat transfer takes some time as it must pass through a layer of material in the fitting before getting to the pipe. The instantaneous heat transfer means that almost immediately after the fusion process commences the pipe is gripped in the fitting. This eliminates the need for clamps in standard applications. However, if the pipe is under any tensions then clamps must be used. Friatec was founded in 1863 in Manheim, Germany and has successfully brought to market many innovative ranges. Friatec’s patented electrofusion system is world leading and has been used in projects all around the globe. The Frialen range is rated to PN16 and Is there a danger of the exposed wires being dislodged from the fitting? Only 1/3 of the wires are exposed on the surface of the fitting. The remaining 2/3 of the wires are embedded in the body of the fitting. As the wires are an integral part of the fitting body they cannot be dislodged in normal circumstances - providing all the benefits of exposed wires without any risks. is commonly used in the civil, mining and irrigation sectors. The Friafit range of fittings is rated to PN10 and is most suited to applications with lower pressures, such as those found in irrigation and sewerage situations. Friatec’s innovative electrofusion products include many unique features, all of which are designed to improve the speed of installation and use without compromising on the quality and longevity of the connection made. Here are just some of the features of the fittings and the tools: THE FRIATEC ELECTROFUSION ADVANTAGES What type of generator can be used with the Friatec fusion units? 1 Any standard 5Kva generator will be adequate to provide enough power to weld all sizes of fittings. Please note that when running the unit with a generator ensure the generator is switched on and running prior to connecting up the fusion unit. PREHEATING In large bore couplers (280mm +) there is a special preheating barcode which, when scanned, does not fully fuse the coupler but rather heats it and the pipe up to 80 degrees centigrade. • Large bore pipe is often oval. This can present problems. The maximum allowable gap between the fitting and pipe outside surface is equal to 1% of the pipe outside diameter. When pipe is loaded concentrically, gaps larger than this can significantly impact on the integrity of the formed joint and fusion should not be attempted. Using the preheating function the pipe is heated up to 80 degrees centigrade, which returns the pipe to the round. This can be run a number of times and gaps of up to 3mm can be closed in this way. If there is an interruption of power during the fusion process can you re-fuse the fitting? As long as the joint is not moved during the cooling time then the fusion process can be re-run. However, this can only be done once the cooling time (as noted on the barcode label) has been completed. Is it possible to record the fusion data with Friatec fusion machines? The Prime version of the Friatec fusion machine range has full capability to record all the relevant data including; installer, date, time, voltage, fusion time and coupler type. The data is then stored on the fusion box. 3 EMBEDDED HEATING COILS 4 Wires are embedded in fitting surface with 1/3 being exposed. This provides the following benafits: • Maximum efficiency of transfer between coupler and pipe. Heat does not have to travel through the wall of the fitting before hitting the pipe so there is an equal transfer of heat between the pipe and fitting as well as reduced fusion time. • Coils are embedded therefore there is no chance of wires being dislodged. • Ability to visually check wire integrity prior to fusion. • Pipe gripped in fitting almost immediately fusion has commenced eliminating need for clamps (unless pipe is under an external load). EXTERNAL REINFORCEMENT In large bore couplers (280mm + above) the couplers have external wires wrapped around them which provides a reinforcement during fusion. • During fusion high pressures build up inside the fitting and this is particularly so with large bore couplers. External reinforcement is required to hold the fitting onto the pipe during the fusion process. Without it there is a danger that the fitting will lift off the pipe and cause a failure. Friatec couplers come complete with this reinforcement so no further action is required. With other couplers a reinforcing blanket may be required to achieve the full integrity joint. 4 2 DUAL FUSION ZONE 4 In large bore couplers (280mm + above) there are two seperate fusion zones. • This means when carrying out an electrofusion joint in a tight trench situation one end of the pipe can be fused above ground in easier conditions. Only one side of the joint then needs to be made in the trench. Friatec Electrofusion System 2 1 2 3 1 TOP LOADING SADDLES 3 Each individual saddle covers a range of pipe diameters from 250mm to 560mm. Fusion is carried out by swiping the barcode on the fitting. The machine then carries out the fusion depending on the parameters held within the barcode. • Flexibility - with one saddle off takes can be made on a large variety of pipes. 2 BARCODE READING • Fully automatic process so no possibility of manual input error. TOP LOADING MACHINES Used to compress a top loading saddle (covers a range of diameters from 250 to 560mm) onto the surface of the pipe and maintain this compression for the duration of the weld. • Unit displays size and type of fitting when the barcode is scanned to ensure that no error can occur. When the user is comfortable that correct fitting has been scanned the start button can be pressed. • Ease of use – simply strap unit onto pipe and pump up to required pressure with supplied hand pump. • Fully universal system – all major brands of electrofusion coupler are produced with barcodes to an international standard that can be read by the Friatec machine. • Top loading machine uses air pressure to compress the saddle onto the surface of the pipe. • Ease of use with wand simply needing to be held like a pen. Unit even has a back up for manual input of the barcode if the wand fails. 4 FRIATEC FAQS TEMPERATURE GAUGE The unit has an internal temperature gauge which records the outside temperature when the fusion is carried out. I have a Friatec fusion machine - can I use it on other brands of fittings? • The unit automatically adjusts the fusion time either up or down, dependant on the ambient temperature. This is to ensure the correct fusion time is carried out, for example on a cold day the fusion time should be increased. With a manual process this must be calculated by the user. 4 The Friatec machine reads the barcode attached to the fitting in order to get the correct fusion parameters. All reputable fitting brands are supplied with a barcode sticker which conforms to an international standard which can be read by the Friatec machine. The only requirement is for an adaptor plug to enable the Friatec machine to connect to fittings which have 4.7mm pins. Why is it important to scrape the pipe prior to carrying out the fusion process? When exposed to sunlight PE oxidises. This process creates an oxidised layer which can impact on the integrity of the joint, as it creates a barrier of foreign material between the PE material of the fitting and the pipe. Therefore, it must be scraped off to achieve a fully functioning joint. The use of Friatec scraping tools makes this job significantly easier. • Pressure gauge provides a clear visual indicator that load is being maintained during fusion providing peace of mind to user. Why is the SDR rating of the pipe important in the electrofusion process? 1 The electrofusion process works by passing an electric current through the wiring embedded in the fitting. This causes the wiring to heat up to approximately 220 degrees centigrade which then melts the fitting and pipe. Once cooling has been completed a homogenous joint is formed. The heating parameters are set to pass enough energy through the wires to melt a certain thickness of pipe. Every pipe is made to a predetermined SDR rating which, depending on the material, gives a certain pressure rating based on a set wall 3 2 INTRODUCTION TO FRIATEC thickness. Standard electrofusion fittings are used on pipes with an SDR rating from 11 to 21. If they are used on pipes that are outside of this range they will either provide too much energy (SDR above 21) and so lead to a catastrophic failure of the pipe, or will not pass enough energy (SDR below 11) to melt enough of the pipe. Friatec have fittings to enable electrofusion to be carried out on SDR below 11 (PN25 couplers) or SDR above 21 (Friafit couplers). Do I need to use clamps with the Friatec system? The exposed wires with Friatec fittings means that there is an instantaneous heat transfer from the fitting to the pipe. With more traditional fittings, which have wires that are covered, the heat transfer takes some time as it must pass through a layer of material in the fitting before getting to the pipe. The instantaneous heat transfer means that almost immediately after the fusion process commences the pipe is gripped in the fitting. This eliminates the need for clamps in standard applications. However, if the pipe is under any tensions then clamps must be used. Friatec was founded in 1863 in Manheim, Germany and has successfully brought to market many innovative ranges. Friatec’s patented electrofusion system is world leading and has been used in projects all around the globe. The Frialen range is rated to PN16 and Is there a danger of the exposed wires being dislodged from the fitting? Only 1/3 of the wires are exposed on the surface of the fitting. The remaining 2/3 of the wires are embedded in the body of the fitting. As the wires are an integral part of the fitting body they cannot be dislodged in normal circumstances - providing all the benefits of exposed wires without any risks. is commonly used in the civil, mining and irrigation sectors. The Friafit range of fittings is rated to PN10 and is most suited to applications with lower pressures, such as those found in irrigation and sewerage situations. Friatec’s innovative electrofusion products include many unique features, all of which are designed to improve the speed of installation and use without compromising on the quality and longevity of the connection made. Here are just some of the features of the fittings and the tools: THE FRIATEC ELECTROFUSION ADVANTAGES What type of generator can be used with the Friatec fusion units? 1 Any standard 5Kva generator will be adequate to provide enough power to weld all sizes of fittings. Please note that when running the unit with a generator ensure the generator is switched on and running prior to connecting up the fusion unit. PREHEATING In large bore couplers (280mm +) there is a special preheating barcode which, when scanned, does not fully fuse the coupler but rather heats it and the pipe up to 80 degrees centigrade. • Large bore pipe is often oval. This can present problems. The maximum allowable gap between the fitting and pipe outside surface is equal to 1% of the pipe outside diameter. When pipe is loaded concentrically, gaps larger than this can significantly impact on the integrity of the formed joint and fusion should not be attempted. Using the preheating function the pipe is heated up to 80 degrees centigrade, which returns the pipe to the round. This can be run a number of times and gaps of up to 3mm can be closed in this way. If there is an interruption of power during the fusion process can you re-fuse the fitting? As long as the joint is not moved during the cooling time then the fusion process can be re-run. However, this can only be done once the cooling time (as noted on the barcode label) has been completed. Is it possible to record the fusion data with Friatec fusion machines? The Prime version of the Friatec fusion machine range has full capability to record all the relevant data including; installer, date, time, voltage, fusion time and coupler type. The data is then stored on the fusion box. 3 EMBEDDED HEATING COILS 4 Wires are embedded in fitting surface with 1/3 being exposed. This provides the following benafits: • Maximum efficiency of transfer between coupler and pipe. Heat does not have to travel through the wall of the fitting before hitting the pipe so there is an equal transfer of heat between the pipe and fitting as well as reduced fusion time. • Coils are embedded therefore there is no chance of wires being dislodged. • Ability to visually check wire integrity prior to fusion. • Pipe gripped in fitting almost immediately fusion has commenced eliminating need for clamps (unless pipe is under an external load). EXTERNAL REINFORCEMENT In large bore couplers (280mm + above) the couplers have external wires wrapped around them which provides a reinforcement during fusion. • During fusion high pressures build up inside the fitting and this is particularly so with large bore couplers. External reinforcement is required to hold the fitting onto the pipe during the fusion process. Without it there is a danger that the fitting will lift off the pipe and cause a failure. Friatec couplers come complete with this reinforcement so no further action is required. With other couplers a reinforcing blanket may be required to achieve the full integrity joint. 4 2 DUAL FUSION ZONE 4 In large bore couplers (280mm + above) there are two seperate fusion zones. • This means when carrying out an electrofusion joint in a tight trench situation one end of the pipe can be fused above ground in easier conditions. Only one side of the joint then needs to be made in the trench. Friatec Electrofusion System 2 1 2 3 1 TOP LOADING SADDLES 3 Each individual saddle covers a range of pipe diameters from 250mm to 560mm. Fusion is carried out by swiping the barcode on the fitting. The machine then carries out the fusion depending on the parameters held within the barcode. • Flexibility - with one saddle off takes can be made on a large variety of pipes. 2 BARCODE READING • Fully automatic process so no possibility of manual input error. TOP LOADING MACHINES Used to compress a top loading saddle (covers a range of diameters from 250 to 560mm) onto the surface of the pipe and maintain this compression for the duration of the weld. • Unit displays size and type of fitting when the barcode is scanned to ensure that no error can occur. When the user is comfortable that correct fitting has been scanned the start button can be pressed. • Ease of use – simply strap unit onto pipe and pump up to required pressure with supplied hand pump. • Fully universal system – all major brands of electrofusion coupler are produced with barcodes to an international standard that can be read by the Friatec machine. • Top loading machine uses air pressure to compress the saddle onto the surface of the pipe. • Ease of use with wand simply needing to be held like a pen. Unit even has a back up for manual input of the barcode if the wand fails. 4 FRIATEC FAQS TEMPERATURE GAUGE The unit has an internal temperature gauge which records the outside temperature when the fusion is carried out. I have a Friatec fusion machine - can I use it on other brands of fittings? • The unit automatically adjusts the fusion time either up or down, dependant on the ambient temperature. This is to ensure the correct fusion time is carried out, for example on a cold day the fusion time should be increased. With a manual process this must be calculated by the user. 4 The Friatec machine reads the barcode attached to the fitting in order to get the correct fusion parameters. All reputable fitting brands are supplied with a barcode sticker which conforms to an international standard which can be read by the Friatec machine. The only requirement is for an adaptor plug to enable the Friatec machine to connect to fittings which have 4.7mm pins. Why is it important to scrape the pipe prior to carrying out the fusion process? When exposed to sunlight PE oxidises. This process creates an oxidised layer which can impact on the integrity of the joint, as it creates a barrier of foreign material between the PE material of the fitting and the pipe. Therefore, it must be scraped off to achieve a fully functioning joint. The use of Friatec scraping tools makes this job significantly easier. • Pressure gauge provides a clear visual indicator that load is being maintained during fusion providing peace of mind to user. Why is the SDR rating of the pipe important in the electrofusion process? 1 The electrofusion process works by passing an electric current through the wiring embedded in the fitting. This causes the wiring to heat up to approximately 220 degrees centigrade which then melts the fitting and pipe. Once cooling has been completed a homogenous joint is formed. The heating parameters are set to pass enough energy through the wires to melt a certain thickness of pipe. Every pipe is made to a predetermined SDR rating which, depending on the material, gives a certain pressure rating based on a set wall 3 2 INTRODUCTION TO FRIATEC thickness. Standard electrofusion fittings are used on pipes with an SDR rating from 11 to 21. If they are used on pipes that are outside of this range they will either provide too much energy (SDR above 21) and so lead to a catastrophic failure of the pipe, or will not pass enough energy (SDR below 11) to melt enough of the pipe. Friatec have fittings to enable electrofusion to be carried out on SDR below 11 (PN25 couplers) or SDR above 21 (Friafit couplers). Do I need to use clamps with the Friatec system? The exposed wires with Friatec fittings means that there is an instantaneous heat transfer from the fitting to the pipe. With more traditional fittings, which have wires that are covered, the heat transfer takes some time as it must pass through a layer of material in the fitting before getting to the pipe. The instantaneous heat transfer means that almost immediately after the fusion process commences the pipe is gripped in the fitting. This eliminates the need for clamps in standard applications. However, if the pipe is under any tensions then clamps must be used. Friatec was founded in 1863 in Manheim, Germany and has successfully brought to market many innovative ranges. Friatec’s patented electrofusion system is world leading and has been used in projects all around the globe. The Frialen range is rated to PN16 and Is there a danger of the exposed wires being dislodged from the fitting? Only 1/3 of the wires are exposed on the surface of the fitting. The remaining 2/3 of the wires are embedded in the body of the fitting. As the wires are an integral part of the fitting body they cannot be dislodged in normal circumstances - providing all the benefits of exposed wires without any risks. is commonly used in the civil, mining and irrigation sectors. The Friafit range of fittings is rated to PN10 and is most suited to applications with lower pressures, such as those found in irrigation and sewerage situations. Friatec’s innovative electrofusion products include many unique features, all of which are designed to improve the speed of installation and use without compromising on the quality and longevity of the connection made. Here are just some of the features of the fittings and the tools: THE FRIATEC ELECTROFUSION ADVANTAGES What type of generator can be used with the Friatec fusion units? 1 Any standard 5Kva generator will be adequate to provide enough power to weld all sizes of fittings. Please note that when running the unit with a generator ensure the generator is switched on and running prior to connecting up the fusion unit. PREHEATING In large bore couplers (280mm +) there is a special preheating barcode which, when scanned, does not fully fuse the coupler but rather heats it and the pipe up to 80 degrees centigrade. • Large bore pipe is often oval. This can present problems. The maximum allowable gap between the fitting and pipe outside surface is equal to 1% of the pipe outside diameter. When pipe is loaded concentrically, gaps larger than this can significantly impact on the integrity of the formed joint and fusion should not be attempted. Using the preheating function the pipe is heated up to 80 degrees centigrade, which returns the pipe to the round. This can be run a number of times and gaps of up to 3mm can be closed in this way. If there is an interruption of power during the fusion process can you re-fuse the fitting? As long as the joint is not moved during the cooling time then the fusion process can be re-run. However, this can only be done once the cooling time (as noted on the barcode label) has been completed. Is it possible to record the fusion data with Friatec fusion machines? The Prime version of the Friatec fusion machine range has full capability to record all the relevant data including; installer, date, time, voltage, fusion time and coupler type. The data is then stored on the fusion box. 3 EMBEDDED HEATING COILS 4 Wires are embedded in fitting surface with 1/3 being exposed. This provides the following benafits: • Maximum efficiency of transfer between coupler and pipe. Heat does not have to travel through the wall of the fitting before hitting the pipe so there is an equal transfer of heat between the pipe and fitting as well as reduced fusion time. • Coils are embedded therefore there is no chance of wires being dislodged. • Ability to visually check wire integrity prior to fusion. • Pipe gripped in fitting almost immediately fusion has commenced eliminating need for clamps (unless pipe is under an external load). EXTERNAL REINFORCEMENT In large bore couplers (280mm + above) the couplers have external wires wrapped around them which provides a reinforcement during fusion. • During fusion high pressures build up inside the fitting and this is particularly so with large bore couplers. External reinforcement is required to hold the fitting onto the pipe during the fusion process. Without it there is a danger that the fitting will lift off the pipe and cause a failure. Friatec couplers come complete with this reinforcement so no further action is required. With other couplers a reinforcing blanket may be required to achieve the full integrity joint. 4 2 DUAL FUSION ZONE 4 In large bore couplers (280mm + above) there are two seperate fusion zones. • This means when carrying out an electrofusion joint in a tight trench situation one end of the pipe can be fused above ground in easier conditions. Only one side of the joint then needs to be made in the trench. Friatec Electrofusion System 2 1 2 3 01 02 03 04 05 06 1. COUPLERS 4. FRIAFIT COUPLERS 8. SWAN NECK BEND 12. ELBOWS 45 O PE100 SDR11 PN16 PE 100 SDR17-33 PN10 PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-612680 UB d20 COUPLER T-680001 AM d 110 PE100 T-616051 WET d32 SWAN NECK T-612681 UB d25 COUPLER T-680013 AM d 125 PE100 T-616052 T-612682 UB d32 COUPLER T-680002 AM d 160 PE100 T-616053 T-612683 UB d40 COUPLER T-680003 AM d 180 PE100 T-616054 T-612684 07 08 09 10 11 12 T-612685 UB d63 COUPLER T-612686 UB d75 COUPLER T-612687 UBd90 COUPLER T-612688 UBd110 COUPLER T-612689 UBd125 COUPLER T-615090 UB d140 COUPLER T-612691 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 UB d160 COUPLER T-612672 UB d180 COUPLER T-612673 UB d200 COUPLER T-612674 UB d225 COUPLER T-612675 UB d250 COUPLER T-615073 UB d280 COUPLER T-612670 UB d315 COUPLER T-615074 19 UB d50 COUPLER UB d355 COUPLER T-615075 UB d400 COUPLER T-615076 UB d450 COUPLER T-615124 UB d500 COUPLER 2. COUPLERS 560 + PE100 SDR17 PN10 T-615706 UB d560 COUPLER T-615726 UB d630 COUPLER T-615994 UB d710 COUPLER T-616290 25 26 27 28 29 UB d800 COUPLER PN25 - PE100 SDR7.4 37 32 38 33 39 34 40 35 41 AM d 200 PE100 T-680005 AM d 225 PE100 T-680006 T-680007 AM d 280 PE100 T-680008 AM d 315 PE100 T-680009 36 42 T-616270 UB PN25 Coupler - 90mm T-616271 UB PN25 Coupler - 110mm T-616272 UB PN25 Coupler - 125mm T-616273 UB PN25 Coupler - 140mm T-616274 UB PN25 Coupler - 160mm T-616282 UB PN25 Coupler - 180mm T-616283 UB PN25 Coupler - 200mm T-616284 UB PN25 Coupler - 225mm T-616285 UB PN25 Coupler - 250mm T-616286 UB PN25 Coupler - 280mm T-616287 UB PN25 Coupler - 315mm T-616288 UB PN25 Coupler - 355mm 45 46 47 48 T-612092 W 45° d32 Elbow 45 PE100 SDR11 PN16 WET d40 SWAN NECK T-612094 W 45° d40 Elbow 45 T-615866 EBS d 0,45-0,60 Tap Valve Install WET d50 SWAN NECK T-612096 W 45° d50 Elbow 45 T-615867 EBS d 0,60-0,90 Tap Valve Install WET d63 SWAN NECK T-612098 W 45° d63 Elbow 45 T-615335 EBS d 0.80-1.20 Tap Valve Install W 45° d75 Elbow 45 T-615325 EBS d 1.10-1.80 Tap Valve Install T-612100 9. REDUCERS PE 100 SDR11 PN16 T-615386 MR d32/20 REDUCER T-615502 MR d32/25 REDUCER T-615387 MR d40/20 REDUCER T-612102 W 45° d90 Elbow 45 T-612104 W 45° d110 Elbow 45 T-612106 W 45° d125 Elbow 45 T-615275 W 45° d160 Elbow 45 T-615687 W 45° d180 Elbow 45 T-616264 W 45° d200 Elbow 45 AM d 400 PE100 T-615388 MR d40/32 REDUCER T-680011 AM d 450 PE100 T-612069 MR d50/20 REDUCER T-680012 AM d 500 PE100 T-612070 MR d50/32 REDUCER T-680018 AM d 560 PE100 T-612071 MR d50/40 REDUCER 13. ELBOWS 90 O T-615389 MR d63/32 REDUCER PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615390 MR d63/40 REDUCER T-612091 W 90° d25 Elbow 90 T-612072 MR d63/50 REDUCER T-612093 W 90° d32 Elbow 90 PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615391 MR d90/50 REDUCER T-612095 W 90° d40 Elbow 90 T-615736 FRIALONG d32 CPLR LONG T-615392 MR d90/63 REDUCER T-612097 W 90° d50 Elbow 90 T-615737 FRIALONG d40 CPLR LONG T-615393 MR d110/63 REDUCER T-612099 W 90° d63 Elbow 90 T-615608 FRIALONG d50 CPLR LONG T-615693 MR d110/90 REDUCER T-612101 W 90° d75 Elbow 90 T-615738 FRIALONG d63 CPLR LONG T-615694 MR d125/90 REDUCER T-612103 W 90° d90 Elbow 90 T-615695 MR d160/110 REDUCER T-612105 W 90° d110 Elbow 90 T-612107 W 90° d125 Elbow 90 T-615276 W 90° d160 Elbow 90 T-615689 W 90° d180 Elbow 90 T-616265 W 90° d200 Elbow 90 T-615690 W 90° d225 Elbow 90 5. LONG COUPLERS 6. RELINING SLIDE OVER COUPLERS PE100 SDR17 PN10 T-615569 REM d110/100 FL RED T-615571 REM d160/150 REL CPLR T-615576 REM d315/300 REL CPLR 7. END CAPS 10. ELBOWS 11 O PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-616139 W 11° d110 Elbow 11 T-616140 W 11° d125 Elbow 11 T-616141 W 11° d160 Elbow 11 T-616142 W 11° d180 Elbow 11 T-616143 W 11° d225 Elbow 11 PE 100 SDR11 PN16 T-612025 MV d20 END CAP T-612026 MV d25 END CAP T-612027 MV d32 END CAP T-612028 MV d40 END CAP T-612029 MV d50 END CAP T-612030 MV d63 END CAP T-612031 MV d75 END CAP T-612032 MV d90 END CAP T-612033 MV d110 END CAP T-612034 MV d125 END CAP T-612035 MV d160 END CAP T-616185 44 AM d 355 PE100 20. CAPS FOR PRESSURE TAPPING TEES T-680010 T-616183 43 AM d 250 PE100 30 3. PN25 COUPLERS 31 T-680004 PE100 SDR11 PN16 16. INSTALLATION KITS FOR PRESSURE TAPPING VALVES T-615688 14. ELBOWS 90 O WITH BASE UNIT PE100 SDR11 PN16 11. ELBOWS 30 O PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615272 T-615273 T-615989 WF 90° d90 ELBow 90 BU T-615998 WF 90° d110 ELBow 90 BU W 30° d90 Elbow 30 W 30° d110 Elbow 30 15. TEES PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615605 EFL d125/100 FL FF T-615396 T-615421 EFL d160/150 FL FF T-615927 EFL d180/150 FL FF T-615607 EFL d225/200 FL FF PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-616241 FLR 160/100 FL RED T-616242 FLR 225/100 FL RED 22. PRESSURE TAPPING TEES WITH PARALLEL DOME PE100 SDR 11 PN16 19. PRESSURE TAPPING TEES PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-612630 T-612702 T-615080 T-612631 T-612633 T-612632 DAA d40/20 TAPPING TEE DAA d50/25 TAPPING TEE DAA d50/32 TAPPING TEE DAA d63/20 TAPPING TEE DAA d63/25 TAPPING TEE DAA d63/32 TAPPING TEE PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615091 SAB d63/32 SAD DRILL T-615466 SA-TL d250-500/63 SADDLE TL T-615397 T-615092 SAB d90/32 SAD DRILL T-615341 DAV d63/32 TAP VALVE T-615850 SA-TL d250-500/90 SADDLE TL T-615093 T-615094 T-615342 DAV d63/40 TAP VALVE T-615956 DAV d75/32 TAP VALVE T-615344 DAV d90/32 TAP VALVE T-615346 T-615347 T-615348 T-615350 DAV d90/50 TAP VALVE DAV d90/63 TAP VALVE DAV d110/32 TAP VALVE DAV d110/63 TAP VALVE T-615352 DAV d125/32 TAP VALVE T-615369 DAV d200/63 TAP VALVE T-615213 T-615374 DAV d225/32 TAP VALVE T-612798 T-615376 DAV d225/50 TAP VALVE T-612778 T-615377 DAV d225/63 TAP VALVE VAM-RG d75/11/4" TAP SAD THR VAM-RG d90/11/2" TAP SAD THR VAM-RG d90/2" TAP SAD THR DAA d110/32 TAPPING TEE T-616176 T-612729 VAM-RG d160/2" TAP SAD THR DAA d180/50 TAPPING TEE MV d180 END CAP T-612166 T d90 TEE T-612652 DAA d180/63 TAPPING TEE MV d225 END CAP T-612167 T d110 TEE T-612654 DAA d200/32 TAPPING TEE T-612168 T d125 TEE T-612645 DAA d200/50 TAPPING TEE T-615277 T d160 TEE T-612659 DAA d200/63 TAPPING TEE T-615691 T d180 TEE T-612657 DAA d225/32 TAPPING TEE T-616266 T d200 TEE T-612646 DAA d225/50 TAPPING TEE T-615692 T d225 TEE T-612655 DAA d225/63 TAPPING TEE T-616177 KH d40 BV FPORT T-612774 VAM-RG d180/11/2" TAP SAD THR PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-616178 KH d50 BV FPORT T-612776 VAM-RG d180/2" TAP SAD THR T-615589 T-616179 KH d63 BV FPORT T-612827 VAM-RG d225/2" TAP SAD THR T-616180 KH d90 BV FPORT T-616181 KH d110 BV FPORT T-616182 KH d125 BV FPORT T-615431 AKHP d125/90 BV TAPPING PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615433 AKHP d160/63 BV TAPPING T-615470 T-615434 AKHP d160/90 BV TAPPING T-615437 AKHP d180/90 BV TAPPING T-615439 AKHP d225/63 BV TAPPING T-615440 AKHP d225/90 BV TAPPING VAM-RG d250-560/2" TAP SAD THR 28. SHUT OFF SADDLES TOP LOADING PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615395 SPA-TL d250-315 SADDLE SHOFF T-616155 UAN d63x2" MI TRANS SPIGOT SA d180/125 SADDLE DAP d160x50 TAP TEE P VAM-RG d63/11/2" TAP SAD THR T-612637 T-612644 Replacement blades for FWZ T-615740 T-615714 T-612743 VAM-RG d160/11/2" TAP SAD THR T d75 TEE UAN d50x1"1/2 MI TRANS SPIGOT SA d180/110 SADDLE DAP d160x32 TAP TEE P VAM-RG d63/11/4" TAP SAD THR T-612728 T-612165 T-616154 T-615948 T-615713 AKHP d110/90 BV TAPPING Hand scraper FWZ 613270 SA d180/90 SADDLE T-612794 AKHP d110/63 BV TAPPING 613300 T-615414 DAV d200/32 TAP VALVE T-615428 UAN d40x1"1/4 MI TRANS SPIGOT SA d180/63 SADDLE T-615366 T-615427 Oil- care spray T-616153 T-612763 DAP d125x50 TAP TEE P PE100 SDR11 PN16 DAA d180/32 TAPPING TEE 613301 SA d160/125 SADDLE T-615712 DAA d90/63 TAPPING TEE T-612651 Replacement blade FWSGE8*** UAN d32x1" MI TRANS SPIGOT T-615585 PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-612701 TA (Kit) d63 TEE 613327 T-616152 SA d160/110 SADDLE DAV d180/63 TAP VALVE VAM-RG d125/2" TAP SAD THR T-612164 PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615739 T-615364 T-612735 W 30° d225 Elbow 30 Replacement blade FWSGE7** SA d160/90 SADDLE DAP d125x32 TAP TEE P 26. HD-PE BALL VALVES T-616263 Replacement blade FWSGE6** 613326 T-615413 T-615711 PE100 SDR11 PN16 Replacement blade FWSGE5*blue 613325 SA d160/63 SADDLE DAV d180/50 TAP VALVE DAA d90/50 TAPPING TEE DAA d160/63 TAPPING TEE 613324 T-612762 T-615363 T-612636 T-612650 Replacement blade FWSGE4*green SA d160/32 SADDLE VAM-RG d125/11/2" TAP SAD THR TA (Kit) d50 TEE Replacement blade FWSGE3*red 613323 T-612886 T-612734 T-612163 Scraper tool FWSGA 613322 SA d125/110 SADDLE DAP d225x50 TAP TEE P W 30° d200 Elbow 30 Saddle scraper tool FWSGS 180-225 613538 T-615584 T-615718 T-616262 613633 SA d125/90 SADDLE DAV d160/32 TAP VALVE 27.VALVE TAPPING SADDLE FI GUNMETAL ADAPTER TOP LOADING WUN90° d50x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-615412 T-615356 DAA d90/32 TAPPING TEE DAA d160/50 TAPPING TEE T-612124 SA d125/63 SADDLE AKHP-TL d250-400/90 BV Tapping T-612634 T-612642 Saddle scraper tool FWSGS 110-180 T-612761 T-615526 VAM-RG d110/2" TAP SAD THR TA (Kit) d40 TEE WUN90° d50x11/4" TRANS THR BR KIT SA d125/32 SADDLE DAV d140/63 TAP VALVE VAM-RG d110/11/2" TAP SAD THR T-612162 T-612123 T-615087 T-615930 T-612733 DAA d160/32 TAPPING TEE Saddle scraper tool FWSGS 50-110 613632 SA d110/90 SADDLE T-612732 T-612641 Scraper tool FWSG SE 225 613631 T-615411 AKHP-TL d250-400/63 BV Tapping DAP d225x32 TAP TEE P TA (Kit) d32 TEE 613571 WUN90° d50x1" TRANS THR BR KIT SAFL d/DN 225/100 SADDLE FLANGED DAP d180x50 TAP TEE P T-612161 WUN90° d40x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612119 T-616024 T-615717 W 30° d160 Elbow 30 T-612121 SA d110/63 SADDLE T-615716 T-615340 Scraper tool FWSG SE 180 T-612760 DAA d75/40 TAPPING TEE DAA d140/50 TAPPING TEE WUN90° d40x11/4" TRANS THR BR KIT SAFL d/DN 180/100 SADDLE FLANGED DAA d63/40 TAPPING TEE T-615037 T-612122 T-616023 T-612813 PE100 SDR11 PN16 Scraper tool FWSG SE 160 613569 SA d110/50 SADDLE DAP d110x50 TAP TEE P 24. TAPPING BALL VALVES IN HD-PE FOR SIDE TAPPING 613568 T-615031 T-615606 DAA d125/63 TAPPING TEE WUN90° d40x1" TRANS THR BR KIT SAFL d/DN 160/100 SADDLE FLANGED DAV d180/32 TAP VALVE T-612309 Scraper tool FWSG SE 125 T-612127 T-616022 T-615361 DAA d125/50 TAPPING TEE Scraper tool FWSG SE 110 613566 SA d110/32 SADDLE DAP d110x32 TAP TEE P T-612639 613565 WUN90° d32x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-615334 T-615581 DAV-TL d250-315/50 TAP VALVE WUN90° d32x1" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612140 SAFL d/DN 125/100 SADDLE FLANGED 32.VALVES TAPPING SADDLES WITH FI HD-PE GUNMETAL ADAPTER DAA d125/32 TAPPING TEE T-612120 T-616021 DAV d160/63 TAP VALVE T-612649 Scraper tool FWSG SE 90 SA d90/63 SADDLE T-615359 DAA d110/63 TAPPING TEE PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-612819 DAP d90x32 TAP TEE P T-612624 Scraper tool FWSG SE 75 613564 PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-616043 DAA d110/50 TAPPING TEE Scraper tool FWSG SE 63 613563 SA d90/32 SADDLE DAV d160/50 TAP VALVE T-612638 613562 SAB d160/32 SAD DRILL T-615285 T-615525 KH d32 BV FPORT Scraper tool FWSG 710S SA d75/50 SADDLE T-615358 23. PRESSURE TAPPING VALVES TOP LOADING 613639 T-615020 DAP d63x32 TAP TEE P DAP d180x32 TAP TEE P Scraper tool FWSG 710L SAB d125/32 SAD DRILL T-612311 T-616042 T-615715 Scraper tool set FWSG 63/225 613642 38 SPIGOT SADDLES WITH FLANGE OUTLET DAV d125/63 TAP VALVE 33. INSTALLATION KITS FOR BALL VALVES AND TAPPING BALL VALVES PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615741 BS d32-50/0,45-0,7 BV INSTALL T-615957 BS d32-50/0,6-1,0 BV INSTALL T-615328 BS d32-50/0,6-1,0 BV INSTALL T-615330 BS d32-50/1,0-1,5 BV INSTALL T-615329 BS d32-50/1,2-2,0 BV INSTALL T-615958 BS d63-200/0,6-1,0 BV INSTALL T-615310 BS d63-200/0,6-1,0 BV INSTALL T-615331 BS d63-200/1,0-1,5 BV INSTALL T-615311 BS d63-200/1,2-2,0 BV INSTALL T-612764 T-612765 T-615415 SA d200/63 SADDLE SA d225/63 SADDLE SA d225/90 SADDLE T-616044 SA d225/110 SADDLE T-616045 SA d225/125 SADDLE T-616046 SA d225/160 SADDLE 36. REPAIR AND REINFORCING SADDLE PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-612519 RS d63 RFORCE SAD T-615164 VVS d90 REP&RF SADDLE T-615165 VVS d110 REP&RF SADDLE T-615166 VVS d125 REP&RF SADDLE T-615168 VVS d160 REP&RF SADDLE T-615169 VVS d180 REP&RF SADDLE T-615170 VVS d200 REP&RF SADDLE T-615171 VVS d225 REP&RF SADDLE RW d50 REP SLEEVE SAB d110/32 SAD DRILL SA d63/50 SADDLE T-615355 T-615129 Scraper tool FWSG 225 T-612759 PE100 SDR11 PN16 RW d40 REP SLEEVE 613316 PE100 SDR11 PN16 31. TAPPING BALL VALVES IN HD-PE TOP LOADING RW d32 REP SLEEVE T-615128 613311 SA d63/32 SADDLE SPAK d75 SADDLE T-615127 47. SCRAPER TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES Scraper tool FWSG 63 T-612757 DAV d125/50 TAP VALVE DAV d200/50 TAP VALVE T-615095 41. REPAIR SLEEVE 613305 PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615354 T-615368 PE100 SDR11 PN16 30. CAP FOR SHUT OFF SADDLES DAV d110/50 TAP VALVE T-615351 VSC-TL d250-500 REP&RF SADDLE TL 35. SPIGOT SADDLES T-612623 W 30° d125 Elbow 30 W 30° d180 Elbow 30 21. FULL FLACED FLANGES (SPIGOT) EFL d110/100 FL FF T-615274 T-616261 K d50 TAP TEE CAP T-615419 18. FLANGE REDUCER SA-TL d250-500/32 SADDLE TL DAV d50/32 TAP VALVE T-612310 EFL d63/50 FL RED W 45° d225 Elbow 45 T-615465 T-615955 PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615417 A d50/68 TAP VALVE INSTALL PE100 SDR 11 PN16 29. SPIGOT SADDLES TOP LOADING PE100 SDR11 PN16 17. ADAPTER FOR PRESSURE TAPPING VALVES 37. SPIGOT SADDLES WITH INTEGRAL DRILL PE100 SDR11 PN16 34 REPAIR AND REINFORCING SADDLE TOP LOADING 25. PRESSURE TAPPING VALVES WITH OUTLET SPIGOT 39. TRANSITION FITTINGS HDPE/BRASS MALE T-615130 RW d63 REP SLEEVE 42.TRANSITION 90 ELBOW HDPE/BRASS MALE T-612125 T-612126 WUN90° d63x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT WUN90° d63x2" TRANS THR BR KIT PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-612710 MUN d20x1/2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612711 MUN d25x3/4" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612712 MUN d32x1" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612709 MUN d32x11/4" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612698 MUN d32x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612721 MUN d40x1" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612713 MUN d40x11/4" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612718 MUN d40x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612725 MUN d40x2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612719 MUN d50x1" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612716 MUN d50x11/4" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612714 MUN d50x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612706 MUN d50x2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612722 MUN d63x11/4" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612717 MUN d63x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612715 MUN d63x2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612694 MUN d75x2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612695 MUN d75x21/2" TRANS THR BR KIT 40. TRANSITION FITTINGS HDPE/BRASS FEMALE PE100 SDR11 PN16 43. UNIVERSAL ADAPTERS HDPE/BRASS MALE 48. OTHER TOOLS 44. UNIVERSAL ADAPTERS HDPE/BRASS FEMALE 613350 FRIATOP Clamping Unit 613480 FWFIT Clamp+drill unit for FRIAFIT PE100 SDR11 PN16 613416 Manual rounding clamp FWXR-S1 T-616156 UAM d32x1" MI TRANS SPIGOT 613431 Manual rounding clamp FWXR-S2 T-616157 UAM d40x1"1/4 MI TRANS SPIGOT 613439 Manual rounding clamp FWXR-S3 T-616158 UAM d50x1"1/2 MI TRANS SPIGOT 613242 FWSS Key for tapping tees d40 T-616159 UAM d63x2" MI TRANS SPIGOT 613248 FWSS Key for tapping tees d50-75 613250 FWSS Key for tapping tees d90-31540 613610 FWSR for DAP - ratchet 613605 FWSR for DAP - socket SW 19 45. CONNECTION PLUGS AND ADAPTERS 613606 FWSR for DAP - socket SW 17 624530 Plug for socket contact 4,0mm 613595 Pressure test adapter FWDPA 613236 Adapter for flat contact 613069 Pipe marker FWPM 613237 Adapter for socket contact 4,7mm 627001 Aluminium Box Fusion Unit T-612145 WUN45° d32x1" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612149 WUN45° d40x11/4" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612139 WUN45° d40x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT 46. FUSION MACHINES T-612144 WUN45° d50x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT 613090 Friamat Prime Eco T-612147 WUN45°d63x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT 613092 Friamat Basic Eco T-612146 WUN45° d63x2" TRANS THR BR KIT 613102 Friamat Basic 613090 Friamat Prime 01 02 03 04 05 06 1. COUPLERS 4. FRIAFIT COUPLERS 8. SWAN NECK BEND 12. ELBOWS 45 O PE100 SDR11 PN16 PE 100 SDR17-33 PN10 PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-612680 UB d20 COUPLER T-680001 AM d 110 PE100 T-616051 WET d32 SWAN NECK T-612681 UB d25 COUPLER T-680013 AM d 125 PE100 T-616052 T-612682 UB d32 COUPLER T-680002 AM d 160 PE100 T-616053 T-612683 UB d40 COUPLER T-680003 AM d 180 PE100 T-616054 T-612684 07 08 09 10 11 12 T-612685 UB d63 COUPLER T-612686 UB d75 COUPLER T-612687 UBd90 COUPLER T-612688 UBd110 COUPLER T-612689 UBd125 COUPLER T-615090 UB d140 COUPLER T-612691 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 UB d160 COUPLER T-612672 UB d180 COUPLER T-612673 UB d200 COUPLER T-612674 UB d225 COUPLER T-612675 UB d250 COUPLER T-615073 UB d280 COUPLER T-612670 UB d315 COUPLER T-615074 19 UB d50 COUPLER UB d355 COUPLER T-615075 UB d400 COUPLER T-615076 UB d450 COUPLER T-615124 UB d500 COUPLER 2. COUPLERS 560 + PE100 SDR17 PN10 T-615706 UB d560 COUPLER T-615726 UB d630 COUPLER T-615994 UB d710 COUPLER T-616290 25 26 27 28 29 UB d800 COUPLER PN25 - PE100 SDR7.4 37 32 38 33 39 34 40 35 41 AM d 200 PE100 T-680005 AM d 225 PE100 T-680006 T-680007 AM d 280 PE100 T-680008 AM d 315 PE100 T-680009 36 42 T-616270 UB PN25 Coupler - 90mm T-616271 UB PN25 Coupler - 110mm T-616272 UB PN25 Coupler - 125mm T-616273 UB PN25 Coupler - 140mm T-616274 UB PN25 Coupler - 160mm T-616282 UB PN25 Coupler - 180mm T-616283 UB PN25 Coupler - 200mm T-616284 UB PN25 Coupler - 225mm T-616285 UB PN25 Coupler - 250mm T-616286 UB PN25 Coupler - 280mm T-616287 UB PN25 Coupler - 315mm T-616288 UB PN25 Coupler - 355mm 45 46 47 48 T-612092 W 45° d32 Elbow 45 PE100 SDR11 PN16 WET d40 SWAN NECK T-612094 W 45° d40 Elbow 45 T-615866 EBS d 0,45-0,60 Tap Valve Install WET d50 SWAN NECK T-612096 W 45° d50 Elbow 45 T-615867 EBS d 0,60-0,90 Tap Valve Install WET d63 SWAN NECK T-612098 W 45° d63 Elbow 45 T-615335 EBS d 0.80-1.20 Tap Valve Install W 45° d75 Elbow 45 T-615325 EBS d 1.10-1.80 Tap Valve Install T-612100 9. REDUCERS PE 100 SDR11 PN16 T-615386 MR d32/20 REDUCER T-615502 MR d32/25 REDUCER T-615387 MR d40/20 REDUCER T-612102 W 45° d90 Elbow 45 T-612104 W 45° d110 Elbow 45 T-612106 W 45° d125 Elbow 45 T-615275 W 45° d160 Elbow 45 T-615687 W 45° d180 Elbow 45 T-616264 W 45° d200 Elbow 45 AM d 400 PE100 T-615388 MR d40/32 REDUCER T-680011 AM d 450 PE100 T-612069 MR d50/20 REDUCER T-680012 AM d 500 PE100 T-612070 MR d50/32 REDUCER T-680018 AM d 560 PE100 T-612071 MR d50/40 REDUCER 13. ELBOWS 90 O T-615389 MR d63/32 REDUCER PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615390 MR d63/40 REDUCER T-612091 W 90° d25 Elbow 90 T-612072 MR d63/50 REDUCER T-612093 W 90° d32 Elbow 90 PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615391 MR d90/50 REDUCER T-612095 W 90° d40 Elbow 90 T-615736 FRIALONG d32 CPLR LONG T-615392 MR d90/63 REDUCER T-612097 W 90° d50 Elbow 90 T-615737 FRIALONG d40 CPLR LONG T-615393 MR d110/63 REDUCER T-612099 W 90° d63 Elbow 90 T-615608 FRIALONG d50 CPLR LONG T-615693 MR d110/90 REDUCER T-612101 W 90° d75 Elbow 90 T-615738 FRIALONG d63 CPLR LONG T-615694 MR d125/90 REDUCER T-612103 W 90° d90 Elbow 90 T-615695 MR d160/110 REDUCER T-612105 W 90° d110 Elbow 90 T-612107 W 90° d125 Elbow 90 T-615276 W 90° d160 Elbow 90 T-615689 W 90° d180 Elbow 90 T-616265 W 90° d200 Elbow 90 T-615690 W 90° d225 Elbow 90 5. LONG COUPLERS 6. RELINING SLIDE OVER COUPLERS PE100 SDR17 PN10 T-615569 REM d110/100 FL RED T-615571 REM d160/150 REL CPLR T-615576 REM d315/300 REL CPLR 7. END CAPS 10. ELBOWS 11 O PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-616139 W 11° d110 Elbow 11 T-616140 W 11° d125 Elbow 11 T-616141 W 11° d160 Elbow 11 T-616142 W 11° d180 Elbow 11 T-616143 W 11° d225 Elbow 11 PE 100 SDR11 PN16 T-612025 MV d20 END CAP T-612026 MV d25 END CAP T-612027 MV d32 END CAP T-612028 MV d40 END CAP T-612029 MV d50 END CAP T-612030 MV d63 END CAP T-612031 MV d75 END CAP T-612032 MV d90 END CAP T-612033 MV d110 END CAP T-612034 MV d125 END CAP T-612035 MV d160 END CAP T-616185 44 AM d 355 PE100 20. CAPS FOR PRESSURE TAPPING TEES T-680010 T-616183 43 AM d 250 PE100 30 3. PN25 COUPLERS 31 T-680004 PE100 SDR11 PN16 16. INSTALLATION KITS FOR PRESSURE TAPPING VALVES T-615688 14. ELBOWS 90 O WITH BASE UNIT PE100 SDR11 PN16 11. ELBOWS 30 O PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615272 T-615273 T-615989 WF 90° d90 ELBow 90 BU T-615998 WF 90° d110 ELBow 90 BU W 30° d90 Elbow 30 W 30° d110 Elbow 30 15. TEES PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615605 EFL d125/100 FL FF T-615396 T-615421 EFL d160/150 FL FF T-615927 EFL d180/150 FL FF T-615607 EFL d225/200 FL FF PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-616241 FLR 160/100 FL RED T-616242 FLR 225/100 FL RED 22. PRESSURE TAPPING TEES WITH PARALLEL DOME PE100 SDR 11 PN16 19. PRESSURE TAPPING TEES PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-612630 T-612702 T-615080 T-612631 T-612633 T-612632 DAA d40/20 TAPPING TEE DAA d50/25 TAPPING TEE DAA d50/32 TAPPING TEE DAA d63/20 TAPPING TEE DAA d63/25 TAPPING TEE DAA d63/32 TAPPING TEE PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615091 SAB d63/32 SAD DRILL T-615466 SA-TL d250-500/63 SADDLE TL T-615397 T-615092 SAB d90/32 SAD DRILL T-615341 DAV d63/32 TAP VALVE T-615850 SA-TL d250-500/90 SADDLE TL T-615093 T-615094 T-615342 DAV d63/40 TAP VALVE T-615956 DAV d75/32 TAP VALVE T-615344 DAV d90/32 TAP VALVE T-615346 T-615347 T-615348 T-615350 DAV d90/50 TAP VALVE DAV d90/63 TAP VALVE DAV d110/32 TAP VALVE DAV d110/63 TAP VALVE T-615352 DAV d125/32 TAP VALVE T-615369 DAV d200/63 TAP VALVE T-615213 T-615374 DAV d225/32 TAP VALVE T-612798 T-615376 DAV d225/50 TAP VALVE T-612778 T-615377 DAV d225/63 TAP VALVE VAM-RG d75/11/4" TAP SAD THR VAM-RG d90/11/2" TAP SAD THR VAM-RG d90/2" TAP SAD THR DAA d110/32 TAPPING TEE T-616176 T-612729 VAM-RG d160/2" TAP SAD THR DAA d180/50 TAPPING TEE MV d180 END CAP T-612166 T d90 TEE T-612652 DAA d180/63 TAPPING TEE MV d225 END CAP T-612167 T d110 TEE T-612654 DAA d200/32 TAPPING TEE T-612168 T d125 TEE T-612645 DAA d200/50 TAPPING TEE T-615277 T d160 TEE T-612659 DAA d200/63 TAPPING TEE T-615691 T d180 TEE T-612657 DAA d225/32 TAPPING TEE T-616266 T d200 TEE T-612646 DAA d225/50 TAPPING TEE T-615692 T d225 TEE T-612655 DAA d225/63 TAPPING TEE T-616177 KH d40 BV FPORT T-612774 VAM-RG d180/11/2" TAP SAD THR PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-616178 KH d50 BV FPORT T-612776 VAM-RG d180/2" TAP SAD THR T-615589 T-616179 KH d63 BV FPORT T-612827 VAM-RG d225/2" TAP SAD THR T-616180 KH d90 BV FPORT T-616181 KH d110 BV FPORT T-616182 KH d125 BV FPORT T-615431 AKHP d125/90 BV TAPPING PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615433 AKHP d160/63 BV TAPPING T-615470 T-615434 AKHP d160/90 BV TAPPING T-615437 AKHP d180/90 BV TAPPING T-615439 AKHP d225/63 BV TAPPING T-615440 AKHP d225/90 BV TAPPING VAM-RG d250-560/2" TAP SAD THR 28. SHUT OFF SADDLES TOP LOADING PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615395 SPA-TL d250-315 SADDLE SHOFF T-616155 UAN d63x2" MI TRANS SPIGOT SA d180/125 SADDLE DAP d160x50 TAP TEE P VAM-RG d63/11/2" TAP SAD THR T-612637 T-612644 Replacement blades for FWZ T-615740 T-615714 T-612743 VAM-RG d160/11/2" TAP SAD THR T d75 TEE UAN d50x1"1/2 MI TRANS SPIGOT SA d180/110 SADDLE DAP d160x32 TAP TEE P VAM-RG d63/11/4" TAP SAD THR T-612728 T-612165 T-616154 T-615948 T-615713 AKHP d110/90 BV TAPPING Hand scraper FWZ 613270 SA d180/90 SADDLE T-612794 AKHP d110/63 BV TAPPING 613300 T-615414 DAV d200/32 TAP VALVE T-615428 UAN d40x1"1/4 MI TRANS SPIGOT SA d180/63 SADDLE T-615366 T-615427 Oil- care spray T-616153 T-612763 DAP d125x50 TAP TEE P PE100 SDR11 PN16 DAA d180/32 TAPPING TEE 613301 SA d160/125 SADDLE T-615712 DAA d90/63 TAPPING TEE T-612651 Replacement blade FWSGE8*** UAN d32x1" MI TRANS SPIGOT T-615585 PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-612701 TA (Kit) d63 TEE 613327 T-616152 SA d160/110 SADDLE DAV d180/63 TAP VALVE VAM-RG d125/2" TAP SAD THR T-612164 PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615739 T-615364 T-612735 W 30° d225 Elbow 30 Replacement blade FWSGE7** SA d160/90 SADDLE DAP d125x32 TAP TEE P 26. HD-PE BALL VALVES T-616263 Replacement blade FWSGE6** 613326 T-615413 T-615711 PE100 SDR11 PN16 Replacement blade FWSGE5*blue 613325 SA d160/63 SADDLE DAV d180/50 TAP VALVE DAA d90/50 TAPPING TEE DAA d160/63 TAPPING TEE 613324 T-612762 T-615363 T-612636 T-612650 Replacement blade FWSGE4*green SA d160/32 SADDLE VAM-RG d125/11/2" TAP SAD THR TA (Kit) d50 TEE Replacement blade FWSGE3*red 613323 T-612886 T-612734 T-612163 Scraper tool FWSGA 613322 SA d125/110 SADDLE DAP d225x50 TAP TEE P W 30° d200 Elbow 30 Saddle scraper tool FWSGS 180-225 613538 T-615584 T-615718 T-616262 613633 SA d125/90 SADDLE DAV d160/32 TAP VALVE 27.VALVE TAPPING SADDLE FI GUNMETAL ADAPTER TOP LOADING WUN90° d50x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-615412 T-615356 DAA d90/32 TAPPING TEE DAA d160/50 TAPPING TEE T-612124 SA d125/63 SADDLE AKHP-TL d250-400/90 BV Tapping T-612634 T-612642 Saddle scraper tool FWSGS 110-180 T-612761 T-615526 VAM-RG d110/2" TAP SAD THR TA (Kit) d40 TEE WUN90° d50x11/4" TRANS THR BR KIT SA d125/32 SADDLE DAV d140/63 TAP VALVE VAM-RG d110/11/2" TAP SAD THR T-612162 T-612123 T-615087 T-615930 T-612733 DAA d160/32 TAPPING TEE Saddle scraper tool FWSGS 50-110 613632 SA d110/90 SADDLE T-612732 T-612641 Scraper tool FWSG SE 225 613631 T-615411 AKHP-TL d250-400/63 BV Tapping DAP d225x32 TAP TEE P TA (Kit) d32 TEE 613571 WUN90° d50x1" TRANS THR BR KIT SAFL d/DN 225/100 SADDLE FLANGED DAP d180x50 TAP TEE P T-612161 WUN90° d40x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612119 T-616024 T-615717 W 30° d160 Elbow 30 T-612121 SA d110/63 SADDLE T-615716 T-615340 Scraper tool FWSG SE 180 T-612760 DAA d75/40 TAPPING TEE DAA d140/50 TAPPING TEE WUN90° d40x11/4" TRANS THR BR KIT SAFL d/DN 180/100 SADDLE FLANGED DAA d63/40 TAPPING TEE T-615037 T-612122 T-616023 T-612813 PE100 SDR11 PN16 Scraper tool FWSG SE 160 613569 SA d110/50 SADDLE DAP d110x50 TAP TEE P 24. TAPPING BALL VALVES IN HD-PE FOR SIDE TAPPING 613568 T-615031 T-615606 DAA d125/63 TAPPING TEE WUN90° d40x1" TRANS THR BR KIT SAFL d/DN 160/100 SADDLE FLANGED DAV d180/32 TAP VALVE T-612309 Scraper tool FWSG SE 125 T-612127 T-616022 T-615361 DAA d125/50 TAPPING TEE Scraper tool FWSG SE 110 613566 SA d110/32 SADDLE DAP d110x32 TAP TEE P T-612639 613565 WUN90° d32x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-615334 T-615581 DAV-TL d250-315/50 TAP VALVE WUN90° d32x1" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612140 SAFL d/DN 125/100 SADDLE FLANGED 32.VALVES TAPPING SADDLES WITH FI HD-PE GUNMETAL ADAPTER DAA d125/32 TAPPING TEE T-612120 T-616021 DAV d160/63 TAP VALVE T-612649 Scraper tool FWSG SE 90 SA d90/63 SADDLE T-615359 DAA d110/63 TAPPING TEE PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-612819 DAP d90x32 TAP TEE P T-612624 Scraper tool FWSG SE 75 613564 PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-616043 DAA d110/50 TAPPING TEE Scraper tool FWSG SE 63 613563 SA d90/32 SADDLE DAV d160/50 TAP VALVE T-612638 613562 SAB d160/32 SAD DRILL T-615285 T-615525 KH d32 BV FPORT Scraper tool FWSG 710S SA d75/50 SADDLE T-615358 23. PRESSURE TAPPING VALVES TOP LOADING 613639 T-615020 DAP d63x32 TAP TEE P DAP d180x32 TAP TEE P Scraper tool FWSG 710L SAB d125/32 SAD DRILL T-612311 T-616042 T-615715 Scraper tool set FWSG 63/225 613642 38 SPIGOT SADDLES WITH FLANGE OUTLET DAV d125/63 TAP VALVE 33. INSTALLATION KITS FOR BALL VALVES AND TAPPING BALL VALVES PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615741 BS d32-50/0,45-0,7 BV INSTALL T-615957 BS d32-50/0,6-1,0 BV INSTALL T-615328 BS d32-50/0,6-1,0 BV INSTALL T-615330 BS d32-50/1,0-1,5 BV INSTALL T-615329 BS d32-50/1,2-2,0 BV INSTALL T-615958 BS d63-200/0,6-1,0 BV INSTALL T-615310 BS d63-200/0,6-1,0 BV INSTALL T-615331 BS d63-200/1,0-1,5 BV INSTALL T-615311 BS d63-200/1,2-2,0 BV INSTALL T-612764 T-612765 T-615415 SA d200/63 SADDLE SA d225/63 SADDLE SA d225/90 SADDLE T-616044 SA d225/110 SADDLE T-616045 SA d225/125 SADDLE T-616046 SA d225/160 SADDLE 36. REPAIR AND REINFORCING SADDLE PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-612519 RS d63 RFORCE SAD T-615164 VVS d90 REP&RF SADDLE T-615165 VVS d110 REP&RF SADDLE T-615166 VVS d125 REP&RF SADDLE T-615168 VVS d160 REP&RF SADDLE T-615169 VVS d180 REP&RF SADDLE T-615170 VVS d200 REP&RF SADDLE T-615171 VVS d225 REP&RF SADDLE RW d50 REP SLEEVE SAB d110/32 SAD DRILL SA d63/50 SADDLE T-615355 T-615129 Scraper tool FWSG 225 T-612759 PE100 SDR11 PN16 RW d40 REP SLEEVE 613316 PE100 SDR11 PN16 31. TAPPING BALL VALVES IN HD-PE TOP LOADING RW d32 REP SLEEVE T-615128 613311 SA d63/32 SADDLE SPAK d75 SADDLE T-615127 47. SCRAPER TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES Scraper tool FWSG 63 T-612757 DAV d125/50 TAP VALVE DAV d200/50 TAP VALVE T-615095 41. REPAIR SLEEVE 613305 PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615354 T-615368 PE100 SDR11 PN16 30. CAP FOR SHUT OFF SADDLES DAV d110/50 TAP VALVE T-615351 VSC-TL d250-500 REP&RF SADDLE TL 35. SPIGOT SADDLES T-612623 W 30° d125 Elbow 30 W 30° d180 Elbow 30 21. FULL FLACED FLANGES (SPIGOT) EFL d110/100 FL FF T-615274 T-616261 K d50 TAP TEE CAP T-615419 18. FLANGE REDUCER SA-TL d250-500/32 SADDLE TL DAV d50/32 TAP VALVE T-612310 EFL d63/50 FL RED W 45° d225 Elbow 45 T-615465 T-615955 PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615417 A d50/68 TAP VALVE INSTALL PE100 SDR 11 PN16 29. SPIGOT SADDLES TOP LOADING PE100 SDR11 PN16 17. ADAPTER FOR PRESSURE TAPPING VALVES 37. SPIGOT SADDLES WITH INTEGRAL DRILL PE100 SDR11 PN16 34 REPAIR AND REINFORCING SADDLE TOP LOADING 25. PRESSURE TAPPING VALVES WITH OUTLET SPIGOT 39. TRANSITION FITTINGS HDPE/BRASS MALE T-615130 RW d63 REP SLEEVE 42.TRANSITION 90 ELBOW HDPE/BRASS MALE T-612125 T-612126 WUN90° d63x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT WUN90° d63x2" TRANS THR BR KIT PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-612710 MUN d20x1/2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612711 MUN d25x3/4" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612712 MUN d32x1" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612709 MUN d32x11/4" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612698 MUN d32x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612721 MUN d40x1" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612713 MUN d40x11/4" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612718 MUN d40x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612725 MUN d40x2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612719 MUN d50x1" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612716 MUN d50x11/4" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612714 MUN d50x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612706 MUN d50x2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612722 MUN d63x11/4" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612717 MUN d63x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612715 MUN d63x2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612694 MUN d75x2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612695 MUN d75x21/2" TRANS THR BR KIT 40. TRANSITION FITTINGS HDPE/BRASS FEMALE PE100 SDR11 PN16 43. UNIVERSAL ADAPTERS HDPE/BRASS MALE 48. OTHER TOOLS 44. UNIVERSAL ADAPTERS HDPE/BRASS FEMALE 613350 FRIATOP Clamping Unit 613480 FWFIT Clamp+drill unit for FRIAFIT PE100 SDR11 PN16 613416 Manual rounding clamp FWXR-S1 T-616156 UAM d32x1" MI TRANS SPIGOT 613431 Manual rounding clamp FWXR-S2 T-616157 UAM d40x1"1/4 MI TRANS SPIGOT 613439 Manual rounding clamp FWXR-S3 T-616158 UAM d50x1"1/2 MI TRANS SPIGOT 613242 FWSS Key for tapping tees d40 T-616159 UAM d63x2" MI TRANS SPIGOT 613248 FWSS Key for tapping tees d50-75 613250 FWSS Key for tapping tees d90-31540 613610 FWSR for DAP - ratchet 613605 FWSR for DAP - socket SW 19 45. CONNECTION PLUGS AND ADAPTERS 613606 FWSR for DAP - socket SW 17 624530 Plug for socket contact 4,0mm 613595 Pressure test adapter FWDPA 613236 Adapter for flat contact 613069 Pipe marker FWPM 613237 Adapter for socket contact 4,7mm 627001 Aluminium Box Fusion Unit T-612145 WUN45° d32x1" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612149 WUN45° d40x11/4" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612139 WUN45° d40x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT 46. FUSION MACHINES T-612144 WUN45° d50x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT 613090 Friamat Prime Eco T-612147 WUN45°d63x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT 613092 Friamat Basic Eco T-612146 WUN45° d63x2" TRANS THR BR KIT 613102 Friamat Basic 613090 Friamat Prime 01 02 03 04 05 06 1. COUPLERS 4. FRIAFIT COUPLERS 8. SWAN NECK BEND 12. ELBOWS 45 O PE100 SDR11 PN16 PE 100 SDR17-33 PN10 PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-612680 UB d20 COUPLER T-680001 AM d 110 PE100 T-616051 WET d32 SWAN NECK T-612681 UB d25 COUPLER T-680013 AM d 125 PE100 T-616052 T-612682 UB d32 COUPLER T-680002 AM d 160 PE100 T-616053 T-612683 UB d40 COUPLER T-680003 AM d 180 PE100 T-616054 T-612684 07 08 09 10 11 12 T-612685 UB d63 COUPLER T-612686 UB d75 COUPLER T-612687 UBd90 COUPLER T-612688 UBd110 COUPLER T-612689 UBd125 COUPLER T-615090 UB d140 COUPLER T-612691 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 UB d160 COUPLER T-612672 UB d180 COUPLER T-612673 UB d200 COUPLER T-612674 UB d225 COUPLER T-612675 UB d250 COUPLER T-615073 UB d280 COUPLER T-612670 UB d315 COUPLER T-615074 19 UB d50 COUPLER UB d355 COUPLER T-615075 UB d400 COUPLER T-615076 UB d450 COUPLER T-615124 UB d500 COUPLER 2. COUPLERS 560 + PE100 SDR17 PN10 T-615706 UB d560 COUPLER T-615726 UB d630 COUPLER T-615994 UB d710 COUPLER T-616290 25 26 27 28 29 UB d800 COUPLER PN25 - PE100 SDR7.4 37 32 38 33 39 34 40 35 41 AM d 200 PE100 T-680005 AM d 225 PE100 T-680006 T-680007 AM d 280 PE100 T-680008 AM d 315 PE100 T-680009 36 42 T-616270 UB PN25 Coupler - 90mm T-616271 UB PN25 Coupler - 110mm T-616272 UB PN25 Coupler - 125mm T-616273 UB PN25 Coupler - 140mm T-616274 UB PN25 Coupler - 160mm T-616282 UB PN25 Coupler - 180mm T-616283 UB PN25 Coupler - 200mm T-616284 UB PN25 Coupler - 225mm T-616285 UB PN25 Coupler - 250mm T-616286 UB PN25 Coupler - 280mm T-616287 UB PN25 Coupler - 315mm T-616288 UB PN25 Coupler - 355mm 45 46 47 48 T-612092 W 45° d32 Elbow 45 PE100 SDR11 PN16 WET d40 SWAN NECK T-612094 W 45° d40 Elbow 45 T-615866 EBS d 0,45-0,60 Tap Valve Install WET d50 SWAN NECK T-612096 W 45° d50 Elbow 45 T-615867 EBS d 0,60-0,90 Tap Valve Install WET d63 SWAN NECK T-612098 W 45° d63 Elbow 45 T-615335 EBS d 0.80-1.20 Tap Valve Install W 45° d75 Elbow 45 T-615325 EBS d 1.10-1.80 Tap Valve Install T-612100 9. REDUCERS PE 100 SDR11 PN16 T-615386 MR d32/20 REDUCER T-615502 MR d32/25 REDUCER T-615387 MR d40/20 REDUCER T-612102 W 45° d90 Elbow 45 T-612104 W 45° d110 Elbow 45 T-612106 W 45° d125 Elbow 45 T-615275 W 45° d160 Elbow 45 T-615687 W 45° d180 Elbow 45 T-616264 W 45° d200 Elbow 45 AM d 400 PE100 T-615388 MR d40/32 REDUCER T-680011 AM d 450 PE100 T-612069 MR d50/20 REDUCER T-680012 AM d 500 PE100 T-612070 MR d50/32 REDUCER T-680018 AM d 560 PE100 T-612071 MR d50/40 REDUCER 13. ELBOWS 90 O T-615389 MR d63/32 REDUCER PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615390 MR d63/40 REDUCER T-612091 W 90° d25 Elbow 90 T-612072 MR d63/50 REDUCER T-612093 W 90° d32 Elbow 90 PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615391 MR d90/50 REDUCER T-612095 W 90° d40 Elbow 90 T-615736 FRIALONG d32 CPLR LONG T-615392 MR d90/63 REDUCER T-612097 W 90° d50 Elbow 90 T-615737 FRIALONG d40 CPLR LONG T-615393 MR d110/63 REDUCER T-612099 W 90° d63 Elbow 90 T-615608 FRIALONG d50 CPLR LONG T-615693 MR d110/90 REDUCER T-612101 W 90° d75 Elbow 90 T-615738 FRIALONG d63 CPLR LONG T-615694 MR d125/90 REDUCER T-612103 W 90° d90 Elbow 90 T-615695 MR d160/110 REDUCER T-612105 W 90° d110 Elbow 90 T-612107 W 90° d125 Elbow 90 T-615276 W 90° d160 Elbow 90 T-615689 W 90° d180 Elbow 90 T-616265 W 90° d200 Elbow 90 T-615690 W 90° d225 Elbow 90 5. LONG COUPLERS 6. RELINING SLIDE OVER COUPLERS PE100 SDR17 PN10 T-615569 REM d110/100 FL RED T-615571 REM d160/150 REL CPLR T-615576 REM d315/300 REL CPLR 7. END CAPS 10. ELBOWS 11 O PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-616139 W 11° d110 Elbow 11 T-616140 W 11° d125 Elbow 11 T-616141 W 11° d160 Elbow 11 T-616142 W 11° d180 Elbow 11 T-616143 W 11° d225 Elbow 11 PE 100 SDR11 PN16 T-612025 MV d20 END CAP T-612026 MV d25 END CAP T-612027 MV d32 END CAP T-612028 MV d40 END CAP T-612029 MV d50 END CAP T-612030 MV d63 END CAP T-612031 MV d75 END CAP T-612032 MV d90 END CAP T-612033 MV d110 END CAP T-612034 MV d125 END CAP T-612035 MV d160 END CAP T-616185 44 AM d 355 PE100 20. CAPS FOR PRESSURE TAPPING TEES T-680010 T-616183 43 AM d 250 PE100 30 3. PN25 COUPLERS 31 T-680004 PE100 SDR11 PN16 16. INSTALLATION KITS FOR PRESSURE TAPPING VALVES T-615688 14. ELBOWS 90 O WITH BASE UNIT PE100 SDR11 PN16 11. ELBOWS 30 O PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615272 T-615273 T-615989 WF 90° d90 ELBow 90 BU T-615998 WF 90° d110 ELBow 90 BU W 30° d90 Elbow 30 W 30° d110 Elbow 30 15. TEES PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615605 EFL d125/100 FL FF T-615396 T-615421 EFL d160/150 FL FF T-615927 EFL d180/150 FL FF T-615607 EFL d225/200 FL FF PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-616241 FLR 160/100 FL RED T-616242 FLR 225/100 FL RED 22. PRESSURE TAPPING TEES WITH PARALLEL DOME PE100 SDR 11 PN16 19. PRESSURE TAPPING TEES PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-612630 T-612702 T-615080 T-612631 T-612633 T-612632 DAA d40/20 TAPPING TEE DAA d50/25 TAPPING TEE DAA d50/32 TAPPING TEE DAA d63/20 TAPPING TEE DAA d63/25 TAPPING TEE DAA d63/32 TAPPING TEE PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615091 SAB d63/32 SAD DRILL T-615466 SA-TL d250-500/63 SADDLE TL T-615397 T-615092 SAB d90/32 SAD DRILL T-615341 DAV d63/32 TAP VALVE T-615850 SA-TL d250-500/90 SADDLE TL T-615093 T-615094 T-615342 DAV d63/40 TAP VALVE T-615956 DAV d75/32 TAP VALVE T-615344 DAV d90/32 TAP VALVE T-615346 T-615347 T-615348 T-615350 DAV d90/50 TAP VALVE DAV d90/63 TAP VALVE DAV d110/32 TAP VALVE DAV d110/63 TAP VALVE T-615352 DAV d125/32 TAP VALVE T-615369 DAV d200/63 TAP VALVE T-615213 T-615374 DAV d225/32 TAP VALVE T-612798 T-615376 DAV d225/50 TAP VALVE T-612778 T-615377 DAV d225/63 TAP VALVE VAM-RG d75/11/4" TAP SAD THR VAM-RG d90/11/2" TAP SAD THR VAM-RG d90/2" TAP SAD THR DAA d110/32 TAPPING TEE T-616176 T-612729 VAM-RG d160/2" TAP SAD THR DAA d180/50 TAPPING TEE MV d180 END CAP T-612166 T d90 TEE T-612652 DAA d180/63 TAPPING TEE MV d225 END CAP T-612167 T d110 TEE T-612654 DAA d200/32 TAPPING TEE T-612168 T d125 TEE T-612645 DAA d200/50 TAPPING TEE T-615277 T d160 TEE T-612659 DAA d200/63 TAPPING TEE T-615691 T d180 TEE T-612657 DAA d225/32 TAPPING TEE T-616266 T d200 TEE T-612646 DAA d225/50 TAPPING TEE T-615692 T d225 TEE T-612655 DAA d225/63 TAPPING TEE T-616177 KH d40 BV FPORT T-612774 VAM-RG d180/11/2" TAP SAD THR PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-616178 KH d50 BV FPORT T-612776 VAM-RG d180/2" TAP SAD THR T-615589 T-616179 KH d63 BV FPORT T-612827 VAM-RG d225/2" TAP SAD THR T-616180 KH d90 BV FPORT T-616181 KH d110 BV FPORT T-616182 KH d125 BV FPORT T-615431 AKHP d125/90 BV TAPPING PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615433 AKHP d160/63 BV TAPPING T-615470 T-615434 AKHP d160/90 BV TAPPING T-615437 AKHP d180/90 BV TAPPING T-615439 AKHP d225/63 BV TAPPING T-615440 AKHP d225/90 BV TAPPING VAM-RG d250-560/2" TAP SAD THR 28. SHUT OFF SADDLES TOP LOADING PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615395 SPA-TL d250-315 SADDLE SHOFF T-616155 UAN d63x2" MI TRANS SPIGOT SA d180/125 SADDLE DAP d160x50 TAP TEE P VAM-RG d63/11/2" TAP SAD THR T-612637 T-612644 Replacement blades for FWZ T-615740 T-615714 T-612743 VAM-RG d160/11/2" TAP SAD THR T d75 TEE UAN d50x1"1/2 MI TRANS SPIGOT SA d180/110 SADDLE DAP d160x32 TAP TEE P VAM-RG d63/11/4" TAP SAD THR T-612728 T-612165 T-616154 T-615948 T-615713 AKHP d110/90 BV TAPPING Hand scraper FWZ 613270 SA d180/90 SADDLE T-612794 AKHP d110/63 BV TAPPING 613300 T-615414 DAV d200/32 TAP VALVE T-615428 UAN d40x1"1/4 MI TRANS SPIGOT SA d180/63 SADDLE T-615366 T-615427 Oil- care spray T-616153 T-612763 DAP d125x50 TAP TEE P PE100 SDR11 PN16 DAA d180/32 TAPPING TEE 613301 SA d160/125 SADDLE T-615712 DAA d90/63 TAPPING TEE T-612651 Replacement blade FWSGE8*** UAN d32x1" MI TRANS SPIGOT T-615585 PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-612701 TA (Kit) d63 TEE 613327 T-616152 SA d160/110 SADDLE DAV d180/63 TAP VALVE VAM-RG d125/2" TAP SAD THR T-612164 PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615739 T-615364 T-612735 W 30° d225 Elbow 30 Replacement blade FWSGE7** SA d160/90 SADDLE DAP d125x32 TAP TEE P 26. HD-PE BALL VALVES T-616263 Replacement blade FWSGE6** 613326 T-615413 T-615711 PE100 SDR11 PN16 Replacement blade FWSGE5*blue 613325 SA d160/63 SADDLE DAV d180/50 TAP VALVE DAA d90/50 TAPPING TEE DAA d160/63 TAPPING TEE 613324 T-612762 T-615363 T-612636 T-612650 Replacement blade FWSGE4*green SA d160/32 SADDLE VAM-RG d125/11/2" TAP SAD THR TA (Kit) d50 TEE Replacement blade FWSGE3*red 613323 T-612886 T-612734 T-612163 Scraper tool FWSGA 613322 SA d125/110 SADDLE DAP d225x50 TAP TEE P W 30° d200 Elbow 30 Saddle scraper tool FWSGS 180-225 613538 T-615584 T-615718 T-616262 613633 SA d125/90 SADDLE DAV d160/32 TAP VALVE 27.VALVE TAPPING SADDLE FI GUNMETAL ADAPTER TOP LOADING WUN90° d50x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-615412 T-615356 DAA d90/32 TAPPING TEE DAA d160/50 TAPPING TEE T-612124 SA d125/63 SADDLE AKHP-TL d250-400/90 BV Tapping T-612634 T-612642 Saddle scraper tool FWSGS 110-180 T-612761 T-615526 VAM-RG d110/2" TAP SAD THR TA (Kit) d40 TEE WUN90° d50x11/4" TRANS THR BR KIT SA d125/32 SADDLE DAV d140/63 TAP VALVE VAM-RG d110/11/2" TAP SAD THR T-612162 T-612123 T-615087 T-615930 T-612733 DAA d160/32 TAPPING TEE Saddle scraper tool FWSGS 50-110 613632 SA d110/90 SADDLE T-612732 T-612641 Scraper tool FWSG SE 225 613631 T-615411 AKHP-TL d250-400/63 BV Tapping DAP d225x32 TAP TEE P TA (Kit) d32 TEE 613571 WUN90° d50x1" TRANS THR BR KIT SAFL d/DN 225/100 SADDLE FLANGED DAP d180x50 TAP TEE P T-612161 WUN90° d40x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612119 T-616024 T-615717 W 30° d160 Elbow 30 T-612121 SA d110/63 SADDLE T-615716 T-615340 Scraper tool FWSG SE 180 T-612760 DAA d75/40 TAPPING TEE DAA d140/50 TAPPING TEE WUN90° d40x11/4" TRANS THR BR KIT SAFL d/DN 180/100 SADDLE FLANGED DAA d63/40 TAPPING TEE T-615037 T-612122 T-616023 T-612813 PE100 SDR11 PN16 Scraper tool FWSG SE 160 613569 SA d110/50 SADDLE DAP d110x50 TAP TEE P 24. TAPPING BALL VALVES IN HD-PE FOR SIDE TAPPING 613568 T-615031 T-615606 DAA d125/63 TAPPING TEE WUN90° d40x1" TRANS THR BR KIT SAFL d/DN 160/100 SADDLE FLANGED DAV d180/32 TAP VALVE T-612309 Scraper tool FWSG SE 125 T-612127 T-616022 T-615361 DAA d125/50 TAPPING TEE Scraper tool FWSG SE 110 613566 SA d110/32 SADDLE DAP d110x32 TAP TEE P T-612639 613565 WUN90° d32x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-615334 T-615581 DAV-TL d250-315/50 TAP VALVE WUN90° d32x1" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612140 SAFL d/DN 125/100 SADDLE FLANGED 32.VALVES TAPPING SADDLES WITH FI HD-PE GUNMETAL ADAPTER DAA d125/32 TAPPING TEE T-612120 T-616021 DAV d160/63 TAP VALVE T-612649 Scraper tool FWSG SE 90 SA d90/63 SADDLE T-615359 DAA d110/63 TAPPING TEE PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-612819 DAP d90x32 TAP TEE P T-612624 Scraper tool FWSG SE 75 613564 PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-616043 DAA d110/50 TAPPING TEE Scraper tool FWSG SE 63 613563 SA d90/32 SADDLE DAV d160/50 TAP VALVE T-612638 613562 SAB d160/32 SAD DRILL T-615285 T-615525 KH d32 BV FPORT Scraper tool FWSG 710S SA d75/50 SADDLE T-615358 23. PRESSURE TAPPING VALVES TOP LOADING 613639 T-615020 DAP d63x32 TAP TEE P DAP d180x32 TAP TEE P Scraper tool FWSG 710L SAB d125/32 SAD DRILL T-612311 T-616042 T-615715 Scraper tool set FWSG 63/225 613642 38 SPIGOT SADDLES WITH FLANGE OUTLET DAV d125/63 TAP VALVE 33. INSTALLATION KITS FOR BALL VALVES AND TAPPING BALL VALVES PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615741 BS d32-50/0,45-0,7 BV INSTALL T-615957 BS d32-50/0,6-1,0 BV INSTALL T-615328 BS d32-50/0,6-1,0 BV INSTALL T-615330 BS d32-50/1,0-1,5 BV INSTALL T-615329 BS d32-50/1,2-2,0 BV INSTALL T-615958 BS d63-200/0,6-1,0 BV INSTALL T-615310 BS d63-200/0,6-1,0 BV INSTALL T-615331 BS d63-200/1,0-1,5 BV INSTALL T-615311 BS d63-200/1,2-2,0 BV INSTALL T-612764 T-612765 T-615415 SA d200/63 SADDLE SA d225/63 SADDLE SA d225/90 SADDLE T-616044 SA d225/110 SADDLE T-616045 SA d225/125 SADDLE T-616046 SA d225/160 SADDLE 36. REPAIR AND REINFORCING SADDLE PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-612519 RS d63 RFORCE SAD T-615164 VVS d90 REP&RF SADDLE T-615165 VVS d110 REP&RF SADDLE T-615166 VVS d125 REP&RF SADDLE T-615168 VVS d160 REP&RF SADDLE T-615169 VVS d180 REP&RF SADDLE T-615170 VVS d200 REP&RF SADDLE T-615171 VVS d225 REP&RF SADDLE RW d50 REP SLEEVE SAB d110/32 SAD DRILL SA d63/50 SADDLE T-615355 T-615129 Scraper tool FWSG 225 T-612759 PE100 SDR11 PN16 RW d40 REP SLEEVE 613316 PE100 SDR11 PN16 31. TAPPING BALL VALVES IN HD-PE TOP LOADING RW d32 REP SLEEVE T-615128 613311 SA d63/32 SADDLE SPAK d75 SADDLE T-615127 47. SCRAPER TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES Scraper tool FWSG 63 T-612757 DAV d125/50 TAP VALVE DAV d200/50 TAP VALVE T-615095 41. REPAIR SLEEVE 613305 PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615354 T-615368 PE100 SDR11 PN16 30. CAP FOR SHUT OFF SADDLES DAV d110/50 TAP VALVE T-615351 VSC-TL d250-500 REP&RF SADDLE TL 35. SPIGOT SADDLES T-612623 W 30° d125 Elbow 30 W 30° d180 Elbow 30 21. FULL FLACED FLANGES (SPIGOT) EFL d110/100 FL FF T-615274 T-616261 K d50 TAP TEE CAP T-615419 18. FLANGE REDUCER SA-TL d250-500/32 SADDLE TL DAV d50/32 TAP VALVE T-612310 EFL d63/50 FL RED W 45° d225 Elbow 45 T-615465 T-615955 PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615417 A d50/68 TAP VALVE INSTALL PE100 SDR 11 PN16 29. SPIGOT SADDLES TOP LOADING PE100 SDR11 PN16 17. ADAPTER FOR PRESSURE TAPPING VALVES 37. SPIGOT SADDLES WITH INTEGRAL DRILL PE100 SDR11 PN16 34 REPAIR AND REINFORCING SADDLE TOP LOADING 25. PRESSURE TAPPING VALVES WITH OUTLET SPIGOT 39. TRANSITION FITTINGS HDPE/BRASS MALE T-615130 RW d63 REP SLEEVE 42.TRANSITION 90 ELBOW HDPE/BRASS MALE T-612125 T-612126 WUN90° d63x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT WUN90° d63x2" TRANS THR BR KIT PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-612710 MUN d20x1/2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612711 MUN d25x3/4" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612712 MUN d32x1" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612709 MUN d32x11/4" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612698 MUN d32x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612721 MUN d40x1" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612713 MUN d40x11/4" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612718 MUN d40x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612725 MUN d40x2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612719 MUN d50x1" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612716 MUN d50x11/4" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612714 MUN d50x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612706 MUN d50x2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612722 MUN d63x11/4" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612717 MUN d63x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612715 MUN d63x2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612694 MUN d75x2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612695 MUN d75x21/2" TRANS THR BR KIT 40. TRANSITION FITTINGS HDPE/BRASS FEMALE PE100 SDR11 PN16 43. UNIVERSAL ADAPTERS HDPE/BRASS MALE 48. OTHER TOOLS 44. UNIVERSAL ADAPTERS HDPE/BRASS FEMALE 613350 FRIATOP Clamping Unit 613480 FWFIT Clamp+drill unit for FRIAFIT PE100 SDR11 PN16 613416 Manual rounding clamp FWXR-S1 T-616156 UAM d32x1" MI TRANS SPIGOT 613431 Manual rounding clamp FWXR-S2 T-616157 UAM d40x1"1/4 MI TRANS SPIGOT 613439 Manual rounding clamp FWXR-S3 T-616158 UAM d50x1"1/2 MI TRANS SPIGOT 613242 FWSS Key for tapping tees d40 T-616159 UAM d63x2" MI TRANS SPIGOT 613248 FWSS Key for tapping tees d50-75 613250 FWSS Key for tapping tees d90-31540 613610 FWSR for DAP - ratchet 613605 FWSR for DAP - socket SW 19 45. CONNECTION PLUGS AND ADAPTERS 613606 FWSR for DAP - socket SW 17 624530 Plug for socket contact 4,0mm 613595 Pressure test adapter FWDPA 613236 Adapter for flat contact 613069 Pipe marker FWPM 613237 Adapter for socket contact 4,7mm 627001 Aluminium Box Fusion Unit T-612145 WUN45° d32x1" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612149 WUN45° d40x11/4" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612139 WUN45° d40x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT 46. FUSION MACHINES T-612144 WUN45° d50x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT 613090 Friamat Prime Eco T-612147 WUN45°d63x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT 613092 Friamat Basic Eco T-612146 WUN45° d63x2" TRANS THR BR KIT 613102 Friamat Basic 613090 Friamat Prime 01 02 03 04 05 06 1. COUPLERS 4. FRIAFIT COUPLERS 8. SWAN NECK BEND 12. ELBOWS 45 O PE100 SDR11 PN16 PE 100 SDR17-33 PN10 PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-612680 UB d20 COUPLER T-680001 AM d 110 PE100 T-616051 WET d32 SWAN NECK T-612681 UB d25 COUPLER T-680013 AM d 125 PE100 T-616052 T-612682 UB d32 COUPLER T-680002 AM d 160 PE100 T-616053 T-612683 UB d40 COUPLER T-680003 AM d 180 PE100 T-616054 T-612684 07 08 09 10 11 12 T-612685 UB d63 COUPLER T-612686 UB d75 COUPLER T-612687 UBd90 COUPLER T-612688 UBd110 COUPLER T-612689 UBd125 COUPLER T-615090 UB d140 COUPLER T-612691 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 UB d160 COUPLER T-612672 UB d180 COUPLER T-612673 UB d200 COUPLER T-612674 UB d225 COUPLER T-612675 UB d250 COUPLER T-615073 UB d280 COUPLER T-612670 UB d315 COUPLER T-615074 19 UB d50 COUPLER UB d355 COUPLER T-615075 UB d400 COUPLER T-615076 UB d450 COUPLER T-615124 UB d500 COUPLER 2. COUPLERS 560 + PE100 SDR17 PN10 T-615706 UB d560 COUPLER T-615726 UB d630 COUPLER T-615994 UB d710 COUPLER T-616290 25 26 27 28 29 UB d800 COUPLER PN25 - PE100 SDR7.4 37 32 38 33 39 34 40 35 41 AM d 200 PE100 T-680005 AM d 225 PE100 T-680006 T-680007 AM d 280 PE100 T-680008 AM d 315 PE100 T-680009 36 42 T-616270 UB PN25 Coupler - 90mm T-616271 UB PN25 Coupler - 110mm T-616272 UB PN25 Coupler - 125mm T-616273 UB PN25 Coupler - 140mm T-616274 UB PN25 Coupler - 160mm T-616282 UB PN25 Coupler - 180mm T-616283 UB PN25 Coupler - 200mm T-616284 UB PN25 Coupler - 225mm T-616285 UB PN25 Coupler - 250mm T-616286 UB PN25 Coupler - 280mm T-616287 UB PN25 Coupler - 315mm T-616288 UB PN25 Coupler - 355mm 45 46 47 48 T-612092 W 45° d32 Elbow 45 PE100 SDR11 PN16 WET d40 SWAN NECK T-612094 W 45° d40 Elbow 45 T-615866 EBS d 0,45-0,60 Tap Valve Install WET d50 SWAN NECK T-612096 W 45° d50 Elbow 45 T-615867 EBS d 0,60-0,90 Tap Valve Install WET d63 SWAN NECK T-612098 W 45° d63 Elbow 45 T-615335 EBS d 0.80-1.20 Tap Valve Install W 45° d75 Elbow 45 T-615325 EBS d 1.10-1.80 Tap Valve Install T-612100 9. REDUCERS PE 100 SDR11 PN16 T-615386 MR d32/20 REDUCER T-615502 MR d32/25 REDUCER T-615387 MR d40/20 REDUCER T-612102 W 45° d90 Elbow 45 T-612104 W 45° d110 Elbow 45 T-612106 W 45° d125 Elbow 45 T-615275 W 45° d160 Elbow 45 T-615687 W 45° d180 Elbow 45 T-616264 W 45° d200 Elbow 45 AM d 400 PE100 T-615388 MR d40/32 REDUCER T-680011 AM d 450 PE100 T-612069 MR d50/20 REDUCER T-680012 AM d 500 PE100 T-612070 MR d50/32 REDUCER T-680018 AM d 560 PE100 T-612071 MR d50/40 REDUCER 13. ELBOWS 90 O T-615389 MR d63/32 REDUCER PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615390 MR d63/40 REDUCER T-612091 W 90° d25 Elbow 90 T-612072 MR d63/50 REDUCER T-612093 W 90° d32 Elbow 90 PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615391 MR d90/50 REDUCER T-612095 W 90° d40 Elbow 90 T-615736 FRIALONG d32 CPLR LONG T-615392 MR d90/63 REDUCER T-612097 W 90° d50 Elbow 90 T-615737 FRIALONG d40 CPLR LONG T-615393 MR d110/63 REDUCER T-612099 W 90° d63 Elbow 90 T-615608 FRIALONG d50 CPLR LONG T-615693 MR d110/90 REDUCER T-612101 W 90° d75 Elbow 90 T-615738 FRIALONG d63 CPLR LONG T-615694 MR d125/90 REDUCER T-612103 W 90° d90 Elbow 90 T-615695 MR d160/110 REDUCER T-612105 W 90° d110 Elbow 90 T-612107 W 90° d125 Elbow 90 T-615276 W 90° d160 Elbow 90 T-615689 W 90° d180 Elbow 90 T-616265 W 90° d200 Elbow 90 T-615690 W 90° d225 Elbow 90 5. LONG COUPLERS 6. RELINING SLIDE OVER COUPLERS PE100 SDR17 PN10 T-615569 REM d110/100 FL RED T-615571 REM d160/150 REL CPLR T-615576 REM d315/300 REL CPLR 7. END CAPS 10. ELBOWS 11 O PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-616139 W 11° d110 Elbow 11 T-616140 W 11° d125 Elbow 11 T-616141 W 11° d160 Elbow 11 T-616142 W 11° d180 Elbow 11 T-616143 W 11° d225 Elbow 11 PE 100 SDR11 PN16 T-612025 MV d20 END CAP T-612026 MV d25 END CAP T-612027 MV d32 END CAP T-612028 MV d40 END CAP T-612029 MV d50 END CAP T-612030 MV d63 END CAP T-612031 MV d75 END CAP T-612032 MV d90 END CAP T-612033 MV d110 END CAP T-612034 MV d125 END CAP T-612035 MV d160 END CAP T-616185 44 AM d 355 PE100 20. CAPS FOR PRESSURE TAPPING TEES T-680010 T-616183 43 AM d 250 PE100 30 3. PN25 COUPLERS 31 T-680004 PE100 SDR11 PN16 16. INSTALLATION KITS FOR PRESSURE TAPPING VALVES T-615688 14. ELBOWS 90 O WITH BASE UNIT PE100 SDR11 PN16 11. ELBOWS 30 O PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615272 T-615273 T-615989 WF 90° d90 ELBow 90 BU T-615998 WF 90° d110 ELBow 90 BU W 30° d90 Elbow 30 W 30° d110 Elbow 30 15. TEES PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615605 EFL d125/100 FL FF T-615396 T-615421 EFL d160/150 FL FF T-615927 EFL d180/150 FL FF T-615607 EFL d225/200 FL FF PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-616241 FLR 160/100 FL RED T-616242 FLR 225/100 FL RED 22. PRESSURE TAPPING TEES WITH PARALLEL DOME PE100 SDR 11 PN16 19. PRESSURE TAPPING TEES PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-612630 T-612702 T-615080 T-612631 T-612633 T-612632 DAA d40/20 TAPPING TEE DAA d50/25 TAPPING TEE DAA d50/32 TAPPING TEE DAA d63/20 TAPPING TEE DAA d63/25 TAPPING TEE DAA d63/32 TAPPING TEE PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615091 SAB d63/32 SAD DRILL T-615466 SA-TL d250-500/63 SADDLE TL T-615397 T-615092 SAB d90/32 SAD DRILL T-615341 DAV d63/32 TAP VALVE T-615850 SA-TL d250-500/90 SADDLE TL T-615093 T-615094 T-615342 DAV d63/40 TAP VALVE T-615956 DAV d75/32 TAP VALVE T-615344 DAV d90/32 TAP VALVE T-615346 T-615347 T-615348 T-615350 DAV d90/50 TAP VALVE DAV d90/63 TAP VALVE DAV d110/32 TAP VALVE DAV d110/63 TAP VALVE T-615352 DAV d125/32 TAP VALVE T-615369 DAV d200/63 TAP VALVE T-615213 T-615374 DAV d225/32 TAP VALVE T-612798 T-615376 DAV d225/50 TAP VALVE T-612778 T-615377 DAV d225/63 TAP VALVE VAM-RG d75/11/4" TAP SAD THR VAM-RG d90/11/2" TAP SAD THR VAM-RG d90/2" TAP SAD THR DAA d110/32 TAPPING TEE T-616176 T-612729 VAM-RG d160/2" TAP SAD THR DAA d180/50 TAPPING TEE MV d180 END CAP T-612166 T d90 TEE T-612652 DAA d180/63 TAPPING TEE MV d225 END CAP T-612167 T d110 TEE T-612654 DAA d200/32 TAPPING TEE T-612168 T d125 TEE T-612645 DAA d200/50 TAPPING TEE T-615277 T d160 TEE T-612659 DAA d200/63 TAPPING TEE T-615691 T d180 TEE T-612657 DAA d225/32 TAPPING TEE T-616266 T d200 TEE T-612646 DAA d225/50 TAPPING TEE T-615692 T d225 TEE T-612655 DAA d225/63 TAPPING TEE T-616177 KH d40 BV FPORT T-612774 VAM-RG d180/11/2" TAP SAD THR PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-616178 KH d50 BV FPORT T-612776 VAM-RG d180/2" TAP SAD THR T-615589 T-616179 KH d63 BV FPORT T-612827 VAM-RG d225/2" TAP SAD THR T-616180 KH d90 BV FPORT T-616181 KH d110 BV FPORT T-616182 KH d125 BV FPORT T-615431 AKHP d125/90 BV TAPPING PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615433 AKHP d160/63 BV TAPPING T-615470 T-615434 AKHP d160/90 BV TAPPING T-615437 AKHP d180/90 BV TAPPING T-615439 AKHP d225/63 BV TAPPING T-615440 AKHP d225/90 BV TAPPING VAM-RG d250-560/2" TAP SAD THR 28. SHUT OFF SADDLES TOP LOADING PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615395 SPA-TL d250-315 SADDLE SHOFF T-616155 UAN d63x2" MI TRANS SPIGOT SA d180/125 SADDLE DAP d160x50 TAP TEE P VAM-RG d63/11/2" TAP SAD THR T-612637 T-612644 Replacement blades for FWZ T-615740 T-615714 T-612743 VAM-RG d160/11/2" TAP SAD THR T d75 TEE UAN d50x1"1/2 MI TRANS SPIGOT SA d180/110 SADDLE DAP d160x32 TAP TEE P VAM-RG d63/11/4" TAP SAD THR T-612728 T-612165 T-616154 T-615948 T-615713 AKHP d110/90 BV TAPPING Hand scraper FWZ 613270 SA d180/90 SADDLE T-612794 AKHP d110/63 BV TAPPING 613300 T-615414 DAV d200/32 TAP VALVE T-615428 UAN d40x1"1/4 MI TRANS SPIGOT SA d180/63 SADDLE T-615366 T-615427 Oil- care spray T-616153 T-612763 DAP d125x50 TAP TEE P PE100 SDR11 PN16 DAA d180/32 TAPPING TEE 613301 SA d160/125 SADDLE T-615712 DAA d90/63 TAPPING TEE T-612651 Replacement blade FWSGE8*** UAN d32x1" MI TRANS SPIGOT T-615585 PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-612701 TA (Kit) d63 TEE 613327 T-616152 SA d160/110 SADDLE DAV d180/63 TAP VALVE VAM-RG d125/2" TAP SAD THR T-612164 PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615739 T-615364 T-612735 W 30° d225 Elbow 30 Replacement blade FWSGE7** SA d160/90 SADDLE DAP d125x32 TAP TEE P 26. HD-PE BALL VALVES T-616263 Replacement blade FWSGE6** 613326 T-615413 T-615711 PE100 SDR11 PN16 Replacement blade FWSGE5*blue 613325 SA d160/63 SADDLE DAV d180/50 TAP VALVE DAA d90/50 TAPPING TEE DAA d160/63 TAPPING TEE 613324 T-612762 T-615363 T-612636 T-612650 Replacement blade FWSGE4*green SA d160/32 SADDLE VAM-RG d125/11/2" TAP SAD THR TA (Kit) d50 TEE Replacement blade FWSGE3*red 613323 T-612886 T-612734 T-612163 Scraper tool FWSGA 613322 SA d125/110 SADDLE DAP d225x50 TAP TEE P W 30° d200 Elbow 30 Saddle scraper tool FWSGS 180-225 613538 T-615584 T-615718 T-616262 613633 SA d125/90 SADDLE DAV d160/32 TAP VALVE 27.VALVE TAPPING SADDLE FI GUNMETAL ADAPTER TOP LOADING WUN90° d50x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-615412 T-615356 DAA d90/32 TAPPING TEE DAA d160/50 TAPPING TEE T-612124 SA d125/63 SADDLE AKHP-TL d250-400/90 BV Tapping T-612634 T-612642 Saddle scraper tool FWSGS 110-180 T-612761 T-615526 VAM-RG d110/2" TAP SAD THR TA (Kit) d40 TEE WUN90° d50x11/4" TRANS THR BR KIT SA d125/32 SADDLE DAV d140/63 TAP VALVE VAM-RG d110/11/2" TAP SAD THR T-612162 T-612123 T-615087 T-615930 T-612733 DAA d160/32 TAPPING TEE Saddle scraper tool FWSGS 50-110 613632 SA d110/90 SADDLE T-612732 T-612641 Scraper tool FWSG SE 225 613631 T-615411 AKHP-TL d250-400/63 BV Tapping DAP d225x32 TAP TEE P TA (Kit) d32 TEE 613571 WUN90° d50x1" TRANS THR BR KIT SAFL d/DN 225/100 SADDLE FLANGED DAP d180x50 TAP TEE P T-612161 WUN90° d40x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612119 T-616024 T-615717 W 30° d160 Elbow 30 T-612121 SA d110/63 SADDLE T-615716 T-615340 Scraper tool FWSG SE 180 T-612760 DAA d75/40 TAPPING TEE DAA d140/50 TAPPING TEE WUN90° d40x11/4" TRANS THR BR KIT SAFL d/DN 180/100 SADDLE FLANGED DAA d63/40 TAPPING TEE T-615037 T-612122 T-616023 T-612813 PE100 SDR11 PN16 Scraper tool FWSG SE 160 613569 SA d110/50 SADDLE DAP d110x50 TAP TEE P 24. TAPPING BALL VALVES IN HD-PE FOR SIDE TAPPING 613568 T-615031 T-615606 DAA d125/63 TAPPING TEE WUN90° d40x1" TRANS THR BR KIT SAFL d/DN 160/100 SADDLE FLANGED DAV d180/32 TAP VALVE T-612309 Scraper tool FWSG SE 125 T-612127 T-616022 T-615361 DAA d125/50 TAPPING TEE Scraper tool FWSG SE 110 613566 SA d110/32 SADDLE DAP d110x32 TAP TEE P T-612639 613565 WUN90° d32x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-615334 T-615581 DAV-TL d250-315/50 TAP VALVE WUN90° d32x1" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612140 SAFL d/DN 125/100 SADDLE FLANGED 32.VALVES TAPPING SADDLES WITH FI HD-PE GUNMETAL ADAPTER DAA d125/32 TAPPING TEE T-612120 T-616021 DAV d160/63 TAP VALVE T-612649 Scraper tool FWSG SE 90 SA d90/63 SADDLE T-615359 DAA d110/63 TAPPING TEE PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-612819 DAP d90x32 TAP TEE P T-612624 Scraper tool FWSG SE 75 613564 PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-616043 DAA d110/50 TAPPING TEE Scraper tool FWSG SE 63 613563 SA d90/32 SADDLE DAV d160/50 TAP VALVE T-612638 613562 SAB d160/32 SAD DRILL T-615285 T-615525 KH d32 BV FPORT Scraper tool FWSG 710S SA d75/50 SADDLE T-615358 23. PRESSURE TAPPING VALVES TOP LOADING 613639 T-615020 DAP d63x32 TAP TEE P DAP d180x32 TAP TEE P Scraper tool FWSG 710L SAB d125/32 SAD DRILL T-612311 T-616042 T-615715 Scraper tool set FWSG 63/225 613642 38 SPIGOT SADDLES WITH FLANGE OUTLET DAV d125/63 TAP VALVE 33. INSTALLATION KITS FOR BALL VALVES AND TAPPING BALL VALVES PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615741 BS d32-50/0,45-0,7 BV INSTALL T-615957 BS d32-50/0,6-1,0 BV INSTALL T-615328 BS d32-50/0,6-1,0 BV INSTALL T-615330 BS d32-50/1,0-1,5 BV INSTALL T-615329 BS d32-50/1,2-2,0 BV INSTALL T-615958 BS d63-200/0,6-1,0 BV INSTALL T-615310 BS d63-200/0,6-1,0 BV INSTALL T-615331 BS d63-200/1,0-1,5 BV INSTALL T-615311 BS d63-200/1,2-2,0 BV INSTALL T-612764 T-612765 T-615415 SA d200/63 SADDLE SA d225/63 SADDLE SA d225/90 SADDLE T-616044 SA d225/110 SADDLE T-616045 SA d225/125 SADDLE T-616046 SA d225/160 SADDLE 36. REPAIR AND REINFORCING SADDLE PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-612519 RS d63 RFORCE SAD T-615164 VVS d90 REP&RF SADDLE T-615165 VVS d110 REP&RF SADDLE T-615166 VVS d125 REP&RF SADDLE T-615168 VVS d160 REP&RF SADDLE T-615169 VVS d180 REP&RF SADDLE T-615170 VVS d200 REP&RF SADDLE T-615171 VVS d225 REP&RF SADDLE RW d50 REP SLEEVE SAB d110/32 SAD DRILL SA d63/50 SADDLE T-615355 T-615129 Scraper tool FWSG 225 T-612759 PE100 SDR11 PN16 RW d40 REP SLEEVE 613316 PE100 SDR11 PN16 31. TAPPING BALL VALVES IN HD-PE TOP LOADING RW d32 REP SLEEVE T-615128 613311 SA d63/32 SADDLE SPAK d75 SADDLE T-615127 47. SCRAPER TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES Scraper tool FWSG 63 T-612757 DAV d125/50 TAP VALVE DAV d200/50 TAP VALVE T-615095 41. REPAIR SLEEVE 613305 PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615354 T-615368 PE100 SDR11 PN16 30. CAP FOR SHUT OFF SADDLES DAV d110/50 TAP VALVE T-615351 VSC-TL d250-500 REP&RF SADDLE TL 35. SPIGOT SADDLES T-612623 W 30° d125 Elbow 30 W 30° d180 Elbow 30 21. FULL FLACED FLANGES (SPIGOT) EFL d110/100 FL FF T-615274 T-616261 K d50 TAP TEE CAP T-615419 18. FLANGE REDUCER SA-TL d250-500/32 SADDLE TL DAV d50/32 TAP VALVE T-612310 EFL d63/50 FL RED W 45° d225 Elbow 45 T-615465 T-615955 PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-615417 A d50/68 TAP VALVE INSTALL PE100 SDR 11 PN16 29. SPIGOT SADDLES TOP LOADING PE100 SDR11 PN16 17. ADAPTER FOR PRESSURE TAPPING VALVES 37. SPIGOT SADDLES WITH INTEGRAL DRILL PE100 SDR11 PN16 34 REPAIR AND REINFORCING SADDLE TOP LOADING 25. PRESSURE TAPPING VALVES WITH OUTLET SPIGOT 39. TRANSITION FITTINGS HDPE/BRASS MALE T-615130 RW d63 REP SLEEVE 42.TRANSITION 90 ELBOW HDPE/BRASS MALE T-612125 T-612126 WUN90° d63x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT WUN90° d63x2" TRANS THR BR KIT PE100 SDR11 PN16 T-612710 MUN d20x1/2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612711 MUN d25x3/4" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612712 MUN d32x1" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612709 MUN d32x11/4" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612698 MUN d32x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612721 MUN d40x1" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612713 MUN d40x11/4" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612718 MUN d40x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612725 MUN d40x2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612719 MUN d50x1" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612716 MUN d50x11/4" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612714 MUN d50x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612706 MUN d50x2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612722 MUN d63x11/4" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612717 MUN d63x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612715 MUN d63x2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612694 MUN d75x2" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612695 MUN d75x21/2" TRANS THR BR KIT 40. TRANSITION FITTINGS HDPE/BRASS FEMALE PE100 SDR11 PN16 43. UNIVERSAL ADAPTERS HDPE/BRASS MALE 48. OTHER TOOLS 44. UNIVERSAL ADAPTERS HDPE/BRASS FEMALE 613350 FRIATOP Clamping Unit 613480 FWFIT Clamp+drill unit for FRIAFIT PE100 SDR11 PN16 613416 Manual rounding clamp FWXR-S1 T-616156 UAM d32x1" MI TRANS SPIGOT 613431 Manual rounding clamp FWXR-S2 T-616157 UAM d40x1"1/4 MI TRANS SPIGOT 613439 Manual rounding clamp FWXR-S3 T-616158 UAM d50x1"1/2 MI TRANS SPIGOT 613242 FWSS Key for tapping tees d40 T-616159 UAM d63x2" MI TRANS SPIGOT 613248 FWSS Key for tapping tees d50-75 613250 FWSS Key for tapping tees d90-31540 613610 FWSR for DAP - ratchet 613605 FWSR for DAP - socket SW 19 45. CONNECTION PLUGS AND ADAPTERS 613606 FWSR for DAP - socket SW 17 624530 Plug for socket contact 4,0mm 613595 Pressure test adapter FWDPA 613236 Adapter for flat contact 613069 Pipe marker FWPM 613237 Adapter for socket contact 4,7mm 627001 Aluminium Box Fusion Unit T-612145 WUN45° d32x1" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612149 WUN45° d40x11/4" TRANS THR BR KIT T-612139 WUN45° d40x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT 46. FUSION MACHINES T-612144 WUN45° d50x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT 613090 Friamat Prime Eco T-612147 WUN45°d63x11/2" TRANS THR BR KIT 613092 Friamat Basic Eco T-612146 WUN45° d63x2" TRANS THR BR KIT 613102 Friamat Basic 613090 Friamat Prime 1 TOP LOADING SADDLES 3 Each individual saddle covers a range of pipe diameters from 250mm to 560mm. Fusion is carried out by swiping the barcode on the fitting. The machine then carries out the fusion depending on the parameters held within the barcode. • Flexibility - with one saddle off takes can be made on a large variety of pipes. 2 BARCODE READING • Fully automatic process so no possibility of manual input error. TOP LOADING MACHINES Used to compress a top loading saddle (covers a range of diameters from 250 to 560mm) onto the surface of the pipe and maintain this compression for the duration of the weld. • Unit displays size and type of fitting when the barcode is scanned to ensure that no error can occur. When the user is comfortable that correct fitting has been scanned the start button can be pressed. • Ease of use – simply strap unit onto pipe and pump up to required pressure with supplied hand pump. • Fully universal system – all major brands of electrofusion coupler are produced with barcodes to an international standard that can be read by the Friatec machine. • Top loading machine uses air pressure to compress the saddle onto the surface of the pipe. • Ease of use with wand simply needing to be held like a pen. Unit even has a back up for manual input of the barcode if the wand fails. 4 FRIATEC FAQS TEMPERATURE GAUGE The unit has an internal temperature gauge which records the outside temperature when the fusion is carried out. I have a Friatec fusion machine - can I use it on other brands of fittings? • The unit automatically adjusts the fusion time either up or down, dependant on the ambient temperature. This is to ensure the correct fusion time is carried out, for example on a cold day the fusion time should be increased. With a manual process this must be calculated by the user. 4 The Friatec machine reads the barcode attached to the fitting in order to get the correct fusion parameters. All reputable fitting brands are supplied with a barcode sticker which conforms to an international standard which can be read by the Friatec machine. The only requirement is for an adaptor plug to enable the Friatec machine to connect to fittings which have 4.7mm pins. Why is it important to scrape the pipe prior to carrying out the fusion process? When exposed to sunlight PE oxidises. This process creates an oxidised layer which can impact on the integrity of the joint, as it creates a barrier of foreign material between the PE material of the fitting and the pipe. Therefore, it must be scraped off to achieve a fully functioning joint. The use of Friatec scraping tools makes this job significantly easier. • Pressure gauge provides a clear visual indicator that load is being maintained during fusion providing peace of mind to user. Why is the SDR rating of the pipe important in the electrofusion process? 1 The electrofusion process works by passing an electric current through the wiring embedded in the fitting. This causes the wiring to heat up to approximately 220 degrees centigrade which then melts the fitting and pipe. Once cooling has been completed a homogenous joint is formed. The heating parameters are set to pass enough energy through the wires to melt a certain thickness of pipe. Every pipe is made to a predetermined SDR rating which, depending on the material, gives a certain pressure rating based on a set wall 3 2 INTRODUCTION TO FRIATEC thickness. Standard electrofusion fittings are used on pipes with an SDR rating from 11 to 21. If they are used on pipes that are outside of this range they will either provide too much energy (SDR above 21) and so lead to a catastrophic failure of the pipe, or will not pass enough energy (SDR below 11) to melt enough of the pipe. Friatec have fittings to enable electrofusion to be carried out on SDR below 11 (PN25 couplers) or SDR above 21 (Friafit couplers). Do I need to use clamps with the Friatec system? The exposed wires with Friatec fittings means that there is an instantaneous heat transfer from the fitting to the pipe. With more traditional fittings, which have wires that are covered, the heat transfer takes some time as it must pass through a layer of material in the fitting before getting to the pipe. The instantaneous heat transfer means that almost immediately after the fusion process commences the pipe is gripped in the fitting. This eliminates the need for clamps in standard applications. However, if the pipe is under any tensions then clamps must be used. Friatec was founded in 1863 in Manheim, Germany and has successfully brought to market many innovative ranges. Friatec’s patented electrofusion system is world leading and has been used in projects all around the globe. The Frialen range is rated to PN16 and Is there a danger of the exposed wires being dislodged from the fitting? Only 1/3 of the wires are exposed on the surface of the fitting. The remaining 2/3 of the wires are embedded in the body of the fitting. As the wires are an integral part of the fitting body they cannot be dislodged in normal circumstances - providing all the benefits of exposed wires without any risks. is commonly used in the civil, mining and irrigation sectors. The Friafit range of fittings is rated to PN10 and is most suited to applications with lower pressures, such as those found in irrigation and sewerage situations. Friatec’s innovative electrofusion products include many unique features, all of which are designed to improve the speed of installation and use without compromising on the quality and longevity of the connection made. Here are just some of the features of the fittings and the tools: THE FRIATEC ELECTROFUSION ADVANTAGES What type of generator can be used with the Friatec fusion units? 1 Any standard 5Kva generator will be adequate to provide enough power to weld all sizes of fittings. Please note that when running the unit with a generator ensure the generator is switched on and running prior to connecting up the fusion unit. PREHEATING In large bore couplers (280mm +) there is a special preheating barcode which, when scanned, does not fully fuse the coupler but rather heats it and the pipe up to 80 degrees centigrade. • Large bore pipe is often oval. This can present problems. The maximum allowable gap between the fitting and pipe outside surface is equal to 1% of the pipe outside diameter. When pipe is loaded concentrically, gaps larger than this can significantly impact on the integrity of the formed joint and fusion should not be attempted. Using the preheating function the pipe is heated up to 80 degrees centigrade, which returns the pipe to the round. This can be run a number of times and gaps of up to 3mm can be closed in this way. If there is an interruption of power during the fusion process can you re-fuse the fitting? As long as the joint is not moved during the cooling time then the fusion process can be re-run. However, this can only be done once the cooling time (as noted on the barcode label) has been completed. Is it possible to record the fusion data with Friatec fusion machines? The Prime version of the Friatec fusion machine range has full capability to record all the relevant data including; installer, date, time, voltage, fusion time and coupler type. The data is then stored on the fusion box. 3 EMBEDDED HEATING COILS 4 Wires are embedded in fitting surface with 1/3 being exposed. This provides the following benafits: • Maximum efficiency of transfer between coupler and pipe. Heat does not have to travel through the wall of the fitting before hitting the pipe so there is an equal transfer of heat between the pipe and fitting as well as reduced fusion time. • Coils are embedded therefore there is no chance of wires being dislodged. • Ability to visually check wire integrity prior to fusion. • Pipe gripped in fitting almost immediately fusion has commenced eliminating need for clamps (unless pipe is under an external load). EXTERNAL REINFORCEMENT In large bore couplers (280mm + above) the couplers have external wires wrapped around them which provides a reinforcement during fusion. • During fusion high pressures build up inside the fitting and this is particularly so with large bore couplers. External reinforcement is required to hold the fitting onto the pipe during the fusion process. Without it there is a danger that the fitting will lift off the pipe and cause a failure. Friatec couplers come complete with this reinforcement so no further action is required. With other couplers a reinforcing blanket may be required to achieve the full integrity joint. 4 2 DUAL FUSION ZONE 4 In large bore couplers (280mm + above) there are two seperate fusion zones. • This means when carrying out an electrofusion joint in a tight trench situation one end of the pipe can be fused above ground in easier conditions. Only one side of the joint then needs to be made in the trench. Friatec Electrofusion System 2 1 2 3