Amphibian Conservation - 2010 Highlights and Accomplishments


Amphibian Conservation - 2010 Highlights and Accomplishments
2010 Highlights and Accomplishments
Table of Contents
Citizen Science
SSP Conservation
Assurance Populations and Conservation Breeding
Field Surveys and Research
Reintroduction and Head-starting
In 2008, AZA made a long-term commitment to global amphibian conservation that focused
on increasing the capacity of AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums to respond to threats
facing amphibians, to create and sustain assurance populations of threatened amphibians,
and to increase public awareness of and engagement in amphibian conservation.
With the support and hard work of directors, curators, keepers, and partners, AZAaccredited zoos and aquariums maintained their commitment, and in 2010, saw conservation
progress and successes both locally and around the world. This report features some of the
successes in citizen science, research, field work, the creation of assurance populations, and
successes in conservation breeding.
AZA congratulates all members for their on-going efforts and dedication. Learn more about
how to get involved in amphibian conservation by contacting any of the authors listed in this
report or the Amphibian TAG Chair, Diane Barber (
By: Shelly Grow, AZA Conservation Biologist (
This report is available on the AZA Web site at:
Submissions included in this report were solicited in December 2010 through emails sent to
the AZA Amphibian Taxon Advisory Group-related listserv.
Cover photo: Oregon spotted frog, credit Michael Durham, Oregon Zoo
Citizen Science
FrogWatch USA Opens Local Chapters
AZA recognizes the following 18 facilities for
opening local FrogWatch USA Chapters in 2010:
- Birmingham Zoo, Birmingham, Ala.
- Sequoia Park Zoo, Eureka, Calif.
- Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, Colorado Springs, Colo.
- Brevard Zoo, Melbourne, Fla.
- Zoo Miami, Miami, Fla.
- St. Augustine Alligator Farm Zoological Park, St.
Augustine, Fla.
- Howard County Dept. of Recreation & Parks, Md.
- Detroit Zoological Society, Detroit, Mich.
- Saint Louis Zoo, St. Louis, Mo.
- North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher, Kure
Beach, NC
- Jenkinson's Aquarium, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
- Metro Parks, Serving Summit County, Akron, Ohio
- Lehigh Valley Zoo, Schnecksville, Penn.
- Roger Williams Park Zoo, Providence, RI
- Chattanooga Zoo, Chattanooga, Tenn.
- Knoxville Zoo, Knoxville, Tenn.
- San Antonio Zoo, San Antonio, Texas
- Oglebay's Good Zoo, Wheeling, W.Va.
By Shelly Grow, Association of Zoos and Aquariums
FrogWatch USA is an AZA citizen science program
that encourages community stewardship by
training volunteers to listen and report the breeding
calls of frogs and
toads in their
communities. In
2010, AZA began providing materials that allow
facilities to open their own Chapter of FrogWatch
USA. Chapters can be branded by the facility and
tailored to meet the community’s needs. Chapters
engage people in science and conservation and
empower each volunteer to do more.
Opening a FrogWatch USA Chapter contributes to
amphibian conservation, links ex situ programs to in
situ conservation, and promotes AZA-accredited
zoos and aquariums within their local community.
Chapters also support a national network of
USA Chapters
and volunteers
that together,
like other
citizen science
provide large
scale, long term
FrogWatch USA to Benefit from NSF Grant
Excerpt from National Geographic Society Press Release 29 Oct.
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded
a $2.7 million, five-year grant to the National
Geographic Society (NGS) to launch a major
initiative that will engage the public in scientific
research about the world around them. In this
project, NGS will develop and evaluate a Web-based
software platform called FieldScope to support
citizen science projects involving geographic data.
In 2010, four
Roger Williams Park Zoo’s FrogWatch
USA Chapter
USA Chapter was featured on the local
news and is available on YouTube
Sessions were held at: the AZA Mid-Year Meeting
(Virginia Beach, Va.); the AZA Annual Conference
(Houston, Texas); the AZA Regional
Communications Meeting (Asheville, NC); and the
Florida Reptile and Amphibian Working Group
Meeting (Jacksonville, Fla.). AZA thanks the
Western North Carolina Nature Center and
Jacksonville Zoo for hosting two of these trainings;
Jeff Hall (North Carolina Wildlife Resources
Commission), Jaime Gonzalez (Katy Prairie
Conservancy, Texas), and Paul Moler (Florida Fish
and Wildlife Conservation Commission) for
providing training about local amphibians; Peggy
Sloan (North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher) for
helping develop the training; and the Florida
Association of Zoos and Aquariums (FAZA) for
providing support for the Jacksonville training.
The development of an Internet-based technology
infrastructure has remained an obstacle for citizen
science project organizers. Each organization has to
develop its own database, entry tools, and tools for
displaying and/or analyzing data. The development
of this infrastructure can be a serious technical and
financial challenge. Through this project, the NGS
will provide organizations with tools to launch
citizen science projects inexpensively on the Web.
The FieldScope platform will support community
geography projects where participants collect
observations and analyze them for geographic
patterns and will meet the needs of projects whose
goals include providing science-learning experiences
to participants. Using state-of-the-art geographic
information systems (GIS) and social networking
technologies, FieldScope will allow participants to
upload data to a communal database, display,
interpret, and analyze the community’s data and
discuss their findings with the other members of the
Additional Chapter Coordinator Training Sessions
will be offered in 2011; dates and locations are still
to be determined. Online training will be available,
beginning in early 2011. Learn more at:
NGS will work with two “testbed partners” currently
running community geography projects: Project
BudBurst, run by the National Ecological
Observatory Network (NEON) and FrogWatch USA,
run by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums.
Learn more about FrogWatch USA and opening a
local Chapter at:
Citizen Science
A Citizen Science Training Model for Investigating
the Presence or Absence of Amphibian Chytrid
Fungus in Amphibian Populations
Twelve citizen scientists were recruited through a
partnership with the University at Buffalo’s
Environmental Science Interdisciplinary Degree
Program and the Zoo’s docent population. The
Roger Tory Peterson Institute helped in the
development of the training curriculum and online
manual. Consultations with the New York State
Department of Environmental Conservation resulted
in the selection of four study sites
Article and photos by Tiffany Vanderwerf, Buffalo Zoo
In November 2009, the Buffalo Zoo received a
generous AZA’s Conservation Endowment Fund
(CEF) grant for a project titled, “A Citizen Science
Training Model for Investigating the Presence or
Absence of Amphibian Chytrid Fungus in
Amphibian Populations.” The goals of the project
were to: 1)
develop and
pilot test a
series and online manual
aimed at
teaching citizen
scientists how
to identify
native to New
York State and
test amphibians
for the presence or absence of the amphibian
chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis
(Bd); 2) begin to determine the presence or
absence of Bd in several Western New York
watersheds; and 3) use the results of the project to
leverage additional funding for investigating the
presence or absence of Bd across New York State.
Following training in early 2010, citizen scientists
successfully collected a total of 77 samples from a
variety of native amphibian species for analysis.
Three of the study sites contained Bd positive frog
and salamander species. Bd was found in American
toads (Anaxyrus americanus), leopard frogs
(Lithobates pipiens), spring peepers (Pseudacris
crucifer), western chorus frogs (Pseudacris
triseriata), eastern newts (Notophthalmus
viridescens), and red-backed salamanders
(Plethodon cinereus). Overall, the project
demonstrated that it is feasible to train citizen
scientists adequately using this training model to
identify, capture, and swab amphibians for Bd
testing. The hope is that this model will enable
scientists to expand human resources to test large
areas efficiently and quickly for the presence or
absence of Bd.
SSP Conservation
Habitat Construction in Puerto Rico
The project has already seen some success. Tropical
depressions that moved across Puerto Rico in July
filled the pond. DNER biologists have reported that
the pond was utilized by Puerto Rican crested toads
in the area, and that breeding attempts were
Article and photos by Diane Barber, Fort Worth Zoo
In May 2010, the Fort Worth Zoo’s exhibit
construction team built a 6,000-gallon concrete
breeding pond for the critically endangered Puerto
Rican crested toad (Peltophryne lemur) in a remote
section of the Mangillo Grande protected area on
the southern coast of Puerto Rico. The team,
including Zoo Director Mike Fouraker, worked in
partnership with Puerto Rico’s Department of
Natural Ecological Resources (DNER) to build the
pond using a matching grant from the U.S. Fish and
(FWS). Fort
Worth Zoo
Curator of
and AZA
toad SSP
Bob Johnson (Toronto Zoo) and Lynn
Koscielny (Cleveland Metroparks Zoo)
with FWS and DNER to select the site during a
previous trip. SSP partners Bob Johnson (Toronto
Zoo) and Lynn Koscielny (Cleveland Metroparks
Zoo) also traveled to Puerto Rico to help with the
pond construction.
The SSP plans to assist partners in 2011 by helping
install fencing, educational graphics, and native
plants around the pond. Funds for the project not
covered by the FWS grant have been generously
provided through donations to the SSP by several
member institutions, including the Detroit Zoological
Society, Toronto Zoo, Disney’s Animal Kingdom,
Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens, Toledo Zoo,
Milwaukee County Zoo, Sedgwick County Zoo, and
Buffalo Zoo.
Panamanian Golden Frog SSP
By Vicky Poole, National Aquarium in Baltimore
Photos by Edgardo Griffin, EVACC
In 2010, Panamanian Golden Frog SSP’s Atelopus
Conservation Trust small grant program awarded
$10,000 to the El Valle Amphibian Conservation
Center (EVACC) through the Houston Zoo to outfit a
cargo container (pod) at the Nispero Zoo/EVACC in
El Valle, Panama. Once completed, this pod will be
utilized as a dedicated breeding and isolation facility
exclusively for Panamanian golden frog (Atelopus
zeteki) with the hope that offspring produced there
will be the basis for any future reintroduction
program should the amphibian chytrid fungus (Bd)
no longer be a threat to their survival in the wild.
The pond was engineered to fill with water during
the rainy, wet season, a prime breeding time for the
toads, but only to hold enough water to allow the
toads to lay eggs, hatch, and morph from tadpoles
to toadlets before the water evaporates during the
many dry periods that exist in this habitat. This
design lessens the time period that the pond can be
utilized for breeding by predators such as the
invasive marine toad (Rhinella marina).
Fort Worth Zoo staff helping with pond construction
Assurance Populations and Conservation Breeding
Dusky Gopher Frogs: A World's First is
The Coqui Conservation Initiative
By Jennifer Stabile, Central Florida Zoo & Botanical Gardens
Excerpts from Memphis Zoo Press Release 26 Oct 2010
Due to a variety of environmental pressures over the
last several decades, many endemic species of coqui
frogs (Eleutherodactylus spp.) have become subjects
of conservation concern in Puerto Rico. Captive
breeding programs can help secure and propagate
threatened species of coqui for future repatriation
projects and studies. Since 2006, Proyecto Coquí
(PC) and the Central Florida Zoo & Botanical
Gardens (CFZBG)
have collaborated on
successful captive
breeding projects for
several species of
coqui. The Coqui
Initiative (CCI)
expands this program
to include several endangered species of coqui in
need of captive propagation support, and to develop
staff training opportunities at both institutions.
CFZBG has established a secure environment to
work with multiple species of concern, including E.
locustus, E. richmondi, and E. wightmanae. Initial
founder stock for the program has been provided by
Dr. Rafael Joglar, professor at the University of
Puerto Rico—Rio Piedras and collaborator with PC.
PC and CFZBG are working together to develop
captive husbandry and breeding techniques for
future assurance colonies of these species.
Collaboration between the Memphis Zoo and
Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo resulted in the largest
number of dusky gopher frog (Lithobates sevosus)
tadpoles ever bred in captivity. Over 1,400 tadpoles
hatched in October after researchers carried out an
in vitro fertilization (IVF) for the critically
endangered species. Nearly 100 of these tadpoles
were from Omaha female gopher frogs’ eggs
fertilized with sperm that had been collected noninvasively from dusky gopher frogs at the Memphis
Zoo and shipped to Omaha overnight to be used
for the IVF. This transfer of non-invasively collected
sperm for IVF was a world-first for amphibians.
The case of the dusky gopher frog is grim. Though
this species historically lived in many coastal areas
of Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana, the U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service estimates that only 100 remain
in the wild, with almost all residing in a single pond
in Mississippi. Their habitat has been threatened by
residential and forestry development, fire
suppression, and the decline of gopher tortoises,
whose burrows the frogs use for shelter.
Despite numerous attempts since 2001 to replicate
natural environmental cues to induce breeding, no
natural reproduction has occurred in captivity. It
has only been over the past few years, as assisted
reproductive technologies such as in IVF and
hormone stimulation have been adapted for dusky
gopher frogs, that the captive breeding program
has begun to experience success.
Ambystomid Salamanders & Ornate Chorus Frogs
By Scott Pfaff, Riverbanks Zoo and Garden
In 2010, Riverbanks Zoo and Garden was successful
in the captive reproduction of two species of
Ambystomid salamanders - Mabee’s salamander
(Ambystoma mabeei) and the marbled salamander
(A. opacum). The Mabee’s salamanders were
collected as larva and reproduction was achieved
when they were approximately one-year old. A small
colony of the Flatwoods salamander (A. cingulatum)
was also established, a species federally listed as
threatened. This species was also collected as larva.
So far, growth rates for the Flatwoods salamanders
have been significantly less than for the other three
species of Ambystomid salamanders reared from the
larval stage, but the salamanders appear to be
The ability to transfer chilled amphibian sperm
between zoos for IVF has huge implications for
improving the genetic diversity of frog and toad
captive assurance colonies without the stress of
moving individual animals among facilities. By
conducting fertilizations in a petri dish, scientists
can divide and fertilize a single female's egg mass
with sperm from numerous male frogs to insure a
greater level of genetic diversity.
"Although the transfer of sperm between
institutions for artificial insemination is regularly
practiced in mammals, the technology has never
before been used to reproduce endangered
amphibians through IVF and represents a
conservation milestone," said Dr. Andy Kouba,
director of conservation and research for the
Memphis Zoo. "With support from grants by the
Institute of Museum and Library Services and Morris
Animal Foundation, the Memphis Zoo is developing
assisted breeding technologies and a genetic
resource bank for many of the countries most
endangered amphibian species."
Riverbanks established an assurance population of
ornate chorus frogs (Pseudacris ornata). This species
of Hylid has experienced significant population
declines in parts of its range. The goal of this
program is to establish captive husbandry
parameters and managed reproduction techniques,
as well as gather life history data. The frogs,
collected as tadpoles in April 2010, attained adult
size by the fall of 2010 and are showing signs of
reproductive behavior.
Assurance Populations and Conservation Breeding
The Wildlife Conservation Society/Bronx Zoo
Amphibian Propagation Center
Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation
By Lindsay Renick Mayer, National Zoological Park
Photos courtesy of the Panama Amphibian Rescue and
Conservation Project
By Lauren Augustine, Valorie Titus, and Drew Foster, Wildlife
Conservation Society/Bronx Zoo
Photos by Julie Larsen Maher, WCS
The Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation
Project, which includes nine partnering
organizations, made tremendous headway in 2010.
The partners secured three new shipping containers
donated by Maersk and APL that the project will use
as biosecure
rescue pods at the
Summit Zoo in
Panama (see photo
of inside shipping
ventured through
the Panamanian
rain forest and
successfully rescued a number of priority species
ahead of the amphibian chytrid fungus (Bd) wave,
including the toad mountain harlequin frog
(Atelopus certus) and the Pirre harlequin frog (A.
glyphus). During these expeditions, rescue project
scientists also discovered what they believe are
three new frog species—a Pristimantis with a bright
red belly uncharacteristic for rain frogs (earning it
the nickname “red tomato”), another Pristimantis
that is larger than any known in the region, and what
appears to be a Craugastor that has unique skin
folds on its arms and feet that distinguish it from
other closely related species.
In response to global amphibian declines, the Bronx
Zoo has recently constructed an Amphibian
Propagation Center, an off-exhibit facility with four
large, custom-designed, biosecure rooms. The first
species in residence at the Propagation Center was
the eastern hellbender (Cryptobranchus
alleganiensis). Hellbender eggs collected from the
Allegany River drainage basin were hatched at the
Buffalo Zoo, and 40 of
the larval salamanders
were brought to the
Bronx Zoo in July 2010
(see article by P.
Danielewicz, p 12). This
headstart project is a
collaborative effort
between the Bronx
and Buffalo Zoos and the New York State
Department of Environmental Conservation. To
date, the salamanders are thriving in their new
home and zoo staff eagerly await their
The rescue project also began to propagate some of
the species it is safeguarding, including the lowland
color-form of the Limosa harlequin frog (Atelopus
limosus), the toad mountain harlequin frog (A.
certus) and the La Loma tree frog (Hyloscirtus
colymba—see photo). Although the La Loma tree
frog is notoriously difficult
to care for in captivity, the
Panama Amphibian Rescue
and Conservation Project
was pleased to be the first
to reproduce this species.
Because species-specific
requirements are unknown,
biologists are especially
vigilant in monitoring the
metamorphs during the
first few critical and
delicate months of a frog’s life. As project
researchers break new ground, they are learning and
perfecting new breeding and rearing techniques.
A second room will soon house one of the few
remaining populations of the extinct-in-the-wild
Khansi spray toad (Nectophrynoides aspergenis).
The Bronx and Toledo Zoos have worked closely
together on a long-term breeding project for this
species (see article by A. Borek et al., p. 12). The
Propagation Center will also house a variety of
Madagascan frogs. The Bronx Zoo intends to
increase its reproductive efforts with many of these
unique species in this new facility. As part of this
effort, the Herpetology Department will develop
standardized husbandry and breeding protocols for
all of the species with which the Department is
working. Through science and careful study, staff
will gain a better understanding of these species,
enabling them to aid in conservation efforts better
if and when their expertise is needed. Department
staff look forward to utilizing this space and
furthering their amphibian conservation efforts.
Project partners include: Africam Safari, Panama’s
Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente, Cheyenne
Mountain Zoo, Defenders of Wildlife, El Valle
Amphibian Conservation Center, Houston Zoo, the
Smithsonian Institution, Summit Municipal Park, and
Zoo New England.
Assurance Populations and Conservation Breeding
Acris blanchardi Reproduction at Binder Park Zoo
Amphibian Conservation in Madagascar
By Chris Tabaka, Lisa Duke, and Chris Gertiser, Binder Park Zoo
By Jennifer Pramuk, Woodland Park Zoo and Devin Edmonds,
Amphibian Care
Photos by Devin Edmonds, Amphibian Care
Blanchard’s cricket frogs (Acris blanchardi) are
listed as threatened in the state of Michigan. Binder
Park Zoo has been working with the diminutive taxa
for the past three years, work that has included
successful captive feeding trials to induce
metamorphosis in wild caught tadpoles as well as
display of the animals to help educate the public.
Attempts have also been made to reproduce the
adults in captive conditions at the Zoo’s facility.
After previous attempts to induce breeding failed
to produce ova in May 2010, extraordinarily,
tadpoles were found in the Zoo’s naturalistic exhibit
tank in early October. Staff feel this breeding event
occurred due to the increased humidity after a
thorough cleaning as well as the ambient room
temperature being slightly higher after the air
conditioning was turned off from the summer. To
replicate natural field breeding season conditions,
the temperature of the room was increased to 76° F
and ambient humidity was increased to 40 – 50%.
The adults were heard calling more after these
efforts but only a total of seven tadpoles were
visualized. The tadpoles were fed Hikari algae
wafers and sinking algae tabs. They were also seen
eating the brown algae that grew naturally in the
exhibit. Attempts to move several tadpoles to
different setups did not result in any successful
metamorphosis. The remaining tadpoles were left in
their exhibit tank. Three tadpoles made it to having
various degrees of four limbs as well as tail
absorption but did not make it past that stage. Zoo
staff was unable to replicate the prior successful
metamorphosis method found in clinical feed trials
due to the out of season breeding event. Staff are
currently pursuing further trials to reproduce the
captive adults as well as to determine the limiting
factor (e.g., UVB, water quality, nutrition) in the
tadpoles’ development.
Madagascar is ranked 12th in amphibian species
richness and is considered one of the highest priority
countries for amphibian conservation by the IUCN
Amphibian Specialist
Group (ASG) and
Amphibian Ark. Habitat
destruction and overharvesting are the
greatest factors
contributing to this
dramatic decline. The
imminent threat of
amphibian chytrid
fungus (Bd), which has
Mantella aurantiaca
not yet been detected in
country, is also of tremendous concern. With more
than one quarter of the island’s amphibian species
threatened with extinction, international efforts are
underway to help prevent further loss of
Madagascar’s frog diversity. With the generous
financial assistance of the AZA Conservation
Endowment Fund, the Wildlife Conservation Society,
and the Amphibian Ark, the community-run
Malagasy organization Association Mitsinjo has
constructed a captive breeding facility in Andasibe,
east-central Madagascar. This facility will maintain
assurance colonies of threatened amphibians to
safeguard against current threats as well as any
future introduction of Bd.
Despite the recent political unrest in Madagascar
and related delays in commencing the project, much
progress has been made in the past year including
the construction of a 215 m2 captive breeding facility
in Andasibe and training local people on amphibian
husbandry techniques; vivarium building; culturing of
feeder insects; and
techniques for
monitoring Bd. This
is the first incountry captive
breeding and
project of its kind
and project leaders
hope that it will
become a center for training and education in an
area of Madagascar that contains tremendous
amphibian diversity and endemism. This project also
has begun to develop additional value-added
components including collaborative efforts with the
ASG which have focused on local and country-wide
Bd testing as a first line of detection for the disease
in Madagascar.
© Chris Gertiser, Binder Park Zoo
Assurance Populations and Conservation Breeding
Critically Endangered Haitian Frogs at Home in
Amphibian Conservation Center – Mazán Forest,
By Jason A. Bell, Philadelphia Zoo
By Carlos Martinez Rivera, Philadelphia Zoo
2010 was significant year for ex situ amphibian
conservation at the Philadelphia Zoo. In July, the
Zoo received 22 Eleutherodactylus caribe from
Haiti. This critically endangered frog is endemic to a
very small area of the Tiburon Peninsula, in
southwest Haiti. Not long after arrival in
Philadelphia, the male frogs’ whistle calls could be
heard. The first evidence of successful reproduction
was discovered in early September when an 1/8”
froglet was discovered. The Zoo subsequently
hatched out a total of 27 individuals successfully.
The Amphibian Conservation Center – Mazán Forest
is a holistic conservation program located inside the
Mazán Forest adjacent to the Cajas National Park in
the Andean Mountains near the city of Cuenca,
Ecuador. It was created by the local Zoo Amaru,
with help from the Cajas National Park, to save four
critically endangered amphibian species. The
Philadelphia Zoo provides all of the financial support
for the project and is the main scientific collaborator
engaged in research, captive breeding, and
management of wild populations.
Eleutherodactylus caribe, © Lynn Tumner
In October, the Philadelphia Zoo increased its
amphibian conservation efforts exponentially by
bringing in a total of 153 individuals representing
nine species of critically endangered Haitian frogs.
This group is maintained in a newly designed and
constructed amphibian facility on Zoo grounds. The
facility is equipped with automatic misting systems,
continuous reverse osmosis water supply, and
dedicated HVAC system for climate control, just to
name a few of the amenities. Of the nine species
that arrived in October, Eleutherodactylus amadeus
and E. bakeri have laid eggs that were still
developing at the close of 2010.
© Carlos C. Martínez Rivera (landscape); Jurgen Hoppe (frogs)
The species the project is working to save are (see
photos below, top to bottom, respectively): the
green Cajas harlequin toad
(Atelopus exiguous); the black
Cajas harlequin toad (A.
nanay); the Andean rocket
frog (Hyloxalus vertebralis);
and the San Lucas marsupial
frog (Gastrotheca pseustes).
The existing populations of
these species are no longer
viable in the wild and will
disappear soon if no action is
taken. Assurance colonies for
three of these species have
been established at an inrange, ex situ breeding center
in Mazán Forest.
In 2010, species survival plans
were designed for each of
these species, including
guidelines for in situ research
and eventual re-introduction,
and the health and number of
wild populations is
continuously monitored. Goals
for 2011 are to: 1) Identify and
© Top - Teresa
Camacho, second—
mitigate the specific causes of
Ernesto Arbeláez, third
the population collapse for
and bottom—Carlos C.
these four species; 2)
Martínez Rivera
Supplement existing wild
populations and re-introduce animals to appropriate
historic sites where the species has been extirpated
via the ark/rescue ex situ conservation program; 3)
Monitor the existing populations along with the
newly established populations to observe their
progress in the wild; and 4) work with Philadelphia
Zoo’s Education department to create an education
program to increase awareness of the amphibian
extinction crisis and to engage local people directly
in gathering data and conserving these critically
endangered species. Efforts will also be made to
inform and engage in the Philadelphia Zoo area.
Assurance Populations and Conservation Breeding
Research, Breeding, and Education in Peru
Conservation Breeding Specialist Group, reviewed
current knowledge of the species and involved
participants working in small groups and larger
plenary sessions to draft a conservation action plan
with specific recommendations for actions focused
on recovering the species.
By Tom Weaver, Denver Zoo
Denver Zoo, along with international and local
partners, is involved in ongoing research and
outreach focused on the Lake Titicaca Frog
(Telmatobius culeus). The Zoo helped establish a
Telmatobius Captive Breeding Program and
Laboratory at the Universidad Peruana Cayetano
Heredia in Lima, Peru and a breeding population at
the Huachipa Zoo in Lima. In the next year or two,
In 2011, project partners will begin pilot studies for a
mark and recapture population survey, DNA
sampling to understand the taxonomy of the genus,
and research on the prevalence of the amphibian
chytrid fungus (Bd). Along with this research,
partners will initiate efforts to increase local
awareness in Puno, Peru about the plight of the Lake
Titicaca frog.
Breeding of Rare Mountain Chicken Frogs
Excerpt from Detroit Zoological Society Press Release 3 Nov 2010
A rare amphibian that was once served as a dinner
entrée in some parts of the world has been bred at
the Detroit Zoo. Three mountain chicken froglets
were born in October, marking the second time the
Zoo has bred the species since it began working to
preserve it in 2000.
© Tom Weaver, Denver Zoo
Denver Zoo plans to help establish additional
facilities at the lake in partnership with Proyecto
Especial del Lago Titicaca (PELT) and Universidad
Nacional del Altiplano. These labs will help partners
learn more about the captive husbandry of this
critically endangered frog and support the creation
of an assurance population. In December, through a
collaborative effort with project partners, the
Huachipa Zoo and Universidad Peruana Cayetano
Heredia, Lake Titicaca frogs were successfully bred
in captivity using confiscated frogs, and tadpoles
are being raised.
Denver Zoo and
project partners
plan to build a
rescue center at
the Universidad
Nacional del
Altiplano for frogs
confiscated from
© James Garcia
and near the lake.
“It is very exciting and significant that we have bred
these unusual frogs, as they are extremely difficult to
breed. They are simply fascinating, from their
behavior to their size,” said Detroit Zoological
Society Curator of Amphibians Marcy Sieggreen.
The mountain chicken frog (Leptodactylus fallax) is
one of the largest frog species, with adults growing
up to eight inches long and weighing up to two
pounds. Although once abundant in six of the
Caribbean islands, the species is now confined to
just Dominica and Montserrat. The frog was
commonly hunted by islanders for food and is said
to taste like chicken, which is how it got its name.
Hunting, habitat loss, and disease from the
amphibian chytrid fungus (Bd) have wiped out the
majority of the mountain chicken frog population.
The Detroit Zoo is one of only five U.S. zoos that
provides a home to the species. “Preserving the
chicken frog
in a captive
such as our
Center will
play a crucial
part in
protecting it
Denver Zoo helped create and participates in a
national awareness campaign to decrease
consumption of Lake Titicaca frogs and address
other threats, like pollution and global warming. As
part of this campaign, Denver Zoo supported the
opening of an amphibian crisis center at Lima’s
Huachipa Zoo in 2010, where Lake Titicaca frogs
can be seen on exhibit. The exhibit includes
important messaging about the frog’s status and
threats to their survival.
In December 2010, Denver Zoo supported a
stakeholders’ meeting for all parties interested in
working on conserving the Lake Titicaca Frog. This
three-day workshop, facilitated by the IUCN’s
© Becky Johnson, Detroit Zoological Society
Field Surveys and Research
Northern Leopard Frog Conservation in Alberta
By Jill Hockaday and Dr. Doug Whiteside, Calgary Zoo
For several years, the Calgary Zoo’s Centre for
Conservation Research and Animal Health Centre
have been working on northern leopard frog
(Lithobates pipiens) conservation in Alberta, using
metapopulation modelling to insure effective
conservation of northern leopard frogs and
conducting surveillance for emerging diseases.
The northern leopard frog has been declining in
Alberta and the
Pacific Northwest
for unknown
reasons. Attempts
to stop this decline
have been
unsuccessful and it
is widely accepted
that a better
understanding of
the ecology of this
© B. Jones, Calgary Zoo
species is needed.
Sparsely distributed over a broad geographical
range, northern leopard frogs can be difficult to
detect in some habitats, making accurate
population counts difficult. Using intensive field
work and highly focused science, zoo researchers
have been surveying prairie wetlands across
90,000 km2 of Southern Alberta since 2009. Data
from repeat surveys of 69 sites, and associated
measurements of water quality and climatic
conditions, are being used to quantify northern
leopard frog
under highly
This research
will help
whether and
to what extent
the leopard
© J. Hockaday, Calgary Zoo
frogs are
declining in the province, identify key habitats, find
the best conditions to survey in and determine the
amount of management necessary to ensure the
long term survival of northern leopard frogs in
Alberta and the Pacific Northwest.
Emerging diseases may have a role in this decline,
and by partnering with the Fish and Wildlife division
of Alberta Sustainable Resource Development and
the Alberta Conservation Association, provincewide surveillance for two notable diseases was
conducted: for chytridiomycosis, caused by the
amphibian chytrid fungus (Bd), and ranavirus. Over
a three year period, amphibians from 90 sites were
non-invasively sampled utilizing PCR to assess for
the presence, and to define the geographical and
temporal distribution, of these diseases. At positive
sites, surveillance is being carried out for clinical
disease and to identify environmental factors
potentially associated with such sites. Ongoing
pathology of moribund or deceased amphibians is
also being carried out to monitor for other potential
emerging diseases. Results indicate Bd is
widespread in the province with approximately 43%
of sites yielding a positive test result and that it is
found on the skin of the majority of Alberta’s
amphibian species at those sites. Ranavirus has a
very low prevalence. This data is important for
guiding translocation or reintroduction efforts for
leopard frogs, and provides a greater
understanding of the potential causes of amphibian
morbidity and mortality in the province.
The Eastern Hellbender in West Virginia
Article and photo by Joe Greathouse, Oglebay’s Good Zoo
The Eastern hellbender (Cryptobranchus
alleganiensis alleganiensis) is the largest salamander
in the Western Hemisphere, growing up to 30” in
length, and is considered to be rare or endangered
in each of the states within its range. Staff at
Oglebay’s Good Zoo have been conducting surveys
for this species in local streams and rivers since
2005 and became the first zoo or aquarium in the
world to hatch eggs from this species in 2007.
During 2010, zoo
staff surveyed the
streams and rivers
that this species
throughout West
Virginia and
information about
the current status
of those habitats.
Hellbenders were
found at only 12 of 23 historic sites during these
surveys. Zoo staff will analyze the data from the
sites where hellbenders were present and compare
that data to the sites where hellbenders were not
found. A site that did not yield any hellbender
captures and that had the most similar habitat
attributes to the sites where hellbenders were
found will be chosen as a translocation site for
several of the juveniles raised from the eggs that
were hatched at the zoo in 2007. Zoo staff will
track these individuals at the release site with radio
telemetry equipment from 2011-2012 to determine if
this conservation technique will be useful for
reintroducing populations of this species
throughout its range and for increasing the species’
numbers in the wild.
Reintroduction and Head-Starting
Recovery Team Works to Help the Hellbender in
New York
Article and photo by Penny Danielewicz, Buffalo Zoo
In Fall 2009, the Buffalo Zoo joined New York
State’s Hellbender Recovery Team. Members of this
team include New York State’s Department of
Environmental Conservation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service (FWS), the Seneca Nation Deputy
Conservation Officers, universities, the New York
Department of Transportation, the Bronx Zoo, and
other specialists. The team’s objectives are the
same for each watershed that hellbenders inhabit in
New York, and are to: 1) Protect current and future
hellbender populations, 2) Manage and research
aspects directly related to hellbenders and their
well-being, 3) Provide hellbenders with quality
habitat through management and research, and 4)
Increase public and agency awareness about
hellbenders in an effort to aid in their protection.
The Repatriation of a Tiny Toad
By Alyssa Borek, C. Drew Foster, and Valorie Titus, Wildlife
Conservation Society/Bronx Zoo
The Kihansi spray toad (Nectophrynoides
asperginis) is a recently discovered (1996)
diminutive toad species from a single microhabitat
in Tanzania. Part of what makes them so unusual is
that they are live-bearing amphibians with an
extremely small distribution. Their total range was
A head-starting opportunity was born out of
objective 1 and the Buffalo Zoo was contracted as
the hatching facility. The FWS applied to the State
Wildlife Grants Program under the management
and restoration category and this award money was
integral to launching the head-starting program.
In October 2009, 744 hellbender eggs were
brought to the zoo for hatching. All but 70 eggs
and 74 larvae survived, making the overall survival
rate much greater than expected. The Buffalo Zoo
was rearing 600 larvae before moving 40 to the
Bronx Zoo and 20 to Ross Park Zoo.
The release of the hellbenders in 2013 will occur in
appropriate extant and extirpated sites to bolster a
perceived lack of recruitment in wild populations.
Hellbender genotyping conducted at Buffalo State
College may help put the head-started population
into a larger geographical context. Habitat
restoration in the streams started in Summer 2010
with the placement of large flat rocks to allow for
natural weathering. Monitoring the tagged
hellbenders in the streams will provide valuable
information about habitat usage and survivorship.
These efforts will increase knowledge about the
eastern hellbender and will inform other regional
efforts to protect and conserve this species.
© Julie Larsen Maher, WCS
restricted to the wetland meadows created by the
spray from a large waterfall in the Kihansi Gorge.
The diversion of water from the Kihansi Falls by a
hydroelectric power dam, which commenced
operation in 1999, lead to disastrous results for the
wetland habitat. This and other complicating
factors, such as amphibian chytrid fungus (Bd), led
the Kihansi spray toads to be classified as extinct in
the wild in 2005. The threat to the toads was
anticipated and in 2000, scientists from the Wildlife
Conservation Society, at the invitation of the
Tanzanian government, brought 499 toads to the
United States to establish an assurance population.
Over the last decade, the Bronx and Toledo Zoos
have worked tirelessly to perfect husbandry
techniques, and the Tanzanians recently have
constructed a state of the art biosecure facility at
the University of Dar es Salaam. The Tanzanians
have also worked to re-create the wetland habitat
in the Kihansi Gorge using an artificial misting
system. In 2010, 100 toads were returned to
Tanzania where they have been doing very well and
successfully breeding in the propagation facility.
The repatriation of the toads is a monumental event
and the first step in the eventual reintroduction of
the Kihansi spray toads to the Gorge.
Hongera vyura wa Kihansi kwa kufika salama na
Karibuni nyumbani! (Congratulations on your safe
arrival and welcome home Kihansi Spray Toads!)
Reintroduction and Head-Starting
The Chiricahua Leopard Frog Head-starting and
Release Program
Article and photos by Tara Sprankle, The Phoenix Zoo
The Chiricahua Leopard Frog Head-starting and
Release Program is one of the flagship efforts of the
Phoenix Zoo’s Conservation and Science Center.
2010 was a
marked by
of the
release of
the 10,000th
headstarted frog.
In fact, over
1,700 frogs
were released this season, bringing the total to
11,654 frogs released since the program began in
Chiricahua leopard frogs (Lithobates chiricahuensis)
are federally listed as threatened and are found in
pockets of Arizona, New Mexico, and Sonora,
Mexico. The Phoenix Zoo is an active partner in the
recovery program for this species, working closely
with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S.
Forest Service, the Arizona Game and Fish
Department, and private landowners.
Wildlife biologists bring wild Chiricahua leopard
frog egg masses to the Phoenix Zoo’s Conservation
and Science Center each spring, where the eggs
hatch out and grow into large tadpoles and froglets
in the head-starting lab. The resulting animals are
released in pre-determined locations based on
where augmentation is most needed. In the wild,
only 5-10% of the eggs laid survive to adulthood;
the Zoo’s average survival rate is over 60%, with a
record year of 90% survivorship.
Over the length of this program, Phoenix Zoo staff
and their volunteer “Tadpole Task Force” have
committed well over 15,000 hours to head-starting
and to assisting with field surveys and habitat
improvement. Project costs average about $75,000
annually, which has come almost entirely from the
Phoenix Zoo’s operating budget.
At the AZA Annual Conference in 2010, the
Association recognized the success of the Zoo’s
Chiricahua leopard frog program with a Significant
Achievement in North American Conservation
The Phoenix Zoo Board, staff, and volunteers are
proud of their contributions to this multi-agency
effort and are eager to continue playing an essential
role in the recovery of this beautiful frog.
Reintroduction and Head-Starting
Mountain Yellow-legged Frog Breeding and
San Diego Zoo Press Release
In 2010, San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation
Research marked several milestones in its efforts to
save the endangered Southern California mountain
yellow-legged frog (Rana muscosa) from extinction.
The species had diminished to about 150 adults
living in nine high-elevation streams in the San
Jacinto, San Gabriel, and San Bernardino mountain
At the start of 2010, San Diego Zoo scientists tested
the effect of hibernation on breeding success by
placing half of a
colony of 53
frogs in nearfreezing
temperatures in a
laboratory to
simulate the
winter conditions
of high-elevation
streams. In the
spring, only the
© Ken Bohn, San Diego Zoo
frogs that had
been placed in hibernation laid eggs, demonstrating
the clear benefit of cold temperatures.
Later in 2010, the Southern California mountain
yellow-legged frog was reintroduced into its native
habitat for the first time. Forty fertile eggs and 36
tadpoles that resulted from the breeding success in
the lab were released at Hall Canyon in the San
Jacinto Mountains. The frogs had not been seen at
that site in more than 50 years.
A goal of the tadpole release was to determine the
best reintroduction methods for the species,
including the use of acclimation cages. Researchers
placed half of the tadpoles
into cages in the stream and
released the other half
directly into the stream.
Previous studies on other
frog species have shown that
cages can restrict a tadpole’s
growth. Would the ability to
keep the tadpoles fed and
safe from predators in these
cages outweigh the potential
for slower growth? While
researchers were unable to
count enough of the freeswimming tadpoles this year
© Jeff Lemm, San
Diego Zoo—acclimation to measure the difference
between the groups, they
hope to answer the question as more tadpoles are
released. The caged tadpoles experienced a 100%
survival rate during three months of monitoring and
tested negative for the amphibian chytrid fungus
The progress the San Diego Zoo has made in
collaboration with its partners to understand the
ecology of the Southern California population of
mountain yellow-legged frog inspires hope for the
future of this beautiful and amazing amphibian.
The U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, California Department of Fish and Game,
U.S. Forest Service, and the University of California
play instrumental roles in guiding conservation
efforts for this species. The San Diego Zoo’s research
is also partially funded by the nonprofit Association
of Zoos and Aquariums through the Conservation
Endowment Fund (CEF).
Oregon Spotted Frog Reintroduction Project
Article by David Shepherdson, Oregon Zoo
Oregon spotted frogs (Rana pretiosa) are listed as
an endangered species in Washington State and are
a candidate for listing under the United States
Endangered Species Act. This species is threatened
by loss of wetland habitat, non-native invasive
species such as the bullfrog, and introduced
amphibian chytrid fungus (Bd). For over twelve
years, the Oregon Zoo has worked with Washington
Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) to monitor
the largest
population of
Oregon spotted
frogs at Conboy
Lake National
Wildlife Refuge near
Trout Lake, Wash. In
fall 2007, the
Oregon Zoo joined
Woodland Park Zoo,
Northwest Trek,
Point Defiance Zoo
& Aquarium, WDFW,
the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, and
© Michael Durham, Oregon Zoo
Joint Base Lewis
McChord to develop a captive rearing and reintroduction program for these frogs. Oregon Zoo,
Northwest Trek, and the Woodland Park Zoo, as well
as other members of the Northwest Zoo and
Aquarium Association (NWZAA) are partners
involved in restoring this species and other
Northwest natives. Recently a unique new partner,
the Clear Creek Correctional Center, joined the
program and is also rearing frogs for release.
In 2010, a total of 1346 frogs were released at the
wetland habitat site on Joint Base Lewis McChord.
Reintroduction and Head-Starting
Conserving the World’s Largest Amphibian:
Reintroduction and Translocation of the Chinese
Giant Salamander into the Wild
By Andy Kouba, Memphis Zoo
At up to 1.8 meters in length, the Chinese giant
salamander (Andrias davidianus) is the world’s
largest amphibian. It diverged from all other
© Jen Germano, Memphis Zoo
Photo of graduate student Michelle Martin
include the Los Angeles Zoo, Fort Worth Zoo, and
Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo. The specific aims of the
partnership will be to monitor dispersal, habitat
selection, disease prevalence, and population
structure of giant salamanders released into the wild.
Ultimately, this study will culminate in a spatial
habitat model using GIS mapping, that will be
beneficial for future releases and translocations,
assessing key regional stronghold areas,
understanding habitat fragmentation threats or
habitat linkages, and helping to direct aquatic
restoration projects. The interdisciplinary nature of
the proposed research will foster teaching and
learning environments by collaborators at all levels
while broadening graduate students’ encounters
among various disciplines and careers (e.g. zoos,
government, and academia). Moreover, international
exchanges of junior investigators, keepers, and
students between the U.S. and China will provide a
valuable experience early in their professional career.
Lastly, this project represents a positive model for
the conservation of China’s aquatic ecosystems that
works with local industry, which is perhaps the only
hope for biodiversity in many cases. Project leaders
hope that this will serve as an example to inspire
other conservation initiatives across China.
amphibian lineages 170 million years ago and
represents the very root of the amphibian tree of
life. Once widespread in the mountain tributaries of
the Pearl, Yellow, and Yangtze Rivers in central/
southern China, the giant salamander is now listed
as critically endangered by the IUCN, having
suffered an 80% population decline since the 1950s
due to habitat destruction, water pollution, and
over-exploitation for its meat and body parts. A
huge farming industry has developed over the last
ten years to meet consumer demand, but although
captive breeding has the potential to relieve
harvesting pressure on wild populations, the
potential spread of disease and ongoing capture of
wild individuals to supplement farms present major
threats. In order to achieve governmental
certification status for the legal sale of salamander
meat, farms must release a portion of their animals
back to the wild to support conservation and
population growth. This translocation is typically
coordinated by the provincial Fisheries Department
and individual breeding farms, but the burden of
monitoring these released animals is the
responsibility of scientists associated with regional
Universities and Research Institutes.
In 2009, a partnership was established between Dr.
Zhang Hong-Xing of the Shaanxi Institute of
Zoology, Dr. Andy Kouba of the Memphis Zoo, and
Dr. Scott Willard of Mississippi State University to
monitor nearly 10,000 giant salamanders that will
be released into Shaanxi Province between 20102011. Additional AZA partners on this project