Newsletter 31 July - Armadale Primary School


Newsletter 31 July - Armadale Primary School
Newsletter No. 23
31 July 2014
Dear Parents,
out on the day, we are very grateful.
Please look through this newsletter to see
What a fabulous day all the students had some fabulous photos of the carnival
on Monday at the Year 3- 6 House Athletic
Sports at Duncan MacKinnon Oval. The Congratulations to David Portnoy and
weather gods were very kind, although it Georgie Handbury!!
was very windy, at least it didn’t rain. The At our recent School Council meeting,
students were thoroughly enjoying the David Portnoy (Dad of Nina Prep S, Charlie
various sporting challenges and they all 1/2P and Nate 3/4M) was elected our new
performed to the best of their abilities. I School Council President and I
loved witnessing the wonderful sense of congratulate David on his appointment
camaraderie as each of the children and look forward to working with him to
hugged and hi-fived each other as they continue to shape the direction of our
completed their events. Congratulations school. David’s promotion to the
to Munro House for winning the Athletics Presidency role left a vacancy in the Vice
Carnival and special congratulations to all President’s role. Thankfully Georgie
those children who did so well in their Handbury (mum of Tommy 3/4W, Jack
individual events and relays that they now 1/2E and Chloe Prep C, volunteered and
progress to the next stage.
her nomination was thoroughly endorsed
by all of the school councillors. I look
forward to working with Georgie in her
role and feel very blessed to have such a
dedicated and supportive School Council.
Please make sure to congratulate both
David and Georgie when you see them
around our school.
On behalf of the entire school community
I would like to extend our thanks to Peter
Cracknell for his great organisation and
execution of the day, to all the staff who
spent the day on the track and to those
who went especially early to set up and to
all our wonderfully supportive parents
who were able to make the time to help
Address: Densham Road, Armadale 3143
School Office Phone: 03 9822 7003
OOSHC Office: 03 9822 4912
Parent Opinion survey
On Monday and Tuesday, parents who
were randomly selected to participate in
this survey, collected an envelope which
contained the survey form and a return
envelope. I would like to thank all of those
parents for their considered feedback, it is
greatly appreciated and just requesting
that all survey forms are returned to
school by Friday August 1st.
School Fax: 03 9824 8954
OOSHC Email:
This Week’s Events
Friday 8 August
 Year 3&4 Basketball Gala day
Coming Events
Monday 18 - Friday 22 August
 Book Week
Friday 22 August
 Trivia Night
Monday 8 September
 Official 130th Birthday
opening celebration
Friday 12 September
 Italian Day
Thursday 18 September
 Icypole fundraiser for Peter
Tuesday 21 - Friday 24 October
 Peter Pan performances
Click here to go to our school
website calendar for more details
on coming events
continued from page 1 ...
Prahran Secondary School Community
Forum Thursday 31st July at 6.30pm
Held at Stonnington Primary School,
Hornby Street Windsor
As many of you are aware the State
Government has committed $20 million
dollars to find and acquire a suitable site for
a secondary school in Prahran. Liza
Chancellor and I attended a Project Working
Group meeting on Tuesday afternoon at
South Yarra Primary School. Clem Newton Brown MP is hoping to secure a site before
the end of this year which means
realistically they could have a Year 7 intake
in 2016, which would be a fantastic option
for our community.
Clem invites all Armadale parents to attend
this community forum at Stonnington
Primary and I look forward to seeing as
many of you there as possible. It would be
wonderful to have our voice heard!
Funding for our school – plea for help
You may have recently been aware of the
press release from Michael O’Brien’s office
which flagged that Malvern Primary School
recently received $3.9 million to help with
their buildings, maintenance and grounds.
Whilst I am N very pleased for Richard
Bennetts at thMalvern
Primary, we
unfortunately haven’t received anything at
all from the government since our MPC was
built in 2011. We have to find extra money
for all our own maintenance and grounds
and anything at all we wish to improve. Our
PFA does an outstanding job of fundraising
for our new synthetic grass which will be
installed during the September holidays and
I believe we do a wonderful job with the
resources that we have.
But we can’t continue to improve without
your help. May I please request that
parents who owe the ESSENTIAL
EDUCATION ITEMS to the school since the
beginning of the year please pay these as
the school has already purchased all the
materials on your child’s behalf. A reminder
account will be sent home shortly. May I
also please ask parents to reconsider any
voluntary funds or contributions which
have been overlooked this year and to
please pay these. When you think that an
independent setting charges a child’s
tuition fees at $20,000 per year plus they
receive government funding on top of that,
it is amazing that our education provision is
as excellent as it is.
Parent / Teacher/ Student interviews
Thank you to the many parents who were
able to make the time to attend these 3
way interviews on Tuesday and also to the
Prep parents who had one to one
interviews with the Prep Teachers. Whilst I
acknowledge that many of you feel
frustrated by the somewhat generic nature
of our department reports, I hope you
found these interviews to be informative
and that you gleaned a real sense of where
your child is at. Importantly also was the
focus going forward for the next semester Thank you for considering this plea!
and where the children can specifically
Have a wonderful week everyone.
improve, be extended and challenged.
Thank you also to all my teaching staff for
the time you put into these interviews, for
your preparation and the ongoing
communication and information that
follows these.
Rochelle Cukier
Could parents please email me with some
feedback regarding these interviews and
advise me whether you found these to be
productive, informative or otherwise. My
email is : and I
appreciate the time that this will take.
Page 2
This Week’s Awards
House Points
No house
points were
this week.
Artist of the Week: Emily Start
Art Class of the Week: 1/2A
Performers of the Week:
Aiden D’Cruz and Will Scotti
Clea Robinson
Oliver Edmonds
Anna Fyson and Chloe Frigo
Leo Kim
Luna Cho and Kaya Cho
Lucy Hunt
Luke Hrysomallis
Performing Arts Class of the Week:
Prep S
Prep C
You Can Do It! Awards:
Zoe Alekna 1/2D
Charli Northwood 1/2E
Camille Rounds 1/2K
Claire Sorger 3/4C
Hugo Martin 3/4C
Rhiannon David 3/4M
Noah Lambert 5B
Isabella Durnic 5F
James Pratis 5F
Henry Hayman 6N
Assistant Principal
Back So Soon!
Yes 2 weeks does go very quickly. My short
Long Service Leave trip up to Magnetic
Island in Queensland now seems like a
distant memory, but I did have a very
relaxing time and feel recharged for the
remainder of the year. I am just hoping the
weather warms up a little bit soon; it’s hard
to reacclimatise so quickly!
the PFA this year will help to pay for this
great project. All going well the work will
begin in the September holidays and be
completed early Term 4.
Book Week 18-22 August
Our very popular Book Week is getting
closer and we are all getting excited about
what we have in store. Brett is busily
organising the activities this year and it
looks great. Keep an eye out for Brett’s
newsletter items over the next few weeks
to let you know exactly what is happening
Our Next Big Project
when. Please note that due to an oversight
I am pleased to
on my part, the Book Week Levy of $12
report that on
was not included in the Term 3 Excursion
Monday School Council approved the next Levy for each year level. I hope parents
stage in our Greening of Armadale project. won’t mind if we put that charge onto the
This will involve removing the mulch from Term 4 levy as a charge in arrears.
under all of the junior play equipment and
replacing it with rubberised shock pads and Melbourne Water Kids Teaching Kids
then the whole area will be covered with
synthetic grass. To top it all off we will
I am looking forward to taking a select
replace the aging cyclone wire fence on
group of students to the Melbourne Water
Northcote Road with a more attractive and Kids Teaching Kids Conference today and
stable new fence and gate. School Council tomorrow at Etihad Stadium and
believes this project will really enhance the Collingwood Children’s Farm. It should be a
whole area and make the play area much
great experience and I will get some of the
safer and more enjoyable for the children attendees to do a report for next week’s
to play in. Of course these projects are
never cheap and the combined cost of this
work is almost $70,000. We are confident
the great fundraising activities organised by
Malcolm Dow
Assistant Principal
Sports News
House Athletics 2014
What an exciting day!
Congratulations to all the Year 3,4,5 & 6
children on Being Their Best throughout
the day at the eight events. A huge thank
you to all the staff and parents on their
great assistance setting up and
smoothly running all the events. Special
thanks to the House Captains of Northcote,
Page 3
Munro (winning house), Rose and
Densham together with the Sports Leaders
and ICT Leaders for their fantastic
leadership. It was also great to see
other parents and families supporting their
children's efforts.
There are more detailed reports being
prepared and we hope to have
a photo presentation at our next assembly.
Thank you everyone on a great team
Year 3&4 Hooptime
Basketball Gala Day
A reminder for all
Year 3&4 children of
the Hooptime Basketball Gala
Day being held next Friday 8
Information has been distributed
to all children and a copy is
attached to today’s newsletter on
page 11.
Parent assistance is required on
the day, so please complete the
slip and return to your child’s
class teacher by Wednesday 6
August if you are able to help.
Peter Cracknell
Sports Convenor
This term in Performing Arts!
Performing Arts News
In all the excitement of Peter Pan
rehearsals and shenanigans, I haven’t
provided a Performing Arts update in a
little while. My sincere apologies! Here’s a
quick catch up:
Performing Arts Awards
Performer of the Week
(Two mini-units)
“Sunshine and Raindrops”
Weather and Seasons
“If We Could Talk to the Animals…”
The Movement and Personalities of Animals
Aiden D’Cruz and Will Scotti
Clea Robinson
Year 1 and 2
“Around the World”
Oliver Edmonds
Anna Fyson and Chloe Frigo
Theatre Around the World
Leo Kim
Luna Cho and Kaya Cho
Year 3 and 4
Lucy Hunt
Luke Hrysomallis
“Anything You Can Do, I Can Do It Too!”
Performing Arts Class of the Week
Prep S
Year 5
“Child’s Play”
Children in Drama
Prep C
Year 6
“Voices from the Past”
Assembly Performances
“Oh, My Word!” - presented by Will Scotti
and Aiden D’Cruz
“James and the Giant Peach” - presented
by Anna Fyson and Chloe Frigo
“Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” presented by Oliver Breadmore and Leo
“James and the Giant Peach” - presented
by Connor Spears and Oliver Edmonds
“Green Eggs and Ham” - presented by
Prep C.
Lisa Vollugi
Page 4
Life in the Eighteenth Century
Armadale Primary
Presents Peter Pan, Jr
Guess what? 85 days until Opening Night!
Peter Pan, Jr
Phoenix Theatre, Elwood Secondary
October 21, 22, 23 and 24
Tickets will be on sale soon!
Important: Are you a parent of a Peter Pan
cast member or entertainer? If so, you
should have been receiving emails as part
of our Peter Pan distribution list. If you
have not been receiving these, please
email me at
If you have a little time to spare and would
like to contribute to our amazing show,
please email me at Thank
you so much to all our amazing parents
who have already supported this exciting
The Great Production Scavenger Hunt has
been extended! How is your
family going? Don’t forget, a family pass to
see the show as well as a mystery prize are
up for grabs! Lost your yellow entry form?
Grab another one from the piano in Lisa’s
Without realising, I've scheduled a
rehearsal on Father's Day! Please disregard
and enjoy your day with your family.
Instead, the full cast rehearsal will now be
(the week earlier).
Entertainers ONLY attend rehearsals that
have 'ENTERTAINERS' written in capitals,
followed by their group name. Entertainers
only rehearse every second Tuesday and
every Thursday lunch.
If you have any time spare and have a
working with children check, we would
truly appreciate a hand at any of our full
cast rehearsals (both after school and on
weekends). Are you able to help? It will be
a great opportunity to have a sneaky peek
at the show!
Please click on
the following
links to read this
week’s news from
your child’s classroom:
Prep bulletin
Year 1/2 bulletin
Click on this link to go to the
bulletin page or go to the
Students tab on the website and
then your child’s class for all the
latest news.
Please let me know if you have any
questions or problems. Make sure you
check out the Facebook page for some
sweet little videos and photos! Search:
'Peter Pan: An Armadale Adventure'.
Happy watching!
Have you paid your Production Levy yet? If Yours in faith, trust and pixie dust,
you aren’t certain, please check with Lisa
Lisa Vollugi
or Christine.
Page 5
Prep &Year 1/2 Bulletins
See over the page for the Peter
Pan rehearsal times for the
remainder of this week and for
next week.
Book week 2014:
Connect to reading ~ Reading to
This year’s Children’s Book Week artwork
has been created by
Ron Brooks, winner of the 2013 Picture
Book of the Year Award.
Ron has used a scratchboard technique and quality ink
colouring to
create a piece that will resonate with all ages.
Page 6
The addition of Ron Brook’s unique typography invites the
viewer to actively interact with the artwork and respond to
the slogans.
Connect to reading is about enjoying the experience of
exploring story, and travelling to other worlds.
The reflected slogan ‘Reading to connect’ has a broader
social meaning, suggesting that reading assists in creating a
bond with others. Within the world of the contemporary
child, this is also relevant as they read books and they read to
connect through a variety of media.
-The Children’s Book Council of Australia,
Visual Arts News
Artist of the Week: Emily Start 1/2K
Phone: 9819 7809
Monday - Closed
Tuesday to Friday - 8.30am to 5.00pm
Saturday - 9.00am - 2.00pm
Sunday – Closed
Alternatively if you can find a smock
somewhere else just make sure the
material is similar to a rain jacket, the
cotton smocks are not as effective. Also
make sure the smock has long sleeves.
A notice will be sent home this week to
students still requiring an art smock.
For the excellent effort she made when
drawing patterns for her Mythical Creature. See example of art
Keep it up Emily!
smock at right.
Visual Art Class of the Week 1/2A
Thank you for your
For the excellent knowledge they displayed
of Australia's National animals and for the New Display Boards
wonderful Mythical Creatures they made.
A special thank you to Mr Cracknell for
organising the wonderful display boards
that have been put up in the hallway
A number a students still do not have an art outside Mrs Cukier’s Office.
smock. If you do not have an art smock
Come and take a look at the wonderful
please make sure you get one over the
work that is being displayed by the year 5
weekend and put it in your classroom’s art and 6 students.
smock tub. These can be purchased from
the uniform shop (PSW) in Kew.
Lucy Gorman
PSW (Primary and Secondary Schoolwear) Visual Arts Co-ordinator
Address: 12 Strathalbyn Street,
East Kew, 3102
Art Smocks
Library News
Book Week
Parade Time to
get those costume ideas going
for our annual book week
costume parade!
After school borrowing is on
every Thursday after school for
students to return and borrow
books if they did not get a chance
during the week. Parents are also
welcome to attend and borrow in
their child’s account.
Red Bags: New bags are available
at the office for $10.00, 2nd Hand
ones can be purchased for $6.00.
Happy reading.
The book fair will this year be run
in the library! The Book Fair will
arrive on the 14th of August and
depart on the 21st of August. This
will be a great event and a good
time to get cheap books! More
information to follow in the
coming weeks.
Brett Leyshan
Page 7
You Can Do It! Awards
Zoe Alekna 1/2D For her wonderful enthusiasm and willingness to help at the
tree planting excursion. Super effort Zoe!
Charli Northwood 1/2E For her increasing confidence in contributing to class
discussions and always demonstrating positive work habits.
Camille Rounds 1/2K For sensational swirling at Circus Skills.
Claire Sorger 3/4C For the outstanding effort she is demonstrating in her writing.
You are a fantastic story teller Claire, keep it up!
Hugo Martin 3/4C For demonstrating great sportsmanship during our House
Athletics and always encouraging his peers to do their best.
Well done Hugo!
Rhiannon David 3/4M For always trying your best inside and outside the classroom.
Your skills and persistence at the recent Athletics Day were
fantastic Rhi, well done!
The 5 Keys of YCDI! Education
Our core purpose is the
development of young people’s
social and emotional capabilities,
Noah Lambert 5B For providing an excellent demonstration of triple jump at
year level sport. Your technique was spot on Noah! Thanks for
your help.
(academic, social)
Isabella Durnic 5F For demonstrating engagement and enthusiasm during the
Writers Workshop Incursion. Keep up the great writing Issy!
James Pratis 5F For demonstrating engagement and enthusiasm during the
Writers Workshop Incursion. Great effort James!
Getting Along, and
Henry Hayman 6N For leading his house competently at the Athletics Sports and
for a wonderful, confident start to term 3 - keep it up, Henry!
Central to the development of
these 5 Key Foundations is
instilling in young people 12
Habits of the Mind, including:
We would like to extend a
Skinner and Tonga Kelly for
putting up the gorgeous murals and blackboards on the
shed. Along with the tree stumps, it is a lovely feature in the playground. The murals
were created by the Prep students in collaboration with artist Janet Hulme. In
preparation, there was much discussion and exploration of minibeasts. The seed has
been planted for working towards creating a more stimulating outside learning space
for our students. We have noticed that the students from P-6 have loved doing
activities such as drawing and measuring heights on the boards. We are eagerly
anticipating the arrival of a performance stage whereby, students can display their
theatrical and creative talents. The stage is being constructed by Murray, grandfather of
Tom and James Coath.
Connie, Pippa,
Angela & Lucy
Janet working with students
on the tree stumps
Creating the mural
Page 8
Accepting Myself
Taking Risks
Being Independent
I Can Do It
Giving Effort
Working Tough
Setting Goals
Planning My Time
Being Tolerant of Others
Thinking First
Playing by the Rules, and
Social Responsibility
Nude Food Ideas
Extra Yummy Zucchini & Cheese
recipe from Lily Haydon
2 zucchinis
1 large carrot
2 rashers bacon
1 small onion
Olive oil
1-2 tablespoons corn flour
1 large handful grated tasty cheese or
parmesan to taste
3 free range eggs
Salt & Pepper
1. Heat oven to 180 degrees C. Finely
dice the onion and bacon and saute in a
dash of Olive oil for a few minutes until
onion translucent, then place in large
mixing bowl.
2. Grate the zucchinis and the carrot and
add to mixing bowl with the onion and
3. Add in the grated cheese and corn
flour, salt & pepper and stir to combine
4. Whisk the eggs and then toss into the
bowl and coat all the ingredients (you
can add an extra egg if required)
5. Line a baking tray with baking paper
and pour mixture in and smooth flat to
approx 1-2 cm high.
6. Cook for approx 20-25 minutes until
top is slightly golden. Slice into squares.
A good side dish to a main meal or cold
the next day in the lunch box.
recipe from Seb and
Liberty Chamberlain
Page 9
recipe from Oscar
and Charlie Sorell
recipe from
Elliana Martelli
Parents and Friends for Armadale
table of 8 and nominate a table leader.
Start planning today.
Hi everyone
A little reminder as to your year level
It’s a busy next few weeks in PFA land. We
urge you to help raise funds for more
safety sponge-based synthetic turf for our
play areas by responding to the following
Herb Drive ends August 8 – Start planting,
gifting or selling today!
Trivia Night Friday August 22 – Hamper
Our first-ever Herb Drive.
We’ve heard stories of
selling herbs to happy
retirees, stories of windowsill success and
stories of appreciative neighbours. It
seems Dentists are the only unhappy
group as appointments for chocolate
related cavities have been reported as low.
Please return your monies and any excess
herbs you don’t wish to keep
(unbelievable!) to the office by Friday
August 8.
Trivia Night Friday August 22.
Have you donated to your class hamper
yet? Why not?
Please donate a new item and/or service
so we can start making up hampers. Goods
can be donated to the classroom box or
the office. We have already received some
wonderful things so get on board today.
Rumour has it a certain trivia fanatic (yes,
you know who you are) is madly studying
the Net for all things trivia in order to
clinch a victory this year, while a past
winner who has made a sea change and no
longer at APS will be returning to defend
his title.
Preps and Level 6 – A Book Hamper
Any and all NEW books:
coffee table, fiction, nonfiction, child and adult,
photographic, educational
or perhaps a book voucher.
Level 1/2 - Beauty Hamper
All things beauty and
pampering: hair, skin and
nails, moisturisers, manicures
and facial vouchers. Nail
polish, make-up, bath oils and
the like, as well as hair
Level 3/4 - Food Hamper
All things gourmet:
chutneys, jams, mustards,
fresh pastas and biscotti,
infused oils, vinegars and
exotic sauces. Tongs, mitts
and utensils.
Level 5 – Wine Hamper
All things sommelier: cab sav, sav
blanc, sparkling, champagne, red
sparkling, riesling, shiraz, dessert
‘sticky’… you know the drill.
Exciting Things Happen At
Armadale Primary
Mish McGrory and Brigid Warwick
PFA Co-Presidents
Invitations will be in bags next week so get
your winning table ready. Competition will
be tight, especially when our teachers get
involved so don’t miss out, organise your
Thank you to those parents who
made a recent donation we are up to $5900
Page 10
Page 11
JMF Kids 4 Kids Challenge
My name if Tiffany, I am Markis and Alexie’s mum and was fortunate to be able to present to your children in assembly this
week. I work for the John Maclean Foundation where we raise money for little Aussie’s in wheelchairs
and grant them equipment that enables them to remain as active and included in everyday life as they can.
One of the fundraising events we run every years is the JMF Kids 4 Kids Challenge which is a fun and active way for your
children to work towards completing an Ironman Distance Triathlon over a 4, 8 or 12 week period. Every week your kids
swim, bike and run a little whilst logging their km and raising money to grant little wheelies out their the basic equipment
they need.
This is not a race, it is about encouraging healthy lifestyles in our children and giving them a goal with the knowledge they
are helping other children their own age. KM’s can be logged whilst playing weekend sports like footy, netball, basketball or
whilst riding to school or taking swimming lessons. It is all about giving it your best shot.
At the conclusion of the program all participants are invited to join the Foundation at the grant presentation where they will
be awarded their T-Shirts, presented their medals and finishers certificates and most importantly meet the children and the
families the money they have raised has helped.
Parents you may have noticed a very colourful flier come home in your children’s bag that talks about JMF Kids 4 Kids
Challenge. The 12 week Program commences this weekend. Alexie and Markis would love some friends to join them on
this journey. Please feel free to contact me at
Oh and there are four Specialized bikes and helmets plus Brooks running shoes to win. Just in case a little incentive is
needed. I look forward to hearing from any parents who are interested.
Page 12
Whilst all care is taken to ensure the validity
of advertisements in this newsletter we take
no responsibility and imply no endorsement.
Page 13
Whilst all care is taken to ensure the validity
of advertisements in this newsletter we take
no responsibility and imply no endorsement.
Page 14