Brewing a Better Future
Brewing a Better Future
Sustainability Report 2012 - HEINEKEN Italy Brewing a Better Future Improve Empower Impact HEINEKEN Italia 01 Sustainability Report 2012 Welcome GM Foreword Welcome to our Sustainability Report 2012 The skills to change: fact and figures Heineken is the world’s most international brewer, operating in 178 countries with over 250 brands. The ambition of the group is to become, by 2020, the world’s greenest brewer. In 2014 HEINEKEN will celebrate 40 years in Italy. A story that we will share with our people and stakeholders who contributed to the success of our company. The future that lies ahead is full of challenges and changes we will face guided by our values: passion, quality and fun. Table of contents Foreword Brewing a Better Future The Value chain What we said and What we’ve done 01 02 04 06 Green Brewer Green Commerce Engaging Employees Heineken Cares Responsible Consumption Partnership for Progress The Rules of Sustainability 08 12 16 18 20 22 25 Company Profile The HEINEKEN Group has been operating in Italy in the brewing industry for 39 years now, following the acquisition of Dreher in 1974. Thanks to an open-minded and creative mentality, to strict quality control and to a process of continuous innovation, HEINEKEN has become, over the years, the largest Italian brewer. In Italy, HEINEKEN runs 4 breweries: in Comun Nuovo (BG), Assemini (CA), Massafra (TA) and Pollein (AO). With more than 2,000 employees, it manufactures and markets more than 5 million hectolitres of beer and owns a national market share of over 30%. The main brands of HEINEKEN Italia S.p.A are: Heineken, Birra Moretti, Dreher, Ichnusa and Strongbow Gold (Cider). The Group also includes Partesa, a distribution network operating in the beverage sector, and Dibevit Import, a company which imports and distributes specialty beers from around the world. 2.000 EMPLOYEES 4 BREWERIES IN ITALY 5 MILLION HECTOLITRES To introduce the fourth edition of the HEINEKEN Italia Sustainability Report, I would avoid talking about decline of consumption, political uncertainty and economic crisis. It is undeniable that in 2012 these negative factors have put a strain on the beer business but it is also true that there are many initiatives undertaken by the Group, since my arrival in Italy four years ago, to honour the commitment to become increasingly sustainable. The list of the results obtained to date is substantial and I will try to analyze them by listing figures. From 2010 to date, CO₂ emissions have been reduced by a total of 3.6%. We consume 14.7% less water during production and save 2% of thermal energy compared to last year. We have installed a total of 8,136 photovoltaic panels in the breweries of Comun Nuovo and Massafra. We purchased 598 draught systems, which consume 15% less energy than previous models. The number of transports by rail has increased from 13.81% to 30.7% in 2012. We have carried out over 1,500 hours of training on safety and reduced the number of medications by 40%. The commitment to promote responsible consumption of our products has been continuous. Through different initiatives implemented in partnership with NGOs, in two years we have distributed more than 12,000 breathalyzers and directly got in touch with 52,000 people. We seize every single opportunity to show “Sunrise Belongs to moderate drinkers”, one of the most advanced commercial on responsible consumption in which the protagonist refuses a Heineken® to drink water. Working with ATM (Azienda Trasporti Milanesi) and the Municipality of Milan we promote sustainable mobility through the project “Good Morning Milan.” During the test phase of December we produced and distributed 18,000 free night bus route maps to the citizens of Milan (in 2013 we will distribute 80,000). Every day we work to strengthen a culture of sustainability in the company through initiatives that involve our people at all levels and we share the principles of sustainability Sustainability is a priority for HEINEKEN Italia and a sustainable business model is essential to change and grow. Edwin Botterman Managing Director of HEINEKEN Italia also with suppliers. It is vital that those working with us respect our values. For this reason, 68% of 1,000 suppliers of HEINEKEN Italia already signed a Supplier Code of conduct that defines the rules to be respected. By 2013 we will get to 100%. I am aware of how much effort and hard work are behind each of these figures. Now more than ever it is necessary to concentrate resources, optimize investments and engage in effective actions. We are already doing it, even through constant dialogue with you stakeholders, that allow us to identify priorities on which to focus. For this, I want to thank you once again and I want to congratulate also the HEINEKEN Italia Sustainability Team for their commitment and passion. A passion that has always characterized people working in our company and will allow us, I’m sure, to cope with change and to overcome together all the challenges that lie ahead in the coming years. We do not lack the skills! I wish you happy reading. Edwin Botterman Managing Director of HEINEKEN Italia 02 HEINEKEN Italy Sustainability Report 2012 HEINEKEN Italy 03 Sustainability Report 2012 Overview The Sustainability Plan Brewing a Better Future is an integral part of our business, a process that focuses on three strategic areas: Brewing a Better Future Brewing a Better Future is the integrated sustainability strategy of HEINEKEN. A project that creates value for our company, society and the entire planet, realizing our ambition to become the world’s greenest brewer. The sustainability plan was introduced in 2010 and born out of a direct dialogue with our stakeholders. Brewing a Better Future has provided the Company with the guidelines reflecting the ambitious goal to make our business even more sustainable. Governance The plan is governed by a Steering Committee, which meets on a To be the World's Greenest Brewer Improve Green Brewer Green Commerce Empower Empower our people and the communities in which we operate Engaging Employees HEINEKEN Cares In order to improve the impact of HEINEKEN on the environment, people and society, 23 specific programmes have been identified and grouped into six areas of action: • Green Brewer - Sustainable Production • Green Commerce - Sustainable Commerce • Engaging Employees - Safety and well-being of the employees • HEINEKEN Cares - HEINEKEN Solidarity • Responsible Consumption - Promotion of Responsible Consumption • Partnership for progress Partnership for development Brewing a Better Future Continuously improve the environmental impact of our brands and business 1. IMPROVE - constantly improving our environmental impact 2. EMPOWER - supporting people and the communities in which we operate 3. IMPACT - positively impact the role of beer in society quarterly basis. Its daily management is handled by a sustainability team created three years ago and integrated by representatives from Supply Chain, Commerce, Purchasing, Human Resources, Control & Accounting and Corporate Relations functions. Each year the team updates the three-year plans, which are being integrated with the strategies and assessed quarterly through a reporting system. Nowadays, the sustainability has become a top priority for our business and it is increasingly part of our DNA, a value shared by the entire company and reflected also in our behaviour. To entrench this culture in our people we have carried out a process able to make sustainability part of our daily lives, involving employees in specific initiatives and meetings aimed at raising awareness on the issue. With the aim of deepening the sustainability objectives of HEINEKEN, in fact, on 23 April 2012 a Manager’s Meeting was organized, with presentations and workshops aimed at Senior Managers. On the same date was held the Communication Day, an event dedicated to the entire workforce and conveying the message of the importance of sustainability as a Group priority. Another important step towards a shared culture of sustainability in the company was, in December 2012, the relocation of the HEINEKEN Italia headquarters in a new building with a lower environmental impact. The energy saving and comfort, in fact, were the main reasons behind the choice of the new location that, with the involvement of everyone in the company, is not anymore a “workplace” but an “environment to work.” About the report This document is the 4th edition of the HEINEKEN Italia Sustainability Report. With a new look, the Sustainability Report 2012 presents our sustainability strategy and provides an overview of the goals we have undertaken to accomplish by 2020, and on which we have decided to focus, highlighting in particular the results and progress we achieved in 2012. Furthermore, this report is printed on FSC paper - woods friend. This year we also chose to halve the size and decrease the number of copies printed, increasing the online coverage. Impact Positively impact the role of beer in society Responsible Consumption Partnerships for Progress Governance, Senior managers incentives, Reporting and transparency, Suppliers Code, Communication and engagement Already in 2012 we have started a process of simplification of Brewing a Better Future that led us to focus on four key priorities for 2020. For more information, read the following pages. 04 HEINEKEN Italy Sustainability Report 2012 HEINEKEN Italy 05 Sustainability Report 2012 Overview Protection of water resources • Reducing specific water consumption in the breweries by 25% • Aiming for water compensation/balancing by production units in water scarce and distressed areas The value chain From agricultural production to consumption of our beer, we aim to improve every step of the value chain. Agriculture Agricoltura Agricoltura Maltatura Maltatura Fermentazione Fermentazione Imballaggi Imballaggi Distribuzione Distribuzione produzione produzione produzione produzione di di malto malto dall’orzo dall’orzo fermentazione fermentazione della della birra birra produzione produzione di di bicchieri, bicchieri, bottiglie, bottiglie, lattine lattine ee fusti fusti distribuzione distribuzione locale locale ee export export Agriculture Malting Brewing Packaging Distribution Clienti Clienti Consumatori Consumatori raffreddamento, raffreddamento, raffreddamento, raffreddamento, riciclo riciclo riciclo riciclo degli degliimballaggi imballaggi degli degliimballaggi imballaggi Customers Reduction of CO2 emissions • Reducing CO2 emissions: - in production by 40% - of our fridges by 50% - of distribution by 20% in Europe and the Americas Malting Brewing Promotion Sustainable of Responsible raw materials Consumption • Deliver 60% of the raw • Delivering on industry materials in Africa via local commitments sourcing • Aiming for at least 50% of • Making responsible consumption aspirational our main raw materials through Heineken® brand from sustainable sources • Ongoing compliance with • Developing measurable partnerships aimed at our Suppliers Code addressing the problem procedure of alcohol abuse Packaging Distribution Focus areas Water Consumers CO2 Sourcing Production Our main raw materials are barley and hops. To secure the supply of these products, we have launched initiatives of local sourcing and sustainable procurement. Malting barley In the process of malting, which takes place in our malteries and not only, water and energy are consumed. For this reason we have implemented programs aimed at reducing energy and water consumption also in the malteries. Brewing beer The brewing process consumes energy and water. We decided to reduce both by increasing energy efficiency, using renewable energy sources and optimizing the use of water resources. Producing bottles, cans and kegs We are working to reduce the impact of packaging, by improving its design, optimizing the production process and increasing the recycling and reuse rate. Local distribution and export After the beer is packaged, it is distributed to warehouses or customers. In order to optimize the distribution, the forms of transport have changed and increasingly efficient engines and vehicles will be used. Cooling Beer is consumed cold and thus cooled at the point of consumption via fridges or draught equipment. Specific environmental and energy standards have been defined for all new draught equipment and refrigerated cabinets. Responsible Consumption We have promoted the responsible consumption of beer for several years and we have fixed a set of rules for commercial communication, paying particular attention to raising awareness among young people about the risks related to alcohol abuse. Responsible Consumption Ways of working Values and Behaviours Our global commitments for 2020 Based on the dialogue with our stakeholders and the global trends, we have identified four key areas on which to focus the second phase of Brewing a Better Future: water, CO2, responsible consumption and sustainable supply chain. Each area, then, is supported by the way we work: embedding our values, setting a good example and working together to make a difference. Customers Consumers 06 HEINEKEN Italy Sustainability Report 2012 HEINEKEN Italy 07 Sustainability Report 2012 Overview Legend Not achieved What we said and what we’ve done What we said we will do by 2012 What we’ve done by 2012 Partly achieved Achieved What we said we will do by 2012 What we have done by 2012 Responsible Consumption Green Brewer Specific total energy consumption < 153.8 MJ/hl Achieved with a total energy consumption of 150.5 MJ/hl. Specific direct and indirect CO2 emissions < 9.1 kg Achieved with the emission of 8.87 kg CO₂/hl. Specific water consumption < 5.9 hl/hl Achieved, surpassing the target with 5.7 hl of water used per hl of beer produced. Green Commerce All new refrigerators must comply with environmental and energy standards Achieved: 100% of the new vertical refrigerators and chest freezers are green. Installing green draught systems Achieved: 598 new Draught Beer Coolers and 300 David Green were purchased; they consume 15% less energy than the previous model. Decreasing the road transport volumes, preferring the rail transportation system Achieved: compared to the total number of transports, the number of rail transports went from 13.81% in 2011 to 30.7% in 2012. Engaging Employees Decreasing the accident frequency Partly achieved: with 0.4 cases per 100 FTE, the number of accidents remains unchanged compared to 2011. Reducing the number of medications Achieved: the number of medications decreased from 78 in 2011 to 46 in 2012 (about 40% less). Organizing safety sessions for employees Achieved: training days were carried out in all the breweries and in Massafra was organized a “Season of Safety”, addressing several issues with experts in the field. Using the message "Enjoy Heineken Responsibly" on all packaging and communication materials Achieved: the logo “Enjoy Heineken Responsibly” has been reproduced on all bottles and cans of Heineken® and on all communication and merchandising tools. Reviving the campaign "Sunrise Belongs to Moderate Drinkers" Achieved: the commercial went on air on New Year’s Eve 2012 and during the Alcohol Prevention Day in April. The campaign was also broadcasted on giant screens during all major corporate events. Promoting responsible consumption in Italian universities in partnership with the Osservatorio Permanente Giovani Editori (“Permanent Observatory of Young Publishers”) Achieved: we launched the initiative “... Non me la bevo! (I do not drink it!)”, a competition created with the support of the “Osservatorio Permanente Giovani Editori” and aimed at raising awareness among university students about alcohol-related harms, through effective communication on responsible consumption. Over 17 universities and teachers involved, 90 students participating and 30 papers received. Partnerships for Progress Renewing the partnership with Movimento Consumatori (the Consumer Movement) to promote responsible consumption Achieved: the partnership continued with the campaign “Operazione Gratta la Risposta” (“Scratch the answer”), which in 2012 took place in 3 stages (in the areas of Milan’s nightlife, during the last edition of the Heineken Jammin’ Festival in Rho and during the event “Mondo Ichnusa” in Sardinia). With this initiative over 52,500 people were contacted in two years and over 5,000 disposable breathalyzers were distributed in 2012. Establishing an institutional partnership to promote responsible consumption and environmental sustainability Achieved: a close partnership was developed with ATM (Azienda Trasporti Milanesi) and the Municipality of Milan for the project “Good Morning Milan”, about the promotion of responsible consumption and sustainable mobility, by distributing night bus route maps. In the test phase in December 18,600 maps were distributed. HEINEKEN Cares Developing the Local Sourcing program Increasing the supply of raw materials from sustainable sources Achieved: the process of procurement of raw materials from local markets is going on, reducing the environmental impact of transport. Enablers Increasing the number of suppliers subscribing the Supplier Code Partly achieved: 68.5% of over 1,000 suppliers of HEINEKEN Italia signed the new Code in 2012. Achieved: HEINEKEN has joined the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative (SAI) and is working to set a list of principles and practices to make the approach to sustainable agriculture more simple and transparent. Adding the sustainability indicators to the Senior Management’s incentives Achieved: in the last 3 years the sustainability objectives were included in the evaluation mechanisms of all the company’s Senior Managers. 08 HEINEKEN Italy Sustainability Report 2012 HEINEKEN Italy 09 Sustainability Report 2012 Improve What we said and what we’ve done Green Brewer —Specific total energy consumption < 153.8 MJ/hl Achieved with total consumption of energy of 150.5 MJ/hl HEINEKEN is always committed in increasing energy efficiency, reducing water consumption and CO2 emissions of its activities. In 2012 many initiatives have been carried out under this theme, aimed at reducing the carbon footprint of the business, in order to protect the resources of the communities in which the Group operates. A socially responsible company is responsible for the consequences of its actions and therefore we are committed to ensure the efficient use of natural resources. Peter Vogtlander Supply Chain Director Western Europe — Specific direct and indirect CO2 emissions < 9.1 kg Achieved with emission of 8.87 kg CO₂/hl Energy Consumption The production processes consume large amounts of energy. Based on a sector-by-sector analysis, the thermal energy consumption needed for the production of beer is in the range of 60-200 MJ/hl. Thermal energy, in fact, supplies the heat needed for the process of boiling, sterilization and pasteurization, as well as heating of the plants themselves. Specific thermal energy consumption at breweries in Italy -—Specific water consumption < 5.9 hl/hl Achieved with a consumption of 5.7 hl of water per hl of beer produced MJ/hl of beer 2015 71.2 2014 72.1 2013 72.9 2012 73.8 72.0 2011 73.5 Target 76.7 LOWER CO2 EMISSIONS COMPARED TO 2010 Result achieved Over the course of 2012, HEINEKEN Italia’s thermal energy consumption went from 73.5 MJ/hl (in 2011) to 72 MJ/ hl, much lower than HEINEKEN’s global average of 81 MJ/hl. 2% REDUCTION IN THERMAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION COMPARED TO 2011 14.7% REDUCTION IN WATER CONSUMPTION COMPARED TO 2011 50% LOWER NON�HAZARDOUS 2.5GWh COMPARED TO 2011 PER YEAR OF ELECTRICITY PRODUCED BY PV PLANTS WASTE NOT RECYCLED Specific energy consumption at breweries in Italy MJ/hl of beer 2015 149.3 2014 150.9 2013 152.0 2012 153.8 150.5 2011 151.7 155.5 2010 2010 3.6% improvement going from 155.5 MJ/hl in 2010 to 150.5 MJ/hl (- 3.2%), which is even lower than HEINEKEN Italia’s target for 2012 and lower than HEINEKEN’s global average of 156.6 MJ/hl. The specific electricity consumption at the HEINEKEN Italia breweries dropped from 8.8 kWh/hl (in 2010) to 8.7 kWh/hl. This result shows that we are getting closer to HEINEKEN’s global average of 8.4 kWh/hl. Thanks to these important results, in 2012 the total energy consumption levels of HEINEKEN Italia showed an Target Result achieved Heibuild With the aim of further reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint, at the end of 2012, the headquarters of HEINEKEN Italia moved into a new building (energy efficiency class C) with an energy requirement (EPh) of 25.9 kWh/m3a. The interiors of the new premises are equipped with cutting-edge engineering solutions, in order to minimize the thermal and energy requirements of the buildings while ensuring at the same time an optimal climate control of the spaces. A shading system made of thin strips of clay, combined with low emissivity glass facades to achieve high solar selectivity, offer natural light reducing, at the same time, the heat input generated by the direct radiation in the summer months. 10 HEINEKEN Italy Sustainability Report 2012 The air conditioning and heating systems are connected to the district heating network - an effective and environmentally friendly solution and are equipped with total heat recovery units, for reuse in the building. All these specifications were the basis for the choice of the ideal location for the new headquarters of HEINEKEN Italia, to the benefit of energy efficiency, environmental comfort and reduction of operational costs of the building. HEINEKEN Italy 11 Sustainability Report 2012 CO₂ emissions Total CO₂ emissions, which are the sum of direct emissions resulting from the generation of heat required for production processes and indirect emissions resulting from electricity consumed at the breweries, dropped from 8.9 kgCO₂/ hl in 2011 to 8.87 kgCO₂/hl in 2012, with a 3.6% drop compared to 2010, when emissions were 9.2 kgCO₂/hl. Energy savings resulting from the use of renewable resources contributed to this reduction in CO 2 emissions. Still on the subject of energy, in 2012 HEINEKEN Italia further contributed to protecting the environment and the communities in which we operate by using energy from renewable sources. The Group, in fact, incorporated solar energy into its energy mix, installing two photovoltaic systems on the roofs of the breweries in Comun Nuovo and Massafra. Water Consumption Water, in terms of volume, is the most important ingredient for a brewery, both for production and for several other processes, such as heat or cold transportation, sterilization and cleaning of storage tanks and of any equipment that comes into contact with beer. Specific water consumption at breweries for the production of beer in Italy hl water/hl beer 2015 4.3 4.5 2014 4.6 2013 Result achieved In recent years, HEINEKEN Italia has come up with several rationalization plans to reduce the amount of water wasted and facilitate both reuse and filtration before it is released back into the ecosystem. HEINEKEN Italia’s water Direct and indirect CO� emissions at breweries for the production of beer in Italy consumption levels went from 6.7 hl/ Kg CO2/hl of beer 2015 8.8 2014 8.9 2013 9.0 2012 9.1 8.87 2011 8.9 9.2 2010 Target Result achieved 2015 0.05 2014 0.05 2013 0.05 0.09 0.02 0.03 0.06 2010 7.1 2010 Target kg/hl beer 2011 6.7 2011 Specific non-recycled industrial waste production 2012 5.9 5.7 2012 Non-recycled waste An important indicator of environmental impact is the quantity of non-hazardous, non-recyclable products generated by the brewers, expressed as kg of waste per unit of product (kg/hl). hl in 2011 to 5.7 hl/hl in 2012, showing a 14.7% reduction. This significant reduction was achieved also thanks to the installation of a system of evaporative condensers allowing recycling cooling water that has been working since June 2012 at the brewery in Comun Nuovo (BG). With an investment of 2.4 million Euro, the plant makes it possible to reduce water consumption by 40%: a saving of about 960 million litres per year, equal to the average consumption of 4800 households. The picture on the right shows the evaporative condenser system in Comun Nuovo. This result, surpassing the target set for 2012, is still higher than HEINEKEN’s global average of 4.2 hl/hl. Target Actual performance The training and sensitisation activities of the staff resulted in a further reduction of this type of waste over the course of 2012, from 0.03 kg/ hl produced in 2011 to 0.02 kg/hl. The result surpasses the target set for 2012 and is better than HEINEKEN’s global average of 0.52 kg/hl. A sunny future to reduce CO₂ emissions In 2012, solar panels were installed on the roof of the bottling and packaging plants in Comun Nuovo. Consisting of 3,984 photovoltaic modules (equivalent to about 1.5 football fields), the two plants have started producing electricity in July and are able to generate about 1.1 GWh of electricity per year, reducing CO₂ emissions by over 447 tonnes per year*. A photovoltaic system was installed even on a warehouse of the brewery in Massafra. To optimize the energy production, the panels were placed on the roof, which has no shading and enables optimal use of maximum solar irradiation. Composed of 4,152 panels (equivalent of about 2.5 football fields), the brewery is able to produce about 1.4 GWh of electricity per year, reducing CO₂ emissions by 557 tonnes per year. *To calculate CO₂ reduction, a value of 406 gCO₂/kWh has been used. 12 HEINEKEN Italy Sustainability Report 2012 HEINEKEN Italy 13 Sustainability Report 2012 Improve What we said and what we’ve done Green Commerce — All new refrigerators must comply with environmental and energy standards Achieved: 100% of the new refrigerators are green HEINEKEN’s commitment is aimed at reducing the carbon footprint during all stages of the value chain. The main projects are the improvement of logistics processes, packaging and transport, with a view to energy saving and reduction of water consumption. 738 Sustainability plays an important role in all our business activities, from raw materials to distribution. Marco Silvestri Procurement Service Manager 100% OF THE NEW REFRIGERATORS ARE GREEN GREEN HORIZONTAL 15% LESS ENERGY — Installing green draught systems Achieved: new Draught Beer Coolers and David Green were purchased; they consume 15% less energy than the previous model — Decreasing the number of road transports Achieved: from 13.81% to 30.7% of transports by rail Green Commerce As well as in production processes, large amounts of energy and water are used even in the early stages of procurement and distribution, starting from agriculture up to the packaging, bottling, refrigeration and transportation. In this perspective, over the course of 2010, HEINEKEN Italia participated, as a pilot country along with UK, Netherlands and France, in a project to develop a tool for calculating the carbon footprint* which results from the sum of the activities making up the supply and distribution chain. To reduce the carbon footprint produced by refrigeration, in 2011 an ambitious project entailing the gradual replacement of all refrigerators used in the storage and distribution of beer was launched. For this reason in 2010 we established some technical parameters and standards for the new eco-friendly refrigerators. Based on the data gathered, we identified some areas to work over the next few years in order to improve our carbon footprint, including the choice of materials for packaging, through a plan for harmonization and reduction of the bottles weight. Green Cooling The product refrigeration phase is essential to the consumer’s experience of our beer, but at the same time it significantly contributes to our environmental impact due to the high quantities of energy consumed by the great number of display cases in bars and other sales locations. CONSUMED BY THE NEW REFRIGERATORS BEER COOLERS DISTRIBUTED OF JOURNEYS TRANSFERRED 30.7% FROM ROAD TO RAIL * The term “carbon footprint” is generally used to indicate the total CO₂ and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by an individual or organization. “Footprints” can also be calculated for events or products. 14 HEINEKEN Italy Sustainability Report 2012 Calculating our Carbon Footprint HEINEKEN has developed an extensive and comprehensive carbon footprint model that calculates the greenhouse gas emissions of beverage production, in order to better understand the hotspots in our value chain and identify areas for improvement. This is the third year that HEINEKEN has calculated its carbon footprint, and the first year it is published based on data from 2011. Based on these indicators, in 2011 HEINEKEN Italia started purchasing and introducing latest-generation equipment able to ensure significant energy savings. More specifically, in 2012, 100% of our vertical refrigerators (1,522 purchased and 1,629 distributed) were equipped with EMS¹ thermostats, LED² lighting and powered by hydrocarbon technology. Also 100% of the horizontal refrigerators introduced in 2012 (900 purchased and 738 distributed) are equipped with hydrocarbon technology. To achieve the same goal, in 2012, 598 new Draught Beer Coolers and 300 David Green were purchased, 100% eco-friendly with new standards of R290 refrigerant gas. Using hydrocarbon refrigerants, in HEINEKEN Italy 15 Sustainability Report 2012 How we calculate our Carbon Footprint HEINEKEN developed calculation principles specifically for the life cycle of beverages. These are based on the calculation methodology described in WBCSD/WRI’s Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard. The calculation principles have been customised to better fit our reporting needs. Our carbon hotspots and how they are addressed The calculation principles lead to a carbon footprint for each beverage (group) at Heineken Italia S.p.A.. The weighted average Heineken Italia S.p.A. carbon footprint is about 71.7 kg CO2eq/hl. This figure is based on best available data, but also includes assumptions and estimates, specifically for processes further away from our core activities. In the coming years we will make an effort to include more precise data with focus on the hotspots. fact, these machines are able to consume 15% less energy than the previous model. In 2012, over 400 thermic covers for Heineken® Extra Cold draught, whose peculiarity is to be fully covered with ice, were sent to sales locations. By covering the draught during bar’s closing time, it makes ice to last longer and allows a 20% energy saving. Finally, with the aim to experiment increasingly advanced technological solutions, this year the Heineken® Extra Cold draught was redesigned, with the new version 40% more energetically efficient than the original one. These innovative draughts are being introduced in Italy in 2013. 1: Energy Management System allows up to 20% of energy saving by regulating the temperature on the actual refrigerator use. 2: LED lights allow up to 15% energy saving compared to fluorescent lights. The graph shows the breakdown of HEINEKEN’s carbon footprint over the main processes from barley to bar. In the coming years we will have to make an extra effort and focus on the areas of greatest impact: brewing, packaging, cooling and distribution. Breakdown of "Carbon Footprint" of HEINEKEN Italia • Agriculture • Malting & adjuncts • Beverages production Packaging material • production 9% 17% 6% 8% 14% • Distribution • Cooling 46% Green Distribution Starting from 2011 HEINEKEN Italia has launched several initiatives to support CO₂ reduction in distribution. The company has focused on some specific areas: transport efficiency, increasing the load of the same vehicle to decrease the number of freely mileage (drop size); and vehicle efficiency, by using more and more low environmental impact vehicles (Euro 5 and aerodynamic), and carrying out specific courses to teach drivers a greener driving style and to consume less fuel. In particular, HEINEKEN has increased transport by rail rather than road. As for the movement of goods between different breweries and between breweries and warehouses located in different regions of Italy, the rail journeys have gone from 13.81% of the total transports in 2011, to 30.7% in 2012, with a 122% increase. These operations have led to a significant reduction in CO₂ emissions per hectolitre distributed, dropping from 2.62 kg CO₂/hl in 2011 to 2.51 kg CO₂/hl in 2012 (-3.91%). Green Events All Heineken® events offer a great opportunity for us to inspire event partners and consumers to act sustainably. For this reason the HEINEKEN Group has developed a toolkit to make “greener” every event. In 2012, the largest music festival sponsored by Heineken in Italy, the Heineken Jammin’ Festival, was organized with this in mind, reducing the number of waste, promoting recycling and using fully recyclable cups. 16 HEINEKEN Italy Sustainability Report 2012 HEINEKEN Italy 17 Sustainability Report 2012 Empower What we said and what we’ve done Engaging Employees HEINEKEN Italia has developed several campaigns to raise awareness on issues of health and workplace safety, with the goal of reducing the number of work-related accidents and improving the employees’ quality of life. Our people are most important resource to protect and value. For this reason the company is always committed in guaranteeing the employees’ health and safety. Mario Perego Chief Human Resources Officier — Decreasing the accident frequency Partly achieved with 0.4 cases/100 FTEs, the number of accidents remained unchanged compared to 2011 — Reducing the number of medications Achieved: the number of medications has dropped by about 40%, from 78 in 2011 to 46 in 2012 — Organizing safety training sessions for the employees Achieved: training days were carried out in all breweries, addressing various topics with experts in the field Health & Safety HEINEKEN Italia’s sustainability is not just about improving our impact on the environment but also on the people working in the company. Protecting the health and safety of the employees is critical to the success of a company and HEINEKEN is committed to reducing the risk of work-related accidents and diseases for all employees working at the production plants and headquarter. In 2012 there were 2 accidents in the plant of Comun Nuovo, with an unchanged figure of 0.4 cases/100 FTEs compared to 2011 and a better result than the Group average of 1.2 cases/100 FTEs. Morover, in 2012, the plants of Massafra, Pollein and Assemini each celebrated a year with no accidents. A very important result has also been reached in the number of medications, dropping from 78 in 2011 to 46 in 2012, with an approximately 40% reduction. Accident rate cases/100 FTEs for all production sites -40% 1.1 2013 NUMBER OF MEDICATIONS 2012 0.4 2011 0.4 The project, which has been a huge success, was introduced in all HEINEKEN Italia’s plants with more than 1,500 training hours to each production unit. Especially successful were also the “Health and safety weeks”, when production was stopped to get all employees involved in activities aimed at preventing unsafe behaviours. Training activities to manage emergencies were organized not just in the breweries but also in the headquarter, such as the e-learning course organized by AIAS Academy, the distribution of educational materials and a short movie involving some employees as well. 1.5 2010 Target Training These positive figures result from continuous training courses and awareness-raising activities, designed to empower employees on safety issues. In particular, starting from 2011, workplace safety has been further promoted introducing the Behaviour Based Safety, a scientific protocol based on the identification and measurement of safer behaviours by rewarding people when they “do the right thing “, rather than punishing them when they do not. Actual The season of security at the brewery in Massafra At the brewery in Massafra (TA), the Safety Week has turned into an entire season, full of events involving not only the employees but also their families. 1,500 HOURS TRAINING TO EACH UNIT From September to December, during working hours, were organized several sessions of discussion and reflection on security, not only in the workplace but also in the everyday life, with a specific focus on driving, health, domestic dangers and nutrition. Real meetings with experts who, through videos, testimonials, and real simulations, helped to make security not just a work habit but a lifestyle. To launch the Season a dedicated Open Day was organized; it marked also an important milestone in the brewery’s history: 365 days with no accidents. 18 HEINEKEN Italy Sustainability Report 2012 HEINEKEN Italy 19 Sustainability Report 2012 Empower HEINEKEN Cares HEINEKEN implemented many projects over the years in order to improve our impact in the communities in which we operate. More specifically, we are committed in developing more sustainable processes for the supply of raw materials. 31.4% OF BARLEY ITALIAN� GROWN What we said and what we’ve done At the heart of our strategy is the desire to respect the environment, promoting sustainable agricultural practices and selecting suppliers that meet our standards in terms of sustainability Peter Vogtlander Supply Chain DirectorWestern Europe 100% CORN ITALIAN�GROWN — Developing the Local Sourcing program The process of procurement of raw materials from local markets is going on. — Increasing the supply of raw materials from sustainable sources HEINEKEN has joined the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative (SAI) and is working to set a list of principles and practices to make the approach to sustainable agriculture more simple and transparent. Sustainable Agriculture HEINEKEN has always been involved in projects of sustainable agriculture and local sourcing to support the communities in which it operates. Our goal to achieved by 2020 is to buy at least 50% of raw materials from sustainable sources, guaranteeing a constant supply of barley, corn and hops, needed for the production of our beer. In this context, with the constant use of natural and high quality ingredients, the main objectives established within “Brewing a Better Future” include the use of locallyproduced raw materials and the procurement from suppliers who respect and share the same standards of HEINEKEN in terms of sustainability. Moreover, HEINEKEN is committed to the continuous development of low-impact agricultural solutions and to support of local communities. In 2010, the Group joined the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative (SAI), a food industry organization consisting of 37 multinationals working to create a more sustainable food chain. It is becoming increasingly important, in fact, to establish globally applicable regulations and indicators for evaluating sustainable agriculture. HEINEKEN is currently working with SAI to establish a shared list of principles and practices that make the approach to sustainable agriculture more simple and transparent. In compliance with Italian and European regulations, HEINEKEN Italia does not use any ingredients deriving from genetically modified crops. Local Sourcing Through Brewing a Better Future, HEINEKEN intends to promote Local Sourcing projects for the supply of raw materials from local markets. The aim is to contribute to the economic development of the poorest regions, creating new jobs and, at the same time, significantly reducing the environmental impact of the transport of raw materials. The Local Sourcing programme is most thoroughly implemented in lesser-developed economies, such as those in Africa, where HEINEKEN intends to guarantee the supply of 60% of the raw materials from local markets by 2020. In 2012, in Africa 48% of the raw materials were locally grown and new initiatives for local sourcing were implemented in Haiti, following the acquisition of BRANA (Brasserie Nationale d’Haiti) in January. In 2012, 100% of the corn (about 15,800 tonnes) and 31.4% of the barley (about 22,000 tonnes) used by HEINEKEN Italia was produced in Italy. 20 HEINEKEN Italy Sustainability Report 2012 HEINEKEN Italy 21 Sustainability Report 2012 Impact Responsible consumption As one of the largest brewers in the world, HEINEKEN has for a long time been committed in promoting responsible consumption. For years the Group has organized campaigns and initiatives to raise awareness on the dangers connected to alcohol abuse. What we said and what we’ve done We understand the importance of our role as promoters of responsible drinking and therefore we are committed to raise awareness among young people about this theme, with an ironic and engaging approach. Marco Alberizzi Sales Director 5,000 DISPOSABLE BREATHALYZERS DISTRIBUTED IN 2012 17 UNIVERSITY PARTICIPATING IN THE PROJECT “... I DO NOT DRINK IT!” 31 BRANDS CARRYING THE MESSAGE "ENJOY HEINEKEN RESPONSIBLY" — Using the message “Enjoy Heineken Responsibly” on all packaging and communication materials. Achieved: the logo “Enjoy Heineken Responsibly” has been reproduced on all bottles and cans of Heineken® and on all communication and merchandising tools — Reviving the campaign “Sunrise Belongs to Moderate Drinkers” Achieved: the commercial went on air on New Year’s Eve 2012 and during the Alcohol Prevention Day in April. The campaign was also broadcasted on giant screens during all major corporate events — Promoting responsible consumption in Italian universities in partnership with the Osservatorio Permanente Giovani Editori (“Permanent Observatory of Young Publishers”) Achieved: we launched the initiative “... Non me la bevo!” (“I do not drink it!”), a competition aimed at raising awareness among university students about alcohol-related harms, through effective communication on responsible consumption. 17 universities and teachers involved, 90 students participating and 30 papers received. Responsible Consumption HEINEKEN has been a pioneer of socially responsible campaigns related alcohol abuse and for many years it has played an active role in solving this problem. Thanks to the strength of its main brand, HEINEKEN has the opportunity and responsibility to educate consumers to drink moderately, proposing this lifestyle as an aspirational model. Direct approach and ironic language, able to effectively engage our audience, have been used to carry out several campaigns and initiatives to encourage responsible behaviours. The most recent campaign on responsible consumption, launched in December 2011, was “Sunrise Belongs to moderate drinkers”, aired on New Year’s Eve 2012 and during the Alcohol Prevention Day in April. This is a real short movie in which the protagonist, a true “Man of the World”, enjoy every moment of the party, drinking in moderation. The scene in which he just refuses a bottle of Heineken®, preferring water, is presented as a positive model according to which it is possible to have fun without drinking excessively. The commercial, a definitive sign of the importance of responsible consumption for the brand, was shown on giant-screens during all major events involving also the company’s stakeholders. For the academic year 2012-2013, thanks to the HEINEKEN’s experience in carrying out responsible consumption campaigns, the initiative “... Non me la bevo!” (“...I do not drink it!”) was launched. This is a competition organized with the support of the Osservatorio Permanente Giovani Editori (“Permanent Observatory of Young Publishers”) and aimed at to raising awareness among university students about alcohol-related harms. With the support of a website specifically designed by HEINEKEN ( heineken/index.html) and able to provide the tools and the basic knowledge on the most effective communication techniques, the students and teachers participating in the initiative were invited to create an effective communication project on responsible consumption, using one of the four media suggested: short film, advertising campaign for newspapers, tutorial text for parents and handbook for peers. During this academic year, 17 universities and their teachers and 90 students (who produced about 30 papers) have joined the initiative. At the end of the contest, a judging panel is meeting to assess all entries and to reward the authors of the best projects. HEINEKEN’s commitment to promoting responsible consumption does not stop at adv campaigns for TV and press. Over the years, in fact, a lot of “face to face” operations meant to involve young people directly and in a funny way were carried out, during the Heineken® Jammin’ Festival, Mondo Ichnusa and in consumption points, distributing over 5,000 disposable breathalyzers in 2012 (as described in Partnership for Progress section). Furthermore, an “Enjoy Responsibly” section was created within the website It describes the company’s approach to this issue, listing the initiatives and providing some practical advice on how to consume responsibly the Heineken® products. Cool@Work HEINEKEN encourages its employees to be ambassadors of responsible consumption, making them become responsible consumers in the first place. With this objective in mind, the Group has implemented Cool@Work, a program of information and prevention of alcohol consumption at the workplace. With specific training activities, the program aims at improving work safety and health and at raising awareness and commitment among employees. 22 HEINEKEN Italy Sustainability Report 2012 HEINEKEN Italy 23 Sustainability Report 2012 Impact What we said and what we’ve done Partnerships for Progress HEINEKEN’s commitment in spreading a culture of responsible consumption is reinforced by partnerships and collaborations with qualified entities and associations at the forefront of these issues. OVER 18,600 NIGHT BUS ROUTE MAPS DISTRIBUTED 3 ROUNDS OF “OPERAZIONE GRATTA LA RISPOSTA” Promoting responsible consumption is an integral part of our strategy and we believe that working together with influential partners is more effective than acting alone. Alfredo Pratolongo Director of Communications and Public Affairs 77.500 PEOPLE DIRECTLY CONTACTED IN FOUR YEARS WITH INITIATIVES ON RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION — Renewing the partnership with NGOs to promote responsible drinking Achieved: the partnership with Movimento Consumatori (Consumer Movement) went on with the operation “Scratch the Answer”, which in 2012 took place in 3 rounds. In two years, over 52,500 people were contacted and approximately 12,000 disposable breathalyzers distributed. — Establishing an institutional partnership to promote responsible consumption and environmental sustainability Achieved: a close partnership was developed with ATM (Azienda Trasporti Milanesi) and the Municipality of Milan for the project “Good Morning Milano”, with distribution of night bus route maps. 18,600 maps distributed in the test phase in December. HEINEKEN Italia strongly believes that its commitment to communicating about correct alcohol consumption can be enhanced by establishing partnerships with influential and qualified partners, already engaged on these issues. For this reason, the company invests each year in CSR initiatives, establishing several partnerships with organizations and expert bodies, in order to convey messages with the correct approach. In particular, to learn more about the social dynamics underlying alcohol consumption, in 2009 we started collaborating with ALA Onlus, a qualified Italian NGO with which Heineken has sponsored the research “Who drives tonight?”, aimed at investigating young people’s perception of the dangers of alcohol. Then, once again in cooperation with ALA Onlus, the project “Know the Signs Real Tour” was started. This is a locally developed project born from an online interactive campaign, with the aim of getting young people to behave responsibly through a playful approach. With this initiative, 25,000 people were contacted in two years both in Milan and Rome. The picture below shows the 7 archetypes created to show how people may be transformed by alcohol consumption, not realizing that they have exceeded their limits. In Italian, in fact, the campaign name means “Note the signs”: a valuable tip to always keep their self-control. Therefore, partnerships represent a powerful tool for HEINEKEN to carry out social projects and enhance dialogue with young people. With this in mind, in 2011 we set the partnership with Movimento Consumatori (Consumer Movement) that led to the operation “Scratch the answer”, aimed at encouraging reflection and awareness about responsible consumption balanced with an ironic and engaging style. It is a fun quiz, consisting of a list of 6 questions that the operators of the Consumer Movement offer to young people locally, printed on special cards made to look like “Scratch-and-Win”. The initiative, launched at the Heineken ® Jammin’ Festival in Venice, has been successfully run again in 3 rounds in 2012: in the streets of Milan, during the last edition of the Heineken Jammin’ Festival held in Rho, and for the first time in Sardinia during “Mondo Ichnusa”, the great event organized by the Sardinian brand. Thanks to this operation, over 52,500 people were contacted in two years and about 12,000 disposable breathalyzers distributed, so that young people could measure their 24 HEINEKEN Italy Sustainability Report 2012 blood alcohol content. The key to this initiative is that it’s simple and straightforward: those who play do not feel “reprimanded” but are encouraged in a light-hearted way to think about their own actions and those of their friends, sharing their thoughts on the matter. This is not a patronizing message, but a funny way to dialogue more directly and effectively with the public. HEINEKEN Italy 25 Sustainability Report 2012 In 2012 the project “Good Morning Milan” was started in partnership with ATM (Azienda Trasporti Milanesi) and the Municipality of Milan, with the aim to promote the use of public transport during night hours. By distributing specific maps of the ATM night-time network, the initiative aims to encourage young people to behave more responsibly, especially in the context of safe driving. Finally, a good relationship was also established with the Municipality of Sesto San Giovanni (MI), where the Heineken Italia’s headquarters have been recently relocated. In 2013, in fact, the company has joined the project “Bene Comune”, taking care of the green areas surrounding the headquarters. Good Morning Milano for sustainable mobility The project “Good Morning Milano” was born from the partnership between HEINEKEN Italia, ATM and the Municipality of Milan. It is a campaign aimed at promoting among youngsters the use of night buses, which on Friday and Saturday nights never stop. With the aim of promoting a more sustainable urban mobility, while providing a safe return, the initiative is based on the distribution - in the movida areas in Milan - of original maps containing all information and routes of the ATM night-time network. After a test phase in December, during which more than 18,600 maps were distributed in two weekends, the project continued during the months of May, June and July 2013 with the support of the Consumer Movement’s operators. Aimed mainly at the “people of the night” that, after enjoying themselves responsibly until late at night can go home by public transport instead of driving, this operation also allows to upload photos of Milan by night to the dedicated website The rules of sustainability Brewing a Better Future is an ambitious plan involving hundreds of production plants and thousands of people around the world. In this view, the dialogue with our stakeholders is fundamental. Actually it makes it possible for us to proceed down our path of sustainability and to identify which goals to focus on. Supplier Code All suppliers play a key role in keeping with our commitment to sustainability, especially in terms of supply. Most of the impact of the Group is actually the indirect result of their actions. For this reason HEINEKEN ensures that all suppliers respect the values and comply with proper practices specified in the Supplier Code that set forth the guidelines in the areas of integrity, human rights and environment. In signing the new agreements, suppliers agree, for example, to minimize their own impact on the environment and develop green technologies. In 2011, we embarked on this journey alongside over 1,000 suppliers in Italy. The goal is to make sure that 100% of them have signed the new code by 2013. In order to strengthen this policy, the EcoVadis platform was launched worldwide in 2011. It allows for the evaluation and improvement of suppliers’ environmental and social performance. Since 2013, moreover, the “high risk” suppliers will undergo specific controls by third parties. Sustainability into incentive plans For the last three years, sustainability criteria have been integrated into our Senior managers’ performance evaluations. Measurement and Transparency To better measure our performance, in 2011 we introduced an integrated monitoring system called “Green Gauge”. This tool allows us to monitor quarterly progress in the key areas of the sustainability plan. In 2012 a new version, more fast and accurate, of the electronic platform was launched: “Green Gauge 2.0”. Listening, dialogue and collaboration The dialogue with our stakeholders is vital if we are to proceed down our path of sustainability and allows us to identify which goals to focus on. Our approach to communication and engagement of stakeholders is based on three instruments: HEINEKEN’s Research on Reputation, one-to-one meetings with experts and constant dialogue. Since 2010, thanks to the Research on Reputation, NGOs, institutions, customers, suppliers and media have been able to express their opinion on HEINEKEN Italia and the steps the Group is taking in terms of sustainability (and other topics) on a national scale. The results showed that HEINEKEN Italia is a trusted company and, at the same time, determined which areas we need to concentrate on in the coming years, in order to improve our performance. We believe that working with partners and stakeholders is crucial to achieving the best results and that is why in 2012 we continued to invest time and energy in our partnerships, starting the process of Materiality. This is an approach to the sustainability based primarily on listening to our external stakeholders in order to deepen our understanding of their expectations regarding our company. At an internal level, we will help promote the sustainability mindset of our people. Please visit HEINEKEN’s Global Sustainability Report 2012 at Find further information on HEINEKEN Italia and sustainability at Twitter: @Heineken_IT A HEINEKEN Italia S.p.A. publication Viale Edison 110 20099 Sesto San Giovanni (MI) Italy Production and Composition HEINEKEN Italia S.p.A. Corporate Relations Texts HEINEKEN Italia S.p.A. Corporate Relations Graphics and Layout Barabino & Partners Design Printing Xxx Distribution HEINEKEN Italia S.p.A. Paper This report is printed on FSC paper - woods friend. This year we also chose to halve the size and decrease the number of copies printed, increasing the online coverage.
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