1) The Multiple Wave Oscillator
1) The Multiple Wave Oscillator
1 ZEPHYR TECHNOLOGY! Bruce M. Forrester Jr PO Box 55 Bellbrook, Ohio 45305 Office: 3490 Clar Von Drive Dayton, Ohio 45430 (937) 429 3847 zephyr@zephyrtechnology.com www.zephyrtechnology.com Technology for The New Age From Ancient Mythology: ZEPHYR, God of the West Wind, would begin to blow the gentle breezes of Spring, signifying the change of Seasons: From Winter into Spring! The Warm Spring Zephyr blowing in the month of March heralds the coming of the New Spring! Today: (January in the Third Year of Obama; January 2011) ZEPHYR TECHNOLOGY brings "Technology for the New Age", signifying The Change in Earth's Consciousness. This means technology of "The Force"; technology of "Psychotronics & Radionics"; technology of Rejuvenation and Healing; technology of the very "Wheelwork of Nature"; technology of "The Spirit"; technology of "Free Energy" and Electrical Power downloaded from the Ionosphere; technology of Flying Saucers and UFOs; technology of "Our Living Earth"; technology of Religion and "Power of Prayer"... A time of Revolution if we forbear to use that much abused word... With the persistent presence of "The Blondes" perfectly Human type of UFO Occupant; described since the early days of UFO "Contactees" (Adamski, Van Tassel et al); this continuing phenomenon bodes vindication for the Mythology of our Classical Roots before we seemingly lost our way during the waning days of Roman Empire. The Pantheon of Athens, Thebes, Corinth and Sparta appears to have returned in our Baby Boom Generation! Strong similarities between the Gods of Olympus and these newly arrived Space Brothers and Space Sisters? (Return of the Goddess!) From that fateful Summer of 1947; when Flying Saucers showed up: Not Bombs or Ray Guns nor Weapons of War; but rather "The Ether" of Classical Physics, utilizing "The Prana" of Yoga; and "Scalar" and "Zero Point" and "Orgone". This primordial "Life Energy" forms the basis of Dowsing, Radionics and even Antigravity. By its very nature, "The Force" is healing and rejuvenating and spiritually uplifting... literally: The Mystery and Miracle of Life itself! 2 Bruce M. Forrester Jr ZEPHYR TECHNOLOGY! "Technology for The New Age" PO Box 55 Bellbrook, Ohio 45305 Office: 3490 Clar Von Drive Dayton, Ohio 45430 (937) 429-3847 bruce@zephyrtechnology.com www.zephyrtechnology.com Not the "Slave Story" of Old Testament Bible with "Believers" on their knees "worshipping" some "Lord" ruling over them; but an uplifting return to The Goddesses of Earth, Pleiadians from The Stars beyond; and even Apollo Our Sun (Jesus the Son?). Our story of Zephyr Technology begins here... QUICK SUMMARY of "Technology for The New Age" 1) The Multiple Wave Oscillator: A Tesla Coil device developed by the brilliant Russian Scientist, Georges Lakhovsky, in Paris France in the 1920s to Relieve Pain; "Cure Cancer" and other degenerative diseases. The principle is that of "Resonance". The Idea is to present to the Human Body a multiplicity of oscillating electro-magnetic frequencies, each at a different wavelength; so that every cell in the body may vibrate and resonate back at its original frequency of Youth. Like a Tuning Fork brought near a Piano String; inducing "Resonance" as each cell attempts to return to its earlier, more youthful, state. Often induces a systemic Detoxification Response. The famous Tesla Coil has been the subject of much "Free Energy" conjecture (Wireless Transmission of Power) but its immediate application remains: "Experimental Health and Rejuvenation". 2) The Three Layer Orgone Energy Accumulator Blanket: A flexible model of Wilhelm Reich's most famous invention: A Life Energy Charging Device. "Orgone" being his name for "Life Energy", an acronym from Orgasm and Organism reflecting the path of discovery as a young Psychiatrist MD with Sigmund Freud working with concepts of Libido and The Id. It was for his efficacy in Relieving Pain and "Curing Cancer" that Wilhelm Reich, MD was busted and sent to Federal Prison in 1957. Today, authentic three layer Orgone Energy Accumulator Blankets are available again! Important Disclaimer! Since we are not Doctors nor Physicians; and We do not run a clinic nor treat people nor diagnose any disease or medical condition or injury... Therefore: (“Caveat Emptor”) We insist you consult with your “Family Doctor” Physician MD. before using or consideration of purchase of this “Alternative” equipment. The only claims made are that the equipment is the “real deal” made exactly as described in the published schematics, drawings and technical details. This means the MWO is a “real” one as invented by Georges Lakhovsky. This means the Orgone Energy Blanket is a “real” one as invented by Wilhelm Reich, MD. Prayerfully consider, along with your family and friends, your best course of action concerning this: “Experimental Use Only” equipment! 3 3) The Extremely Low Frequency Generator (ELF Generator). Innovative computerized "Brainwave Emulator" that broadcasts and radiates electro/magnetic frequencies in the same range as the Human Mind. Based upon the work of German physicist W. O. Schumann, who discovered that the Earth rings like a bell within the Earth/Ionosphere cavity. From Wikipedia comes this good description: • This global electromagnetic resonance phenomenon is named after physicist Winfried Otto Schumann who predicted it mathematically in 1952. Schumann Resonances occur because the space between the surface of the Earth and the conductive Ionosphere acts as a closed waveguide. The limited dimensions of the Earth cause this waveguide to act as a resonant cavity for electromagnetic waves in the ELF band. The cavity is naturally excited by electric currents in lightning. Schumann Resonances are the principal background in the electromagnetic spectrum between 3 and 69 Hz, and appear as distinct peaks at extremely low frequencies (ELF) around 7.83, 14.3, 20.8, 27.3 and 33.8 Hz Thus it appears that the Earth and Human Mind are on the same wavelength! Giving us insight into the physics of Radionics and how to increase our mental functions such as Accelerated Learning , increased Memory Retention; while also serving as an exquisitely accurate "Rife Machine"! 4) The Radiant Energy Receiver-Earth Electric Generator. • • • • A Power Inverter to transduce the "Wheelwork of Nature" into useable Electrical Power. While most present day applications of "Free Energy" or "The Force" are healing and rejuvenating; we strive to emulate the Flying Saucer Folks ( Aryan or Blonde type of UFO Occupant) to harness this Cosmic Energy for Man's benefit. Simple idea: The Sun shines on our Earth... the Ionosphere (and the Exosphere and Thermosphere and Mesosphere) soak up all this Solar Power for free. Thus there is alot of Free Energy to be had. Whether it be Cosmic Rays, Solar Rays or the mass free substrate "Orgone"; the power is there: Henry Moray, Nikola Tesla, Wilhelm Reich, Nathan Stubblefield have all gone before... Now it is our turn. Hint: • • • • 12 volt system to interface with existing appliances. (Inverter Ready) Not reliable enough for independence from the Electrical Grid. Suitable for augmentation/backup system only. Don't even think of selling electricity back to the Power Grid !! (Good way to get into trouble: The Big Boys sure don't want any competition). 4 Table of Contents: INTRODUCTION: Pages: 1-4 1) MULTIPLE WAVE OSCILLATOR: Pages: 5-11 2) ORGONE ENERGY ACCUMULATOR BLANKET: Pages: 12-17 3) THE EXTREMELY LOW FREQUENCY GENERATOR: (THE ELF GENERATOR) Pages: 18-22 4) THE FREE ENERGY POWER INVERTER: Pages: 23 5) ORDER FORMS: Pages: 24-25 From Ancient Mythology: ZEPHYR, God of the West Wind, would begin to blow the gentle breezes of Spring, signifying the change of Seasons: From Winter into Spring! The Warm Spring Zephyr in the month of March heralds the coming in of the New... The Coming of Spring! Today, something else is afoot... Since 1947 Flying Saucers have made their appearance in the environs of Earth. While most of the UFO Occupants seem to be the "Little Men with Big Heads" ("The Grays" perhaps with a Clean-Up Function -think Buzzards and Crows); a distinct portion of the Flying Saucer Folks appear to be perfectly Human and of Western European lineage. So much so that this type of UFO Occupant sometimes is called: "The Blondes", "The Nordics" or even "Aryan" from our ancient European lore. A cursory examination of the technology associated with Flying Saucers reveals a close parallel with "Alternative Medical" technology homegrown right here on Earth (Gaia). Further investigation into the Blondes or Aryans from Space reveals a philosophy which must be described as "Anti-War" and especially "Anti Nuclear". Zephyr Technology, as a company, manufactures instruments inspired by the UFO connection, but with their antecedents right here on Earth: Nikola Tesla (MWO); Wilhelm Reich (Orgone Blanket); W.O. Schumann (ELF Generator) Henry Moray, Nathan Stubblefield (Radiant Energy Receiver/Earth Electric Generator) Thus Zephyr Technology Heralds the coming of The New Age, as personified by these persistent UFO sightings continuing now for over 60 years. 5 Multiple Wave Oscillator The Multiple Wave Oscillator: Which is really a High Voltage, High Frequency Tesla Coil Power Supply* It features a Liquid Filled Tesla Coil (Mineral Oil for dielectric between Primary and Secondary Winding). Also features Two Tungsten Spark Gaps: One Heavy Duty (Fixed) and one very Adjustable to achieve nearly perfect Resonance in Body of Experimental Subject. Also features safe Primary High Voltage system (12 volt based) that may be "tuned" by special "Frequency" and "Dwell" controls. Result? The MWO from Zephyr Technology has both great power and wonderful sensitivity "down low" in the low low power range for exquisite and sensitive use either with the two Golden Ratio MWO Antennas or the Violet Ray Wand. BENEFIT: An Alternative Medical Device using a liquid filled Tesla Coil to induce Resonance into the body of the Experimental Subject. This Resonance by design induces a "detoxification response" that turns the body back to youth and rejuvenation... The Multiple-Wave Oscillator was invented by the brilliant Russian scientist, Georges Lakhovsky, for use in French Cancer Clinics in the 1920s and 1930s in Paris! This fascinating rejuvenation technology is available again for experimental use on a host of conditions. The heart of the MWO is a powerful, frequency rich, Tesla Coil with dual spark gaps. This allows for fine adjustment on sensitive areas without sacrificing output power! How it works: Experiment a l Subject is p l aced between two specia l Anten n as wh i ch radi a te a wide spread of electromagnet ic frequencies (a l l at di f f erent wave lengt hs). Every cel l i n t he body is t hen exposed to its very best correct v ibratory frequency! Just as a tu n i ng fork wi l l make a gu i t ar string resonate back to its origi n a l t u ned note, so wi l l t he MWO try to make every cel l i n your body v ibrate back to its origi n a l frequency (of yout h?) How to use: For starters; every other day for about 20 minutes. This gives the body a chance to "react" to such powerful stimulation. Sometimes induces "Flu-like Symptoms" as toxins try to leave the body. After initial period, MWO may be used up to one hour sessions for deep penetrating effect. *This Tesla Coil Power Supply forms the basis for many "Free Energy" of Experiments such as replicating: "Wireless Transmission Power (Tesla 1899); http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wireless_energy_transfer *and Don L. Smith Free Energy Device (Texas 1999) http://donsmithcoils.blogspot.com/2010/06/don-l-smith-device.html 6 THE MWO: Some historical background: From the Research Institute, Edmonds Wellness in Edmonds, Washington: http://www.edmondswellness.com/Articles.htm "In 1925 Georges Lakhovsky in France developed a Tesla Coil that was geared to improve the health of humans, which he called the ‘Multi-Wave Oscillator’, based on his then new theory that cells are microscopic oscillating circuits. This was successfully used in French, Italian, and Swedish clinics, and when Lakhovsky escaped to the USA in 1941 it proved successful in a major New York hospital. Among problems successfully treated were cancerous growths from Radium burns, goiters, arthritis, chronic bronchitis, congenital hip dislocation, and many others. (Tompkins & Bird: ‘Secret Life of Plants’). "What Lakhovsky discovered was simply mind boggling: He postulated that all living cells (plants, people, bacteria, parasites, etc.) possess attributes which normally are associated with electronic circuits. These 3 electrical properties, when properly configured, will cause the recurrent generation or oscillation of high frequency sinewaves when sustained by a small, steady supply of outside energy of the right frequency. This effect is known as "Resonance". All living organisms have specific resonate frequencies and micro-currents associated with them including bacteria, virus, parasites, and fungus. FACT: IF ONE TAKES TWO TUNING FORKS OF SAME FREQUENCY; VIBRATING ONE WILL CAUSE THE OTHER TO VIBRATE. "The MWO is a multiple wave oscillator. What it does is saturate the cells of the body with energy. In turn the chemical processes of each cell are brought into balance allowing proper repair and operation. When you use the machine regularly it maintains the electrical health of the body at a cellular level. All chemical processes in the body require energy to take place and the MWO feeds the need. This is accomplished by setting up a high energy field in and around the body through 'Resonance'. The MWO doesn't pass current through the body. All that is used is the oscillating field. "Lakhovsky believed that living cells are batteries; the nucleus holds the positive charge and the cytoplasm carries the negative. If cells were irradiated with a range of electromagnetic oscillations, they could be "recharged" and thus rejuvenated. A range of frequencies is necessary because the cell and its parts respond to different frequencies. The healing action of the MWO is very broad due to the fact that it is holistically at work. The healing process happens in all parts of the body. Multi-Wave-Oscillators are used in many countries worldwide by therapists and individuals and are successfully applied to: Electro stress afflictions: "Pain in the neck, shoulders, lower back, tennis elbows and so called pinched nerves and infected tendons, and slipped disk (Hernia). Additional applications by: Rheumatism, arthritis, rheumatic arthritis, infections, headaches, migraines, heart rhythm disorders and chronic fatigue syndrome and many more other afflictions. Cancer and tumors "Some results indicate that the MWO can be applied also with the treatment of cancer and tumors, but further research will indicate into how effective it is. Cells from living organism behave themselves as small radio transmitters and receivers. When cells are irradiated with a correct polarized electromagnetic field (which has a broad range of frequencies), each cell will pick up on a frequency and assimilate the energy out of that field. This has a tremendous stimulating and harmonizing action on the cells and thus interacts with surrounding tissues and organs. Your body consists of a variety of atoms, which contain photons, electrons and an overall bio-electric energy that runs through it. The way you take care of your body physically, emotionally and mentally determines how many negative frequencies or toxins are being built up in it. "There are four general ways imbalance in the body is created. Through toxic substances we eat; pollution we breathe; exposure to a negative energetic environment; and how we process information in our thinking and feeling. If there are cells that are not correctly arranged or in the wrong order, then these cells are working against the correctly arranged cells and as such the organ performs weaker. When the amount of cells in the wrong order are extremely large and in a state of disorder, the organ will as such perform very weakly and most probably perform in the wrong way. When a body becomes overwhelmed with toxic substances, thoughts or feelings, the positive bio-electric field is immensely lowered in vibration and frequency. Our body has a higher frequency or vibration when it's healthy and a low vibration when sick. When the body’s immune system gets overwhelmed and cannot fight an abundance of toxins, and we continue to put toxins into our bodies and minds such as alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, negative fear based thoughts and heavy emotions, the experience of a physical imbalance occurs within. "The MWO machine uses that principle to strengthen the healthy cells of the body so that they can resist a state of negative imbalance, as it does not rely on knowing the right frequency since all frequencies are put out simultaneously. It is no surprise now that excellent results with MANY imbalances have been reported with the MWO. Every illness is an autoimmune illness. When your immune system cannot ward off a problem in your system in time, something fails. Your only defense is your immune system. By raising the oscillating frequency of every atom in your body, we are increasing the rate at which the immune system operates as well as eliminating the negative toxins your body is trying to fight off. This type of frequency reprogramming allows the body to remember the natural effectiveness of the immune system and regenerate back 100% to its original state." 7 MWO from Zephyr is tunable in two Ways: *Primary High Voltage from Computer controlled circuit features "Duty Cycle" or "Dwell" to limit Power to sensitive areas... BENEFIT: More Resonance in body of Subject. BENEFIT: Allows for longer Sessions without overheating; thus better "Detoxification Response". Second Tuning Method features Dual Tungsten Spark Gaps: *One Heavy Duty Fixed for extended operation such as with Violet Ray Wand. *One Adjustable to "tune in" best Resonance in body of Experimental Subject. *This system may be adjusted with MWO running to allow High Voltage Tesla Coil to Capacitively Couple itself to the body of Experimental Subject (Remember "One Hand Rule" while adjusting unit). *In this manner, the Experimental Subject actually becomes part of the Tesla Coil Circuit! *While sounding complicated: "Tuning by Ear" is most simple; until MWO hits a "Sweet Spot" and resembles a buzzing Beehive... Heavy Duty Fixed Tungsten Spark Gap Adjustable Tungsten Spark Gap for exquisite sensitivity and control. The Violet Ray device is a plasma of Argon Gas used to transduce the Tesla Coil frequencies into the human body. When we want to work on just one spot or one experimental area, the Violet Ray Wand is the way to do it. This means we can choose a specific area (Prostate: External; Breast, Lower Back, Arthritic joints) and focus our attention where it is needed most! 8 Multiple Wave Oscillator Parts Price List: ZEPHYR TECHNOLOGY! PO Box 55 Bellbrook, Ohio 45305 (937) 429-3847 mw0@zephyrtechnology.com www.zephyrtechnology.com Complete Multiple Wave Oscillator: $3960• • • One year warranty on materials and workmanship 90 day Refund Privilege for any reason. 25 % Restocking Fee on Returns. • Jumbo Size (16” diameter) Golden Ratio MWO antennas! Designed by Eric Dollard of Borderland Science. These double sided, Heavy Duty, Gold plated, antennas produce a spatial field that reaches out to envelope the subject in an Ætheric field of oscillating vibrations: $180- each; two for $320- • Liquid Filled Tesla Coil: Close coupled; self healing Liquid Mineral Oil insulation between primary and secondary, with modular connections. This coil has never failed at 160,000 volts of dielectric stress! Coil is approx 8” long and 2 1/2” diameter; features see through clear acrylic (and liquid filled) design. This coil is close coupled and 1/4 wave: $560- • Dual Timer/ Mosfet Assembly; chops primary current from 130 cycles per second to approx 1300 cycles: Features dual Mosfets for both frequency and "Dwell" to control "on time" of auto coils to prevent over saturation. $560- • Capacitor Assemblies: .0125 mfd @24kvac (that's AC not dc!); These are MMC style capacitors of 12 Cornell Dubilier polypropylene film/foil #942C 20P15K; each Multi- Mini Capacitor array sealed in heavy Vinyl Tubing with wires: ZT MWO takes two assemblies. Two for $560- • Tungsten Spark Gap Assemblies; mounted on acrylic; with Nylon bolt and nut assembly for adjustment: ZT MWO takes two assemblies: One Heavy Duty Fixed; One Adjustable @ $130- Each Two for $260- • Pair of High Voltage Auto Coils/45KV piv Diode Assembly; mounted together in vinyl tubing with lead in wires wrapped in vinyl. Features German Bosch Hot Rod Aftermarket Auto Coils: Two Coils: @ $190- Each or Two for $360- • Violet Ray Wand with Quartz Glass Bulb (Argon or Neon) housed in heavy PVC safety handle with 6 foot clear vinyl wrapped lead wire. $360Bruce M. Forrester Jr and Steve Elswick at the recent Nikola Tesla Energy Science Conference & Exposition in College Park, Maryland. This well attended two day scientific conference, hosted by Tom and Jackie Valone of Integrity Research Institute featured both “Wireless Electricity” and “Electrotherapeutics”. Noted speakers included: James and Kenneth Corum, Dr Elizabeth Rauscher and Dr Mark Neveu of the National Foundation for Alternative Medicine. 9 Interior view of the Tesla Coil power supply for the Zephyr Technology Multiple Wave Oscillator. This Tesla Coil power supply produces over 40 watts of output! It powers a pair of Golden Ratio MWO antennas or the remarkably gentle Violet Ray Bulb Assembly… Unit is designed for “practitioner use”; this means it can be run 8 or more hours a day, 7 days a week without overheating or malfunction! The Dual Spark Gaps have built in “governors” to limit the output power. (Don’t worry folks, there is still plenty of power!) This is achieved by cutting the length of each nylon tuning bolt for a maximum spark gap distance of 1/8” per gap. With the two air quenched spark gaps in series, there is wonderful sensitivit y and range down low! Most Tesla Coil devices form an “arc” in the spark gap at a certain minimum distance. Once a constant “arc” is formed in the spark gap, all the harmonics are lost and thus there is little resonance action achieved by the Tesla Coil. How do I use the Multi-Wave Oscillator (MWO)? A nswer: Si mp l y p lace yo u rself i n f ron t of t he Golden Ra t io A n te n n a a n d le t yo u r bod y be exposed to a m u l t ip lici t y of v ib r a t i n g freque ncies fro m t h e ou tp u t of t he Tes l a Coil. Addi t ion a l l y, t h e re is a “Rad i a n t Energ y Field” (Æt h e r ic Energy) fro m t h e ac t ion of t he T esl a Coil b ro adcas t t h ro ug h t h e Golden R a t io MWO A n ten n a. Jus t le t yo u r bod y be exposed to t h is comp lex set of frequ encies a n d a l low eac h cell a n d t iss ue gro up “reson a te” to i ts own n a t u r a l f reque n cy. T h is reson a te ac t io n, on a cell u l a r le v e l, is t h e b asis for t h e t h eore t ic a l cl a i ms of “reju v e n a t io n” p roduced b y exposu re to t h is bio d y n a m ic Æt her ic field. Addi t io n a l l y, subjecti v e sens a t io ns of “ex t re me well bei ng” h a v e been a n ecdo t a l l y repor ted usi ng t h e Golden R a t io A n t e n n as to s ti m u l a t e t h e en t i re body wi t h t h e MWO. One A n te n n a m a y be used (T he Radi a to r A n te n n a) or two an te n n as m a y be used (Bot h Radi a to r a n d p assi v e Reson a tor)/ Whe n bo t h a n t en n as a re used (for st ro nges t effect) th e h u m a n bod y act u a l l y beco mes a pa r t of t he circu i t; t h e dis t r ib u ted cap acit a nce be tween t h e a n t e n n as affects t h e freque nc y ou tp u t: sor t of l i ke a self gener a t ed “feedb ack” circu i t. 10 How should I use the Violet Ray Bulb and for how long? Answer: The Violet Ra y Bu lb Assemb l y is used to stim u l a te specif ic parts of t he body wit h t he specia l ef fect of t he osci l l a t i ng f ie ld produced by t he MWO. The idea is to loca l ize the experiment a l ef fect to a specif ic locat ion such as an y s ing le mu scle group; the lower back; the trapezoid muscles of t he neck; t he breast area; various joints of t he f i ngers and h a n ds; t he elbow; the knee; t he feet… Anecdota l ef fects reported from use of the Violet Ra y Bu l b Assemb l y h a ve i ncl u ded rel ief from pa i n associated wit h Arth rit is. In t he origi n a l work conducted b y Lakhovsky and others, much attent ion dea l t wit h ma l ign a ncy research. The Violet Ra y Bu lb Assemb l y ma y be used every da y to directl y st i m u l a te v arious parts of t he body wit h t he osci l l a t i ng Æt heric f ie ld tra nsduced through t h e p l asma of Argon gas. Length of exposure: 3 to 12 m i n u tes. Using Violet Ray Wand for direct stimulation of any part of the body… Using the MWO with two antennas for strongest effect… Golden Ratio MWO Antenna • • • Produces spread of Tesla Coil Frequencies. Every cell in your body exposed to its Natural Resonant Vibratory Rate. Experimental subjects sits or lays between pair of antennas; and then actually becomes part of the Tesla Coil circuit through “Capacitive Loading”. BENEFIT: Detoxification effect and Rejuvenation Effect as cells attempt to return to natural vibratory rates: Much like tuning fork brought near a piano string. 11 PEACHTREE EAR, NOSE & THROA T, P.C. Wil l i a m Ba u e r, M.D. Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Bruce Forres te r Jr. ZEPHYR TECHNOLOGY! PO Box 55 Bellbrook, Ohio 45305 Dear Mr Forres te r: This is a follow-up letter on one I wrote to you about 10 years ago regarding the Multi- Wave Oscillator. I have continued to use the device regularly since then. As you know, I am a boardcertified Otolaryngologist. I began my medical career in academic medicine at Case Western Reserve Medical School where I wrote several papers on electrical stimulation and pain control. I also wrote a well-accepted paper with theoretical mechanisms for electromagnetic effects on the body with a few clinical case studies called Neuroelectric Medicine. It was at that time I first began using the MWO. The Multi-wave Oscillator has multiple effects on the body that I have found only beneficial. I was originally attracted to it because it got rid of my tennis elbow. I quit playing tennis for six months, used anti-inflammatory medication, and even had steroid injections with no effect. The Multi-Wave Oscillator quickly relieved the pain with just one treatment and with regular treatments relieved it permanently after several weeks. I believe it has effects on the inflammatory response and on infections. I have used it for sinus infections along with antibiotics with very good results. There is new work in the field of microbiology studying biofilms. These are organized colonies of bacteria resistant to antibiotics. An electrical field has been shown to break up these biofilms and force bacteria back into their free floating or planktonic phase, making them susceptible to the body's own defense mechanisms as well as antibiotics. Electromagnetic stimulation also alters blood flow, causing increased oxygen carrying capacity to injured areas. Additionally, it stimulates endorphin production and neurotransmitter output. This may be why there is an effect on mood/ relaxation and energy level. The question of side effects and possible harmful consequences does come up and is a hot issue at this time with cell-phone use and microwave exposure. There is no scientific evidence at this time that links disease to electromagnetic exposure. It may be theoretically possible, but there are contradictory and paradoxical studies reviewed by the FDA that actually shows a decrease in symptoms with electromagnetic exposure in subjects compared to a control population. I, personally, enjoy sitting in the multi-wave oscillator field because of the feeling of well being it gives me. I believe it helps me sleep well. I have used it daily for nearly 10 years. During this time, I have had very few colds. Additionally, I am able to play hard tennis almost every day with little in the way of aches and pains from pulled muscles and sprains. At this time, I am using it only on a few friends and myself. I feel more research should be done, so this device will be easily available to the public. Unfortunately, change is slow. The medical community will eventually come around to this cutting-edge therapy, but it will take time. If this letter will help you, feel free to use it. As I have said before, I feel the Multi-wave Oscillator could take the place of aspirin in the average household some day. Sincerely, William Bauer MD Newnan Medical Plaza, 58 Hospital Rd #204, Newnan GA 30263 (770) 253-1139 Peachtree City (770) 631-0004; FAX (770)253-4523 Certified by the American Board of Otolaryngology 12 Three Layer Orgone Energy Accumulator Blanket. The "Orgone Accumulator" may be considered to be a "Component" of the Force! The ORGONE ENERGY ACCUMULATOR BLANKET: A LIFE ENERGY CHARGING DEVICE INVENTED BY WILHELM REICH, MD; 1940-1957 in Rangeley Maine. ORIGINALLY USED FOR CURING CANCER AND OTHER DEGENERATIVE DISEASES... Today: "Experimental Use Only". Caveat Emptor... An Orgone Energy Accumulator is a component of “The Force”! Just as a resistor, capacitor or battery is a component of Electricity, likewise an Orgone Accumulator (Orgone Blanket) is a component of the primordial energy called: Life Energy, Prana, Chi and Zero Point. What is Orgone Energy ? In people, the living force may be felt as the tension and attraction between Male and Female. Be careful not to confuse this primordial feeling with twisted secondary drives pandered to us by Hollywood movies, New York television and the Mainstream "Diversity" Media. Examples of secondary drives include pornography, homosexualit y, sadism, masochism, and many other forms of violence and aberrant sexual behavior including "Atrocity Porn" promulgated by our Neo-Con Zionist Media against most of the Third World! What is Orgone Energy ? In people the Living Force may be felt as the tension and attraction between Male and Female! "Animal Magnetism" "Elan Vital" "Chemistry" are so me of the name s given to this primordial and subtle energy all around us; but which e scape s detection by Conventional Science! Background synopsis of the life and career of Wilhelm Reich, MD by Jim Marsden, Huber Heights, Ohio 1988. Doctor Wilhelm Reich died in Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary, November, 1957. He was not a hardened criminal; he was a man of science. He was an investigator, an experimenter, an inventor; yes, all of these and more: he was a Physician... Wilhelm Reich's rise to fame, fortune and ignominious end was not the classic Horatio Alger story; nor was it a case of following in the footsteps of a rich, famous father. Young Wilhelm was just an Austrian farm boy from a successful cattle ranching family. Despite his mother’s infidelities and suicide, he knew nothing of the motives for the Serbian student, Gavrilo Princip's assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife Sophie. He was happily oblivious to the harbingers of war "the war to end all wars," that pervaded all of Europe. A war that would bring his world crashing down around him. When hostilities began, the farm he grew up on was overrun by Russians; having nowhere to go, he joined the Austrian Army. During the next four years, Wilhelm fought on the Italian front in three major battles. The sight of the wounded and the dying left a lasting impression on this farmer's son. On November 11, 1918, he found himself as a veteran in a defeated army in a war torn, defeated nation. Kaiser Wilhelm had abdicated and fled to the Netherlands; 13 Germany was in a state of anarchy. Wilhelm was no longer a callow farm boy, he was advanced beyond his years and had no desire to return to the farm. To assist the nation's veterans, a Benefit Program was set up; and young Reich enrolled in the University of Vienna under this program. He could not have selected a better location. Post war Vienna was idyllic; here you could forget the war, here was a location for a man to live life to the fullest. The city, the Austrian capital, located at the center of Europe, near the Danube River in the foothills of the Alps. Its museums are second to none and boast some of the finest art collections in the world. In the center of the Inner Stadt (inner city) stands the Gothic styled St. Stephen's Cathedral or "Alter Steffel" ("Old Steve"); with its 406 foot high Southern spire. The music of: Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Shubert, Brahms, and Strauss still echo in the concert halls. The Austrian National Library is housed there and contains nearly two million printed books, the largest collection in Europe. The city abounds with quaint shops, large stores, and fine restaurants. The University of Vienna, one of Europe's most venerable institutions, is world renown for its School of Medicine. There are also faculties of law, political science, theology, natural science, and philosophy. The University is famous as a center for scientific research. Here, Wilhelm Reich found the spring board to fame and fortune. He studied law, but soon switched to medicine. He found his talents more suited to the research and exactness required of the medical profession. He found law to be more knowing than doing. Reich wanted to be doing; he wanted action. Doctor Sigmund Freud On the medical faculty was a man who would leave a profound impression on Reich, the father of psychoanalysis, Doctor Sigmund Freud. Reich’s interests were many and varied; he soon gravitated to the circle of students gathered around Dr. Freud and this precious time planted the seeds that would grow into Reich’s most famous discoveries. Dr. Reich received his Medical Degree from the University of Vienna in 1922. He was now a scientist by profession and training, and in the best of Western tradition (Certainly not a "quack," by any stretch of the imagination). As a student of Freud, Reich had ample opportunities to observe and work with patients from all European walks of life and social classes. During these studies with Freud, Dr Reich observed that a sexual dysfunction was present in every case of mental aberration. Reich realized that the Id, the Libido, the unconscious force that motivates our lives, was a potent form of energy, a living energy that manifested as human sexuality! The Discovery Reich's first and main lifelong discovery is that a universally present and mass free energy is of the specific nature as is the energy so eagerly sought after by today’s “free energy” enthusiasts (Tom Bearden, John Bedini, Joseph Newman, Dennis Lee, Eric Dollard and others). Reich named his discovery "Orgone Energy," an acronym for Orgasm and Organism. In Function of the Orgasm (1927), Reich published his discovery that the sexual embrace, between male and female (but not between homosexuals) is an involuntary convulsion that regulates the living energy metabolism of the organism. The idea is that we humans routinely produce more “Life Energy” than is required to live and function. The Function of the Orgasm serves to discharge excess Life Energy in sex. Since most of us are armored, this energy regulatory function of the orgasm does not completely discharge the organism, thus resulting in an impaired life energy metabolism. Further implications of this discovery state that specific knowledge of the living energy, that is our Life, is of an emotional nature and not cognitive. The way people do specifically relate ("know God"), is through the genital embrace, and the creation of Life. Or more simply: it is through the heart and not the head; it is felt rather than known... 14 Armoring The energetic metabolism of people beats in four rhythms: tension, charge, discharge and relaxation. Reich believed that nearly everyone has had this freely pulsating rhythm replaced by a rigid conditioning he called "armoring." This armoring starts within days of birth; beginning with circumcision (a clue or hint in our Biblical Mythology on the origin of Human Armoring), then compulsive toilet training, of learning shame for our bodily functions. Childhood conditioning produces a stasis of muscular tension that carries into adulthood. Armored people (nearly everyone in the West) are incapable of deeper feelings; unable to deal with subtle tingling sensations or nuances of pleasure… The chronic condition of muscular tension blocks the majority of pleasurable sensations and often transduces them into Anxiety. This unconscious muscular and facial tension succeeds in repressing natural sexual feelings but gives rise to Secondary and twisted feelings that bind up as rigidity in the "Armor." New Kind of Therapy Reich developed a new kind of therapy to address the “armor” resulting from the repression that society puts on the sexuality of people. His method differed from the Freudians in that he attacked the resistances directly: with breathing exercises, eye contact, with manipulation of the body, and by discharging the held in Secondary Drive energies of anger and rage. Mass Psychology of Fascism (The Biological Miscalculation in the Human Struggle for Freedom ) Reich observed that a loosening of socially dictated mores and conventions did not result in natural expressions of Love. Quite the contrary in fact; when released from Patriarchal Dominion, quite often a person's Secondary Drives would be manifested by homosexuality, sadism, masochism, and other perversions we shall not describe herein. Dr. Reich observed and studied many cases of aberrant Secondary Drive behavior during travels in Russia and Germany. He described them in: The Mass Psychology of Fascism , 1933. A later edition includes an important essay called: “The Biological Miscalculation in the Human Struggle for Freedom” published in the International Journal of SexEconomy and Orgone Research, New York 1943. Briefly stated and paraphrased: “the Biological Miscalculation is that Armored adults really do need a system of Patriarchal Morality to hold in check a lifetime of pent up Secondary Drives”. What this means is that revolutions such as Communism or Fascism may well change everything; but the new regime will not know any better and/or forget to change the basic character structure of the people; resulting in an awful outpouring of Secondary Drives: Murder, Rage, Violence, and War. (Hello NeoCons =War) (Hello Feminists = Abortion Murder). Above: ”Temperature Experiment” first performed by Wilhelm Reich in late 1940s and early 1950s. It is warmer inside Orgone Accumulator than Control Box. Experiment provides a measurement tool to observe and record intensity levels “The Force” (levels dependant upon local weather conditions!) Second simple experiment is the seed germination experiment: two groups of mung beans or other seeds are set up to sprout in two mason jars. For an exact experiment, count an equal number of seeds into each group from the same batch, Place one group of seeds in their Mason jar inside the one cubic foot, three layer Orgone box. Place the other group in the control box without the metal layers. Sprout the seeds in a normal manner changing and rinsing the water daily. Observe and record the results as to number of seeds sprouted, rate of growth , size of sprouts and even taste of the sprouts. (Organ sensation as tool of natural research !) 15 Three Layer Orgone Energy Accumulator Blanket Size: Five Feet Long (approx); Three Feet Wide; Weight 20 lbs. One Layer: Orgone Energy Accumulator Blanket: Organic Layer: 100% Wool Heavy Blanket. Metallic Layer Galvanized Steel Screen triple thick Metal Side faces the body. Organic Layer attracts from the atmosphere and tends to hold the Orgone Energy (Life Energy). Metal Layer attracts and then repels this living energy. The Metallic Layer repels Living Orgone Energy in both directions simultaneously. The outside Organic layer then repasses the energy back to the metal layer, creating one way flow of "The Force" from the outside to the inside. This Rectifier function resembles a Diode in electronic terms. The layering resembles a Capacitor in electronic terms. When the energy passes through Orgone Energy Accumulator, it remains trapped on inside, thus building "charge of Chi". Living human body radiates a field of Life Energy (Aura and/or Halo). The Orgone Accumulator reflects this radiated "love light" field right back to the experimental subject in a "feedback" fashion... 16 Benefits: Rejuvenation; Pain Relief from: Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, and ... Many other conditions... These "Benefits" are not allowed by the USA Food and Drug Administration. This means that there are no healing or beneficial effects (especially from Cancer!) from this energy "that does not exist". ( The FDA Complaint for Injunction in March 1954) • HOW TO USE YOUR ORGONE ENERGY ACCUMULATOR BLANKET: LAY UNDER THIS DEVICE (METAL SIDE FACES THE BODY). CLOTHES OPTIONAL. USE FOR 20 MINUTES PER DAY OR UNTIL SYMPTOMS OF "OVERCHARGE" MANIFEST AS ANXIETY. Sleeping under Orgone Blanket is OK, especially if it continues to feel "Satisfying" (which it will!). Orgone Blanket likes "Fresh Air Atmosphere" . This means open a window, weather permitting... Persistent, daily use results in profound rejuvenation effects... Zephyr Technology PO Box 55 Bellbrook, Ohio 45305 937 429 3847 www.zephyrtechnology.com bruce@zephyrtechnology.com • • • Three Layer Orgone Energy Accumulator Blanket: $469Shipping: $ 28Total: $497Delivered by United Parcel Service. One year warranty: materials & workmanship. 90 Day Refund Privilege for any reason; Subject to 25% Restocking Fee. Luxuriously thick 100% Swedish or English Wool for the Organic Layers make for a strong "charging" experience. The innermost Stainless Steel fine mesh screen next to the body always feels slippery and cool against the skin. These three layer Orgone Energy Accumulator Blankets are made as per the original instructions and recipe worked out by Wilhelm Reich, MD. When used with partner/lover; there is a tertiary charging effect: Lay Orgone Blanket across both persons simultaneously; expect a charging effect of a libidinous nature as "The Force" builds. U.S. Government and FDA deny and forbid any Healing Effect from these Life Energy Charging Devices, regardless of many observations made using our good, old fashioned, Scientific Method... These Orgone Blankets work Order one now by telephone! Order two for double effect: one top and one bottom (937) 429-3847 17 good! This energy is living (Life Energy) and was discovered by Wilhelm Reich, MD in the period of 1925-1957. Libido, Id, Human Sexualit y, Prana, Zero-point, Tachyon, Subtle, Scalar, Chi, Great Spirit, Creator, God, Odic Force, Animal Magnetism, and other names are given to the energy that the FDA declared: "Does not exist". THIS DEVICE IS A BANNED MEDICAL INSTRUMENT! • No Use "Evading the Essential", the nature of "The Force" is the attraction between Woman and Man; not Gay, not Porno... The same scientific laws apply to Humans as well as Galaxies... Symbol of "ORGONOMIC FUNCTIONALISM" "Mind and body" or "matter and spirit" are different aspects of one reality. Creation is a continuous observable natural process. As a student and protégé of Sigmund Freud, Wilhelm Reich MD quickly learned the nature of "The Id" and Libido within his patients. He applied this knowledge into the Microscope laboratory in Oslo Norway ("The Bions") in 1930s and later at his facility in Rangeley Maine in 1940s and 1950s... "Emotion," "volition," "sensation" are integral parts of the creative process. Seemingly two opposites have a similar Common Functioning principal... From: Charles Reed Kelly; Radix Institute ("Discovery of The Orgone"; "Cancer Biopathy". ) • • • Well Folks... Let this be a lesson learned: Don't get caught curing Cancer or else you in a heap 'o trouble boy... You all is going to jail! 18 The Extremely Low Frequency Generator The ELF Generator A Brainwave Emulator (Extremely Low Frequency); We will begin our study of the ELF Generator with the work of Bob Beck. Dr. Robert C. Beck Unfortunately, the world has lost a true pioneering spirit. Bob Beck, the inventor of many wonderful healing tools, passed away Sunday, June 23rd, 2002. His commitment to offering people a chance to "take back your power" was steadfast and strong for many years. He will be missed. Foundation Article by Bob Beck which appeared in the “Round Robin” of The Journal of Borderland Science, Volume XXXVI, No 1 through No 6; January-December 1980. This six part article provided background and implications of field effect technology in the range of human brainwaves (Extremely Low Frequency) This historic article by Bob Beck set the stage for countless experimenters to actually build and use “Technology for The New Age”! ELF WAVES AMD EEG ENTRAINMENT A PSYCHOTRONIC WARFARE POSSIBILITY Adapted From A Tape Recording Of A 35 mm Sl ide Presentat ion By Bob Beck a t The 1978 Un i ted St a tes Psychotron ics Associat ion Conference In At l a n t a, GA: In 1952, a German physicist named W.O. Schumann, playing around with math as physicists are prone to do, postulated that the Earth - being a good conductor - was surrounded a good dielectric called air and around this is another layer of a good conductor known as the Ionosphere, the Heaviside Layer, and that this constitutes a potentially resonant system. All of you Boy Scouts know that your compass points to the North Pole because the Earth itself is a magnet with a North and South Pole. Now that means that any energy trapped in this earth-ionosphere cavity -- like lightning storms, etc. -- will cause it to ring like a bell. But the surprise was that this signal frequency was the identical spectrum of human brain waves. I see we are getting some nods out there. Those of you who are up on your current physics know about this. It was irresistible to me to build an apparatus to measure the Earth's brain wave, and at the same time measure the Witch Doctor's brain waves, to see if there was correlation; which we did. 19 Thus begins the saga of Bob Beck building hardware; actually building in addition to speaking and writing. At the old U.S. Psychotronics Association Conferences and at the Global Sciences Congress put on by Dean Stonier in Denver in the 1990s; Bob Beck would often have a one or two page "Handout" with simple schematics and circuit diagrams to enable and empower folks to build and replicate what he spoke about. Following in the tradition of Bob Beck, and heeding the words of Tom Bearden speaking at the last USPA Conference in Columbus Ohio: “… No proprietary circuits please, publish and fully disclose your circuit designs so others may replicate your discoveries… The Government can shut down one solitary inventor, but if a hundred or a thousand people all start building these wonderful machines, the Government cannot shut everybody down…” Zephyr Technology believes this to be good policy! With each machine, comes a printout of circuits; schematics and parts lists to enable others to build and replicate and even improve this technology! Purpose of this Device: The ELF Generator: • • • • • • • To amplify Brain/Mind Functions. To boost/augment Emotional functions (Open the Heart). Accelerated Learning while studying or in classroom environment. Increased Memory Retention. Boost/Stimulate Psychic and/or Extra Sensory Perception. To Block Unwanted Incoming Psychic Attention: "Beaming" ! Telepathy, Channeling, Prayer Amplification... UFO Communications... Talking mentally with Flying Saucer Folks ("The Blondes") Order one now to begin: Get one additionally for a trusted friend for two way secure telepathic communications! 20 Use ELF Generator to "Channel" Space Brothers and Sisters... Call unto them: They will come to you! You can talk with them...And then they will be in your Life! ELF (Extremely Low Frequency ) Generator radiates "Human Brainwaves" on Carrier Frequency of 42.6 kHz (Resonant Frequency of Water). Used for: "Channeling"; "Rife" Work; Accelerated Learning; Increased Memory Retention; Even Prayer Amplification! Radiated Frequencies and "Field Effect" mean "Action at a Distance" for Agriculture and Experimental Healing. Introducing The E.L.F. Generator from Zephyr Technology Thank you for your inquiry into The ELF Generator from Zephyr Technology (Extremely Low Frequency). This experimental "Brainwave Emulator" uses a resonating electro magnetic field to entrain the brain and central nervous system to lock on to any desired brainwave frequency! How? By providing a specific resonating electromagnetic field frequency that corresponds to a specific brainwave state, The ELF Generator functions in the manner of a tuning fork causing a guitar string to sound. The antenna produces an Omni-directional Uni-polar field that is Scalar by nature. Why? Use this revolutionary tool to amplify latent “Psychic Power” dormant within... Psychic Amplification: The Scalar/Magnetic potential (not to be confused with local magnetic field) as observed from a distance in a stationary frame of reference is the product of the ELF Generator output coupled to the living energy field of the experimental subject. Thus the power of the brainwave state of the subject is magnified hundreds of times by use of this device. 21 Range of Frequencies: • Delta: 1.0 - 2.9 Hz (Deep Sleep; feelings of well being...trance) • Theta: 3.0 - 6.9 Hz (Dreaming...visual imagery; increased memory and language function noted.) • Alpha: 7.0 - 12.9 Hz (creative thought; " spoon bending" psychic activity noted) • Beta: 13.9 - 31.9 Hz (Alert Awareness; Anger; Fear; Aggression) • Source: Val Valerian in Nevada Aerial Research Journal; Las Vegas, Nevada 1989 Included with each ELF Generator is comprehensive Frequency List, compiled from several different sources: Covering ELF, Rife and even Color Frequencies! Features: 1) Range of Device: ELF Signal --- One to 100 Hz with three decimal place accuracy. Carrier Frequency: Resonant Frequency of Water: 42.6 kHz (From Pat Flanagan's Neurophone) Carrier Frequency tunable from 34.5 kHz to 50.7 kHz in single integers. 2) ELF Signal “chops” Carrier Frequency with maximum power level of 88 Watts. Default power level at 50% duty cycle; for individual work: Lower power levels are more effective; for group applications: higher power levels. 3)Bifilar Wound Antenna tuned ¼ wavelength of 42.6 kHz. Carrier Frequency Range is one Golden Section above and below default setting. 4) Use Brass Touchplate to Radionically "Tune" both ELF signal and Carrier Frequency. Use Radionic Touchplate to assist Sensitivity in discerning correct frequencies for each individual affected by device... *Special "Anti-Beaming" Antenna for ELF Generator; for short range close in work to counteract unwanted "Beaming". *Special "Phrygian Cap" for ELF Generator features direct toroid electrode temple stimulation for strongest effect ! • Use ELF Generator to spur your “Psychic Power” to greater levels. • Range of Dev ice: ELF Signa l: One to 10,000 Hz ; (Sui t ab le for "Ri fe" work) Three decima l p l ace • • • accuracy. Feat ures tu n ab le "Carrier Frequency" of 42.6 Ki lo Hertz (Resonant Frequency of Water) Carrier Frequency Tun ab le i n whol e i n tegers from 34 KHz to 49 KHz (one Golden Section) TrackBa l l Tun i ng “Walks It" up and down wit h sol id Brass Rad ion ic Touchp l a te for Sensit i ve discernment of correct frequencies for each i nd i v id u a l Subject. Use ELF Generator: Lucid Dream i ng; Accel erated Learn i ng; Increased Memory Retent ion... Use ELF Generator to host a “Bubb le F ie ld” of protect ion aga i nst u nwanted externa l radi a t ions & signa ls: “BEAMING!” and Mind Control 22 PREDESTINATION… Is: The E.L.F. Generator! From ZEPHYR TECHNOLOGY! (Extremely Low Frequency) This computerized “Brainwave Emulator” allows you to artificially stimulate your brain and nervous system to go into any desired brainwave frequency to achieve a variety of spiritual and psychic effects! • Channeling and contacting Space Brothers and Sisters (UFO Beings) • Electronically amplify the power of your prayers! • Stimulate the proven psychic frequency of 7.83 Hz for telepathic communications For more info CONTACT: (Do It Now) ZEPHYR TECHNOLOGY ! PO Box 55 Bellbrook, Ohio 45305 www.zephyrtechnology.com elf@zephyrtechnology.com (937) 429-3847 CAUTION! MAY BE PSYCHOACTIVE... EXPERIMENTAL USE ONLY 23 Radiant Energy Receiver/Earth Electric Generator Abundance being the natural order of things in Nature's Eternal Religion... • So, Why should we follow the Neo/Con way and invade the Middle East and fight and die for Petroleum and Occupied Palestine? (No reason at all) • So, let's shed our incredulity and begin to harness Nature's bounty of Free Energy... Boys... It is there for us. All we have to do Is reach out and take it. BMF Jr PS: She wants us to have it... “God helps only those who are prepared and determined to help themselves.” 24 ORDER FORM: ELF Generator Today, the ELF-GENERATOR is not for any healing or medical use. It is “experimental use only” on persons who are in reasonably good health and of sound Mind. • Read Carefully and please sign: I am in reasonably good health and understand the ELF GENERATOR is not for any healing or medical purpose. Should I have or develop a medical or disease condition, I agree to seek and get authorized medical treatment from a licensed physician before attempting any program of experimental use with the ELF GENERATOR!. I hold ZEPHYR TECHNOLOGY harmless from any improvement or worsening of my health or condition! Cost: $1369-; Shipping $28- Grand Total: $1397- Delivered by U.P.S. "A n t i-Bea m i n g" A n te n n a: $277-; (Ext r a) "Ph r yg i a n Cap" for ELF GENERA TOR: $277- (Ext r a) • • Warranty: One full year on all parts and workmanship. 90 day Refund Privilege for any reason. 25 % Restocking Fee on returns. Date:____________________ Name:____________________________________________ Address:_(Shipping & Billing)_____________________________________ City, State Zip:_____________________________________ Phone:___________________________________________ Amount enclosed:________________ Visa/MC with exp ___________________________ 3 digit code:______ Signature:_________________________________________ Anti Beaming Antenna: Short Range for Close in Work: Very Strong Field Modular Antenna System (1/4" phone plug) means antennas pop on/off to utilize variety of electrode and output devices... For Laboratory and "Rife" work; as well as custom innovations where accurate ELF/Brainwave signal needed. Both ELF Signal and "Carrier" (Resonant Frequency of Water 42.6 kHz) are tunable! Phrygian Cap for ELF Generator: Intense direct Toroid Electrode Stimulation for strongest effect! 25 Bruce M. Forrester Jr ZEPHYR TECHNOLOGY! PO Box 55 Bellbrook, Ohio 45305 (937) 429-3847 (937) 429-3849FAX bruce@zephyrtechnology.com www.zephyrtechnology.com Technology for The New Age ORDER FORM: • Multi-Wave Oscillator: A high voltage Tesla Coil device used to expose the human organism to an Ætheric field and a multiplicity of oscillating frequencies . The idea is to elicit an intense detoxification response, on a cellular level, as tissues attempt to resonate; each to their own corresponding natural and innate frequency. This device has a powerful legacy (going all the way back to the 1920s) of experimental rejuvenation in a variety of experimental/medical conditions. $3960- • Shipping: $37- MWO Total Delivered: $3997- • Orgone Energy Blanket: A Life Energy charging device invented by Wilhelm Reich, M.D. Three layer Orgone Blanket size: approx. 3’ wide by 5’ long (big enough for two). Weight 20 lbs; made from heavy 100% Swedish wool in Organic layers and fine mesh galvanized steel screen in Metallic layers. Innermost Metallic layer is fine mesh stainless steel screen next to skin (clothes optional for strongest effect). Complete instructions for experimental use (Originally used to "charge" the body to treat a variety of experimental/medical conditions). $469- • Shipping: $28- Orgone Blanket Total Delivered: $497Get and use both together for best Experimental Effect! Read Carefully and please sign: I am in reasonably good health and understand the MWO/Orgone Blanket is not for any healing or medical purpose. Should I have or develop a medical or disease condition, I agree to seek and get authorized medical treatment from a licensed physician before attempting any program of experimental use with the MWO. I hold ZEPHYR TECHNOLOGY harmless from any improvement or worsening of my health or condition! Shipping by U.P.S. or U.S. Mail (call for quote; Shipping typically $65- for both) Grand Total: $4494- Lead t i m e: 2 weeks fro m p re-p aid order. • Warranty: One full year on all Materials and Workman ship. • 90 Day Refund Privilege for any reaso n. ( 25% restocking fee on returns.) Date:____________________ Name:_______________________________________________ Address: Shipping & Billing____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ City, State Zip:________________________________________ Phone:_______________________________________________ Amount enclosed:________________ Visa/MC with exp date & 3 digit:__________________________________ Signature:____________________________________________ 26 27
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