Directory for seniors of Argenteuil
Directory for seniors of Argenteuil
DIRECTORY FOR SENIORS OF ARGENTEUIL Your INDISPENSABLE telephone resource! Photo : Comité 50+ Bouger+ ABUSE / VIOLENCE Sexual Assault Assistance Center (CALACS Laurentides) : 450 565-6231 Crime Victims Assistance Center (CAVAC des Laurentides) 1 866 532-2822 Le Faubourg Suicide Prevention Center 1 866 277-3553 La Citad’Elle de Lachute 450 562-7797 (Shelter for women and children victimized by domestic violence or in a crisis situation) Elder Abuse Info Line 1 888 489-2287 DOMESTIC HELP Argenteuil Coup de Pouce Solidarity Co-op 450 562-9993 (Personal assistance and support in regards to domestic situations) FOOD / TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE Café-Partage 450 562-0987 (Educational programs, affordable groceries) Action Volunteer Centre Association Solidarité d’Argenteuil 450 562-7447 Comptoir d’Entraide de Lachute 450 562-9932 (Second hand clothing and furniture) Argenteuil West Network MRC d’Argenteui 819 242-8762 (Meals-On-Wheels and Frozen Meals) (Food bank) Centre d’Entraide d’Argenteuil Argenteuil Coup de Pouce Solidarity Co-op 450 562-5151 450 562-9993 (Food bank, soup kitchen, community kitchen) (Meal preparation assistance) VOLUNTEERS 450 567-7447 ext. 232 (Volunteer web platform managed according to supply and demand, administered by region) Action Volunteer Centre Association Solidarité d’Argenteuil 450 562-7447 (Volunteer centre) CSSS CSSS D’AGENTEUIL / ARGENTEUIL HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES CENTRE 450 562-3761 / 1 800 363-5619 • Users’ Committee : ext. 72158 (Advocacy, information and interests) • • • • Complaint Commissionner : ext. 72158 Public and Private Residential Care: ext. 72387 Stand Up! (P.I.E.D.) (Fall prevention program): ext. 72302 Out-patient Geriatric Service: ext. 72394 (Day center / Group activities for individuals with limited autonomy) • Home support / Access Point (Admission request) : ext. 72377 (Psycho-social services, medical and nursing care, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, physical therapy, respiratory therapy and nutritional counseling) Grenville Service Center : 819 242-0778 / 1 866 879-6484 LEGAL Legal Aid 450 562-2462 Quebec Retiree and Early Retiree Rights Association (AQDR) 1 877 935 1551 Commission des Droits de la Personne et de la Jeunesse 450 569-3219 / 1 877 226-7224 (Human Rights and Youth Rights’ Commission) Mouvement Personne d’Abord 450 562-5846 (Advocacy group for people with intellectual challenges) CONTINUING EDUCATION / NON-CREDIT Laurentian Literacy Council Carrefour des Femmes 450 562-3719 450 562-7122 (Literacy center) (Women’s center offering listening services, resources and educational activities) Antenne Universitaire du 3e Age de St-Jérôme 450 974-0278 (Non credited university level programs for St-Jérôme seniors) Maison de la Famille au Coeur des Générations d’Argenteuil 450 562-0503 (Intergenerational activities) INFORMATION, LISTENING, REFERENCES 4Korners (Lachute office) 1 888 974-3940 (Family resource center for the English speaking population of the Laurentians) Liaison agent for seniors 450 562-2474 ext. 2304 L’APPUI LAURENTIDES Caregivers Help Line 1 855 852-7795 HOUSING List of Certified Residential Facilities in the Laurentians 450 436-8622 ext. 70062 / View the register of private retirement homes on the internet. Office Municipal d’Habitation HLM (Low income housing) • Corporation Horizon d’or Grenville : 819 242-4598 • Lachute : 450 562-9260 • Saint-André-d’Argenteuil : 450 537-3934 Société d’Habitation du Québec / Allocation-Logement 1 800 463-4315 (Rent supplement program) HOBBIES / ACTIVITIES Comité 50+ Bouger+ 450 562-3761 ext. 72308 (Active living, outdoor activities, walking) Dé Argenteuil 450 562-7944 ext. 74387 (Activities for people with developmental disabilities) Mouvement Personne d’Abord 450 562-5846 (Activities for people with developmental disabilities) FADOQ (Laurentian region) 1 800 828-3344 (Cultural, physical, social and intellectual activities) Villa Mont-Joie 450 562-9553 (Sports and leisure activities) GOVERNMENT AGENCIES Bell Accessibility Services Center Old Age Security and Canada Pension Plan 1 800 268-9243 1 800 277-9915 (Hearing, vision, and other disabilities) Curateur Public du Québec Société de l’Assurance Automobile du Québec 450 569-3240 1 800 363-9020 1 800 361-7620 (SAAQ) (Quebec public trustee) Service Canada Régie de l’Assurance Maladie du Québec 1 800 622-6232 514 864-3411 (Québec health insurance plan) Service Québec / Forms and Brochures Régie des Rentes du Québec 514 644-4545 1 877 644-4545 514 873-2433 1 800 463-5185 (Québec Pension Plan) ORGANIZATIONS RELATED TO HEALTH Canadian Cancer Society (Laurentian chapter) 450 436-2691 1 888 939-3333 Groupe Relève Pour Personnes Aphasiques Laurentides 450 613-0971 Laurention Rehabilitation Center (Support group for people with aphasia) 450-562-3761 ext. 72356 Info-Diabète (Alcohol, drug and gambling dependency) Maison Monbourquette Le Bouclier Rehabilitation Center 450 560-9898 ext. 359 (Technical help for physical, visual and auditory disabilities) Centre aux Sources d’Argenteuil 450 562-0673 (Mental health resource centre) Centre du Florès 450 434-8780 (Adaptation services for individuals with an intellectual disability or autism spectrum disorder, support for families and friends) Heart and Stroke Foundation of Québec 1 800 567-8563 1 800 361-3504 ext. 233 514 523-3596 (Bereavement help-line) Pallia-Vie 450 431-3331 (Professional services and bereavement support for people living with cancer and their family) Laurentian Alzheimer Society 1 800 978-7881 AMI-Quebec 1 877-303-0264 (helps families manage the effects of mental illness through support, education, guidance, and advocacy) NATURAL CAREGIVERS SUPPORT SERVICES Action Volunteer Centre Association Solidarité d’Argenteuil 450 562-7447 (Support, information, training, group activities) Centre de Santé et Services Sociaux d’Argenteuil 450 562-3761 ext. 72377 (Respite care, temporary accommodations) Coopérative de Solidarité Coup de Pouce 450 562-9993 (Respite care) L’APPUI Laurentides Ligne Info-aidant 1 855 852-7795 (Information, training, psychosocial support and respite care) Care-ring Voice Network 1 866 396-2433 (in french only) (Resource directory for MRC d’Argenteuil caregivers) TRANSPORTATION / ACCOMPANIMENT Action Volunteer Centre Association Solidarité d’Argenteuil 450 562-7447 (Transportation and accompaniment for medical appointments) Paratransit and Collective Transportation MRC Argenteuil 450 562-5797 (Adapted and collective transportation) Carpooling Service 450 562-5797 (Carpooling web platform) PHARMACIES A BIG THANK YOU TO THESE LOCAL PHARMACIES FOR THEIR FINANCIAL SUPPORT: Brownsburg-Chatham • Réjean Lemay, Pharmaciens Inc. (affiliated to Proxim) 450 533-4239 Grenville • Pharmacie Michel Hohuu & Danh Nguyen (affiliated to Familiprix) 819 242-1350 Lachute • • • Familiprix Extra Mathieu Sabourin & Mathieu Labonté 450 562-0522 Jean-Coutu 450 562-5218 Accès-Pharma Sylvie Beaudin and Nathalie Éthier (Walmart) 450 562-0258 Saint-André-D’Argenteuil • Céline Bordeleau Pharmacienne inc. (affiliated to Proxim) 450 537-8300 MUNICIPALITIES MRC d’Argenteuil 450 562-2474 Brownsburg-Chatham : 450 533-6687 Gore : 450 562-2025 Lachute : 450 562-3781 Grenville : 819 242-2146 Mille-Isles : 450 438-2958 Grenville-sur-la-Rouge : 819 242-8762 Saint-André-d’Argenteuil : 450 537-3527 Harrington : 819 687-2122 Wentworth : 450 562-0701 DEPUTIES MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT Provincial MNA : 450 562-0785 Federal MP : 450 562-0737 EMERGENCY NUMBERS INFO-SANTÉ 8-1-1 Sûreté du Québec (Quebec Police) 450 562-2442 Emergencies 9-1-1 Poison Control Center 1 800 463-5060 Elder Abuse Info Line 1 888 489-2287 A project brought to you by : In Appreciation for the Financial support by : LIGNE INFO-AIDANT 1 855 8LAPPUI (852-7784) January 2015
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