Connection - The Family Care Network


Connection - The Family Care Network
Family Care
Winter 2008
Family Care
Winter 2008
N ly C
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work, In
Family Care Network, Inc.
3765 South Higuera Street, Suite 100
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Sponsor a Child
for Christmas
Thank You!
Coming Attractions
Santa Maria Office Open House—February 28th, 2008
The Family Care Network is once again expanding to meet needs in Santa Barbara County. In light of our ever-growing
staff and client needs, the agency has found a new larger location to serve as our Santa Maria office. On Feb 28th from
11:30am-2:30pm, the agency will be a hosting an Open House event with a Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting ceremony taking place at 12:30pm. The public is invited to join the agency as we give tours of the new facility and share all
the exciting activities happening with our Santa Barbara County services.
National Day of Hope—April 2nd, 2008
In honor of April being National Child Abuse Awareness Month, ChildHelp USA has established the National Day of Hope,
falling on April 2nd this year, as a day all are asked to keep victims of child abuse and neglect in our thoughts and prayers.
For more information on this special day, please visit
for Kids
A Thought or Two
Jim Roberts, CEO
5th Annual Miracle Miles for Kids 10K Walk/Run—May 10th, 2008
It’s time to lace up to help foster and high-needs children and families in our community. The agency’s 5th annual Miracle
Miles for Kids is just around the corner! Please join us on May 10th at Morro Rock for one of the most exciting 10K runs
and post-race parties on the Central Coast! For more race information, to learn how to register for the run or to pledge your
support, refer to page 8 inside or visit our website at
Family Care Network, Inc.
N ly C
et are c
work, In
Therapeutic Foster Care Services • Community-Linked Services
Family Support Services • Transitional Housing Services
School-Based Mental Health & Delinquency Prevention Services
The Family Care Connection is a quarterly publication of
The Family Care Network, Inc. It is designed as a communications tool to give a snapshot of the programs and services
we provide, and to distribute useful information to those
who work with children and families.
Help out Family Care Network’s printing and posting cost by receiving the newsletter via email.
Please email us at and let us know your email address. Thank you.
A Thought or Two
Our Mission:
The Power of Hope
“To enhance the wellbeing of children and
families in partnership with our community.”
by CEO, Jim Roberts
Do you ever have the dreadful feeling that life as we know it is
precariously teetering on the pinnacle of utter collapse? Am I the
only one who has turned on the nightly news only to regret it? I of recession, or was that depression; wars, barbarism
and genocide; famine and mass starvation; nations unraveling;
incompetent, corrupt, mean-spirited politicians; escalating oil
prices; unthinkable terrorism; nuclear proliferation; mega-trillion dollar national debt; stock market meltdowns; violence in
our own backyard, lying and corporate corruption... you know
the headlines. I hear a lot of folks speak of their concerns and
fears; people who genuinely worry about their future, and their
children’s and grandchildren’s futures. And, for good reason.
genuine, card-carrying (credit that is) Baby-Boomer, I have been
very privileged to live under the shadow of a generation which
lived through and survived the Great Depression and World War
II. Oh, how I cherished and now miss those sparse moments of
listening to these seasoned veterans of life as they shared with
me their stories. Some were painful, some humorous, some
heart wrenching, some miraculous; but all were filled with that
magical ingredient—HOPE. It was hope for a better day. It was
hope for a loved one to return from war. It was hope for a meal
or a job or peace. It was hope that fueled the motivational fires
and ran the engines of resiliency. The movies Seabiscuit and Cinderella Man truly capture the essence of this phenomena; real
life stories about down and out underdogs rising to the top. A
broken racehorse and a broken boxer transformed the hearts of
millions of Americans by giving them HOPE!
So, what does it take to break the shell and release the transforming power of hope? When you do nothing, you feel overwhelmed, powerless and depressed. But when you get involved
or take action, you experience the sense of hope and accomplishment that comes from knowing you are working to make
things better. It’s like endorphins in runners. I like what Gandhi
said, “You may never know what results come of your action,
but if you do nothing there will be no results.” I am convinced
that all of the great achievements in this world have been accomplished by tired, at times discouraged, people who refused
to quit the game, but instead kept on working.
01 Letter from CEO The Power of Hope
03 Inside Family Care Network Community Partners & New Hires
04 Caring for Clients National Mentor Month & Redefining Family
06 Event Recap Sponsor a Child for Christmas
07 Community Connection Polar Express Night & McCarthy Car Give-A-Way
09 Events Miracle Miles for Kids 2008
Contact Information
Administrative Headquarters
3765 S. Higuera Street, Suite 100
San Luis Obispo, California 93401
Toll Free 1.866.781.3535
Santa Maria Office
1660B S. Broadway, Suite 101
Santa Maria, California 93454
The truth is, humankind has always teetered on the pinnacle of
collapse. The history of civilization is replete with catastrophe,
violence, barbarism, wickedness, corruption, and, seemingly,
unbearable, unbelievable, heart wrenching situations and obstacles. Yet, here we are. The resiliency of the human spirit is not
only astonishing, it is heartening. Time and time again, man’s
existence has been down for the count, only to rise again to
take up the fight, like the phoenix rising from the ashes. Anyone
can give up; it’s the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold
it together when all seems lost, to jump into the fray against
insurmountable odds, that’s true strength. I believe every one of
us has been designed with grit, guts and gusto, enough to be an
overcomer. But that’s not good enough. There is an element, an
ingredient which is necessary to catalyze one’s resiliency and lift
us above adversity—HOPE!
I don’t know who said it, but I believe it, “Man can live about forty
days without food, about three days without water, about eight
minutes without air, but only for one second without hope.” As a
Not one of us knows what tomorrow will bring. But I do know
what we can bring to tomorrow—HOPE! At the risk of being
viewed as “political”, I would like to borrow the theme of one of
our presidential hopefuls, “Yes We Can.” Politics aside, this is a
message of hope. You and I need to learn to be ambassadors of
hope, and not purveyors of doom and gloom, especially if our
community experiences some rough waters and rocky terrain
The Family Care Connection
A Thought or Two
Our Mission:
The Power of Hope
“To enhance the wellbeing of children and
families in partnership with our community.”
by CEO, Jim Roberts
Do you ever have the dreadful feeling that life as we know it is
precariously teetering on the pinnacle of utter collapse? Am I the
only one who has turned on the nightly news only to regret it? I of recession, or was that depression; wars, barbarism
and genocide; famine and mass starvation; nations unraveling;
incompetent, corrupt, mean-spirited politicians; escalating oil
prices; unthinkable terrorism; nuclear proliferation; mega-trillion dollar national debt; stock market meltdowns; violence in
our own backyard, lying and corporate corruption... you know
the headlines. I hear a lot of folks speak of their concerns and
fears; people who genuinely worry about their future, and their
children’s and grandchildren’s futures. And, for good reason.
genuine, card-carrying (credit that is) Baby-Boomer, I have been
very privileged to live under the shadow of a generation which
lived through and survived the Great Depression and World War
II. Oh, how I cherished and now miss those sparse moments of
listening to these seasoned veterans of life as they shared with
me their stories. Some were painful, some humorous, some
heart wrenching, some miraculous; but all were filled with that
magical ingredient—HOPE. It was hope for a better day. It was
hope for a loved one to return from war. It was hope for a meal
or a job or peace. It was hope that fueled the motivational fires
and ran the engines of resiliency. The movies Seabiscuit and Cinderella Man truly capture the essence of this phenomena; real
life stories about down and out underdogs rising to the top. A
broken racehorse and a broken boxer transformed the hearts of
millions of Americans by giving them HOPE!
So, what does it take to break the shell and release the transforming power of hope? When you do nothing, you feel overwhelmed, powerless and depressed. But when you get involved
or take action, you experience the sense of hope and accomplishment that comes from knowing you are working to make
things better. It’s like endorphins in runners. I like what Gandhi
said, “You may never know what results come of your action,
but if you do nothing there will be no results.” I am convinced
that all of the great achievements in this world have been accomplished by tired, at times discouraged, people who refused
to quit the game, but instead kept on working.
01 Letter from CEO The Power of Hope
03 Inside Family Care Network Community Partners & New Hires
04 Caring for Clients National Mentor Month & Redefining Family
06 Event Recap Sponsor a Child for Christmas
07 Community Connection Polar Express Night & McCarthy Car Give-A-Way
09 Events Miracle Miles for Kids 2008
Contact Information
Administrative Headquarters
3765 S. Higuera Street, Suite 100
San Luis Obispo, California 93401
Toll Free 1.866.781.3535
Santa Maria Office
1660B S. Broadway, Suite 101
Santa Maria, California 93454
The truth is, humankind has always teetered on the pinnacle of
collapse. The history of civilization is replete with catastrophe,
violence, barbarism, wickedness, corruption, and, seemingly,
unbearable, unbelievable, heart wrenching situations and obstacles. Yet, here we are. The resiliency of the human spirit is not
only astonishing, it is heartening. Time and time again, man’s
existence has been down for the count, only to rise again to
take up the fight, like the phoenix rising from the ashes. Anyone
can give up; it’s the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold
it together when all seems lost, to jump into the fray against
insurmountable odds, that’s true strength. I believe every one of
us has been designed with grit, guts and gusto, enough to be an
overcomer. But that’s not good enough. There is an element, an
ingredient which is necessary to catalyze one’s resiliency and lift
us above adversity—HOPE!
I don’t know who said it, but I believe it, “Man can live about forty
days without food, about three days without water, about eight
minutes without air, but only for one second without hope.” As a
Not one of us knows what tomorrow will bring. But I do know
what we can bring to tomorrow—HOPE! At the risk of being
viewed as “political”, I would like to borrow the theme of one of
our presidential hopefuls, “Yes We Can.” Politics aside, this is a
message of hope. You and I need to learn to be ambassadors of
hope, and not purveyors of doom and gloom, especially if our
community experiences some rough waters and rocky terrain
The Family Care Connection
Inside Family Care Network
A Thought or Two
the near future. But let us not forget, we already have amongst us
many whose lives have been battered by brutal circumstances.
Every day Family Care Network staff toil in the trenches with
children, youth and families whose lives have been ravaged by
tides of destruction. Hopeless victims left in the wake of child
abuse, poverty, mental illness, homelessness, substance abuse
and health catastrophes. “Yes we can” and do make a difference
in these lives by instilling hope, by igniting in them its power
and the spirit of resiliency. Yes they can overcome adversity, yes
they can conquer depression and despair, yes they can become
healthy and functional, yes they can have a better future and
abundant life, yes they can... and hope is their door!
Board of Directors
The Family Care Network
is governed by a Board
of Directors who meet
monthly to focus on broad
policy, vision and general
oversight. Our esteemed
Board is made up of the
following volunteers and
our CEO.
In life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know. Knowing is not enough! You must take
action. Crisis, challenges, difficulty and adversity will remain a
part of the human condition, be it international, national, statewide, local or personal. It is up to each of us to help others see
past the gloom and mire, and to instill hope. The mere act of
reaching out, offering to help and making a personal connection
can bring hope. Let’s fight the good fight so we can stand at the
end of the day victorious through the power of HOPE!
Carol & Jim Allen
Dan Rowe
Terri Giacomantonio
Secretary of the Board
Richard Foster
Mike Sparrow
Thank you to our Community
Partners Program Participants!
It is the Family Care Network’s mission “to enhance the wellbeing of children and families in partnership with our community.” The agency’s Community Partners Program works to establish long term relationships with local businesses and
organizations who commit to provide in-kind gifts and services to our agency through a mutually agreed upon “Memorandum of Understanding.” The gift of these partners’ involvement with our agency directly helps us to fulfill our mission.
We thank the following Central Coast businesses and organizations for serving alongside of us as we work to help those
in need in our community. Your continued support, commitment and compassion is greatly appreciated and needed.
Sandra Purdy
Former Employee
Victor Silva-Palacios
State Hospital Representative
Lisa Figg
Foster Parent Liaison
Jim Roberts
CEO/Executive Director
Chuck & Rhonda Pickle
Santa Barbara Committee
Rotating Members
Access Foundation • Central Coast Autohaus • Continental Motor Works • Exploration Station
Food Bank Coalition • Idler’s Appliance • Jiffy Lube • Lyons Auto Repair • Mark’s Plumbing
McCarthy Wholesale • Mike’s Shoes • New Life Painting/DreamMaker Bath and Kitchen • New Tyes
Old Mission School Thrift Shop • Pickle Auto Repair • RDE Mortgage Company • Salvation Army
VTC Enterprises • Wayne’s Tire
Community Wish List
The following is a list of needed items and open
volunteer opportunities that we are asking be filled
by community members interested in supporting
the Family Care Network’s mission “To enhance the
wellbeing of children and families” in need.
New or Gently Used Items Needed:
A Call to Action to Protect Vulnerable
Foster Children & Youth!
The Governor’s 2008/2009 proposed budget is calling for a slash of 5% in funding for agencies like the Family Care Network, in
addition to across the board cuts to vital children and families services. As a friend of our agency, you understand the importance
of properly funding our foster care programs in order to ensure essential and quality services to foster and high-needs children,
and to prevent more expensive institutional care.
Please join the Family Care Network in speaking out against these cuts by writing, emailing or calling your State Representatives
and voicing your opposition to the Governor’s proposed cuts. The following are the contact information for our local Senator,
Assmblymember and the Governor.
Thank you for your partnership on this vitally important matter.
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Ph: 916-445-2841
Senator Abel Maldonado
State Capitol, Room 4082
Sacramento, CA 95814
Ph: 916-651-4015
The Family Care Connection
Assemblymember Sam Blakeslee
State Capitol, Room 4117
Sacramento, CA 95814
Ph: 916-319-2033
– Twin and full-size beds and bedding
– Bath towels
– Apartment-size television sets
– Small sofas, chairs, end tables and lamps
– Silverware and cutlery
– Small dinette sets
– Guitar
Volunteers Needed:
– Volunteers and participants for the 5th annual Miracle Miles for Kids being held on May 10th, 2008
– Mentors and tutors for children and youth of all ages
If you would like more information on any of the
items or volunteers opportunities listed here, or if you
would like to know of other ways you can partner
with the agency, please contact Ken Miles at (805)
781-3535. Thank you, Central Coast Community!
The Family Care
Network’s Newest Hires
Amanda Biezad Family Support Specialist
Jessica Garner In-Home Support Counselor
Jalani Giove In-Home Support Counselor
Sara Kalton In-Home Support Counselor
Rena Smith Social Worker
Benjamin Wallman In-Home Support Counselor
Nicole Williams In-Home Support Counselor
Megan Yoder Volunteer Coordinator
The Family Care Connection
Inside Family Care Network
A Thought or Two
the near future. But let us not forget, we already have amongst us
many whose lives have been battered by brutal circumstances.
Every day Family Care Network staff toil in the trenches with
children, youth and families whose lives have been ravaged by
tides of destruction. Hopeless victims left in the wake of child
abuse, poverty, mental illness, homelessness, substance abuse
and health catastrophes. “Yes we can” and do make a difference
in these lives by instilling hope, by igniting in them its power
and the spirit of resiliency. Yes they can overcome adversity, yes
they can conquer depression and despair, yes they can become
healthy and functional, yes they can have a better future and
abundant life, yes they can... and hope is their door!
Board of Directors
The Family Care Network
is governed by a Board
of Directors who meet
monthly to focus on broad
policy, vision and general
oversight. Our esteemed
Board is made up of the
following volunteers and
our CEO.
In life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know. Knowing is not enough! You must take
action. Crisis, challenges, difficulty and adversity will remain a
part of the human condition, be it international, national, statewide, local or personal. It is up to each of us to help others see
past the gloom and mire, and to instill hope. The mere act of
reaching out, offering to help and making a personal connection
can bring hope. Let’s fight the good fight so we can stand at the
end of the day victorious through the power of HOPE!
Carol & Jim Allen
Dan Rowe
Terri Giacomantonio
Secretary of the Board
Richard Foster
Mike Sparrow
Thank you to our Community
Partners Program Participants!
It is the Family Care Network’s mission “to enhance the wellbeing of children and families in partnership with our community.” The agency’s Community Partners Program works to establish long term relationships with local businesses and
organizations who commit to provide in-kind gifts and services to our agency through a mutually agreed upon “Memorandum of Understanding.” The gift of these partners’ involvement with our agency directly helps us to fulfill our mission.
We thank the following Central Coast businesses and organizations for serving alongside of us as we work to help those
in need in our community. Your continued support, commitment and compassion is greatly appreciated and needed.
Sandra Purdy
Former Employee
Victor Silva-Palacios
State Hospital Representative
Lisa Figg
Foster Parent Liaison
Jim Roberts
CEO/Executive Director
Chuck & Rhonda Pickle
Santa Barbara Committee
Rotating Members
Access Foundation • Central Coast Autohaus • Continental Motor Works • Exploration Station
Food Bank Coalition • Idler’s Appliance • Jiffy Lube • Lyons Auto Repair • Mark’s Plumbing
McCarthy Wholesale • Mike’s Shoes • New Life Painting/DreamMaker Bath and Kitchen • New Tyes
Old Mission School Thrift Shop • Pickle Auto Repair • RDE Mortgage Company • Salvation Army
VTC Enterprises • Wayne’s Tire
Community Wish List
The following is a list of needed items and open
volunteer opportunities that we are asking be filled
by community members interested in supporting
the Family Care Network’s mission “To enhance the
wellbeing of children and families” in need.
New or Gently Used Items Needed:
A Call to Action to Protect Vulnerable
Foster Children & Youth!
The Governor’s 2008/2009 proposed budget is calling for a slash of 5% in funding for agencies like the Family Care Network, in
addition to across the board cuts to vital children and families services. As a friend of our agency, you understand the importance
of properly funding our foster care programs in order to ensure essential and quality services to foster and high-needs children,
and to prevent more expensive institutional care.
Please join the Family Care Network in speaking out against these cuts by writing, emailing or calling your State Representatives
and voicing your opposition to the Governor’s proposed cuts. The following are the contact information for our local Senator,
Assmblymember and the Governor.
Thank you for your partnership on this vitally important matter.
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Ph: 916-445-2841
Senator Abel Maldonado
State Capitol, Room 4082
Sacramento, CA 95814
Ph: 916-651-4015
The Family Care Connection
Assemblymember Sam Blakeslee
State Capitol, Room 4117
Sacramento, CA 95814
Ph: 916-319-2033
– Twin and full-size beds and bedding
– Bath towels
– Apartment-size television sets
– Small sofas, chairs, end tables and lamps
– Silverware and cutlery
– Small dinette sets
– Guitar
Volunteers Needed:
– Volunteers and participants for the 5th annual Miracle Miles for Kids being held on May 10th, 2008
– Mentors and tutors for children and youth of all ages
If you would like more information on any of the
items or volunteers opportunities listed here, or if you
would like to know of other ways you can partner
with the agency, please contact Ken Miles at (805)
781-3535. Thank you, Central Coast Community!
The Family Care
Network’s Newest Hires
Amanda Biezad Family Support Specialist
Jessica Garner In-Home Support Counselor
Jalani Giove In-Home Support Counselor
Sara Kalton In-Home Support Counselor
Rena Smith Social Worker
Benjamin Wallman In-Home Support Counselor
Nicole Williams In-Home Support Counselor
Megan Yoder Volunteer Coordinator
The Family Care Connection
Caring for Clients
Caring for Clients
Celebrating National Mentor Month
In honor of January being National Mentor Month, the
Family Care Network would like to spotlight our amazing
Mentor Program. Since the Mentor Program’s first match
in 2001, the program has touched the lives of approximately 88 children. Currently, the agency has 14 mentors matched with children and youth as well as 9 active
tutors. To our children, a mentor becomes many things:
a friend, a role model, a support system, a playmate, etcetera. Here is what some of our children have said about
their mentors:
“She taught me about trust and has helped me through a
lot of problems.”
“She is my family away from family.”
“She helps me understand differences and to not overreact,
not to sweat the small stuff and look at the big picture.”
“He has helped me with my feelings and stuff, and I can
talk to him about whatever I want. He taught me how to
talk to others and to find others when I need help. He
taught me how to trust. He is the best person I could ever
have in my life right now.”
“I learned that dreams come true.”
Below is a beautiful story written by one of our current
mentors, Sarah. Her story not only displays how mentoring
fulfills every word of the Family Care Network’s mission,
but also how powerful a mentor relationship is—not just
to the mentee but also to the mentor. As one of our mentees
said, “I have learned that it is nice to have friends, because
they can teach you things and you can teach them too.”
She Sang For Me:
A Reflection by Sarah, Current Mentor
Amy* sang with me on Thursday night. This is a very big deal.
See, when I first met this little girl in March, I knew she liked
to sing because she told me so. But just because she liked to
sing didn’t mean she was going to sing, especially in front of
me—a complete stranger! But here we are, ten months later,
and she sang her little heart out, all night long, just for me.
When I picked her up from her apartment at 5:30pm that
night, we didn’t have a game plan. I was hoping we could
do something outside, so I suggested we visit a Shell Beach
playground. It was a little chilly out that night, but we soon
forgot this when we realized it was just us, the twinkling stars
and the sound of waves crashing below. We raced around
the playground and climbed on everything in the park.
We finally settled in on top of an orca whale statue named
“Oreo.” We were both in pretty silly moods since we had the
whole park to ourselves, so we started humming and singing about the dolphin and seal statues nearby. We took turns
making up lyrics and belting them out. That’s when I knew
I had struck gold. And here I thought I was officially “in”
all of these months. No. What happened this night meant
I was totally in—she trusted and loved me! We are a pair!
That’s how I think of Amy and me, and that’s how I know she
regards me.
When I signed up to be a mentor last year, my biggest
concern was that two hours per week was “too big” of a
commitment. Fortunately, I got past it pretty quickly. I now
can’t imagine what my life would be like without seeing
Amy every week for two hours. Mentoring has blessed me in
so many ways. The feeling of unstructured, spontaneous play
with an eight year old is magnificent. Modeling healthy habits and behaviors are soaked up by my mentee. It’s through
pure demonstration that Amy embraces new ways of thinking and behaving. She’s eager to learn, improve, create and
share. And when I suggest we go to the beach, she replies,
“Yeah, and maybe we can lie on our backs in the sand and
look up at the stars.” We don’t just talk about it, we do it.
When I dropped Amy off after our starry night singing session, she went inside and closed the door. She then came
back outside and said, “Hey?” I walked back towards her
and she gave me a nice, long hug. Words couldn’t have described what she was feeling that night, but her hug sure did.
Every time I drive away from an afternoon with Amy, I remind myself that if I didn’t pick her up and play with her, she
would have to sit inside her apartment instead. This reminder
is what sparks me to do the work I do…I mean, the play!
*Names of clients and photos are fictitious to protect their identity.
The Family Care Connection
Redefining Family
Before Connor entered foster care, he called a motel room his
home. Connor was only 12 at the time and his mom, struggling with a substance abuse problem and having unmet mental
health needs, was unable to hold down a job. With no money,
the family was evicted from their apartment and began living
in one motel room after another, sometimes having to sleep in
their car for nights at a time. As a result, Connor began struggling to keep up with his schoolwork and eventually his mom
stopped driving him to school at all.
Connor was first placed in the Family Care Network’s Emergency Shelter Care Program when Child Protective Services
determined that it was no longer safe for him to remain in his
mother’s care. Connor’s first few days with his Shelter family
were some of the most difficult of his short life. He was frightened of being with people he didn’t know and uncertain of
what was happening with his mom. Having lived within chaotic
circumstances for so long, Connor was afraid of new people
and struggled to feel comfortable spending time with his new
foster family. Connor’s new foster parents, Dave and Grace,
recognized that Connor needed them to be patient and provide
him with a lot of stability. Dave and Grace offered Connor unconditional care, giving him space when he felt overwhelmed
and provided him with stable routines, such as nightly family
dinners, to help him adjust.
Since being placed with Dave and Grace, Connor has made
great strides, but he’s also had to face some hard truths. While
he caught up in school and excelled in his 7th grade year, he
also had to face the reality that his mother will never be his
guardian again, her having lost custody of him. Connor’s foster
parents petitioned for legal guardianship of Connor and in this
process Connor had to learn that it’s okay for him to love his
foster parents, while still loving his biological mom. Family is a
concept that Connor’s had to redefine at only 13 years old. But
in spite of these hard lessons, Connor feels blessed to be with
Dave and Grace, knowing that no matter how the family was
formed, it’s his family nonetheless.
Connor’s life with Dave and Grace soon became comfortable,
Connor growing to care deeply for his foster parents. Instead of
moving him to another long term foster home, Dave and Grace
asked if Connor could stay with them long-term and Connor
happily agreed. Over the next year, Connor received a lot of
extra help from Family Care Network staff and his foster family,
including working with a Family Care Network volunteer tutor
to get caught up in school and being connected with a youth
soccer program. The strongest impact on Connor, however,
has come from his foster parents. Before living with Dave and
Grace, Connor was very afraid of new people and unknown
circumstances. But Dave and Grace have been excellent role
models for Connor, providing him with such stability that he
is no longer afraid of everything around him. He feels safe and
protected for the first time in a long time.
The Family Care Connection
Caring for Clients
Caring for Clients
Celebrating National Mentor Month
In honor of January being National Mentor Month, the
Family Care Network would like to spotlight our amazing
Mentor Program. Since the Mentor Program’s first match
in 2001, the program has touched the lives of approximately 88 children. Currently, the agency has 14 mentors matched with children and youth as well as 9 active
tutors. To our children, a mentor becomes many things:
a friend, a role model, a support system, a playmate, etcetera. Here is what some of our children have said about
their mentors:
“She taught me about trust and has helped me through a
lot of problems.”
“She is my family away from family.”
“She helps me understand differences and to not overreact,
not to sweat the small stuff and look at the big picture.”
“He has helped me with my feelings and stuff, and I can
talk to him about whatever I want. He taught me how to
talk to others and to find others when I need help. He
taught me how to trust. He is the best person I could ever
have in my life right now.”
“I learned that dreams come true.”
Below is a beautiful story written by one of our current
mentors, Sarah. Her story not only displays how mentoring
fulfills every word of the Family Care Network’s mission,
but also how powerful a mentor relationship is—not just
to the mentee but also to the mentor. As one of our mentees
said, “I have learned that it is nice to have friends, because
they can teach you things and you can teach them too.”
She Sang For Me:
A Reflection by Sarah, Current Mentor
Amy* sang with me on Thursday night. This is a very big deal.
See, when I first met this little girl in March, I knew she liked
to sing because she told me so. But just because she liked to
sing didn’t mean she was going to sing, especially in front of
me—a complete stranger! But here we are, ten months later,
and she sang her little heart out, all night long, just for me.
When I picked her up from her apartment at 5:30pm that
night, we didn’t have a game plan. I was hoping we could
do something outside, so I suggested we visit a Shell Beach
playground. It was a little chilly out that night, but we soon
forgot this when we realized it was just us, the twinkling stars
and the sound of waves crashing below. We raced around
the playground and climbed on everything in the park.
We finally settled in on top of an orca whale statue named
“Oreo.” We were both in pretty silly moods since we had the
whole park to ourselves, so we started humming and singing about the dolphin and seal statues nearby. We took turns
making up lyrics and belting them out. That’s when I knew
I had struck gold. And here I thought I was officially “in”
all of these months. No. What happened this night meant
I was totally in—she trusted and loved me! We are a pair!
That’s how I think of Amy and me, and that’s how I know she
regards me.
When I signed up to be a mentor last year, my biggest
concern was that two hours per week was “too big” of a
commitment. Fortunately, I got past it pretty quickly. I now
can’t imagine what my life would be like without seeing
Amy every week for two hours. Mentoring has blessed me in
so many ways. The feeling of unstructured, spontaneous play
with an eight year old is magnificent. Modeling healthy habits and behaviors are soaked up by my mentee. It’s through
pure demonstration that Amy embraces new ways of thinking and behaving. She’s eager to learn, improve, create and
share. And when I suggest we go to the beach, she replies,
“Yeah, and maybe we can lie on our backs in the sand and
look up at the stars.” We don’t just talk about it, we do it.
When I dropped Amy off after our starry night singing session, she went inside and closed the door. She then came
back outside and said, “Hey?” I walked back towards her
and she gave me a nice, long hug. Words couldn’t have described what she was feeling that night, but her hug sure did.
Every time I drive away from an afternoon with Amy, I remind myself that if I didn’t pick her up and play with her, she
would have to sit inside her apartment instead. This reminder
is what sparks me to do the work I do…I mean, the play!
*Names of clients and photos are fictitious to protect their identity.
The Family Care Connection
Redefining Family
Before Connor entered foster care, he called a motel room his
home. Connor was only 12 at the time and his mom, struggling with a substance abuse problem and having unmet mental
health needs, was unable to hold down a job. With no money,
the family was evicted from their apartment and began living
in one motel room after another, sometimes having to sleep in
their car for nights at a time. As a result, Connor began struggling to keep up with his schoolwork and eventually his mom
stopped driving him to school at all.
Connor was first placed in the Family Care Network’s Emergency Shelter Care Program when Child Protective Services
determined that it was no longer safe for him to remain in his
mother’s care. Connor’s first few days with his Shelter family
were some of the most difficult of his short life. He was frightened of being with people he didn’t know and uncertain of
what was happening with his mom. Having lived within chaotic
circumstances for so long, Connor was afraid of new people
and struggled to feel comfortable spending time with his new
foster family. Connor’s new foster parents, Dave and Grace,
recognized that Connor needed them to be patient and provide
him with a lot of stability. Dave and Grace offered Connor unconditional care, giving him space when he felt overwhelmed
and provided him with stable routines, such as nightly family
dinners, to help him adjust.
Since being placed with Dave and Grace, Connor has made
great strides, but he’s also had to face some hard truths. While
he caught up in school and excelled in his 7th grade year, he
also had to face the reality that his mother will never be his
guardian again, her having lost custody of him. Connor’s foster
parents petitioned for legal guardianship of Connor and in this
process Connor had to learn that it’s okay for him to love his
foster parents, while still loving his biological mom. Family is a
concept that Connor’s had to redefine at only 13 years old. But
in spite of these hard lessons, Connor feels blessed to be with
Dave and Grace, knowing that no matter how the family was
formed, it’s his family nonetheless.
Connor’s life with Dave and Grace soon became comfortable,
Connor growing to care deeply for his foster parents. Instead of
moving him to another long term foster home, Dave and Grace
asked if Connor could stay with them long-term and Connor
happily agreed. Over the next year, Connor received a lot of
extra help from Family Care Network staff and his foster family,
including working with a Family Care Network volunteer tutor
to get caught up in school and being connected with a youth
soccer program. The strongest impact on Connor, however,
has come from his foster parents. Before living with Dave and
Grace, Connor was very afraid of new people and unknown
circumstances. But Dave and Grace have been excellent role
models for Connor, providing him with such stability that he
is no longer afraid of everything around him. He feels safe and
protected for the first time in a long time.
The Family Care Connection
Event Recap
Community Connection
The Family Care Network and
the Central Coast Community
Make Christmas Wishes Come True!
Every year, hundreds of local children, youth and families
served by the Family Care Network experience the real spirit of
Christmas through the agency’s unique Christmas Open House
celebration. This year, the Family Care Network hosted two
Christmas Open House celebrations: one took place on December 13th for San Luis
Obispo County clients
and the other was held on
December 7th for Santa
Barbara County clients.
At each event, the agency
partnered with the Central Coast community to
provide gifts for over 400
children and families, in
addition to food, activities
and entertainment.
We owe a big
to our Community…
The Family Care Network’s Christmas Open
House events could not
have been held without
the support and participation of our generous
Central Coast community.
At this year’s Christmas Open House events:
•20 dedicated volunteers wrapped Christmas presents;
•15 volunteers provided sugar cookies for decorating;
•23 local businesses and vendors donated raffle items
and/or food;
•70 volunteers contributed just under 200 hours at the Christmas Open House event in San Luis Obispo; and
• Over 400 gifts were generously donated by community members
Gifts were donated through the agency’s Sponsor a Child for
Christmas fundraising campaign. This annual effort brings the
community together to bless the over 400 children and families
served by the agency with Christmas presents. The truly remark-
The Family Care Connection
able aspect of these gifts is that each one donated by a caring
community member was especially selected for its recipient.
Children, youth and families wrote out their gift requests on
Wish List cards, which were then distributed to the community
beginning in October. It is these wishes that the community
worked to fulfill. In receiving exactly what they wished
for, the community demonstrates to those served by the
agency that their community truly cares for them.
This year’s Christmas events had something for every age
and interest. At the San Luis Obispo Open House, guests
were able to meet with Santa and Mrs. Claus, listen to a
live performance by the Uncommon Carolers, have personalized creations done up by a balloon artist, watch a
special performance by
the Claddagh School of
Irish Dance and complete fun holiday crafts
such as making Christmas
cards, creating jewelry,
and decorating picture
frames and sugar cookies.
At the Santa Maria Open
House, guests enjoyed a
puppet show performed
by New Life Church, a
visit with Santa and Mrs.
Claus, a raffle and a lot of
fun craft activities. Both
events were magical and
memorable for all who
To all of the churches,
businesses, community
members and families
who helped to make the
Christmas wishes come true for over 400 children, youth and
families, thank you! You have truly impacted the lives of your
community’s children and families, and we couldn’t have done
it without you.
A Magical Night on
the Polar Express
On December 15th, for the fourth consecutive year, the Family
Care Network and the Jacobs’ family hosted a Night at the Polar
Express. Once again, children and families served by the agency were invited to take a magical trip to the North Pole via a live
reading of The Polar Express book. Held at the Sylvester Winery
in Paso Robles, the winery’s was again transformed into a winter
wonderland, the winery generously lending their antique train
car to set the perfect stage for the evening’s events. And, as in
year’s past, the unique event afforded guests the opportunity
to suspend disbelief for one evening and truly experience the
wonder of Christmas.
This year’s event began with all 36 kids in attendance being
loaded into the winery’s beautifully decorated antique train
car by the train’s conductor, a role filled by the Family Care
Network’s own Jim Roberts. Once the young ones settled
in, storyteller extraordinaire, Meg Roberts (Jim’s wife), read
The Polar Express book to the captivated audience. While the
kids listened to the magical story being read, parents and Family Care Network counselors gently rocked the train back and
forth, helping to bring the story of traveling to the North Pole
to life. When the story was over, the sound of sleigh bells announced the arrival of Santa and Mrs. Claus, and guests were
treated to hot chocolate and cookies donated by the Jacob’s
family. Guests of the event were also given gift bags filled with
copies of The Polar Express book and gift cards to Target, all
generously donated by Steve and Debbie Patrick.
Photo by Debbi K. Swanson Patrick
A Night at the Polar Express has been called one of the most
magical evenings hosted by the Family Care Network, an event
which enables the imagination of the kids in attendance to
run wild. But the night isn’t only special to the children who
participate, it is also memorable for every parent, Family Care
Network staff person and community member who attends. As
Jac Jacobs, the creator and host of A Night at the Polar Express
recently said, “the look of pure joy and rapture on the faces of
the kids [guarantees] that there [isn’t] a dry eye in the house!”
The Family Care Network extends a heartfelt thank you to all
of you who helped to make A Night at the Polar Express possible—the Jacobs family, the Patrick family, Sylvester Winery,
Cal Poly’s Vine to Wine Club and all of the staff and community
members who worked behind the scenes to bring the North
Pole to life for the foster and high-needs children served by our
agency. For one very special night, you made it possible for
children to experience all the magic and wonder of Christmas.
McCarthy Wholesale’s Car Give-a-Way
On November 28th, McCarthy Wholesale in San Luis Obispo
held their annual Car Give-a-Way event, donating a muchneeded van to a Family Care Network family served through the
Wraparound program. The family was chosen as the Car Give-aWay recipients because they have made great efforts to become
a stronger family since entering the Wraparound program several months ago. The Family Care Network was blessed when
McCarthy Wholesale offered to honor this family’s continuing
success in Wraparound with a new van, helping to further encourage them while meeting some of their needs.
For this struggling family, with their youngest child being six
months and their oldest being 16, a van will enable them to
not only enjoy activities together, but it will also help them succeed in completing requirements set forth by the Department of
Social Services (DSS) in their treatment plan. DSS has made it a
family requirement that they attend all doctor’s appointments,
therapy sessions and other important family activities together.
With their new 7-passenger van, the family can complete this
requirement, in addition to spending quality time together going to the movies and attending all of the kids’ various sporting
On the day the family received their van, staff and other community members were on hand to watch the heartwarming event.
One staff reflected that the family’s faces literally lit up when
the van was presented to them, especially since it was filled
with Christmas presents for the entire family! What a memorable sight to see the family drive off, secure in the knowledge
that their community had greatly improved their chances for a
better future.
We here at the Family Care Network extend a gracious thank
you to Mike McCarthy and his company, McCarthy Wholesale,
for once again facilitating a family’s dream come true. Your generosity and commitment to families in need is admirable and,
hopefully, contagious!
The Family Care Connection
Event Recap
Community Connection
The Family Care Network and
the Central Coast Community
Make Christmas Wishes Come True!
Every year, hundreds of local children, youth and families
served by the Family Care Network experience the real spirit of
Christmas through the agency’s unique Christmas Open House
celebration. This year, the Family Care Network hosted two
Christmas Open House celebrations: one took place on December 13th for San Luis
Obispo County clients
and the other was held on
December 7th for Santa
Barbara County clients.
At each event, the agency
partnered with the Central Coast community to
provide gifts for over 400
children and families, in
addition to food, activities
and entertainment.
We owe a big
to our Community…
The Family Care Network’s Christmas Open
House events could not
have been held without
the support and participation of our generous
Central Coast community.
At this year’s Christmas Open House events:
•20 dedicated volunteers wrapped Christmas presents;
•15 volunteers provided sugar cookies for decorating;
•23 local businesses and vendors donated raffle items
and/or food;
•70 volunteers contributed just under 200 hours at the Christmas Open House event in San Luis Obispo; and
• Over 400 gifts were generously donated by community members
Gifts were donated through the agency’s Sponsor a Child for
Christmas fundraising campaign. This annual effort brings the
community together to bless the over 400 children and families
served by the agency with Christmas presents. The truly remark-
The Family Care Connection
able aspect of these gifts is that each one donated by a caring
community member was especially selected for its recipient.
Children, youth and families wrote out their gift requests on
Wish List cards, which were then distributed to the community
beginning in October. It is these wishes that the community
worked to fulfill. In receiving exactly what they wished
for, the community demonstrates to those served by the
agency that their community truly cares for them.
This year’s Christmas events had something for every age
and interest. At the San Luis Obispo Open House, guests
were able to meet with Santa and Mrs. Claus, listen to a
live performance by the Uncommon Carolers, have personalized creations done up by a balloon artist, watch a
special performance by
the Claddagh School of
Irish Dance and complete fun holiday crafts
such as making Christmas
cards, creating jewelry,
and decorating picture
frames and sugar cookies.
At the Santa Maria Open
House, guests enjoyed a
puppet show performed
by New Life Church, a
visit with Santa and Mrs.
Claus, a raffle and a lot of
fun craft activities. Both
events were magical and
memorable for all who
To all of the churches,
businesses, community
members and families
who helped to make the
Christmas wishes come true for over 400 children, youth and
families, thank you! You have truly impacted the lives of your
community’s children and families, and we couldn’t have done
it without you.
A Magical Night on
the Polar Express
On December 15th, for the fourth consecutive year, the Family
Care Network and the Jacobs’ family hosted a Night at the Polar
Express. Once again, children and families served by the agency were invited to take a magical trip to the North Pole via a live
reading of The Polar Express book. Held at the Sylvester Winery
in Paso Robles, the winery’s was again transformed into a winter
wonderland, the winery generously lending their antique train
car to set the perfect stage for the evening’s events. And, as in
year’s past, the unique event afforded guests the opportunity
to suspend disbelief for one evening and truly experience the
wonder of Christmas.
This year’s event began with all 36 kids in attendance being
loaded into the winery’s beautifully decorated antique train
car by the train’s conductor, a role filled by the Family Care
Network’s own Jim Roberts. Once the young ones settled
in, storyteller extraordinaire, Meg Roberts (Jim’s wife), read
The Polar Express book to the captivated audience. While the
kids listened to the magical story being read, parents and Family Care Network counselors gently rocked the train back and
forth, helping to bring the story of traveling to the North Pole
to life. When the story was over, the sound of sleigh bells announced the arrival of Santa and Mrs. Claus, and guests were
treated to hot chocolate and cookies donated by the Jacob’s
family. Guests of the event were also given gift bags filled with
copies of The Polar Express book and gift cards to Target, all
generously donated by Steve and Debbie Patrick.
Photo by Debbi K. Swanson Patrick
A Night at the Polar Express has been called one of the most
magical evenings hosted by the Family Care Network, an event
which enables the imagination of the kids in attendance to
run wild. But the night isn’t only special to the children who
participate, it is also memorable for every parent, Family Care
Network staff person and community member who attends. As
Jac Jacobs, the creator and host of A Night at the Polar Express
recently said, “the look of pure joy and rapture on the faces of
the kids [guarantees] that there [isn’t] a dry eye in the house!”
The Family Care Network extends a heartfelt thank you to all
of you who helped to make A Night at the Polar Express possible—the Jacobs family, the Patrick family, Sylvester Winery,
Cal Poly’s Vine to Wine Club and all of the staff and community
members who worked behind the scenes to bring the North
Pole to life for the foster and high-needs children served by our
agency. For one very special night, you made it possible for
children to experience all the magic and wonder of Christmas.
McCarthy Wholesale’s Car Give-a-Way
On November 28th, McCarthy Wholesale in San Luis Obispo
held their annual Car Give-a-Way event, donating a muchneeded van to a Family Care Network family served through the
Wraparound program. The family was chosen as the Car Give-aWay recipients because they have made great efforts to become
a stronger family since entering the Wraparound program several months ago. The Family Care Network was blessed when
McCarthy Wholesale offered to honor this family’s continuing
success in Wraparound with a new van, helping to further encourage them while meeting some of their needs.
For this struggling family, with their youngest child being six
months and their oldest being 16, a van will enable them to
not only enjoy activities together, but it will also help them succeed in completing requirements set forth by the Department of
Social Services (DSS) in their treatment plan. DSS has made it a
family requirement that they attend all doctor’s appointments,
therapy sessions and other important family activities together.
With their new 7-passenger van, the family can complete this
requirement, in addition to spending quality time together going to the movies and attending all of the kids’ various sporting
On the day the family received their van, staff and other community members were on hand to watch the heartwarming event.
One staff reflected that the family’s faces literally lit up when
the van was presented to them, especially since it was filled
with Christmas presents for the entire family! What a memorable sight to see the family drive off, secure in the knowledge
that their community had greatly improved their chances for a
better future.
We here at the Family Care Network extend a gracious thank
you to Mike McCarthy and his company, McCarthy Wholesale,
for once again facilitating a family’s dream come true. Your generosity and commitment to families in need is admirable and,
hopefully, contagious!
The Family Care Connection
2008 Award Categories
The 5th Annual
Miracle Miles
for Kids
As the chill in the winter air begins to give way to the sweet smell of spring here on
the Central Coast, it’s time again to lace up for Miracle Miles for Kids! The Family
Care Network’s 5th Annual Miracle Miles for Kids 10K Walk/Run will take place
on May 10th, 2008 this year and will once again afford the community a fun and
easy way to support foster and high-needs children and families living here on the
Central Coast.
The 10K (6.2 miles) race course runs along the water’s edge from Morro Rock to
the Cayucos Pier, one of the most beautiful stretches of beach in California. When
participants cross the finish line they will be treated to a post-race party with live
music, lunch, a vendor fair, children’s activities and an award ceremony. In addition,
every walker/runner will receive a goody bag and a Miracle Miles 2008 commemorative t-shirt! This annual event has something for every type of participant—
whether you’re a parent looking for something fun the whole family can enjoy or a
serious athlete looking to beat your best personal time!
In 2007, Miracle Miles attracted 1,200 participants who enjoyed one of the most
exiting running events on the Central Coast. It is the agency’s goal to attract at least
2,020 participants to this year’s event—one runner to represent each child, youth
or family served by the Family Care Network in 2006/2007. Miracle Miles for Kids
is the largest fundraising event hosted by the Family Care Network, and all of the
funds earned through registration and pledges go directly to support the over 2,000
foster and high-needs children and families served annually. Without the community’s partnership on this most special event, the agency could not continue to serve
the most vulnerable populations in our community. Come join us on the beach on
May 10th and show foster and high-needs children and families in our community
that you care!
For more information, including directions, accommodations,
how to raise money, pre-race day updates and to register for
the race, please visit our website at
Athlon Health & Fitness Partnership
The Family Care Network is once again teaming up with
Athlon Health & Fitness in San Luis Obispo and Paso Robles
to help participants get fit for Miracle Miles for Kids! Athlon
Health & Fitness invites community members to get healthy,
reach their New Year’s resolutions and help the Family Care
Network as they participate in the Athlon Challenge! Participation in the challenge includes:
• 3 ½ month All-Access Membership to Athlon
Health & Fitness
• Weekly personal trainer sessions
• Goal-setting meetings
• Nutritional guidelines
• 3 total body assessments to measure progress
• Participation in the Athlon Challenge Final
Celebration Ceremony
• Registration in Miracle Miles for Kids Walk/Run
Proceeds earned through the Athlon challenge will be donated
to the Family Care Network.
The race begins at 8:30am, with the post-race celebration running from 9:00am
to 10:30am. All are welcome to attend one or both portions of this exciting fundraising event.
The Athlon Challenge begins on Monday, January 28th and
continues for 14-weeks ending on Saturday, May 3rd. Space is
limited, so register TODAY!
How you can Participate in Miracle Miles for Kids:
For more information on the Athlon Challenge, please contact
Ashley Fittz at (805) 788-0805 ext. 240 or email him at
1. Register for the race online at If you have any registration questions, please call the Family Care Network at 781-3535.
2. Get pledges! Start by asking family members, co-workers, your boss, neighbors, etc. to support you as you walk/run to benefit foster and high needs children, youth and families in our community. Remind them of
why you’re participating in this event and of the important role they play
in supporting those in need on the Central Coast.
• 1st, 2nd and 3rd fastest male and female overall
• 1st, 2nd, and 3rd fastest male and female in the following age categories: 0-9, 10-14, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60+
• Most money raised by an individual
• Most money raised by a team
• Fastest Team
• Largest Team
• Most Creative Centipede
• Fastest Centipede
The Family Care Connection
Registration Fees:
$30 pre-registration through May 2nd
(Online registration closes at 11:59pm May 2nd)
$45 registration from May 3rd to May 7th
(Registration closes at 11:59pm May 7th)
$45 at walk-up registration on race day, May 10th
Fee includes race entry, lunch, t-shirt, goody bag, and a post-race
party featuring music, a vendor fair and award ceremony!
10K Walk/Run Benefitting Foster and
High--Needs Children and Families
May 10, 2008 • Race Begins at 8:30AM
Morro Rock to Cayucos Pier
The Family Care Connection
2008 Award Categories
The 5th Annual
Miracle Miles
for Kids
As the chill in the winter air begins to give way to the sweet smell of spring here on
the Central Coast, it’s time again to lace up for Miracle Miles for Kids! The Family
Care Network’s 5th Annual Miracle Miles for Kids 10K Walk/Run will take place
on May 10th, 2008 this year and will once again afford the community a fun and
easy way to support foster and high-needs children and families living here on the
Central Coast.
The 10K (6.2 miles) race course runs along the water’s edge from Morro Rock to
the Cayucos Pier, one of the most beautiful stretches of beach in California. When
participants cross the finish line they will be treated to a post-race party with live
music, lunch, a vendor fair, children’s activities and an award ceremony. In addition,
every walker/runner will receive a goody bag and a Miracle Miles 2008 commemorative t-shirt! This annual event has something for every type of participant—
whether you’re a parent looking for something fun the whole family can enjoy or a
serious athlete looking to beat your best personal time!
In 2007, Miracle Miles attracted 1,200 participants who enjoyed one of the most
exiting running events on the Central Coast. It is the agency’s goal to attract at least
2,020 participants to this year’s event—one runner to represent each child, youth
or family served by the Family Care Network in 2006/2007. Miracle Miles for Kids
is the largest fundraising event hosted by the Family Care Network, and all of the
funds earned through registration and pledges go directly to support the over 2,000
foster and high-needs children and families served annually. Without the community’s partnership on this most special event, the agency could not continue to serve
the most vulnerable populations in our community. Come join us on the beach on
May 10th and show foster and high-needs children and families in our community
that you care!
For more information, including directions, accommodations,
how to raise money, pre-race day updates and to register for
the race, please visit our website at
Athlon Health & Fitness Partnership
The Family Care Network is once again teaming up with
Athlon Health & Fitness in San Luis Obispo and Paso Robles
to help participants get fit for Miracle Miles for Kids! Athlon
Health & Fitness invites community members to get healthy,
reach their New Year’s resolutions and help the Family Care
Network as they participate in the Athlon Challenge! Participation in the challenge includes:
• 3 ½ month All-Access Membership to Athlon
Health & Fitness
• Weekly personal trainer sessions
• Goal-setting meetings
• Nutritional guidelines
• 3 total body assessments to measure progress
• Participation in the Athlon Challenge Final
Celebration Ceremony
• Registration in Miracle Miles for Kids Walk/Run
Proceeds earned through the Athlon challenge will be donated
to the Family Care Network.
The race begins at 8:30am, with the post-race celebration running from 9:00am
to 10:30am. All are welcome to attend one or both portions of this exciting fundraising event.
The Athlon Challenge begins on Monday, January 28th and
continues for 14-weeks ending on Saturday, May 3rd. Space is
limited, so register TODAY!
How you can Participate in Miracle Miles for Kids:
For more information on the Athlon Challenge, please contact
Ashley Fittz at (805) 788-0805 ext. 240 or email him at
1. Register for the race online at If you have any registration questions, please call the Family Care Network at 781-3535.
2. Get pledges! Start by asking family members, co-workers, your boss, neighbors, etc. to support you as you walk/run to benefit foster and high needs children, youth and families in our community. Remind them of
why you’re participating in this event and of the important role they play
in supporting those in need on the Central Coast.
• 1st, 2nd and 3rd fastest male and female overall
• 1st, 2nd, and 3rd fastest male and female in the following age categories: 0-9, 10-14, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60+
• Most money raised by an individual
• Most money raised by a team
• Fastest Team
• Largest Team
• Most Creative Centipede
• Fastest Centipede
The Family Care Connection
Registration Fees:
$30 pre-registration through May 2nd
(Online registration closes at 11:59pm May 2nd)
$45 registration from May 3rd to May 7th
(Registration closes at 11:59pm May 7th)
$45 at walk-up registration on race day, May 10th
Fee includes race entry, lunch, t-shirt, goody bag, and a post-race
party featuring music, a vendor fair and award ceremony!
10K Walk/Run Benefitting Foster and
High--Needs Children and Families
May 10, 2008 • Race Begins at 8:30AM
Morro Rock to Cayucos Pier
The Family Care Connection
Family Care
Winter 2008
Family Care
Winter 2008
N ly C
et are c
work, In
Family Care Network, Inc.
3765 South Higuera Street, Suite 100
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Sponsor a Child
for Christmas
Thank You!
Coming Attractions
Santa Maria Office Open House—February 28th, 2008
The Family Care Network is once again expanding to meet needs in Santa Barbara County. In light of our ever-growing
staff and client needs, the agency has found a new larger location to serve as our Santa Maria office. On Feb 28th from
11:30am-2:30pm, the agency will be a hosting an Open House event with a Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting ceremony taking place at 12:30pm. The public is invited to join the agency as we give tours of the new facility and share all
the exciting activities happening with our Santa Barbara County services.
National Day of Hope—April 2nd, 2008
In honor of April being National Child Abuse Awareness Month, ChildHelp USA has established the National Day of Hope,
falling on April 2nd this year, as a day all are asked to keep victims of child abuse and neglect in our thoughts and prayers.
For more information on this special day, please visit
for Kids
A Thought or Two
Jim Roberts, CEO
5th Annual Miracle Miles for Kids 10K Walk/Run—May 10th, 2008
It’s time to lace up to help foster and high-needs children and families in our community. The agency’s 5th annual Miracle
Miles for Kids is just around the corner! Please join us on May 10th at Morro Rock for one of the most exciting 10K runs
and post-race parties on the Central Coast! For more race information, to learn how to register for the run or to pledge your
support, refer to page 8 inside or visit our website at
Family Care Network, Inc.
N ly C
et are c
work, In
Therapeutic Foster Care Services • Community-Linked Services
Family Support Services • Transitional Housing Services
School-Based Mental Health & Delinquency Prevention Services
The Family Care Connection is a quarterly publication of
The Family Care Network, Inc. It is designed as a communications tool to give a snapshot of the programs and services
we provide, and to distribute useful information to those
who work with children and families.
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