Presentación de PowerPoint


Presentación de PowerPoint
Business continuity planning for
critical infrastructures
BUCOPCI (Business Continuity Planning for Critical Infrastructures) is a project co-funded by the European
Commission in the framework of the “Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management of Terrorism and
other Security-related Risks Programme”. BUCOPCI is led by Ingeniería de Sistemas para la Defensa de España
(Isdefe) with the participation of: Sistemas Informáticos Abiertos (SIA), Asociación Centro de Tecnologías de
Interacción Visual y Comunicaciones (Vicomtech), Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT) and the Centro Nacional
para la Protección de las Infraestructuras Críticas (CNPIC). BUCOPCI kicked off the 13th of July 2011 and has a
duration of 24 months.
Project Outcome
BUCOPCI is focused on Business Continuity and Security Plans for Critical Infrastructures protection. Most of the
activities/studies undertaken within the project address Information Technology Systems in the Transport Sector.
The principal output of BUCOPCI is a set of:
Guidelines for Business Continuity Planning, and
Guidelines for CI Operators Security Plans
These guidelines were developed in such a way that are applicable to any transport sector and are cost-efficient by
the time of their implementation.
Business Continuity Planning
8 Phases Approach:
Phase 0.Starting a BCM Project
Building your Business Continuity Plan
Phase 1. Business Impact Analysis Methodology
Phase 2. Risk Management Methodology
What should I do and
where am I?
How should I start building
my BC Plan?
Is my BC Plan strong
Phase 4.Plans and Operational Procedures
Phase 5. Exercising the Business Continuity Plan
Phase 6.Maintain and Review
Operator Security Planning
4 Phases Approach:
Phase 0. Regulation Framework
Phase 1. Security Governance Framework
Phase 7. Diffusion and dissemination
Use the Situational Map to
find out which items are
already implemented by
your organization
Follow the steps defined in
the BCP Guidelines starting
from the “top higher items”
Phase 3. Business
Use the “standards mapping”
capability of the Situational
Map to find out which
international standard is your
BCP complying with
Phase 2. Essential services
Phase 3. Risk Management Methodology
Stakeholder Group Participation
Project Data
A Stakeholder Group (SG) was formed by experts external
to the project, at the beginning of BUCOPCI. The SG
supported the definition of the validation objectives by
sharing their knowledge and expertise in different domains
of the transport sector. SG members come from
organisations including:
Client: European Commission.
DG-HOME AFFAIRS. Directorate A: Internal Security
R&D funding scheme: CIPS 2010
Start July-2011. End: July-2013
Global budget: 611.711,78€
Air Transport and Air Traffic Management
Road, Rail and Multimodal Transport
Critical Infrastructure Authority
Linked-in group:
SG members are mainly from Spain but also from Ireland,
Belgium and France.
“The European Commission is not responsible for the use that may be made of the information contained on this document/communication, the responsibilities lies to the author of the document/communication”
“With the financial support of the Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management of Terrorism and other Security-related Risks Programme”
European Commission - Directorate-General Home Affairs